View Full Version : My little dog has got cushings! (Trilostane)

Lynn Oakes
01-02-2011, 05:26 AM
Hi everyone, thought I would join this forum as my little dog Ginny was tested positive for cushings about 8 wks ago. She is a corgi crossed with a bichon frise and is 13 years old! She is my baby I love her so much :) . I took her to the vet as she was drinking loads and waking me threw the night to go out for a wee which is not like Ginny at all, she as been overweight for a couple of years now just thought it was the corgi in her and her age but the vet knew instantly buy looking at her that she had cushings so we had the blood tests done and she was started on 30mg of vetroyl once a day. She picked up loads ie the drinking and weeing went back to normal, she was playing and staying awake (cos all she did before the med was sleep) I was so happy for her! Then about 2 wks ago she went down hill a bit ie her drinking increased, she looks depressed and sleeping a lot so we phoned the the vet and he said it sounds like the vetoryl needs increasing! So we had the blood tests done on 30/12/2010 and are now waiting for the resullts! I will post a picture of her asap! Thanks for reading my story of Ginny


01-02-2011, 05:59 AM
Welcome to you and Ginny.

Firstly, here is a link to the information on Trilostane - http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=185, take a read through this.

I do have several questions for you. :)

How much does your Ginny weigh?

When you get the chance post the test results that were done to diagnose Cushing's.

Typically within 10 days after the start of Trilostane, an ACTH test is performed - did your vet do this?

I do not have direct experience with Trilostane, but many here do and I am sure they will chime in shortly. One thing that I may suggest is splitting the dose and giving it twice daily and that has helped in keeping more of a constant dose of Trilostane in their system.

Also post the new test results here when you receive them. I am assuming it was an ACTH test, right?

Keep us posted

Lynn Oakes
01-02-2011, 06:18 AM
Hi Terry, I was never given the first test results but I will be asking for a copy of the latest one! Yes it is the ACTH test and yes my vet did this within a couple of days of first seeing her! When she had been on vetoryl for the first 4 wks he wanted to see Ginny for a check up and cos we could see a massive improvement in her (which we could at the time) he said he was happy to repeat the blood work in 3 months time which would of been feb 2011. It stresses Ginny out so much for him to get blood she is terrible :( . Ginny weighs 11kg at the moment! Thanks for the link, I can't post a proper pic yet as I am using a iPad as my husbands pc is waiting for a part so as soon as it's fixed I can sort that out!! Thanks.

01-02-2011, 08:35 AM
Hi Lynn,

Corky and I also want to welcome you and Ginny. Corky has been taking Trilostane for almost 15 months now. He started at 20mg with once a day dosing. He weighed just a little over 20 pounds. His IMS started him at 1mg per pound. He is now taking 40mg BID. Some cushpups do better on twice a day dosing.

Corky had his first stim done 10-14 days after starting taking the Trilo. Then he had a stim done 30 days after that. If the dosage doesn't need to be adjusted, the next stim would be done in 3 months. If the dosage does have to be adjusted, a stim is then done in 30 days.

I'm glad you found our family. Our members have a great deal of knowledge and experience in treating Cushings.


Lynn Oakes
01-02-2011, 11:02 AM
Thankyou for the welcome Terri :) when the vet phones us with the results I will ask him if she would be better on 2 doses per day or 1! It's good to know other people have the same situation as we had never heard of it before. Ginny is a really good girl and has never been a problem to us in anyway and I know you can't buy them life but we will do everything for her whilst she is with us! We also have a cat with a thyroid problem who has to have regular med and vet checks so we are well blessed lol :eek: ps Corky is cute!

Harley PoMMom
01-02-2011, 11:31 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Ginny from me and my boy Harley.

I believe getting another ACTH stim test would probably be a good idea before a dose adjustment is done. Other illnesses besides Cushing's, like diabetes and an UTI (urinary tract infection), can cause excessive urination and drinking. Did your vet check Ginny for an UTI?

Love and hugs,

Lynn Oakes
01-02-2011, 11:39 AM
Hi Lori, it is results from the ACTH stim test we are waiting for now, Ginny as been tested for diabetes and she didn't have it so that's a good thing! She is not as bad as she was before she was diagnosed with cushings so I think the dosage just needs increasing but we should have the ACTH stim test results by Tuesday x

Harley PoMMom
01-02-2011, 11:45 AM
Hi Lori, it is results from the ACTH stim test we are waiting for now, Ginny as been tested for diabetes and she didn't have it so that's a good thing! She is not as bad as she was before she was diagnosed with cushings so I think the dosage just needs increasing but we should have the ACTH stim test results by Tuesday x

Sorry about that, didn't see that in your post about the ACTH stim being done...my feeble mind! :eek:

We will be waiting anxiously with you for those stim results! :)

Love and hugs,

Lynn Oakes
01-02-2011, 12:16 PM
Lol no worries :) I'm just trying to learn as much as I can for Ginny! X

Squirt's Mom
01-02-2011, 01:23 PM
Hi Lynn and welcome to you and Ginny! :)

I LOVE the pic! She is an absolute doll! I have a thing for pups with wild hair!

Don't have anything to add at the moment - odd :confused::p - but I did want to welcome you and Ginny.

Never hesitate to ask questions. We will do all we can to help you understand. You and Ginny now have a whole host of folks who will walk this journey with you. The collective knowledge, first-hand experience and good old-fashioned hand-holding found here cannot be beat! I don't know what my babies and I would do without our k9c family, and we are glad you and Ginny are now part of that family.

Leslie and the girls - always

Lynn Oakes
01-02-2011, 01:27 PM
Ahh thanks very much, it's a great feeling to know you have support from other people! Just checking out people pics of their Cushpups there is some right cuties ;)

01-02-2011, 04:55 PM
I am Apollo's Mom. Apollo is also on Trilostane. On a very low dosage. We are hear to support you.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

Lynn Oakes
01-02-2011, 05:32 PM
Hi Sonja and Apollo, thanks for the supporting welcome :)

01-03-2011, 01:06 PM
Hi Lynn,

You're very welcome. We are all here to give you the support that you need. We're also here to offer any information we can.

We'll be waiting to hear what your vet says about Ginny's dosing.

Thank you for your comment about Corky.


01-03-2011, 07:13 PM
Hi Carole,

Just want to say welcome. You have found a wonderful group of people who are supportive and really know their "stuff".

When I first found them I had felt so alone and lost. I sometimes still get lost but usually from senior moments:rolleyes: and I never feel alone any more.

Things get easier when you have a group effort.:D


Lynn Oakes
01-04-2011, 12:17 PM
Hi everyone, just a quick update Ginnys ACTH results came back today and the vet said they are up a little but not enough to increase the dose from 30mg to 60mg per day! So he has put her on 60mg one day then 30mg the next day! Hope this works for her as she didn't seem too good last night and drank a lot of water threw the night! I have asked the receptionist at the vets to get me a copy of the blood work so she will phone me when they are ready :)

01-04-2011, 01:22 PM
Hi Lynn,

Just a quick comment. I don't understand why your vet put Ginny on 60mg one day and 30mg the next day. The dosage doesn't have to be increased by 30mg. You can get compounded Trilo in any number of mg except for what the brand name Vetoryl has. I myself would be concerned about doubling the dose every other day. Since Trilo has a short life span, I really don't understand your vet's reasoning about the dosage. You might want to get a second opinion, and/or contact Dr. Tim Allen at Dechra.


Lynn Oakes
01-04-2011, 02:06 PM
Hi Terri, thanks for your concern! I wouldn't get a second opinion at this stage :) I am willing to give this dosage a try as I have a lot of confidence in my vet, he is a very good vet in my opinion as I have delt with him a lot in the past (not just with Ginny but with my cats too). I'll see how she goes and I will notice any changes in her cos I study her all the time lol, thanks again! Ps for 1 months supply of vetoryl he has given us 15 tablets of 60mg and 15 tablets of 30mg.

Harley PoMMom
01-04-2011, 05:03 PM
I agree with Terry, the 60mg one day and 30mg the next day is a protocol I haven't seen usually recommended and is concerning me too.

Vetoryl does come in 10mg doses, and it would really help us if you could post those ACTH stim test results when you get them. :)

Love and hugs,