View Full Version : Apollo birthday-12 years old

10-12-2010, 01:18 PM
Today my boy will be 12 years old.:p
For the new comers, Apollo has had cushing for awhile. Diagnosed in Sept 2009, found this life saving forum in June 2010, been on Trilostane since June and he is still here.
He will be getting his birthday gifts today- a bag full of organic cookies, a new bone and his new coat is in the mail to him today. Some good turkey later.
He woke up full of joy this morning, jumped up to lick me over and over, rolled over for lots of belly rubs.:D
But I am also remember our dear sweet Harley today.
As I said before we all fall together, and we all have joy together.
Hope is all we have. Each day is a gift with our cushing babies.
So for today I celebrate the good, and reflect on all of triumphs, losses, heartaches. Today Apollo celebrates all of you.
P.S. will try a post his birthday picture later.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo.

Roxee's Dad
10-12-2010, 01:22 PM

Have a great Day :D:D:D

10-13-2010, 06:23 AM
Happy Birthday, Apollo!! :):) Hope it's a great day, and enjoy your bone ;)

Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx

10-13-2010, 09:02 AM
:):)Dear Sonja and Apollo,
Don't read my thread on this joyous day for you. I am actually feeling some vicarious joy for you and don't want you to feel anything but happy today (and don't worry, we will be okay) - just some more hurdles to get through. As I always say, Apollo reminds me so much of my Simon, down to the way he wakes up and loves his belly rubs!!! What a joy to wake up to every day! I wish you both many more years of happy birthdays together, and expect that you will have them now that he is being treated! Have a wonderful and special time together today, as I know you will. I am sure Harley is celebrating from above, and like me, wishing you many more joyous birthdays, and celebrations together. Have a wonderful day today, sweet ones, and don't let ANYTHING get you down! Simon and I send Apollo belly rubs galore, and when he gets up I am sure Simon will do his "sheet dance" and ask for his own belly rubs, I will let him know that today's joy is a part of the celebration of Apollo's birthday! Happy Birthday, Apollo, and congratulations to your Mom for doing such a good job at keeping you a happy, dancing, belly rub desiring boy!
Dena and Simon and the gang :):):)

Today my boy will be 12 years old.:p
For the new comers, Apollo has had cushing for awhile. Diagnosed in Sept 2009, found this life saving forum in June 2010, been on Trilostane since June and he is still here.
He will be getting his birthday gifts today- a bag full of organic cookies, a new bone and his new coat is in the mail to him today. Some good turkey later.
He woke up full of joy this morning, jumped up to lick me over and over, rolled over for lots of belly rubs.:D
But I am also remember our dear sweet Harley today.
As I said before we all fall together, and we all have joy together.
Hope is all we have. Each day is a gift with our cushing babies.
So for today I celebrate the good, and reflect on all of triumphs, losses, heartaches. Today Apollo celebrates all of you.
P.S. will try a post his birthday picture later.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo.

10-13-2010, 02:47 PM
Happy Birthday Apollo..

Lots of hugs and rubs from Melissa, rebel & Sadie

Casey's Mom
10-13-2010, 04:01 PM
Happy Birthday Apollo!!!

Love and many hugs,

10-13-2010, 10:15 PM
Thank you for your birthday wishes;
John-roxie, Dena-Simon, Jane-Franklin, Bailey, Melissa-REbel,Sadie, and Ellen-Casy & Desi.
We need to celebrate each precious birthday we have with our fur balls.

John II
10-22-2010, 06:04 AM
Oh Apollo! I am so late! So very belated!
But I hope you had a wonderful day, and have a very Happy Birthmonth!:o:o:o:o:o