View Full Version : Horseplay

10-07-2010, 04:00 PM
If you aren't already a horse lover, you will be after this video...too cute! Be sure to watch until the very end.


10-07-2010, 04:50 PM
That was just adorable. I have never seen a horsey act like a doggie. and I need to get a ball like that for Princess. she would be entertained for hours on end--lol. Xo J.

Squirt's Mom
10-07-2010, 07:17 PM
Our gelding, Dynamite, is about 11 yrs. old. There is an old plastic table in their pasture that he plays with. If you set the table up right, he will watch then come along behind you and knock it over then roll it around the ground for a bit. No matter how many times you set it up, he pushes it over and rolls it! It's a game for him and he really enjoys it!

I used to have a Walker filly that I took off her mom and brought home to train. She was a hoot! Everything I used to help de-spook the horses, Jubilee saw as a toy. Blankets, garbage bags, pails, you name it was fair game as far as she was concerned. She would snatch whatever she wanted to play with at the time and take off running with it flying behind her head...that included jackets I might have left hanging on the fence! :p But I think her greatest joy was when she would see me come into the pasture and she would come tearing toward me as fast as she could go, sliding to a stop just before she plowed into me...usually! :p:p It seemed to give her great joy to watch me cringe! LOL