View Full Version : Frolicking in the snow

12-18-2010, 07:56 PM
This is so dang cute....you'll be giggling.


12-19-2010, 12:10 AM
Love it. That pup know how to have fun.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

Sabre's Mum
12-19-2010, 12:58 AM
Glynda it was a little more than a giggle :)

12-19-2010, 05:55 AM
I love it - who needs a sled when you have a furry belly :D

12-19-2010, 08:21 AM
Oh that puppy is sooo cute! Looks like she is going to be HUGE!
Thanks Glynda that was fun to watch. Makes me want to go out and play in the snow!

12-19-2010, 09:39 AM
Okay, so I laughed out loud watching that adorable puppy do belly slides in the snow. Here's a few more that'll get you going too. There seems to be something about dogs named Bailey. :D


Sabre's Mum
12-19-2010, 01:03 PM
Glynda ... the second one had me in tears (laughing so much)!!! It reminded me of Sabre in the snow ... albeit not in snow quite that deep ... Sabre would bound in deeper snow and he absolutely LOVED it. He loved his ski trips with his dad (the human one). Thanks for that one.

12-19-2010, 01:05 PM
That puppy was just too adorable. I sat here laughing out loud as I watched the video. Corky just stared at me.

12-19-2010, 03:39 PM
I love the videos. I will admit to freaking out a bit at first, how could the black and white pup breathe under all that snow? But he was doing just fine.:D

Growing up our shepard/collie mix was a snow girl. She loved to play in the snow with me.

Let's all go make angels in the snow:D:D It was always sooo much fun.


12-19-2010, 08:13 PM
These are just too cute. I'll bet that little puppy came in and had a very long nap. My girls go absolutely gaga in the snow and the deeper the better.