View Full Version : Milk Thistle

01-14-2011, 08:56 AM
I have asked my vet to start Remi on Milk Thistle. Per my other thread, his urine (UCCR) was within normal limits. We will pursue and do the full blood chemistry in March. In the meantime, and probably continual, I want him on the milk thistle.

My problem: The cost doesn't concern me as much as the pill. It is the chewable and as large as a button. Remi is right on the mark for 1-1/2 pills (since he is 31 lbs.). If he were 30 lbs. he would only get one pill.

I cannot get him to take it as a chewable. I had to cut it (with a pill cutter) into 6 pieces and get him to take it coated with a little soft margarine.

When I went on the Denamarin website, it says it shouldn't be cut or crumbled. The Denamarin is $55 for 30 pills.

Does anyone know of another brand or another source. Again, I'm not concerned about the cost, just getting the proper dosage into Remi.

Squirt's Mom
01-14-2011, 02:46 PM
Some links on milk thistle, including purchasing:



Squirt took milk thistle in a capsule form for about 6-9 mos. Then she started throwing up the herb minus it's capsule so I switched her to a tincture from Mountain Rose Herbs. She tolerated it for a very short time then got sick again. She just can't tolerate milk thistle. The tinctures or glycerites would be much easier to adjust the dosage as they are a liquid. You can probably find it in a dry, loose form as well so that you could pack your own capsules, if you would be comfortable doing that.

Hope this helps!
Leslie and the girls - always

01-14-2011, 07:12 PM
I give Corky Milk Thistle, but I use the liquid. I get it at a health food store. His IMS said he could have 2 drops a day. I mix it in with his food.


01-14-2011, 07:24 PM

Denamarin is a combination of milk thistle and sam-e. Franklin's specialist said yes to using milk thistle, but no to sam-e. According to the sales lady in the health food store, most liver tonics are very bitter tasting. Franklin's dose is very small, and I wrap his tablets in a little bit of 97% fat free ham, and he gobbles them down.
I think I checked the dosage on http://www.lowchensaustralia.com
Hope that helps,

Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx

01-15-2011, 02:35 AM
Hi Jane, why no to Sam e?

We buy the Milk Thistle online at Berte's or B-Naturals.com $13 for 100 pills. Denamarin is expensive.

John II
01-16-2011, 06:00 PM

I've bought the Denamarin tablets, which are "sensitive to moisture, enteric-coated tablets" and should not be cut or crumbled. They must be trying to get the tablets to a specific location for maximum absorption.

However as you said, the same company has also brought out Denamarin Chewable Tabs (which I bought last time and turned out to be huge!) Shown actual size here:

Chewable sounds like cut-able to me. How can they expect a tablet to be chewable but not crumble in the dog's mouth? I think the company just reused the old instructions for the new tablets. Lazy! :eek:

Another thing to keep in mind, as Leslie usually says, Milk Thistle should be given seasonally (3 months off - 3 months on) otherwise your dog may become intolerant to it (Angelina is currently on her 3 months off).

Hope this helps :)

01-16-2011, 06:38 PM
Also, why would UP:Cr or UC:Cr be considered for Milk Thistle therapy? I am asking because my Mandy has abnormal values for both and we use both Sam e and Milk Thistle????????? Maybe we should discontinue? Am i missing something?

01-17-2011, 05:43 AM
Hi there :)

I think the IMS said no to sam-e because she didn't feel it is warranted at this stage. I don't know if the denamarin should be given in cycles like the milk thistle is recommended to be, maybe John or one of the others who have used it can give more detail on that.

Also, why would UP:Cr or UC:Cr be considered for Milk Thistle therapy? I have absolutely no idea, I haven't heard about that, but I'd be very interested to hear more about it.

Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx

01-17-2011, 02:45 PM
Hey, thanks for the reply, what do you mean by milk thistle given in cycles? I would love to know more. My IMS and vet haven't a clue. I told them that I supplement with milk thistle, glucosamine, sam e, omega 3 oil, and they just nodded. Not a word was mentioned. No one even commented on adding calcium in the form of eggshells or adding vitamin e since omega 3 should be given with vit e. :/

By the way, do you give these supplements on an empty stomach or with food? I wish my vet/IMS knew something about this. ;)

Denamarin is silly expensive IMO. I stand firm on giving the human comparatives unless someone knows something. Big vet bills mean we gotta save however we can!

01-17-2011, 03:03 PM
In the last paragraph (before the dosage) it mentions the on off treating for milk thistle.



03-07-2011, 12:24 PM
Well everyone -- I have had REMI ON THE MILK THISTLE for 6 weeks now. I purchased the Denmarin capsules, rub them with a little butter and down they go first thing in the a.m.

Remi went to the vet last Thursday for his checkup and for a complete super-chem blood panel.

We should have the results some time today. I am so anxious to see if there is an improvement.

The UCCR was negative. All I know for sure, he is looking really good, very spunky, beautiful shiny coat (no loss of hair anywhere), energetic, etc. I'm sure hoping I hear good news today and will post when I get the results.

This forum is invaluable! Thank you