View Full Version : Pip HAS SADLY DIED.
Just to let you know my prescious Pip has sadly died yesterday morning. .He is so sadly missed but will always be loved and forever in my heart and thoughts
01-01-2011, 05:25 AM
So sorry to hear about Pip. He fought a good fight. He will be missed by everyone. Thinking of you.
01-01-2011, 07:45 AM
Oh Dearest Julie,
I am so very, very sorry - my heart is with you. I will always remember your Pip. This is going to be a very rough time for you, so please stay with us; we are all here for you.
Always in Loving Memory of a very sweet boy.
01-01-2011, 08:55 AM
Our thoughts are with you today..hugs & kisses from our family to yours ..another angel to play with my Ebonie..
Catherine & ken ....[ Natcho ]
01-01-2011, 09:13 AM
Thanks for thinking about us right know when your heart is so broken.
Pip will be always missed but never forgotten.
Please take care.
01-01-2011, 09:14 AM
Oh Julie,
me too, I am so very sorry to read about Pip's passing. He was such a special boy to all who knew him.
Thinking of you,
Saskia and Yunah.
Squirt's Mom
01-01-2011, 09:26 AM
You're giving me a special gift,
So sorrowfully endowed,
And through these last few cherished days,
Your courage makes me proud.
But really, love is knowing
When your best friend is in pain,
And understanding earthly acts
Will only be in vain.
So looking deep into your eyes,
Beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic, that will
Once more make me whole.
The strength that you possess,
Is why I look to you today,
To do this thing that must be done,
For it's the only way.
That strength is why I've followed you,
And chose you as my friend,
And why I've loved you all these years...
My partner 'til the end.
Please, understand just what this gift,
You're giving, means to me,
It gives me back the strength I've lost,
And all my dignity.
You take a stand on my behalf,
For that is what friends do.
And know that what you do is right,
For I believe it too.
So one last time, I breathe your scent,
And through your hand I feel,
The courage that's within you,
To now grant me this appeal.
Cut the leash that holds me here,
Dear friend, and let me run,
Once more a strong and steady dog,
My pain and struggle done.
And don't despair my passing,
For I won't be far away,
Forever here, within your heart,
And memory I'll stay.
I'll be there watching over you,
Your ever faithful friend,
And in your memories I'll run,
...a young dog once again.
In Memory of Asta, Feb. 1997
(c) Karen Clouston
Squirt's Mom
01-01-2011, 09:32 AM
My dear sweet friend,
Words won't come but you know my heart.....and it is overflowed with pain and love..............
Farewell, sweet Twinkletoes. Thank you for sharing your life, and your mom, with me.
With love, hugs, and deepest sympathy,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket and our angels, Ruby and Crystal
01-01-2011, 10:03 AM
Hi: I haven't been posting on this list for long; I am very new to Cushings. But I just wanted you to know that in New York, USA, someone you don't even know understands how heartbroken you must be, and that I send you prayers for healing and light. The bond we have with a chronically ill dog as we care for them goes deep to the heart. When we care so much, we hurt so bad! Yet I truly believe that you and your Pip are so much enriched for having had this time together. When I mourned Zorro last year (my then 12 year old Shih Tzu) who had to be euthanized because of a huge mass in his chest)I listened to Bruce Springsteins' "Just a little of that Human touch" over and over again in the days following his death...I sobbed out loud everytime I heard the line "You can't shut out the risk and the pain/without losing the love that remains....We're all riders on this train" In truth, we are, and we understand and try to express to you our love and support. In spite of the "risk and the pain" of loving your dog, you chose to love. I don't know you, but I know your character, and I salute your courage in dealing with your loss. Blessings from the bottom of my heart from Linda and Toby in Rochester, N.Y., USA...
Squirt's Mom
01-01-2011, 10:06 AM
Some here may not know Pip and Julie so I wanted to post a link to their thread to give you and opportunity to meet them.
Harley PoMMom
01-01-2011, 10:13 AM
Dear Julie,
I am so, so sorry for the loss of your sweet Pip and my heart goes out to you at this most painful time. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Peace sweet Pip.
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
Roxee's Dad
01-01-2011, 11:07 AM
Dear Julie,
I am so very sorry for your loss of Pip, I will always remember "Your Boy" and how proud we were of Twinkle toes. My heart is heavy with sadness as I felt I got to know him so well over the years.
Rest in Peace Sweet boy. You are our newest and brightest star in the sky.
01-01-2011, 12:14 PM
Julie, I am so very sorry to hear about Pip. I know this is a very difficult time for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Rest in Peace Pip.
01-01-2011, 12:15 PM
Dear Julie,
I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your dear Pip.
My heart goes out to you as I know how much you loved him and struggeled at times to keep him happy.
01-01-2011, 12:28 PM
Dear Julie,
I am so very sorry to hear about your boy Pip. My heart goes out to you at this very sad time. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs being sent to you.
01-01-2011, 12:32 PM
Dear Julie,
Sending love your way as you deal with the loss of dear Pip. Pip was a part of the family here for so long, believe me we will all miss him. Please know that our newest angel is now running free of pain and keeping watch from above. RIP dear sweet PIP. Much love, Kim
01-01-2011, 12:40 PM
My sweet Julie: I am so sorry for your pain. I can feel it as we just lost our sweet Fritz this morning. Bless both of us and we know we will all meet on The Rainbow Bridge.
01-01-2011, 02:36 PM
Dear Julie,
You and Pip have crossed my mind often these last several months. I was saddened to read that Pip has passed away and am very, very sorry for your loss. You were always there for your handsome boy and the love you two had for each other was quite evident.
You and Pip are in my thoughts and in my heart.
With Deepest Sympathy,
01-01-2011, 02:51 PM
So very sorry for your loss. Many wishes of the happiest of memories until you meet again. Lots of love to you and your family. xoxo
01-01-2011, 03:11 PM
Dear Julie,
I am so very sorry. I can think of no other words to say what I am feeling, but I want you to know that my heart is with you. Fare thee well to your dear golden boy. Thank you so much for sharing him with us. We shall never forget him - not ever.
Love, Marianne
Carol G
01-01-2011, 04:34 PM
I am so sorry. Pip was so special to us and I know how very much you loved your handsome boy. My thoughts are with you.
Casey's Mom
01-01-2011, 05:47 PM
Julie I am so very sorry to hear about Pip. You always gave him the best of your love and looked after him so very well throughout all of his troubles. RIP sweet boy.
Love and many hugs,
01-01-2011, 05:53 PM
Dear Julie,
Pip was so very much loved and will be sorely missed. I have followed your struggles and successes. I wish you peace and hopefully soon the memories will be only the sweet ones.
Take care Julie and godspeed Pip.
Sabre's Mum
01-01-2011, 06:15 PM
I am so sorry to read that Pip has passed. My thoughts are with you.
Angela and Flynn
01-01-2011, 06:48 PM
My heart is broken for you, for me and everybody that came to love Pip so very much through you. I know in my heart that you gave him more than you thought you were ever capable of giving and what a lucky boy he was to been loved and nurtured by you and your mom. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
With love and sympathy,
01-01-2011, 09:27 PM
very sorry to read of Pip's passing....I am sure he knew he was loved...
Jeff & Angel Mandy
Thank you to everyone for there kind thoughts and wish's Pip had a very bad last few weeks i will explain everything but right now i'm not strong enough as i'm devasted heartbroken everyone that has asked about pip yesterday all burst into tears . when pip fell out of my arms it was as thou something had been drained out of my body i'm so empty , and i'm really missing my boy so badly. i've not stopped crying yet i can't eat don't want to sleep as pip was always in my bedroom at night to sleep or anyway he was my shadow has gone and i've got nothing left
thanks again love to you all
Squirt's Mom
01-02-2011, 12:12 PM
Oh sweet Julie,
It know it doesn't help, but I haven't stopped crying either. You and Pip touched my heart long ago and I hurt so badly for you and for our sweet Pip's passing.
From the first moment you laid eyes on Pip and realized how mistreated and neglected he was, you have poured every ounce of yourself into his well-being - giving him everything in you to give. You fought for him and over him with anyone who got in the way of what was best for him. You have given up things in life so Pip could have more. He has been first in your heart always.
Now that he is no longer by your side, you can no longer fight for him, you cannot give him all that you want to, so, yes, you are empty. Oh so empty, my dear friend, and it tears me up to know you are experiencing this even tho it was inevitable considering how deeply you love your sweet Pippy Longstockings.
Let the pain wash over you, let your tears fall freely. Allow yourself to grieve for Pip as long as you need and as deeply as you need. Know that Pip is watching over you now as you always watched over him.
I don't know what your religious/spiritual beliefs are, Julie, but I firmly believe our babies have a soul and that one day our souls will be together again - never to be separated. I believe that when my day comes to cross The Bridge, Pip will be there to greet me along with Gia, Ruby, Crys and all the others who I have loved that have gone before me. I also believe Pip was met as he crossed by all our babies here, by Honey, by all those you love - he was welcomed and honored for a life well-lived and well-loved.
Please stay with us, honey. I am so worried about you. We all love Pip and we all love you. You can talk to us any time about any thing....we understand the pain you are carrying and want to help if we can. If I could take this burden from you myself, I would in a heart-beat.
Big ole sobby hugs and much love,
Leslie and the girls - always
01-02-2011, 01:36 PM
I'm so very sorry Julie. I went back and read a bit of your posts about Pip's many struggles this year. Your deep love and devotion to him was evident in every word. Bless you for giving of yourself so entirely for him. I know it is likely to be awhile before you can bring yourself to talk about him and I hope that you have supportive family around you who understand how raw the pain is now.
With great sympathy,
01-02-2011, 01:45 PM
Julie, this is Carole and I think I wrote to you yesterday. I am so very sorry. I lost my little Fritz on Saturday. He was my best furry friend and I am a total mess. My tears won't stop and although I have nine other dogs and five cats I feel I let Fritz down. If you would like to email me I would encourage you to send me a message. We can console one another and give each other comfort. I hope I will hear from you my sweet friend.
01-02-2011, 04:49 PM
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Pip.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
01-02-2011, 10:48 PM
Godspeed Pip.
You will be in our hearts forever.
Julie, words won't help take away the hurt, but know all the love and hugs from your Cush family surround you.
~ Mary Ann
01-03-2011, 06:36 AM
I am so saddened for you and your precious Pip.
May your sweet memories together bring you a sense of peace and comfort during this difficult time.
Tight hugs. Jeanette and Princess
01-03-2011, 07:33 AM
I am so very sorry to learn that Pip has passed. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time.
Love and (((hugs)))
Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx
01-04-2011, 09:07 AM
I am so very sorry.
Lynne, Clyde & Bailey
Squirt's Mom
01-09-2011, 12:24 PM
Hi Julie,
Thinking of you and hoping you are finding some moments of peace as the days pass.
Hugs and love,
Leslie and the girls - always
John II
01-10-2011, 06:28 PM
Dear Julie,
I am so very sorry for your loss.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. :(
Thank you all for your posts and thoughts regarding my precious boy,
I'm devasted i got my boy home yesterday not the way i would of like but i just couldn't make him better anymore and he was so so tired.
I would do anything to hold and stroke my beautiful boy but i can't the tears having stopped yet but i'm sure it will get easier in time.
(YOU ALWAYS HAVE A DOG THAT WILL STICK OUT IN YOUR MIND MORE THAN OTHERS BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU LOVED YOUR OTHERS ANY LESS MINE WILL ALWAYS BE Pip AS he was such a fighter and dealt with what ever life throw his way and no matter how bad he felt he was a happy boy)
01-15-2011, 06:24 AM
Hi Julie,
I am so glad Pip is home with you again - where he belongs.
I know it will feel like your heart has been crushed but believe me it does get better with each day. It does not mean you miss him less, it means you cry less and start to remember the little things of your wonderful life together - the memories that one day will make you smile. He was ready to go and I am sure is watching over you right now.
Yes, I agree - there are just some doggies that do stick in your mind more - I call them soul doggies - Pip was your's just like Mytilda was mine.
My continued ((((hugs))))
01-15-2011, 08:44 AM
Julie, Pip will always stay in our hearts and memories, too. We shall never forget him. He was "our" sweet golden boy, too, thanks to your sharing him with us. I am so glad that he is back home once again. I so wish you could share one more cuddle with him. But please do tell his spirit that his whole family here is thinking of him with love. And of you.
Many, many hugs ~
Squirt's Mom
01-15-2011, 10:39 AM
Dear Julie,
Your precious Twinkletoes is always loved and remembered by his family here, too. And so badly missed by so many, by me, by you. You and Pip are so special.
Yes, he was a true fighter, strong and loving no matter what life gave him to bear. He overcame so much, he was able to fight so hard and so long for one reason only - you. Your love for him and his for you gave him that strength and determination. That mutual love also gave him the sparkle in his eyes, the grin on his face, the spring in his step that spoke so loudly of his happiness with you.
You were each blessed by having the other - and nothing can take that away. The gifts of love you gave each other will endure for eternity, a bond that stretches beyond this earthly plane, invisible and indestructible.
You and Pip taught me so much more than I can express. Pip isn't the only one who had unbelievable strength and determination - his mom does, too. You are an inspiration for me, Julie.
You don't bear this grief alone. Tears fall on this side of the pond for Pip, too....and for his beautiful mom.
Many hugs and much love,
Leslie and the girls - always
Dear Julie,
I know what you mean about those special bonds. I call them once in a life time dogs, those special dogs that become our soul mates.
You are truly blessed to have known a once in a life time dog. It makes the pain harder but that is because of the incredible joy and bond you shared through the good times and the bad times.
Pip is home now and you may not be able to touch him and see him in the same ways, but your pup never leaves you. You can see him if you close your eyes and remember. Pip will forever be a part of who you are.:)
I pray that remembering will be less painful and more joyful as the days and weeks pass. I hope soon you will be able to again feel the joy in remembrance of your incredible life with Pip.
marie adams
01-15-2011, 01:15 PM
Oh Julie,
I am so sorry for the loss of PIP. I am going through the terrible loss also. It is so hard especially when you have to tell someone who touched their lives that your buddy is gone. It has been a week since Maddie passed and each day is different not knowing if this day is better than the last. Your mind just thinks of all the stories you have in your head about them. I know the feeling of if I could just rub my head in her fur or against her face (she wasn't much into kisses) it would be wonderful, but we cannot do this so we have the memories.
Take care, I know your pain, but they say it gets better in time...
Squirt's Mom
01-20-2011, 03:43 PM
Thinking of you today and wanted to share this with you.
Leslie and the girls - always
************************************************** ********************
A Dogs Message from Heaven
I am sending you this message as I can see you are still having struggles with coping each day since my passing.
You may walk in darkness and your heart is broken with my absence. I haven't left you as you hold me in your heart. Please don't be sad as the light will come shinning through for you. For each day of sunshine, think of it as reminder of me beaming down on you. Be happy that I am no longer in pain from sickness or injury. I don't want you grieving for me for long as it makes me sad to see you in so much hurt. Don't dwell on the guilt you feel for making decisions we both know you had to do and I thank you for releasing me of my sickness.
Cry if you need to miss me if you must, but don't worry about me, I'm in a place I love.
Yesterday I talked with the Creator and he said you'd come one day. I wanted you to know this. So you see I'm happy and I am free. There's nothing to worry me. Dry your eyes and make plans to see me again. I will look for you and when you get here, you will see what a wonderful place this is.
Let me tell you what it's like here in this wonderful place. There are no clouds or dreary rain…Just lot of blue sky and sunshine casted on us from His most gracious presence. There are miles of green grassy fields and meadows of beautiful flowers.
There are no cruel humans to hurt us, just the keepers who have been specially chosen to care for us...
We all get along here large and small. Some of us had a pretty rough life while others were very spoiled. We run and play tag or chase balls. We can be lazy as we want and take long naps. The Creator checks on us each day.
I have met many of your friend’s fur kids here.
It's been neat to see my brothers and sisters again that came here before me. There is never a sad moment. Just so much to keep busy....We get a lot of new kids arriving daily and is fun to show them the ropes here.
We are here waiting here for you when your purpose on Earth is complete. My wish for you is to be happy for me and not sad. It will be the most happiest of reunions and I will lick away all your tears. There will be nothing but good times for ever and ever.
I will let you feel my presence if you will just have faith and allow it to happen.
When the time is right and it will come, I want you to take in another fur kid to care for just as you cared for me and protected me from all harm and gave me the security that I needed all those years. They deserve the life I had with you. Don't think of it as replacing me but giving another the love you have inside you to bring joy to another. I felt honored to a part of your life and you gave me so much of yourself.... That will always be special.
You were my life and I will always love you for that.
I am not that far away and I will be close to you in spirit and will remain in your heart. That is the bond that connects us. Do not think of me when I was at my worst but all the great memories we shared together. I hate to see you cry. I am happy here so be glad for me.
I want to be remembered for all the silly things I did and things we did together. We had some great times together.... So cherish those memories.
So my best friend, until your task on Earth is finished, take care of yourself and help another less fortunate kid to know the love I shared with you and you will be forever rewarded. You will know when the time is right.
Love you Forever,
Your 4 legged soul-mate.
Author...Kay Faulkner
Annie's Mom
01-28-2011, 10:42 PM
I haven't been on the board for awhile so am just now reading your news. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have followed Pip's thread since I started on this forum over a year ago. Everytime I log on, I have looked for your updates. Pip was sooooo lucky to have found you. As so many before me have said, we know the pain and loss you feel. I rallied every time you had good news about Pip, and prayed with every setback. We know our furry friends won't be with us forever and it's never long enough, but we do all we can for our babies, then it's out of our hands. Big hugs, Annie's mom -- Barb
01-29-2011, 12:35 PM
Julie - I am just now seeing this and I am so so sorry. Godspeed, dear Pip. Sue
01-29-2011, 02:22 PM
My heart felt sympathy. May your Pip be at peace.
Sonja and Apollo
Just to let you know i'm doing fine i getting everything ready for when i bury Pips caskets on a nice sunny day so he will be laid to rest and be at peace he will be going near Honey i've got all my plants and shrubs ready i've also had a metal mini fence made in hearts that will go round my babys there will be lots of purples pinks blues colours with them it will be very tranquil and quite for them and in the most sunny spot .
I'm now looking for another dog .when i say looking i mean i'm not going to rush out and get one on the spare of the moment (although if i did he/she would be loved but but i don't want to get a dog for the wrong reason)
I was offered a a 10mth old yesterday ,but i'm saying NO to her she is lovely but she has just recovered from having mange which her owner got her at 10weeks old with mange , she is bound to have skin problems they say that she was born with mange and that she will relapses of mange which wouldn't be covered with insurance.
But i've learnt alot from Pip as he was a fighter and carried on even though he didn't really want to. he woulld always be with even though he needed rest.
Im thinking yellow lab/ golden retriever /
but people are trying to pursue me to get a springer spaniel'
02-23-2011, 04:26 PM
Julie, so very sorry to learn of your dear Pip passing. Such an incredible loss and there is a huge void left when they leave us.
We're the proud parents of 12 fur-babbies, 11 canine, 1 feline. 6 of them are goldens or golden cross. We also have a huge yellow lab. Most are rescues, some were the worst case least adoptables from an old, rural local county shelter. They are the loves of our life! We are so blessed by them.
The neighbors have springers, as hunting dogs... very nice, and a bit smaller than goldens or labs...
in any case, when you're ready, go on petfinder, or to the shelter, and see which dog picks you! Our first special needs dog came to us when we were looking for a large black male dog. SHE is yellow, and was totally unsocialized, but came over and licked my husbands hand through the chain link cage...6 yrs later she is amazing, the picture of health! Her devotion knows no bounds.
Casey came from a neglect seizure case... just learned that her healthy mother passed away in a house fire at 16 yrs.
She definitely picked us... and there were at. least 100 other dogs there at the shelter that day! Most were young and healthy. They ALL needed loving homes. Even with the abuse cases we've adopted, recently (till this year), my vet bills were mostly a rabies shot every 3 years, once we got them well.(I use diluted Ivomec for heartworm prevention, and do 5in1 every few years
From the rural farm store...$4 ea).
Best to you as you lay your beloved Pip to rest. Penny's Mom
02-24-2011, 02:16 AM
Dear Julie,
I so understand that you didn't take that 10 month old puppy. After having lost 2 seriously ill dogs in one years time, I too wanted a healthy dog. But I also remember that how I decided to go for a service dog, after I lost Cukie. I really am not too familiar with your situation and perhaps I am saying something weird here...but I know you have some hearing issues, just don't know how severe. Which led me to think that perhaps you could talk with the Hearing Dogs for deaf people ( Every Sunday I watch them on tv and they are brilliant :) It's such an enrichment to your life to have a dog helping you. And, one of the reasons I decided to take a service dog was that those dogs are mecically examined and declared healthy before they start their work. And another huge advantage is that you can take your dog everywhere with you :D
So again, maybe it doesn't apply to you but I thought I wanted to mention it anyway :) I just went to visit a Welsh Springer Spaniel in training to become a service dog and he was adorable, full of life and joy, a very happy character that beside a lot of help, will offer his new owner a lot of smiles and happiness.
All our best,
Saskia and Yunah :)
02-24-2011, 03:15 AM
Our thoughts are with you your loss ...(((hugs))) coming your way ,
Catherine & Natcho ...
02-24-2011, 07:17 AM
So sorry for the loss of your precious Pip. May sweet memories help you through this terrible moment. God Bless.
02-24-2011, 08:39 AM
I'm so sorry to read this. I know your heart is broken. Time lessens the pain, but I won't say that it ever heals the ache.
Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann
02-24-2011, 09:29 PM
Dear Julie
You will know when and if the time is right. MY neighbor lost her dog 2 months ago, was still grieving and had no intention of getting another dog, when this little 4 month old Shi Zu was offered to her.
So take the time you need to heal yourself from your loss. If it is meant to be it will happen.
The short time these little angels are on earth , they teach us so much.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
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