View Full Version : Kira, 14 y/o Husky - Successful adrenal surgery (Kira has passed)
04-30-2012, 10:56 PM
So sorry to hear about Kira's pain. I have used accupuncture fo Apollo for years for his back issues and until the cushing's it really does help. If you are interested below you will find the link, on the right side lower bottom you can click on find a holistic vet. I never tried chiropractic for Apollo , but I would have been open to it.
Like you I don't know if Apollo can do the surgery for his lump in his mouth(silva gland)
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
05-14-2012, 07:54 PM
KIRA UPDATE - Good News!
Kira's blood test taken last week came back very good. Lipase is sky high (it's been high for almost two years) and BUN slightly high but no one seems concerned with these results. So I'm not either.
Kira has had three Acupuncture and Water Treadmill sessions... in the last three weeks. Today Dr. Ringwald said her neck pain has decreased and her weakness has improved slightly. COOL! I agree, she seems better. Acupuncture certainly isn't hurting. And the water treadmill surely does help.
She did ask me to stop giving Slippery Elm cus she is unfamiluar with it and isn't sure if it will interfere with the med's. She'd rather I do probiotics.
Oh Janis, I so hope the water treadmill will help Kira.
Crossing my fingers and sending love that you will see improvement.
hugs and love,
06-14-2012, 07:41 PM
Any comments?
Kira is due for a rabies shot. She is 12 years old now. Lately she has seemed better. More playful and that dark cloud that made me feel like I was loosing her for so long, has drifted off for the moment. I'm not so inclined to go and mess that up.
They offered to let me just pay for six months because the current shot extends for that much longer. My question is do I do it now when her health seems good and hope for the best? Or wait six months when things may look much grimmer? Her life expectancy is about 13 years. With her current lameness I cant see see her making it past 14.
My thoughts are to go for the six month stretch that her last shot covers. And then possibly not renewing her licence at all after that should her condition be bad then. I don't want her to have anymore shots if I can help it.
I also want to mention that the acupunture treatments she is getting seems to be helping. Well actually she's getting that and extended therapy at the same time. Whatever her therapy specailist (TS) is doing is sure perking Kira up. The lameness is still the same. She's still wobblie, she drags her rear paws some and has very little muscle mass but she wants to play! And does sometimes. Makes me most happy to see that.
06-14-2012, 07:58 PM
Janis, Kira probably shouldn't have vaccinations ever, again, including rabies. Even though the adrenalectomy cured her Cushing's, IMO, it's simply too much of a risk. Both the IMS I used to use, & my GP vet always told me that both of my cushing's boys were never to have vaccinations EVER AGAIN, & that they would right a letter stating the medical necessity for no vaccinations to show the animal control people about the rabies shots.
06-15-2012, 12:39 AM
Debbie thank you! I'm sure glad I asked. We live in California. What state are you in? Did you just stop registering them or what?
06-16-2012, 09:36 AM
When Shiloh was 12 I took her to see my GP vet and near the end of the visit he asked me "what about shots?" I asked him what he thought and he said she's had her shots all of her life and probably has plenty left in her to last the duration. So, Shi went the last three years of her life without any shots and I am very glad she did. I never gave the animal control prople a thought. Shi was with me all the time and she sure wasn't going to cause any trouble.
06-16-2012, 10:01 AM
Janis, Same thing with Annie - in fact the vet never ever brought up shots and I knew why. In Nebraska we can purchase pet licenses at the vet's office and they complete the info and mail it in. They have the ability to write in that the dog is too frail for immunization or that they have done titer testing etc. Kim
06-17-2012, 12:44 AM
Ken, so nice to hear from you. For all she went through Shiloh lived to be 15! That is so cool! I asked you that once but I don't think you saw it.
Kim, thank you! I forgot about the titer test thing!
Well... We are all in agreement. No more vaccines for Kira. I will contact our vet armed with this information and concenses. If one won't do it, I have about three others who might. A multitude of vets, yikes! We live in the big city and having a licence is also a safety measure should she get seperated from us. They claim 98% of the registered dogs they find are returned to their owners. I would be very distressed to loose that. Anyway, thank you, I will let you know how this pans out.
Squirt's Mom
06-17-2012, 07:51 AM
I read something yesterday about identifying dogs - apparently their paw prints are as unique as our fingerprints so by having a set of our baby's paw prints, we could prove ID if they were ever lost, stolen, etc. Interesting, huh?
Janis, they do rabies titers or you can have the vet fill out the exemption form. My IMS did not have a form so I googled forms and found one and changed the oname of the state to Wisconsin and she signed it for Zoe.
Just make sure your state accepts rabies exemptions certificates before you head on down for a license. Hey, maybe you thought you already did the license and did not realize you missed it for six months?
I took Koko for his rabies shot, he is ony five and we titered again his DHP combo. I am so done with excessice vaccines. I stopped them with my cat and she lived to be 21 years old. I wish I would not have done all those darn vaccines with Zoe; the vet said she had to have. I am not making them same mistake with Koko. That is just my opinion , if its worth anything`:D:D:rolleyes:;)
06-19-2012, 11:45 PM
Leslie... I think Stormee was telling me something about paw prints too. Sounds like a lot of trouble. What are they going to do start a paw print database? Hire experts to disfer the prints? LOL I asume it's so you can prove the dog is yours. I think the gizilloin pictures I have of them is proff enough. But maybe I'm missing the point.
Addy... Cool I will look for that for sure. I emailed a letter to the vet two days ago but haven't heard anything. Stupid vets! A form would certalinly simplify things. I was wondering too why the shot exceeded the licence. Maybe it happened when the length that rabies shot last changed. But this has never happened before. Or if it did they didn't tell me about it.
Stormee brought up something I hadn't concidered. She noted that we do take Kira places where there are wild animals. It's not impossible that she could get bit. That's rather disturbing. I think we will likely do the titer test and keep our fingers crossed it's still good. Or just take the risk with her. Which isn't a giant risk really. She's never out of my sight!! Never left unattended outside.
Well ...since I was able to post again I just want to mention that Kira had her acupunture and therapy today. She was prancing out of that place feeling great! Doing all this expensive stuff wont cure her but it could slow down the progression. It very likley she will end up like Cindys Penny's lameness. Kira's health is otherwise pretty darn good for her age.
Last week I got a video of her happily… running from one end of the doggie sofa to the other. Teasing Neeka, who was tied to the table. Ha, ha you can’t get me!
06-23-2012, 04:26 PM
This kind of relates to the posts on shots. I am wondering how you all feel about giving flea treatments such as Revolution for Cushings Dogs?
Thanks, Jean/Sugar's Mom
06-23-2012, 05:44 PM
Well my Kira was cured of cushings via adrenalectomy over a year ago but I'm glad you brought this up anyway. It's certainly a pet peeve of mine. They had us stop using the the flea collars saying this liquid way was better. I don't beleive it! I have two siberian huskies and we live in Southern California. I have and still do use Advantage on them both but only about 3 times a year. I'm not happy about it but I do it. I haven't found a flee on any of my dogs in probably twenty years and the only time i ever did was right after boarding them at the VETS! Heart worms though... gee that has got to be the worst thing ever. Our vet jumped right in on that one. We had tests done and everything. Then we changed vets and he said WE DON'T HAVE THOSE AROUND HERE! So we haven't done that in eight years now. But I sure sympatize with those of you who do have them around you. You really have no choice. And who knows how safe protecting them from that is.
That's my two cents on the subject for anyone living in the desert in the west. Hopefully someone will come along and be able to anwer your question concerning dogs with cushings.
Rabies... I still haven't heard from my current vet on that issue. I just called them now and they said they would call back. We'll see...
06-29-2012, 04:56 PM
Personal Notation:
My dad is 95. He lived a long happy life. Highly successful.brillant man who's mind began slipping away about ten years ago. He has had no life at all for the last several years. Just ordered around by my mom who has not let him leave us. His body is giving up now. He always wanted more of me then I could ever come close to doing. He also has given me so much I haven't had to work for years. He is the reason my Kira can walk today. He is the reason my dogs can have the medical care they have. He has given me everything. But the term Quality Of Life is a big factor here now. He's mostly unresponsive now. We don't expect him to be here much longer. How ling can he live without food....
Squirt's Mom
06-29-2012, 05:15 PM
Dear Janis,
My daddy was my saviour, my guide, my strength, and will always remain my hero. I watched him suffer physically while his mind remained sharp as a tack for 20 years. And, yes, the day came when I began to pray for his release. That was one of the hardest things I've ever done. By the time he was finally called Home, his body had nothing left to offer and, mercifully, his mind had shut down a few days before. I sat by his side, holding his hand, and told him over and over, "It's ok, Daddy. It's ok." I knew somewhere in there he was still fighting to remain with us, to take care of us as he always had and he needed to know it was alright for him to go. I know it was involuntary but as he drew his last breath, he squeezed my hand and I like to believe he was telling me goodbye and that his love would always remain with me. As a Daddy's Girl, part of me died that moment, too, but as time has passed I have found more and more of my dad in me and that is something I am very proud to say.
I know your dad is proud of who and what his baby girl has become.
Your cush family will stand by your through this time. Our wings will surround you and yours with love and strength.
Leslie and the gang
06-29-2012, 05:39 PM
Thank you for that Leslie! And I agree completly with the fact that there is a point where we need to tell him it's ok to go. I was just apprehensive about saying it.
My dad did eat a little today. And pointed at the TV. He is in and out. And yells sometimes. Which is so unlike him. He will go home tomorrow. Thru his own insight he will never have to go to a convelesent home. My brother who is a doctor, will be here tomorrow. He also works at convelesnt homes in the evenings, so he knows a lot about people in my dads state.
Please ANYONE WHO WISHES to share the passing of a parent please do so.
06-30-2012, 08:10 AM
Dear Janis,
I find Leslie here always has a way of making us feel better no matter what we are going through in life. Thanks for that my dear Leslie.
Im so sorry for your emotional pain as well as daddy's. It is awful to watch our loved ones decline and do not want to remember them that way. I lost my daddy when he was only 55 and pregnant with my first child. I still remember one of our last moments together while he was in that hospital bed: I asked him to please hold on for his new soon to be grandchild. He looked at me very sadly and said "I don't think I can", and that's when I knew. He died several days after that moment and 3 months before my delivery. :( I miss him terribly, and sometimes Im angry with him feeling he contributed to his early demise, (heavy smoker, died of emphysema), but today 16 years after I can finally say "I forgive you daddy", with many tears, of course.
I have always found "letting go" is much harder than "hanging on" because as human nature would have it, we always want the tangibles, even knowing its not in our best interest.
Hold your daddy, kiss him, hug him, talk to him, take pictures and love him for as long as you've got.
Bless you, dad and your family.
Love ya, xo Jeanette
Janis, my heart goes out to you as it is so painful to lose a father who has always been there for you. I watched my dad die of cancer. We did not know he had it until it was too late. He spent a month in the hospital. I got up very early every day and went to sit with him before going to work. At one point he said"Idont think I am ever getting out of here." He tried so hard, I think for me, he fought for me. Then out of exhaustion, one day I wondered how I would find the strength to continue. Dad took a turn for the worse the next day and went to ICU. Iwas there for two days with no sleep. On the third day, I left the hospital for an hour, my daughter stayed with dad. He died while I was gone.
I think I had post traumatic stress syndrome for years after his death. I still cant talk much about it. I tried to protect him and keep him safe. Now with mom, I always level with her and tell her the truth.
Trying to protect dad from all the truths was my mistake.
God bless you sweetie, it is hard thing to go through but we find the strength and we realize we are much stronger then we think.
06-30-2012, 06:57 PM
Here's a story for you.
Yesterday I called my sister at the hospital. I heard my mom tell my dad, Janis is on the phone. Then I heard my dad say so clearly, easily... "Tell her we got the hospital bed!" I was shocked and so was my mom. Mom said give the phone to Dad. I never know what to say to dad, so I just babbled stuff. Dad said clearly again.... "I don't understand." Well of course he didn't, I didn't understand me either. So I tried talking slower but I don't think I got a reaction. Suddenly clearly, and easily he said... "It's your responsibility now. " Well that really befuddled me. Now I really didn't know what to say. And as it always used to be with me and dad, now there is just dead silence! I didn't know what he meant. It could be many differant things or nothing at all. Finally again as dad always did when this happened he said.... "I'll let you talk to your mother."*
She mom gets on the phone and she is coming unglued!!! He hadn't said that many words in months and certainly not so clearly. That gave me goose bumps! Mom was elated. And yes, a hospital bed had just been delivered to their house. And he was going home today I think. Dad has not been able to communicate well in years. This was really weird.*
07-02-2012, 04:20 AM
I have moved this subject to the Everything Else section. The end of a human life.... If anyone wants to follow this. My dad is 95. He was 40 when I was born.
07-09-2012, 06:19 AM
I talked to our vets tech today about Kira's future Rabies shots. He said our city at one time did allow them to request rabies exempt licenses. But at the moment they are doing this 6 month thing. He said go ahead and apply for the current 6 month thing and then in six months they will send a request for another 6 month exemption. He said the law keeps changing but they will do whatever they are allowed to do to keep Kira from having any more Rabies shots... Sounds good to me.
Sounds good to me as well, Janis. Go for it!!!!
Hopefully Dr. Schulz and the rabies challenge will one day be able to get the law changed to every five years in each state and then seven years.
It seems like it take a long time but perhaps future pups will be able to benefit.
Have a wonderful day.
03-27-2013, 04:17 AM
Here we are ... She made it! And considering all she has been through she's doing darn good. Her degenerating spine is still degenerating. We can't go for energetic walks anymore. But she's walking. Really I expected her to be in a lot worse shape then this on her 13th. She is amazing.
I hope all is well with all my cherished friends here.
03-27-2013, 06:36 AM
Oh Janis, what a milestone for you and for our girl!!! :) :) :)
I send my very best birthday greetings from across the miles! :p :p :p
With many hugs on this most special day,
03-27-2013, 06:38 AM
And P.S. -- I've just edited Kira's thread title in order to mark this special day! ;) :) :D
03-27-2013, 06:52 AM
I looked at that when I signed on. Gee she hasn't been 10 for a long time. Bless her. You know the fur on her belly never grew back for an ultrasound done over a year ago. She still looks like she was shaved just yesterday. Doesn't bother her a bit. Or me for that matter. I like her bare belly. Lol
We are having a birthday party for her at my moms house. She has a big back yard. Mom has chicken for her and I'm concidering giving her a little vanilla ice cream. I know someone who gave her dog Pizza on her 15th birthday.
So nice to hear from you Mariane.
Bo's Mom
03-27-2013, 07:18 AM
What an AWESOME celebration!!! Happy Birthday, Kira!!
molly muffin
03-27-2013, 08:40 AM
Happy Birthday Kira!! She's a fighter! That girl has spirit.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
03-27-2013, 08:46 AM
:D:D Happy 13th Birthday, Kira!! :D:D
Happy Birthday Kira!!!!!
03-27-2013, 10:07 AM
with love and hugs Lynda and Nika
03-27-2013, 12:10 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRA, you teenager! Janis, just enjoy every moment with your sweet girl and I know your party is/will be great. FWIW, Shiloh ate plenty of chicken and salmon, some good bites of McDonald's plain double cheeseburgers, and small amounts of vanilla ice cream in her senior years. Looking back I'm definitely glad she did.
Harley PoMMom
03-27-2013, 02:24 PM
Happy 13th Birthday, sweet Kira!!
Boriss McCall
03-27-2013, 02:26 PM
happy birthday!!!!!!
03-27-2013, 02:36 PM
:D:D:DHappy 13th Birthday, Kira!:D:D:D
Happy 13th birthday, Kira! Sounds like a pretty special day is planned for you! :D
Julie & Hannah
Roxee's Dad
03-27-2013, 03:18 PM
:):):) Happy Birthday Kira !!!! :):):)
03-27-2013, 03:25 PM
03-27-2013, 07:29 PM
Yeah:) another Happy Birthday which is always great news :)
Squirt's Mom
05-01-2013, 08:44 AM
:D:D Happy Birthday, Janis! :D:D
Ain't it grand that you are still 29?!? :p
Hoping you have a wonderful day, sweetie!
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick and Sophie
molly muffin
05-01-2013, 07:24 PM
Happy Birthday Janis :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-02-2013, 05:46 AM
Awe thank you. I'm 57 now. Yuk... It gets harder and harder to handle Huskies.
I hope anyone who reads Kira's thread reads this!
It's been around 2 1/2 years since Kira's adrinalectomy and I am delighted to tell you that Kira is doing amazingly well. She turned 13 last month which is the average life expectancy for a husky. So she is an old dog with some problems I have mentioned along the way here. But we just returned from a 2500 mile road trip in a 20 ft camper van with two 55 pound huskies and I got to tell you Kira had a blast! She was up and around investigating every chance she got. She happily trotted after children who had sqeeky toys they teased her with. Graciouly excepted pats. And she stoll cookies from babies. BABY WITH COOKIE! we'd shout and someone would grab Kira (and Neeka). Naughty dogs. Luckily the babies thought it was funny this cookie stealing.
I never expected her to be doing this well at this age. I don't know how long it will last but I'm so greatful. She may not make thru this year but its looking like she just might make a couple more years too. Who knows.
05-02-2013, 06:00 AM
Oh my gosh... I have a bad habit of missing posts on this thread. I didn't get notified that Kira was getting more happy birthday wishes. I just now found them!! Thank you so much to all of you who took the time to say happy birthday to my Kira. She must have just known because she really perked up a month ago. Maybe in a few days ill post some pictures from our trip. We got some real cute pictures of her. And you can see for yourself just how HAPPY she looks. Bless you all.
05-02-2013, 06:17 AM
Hi - I have read your thread in the past. It is so encouraging to read that Kira is doing so well following the adrenalectomy. My boy is 5 months postop tomorrow, we have had a few bumps along the way but he is still here YAY!! Thank you for posting this and Happy Birthday to Kira!! xx
05-02-2013, 06:40 AM
On her 13th birthday.. catching piece of chicken!
From our trip this April
Squirt's Mom
05-02-2013, 09:17 AM
Oh, gosh, Janis! Kira looks just GREAT! :):cool::):cool: It is so exciting to hear that she is enjoying herself and up to mischief! Looks like she and Neeka are buddies for sure now, too, and I know that makes you happy.
Hugs and belly rubs!
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
05-02-2013, 06:28 PM
She Does look fantastic. You'd never know that she was 13 or any of the things that she has been through and survived by her pictures. Good job mom!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
okay............i am confused.......i have TODAY as your birthday. I have it wrote next to your address your birthday. Have I had it wrong all this time???????
i am gonna say it anyways......HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!! WE MISS YOU!!!!!
sending tons and tons of love, care, hugs, and forever and ever lasting friendship that feels more like family, happy birthday beautiful from your texas crew!!!! and if this is NOT the correct date for your birthday then please note a belated needs to be inserted.
05-15-2013, 06:23 AM
Oh geez.. Belated excepted no less then had you had the right date. Dear friend. I want you to all know that on our trip last month we drove thru the top of Texas. I promised Stormee the minute we entered Texas I'd text her hello and wave madly in her direction. Well I did manage to get a picture of the state line sign as we passed it at 80mph. And I waved madly in her direction but I was most forlorn to discover I had no G4 connection until we were half way thru the state!
06-01-2013, 05:49 AM
Kira update...
Around May 15 I noticed Kira's bottom eyelid looked slightly swollen. A week later I was sure of it. The rim was red too. She seamed perfectly fine. We went to her GP. The lights are so much better there and I got a better look. There were a lot of odd looking bumps behind her bottom eyelid and a bunch Of tiny ones along the rim.
Not anything treably frightening but still worrysome. Doc Wiatt sends her home with Tobramycin eye drops and says to come back in a week. I thought it was getting a little better. But when we went back to the vet I could see that the eye drops had done NOTHING! It was not worse but not better either. Doc Wiatt desided to do a biopsy. Man what a sad thing that was. He drew out tons of blood and Kira continued to bleed quite a bit. My sweetie had blood dripping from her eye!!! I felt bad enough that she got poked. Didn't bother her though really. Anyway he came back and said he found a lot of abnormal cells. He said he could do this or that or I could go to a specailist. Guess which one I choose...? the minute he said abnormal cells I'm thinking specailist. Wiatt was a sweet heart and gave me copies of every single note he made at the last too visits which was considerable. He kept asking me to tell what they find. He wants to know what this is. His thoughts were "Chronic Blepharitis". Whatever that is...
We were at the specailist the next day! That was last Thursday. Dr. Brinkis said he was seeing abnormal cells too. I asked if it could be cancer, and he replied very clearly, "Yes Ma'me. But lets not panic yet." I PANICKED! Several minutes later he muttered more to himself... he hated to put a 13 year old dog down. Well I was in tears when I left his office. I should mention that Kira is totaly uneffected by the whole thing. It doesn't bother her a bit and she's walking around being her amazing self. Dr. Brinkis is treating her with Cephalexin and Prednisone. He said to come back in two weeks and if it hasn't gone away he'll put her out and do a full biopsy. He did say that he thought the meds would do the trick. But that didn't make me feel much better.
I go home and hit the books! (the internet) I'm betting down Stormee's door for help and moral support. My brother the human doctor says it's not cancer. His daughter who has worked for a vet for over twenty years says it's not cancer. What I'm seeing online is telling me bumps are common and normally harmless. I don't know who to beleive!
Well we are only a few days into treatment and I'm happy to say that the swelling seems to be gone but all the bumps are still there. It's the bumps I'm worried about! And Kira is peeing in the house if I'm not careful! cus of the prednisone and all the water drinking. Maybe, just maybe the bumps are getting smaller. they are not bigger forsure. Hopefully I'll be back in the next week or so to tell you it all went away. Thanks for listening.
Oh Janis, I hope it all goes away with treatment. We will banish the C word from our thoughts.
saying prayers and sending hope and love
molly muffin
06-01-2013, 11:34 AM
Nope, no C word here. I'm sure is something else. If the predinisone and medicine is helping, then I don't think it is C, because I don't see C as being reactive to that. So there you have it.
Thinking of you and Kira
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-15-2013, 09:35 PM
Kira Update.... Good News
She repsonded to the meds the specailist gave her. It's still not all gone but it's much better. It's most likely Blephoritis which may come back. We did the recheck at the GP.... he siad we may need to keep her on a tiny dose of Prednisone. He's leaving that up to me. I'm to give her the least amount possible. She is still having a fur problem (slowly progressive for the last 3 years) and she has a small mysterous sore of her tail. It's a very sorry looking tail these days. He gave me some thyrod supplaments to try. I'm going to hold off on doing that right now though. Because She also got that dreaded RABIES shot today. We want to take her with us when we go camping in July and want to be able to leave the dogs at a vet nearby if it should get too hot for her during the day. So we did the shot. GP told me she should have no problem with it. She was 6 months over due ($41 late fee, damn), but she did have some time free from it.
She was up and around making friends at the vets, greeted a huge Malmute twice her size, and wagged her tail at big German Sheppard who was barking loudly at her. Now she's past out.
Anyway, all seems fine at the moment. WE ARE BLESSED! 13 and doing well... And I am so greatful for that!
Squirt's Mom
07-29-2013, 12:35 PM
Hi Janis,
How are things in your neck of the woods? How are Kira and Neeka doing? Let us hear from you when you have a minute!
Leslie and the gang
08-09-2013, 07:27 AM
Hello... I'm here with a Kira Update
Kira has been taking Prednisone for about two months for Bletharitis in her eyes and Thyrosyn for about a month for her fur conditon.
We did a Senior Panel on 8-5-13:
Alt (12-118) 259 High
Alk (5-131) 994 High
Trigly (29-291) 339 High
Lipase (77-695) 1391 High
Spec Gravity (1.015-1.05) 1.006 Low
Protein (neg) Trace High
Occ Blood (neg) Trace High
T4 (0.8-3.5) 3.5 Normal
All else was within normal limits.
Please Note: that the last senoir panel in Feb was nearly perfect.
Dr. Wiatt (Kira's gp vet) said this is exactly what he would expect to see from a dog taking Prednisone. He says none of this indicates a liver problem. He sees no need for concern at all with her taking the Pred except for the fact that we are having a giant water drinking problem which is causing lots of accidents in the house! Kira walks as she pee's! So I have a mile long string of rivers and lakes on my carpet! Well ok, it's more like 4 to 5 feet long. Kira is pushing 13 1/2 yrs and doesn't always tell us when she's got to go. He wants me to ask the eye specailist if we can use something else to control the Bletharitus problem. And that is the only reason... it has nothing to do with the test results. He made that very clear. I was all ready to have a ultrasound and chest xray done, but he insists she's fine. I'm putting my faith in him but I'd sure like to know your thoughts as well.
Kira's overall condition IMO is a lot better then I ever expected her to be at this age. I didn't expect her to be walking. She did fall off the curb a couple days ago. I don't walk her too much these days. She tries to run in my mom's back yard and does pretty well. The Lumbar Myelopathy is progressing very slowly it seems. I'm so glad I didn't do the back surgery. It's been almost 2 years since an ultrasound and her belly still looks like it was just shaved yesterday.
We took her and Neek camping again a couple weeks ago in our camper van. My husband turned the a/c compresser off by mistake when we left them for awhile one night. (Fan on but no cooling) It was ninty degress in the van when we got back! Kira seemed fine, I was amazed. There was even water left in their bowl. Gosh if that had happened in the daytime the dogs would have been dead! As it was I pretty much refussed to leave them alone at all during the day, I was too worried the a/c would freeze up or the power would go out. ANYWAY....
Kira could be with us for another 6 months or it could even be 2 years. It's really all in God's hands now. But she is definataly getting old. She's changed a lot. I haven't seen her eyes bright in... well a long time. But she's not unhappy either. Well that's not true either. She loves to eat. She is always starving! She dances all around when i bring her her food. She'd knock the bowl right out of my hands if I let her. The prednisone does that to her.
Squirt's Mom
08-09-2013, 07:53 AM
Hi Janis!
Boy, you lucked out! I was just about to start that hunt for you. ;) I've really been missing you, honey.
I agree with the vet - the pred is more than likely the cause behind all that you are seeing as well as the lab results. You will remember we talked about the wonders and pitfalls of long-term pred use a while back. It helped keep my dad alive and functioning for a long time, decades, but while it was making him feel better, it was destroying his system at the same time. But he had no choice so sometimes we have to bite the bullet and take the bad in order to have the good. ;) All in all, the report sounds good to me.
OMG! No AC! :eek: I would have freaked no end when we got back! And probably would have left hubby in the desert in a mangled pile! :p Maybe that's why I remain single? :D
We have to take each day as they come with these geriatric babies, cherishing each and every moment we have with them. I always feel so very blessed when I wake up in the mornings and see Squirt looking back, ready to face another day together. It has become habit since her seizure to tell her every night how grateful I am to have been given another day with her. I am sure Kira feels the same gratitude and love flowing from you.
Please don't be a stranger, honey!
Leslie and the gang
08-10-2013, 07:43 AM
Squirt had sesure? God those are scary to watch. My Sasha had one very long one and my Kodi had three. It wasn't until I found out that they don't mean death and that the dogs didn't know it was happening that I could not freak out over them.
Yeah I hear you on the wake up every morning thing. Neeka sleeps beside me on the floor. Kira likes the foot of the bed. I sit up, swing my feet to the floor and gently run my hands over Neek's soft fur. I normaly get a little lick back. Then I stand up and creep around to the foot of the bed. There she is motionless. I brush her face and say good morning sweetheart. Kira jumps to her feet and I smile. Yes we have another day. Kira heads right for the water bowl and Neek goes looking for dad. They really are so sweet. They don't make a sound, they just get up whenever I do.
12-13-2013, 08:55 PM
Since we discovered I have breast cancer Kira has been eating my underware. Four pair now swallowed whole. Three she threw up and one pair she pooped. We think there is another pair stuck in her. She is going to have an opperation tomorrow to see what it is and to remove a golf ball size lump taken off the top of her paw. She seems in great health. She spent the day at the groomers and looks all beautiful. Cross your fingers for us please. She is 13 1/2 years old. There maybe something up with her liver too but I don't think it's that bad. She is alert, has plently of pulling power, eats well. I'm scared but hopefull.
Roxee's Dad
12-13-2013, 09:11 PM
Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way.
12-13-2013, 11:24 PM
Hi Janis,
Both you and Kira remain in my prayers and I'll be sending positive thoughts your way. Please keep us posted.
(((Huge Hugs)))
Budsters Mom
12-13-2013, 11:53 PM
Sending positive thoughts and healing energy your way. Xxxx
12-14-2013, 03:02 AM
Janis, prayers coming your way! I'm so glad that Kira's eye problem is improving.
12-14-2013, 03:38 AM
Thanks angels. I've changed my mind. I'm suffering from chemo brain. Not thinking right. Stromee and Bud say Kira is fine.
12-14-2013, 03:47 AM
HI Janis
Well no surgery for Kira will reduce your stress levels. I am pleased you all think it is not necessary... are all the knickers accounted for?!?! :eek: What do they think the lump on her paw is?
Sending big hugs to you all xxxxx
12-14-2013, 05:55 AM
It's been biopsied three times and come up be nine each time. But it's like the size of a ping-pong ball!
Squirt's Mom
12-14-2013, 06:08 AM
Chemo brain?! I'm not sure which is more worrisome - that or surgery for undies in Kira! ;) Is her digestive tract working ok...having BMs ok? Any nausea? Loss of appetite? How is the undies count...still missing a pair? Hopefully she passed all she has eaten. A Dane I adopted years ago had been a stray for some time before she was caught and within a few days of being home with us, she pooped this loooong white thing that turned out to be a whole popcorn bag that had become twisted and compacted going through her intestines. WEIRD looking and SCARED the crap outta me when I saw that! :eek:
Someone on one of the FB groups I belong to was telling about a knot on her pup's foot that turned out to be a splinter that had entered the bottom of the foot and worked its way to the outer edge of the paw, causing a fairly large knot to come up. The vet found the splinter in the knot and told her what had happened to cause it. I'm glad the biopsies have been benign! Hopefully this is something as minor as what that girl's pup had.
Leslie and the gang
12-16-2013, 09:01 AM
Been feeling lousy all day. But in keeping an eye on Kira.
She's eating fine. Walks wobbly but that's normal. Doesn't appear to be in any pain even if I push on her belly. Went for a walk did fine. Sleeps peacefully. No funny noises in her tummy. Maybe a little less energetic today. Maybe a little worried because I'm a little worried. She Peed on her walk but I don't think that she pooped. That is not normal. So I stood outside with her for about 45 minutes in the backyard coaxing her to go poop. She finally did with no trouble at all, she didn't go very much. I'm suspecting maybe she did go on her walk and I just missed it. I checked all the poop was in the backyard and I checked all the poop that she went when I was watching her. All I found was a little overabundance of fur and Neeka is definitely shedding. Color inconsistency was normal.
The thing that is holding me back is the surgery itself, meaning the small intestine has to be cut open and then there possibly being infection or leakage after that. All he said was there is a dark area in this one place and he thought it could be underwear from the size of it but he didn't know for sure. I've only seen him do surgery once and that was on neeka got to have her spayed and I definitely was not impressed with that experience. He did say that her liver had a problem but if her liver does have a problem I don't plan on doing anything about that anyway. After all I promised her no more surgeries at all. But if she has some of my underwear stuck inside of her that would seem like something I would want to have taken care of. Her weight is still holding strong at 55 pounds. She is eating fine and not throwing up.
I was thinking about going over to my mothers vet and just have him check out her belly and see if he thinks that she has belly pain.
Remember that she's 13 1/2 years old. What would you do? I'm terrified enough is it is.
Sent from my iPhone
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2013, 09:56 AM
Can't they look at her intestines via xray or ultrasound to see if there are any undies in there or not without opening her up to look? That is what I would look into first. If she is eating and pooping ok, tho, I would probably just keep watching her.
12-16-2013, 10:33 AM
Heading to emergency !
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2013, 10:54 AM
You or Kira?! Sending prayers and healing energies either way! Please let us know how things are!
12-16-2013, 03:23 PM
The vet specialist that there's nothing wrong with her intestines she didn't need an operation it's her liver, liver is bleeding and full of masses I don't know if it's cancer or not. We are not going to find out . I promised her no more operations major operations. they give her two days to five months. we have her home now and she seems a whole lot better. so I'm really counting on those five months. She's in a protected area where Niko can't pounce on her and she's really loving her Vanilla ice cream which she is standing in eating. I don't know what happened this morning but she certainly is looking whole lot better now. Should get lots of rest and anything at all she wants to eat. I am beat.
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2013, 03:46 PM
:(:(:(:(:( omg, Janis :(:(:(:(:( I am just so so sorry. For what it's worth, I would do just as you are - bring her home and give her anything she wants, keep her comfortable and happy for as long as possible. I just can't believe this. :(:(:( I wish I could make this all go away for you.
Please stay in touch and let us know how Kira is doing.
Hugs and strengthening, healing energies,
Budsters Mom
12-16-2013, 03:52 PM
Oh Janis, I am so sorry. :o Sending healing thoughts and tons of love your way. Kira has been blessed to be smothered with your love. Cherish every moment you have with her. xxxx
12-16-2013, 04:40 PM
Oh I,m so sorry to hear this but I,m with Leslie I would do as you are doing. Sending big hugs and positive thoughts your way :)
molly muffin
12-16-2013, 04:54 PM
Janis!!! Hugs. I'm so sorry to hear it's the liver and that there is bleeding. :(
I know what you mean though. Sometimes you have to make that decision of when is enough and what can you do to just make their remaining time as wonderful as possible. I'd do the same thing sweetie.
hugs, thinking of you both,
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-17-2013, 02:15 AM
Oh no, that is not the news you were after. So sorry to read this Janis. Poor Kira, she is such a tough girl so I hope for the 5 months too xxxxx
12-17-2013, 07:34 AM
Well Stromee is so much better at this stuff then am. I'm hoping she will give them a call and find out more about the stuff I couldn't understand. She does seem better tonight been walking ok and following me a lot. Thing is the turkey and ice cream gave her the runs. She loved that ice cream so much. I've been emptying my anxiety pill bottled by the fist full and I still didn't sleep long. Thank you for your kind words everyone. I once told her after Mira died that when she goes I'm going with her. Looks like I have that chance.
12-17-2013, 07:49 AM
What kind of goodies can they have that won't give them the runs. Kira gets bloody Diarrhea so easy. I just gave her a metrondozal she wasn't very happy about it.
Oh Janis,
I am so sorry.
Zoe can eat boiled potatos and she and Koko love them, why I dont know and for some reason they dont bother her IBD. Does bolied white chicken breast bother her?
Squirt's Mom
12-17-2013, 08:39 AM
Try some plain pumpkin - not the kind to make pies with that is pre-spiced, but just plain pumpkin.
Even IF Kira does have to leave, she does not want to go with her. She knows that Neeka and Bud need you as do so many others. Kira and Mira will be waiting when it is your time, but your time is NOT near. ;) You are going to be here telling tales of Neeka and the many pups to follow for a long, long time, my dear. :)
12-17-2013, 09:03 AM
Where do you get plain pumpkin?
12-17-2013, 09:26 AM
Protein 8. 5-7.4
Glo. 3.8 1.6-3.6
ALT. 281 12-118
Alk. 1052 5-131
Triglycerides 375 29-291
Lip. 1776 77-695
WBC. 19.4 4-15.5
Platelet. 423 170-400
Neutro. 16878 2060-10600
Any comments?
Squirt's Mom
12-17-2013, 09:45 AM
I find plain pumpkin right beside the pie type in the grocery store.
Do you have the normal ranges for those values?
12-17-2013, 09:59 AM
Well I just fed off the entire contents of the home ultrasound Word for Word and want to want to say that it just dumped the whole thing and I don't have it in the Ted to go to all over again sorry
12-17-2013, 10:00 AM
It may not let me fix it but I'll try it again
Squirt's Mom
12-17-2013, 10:03 AM
:D Sounds like my kind of luck! Without the normal ranges, it's almost impossible to know what's what but the Lypase and Neutrophils do seem high and that could mean any number of things. I am surprised not to see more of the liver values elevated besides the ALT and ALP.
12-17-2013, 10:11 AM
Gallbladder liver and gallbladder was moderate moderate me to significantly distended a small amount of it echogenic non-shadowing sentiment was noted the gallbladder wall was within normal limits there was no distention or Tori city of the bile duct noted deliver had a right-sided rounded mass with With mixed it Conachie measuring 5.45 cm x 5.71 cm the remaining proportions of the liver were subjectively Mark did they enlarged and diffuse nodular and patchy the hectic margins were very irregular
12-17-2013, 10:15 AM
The plan discussed the presence of a liver tumor nodules throughout the liver that could indicate primary or static there is blood in the afternoon indicating that the liver mass or one of the liver nodules is likely bleeding the most likely diagnosis is liver cancer but we would not know for certain without Site college he or his discussed sedating for find near aspiration of the liver versus minimally invasive liver biopsy as a domino explored to try to remove the tumor and biopsy the nachos discuss the risks and Dennis Fitz and eights procedure The owners have decided to hold off on any further diagnosis at this time Carant me continue to bleed and become him out abdomen or she may stop and only bleed intermittently but I do suspect that at some point the liver disease will cause her to become more ill likely within the next several weeks we discussed the signs that the liver mass has Ruptured or that she is pleading further into her abdomen and the owner will elect anesthesia if that happens
12-17-2013, 10:16 AM
Sorry that is pretty bad that's the best at Suri can dictate.
Squirt's Mom
12-17-2013, 10:25 AM
LOL Suri needs some education in English, huh? :p I've heard some really funny things she has translated! I think she and Autocorrect are sisters. :D
Boy, all that does sound so familiar, huh? :( I can barely imagine the memories this has brought rushing back about our sweet Mira. If there is a good thing here, it is that you have been here before and you know what to look for, what to expect. I know Kira is in the best of hands and will be loved and well cared for every second of every day.
We are right by your side, sweetie, holding you tightly in our arms always.
12-18-2013, 01:41 AM
Hi Janis
Sorry to read this about Kira, I can kind of get the gist of the Siri translation... kinda! Hope she is doing OK today. This is just not fair you have to face this with her when she has been such a constant joy for you while you have been fighting your own battles. I hope there is no further sign of any bleeding and she remains stable xxxx
12-18-2013, 05:53 AM
Oh save me mom I'm loosing her. Her liver values are going way up. Stromee is pushing for surgery. Doc said she had very big tumor in belly and the rest is all full of Modules. Meaning its no good either. Bud went to Borrego I wish he hadn't gone. She's at risk of a Pancreatic attack. She's not struggling like Mira was yet. I don't know I don't know why it's happening again. The sago palm in out front. I still think its killing her. I don't know. I don't want her to go. She had some turkey brith. Now she's having trouble walking. Seems a little shaky. Hard to lay down Can't sleep. Belly looks distended
"Please anyone, I don't think I can, save myself"
molly muffin
12-18-2013, 07:59 AM
Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry.
Okay what do the vets/surgeons say. Is there a chance to save Kira with the surgery? What are the chances she would survive a surgery and what kind of prognosis afterwards? If they can answer these questions for you, then you'll have a better idea of what to do.
Hang in there!! Whatever happens, we'll get through this together.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-18-2013, 08:09 AM
She said there were a couple big tumors in her liver. And the rest of her liver is like just nodules you can't do anything with it it's no good. like my breast cancer it just came up all of a sudden and now it's no good anymore the whole thing has to go. She has a good chance of getting a pancreatic attack also. It's getting hard to tell if there are any more happy moments. At least tonight it is. She doesn't want to be touched. And my husband's out of town till tomorrow. I'm trying to cook a turkey real fast hoping.
12-18-2013, 08:12 AM
I love you Kira.
12-18-2013, 08:33 AM
Oh Janis, I don't know how to help. But I am here, beaming you and Kira my prayers. I am holding you both tight.
Love, Marianne
Squirt's Mom
12-18-2013, 08:36 AM
Oh gods, Janis. I wish I was there. Not to go against Skye, but I wouldn't even consider surgery for Kira. She cannot live without a liver and it sounds as if the whole organ is affected. :( IF they could remove only a portion and she was younger and stronger, then I might consider it but I couldn't based on what we know about this today.
Keep Kira as comfortable as you can for as long as long as you can. Let her have any and everything that makes her happy. Love on her as much as you can. Hold tight to Neeka - she needs you and you need her especially now.
If the worst happens before Bud gets home, let Skye and Zack help you. :(
Oh honey, the tears are just flowing non-stop. How I wish I could take all of this from you.
12-18-2013, 09:31 AM
I wouldn't let them biopsy it. I promised her no more surgery anyway. so they don't know for curtain. I guess. They said 2 days to two weeks. But if it should stop bleeding maybe 5 months tops. I won't let her die at home. I just watching the happiness. She loved walking today. But was not doing well since she's been home. She instists on pulling. If she wants I'll walk her agian. And give her more peanut butter and ice cream too. Even if it kills her. I have giant turkey in the oven for her. My beautiful Kira. 13 years and 9 months old. It's a blessing she is walking. A blessing that she was ever mine.
12-18-2013, 01:26 PM
Big hugs for you and Kira, I hope she loves her turkey dinner and has a comfortable day. So sorry you are going through this xxxx
Budsters Mom
12-18-2013, 01:28 PM
I am soooooo sorry about Kira. Dang Janis, I don't know what else to say except I wish I could be there and hold you and comfort you.
Follow your heart, Janis, although it is breaking. I trust you to do the right thing for Kira. Your heart knows.
I am so sorry.
molly muffin
12-18-2013, 09:23 PM
Sending you loads of hugs Janis.
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-18-2013, 10:50 PM
Hi Janis,
I am so sorry Kira is having such difficult issues now. I know how deeply you love her and it is just devastating for you to go through this now. She has always been a warrior and a fighter; she's done so well for so long since her adrenalectomy. I think every day has been a huge blessing. Try to take care of yourself and enjoy every moment with your amazing Kira girl.
12-18-2013, 11:48 PM
Janis, I know that you don't want Kira to go through another surgery but if there is a decent chance and she could have more quality time maybe?
It's hard to tell from your posts exactly what the prognosis is if they were to perform surgery. I think that I've read that sometimes part of the liver can regenerate? Something to ask the experts.
Whatever you decide, we're always here. HUGS!!!!
12-19-2013, 12:52 AM
Sorry to hear about this. Thinking of you. Good luck.
12-19-2013, 03:35 AM
So far Kira's having a good day. She loves her Puréed and water turkey.
Damn me she's had a large fatty lump on her side of her chest. I ve even had Various vets look at it before it used to feel all soft and squishy. It certainly does not feel that way now. It's big around as my whole hand right now very hard. And I'm certain that's what that ultrasound found a couple days ago. The whole liver is trashed. I don't Know why I do this. She has so many fatty tissue lumps all over her. This one showed up years ago. I thought all of them were biopsied.
I used to say that dogs don't tell you something is wrong until its too late. That's not true. I'm so sorry Kira.
Well we made it past the two days. Her gums are still pink. Loves to walk but isn't good for the bleeding
Can't deside if I should stop the pred. If I do her eyes will crust over. My mom says pred is not hard on the liver.
If I stop the pred she will stop eating and walking will get harder. Dr Ringwald said the best end with pred will be a much more plesent end for her. Her two favorite things. Walking and eating. I think I will stop the pred for a short time until her eye condition comes back.
He liver values are on the increase.
We were told to watch for pail gums, black or red poop and a general slow down or weekness. Then the end will come fast.
Kira's blood work is worse then Mira's were. She is laying peacefully now. Breathing moderate fast. She can walk ok. Thank dog for that. That means everything.
The question is will I be able to be with her when she goes or will I Turn and runaway again. It would be a first for me to stay, Maybe my mom will go with me.
Bud still wants to go to Borrego for Xmas. Ill want a new ultrasound done first to see where the bleeding stands. Maybe we go for one day.
They said the bleeding could stop again. got her pinned up in a safty zone were Neeka cant Jump on her. It's so hard to tell if she's happy or if she's hurting. She is panting a lot! I think it time for a spoon of ice cream.
Sorry about my rambbling. Thanks for listening. Suggestions are always welcome.
12-19-2013, 03:43 AM
Hi Janis
I'm so sorry you are going through all this. Woody my boy was diagnosed with a liver mass yesterday so I know how you are feeling. Sending big Hugs to
12-19-2013, 03:49 AM
Hi Janis
I say give her the ice cream!! I think if the decision has been made to keep her comfortable you go with that and let her do what she enjoys, like walking etc. I know if I just kept my boy penned up he would be miserable. Quality of life is such an important thing, both for Kira and for you. See what she feels up to on a daily basis and then just do what feels right and what she enjoys. That's my take on it anyway, is she on anything to keep her comfortable? Hard to tell sometimes with pain isn't it, they are so stoic but panting can be a sign of pain so maybe she needs something to help her feel the best she can for as long as we can. xxxx
12-19-2013, 04:08 AM
Tracy. It sucks huh. This is our second dog with a bleeding trashed liver. The last one was about three years ago. She was only seven. What the hell am I doing wrong? The ACC vet suggested putting her to sleep right then. NO WAY. But I guess Kira was carried in. But she walked out! Our GP thought she had an abstraction and wanted to do surrgery. Sure glad I went after a second opinion. Good luck with you puppy dog.
12-19-2013, 04:16 AM
I'm with you. It's time to spoil them! Just love them and spoil then. And don't let them suffer. Kira is taking gabapentin and prednisone. And a couple minor things. And we used 1/2 of a metrondozal because the ice cream gave her the runs. You should have seen her eyes. Boy did she love it. I gave her way too much. But the pill worked in a day. Well worth it. Yeah she's panting a lot. Got the ac turned up to 72! Got to get the blood to stop leaking out.
Ok she liked the turkey soup mush. Jumped right up for that!
12-19-2013, 04:20 AM
Yep for sure, ice cream has cured a lot of ills in my life!
Where is blood leaking out, do you mean internally, from her liver?
12-19-2013, 04:49 AM
Yes her liver is bleeding. She could go anytime. She doesn't seem week. And she ate
12-19-2013, 05:03 AM
Well hopefully the bleeding has stopped for now, that is a good sign she does not seem weak and is eating! We'll take that! How are you feeling tonight? Not sleeping?
12-19-2013, 05:04 AM
Ohh I just saw she turned down the ice cream but went for the turkey mash... maybe she is preparing her Christmas taste buds :)
12-19-2013, 05:20 AM
I'm feeling terrified, lost and confused. How many days? She's shaking and flinching oddly. I freak out easy.
12-19-2013, 05:25 AM
That's the hardest question of all Janis, its like how long is a piece of string? I would ask your vet and also maybe get her some stronger pain relief. Gabapentin is pretty good for nerve type pain but maybe she needs something like Tramadol. But your vet will be good assessing what she needs, the trouble is they can be so brave when they are at the vets and sometimes it seems they are not that sore there. Tough little things they are. Then when they are relaxed at home they shake a bit more. Are you up with her or is she close to you and able to sleep. Is she in her bed?
Janis, we all freak out when our babies are unwell so you freak away and there is usually someone here to hold your hand and give you advice x
Budsters Mom
12-19-2013, 06:57 AM
Hi Janis,
I definitely freaked out when Buddy was near the end. :eek::eek: I don't remember all of it because I was numb, exhausted and temporarily insane. :eek::eek: That was on a good day!;) Go ahead and freak out, yell, cry, slam doors, beat pillows or throw things. Even all of the above if it helps. Our forum angels banded together to help hold me together. They were with me 24/7 for many day. They had my back and we have yours too. These decisions are damn hard and heart wrenching because we love our babies so much and can't imagine life without them. My Buddy crossed the rainbow bridge the beginning of July. I made the decision to end his pain, so he did not suffer. I kept him happy and comfortable as long as possible, then set him free. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my lifetime. You are now doing exactly what I chose to do for Buddy. You are smothering Kira with love. That is the best gift we can ever give. When the time comes to release her, she will cross over knowing that she was and is forever loved. You will get through this Janis. There is strength in numbers and there are many of us holding your hand and circling you with love.
It's almost 4:00 AM here now. I will check on you later in the morning. Others will be coming along shortly to take their shift.
Big Hugs my dear,
12-19-2013, 07:04 AM
Kathy don't worry about that. My Mira died of liver and lung cancer at age 7 three years ago. Any one around here at that time knows about me and my Mira. I was totally going nuts. And all the angels who flutter around scrapped me up off the ground two or three times a night. Yes. I know so well! Blessed place this is. Ill be doing it all over again.
Squirt's Mom
12-19-2013, 07:16 AM
Keep giving the pred, sweetie. Change of opinion from me, huh? :D Now is the time to let that drug do its magic and help her feel as good as possible for as long as possible. We aren't going to heal the liver by stopping the drug that is bringing her some relief and helping her keep eating. We can only work now to keep her comfortable and happy, to bring that light and joy into her eyes as often as possible.
You scream, holler, flail into the walls and we will be here to catch you every time. You are never alone, Janis. Even when you are not on the site the angels here are with you. We have you wrapped tightly in our arms and we will not let go.
molly muffin
12-19-2013, 07:35 AM
Checking in on you and Kira this morning. She is such a sweetheart. She still looks so good in her picture, eyes clear and bright, head up and interested.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
12-19-2013, 07:51 AM
Well that's about three yes to one no on the pred issue. The one no was from my husband because she drinks so much water. Not a valid complaint sorry. And I have to clean up the Accidents.
Well I'm back with good new. Gross as it is. Kira just pooped and it was neither black nor red!!! A bit orange and a tad soft but beings none of that contained her normal dog food that's still good new in itself because Kira is prone to bloody Diarrhea. So I am pleased with this out put.
For anyone interested I have just faxed some questions to Dr Frey at ACC. Very simular to what I have posted below:
Dr Frey
1. You mentioned two types of biopsies. What are they for? To detect cancer or to direct you to possible some liver medication other then chemo?
If there is a medication that could help with this bleeding, we would want to do that for sure!!!
2. The ultrasound is not correct. Kira had an adrenalectomy done in Dec 2010. She has only one adrenal gland. Why does the report note two?
3. You mentioned pancreatic abnormalities. Does this mean she is susceptible to an attack? Should I be watching what I feed her?
4. She is not eating well. For the last six months, she was dancing all around for her food. Since stopping pred, now sometimes she won’t touch it.
5. We may go to Borrego springs for Christmas. The closest vet to there is over an hour away. If we go, I'd like to have another US done, to see the state of her bleeding. Would a car ride aggravate bleeding? As I said before, I don’t want her to die at home. (Or rather on her own) I’d rather not go but my husband wants to.
6. If Prednisone won’t promote the bleeding liver I want to put her back on it immediately.
Gums are pink GOOD
Gant is fine GOOD
I do not think she is sleeping
36 bpM + IS FINE
She is panting a lot but not severely
Her last poop looked very normal NOT A GREAT INDICATOR
She looks like she's in distress after eating like she has bellyache FEED LITTLE AT A TIME
Went for walk that she loved but seemed worse soon after COULD BE BUT IF SHE WANTS TO WALK TAKE HER. IT'S WHEN SHE DOESN'T WANT TO WALK THAT YOU WORRY V
Moves in odd ways. Flopped back stiffened her legs bouncing them around she was not sleeping. COULD BE RELATED TO HER NEUROLOGY PROBLEM
Doesn’t seem very happy. PUT HER BACK ON PRED
Note: Rebecca Ringwald at SCVSH in the therapy department was treating Kira every week for like six months. She was always recommending I put Kira on a 71/2 mg dose of prednisone for the rest of her life! She said it would not harm her and would bring her the best quality of life for the time she had left. As it turned out bletheritis forest us to put her on it. It really helped a lot with her happiness. But did it do this to her liver? She’s been on it for about 6 months. At a much lower dose.
Note: Are you talking about that bulging thing on the side of her chest near her shoulder as being a tumor. That thing has been there for at least 3 years. It has been looked at by many vets and biopsy once. It was though to be a fatty tumor. But it has certainly grown a lot bigger very recently and harder. NO THST WAS NOT THE TUMOR SEEM. THEY WERE VERY DEEP INSIDE
Squirt's Mom
12-19-2013, 07:57 AM
Good questions, Janis, and I hope you get some quality answers to them. Let us know what they have to say.
That is VERY odd that they saw TWO adrenal glands!
12-19-2013, 08:07 AM
"Once there was Kira and Mira "
Squirt's Mom
12-19-2013, 08:22 AM
Oh, Janis, that is beautiful! I am just sobbing. Our precious Mira is watching over both you and Kira with so much love and pride and hope in her heart.
Budsters Mom
12-19-2013, 12:35 PM
That was so beautiful Janis. :pIt was hard to see through such gut wrenching sobs. I so glad that you have that and wanted to share it with our family here. It shows true love in such a pure way.
Bo's Mom
12-19-2013, 04:59 PM
That was such a beautifully done tribute. ((((HUGS))))
12-19-2013, 05:21 PM
absolutely, stunningly, beautiful. God Bless Mira
12-19-2013, 07:16 PM
Up above are dr Freys answers to my questions in caps.
12-19-2013, 10:11 PM
Dear Janis no words of advise.
Cried seeing the beautiful video. I did one for Apollo also. Just take each day as it comes. Enjoy the good moments, they are so precious. Praying for you and Kira.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
12-20-2013, 05:30 AM
Well it seems the prednisone has fixed everything. Kira is back to just like she was. She even tried to jump up into the car all by herself. She's happy, eating like mad and drinking water and searching for more food and panties. It's hard to believe she's so sick. I'm going to get another blood test.
12-20-2013, 06:03 AM
I too loved your video Janis. Your two look so close to each other, they are beautiful! I am pleased to hear the Pred has made Kira feel better, long may it last!! xx
Squirt's Mom
12-20-2013, 06:10 AM
Oh, I am glad to hear this! :cool::):cool::)
molly muffin
12-20-2013, 05:51 PM
Awww, so glad to hear the pred helped and Kira is feeling good.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-20-2013, 06:19 PM
i am glad to hear that she is feeling better now.
12-21-2013, 04:52 AM
Hi Janis
I hope you and Kira have had a good day today and she has been enjoying her tasty food you have been giving her :) xxxxx
Squirt's Mom
12-21-2013, 07:18 AM
Checking in on Kira and you this morning. Hope she is still eating ok and feeling as well as she can...and you too.
Leslie and the gang
12-21-2013, 08:33 AM
Hey I got to tell you prednisone is great stuff. Or it seems so at least for my Kira. We didn't do much today but it was a good day all the same. She ate great, followed me around some. Came and asked to go outside. And is really loving all these specail things to eat. Neeka chased her sound a couple times but I got that stopped before any harm done. I mean I'm looking at her and smiling instead of bursting into tears.
I don't know what to think. Wait a minute yes I do. I think the angels on this forum have been dumping pixie dust all over us!
Still ill feel a lot better when I see a new blood test. And I have this unsettling feeling if she gets a good whack in the chest she may drop dead in no time.
But as someone said eariler. Everyday with her is a blessing. Every day without terrifying moments is a blessing. And day I can walk around without feeling doomed is a blessing. Because tomorrow could be the end of it.
It's scary she siad the best way to tell that she's going is if her gums turn white. Well Kira's mouth is 98% all black. Just a tiny strip over one tooth that's more of a light tan then pink. She's getting damned tired of me looking and pressing on it all the time! Annoyed.
12-21-2013, 09:30 AM
One of those stories:
Some of you might remember the stories with Mira and my little green clock. Well the clock has been silent for a good two years now. But I have a new one.
My dad died a year ago last July. A whole lot of odd stuff happened then but one showed again the day we took Kira to ACC EMERGENCY.
Stick with me it's a long story. A couple days after dad died Bud and I got ordered to to cemetery to do some paperwork to our final resting place. Something that neither of us real wants but we do it for the family. The whole family was going to be there anyway. So as we are driving unhappily to the cemetery we came to a stop light a car in front of us in the next lane over.... the license plate red "4MY El" that's my dads name! El short for Eldredge. It struck me in such a way that I scribbled it down and the minute I got the chance I handed it to me mom. I saw it on a license plate on the way here! Well this effected mom the same way it did me. Daddy?
About two weeks later I was driving home from moms and damned if that same car wasn't right in front of me now. You got to realize I live in a place the call THE ORANGE CRUSH there are so many gazillion cars here. It can take you 45 minutes to go twenty miles on the freeway. Well this car practically drove me home, went right by my street and gave me lots of time to take pictures of this licence plate.
About two months after that. My mom went to eat with some of our family and right there in the parking lot she saw this car for herself. She's practically falling all over herself to tell me about it!
Ok so now almost a year since my dad died... I had been wanting to change my licence plate because my Bud has a bad case of road rage and my current plate was our last name. There are only two other people in the phone book with this last name. I wanted to change it. But to what? I kept remembering the 4MY El and wishing I could have that. Even checked to see if it was possibly available now. It wasn't. So I started trying differant variations. And I ended up with "4MY ELW". my dads name was El Welton. So for about three months now I have been proudly running around with this very special license plate on my BLACK 99Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo that my dad helped me pay for. I love it. I've been driving it for 13 years! And it still looks new too!
Well ok.... last Monday we rushed our precious Kira to the ACC EMERGENCY. As we waited for them to exam and ultrasound our Kira Bud points out the through the glass door entrance. Parked right at the front door is a BLACK Jeep grand Cherokee. It's license plate had one of those waving hand symbols on it, and right beside that hand read "EL THIS". I quick took a picture of it and texted it to my mom who was worriedly waiting to here about Kira. Her responds was OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! My daddy was there!!!!
If you knew my dad you'd know he's very Generous. Kira would never have gotten the care she has without his help. So now I'm thinking for Xmas I bet I get a check to cover Kira's ACC bill or possibly he's the reason Kira is feeling ok right now. Afterall I have breast cancer, and enough is enough.
Ok so it could all just be Coincidence but these sort of things happen a lot to me. That little green clock said so much!!!
12-21-2013, 02:16 PM
dear Janis,
Try to just enjoy the moments With Kira. for me,Apollo could no longer walk,and I kept feeling the intestinal issues were not right,diarreha,black stool,then light. I insisted on an ultrasound and they found Multi lesions in his intestines, just a month before all was okay,. I read that over use of antibiotics can cause this, which we were using for the skin infections. The vet said why do more invasive procedure to confirm if it was cancer,go home and spend what time he has with him. I came back a month later because he was loosing weight would no longer eat, and yes his gums were pale. the vet held him so lovingly said Apollo was one in a million! he was dying. my baby died 15 days later in my arms. I would not have taken anything for those precious days I had left. I even told him I didn't, want him to go,how much I loved him and asked him if He wanted go I understood. So all I can say don't waste precious time on worrying about when the time comes,lap up every moment you still have together.
Praying for you
With love Sonja and Angel Apollo
12-22-2013, 11:26 AM
Another good day for Kira. I'm really confused. My brother is here for Xmas he's a human medical doctor and he's questioning what they are saying too. I can't believe they suggested we put her to sleep last Monday. It was the last on the list but I don't think it should have been on the list at all. I have an apointment with a IM there tomorrow morning for another blood test. I can't believe what the last one was. Geez are there any vets you can trust? I've been thru five in this area now.
12-22-2013, 11:51 AM
We went to three before learning that we'd be better off finding an IMS.
Each dog handles Cushings so uniquely which makes things more complicated, but the lack of knowledge is astounding.
Many on this forum know more.
molly muffin
12-22-2013, 01:49 PM
Judi's Keesh was also recommended that he be put to sleep during a vet appointment hmm, months ago now I guess, and he is still going strong. Has his issues of course, but he's doing okay.
They aren't always right these vets and don't know the dogs on a daily basis either.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-24-2013, 03:19 AM
Yeah more and more it seems like vet don't know s**t! Over the years we have been thru five vets. I thought the specialists would be better Educated. The prices we pay they certainly should be well-educated. The only sympathy I have is the fact the dogs can't speak English. Good god what if my Mira never had cancer at all. Her affection was a lot more obvious though her chest was swelled way big and she was having trouble walking but nevertheless. All of them did something incredibly wrong more than once.
Anyway Kira made it here just fine I wouldn't say she didnt enjoy the car ride but she managed it okay. I'm scared to death that something is going to change suddenly While we are out here Because there is no vet within an hour of here. She's liking the attention anyway and we have some Christmas presents for them that I hope They won't fight over. Anyway I was just checking in to tell everybody that things are going okay because I know some of you are connecting here checking up on our precious Keira, thank you for that.
PS hi Keira doesn't have Cushings anymore she had an adrenalectomy about three years ago. She's just had a lot of complications that followed it.
12-24-2013, 04:52 AM
Yay, glad Kira travelled fine and is feeling OK, enjoy your time away and Merry Christmas to you and yours xxx
molly muffin
12-24-2013, 07:59 AM
Yay, so glad to hear that you guys make it there fine, with no problems for you or Kira. :)
Have a merry christmas! check in when you can. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
12-24-2013, 08:05 AM
Glad the trip went ok and hope you all have a wonderful time!
Much love, many hugs and belly rubs,
12-24-2013, 02:28 PM
Merry Christmas Janis!
12-28-2013, 05:02 AM
Just wanted to let you know Kira is doing very well. My doctor brother studied nearly 24 pages of reports on Kira since the sago palm thing six months ago. And we talked about the two conflicting recent reports. He didn't get to see either of the actual ultrasounds just the reports. I asked him if Kira was going to die. He said NO! But he couldn't say that there isn't something wrong either. He blood test was very bad. But her total bilirubin was good and that made no since. Any she seems fine to me. But well get another blood test soon. Just got to figure out what vet I don't trust any of them!!! He'll the specailist was the one who said to just put her to sleep!!! He thinks her eating my panties probably was because of the chemo. And possibly she ingested stuff she shouldn't have. Anyway...
12-28-2013, 05:07 AM
Hmmm. Too bad your brother couldn't go to the next vet visit with you.
I'm glad that the trip was uneventful and that you both are enjoying your holiday.
12-28-2013, 05:24 AM
Hi Janis
So pleased the trip went well and Kira is feeling fine. Very handy having a brother in the business to go over things like that. Very strange that she is doing so good. so maybe she got a wee bit of chemo off your knickers, like poisoned her maybe??? Wow had not thought of that, but it is fairly toxic stuff. I really hope she stays good now, so confusing for you. Hope your doing well and enjoyed your time away xx
Squirt's Mom
12-28-2013, 09:11 AM
Glad ya'll are home again and there were no problems with Kira on the trip. :cool:
That is a very interesting thought about the chemo via undies - very! Did your brother say it was possible that you are shedding chemo particles and Kira got a dose via the undies? THAT could explain her labs and strange behavior she displayed. It had never occurred to me that the chemo could have any effect on those who came in contact with the person actually being treated! VERY interesting idea!
I tell ya....I have several friends in CA who have had horrible experiences with vets AND their human doctors. Unbelievable what they have been told and what these docs wanted to do - or actually DID. :eek: As an Arkie hick, I sorta see CA as one of those states who is in the forefront of cutting technology, medical approaches, and so on....and have been given a BIG splash of icy cold water right in my face! On the other hand, I have friends out there who seem to have wonderful vets and human docs. I wish you could all get in one area and share those good docs! :D Of course, there are idiots in the medical community everywhere - like the one who told me I couldn't have Hypoglycemia because there is no such thing - I had to be diabetic and he was going to put me on insulin! :eek::rolleyes:<insert dumbass icon>:D
I got a Poodle clipper last week and have stared at it many times. It's pretty! It's color coded for length. :D We have some warmer days coming and I'm gonna sit on the front porch and groom myself. :p
Hugs and love,
12-28-2013, 01:29 PM
dear JAnis
Just listen to your gut. I agree with Sharlane about some vets. I was told by a specialist that Apollo had major problems and should go on medication that would have made the cushing worse. I did not do it,and Apollo lived another two years. It is good you are questioning things.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
01-01-2014, 07:02 AM
I'm really worried about Kira. She is walking oddly, stiff legged and shaky. She looking anxious or wild eyed. I don't think she has truly slept in a long time. She lays still and looks peaceful but I never see her twitching. She seems lost at times. She wants something from me. Food she wants food, too much food.
If her adrinal gland really did grow back wouldn't giving her prednisone be too much. She has patchs where she has no fur. Her undercoat is gone. Parts of Her body looks like my head. It was all I could do to leave her last night.
I know she's getting ready to go. I'm riding that roller coaster of terror when you just don't know. Today, tomorrow, a month. Is she feeling all weird inside. I kept picturing us coming home to find her crying and dying. God I made sure Bud brought the gun to Borrego in case that happened. I don't want her to suffer.
Sorry I'm just just rambling. I think I may find a 24 vet today and get a in house blood test.
Maybe it's just her back. Her back is arched and her back legs are so stiff. I just gave her a tramadol.
Sorry I'm just feeling scared.
01-01-2014, 07:08 AM
Oh Janis, I am so sorry that Kira is doing poorly. This is such a tough time on the forum right now with several babies who are struggling. I am so sorry that I do not have any good suggestions for you. But I want you to know that I am thinking about both you girls. I am keeping hope in my heart for Kira, but I surely understand why you are so worried.
Sending my love and my prayers to you now. I am flapping my wings just as hard as I know how.
Many hugs,
molly muffin
01-01-2014, 12:21 PM
Thinking of you and Kira, Janis. Poor thing, back arched and legs stiff, sounds like pain. :( It is a very rough time with you and Kira going through so much.
Know that you are in our thoughts and hearts. If you think that taking her to a vet for an in house would help, then go for it. It might cost tons more with it being a holiday though, but if she is in a bad way especially and the tramadol isn't helping to control it, then you can't leave her in pain. :(
hugs sweetie
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-01-2014, 11:56 PM
Went to SCVSH ER today to get an updated blood test and urine test.
ACC said she had Two days to two weeks to live. It's been two weeks.
Here is what he got right now.
ALT was 281 now 573. (12-118)
ALK was 1052 now 1578. (5-131)
LIP was 1776 now 4262 (77-695)
Five other areas are back to normal
For reference the Sago Poisoning was a little over a year ago. This is the readings from then up to now. On the increase again!
ALT 3330- 300- 128-259- 281- 573
ALK 5083-1500-123-994-1052-1578
LIP 1215-2612-1596-1391-1776-4262
Today was new years day so Doc Rossi wasn't there. But I'm going to go see her ASAP. She got the sago palm thing under control. She US'ed her liver twice then. She did say there was a problem. But hope it would heal on its own.
01-02-2014, 06:13 AM
Hi Janis
Well she has done pretty good for two weeks, luckily dogs do not understand these timelines the vets can give. They just keep going as long as they can and Kira is still hanging in there!
I hope Doc Rossi can talk to you soon and has some ideas on what to do
Happy New Year to you and Kira, I hope both of you are feeling better soon xx
01-06-2014, 05:24 PM
We have an Appointment with doc Rossi at 10am Tuesday. Kira still seems fine.
molly muffin
01-06-2014, 05:27 PM
Crossing fingers!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
01-06-2014, 08:09 PM
Maybe it's just her back. Her back is arched and her back legs are so stiff. I just gave her a tramadol.
An arched back can be a sign of pancreatitis, has Kira been checked for this? Hoping this post finds you both feeling much better.
Love and hugs, Lori
01-07-2014, 08:40 PM
I wish There was a way to post a recording here. It would be so much easier to tell you about my conversation with Dr. Rossi today. Maybe she had a liver bleed and maybe she didn't. But as of this moment she's in great shape. There's a weird spot in her liver. That could have bled or could be something else. But it is far too deep inside the liver to get a biopsy. And besides we wouldn't do that anyway. No biopsies no operations. So basically we could loose her in two weeks or two years. Im shooting for her 14 th birthday which is three months away. But currently there is no bleeding at all.
I keep thinking I pray she sticks with me thru this breast cancer thing please! But really it's not going to matter it's going to hurt just the same no matter when it happens. Only thing is when Mira died I lost 15 pounds. All I eat for 22 days was sunflower seeds. I currently weight 109. So loosing her now would not be good in that way. I was down to 106 when they told me she had 2 to 14 days. I remember when loosing Mira. I slept right next to her and every time she so much as moved I shot WIDE AWAKE! Anybody else do that?
01-07-2014, 10:54 PM
I'm going to take this as great news since I know that to some extent a liver can heal itself. Maybe the bleed was so small that it did just that and the spot is what healed? I don't know. Praying that was it though.
Regardless of what happens, please talk to us whenever you need to about anything. xo
01-08-2014, 12:49 AM
Ok now that I've had time to think about all this and compare what both specialists said and what happened, I've come to a different conclusion. I'm not trying to be a pessimist but here are the FACTS And some of Rossi’s recorded words:
We found Kira sprawled out on the floor, she would not get up. That is how Bud and I ended up taking her to ACC. We had to carry her! In reading the notes of what I told Dr. Frey she noted on the report, I told her "maybe slightly decreased appetite today". Both of those things are on Dr. Rossi's list of indications of a bleeding liver. She could not stand up.
There are so many zillion abbreviations and words I don't know on the report, that 75% of it is Greek to me. All of this could be clear without my deciphering here by someone else.
Rossi: normally we tap the blood when we think they are bleeding and lots of times the body absorbs the rest".
And damn me all to hell I didn't record the first half of my conversation with Dr. Frey but I'm pretty certain she said they took some blood. She said they picked a spot and it was blood. She said this like it was a very bad thing. So I think what Rossi was saying above is what they did and the body did infact absorb the rest. I mean that is certainly possible. My brother also noted something to that effect when he read the report too.
I will also mention that after Frey did the US that Kira did walk into the exam room on her own, which was about 20 minutes after we got there. When they took her in, they said she could not stand on her feet properly.
Rossi: If she does bleed from this again then the prognosis is pretty poor. And her RBC was low at the time. So it is possible that she had a small bleed and recovered. There is one captivated area in her liver that is a little brighter around it, which is concerning, which could be a bleed (bleed inflammation) or something else. I cant tell from the US alone.
Me: compared to when you saw her a year ago with the Sago Palm poisoning how is she now?
Rossi: She’s spry and pulling us around and that’s pretty darn good.
Things to watch for:
Extended belly (you can keep measure of it)
Won’t get up
Pale gums
Skips a meal
Plan on having her blood work checked again in a month. Or if she is not doing well anytime bring her in.
So now I’m thinking…. did she have a bleed or not… I think yes she did. And now the questions mount! Why? Playing to ruff with Neeka? But the whole thing only lasted about an hour. I mean she was like her old self in no time at all. I can’t recall exactly how long. This happened on the 16th and by maybe the next day if not sooner she was acting completely normal. I don’t know. But it seemed like only an hour had past from when she was fine and when she was not. I don’t know I just, just don’t know. Rossi’s words were much more encouraging; she certainly didn’t suggest putting her to sleep right then like Frey did. Well I know what to watch for and you bet I won’t be far from her until her end. I hope she makes 14. But I hope she doesn’t scare the living sh@t out of me along the way.
01-08-2014, 01:36 AM
We'll keep praying Janis. Sometimes they amaze us with their resilience. I would be a nervous wreck too.
Now you know what to look for and I'm hoping that the bleeding was an isolated incident. Maybe she banged it a certain way when she was playing? On the corner of something hard? That could be a possibility.
01-08-2014, 02:26 AM
Just wanted to say I'm reading but don't usually have time to post. I have slept next to Kaibo many times when he wasn't well or when recovering from his adrenal surgery. You aren't alone there. Good luck to both of you. You are both in my thoughts.
01-08-2014, 03:12 AM
Hi Janis
I guess if they saw blood on the scan and put a needle into the area and got blood back that is highly indicative she did have a bleed from somewhere, seems to me they are having trouble localising it and seeing the cause. I am with you, hoping its a one-off and not going to happen again. I know you will be heaping the love on her, because that is what you do and I wish you have a lot longer left with her especially now with you fighting your own battles. Take Care xxxx
01-08-2014, 01:13 PM
8:::: seems thats all I can do. At least for now. Thanks for caring.
molly muffin
01-08-2014, 02:06 PM
It's true, you can only do what you can do, and Kiera will do the same. That sounds so clique I know.
I wish I had more that would make sense but I think if you have the option, sticking with Dr. Rossi is the probably going to be your best bet.
01-08-2014, 03:01 PM
Yes for Kira it will be Rossi all the way from here out. Buds taking me to a movie to help get my mind off it for awhile. Kira in the house, Neeka will be outside.
01-15-2014, 10:21 PM
Dr Rossi's written REPORT on Kira:
(If you can understand all the lingo here you deserve a medal!)
Kira Beghtol, a 13 yrs 9 mos old female Siberain Husky, belonging to Janis Beghtol is a patient under the care of Dr. Tracy A. Rossi. Kira was presented to the SCVSH Internal Medicine Service for further evaluation of a suspected mass. Kira’s owner was diagnosed with breast cancer in Oct and was started on chemo. Shortly after, Kira begin eating her owner’s underwear and ended up ingesting 4 pairs over several weeks. In December owner was concerned that Kira had a GI obstruction since she has several episodes of vomiting. Kira’s primary vet performed an abdominal ultrasound and suspected GI obstruction. Surgery was recommended but Kira’s owner sought out second opinion. Visit at OCVS revealed liver enzymes hemoabdomen and hepatic masses. No treatment was instituted at that time. Kira’s blood work was rechecked by Dr. Simpson here on 1/1/14 and showed mildly progressive increase in her liver enzymes. (as compared to a year ago), as well as proteinuria. She was prescribed Yunnan Baiyoa and aminocaproic acid, but meds were never started. Kira has not ingested any underwear for the past month and has been doing well with good appetite and energy level. No further vomiting noted. She had a brief bout of diarrhea a couple for days ago after owner administer Maltomeal and quickly resolved with metrondazole administration. Current diet was on Core Wellness but switched to Natural Balance yesterday (lower protein switched do to protienuria). Current meds Prednisone 2.5mg SID (for bletheritus), Gabapention 100mg BID, occasional Tramadol 50mg PRN for pain (hx IVDD), Dasuquuin and probiotic.
1-7-14 Examination (Rossi)
wt 50.5 (down on 1 lb since 1/1), T 100.8, P 100, R 30, BAR, mm pk/moist, CRT<2s, EENT: lenticular sclerosis OU, cleanAU, no oculonasal discharge, INTEG: rough, dry haircoat with patchy alopecia over bilateral lateral thorax and tail,H/L: respiratory SA, SSPs, no murmurs, clear lungs, ABD: SNP, no obvious mass, M/S: BCS 4/9, severe muscle atrophy bilateral pelvic limbs, PLNs WNL, NEURO: no overt deficits, RECT: formed stools in rectum.
Diagnostic testing:
12/14/13 (Wiatt)
CBC wbc 19.4, plt 423, neut 16878
Chem- tp 8.0, glob 3.8, alt 281, alkp 1052, triglyc 375, lipa 1176
TT4 1.2
Ft4- 20.1
12/16/13 (Frey)
AUS- evidence of pancreatitis, hemorrhagic effusion, right-side hepatic mass and other hepatic parenchyma
PCV/TS peripheral blood – 34/8.4
PCV/TS abdominal fluid- 30/7.4
1/1/14 (Simpson)
GHV/TS 43/8.2
UA-USG 1.013, pH 6.5, protein, no bacteria, quiet sediment
1/7/14 (Rossi)
AUS- liver nodules of mixed echogenicity- r/o neoplasia, abscess, hematoma; no evidence of pancreatitis, noGI foreign material observed, no free fluid present
ULTRASOUND FINDINGS (Preformed by Rossi)
Liver there are several abnormalities noted within the liver parenchyma. One hypoechoic nodule that measures 1.86x2.09cm, one cavitated lesion that measures 1.87x2.65cm, adjacent to this area is a hyper echoic nodule and a cystic lesion measres0.82x1.16mm. Gall bladder and biliary tract wnl, Slpeen wnl, Kidneys lk 6.99cm, RK 7.59cm. Adrenals LA not seen RA 0.68cm cd pole. Pancreas no sonographic evidence of pancreatitis noted. Urinary Bladder normal, no stones. Stomach wnl, wall measures 0.54cm. Small bowels SI 0.39cm, duod 051cm. Lymph Nodes none noted. Reproductive n/a
INTERPRETATION: the changes noted to the liver are concerning for infiltrative neoplasia, however the cavitated lesion is very deep and it would be very difficult to obtain diagnostic sample.
COMMENTS: discussed options with owner, monitor for further bleeding given the mild drop in her pcv previously vs surgical biopsies, which the owner is not interested in pursuing at this time given Kira’s age.
Liver nodules previously diagnosed
History of hemoabdomen
Chronic live enzyme elevation
zHx urinary incontinence
COMMENTS: Kira appears to be doing well at home. No evidence of hemoabdomen seen on today’s abdominal ultrasound and the liver nodules are stable at this time. Recommend starting Ursodiol 300mg PO SID and rechecking liver values in 4-6 weeks. Kira should be evaluated sooner if she shows any sighs of bleeding and owner can consider starting aminocaproic acid and yunnan baiyao at that time.
Diplomat ACVIM (Internal Medicine)
Squirt's Mom
01-16-2014, 09:01 AM
All in all (what I understood of it!) that doesn't sound too bad, Janis! In fact, with all she's already been through plus what she's facing now, I'd say that was pretty darn good indeed. ;)
I've known several folk who were giving the Yunnan Baiyao for conditions that are prone to bleeding. It does seem to help tho I have no experience with it. The acid I've never heard of but it must work in conjunction with the Yunnan. Interesting....
Give that pretty girl a hug and belly rub from me, 'k?
Leslie and the gang
I think that sounds pretty good as well. Clink, clink glasses to toast:)
01-17-2014, 04:34 PM
Great there is no sign of active bleeding on that scan, long may it continue! xx
03-27-2014, 05:15 AM
Well I had my double mastecomy 5 days ago. Im doing fine.
The reason I'm here is.... and I can't beleive I'm saying this!
She is 14 today! We are so blessed.
03-27-2014, 06:52 AM
Omigosh, Janis, I am so proud of you both and so happy that I have the honor of changing Kira's thread title :p and wishing you guys an absolutely beautiful day!!! :)
Super big milestones for you both. I send you warmth and love on this very special morning!
:D :p :) :D :p :) :D :p :) :D :p :) :D :p (14 smilies for our girl ;))
Oh how wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Kira
Congratulations going out to both of you... you both deserve medals.
Happy Birthday Kira... and keep on what you are doing Janis - so glad to hear you are doing well.
Squirt's Mom
03-27-2014, 09:28 AM
Happy 14th Birthday, sweet Kira! :cool::cool::cool:
And I am so glad the surgery is behind you! Keep up the good work, sweetie!
Hugs and love,
molly muffin
03-27-2014, 01:58 PM
Happy Birthday Kira!!! Whoot Whoottt!!
Congratulations to both of you!!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
03-27-2014, 03:33 PM
Happy Birthday Kira!!
03-27-2014, 11:33 PM
Hippo birdie two ewes :-)
03-28-2014, 03:32 PM
What a great celebration for you Janis, so pleased to hear you are recovering well form the surgery too, be gone nasty BC! Hope you and Kira keep going well xxx
My sweet Ginger
07-14-2014, 06:18 AM
Here it is, Janis.:) How are you and Kira doing?
07-14-2014, 07:12 AM
Well other them her fur that looks like it was brushed with an egg beater she's doing darn well considering. Bud has renamed her NUGGET because she leaves a lot of tiny bits of poop where ever she's been sleeping. This is a common Occurrence with her condition. Her Degenerating spine and rear end weakness. Her back legs shake and go out from under her on slick floors. But when she knows she's getting fed shell plow me right down getting to the kitchen! She's getting close to 14 1/2 but we think she's intent on making 15! But you never know. My own health problems are keeping me from walking her much. But she gets a lot of Exercise just Pacing around the house hoping to get fed. Sheesh
molly muffin
07-14-2014, 06:38 PM
Awww, great to hear that Kira is still with us and doing well considering everything she has going on with her. That's really great.
Good to hear from you!
Sharlene and molly muffin
So good to read your update, Janis. Kira is amazing.:):)
09-18-2014, 09:13 AM
I know I must have said many times that I think Kira's time is nearly up. But I'm saying it again. Her liver values are soaring. She always goes off by herself. She doesn't want me to pet her. She doesn't want me anymore. The vet hint's that the time is close. My mom says it's time. I think she is saying that cus she knows all this is tearing me up. Half of her fur is gone. Who ever heard of a furless Husky?
Well Kira still loves eating chicken and likes to go for walks too. She doesn't seem in pain. To be suffering. But her liver is ready to go anytime. I just pray to God I know it before it does. That's my biggest wish. You know that damned roller coaster phase. She's almost 14 1/2. Miraskima's Kira Katerina
Squirt's Mom
09-18-2014, 09:38 AM
aww, Janis, how sad to read. I know your heart is being shredded daily with fear and pain. Our sweet girl is one tough lady, huh? Where do they get such stamina and determination? I am always astounded by how much these little Souls can take and keep on ticking.
I, too, pray you know when it is time before something horrid happens. That is such a precipice to walk; a terrible, cold, lonely precipice. We, and I, am here anytime, sweetie, anytime.
Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang
09-18-2014, 06:47 PM
Hi Janis
Aww Kira has always been such an inspiration to me (as have you!) and I am saddened to hear this news. She seems to bounce up and down so I really hope she is just on a downturn at the moment. So glad to hear she is not in pain and enjoying her chicken and walkies... that's quality of life right there so I have you have a lot more time with her yet.
You are such a tough girl, getting through your own health issues and all but this must be hurting so big hugs for you xxxxxx
molly muffin
09-18-2014, 09:48 PM
Hi Janis,
So very sorry to hear that Kira is having some problems. It does make it so much harder when it seems a toss up. Some things are good, like walks and enjoying her food and then some things are not so good. That just makes figuring things out much more difficult. I know you know that though.
I guess the only thing one can really do is to take our cues from them, the furbabies and what they tell us.
Didn't Kira go through a not really wanting to be touched phase a while back too? Gosh was that last year?
Hang in there. You've come through so much personally, I know that you will get through this too, and someone Kira, will guide you along the way.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Thinking of you both with love.
10-10-2014, 02:26 AM
My poor Kira, she's a mess. More then half her fur is gone! Bud stepped on her by accident and ripped out a big chunk of fur. She didn't make a sound. It didn't hurt at all I guess. Made me so sad. Her liver values are sky high. My brother said if her ALB falls I should let her go. So far it's holding. As for Kira herself she goes off by herself and sleeps peacefully like the dead. She's eating pretty well. Her rearend shakes and wobles. The vet says she has Cushing. But we aren't spending the money to find out. It's too late to do anything. But I may do a US just to see how bad the liver really is. Things are still interesting to her. How she manages to stay standing to look out the car window. I don't know.
No more walks, I just can't do it. I fail her. My 94 year old mother broke her leg. She is dealing with a metal rod. Sheesh. As for me. I'm going to live but not exactly comfortably. With this chemo and surgeries.
Thank you all for your posts. It was nice.
10-10-2014, 06:57 AM
Oh Janis, I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time of things in so many ways. I know words can't really help, but I hope you will feel the hugs that are flowing across the miles to you and to Kira, too. Please give her a giant hug from her Auntie Marianne, OK? And please do keep us updated.
With my warmest wishes always,
10-10-2014, 01:19 PM
I'll keep all of you Jenn my prayers!
Chemo is tough, do what you can sweetie.
Hugs to Mira too.
10-11-2014, 04:40 PM
Hi Janis
Sorry to hear about Kira, but boy is that girl a fighter, just like her Mom! She has done so amazingly well. Funny you popped up this week when I am doing a catchup as I am going out today to buy something pink to decorate me, my friend and Flynn for our Breast Cancer charity walk on Tuesday night. I remember doing it last year and thinking of you so I will be doing the same this week. Big hugs for you and Kira xxxxxxx
molly muffin
10-12-2014, 07:42 PM
What a very rough time it has been for you, for Kira, your mom, your family. You are so much stronger than you know. Kira, like you just keeps on fighting for each and every day.
Sending big hugs your way
Sharlene and molly muffin
10-13-2014, 01:00 PM
Janis, can someone walk Kira for you?
I'd hate to see her lose more physical strength. She needs walks for her health if she can take them.
I hope that all goes well for you. Cancer runs in my family. It's scary but I know that they've made major strides in treatment plans.
11-03-2014, 03:13 AM
Kira had a US the other day. Perhaps it was better then I expected. I was thinking this would be the end of it. She does have liver cancer but there is no bleeding yet. He knew I was looking for a how long has she got thing. What he said was he saw a twinkle in her eye and I'm wondering how he got her to do that. What I see is she's not really suffering and I do see she still has a interest in things. What he is saying is he believes she has cushings to some degree. It's the only explanation to the condition of her fur and skin. Something is definitely is changing dramatically. She's loosing big patches of fur and skin and the skin then turns brown. She gets so dirty so easy and I'm afraid to comb her because I know what comes out will never come back. She look so bad when I made the U.S. appointment that I gave her a quick bath. I think that's what made her skin to shed all over. Gosh it is so sad. Thank goodness NONE of this seems to bother her. She's not itchy and she's not chewing.
I was wondering if skin shedding is a sign of Cushings. if any of this is. I'm feeling 90% sure he is right. He said her remaining adrinal gland is inlarged. And after years of asking every vet I see no one has been able to explain her fur loss. Others have hinted at Cushings. That is to say they said she did have a history of Cushings.
I did take her to my moms big back yard the let her investigate. Which she did for about forty five minutes. Then I was encouraging Neeka to run. Kira was trying to run to which she can do sort of. But Neek got carried away and banged into Kira. Not real hard I was yelling at Kira to watch out. She went down real easy. She just got up and walk off. I turned my back to her and made sure Neek calmed down. When I turned back to Kira she was on the ground again. She got up and walked off again still interested in the yard. I decided it was time to leave worried that something might have happened she wasn't aware of it yet. But she was fine. The vet says if she can't walk anymore or or the interst is gone then I should let her go. Something I completely agree with. There was no suggestion of some horrible death hanging over us. I thought that was a good way of saying it. Instead of telling me she could die at any time or putting a number on it. Anyway.
11-03-2014, 10:45 AM
Hi Janis,
My heart goes out to you, boy do you have your hands full, my prayers go out to you, your mom, Kira and family. So much to deal with at one time. Wish I had words to make it better...Will hold you up in prayer tho.
molly muffin
11-03-2014, 07:57 PM
Kira is an amazing gal. With everything she has been through, it is amazing that she still has that sparkle in her eye. Dogs are the most giving of creatures. They love unconditionally and are happy in the smallest of things.
11-22-2014, 04:21 AM
She's still here... Walking (even runs a little), eating well...
11-22-2014, 07:01 AM
Oh, I'm so glad, Janis! As Sharlene says, Kira is an amazing gal. And so are you, kiddo!!! It's wonderful seeing you popping in around here. :) :)
Squirt's Mom
11-22-2014, 07:25 AM
Ditto to everything Marianne said!
11-22-2014, 02:55 PM
Awesome news Janis!!!!
thrilled beyond words Kira is still with us and walking:):):):):):)
11-22-2014, 07:15 PM
Great news
11-22-2014, 10:24 PM
Well I promised to stick it out and share Kira's life after adrenal surgery. Someone might be interested to know how her life played out. She certainly turned out to be an amazing gal.
I never expected to find all the kind caring people I found here. So many friends. I how could I not come back.
11-22-2014, 10:28 PM
Hey Janis, so pleased to hear that Kira is still chugging along, how long has it been since her adrenalectomy now? xx
11-23-2014, 01:41 AM
Almost exactly four years. It's been a rocky four years. Can hardly remember at time I didn't feel like I was loosing her. It was a very small tumor. Two weeks or so after surgery, right after stopping prednisone it all went to hell.
If not for Mira we would have never known. Mira got stage four liver cancer. Her whole liver was shot. Cancer in her lung too. We didn't know and lost her about three weeks later. We couldn't save Mira. She was seven. Right away I asked them to US kira too. If they found anything we might have a chance to save kira. That's when we found Kira's adrenal tumor.
11-23-2014, 02:52 AM
Oh Janis, I'm so sorry about Mira but fate has a weird way sometimes. Hugs
12-06-2014, 11:44 PM
Kira is not doing well. Say a prayer for her. I had to leave her. I'm so sad.
12-07-2014, 05:39 AM
Well somebody did some praying. Thank you! We came home and kira seems better. As I take you on the roller coaster ride thru hell with me. Sheesh. The hardest thing about being a dog owner.
12-07-2014, 07:23 AM
Oh Janis, what a relief to know that things are better this morning! Hoping that beautiful Kira will have a good day today, and that you will be able to relax a bit after your scare last night.
Prayers and warm wishes to you both,
I hope today is not a roller coaster and that Kira is better. Iy is so hard to worry.
Squirt's Mom
12-07-2014, 08:38 AM
I am so glad she came home, honey! What happened? I hope whatever it was doesn't happen again and she remains her strong self for some time to come. Kira, like her mom, is amazing. ;)
molly muffin
12-07-2014, 09:31 AM
So glad to hear that Kira is doing better. That crazy rollercoaster is no fun, that's for sure.
01-01-2015, 03:49 PM
I finally get it. It's seeing her at a far laying out in freezing cold peacefully looking at nothing. It's seeing firm poop in the poop yard. Or interst in going to the other side. It's helping her up so she can walk. The joy of seeing fur finally growing back. Or the time she walks past me. Or how peaceful she sleeps. And any other small but good thing happen. I didn't poison her.
It's not that she's leaving me. That she doesn't eat. Or is loosing weigh. Can't hear. Falls down. Yelp sometimes and the countless other bad things. Or all the things I should be doing and aren't.
Is that it? Just to see her beautiful face one more time. Seeming not in pain.
Is that it? Living for today?
01-01-2015, 05:52 PM
Hi Janis
Happy New Year!!
If Kira is teaching us this one thing, that is to live in the moment and enjoy the small things in each day then I think that is a very important lesson... one we should all live by! I am pleased to read she is continuing to enjoy all of those things!! xxx
Squirt's Mom
01-02-2015, 07:38 AM
Our Kira is a fighter just like her mom. And yes, she lives just for today, for this moment right now - something we could all learn from. Enjoy her as much as possible for as long as possible. You're a great mom so Kira is in very good hands.
Thinking of you both, yes, one day at a time. I know that can be hard to do.
01-03-2015, 05:53 AM
It's fear of the unknown that's such a killer. She walked all the way around the block the other day. Out front no slake in the leash like a true husky.
molly muffin
01-03-2015, 09:56 AM
Awww, does the heart good doesn't it to see them doing the things that make them so happy.
01-07-2015, 02:56 AM
Real worried about my Kira. She can't get up or walk. Her temp is 103.5. Hasn't moved in hours.
01-07-2015, 06:48 AM
Oh Janis, prayers are flowing to you and to Kira! Please let us know what is happening.
molly muffin
01-07-2015, 06:55 AM
Janis sending positive vibes your way for Kira and you.
Squirt's Mom
01-07-2015, 07:17 AM
Sweetheart, we are with you. Please let us know how she is and how you are. Prayers and healing white light flying your way!
I'm here too, we will all keep watch, sweetie.
01-07-2015, 10:05 PM
I'm here too and praying for your sweet baby. Please let us know how things are going.
molly muffin
01-07-2015, 10:07 PM
Checking in to see how Kira and you are doing.
I am here for my beloved friend Janis....Kira succumbed to her illness this evening, the doctor visited the home, and surrounded by family, Kira was released of her struggles. This evening 01-07-2015 at 6:22pm.
01-07-2015, 11:21 PM
Kira it is gone arc 1/715 at 6:22 pm
01-07-2015, 11:22 PM
Oh Stormee, thank you for telling us. Our girl is now at peace, but oh, how deeply she will be missed. I am sending Janis so many hugs. I am just so sorry. Words cannot say what I am feeling.
Fare the well, dearest Kira.
Auntie Marianne
01-07-2015, 11:26 PM
Kira it is gone asof 1/7/15 at 6:22 pm
01-07-2015, 11:29 PM
Oh Janis, I am so very, very sorry.
Budsters Mom
01-07-2015, 11:35 PM
Fly free sweet Kira, fly free!
01-08-2015, 12:31 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about Kira. I'm not very familiar with her story but I know you loved her very much. She is so beautiful in your avatar and now she is free of pain and her body is whole and perfect.
She'll be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge and one day you will be with your girl again. Hugs and prayers coming your way.
molly muffin
01-08-2015, 12:46 AM
Oh Janis. Loving hugs your way. What a great fight the two of you put up. I know you will miss her so very much. My sincerest condolences.
01-08-2015, 01:01 AM
Hi Janis
I am so so sorry to read this about Kira, her's was one of the first threads I read when I arrived here searching out information about adrenalectomy. She has done so well and so have you caring for her during all the ups and downs. She was a much loved dog, so beautiful too. I bet she is running around with Mira having a joyous reunion. Big hugs for you Janis xxxxxxx
01-08-2015, 02:40 AM
So sorry to hear about Kira, my thoughts are with you.
01-08-2015, 07:59 AM
I'm so sorry that your fears about Kira have been realized and she has stepped across the Rainbow Bridge. She was a very well-loved girl who had a great life with you. Kira is one of the lucky ones that she lived a full life and had somebody to release her when things got rocky.
Kira is the last of the dogs on this forum that 'knew' my Criss Ann. Today, they are together talking about old times.
Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann
Dearest Janis,
Words cannot express my sorrow as I read about your beautiful Kira.
Please know I send much love and care.
We are all here for you and always will be.
Squirt's Mom
01-08-2015, 10:24 AM
May you know that absence is full
Of tender presence and that
Nothing is ever lost or forgotten.
May the absences in your life be full of eternal echo.
May you sense around you the secret
Elsewhere which holds the presences
That have left your life.
May you be generous in your embrace of loss.
May the sore of your grief turn into a well
Of seamless presence.
May your compassion reach out to the ones
We never hear from and may you have
The courage to speak out for the excluded ones.
May you become the gracious
And passionate subject of your own life.
May you not disrespect your mystery
Through brittle words or false belonging.
May you be embraced by God in whom
Dawn and twilight are one and may
Your longing inhabit its deepest dreams
Within the shelter of the Great Belonging.
From John O’Donohue’s Eternal Echoes-Exploring our Hunger to Belong
My heartfelt, deepest sympathy.
01-08-2015, 11:16 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you--I remember Kira from my days here with Maggie. All of our precious Cush pups were at the bridge waiting to welcome Kira.
My sweet Ginger
01-08-2015, 05:40 PM
"Once there was Kira and Mira "
Oh Janis, I'm so sorry Kira is no longer with you.
I think "Once there was Kira and Mira" (It always makes me cry without failing.) would be such a beautiful tribute to both Mira and Kira which shows a genuine and pure love between a mother and her baby. Just stunningly beautiful.
Kira may've left you leaving you and your husband so sad but I hope the thought of Mira and Kira's reunion at the rainbow bridge will bring a smile on your face some time if not now. Many hugs.
Um, I'm having trouble watching this video on this post so go to page 88, post #874 if anyone else having the same problem, please.
01-08-2015, 06:19 PM
01-08-2015, 06:53 PM
Damn it I can't get it ti work either maybe somebody could help.
01-08-2015, 07:14 PM
Here it is; it is beautiful.
molly muffin
01-08-2015, 07:15 PM
I bawled, again. Those two are just beautiful.
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