View Full Version : Kira, 14 y/o Husky - Successful adrenal surgery (Kira has passed)
01-08-2015, 07:34 PM
Oh my... they are gorgeous.
01-08-2015, 08:56 PM
A video I made of kira a Mira whem Mira died at age seven. Please watch
It's Called: "Once There Was Kira and Mira" at least for seven years there was. Now the other half is gone too. you'll need to turn off your "pop ups" maybe.
Budsters Mom
01-08-2015, 09:22 PM
So beautiful!!! Thank for sharing,
Big hugs,
01-08-2015, 11:19 PM
My condolences on Kira's passing. I am so sorry. Sail on Kira.
01-09-2015, 01:48 AM
Thank you everyone! She was three months from being 15.
(Thank you for changing the title)
01-09-2015, 01:58 AM
Janis, I am so very sorry!!!
My sincere condolences and hugs.
This disease is so horrible. I wish that they would find a cure.
01-09-2015, 03:59 AM
On Jan 6, I thought, I have 5 hours to decide if her walking was that bad. The vet said he would come to the house around 6:30 if I decided to put her to sleep. He had said earlier that either when she can't walk any more (due to her affliction) or she was just staring off at nothing, then it was time to put her to sleep. I took her for a walk the day before. She did ok but did much better last week. The next morning I played like hell to get her up to go pee. She did manage it. Then I took her to the kitchen to try to get her to eat. She would not eat but she drank some. Then she crashed right there by the bowls. I went outside and pulled weeds for awhile and tried not think about it. We had time before 6:30. I got her up again to go pee again and I noticed I had to lift both her read end and her front end to get her up. She couldn't control her front legs that had been shaking oddly. This was a first. We made it to potty again and back but I was pretty sure this was it. So I spent the afternoon combing her fur that had oddly started growing back. And washed her with a soapy towel just all on one side. She wasn't fighting me at all. She let me comb and wash places she never did before. I even shaved the bottom of her feet and she pulled back not even once. The fight in her was gone! And damn she looked beautiful! My mom texted me about three. I told her she could come over if she wanted. She said she and my sister were going to lunch first. The reason I wanted her there was I have never been with a dog when they were put to sleep. With Mira I handed the doctor the leash and I ran! It was getting to be around 4:00 I needed to make that call. Kira couldn't lift her head. I hand feed her some peanut butter and gave her water with a giant syringe. A few times. I told Bud that the vet would come to the house, put her to sleep and take her away. He seemed ok with that. So I texted my sister (Cindy) and asked if she would call the vet for me. She did. My mom and Cindy showed up a little later and they could see how bad Kira was. She was trying to get up but couldn't. Her front legs kept shaking oddly. She'd laid back down and seemed to rest very peacefully as always. She was laying part way in the kitchen and hadn't moved for what seemed like all day, I had taken off her collar. The vet called Cindy as promised before he left. She gave him directions. It was all sort of a blurred after that. The vet is sure a sweet guy. I was so glad it was him he went real slowly. Didn’t do a thing until I said to. Told me exactly what he would do. They covered her rear end witch I had washed so carefully. And I leaned over Kira sobbing. And sobbing. The vet did nothing but rub my back. Bud had moved into the other room but I thought I could hear him crying. Mom and Cindy sat on the sofa behind me. If they had not been there I couldn't have done this. After a long while I shook my head yes and the vet said you’re ready. I started to cry harder and shook my head. Before he did anything this horrible sound was coming out of my mouth. It never stopped. He started to give a shot to make her sleep she didn't even flinch. The vet was softly talking to me. And telling how she was going to react. Like shake her head and lap her lips. She did that right on cue. I was looking her straight in the eyes. In fact holding one open so she could see me. He said she was pretty much asleep has he rubbed my back. He said ok? And I shock my head. And I saw it. I saw the light go out a few seconds before he said she was gone. I moved closer to her and lifted her head in my arms and kissed her face. I said I love you I'm so sorry. The vet is murmuring behind me. Her head was so heavy. Then I moved farther down to her still partly furless belly and kissed her there. My mom said she always kisses her bare belly. I moved back up and looked in those vacant eyes again. Still making these horrible noises coming from my mouth. I reached over and lifted her lips. Now I knew what pail gums looked like. They were as white as her teeth. Couldn’t tell one from the other. And I said as such. Then I gasped, where is my camera, and Cindy went frantically looking for it. The process stopped and I got a good picture of her. Her eyes still open. I backed away. I didn't want to feel her grow cold. His assistant covered her up to her neck but left head uncovered. The vet stood up with me and hugged me. Then they were heading for the door. I was crying uncontrollable. Staggering behind them. I felt my sister grab my arm and walk with me. We followed them all the way out. What I beautiful car. Not one you think would be caring a dead dog. I said I wonder if this is his car. Cindy said I'm going to ask. She let go of me and asked. Yes it was. God what an honor. Cindy held my arm as they left and we waved good by to Kira. You want to go in now she asked and I said no I want to watch them leave. We watched until they went out of sight. The only thing I remember after that was telling my mom and Cindy I would never have been able to watch her die if they hadn't been there. I took some adivan and went to sleep in the doggie pillow.
01-09-2015, 07:05 AM
Oh Janis. :o :o :o :o :o
How is little Neeka doing with things?
01-09-2015, 02:45 PM
She is fine. I'm a mess. I don't know what to do.
01-09-2015, 04:16 PM
Want to walk around dog pound
Squirt's Mom
01-09-2015, 04:36 PM
Then do if you think it will help, sweetie. Take someone with you if you can just in case, tho. ;)
I love the video as much this time as the first time. Do Neeka and Mira look as much alike as they seem to from the video?
01-09-2015, 06:33 PM
Am so sad. Buds picking up carpet we put down for her.I haven't touched any of her medicines or her food. Neek is howling when I'm crying.which is pretty much most of the time. It's so empty I know she's gone' everything about her is gone.not sure if I'm glad that I took the picture of her dead. Hard to believe that life will ever be good again. Took Neek for a walk at my side the whole way she did pretty good it's been a while since we practice she did pretty good.I feel like the life has been drained for me.part of my heart is missing.The only hope I have is that I know I will survive this I always do.
I'm sorry, Janis, it is so darn hard. Sonja said it well. It never goes away, the pain and loss, we just learn to live with it.
01-09-2015, 09:46 PM
For me it does go away. I look at pictures of our first dogs and I don't even recognize them. I do remember the day they died. This is the first time I watched a dog die. I rather wish I hadnt. But at the moment I dont know what I'm saying. I feel like ripping everything apart. Where does one go to rescue a dog? I dint know where to go,who to trust. Neeka act like nothing has happened. Kira was the same way with Mira.
Budsters Mom
01-10-2015, 12:04 AM
Hi Janis,
I was right there with my Buddy when he was released. It was excruciatingly difficult, but I felt it was important for me to be the last person he saw before he soared to the bridge. He had always been there for me, so I needed to be there for him. This is really emotionally difficult for me to relive, so I'll do the best I can to explain.
I totally understand that empty, lost feeling. I put everything I had into caring for Buddy, just like you did for Kira and Mira. Once he was released and free of pain, I fell apart. I did not sleep for several days and don't remember eating or functioning much at all. The angels on the forum here stayed with me 24/7 because I didn't have anyone else who understood how devastated I was.
I ended with my little Rosie five days after Buddy flew. That was the first night I slept. I then had a purpose because another little one needed me. She was tiny, only 3 pounds when she arrived. She didn't replace Buddy and never will, but she did make me have to function. I had just started Summer Break from work when Buddy flew. I had nothing to pull me out of the dark hole that I had fallen into. Rosie brought me out to the light and saved my sanity.
Rosie and I found each other at the exact moment that it was meant to be. Do not worry. You and your new furbaby will find each other almost effortlessly, when the time is right. I know how much pain you are in right now. You will get through it.
Sending you many tight hugs,
01-10-2015, 03:59 AM
Thank you. That was very sweet. Finily somebody else who believes in getting another dog right away. They say you're supposed to hold back your emotions when you're confronting an ill dog. I was never good at that , every time I looked at then I'd be crying my eyes out over it. If I can only count the million times I thought Kira was near her death I'd be crying my eyes out only to find out short while later that she's just fine again. It was very confusing, that happened a lot for about four years straight.
I asked my husband tonight if he was the one that told me that I did the right thing.he said yes, I asked him if it was because she couldn't walk anymore. He said that and other things. If he had only stopped watched her walk.. I think he was mad about the acidents in the house.
Right now I'm distracted because a couple of friends responded to my inquiry about other dogs. I still have Neeka who is very much in need of someone to play with so I'm a bit distracted from Kiras death at the moment. But then something will spark in my mind and I'll start crying again. She had A long life, I wouldn't particularly say it was a good one but it was a long one and I think she was happy a good bit of the time. Near the end was not as good. she was spending a lot of time away from us staying as far away from us that she could, going into another room way back in the corner by herself. Or wanting to be outside in the freezing cold and to stay out there for hours and hours. Kira was always an house dog. Even if I was outside she came in. She changed a lot. Wouldn't let me pet her anymore. That really made me sad. All she wanted from me was food. I feel like I lost her along time ago. She'd go say hi to Bud but not to me. Sob
01-10-2015, 05:20 AM
So sorry for your loss. And I too got dogs soon after losing one- chelle I got 2 weeks after Tammy passed and Bella about the same after Tammy. They aren't replacements - very different to the old ones but love em heaps -
Sweetie, everyone is different and you need to do whatever helps you and if getting another dog right away is what is best for you don't let anyone else tell you differently because there is no right or wrong answer.
I have my Koko and I know he would be happy not being an only child now with Zoe gone but because we are selling our house and I can barely find a place that allows Koko, I can't think about a sister for Koko.
I was there when my father died, a dear old friend died while I held her hand. I did not think I could bear holding Zoe while she left this world but there was no other option for me. I could not allow her to die without me.
We all are different, there is no right or wrong, no judgement. We all second guess the terrible decision.
The love we receive trumps the pain of losing them.
Dear Janis,
I am so sorry to read that you have lost Kira. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The video is just beautiful. My deepest sympathy.
01-25-2015, 03:41 AM
So many memories... my Kira. Didn't want me to touch her in the end. Pet her. Did not fight me when I shaved the bottom of her paws. She always fought me. But she did not on jan 7th. All the fight was gone. The only good thing about that was I know I didn't let her go too soon. I'm still sad. I lost her long before she died. So did I let her go too late? No, the twinkle was still there now and then. I wanted her to have every happy moment she had left. She was still walking seemingly without pain. Still could get up on her own. The last week or so I had to help her rear end up. I'd just help her balance, then off she'd go. On jan 7th she could not operate her front legs. She didn't move. It was time to go.
It's been a very sad day. Cried a lot. You know I lost Kira long before she died. She just changed. Went off by herself all the time. Didn't want me to touch her. She would walk in the room and look at me. Then leave. What the hell was that? Did she want to see if she could make it to the water bowl without being seen? I closed all the bedroom doors so she couldn't hide from me. So she started staying out side. She knew we would let her out. She used to never stay out. She was an indoor dog. Even if I was outside shed potty and go back in. I went out and sat with her in the freezing cold and talked to her. She'd look so uncomfortable. I didn't stay long. And yet she slept all the time. Really slept. And so peaceful. Gosh. It's been a sad day. She used to sleep under my feet. I wonder if it was because she couldn't hear? Horns assistant vet asked me why was I keeping her here. I was so stunned by the question I went completely blank. Well it was because I loved her! Because every now and then I saw her running or interest in something. She'd dance for her food. I didn't like the assistant. I thought it was a mean thing to say. The total opposite of what doc horn would say. He said he still saw a twinkle in her eyes. I bet he loves his own dogs a lot.
Sorry if I'm repeating myself. I just write. And share. We have Elly now. My head is swimming with everything. Can't keep it straight. I've been feeling really sad all day today about loosing my beautiful Kira.
My Bud has prostate cancer. What luck.
Thanks for listening.
Squirt's Mom
01-25-2015, 07:03 AM
Dear Janis,
I know exactly what you mean when you say she left earlier. Squirt was the same way; she seemed to just fade from everything. It is so hard to watch, remembering how they used to jump and play but there is a tender beauty there as well. Our sweet Kira is with Mira now, free from all pain, both running like crazy as they renew their friendship. Your beautiful girls will always watch over you and Bud.
That Bud was positive is just heart-breaking and so unfair. Ya'll have been thru enough over the last couple of years and I know you could use a break. Please let me know how he is and how you are.
I love you and am so sorry, honey.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, Fox, Redd, and all our Angels
May you know that absence is full
Of tender presence and that
Nothing is ever lost or forgotten.
May the absences in your life be full of eternal echo.
May you sense around you the secret
Elsewhere which holds the presences
That have left your life.
May you be generous in your embrace of loss.
May the sore of your grief turn into a well
Of seamless presence.
May your compassion reach out to the ones
We never hear from and may you have
The courage to speak out for the excluded ones.
May you become the gracious
And passionate subject of your own life.
May you not disrespect your mystery
Through brittle words or false belonging.
May you be embraced by God in whom
Dawn and twilight are one and may
Your longing inhabit its deepest dreams
Within the shelter of the Great Belonging.
From John O’Donohue’s Eternal Echoes-Exploring our Hunger to Belong
01-25-2015, 07:16 AM
Oh Janis, I am speechless that now you and Bud have another hurdle to overcome. No, no, no it does not seem fair!! :( :( :(
Always keep on writing to us here -- your thoughts just as they come to you. It is definitely OK, and it is a help for us to know how things are going for you.
Janis, who is Elly? Is she a new sister for Neeka?
Many many hugs,
01-25-2015, 09:27 AM
One day at a time Janis. We get through it as we need to.
As for getting another dog - I believe that when we meet a dog who "fits" with us, then it's time.
No one can say what's right for someone else.
I was only planning on looking when I met Bella but once we interacted I knew she was coming home with me. The same thing happened when I met my amazing Daisy Mae. I knew that each one had to live with me. I have lived with pets all of my life. Our babies that have passed on are no longer sick and I do hope that we see them again when it's our time.
In the meantime, we have the capacity to love so many and there are TOO many who need us. I think if it as honoring those who have passed by helping another.
I was told once by a doctor that if a man lives long enough that every one will get prostate cancer and it is treatable.
It is considered part of the aging process.
Hugs to both of you!
Janis, I'm sorry to read about Bud. I hope things will get better for your family. You have had so much to face. My brother faced prostate cancer and is doing well so I am praying Bud has the same outcome.
I too wonder about Elly, whenever you want to tell us about her, we are eager to meet Elly.
I watched a program about sled dogs and could only think about Kira and think of you.
01-25-2015, 09:28 AM
So sorry for your immense loss...prayers going up!
01-25-2015, 10:47 AM
Sending positive thoughts to you and Bud! I, too, am curious about Elly ...
01-25-2015, 09:15 PM
I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Kirs. Forgive me for not responding sooner. Prayers go out to you for Bud also. There are no words I can say to make it better.
Sonja and Angel Apollo
01-26-2015, 08:20 AM
Thank you Angels. :-)
Elly is a red and white Siberian husky rescue she will be 7 in April. They told me she was 5. Somebody lied. Oh hell what's a year. Neeka (and me) needed a friend. And I couldnt do another Siberian puppie again I'm too old. Elly is a sweet heart. She's had two liters of puppies. I had her spade a few days ago so we are currently dealing with stitches. The tee shirt thing is working fine. Neeka will be five in October.
Had a better day today. Still running into sad thoughts about my Kira. I want to look up all here ultrasounds and see if I can figure how long her belly stayed furless. It was at least two years. I loved kissing that bare belly.
01-29-2015, 07:27 AM
It's odd things happened that night that I don't remember, then again maybe not so odd. A package came for my mom and I took it to her. Then a week later I asked if her glass dome ever came. She said you brought it over after Kira died. I did? Even Bud said don't you remember we opened it and then you took it to her. I don't even remember seeing it. Then two days I had been talking to Stromee a lot. Then also stupidly I asked her if she knew Kira was gone. She told she had been with me the time. I don't even remember. I went back and read our texts. My gosh I only remember it vaguely. Maybe that's not so strange.
No regrets Kira. Not with you. Never agian. So many tears for you.
When she was gone Bud said to me you did the right thing. I asked him later if he was the one that said it. Because I only remembered hearing the words. He wanted to put her to sleep a month realier because she pooped in the house. I thought that was a pretty lame reason. I was mad at him for that. I took her for a walk around the block after that and she did fine. No way not yet.
Maybe it is best things are a blur, perhaps it is a defense mechanism.
When we are in shock, we don't remember well.
Elly sounds like a wonderful dog. I understand thinking a puppy would be harder. I'm glad Elly found you:)
01-29-2015, 09:46 AM
In the scheme of things, at that time, Kira was your priority. A package is a package. You mind focused on what was most important and how to get you through it all.
Welcome to the family Elly!
I also rescued after Daisy Mae passed. Her name is Bella. She a 3 year old standard, dapple, dachshund.
03-05-2015, 05:24 AM
I'm not sitting here in pieces thinking about Kira. The sweet dog that was my best buddy for so long. The Honost truth is Mira at age 7 was running around our streets hoping to stay in shape. Suddenly she stopped run. Just out of the blue. Then she was doing the dog crazies. The next day she can hardly walk. How could she get so bad so fast? Twenty two days later she was gone. No way was she ready to die. At the same time Kira got cushings. And all the bad things that came after that. That was four years ago. And life has never been the same. The last was my buds prostate cancer. And all my discomfort I've been left with. Nerve damage. You know I don't hold much hope that things will ever be the same. Anyway. That's life. Rest in peace my sweet kira.
Squirt's Mom
03-05-2015, 06:50 AM
Yes, things have certainly been tough in your world the last few years, honey. I'm glad you still come and talk with us. It's time that things take a turn for the better now so that is what I'm going to believe is coming for you all.
03-05-2015, 07:13 AM
Hey there Janis. I am also so glad to see you returning to us, too. In the midst of so many losses and changes, I truly hope you know how much your family here cares about you and Bud and all your family. Because we consider ourselves to be your family, too, and we share everything -- the bad along with the good.
Janis, I sent you a PM over a week ago. Please take a look in your inbox, OK?
06-16-2015, 04:53 AM
Now that Kira has been gone for close to 6 months. I've had time to think about her life and the things I did. The two reconstructed knees were the best thing I ever gave her. She walked for years longer then she likely would have.
But the adrienalectomy.... I'm not so sure. When they first found it, the girl who did the ultrasound said in her opinion she would just leave it alone. It was very small. But me, I wanted to get that thing out of there. They said it would cure her. And maybe it did, but I'm thinking now the things she went though after the surgery were so sad. She was truly never the same again. She was really never healthy again. I'm not the only one thinking that way.
So If you are considering doing this surgery you might want to get a few opinions first. What they suffer after this surgery maybe worse.
I love you My Sweety Kira... Always loved you.
06-16-2015, 04:15 PM
Hi Janis, I am so sorry for the loss of your Kira. I am new here with a 12 year old Lab that was just diagnosed with an adrenal tumor. She also has had double ccl repairs. Did your Kira have symptoms before the surgery? If it isn't too painful for you, I would appreciate hearing your opinion and experience on the adrenalectomy.
Ariana and Kenya
07-05-2015, 09:08 AM
Browndog...Check your private messages.
07-05-2015, 01:09 PM
Beautiful Kiri, rest in peace.
07-06-2015, 10:46 PM
Like Cushings, these decisions are totally dependent upon the individual dog and their health etc.
Janis, you did what you thought was right for Kira as any of us would do. Daisy had pituitary cushings so I knew that surgery wasn't an option. Had it bee, you cam bet that I would have tried because aside from cushings and its affect on her organs - she was healthy. Please don't second guess yourself. I know that's hard to do.
You wanted Kira to have the best possible chance at conquering this horrible disease and I don't blame you a single bit.
My sweet Ginger
10-03-2015, 11:53 AM
'Afterglow' will always be your song to me Kira and Mira.
Your beautiful faces and the pure and blissful love you two shared come to me along with tears whenever I hear this song.
Thinking of Kira and Mira. R.I.P.
12-04-2015, 08:30 AM
Hi Janis! I just now read your message posted yesterday on our "Checking In" thread:
Hi all. I was a active member here with my dog Kira who had Cushings. She died about a year ago. I got lucky again and adopted another husky who has allergic rhinitis and worse yet lens luxation. We are currently doing meds to keep the lens behind the pupil. She is 7 years old, we have had her about eight months. I wondered if anyone knows of a forum for this lens luxation. It's scary. She could become completely blind. Anyway. Hello to any of my old friends who still might be around. Hope all is well. Janis
This must be Elly who you're talking about! I'm afraid I don't know anything about lens luxation, but I'm hoping you'll want to start a new thread about Elly on our "Everything Else" forum. Somebody else may know about the lens issue. And even if not, we'd sure like to hear more about Elly (and you and Bud, too! ;)). So I really hope you'll come back and tell us more.
We miss you!
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