View Full Version : Trinket-our little bauble! has crossed The Bridge

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Squirt's Mom
09-09-2010, 02:24 PM
Hi ya'll,

I have some joyous news to share! A new baby is going to join Squirt and me in our home soon! :D:D:D

Her name is Trinket, she is a Chi/Pom mix we think, weighs around 4 lbs, is white with orange splotches and an absolute doll!!! They aren't sure of her age just yet, tho. She is currently in CA with our angel, Glynda, who rescued her and decided we would make a good home for her.

Trinket's former owners neglected her badly. She had glaucoma that was ignored til she went blind, leaving both her eyes to bulge painfully...then they dumped her at the shelter where she was ever so lucky to have had Glynda find her. Both her eyes are going to be removed; one already has been taken out and the other is coming out this week. Then after a recovery period, she will have a dental to remove a tooth or two, then spayed when they will also fix a hernia she has. After that, she gets to come HOME!!! :D:D:D

Glynda had told me she was just a love bug, wanting to just sit in your lap all the time. THEN after her eye was removed, they picked her up from the vet and the little scamp climbed up on the car console to go exploring in the back seat! :cool: She felt that much better after removing just one painful eye! :D Once she is done with all her procedures, there is no telling what kind of spirit will shine through!

Glynda has warned me that everyone who has seen her falls in love and wants her. Trinket is such a doll it's no wonder! Now Glynda can tell them all, "She has a mom waiting on pins and needles in ARK!"

Last nite I got to imagining her climbing around in that car and feeling so much better, I got all wiggly with joy! If I had a tail, it would have been slappin' my sides like crazy...but since I don't, just picture a Corgi butt waggin'! LOL

I will share pics of her later...I have some of her pre-surgery but don't want ya'll to pity her. So I will post some "before and after" later...just take my word, she is absolutely darling!

There are no words to explain what a true angel Glynda is. For those of you who don't know, she goes into shelters looking for those babies no one else would touch and takes them in. She and the rescue she works for love these precious souls back to life, making sure they get the vetting they need no matter what, and finding good forever homes for these once lost babies. If you want to see a great example of what they do, look in this section, Everything Else, for a topic on Willa and Webster. An amazing story brought about by our own amazing Glynda and the rescue she works with, Mutts N Stuff.

That we have been approved to take Trinket into our home and hearts moves me more than I can say. This one gesture from Glynda has brightened my little world beyond belief. Thank you, again, my friend, for the trust you have given me in placing Trinket with us. Tears of joy are a wonderful thing to experience.

Leslie and the girls - always.....OMG! more girls again! :D:D:D

09-09-2010, 02:34 PM
Oh Leslie, I am sitting here with tears of joy in my own eyes. I am so happy for you and for Squirty and especially for little Trinket. For sure, Glynda has been her guardian angel just as she has for so many other babies. Trinket could be in no better hands now than with Glynda, and also in the future when she finally comes "home" to her Mama Leslie.

Enormous hugs to you all!!!!!!!!!!

09-09-2010, 02:35 PM
Oh Leslie!! You are going to be Trinket's forever mom?? She is so precious! I have cried ever since I first saw her. I am so excited and happy for that dear little thing. She couldn't be in better loving arms than yours. Just had to say how much I love you for this. Now I will finish reading your post. Just read the first few sentences. :p

09-09-2010, 02:41 PM
About our dear Glynda. I don't have the right words to express my love and gratitude for what she does, but she is one awesome little lady angel whom I love very much.

Harley PoMMom
09-09-2010, 04:14 PM
Oh Leslie!

I, too, cried when I read your post, tears of happiness for precious Trinket as she is now going from Glynda's loving arms to a forever home...YOURS!!!! I am so very happy for Trinket and you!!! You and Glynda are so wonderful and I love you both so very much.

Love and big hugs,

Sabre's Mum
09-09-2010, 04:27 PM

What fantastic news! Yes Glynda is one amazing lady ... you are also one who will soon be giving this little treasure a forever home. She sounds adorable.

Angela and Flynn

Roxee's Dad
09-09-2010, 04:28 PM
I am so happy for you, Trinket and Glynda. I think you all are awesome. :D I am looking forward to frequent updates. ;):)

Squirt's Mom
09-09-2010, 04:29 PM
Thank you all so much! I am just so thrilled! :D

Just heard from Glynda and Trinket may be sicker than we first thought. Her kidney functioning is now in question and blood work is pending. Her first blood work came back perfect so apparently they didn't test for kidney values then or there has been a mistake somewhere. Regardless, she still gets to come home to Squirt and me! :D No matter her prognosis, Trinket is loved and wanted, and she will never again doubt that.

Almost one less day til I get to hold her and hug her and kiss her! :D

Leslie and the GIRLS :D - always

09-09-2010, 05:33 PM
Woohooooo, Leslie. You and Glynda - both angels in my book. When I first saw Trinket, my heart broke for her. But to know that she now has the best possible home she could ever get - or imagine - is the bestest news ever. You've made my day! :D:):D:):D:) Sue

09-09-2010, 05:52 PM
Oh Leslie! Bless your heart for taking Trinket. She is just so cute and so precious. She will be in a very good home with a very loving and caring forever mom.

I admire you, Glynda, and all of the terrific people that do rescue work and fostering. It breaks my heart when I see all of the posts from the different rescue groups.

Take care my friend. Give both of your furbabies hugs and belly rubs from me.

09-09-2010, 07:31 PM
Wow Les, so exciting. How will you be able to wait.

Little Trinket touched all our hearts and you get to give her the home she deserves.

Lucky Trinket!


09-09-2010, 09:24 PM
Oh Leslie....what awesome news for Trinket and for you two!! I hope the kidney function is good or just needs a little "tinkering". I have felt so bad for that little girl and to know that she will be living with you is just wonderful news to hear.
Glynda is just the most amazing person and an angel to so many neglected dogs!
Will be watching for more updates...
Jo-Ann :)

09-09-2010, 09:55 PM
WOw... that is too cool. Sending warm thoughts to Trinket, Glynda and you. All angels.

09-10-2010, 02:54 AM
Hi Leslie ,
i saw a picture of trinket on face book ...so glad you
were able to take her in ...made me sad !
all the best for you and your new little angel ..i am sure
there is a place for you and Glynda in heaven ..

09-10-2010, 05:43 AM
Oh Leslie,

My heart jumped for joy when I read it was the same girl Glynda rescued....I cannot tell you how happy I am for you and little Trinket.

You better keep us updated.

09-10-2010, 08:59 AM
Leslie, I can't think of a better Mom for Trinket!

Hoping you have great cuddles, long walks and the very best of lives with your new baby.

Trinket's luck sure changed when she met Glynda and her good fortune now continues:)

Warmest wishes from my heart,


Squirt's Mom
09-10-2010, 04:36 PM
Hi ya'll,

Trinket's other eye is out and she had her dental at the same time. It's been 24 hours and she is still out of it but she was under longer this time around, plus this was the second time over a short period, so she will hopefully start to rouse soon. I know when she does, she is going to feel so much better! :D

Still no word on the kidneys but I will keep ya'll posted.

Send a prayer that the Little Bauble wakes soon and is on the road to recovery.

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Harley PoMMom
09-10-2010, 04:41 PM
Send a prayer that the Little Bauble wakes soon and is on the road to recovery.

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Tons and tons of prayers are being said and sent for precious Trinket.

With much love and big hugs,

09-10-2010, 04:45 PM
Prayers going out for our newest baby. Feel the love Trinket.

Roxee's Dad
09-10-2010, 04:57 PM
Send a prayer that the Little Bauble wakes soon and is on the road to recovery.

Sending many, many. Get well soon Trinket.

09-10-2010, 04:58 PM
Sending healing thoughts and prayers that Trinket will soon be up and around and will really be able to enjoy her life.

09-10-2010, 05:51 PM
We love you baby girl. Please get well soon.
Prayers, (((hugs))) and healing love.

Shelba and Suni~~

09-10-2010, 06:20 PM
Lots of prayers and hugs coming your way, Trinket! Hope you're "home" soon....:D
Jo-Ann :)

Squirt's Mom
09-11-2010, 11:17 AM
Mornin' ya'll,

The latest word on Trinket is not what we had hoped for. She is still not eating on her own and taking very little when fed.

This morning her nasal passages sound congested and she has some blood coming from her nose.

The kidney results are in as well and they could be much better. Trinket's BUN is 74; creatinine is 1.6.

My poor Little Bauble has been through enough in her life already and even now her battles continue. But there is one HUGE difference today - she is much loved and with someone who will do all they can to help her win this battle.

Please continue your prayers for Trinket and include Glynda in those prayers, too.

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Squirt's Mom
09-11-2010, 12:02 PM
Trinket is on her way to the vet....:(

09-11-2010, 12:12 PM
Oh Leslie -- tons of prayers being said for you all.


09-11-2010, 12:14 PM
Praying for that little sweetheart and Glynda too.

Harley PoMMom
09-11-2010, 12:52 PM
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Oh Leslie, the one thing I do know for sure is that Trinket has never been loved this much before by one person and by so many. She has a forever mom, you, a guardian angel mom, Gynda, and all her k9cushing's moms, us. We are all praying for our Trinket.

Love and ((((hugs))))

Sabre's Mum
09-11-2010, 02:05 PM
Oh dear Leslie ... you are in my thoughts.

Angela and Flynn

Squirt's Mom
09-11-2010, 04:29 PM
Hi ya'll,

The vet is going to keep Trinket for a few days and put her on IV fluids. Hopefully this will help flush her kidneys and get rid of the anesthesia.

Keep the prayers coming!

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Roxee's Dad
09-11-2010, 05:07 PM
Hi Leslie,

I am keeping you ALL in my thoughts and prayers. I hope she gets better soon and learns to enjoy the love you and Squirt will bestow on her.

Please keep us posted.

09-11-2010, 07:37 PM
Oh, Trinket. Be strong, little girl and get well, because you have the best mommy waiting to give you all the luv that you've missed out on. Prayers, lots of prayers, coming your way. Sue

09-11-2010, 09:13 PM
I don't see Leslie on right now so I'll post the latest, which isn't much. I checked with the vet this afternoon and Trinket is doing okay. I'm not sure I'll be able to get an update tomorrow as the vet is the only one in and out of the clinic on Sundays.

I'm attaching a pic that was taken yesterday on her way home from the vet. It's a little fuzzy but Jenna was driving and clicking. She's not good at multi tasking without being behind a wheel so this was an amazing shot for her. :D


09-11-2010, 09:18 PM
Hopefully Trinket will improve at the vets and recuperate quickly so that she is finally in her loving new home.

Stay strong Trinket, you too Les.


09-11-2010, 09:54 PM
Hi Leslie,

I'm keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Corky and I are keeping everything crossed that Trinket will soon be home and be able to enjoy her new life with you and Squirt.


09-11-2010, 10:08 PM
Awe what a precious photo in that cuddly blanket. Sending lots of love. Kim

Carol G
09-11-2010, 10:58 PM
Good thoughts coming from here too.

Carol & Atty Cat

09-12-2010, 10:04 AM
Not only is Glynda fabulous, but you're right up there with her!
Congrats to all 3 of you!

PS Just saw her picture - isn't she just too adoreable!

Squirt's Mom
09-12-2010, 10:57 AM

Glynda, thanks so much for the pic! She really is a doll, huh? :D

I can't do attachments but I have set up an album for our Trinket showing her pitiful little eyes pre-surgery plus this pic post-surgery so you can see why she was in such pain. Poor baby. :( How anyone could look at that little face and those eyes day after day yet do nothing to help her I will never understand. :confused::(:mad: What I do know is that from the day Glynda found her, she has been loved and will be loved for the rest of her days.

As for the blood from the nose and nasal congestion ...apparently that is not uncommon when a pup has eye and mouth work done. All those cavities in the head are connected. ;) Glynda asked the vet to be sure and elevate her head so she can sleep in comfort.

Hopefully, she will get to go home with her other mom :) tomorrow and have no more issues. With her eyes out and bad teeth out she should feel much, much better once this crisis is past. :)

I am holding to the belief that Trinket is going to recover, is going to get to come home to Squirt and me, and "live happily ever after." Your love, prayers, healing thoughts and good wishes are the power behind this faith. With so many pulling for Trinket, I know this faith will be fact.

Leslie and the girl :D - always

09-12-2010, 04:45 PM
Hi Leslie,

I'm still keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that Trinket has a speedy recovery. I'm sure she can feel the love from you and Glynda, which should help her. She now has a reason to get better, knowing that there are such good people that really care about her.

09-12-2010, 07:05 PM
Oh Leslie,

She really is a little jewel and I hope so very, very much and pray she willl come home to you and Squirt.


Squirt's Mom
09-13-2010, 12:59 PM
Hi ya'll,


The report is that she is awake, eating and ready to leave. When Glynda learns more, I'll pass it along.

For now, this news has made my day! :D

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Roxee's Dad
09-13-2010, 01:41 PM
Great news Leslie :D

We will continue to keep her in out thoughts and prayers right up to when she is being held in your loving arms. :)

09-13-2010, 04:11 PM
YEEHAA!! Way to go Trinket!!

09-13-2010, 05:15 PM
Jenna picked up Trinket from the vet and she said she is having a good old time at her office, running around, wagging her tail like crazy, eating, drinking and generally acting like a happy little girl. Looks like we are out of the woods and on the road to recovery.

Harley PoMMom
09-13-2010, 05:34 PM
YAAAA!!!! for Trinket!! :D:):D:)

Sabre's Mum
09-13-2010, 05:40 PM
Fantastic news ... I bet you can't wait now Leslie!!

09-13-2010, 05:45 PM
Terrific! Best news I could hear. Hugs to our baby girl.

Squirt's Mom
09-13-2010, 06:15 PM
Ok....we need a dancin' mama icon 'cause this mama's a-dancin"! :D

I am so thrilled to hear this news! Trinket will be enjoying her days instead of living them in pain! Running around and wagging like crazy....ain't that grand! :D

This is going to be an exercise in patience. Trinket has to be well enough to be spayed, then she will get to come to her ARK home. We want to give her at least a month to recover from this first, tho.

Leslie and the girls :D - always

09-13-2010, 06:47 PM
This is such wonderful news, Leslie! :D I'm so glad to hear that Trinket is doing so good. :D She has finally found the love and care that she deserves from two fantastic people.

09-13-2010, 09:17 PM
I popped in to check on Trinket and here is such good news!!!!

Leslie, I agree, how can we get a dancing mama icon???

What a fighter your little girl is.

Glynda and Leslie, I am so proud to know you.


09-13-2010, 10:47 PM
Trinket is home, just ate dinner and got her meds. She's laying on the bed with Gil watching football. What a difference a few days on IV fluids makes. For the first time, in a very long time, she is not in horrific pain. I'm sure she still has some discomfort but I'm sure it's nothing compared to the pain she's endured for so long. I'll post some more pictures after she's settled in.

We can't feel any spay scar but we aren't positive that she isn't already spayed. We are so used to little females that have had at least one litter and their teets tell the tale. Trinket has definitely not had babies. Rather than open her up unnecessarily, we are going to have an ultrasound done to make absolutely certain. I am hoping and praying that her stupid owner did something right and if so, she can meet her forever mom a lot sooner than planned. I think Trinket is only 5 or 6, which means she has a whole lot of living to do. Just think, she's a California girl that is about to become an Arkie. Hmmm???? I wonder if she is going to pick up that cute little twang in her bark. :D

09-13-2010, 11:03 PM
Oh ladies....what awesome news!!! I can just imagine how good it must feel to be pain free, even if she is a little uncomfortable. What a blessing that would be if she had been spayed already! Will check back tomorrow for an update. Good night all,
Jo-Ann :)

09-14-2010, 07:14 AM
What wonderful news that Trinket is safely home with Glynda and Gil :) :)! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed re: the spay..!

Is there still any concern about elevated kidney readings, or has that (HOPEFULLY!) dropped by the wayside now?


09-14-2010, 09:25 AM
Just think, she's a California girl that is about to become an Arkie. Hmmm???? I wonder if she is going to pick up that cute little twang in her bark. Of course Glynda. She will be a perfect little Southern Belle, dahlin!
Can't wait for more pictures. This is such an inspirational story with such awesome players involved. Much love to you all, and especially little sweet Trinket.

Shelba and Suni~~

Squirt's Mom
09-14-2010, 11:01 AM
What wonderful news to wake up to! :D Glynda had told me yesterday that Jenna commented how smart Trinket is. She tripped over a step ONE time and after that, didn't miss it again! :D

Also want to share what Dr B said about her BUN yesterday when I talked with him about Trinket. With just having had one eye removed, it is possible that she was swallowing some blood. That would have made the BUN higher....however, not high enough to make the reading she has. He also gave some other reasons for elevated BUN that would look like failing kidneys, like internal bleeding. So, her BUN may not be quite as high once she has fully recovered from the surgeries.

Funny...when I told him about Trinket and got the kidney issue, he looked at me and said, "Oooo, you might want to reconsider this adoption." I just laughed and shook my head. He has so much to learn about me! ;):p After we chatted for a minute, he calmly said, "Now, about the glaucoma..." and giggled. :p He's a character! Dr. B is very comfortable about treating Trinket's kidneys and the staff can't wait to meet her.

It would be a prayer come true if she is already spayed. The idea of her going under again gives me the hibbie-gibbies! Especially after such a difficult time coming around this time. If her kidneys can be spared another dose of anesthesia, that would be wonderful! (I really like that she is having an ultrasound regardless. ;) ) Of course, maybe getting to hold her a bit sooner has it's attractions, too. :p:p

Squirt is demanding her breakfast so off to feed her and set up some nutritional consults for Trinket. Gosh, I bet one of Squirt's weekly menus would make a months worth for Trinket! :p

Leslie and the girls :D - always

PS. Yes, she will be twangin' in no time! LOL

09-14-2010, 10:53 PM
Trinket is quite the navigator and does amazingly well. She sure knew where the food was when we were having dinner. She is eating like a champ and taking her meds fine as long as it involves chicken. Here's a few pics I took tonight.

523 Is this a Trinket or what? You can see where both legs have been shaved for IV's so she looks like she has boots on.

524 The bald patch close to her elbow had a huge scab on it when I pulled her from the shelter. I have no idea what happened to her but it had healed too much for it to have happened at the shelter. I believe the other bald spots are where the shelter shaved out some mats. She has a ways to go for all the bald spots to grow out. Her fur is sooooo soft.

09-14-2010, 11:07 PM
Amazing. You truly are an angel for saving this girl Glynda and also for putting her with another angel - her forever mom Leslie. Wow is all I can say to this story. Thank you. It gives me faith in mankind. And give that doggie a hug for me. Can tell she is loving life now. Bless you.

09-14-2010, 11:14 PM
I am pretty sure Trinket is a Chiranian or Pomhuahua. :D

Roxee's Dad
09-14-2010, 11:28 PM
She is just so precious. I am so glad she has made it through the worst.

09-14-2010, 11:45 PM
I have a few friends on facebook that Trinket needs to meet. Maybe mom will set up a page for her and befriend three very good looking guys.

528 This is Barney and her currently lives in Northern California but will be moving to Nashville, TN in January. I met his mom, Amy, through Willa and Webster. She got me into a veterinary conference and hooked us up with Eddie's Wheels and made flyers for a donation drive. She also spearheaded a drive to rescue Dan, who thanks to her and others, was rescued had both of his eyes removed today.

529 Meet Dan. He lives in Northern California

531 Meet Spot Knox. He lives in Alabama

532 Meet Myron Wood. He lives in Australia. He had a massive seizure yesterday and really scared mom. Last I heard, he is doing okay. He is quite the celebrity and has his own following.

If there is anybody out there that thinks blind dogs can't have fun, watch Myron in this video.


09-14-2010, 11:48 PM
Myron is amazing! He's cute too, but then aren't they all?

Carol G
09-15-2010, 12:57 AM
Trinket is so cute and she will do fine without her sight. Thanks to all who had a part in her rescue.

Carol & Atty Cat

Squirt's Mom
09-15-2010, 10:41 AM
Aww...all these pics are so cute! And Myron is a hoot! I loved the way the ladies voice inflections changed when she would tell him "hot" and "cold". He knew by the tone of her voice where the ball was...cool. :cool:

Dinah was blind and deaf but she would play, too. She couldn't hear anything so play for her was always close contact. I could slap the ground close to her and she would react to the vibrations, jumping to grab my hand or whatever I was holding. If it was something she could take from me, Dinah would take off running, knowing I would chase. She would leap and twist then stop and crouch, waiting to feel my foot steps, then she was off again! :D Dinah loved to wrestle, too, which involved me getting on my hands and knees so we could knock each other over and roll around together.

Dinah was a Great Dane! :p In familiar surroundings, you would never know Dinah had any problems. ;) So I know Trinket will do just fine with no eyes! And we will be able to play without me coming out looking like I lost a bar brawl! :p

I will be honored to set up a page for Trinket on FB so she can meet these new friends and many more. I have a feeling this little girl is going to make friends everywhere she goes! She is such a doll! :D

The comment was made that Trinket fell asleep one afternoon on one of her rescuers boobs. Last nite I was imagining what it will be like to have her sleep with Squirt and me, and realized if she likes to sleep on boobs then I will have to dig them out of my arm pits and duct tape them together for her! :eek::p Do they make fleece covered duct tape? :p

I'm so excited, I'm sillier than ever! LOL

Leslie and the girls :D - always

09-15-2010, 04:42 PM

You're too funny, Leslie. But a little humor in her life will be a welcome change for Trinket, I'm sure. ;) Sue

09-15-2010, 11:52 PM
Picture of Dan after his surgery yesterday. He is doing great.


Squirt's Mom
09-16-2010, 12:10 PM
Awww...I'm glad Dan is doing well. His shaved face is cute, tho! Was his vision already gone or is he experiencing blindness for the first time now?

I have been having difficulties getting a page on FB set up for Trinket but I keep trying and will let everyone know what it is when it's done.

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Roxee's Dad
09-16-2010, 12:53 PM

If there is anybody out there that thinks blind dogs can't have fun, watch Myron in this video.

I am so glad you put that video up. Sometimes I wonder about quality of life, then I remember the blind dogs I have worked with, and I look at our Mickee who is almost blind but still loves lovin, and then I see this video and it reminds me that although in my human mind I feel sorrow, I do see that they do enjoy a happy life and the handicap is what we make of it. That makes me happy. :D

Leslie, Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about Trinket as soon as she is home with you. :)

They are all so precious and beautiful :)

Squirt's Mom
09-16-2010, 03:04 PM
For some reason, FB is making it very difficult to confirm Trinket's registration for her own page but I have set up a Public Figure/Celebrity page for her under my profile at the following link:


Hopefully, FB will get it together and let her page be confirmed soon. :rolleyes: Til then, any FB members, feel free to "Like" her Celebrity page and post a note!

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Casey's Mom
09-16-2010, 09:24 PM
Leslie I am just now catching up with this thread. I saw Trinket on FB when Glynda posted her pic and am so glad that you will be her mom!! I also got onto her facebook page today and am a friend.

You and Glynda are angels here on earth!!

Love and many hugs,

Squirt's Mom
09-19-2010, 03:42 PM
Hi ya'll,

Guess what? Trinket is booked on a flight for the 29th!! :D Squirt and I will drive to meet them in AZ, spend a few days, then come home to ARK with our new family member! :D:D:D

OMG, I am so excited!!! I finally get to wrap my arms around Trinket AND Glynda! I am gonna be absolutely worthless until I am on the road headed west! :p

Will keep you updated!

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Harley PoMMom
09-19-2010, 04:03 PM
OMG!!! I am so excited too!!! :D I am just so very happy for Trinket, that she is pain-free and going to a very loving forever home, the best mommy she could of ever wanted, oh Leslie I am so very happy for you all.

Give sweet Trinket some hugs and kisses from Harley and me and could you give Glynda a big hug from me too!

With much love and big hugs to you and Squirt,
Lori and Harley

09-19-2010, 04:54 PM
Oh, this is just the BEST NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :p :) :D :p :) :D

I've got my calendar marked and can HARDLY WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huge hugs all around,

09-19-2010, 06:14 PM

I'm so happy for you, Trinket and Squirt. Give big hugs to them, and also give a big hug to Glynda.


Lots of love to all of you. You're all very special.

09-19-2010, 07:19 PM
Oh Leslie....I'm so excited for you and Squirt....and Trinket and Glynda too!! :D :D
Big hugs for Glynda from me too....and lots of soft cuddles for Trinket!

PS...I think I'm just a little "green" that you get to meet Glynda! ;)

09-20-2010, 10:25 PM
I've just caught up on Trinket's story and WOW!

She has been through a lot, but has stumbled into the care of some serious angels. :) You all are wonderful! Can't wait to see more pics of her. She IS CUTE!!

Squirt's Mom
09-22-2010, 11:46 AM
OK! Truck is in the shop today, shopping is done (I think!), and Squirt has an appt. to be groomed tomorrow.

The route is mapped - Little Rock to Oklahoma City to Albuquerque to ARIZONA!!! :D This is all new country for me and I am excited to see this part of our country. I have flown west but never driven through this area.

Now to start packing, make Squirt plenty of food for the trip, and tie up some loose ends! I hope to be leaving this weekend sometime, Monday at the very latest. I cannot wait to see Trinket and Glynda, and finally hold them and kiss them and hug them! :p I am so excited I rarely know for sure what I am doing and know I am going to forget many things, but big deal! Trinket is coming home!!!!!!

With hugs and grins from ear to ear,

09-22-2010, 03:02 PM
Leslie, I am super excited! It is great to be sharing in such a wonderful experience..Trinket meeting her new sister...Trinket meeting her new mom...Leslie meeting her new forever baby..Squirt meeting her new little sister.. AND Leslie and Glynda meeting each other!! This is all awesome! Just give lots of hugs all way around for everybody. BTW, bring Glynda and crew back to Arkansas with you, and kidnap Governor Jan Brewer and bring her back too!!

Lots of love to all of you,

Shelba and Suni~~

09-22-2010, 03:25 PM
Just checked your route on the map and you should be great for gas and water and places to stay. It looks like you're sticking to I-40.... and then will you travel south on I-17?
I'm so excited for you two on this road trip....I love road trips, especially if they're for something fun and exciting!! The Flying J truck stops are usually busy, with lots of people around for safety.
Huge grins back at 'ya!

Roxee's Dad
09-22-2010, 08:31 PM
The Flying J truck stops are usually busy, with lots of people around for safety.

And they have the best grass for walking your pups. :D

09-22-2010, 08:38 PM
Jay and I had also taken I-40 to I-17. You should have a good, safe trip.

Squirt's Mom
09-23-2010, 02:58 PM
Trinket it getting the stitches out of her eyes today and will have another lab on her kidneys to see what they say now.

Glynda said her appetite has dropped now that the steroids are out of her system but we don't know if she is just finicky or what at this point. If her kidneys aren't doing well, that would affect her appetite but hopefully she just hasn't found what she likes to eat yet. The same consultant that designed Squirt's diet is working on some for Trinket. She will have 3-4 menus to choose from so maybe that will keep her eating.

If Trinket takes to the road alright, we may take our time coming home and really enjoy the trip back. I don't want to traumatize Trinket, tho, so that is something I will have to take as it comes. Her comfort and sense of safety is the most important factor.

Squirt and I will probably head out Sun and be in AZ by Wed. and we will get to meet Trinket then. I am just beside myself! :p Watch for pics!

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Squirt's Mom
09-23-2010, 07:18 PM
Well, we have to wait a few more days to get the stitches out...doc said they weren't quite ready. Also, it is too soon to have another lab done, so I will get that done here after she has had a chance to settle in a bit.

The lady that took her to the vet said Trinket had a bone that belonged to one of the big dogs and was dragging it around, having a blast gnawing on it. The bone was bigger than she is! :p How funny!

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Squirt's Mom
09-24-2010, 09:16 PM
Well, I can't take it any more! I gotta go! :D So if all goes well, we will hit the road tomorrow. I decided to take time getting there, see the sites on the way, and then head on home with Trinket just in case she isn't happy on the road. If she is and seems alright, then we may meander a bit coming home but I want to get her home so she can start settling in. I hope by the time we leave AZ she will be comfortable with me and Squirt.

Glynda told me some sad news today...remember the patch on her side? Well, the vet pulled a large scab off and healed part is smooth with no hair regrowth. The vet said it looked like a burn scab. Apparently someone decided to burn her in addition to ignoring her eyes. :( :mad: I will just never understand folks like that...and for that I am grateful!

I will keep in touch and post pics as I can!

Leslie and the girls :D - always

09-24-2010, 09:21 PM
Can you update us from the road? If you meander around we will be dying of curiousity! Travel safe and have some fun too. Kim

Harley PoMMom
09-24-2010, 09:29 PM
It definitely would be wonderful if we could hear from you...not only would the curiosity be getting to us but we would be worrying about you all too! :eek::p;):D

Big, big hugs to you ALL and have a fun and safe trip.

Love and hugs,

09-26-2010, 09:52 AM
Have a safe journey, Leslie and Squirt and I know Trinket will love you dearly the moment she meets you:)


Squirt's Mom
09-26-2010, 10:23 PM
Hi ya'll,

We are in Tucumari, NM! That is just across the TX/NM border about 50 mi or so. We are both exhausted and glad for the stop.

Squirt is traveling much better than before the surgery. She doesn't seen to be in any pain nor is she stiff like she was. We have stopped whenever the urge hit, plus about 8 stops trying to get her seat out of the sun! :p

Tomorrow and Tues the plan is to take our time and check out whatever comes along. Today Squirt got to sniff and bark at some buffalo. :D I've been told there are some neat Indian shops/booths along I-40 from here on so we will see.

Right now, I'm gonna wash the road grime off, eat and go to bed.

Leslie and the ever closer girls :D - always

09-26-2010, 10:38 PM
:D Wonderful. Travel safe and have fun exploring. Kim

09-27-2010, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the update....I'm going to check out that place on the map. Glad to hear that Squirt is travelling so well! Will check back tonight...have fun! :D

09-27-2010, 12:50 PM
Hi Leslie,

I'm glad that everything is going well on your trip and that Squirt is doing good.

There are shops on I-40. I hope you find something you like.:)

09-29-2010, 11:12 AM
Trinket and I are on our way to AZ and we're looking forward to meeting Leslie and Squirt. I'll check in later...if my wireless connection works in the mountains.

09-29-2010, 12:11 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! We'll all be there with you in spirit. ;) :)

Huge cyber-hugs to EVERYBODY! :D :D :D :D

Squirt's Mom
09-29-2010, 03:55 PM
Hi ya'll!

We are in Show Low, AZ! :D We got in last nite - one nite early... LOL

From Albuquerque it is about a 4 hr drive but we turned it into an 11 hr drive kinda by accident. :p I puttered along, stopping here and there, talking with the natives, taking pics, taking Rt. 66 whenever possible. Just a fore warning to any one considering following Rt. 66 this way....most of it is on Indian reservations and it will suddenly end, placing you in a trespassers role immediately. Also, be very careful what you take pictures of...I ignorantly took a pic of a plant sacred to the Luguna clan that owned that land and let me tell you, folks came from out of NOWHERE to have me delete that pic! :o:o Stop at every Cultural Center you see and find out what is taboo and where, and get permission to be on the lands of the tribes/clans represented there. After being stopped twice by Indian authorities, I learned my lesson...don't think or trust the signs, ASK!

We went thru the Petrified Forest and part of the Painted Desert yesterday. That took HOURS! We stopped every chance we got and I walked a bit of some of the trails just to see what was there but they were too long and too difficult for this old broad to go all the way! Squirt gave up getting out with me after about the third stop....I'd open the door and ask if she wanted to go, and I would get a look that said, "you go...it's HOT out there, dummy!" :p And it was, but I had to see all I could! Now, to further your appreciation of my feeble, sometimes dumb, mind - when I realized we could see the Petrified Forest, I actually expected to see hardened trees standing in a forest. :o:rolleyes: They aren't; they have long since fallen down and are in pieces for the most part. So I am thankful Squirt was the only one who heard me ask, "Where are all the trees?" :rolleyes::o

Tonite we get to meet Trinket and Glynda! As exciting as the trip has been so far, this is by far the most exciting part of the whole thing! Several times folks have asked where we are from and why we are out this way. When I told them about Trinket, they were all very supportive and interested. Most of these folks were from one tribe or the other and I was pleasantly surprised to find them all apparent dog lovers, too. A Laguna woman I visited with at her shop where I stopped, wants me to bring her by on the way home. She fell in love with Squirty and wants to meet her new sister! :D I didn't buy anything from her so I feel she was sincere in her request and we will stop by her shop on the way back to show off our new family member!:D

Stay tuned for pics soon!

Leslie and the girls :D:D - always

09-29-2010, 04:05 PM
I am so excited for you, Glynda and Trinket and Squirt. Pictures are a must. We are sooooo with you today and tonight. xoxox Kim

09-29-2010, 05:25 PM
I'm so excited for you too!! :D Thanks for the info....not sure we'll ever travel that way but it's good to know!! I'd be looking for petrified trees too!! ;

Harley PoMMom
09-29-2010, 05:57 PM
Oh Leslie, You describe everything perfectly...so...Thank you so much, dear Leslie, for "taking me" along on your journey. ;):p:D

Just so excited for you all!!!! :D

Love you all very much,
Lori and Harley

Casey's Mom
09-29-2010, 09:18 PM
Glad you got out exploring!! So glad you and Glynda get to meet in person - and get a little love bug as well. Can't wait to see pics :):)

09-30-2010, 04:00 AM
Hi Leslie,

We're excited for you over here too! I can't imagine going through Indian reservations, it sound like something out of a western film!

Can't wait to see the pics too.


Squirt's Mom
09-30-2010, 05:11 PM
Hi ya'll from sunny AZ!

Last nite was wonderful! I had Glynda and Trinket in my arms at last! :D And got to hug Glynda's mom and aunt to boot! Delightful little ladies! It was easy to see where our Glynda gets that humongous heart of hers. FYI, Glynda is as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside.

It is obvious Trinket loves Glynda to pieces. She would hear Glynda's voice and her little tail would start wagging to beat the band! She's been getting to share hamburgers with her Mama Glynda and at one point last nite Glynda said the word "hamburger". You should have seen Trinket perk up! Those ears came up, her head turned quickly toward the voice and her tail went nuts! :D So, this morning I went and got her some beef and cooked it in the room for her. ;)

Her appetite is not consistent and she showed no interest in the food she has been eating or any of the other foods I brought along for her to try. I'm not sure she has been exposed to a wide variety of foods. She didn't know she liked peanut butter until I finally managed to get some on her nose and she had to lick it off...THEN she knew she liked that stuff! :p Out of concern for a hypoglycemic response because she hadn't eaten in a long while, I gave her some. I also have some dark karo syrup just in case. Teeny ones are more prone to these episodes so it is important they keep their fuel intake fairly high.

Trinket is doing good with the change. She is such a little sweetie! She wants to be near at all times but doesn't get upset when left alone. Before I went to the store, I went out of the room, closed the door and sat out there for a while listening. Not a sound. Then I peeked in the open window and saw her laying on the floor facing the window for all the world as if she were looking back at me. :) I watched for a second and she moved over about 2' from Squirt and lay down. What an angel! And she's housebroken!

Squirt has done very well with her. I am so proud of the Queen! :D I expected a bit of jealousy and that may yet happen when we get home but so far, there has been no sign of it at all. Squirt has tried several times to play with Trinket but of course Trink can't see Squirt's posturing plus she's not quite ready for that yet. Trinket has acted like she wants to play with me a time or two, but ends up begging for lovin'. :p I think once she is home and comfortable there, she will really come around. I hope she and Squirt will develop a relationship similar to the one Syra and Dinah had. Dinah was blind and deaf, and Syra became her guide. While we were outside this morning after the girls had done their business and sunned a bit, Squirt headed back to the room. Trinket heard Squirt on the cross ties that border the grassy area and turned toward the sound, stood up and followed Squirt to the room. :D So, hopefully they will bond.

I have posted some pics on Photobucket so ya'll can see this sweet, darling, beautiful little girl. This is the link to my albums there.


I will also post pics of the scenery there as there wouldn't be enough room here. :p Squirt also has an album of her in AZ. ;) I was so excited last nite when Glynda called that I forgot my camera. :p But there will be pics of all of us to share, I promise!

Leslie and the girls :D:D:D - always

09-30-2010, 07:03 PM
I absolutely love the photos and can hardly wait for more. This is such a happy and touching event. I just feel like I am there with you and Glynda, and the whole bunch, welcoming this precious little Bauble to our family. Tears...but happy ones! :) That baby will never have another unhappy or unloved day in her life. Thank God and her special angels for this moment. Please give her a little hug and kiss for me and Suni.

09-30-2010, 07:54 PM
me too, feel like I am right there with you and happy tears are falling down my cheeks.

I have a big knot in my throat so can't even think to type.

Hugs and Kisses and Beaming smiles of Joy for you Leslie and your new precious Trinket.

Wish we had that dancing mama icon you wanted:D


09-30-2010, 09:59 PM
I love the pictures! She is in the right place with you Leslie. good for both of you!

09-30-2010, 10:10 PM
She is so precious. I still want to hug her. You now have two beautiful little girls. I'm so glad that they are getting along so well together, and I'm so happy for you.

Trinket has been given a new lease on life because of you and Glynda. You are two very special ladies.

09-30-2010, 10:30 PM
Praying for you and Trinket. She is precious.

09-30-2010, 10:36 PM
Our angel. She is so fluffy. You just want to hug her. I will never forget those first pictures Glynda posted. The poor thing! Again, bless you both for saving this precious critter. Enjoy your time together and the trip home and keep us all updated with photos... love em.

Casey's Mom
09-30-2010, 10:49 PM
Tears of joy here Leslie and Glynda. Thank you both - wow. Little Trinket you have got one great mama.

Love and many hugs,

09-30-2010, 11:56 PM
she's a doll leslie! congrats. :):):)

10-01-2010, 11:27 AM

She's beautiful! Congrats on your new addition to the family :D and HUGE hugs to all involved in Trinket's rescue and re-homing, couldn't ask for a better outcome,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx

Squirt's Mom
10-01-2010, 05:02 PM
Thanks, ya'll! You can't imagine how blessed I am and what wonders this little girl has already done for my soul. She is the sweetest, most loving little thing ever! She will come up to me, lay the side of her head against me, and wait to be loved. She just curls up and around you like a cat, rubbing and kissing.

Trink has been playing, too! She will roll around with her little mouth open making these growls and then take a finger in her mouth, gently gnawing and growling for all she's worth, the whole while her tail is whishing back and forth! She is just absolutely precious!

I gotta tell ya....Glynda did a good job of getting the spoiling started! Trinket's appetite is tied to the bed! Glynda started putting some kibbles in the bed trying to get her to eat, and she would. SO, now she only wants to eat in bed! :p I have been doing as she wishes (of course!) and noticed little tiny grease spots on the sheets so now we put it on a wash cloth between the pillows. Trinket will nibble a bit then push the cloth over the rest with her nose and go about her business til she's ready for another nibble or two. :p

There is some concern about her right eye, tho. I took her to the vet here this morning to get the stitches out of that eye which has been weeping a little. The vet said it has healed on the outside but she has an infection that has prevented it from healing on the inside. :eek: We have eye-drops and anti-biotics to use and then we go back on Mon to make sure things are going as they should before I leave here. I had planned to leave Sun and see the Grand Canyon, but she is more important so that may have to be passed by. I asked the vet if the infection can get to her brain and she said it was possible but unlikely. There is a bone separating the eye socket from the brain and a small hole in the bone for the optic nerves to pass through and that would be the only port to the brain. Hopefully, the drops and ABs will do the trick. God, she has been through enough already! NO MORE! The vet said I would need help putting in the drops but it's just us, unless Squirty can pitch in! LOL So any tips for getting eye drops in without making her hate me...pass 'em on, please! ;)

Leslie and Trinket

10-02-2010, 04:22 PM
Hello to the 3 of you!! It's great to hear that Trinket is such a doll and fitting in so nicely! I was able to open some of the pictures and then my computer froze up. :(

When we had to do the eye drops with Lady, Bob held a dog biscuit and she held the other end. That kept her busy long enough for me to get the drops in her eye. Not sure how that would work with only one person....but Lady could see what we were up to and was ready to bolt whenever the bottle came near her face.
Could you put the drops on your finger and spread it over the eye area?
Our visit to the Grand Canyon has been put on hold for another year!!
Will be checking back for updates....

10-04-2010, 08:51 PM
I have been enjoying all your updates since you set out on your new adventure to get your precious Trinket. She is a real cutie and sounds so sweet already. You and Glynda are both amazing people--one of the many reasons you are soo loved. I'm sorry about Trinket's eye problem. I need to brag that Princess let's me do whatever necessary without putting up a fight. She sits for her eyedrops and to get her ears cleaned and not a peep out of her. I basically hold her head up with one hand under her jaw and then I pour with the other. I hope she let's you do this. In the meantime, thanks for taking all of us on your exciting adventure with you and wish you all the happiness in the world with Trinket. Xo Jeanette. Ps: I hope Glynda gave you my hugs--lol.

10-05-2010, 01:06 AM
Jeannette, I gave Leslie a hug for you and lost count of how many others I gave her. We were hugging fools. :D It was very tearful this morning as I hated to leave her and the girls. We were to meet up before leaving this morning but Leslie was running a bit late for Trinket's appointment at the vet so I used the opportunity to opt out of meeting because it was going to be very difficult to say goodbye. As it was, we were both blubbering on the phone when we said our goodbyes.

We really had fun and our time together seemed so short. :( Meeting Leslie was wonderful and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, John and Pattee drove almost 8 hours round trip to spend just a few hours with us. I can't even tell you how much fun it was to sit on the porch, drinking Margaritas and chatting away with my choice of five furbutts to love on.

My mom and aunt loved Leslie, Squirt and Trinket. Unfortunately they didn't have much time to get to know John and Pattee but they were really smitten by Rozee in her cart. They were still talking about her this morning. :D

Pictures will be posted when I get home tomorrow.

Roxee's Dad
10-05-2010, 10:45 AM
And it was worth every minute of the drive :):):):D:D:D We had a wonderful time meeting Glynda, Leslie, Squirty and of course the snugly Trinket. :)

Squirt is such a doll, so beautiful and confident. Trinket, well let's just say she doesn't know she had her eyes removed and I can see how she will be Leslie's new squeeze baby, ;) You just want to love on her. :)

It was difficult to leave and have to return home. :(

Casey's Mom
10-05-2010, 10:09 PM
I am so happy that you were all able to meet - can't wait to see the pictures Glynda. What a happy story - I love happy endings and new beginnings!

10-06-2010, 08:22 PM
I finally figured out how to download pictures on my new Mac computer but unfortunately, I never did figure out how to make me look better. :D

This is Leslie and Trinket seconds after meeting. I am the one blubbering while taking the pic.

As I rush over to meet Squirt for the first time, this is how she greeted me.

This is Leslie, John and Pattee (furbutts left to right are Trinket, Squirt, Mickey and Rozee)

This is Leslie, John and Glynda (furbutts left to right are Trinket, Squirt, Rozee and Little Bit)

This is Leslie, John and Glynda finally putting the infamous blender to good use. No furbutts allowed in this pic.

10-06-2010, 08:40 PM
AWWWWW!!!!!!!! What great photos!!! And I can't help but notice how prominently the margaritas are featured throughout...:p :p :p :p

Ole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

10-06-2010, 09:18 PM
I loovveee the photos! Thanks Glynda! This is just too perfect! Makes me feel like I have met you all at last! :D
Glynda, we all knew you were beautiful inside, but now we also know you are beautiful outside too! :D

10-06-2010, 09:26 PM
What great photos.
Imagine what a reunion with hundreds of us would be like.


10-06-2010, 09:29 PM
How awesome to see these pictures of the three and the babies celebrating such a happy occasion. I am so happy for that little Trinket--she will finally learn the true meaning of sheer love with Leslie and Squirt by her side. Glynda, Ive said it before and Ill say it again Baby Doll--"you look marvelous", and John you look exactly how I visualized you in my mind (don't worry, it's all good--lol). So glad to finally match the faces to the persons behind the words. Love you all bunches. Tight hugs. Jeanette and a great big lick from my fur butt Princess too--lol.

10-06-2010, 10:41 PM
Marianne, I never noticed that the Maggies were in most of the pictures. As you can see though, Leslie is the lush as her glass is just about empty. And shush, Leslie, they don't have to know that the other glass was my second or third nor do they have to know that John finished his and Pattee's. :D

Shelba and Jeanette, thank you for the compliment but I seriously think you need some new glasses. Quit buying those cheap readers at the .99 cent store. :D

Jenny, I've got my camera all ready for your cute little face when you get to L.A. I'll make sure to keep it charged for your trip to AZ in 2011.

I can't even imagine how much fun it would be to have everybody show up for our first annual k9cushings.com reunion. I'm going to have a banner made with our name on it and I'm going on the assumption that if I have it made, they will come. :D

10-06-2010, 11:02 PM
I talked to Leslie today and she was in Oklahoma, about six hours from home so she should be posting soon. She asked me if she should turn around and come back when I told her about my new mission. Her name is Lola.


10-06-2010, 11:15 PM
Glynda...the pictures were great, thank you so much!! Love the margaritas too!!
Wishing you all the best with Lola....those eyes look so painful. :(

Squirt's Mom
10-07-2010, 12:34 PM
Hi ya'll!

We made it home last nite about 9pm CST and we were TIRED....but happy to be together.

Squirt was very glad to be back in our own bed and did the scratch-n-roll all over it again! :p Trinket was just as content as she has been everywhere we have been. She adapts so well to everything....well most everything. The herd of dogs here kinda overwhelmed her. I think they all think she is a puppy....Lucy wanted to nurse her! :eek::rolleyes::D Moe, the big ole block-headed Burmese Mtn Dog is scared of her and Trinket likes him! :p He makes her feel safe apparently 'cause she will run and stand under him when the others start to bother her. Trinket gets under Moe and he jumps straight up and runs to me! :p:p

Meeting John and Pattee and their babies was wonderful! We sat and talked like we had known each other for ages. We even covered politics and religion with no punches thrown! :p John and Pattee are beautiful people with hearts of solid gold. Rozee is a doll with the softest coat and handles that cart like a pro! Mickee is a gentle old soul who just wants to be with his people. Little Bits, well, Little Bits is a lover from waaayyyy back! She knows hands were made to be on her at all times, petting and rubbing! :D The few hours we had together was not near enough time and I look forward to the next meet!

Yes, there was much blubbering on my end when we left Glynda Mon. morning. The vet watched me bawl while she looked over Trinket. Did I care? Not one bit! I was leaving behind one of the greatest ladies I have ever had the privilege to know but more importantly, she is a friend and one I love deeply.

The blessings of this trip are too many to list but let me just say this - a battered, weary, wounded soul has been lifted up, given cause to sing with joy, and caressed with the healing touch of friendship and love.

Leslie and Trinket :D:D

PS. RE: Lola - my bags are still packed....;):D

10-07-2010, 03:10 PM
If anybody is taking score on who is truly the greatest lady, it's Leslie hands down. Number one, she's got a heart as big as the moon and an uncanny talent for making you feel like you've known her all your life....kinda like an old shoe that's good and broken in. :D And who else would opt to drive 1200 miles to get her new baby instead of flying because she couldn't bare to part with other baby. I'm the loser but still a winner because I got the opportunity to meet Leslie, John, Pattee and all their furbutts. Yay!!!

The rescue coordinator at the shelter has agreed to meet me after hours at 6:30 so I can get my new baby girl out of jail. I'm looking forward to meeting Lola and will update everybody after she is settled in.

10-08-2010, 12:58 PM
I met Lola last night and I love her to pieces already. She was the shelter favorite and two of the gals were teary eyed when we left. She slept right where Trinket slept last night...between Gil and I. Another great bed buddy. Gil is smitten already. You should hear him talking baby talk to her. She will give you kisses forever too. The gals at the shelter instructed me to give her lots of loving. I don't think that's a problem.


10-08-2010, 01:44 PM
She's so precious Glynda.

10-08-2010, 04:54 PM
Oh my gosh, how could I have missed this. Great, great photos of the gang, Glynda. Love seeing everyone's faces.

Oh little Lola is too precious and one lucky little girl.

Thanks Glynda for posting these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-09-2010, 07:14 PM
Love the photos! :)

Squirt's Mom
10-11-2010, 10:15 AM
Hi ya'll,

Trink is settling in very nicely and seems to really enjoy country life! For a little blind doggie who loves to explore, this is heaven....even tho she hasn't left the front yard yet! :D

She is eating like a little piggie and feels like she has gained an ounce or two. She has found that she really likes turkey, chicken, sweet potato and rice as well as she does beef....tho that really does make for messy eating in the bed! LOL So she gets her goodies on a saucer on the floor, but still gets to have kibbles in bed at midnight if she gets hungry. And she nibbles during the nite often as I hear her crunching. :p I am now accustomed to waking up with pieces of kibble stuck to various parts of my body! LOL

She has an appt with Dr. B this morning to look at the right eye and do blood work on her kidneys. Hopefully, we will get good news. Her right eye socket is open more than it was, tho, and I feel she will have to undergo surgery again to fix it. The left one is also weepy now, but it is closed. I have talked to some other folks who have pups with no eyes and they all said some weeping occurred as the sockets healed, so maybe the left socket is acting as expected...I sure hope so!

I will let ya'll know what we learn when we get back...wish us luck!

Leslie and Trinket

10-11-2010, 01:02 PM
Hi Leslie and Glynda,

I'm so glad that Trinket and Lola are doing so good. They are both so very precious. Please give them a hug from me.

Both of you are such inspirations.

Squirt's Mom
10-11-2010, 04:02 PM
Hi ya'll,

:D:D Well, I need that "dancin' mama" icon again because little Trinket is healthy!!! When Dr. B came out with the blood results and said there was nothing wrong with her kidneys, it felt like all my bones melted with relief. I hadn't realized just how concerned I was about the results until then and to hear that she was NOT in kidney failure....wow! Talk about prayers answered! Her BUN is 25 (7-25 mg/dl) and creatinine 0.9 (0.3-1.4 mg/dl). All other values are normal as well! :D:D

Dr. B shaved her belly and she has a scar! He can't feel any female parts so it appears she is also spayed and won't have to deal with that issue! YIPPEE!!!

As for the sockets, Dr. B isn't too worried about them right now. He wants to give them a bit longer to heal before he goes "digging around in there again" which is fine with me. The left one weeping isn't uncommon and he isn't sure the right one won't close on it's own so he wants to let Mother Nature have a bit longer aided by the Clavamox and eye wash. So Trinket doesn't have to undergo anesthesia again right now which is great news since she had such a hard time after the last operation.

All in all, the vet visit this morning made my day to say the least! Everyone fell in love with Trinket, of course! Even a traveling insurance salesman originally from Australia was smitten! :p I knew it was Australia because of the way he said his "e's" as in "eeveery" for "every" even before he gave his background! I love the Aussie accent! :D

It was funny...Trinket was exploring the waiting room when Dr. B came in and saw her for the first time. He looked at me and said, "Why, that dog can see a little!" I replied, "Dr. B, she doesn't have any eyeballs." And his response was, "Nooooo..." as he watched her maneuver around furniture, people, and other assorted things in her path. Glynda swore Trinket has sonar and I have become a firm believer she is right! It is uncanny to watch her knowing full well she cannot see a cotton-picking thing. ;) She is amazing!

Well, my girls are demanding to go out so I will comply!

Thanks for all the prayers and support you have given for Trinket. They paid off big time! :cool::cool:

Leslie and Trinket

10-11-2010, 04:19 PM
Oh Leslie, this is fantabulous news!!!! We need some dancin' auntie and uncle icons to go along with your mama!! ;) :D :p :p :p :p :p

Your post has made my day! :)
Hugs to all, Auntie M.

Harley PoMMom
10-11-2010, 04:56 PM
Oh Leslie!!!

This is wonderful news!!! :D:):D:) Sending big hugs to you all!!!

With much love and more hugs,

Roxee's Dad
10-11-2010, 05:38 PM
Great news Leslie:D and I still believe they have mental abilities or a sense we can't even pretend to comprehend. I really believe they can feel the energy expelled by everything around them. Trinket is certainly tuned in to hers. :D

More huge (((hugs))) from us.

Carol G
10-11-2010, 08:07 PM
What wonderful news!


10-11-2010, 08:29 PM
She is gifted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful story. xoxo Kim

10-11-2010, 09:54 PM
YEEHAA!!! :D Best news of the day! I can almost feel your relief Leslie. What an amazing little girl!

Loving all three of you,

Shelba and Suni~~

10-11-2010, 11:48 PM
Great news Leslie!!

10-12-2010, 08:04 AM
This is such wonderful news, Leslie!:D Trinket deserves the loving care she is getting. I am so glad that everything is going so well for her now.:)

Give her a special hug from me.

10-12-2010, 08:41 AM
It truly is a Happy Day:D

Wonderful news Leslie and we are all so relieved Trinket is healthy. She is in such a good place. She will continue to give you her special gift and you will continue to give her yours. What A Happy Day.


10-13-2010, 06:52 AM
Woo Hoo!!! :D:D:D
Great news, Leslie, am so happy for you and your beautiful babies. I really do hope that Trinket continues to thrive, and with you as her Mum, I have no doubt that she will :), and that Squirt can figure out a 'sound language' way to invite her to play :p

Love and big hugs,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx

Casey's Mom
10-13-2010, 03:59 PM
Wonderful news Leslie, :):)

Thank you Glynda for posting the pics - it was so great to see all of you and I bet those Margaritas went down nice and easy.

I see kindness in all of your eyes.

Love and many hugs,

Squirt's Mom
10-18-2010, 06:57 PM
A video of Trinket exploring a new area on the place. You can see how little blindness bothers her!

Moe came down to see what she was up to and Trink promptly puts him in his place! :p She has no idea she only weighs 4.4 lbs and is blind! :D


I plan to video her often to show others how easily a blind pup can get around and that loss of sight is no reason to think their lives have ended!

Leslie and Trinket

10-18-2010, 07:05 PM
I keep getting a message that says there was a problem with the video. :mad:

Squirt's Mom
10-18-2010, 07:15 PM
hummmmm...don't know, Glynda. It opens for me but that may not mean anything! :p Let me know and I'll reload it if need be!

Roxee's Dad
10-18-2010, 07:31 PM
Works for me (Firefox) :D

Trinket is doing so well, She's not handicapped :) Everyone else is. ;) Glad to see she is doing so well. :):D

10-18-2010, 07:33 PM
It worked fine for me, guys. What a little sweetheart!!!!!!! :o :) :D


10-18-2010, 08:12 PM
She is so precious! I saw the video on facebook and was so proud for her (and you too) the way she could maneuver around obstacles. :D

10-18-2010, 08:13 PM
Fascinating. Inspirational. Dear Sweet Trinket. Thank you.

10-18-2010, 08:16 PM
It worked for me too - once I changed some settings to allow flash on that site. I usually have it blocked.

I think Trinket looks like a chi/papillon mix. Her color markings are absolutely pure papillon and it would explain her very high intelligence too. Her back end looks particularly papillon to me. And it may explain the problems it looked like she had with the anesthetic. Papillons are one of those breeds that can have problems with anesthetics and tend to need a much lighter dose than other dogs their size and to avoid some anesthetics entirely (Halothane is out apparently).

We are getting a little papillon girl next weekend (more on that later - I have a busy day ahead of me and may not be able to post till tomorrow) - so I've be doing quite a bit of papillon research lately. Our pap's name is Tinkerbell - usually called Tink.


10-18-2010, 10:01 PM
I'm not sure why I couldn't open the video from work but I was able to watch it here on my brother's puter and that's the Trinket I came to know and love. I'm telling you, that baby has sonar. She really is amazing.

My brother and SIL left for a trip to VA and their dog was recently diagnosed with lymphosarcoma. I'm babysitting every night after work and making sure Major gets his prednisone. He's had one round of chemo and is scheduled for another on the 25th. Thank you Debbie for talking to Karan and giving her hope. We are all very depressed so I needed a lift and Trinket's video was timely. Thanks, Leslie.

10-18-2010, 10:40 PM
Trinket is a very precious, special little girl. I loved the video. She just seems so happy. She is definitely a survivor, especially since she has now been given so much love and care. Give her a big hug from me.

10-19-2010, 06:26 AM
Trinket, you are worthy of so much love and joy , and once again I am overwhelmed with happiness that you have found it. Glynda and Leslie, you continue to inspire all of us here. We love you all. Tight hugs. Xo Jeanette and Princess

10-19-2010, 07:40 AM
:cool:Wow that girl's got spunk. Of course how could she not with both
you and Glynda on her side! She is just adoreable Leslie. She does look like she has radar when she stops and moves her head slightly as if adjusting her radar dish to catch the radar waves.

My daughter has joined a 4H group that is a dog group. The leader has a blind pup and we would not have known that she was blind if she wouldn't have told us.


Squirt's Mom
10-19-2010, 01:02 PM
Thanks, ya'll! She is amazing, isn't she?! :D She keeps me on my toes watching out for her because she isn't afraid of anything! She will test the space beneath her, then just leap out with her front legs tucked - she did this coming out the camper door the other day and I turned just in time to catch her in mid-air! :eek: So now I gather both babies in my arms and we all go down the steps together. I will let ya'll know when we all land in a heap at the bottom together! :p (Remember, this is the broad that fell up one step and broke her tooth! LOL)

Since Trink has been home, I have been trying to make sure there is nothing that can hurt her outside in the areas she goes around. Day before yesterday, she was expanding her known area behind the camper and I was going along moving limbs, looking for wires and such, and pulling weeds that might poke her face when my grandson came riding over on his bike. He asked what I was doing, I explained and he said, "Just follow me on the bike, Trinket, and you will be ok." He got on his bike, tore off down the path calling her and she followed with that tail just wagging for all it was worth, off on a new adventure! And she stayed on the bike trail, which is already clear so she could really step on out. Should have had the camera then, too! :rolleyes:

Alison, I thought Papillon when I saw her myself but so far the vets have not mentioned that possibility. LH Chi, Maltese, and Pom are the suspects offered by them. I was going to have a DNA test done on her just to see for myself but am even more curious now that you have said that about anesthesia and Papillons. My interest was primarily nutritional so I'm glad you brought that up. BTW, I considered changing her name to Tinkerbell at first. Marvin the Martian, Taz, and Tinkerbell were my daughters favorite cartoon characters. ;)

Aw, Glynda, I am so sorry about Major. :( Glad seeing the video could cheer you a bit. I talk to Trink about her Mama Glynda just about daily so she will always remember. Be sure to let Gil see the pics and videos, too. ;)

Hugs to all,
Leslie and Trinket

10-19-2010, 01:28 PM
Aw Leslie,

Trinket is so amazing, I cannot get enough of her.:) Every time I see a new video or pix I just want to pick her up and bury my face in her fur and give her kisses.

Her confidence has to come from you and Glynda, she had two strong, loving Moms when she needed them most.

Keep the videos coming,

Squirt's Mom
10-23-2010, 01:04 PM
Trinket is practicing for the Doggie Olympics in the Fly Catching category. :D She caught TWO flies Thurs. - one with her mouth and then penned one down with her paw! :cool::cool:

Her Uncle Mark has decided that doctors need to study blind dogs in an effort to help blind humans. :p He is continuously amazed by her ability to get around in her surroundings. So am I! :)

We have stopped the antibiotics for now. It is such a battle to get them in her because it tastes soooo bad. In fighting with her over them, I have become terrified of tearing her sockets open so Dr. B looked at her when we went to get Squirt's test results and he said she looked good so we could stop them. If the infection comes back, we will go to an injected AB that lasts 2 weeks...at $500 a bottle! :eek: But she is defiantly worth that and much more! ;)

Her coat is coming back on the bare spots, even on the area the CA vet thinks was burned. But she is also losing hair and scratching some tho I'm not sure why. Part of it could be from not having a bath in a while, or from being in a different environment, or who knows what....tho I am suspecting allergies I don't think she has had much grooming in her life because she is not at all comfortable with being brushed but she is getting better about it so that may help. Her coat is different from any pup I've ever been around...it's a bit like brushing a cotton ball! :p And has the cutest little ringlets and curls on her chest! :p

When I look at Trinket, hold her, feel her snuggling up to me...I feel so, so blessed and honored, tears come to my eyes. To share my life today with two beautiful, loving, amazing babies...unbelievable.

Leslie and Trinket

10-23-2010, 01:49 PM

What a sweetheart! And kudos to you for giving Trinket such a wonderful home....what a great story:)


10-23-2010, 01:55 PM
What a wonderful sight, that fuzzy furball exploring her surroundings :D She's a very confident girl and it shows ;) I am so glad everything went so well and is going so well, for all of you :) Wishings you loads of joy with this new little trooper in your life! And "feeling sorry" isn't something dogs know or understand, that's a human emotion. And you can see for yourself, how great they can manage because they don't feel sorry for themselves and we shouldn't either :) You are the best,


Sas and Yunah :)

Roxee's Dad
10-23-2010, 02:24 PM

When I look at Trinket, hold her, feel her snuggling up to me...I feel so, so blessed and honored, tears come to my eyes. To share my life today with two beautiful, loving, amazing babies...unbelievable.

You are one of the amazing ones...what you did to go get her and all that lovin you have to share :);)

Their are so many unhappy situations out there and this is one that has a "feel good" ending :D

Big Hugs

10-23-2010, 07:09 PM
I'm so happy that Trinket makes you happy. You made me very happy when you adopted her.....I know she is where she is supposed to be....in your loving arms. I love happy endings for my foster babies. Did I mention that Spanky got adopted last weekend? Back to just one foster, Lola, who is having eye surgery on Thursday.

10-23-2010, 07:36 PM
You are an angel to rescue these little angels. Trinket is so precious.
Sonja and Apollo

Squirt's Mom
10-24-2010, 11:11 AM
Yes, Glynda, I saw that Sparky got adopted on FB and was so happy for him...and you! He is so cute with those ears! :p

Lola is going to keep her eyes, isn't she? Is Gil still enjoying her company? After Trinket, you may have a hard time getting him to let go of Lola...especially if she is as sweet as Trink and enjoys watching football like she does.

Seriously! Gil has taught Trink about football, I swear! There was a game on last nite just for noise and every time a whistle would blow or the crowd would roar, Trink would turn her head, ears perk up, and you could see the intent in her body posture as if she were saying, "What happened? Blankety-blank officials!" :p She doesn't react to any other sounds from the TV like she does football! :D I'm trying to get her interested in NASCAR but she just sleeps through it all. :rolleyes:

Leslie and Trinket

10-24-2010, 01:22 PM
Lola appears to like football too but even if she didn't she'd tolerate it to be next to Gil. She spent most of her day with me at an adoption event so she missed the college games, which is the t.v. de jour on Saturdays. :D

Lola doesn't have glaucoma so she will keep her eyes. She has had severe infections in both eyes for so long that they've ulcerated horribly. I was not aware how bad they were until Gil took her to an eye specialist. The gp vet wouldn't touch her and referred her to the specialist. We were hoping that eye meds and antibiotics would do the trick but no such luck. The rescue is on a shoestring budget at the moment so thank goodness for my Care Credit. Lola is having a Linear Grid Keratotomy procedure on Thursday in the hopes we can save her vision. The eye specialist said the success rate is 85% or better so we are keeping our fingers crossed. What teeth she has left are atrocious but antibiotics have cleared up the active infections in her mouth. The dental will have to wait until she has recovered from her eye surgery. Wish us luck.

Squirt's Mom
11-21-2010, 11:59 AM
Hi ya'll,

Well, it looks as if Trink is going to have to go back under anesthesia to have her right eye fixed. It just isn't closing and healing. :( It itches and she rubs her face on everything, pulling the seam open even more. It will close back up except for the inner corner that has never closed, then the rubbing makes it worse again. Fri. nite I decided it was time to take her back to Dr B and see if he agrees then by the time I got back home and settled in last nite, she was sneezing and congested again so I am pretty sure the infection is rearing it's head again.

She was on liquid Clavamox last time but I don't have any of that so I calculated how much of a tablet she would need based on info from the web which said dogs needed 6.25mg/lb. Trink is up to 5 lbs now so that would be 5 x 6.25 =31.25mg. I have some 125mg Clavamox which I quartered, resulting in four doses of 30.1mg each and I started her on that last nite. I figured this was better than making her wait until Mon. to get any ABs started then if Dr B wants to give her something else, we can. He mentioned an injection form of AB since the liquid was so hard to get in her. So far, she is taking the pills with no problems....of course, the peanut butter may help there! ;)

The idea of putting her under again terrifies me after she had such a hard time after the last surgery coming out of it. I hope hope hope there has been enough time between surgeries this time that it won't be so hard on her....but I am going to find out what kind of anesthesia was used in CA and see if we can't try something different. Also, it seems I remember that if the pup is super-hydrated it is easier for the body to get rid of the anesthesia. These are some of the things Dr B and I will talk about before this is done. Heavens, I don't want to do this to her again, but that socket has got to close and seal or she will have real problems that ABs and surgery can not touch. It's time to check her kidneys again anyway so this will take care of that as well. So say a little prayer for our Little Bauble.

I gotta tell ya'll about her scaring the living hell out of me! We got up one morning and I put the mutts outside to go potty as usual. I had no more set Trink down when it hit that I had to potty NOW! So I ran inside to pee and right back out....no more than a minute. Trinket was maybe 4' from the steps when I went back in. When I came out, she was no where to be seen. Knowing how she loves to explore, I started looking around for her in a relatively calm manner....then I saw her! :eek: This little rat had covered a good 150' across logs and limbs, through bushes and vines, and into the horse pasture. There she was, all 5 lbs of her, underneath Baby's feet - an 1100lb horse - who is stomping her feet and moving around with Trink moving under her in accordance. :eek::eek: I covered the same 150' in three bounds, screaming Trink's name the whole time, while she and Baby turned to watch the crazy lady charging toward them. :rolleyes: This would have made an unbelievable video to see how Trink just seemed to know where Baby was going to step or stomp next and she was never in that spot. Her little tail was wagging 90-to-nothing and her little face was raised up to Baby's belly, I swear, smiling! She seemed to be having a blast but I aged 10 years in 10 seconds! I have tried to tell her over and over that a modicum of fear is healthy but she ignores me.

I will let ya'll know what Dr B has to say when we see him.

Leslie and Trinket

11-21-2010, 03:37 PM
Hi Leslie,

Poor little Trinket. I do hope the eye heals on it's own but if not then hopefully time will have make the anesthesia easier for her. Hoping for some good news soon.


Harley PoMMom
11-21-2010, 04:22 PM
Hi ya'll,

So say a little prayer for our Little Bauble.

I will let ya'll know what Dr B has to say when we see him.

Leslie and Trinket

Tons of prayers being said and sent for our precious Trinket. And please do let us know what Dr B has to say.

With much love and big hugs,

11-21-2010, 04:31 PM
Sending tons of healing prayers for Trinket. I hope she doesn't have to go under anesthesia, and that there is something else that can be done. I'm keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Squirt's Mom
11-22-2010, 10:57 AM
Trinket and Squirt both have an appt. this morning so I will let ya'll know what Dr B has to say about her eye and what the plan for the future is for her.

Trinket and her worry-wart mom

11-22-2010, 11:00 AM
Oh Leslie, I've just read about the issues with both Trinket and Squirt. :( :(

Beaming positive thoughts over to you, and please update us just as soon as you are able.

Huge calming hugs,

Roxee's Dad
11-22-2010, 01:35 PM
Prayers and positive thought are with you today....Waiting for an update.

Keeping everything crossed here.

(((Hugs))) to you and the girls.

Squirt's Mom
11-22-2010, 03:18 PM
Thanks, ya'll!

It looks like Trink will have to have surgery on that socket in order for it to close and heal. :( He sent us home with a new ointment to try since the Gyntimyicin (sp?) didn't help. This one is a steriod ointment. He said to continue with the Clavamox as I am doing and if she is not better in a few weeks, we will talk about the surgery. Dr. B did say he would try to use gas if we have to do this so maybe it won't be as hard on her.

So we will try the ointment and hope it does the trick!

Leslie and Trinket

11-22-2010, 03:32 PM
Oh Leslie, I'm so sorry that another surgery is a possibility. And not that you need another issue to add to your list, but I just wanted to warn you that gentamicin is one of those antibiotics that carry a risk of causing hearing damage. I don't know whether it's less of a risk when it's in the form of eye ointment vs. eardrops. But I'd sure double-check that before using it again at any time in the future. Poor little thing sure can't risk losing her hearing on top of her vision!!


11-22-2010, 06:01 PM
I hope the new ointment works and Trinket's socket gets better without having to have surgery. I didn't know they could use gas on furbabies. If she does have to have the surgery, at least there is another option besides anethesia. I'm keeping everything crossed that the socket heals soon.

Squirt's Mom
11-22-2010, 07:37 PM
Hi ya'll,

About the Gentamicin...I remembered what happened to Zoe when she had to have ear drops of the same so I asked the vet in AZ about it. She told me that Gentamicin's purpose was to form granules which would help the socket stick and close. She went on to say that those crystals were why she didn't prescribe this drug for ear problems but it shouldn't have any effect on Trink's hearing since it was going in the eye socket. Her explanation made perfect sense to me so I didn't think any more about it. geez, I hope she was right! But unless it would have an affect some time after stopping the use of it, it doesn't seem to have had that affect.

The ointment he gave her today is Neomycin and Polymyzin B sulfates, Baciracin Zinc and Hydrocortisone. Boy! that's a mouth-full! He wants to give her a week on this and then recheck it to see how it looks.

Her little ears are a nice pink today and she has had no more sneezing or congestion since yesterday. :)

Leslie and Trinket

11-29-2010, 05:31 PM
Oh my....I just came across this thread and caught up.. bless you both Glynda and Leslie for rescuing such a beautiful little one. It just kills me to see people neglect such a precious animal. It brought tears to my eyes to see this animal suffering so. :(

Trink is awfully cute! I loved the photos and the video as well (that pooping photo of Squirt is a riot). I've been terribly distracted over the last few weeks and this post was not in the main section, so I must have overlooked it.

I may have mentioned this before, but my first Aussie (Beauty--another little red girl, like my Mandy was) went blind in the last 18 months of her life due to diabetes (she was treated for the diabetes, but glaucoma raised its ugly head all too fast!). In truth, the blindness upset me and my Mom much more than it did Beauty. She navigated the indoors incredibly well and knew when and where to expect steps (she could go up and down from the basement, or the front porch steps, no sweat...crazy huh?)

She navigated around the yard by way of the surrounding fence, so that was her guide. It killed us to see her blind like that, but she was a brave girl. I have since read that eyesight is not one of the primary senses a dog relies on...their sense of smell and hearing are much, much more keen and they rely on them more. So when you suggest she has "sonar" you are likely not far from the truth. However, I would suggest managing the areas she is introduced to gradually, so she can become familiar with each one and learn how to navigate her way around.

She is a beautiful little dog and I'm sure you will take wonderful care of her...she deserves no less! :)

Jeff & Angel Mandy

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2010, 12:54 PM
Hi ya'll,

Trinket is sick. :(

She had been constipated so I gave her some pumpkin and her stools softened. Last nite, she woke me up 3 times to go outside to poop. Later she threw up white foam in the bed; then a bit later she pooped in the bed - a little mucous but firm; I put her on the floor and before I could get out of bed she peed on the floor and pooped again...this time very loose. Out we go and she continues to poop, each little bit getting looser and looser until it is bloody water, then just blood. All of this happened - from very loose to pure blood in a matter of minutes. :eek: She was shivering violently but it was 30-something degrees out, too. Off we go to the vet, her wrapped in a bloody towel, me in my PJs.

Dr. B says she has a virus that has been going around for some time. When I first got back to ARK in Ap. Lucy, my sis-in-laws Brussels, got it and she had to be hospitalized for 3 days but has been fine since. It is an intestinal virus and it has caused some deaths but he thinks we caught Trinks in the very early stages as we did with Lucy.

Trink is home, isolated in a crate which is breaking both our hearts :( ; I don't have any way to keep her in a separate room in the camper, so I hope this will keep Squirt from any real exposure. None of the other dogs here got sick from Lucy, tho.

Trinket got three shots - one for vomiting, one for diarrhea, and one of ABs. We have a mix of the three in a liquid form she is to take 3x/day. If she starts to dehydrate, or the diarrhea/vomiting get worse, she will go into the hospital for treatment and IV fluids.

I have chicken breasts, no skin, boiling for her so she can have some broth this afternoon. So far, she has refused water this morning.

I will keep ya'll posted on her progress.

Leslie and Trinket

12-06-2010, 01:43 PM
Oh Leslie, I'm so sorry to read this news! Please do keep us updated, and I'll again start beaming healing thoughts immediately...

Poor little trinket, and poor you!!!! :( :(

12-06-2010, 02:17 PM
Hi Leslie,

So sorry to hear that Trinket is sick. I really hope you have caught it early and she gets well soon. Will be thinking of you all.


12-06-2010, 02:22 PM
Dear Leslie,
I too am so sorry to hear about your little bauble. Gosh, I do so hope she recovers from this soon so she can feel comfortable. This does really stink for both of you. Get well soon little Trinket. We love you and mommy very much and will be keeping you in our thoughts. Tight hugs. Xo Jeanette and Princess

Harley PoMMom
12-06-2010, 03:37 PM
Oh Leslie,

Healing thoughts and prayers are being said and sent your way. Please do keep us updated. ((((Hugs))))

Love and more hugs,

12-06-2010, 03:47 PM

I am so sorry to hear that Trinket is sick. I'm glad you caught it early. I hope the meds help and that she doesn't have to go to the hospital.

Sending healing thoughts and prayers that Trinket gets well soon.


12-06-2010, 04:19 PM
My heart sank when I read that Trinket was sick and I wasn't able to compose myself until I got further into your post and saw that she is back home with you. I can tell you from experience that if she doesn't feel well, getting her to eat or drink can be a real chore. Hopefully she'll drink some broth for you. If she won't lap it up herself, syringe it into her mouth. Do you have Karo syrup or Nutrical on hand?

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2010, 04:21 PM
Thanks, ya'll!

Trink is holding her own. Still hydrated per the tent test but still refusing water too. She has had one pooping episode but that was outside when I took her out. She has not had any accidents in her crate and I see that as a good sign.

She was still shivering, tho, so I "stole" a larger heater from the Big House and set it near the bench her crate is on and covered her with a towel. She has plenty of room to move around and get uncovered if she needs to but so far seems to appreciate the warmth. I am concerned about hypoglycemia and the shivering makes me a bit nervous but she did warm up. I hope she will take some broth here in just a little bit.

Carolyn helped me get the afternoon dose of meds in her...she HATES getting liquid meds! Oh, my! Does she fight! :eek: I am afraid of causing that eye socket damage she gets so wild so I got help with it this time around and will for tonites dose as well. If she hasn't taken any broth by then, I may mix some Karo syrup and water with her nite dose.

I'm not sure I could leave her at Dr. B's over nite....no one would be there if she were to crash. So if it gets more than I can handle, I will ask him to refer us to MedVets in No Little Rock where they have 24 hr care. Right now, I don't feel any where close to the need for that but want to have a plan in place just in case. ;)

More later...off to do laundry....

Leslie and a stinky Trink

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2010, 04:26 PM
Hey Glynda,

Yes I have both of those on hand for her. If you have any words of wisdom...pass 'em on. She is the first teeny baby I have had and I know you have much experience with them!

I would never let you hear bad, bad news about Trink here first. I will call her Mama Glynda personally first thing, so don't fear what you read here, ok? You are her Mama Glynda, her angel, her savior and will always, always be the first to know anything serious....or totally amazing for that matter! ;)

Love ya...

12-06-2010, 05:53 PM
Hi Leslie.

For some strange reason I figured you would have all the bases covered. :p With these tiny babies, dehydration and hypoglycemia are two conditions that can get bad quickly with serious consequences. I'm proud of you for using the tent method to check hydration and for having Karo syrup in the house. Anybody with teacups or tiny toys should know how to do the tent check for hydration and they should always have Karo syrup in their cupboard.

I don't remember if I mentioned this but I force fed Trinket a few times. I have a big syringe for food and I filled it with watered down canned food. She was not happy but I managed to get her to take several swallows. I think she was still wearing some of that food when you met her for the first time. :D

12-06-2010, 06:01 PM
Oh Leslie,

Sending tons of healing thoughts and prayers your way!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems you have things in hand - good job.

Keep us posted.

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2010, 06:20 PM
Trinket just took 5 swallows of chicken broth! :D


Not enough for a day, but it is a start!

She has a monster of a sweet tooth so perhaps some Karo and chicken broth would appeal to her in a little while. Sounds utterly gross to me, but.....

I will give the broth a bit to see how it will affect her gut, then we will try a bit more.

I have an assortment of syringes and if it takes force-feeding and watering, then that is what we will do. Trinket is very responsive when spoken to, is alert to what is going on around her, her shivering has stopped and she is out from under the towel now, and when she moves around in her crate, her movements are not jerky or random but with her usual purpose. So she is doing ok for now and I am sure the little bit of broth she took will help.

I have had to cut a lot of her hair from the back of her legs, butt and tail in order to help keep her clean. We don't have hot water in the camper, so I have been taking her to the Big House to wash her butt with warm water after an episode. Then I slather her butt and tail with anti-biotic ointment to help keep it from getting raw. She licked her tail the first time I put ointment on it but decided that wasn't such a good idea and has left it alone since. She was flapping that tongue out and smacking her mouth like that was the awfullest tasting stuff ever! :p

I hate seeing her in that crate alone so I take her out and wrap her in a towel and hold her on the couch for awhile. Squirt wants up on the couch, too, then of course. :rolleyes: So, I have been letting her go out to play for a bit when she gets too antsy while I hold Trink. Then I worry about Squirt being outside by herself, so I put Trink in her crate, wash and disinfect and go let Squirt back in. We repeat this cycle about every 1 1/2 - 2 hours. I dread going to bed without Trink tonite...probably won't be much sleeping going on on my end. :rolleyes:;) She is such a snuggle bunny and stays right next to me all nite long.

Leslie and Trinket

12-06-2010, 07:21 PM
I just wanted to throw this out at you - are you able to give her Pedialyte (plain)?


Squirt's Mom
12-06-2010, 08:02 PM
Hi Terry,

Yup, got Pedialyte on hand as well and put a little of that in her water bowl. ;) Thanks!

She just took about 3 tbsp of broth and is curling up to nap again. She will have another dose of meds in an hour or so, then we will see how the nite goes. If she keeps taking the broth and it stays in, maybe she will be able to sleep a bit and let that boost her so she is ready for more solid food tomorrow.

I really hope we got this early enough that the worst is behind her.

Leslie and Trinket

Squirt's Mom
12-07-2010, 10:16 AM
Mornin' ya'll,

Trinket seems to be much better this morning. She has had no BMs at all tho and that will really tell the tale when she does. Through the nite, she drank the broth several times, 2-3 tbsp at a time. About every 3rd offering would have a little bit of Karo in it as well. And it all has Pedialyte in it.

She has been exceptionally well-behaved in her crate so I imagine she has spent some time in one prior to the cage at the shelter. It really bothers me that she has to be in one period. But I take her out and hold her as much as I can and talk to her always so she knows this time is different from any others she may have experienced.

She has had some broth mix with a tsp of brown rice, a tiny piece of chicken, and a tiny bit of beef - solids equaling less than a tbsp total. I offered it first without the beef and it was a no go...she kept trying to cover it up with her towel using her nose. :p After I added the taste of beef, she was interested but still wouldn't take it. Silly Mom forgot that Trinket is a lady with discerning tastes and does not eat solid food from a bowl - it belongs on a plate. Once it was properly served on a plate, she ate it. :rolleyes: I knew she was hungry this morning because she was raising Cain while I was fixing Squirt's breakfast, which is her norm. It gets quite noisy here at meal times. :D

Now she is napping in her crate peacefully. I hope today goes normally, or at least normally enough, for her. When she is fully well, she is going to get a bath! WHEWY she stinks! Warm washcloths and baby wipes can only do so much!

I feel so much better about her this morning. She was responsive all nite, took the broth all nite, had no accidents and no need to go out, and her barking during breakfast this morning was music to my old ears! On top of this, she ate some solids. Hopefully, she will be back on her normal feed by Thurs.

The only real problem is getting the meds in her. It takes Carolyn and I both to get it down her. Trink thinks she is a Great Dane most of the time anyway but when it come to liquid meds, she transforms into a cross between an eel and a buckin' bronc, and it is dang near impossible to hold on to her! Putting a bit of Karo in with the meds help a little bit once she starts taking it, but not much.

I really feel she is on the road to recovery already and hope I am right, and not just tired and eat up with wishful thinking. She has not been near as sick as Lucy was, thank all the gods! So keep the good thoughts, prayers and healing vibes coming. As always, they are heard and answered, and it looks like this time the answer is positive for us once again. Ya'll are the very best!

Leslie and a much better Trinket

Truffa's Mom
12-07-2010, 01:57 PM
Tons of prayers and positives thoughts flying your way

12-07-2010, 02:00 PM
This is good news, Leslie. I'm so glad that Trinket is doing better. It definitely seems that she's on the road to recovery.

Continuing to send positive thoughts and healing prayers.

12-07-2010, 02:03 PM
Gosh Leslie, I hope and pray this all turns out all right. I will be holding my breath until you post again.

I know Trinket has the best person to tend to her and that for sure is YOU.:)

Sending all my love and saying every prayer I can possibly think of.


12-07-2010, 02:45 PM
YAY!!!! So glad for the good news. The little stinker sure knows how to give a person gray hair, more gray hair that is. :D

Squirt's Mom
12-07-2010, 07:28 PM
Yes, this little STINKER :eek: has certainly added a handful of gray to my gorgeous head! :p

But I am happy to report that she has had a good day! :D She has eaten about 2 tbsp of her mix every 2 hrs or so all day long with no problems at all. Still no BM but that isn't a concern right now. She has had so little intake plus the meds plug her up so this isn't surprising or alarming.

She has been outside several times today and was so glad to stretch her legs each time! She would stick one back leg out behind her, then the other and do it all over again before taking off on a walk around the place. :D She needed to warm up, ya know!

I took the crate back to the Big House and she will sleep with us tonite in the bed where she belongs. Not too sure Squirt is all that thrilled with that idea, but I am! :p Trink and I are both tired since I wouldn't let either one of us sleep more than 2 hrs at a stretch last nite so we are off to bed but wanted to leave you with a positive note on our Little Bauble!

Leslie and Trinket

12-07-2010, 07:40 PM

Great to hear Trinket is on the mend. I am sure she will be much happier with the sleeping arrangements, sorry Squirt.


12-07-2010, 11:00 PM
very nice to hear the good news!:)

Jeff & Angel Mandy

Squirt's Mom
12-09-2010, 11:23 AM
Ok....if, goodness forbid, any of your babies get this intestinal virus like Trink has had - make sure, absolutely SURE, they are over it before you put them back in bed with you!


Woke up this morning to find we had been sleeping in poop!


Not bloody or really diarrheay, but messy none-the-less!

So, we have all had baths and the bedding is washing. Squirt wears me out chasing her all over the tub bathing her but, to my utter delight, Trink just stands there calm as can be and even seemed to enjoy the feel of the warm water pouring on her back. :)

I may have put her back on her regular feed too soon, not sure. But, just in case, she is back on her broth mix now and we will start easing back into her feed in a day or so.

She doesn't act at all sick like she was before. She is happy, wanting to play, barking at sounds, and enjoyed her broth mix a great deal. So I think she just finally had to poop in spite of her plugging meds. I don't know if she tried to wake me and couldn't or if it just happened before she could wake me. The nite before all the blood started, she did wake me several times to go out, so I know she knows to do that.

Oh, well. It is time to turn the mattress anyway! :p

Leslie and the poopy gang

Squirt's Mom
12-13-2010, 01:09 PM
Well, Trink is sick AGAIN! :confused::confused:

I can't determine if it happens when the med stops or when she is back on her regular feed as these both occur about the same time. Her poops get normal, I start cutting the med back and increasing the amount of her normal recipe - two or three days later, she has diarrhea again. This time it is bloody again but nothing like the first time.

So, she is back on the meds, original starting dose and schedule, and no solids for a day at least. If she is still having bloody stools tomorrow, she will have to go back to the vet. :(

This happens so fast! Last nite, around 9pm, her bedtime poop was solid and normal - 4:30 this morning, she has bloody diarrhea. I am beginning to think the recipe I have been taking her back to has as much to do with this as anything, like maybe she is allergic to one or more ingredients, or too much fiber, or wrong kind of fiber, or fats are off for her. When she gets over this round, I will take her to a different recipe, different ingredients, and see what happens. Bless her heart...:(

I'll keep ya'll updated.

Leslie and Trinket

Harley PoMMom
12-13-2010, 03:57 PM
Oh no!! Poor Trinket and Poor You!! :( Sending tons of healing white light, prayers and huge hugs, my dear friend...hope sweet Trinket feels better real soon.

Love and more hugs,

12-13-2010, 05:55 PM
sheesh, poor Trink; and poor you!

It must be something about the ingredients....I have found that some dogs can't tolerate rich foods, home cooked foods, etc. Some of the "all natural" kibbles out there can cause all natural runny poops!

Can't the vet offer some advice on diet?

Jeff & Angel Mandy

12-13-2010, 06:43 PM
Just had an "out of left field" thought - has her cortisol level been checked during this illness? I believe Addison's can present like this - intermittent GI illness.

I believe a baseline cortisol is done as a rough screening test and then an ACTH stim if the results of the baseline cortisol is suspicious. A sick dog (without Addison's) should have a slightly elevated baseline cortisol.

Hope she is feeling better and you can get to the bottom of this - bad pun not intended! Once the GI tract gets upset over something it seems that almost anything can set it off - and infections leading to food sensitivities is something certainly well documented in humans.


12-13-2010, 10:55 PM
Just had an "out of left field" thought - has her cortisol level been checked during this illness? I believe Addison's can present like this - intermittent GI illness.

I believe a baseline cortisol is done as a rough screening test and then an ACTH stim if the results of the baseline cortisol is suspicious. A sick dog (without Addison's) should have a slightly elevated baseline cortisol.

Hope she is feeling better and you can get to the bottom of this - bad pun not intended! Once the GI tract gets upset over something it seems that almost anything can set it off - and infections leading to food sensitivities is something certainly well documented in humans.


that's a good point...diarrhea (and sometimes vomiting, in severe cases) are typical when a dog is Addisonian....but usually accompanied by lethargy...

12-14-2010, 08:11 AM
I'm sorry to hear that Trinket is having issues again. I hope it is something that can be quickly resolved. Bless her heart. I feel so bad for her. Bless you for taking such good care of her. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

Give Squirt and Trinket some loving belly rubs from me.


Squirt's Mom
12-14-2010, 10:02 AM
Hey Alison,

ALWAYS love hearing from you! ;)

I read your post just before going to bed last nite and I pondered that idea for some time. geez.... I had never considered that possibility. Pancreatitis, colitis/IBS, auto-immune conditions (Jed came to mine)....and, of course, CUSHINGS :rolleyes::rolleyes: but never Addison's. So I am going to go look into that a bit more. One of the meds she got in Dr B's office the first time was Flagyl, but I think that is fairly standard when they have such bad diarrhea.

She has a really good appetite, wanting to eat. She doesn't drink as much as I would like her to but I also add quite a bit of water to her meals to make sure she is hydrated. Trink wants to play, is very alert and responsive even on this med which has an ingredient for the nausea that makes her a bit sleepy - which she has very little of - nausea that is.

I have been giving her beef broth this time around and that is all she has had since this latest round started early yesterday morning. I have no idea what she was eating in her former "home" but if she has been on a steady diet of chicken/turkey based feeds, then she may well have developed an allergy to poultry. I had been thinking the fiber in her turkey recipe was too low because she was having some problems with constipation before all this started.

The thought that some ingredient in this current turkey recipe is bad has occurred to me as well so I threw out the remaining batch she hasn't eaten. She and Squirt are eating from the same bird - Squirt gets the white meat, Trink the dark. Same bag of rice, same batch of sweet potatoes cooked the same time the same way, the same liver for both. Squirt has added food ingredients to her recipe and each have their own supplements added. BUT it is logical to me if there was something wrong with the turkey, liver, rice, or sweet potatoes that are in both batches Squirt would be having the same problem - and she isn't.

If this were viral or bacterial, I would also think Squirt would be sick by now. After Trink goes out, I pour bleach on the areas where she has pooped/bled trying to kill any bugs to protect her and the others. But they are in close proximity in this little camper, even with Trink crated, so I have expected Squirt to get ill. Thank goodness, that has not happened!

Right now, Trink is curled up beside me on the 'couch' sound asleep. She drank a fair amount of broth, about 6 tbsps, had her med, and went out for a bit to explore in the cold.

Leslie and Trinket

12-23-2010, 01:40 PM
Hi Leslie,

I had not seen any new posts about Trinket and was afraid I missed something. She was still sick on your last post. I wanted to tell you some times it works better to wean them off the metronidazole, slowly reduce the dose.

How is Trinket and Squirt too? And how are you?

I am hoping and praying everything is okay. Also I have a brand new unopened bottle of Vitacost lignans I could send you if you want them. I remember you said you use them for Squirt.

Merry Christmas! I hope the holidays are the very best for you.

Addy, Zoe and Koko

Squirt's Mom
12-23-2010, 02:44 PM
Hi Addy,

Thanks for checking on us! Trinket is doing fine right now. She is still taking the meds, tho we are at twice a day now VS 3X. That is as much as I have been comfortable decreasing. :o She remains on beef broth, brown rice and beef but is eating very well and happily plus her poops are solid normal poops.

I intend to continue with the meds until they are gone, this time at 2X/day. Cat and I are working on recipes for her that don't involve poultry just in case it has a role in her issues. So far, beef seems to work well for her but the real test will be when the meds are finished. If we have to go to novel proteins, then the search will be on to find them around here! There used to be a Whole Foods in Little Rock that I will have to check on as they carry lots of interesting things! ;) You and Zoe have crossed my mind more than once as I consider what to do for Trink if this continues.

She acts just fine, is still a little love bug and loves to play especially at bedtime! She is so darn cute when she growls and shows those itsy teeth! :p

I had to go to town the other day but didn't have to get out anywhere so I took the girls with me. When I finished at the drive-thru window of the bank, the girl asked me to wait a minute. She left then came back with four other ladies in tow, pointing at Trinket and Squirt as they looked out the drivers window into the bank...hoping for treats! HA! All five of the ladies got down in the window for a better look and the ooos and ahhhs started in earnest then. Squirt started moaning in reply then Trinket decided to bark her Howdy! The ladies all wanted to know what kind they were, how old they were, they all thought Squirt was a male of course, and then the hesitant questions started about Trink's eyes. So we told our stories, Squirt's and Trinket's, got more ooos and ahhhs, finger wagglings, and questions - then MILK BONES! :D So the girls had a great time going to town with Mom! :p

Leslie and Trinket

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 05:18 AM
Is anyone on?

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 05:30 AM
Trink is sick again. She has been off the meds for 3 days last nite and just got sick in the bed again.

I don't think this is a viral infection. :(

We don't have any more of the med so I am giving her some Imodium for tonite hoping that will help. Is there any possibility she has become dependent on the meds to have a firm stool?

My poor tiny girl. :(

Leslie and Trinket

12-30-2010, 06:00 AM
Hi Leslie,

I'm so sorry to hear that Trink is still having a hard time (and you) :(. I've read that humans can become dependant on metamucil and the like (it causes their bowel to become lazy, and not function in the usual manner), so maybe the reverse is true also. I can't be more helpful, but I'm here :o

Lotsa love and healing thoughts being sent from our home to yours,

Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 06:07 AM
Thanks, Jane. I am getting concerned she has IBS, colitis, something chronic. :( It just kills me to see her sick like this with her so tiny. How can so much stuff come out of such a tiny little body and have anything left to function with?!?!

I have some Metronidazole but it is 500mg and she will need 15-100mg according to the web - (3-23mg/lb). I am not comfortable reducing 500mg to that little of a dose. Plus it says to use with caution in pets with kidney problems. Her values have remained within the norms but I still worry about them. :rolleyes:

Leslie and Trink

12-30-2010, 06:20 AM
Is her diarrhea or regular poop kind of slimey? As in, does it look like there's a mucous-y type casing, or a blob of jelly looking stuff?

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 06:36 AM
Yes, at first. She will have normal poops then they become soft, then slimy with mucus pluggy things, then very loose, then blood and water.


12-30-2010, 06:44 AM
I'm not really familiar with IBS, but the blood is obviously very concerning. What has the vet said in the past about it? Has Trink been diagnosed with any particular type of intestinal parasite?
She seems to start getting better, then get sick again. I'm wondering about diet also. You said before it seems to flare up again when she comes off her meds, which co-incides with going back on her regular food. Depending on how worried you are, and what the vet thinks is the problem, would it be worthwhile changing her food completely to something she hasn't had before, before you begin to take her off the meds next time? That way it might help to get an idea if it is her food that is part of the problem?

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 06:55 AM
Dr. B diagnosed it as an intestinal virus that has been going around here. One of my brother's dogs got it this spring but she has been fine after the meds....same ones Trink has been on so I don't think that is the problem now. He has done fecal smears every time looking for parasites and so far none show up.

Cat and I have been working on her diet. When this started she had just started on her turkey recipe and that is what we would go back to as the meds stopped and the poops firmed up. This last time, tho, we have used only beef and brown rice and she has done well on that until this morning. We had already decided if the diarrhea came back this time, we will start with a novel protein like rabbit, bison, ostrich, etc. and see if that will help.

I have even wondered if there is something in the environment here in ARK that is so much different from what she is used to in CA that is it causing this reaction in her.

12-30-2010, 07:07 AM
Have you had much rain there? I remember something about spirochetes (sp?) being in water washed down from one yard to the next, and most/all the pups along that side of the street becoming sick after heavy rains.
Another thing thats popping into my head is water bowls- Franklin used to get laryngytis/ pharyngytis (sp?) quite often. One day I noticed a bird using one of Franklin's outside bowls as a bird bath, removed the bowl from where it was, and he hasn't had a throat problem since. I know you watch both your babies like a hawk, have you noticed Trinket near anything from another species that she may have gotten her teeth into?

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 07:18 AM
LOL That was Squirt that would get the spirochetes from the neighbor dogs! And yes every time it rained!

We have had quite a bit of rain this week but not prior however that has occurred to me but didn't worry about that since the smears are always clean.

She isn't one to eat things she finds on the floor or ground. She will pick up a scent and go sniff but I haven't seen her put anything in her mouth nor have I seen her drink from a puddle or outside water source. Of course, she could have walked through something then licked her feet. :rolleyes:

I just threw her med bottle out yesterday and went digging through the trash to try to find it. I think it was Amforol or something like that. I'm going to try to see if it can cause a dependency.

12-30-2010, 07:26 AM
I'm sorry I can't be more help, Leslie. Has Glynda said anything of her California days? Maybe she had a tummy issue then, but with everything else that was going on, it might have been put down to the stress of the situation? Or the drugs from her surgery, anti biotics, etc?

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 07:35 AM
Info on Amforol -


Repeated or prolonged use of this medication can cause encephalopathies--a term used to describe brain disorders--in certain dogs, warn health officials at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Dogs who exhibit symptoms such as decreased energy, confusion, loss of consciousness or muscle twitching or convulsions should be taken to a veterinarian immediately for further evaluation.
Allergic Reaction

Rarely, a dog may experience an allergic reaction as a side effect of Amforol. Symptoms of an allergic reaction in dogs can include facial swelling, scratching, sudden diarrhea, seizures, vomiting, pale gums, unusually cold limbs or loss of consciousness. A dog that develops any of these side effects should be taken to a veterinarian immediately to prevent potentially life-threatening medical complications.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/122671-amforol-side-effects/#ixzz19b5V2fmu


Treatment of Salmonella infections confined to the gastrointestinal tract with kanamycin may result in prolonged shedding of this microorganism. Follow-up cultures after treatment are strongly advised.

Because of the bactericidal activity of kanamycin, prolonged treatment may permit overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms (e.g., fungi). If remission of symptoms is not evident after 2 to 3 days treatment, the diagnosis should be re-established. Do not treat for longer than 5 days.

Dogs, especially those weighing less than 5 lbs, when treated with oral kanamycin should be under close clinical observation for potential nephrotoxic and ototoxic side effects, as the recommended dosage may produce systemic levels of this aminoglycoside. Kanamycin should be used cautiously if the dog is also receiving other nephrotoxic or ototoxic drugs.

This is the same warning I find on every site I checked. Nothing specifically saying it can cause a dependency per se but that bit about fungal overgrowth is disturbing. She has been on this med since Dec. 6 and she weighs less than 5 lbs. Now SIBO is on my mind! geez.......

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 07:37 AM
Thanks for talking with me, Jane. I am at my wits end and so worried about her. Glynda didn't mention any problems like this and I am sure she would have. Trink wasn't eating well at all then, I do know that.

12-30-2010, 08:00 AM
Oh, honey, you're welcome for me talking with you. The livestrong website says that it's used to treat bacterial enteritis, but as you stated a couple of pages ago, if it was bacterial or viral, you'd expect Squirt to become ill also. Which would give the impression that it's not bacterial causing Trink's problem.
Is it possible that it's the wrong drug for whatever bug is bugging her? You know the way that certain a/b's are better for particular infections? And if treated with something the bug doesn't respond to, it's virtually useless?

I'm just throwing thoughts out there now :o

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 08:05 AM
Yeah, I am wondering the same thing about the med. we will be going back to see Dr. B this morning if possible for another look. I'll let you know what we learn! Thanks so much!

12-30-2010, 08:10 AM
You're welcome, Leslie :) good luck, and we're keeping fingers and paws crossed that you and Dr B can get Trinket's problem resolved soon.
Love and Hugs,
Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx

12-30-2010, 08:47 AM
so sorry for all the issues you're facing with little trinket. :( it is so frustrating when you don't know what it is. i've dealt with food allergies with one of our cats, as well as a sensitive system with niko. both were hard to work through, but we hit the right strides eventually. hang in there leslie. :)

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 08:51 AM
Thanks, Bettina!

Cat and I have been talking this morning and we are going to start her on a whitefish and sweet potato diet and add some slippery elm. Between her and Dr B hopefully we will find that stride you speak of!

Harley PoMMom
12-30-2010, 09:06 AM
So sorry to hear our Trinket is feeling ill :( Has she been tested for giardia?

12-30-2010, 09:18 AM
Leslie, we never had a problem in California or in Arizona with diarrhea. Trinket wasn't a huge eater when I brought her home from the shelter but that was to be expected considering the pain she was in and the trauma of being dumped in the shelter. Her eating improved in the few days she was here before her surgeries and it wasn't until after her second surgery that she really quit eating. This was due to having back to back surgeries and after making me sick with worry and 36 hours in the hospital on IV fluids, her appetite continued to improve every day.

While with me, Trinket ate Primal chicken raw food, Royal Canin kibble as treats at night and boiled chicken breasts and rice. Believe me, if she was allergic to chicken, we would have known it. Her poops were always firm. I don't feed my dogs or fosters beef as it doesn't sit well with many of them so if Trinket's problem is diet related, beef is much higher on my suspect list.

I sure hope you find out what is going on with our girl. I'm wringing my hands right along with you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 09:32 AM
Thanks, Glynda. I didn't think she had this type problem while with you but it is good to hear for sure.

After I took her off the poultry, the itching and gnawing stopped so that was my first hint it may be an issue for her. The first two times she got this diarrhea, we went back to the turkey diet and she would be sick - so we stuck with beef this time - sick again. Within 3 days of stopping the Amforol, she is sick no matter her diet so far. So we now look to novel proteins and minimal ingredients.

We go see Dr B at 11 this morning. I realized I got really spoiled by our vets in TN. Dr C would have said, "Oh, bring her right in!" and I would have! :p:o

Trinket does not act sick at all. Her energy is good, she is hungry, she drinks good, she wants to play, is very alert and interactive. Other than this digestive issue, she is doing very well! She has been through sooooo much, I hope this is not something chronic. :(

I'll keep you informed on what Dr B says.

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 09:34 AM

and i dont like raw.....

12-30-2010, 01:56 PM
Sounds like diet or colitis. With Zoe, her poop samples were always normal. Everything was always normal. It drove me nuts.

I can't find the page I wanted to send you but here is one site to look at.


Oh Leslie, been there done that and I really feel badly for you and Trinket. I know how stressful it is, especially with Trinket so tiny.

You will get there. It will be okay. Note about the raw: I tried I don't know how many foods, Zoe could not make the switch without horrible poops even at 1/4 cup. Sometimes only one piece of kibble. She went to raw cold turkey, no transition period with no problem.

I am hoping the new diet with the slippery elm helps. It sounds wonderful. :)

All the vets Zoe has seen ( and belive me we have gone through plenty) have told me the following when dog has chronic loose stools with no other symptoms and normal feces float:

At the very least, dog should be dewormed

Tested for giardia

New diet should be tried

Metronidazole or tylan course fourth on the list.

Hoping things get better Leslie. Let us know as soon as you have info.


Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 02:43 PM
Ok....fecal floatation, smears, stains and NO pathogens, NO parasites. So, Dr B thinks this is more than likely colitis and has started her on sulfasalazine, 3x/day...in addition to the Amforol which did have metronidazole in it after all this last time. So now there are 3 meds in one suspension, 3x/day.

Dr B said if this is colitis, the sulfasalazine would make a marked difference today. Before, it would take a day or so for the stool formation to return so we will see how this new addition works.

She weighs 4.4lb today.

Fish is cooking, potatoes already done....elm not found locally. :rolleyes: So she will have to wait on that. The fight to get the med in her is on again. Wonder if I could sneak it into her food? hummmm..... We wouldn't end up wearing as much of it that way! :p This baby's whole face will be yellow by tonite! :D

Can't tell ya'll how much I appreciate all the info and support. When I woke up this morning to the familiar foul odor and saw sweet Trink standing there with bloody mess running down her legs again, I just started boo-hooing. She's not a cush baby but I know she is as much family as any and it means more than I can say to know ya'll are here.

Leslie and Stinky Trink

12-30-2010, 02:55 PM
Leslie, I am no stranger to colitis. Buster was at the vet's about every other month with severe bouts of bloody diarrhea. I will never forget the time we had family over for a bbq and during dinner he had a really bad attack. He would always get gassy and that particular night he started passing gas and spraying bloody, mucousy poop everywhere. It ruined everybody's appetite and I was mortified. I'd throw him in the bathtub, clean him up and 5 minutes later, he'd do it again. Poor guy. I always had colitis meds in our arsenal and it was used quite frequently. It is pretty amazing that he has not had one loose stool in well over two years since I put him on Primal. It appears that Zoe had the opposite reaction so once again, every dog is different. You just never know.

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 03:32 PM
Well, so far, I guess I have been blessed in that her surprise sprays happen at nite...in the bed....right by my side....so I roll over and get a real good whiff and slip! :eek::eek::o:rolleyes::D

I guess I can stop following her around with a bleach bottle now, huh? Our place has bunches of weird looking brown spots all over it! :p

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 07:12 PM
Well, Trinket just pooped and while not solid, it did have form and there is no blood visible! :D So hopefully the sulfasalazine is doing it's job! I did put it in her dinner tonite and she ate it up...no fight that time. She will get another small meal before we go down for the nite so I will give her last dose then. No more little yellow face if she will continue to take it this way...or yellow clothes, or yellow blankets, or yellow walls.... :p

I think she likes the cod and sweet potato...sure was noisy in her corner of the camper during mealtime! :p

Leslie and Trinket

12-30-2010, 07:14 PM
I could not find Slippery Elm locally either and was hesitant to order on line from a company I did not know or was not recommended.

I do know that the IMS said that stress will bother these colitis dogs. She told me to give Zoe two doses on Thanksgiving or whenever she might have a stressful event like company, the groomers, anything that might give her stress can cause suddden loose poops.:eek:

I did try that out and made sure we had full doses for the holidays and we had no suprises so maybe something to it.:confused:

Hoping Trinket does well with the new food and new medicine.

All and all I think Zoe did well on the raw diet, better than on the perscription food. I think now with the Cushings, maybe she cannot handle it as well as before, not all dogs can. Plus her food does not have bone in it. The bone firms up the stool. She has synthetic calcium. All the raw food with bone in it had too many fruits and veggies. She has trouble with too many ingredients, could not do it.

We will need poop patrol results tomorrow. I'm thinking it will be good news:)

Love ya,

12-30-2010, 11:11 PM
Hope you all have a good night....see you in the morning! :)

12-30-2010, 11:51 PM
Damn it all Leslie, if things don't start getting better for you I'm going crawl under a rock with you and cry. Please get better little bauble....

12-31-2010, 01:33 AM
Well, Trinket just pooped and while not solid, it did have form and there is no blood visible! :D

WOO HOO!!! :):):):):) Great news Leslie!! :):):) Also just want to mention that stress can a happy stress (visitors, playtime at the park, etc) which can cause a flare up as well. Hope that the formed poops continue :)

Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx

12-31-2010, 03:24 AM
Oh dear Leslie, poor little Trinket :(

But, there is a lot to say about Colitis. The first thing I thought when I read your stories was..."why are you feeding Trinket a meal right before bedtime at night?" :eek: That's asking for accidents in the bed ;)

Okay, here's what I learned through Sogno...

Sogno was on sulfasalazine as well. And his protocol for taking it was as follows. Whenever he had an acute flair up, he was to fast for 24 - 48 hours, to "rest" his bowel. He then could go back on his diet and use the sulfasalazine. Adding his food would usually cause some flair up again of the colitis and so he was to stay on the sulfasalazine till his stools were perfectly normal again, When that happened, I reduced the sulfasalazine a little and again, his colitis would flair up again. So we stayed on the (lowered) dosis of sulfasalazine till his stools were normal again and then again we would lower the sulfasalazine again a little, etc. So every reduction of the sulfasalazine was small and every time we waited with another reduction untill the stools became normal again. So the reduction has to go very slowly.

I added omega 3 fatty acids and soluble fiber to his highly digestable diet because both have a positive effect on the colitis. The fiber will absorp the excess fluids in the colon, making the stools firmer and the omega 3 fatty acids help sooth inflammatory reactions.

It's my opinion and experience that in these cases, commercial diets are more beneficial then homemade diets. The commercial diets have possibilities, we do not have, like adding certain ingredients like for example FOS. It's recommended that dogs with colitis use a diet with FOS. ( Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) enhance colonic microflora and assist the prevention and treatment of colonic disease. These complex carbohydrates are not digested in the small intestine. They are fermented by specific colonic bacteria that use them as an energy source. FOS promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibit growth of potentially harmful bacteria. They are responsible for the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA).) But also commercial diets can be much more easy digestable then home made ones. And I personally am very happy with Royal Canin, they have a huge diversity of diets. For example the sensitivity control, the hypo allergenic, the gastro intestinal and the fibre response diet. All much more easy to digest then any home made diet we can cook and all with the addition of FOS but also the extra fibre for example in the case of the fibre response diet. If you were to stick to one of those diets, I am pretty sure you would get the colitis under control. No extra's, not switching ingredients, just stick to one of those diets for at least 6 till 8 weeks.
Give 4 small meals a day to start with (just not too late or else you will have nighttime accidents :D )

And oh yes, whenever Sogno was on the sulfasalazine, I had to check his tearproduction frequently because the most common side effect of sulfasalazine is problems with tearproduction. The vet would give me teststrips I could use at home to see if he still made sufficient tears.

Good luck, hope you and Trinket had an uneventful night :D

Saskia and Yunah :)

Squirt's Mom
12-31-2010, 11:55 AM
Morning all!

Trinket had a good nite, no accidents and didn't ask to go out! Her poop this morning was formed but did have that tail on it....NO BLOOD! :D And no foul odor! (Yes, I poked it, rolled it, and smelled it! :eek::p)

Sas, you are so amazing with all you have experienced and know! Trink doesn't usually get a meal late at nite like she did last nite, but she hadn't eaten much at all - just broth and pumpkin and a 1/8 c of the fish/sweet potato. So she got another 1/8c along with the med. Typically, her last meal is around 5pm and this is what has ended up in my bed....more than once! ;) She is very sweet about it...always stays close to me and shares it all! :p Seriously...I can see that it upsets her to have this happen. :(

With her being so very tiny, it worries me no end when she loses an ounce or I can feel a bone again that had been covered with fat...and it has been such a JOY to watch her eating with gusto and pleasure! When I first got her, she had very little appetite so when she would eat a few RC kibbles, I was thrilled! For the first few weeks she ate kibble - the RC for Chihuahua then Castor&Pollux Lamb and Rice, which she really liked and ate well. But, the more I have learned about canine nutrition and the pet food industry over the past few years, the less I can stomach feeding commercial...even tho there are some truly GOOD commercial feeds out there.

Commercial feeds....hummmm Man, putting her back on any commercial feed would be almost as difficult for me as feeding her raw BUT I will most definitely keep your recommendations in mind. The FOS and soluble fibers will most certainly help. Why I didn't think of the Omega 3's is beyond me! I know this! She was already getting it with her turkey menu along with virgin coconut oil but when this started, I stopped all her supplements other than those included in the menu. Then I stopped the turkey menu altogether so she is getting no supplementation at the moment. And that worries me as far as the nutrients she is getting right now.

LOL Dr. B came in with his vet book when he was telling me what he was going to give her this time, grinning from ear to ear with this little devil gleam in his eyes. He pointed to the section with the adverse reactions and said, "Do you know what keratoconjunctivitis sicca means?" I said my guess is the "kero" part meant "dry or hard" and the "conjunctivitis" is eye related but have no idea what "sicca" is. He said, "Well, this means we are really going to have to watch her for dry eyes...." And we both cracked up! She ain't got no eyes! :p

Addy, I ordered NOW Foods brand of slippery elm bark in a powder from Lucky Vitamin. The directions I got from Cat are to dissolve the powder in a ratio of 1oz powder/8oz warm water. But I am still not clear on how often to give it when so I will let you know about that as soon as I understand for sure. I should have it next week.

Thanks again!
Leslie and Trinket

12-31-2010, 12:17 PM
Great news Leslie....and I forgot the part of no eyes until you mentioned it :p

12-31-2010, 12:18 PM
Oh my gosh...Leslie, how could I forget :eek: :D Of course, she has no eyes, silly me :p So sorry I forgot...

I understand that these days, there is a lot to do about commercial diets.... But boiled meats, turkey, beef, chicken...doesn't really matter what kind, is so much harder to digest. Perhaps it would be an idea to start with a commercial diet and if/once Trinket gets over her colitis, you could slowly switch her to homemade food? But if you add or switch too often with ingredients right now, if the diet is too hard to digest, etc...it will be so much harder to have the colitis calm down. So perhaps you can think about putting her on a commercial diet for the next couple of months, see how it goes and if all goes well, switch her slowly, ingredient by ingredient, to a homecooked diet. I just think you would have better luck controlling the colitis sooner this way. And, as you also mention, she is so tiny, especially right now she would need all the ingredients she can get... and that will be easier to achieve through a commercial diet (for now) :)

But so glad you all had an uneventful night, may many of those follow :)


Saskia and Yunah :)

12-31-2010, 12:21 PM
Leslie, This is Carole and I am saying prayers for your little Trinket. There you are having your hands full and you were so kind to respond to me about my Fritz. God Bless you and all you do. And with you as her mom how can Trink do anything but get better.

12-31-2010, 01:37 PM
I am thinking things will calm down now but agree about the weaning her off the meds as Yunah said. I do just as she said with the metronidazole and it worked best. They can't just stop the medication.

Hope you have an"unpoopably" calm day:D Only thing I can add is possibly the thought of a probiotic to restore bacteria in her tummy.

Crossing fingers and paws,

Love ya,

Squirt's Mom
01-02-2011, 01:42 PM
Hi ya'll,

Trinker Too is doing much better! Her poops are formed tho they still have a tiny bit of a tail on them. Still no blood, no mucus. :D

Ok...question on reducing the sulphasalazine. She is on 1ml 3x/day. Should I cut that to 1ml 2x/day or should I reduce the ml and keep the 3x/day dosing schedule? I know she isn't quite ready for a reduction based on the tails but when she is, I want to know where to go with the med.

Since finding out this isn't an infection of any sort, I haven't made her stay in her crate. The first nite after the colitis diagnosis, I put her in the crate for the nite, walked 2 steps, turned around, picked her up and put her in the bed with Squirt and me. She has rewarded me by not pooping in the bed! :p It is our habit to play when we go to bed and last nite she was in rare form! Before I even got in the bed good, she was growling and jumping around "looking" for something to tear into! I scratch my nails on the sheets and she dives for the sound making the most fierce sounds imaginable for teeny little thing. :p She really loves the sound of my nails on a stuffed bear her Uncle John and Aunt Pattee gave her. She gets down-right vicious when she hears that scratch 'cause she knows that means she has a bear to fight, too! :p

Who would have guessed that an itsy-bitsy, stinky-butted furball could bring so much joy to an old broad?!

Leslie and Trinket

01-02-2011, 03:34 PM
So glad to hear about Trinket and Squirt. It is nice when people give our fur balls complements. We dog parents just love it.
How is Dena doing, haven't had time to call her.
HUgs Sonja and Apollo.

01-02-2011, 03:40 PM
Leslie, how often do you feed Trinket? I would try to keep the sulfasalazine up with the amount of meals she is getting. If you still feed her 3 times a day, I would reduce the doses to for example 3 x 0.75 ml. But if you are feeding twice a day, I would go with twice a day medication. But as you said, wait untill also the last bit is firm ;)

Best of luck and hugs,

Saskia and Yunah :)

Squirt's Mom
01-02-2011, 04:16 PM
Sonja, yeah it makes me swell with pride when someone compliments my girls! I know they are beautiful but it is nice when others recognize that fact! :p

We haven't heard from Dena in a while - since Oct, in fact. If you talk to her let her know k9c thinks of her and wonders how she, Simon, and the rest of her babies are doing.

Sas, thanks for the info! Trink was getting 2 meals a day but with the colitis diagnosis, I increased the frequency, keeping the amount/day the same. Thurs., day of diagnosis, she only had broth with pumpkin that morning then a small serving of the fish/sweet potato that evening and another small portion later that nite. Fri. she was fed just about every two hours but I only gave the med morning, mid-afternoon, and nite. Sat. I spread the feedings out to about every 4 hrs. with dosing the same schedule - am, afternoon, pm. Today she will be fed 3 meals, one with each dose. Her feeding schedule prior to getting sick was twice a day and if possible I would like to see her back on that schedule. If her colon doesn't like that, then I can certainly adjust. ;)

How does this sound? We will try the 2x/day feeding schedule starting tomorrow keeping to the 3x/day med schedule. As the tail goes away, drop the dosing to match the feeding schedule, 1ml/2x/day. If things stay firm and tail-less, reduce the ml by .25ml but still give it 2x/day. Assuming things stay alright, reduce the dose by .25ml/2x/day.

If the diarrhea doesn't come back after going to the 2x/day feeding and dosing, how long would you wait to reduce the ml?

I am supposed to check in with Dr. B tomorrow so I will discuss all of this with him then, too. But I gotta get input from the experts first! ;)

Leslie and Trinket