View Full Version : hormone cream/lotion/oil -help please

11-02-2010, 05:22 PM
I have been emailing Mary from dogaware and she mentioned hormone cream which I don't use, but everyday I mix 2lotions with and oil and put it all over after I get out of the shower. Gizmo always licks the back of my legs when I am getting ready. So today I looked at the ingredients in my products and went to the Whole Foods store and looked at hormone cream and have some similar ingredients. Mary, you may be onto something. I looked at my lotion and oil that I mix everday, which gizmo always licks, then I went to Whole Foods Store and looked at a couple hormone creams and there are similar ingredients. Here are some of the ingredients in my lotion and oil that are also in the hormone cream.

Evening primrose oil which I think effects hormones shae butter, phenoxyethanol, sesame seed oil, almond oil, mineral oil, Caprylic/capric triglycerides (this and the other oils could be part of the triglyceride issue maybe)

and maybe worst of all BHT!!! There is a article on dogfood advisor about how BHT affects the liver.

Also she is only 6lbs so it would not take much. What do you think? Am I crazy or could this be a big part of her problem?

This is what I sent Mary today. Anyone have any imput?

Michelle and Gizmo

11-03-2010, 05:40 AM
Hello Michelle,

I am not sure about the ingredients from the oils you are using but take a minute to read through this thread http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2274 of which provides links to an article describing this more.

If you suspect any of the ingredients are causing troubles, speak with your vet and even a pharmacist.


11-03-2010, 07:06 PM
Terry, thank you very much. I contacted Dr. David Bruyette and he helped alot. He suggested to keep her away from the lotion and oil for 4-6 weeks and retest and that it is hightly likely to have the same affect as the hormone creams given that the ingredients are similar. He also said that the melatonin implants don't really do well for dogs and my Gizmo is having major problems with her implant. I am going to see if they can remove it. Thank you


11-03-2010, 07:12 PM
Michelle, than you so much for sharing your conversation with Dr. Bruyette. This is very helpful information to store for future reference so take a bow for contributing to all of our education. :D I will be very interested in seeing how Gizmo's test results turn out in 4 to 6 weeks so please remember to update us.