View Full Version : Scott's Christmas Poem

12-23-2010, 01:51 PM

Is Scott's Christmas poem somewhere? The one for our Cushpups? Or did it get lost on the other site?

It just used to make me feel better. And I'm missing my Bad Boys....my first without Bailey...and I thought maybe it would not only make me feel like they are close, but it may help the newer members feel better too. :o

Thank you!!! Merry Christmas and ((((((hugs))))))!

12-23-2010, 02:52 PM
Here is Scott's beautiful Christmas poem:

T’was the night before Christmas and all round the globe

The Cushpups were sleeping, the young and the old

There were Cushpups in Holland, in Spain, the UK

Cushpups down under, Canada, Greece, USA

Those who cared for these Cushpups, they talked and exchanged, bits of knowledge, experience, laughter, love; and the pain

Cushing’s comes without reason, when it does we must bear.

The triumphs, the anguish, the hope the despair

So sleep my dear Cushpup you’ve been loved all along

Merry Christmas to all Cushpups from k9cushings .com

Squirt's Mom
12-23-2010, 02:55 PM
Hey Beth!

A search didn't pull up anything as I'm sure you already know so hopefully Scott will see this and he will have a copy he can share with us. I remember the poem and it is a very nice one, one many of us would appreciate reading.

You know we love you so very much here and that you are always welcome anytime you wish to talk about the Bad Boys. They are never forgotten, and neither are you.

I hope the new blessings in your life will help ease this Holiday season for you. Goodness knows, you deserve a break and massive quantities of joy, love and laughter in your life.

Many hugs and much love, my friend,
Leslie and the girls - always

PS. YEAH, Glynda!

Casey's Mom
12-23-2010, 04:53 PM
I want to take a moment to thank everyone here for their help and guidance along the way after Casey's diagnosis and my lack of knowledge until I found all of you.

You have enriched my life with your kindness and friendship. You have also helped Casey who is still my happy girl!

Thank you and blessings to all. Merry Christmas everyone!:):):)

12-23-2010, 07:05 PM
Thank you, Glynda!

And thank you, Leslie!

I teared up all over again reading that, not bad tears, more hopeful tears. It may sound odd especially coming from me who lost both my Bad Boys to this disease...but I remain hopeful that through them, through all the Cushpups still dealing with this, and the others we lost, that others will find the hope to continue the battle and also the hope that one day there will be a simple answer to be rid of it. It reminds me that no one is ever alone with this disease...bc of all the people here and all the people who care for these wonderful furballs. So many all over the world.

I always tried to look at what purpose Cushing's has...I struggled so many times for that answer. And this poem reminds me that the answer may be not only in the battle but in the paying it forward that places like this site brings. Maybe Cushing's comes to teach us about things bigger than ourselves. About love and humanity. About support and grace. About the mixture of laughter among the tears. Maybe the lesson can't be found in a book, but inside the souls of our furballs and inside ourselves.

I am missing both my boys so very much. Bailey, who sat up most of the night, staring at his stocking. Scoobie, who the morning after Christmas, I had to release so suddenly to the bridge. But there are pawprints in those stars, and I know deep down they are never more than a single heartbeat away. Without them, I never would have found people I think of as family. People who would restore my faith in humanity. People who gave in spite of their own turmoil and grief. And maybe that is not only the Cushing's lesson, but the Christmas lesson as well.

I wish you all, furry ones and non-furry ones alike, peace and love this Christmas. Hugs and kisses for all our four-legged friends who have so much to teach us.


12-24-2010, 10:41 AM

12-24-2010, 11:29 AM
To all our family,
Happy holidays and a year full of good things. To all the members here "thank you" for just being here, a click away. You are my lifeline, you are my hope. To all our cushpups, thank you for the love you give us and the lessons you teach us. To all our cushpups, we feel your presence in the strength you inspire to carry on each day. Watch over all of us and protect us with your love as we love and remember each of you in return. One day we will all meet and share never ending doggie kisses and tummy rubs. For now, rest easy. God bless.
Best wishes to all,
Carrol & Chloe

12-26-2010, 08:29 AM
Thanks for asking Beth, and thanks Glynda for locating and posting it.

Merry Christmas to everyone.
