View Full Version : New to group, Hello! (11 1/2 y/o Dachshund)

10-05-2010, 08:13 PM
Hi My name is Krista and my best buddy Bruno a 11 1/2 yr old Dachshund has had the ACTH stimulation test and we are told the vet suspects cushing's. I will start with the only things I know (we are meeting with out vet tomorrow afternoon) We had blood work and a urinalisis done because Bruno has been drinking alot, he will pee then come in and refill as I say. I am a stay home Mom so luckily I saw what has been going on sometimes if we don't get him out quick enough he pees in the house. He also started eating his food like crazy so fast he would choke so I bought one of those bowls with the bumps to slow him down because I would have to hand feed otherwise. He does not pant or have any fur missing his belly does seem to sag a bit. It is hard to say about lethargy he is older and has always loved to snuggle and in November it will be 3yrs. since he had to have emergency back surgery for a disc problem. so as you can see this dog has been through so much already. We never let him do steps or beg the only thing was over the course of 9yrs he had jumped off the sofa sometimes. We did everything to protect his back and he still had compacted discs and one night could not use his back legs. Anyway, I have soo much I want to write and I am getting off the topic, I don't have any of the lab results I will ask for them tomorrow. All I know is the vet told my husband everything looked really good in the bloodwork and when I asked over the phone about the ACTH he said normal is around 20 and Bruno is at 30.8 I do not know what this means. Our vet wants to sit down in person and go over more but has not said anything about doing other tests. I am so emotional and confused. I don't know what our next step should be. We do have specialists in our area and I don't know if we should just continue with further testing with them, as you all know the cost is much higher there and the back surgery was a huge hit for us. My husband and I love Bruno we would do anything for him we just do not have unlimited funds we also have a 5yr old daughter and two cats one of which has Glacoma(sp?) One other thing I have noticed lately with Bruno is we pick him up to put him on the sofa,bed upstairs and when I set him down he seems to have to catch his breath or a little wheezy, sorry it is really hard to explain now I am worried about his heart or lungs. Any advise on what steps to take I would greatly appreciate, I stumbled upon this web-site and am greatful to have found it. Thank-You for your time

10-05-2010, 09:18 PM
Hi Krista,

Corky and I want to welcome you and Bruno.

This is a very wonderful group of very caring, supportive and knowledgeable people. Once you get the test results, it would be very helpful if you would post the stim tests results with the reference range, as well as any of the other tests that were not in the reference range. Many of our members have a great deal of experience in dealing with Cushings.

Were any other tests done for Cushings? An ultrasound would also help to determine if it is pituitary or adrenal Cushings.


10-05-2010, 09:35 PM
Hi and welcome! You mentioned the disc problems. By chance is your dog on steroids or any medication for pain? Pls list any meds.

The acth test is a measurement of cortisol. The reading your vet read to you means the cortisol is high. It means it could be - or could not be cushings. You certainly have some symptoms. The reason other tests are usually done is because other illnesses can give you the same test results and you don't want to start on treatment for cushings unless you are very sure of the diagnosis.

Did you have a blood panel done? Thanks, Kim

10-05-2010, 11:46 PM
Bruno only took some meds for 2wks after his back surgery almost 3yrs ago. He had a wonderful recovery and surgeon. He is not on any other meds. What test should we do next? Does anyone think we should go directly to specialists yet? I will ask for all the test results tomorrow. I know they did a blood panel and he told my husband everything looked good except a little elevated colesterol but not bad. Bruno also seems to have a rumbly tummy alot? He sleeps all night and we can leave him home for 3-4hrs with no accidents as long as he goes potty before we leave. I will check back tomorrow before going to the vet. Thank-you

10-06-2010, 07:31 AM
Welcome Bruno and Krista,

Many pups are treated successfully by gp vets. If an U/S becomes necessary it is almost always done by an IMS as those are the Drs. who most frequently have that type of equipment.

The post stim number of 30 does suggest Cushing's as does the appetite.

I understand your concern but know that if it is Cushing's there are good medical treatments which have given long term relief to lots of pups. There are members here with years of experience.

Looking forward to hearing more and helping you as you and Bruno proceed.


10-06-2010, 08:23 AM
Hi Krista,

One additional test that you may want to consider is an abdominal ultrasound. This would most probably require a visit to the specialists, because you would want the ultrasound performed on state-of-the-art equipment and the images interpreted by a knowledgeable professional. The ultrasound can help confirm a Cushing's diagnosis via the appearance of the adrenal glands, and it can also give you helpful information about the other internal organs (so as to help rule out any other problems that could be affecting the ACTH results). The ultrasound could be combined with a consultation with an internal medicine specialist. I know this involves extra money on the front end, but it may save you money in the long run as far as confirming the nature of Bruno's problem. If Cushing's is confirmed, your GP vet may very well remain in charge of treatment from that point onward. But the initial consultation with a specialist may be valuable for you.

As Scott has said, Bruno's ACTH test result and symptom profile are both consistent with Cushing's. One thing I would also ask your vet about today, however, is whether Bruno's liver values showed any elevation. That is another typical "marker" of Cushing's. Please do update us after you've talked to the vet, OK?


10-06-2010, 08:24 AM
Welcome! I look forward to seeing the test results too. Pls post the anything on the blood panel that is out of range. Post the result as well as what the lab considers normal since they vary. Normally the liver enzymes are high on cush dogs.

Scott is right - with proper treatment your dog can lead a very normal life. Hang in there and keep reading. You'll be fine. Kim

10-06-2010, 06:30 PM
Thank-you for all your response and encouragement. This is what we talked about today with Dr. I asked how sure our vet was Bruno has cushings, he said about 90% Due to test results and the drinking and appetitie. He is most comfortable with Lysodren he has another Dr. who is more familiar w/Trilostane whom he said we could talk to if we want. He said we could do the abdominal ultrasound if I feel I want to. I am not real computer savy so I will type some of the blood panel results that the vet said led him to doing the ACTH test which as I said was pre5.3 and 31.8 post cortisol Alkaline Phosphatase: Bruno 452(high) reference 5-131 GGTP: Bruno 24(high) ref.1-12 These next two dr believes to more more due to old age Cholesterol Bruno366 ref92-324 Lipase Bruno748 ref77-695
he also had done a CBC which everything was within healthy range and a Urinalysis which was same. He told us he will go very gradually with the Lyso and I asked if he ever had any adverse reactions he knocked on wood and said he had never had a dog who had "crashed" I don't like that term, it is what he used. So I am leaning toward doing the ultrasound and then going forward with the Lysodren because he also said the Trilo is an everyday for rest of life med where as Lyso is smaller maintanance doses. Bruno is around 15-20lbs. I need to check the most recent. He also said if we want to wait a few weeks and repeat the ACTH before moving forward but I don't know what to do, Bruno as many dogs hates going there and I know he will have to get that done once the loading is finished. Our vet also said he waited after we dropped Bruno off to let him settle down for the Baseline draw for ACTH.
Sorry to be so long with this just wanted to get some feedback from some of you. I have noticed Brunos back legs shaky when he stands and the front ones seem to be spread apart more in his stance. I don't want to wait to long due to cooler weather where he seems to get a bit stiff due to the back surgery, although luckily we live in Fl so not too cool for awhile! Thanks again Krista and of course Bruno thanks you too! How do I put a picture of Bruno up? My hubby may be able to do that I would love for you to see his face!

10-06-2010, 08:48 PM
I know you'll soon be getting feedback about Bruno's testing, but let's attend to first things first -- getting that photo of Bruno up as your avatar!! :p :) Here's a link that should help you with that:


Also, if you want to create a photo album where you can upload multiple photos of Bruno, just go to your personal profile page, and click on the "Add Album" prompt on the right-hand side of the page.


10-09-2010, 06:57 PM
Dear Kris
Welcome to the forum. I am Apollo's mom. Apollo is a mini dachshund, will be 12 years old October 12,2010. Please make sure which kind of cushing it is if it is cushing. Apollo has the pituitary kind , which means both his adrenal glands are similarly enlarged. There are three kinds. If is important to know which one before you even start treatment and also which treatment options are available to you.
Please in your avatar download a picture of your Bruno. and in user cp, where you are from would help with resources for you.
Apollo is on Trilostane, and has had back issues for years.
Hugs from Sonja and Apollo