View Full Version : Needing some help.....
11-21-2010, 07:25 PM
So, Clyde appears to have eaten some undercooked white rice. He got diarrhea and it was all the grains along with something that looks like meat packaging (from the trash, assumably) came out....he is still drinking ok, and it looked normal (no mucus or blood, normal color) - anyone dealt with this?
11-21-2010, 07:48 PM
I'm sorry I don't have any answers for you Lynne. Corky's never done that. I hope Clyde doesn't have any more effects from this. You might want to check with your vet to see if there is anything that needs to be done.
I hope things are going better for you.
11-21-2010, 08:10 PM
I've dealt with something like this - we had a dog, Biddy (who lived to by 17 years!) who occasionally got into all sorts of trash, sometimes with a reaction like that.
I suspect the diarrhea was presumably (hopefully) triggered by mechanical irritation to the gut caused by the roughness of the undercooked rice and the meat packaging. I'd suggest maybe offering something like Pedialite to protect against dehydration - probably not necessary but better safe than sorry I think, particularly if this diarrhea turns out to be something more, maybe as a result of bacterial contamination.
I'd be a lot more worried if nothing was coming out - at least, at this stage, it doesn't sound like there is a blockage!
He couldn't have eaten anything moldy could he? That, I gather, is a real emergency because of mold toxins. I think you get neuro symptoms with that though.
Why do they do these things? (I know it's because they are just disgusting (Australian term here) grots!)
PS: We used to more or less fast Biddy for 24 - 48 hours after this sort of thing. All she'd get was a couple of token pieces of kibble for a meal.
11-22-2010, 06:31 AM
Hi Lynne,
I'm wondering whether there's a chance that the "rice" you saw was actually tapeworm egg sacs. Infected dogs can pass the sacs in their feces and they resemble grains of rice (when fresh) or sesame seeds (when dry). If that's the case, the "rice" may be unrelated to the diarrhea, and instead just became more readily visible to you due to the diarrhea.
The reason why I wonder is because it seems a little unlikely to me that Clyde would have found uncooked rice to eat out of the garbage. So I just thought I'd mention this to you. Because my understanding is that the treatment for tapeworms is pretty straightforward and not a big deal for the dog -- just one or two injections of an anti-worming mediciation. Here's a link:
Marriane is right about what tape worms look like.
When Zoe got into a plastic bag with chicken in it, the plastic came out for a couple days. I fasted her, skip one meal. If you can't skip one meal, feed half the amount. The intestines need to rest. Diahreea is the way the pup's body heals itself. Then slowly increase the food, depending on the stool.
I have a supply of metronidazole for Zoe's dietary indescretion. and for her colitis.
They love to get into things and don't realize the worry we go through:eek:
Squirt's Mom
11-22-2010, 10:48 AM
Hi Lynne,
Oh, heavens! Crys used to eat anything and everything! :eek: Poop patrol with Crys was always an adventure 'cause you never knew what you would find! My personal favorites were the TechniColored piles...bright colors of varying textures woven through brown gunk which were deposited with obvious pride. :rolleyes: And then there was the day she came in and puked up a pile of Azelea blooms, leaves and stems. geez....
My deaf and blind Dane had been roaming for quite some time before she was captured, eating whatever she could find. The first day she was with me, she pooped a WHOLE popcorn bag out. I know it was a whole bag because I just had to find out what the heck that was that just came out of my new baby's booty so I put on gloves and went inspecting. :rolleyes: It was the whole bag, twisted tightly. She had no repercussions from this but boy I did!
Not much help huh? But maybe you got a smile and are a bit less worried.
Leslie and the girls - always
PS I would check out the tape worm angle, tho.
11-22-2010, 12:11 PM
Wow, thanks for the replies - after a tear filled night of watching Clyde drool from the nausea, he fell asleep and was up and at 'em this morning like normal. I HATED leaving for work, but since I am only back to work this week, I couldn't call in sick :(
Marianne - I actually had his stool tested due to some chronic diarrhea problems about a month ago, which was fine, and he didn't get the UNDERcooked rice from the trash - my faithful dog watcher fed it to him after only letting it boil for a few minutes...the meat plastic I saw in the recycling bin with teeth marks the other day...:( This was very obviously rice...but we will see what today brings. If I see it again, then I will round a sample to the vet for testing.
The drooling and all that stopped around 3:00 am after some loud burping...and a tablespoon of well-cooked white rice - poor Clyde!
BTW, Bailey ate the same thing and was fine - minus the meat packaging, of course!
I will keep you updated - if I can stay awake ;)
The dog watcher is heading down at lunch time today so we will see what he says, too. He thought he looked great this morning.
Lynne, Clyde & Bailey
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