View Full Version : Bela - 12 y/o Jack Russell (Bela has passed)

11-04-2010, 09:53 AM
Hi! We have a Jack Russell that's almost 12 yrs. old and she was just diagnosed with Cushings this week. Today she had her first dose of Vetoryl (10mg). Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Harley PoMMom
11-04-2010, 12:23 PM
Hi and welcome to you and your precious girl from me and my boy Harley. I am so sorry for the circumstances that brought you here but glad you found this forum.

I was wondering if you could tell us more about your furbaby, you see, the more information we know about your sweet girl the better our feedback will be, ok? I will warn you, we do ask a lot of questions from our new members but this is to help you help your beautiful pup.

So here are some questions from me: What symptoms led you or your vet to test your pup for cushing's in the first place? What test/s were done to confirm the cushing's diagnosis? Was a CBC/Chemistry blood panel done, and if so, could you post anything on there that is marked abnormal with the reference ranges and the units of measurements. How much does your furbaby weigh? Does she have any other health problems? Is she taking any herbs/supplements/medicines?

I am sure other members will be along to welcome you as well and to ask for additional information that I have missed!

Here are some links from our Resource Thread that I hope will be useful:

Trilostane/Vetoryl Information and Resources

Dechra's U.S. Product Insert

Links to Cushings Websites (especially helpful for new members!)

Remember you are not alone on this journey, we are here for you and your sweet girl so ask all the questions you want and we will answer them the best we can.

Love and hugs,

11-04-2010, 02:36 PM
Okay... I will try my best to answer all the questions so far. Please bear with me. Our little (11 pounds), 11 year old JRT is usually a very loving, very busy, sweet girl. She would love to greet everyone at waist level with a kiss to the nose if you sat down. (cause she would be in your lap instantly) She would play soccer for hours, played with our sister's pup, chase squirrels, birds, etc.

During the past year, she has slowed down somewhat (still in our laps, playing soccer less with our 13 yr. old daughter, etc.) and started asking for more food and having to go out to pee more often. We chalked it up to old age.

3 weeks ago, she started asking to go out to pee every hour or would just pee on the floor or wherever she happened to be at the time.(blanket, couch, etc) She no longer met us at the door, refuses to jump up into our lap, cringes when we try to pet her and spends most of her time in the downstairs on our big dog's blanket. This told me something was really wrong, so off to the vet's we went.

The vet ran a urine sample (nothing showed up, it was very dilute). He did a CBC results showed normal sugars, slightly low thyroid, 2 elevated liver enzymes and everything else within normal ranges. (I will ask for a copy to share the numbers if needed) The vet suggested a week of antibiotics in case of an infection. No change when this was done. He then did a low dose dex. test. The results came back suggestive of pitutary cushings, was how he put it.

Bela(our sweet baby) started on 10mg of Vetoryl this morning and will go back for a test in 10-14 days.

The only other health issue was a pancreatic attack a few years ago when she ate a small amount of food that was not hers. This landed her in the vet's for 3 days on i.v. meds. (it was quite bad, the vet did say never give her treats and don't change her foods unless absolutely necessary)

She does not take any other meds, herbs, vitamins or supplements.

I hope I answered everything. When do you think we'll see any improvement? I did post two pics of her in my album section.
Thanks for listening.

11-04-2010, 04:49 PM
Corky and I also want to welcome you and your furbaby.

You have a found wonderful site with a group of very supportive, caring and knowledgeable people. They really have helped Corky and me.

Corky has an adrenal tumor, and has been taking Trilostane for a little over a year now.

There are times when the dosage might need to be adjusted, depending on the cortisol levels. I hope your furbaby does well on the medication.


Harley PoMMom
11-04-2010, 05:08 PM
Cushing's is a hard disease to diagnose and a Cushing's savvy vet will not initiate any treatment without strong symptoms and a proper diagnosis.

Not one test is 100% accurate at diagnosing Cushing's in pups that is why we recommend having an ultrasound done along with an ACTH stim test or LDDS test.

Non-adrenal illnesses, like pancreatitis, can create false positives results in Cushing's tests, that is another reason why we recommend getting the ultrasound done.

The ultrasound can tell a lot about the internal organs especially the adrenal glands.

You mentioned Bela has had a pancreatitis attack years ago, has your vet monitored this with a spec PL test? My boy Harley has pancreatitis and although he shows no symptoms of this dreadful illness it is always there lurking waiting to rear its ugly head.

I see your vet started Bela, who weighs 11 lbs, with 10mg Vetoryl. This is at the lower end of the dosing range (1.0-3.0 mg/lb) according to Dechra Product Insert: http://www.dechra-us.com/files/dechraUSA/downloads/Product%20inserts/Vetoryl.pdf Which is a good thing! :) You might see improvement soon but we really can't say because all dogs are different and react differently to this medicine.

If you would see any adverse signs; weakness, lethargy, anorexia, diarrhea, and/or vomiting, get Bela to the vet ASAP or you can give her prednisone if your vet gave this to you for her.

We are here for you and Bela. ;):)

Love and hugs,

11-04-2010, 06:42 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I see that Lori has already asked the usual questions and has given you some excellent information. The only thing I would add is that your vet should have mentioned that you'll need to do an acth stimulation test 10 to 14 days after starting Vetoryl. I would also like to reinforce what Lori said about an abdominal ultrasound. I am a bit uneasy with the words "suggestive of cushing's" used by your vet. The results are either normal, inconclusive or consistent with cushing's. I'm not sure where suggestive fits into any of these but if it is anything other than consistent with cushing's, additional validating testing should have been done.

Sometimes the low dose dex test will tell you if it is pituitary dependent cushing's but 30 to 35% of the time, it does not, in which case an abdominal ultrasound is usually done to make this differentiation. The first line of treatment for adrenal tumors is surgical removal if the dog is otherwise healthy and the pet owner's pocketbook can take the hit. It's a permanent cure so with all things considered, it is a very good option.

It would be great if you could please get copies of the bloodwork, urinalysis and the low dose dex suppression test and post the results here. For the bloodwork, just post the abnormal values, including the normal reference range and reporting values, i.e. ug/dl, ng/dl, nmol, etc.

Now I'm off to check out the pictures of your sweet girl.


11-04-2010, 07:11 PM
We would also like to welcome you and your little one.
Apollo is 10 lbs started on 10mg. How much does your baby weigh.
Glad he started low.
It is very important that you know which cushing he has. After an ultrasound, urinaylis, full blood panel and the ACHT STIM test, was done, did we know Apollo had the pituitary cushing. If both adrenal glands are similarly enlarged it is the pituitary cushing with all the symptoms.

We are here to help.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

11-08-2010, 08:15 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! We are on day 5 with her pills. So far not much change. Still drinking quite a bit and needing to pee every hour. She did come lay in my lap on the weekend for half an hour. Does anyone have a general guess as to when the medicine will start to help, if it's going to help at this low dose?

11-08-2010, 08:49 AM
It would be great if you could please get copies of the bloodwork, urinalysis and the low dose dex suppression test and post the results here. For the bloodwork, just post the abnormal values, including the normal reference range and reporting values, i.e. ug/dl, ng/dl, nmol, etc.

Including the above in case you missed it. To answer your question, every dog responds differently to Vetoryl. Most dogs will require some kind of adjustment to the dose and with Bella on a low dose, it could be that she will need an increase. The acth stimulation test that should be done no later than 14 days into treatment will guide your vet. Has your vet given you instructions to give the dose with food? When you take Bella in for her first acth stim test, the test must be done within 3 to 6 hours after dosing so make sure you get her to the vet before 4 hours.

Will be waiting to see the results of the diagnostic tests.


11-08-2010, 11:44 AM
Each individual furbaby is different. When Corky started taking Trilostane, he was taking 20mg once a day. He weighed over 20 pounds. Most of his clinical signs started being resolved within a few days. The lower dosage did help at first. Other symptoms took longer to be resolved. As time went by, Corky's dosage had to be increased. He's now up to 40mg BID after a year of being on the Trilo. With most dogs, it is better to start them on a lower dosage, and increase the dosage as needed.


11-09-2010, 03:56 PM
In Apollo's case it took about a month. Starting seeing changes and improvements each week.
Please be aware of side effects such as loss of appetite, lethargic.
If any of this happens call the vet right away. It could mean the dosage is to high.
Hang in there.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo.

11-09-2010, 04:06 PM
Thanks everyone. Bela goes for next test on Monday. I have another question. Bela is shaking almost all the time. It looks like she's shivering but we know she isn't cold and when we hold her, we can feel all her muscles tensing up. Anyone have any ideas what this is and what to do for her? It can't be very relaxing and must be hard on her.

11-09-2010, 04:36 PM
Tremors is listed as a side effect of Vetoryl and we have had more than a few members mention tremors, ranging from just when the dog is sleeping to most of the time. Be sure to mention this to your vet.


11-09-2010, 05:15 PM
Wow, if this is happening at 10mg.! What is going to happen if they decide that she needs a higher dose? Today, she has refused her lunch food and only ate a portion of her suppertime food. Not a good day.

11-09-2010, 05:26 PM
Have you been able to round up the results of the tests your vet did to diagnosis Bela? I'm sorry to keep asking you this but w like to have the dog's complete history. Additionally, cushing's is one of the most difficult canine diseases which makes it the most misdiagnosed canine disease. That is not to say that your vet was not conscientious in making the diagnosis, we just like to look over his/her shoulder as a safeguard.

If Bela is not eating normally, you should discontinue the Vetoryl until such time as her appetite has returned. Whenever either of my dogs acted the least bit ill when they were on Trilostane, I took them off of it for no less than two to three days. I recommend that you let your vet know that Bella's appetite is off.


Casey's Mom
11-09-2010, 06:53 PM
Glynda gave you some very good advice. I would see the vet before you give her anything else.

Did the vet give you prednisone to have on hand in case her cortisol went to low? The trembling and the not wanting to eat could be signs that her cortisol is too low.

11-10-2010, 09:09 AM
We haven't been back to the vet's yet, so I haven't been able to get a copy of the tests yet. Sorry. I was not given any prednisone either. I have placed a call to the vet early this morning and I'm waiting for a call back. The tremors are still happening and she's still refusing food. I'm so stressed! I don't think I can do this to her! She was so weak last night that she couldn't get out of her little doggy bed to go pee. Then she almost fell going down the stairs. (now have the door closed to the stairs-I will carry her to put her out!) I'm seriously thinking of stopping the treatment. I'll let everyone know what the vet says when I hear from him.

11-10-2010, 11:50 AM
I wouldn't give her anything until you get her cortisol level checked.


11-10-2010, 12:32 PM
PLEASE DO NOT GIVE BELL ANY MORE VETORYL and get her to the vet asap. The symptoms you are describing sound like her cortisol is way too low. Vetoryl also affects the aldosterone which can throw off the electrolytes. This can be life threatening. If the vet has not called you back by now, do not wait for a phone call, take Bela to the vet now.


Casey's Mom
11-10-2010, 12:47 PM
I second Glynda - she needs prednisone and I can't believe they didn't give it to you although this is not the first time we have seen this on our board.

You need to go now!!

Casey's Mom
11-10-2010, 05:15 PM
Just wondering how you and Bela are? Sorry but we do tend to worry.


11-10-2010, 08:18 PM
Sorry I haven't been very informative today. Spending all my time available with Bela. I couldn't get her to the vet's today when he was in, but he did call to say, stop the meds. Bela will be going in at 8:30am tomorrow to see the vet. I couldn't get her to eat any of her food today, so I broke down and gave her some of the canned id just a few minutes ago. I gave her about 1/3 of a cup and she did not eat it all. I hope it doesn't upset her system and make her sick.(pancreatic issues) She still has the shakes. As I type this on my laptop, on the couch, Bela is on her blanket just in front of me. She's trying to sleep but the tremors keep making her uncomfortable.

Casey's Mom
11-10-2010, 10:23 PM
When you see the vet please mention the prednisone to have on hand - its a very inexpensive drug and will allow them to bounce back quickly from their cortisol going too low. I believe he should also be checking her electrolyte levels as well.

I feel for you sweetie, hope you have a good night.

11-11-2010, 11:49 AM
Thanks everyone for checking on us. Bela is at the vet's right now. He is running a low dose dex. test and checking electrolytes and I don't know what else right now. She still isn't eating and not drinking as much. Her poor little nose is so dry and is changing in pigment. When we go back this afternoon to pick her up, I will definitely ask about the prednisone and to get copies of her tests. Keeping my fingers crossed for her. I'm so worried that it'll show something worse is going on. My vet says that there isn't any pain associated with Cushings. What is everyone's thoughts on this? I believe that the shakes that she has must be tiring if not painful.

11-11-2010, 12:25 PM
I'm really glad that Bela is being checked out by the vet this morning. I've been very worried about her. The low dose dex test is used to diagnose cushing's so I assume your vet is doing an acth stimulation test to check Bela's cortisol levels. Her inappettance and weakness can be explained by low cortisol but if cortisol levels are not too low, Bela may have something else going on. With her history of pancreatitis, that might a likely suspect.

Did your vet do an abdominal ultrasound on Bela before he diagnosed her? Does he know which form of cushing's Bela has? I'm sorry for not being able to offer any information on obvious issues that we see here that may be similar to Bela but it is very difficult to understand what is going on without knowing her history. Please remember to ask for Bela's diagnostic test results. as well as the results from today's tests when they are available. Once you post the information, we'll be in a much better position to provide more meaningful feedback.

I'll be waiting anxiously for your updates.


11-11-2010, 02:51 PM
Bela is still at the vet's office. I called the office at noon and spoke with the tech. that is caring for her. She told me that the vet called some specialist about her meds. and he decided not to do the test. She is on i.v. fluids and electrolytes right now. We will get copies of her tests and speak with the vet when we pick her up at 4pm. Now, I'm really wondering what is going on?! I hate waiting for answers and really don't like our baby girl to be there on her own. I have added some pictures if anyone is interested. We have so many, it's hard to choose and some won't load on here, but I hope you enjoy them.

11-11-2010, 06:13 PM
Just checking in to see how Bela is doing.


P.S. Just checked the new photos. I love the one of Bela catching a ball in mid-air. Amazing! I also loved the puppy Spook and adult Spook pictures with Bela. Spook went from Bela's size as a puppy to dwarfing Bela as an adult. Very cute.

11-11-2010, 09:49 PM
Bela is home and sleeping. The vet had her on i.v. fluids all day and gave her a shot of cortisol. He did not run any other tests. He told me that he spoke to a specialist that works with this medicine and that person told him to this. Also suggested that we take her off the 10mg for a week and go to a compound in a lower dose. Her shaking in minimal now and she's resting more peacefully. She still isn't eating and still not able to get to the door in time to pee. But I don't care about cleaning up after her, I just want her to be okay. The vet did ask me to call tomorrow and let him know if she's perked up at all. I did ask for a copy of the tests but the girl was very busy, even said that our bill wasn't ready, in order for us to pay them?! I'll ask again tomorrow.

Casey's Mom
11-11-2010, 10:14 PM
Bella will need to be retested with an ACTH before you give her any more medicine because you need to see where her cortisol levels are before you give her any more Vetoryl - without doing that could be fatal.

Sorry to scare you but it doesn't seem like your vet has that much experience with cushings.

On a happier note I did see her photos and she is absolutely adorable. :)


11-11-2010, 10:26 PM
Hi from me as well! The updates are very helpful as we do worry here. You will notice that a few have asked some questions that would help us better help you. When you have the time and energy if you could answer those you can and provide us a bit more info it will really help.

I agree that your vet obviously is not very experienced in treating cushings. It seems like they contacted the DRUG manufacturer for advice. What happened is that the dose was too high. That is why you should have prednisone on hand to give in case of emergency.

When dog's cortisol goes low they have the symptoms you experience and if not dealt with it can be very serious so it is important that either you find a vet with experience or that we at least help get you up to speed enough that you can question the vet and help him get up to speed.

Glad that Bela is at home now. Were you given any prednisone to give over the next few days? If so, how much and how frequently?

Sorry to ask all the questions.... again, the more we know the better we are able to help. I hope that Bela is feeling better. Kim

11-12-2010, 07:45 PM
Had Bela at the vet's again today. She still wasn't eating and just sleeping all the time, so the vet wanted her back in today. In the last 3 days her weight dropped from 11.2 pounds to 10.7 today. She stayed on i.v. fluids again and the vet did do the low dose dex. test today. We'll have the results tomorrow. She is not on any meds. right now. They still didn't get me a copy of her first tests, but I'll keep asking for them. Maybe I can get those and the new ones tomorrow. They fed her canned id today and we bought some for at home but I'm afraid it will give her diarrhea. Hope everyone else here, has a good night.

Casey's Mom
11-13-2010, 07:49 AM
How is Bella doing today? Did they give you prednisone to give her or are you seeing the vet today if she is not better? Just concerned :)


11-13-2010, 08:50 AM
No, he didn't give us any prednisone. She isn't on any meds at all right now. She did go bark at a squirrel this morning-she hasn't done that in a few days. She's still not eating much but I'll keep trying to get her to eat. I haven't heard from the vet yet today for yesterday's test results.

11-13-2010, 09:39 AM

I have not yet had a chance to say welcome but I have been following along with your thread.

I am sure you are scared and worried but please try to push for copies of your tests. You have a right to ask for them, don't feel funny about making sure you get them, even if you have to be assertive about it.

Hang in there and I hope little Bela is feeling a bit better today.


11-13-2010, 10:37 AM
Hi everyone, I spoke to the vet again this morning. He said yesterday's test was good and he did say that he wonders if there is something completely different going on, that we just don't know about. We have decided (the family) to discontinue the Vetoryl. We will take each day as it comes and just do what we can to keep our little girl comfortable and happy. I still haven't gotten copies of the tests, they seem to be putting me off. The tests may not be revelant now that we have stopped treatment. We would like to thank everyone here for the words of wisdom and the wonderful support.

Squirt's Mom
11-13-2010, 12:57 PM

Keep in mind that we are here when you need us. You are family and we want to hear from you and Bela! ;)

Those test results are yours, you paid for them, so they should give them to you. Having copies of your babies test results at home is a good thing to keep. You never know when Bela may need help from another vet and having all her records in hand when you walk in the door helps everyone. Take her records when you go on vacation, to visit out of town, etc. just in case something happens and she has to see a strange vet. I would keep pressing them to give me copies. ;)

Please stay in touch!
Leslie and the girls :D - always

11-19-2010, 09:07 AM
Just a quick note to say that Bela is eating much better now. (still mostly canned id but some of her dry food too) We still have lots of puddles but that's to be expected. She seems to have more energy and more alert right now. I think she has put on a little weight, she needed to because of losing some when she had the adverse reaction to the meds. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Casey's Mom
11-19-2010, 10:13 AM
Great news about Bela! Thanks for checking in.

Love and hugs,

11-19-2010, 03:20 PM
I am so glad Bela is feeling better. I hope she continues to improve.

Give her extra hugs and kisses from all of us:D


12-05-2010, 08:40 AM
Bela is still doing okay without any treatment. She is still peeing a lot and now she is begging for food almost all the time. She still seems to shake/shiver quite a bit. I thought this was from the meds. but she isn't taking any? Is this a part of the cushings? What else should we be watching for, now that she isn't receiving the vetoryl?

Casey's Mom
12-08-2010, 03:34 PM
I believe that this is due to high levels of cortisol from not being on any medication but perhaps the other members will comment.

Have you had any testing done lately to see where her cortisol levels are?

12-08-2010, 03:48 PM
Thanks for the update on Bela. I agree with Casey's Mom's comments regarding high cortisol. It would be great if you could get copies of the original testing as well as the last acth stim test your vet did on November 12th and post the results here. That would certainly help us understand what is going on with your girl.


01-03-2011, 10:20 AM
Happy New Year to all! Bela is still with us. She is eating okay, lots of pees and lots of sleeping. She has started walking in circles a lot in the last few days. The weird part is that her circles are always going counter-clockwise!? Her back end is getting quite weak. She can't do the stairs at all and sometimes loses her balance when getting up from laying down and when she's trying to eat or drink.

Squirt's Mom
01-03-2011, 10:33 AM
She has started walking in circles a lot in the last few days. The weird part is that her circles are always going counter-clockwise!?

Hi Horsemum2,

The behavior you describe above is, sadly, indicative of the pituitary tumor growing and becoming a macro-tumor. You may also see Bela pressing her head against things like the wall or furniture and her appetite may fall off. Here are some links on macrotumors:

Pituitary Macrotumors:






Please keep in touch and let us know how Bela is doing. Ask any questions you have. We will be here with you every step of the way.

Leslie and the girls - always

01-03-2011, 02:36 PM
Thank you Squirt's Mom for the links. I'm sure you're right about this. I have seen Bela stand with her head up against the kitchen cupboards. Her circles started out fairly large but are now little ones and many more.

Our vet told us that dogs with Cushings aren't in pain, what does everyone here think? Is my little girl in pain? She doesn't yelp or bark, just a soft whine when she wants out to poop. (she doesn't ask to go out to pee, we just take her every hour) I don't want her to suffer. We are going through so much as a family right now, that it's hard to face losing our little Bela, but we need to do the right thing for her too.

Squirt's Mom
01-04-2011, 05:29 PM

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I am having some computer issues. :mad::rolleyes:

I am so sorry you and your family are having problems period but especially now. It has to make facing Bela's issues that much tougher. :(

To the best of my knowledge and from what I could find in my short stints of research, pain does not seem to be associated with macrotumors. As the pressure builds, the pup can become confused and, I would think, uncomfortable from resulting problems like excess thirst, but not pain per se.

Please know we are here for you any time if you need to ask anything or simply talk.

Hugs, healing white light and prayers for all,
Leslie and the girls - always

01-04-2011, 06:08 PM

Karen went through a similar situation with Millie. Her vet did put Millie on Prednisone to help alleviate some of the problems. Millie was weened off of the Pred., and is doing much better now. If you click on search at the top of the page, type in Millie, check show thread, you'll be able to view what was going on with Millie.


01-04-2011, 08:34 PM
Thanks Terri! I read the whole thing on Millie. It sounds a lot like our Bela. I'm going to call our vet in the morning, about trying prednisone. Hopefully it will help her.

01-04-2011, 09:04 PM
You're very welcome. I hope you will be able to get some positive answers and good results.


01-23-2011, 07:37 AM
I apologize for not getting back on here sooner with an update. We did take our Bela to the vet to ask about prednisone or anything else to help with the circling and muscle weakness. Our vet said that prednisone wouldn't help and there wasn't anything else to give for muscle weakness. Since then I was away for 4 days.( to be with my dad at the hospital) My husband and daughter stayed home to look after the dogs. Bela has lost so much weight and muscle, it hurts me to see her this way. In the last 6 weeks, my mother has passed away and my father too. Now we have to make the decision for our precious girl Bela. This has been a terrible time for my family. I don't think Bela will make it through the week.

Casey's Mom
01-23-2011, 08:19 AM
Hello and I just wanted to say how very sorry I am for all that you are going through right now - to loose your parents within 6 weeks of each other and now Bella's issues is more than I can imagine.

Is she eating? Maybe you could try some chicken and cooked rice just to keep her strength up.

We are here for you even if you want to just talk or vent in any way.
Love and many hugs,

01-23-2011, 09:40 AM
I too am sorry that you and Bela are having a tough time of things. I really wish I could provide you with some helpful words of wisdom but despite our repeated requests, you have never posted any of the test results for Bela. Without anything to go on, none of us can really offer up any more than emotional support....but the good news is that there is never a shortage of that here. :D

I went back and reread your thread and you started giving Bela Vetoryl in November and she got ill so you discontinued. In December she started showing signs of high cortisol again, I believe she was begging for more food. Did your vet do an acth stim test at that point to see where cortisol levels were and did you start Bela back on Vetoryl treatment?


P.S. When you asked your vet about prednisone, did he tell you that he didn't think Bela needed prednisone because he doesn't think she has an expanding macrotumor?

01-23-2011, 10:33 PM
Glynda-Sorry I haven't been able to post test results because our vet hasn't given them to us. Ever time I ask for them, they are too busy to copy them or something else that prevents them from getting it to us. The vet did test her when she had the bad reaction to the meds., but did not re-test her later. He said it would be pointless to put her through it because she couldn't go back on the meds. When I asked about the prednisone, he said it wasn't recommended for use because of the cushings which already causes high steroid levels. He has never mentioned anything about a macro-tumour. Bela has not been eating well in the last two weeks. She will eat a little bit of cooked chicken, won't eat rice and refuses her dry/canned food quite often. I'm sorry I haven't been able to push the vet for the test results, but I haven't been in town much to due to the deaths of my parents. I will try to get them this week, but I don't think it will do Bela any good.

03-07-2011, 06:20 PM
Bela passed away this evening.

03-07-2011, 06:25 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. You did everything you could possibly do for Bela. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

03-07-2011, 06:31 PM
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Godspeed, sweet Bela.


03-07-2011, 06:58 PM
I am so very sorry to learn of Bela's passing. She was obviously a much loved dog and I know it must be very difficult to have lost so much so recently.


03-08-2011, 08:04 AM
I'm so very sorry for the loss of Bela. I know you have been through a lot. Bela was well loved.

Bonnie and Angel Criss

03-08-2011, 08:20 AM
I, too, am so very sorry about the loss of your sweet girl. But thank you so much for returning to let us know what has happened. Bela has now been added to our special memorial thread of honor:


Here she is surrounded by our other beloved Cushpups who have preceded her. Never to be forgotten, and always to be celebrated with love.

Sending you many hugs on this sad day,

03-08-2011, 09:17 PM
So sorry to hear about Bela; it's always hard to lose a terrier :(

Jeff & Angel Mandy

03-08-2011, 10:12 PM
Thanks everyone. I don't know what to say. It's just so hard right now without her here in my lap. I can feel her soft ears and see her brown eyes looking at me. My arms feel empty.

Bailey's Mom
03-08-2011, 10:25 PM
Hi-I am just now reading this thread. What Bela has gone through sounds very similar to the last 4 weeks of Palmer's life.

I am so sorry for your loss. You did everything you could possibly do for Bela. I know, as do many others here, how painful this is for you. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. My friends here have walked side by side with me over the last ? months. It was August 5th when Palmer crossed over the bridge....and I had been fortunate enough to have found this site maybe one year earlier.I have signed on here just to say I was crying and how hard it still is.

You have had a rough, rough time. I hope you have some peace for awhile. Palmer and Bela are running around acting crazy and having a ball!


Casey's Mom
03-12-2011, 10:53 PM
I am so sorry to hear of Bela's passing. Our love and hugs are with you.

Squirt's Mom
03-13-2011, 01:00 PM

I am so sorry that Bela lost her fight. You did everything you could to help her; she was so lucky to have you by her side through all of this.

As the days pass, I hope you are able to find some peace in the happy memories of your life together.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal