View Full Version : Snoopie, a Baby Girl Beagle with PDH, (update: Snoopie has passed)

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07-09-2011, 01:16 AM
Here were her pre op labs:

All normal but:

RBC 4.85 normal range 5.50-8.50 was 6.70 March 29, 2011
HCT 36.6 normal range 37.0-55.0 was 48.6
LYM 0.39 normal range .50-4.90 was .50
EOS .09 normal range .10-1.49 was .08
BUN 72. normal range 7-72 was 32.
ALT 206. normal range 10-100 was 157.
ALKP 1469. normal range 23-212 was 1814.

07-09-2011, 05:44 PM
Hi, Rene -

Sorry to hear Snoop had surgery on her eye, but happy to hear it went well. Hopefully that will solve that problem! Take care!

07-14-2011, 07:39 PM
Hi Rene,

I was just wondering how Snoopy was doing. Hoping no news is good news.

Take Care
Rhondalyn and Honey

07-14-2011, 11:43 PM
Thanks Mary Beth & Rhondalyn,

Snoopie had her one week recheck and the eye Dr. said her eye looks good and is healing on schedule. She has to wear a cone and takes pain meds so she sleeps a lot and is not herself at all.

After reading Glynda's post on Apollo's thread about diabetes symptoms I am questioning if many of Snoops recent problems may be related.

I feel so bad for her and just wish I could take this one for her. Darn this disease.


07-15-2011, 03:29 AM

I am so very sorry that Snoopie is not feeling well. I will say a very special prayer for her. I know that feeling of wanting to take their pain for them. It really hurts to see them go through so much.

Hang in There
Rhondalyn and Honey

Squirt's Mom
07-15-2011, 09:44 AM
Hi Rene,

Don't quote me on this, but I think there are some sticks you can get at your pharmacy that will give you an idea if her sugar is high, or low. They are used with urine, not blood. This might could let you know if she needs to have her blood glucose checked out. Hopefully, some of our diabetes experts will chime in here and let us know if I am off-base and batty again. ;):p

Leslie and the gang

07-15-2011, 05:01 PM
Dear Rene
Sorry haven't kept up with you. Glad about Snoopy's eye. Looks like some readings are fine other's have gone up. I am not the medical specialist so can't give input.
The disease is Russian roulette for sure.
Hang in there girl.
I wish I could take one for Apollo to.
But I don't think I would look good with half my hair out and lumps and bumps all over my body.:eek: I don't even want to think.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

07-16-2011, 12:58 AM
Rhondalyn, Leslie & Sonja,

Thanks for the support, prayers and hope.

I will check into the strips. I spoke with Snoops IMS and let him know that because Snoop was feeling so bad, my gut told me not to give her the weelky Lysodren dose last week. I felt under the circumstances if her cortisol was a bit high it couldn't hurt. He did not disagree.

Her last test was on 6/8/11 and she was 3.7/18.0. The plan was to increase her weekly dose from 500mg to 625mg weekly and to call him in a month and report if her symptoms decreased (thirst/hunger). We decided to do this instead of a mini load to give her eye ulcer a chance to heal in case the extra cortisol was helping. But, the eye was not healing and she needed the surgery.

I was on the fence about it but tonite I resumed with her weelky dose. The IMS wants a call in two weeks and we will talk about her symptoms. I just hope that she starts feeling better soon because I cannot tell what is normal and not.

Snoopie had Conjunctival Graft Surgery on 7/7/11. Has anyone been through this with their cush pup and how long did it take before they saw improvement. I am just concerned, because of our pups weakened immune system, that she will not heal propery or this will start something else into motion. We did have the bad experience with delayed healing and the open hernia when she lost her gall bladder and spleen....so mom is very nervous.

Rene & Snoopie

07-16-2011, 02:49 AM
The strips are called diastix and are just dipped into some urine to see if there is a color change to indicate high blood glucose. There are also strips called ketodiastix that measure glucose and ketones which would mean an emergency trip to the vet if they registered.

Easy to use if you can manage to get the urine sample.:D


PS A soup ladle works a treat.

07-16-2011, 09:09 AM
Sending positive thoughts and energy for Snoops. You are such a good mom, I am sure she will be better soon.


07-16-2011, 01:02 PM
Thanks Jenny & Addy!

I really really hope so.

07-16-2011, 08:14 PM
Dear Rene
So sorry to hear about Snoopy. I hope she is healing well, and feels better will post on my thread.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

07-16-2011, 08:23 PM
Hi, Rene -

So sorry to hear you and Snoop are having such a rough time. Hopefully all her extra sleeping will help the healing process. Keeping you both in my thoughts. You are so good to her - hang in there!

07-20-2011, 10:03 PM
Hey, Rene. Just checking in to see how Snoop's eye is healing? I hope she's doing well.

07-20-2011, 11:44 PM
Dear Rene
How is Snoopy doing. And how are you doing.?
Sonja and Apollo

07-21-2011, 12:41 AM
Hi Mary Beth & Sonja,

Thanks for checking in. Im sorry Ali is having such go right now. I know it is very hard to see them like this. Sonja, I honestly hope for Apollo too that his results will give you some indication of what to focus on.

It just seems like our little cush pups are so full of zest for life when they are feeling well. Then, they have these set backs.

It is so hard for all of us to focus on how to help them...or as Sonja says, "one hose and so many fires". I wonder myself the root of Snoops eye trouble...but the eye specialist keeps assuring me that nothing else synister is going on as she is on track with her recovery.

I will pray that the root of both Ali's and little Apollo's seemingly..."house of cards" is discovered and treated soon so we all can be back enjoying our days with our fur kids and back to posting their silly antics!

Rene & Snoop

07-22-2011, 01:08 PM
Same goes for our Snoopy.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

07-26-2011, 11:53 AM
Hi, Rene -

Thanks for checking in on us on my thread...I posted an Alivia update this morning. How's Snoop doing? Any improvement with her eye? I hope that's healing well. Has she been up to any more hunting? :cool:

You are both in my thoughts!

07-28-2011, 04:12 AM
Thanks for checking in Sonja and Mary Beth,

It seems all 3 of us are on the roller coaster with our babes. Apollo, Ali and Snoop are in my thoughts and prayers often.

I am slowly getting my princess back! She was so "down for the count" the week of her eye surgery I was afraid to give her the weekly dose of Lysodren. I figured if her cortisol ran high it could not hurt. Her IMS did not disagree. The next week I put her back on it and she perked right up. I understand the healing process but this was much more. She will take weeks to recover from this eye surgery. I believe I made a mistake by not giving her the Lysodren when she was not feeling well. Snoop has been doing so much better healing wise since I restarted her weekly dosage. Go figure.

Can anyone explain?

Snoop is not up for wabbit chasing yet but she definately has her personality back! When I bring home too much work and am not paying proper attention she lets me know!

A beautiful thing.
Rene & Snoop

07-28-2011, 04:48 AM
Hi Rene,

I believe that higher than normal cortisol suppresses the immune system and causes slower healing. I'm sure if you google it there will be heaps of info about it. I don't know if missing the Lyso would have caused a big enough rise in the cortisol to cause this but maybe.

I take pred every day and I heal very slowly. What used to take days to heal now takes over a week.:(


Squirt's Mom
07-28-2011, 06:25 PM
Hi Rene,

Just food for thought but missing maintenance doses can allow the adrenals to regenerate, losing the load. So keep a close eye on her for return of cush signs. Every pup is different....some will regenerate seemingly overnite while others can make it longer.

Leslie and the gang

07-28-2011, 06:53 PM
Thanks Jenny! I have heard it both ways...who knows what to think.
I agree Leslie...we still are watching her close as she was not where we wanted her to be last time and just increased her dose without a mini load because of the surgery.

!!!But folks hold on to your knickers...I finally have some good news!!!

The Princess Is Back !!!

http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/picture.php?pictureid=2919&albumid=360&dl=1311891220&thumb=1 (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=360&pictureid=2919)

This morining I awoke to the clanking sound of Snoop repeadly throwing her food bowl up against the wall because I had over slept. After I honored the princess' breakfast request she took her field bells from the garage/kitchen door knob brought them to the bedroom and threw them at my feet!

It has been three weeks to the day of her eye surgery and I have been very worried. Snoop has been sleeping a lot, not intrested in food and had lost her personality. She had been house bound and could care-a-less about "wabbit" hunting. This is what she lives for. I was looking for signs :(.

So, to say the least I was overjoyed to put on her bells for her! When I went looking for her protective bonnet she had also drug that out and it was laying in the hallway! We put that on and out the door she went. She waited so patiently when I had to mark the occasion and take a picture on the stairs outside. We did not make it far but at least my little girl is back!

I updated and posted pictures on her corneal ulcer and food change album.

Hopefully this time we will have nothing but positive fun posts!!!

Rene & Snoopie

07-28-2011, 08:49 PM
Congrats on some good news! Glad to hear she is feeling better!

Julie & Hannah

07-28-2011, 10:01 PM
I am smiling from ear to ear! Love that the princess decided she was going out and got her stuff together! I am so thrilled to hear that she seems to have turned a major corner!!!! The pictures are adorable! :D

07-29-2011, 12:07 AM
I love the picture. Ya Snoopy. You look cool.:D
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

07-29-2011, 07:10 AM
:D Yeah.. very cool photo... how did you do that? Great news too. Kim

Squirt's Mom
07-29-2011, 08:50 AM
Oh, Rene! What a delightful thing to wake up to! :):cool::) While I was reading about Snoopy getting her wabbit hunting gear out and tossing things around, I knew how you felt. When Squirt grabbed a toy and threw it up in the air after starting her Lyso maintenance, my old heart was so full of joy for her. Many others here know that joy, too, and I am so happy for you and Snoop! :D It makes all those hours, days, weeks, and months of worry so worth it to see them happy and feeling good again!

Leslie and the gang

07-30-2011, 01:40 AM
Thanks Julie, Mary Beth, Sonja, Kim & Leslie...it is a good feeling. When I came home from work today she was still full of "piss & vinegar"! I think we may be on a roll!!!

:D Yeah.. very cool photo... how did you do that? Great news too. Kim

Kim...I accidently did it on Mary Beth's thread one day. I was trying to insert a link. You can right click on a photo or even a graphic on a website. Just hit copy. Then put the cursor where you want the picture to appear in the thread and right click and hit paste...wala!

Snoop was too funny when I took that picture yesterday. When I put her "doggles" on she knows she is going to get to go outside and was excited. I was trying to get her to stay on the couch so I could get a picture but she got impatient and started talking and giving me the business! I snapped the pic!

Thanks for your support guys :D

Rene & Snoopie

07-30-2011, 02:03 AM
I love it! Snoop's picture is absolutely pawsome!

07-30-2011, 02:08 AM
HA! :D u..clever!

07-30-2011, 08:13 AM
Getting woken up by Snoopy is the best alarm you could have. What a perfect way to start the day:D:D:D:D:D:D

I love the pix and am so happy Snoopy is feeling better. It is so hard to see them sick.

Keep up the good work!!!!!


07-30-2011, 09:43 AM
Ha... Rene... I meant how did you get those dang googles/glasses to stay on her? :D So cool looking... my dogs would never stand still long enough for that. :p

07-30-2011, 05:02 PM
Snoopy you keep doing what you are doing. It makes your Mommy happy. Ya!!!!!:p
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

07-31-2011, 02:08 AM
Addy, Kim & Sonja...Thank you so much for the continued encouragement! It really means so much.

Ha... Rene... I meant how did you get those dang googles/glasses to stay on her? :D So cool looking... my dogs would never stand still long enough for that. :p

Kim...what a hoot! Sometimes I can be dence.

I guess it is a matter of need with Snoop. She is very guarded about her eyes. Light and anything brushing against them because she cannot blink that left eye.

Check out my photo album about her "Bonnet".

She really has learned that anything that protects her eyes means she can go out side and "wabbit" hunt and wade into the bush uninhibbited. So when she "gets her gear on" (as Mary Beth coined) it is a good thing. She has spend her whole life on the trail with her horses and when the "cushings got her" she has learned she needs her "gear" to be able to continue to "do her thing". She is a really happy girl.

Rene & Snoop

08-01-2011, 11:08 PM
Hi Rene,

I've been away working alot of hours and I come back to see this great news about Snoopy. I was so worried about her. I am so glad she is feeling better and the picture put a smile on my face. She is a cutie pie. SNOOP DOG IS BACK !!!! YEAH BABY:)

Rhondalyn and Honey

08-02-2011, 04:07 PM
I was too Rhondalyn. But she seems to be back to her ole self. You would not know she has cushings or had eye surgery if it wasn't for the granular tissue on her eye right now! Even the hair from when they shaved her paw for the IV has almost grown back in and the last remaining black stubborn spot on her nose is almost in!

She is back to caring about Snoop stuff and her antics. Today she tried to steal horse poop and carrots! But, the bonnet bageled her play!!!

I posted a picture on her Snoopie album.

Rene & Snoopie

08-02-2011, 06:07 PM

How exciting to hear that Snoopy is continuing to fee so good! She sure sounds happy!

Julie & Hannah

08-03-2011, 06:01 PM
Yes Jule she is right now.

However if there is one thing I have learned about this awful disease is I believe it acts similar to a cancer and has a "domino effect". It's onset is gradual mimicking old age and takes a toll on our pup’s internal organs.

By the time we see its effects outwardly it most likely already has it hold internally reaking havoc on their internal organs and causing other ailments.

I believe controlling it from the beginning is key. Had I known my princess had cushings, knowing what know now, I would have put her on medication right then, to spare her all of it. Obviously, she has felt poorly this entire time and now she feels great even on the posion (lysodren)!!! I wish I could go back.

In Snoops case her personality changed as she gradually started to feel poorly and looked aged. Her bouts with pancreatitis, bladder infections, skin issues and others, were dismissed as just that and getting old.

Unfortunately, her Cushing’s diagnosis came too late after she crashed and lost her gall bladder, spleen and almost her life. Don't ignore the signs!

We are not perfectly were we want to be but obviously Snoops cushings, cortisol and elevated hormones are being effectively controlled. She no longer has bouts of pancreatitis, bladder infections, skin or hair issues, muscle shaking or wasting.

She is no longer an old dog and has a return of her personality and zest for life.

Praying for contiuned success and healing,
Rene & Snoopie

08-03-2011, 08:02 PM
Hi Rene,

I wanting to ask you a few questions. Right now Honey is on Day 10 of the maintenance dose of lysodren 1/4 tablet 4x a wk. and he seems to be doing really good. I'm seeing a decrease in food and water and more energy already. I was like you I really thought of lysodren as poison so now Im thinking this is some really good poison because Honey is really improving. I was wondering how long has Snoopy been on lysodren and how long does it take to see the hair grow back and the weight come down. Snoopy is slim and no potbelly at all. Honey is bald on the sides and I'm having a hard time with the weight coming down.

I got the liver support factor you told me about. I was wondering how do you give it to Snoopy. The pill is huge, is it ok to crush or break up.

Honey has an appointment for the 30day recheck on August 18. I want to start using the discounts you told me about at CVS. What do I ask my vet for. Does she give me a prescription in Honeys name or my name or does she have to call it in. I just paid 92.00 for 14 tablets cut in half. Is this alot for lysodren?:confused:

Last question .... where do I find the goggles Snoopy is wearing:)

Thanks for the help
Rhondalyn and Honey

08-04-2011, 12:24 AM
Dear Rene just checking in on you and Snoopy. So glad to hear she is doing better. Wish I could say the same for my baby's legs. Crazy week.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

08-04-2011, 02:30 AM
Im wanting to ask you a few questions. I was wondering how long has Snoopy been on lysodren and how long does it take to see the hair grow back and the weight come down. Snoopy is slim and no potbelly at all. Honey is bald on the sides and I'm having a hard time with the weight coming down.

I got her in better condition by switching to raw, getting the good quality protein up, carbs down and good a fat to stop the catabolic muscle wasting. I added supplements to aid this process and digestion. We took her "wabbit" hunting each night to stimulate the process or at least got her out when she wasn't feeling well for at least a car ride.

Snoopie 1st started Lysodren on 02/01/2011 she was not properly loaded then had issues holding her weekly dosage. She had a pot belly and muscle wasting and rear end shaking and weakness. We got a good load on 3/25/2011 of 3.2/4.9 but lost her hold on 6/8/2011 at 3.7/18.0 and increased her weekly dosage without a mini load...not recommended. We did not have a choice because of her eye surgery. Overall it has seemed to have worked but I feel she will post test high and we will mini load to correct.

The short answer is once I made other changes such as her food and supplements things started happening within that first month as the lyso was kicking in also.
I believe it all worked with the Lyso. I documented the progress with pictures in Snoops "Food Change Progress" album. The very last thing to come in is that very stubborn large black greasy spot on her nose...it has little white hairs all over it and is almost gone! That took three months.

I got the liver support factor you told me about. I was wondering how do you give it to Snoopy. The pill is huge, is it ok to crush or break up.
Break it in half and give AM & PM and put it in a pill pocket or wrap it in a slice of individual cheese squares. Snoop loves that for any pill she spits out.

Honey has an appointment for the 30day recheck on August 18. I want to start using the discounts you told me about at CVS. What do I ask my vet for. Does she give me a prescription in Honeys name or my name or does she have to call it in. I just paid 92.00 for 14 tablets cut in half. Is this alot for lysodren?

You need to present the AAA RX card at the time the RX is requested. The RX is written in Honey's name with your last name. The first time it is best to have a hand written RX because you need to present the AAA RX card when you give the RX so they can apply the discount when they fill it otherwise they will have to redo it if you give it to them when you pick it up. After you have the discount card on file you can have the vet call in the refills no problem.
Here is the link for the AAA RX card Discount:
(Make sure you point out the fine print that is it valid for pet prescriptions...sometimes they will give you a hard time...it’s almost 20 %!)

http://www2.caremark.com/aaa/rxdirect_aaa.pdf (http://www2.caremark.com/aaa/rxdirect_aaa.pdf)

I pay $5.19 for a 500mg pill at Cosco so that sounds a bit high.

Last question .... where do I find the goggles Snoopy is wearing
On line at Doggles.com. They have a mask to, like Snoopies bonnet, or the FoxOut she wears, but it doesn't prevent them eating yucky stuff or getting foxtails in her ears or nose. The Doggles mask is good for just blocking out light. If your pup is light senitive, and there is no wind the doggles mask works great. Snoop has all three pictured on her "Bonnet" album if you want to see them.

Thanks for the help
Rhondalyn and Honey

Anytime...hope it helps!

Rene & Snoop

Hi Sonja...Happy B-Day!

08-05-2011, 07:18 AM

THANKS for all the valuable info. You are really helping me to get my baby boy in TIP TOP shape. I checked out the doggles and I LOVE them Im will be getting him a pair of black ones and a biker hat. :)

One more question, Honey has dry eyes and I do the eye drops 2x a day, but he still has that nasty eye booger stuff in the morning. Did Snoopy eye problems start with dry eyes. Im worried that his dry eyes may get worse.

Thanks Again
Rhondalyn and Honey

08-06-2011, 12:51 AM

Glad I can help. The only thing I don't like about the Doggles is I wish they had a wider field of vision. I notice that Snoop whips her neck around when she wears them. Check with Saska I think I saw a picture on her albums that Yunah was wearing that had wider lenses and they snapped in the middle of the front. I would even like to know what brand they are and where she got them. Sas you out there?

Snoops eye problems started when she suffered sudden facial nerve paralysis back in December, she also became suddenly deaf. Because of the paralysis she cannot blink her left eye and suffers from exposure keratitis which led to a corneal ulcer that ulcerated. So in a way, yes, dry eye did lead to her problems.

If you are worried about it take Honey to an eye specialist. They usually only charge $100-$130 for a very extensive exam with some really specialized tests. Then will prescribe special drops to increase tear production if that is what her problem is. It is well worth the money especially if you don't know if her eye "boogers" are infectious, which could indicate another problem.

One more thing...if you already have the RX drops and are still getting "boogers" in the AM it could be Honey may not be getting properly lubricated overnight as he sleeps. Blinking during the day helps this process and the drops just don't have lasting power. Ask your vet for the ointment version and try that in the PM. If there isn't one get some sterile lubricant eye ointment in the eye drop section of the drug store. It comes in a little 0.12 oz tube. Put a 1/4 - 1/2 inch strip in the offending eye(s). Let it melt in a bit, then put in your RX drops. The ointment will stretch the staying power of your drops and moisturize the eye better! Even if you don't have the RX drops just the ointment works wonders for dry eye day and nite. http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif

Rene & Snoopie

08-06-2011, 12:52 AM
Rene -

I am so happy to hear that Snoop is continuing to do well! Love these "up" times when we get them!

08-06-2011, 02:01 AM
Thanks Mary Beth!

I am soooo glad little Ali is back on track too! This is all so stressful but when our little "buggetts" are feeling good they sure make it up!

Rene & Snoop

08-06-2011, 02:32 AM
Hi Rene :)

My Yunah wears Dog-Goes sunglasses. I did a quick search on the internet but seems they are called "Petlenses" in the USA. Check out this link (http://inventorspot.com/articles/fashionable_dog_glasses_are_also_protective_13638) .

I bought them at a petstore and I remember them telling me they stopped selling the dog goggles completely since they had too many complaints about them not fitting properly and the Dog-Goes are much more adjustable to a dog's face.

Another thing I like to mention to Rhondalyn is that my Yunah was first prescribed artificial tears to help lubricate her eyes. And I had to use them much more often then twice a day but Yunah too kept having those "boogers" in the corners of her eyes and she kept having conjunctivitis. So I took her to an eyespecialist and she determined that Yunah not only had "dry eyes" (too little tearproduction) but also the make up of her tears was not correct. Tears consist out of several "things" like water, grease, some sticky stuff... It turned out Yunah did not have the sticky part that causes the tear to glue/stick to the eyeball. So no matter how much artificial tears I was giving her, the tears rolled down her eyeball right away instead of sticking to the eyeball, creating this thin layer over the eyeball to protect it. So we were given an ointment (optimmune-canis) that adds the sticky stuff as well...and since then she never had a conjunctivitus ever again and hardly any boogers anymore :)

What I am trying to say, it might be a good idea to go see an eye specialist because there can be many more things wrong with a "simple tear" then just not enough :)

Saskia and Yunah :)

08-06-2011, 02:43 AM
Thanks Sas! But, do you like the glasses? Any problems?

I can't say enough either about the eye specialist. Snoop is deaf and we couldn't risk her loosing her sight too. The eye specialist was by far the out of all the specialists I have been to that we have gotten the most bang for our buck! Even all of Snoops re checks after her eye surgery have been on the house!

Rene & Snoop

08-06-2011, 02:59 AM
oops... yes, I love the glasses and more so, Yunah does too :) They are very comfortable, fit very well and are easy to put on/off. The part in the middle (between the eyes) can be adjusted and you can shape them so they follow the line of the face. They are quite a bit more expensive then the Goggles but worth every euro...or dollar in your case :)

Yunah has had them for over 2 years now and they are still in perfect condition and she wears them a lot!

And yes, I too, love the eyespecialist, all the things they can check :eek: For us it was a 1 time visit, the discovery of Yunah not having the "sticky stuff" in her tears, presribing the Optimmune-canis and a phone appointment 1 month later so she could learn how Yunah was doing with her new treatment...and we never had to go back since Yunah's eyes are doing really great now :)

Wishing you good night :)

Saskia and Yunah :)

08-06-2011, 03:37 AM
Yeah...can't find your glasses here. :( Maybe you can shoot a website from there and I can try ordering them from there.

Optimmune great stuff. Also have been using Opitxcare surigical eye lube too. Long lasting surgical eye gel actually coats the eye and won't melt so when my Snoop "buggett" sleeps with her eye wide open at night puts a really good coating on it.

It seems the artifical tears are superficial and do not address the problem. After the exam, when the proper diagnoisis has been obtained, the Rx drops/lubricants do.

Hey Mary Beth, if it gets that bad you may want to check into that!

Nite Sas...Thanks.

08-06-2011, 04:31 AM

I have been doing some research for you. There are not sold in the USA, actually, they come from a Swiss company but due to the economic crisis the sales are down a lot and countries like Germany and Denmark do not sell them either anymore. So I called the petstore where I bought them (they are the exclusive ones to sell these glases in this country) and presented them with the "problem". He said: "No problem, we can sent her one if she wants to". At the moment they are on sale, 5% off. The main problem would be the size... But I can take close up pictures of Yunah so you can see exactly where the straps go, and meassure those same places on Snoop's head. With that info they can get you the right size. Also, more generally, they have a list of breeds and which size would go (again, in general) for each breed.

Here's (http://www.dierenspeciaalzaak.com/4/hondenbrillen_shop.html) the link to the glasses on their website.. and here (http://www.dierenspeciaalzaak.com/5/hondenbril_maten.html) you can find the list of breeds.

So, if you are interested, let me know and I will take some close up shots of Yunah wearing her glasses so you can see exact where to meassure Snoop's head for the right size. Prizes on the website are in Euro's...not sure what that would be in Dollars.

Sas and Yunah :-)

08-06-2011, 07:13 AM
Rene and Saskia,

You guys are better than any vet I could have. I'm so lucky to get so much good help and the best part is you guys are FREE. I tried to explain to my vet that the drops were not working. Honey was at one time on the optimmune ointment and for some reason it has been hard to get from my vet. I did not have this problem with the ointment...My vet told me that the drops were the same thing..... WRONG..... You guys just confirmed what I was thinking and feeling. I will find an eye specialist in my area because I really have a gut feeling that this eye thing will become a nightmare.

Saskia Thanks for the info on the googles, I will check out the link and post the pics when they arrive...

YOU GUYS ROCK!!!! Once again Honey dodged another bullet....

Rhondalyn and Honey

08-06-2011, 03:06 PM
Dear Rene
Just checking up on you and Snoopy. Will post on my thread. Working on store computer trouble shooting. Always something .
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

08-07-2011, 01:20 AM

Sounds like you need to go see the eye specialist if not only for the peace of mind but to get a proper diagnoisis and the correct ointment. Could turn out to be the cheapest insurance policy ever!!!! Snoops surgery was expensive.

Sas...thanks for all the work! Yunah is a bit bigger than Snoop. Snoopie is a standard size beagle (27 lbs) so she would need the small goggles I think. What size are Yunahs? Do you know how I would go about ordering them? Their website is all in Swiss?

Rene & Snoop

08-07-2011, 02:02 AM
Hi Rene :)

The manufacturing company is in Switzerland (http://www.dog-goes.ch/701/index.html). There is only one page in English (http://www.dog-goes.ch/6001/2443.html) on their website about head-mounted cameras for police search and rescue dogs in Canada, using the Dog-Goes glasses.

But you can also contact "my" store (in The Netherlands) since I am positive they do know English and I know they will be happy to help you getting the right glasses for Snoop. (just tell them you got their info from a friend in The Netherlands and that she spoke with Arjan...then Arjan will know about this since I already discussed it with him)

Here (http://www.dierenspeciaalzaak.com/66/belgium_denmark_to_order_from_there_read_here.html )you can find their emailaddress.

If you like me to show you close up pictures of Yunah wearing her glasses, so you can see exactly where the straps go so you know where to meassure Snoop's head, let me know :)

Sas and Yunah :)

08-07-2011, 02:29 AM
Great Sas!

I saw the Basic Pro also looks like the lenses are blue. Snoop needs a lens that is dark enough to protect her eyes from bright sun, but not too dark because she wades into the bush and shadows and if the glasses are too dark she looses her way. How much does Yunah weigh and what size are hers? From the looks of it you purchased the Basic style? Then how do I get ahold of your guy to pay him?

Your great!
Rene & Snoop

08-07-2011, 03:12 AM
Yunah has the Dog Basic 1, size small. She has grey glasses and eventhough they appear to be very dark, if you look through them yourself (I tried it), you can see that even inside a shady room, you still can see clearly through them :)

At the moment, Yunah weighs 13 kilo's...ehm that would be (hold on, finding my converter) 28.6 lbs. Just email "my" guy :D He can let you know how to pay...I have no clue but probably just by transferring money to his bankaccount? :)

I made some pics of yunah with her glasses on, I will post them in a minute...that way you can see how the straps go and measure Snoop at those places :)

Sas and Yunah :)

08-07-2011, 04:51 AM
Thanks for all the trouble Sas!

Sounds like Snoop and Yunah are about the same size but I thought Yunah looked bigger that a beagle in the pictures! I will take a look at the photos but Im sure she will need a small size. Now I have to decide if I want to get her the basic1 or the pro. It looks like the pro might have a lighter lens...looks to be blue reflective instead of the dark black.

Thanks Again,
Rene & Snoopster

08-07-2011, 05:32 AM
Hi Rene,

I am pretty sure that Yunah is taller then Snoopy but she is very slim. Most Beagles here, are weighing even more then Yunah does (on the overweigth side....) but are definately not as high as Yunah is. Yunah is (again, needing my converter) 17.7 inches or 45 cms high at the shoulders.

And yes, the blue glasses are those "mirroring" kind of glasses. But you can inquire by email with Arjan, he will know all the info on the different types of glasses.

Saskia and Yunah :)

p.s. the pics are now in Yunah's album

08-07-2011, 01:56 PM
i am jealous of you beagles.:D Apollo is a hound dog too.:)
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

08-08-2011, 02:44 AM
Goods Eyes Sas & thanks for the pictures. They really look comfortable and have a lot bigger lenses then the doggles. I think this will really resolve Snoops visability issue!! Thanks. Snoop is 16" at the shoulder, weighs about 27lbs and in good shape right now with a bit of muscle! Sounds like the small will fit her also.

I will shoot Arjan an e-mail an get a pair ordered. Again, you are so kind to help out with all this. If anybody needs a small size doggles I have a pair if these work out better for Snoop.

Hi Sonja,
Caught three more of those reports this week! But, not as serious. Will the knucleheads ever smartten up! Paper Paper Paper! I hope things slow down for both of us...Snoop & Apollo need play date!!!

Rene & Snoopie

08-08-2011, 01:39 PM
Dear Rene
Apollo is asking for his girlfriend Snoopy. And his other girl Zoe.
What a Casanova he is.
hug Sonja and Apollo

08-09-2011, 01:37 AM

Im still putting salve on the bald patches on my face from Apollo's girlfriend. What a cutie! Did ya post the pic's?

If Snoopie knew the betrayls!!!

Really bad week for us, last month or so too, 3 total, funeral on Friday. Will call for that play date ...much needed!!!

Love Ya,
Rene & Snoopster

08-10-2011, 10:45 PM
Dear Rene
Will post Apollo's picture so everyone can get a laugh.Thinking about how you are holding up. Call if you need to talk.
Kissing from Apollo( two timer:eek:) to Snoopy.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

08-12-2011, 02:06 AM
Hi All,

May need a little massaging or tough love. Snoop is really good. In fact, she is in her full on princess mode.

She is refusing her raw food. She has done this in the past with other foods. Which is how we ended up thankfully with the raw.

She feels well and is not off food & just maniulapilating me. I have offered higher value food (Arnies cat treats) if she eats her meals and that has run its course.

I have resorted to cooking her raw food for her which I find counterproductive. To make matters worse she will only eat it BBQ'ed!!!

I am not happy with this situation as we are going away this month and cannot expect Snoopies second home to BBQ for her every day.

To make matters worse it was said to me "You won't have her much longer and you will miss BBQing for her...so enjoy it while you can".

The statement was not meant to be hurtful but we here only can understand the blow.

Anyways, Im a little upset and need encouragement from the group and insight to a good easy alternative to the raw diet for the pet setters.

Rene & Snoopie

Harley PoMMom
08-12-2011, 04:58 AM
Hi Rene,

I was wondering if you have ever tried the Primal, here is a link: http://www.primalpetfoods.com/product/list/c/7

My Bear is on a formulated diet but sometimes he gets tired of it and the Primal Canine Chicken formula is what I buy and feed him when his formulated diet no longer entices him, he loves the Primal.

I know you are cherishing every moment with Snoopy and I can definitely understand why that statement hurt...sending huge loving hugs.

Love and more hugs,

08-12-2011, 01:34 PM
Hi Renee,

Miss Paranoid Addy here. Do your raw patties have bone in them? Just wondered because I thought you could not cook them if they contained bone but maybe someone gave me wrong info.:o:o:confused::confused: Zoe's patties do not have bone.

Just a worryin' about you all:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I mean after all, not to many of us super adrenals:p:p:p:p:p

And don't pay any attention to some idiot making such crase remarks.

Love ya,

08-12-2011, 01:51 PM
Hi Rene,

I can understand how you feel. There are so many people that don't understand how we feel about our furbabies and the lengths we go through for them.

Corky gets finicky about his food at times. I cook all of his food, and have done so for as long as he's been with me. When he refuses to eat his normal foods, if I have meatloaf, I'll put a little on top of his food. Recently, I've been putting just a little fried chicken on top of his food, and then he eats everything.

08-13-2011, 12:54 AM
Dear Rene
Been there done that with the cold remarks. When people see Apollo the looks kill me. I just say Apollo is doing the best he can and we will continue to fight.
I give Apollo Trader Joe's grilled chicken slices, they also have barbecue I think. It is already cooked chicken in slices that you can give to Snoopy. You don't have to cook it or anything.
Hope that helps.
HUgs Sonja and Apollo

08-13-2011, 02:30 AM
Oh gosh...I am laughing so hard right now...I love you guys!!! The insensitive idiot you all are refering to is my beloved husband! :D:D:D

Don't get me wrong I am a very lucky woman...my husband is almost perfect and I love him with all my heart. He did not mean to be hurtful with the statement he was trying to be helpful. As a matter of fact when I came home from a very stressful day at work today he had BBQ'd up all of Snoops dinner ahead of time for me. He was so sweet and called himself "Snoopie's Chef" then offered to BBQ the whole bag up and put into individual plastic baggies for the pet setters!

Lori, Snoop has tried all the raw brands. She just doesnt like to eat it raw now. She sure did at first. She sometimes will eat a frozen chunk or two, but just not raw. Her favortie has been the Steves Real and I even like it the best because it is small 1/4 inch cubes and comes in ten pound bags. I was hoping someone could suggest something nutritional complete in a can that is close to raw that the pet setter could feed while we are gone.

Sonja, I can't get her on people food or cooking for her because of the hours I work and I really need something that has been nutrionally balanced like the raw.

So far the answer was cooking the raw as it was complete and not overly processed and full of junk like canned and dry dog food. Getting her off that stuff corrected her angry red eyes and skin overnight.

But, Addy brings up an excellent point. It never occured to me about the bones. Some of the raws has very fine undetectable ground up bones in it for calcium I believe. I wonder if cooking it causes a problem of some sort? I just checked...The raw Steve's Real I am feeding only has "Cooked Bone Meal" so I would assume it is fine to BBQ. She actually ate some microwaved tonite...she usually does not like that. The princess is very fickle!

Thanks for making me laugh :)
Rene & Snoop

08-13-2011, 05:09 AM

You are so funny:) My blood pressure shot up when I first read the comment about Snop not having long. I could not believe that and then I read a little further and saw that it was your husband and I felt myself calming down because I know he loves Snoopy. You made me ride the rollercoaster of emotion....

I've had people say some pretty mean things to me when I have Honey out in regards to his weight... like OMG your dog is so fat... what are you feeding him or aahhh is she pregnant and I will scream NO HE IS NOT PREGNANT:mad:

Good Luck on the food with Snop

Rhondalyn and Honey

08-13-2011, 08:06 AM
Insensitive idiot? Your husband?

OOPS, NEVER MIND!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:o:o:o:o:o:o

Love ya,

08-13-2011, 10:06 AM
Hi, Rene -

I just knew that comment was made by someone very close to you, which is why I kept my mouth shut (patting myself on the back). I am sure your husband meant well, but, none of us here want to go THERE.

Alivia is also a VERY finicky eater. She will eat something for awhile and then suddenly turn her nose up at it and wait for something better, which she has learned will come soon! She has me trained VERY well!! For the past few months, mine have both been eating canned Holistic Select. They seem to both like all of the flavors so I mix it up to keep my princess from getting bored. There's no wheat, soy, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives and it is made in the USA (I won't give mine anything that isn't!). I also have the Holistic Select dry kibble which I leave out for them all the time. They both just pick at that, which is not unusual for them. I have never found a kibble that either of them will eat much of - they both prefer canned food and high quality treats. Other than the pyoderma, which seems to have resolved, Alivia is doing VERY well since being on this food. In fact, it seems like she is completely in "remission" and has absolutely no symptoms of Cushing's (which is confusing, but I'm happy about it!). She even lost the pot belly look that she has had for the past year and her fur is slowly growing back!

Anyway, the Holistic Select can says there is a money back guarantee if your dog doesn't like it for any reason. Their website is www.holisticselect.com if you want to read more about it. So, that's my 2 cents.

Good luck!

08-14-2011, 01:18 AM
Rhondalyn now you have to post more that that one picture Honey he doesn't look fat!!!

No worries Addy I over his comment and you really made me laugh!!!

Mary Beth I will check out the canned. Hopefully it is limited ingrediant for allergy problems. Im on the hunt!

Hope everyones fur kids are doing well. I have not had much time to read every ones updates but I sure think of everyone often.

Rene & Snoopie

08-18-2011, 01:40 AM
Hi All,

The Snoopster is having a little set back. :o

The last few days the eye that had the graft surgery has been tearing more at night, she cannot close it due to paralysis, which is normal. (She looks like road kill at night...check out her photo on the Snoopie album...funny!)

Then a few days ago she slowly developed symptoms thru this morning of very lethargic, depressed, drunken stagger, not connecting with us, lip smacking, labored breathing & eye open while resting & sleeping, vomit clear/white mucus, paws at tears not eyes, panting, hot, refusing regular (raw) food.

Thanks to Mary Beth I gave her Holistic Select canned. Which is a good quality protien with oatmeal in it. The chicken and duck flavors. The Little Princess has been on grain free or raw. But under the circumstances, with elevated liver numbers and high cholesterol, adding in the oats may be of some help. The oat fiber may suck up some toxins that the liver and other organs are not handling and may be good for her allgeries and kinder to her stomach. Also, there are suppose to be benefits of oats lowering cholesterol and being better for heart heath and that may be a good idea right now!
If there are any reasons why it may not be good to put the Snoopster back on grain (oatmeal) please...let you comments fly!

Back to the subject at hand: Her poos are not light in color and are normal dark in color. Her urine is normal and not orange in color. Her 3 liver values have been off the off the charts in the past and we got them down but...cushings....we will see what they are when the tests come back.

My gut tells me her little immune system is in the dirt because it was not in the right place at her last ATCT test 3.7/18.0 before her eye surgery and she needs a little extra supportive help because of her eye, probably another round of Clavamox!

Snoop had a similar go around in March with the same symptoms and my mind took me allover the place like today...but after a round of clavamox an she was good as new! I think they just need a little extra antibiotic support when they are fighting both cushings and whatever else crops up.

So, to the eye Dr. we went to make sure she is on track. All was well there. The reason for the extra eye tearing was some of the eye stitches are working their way out on their own...a normal process. We did not get antibiotics.

Then, next door to the IMS. Lots of tests and speculation. Electrolytes good. Ammonia good. BUN elevated but does not think it is her liver...waiting on ATCH and full blood panel and extras. She did get some IV fluids. Some test back because they are in house...some not. I do not have any of the test results.

Princess’s mean blood pressure was 220 but they took it out of my presence. I asked them to take it again with me there it was 190. At this point without the rest of the tests back they want me start her on Amlodipne for high blood pressure.

I am wary as, I believe, once on BP meds it is for life...correct? Treating starts at 160 correct? Anybody?

If Snoop is having issues that are unknown at this point, and if all the labs are not back, I feel it may be a rush to start her on the medication tonight if the situation can be corrected otherwise. Or, does a BP of 190-220 take priority and it is unwise not to give her the medication?

Can Melatonin be substituted in the meantime, until a diagnosis and a plan?

Also, are there any homeopathic remidies for high blood pressure or is this unrealistic for cush pups in this range?

Rene & Snoopie

08-18-2011, 01:00 PM
Hi Rene,

let me share with you what I know about canine bloodpressure. In 80% of high bloodpressure it's secundary to another condition (e.g. Cushings, hyperthyroidism, etc). Therefore, if you treat that condition, usually the bloodpressure will come down as well and the meds won't be for life...just for the duration to get the underlying cause under control so the bloodpressure can come down again.
In aprox. 20% of the cases there's no underlying condition and therefore the meds are usually for life.

I am used to the fact (but it may be a "Dutch" thing...?) that blood pressure is measured at least 5 till 7 times. This so the dog can get used to the procedure and stress will be not so much of an issue. In cases wgere the dogs still is very stressed out, they take the stress factor in consideration. It's for this reason that the first measurement doesn't count. They just measure the bloodpressure and right away forget the outcome... kind of like a dress rehersal ;) From wat I read, blood pressure was measured only twice? So if you forget the first measurement, that leaves just one and to me that would not be enough to give a reliable outcome. If after several measurements, the results are inconclusive, they will often repeat the tests another day to see what results on a different day may show. I have a naturally low bloodpressure, 90/60 but under the right circumstances, (or wrong, depends how you look at it) you can get a reading out of me of high bloodpressure. So it's never a good idea to go by just one or two results.

Having said this, the numbers by which they would want to treat high bloodpressure are:
150/95 – at this reading or below, there is minimal risk and treatment is not recommended
150/99 to 159/95 -- intervention is rotuinely not recommended at these readings
160/119 to 179/100 -- treatment should be sought to limit the risk of organ damage
180/120 -- immediate treatment should be sought to limit the degree of other more severe complications.

Hope this helped some...

Sas and Yunah :)

08-18-2011, 01:16 PM
Hi Sas,

They did take it several times during each session. The 220 and the 190 was the mean number. She seems much better today but they did give her fluids. I just have a nagging feeling she needs antibiotics for her liver. We will see what the labs return.

Still working on the goggles with your guy. I really appriciated the translation...what a hoot!

Rene & Snoop

08-18-2011, 02:23 PM
Dear Rene -

Sorry to hear Snoop has hit a rough patch. :(

For what it is worth, Alivia has been on Amlodopine for high blood pressure for years - long before we ever heard of Cushing's. She has never had a problem with it and it has kept her BP in check. At times her BP runs a BIT high but they take into consideration the stress factor and believe that is the only reason for it. I do know unchecked high blood pressure can cause sudden blindness and that was enough for me to want to keep Ali on it. It is inexpensive (a very tiny pill) and according to our pharmacist, a pretty safe drug. IMHO I would start her on the Amlodopine to reduce the BP now. If they find a cause they can treat (and often they never find the cause), the Amlodopine can be stopped. The ONLY medications/supplements Alivia is on now is Amlodopine, compounded aspirin and Cosequin.

Does Snoop seem to like the Holistic Select? Both mine do and Ali can be VERY picky. You don't think anything she is experiencing now is from the food change, do you?

I hope the test results tell you something and that it is nothing serious. Keeping you both in my thoughts!

08-18-2011, 03:16 PM
Thanks Mary Beth,

Nope, she started feeling punky before I offered her the canned food. Boy, you were right. No wonder they offer your money back if they wont' eat it...there must be crack in it or something! :D I wish she had not gone off the raw though...maybe after I get back from my trip I will try mixing it in. It's funny she surgically extracts the kibble version (freeze dry raw) of the dry food I mix into the canned food and spits it across the floor :rolleyes: !

Lab results came in. Will post.

Love...Rene & Snoop

08-18-2011, 03:46 PM
Assume others not posted were in the normal ranges:

Lipase 5472 u/l 200-1800
GGT 44 u/l 0-7
ALB 3.7 g/dL 2.2-3.9
ALKP 1715 u/l 23-212
ALT 200 u/l 10-100
BUN 95 mg/dL 7-27
CREA 2mg/dL .5-1.8
NEUT 13.26K/uL 2-12
PLT 594 K/uL 175-500
NH3 (ammonia) 11 umol/L 0-98 (fasting)
CA normal 11mg/dl 7.9-12
NEUT high 13.26 K/ul 2-12
%NEUT 87.9%

Cl 120 mmcl/L 98-109
Hct 16 %PCV 38-51

Specific Gravity 1.011 1.015-1.050
Protein 2+
Occult Blood 1+

ATCH 4.5/25.2

Blood pressure was mean 220 mom not there and 190 mom there. Wants to start her on Amlodipine.

Snoop was on weekly dose of 625mg lysodren, M 250/W 125/F 250.

IMS wants to do mini load of 125mg daily for 5-7 days then 250mg weekly.

Snoop is going to our dear friends house next week as we have a trip planned so I would not start the load until the end of the month.

I still do not feel the BP and elevated cortisol explain Snoops symptoms from my post yesterday, as those have been a constant.


Squirt's Mom
08-18-2011, 04:06 PM
Hi Rene,

I hope Debbie will be by to look at these results but that Lipase is unreal! Did your vet mention it at all? Was the amylase normal? Did they consider pancreatitis?

Leslie and the gang

08-18-2011, 04:28 PM
Hi Leslie,

I was shocked by the Lipase too...but they seemed unconcerned. Snoops Amylase was 896 and her HGB was 16.4 which was in the normal ranges. When she has has pancreatitis in the past those numbers were very elevated but her Lipase has never been this high.

I have been giving Snoopster Total-Zymes Plus Pro-Biotics


which has Lipase in it. I wouldn't think that would do it...would it?

08-18-2011, 05:06 PM
If Deb stops by:
CA normal 11mg/dl 7.9-12
NEUT high 13.26 K/ul 2-12
%NEUT 87.9%

Wondering about Kidneys.

08-18-2011, 05:19 PM
Hi Rene,

Are you sure your IMS wants to load at 125mg a day? My two dogs, 4.5 lbs and 6.5 lbs loaded on 100mg a day. With Snoops history of being resistant to lysodren and having to reload, I am confused as to why your IMS thinks this very low dose is going to accomplish anything. Not that I think that Snoop is going to load on this low dose but if she were to load in 5 to 7 days, a maintenance dose of 250mg (twice the loading dose) would be rather risky. Is your IMS going to do a stim after 5 to 7 days to make sure she is loaded before putting her on a maintenance dose?

08-18-2011, 05:27 PM

Well, I sort of let that one go. My IMS was not avaiable yesterday. When the same IMS called me back today with that plan and the labs I told him I could not start until I got back from my trip. He told me to call my IMS when I got back. When I questioned that dosage he said, "Well, Im not sure yet."

When I spoke to my IMS about the mini-load after the eye issues...he was more on board with appropriate dosage...we will see and post before we do anything.

Rene & Snoopie

I did the math...Snoop weighs 28 lbs. Max should be 636 right? IMS proposed 250mg x 3 is 750mg....Sheesh. Hopefully, I heard wrong! Moot point...will call her IMS when we get back.

08-18-2011, 11:46 PM
Dear Rene
Sorry haven't posted lately. The computer problems caused me to be behind with things. Can't give you input on readings. This is such a roller coaster ride. Enjoy your trip. Hope Snoopy is doing better.
Apollo is not doing so great. The leg weakness has progressed. He get tired very easily, but the spirit is there, and so is the dirty old man.
Started the Solixine two days ago will post on my thread tomorrow.
How do you stay on top of all this.
HUgs Sonja and Apollo

08-19-2011, 02:21 AM
Sweet Sonja,

Someone has to be their voice. But as Addy and Mary Beth recently posted we have to keep ourselves from becoming paranoid or a pain in the bumms to our IMS'. :D

My rule of thumb is not to get to overly involved...right! :rolleyes: ... or end up spending more time on the Cushings then with my beloved Snoopie. As a very wise member says here...."Close the drawer"!

Just today I was off from work. I was on this site, and looking up some of Snoops labs on the internet. Snoop woke up from her nap and seemed to feel better so I "closed the drawer".

We went for a drive and she stole my ice cubes out of my water glass as she crunched on them as we drove!

We stopped in at the Pet People pet food store and Princess promptly pooped on the floor :confused: ! My fault I thought she only had to pee outside and rushed her :o . I didn't have any bags so I went up front go get a shopping bag and when we returned she had a bad case of the gulits and put on the breaks when she saw her poo :p !

I couldn't get close to it without dragging her. People were looking at us like...well are you going to clean it up or not! Then when I pulled on her leash and drug her towards it, she spread out like "road kill". Other people who didn't see the poop looked at me like I was abusing her or something! :eek:

Finally a nice man who saw what was going on cleaned it up for us...chivalry is not dead...bless that man!

We went to another store and Snoop got attention, treats and met a friendly cat. She sure misses her Arnie Angel :(.

On the way home we stopped and got dinner at a healty drive thru chicken place. She was Happy Happy Happy...stuck her little head in the bag the whole way home and got a chicken high! ;)

We found a good food to mix in with Mary Beth's Hollistic Select canned. Its Merricks Senior Medley. It has Organic Chicken and Oatmeal. Hopefully this will be easy for our friends to feed while we are gone. She seems to like it as has refused all dry food in the past. I just needed something to mix in with the canned as it can be rich I think. Hopefully after the trip I can get her back on the raw mix and after the mini-load I may get my little wabbit chasing princess back!

Snoopie had a day made up to her after her stressful vet day. For every 1/4 of the time I catch my self obsessing with cushings I try to give her 3/4 Snoopie time back!

Rene & Snoop

Harley PoMMom
08-19-2011, 08:18 AM
There are different types of lipase such as pancreatic, colipase and lipoprotein. If a dog has a decreased GFR this can result in increased lipase results because colipase is cleared by the kidneys.

Since Snoopy's creatinine is above the normal range, if this were me, I would be concerned about her kidneys too.

Love and hugs,

08-19-2011, 09:22 AM

I love your reminder about "closing the drawer" and dividing your time up 1/4 Cushing's, and 3/4 with your pooch. What a good reminder. Sometimes it is so easy to start obsessing and worrying and researching. I know I can drive myself crazy. When that happens I need to do something with my dogs instead. It is so tough because we care so much and want to do the right thing.

I am so glad you took Snoop out to do so many things she enjoys. Those are the best times! I'm going to take some time to do that with Hannah today after her vet appointment.

Thanks again for the reminder, and I hope Snoop does well while you're on vacation, and that you enjoy yourself too!!! :)

Julie & Hannah

08-20-2011, 12:39 AM
Thanks Lori and Julie,

I have always been focused on liver disease because of her elevated numbers.

I have looked up Kidney Disease but what diet and supplement tricks have we learned here for getting these numbers down?

I am very worried as we are going out of state my brothers and mothers birthday next week. I cant leave a sick princess with my friends and might have to cancel the trip :(

Can anyone help?
Rene & Snoopie

Harley PoMMom
08-20-2011, 09:12 AM
This DogAware site has a lot of very good information about kidney disease: http://www.dogaware.com/health/kidney.html

This study, which is human oriented, showed that CoQ10 reduced creatinine and BUN:
Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial of Coenzyme Q10 in Patients with End-stage Renal Failure (http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1359084031000095002)

Many articles suggest giving Fish/Krill oil because of its anti-inflammatory effect.

Harley had kidney disease and for this I gave him CoQ10, wild salmon oil, Vit. E and controlled his high blood pressure with BP meds.

Hope this helps.

Love and hugs,

08-20-2011, 11:31 AM
Hi Renee,

I was just going to give you the link to Dogaware but I see Lori already has. Good information there since she also discusses raw diets and proteins. You can email Mary if you have questions, she will answer your emails.


P.S. Zoe's hearing is better today since the ear flush was done and the water is out, it is not normal but it is not as bad as on Monday.
I think she is getting tired of me walking up behind her and calling her name:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

08-20-2011, 01:41 PM
Hi, Rene!

Sounds like you and Snoop had a wonderful day together! So happy to hear you take the time out of worrying to enjoy the little things. I think we all need to be reminded of that sometimes.

Neither of mine are big on dry kibble, but I've heard good things about the Merrick food you mentioned. Does she still like it mixed or is she starting to do the pick and spit thing? Ali will sometimes eat a tiny bit of dry kibble and I think she likes it, then she will never touch it again!

08-20-2011, 07:09 PM
Dear Rene
You have to have faith that Snoopy will be okay. Besides Snoopy has a date waiting for her from Apollo when you get back. We still have to live a little despite this disease.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

08-21-2011, 01:02 AM
Thanks Lori and Addy the DogAware site has a ton of Information. I tried to wade it through it at work today but it was difficult. It just seems it is hard to find the phosphorus levels in the canned food. Plenty for the dry food.

I was trying to mix the two for the Merric Senior Medley Dry and the Holistic Select Canned has too much phosphorus for the Kidneys issues right now.

All the princess wants to do is the "seed spitter" she sucks off the canned food from the kibble and spits the kibble a hundred directions all over the kitchen!!! So that didn’t work. I have been trying to find a low phosphorus canned I can just feel alone while we leave but they just don’t make that information easy to find.

I then thought of a company here in town called www.myperfectpet.net (http://www.myperfectpet.net/) they make food here. I looked at them when we went to raw. They make fresh frozen fully cooked all natural. Since the princess is refusing raw food now and this is not overly processed or canned it may be the next thing best to raw but cooked! I checked it out and they do have a "Snuggles Blend" formulated with reduced minerals including phosphorus for urinary tract concerns! http://www.myperfectpet.net/docs/data_sheet_snuggles.pdf (http://www.myperfectpet.net/docs/data_sheet_snuggles.pdf)

My dear husband ran to the store a few blocks away and if we start slowly switching her over tonight she may be good enough to go to the pet sitters on Tuesday for our trip baring nothing goes wrong and she starts feeling better. I’m not crazy about some of the ingredients as we were feeding grain free but I know with the liver and kidney issues now she needs something to suck up the toxins...I preferred oats..But at least we found a reduced mineral and phosphorus food that is fresh cooked and not dry or canned!

Something I really wonder if the little princess does this just before we go away to make me feel bad or tries to keep me from going away!!!

Wish us luck; we have been supplementing CoQ10, E, Zinc, Glutamine, B-Complex, Omega-3, Liver Support Factors W/Milk Thistle and Sam-e.

Addy, glad Zoe hearing is a little better...the enzymes drops work a bit for Snoop.

Mary Beth...I had a feeling it was too good to be true. She really does not stay on food to long. I think her body tells her things.

Sonja, Sorry I haven't been by Snoop needs a good hump! Be patient with our little boy! He will come around he has spunk!!

Now kidney issues!!! Got to work on getting that BUN/Creatine ratio back in line!

Poor Snoop,

08-21-2011, 10:59 PM
Dear Rene
Sorry Snoopy is having all these problems. You better wear a baseball helmet when she spits the lethal kibble's. :eek:
Hope things settle for you and Snoopy before your trip.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

08-22-2011, 03:07 AM
Oh my friend you are not far off track!!! I hydroplained across the floor on one of the suckers this morining and almost broke my neck!!!:eek:

08-24-2011, 03:04 PM
Dear Rene
We need the laughter and jokes to keep marching on.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

08-25-2011, 11:20 PM
Rene -

Sorry the Holistic Select did not work very long. I hope you are having better luck with the new food. Alivia does not eat much kibble, but when she does eat it she will take a big mouth full from her bowl, take it to a carpeted area and spit it out. Then she will eat it one piece at a time from the carpet. Sometimes she decides she doesn't want it all and leaves it for me to step on. ;)

08-31-2011, 09:35 PM
Hello All,

Snoopie did not do well while we were gone and is in the hospital. I'm sorry to say she has kidney failure. She is receiving IV fluids and meds. They will re-check her labs in the morining and see if she responds. She is alert, will take some food and water but is very weak and just sleeps.

These were her labs from midnight.

MCHC 27.5 g/dl 30-37.5
EOS .05 K/ul .10-1.49
PLT 593 K/ul 175-500
BUN 130 mg/dl 7-27
CREA 4.9 mg/dl .5-1.8
PHOS 16.1 mg/dl 2.5-6.8
ALT 162 U/L 10-100
ALKP 1473 U/L 23-212
HC03 12.7 mmol/L 20-29
PC02 26. mmHg 32-49
tC02 13.5 mmol/L 21-31
LIPA 11838 U/L 200-1800

T. Protein gm% 8.2 5.2-7.9
Neutro 16
Mono 2
Lympto 3
Platet Estimate 12

Can anyone give insight or hope?

Rene & Snoopie

08-31-2011, 10:01 PM
Rene, I am hoping that Deb, our expert on blood panels will be checking in. Meanwhile know that my heart goes out to you and I send much love, strength and prayers to your and dear Snoopy. We are here if you need us. Keep us posted. Huge hugs, Kim

08-31-2011, 10:55 PM
Dear Rene-

I am so sorry to hear that Snoop is not doing well. I will keep her in my prayers and hope she recovers soon. She's a fighter. Please take care of yourself, too.

Sending love and warm thoughts,

08-31-2011, 11:11 PM
Rene, I won't sugar coat this, Snoop is one sick little girl. She is in pretty severe renal failure. The 2 things I notice doing a fast scan of what you have posted are the sky high phosphorous & lipase. Do you know if Snoop is getting a type of medication called a phosphate binder? This is extremely important with renal failure as the excess phosphorous puts more of a load on the kidneys. Also, with that sky high lipase, was an amylase done? If you have it, please post it, even if it's normal. With the lipase that high, was a cPL test done to check for pancreatitis? Even if the amylase is normal, & there was no cPL test, I would be asking the vet to do one. Did the vet say anything about pancreatitis which might have actually triggered the renal failure? I'm on my way to bed, so give me whatever info you've got, & I'll look at it in the morning.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of you.


08-31-2011, 11:20 PM
Thank you Kim, Mary Beth and Deb.

It means so much that you are here right now. I am a mess.

Deb. Her Amyl is 601 U/L 500-1500. I don't know about the phosphate binder, I will ask in the AM. I have been reading the kidney forums and know that some dogs have had a miracle with BUN and CREA this high but what about lipase? I can't find a word about lipase...her regular vet just told me today that it means she is in failure but I don't know if that means if it is possible for her to recover from if it is that high? I do not want my little girl to suffer.

Rene & Snoopie

Is cPL test for pancreatitus? I asked both the ER vet and her IMS that she is at now about pancreatitus. The IMS said he did'nt not think so because of the other numbers. I kept saying she was acting like it was when she had it in the past.

08-31-2011, 11:31 PM
Lipase & amylase are the first 2 tests for pancreatitis. They can come from other areas of the GI tract, so they aren't as specific. The cPL is the absolute specific test for pancreatitis. Even if the vet doesn't think so, & your instincts are telling you it could be, I think I would tell the vet in the AM to please humor me & run the cPL anyway, if it's only for my piece of mind.


08-31-2011, 11:39 PM
Thanks Deb...what is your opinion of the sky high lipase?

Harley PoMMom
08-31-2011, 11:47 PM
Hi Rene,

I, too, am so sorry to hear this news about Snoopy...there is always hope, please remember that.

There are many different types of lipase; such as pancreatic lipase, colipase and lipoprotein lipase. Colipase is cleared by the kidney, and can result in increased lipase concentrations when there is a decreased GFR. The only way to see if the elevated lipase levels are coming strictly from the pancreas is to have a cPL test done.

Getting the phosphorus level down is very important since high phosphorus can make a dog feel ill and not want to eat or drink. Since Snoopy is eating and drinking this is a good sign. The IV fluids are helping her kidneys flush out the toxins and this usually makes them feel better.

My Harley had kidney problems so if I can be of any help, please do not hesitate to ask me any and all questions.

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

With much love and huge hugs,

09-01-2011, 12:05 AM
Thank you Lori...you got a little smile out of me for a brief moment :o. The lab tec told me today when I carried her outside and put her in the grass and she pee'd a little that that was a good sign too :).

I am hoping for the best possible outcome as always because she has done some pretty amazing things in the past and will not sell her short. However, I promised her a long time ago that I would not let her suffer if the time should come. I am not educated enough to know if that time has come and am I holding on to false hope.

Has anyone seen a lipase of 11,838 and was it recoverable?

Rene & Snoopie

Harley PoMMom
09-01-2011, 12:20 AM
Lipase levels can come down quickly when the underlying illness and or illnesses are treated and managed.

I am not educated enough to know if that time has come and am I holding on to false hope. Rene, trust me, You will know when that time is, you and only you know Snoopy best and as long as she is willing to fight that is a very good sign that "the time" is not here.

Sending healing and positive energy your way.

Love and hugs,

09-01-2011, 12:24 AM
Thank you for that Lori...Much Love.

09-01-2011, 06:03 AM

I am so very sorry to hear about Snoopy. I know exactly what you are going through. Honey has also been very sick. I just found out today he has gallbladder bile problems. When I want to cry I think about you saying COWGIRL UP..... So Lets COWGIRL UP together and fight this with all we have. I will be praying for Snoop and you send one up for Honey....

Stay Strong
Rhondalyn and Honey

09-01-2011, 07:18 AM
Continued prayers and warm thoughts for you and dear Snoopy. Kim

09-01-2011, 08:13 AM
Renee I am so sorry to hear about our beloved Snoopy and am praying for her to have the strength to get through this.

My prayers are with you both and I am sending many hugs and so much love for you.


Squirt's Mom
09-01-2011, 09:42 AM
Hi Rene,

Sweetie, you are a great mom and Snoopy is so, so lucky to have you. You said it - she has already shown what a fighter she is. Like Addy, I believe you will know, that Snoop will let you know, when she has had enough. If she is eating, drinking and voiding on her own, I would say she still has that fight. I am positive when she sees you, there is a light in her eyes as well. ;)

Just in case, you might take her blanket or a shirt of yours to put in her cage at the hospital. The familiar scents can help keep her calm and centered. Tho I hope she is home very soon and can smell all her familiar scents to her hearts content.

Please know we are all by your side even tho you cannot see us. Our shoulders are broad, our arms safe. We are here for you both always.

Leslie and the gang

09-01-2011, 11:20 AM
Good Morning,

Rhondalyn, Kim, Addy & Leslie thank you so much for the love, thoughts and prayers. It means so much from this group. Others do not understand how we have struggled to keep our pups healthy and happy.

The vet is not open yet and has not had any news but will check on phosphate binder as Lori mentioned. I assumed she was getting it because they said her phosphorus was a concern and she was getting meds in her fluids. I hope this is the case.

Rhondalyn, don't cry Honey Bunny can make it through this one too! I know it is frustrating to keep getting bucked off but "cowgirl up"...again! Last year Snoop was soooo sick...."lost the light" as Leslie said...a MRI showed her gall bladder was reported as "mush". That’s how we found out Snoop had cushings...it went after her organs. That day they took out her gall bladder and spleen. She was a very different dog the next day!!! A few minor diet changes and she has done very well without the extra parts. So, don’t despair. There are so many things you can do holistically to heal a sick gall bladder or worse case like Snoop they do just fine without one!

Love to all,
Rene & Snoop

09-01-2011, 12:04 PM
Dear Rene -

Continued thoughts going your way. I know you have always done right by Snoopy and there is no doubt in my mind that you will continue to do so. Miracles CAN and do happen. My Alivia is proof of that. She has defied medical odds numerous times. I am hoping for a miracle for your dear Snoopy.

Hang in there.

With love,

09-01-2011, 12:34 PM
Thank you Mary Beth,

Give Ali a super good rub for luck for us and send it our way. The vet just called. He said Snoop has responded well clinically but not in her labs. Her numbers have not "budged" he said. However, she still is acting like she in intrested in food and licks a little. She drank a little.

The vet said he heard a little heart murmer he did not hear before and wants to do chest x-rays before giving more fluids because she seems to holding the fluids and he wants to make sure it is not in her lungs :(.

He said they have not given her the phosphorus binder because they have to put it into her food and they did not want to discourage her from eating and wanted to wait until she was eating better.

I asked them to do the cPL and they said they would but they said it would not make a difference in treatment because the new treatment for pancreatitus is the same as she is getting now. Fluids and small bites of food.

Rene & Snoopie

Vet called back. Did the cPL test for pancreatitus. It is positive. I asked where it was comming from he said the test was just positive. The chest x-ray was normal said her lungs and heart looked good. Will continue with the fluids and test again in morining. Ate a little of a different kind of food. Going to see her now.

09-01-2011, 04:11 PM
Poor, poor baby! I do hope they are giving her something for pain. I know how terribly Alivia suffered from that. It was awful. Seeing you will do her a world of good. I always thought that it was important for Ali to see me as much as possible so she wouldn't feel abandoned while she was in the hospital.

I will give Ali LOTS of good luck rubs for Snoopy as soon as I get home.

Take care of you, too, Rene.

09-01-2011, 04:54 PM
Dear Rene,

I, too, am so terribly sorry that Snoopy is having such a rough time. I join the rest of our family in sending Snoop tons of healing thoughts and prayers, and in sending you many hugs of strength...


09-01-2011, 09:37 PM
Thanks Mary Beth and Marianne,

Just got home. Snoop seems more alert today. She walked outside into the grass on her own. Took some food and water from me. Wanted to sniff around, hang out with me and have her belly rubbed. This is an improvement from yesterday as she was not interractive at all. She is very weak and wobbly. The vet wants to keep giving her fluids tonite and check her numbers again in the AM.

Keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming.

Love to all,
Rene & Snoopie

09-01-2011, 09:58 PM
Oh Rene this is great new and you know we are sending lots of love and prayers your way. The cush angels are out in full force and fluttering over your and Snoop's shoulders as we speak. Take care and get some rest knowing your baby is in great hands. Thanks for keeping us posted. Hugs, Kim

09-01-2011, 10:38 PM
I am so glad to hear that Snoop has perked up some today. Both of you have been in my thoughts today, & will continue to be.

I wanted to let you know that you will absolutely know if & when the time comes. I'm certain that "the time" is not now for Snoop. When Barkley was undergoing chemo for his lymphoma, I lived in mortal fear that I would hold on too long for my sake & not his. His oncologist assured me that he would tell me & I would truly know when it was time. She said something to the effect, "You are so in tune with each other, I know without a doubt, that when he is ready, he will let you know." She was absolutely right. The other thing is a good, caring vet should be able to tell an owner who is holding on too long that they need to consider that it might be time. IMO, they'e not doing their job, if they don't.


09-02-2011, 12:07 AM
Thank You Debbie. I owe this little girl so much and need to pay it foward. I promised she would not be put through stuff and pass happily. She is not with her regular vet or her IMS. She went to the emergency vet then was transfered to the IMS but her regular IMS has not been avaiable. He is very good but new to me and Snoopie. I am missing half of our comfort zone.

I prefer blunt not sugar coated conversatons to unrealisitc optimism. I still cannot get a straight answer if a dog with these numbers in kidney failure and pancreatitus can recover after the fluid support is stopped. As of this point the kidney is not responding. Her creatin come down slghtly. If it does not respond they say take her home and enjoy her. They will not say how long a dog with these numbers can survive comfortably on home fluids. What is realistic? Is it possible the pancreatitus is causing the kidney failure or the other way around?

Rene & Snoop

09-02-2011, 12:16 AM
Rene, I think you need to tell the vet's just exactly what you have stated here, you want the honest truth without the sugar coating, as it's your final responsibility to make the decisions for Snoop's care. I think the question about the pancreatitis triggering the renal failure is a good one, & one you should ask. Of course, I'm not a vet, but I would be strongly suspicious that this is a very real possibility.


09-02-2011, 12:31 AM
I got that it didn’t matter because the treatment was the same. Fluids, pain meds and small bites of food. When I mentioned that her past treatment for pancreatitis bouts included other medications like antibiotics they said they weren’t always necessary. I may be sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong; after all she is showing improvement. He is very adamant about not giving the phosphorus blockers too until she starts eating better. He said it even though it is a 16 plus it has been short term and can be addressed after she starts eating better. If it was a long term problem he would be more worried about it. He wants to get as much fluids in and recheck the BUN and Creatine.

I wish I knew more about the subject and hope we are doing the right thing.
Rene & Snoop

Harley PoMMom
09-02-2011, 12:45 AM
Getting the IV or Subcutaneous Fluids in Snoopy is very important. Antibiotics are usually not used for pancreatitis but pain medication is.

Regarding the phosphorus binder, if it were me and the phosphorus level has not come down I would ask that a binder be added.

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs,

09-02-2011, 03:27 AM

I am so happy that Snoopy is showing improvement. She is one tough cookie... Just like her Mom:)

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Snoopy

Rhondalyn and Honey

09-02-2011, 06:47 AM
Dear Rene -

I gave Alivia lots of lucky rubs last night and told her that Snoopy was not feeling welll and was in the hospital like she was a couple of months ago. She had her very serious expression like they get when they are trying to understand too many words all at the same time. But, we both sent positive wishes to Snoopy for a quick recovery and to you as well. I think we all know how stressful it is and how helpless you feel when they are so sick. Glad to hear that there was a bit more perk to Snoopy. That's a good sign. When Ali was so sick the improvement was so gradual that it seemed like she wasn't getting better - but, she was and she did! I hope the same is true for Snoopy!!

Hang in there!!!

Much love to you both!

09-02-2011, 07:54 AM
Checking in to see how Snoops is today. I hope you have had a bit of sleep.

Hoping for baby steps showing some improvement.

Hugs and so much love,

Squirt's Mom
09-02-2011, 09:03 AM
Mornin' Rene,

Hope to hear good news on sweet Snoop today! Prayers, positive thoughts and healing white light continue for you both.

Leslie and the gang

09-02-2011, 10:41 PM
Dear Rene -

I am hoping no news is good news.

Thinking about you and Snoopy.

09-02-2011, 11:16 PM
Hugs and love sent from Nebraska. xoxo Kim

09-03-2011, 01:46 AM
Hello All,

Snoopie is home. She does not look good. We have all kinds of meds and fluids. All we can do is let her rest at home and see if her body will recover.

She seems more at peace here with us in her own bed.

Love from Rene & Snoopie

09-03-2011, 04:02 AM

I have been so worried about you and Snoopy. I wanted so badly to ask earlier if she could just come home and be treated, but I just did not know if it was possible. I am so happy she is with you because I knew she missed you so bad being in the hospital. I really think this will help her to recover. I am praying for a MIRACLE. I know it can happen.

Be Strong My Friend

Rhondalyn and Honey

09-03-2011, 07:47 AM
I am here too, Renee, praying for both of you.


09-03-2011, 08:35 AM
We too, are sending all our best and hugs to you and Snoopy,

Saskia and Yunah.

Squirt's Mom
09-03-2011, 08:53 AM
Hi Rene,

How is Snoopy this morning? Still with you, right by your side.

Leslie and the gang

09-03-2011, 09:59 AM
I just caught up on your thread. (I've been so busy getting ready for the new school year with my 3rd graders that I haven't been checking in). I am so sorry to hear Snoop is not doing well. I'm glad to hear you have her home where she can be comfortable. I'm hoping for the best for her, but if/when the time comes, you will know. I've been through it twice and although I worried about when that was, I just knew when we got there both times.

I'll keep you in my thoughts,
Julie & Hannah

09-03-2011, 10:01 AM
Continued love, support and strength being sent your way. I am sure that Snoopy is glad to be at home and in your loving care. You will be in my thoughts every minute. Kim

09-03-2011, 11:22 AM
Dear Rene -

I am glad Snoopy is home. Alivia would not eat or drink in the hospital and made significant improvement when she came home, but she was weak and tired for quite awhile. Being comfortable in her own surroundings and being with you will help her tremendously. I don't think they can rest at all in the hospital. Snoopy knows she is in good hands with you, so she will be able to relax and get the healing rest she desperately needs.

We are keeping you in our thoughts and sending love,

09-03-2011, 11:39 AM
Good Morining All,

Snoopie made it through the night and is content to be resting her own bed with mom on the floor next to her. Unfortunately because it is the holiday weekend I must be at work and will be leaving her in the care of my lovely husband. Maybe this is for the best as mom wont "Aunt Bee" her to death as my husband says (I just love Andy and Gomer)!

My wonderful husband is taking over the pill duty and subQ fluids so she does not hate mom. All I have to do is love her.

I am truly blessed.

Love to all,
Rene & Snoopie

09-03-2011, 12:48 PM
Yes, you are blessed, Rene. Your husband sounds like one in a million! I am glad you have someone looking out for you while you are looking out for Snoopy. What a wonderful gift to allow you to only have quality time with your little girl. Although, I am quite positive that there is nothing you could do that would make Snoopy doubt your love. You've been the best mom she could have hoped to have.

Loving thoughts to all.

09-05-2011, 12:01 AM
Hope Snoopy is improving . Thinking about you both a lot.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

09-05-2011, 12:13 AM
Thinking of you guys and sending best wishes and love, Kim

Harley PoMMom
09-05-2011, 12:20 AM
I am also thinking of you and Snoopy and hoping that sweet Snoopy is feeling much better.

Love and hugs,

09-05-2011, 01:28 AM
Thank you everybody. Snoopie is really trying.

I have one more day of working this holiday weekend before I can spend three whole days with her.

Her eyes alert but she just sleeps all day in my husbands office with him. As soon as I come home she follows me around, but she can she can barely walk. She is so weak and her back end is very wobbley.

She is acting like she has when she has had bouts of pancreatitus in the past and of course that test did come back positive. In addition she has severe kidney failure. She is getting daily sub Q fluids and lots of medication.

She is very very sick but she gets up and meets me at the door tail wagging for a brief moment with my husband when I come home so I don't what to make of it.

I just want to give her a chance.

She has not been eating or drinking and has been on subQ fluids. Can anyone tell me about the slippery elm or any tricks for enticing them to drink or eat with the kidney failure and pancreatitus?

Rene & Snoopie

Harley PoMMom
09-05-2011, 09:12 AM
I would definitely try adding the slippery elm, I've quoted what I posted to Kim about the SEB:
Slippery elm coats the stomach and helps to diminish the accumulation of acid in the stomach (which is a big problem in dogs that are not eating regularly)that can result in nausea and ulcers.

Slippery Elm Bark is a good treatment for ulcers, gastritis, colitis, and other inflammatory bowel problems. Its mucilage content coats, soothes and lubricates the mucus membranes lining the digestive tract. It is high in fiber, and so helps normalize intestinal action, relieving both diarrhea and constipation. It may also help alleviate nausea and vomiting in pups suffering from non-GI illnesses.

SEB contains many nutrients (carbs, protein, fat, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, calcium, and trace minerals) that can be beneficial for recuperating pets and it may stay down when other foods are not tolerated. However, it is somewhat high in magnesium.

The SEB is usually available at any Whole Food Store or health food store (in capsule form or bulk powder form).

Here is a link about it:http://www.littlebigcat.com/health/slippery-elm/

Sending huge loving hugs, Lori

Has her phosphorus level come down? If not then an elevated phosphorus level will make them feel ill and not want to eat.

Maybe Snoopy will eat baby food (nothing with onions added), I made Harley a turkey meatloaf which he would eat and I will send you the recipe.

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers and sending healing and positive energy.

Love and hugs,

09-05-2011, 09:16 AM
I just started using slippery elm for Annie. She has the stomach ulcers and heartburn vs pancreatitus but it coats the tummy and offers relief. There are lots of vets if you google it that are using it and loving it. Here is one example and it includes 'recipes'. I make a batch and have it in the frig and put it over her foods. You might need to put it in water to get her started ... Hugs. Lots of good news in your post - she is fighting it so give her time. More love, Kim


ps I have the powder form and it is easier than capsules - need too many of them so powder faster and easier

09-05-2011, 10:28 AM
Dear Rene -

Poor little Snoopy...what a fighter! I know now they say a little food is okay with pancreatitis, but when Alivia recently had it both specialists and her regular vet wanted her to have nothing at all by mouth. Not even water. In fact they went as far as saying she should not even smell food as that started the digestive juices flowing. She ate nothing for 5 or 6 days (and she is even smaller than Snoopy). So, as long as you are getting fluids into her, IMHO, I would not try to make her eat. Trust that she and her body know what's best for her. I would be careful about giving her any new supplement since her kidneys are not working at full capacity.

It must be awful for you to have to leave her now. I'm so glad you will have the next three days to spend completely devoted to her. That's the best medicine you can give her!

Hang in there. Sending love your way.

09-05-2011, 04:10 PM

I am so proud of you!!!! Hang in there ... You, your husband and Snoop are fighting with all you have. So glad you are giving your baby girl a chance.

Praying for a MIRACLE

Much Love
Rhondalyn and Honey

09-05-2011, 11:36 PM
Thanks again everyone,

My guess is that because she has sever kidney failure the SQ fluids are keeping that problem at bay for now because she does not appear any sicker than she is...but dont get me wrong...she is a sick princess. Only gets up to go outside to pee. But, she is getting up on her own to do her business and things are working. Very week and wobbly.

Now the other guess is that her GI is messed up because of the pancretitus. Probably ulcers. She does smell food and seems intrested but wont eat or drink. We were giving her 60cc of water from a syringe in addition to her SQ fluids and her meds by mouth. Maybe this is stimulating her digestive track too soon? Others have told me she needs to eat right now to heal the digestive tract? If so should I start the slippery elm and L-glutamine to help heal her?

I don't want this to go on much longer without signs of improvement.

Rene & Snoop

09-06-2011, 07:27 AM
Rene I don't want to offer advice that would interfere with what your vet is recommending because I am not there and not a vet. If you read the info I posted on the slippery elm as well as other links on it... there are vets that use it and say it is one of the few things they'd force feed because it works. You can give it without food - either in the water or alone. I'd ask my vet. If they aren't familiar with it - have them research it - they'll be surprised. I know my vet was.

Continued prayers and love being sent. Kim

Squirt's Mom
09-06-2011, 08:50 AM
Hi Rene,

When Squirt had an acute pancreatic attack, I was told the same thing as Mary Beth - nothing by mouth period. I was also told about scents stimulating the release of enzymes. It was explained to me that anything that stimulates the pancreas will keep it inflamed and unable to rest/heal.

Is she on a phosphorus blocker? I wish I knew more about the kidney issue to help but all I have to offer is my prayers. You have them daily, dear, in spades.

I use SEB (slippery elm bark) for Trinket's colitis and my IBS with great success and ease. It has a slightly sweet taste which we all all like and has a wonderfully clean, earthy scent. But I am coming back to not stimulating the pancreas just now. The proverbial rock and hard place? :confused: I would run this by the vets before using it just to be sure but, if it's ok, it could help her digestive system.

Leslie and the gang

Harley PoMMom
09-06-2011, 09:40 AM
According to this article titled, "Diagnosing and treating pancreatitis," which Dr. David Twedt and Dr. Jörg Steiner share their advice:
I agree that withholding food is an outdated theory.
We don’t do it either. The pancreases in animals with severe or acute pancreatitis probably don’t produce additional enzymes that make the pancreatitis worse.
Withholding food can lead to substantial catabolic deficits, a higher susceptibility to bacterial intestinal translocation, decreased protein levels, and decreased immune function and neutrophil function. I think nutrition is extremely important.


This article is very informative and Dr. Jörg Steiner, I believe, is an expert in pancreatitis.

Sending tons of healing and positive energy.

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
09-06-2011, 10:02 AM
Very interesting, Lori! Thanks for sharing! I was told that the enzymes released by the mal-functioning pancreas would damage surrounding organs so no stimulation! :eek: Nice to be aware of changes in thinking!

Leslie and the gang

09-06-2011, 12:11 PM
It seems like there are two still two schools of thought on this (of course, it can't be easy!) - 1) no food or anything by mouth, or 2) low protein, low fat, high fiber food. Initially, my concern about giving the Slippery Elm was if Snoopy's kidneys are not fully functioning, it may not filter out properly. After reading the link Lori provided, specifically the part where it says it is almost impossible to overdose on, I woudn't be so concerned with trying it. It doesn't sound as if it could hurt and, maybe, if she has inflammation it will help. Run it past your vet, but I think in the end it will be your choice and it will be the right choice. You know Snoopy better than anyone.

You are taking great care of Snoopy and she is lucky to have someone who loves her so much. Hang in there. Continuing to send good thoughts your way.

09-06-2011, 01:11 PM
Keep the advice coming everyone!

Especially, if you have heard different from your vet, your gut or your experience. I have also gotten both old school and new school from a few vets that have seen Snoopie. What I am learning by watching my angel go through cycles of this devil is it may be a little of both depending on how severe the ulcers are. Rest may be the ticket at first but if there is stimulation then plan B may be the way to go. I believe the stimulation may actually start the tract digesting itself. Food may help stop that process of self digestion, if my assumption is correct.

The Slippery Elm Bark seemed to give her relief in hours and I think maybe if I had given it at the onset of the pancreatitis we would be in a better boat.

Thank you so much Kim and Lori! I remembered reading about Kim's sweet sweet Annie and that was how she started eating again. I could not find the powder. I have the 370mg Nature's Way capsules. Each one has 1/4 teaspoon. Snoopie is about 20lbs now. The literature is not clear and quite frankly I would rather not spend a lot of time on research right now and with my girl. How much should she get getting and how often?

She was sent home with SQ fluids and meds "to spend what time she has left". She is really tired of being "messed" with and thankfully my lovely husband hooks her up to the IV SQ fluids for her daily 10-15 minute treatment. Snoopie is on Snoopie time right now. She is in limbo but showing very slight signs of improvement and has not given up, so I can not give up on her. I will work with her the next couple of days...with your love and help I hope.

Since starting the Slippery Elm Bark last night she is EATING tiny bites of food so we do not have to force her pills. :) Your right Mary Beth...it was worth a try and I was glad I did.

Leslie, Snoop was given a phosphorus blocker, Epakitin, but she was not eating so she only got her first dose last night and again this AM. I was able to put it into a empty capsule and hide it a piece of meat. She has been very picky with food so I was lucky to get her to eat that. So far she has eaten morsels of chicken and beef. Now she doesn’t want the chicken. She has not vomited at all. Any tips on what is irrestable?

Now, what about Chia seeds? I have heard that crushed Chia seeds works wonders for dehydration. Has anyone any experience with this?

Much Love,
Rene & Snoopie

Harley PoMMom
09-06-2011, 01:57 PM
Keep the advice coming everyone!

The literature is not clear and quite frankly I would rather not spend a lot of time on research right now and with my girl. How much should she get getting and how often?

Much Love,
Rene & Snoopie

Alternatively, use 1/2 capsule (per 10 pounds), opened and the contents mixed with water. Slippery Elm powder will absorb many times its own weight in water, so be sure to add enough to make a moderately thick gruel. This gruel can be given before meals by syringe or eyedropper, or added to baby food, canned food, or a homemade diet. It has a slightly sweet taste and is usually well-tolerated by cats and dogs when mixed with food. Give a dose 5 minutes before meals for sore throat, and before or with meals for digestive tract problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease, until symptoms resolve.
This quote is taken from Slippery Elm (http://www.littlebigcat.com/health/slippery-elm/)

The slippery elm was recommended to me for Harley for his kidney issue at a K9Kidney forum I belong to.

Love and hugs,

09-06-2011, 02:32 PM
YAY!!! Slight improvement is GOOD! Baby steps!!!

I make protein shakes almost every day using chia seeds, but I never heard of giving them to a dog. They are supposed to help keep you hydrated as they hold water, however, they also cause a decrease in appetite (at least with humans). By absorbing and holding water they make you feel fuller. Apparently , they can stimulate a dog's appetitie but you have to be certain they are drinking enough water to give them.

I found this on the internet:


Weigh your dog to determine how much chia to feed him. It is a very potent supplement and only a small amount is needed to keep your dog healthy. A half teaspoon for every five pounds of body weight is enough to allow your dog to maximize the chia seed benefits without gaining too much weight.

Add your dog's normal ration of dry dog food into his bowl and mix it together with a couple of tablespoons of canned dog food. Sprinkle the chia seeds over the dog food and mix gently to combine. The canned food helps the seeds stick to the food and entices him to eat it all without wasting any seeds.

Fill a bowl with plenty of fresh, clean water to prevent your dog from becoming dehydrated. Chia seeds can absorb many times their own weight in water and can suck vital liquids from his stomach if he does not drink enough.

Feed your dog extra chia seeds when his digestive system is upset or his appetite is less active than normal. Chia turns into a gel-like substance when combined with water and will coat the lining of the stomach and intestines, easing upset stomach and boosting appetite.

Tips & Warnings
Any modification to your dog's diet should be done slowly. Abrupt changes can make your dog very ill, so add just a few seeds a day until you are adding a full dose daily.Never feed your dog spoiled chia seeds. The high fatty acid content in the seeds cause them to spoil quickly and rancid seeds can make your dog very sick.

09-06-2011, 02:41 PM
Great - it is helping the ulcers! That is what happened with Annie.

1 tsp per cup of water - boil and then let cool .. keep in frig for up to 5 days. Give 2 TBS at a time.

That said - you can go 50/50 compound and get a thicker gel and boil that. I use more than 1 tsp... I use much more than that. I read you can absolutely not overdose on this stuff and to try to give it 4 times a day. Given your emergency you might try upping the dose. It won't hurt her. So I would increase the frequency and the powder amount from the "recipe" and I bet she'll feel even better. I would not be adding other drugs/ herbs in the mix yet... too fragile.. jmho

Hope this helps.

Keep the advice coming everyone!

Especially, if you have heard different from your vet, your gut or your experience. I have also gotten both old school and new school from a few vets that have seen Snoopie. What I am learning by watching my angel go through cycles of this devil is it may be a little of both depending on how severe the ulcers are. Rest may be the ticket at first but if there is stimulation then plan B may be the way to go. I believe the stimulation may actually start the tract digesting itself. Food may help stop that process of self digestion, if my assumption is correct.

The Slippery Elm Bark seemed to give her relief in hours and I think maybe if I had given it at the onset of the pancreatitis we would be in a better boat.

Thank you so much Kim and Lori! I remembered reading about Kim's sweet sweet Annie and that was how she started eating again. I could not find the powder. I have the 370mg Nature's Way capsules. Each one has 1/4 teaspoon. Snoopie is about 20lbs now. The literature is not clear and quite frankly I would rather not spend a lot of time on research right now and with my girl. How much should she get getting and how often?

She was sent home with SQ fluids and meds "to spend what time she has left". She is really tired of being "messed" with and thankfully my lovely husband hooks her up to the IV SQ fluids for her daily 10-15 minute treatment. Snoopie is on Snoopie time right now. She is in limbo but showing very slight signs of improvement and has not given up, so I can not give up on her. I will work with her the next couple of days...with your love and help I hope.

Since starting the Slippery Elm Bark last night she is EATING tiny bites of food so we do not have to force her pills. :) Your right Mary Beth...it was worth a try and I was glad I did.

Leslie, Snoop was given a phosphorus blocker, Epakitin, but she was not eating so she only got her first dose last night and again this AM. I was able to put it into a empty capsule and hide it a piece of meat. She has been very picky with food so I was lucky to get her to eat that. So far she has eaten morsels of chicken and beef. Now she doesn’t want the chicken. She has not vomited at all. Any tips on what is irrestable?

Now, what about Chia seeds? I have heard that crushed Chia seeds works wonders for dehydration. Has anyone any experience with this?

Much Love,
Rene & Snoopie

09-06-2011, 03:46 PM
Hi Guys,

Im so tired.

Lori. I joined that group and the diet group too to try to get some advise. It is so hard to keep up on those sites but I have gotten some good information. I think for now I would really regret spending time on the computer and not with my little girl. If anyone has advise let it fly.

Mary Beth. I am going to skip on the Chia seeds. From what I have read they seem just uncertian for Snoop right now. Baby steps. The addition of the Slippery Elm was one great improvement and I dont want to mess with that. Now if I can get her eating something besides my husbands marinated tri-tip beef!

Kim. If Snoop is 20lbs right now and the SEB I have is 370mg capsules which are 1/4 tsp. With your and Lori's recipe how many caps would you recommend putting into how much water? Then how much of that do I give her how many times a day? Sorry, Im just exahuasted. Leslie...how much were you using on Trink?

Rene & Snoop

Squirt's Mom
09-06-2011, 04:09 PM
Hi Rene,

I don't blame you one bit for wanting to spend time with Snoop VS on the computer. I would feel the same way.

For Trinket, who weighs right at 5lbs now, I use 1/4 tsp when her stools are definitely loose. If I just see a tail or shine, I use about half that to prevent further problems. We have the powder form.

Keep up the good work, Mom, and hug that sweet hubby of yours for being so good to both of you.

Leslie and the gang

09-06-2011, 05:20 PM
Dear Rene
Just rest. Don't have any input. Dealing with my own issues.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

09-06-2011, 06:11 PM
I am scratching my head because I just have the powder and there are no mgs to it... ITs just plain ole slippery elm bark powder. If you happen to have pills that are 100% slippery elm bark then I know you don't have to worry about the dosing part.

I would put a TBS of slippery elm bark into one cup of water. Boil it - 10 mins on low. Then let it get cool, cover and refrig it. Give 4 TBS of this mixture 4 x a day - you can put it in water, over food, however you can get her to eat it.

If there is more to it than slippery elm then ignore the increased dosage because I don't know what else is in it. I have to leave and drive for about 3 hrs but I will check in later.


09-07-2011, 01:36 AM
Leslie, Sonja & Kim,

Thank you so much for being here.

I got greedy today and gave the phosphorus blocker in a gelatin capsule each time Snoopie ate a little something. She threw up mid afternoon. Both what she had for breakfast and lunch, only two tablespoons, came back. It seems not even what I gave her in the AM passed. Clearly she is not ready for the blocker and frankly I think that is the least of her problems right now. We shall just stick to the Slippery Elm Bark and let her eat what she wants.

She refuses anything good for her and seems to be starving. Snoop has lost over 10 lbs now. She is very weak, wobbly and exhausted. But she is hungry and wants my husband’s lunch meat which is full of sodium and gosh knows what. So, I went to the store and found a healthier version with 1/3 the sodium. At least it makes me feel better and she gobbled it up. I did not give her the blocker and of course it stayed down. :)

Snoop is due for a new bag if SQ fluids. I am looking into taking her to the local kidney specialist at UC Davis here is San Diego. They can take a look at her, adjust her fluids and possibly put the medications in the SQ so I don’t have to force pills on the little dear. Hopefully, I can also get a liquid meal replacement substance to try in a syringe by mouth to stop her from wasting.

I’m so proud of this little girl...she is so tough. I don't know how she is doing it.

Rene & Snoopie

09-07-2011, 07:16 AM
Rene, Your comments about the lunch meat reminded me that I noticed Annie preferred it for a while - I assumed it had something to do with the ulcers in her throat and the fact it went down smoothly. There are times when I can get her to eat only dog food with lots of gravy. If I can spoon feed her the gravy (which always includes some SEB) then her appetite is stimulated and she will eat the food. Clueless if that is what it is - she maybe wanting the lunch meat because she needs more sodium with electrolytes being depleted... poor thing 10 lbs is a lot of weight to lose.

Continued love and hugs sent, Kim

09-07-2011, 08:24 AM
Hi Renee,

I am still here, following along. I wanted to read about the Slippery Elm for you. I did find an article that said Slippery Elm may interfere with how the body absorbs other drugs so make sure you give it two hours after any other drug. The dosage I found in my Four Paws Five Directions book says 1/4 teaspoon 3 times a day for small dogs and medium dogs 1/2 to 2/3 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Sending love and support and HUGS. Please give little Snoops a big hug and kiss for me (though some dogs dont like those).


09-07-2011, 11:42 PM
Hi, Rene -

Just here to check on you and Snoopie. So very sorry things are not going better. Snoopie is definitely a fighter and you are giving her every chance. I'm still hoping for a miracle.

Sending much love your way and belly rubs for Snoopie.

09-08-2011, 12:19 AM
Thanks Kim, Mary Beth and Addy,

She is very weak but hanging in there. We are going to the kidney Dr. tomorrow to get more fluids and the nurse said she had some ideas on what could be changed. She is still not eating. Bites of lunch meat. :( Been using a syringe to get rice water (congee) and slippery elm water down.

We had a man out today to who is going to put in a very large tree in our front yard off our patio. It was over 100 which is very unusual for San Diego. Snoopie had to be there out with us. I could not believe it.

Much Love,
Rene & Snoopie

09-08-2011, 04:41 AM

This sounds like Snoopy is get stronger. This is great news. Your baby girl is such a little fighter.... KEEP FIGHTING SNOOP DOG:)

Take Care
Rhondalyn and Honey

Squirt's Mom
09-08-2011, 09:42 AM
Hi Rene,

Hoping for some good news from the kidney doc today.

Continuing our prayers and healing white light for all.

Leslie and the gang

Jenny & Judi in MN
09-08-2011, 02:01 PM
I've been following you and Snoopy too. Hoping for good news for you and your tough girl today. Judi

09-08-2011, 04:20 PM
Dear Rene
Our Snoopy is a trooper. Even when they can hardly go on they surprise us. You might try from trader JOe's-low sodium turkey slices. I have given this to Apollo with his other food for years and it agrees with his stomach. Just a thought.
We will be praying for you. Snoopy still has the well , now we need to find the means to keep her with us still.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

09-08-2011, 07:57 PM
Dear Rene -

I hope you had a bit of good news at the kidney specialist. I think it's a good sign that Snoop still wanted to keep an eye on what was going on in her yard!

Keeping you in our thoughts and hoping for some miracles!

09-10-2011, 03:31 AM
Hello Everyone...Welcome Judi!

The power here in Southern California was out for most the afternoon and night. So, Sorry for the late Snoop Dog Update.

Snoopie has been holding her own at home since being home from the hospital. This was much more that we hoped for so we took her to the kidney doctor and ran her numbers. Her numbers were not good but her creatinne has actually improved slightly!

The kidney Dr. felt her numbers were stable and the kidneys were still functioning, at a lowered capacity and stable! The Dr. tweaked her medications and said that most urgent matter at hand was that she was emaciated.

So, after great consideration she put in a feeding tube. This was not a easy decision. But, it was explained that the kidneys were not what was taking her life at the moment it was malnutrition.

But, wow what a difference. It took ten minutes to put it in. She was home and using it in two hours. I no longer have to poke her with needles to get sub Q fluids in or force pills down her throat. Snoopie has not really noticed it there. Even when we use it she seems to like it because, she was starving for so long I think It gives her tummy immediate gratification of sorts. It sure beats having "the light of my eye" hate me every time I go near her because Im going to poke he with a needle or mess with her by forcing food or pills down her throat.

The Dr. said there would be throwing up as she adjusted to it and some lethargy and pain at first. So, far none of that. She seems grateful!

Once again this little girl just amazes us...I had to laugh because I was having a conversation with someone who knows her well.

My friend said she obviously still has some things she needs to do. I said what in the world...she has had a full life and she must not feel all that great, she only gets up for a few simple pleasures, wags her tail to do them, then goes back to bed. What could she possibly have left to do?

My friend replied, "Well, she hasn't made it down to barn yet to eat her fill of horse poop!" She knows this annoys me....so that must be it. ;)

Love, Rene & Poop

09-10-2011, 08:38 AM
Rene, You made my day. Give the girl a hug for me. Go Snoopy Go! Kim

09-10-2011, 10:59 AM
So glad she is feeling a little better, and that you could have a laugh about the horse poop. Hope you continue to enjoy some better times with your girl!

Julie & Hannah

09-10-2011, 11:19 AM
Dear Rene and Snoop,

you are both such troopers! You for making that difficult decission and Snoopy for adjusting so seamingly easy :) And for lots of other things of course ;)

And Yunah agrees with Snoop, nothing like a snack of horsepoop every now and then :p

Wishing you and Snoopy all our best, we're thinking of you,

Sas and Yunah :)

Squirt's Mom
09-10-2011, 11:25 AM
Brick says that if you only knew just how thoroughly delightful horse poop was, you would be serving Snoop poop balls on a silver platter! :p

Harley PoMMom
09-10-2011, 12:35 PM
You are doing an amazing job, Rene. So happy to hear that Snoop is feeling better, sending you all love, hugs, and healing energy...Lori

09-10-2011, 02:03 PM
Me too, ditto to all.

hugs and love and hope


09-10-2011, 04:17 PM
Dear Rene -

Glad to hear that the feeding tube is making things easier for you and more comfortable for Snoopie. You are one amazing lady! She couldn't ask for someone to take better care of her than you!

Alivia and Maxwell send their love....but we have no horse poop to offer up - THANK GOODNESS!!! :D

09-10-2011, 04:34 PM
YEAH BABY!!!!!! My prayers for you guys were answered... I am so happy for this improvement... and I will take horse poop over being sick any day.... YAH FOR HORSE POOP:)

Continued Success and Happiness

Rhondalyn and Honey

09-11-2011, 01:28 AM
Dear Rene
the prayers are helping. Snoopy would not be here without you and she knows it. But horse poop, really:eek:
It would be so nice to hear things are turning around. She is not finished with you , yet.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

09-11-2011, 02:20 AM
My angels,

Yep, poop. In fact this is Snoop's nick name. "Poooooop"! Is one of my greetings for her. I don't actually let her eat the stuff but If I turned my back she would stuff her self silly with it. When I was speaking with the kidney Doc about how to entice her to eat we joked about the miracle horse poop diet also!

We sincerely appriciate all the thoughts, prayers, healing white light and brutal honesty! I love you all and could not continue on with this, without you.

I would like to express a very heartfelt, Thank You. ;)

Snoopie is not by any means out of the woods. She is gravely ill. Her numbers are:

Bun 148 7-31
Creatinine 4.6 .7-1.7
Bun/Creatinine Ratio 32.2 9-33
Phosphorus 15.4 3.2-6.3
CA/PO4 .6 1.2-3.8
Anion Gap 26 .0-25.
Chloride 100 105-120
ALK PHOS 1640 9-140
ALT 59 236 15-84
GGT 51 0-6
Cholesterol 316 114-250
Magnesium 3.1 1.5-2.7
Trigluceride 74 18-248

So far she has not followed instructions...as usual. When they placed the tube the Doc said she would be tired and probably throw up the first few times we used it. She was alert most of the day yesterday and did not throw up once. Still has not thrown up! Snoop...one!

The Doc said most dogs do not want to eat for a while on their own when using the tube.

When I got home from work I put the food on a plate that was going in the tube. I thought I would give her a shot at it first. She ate it on her own. Snoop....two!

Not bad for day two.

Rene & Snoop

Squirt's Mom
09-11-2011, 10:46 AM
The one thing docs don't usually consider in their prognosis is the power of love. But that power is something I see at work here. It's that power that gives us and our babies the wherewithal to fight against all odds, to rise far above the limitations we are given. It is this power that gives us miracles on a daily basis. It is this power that sustains us all, that binds us all, and that gives us the strength to face anything placed in our path.

You and Snoopy are further evidence of this power at work.

Leslie and the gang

09-13-2011, 12:03 AM
Dear Rene
That's our girl Snoopy.:D Never give up hope. Our angels are fighters.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

09-13-2011, 02:10 AM
Thank you Leslie and Sonja,

Very beautifully put, Leslie. You are one in a million!

The feeding tube is going well. If anyone else get faced with this I would highly recommend it. Just the words, "Put in a feeding tube" sounds horrible. It it more tramaic for us I think then our babies. It was a ten minute surgery. Snoopie has not messed with it once. Before, she was hating us, for a hour :rolleyes:, because we were giving her pills syringe feeding her and giving her SubQ fluids. She does not blink an eye when we feed her proper food, with added meds & liquids, with the tube and she can still eats food the regular way.

Unfortunately, I think we may have exchanged one problem for another. Now that she is getting the proper nutrition I suspect it may be to much for her kidneys to clear. I fear that her numbers may be rising because she is becoming more lethargic.

Thank you again for the love and support,
Rene & Snoopie

09-13-2011, 02:20 PM
Dear Rene -

I think about you and little Snoopie often. I have not given up on hoping for a miracle for your little girl. You take such good care of Snoopie that she has the best chance in the world just being in your loving care. Your decisions have always been on what's best for Snoopie and I know they are made with both your head and your heart. Snoopie knows that, too.

Hang in there! Sending our love!

Jenny & Judi in MN
09-13-2011, 05:17 PM
I hope Snoopy is feeling a little better today. xoxo

09-13-2011, 05:50 PM
Hello All,

Quick Snoopster update. I spoke with the Kidney Doc on the phone today. Remember that Sky High Lipase of 11,838 normal range 200-1800 U/L. It is now....554 U/L. Normal! Unbelievable. I tell you...this dog is something. I love her so much for fighting sooo hard.

Well, the pancreatic emergency is over but of course we have to watch for cronic flares during the kidney crisis. However, the sudden bout of extra lethargic behavior, that I was frightened about...the doc thinks she is just dehydrated and constipated. :o I guess it takes a little trial and error getting the mix correct with the feeding tube and then giving extra fluids. I will be taking her back tomorrow so the Doc can confirm this. Snoop has not poo'd for two days now so more than likely she is just uncomfortable and does not want to move around much. We have already upped the fluids and she seems a touch better.

I am so praying that this is all that is going on. This Doc is so positive and uplifiting. Keep the prayers, thoughts and healing energy coming. It has been working amazingly. :)

Love to all,
Rene & Snoopie

09-13-2011, 06:10 PM
Hi Rene,

I haven't posted in a while but I've been keeping close tabs on Snoop. Let me just say "YAY SNOOPY!" If I'm this relieved, you must feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from your shoulders. So are you going to celebrate tonight?

09-13-2011, 07:07 PM
Your love is working its magic, Renee. I pray everything will be all right with Snoops. She is a fighter because she loves you so.

I come everyday to your thread to check on her. When you post the latest news I hold my breath with you. We all do, you know, because we all love you both so dearly.


09-13-2011, 07:32 PM
YEY, SNOOPIE!!! Rene, that is such encouraging news!! I know you are thrilled. Sounds like Snoop's going to get her miracle! i am so happy for all of you and hope the good news continues!

Still keeping you in our thoughts!!!

09-13-2011, 07:56 PM
Hi Rene-
What wonderful news about Snoop! I'm so happy for you! Hope she continues to feel better!

Julie & Hannah

09-13-2011, 10:28 PM
Glynda, Addy, Mary Beth & Julie,

We celebrate Snoopie every minute of every day that we have left with her. She is so precious to us. We are elated that the pancreatitus issue is behind us.

Snoopie is not eating or drinking on her own right now and had a bit of acid regurgitation so the kidney doc thinks she may have esophagitis. Tomorrow she will take a look and confirm. The increase of the fluids today already produced a bowl movement and she seems more comfortable. This doc really know what she is talking about!

Her kidney issues are very serious. Her numbers are very high. She is very weak & wobbly, sleeps loudly most of the time but does get up to take care of herself and greet her mother.

I pray the doc is correct and gives her comfort for the acid issue so we can just focus on her kidney numbers and see if she improves.

Give all of you fur babies special rubs, kisses and hugs. Put a moment aside, take them for a ride, walk, swim or just hold them tight if they can't. :)

Snoopie just seconded that...she came over and plopped her head in my lap as I typed that! :D

Rene & Snoopie

09-14-2011, 11:17 PM
My Dearest Friends,

I’m so sorry to have to tell you we had to let Snoopie go today. She suffered a series of seizures today before her appointment with the kidney doc . We took her right in and the doc said she developed spontaneous diabetes, as those numbers were fine a few days ago.

This little amazing princess never gave up. Her body gave up on her.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your love and support. We could not have gotten this far without all of you.

I love you,
Rene & Angel Snoopie

Harley PoMMom
09-14-2011, 11:25 PM
Oh Rene,

I am so, sorry for your loss. You both fought so hard and I do realize how hard it is to let them go. The hardest part about loving them is losing them. You were the best mommy and your deep love for sweet Snoopy was very evident.

We are all here for you, please remember that.

Godspeed sweet Snoopy.

With Heartfelt Sympathy and love,

09-14-2011, 11:56 PM
Dear Rene, I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Snoopy. You both fought a valiant battle over these last several years against some pretty tough opponents. The love & care you gave to Snoop is what allowed her to overcome most of her opponents. Yes, she did not win the last battle, but she is still victorious as she is now free from pain, happy, healthy, & whole.

I know words don't mean a lot, now, but I am so very sorry.


09-15-2011, 12:59 AM

I send you my deepest sympathy... If I am hurting this bad to hear this news I cannot imagine what you are going through. What a great life she had to have you for her mom. Your Sweet girl kept me in amazement and laughter. Snoopy is every dog owners dream dog to have. You are so right she never gave up, her body just could not deal with everything. I know she is running, playing and pain free right now and looking down on you smiling saying THANKS MOM... JOB WELL DONE....


Rhondalyn and Honey

09-15-2011, 05:56 AM
Oh Rene,

I am so very sorry to learn about Snoopy - you have my sincerest sympathies.

I have added your sweet girl's name to our very special section - In Loving Memory -


09-15-2011, 06:35 AM
Dear Rene,
So very saddened for your loss of your precious Snoopy.

I can only imagine your emptiness right now but I am sure the wonderful memories of her are enough to fill your heart with sheer love.

God bless you and your Snoopy always.

Tight hugs. Jeanette and Princess

09-15-2011, 07:07 AM
Oh Rene, I am so very sorry to hear that Snoopy has passed. She was such a trooper through everything...and you too! I know and understand that the hurt, the missing her and the emptiness are overwhelming. I personally like to look at it that the hurt is a "gift" because we knew such love... If we wouldn't have loved them so much, and they us, we wouldn't hurt this much. I don't like to say "it's the price we pay" for loving them since that sounds like a burden, something negative And their love, our love, never was a burden or something negative. So eventhough it hurst so much right now, the love will prevail in the end. Hang in there, wishing you all our best and love,


Saskia and Yunah.

09-15-2011, 07:31 AM
Rene, I am speechless and so terribly sorry. Your girl was such a fighter. Know with your heart you did all you could and then some and that she was loved so very much and knew it. Sending love and strength. Kim

Jenny & Judi in MN
09-15-2011, 07:46 AM
I am sad for you beyond words. Bless her little fighting heart. I'll remember her plunking her head in your lap. RIP sweet Snoopy.

xoxo, Judi

09-15-2011, 08:04 AM

I'm so very sorry for your loss. Snoopy was indeed a very special Baby Girl Beagle. I don't often post on this forum anymore since my days of dealing with Cushings' are long gone. But I do come daily and read posts and have followed Snoopy all along.

I know how hard it is to let our loved ones go. Know that you did everything possible to help Snoopy regain her health and that she was trying up til the last setbacks.

Her love for you was enormous and she will always be with you.

Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann

09-15-2011, 08:33 AM
Dearest Renee
It is with great sorrow I read this about dear Snoopy and I can't imagine the pain you must feel. I read all the posts from everyone and tried to fight back the tears for you and Snoopy.

But then, as I started to write this I realized something; that Snoopy lived larger than life and she fought with you by her side for so very long and with such courage and abundance of spirit that I really should celebrate that very amazing spirit.

I am smiling now as I picture her in her doggles and wabbit hat, running with her horses and I can only hope that there is an abundance of horse poop in heaven for our girl.

How blessed we all are to have been part of her life and celebrate with you everything Snoppy. I will see Snoopy in every beagle I meet and it will always bring a smile.

May time heal your wounds and I hope those very precious memories comfort you and warm your heart.

Love Always,

Squirt's Mom
09-15-2011, 10:31 AM
Dearest Rene,

What an amazing duo you and Snoopy were; both such fighters, strong at the core because of the love you shared. When Snoop's damaged shell gave out, you gave her the greatest gift of all - freedom. A friend here once said, we hold them in our arms as long as we can, then we hold them in our hearts forever.

Snoopy's pain has ended but yours has just begun. Please know we are here for you any time you wish to talk.

My heart aches for you, sweetie; I know the pain you are feeling. Cherish your memories, hold them close, let them help you heal and find joy through the agony.

Our heartfelt sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal

09-15-2011, 11:10 AM
Dearest Rene
Words can not explain the loss ,pain and grief I have for you. Snoopy was a brave little girl. You loved and were the greatest Mom to Snoopy. I am so grateful for the one play date we had with our beloved Snoopy. The joy and laughter of the date will always be with me. I was honored to have Snoopy sit down beside me and put her head in my purse. Despite all the problems, Snoopy kept on fighting. Know she loved , appreciated you more than you can know. Even at the end she picked her resting spot. Snoopy brought us together and I am grateful for that.
Our sweet, prime and proper always, Snoopy is free of pain and suffering to look down on you in heaven. She will always have a place in your heart.
Grieve, feel the emotions and know we are all grieving with you.
Hugs , love Sonja and Apollo

Squirt's Mom
09-15-2011, 11:51 AM
From The Darkest Evening of the Year
By Dean Koontz

“Because God is never cruel, there is a reason for all things. We must know the pain of loss; because if we never knew it, we would have no compassion for others, and we would become monsters of self-regard, creatures of unalloyed self-interest. The terrible pain of loss teaches humility to our prideful kind, has the power to soften uncaring hearts, to make a better person of a good one.”

“Dog’s lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you’re going to lose a dog, and there’s going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with (them), never fail to share (their) joy or delight in (their) innocence, because you can’t support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There’s such beauty in the hard honest of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is a way we do penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and for the mistakes we make because of those illusions.”

09-15-2011, 12:20 PM
Dearest Rene,

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Snoopy was really blessed that she had such a wonderful mom.

Rest in peace sweet Snoopy. You deserve it.

09-15-2011, 01:00 PM
Rene, I am incredibly sorry for your loss. I will always remember Snoopy for the fighter she was, just like her mom, who fought with everything in her to give her baby girl Beagle a good quality of life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Godspeed Sweet Snoopy.


09-15-2011, 05:52 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. May God bless you and ease your pain.
Hugs Leah and Maya

Sabre's Mum
09-15-2011, 06:34 PM

I am so sorry for your loss of your dearest Snoopy. My thoughts are with you from downunder.


09-15-2011, 09:35 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I am so glad you had some extra time with her before the end. She sounded like such a wonderful little dog, and she could not have asked for a better family. You were so, so good to her. You're in my thoughts.

Julie & Hannah

Roxee's Dad
09-15-2011, 11:13 PM
Dear Rene,
I am so very sorry for your loss.... I know Snoopy will be watching over you.

Rest in Peace baby girl..... You are now our newest and brightest star in the sky.

09-16-2011, 04:21 AM
Oh my beautiful friends.

I am just overwhelmed when I read such heartfelt, loving and well thought out tributes. We truly do have a wonderful bond with one another here. I love you all for being there posting on the thread or just reading along and sending thoughts and prayers. A lot of you have come out of the “wood work” at this time and it is a great comfort to know so many were there all along.

Remember, I spoke of that hot day when the man can out to help with the placement of a large tree for our front yard? It was 100 degrees. Snoopie was so sick but insisted on coming out and supervising where the hole was going for the tree. This will become Snoopies tree, as she chose the area and she will be placed with the tree in our front yard, where she liked to lay.

But, I have another enormous favor. I need you to all pull together for us.

When my lovely husband was waiting for the equipment, for Snoopie and her tree to be dug, he suffered a heart attack. He was taken by air to a cardiac care center at a local hospital and is doing well. He is in the critical care unit sporting a new stent. Overall he is doing very well.

Could I ask of you one more time the miraculous power of all your prayers, thought and healing white light for my beloved, precious, sweet, husband, Gene? This guy is one in a million and has been through so much himself. He is really one of the good guys…if you only knew!

Love to each and every one of you & the fir kids,

Rene, Gene & Snoope Angel

09-16-2011, 05:57 AM

You have been so heavy on my mind. I've been praying to God to help you and your husband to get through this very difficult time. I am so very sorry to hear about Gene.... You know we are all right here for you and we will be praying for a speedy recovery. I know he will be just fine because God will not put on you more than what you can bare. What he takes you to, he will take you through.

You are so very blessed to have such a wonderful and thoughtful husband. What a special way to remember Snoopy. I know the tree will be beautiful.

I hope you are ok... I really took Snoopy's passing hard. The love and the bond that you and Snoopy had reminds me so much of my love for Honey. I know I would do exactly everything you did to help Snoopy get better. As I laid in my bed last night with eyes filled with tears for Snoopy, I had this picture of a very healthy beautiful beagle next to a pond and on the other end of the pond was a beautiful cat. When Snoopy saw this cat he ran full speed with his ears flying behind him towards the cat. When they met they ran in circles chasing and playing with each other. This helped me to know Snoopy is in a really good place right now. I hope it helps you.

With Love
Rhondalyn and Honey

09-16-2011, 07:43 AM
Dear Rene,

I join with all the rest of your family here in sending all my thoughts and prayers to you and your husband. In honor of sweet Snoopie, my heart is full of tears over her passage but it is also full of celebration over the beauty and bravery of her spirit. Her spirit is forever free and pure, and forever alive.

And without a doubt, I am sending tons of positive energy to your husband. I have every hope and belief that he will make a full recovery. I say this because I have witnessed the same experience with my mother. Seven years ago, she suffered a massive heart attack while at home. But she was rushed to the hospital and quickly the blockage was opened and a stent placed. And even as I type this note, she is here with me this weekend, sitting at the breakfast table with my husband and our doggie girls -- and doing super well. It is amazing the way in which cardiac care has progressed in recent years! So please give your husband some healing hugs. It may take some time and rehab before the doctors are ready to let him dive back into all his normal activities. But I am confident that the day will come, and maybe even sooner than you might think.

Please keep us updated, Rene. And please know that Snoopie will never be forgotten here. She is forever in all our hearts.

Love, Marianne

09-16-2011, 08:22 AM
Sweetie, we have so much love and support to share, healing prayers and positive vibes for hubby will once again create quite a tsunami heading your way.

Sometimes when our life is so tragic and we feel we cannot bear one more thing, a miracle occurs. I am hugging you close and tight right now and I hope you feel the power of my love and support. It will all be all right, dearest Renee, your Gene will come home to you.

I love Snoopy's tree and what a wonderful resting spot for her. She is still with you, just in a different way.


Harley PoMMom
09-16-2011, 08:59 AM
Oh Rene,

I am so sorry to hear about Gene but am happy that he is doing well. And like the others I will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Sending tons of positive energy and healing white light your way with love.

Love and huge hugs,

Squirt's Mom
09-16-2011, 09:17 AM
Awww, sweetie.....so much to have laid on your plate. :( Gene has my prayers as do his docs along with some healing white light sent your way.

I think Snoopy was there under that tree with him when it happened, wrapping herself around him, lending Gene her strength. ;) She remains with you both always, showering you with her love.

We are here, darlin', anytime....

Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang

Jenny & Judi in MN
09-16-2011, 02:19 PM
Prayers for your husband and hugs for you.


09-16-2011, 07:20 PM
Dearest Rene -

You have been in my thoughts more than I can explain. For some reason, I have been hesistent to check in here for the past two days. I guess I was afraid of what I would read. I can not adequately express in words how sorry I am for the loss of your precious baby. I can only imagine your pain. And, then the shock of reading that your dear husband, who has been your rock and support throughout Snoopie's illness, had a heart attack - unfathonable. So much for you and Gene to deal with in such a short amount of time! I am happy that he is doing well, all things considered, and I hope his recovery is rapid and complete. Snoopie was so lucky to have had you both. Because of you both, her spirit remained strong to the end. She knows she was loved and it is obvious she adored you as well. Snoopie is now pain free but my heart breaks for you.

Continuing to send all our love your way.

09-16-2011, 09:03 PM
Absolutely! I am so sorry to hear you have been through so much. I'll definitely keep you all in my prayers.

Julie & Hannah

09-16-2011, 09:50 PM
Rene, Oh my you have had a rough week. Prayers, support, and love sent from our house to yours. Take care of yourself. I love the tree tribute to dear Snoopy. Huge hugs, Kim

09-17-2011, 03:16 AM
So sorry to hear about Snoopie. Sending best wishes for you and for your husband for a speedy recovery.


09-17-2011, 06:11 AM
((((hugs))))) Rene


09-17-2011, 06:40 AM
Aw Rene, I am so very sorry to read about your dear husband. It goes without saying you have all my best wishes and my thoughts are with you and your husband...


Saskia and Yunah.

09-17-2011, 03:46 PM
Rene I am so sorry to hear about Snoopie - You were a great mom and loved Snoopie with all your heart - Snoopie knew that for sure!! I am sorry about Gene's heart attack - but he sounds like a strong man and he will make a full recovery -- we all will make sure of that with all our love - support - and prayers - hang in there!

09-18-2011, 07:58 AM
My dearest angel friends,

What a journey this has been. I promise nothing but good news for you today. My adoring husband is home today sporting a new stent for his heart. He is doing so well. He is a cancer survivor and is the most positive light and calls this, “just another adventure”!

I have settled with Snoopie’s series of seizures and passing, the day before Gene’s heart attack, as she chose her time as not being a burden during Gene’s crisis.

I know this is odd, but because of the circumstances, Snoop had to wait to be placed. She waited in our entry, under a fountain that she liked to lay. It was sort of a Snoopie shrine. It was a source of comfort when this house was so quiet when my Gene, Snoopie and Arnie were all gone.

Snoopie was finally placed today. She was put between two trees, off the entry in the front yard so I can remember her every day when I return home.

Snoopster always heard when I would come home. Right, she was stone deaf. I guess, my lovely husband would nudge her and signal when I was home. The little darling would run to the door and sit and wait like she had been there all along. When I would come in the house she would be sitting there with her beloved kitty, Angel Arnie, at her side like I never left. And my retired husband right next to them.

I am truly a blessed woman.
Thank you all for your love, prayers and support.

I love you all,
Rene & Angel Snoopie

09-18-2011, 06:06 PM
Rene -

So happy to hear your beloved husband is home and doing well. Things sometimes happen for reasons we don't understand. Snoopie's passing when she did allowed you to focus on your husband's health crisis. Maybe that was her final gift to you.

It sounds like you found the perfect place for Snoopie's final resting place. She'd approve, I think. You were so good to her to the very end.

My you sure have had a rough few months. I hope things settle down and you and Gene can both relax and heal - physically and emotionally.

Take care of yourself, dear friend.

09-18-2011, 06:23 PM
Dear Rene,

I have been away and I missed the sad news that Snoopie had passed away. Yes she was a fighter but not all battles can be won. You fought so hard with her and I know how much she was loved and will be missed. I wish you peace knowing you did all that was possible and hope that only the good memories stay with you.


09-19-2011, 02:39 AM
Dear Rene
You and your husband have been in my thoughts. I see Snoopie in every beagle I see. Know we are hear for you. Please call. I will be there to listen and support.
HUgs, Love Sonja and Apollo

09-19-2011, 05:21 AM

I am so happy Gene is doing better and is at home with you.....

Take Care

Rhondalyn and Honey

Squirt's Mom
09-19-2011, 09:04 AM
Hi Rene,

Wonderful news that Gene is home and doing well! Sounds like you have a houseful of fighters! ;)

Leslie and the gang

09-20-2011, 03:15 AM
Hello my friends,

My lovely husband is doing very well. Mary Beth said it very well. Snoopies final gift to us was her very gracious exit. Gene said it just broke his heart. :(

Each day is brighter and brighter and such a gift!

Love to all,
Rene & Angel Snoopie

09-20-2011, 08:08 AM
Renee, you are an amazing person with an incredible spirit. I hope hubby continues to improve.


09-20-2011, 04:01 PM
Dear Rene
Praying your husband recoveries fast. Angel Snoopie always in my mind.
Miss you
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

09-20-2011, 10:48 PM
Hi, Rene -

Just thinking about you and Gene. You have an amazing attitude and it sounds like the two of you could get through anything!

I hope you get to relax a bit and take care of yourself!

09-28-2011, 02:04 PM
Dear Rene -

Just checking in. I hope you are doing well and your husband is continuing to improve. I am sure you miss Snoopie, but I hope it gets less painful each day.

Anyway, just thinking about you.