View Full Version : Trinket-our little bauble! has crossed The Bridge

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Roxee's Dad
01-02-2011, 07:09 PM
Hi Leslie,
Sorry I can't help with the diet as I usually come here for help :p but I am sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

She really loves the sound of my nails on a stuffed bear her Uncle John and Aunt Pattee

At first I went huh???? Uncle John must be your brother or someone close to home then I saw Aunt Pattee and it just brought a big smile to my face LOL. So glad she likes her little stuffed toy. :)

Hope she continues to improve.

(((Hugs))) to you and the fur balls :D

01-02-2011, 08:21 PM
Great news Leslie!! Big hugs from me too! :)

01-03-2011, 12:53 PM
Hi Leslie,

I would not change anything in her schedule until her stools are in good shape...all the way :D If her stools are good, I would start her on twice daily feeding and adjust the medications accordingly...in other words, medicate her twice daily as well. If you see some minor reverse reactions, don't fret, give her some days to adjust to the new schedule (and perhaps you won't see any adverse reactions at all) That's why you want to keep the medication up till everything is all normal again. Because after every change, amount of feeding, amount of medication, etc. it could be that her body needs some time to adjust. Give her that time and don't rush into changing schedules again. It's probably more likely that she will show some minor reactions than that she wouldn't. You have to calculate that in. And once everything is calm again (for at least 2 - 3 days in a row), you can start adjusting again...

Sas and Yunah :)

Squirt's Mom
01-04-2011, 02:06 PM
Well, we went to get some more med for Trink today. I had called in yesterday as asked to report on her status and I talked to the tech about my concerns with the Amforol - in particular the possibility of deafness.

I learned that ALL "myacin" anti-biotics have the the potential to cause deafness, even when administered orally. Dr. B said he has seen this with one animal and it was a horse who's owner hunted from him, shooting over his head. So he questions what really caused the deafness and if the horse didn't already have some deafness from the shooting.

Regardless, we have switched to Baytril....and JUST Baytril for now. Dr. B says the sulphasalazine should have made her poops completely normal by now and since they still have a tail, he feels there is still some infection in the intestines. So we are to stop the suspension and try just the Baytril for 8 days.

Needless to say, I am nervous about the change on one hand but relieved on the other. I will be doing intense poop patrol today and if there is any sign of regression, back on the Amforol/suphasalazine asap!

Leslie and Trinket

Squirt's Mom
01-04-2011, 06:07 PM
So far, so good today. I recon the next few hours - say those before I wake up in the morning :p - will give me an idea if this is working without the sulphasalazine.

Little stinker - ate the Baytril pill like it was a Milk Bone! :rolleyes: Fight like a badger over liquid, tho...go figure!

Leslie and Trink

01-04-2011, 06:12 PM
I hope the Baytril helps. It really helped Corky when he had his 2 UTIs at the same time. One of the UTIs was a hard one to treat, but the Baytril really worked.

Keeping everything crossed that Trinket will be better soon.

Harley PoMMom
01-04-2011, 06:41 PM
Same here...keeping everything crossed. Sending hugs, healing thoughts and prayers too.

Love ya's, Lori

Squirt's Mom
01-05-2011, 09:25 AM
It's morning and no poopy bed! :D Her morning poop looked just as it did yesterday so no changes either way so far.

It still floors me that she will eat the Baytril right out of my hand. :rolleyes:

With both Trinket and Squirt on new meds today, I may need a margarita AND valium before the day is over! :p

Leslie and Trinker Too

01-05-2011, 10:26 AM
I'm all for margaritas! Glad to finally be able to sit and read the whole thread - looks like you are doing an awesome job, as usual - good to hear that there was no soiled bed :)

Hugs to you!

Lynne, Clyde & Bailey

Squirt's Mom
01-05-2011, 10:37 AM
Hi Lynne!

Thanks for the support! No poopy bedding is a wonderful thing! :p

Leslie and Trinker Too

Squirt's Mom
01-08-2011, 04:48 PM
We finally have tail-less poops as of last nite! :D This is her fourth day on just Baytril so she is doing alright without the suspension.

HOWEVER, today held quite a few changes for her. Mark has been working on getting the propane tanks and gas lines fixed and checked so they had to be out of the camper. Plus I went into town to hang out with friends for several hours and she had to be crated in the Big House when Mark and them left for a bit. We were just able to return to the camper not too long ago so most of her day has been spent "away from home". I sure hope she isn't going to be that sensitive but from what I am learning, today could certainly cause a flare-up in colitis.

Leslie and Trinket

01-08-2011, 05:36 PM
No tails, hurrah!!!!

Zoe's IMS said that any change in their routine can potentially be a problem. Just depends and when I know it is a stressful event for her, giver her extra meds. I did not give her extra meds when we went to see IMS even with all the stress because she fasted for over fourteen hours. The following day her poops were formed but very mushy formed in the am so she made it through on just one dose. WHEW!!!!!

Just watch her poops, which I know you are doing:D

Hope our little bauble continues to improve.:) Hope Squirt is doing well on her maintenance lysodren. I hope Zoe gets there soon. She is drinking water more and more but always after chewing or licking which is all the time:eek:

Crossing paws for Trinket!!!!!


01-08-2011, 06:12 PM
I caught up on this thread yesterday - wow, what trials and tribulations with Trinket, who is the cutest little button.

Glad things seem to be improving and congrats on the adoption!


01-09-2011, 08:18 PM
Glad to hear about the tailless poops! And enjoy the snow! :D

01-10-2011, 08:07 AM
I'm glad the Baytril is helping Trinket. I hope these issues will finally be resolved for her.

Squirt's Mom
01-10-2011, 09:55 AM
Thanks, ya'll,

Well, Trink does NOT like snow! Especially when it is deeper than she is tall! :p

She had a good nite again and I was very interested in how her poops would be this morning but noooooooooo! I dug a trail and cleared the snow from the spot she typically uses to go potty and waited and waited and waited while she tried to get out of the cleared area for a better spot I guess. She would walk into the edge, which meant she was face-first in snow, then whirl around and try another edge with the same results. She finally sat by my feet, looking up at me like, "what happened, Mom?!" So I brought her in, wrapped her in a towel and put her back in bed while Squirt was still out - who, BTW, loves the snow!

I walked around a bit after they came in and were dry/warm again, and saw a small place by the air/heat unit for the Big House so I will carry her over there in a bit and see if that will meet her needs. :p

I wanted to get pics of Trink in the snow today but I don't think a pic is worth her getting upset and this snow is upsetting to her! :D

Leslie and Trinket, the never-snow bunny!

Squirt's Mom
01-10-2011, 07:55 PM
Trinket has not pooped all day long! Her last poop was yesterday before the snow got so deep. She does NOT like this stuff at all. So I hope she will wake me if she has to go tonite!

Leslie and Trinket

Squirt's Mom
01-11-2011, 02:37 PM
Trink finally had to go - snow or no snow! :p And it was a wonderful poop! :D So no ill effects from her day in the crate, the snow or holding it for nearly 2 days so far. She took her last Baytril dose this morning.

Leslie and Trinket, who is dreaming of palm trees and sandy beaches!

01-11-2011, 04:29 PM
Yay, big poops for Trinket?? :D:D:D

01-11-2011, 07:26 PM
Good news for Trinket!!!!!

Zoe used to hold it when it gets below zero. She would not go out. Not sure what she will do this year but guess I will find out cause the below zero stuff is heading this way Sunday:rolleyes:

The weather is crazy everywhere:eek:

The holistic vet told me the longer the stool is in the colon the firmer it should be. When it comes out too soon (like they smell something great and want to poo on it) it will be softer.

Gee, Leslie, it sure is nice to have someone to talk poo with:D;):rolleyes:

Hope you all stay warm and dry, sweet things.

Love ya,

01-11-2011, 08:49 PM
Heh Leslie... It is minus 25 right now and there is a foot of snow on the ground...a small area that I dug out for Miss annie to potty in.. and she too is having poop issues. She has gone out 4 times tonight and it is sooooo cold she turns around and comes in. Poor little things you just feel for them. Glad our Trinket is doing ok... at least yours will melt before long. :eek::D:p

01-12-2011, 06:00 PM
Glad to hear that Trink is doing better w/the pooping!

some pups just don't like the cold, or the snow.

I've only had one (my first Aussie) who totally LOVED running around in the snow....it was so cute. :)

I'm keeping my new baby, Pebbles, indoors until Spring....she only goes out to visit or to the vets...in her little travel bag :D

The vet tells me that she may top out at 4lbs, which is smaller than I expected.:eek: We shall see!

And, I'm still busily browsing Australian terriers for a Spring time acquisition....Peb needs a little friend her age ;)

Jeff, Angel Mandy and Chi-Chi Pebbles!

Squirt's Mom
01-17-2011, 03:00 PM
CRAP! I bragged to a friend this morning on how well Trink was doing so what happens?....she just now poops mucus! :( From solid, well-formed, tail-less poops this morning to a mucousy poop in a matter of hours! She got a little bit of Squirt's Milk Bone about 2 hrs ago....I wonder if that little bit could have set this off? I have given her some pumpkin and waiting to hear back from Dr. B about the meds. We still have some of the suspension and I may go ahead and give her a dose........

~~sigh~~ bless her little heart! :(

Squirt's Mom
01-17-2011, 03:16 PM
Dr. B wants to try another round of the Baytril. It did seem to help so maybe she just wasn't on it long enough. I noticed that her breath stopped being so bad on it, too. I had put it down to the fish diet since Dr B checked her teeth when this first started in Dec. but the bad breath went away once she was on the Baytril. I wonder if there is an infection in her stomach.....something to discuss!

Off to get meds! I take the girls with me on trips like this so they know it isn't always a bad thing to go to for a ride or to the vets! I'm not fooling Squirt with the trips to the vet just for the fun of it but I have hopes for Trink still. :p

Leslie and Trink

Harley PoMMom
01-17-2011, 05:12 PM
So hoping the Baytril does the trick...will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs and kisses to you all...With lots of love, Lori

01-17-2011, 05:14 PM
Hi Leslie,

I so hope the Baytril willl do the trick again. Is it going to be an extended course? Hope her poops get better again, and stay that way :)
Sending hugs to you, sweet little Trink, and of course Squirt.

Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx

01-17-2011, 06:48 PM
Well of course I don't know beans. But you mentioned getting a little of another dogs milk bone. It could be that but also was she upset because someone got a milk bone and she didn't? We have a lot of emotional diarrhea going on with Neeka. That's what made me think of it. Anyway big hugs and fingers crossed.

What a nice mom to take the gang with her too!

I keep thinking I should take my dogs for a ride.

01-18-2011, 02:09 PM
Hi Leslie,

Sorry to hear about Trink's relapse. I know how upsetting it is.:(

Hopefully the Baytril will help. It is so hard to know what sets them off.:confused:

But they sure like to sometimes prove us wrong when we say they are doing well!!!! Zoe does it to me ALL the time.:rolleyes:

Thinking of you and the girls and hoping it works out.

Love ya,

Squirt's Mom
01-19-2011, 09:46 AM
This is so strange to me....Trink hasn't pooped since starting the Baytril again. :confused: She is getting nothing is supposed to "plug" her up. I expected at least ONE day of bad poops before the AB took effect but there has been not one little offering....she hasn't even acted like she might want to poop! :confused:

As she has been from the first moment I met her, she remains loving and sweet, she wants to play so I know she feels well, and her little face is happy. Her appetite has not waned during any of this....in fact, at the moment she is searching Squirt's feed spot to see if her sister might have dropped a bite somewhere. HA! Squirt leave a bite? LOL That IS laughable! :p

Leslie and Trink

01-19-2011, 05:19 PM
hhhmm....I'm sure the poop will come...it always does ! ;)

01-19-2011, 07:39 PM
That happened to Zoe too. Moe than once. It could be the milk bone just bothered Trink and set things off so then Baytril kicked in big time because she wasn't that bad off yet. With colitis, frquently the first stool of the day is fine and then they go down hill from there. That's why I had that pumpkin and rice thing going on for Zoe.:rolleyes: Anything new, even sometimes just one piece of kibble started things.:eek:

Sometimes when they have been on antibiotics their gut just gets to be a mess. I know I have read some people think double up on their probiotic for a week or two. I never tried that.

From what I have been reading and hearing from others is the Tylan is what we need. An extended course of it.:eek: I have Zoe done to 62mgs metronidazole am and pm. This is the fourth day. Will see what happens tonight:confused:

It's a challlenge girlfriend, but hey, it keps us on our toes. My toes are kind of sore though:D

She'll produce some stool, don't worry. Hoping things get back to normal.

Love ya,

01-20-2011, 07:22 PM
Sometimes when they have been on antibiotics their gut just gets to be a mess. I know I have read some people think

good point; I had some runny stool problems when my Mandy went on Simplicef (an antibiotic)...it cleared up her UTI but we had the other problem to deal with; once she came off it, her poops went back to normal

Jeff & Angel Mandy

Squirt's Mom
01-21-2011, 10:00 AM
Trink finally pooped yesterday and it was normal again. :rolleyes: Either she or Squirt had some bad gas last nite so I expected a loverly surprise in bed this morning! :eek::p

I have wondered about all the meds causing an unfriendly environment in the gut while trying to correct the original one. A sort of dependency on the meds. I don't want Trink to get to this point if that is possible. She has 2 1/2 days of the Baytril left. I planned to add some probiotic starting with her supper tonite in an effort to keep the bacterial balance in her gut. I have been giving her 1ml of slippery elm bark with her meals and 1ml between meals since yesterday. Silly girl...if I put the suspension in her plate she will gladly lap it up but if I try to give it to her via the syringe....the battle is ON! :p

Tylan is what Dr B says we will probably end up with if the ABs don't kick this for good. She may need ABs from time to time regardless. He wants to do his best to make sure there is no infection hiding somewhere first. After all she has been thru the last 6 weeks, I don't know how any infection could survive!

In spite of her poopie problems, our Little Bauble continues to love life. She is extremely glad that cold, wet alien that took over her world has gone away! Now she can once again explore to her hearts content without that alien trying to eat her up. :p

Leslie and Trinker Too

01-22-2011, 08:21 AM
Just love those normal poops!!! :D :D Keep up the good work Mom!

marie adams
01-22-2011, 12:21 PM

So glad Trink in on the road to feeling better...:):)

John II
01-24-2011, 09:11 PM
Yay! Normal poop! Yay! :D:D:D:D:D

Do you have a guide on probiotic dosage?

01-24-2011, 09:14 PM
You are the expert on all this but just sharing what I read when I was doing probiotics and tylan... don't give together. I gave one a few hours before dinner and one a few afterwards.. made me insane trying to remember it all but... you get the picture. :D;) Kim

01-24-2011, 09:39 PM
I hope Trinket will be okay and not have to take anymore ABs. Give her a special hug from me. She is so precious.

Squirt's Mom
01-25-2011, 10:15 AM
Hi ya'll,

Trinket finished the Baytril last nite so now the wait begins. Her poops have been just perfect since she decided to give it a go again! :p

The probiotic I had was expired so I didn't start it as planned. Instead, I gave her a bit of organic yogurt with her meals and it didn't upset her....thank goodness! I was concerned about her reaction to the lactose but it doesn't seem to have bothered her.

For the first time, last nite she grabbed her bear and started shaking it by the ear and growling. Playing on her own! :D It didn't last long and she went in search of the hand she usually finds under her bear but it is a start and made my old heart soar! :) She really enjoys our walks around the place here and for her tiny legs, we take LONG walks. Trink has develop marking skills and seldom misses the chance to leave an "impression"! I think Squirt taught her that. :rolleyes:

Leslie and Trinket

01-25-2011, 11:23 AM
I've been trying to check in on this thread for the latest on Trinket. I know how it is to hang on every bowel movement. My husband and I had an entire vocabulary made up for Niko's poop. He had a lot of issues, and ended up on a mixture of Tylan, L-Glutamine, and Probiotics mixed in with pumpkin every day. The Tylan was actually what 'fixed' him.

Hoping little Trinket's system is all good and right now. :)

Squirt's Mom
02-04-2011, 10:14 AM
Hi ya'll,

We had a bit of excitement real early this morning - Trink fell off the bed! :eek::eek: I felt her slid off and was out of the covers before she hit the floor and it scared us both to pieces! I have an antique metal trash can beside the bed and I heard her hit that but she seems to be fine. I felt all over her, looked in her mouth, and made her walk around the camper. I just rechecked her for any areas that might be sore now and got no reaction so I think she is fine. Mom? Well, grateful now more than anything else. She is just soooo tiny and my bed is quite high - the images flashing through my mind before I actually saw her were terrible but, thank goodness, just my mind at work!

She has been off the Baytril for 11 days now and is doing well. Normal poops, tho after this morning I won't be surprised to see that change! ;). I stopped the elm one day after the Baytril. She is getting fish oil and Vit E, tho. She gets 1065mg daily of the fish oil that has 400mg EPA and 200mg DHA, and 200 i.u. of the Vit E daily. I started giving her these the day after starting the Baytril this last round and plan to keep her on them.

Trink is still eating her cod and sweet potato with gusto but we are going to start working some new ingredients into her meals soon v e r y slowly. She maintains her weight on the current menu but I know it is not balanced for her or providing all the nutrients she needs and I had much rather provide those nutrients via food VS supplementation if possible.

We have another winter storm moving in today and it is snowing and sleeting right now. When we went out right after breakfast, it was just barely snowing and that was ok with Trink. She pooped and peed and explored a bit. HOWEVER, she absolutely refused to go out just a minute ago with Squirt when she realized that cold, wet alien had returned. :p I think she is a true CA gal, all about beaches and sunshine! :D

Leslie and Trink

02-04-2011, 10:45 AM
Good morning Leslie and friends. A bit of a rude awaking was it? Glad everything is ok.

02-04-2011, 10:57 AM
Leslie, I let Trinket sleep with us too but I made sure she was between us and I laid a crib bumper at the foot of the bed so she would bump into it and back off. For the most part, she liked to stay up near our faces in between our pillows or in the crook of our arms but she did mov around from time to time. If you can't rig up something similar to prevent her from falling again, you may want to consider kenneling her at night. Our bed is also high and I won't allow any of my little guys to sleep with us for fear they'll fall off and break a leg or worse. Trinket and Otis were the only exceptions to this rule because they were special, special being that Gil was in favor of coddling them.

02-04-2011, 01:40 PM
Hi Leslie,

Sure hope Trinket is okay, I can imagine how scared you were. Glad to hear her poos are better. Zoe has been bouncing around a bit from the storm but all and all her poos are okay considering the storm and I had to shovel all new paths in a different area for her to poo.

Hope your weather improves. It sure has been crazy all over. Poor Australia now dealing with cyclones:eek:

Right before our blizzard we had a very large coyote in our far back yard, out of the fence. Hubby freaked out. I told him not to worry 'cause any coyote would have to get through me to get to my pups ;)

Hope you and the girls have a good weekend!!!!

Love ya,

Squirt's Mom
02-04-2011, 02:32 PM
Nites are hard on me and last nite was pretty bad. I ended up taking 1/2 a pain pill around 3am and it must have put me out pretty good because both girls were on my left this morning - that is the side Trink went off. The right side, where they usually sleep, is blocked. I guess they had tried to wake me to go out shortly after 6, 'cause it was almost 6:30 by the time I finished checking her out and was able to breath again.

Generally, I am a very light sleeper and know every time either of the girls move...and, Glynda, you are right, she stays in contact 95% of the time. She will occasionally move up by my pillow but usually stays against my belly or back.

Something tells me my nites are going to be spent in even lighter sleep after this morning and if there is any chance I will be difficult to wake, she will be in her crate from now on!

Bless her heart. I keep feeling of her bones and belly, and I keep pressing on her gums to check the refill rate. I think this incident has upset me much more than it has bothered her. I am bothering her! :rolleyes:

Trink must have felt the weather coming because she did her poop the first trip out this morning instead of the usual second trip. When the door opens and I ask if she wants to go out, she turns her head like, "Are you nuts!? That evil alien is out there again!" :p

Leslie and Trink

Squirt's Mom
02-05-2011, 12:30 PM
Hi ya'll,

Well, Trink's poop this morning was still formed and still tail-less but it has a shiny quality to it that hasn't been present. So, she is starting back on the slippery elm bark today in the hopes it will head off a full blown episode and we can avoid more ABs.

I'll keep you posted on how it works!
Leslie and Trink

02-06-2011, 09:51 AM
but it has a shiny quality to it that hasn't been present

I have read that can be fat or mucus. I could never figure it out for Zoe. It seems sometimes what we think may be mucus is fat. If i read back through my poo diary of 3 years:eek::eek::eek:
LOL, what a tomb of poo I have:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I saw it a lot after I changed Zoe's food, the shiny quality. But now I also just get the 'wet" look as it gets softer and starts "mushing up"

I sure hope Trinket gets better, Leslie, I know how upsetting it is when their poos are all over the place.

Sending you millions of hugs and gazillion happy vibes for healthy poos to come.


Squirt's Mom
02-06-2011, 12:23 PM
The slippery elm seems to have taken that shine away! This morning her poops are back to normal.

Addy, I never thought of that shine being caused by fats, my mind immediately went to mucous starting up again. There is very little fat in her menu so that never occurred to me.

I made a paste this time VS a liquid solution and learned something....DO NOT put it in the microwave! It catches on fire! :eek::eek: She fights a syringe so hard so I thought making it thick enough for her to just eat would work better...and it does, she likes the taste which is rather sweet. I put the paste on her plate then warmed it....bad idea! Since then, I warm a bite of her meal and add the elm to that. :rolleyes:

I plan to reduce the amount she is getting over today and tomorrow, tho I'm not sure that is necessary it does "feel" better to do that way. She had 1/4 tsp. of elm in water to make a paste 3x yesterday and the same amount with her breakfast this morning. She will have 1/4 tsp with her supper but none mid-day. Tomorrow I will give her about 1/8 tsp with each meal.

If the colitis continues, I will have a whole album of poop pics....something I bet not many folks can lay claim to! :p

Leslie and Trinket

02-06-2011, 01:27 PM
Great to hear!!!! We love normal poos:D

I don't think it is a matter of too much fat in their diet as is they sometimes cannot process whatever fat there is in their food so it comes out in their stool. At least that is how I understood it from Zoe's holistic vet. For awhile she thought perhaps Zoe had EPI but was not the case.

LOL about the poo album. In Zoe's diary, every time she has normal poo I draw a big heart that day. I am picturing your pixes of perfect poo with a big red heart drawn around them:D:D:D:D:D:D


02-12-2011, 09:59 AM
Hi Leslie and Girls!!!

I was looking at pictures of cows in the snow in Arkansas and my first thought was of poor little Trinket having to confront that nasty alien again. I hope the sweet girl is handling the bad weather you seem to be having.

Did I ever tell you my parents lived in Cherokee Village Arkansa for awhile after they retired? They loved Arkansas.

I hope things are okay at your house and all this crazy weather is finally over.

Give Trinket and Squirt kisses for me.


Squirt's Mom
02-12-2011, 10:20 AM
Hi Addy,

Cherokee Village is in a really pretty part of AR! It's always nice to hear that others see the beauty I find in my home state. :)

Trinket has been doing really well - as long as I carry her to the clear spot I shoveled out for her. :p We have worked out a system - I carry, she doesn't go in the house. :D:p It is melting pretty fast now and our temps are supposed to be in the upper 60's by Tues., which she will love. Since we spent most of the last 3 days in bed, Trinket has been deliriously happy in spite of the snow! ;) Squirt, on the other hand, has really missed dragging Mom all over the place in it! :( The next week will be very muddy but that doesn't bother anyone but Mom. :rolleyes:

Her gut is doing very well! I clap and praise every time she poops just as if she has control over the consistency. LOL

Thanks for checking on us and I hope things are going good at your house!

Leslie and Trinket

Squirt's Mom
02-14-2011, 09:00 AM
Mornin' ya'll,

How many of you remember Jim Nabors and his goofy character, Gomer Pyle? Well, to borrow a famous Gomer line -


Our little Bauble is in heat! <fainting mama icon>

Whatever operation she has had, it wasn't to spay her. :rolleyes: I had noticed the signs for some days now but they just did not register until I saw blood on the sheets last nite. I was planning to take her in to have her checked for an UTI or crystals/stones. :o geez.....

So, today I am off to try to find a teenitsy diaper for her but I kinda doubt I will find one small enough for her little butt so any ideas to share? :p

Leslie and Trinket

02-16-2011, 09:22 AM

So that's what trinket was on about ...on face / book ;)

sorry Leslie ... i thought she was a boy !...[ chuckle ] :o

and he was marking his Territory...inside :eek:

Catherine ...Natcho

Truffa's Mom
02-19-2011, 11:54 PM
Just checking on your Trinket...wow, what a surprise!!!!
Hope you have found her a teensity diaper.
Tons of hugs from my house to yours, Luv'ya

02-20-2011, 11:55 AM
Omg - what a surpise!! But I want to know....WHO IS THE GUY???????? :D If worst comes to worst - you could always cut up pee pads:D
Anyway, it all gave me a much needed smile this morning. Is there a site "K9Mid-wifery";)
Lots of love,

03-01-2011, 01:29 PM
Okay girl, it has been way too quiet in Arkansas. Everything okay? Hopefully everything is fine and you are just taking a well deserved break.:)

Unless maybe you are working on a "poo" collage to enter in a local art fair:p I bet you could enlarge some of Trinkets poo photos and do a special effect on them and no one would ever know what they were looking at. LOL:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hoping Leslie and the girls are doing well and are sassy and happy and fine.

Love ya,

03-01-2011, 05:10 PM
waiting to hear from you. Hope all is well.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

Squirt's Mom
03-13-2011, 03:35 PM
Hi ya'll,

Trinket is doing so well! Her poops have been great and she remains as happy as a little lark. I have started adding some quinoa and organic yogurt to her morning meals and she has handled them just fine! I am gradually increasing the quinoa in the hopes I can get the amount high enough to really give her the benefit of this old grain and give her menu a bit more balance. She loves the stuff so that is good!

I have been so impressed with Slippery Elm! There have been a few occasions when her poop started showing a bit of a tail and I would give her a dose of the elm - next poop, no tail, just perfect again. I have taken it myself, too, with positive results.

Trink has discovered horse poop! She has always been fascinated by the horses but didn't realize they produced such lovely goodies til recently. :rolleyes: She rolls in it with relish, old or new, she ain't picky - it all smells delightful! The funniest thing she does is push small balls of it around with her nose. :p At first I thought she was "burying" it but then realized she was playing with it. She would push it away a bit then jump at it and push it again. Then she would just start rolling around with her nose. Finally, she barked at it, and came on over to the swing where I was sitting watching and laughing. Not sure why she barked - maybe to tell it to "STAY" 'cause she went right back to that same little ball the next time out! LOL She is such a hoot!

One of these days I am going to have to record feeding times at our house. Carrol has a thread started where this was talked about and I couldn't help but wonder what Saskia would think if she could see our feeding times! :D Both Squirt and Trink are very vocal while their food is being prepared. Squirt moans and groans and whines like doomsday is just around the corner and will from time to time have a barking spasm. Trink, well, Trinket is downright bossy about it and quite territorial about her spot. From the moment she realizes food is in the making she starts barking - and it is FULL body barking! She comes up off the floor with her front legs with each bark, jumping just a tiny bit. She spins and whirls around and around by her plate, barking the whole time. As long as Squirt stays on the other side of my legs from her and her plate, all is well. Let Squirt move that way and Katie bar the door! Trink is all over her in a flash! Of course, Squirt will have NONE of that from a pipsqueak so she jumps back. They don't fight or even make contact, they just really grip at each other! 9 out of 10 times it is Trink that has made the first move so she is the one who gets told, "no" most of the time. She is very good and knows exactly what that means. She will turn her back on me for a second then go back to "watching" the prep. The second Squirt makes a noise, Trink is right back to barking, bouncing and spinning. :D No one lines up and waits patiently for food at our house - including ME! LOL Tho I do my best not to whine, groan, or whirl! :D

We will be leaving sometime tomorrow to go get Brick so we will see how she handles a mad dashing road trip and the excitement of a new brother!

Leslie and Trinket, liberally doused in Eau De Horsepoop!

03-13-2011, 04:46 PM
Hahahaha Leslie, I wouldn't think a thing ;) You see, there's never a problem if you don't have a problem with it :D Of course, if they were my dogs, I know I would have a problem with that behaviour (it would truly drive me nuts!:eek:) and I would change it. But if you're okay with it, then there is no problem at all :p

Have a safe trip and by the way? Have I told you lately that I love you...? For all you do for those precious little creatures? If I haven't, I love you for it :D

Sas and Yunah :)

03-13-2011, 05:30 PM
I'm happy to say that Brick does not whine or bark when it's feeding time. He just has no idea which bowl is his and wags his way over to the first bowl he can find and it doesn't matter if somebody else is already eating out of it. :D I usually end up picking him up and placing him over his bowl so he can find it. I found out a few days ago that Brick is not a whimp. He ran into Jojo, like he runs into everything and everybody, and as expected Jojo turned on him and snarled. Brick lunged in Jojo's direction with a mean sounding snarl and I thought Jojo was going to have a stroke from fright. He plastered himself against the wall and screamed like somebody was killing him. Since that happened, Brick has run into Jojo about ten or twenty times and Jojo hasn't made a sound. :D:D:D

03-13-2011, 09:59 PM
That's so funny Glynda! These little guys just crack me up.
My daughter has a Maltese who thinks she is the cockess of the walk and such a drama queen, but little bitty Suni can wear her out in a heartbeat. It's a good thing they love each other, cause Sadie could really put Suni down if she wanted to. She (Sadie) is scared to death of the talking ball and won't go near it, but Suni chases that sucker all over the place and puts it in her bed when she is finished playing with it. I just adore the different personalities all the little ones have.

Can't wait to see how the "new kid" interacts with Squirt and Trink. Fun times ahead for Leslie.

Have a safe trip Les and am anxiously waiting for further updates.

Squirt's Mom
03-14-2011, 09:20 AM
Oh, goodness! I just howled with laughter reading about Brick and Jojo...then I felt bad for Jojo. :rolleyes: I have learned from Trink that the saying "dynamite comes in small packages" was probably coined for dogs that weigh less than 5 lbs! She is not afraid of anything or any one! Moe outweighs her by a good 50 lbs but just let him be standing where Trink wants to walk! :D One more than one occasion I have seen that big ole boy jump straight up off all fours when she barks! :p

At the moment she is lick-shining their breakfast dishes and mats. In a few minutes, I will start seeing a tiny white head and brown ears popping up over the edge of the couch as she bounces up to tell me she is ready to sit with me for a while now. :) Once on the couch with me, she will wipe her face on my leg then curl up for a short nap. Meanwhile, Squirt is on her bed under my legs watching the show...just in case it seems Trink has found something really worth eating! :p

I love our routines and think the girls do as well.

Leslie and Trinket

Squirt's Mom
04-11-2011, 11:49 AM
Hi ya'll,

Trinket continues to do really well with the colitis. No Baytril, etc. or diarrhea for quite some time now tho we have had a few tails and soft poops - slippery elm fixed it right up! ;) If she would stay out of the horse poop and stop snagging bites of Brick's kibble, we wouldn't have had those little problems. :rolleyes:;)

She has gone from the pup for whom I had to keep kibble in the bed to feed her bites through the nite to one who LOVES meal times...hers and everyone else's, too! :D It gives me no end of pleasure to see her enjoy eating as much as she does now. Tho since Brick came home, she has developed some territory issues about where her plate sits but she has no qualms about raiding his spot when she is finished eating - whether he is or not. :rolleyes: I have been working on adding some quinoa to her fish and sweet potatoes for some time and am happy to say she is eating quite a bit of the mix twice a day now with no problems whatsoever. I'm trying to decide what to start working on with her next to add to her menu. ;)

Sammy, my SILs male Brussels, was outside the other day when we were and Trink managed to engage him in play. It was really cute to watch! Then it got to looking a bit too flirty, too "sexy", to me, so I picked her up. :o Being mom to a teeny tiny unspayed female who really, really does not need to go under anesthesia again is strikingly familiar - like being mom to a female teen in the throes of puberty. :eek: They wouldn't let me anesthetize her, either. :rolleyes::p

Trinket is my little snuggle-bunny. She will come up to me on the couch or in bed and lay her little head on it's side on my leg. She will just stay that way for several seconds, waiting patiently for the hand to come down. If the hand doesn't come down, she flips the head over and the paw on the nose side comes up to gently tap one time then rests where it landed. She will again wait patiently. If the hand still doesn't come, she starts tapping that paw and rubbing with her head, pushing against me with her chest, and bouncing up and down on her back legs. If THAT isn't cute enough to get action, she climbs up on my chest as high as she can get and tucks her head under my chin. I have no idea what she would do next....it has taken all my will power and much time to learn this much. ;):D She has recently added a new Cutsie Trick to her repertoire - when I do start to pet her, she flops over on her back, and I mean FLOPS! Sometimes it's like she is spring-loaded she falls over so fast. :p Nine times out of ten, I end up picking her up at the first touch and holding her on my chest, nuzzling her with my chin and cheeks while I type one-handed. She would stay that way for hours, perfectly content. :cool:

All my babies have a unique voice, special sounds that are theirs alone. Trink's is a trill that she makes when she is glad to see me. I've heard a similar sound before somewhere - seems like it was on a Sci-Fi show of some sort...maybe Tribbles? Not sure. But it is the sweetest sound and one that never fails to make this old heart so very happy. It's almost worth leaving for a while just so I can come in the door to hear her trilling her greeting.

Leslie and Trink

04-12-2011, 01:06 PM
Hi Leslie,

I am so glad Trinket's colitis is better. The dietary indescretion always messes with things. Zoe will go look for crab apples and then I always have a mushy poo!!!!!!

The Easter Bunny added a suprise to your package. Hope you enjoy it.:D


04-12-2011, 06:11 PM
Oh Leslie,
It always warms my heart when I read your updates on the babies--very elaborate and never boring--you just have that knack for details--I love it.

So glad your little Bauble has come such a long way, but I had no doubt she would with you by her side. Keep up the great work.

Sending warm and tight hugs to all. Xo

Luv ya. Jeanette and Princess

Squirt's Mom
05-22-2011, 02:55 PM
Trink is fly hunting........

If you've never seen a blind dog fly hunt, it is pretty darn amazing! It is uncanny how quickly and accurately she can home in on the little buzzing nuisance and nail it! :cool::cool: She doesn't eat them, but kills them, drops them and waits for another if it has dared enter her domain. She has one cornered now and is bouncing from side to side, her head swiveling rapidly back and forth....HA! she got it when it tried to fly over her! :D:cool::cool::D Apparently that was the last one as she has laid back down and curled up, satisfied with a job well done. Now, Mom had to get up and throw the bodies in the trash! :p

The camper looks like a cotton ball factory with all the hair she is shedding! She still hates to be brushed but with the shedding it has to be done at least once a day to keep the mats out. I am thinking seriously about having her shaved, or at least trimmed real close, for the summer. Her coat grew in so pretty, tho, I'm not sure I can do that. :o I will probably wait to see how she handles the ARK humidity and heat before deciding.

Trink has a new nickname - The Littlest Bulldozer. :p She has started bulldozing her way into any and all petting sessions that don't involve her directly. She has pushed Brick over onto his side several times when I was lovin' on him and will even try it with Squirt, who just grumbles and pushes back. :D Mark and Carolyn's little dogs will give way to her when she does it to them but Moe ignores her other than to look down at her like "you gotta be kiddin' me!"

I was laying in bed the other day and started hearing this little voice, "yap!"....."yap!"....."yap! It came at fairly even intervals and had an odd ring to it so I got up to see what was going on. There was Trink laying on the floor at a corner where she had Brick trapped. He would start to walk around one direction and she would "yap!" so he would turn the other direction and she would "yap!" That happened about 4 more times as I watched then Mister Brickman had had enough, by George, and he lit into her! He started barking like mad and bouncing with every bark, his head thrown back and teeth bared. Trink sat up, cocked her head, then stood and went to her bed. LOL It was like she had accomplished her mission in getting to Brick and that was all she wanted! :p Kids.....:rolleyes::p

Leslie and The Littlest Bulldozer

Squirt's Mom
06-10-2011, 11:40 AM
Cat and I have started tinkering with Trinks diet this week....adding supplements to start, very slowly, one at a time. Calcium and kelp will be added first. So far, so good! The base of cod, sweet potato and quinoa will remain but we are getting the balance up to par with particular attention to the colitis and her kidneys. They have remained within normal range but the BUN is always at the high end.

Her coat grew in so thick and long - it was beautiful! Note the "was". :rolleyes: She has been burning up so Mom got the scissors out. At first, it was just to trim around her butt however that came out lopsided so I "fixed" it...all the way up to her ears! :p She is cooler but sure looks funny!

Roxee's Dad
06-10-2011, 05:30 PM
Her coat grew in so thick and long - it was beautiful! Note the "was". She has been burning up so Mom got the scissors out. At first, it was just to trim around her butt however that came out lopsided so I "fixed" it...all the way up to her ears! She is cooler but sure looks funny!

:eek::eek::eek: :(:(:( too bad Trink doesn't live closer to Uncle John ;)

06-12-2011, 08:24 AM
Trinket will still be beautiful even if she is lopsided:):):):)

I have resisted the urge to pick a scissors for my two. They would probably end up part bald:rolleyes::rolleyes:

If she is only a bit lopsided, I'd say you did a pretty good job;)


Squirt's Mom
07-01-2011, 04:55 PM
Hi ya'll,

I have been walking around for two weeks with this voice in my head screaming, "SHE DOES NOT HAVE CUSHING'S! SHE DOES NOT HAVE CUSHING'S!" :p I finally decided hypothyroidism was the problem since she is missing a couple of the cush signs - like drinking and peeing excessively....tho I would really expect to see those with thyroid issues, too. :rolleyes: But Trink's appetite has shot out the roof, her belly is a bit potty, and she is blowing her coat like crazy! So we call Dr B today. In the conversation, I tell them I know that she has worms as I have seen them in her stool the last day or so. Come to find out she has tape worms! :eek: So all three got a dose of Drontal Plus today and will get a second round in two weeks to make sure they are all dead. ~~shiver~~

It's funny....I have seen ticks but no fleas on any of the dogs but that is where these worms come from so they have to be here. I keep them on Advantix II in the summer as much as I hate using that stuff.

She may also have allergies. :rolleyes: There is a spot on her flank that she has been gnawing at and has made it sore. I have been using Vit E oil, coconut oil, and an anti-biotic ointment on that area and it looks much better tho the hair is completely gone from that spot. So she may be getting an allergy shot when the worming is over.

Her coat had come in so pretty it is really heart-breaking to see it now. :( Of course, my trim job didn't help either. :rolleyes:

We are hoping the worms are causing most if not all of the things I am seeing but if not, we will start labs to look for the cause.

I have a sneaking suspicion her diet is playing a role, too, in spite of beefing up the vitamin/mineral content so I have been working hard to get her on some good kibble - ugh. She has done fair so far; I got a bit heavy handed with it one day last week and we had a small flare up of the colitits but the SEB took care of it right away! Starting tomorrow, she will be on just about 1/2 and 1/2 kibble and home-cooked so we will see how she does with that for a week. If she does alright, I will add a bit more kibble next week. Gotta tippy-toe with colitis! ;)

But other than going bald, chewing on herself, and having worms she is doing well! :p Ain't life fun?!

Leslie and Trinket

07-01-2011, 08:09 PM
I hate not knowing for sure what's wrong and finding the things you are doing could be the wrong thing. Sounds like you have a pretty good handle on it right now though. So many things at once. I feel for you.

marie adams
07-01-2011, 08:54 PM
Leslie it is a good thing Trinket has you in her corner to watch over her. She might be good at fly catching but the tape worm thing not so good....:eek:

I am sorry to hear that is it the tape worm, but hopefully like you said that will cure the problems. I know you will do everything to make it right!!!:)

Right now I am wondering what the rash is on Ella's belly. Cannot narrow it done on the internet--couldn't wait to see the vet today and the vet tech I do not think even looked at it. Keeping it clean and putting Bag Balm and another ointment on it. Have you ever heard of using natural apple cider vinegar on rashes??? Read it somewhere...

Have a wonderful 4th of July!!!

07-02-2011, 08:22 AM
Girl, you have had your hands full for sure!!!!!!!!

I know how your feel about her coat, I felt the same way about Zoe's coat and tail, they were so pretty, especially her tail, now it has no hair. When my Mom comes over she looks at her with this sad look and says "she used to be so pretty" I try not to get upset with my mom, she is 87 so I just say, she is still beautiful to me, look at her face, she is still the most beautiful dog I have ever seen.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder;););););););)

I sure hope things calm down at your house. I going to have to look for another book for you to take your mind off things:D:D:D


07-04-2011, 06:27 PM
I wish beauty didn't matter so much to me but sadly it does. I look at my Kira and how oddly her fur has changed since her adrinal operation. She was so beautiful. It's aged her so much. I feel so sad. I guess we look at them and just think something is wrong. We just want them to be ok again.

Squirt's Mom
07-05-2011, 10:09 AM
My little bauble is one of the the most beautiful gals around - even if she loses all her hair and it never comes back, she will remain beautiful to me. ;) Of course, I think all my babies are the most beautiful in the world! :)

I get so mad when folks react badly to her or to Brick due to their "disabilities" and appearances. Some people have met Trink and think she is sooooo cute - until they get a good look at her face and realize she doesn't have any eyeballs. Then they are repulsed. It has been those same folks who won't even touch Brick. :mad: All I can say is - their loss! Dumb humans...........

Trink is doing very well on the diet adjustment; I am so proud of her! She still has a strong appetite, tho. The wormer hasn't upset her either and I expected that for sure. Her hair isn't coming out quite as thickly as it was. Every morning we sit outside and hand-strip and brush, and this morning there was less hair flying around AND the spot on her flank has new fuzzy hair coming in. :D I tried Deb's suggestion of Chamomile tea and it seemed to help. At nite, I take a cotton ball and gently wipe that area down then again after our morning brush session and she isn't licking it near as much. I knew Chamomile was internally calming but would have never thought it might have the same properties used topically. I learn something every day!

Leslie and Miss Trinkertoo

07-05-2011, 10:16 AM
Have you read "Homer's Odyssey (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002LLRE50/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=038534385X&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1AW85YM6ZWVYJAMHMKGP)"? I just read it and I LOVED it. I know it's about an eyeless cat, and not an eyeless dog, but I think you might enjoy it. :)

Squirt's Mom
07-05-2011, 11:02 AM
Hey Bettina,

At first, I thought you were talking about The Oddessy by Homer....that loooong boring tomb written 1000's of years ago. My thought was, "Yes, dear Bettina, I have read that, don't remember a blind cat in it, but am NOT wading thru THAT book again in THIS life!" LOL But I did go searching for references to a blind cat in Homer's tale and found the book you were actually talking about. :o;):D And, no, I haven't read that one but have added to my list of "wanna read". ;) Thanks!

I hope you and your kitties are doing well! You have done such a great job of taking on rescuing and helping to adopt out kitties for HART!


07-05-2011, 11:05 AM
Leslie - You made me laugh out loud! :D

I put a hyper link in my message to the book on Amazon. Mind you, I don't like to read, but bought a bunch of books to read while on vacation (I only read one, or technically, half of one book while on vacation) so I'm getting through them all. Just loved Homer and his antics.

Thanks for your kind words. There are so many people I've met on here and in my Lymphoma group, that do so much to help animals in need. YOU are no exception! :cool:

Roxee's Dad
07-05-2011, 02:09 PM
Hmmmmm... Homer's Odyssey Greek mythology... I loved that book. :o It was the first book I HAD to read and actually read in school. :rolleyes: It was the book and stories that made me like reading, boring at first, but then I really got in to it. It also gave me an interest in Greek Mythology :)

Now I will have to check out the cat book:)

Glad the kids are doing well. :D:D:D

Squirt's Mom
07-20-2011, 01:04 PM
Hi ya'll,

Well, Trink is down to 1 tbsp. of her fish menu and the rest kibble. She has done very well with the change, too! She had a few episodes of loose stool but no real diarrhea or blood at all. :) I have about decided her colitis was triggered by all the stress she experienced - the pain from her eyes, being mistreated, being dumped in a shelter, two surgeries - the last one very hard on her, being drug half way across the country with a strange new sister and really strange new mom to a strange new home....just all too much for her. Now that she has settled in and accepted her strange new family, she has done so much better. I can't believe it has been almost a YEAR since she came home! :)

She, along with Brick and Squirt, had the last round of worm medicine this past Fri. so that should all be cleared up now. Funny, this med didn't even cause her to get upset. She isn't losing as much hair now but there isn't as much to lose now! :p Her appetite has dropped just a teeny notch but is still strong - strong enough that I think there is more going on. Her appetite, hair loss and the change in it's texture make me think thyroid. Of course, her kidneys always remain in the back of my mind since her readings were so bad when she first got here. They have been much better over the last year but I still worry about them. :rolleyes: She is not gaining or losing any weight that I can tell.

So, I made her an appt. to have a CBC, chem panel and thyroid panel run. She goes in on Aug 4 and I will let ya'll know what I learn as soon as I can.

She is acting just fine - no changes in behavior, activity level, sleeping, drinking, peeing, etc. Just her coat and appetite. I have been so very happy to see her eating with pleasure and I hope she continues to eat well...just not with so much frenzy. She acts like she hasn't been fed since last week every meal! Otherwise, she is still my sweet, playful, loving little bauble!

Leslie and Trink

07-20-2011, 07:03 PM
Leslie, I dearly hope everything turns out for little precious Trinket and I am so glad to hear her colitis is better.

I am sure her blood work will be fine.


Squirt's Mom
07-21-2011, 10:24 AM
I noticed Trink scratching and then noticed the skin was black where she was scratching. Of course, you know where my mind went with the black skin. :rolleyes: On inspection, however, and with the help of my SIL, I learned her skin is NOT black but the wad of seed ticks are! :eek: I have doused her in alcohol then bathed her and have gotten most of them off. Her skin is very red and inflamed where they were. :(

Anyone have any input on getting rid of all of them? Apparently Advantix II isn't doing it's job. :mad: And that stuff is expensive!

I am going to let her rest for a bit then go back after the rest of them so any input is GREATLY appreciated.

She was sooo good about the alcohol and the bath. She just stood there and actually seemed grateful...I am sure she has some relief now but want to get rid of all of them today!

07-21-2011, 10:46 AM
Preventic collars.


If one pup has them, you will probably find them on the other 2 within the next few days. Chewy brought ticks with him when I adopted him from breed rescue in Texas. I actually found them on Barkley first. I was going nuts trying to get them off all 3 dogs, & was about ready to call the exterminator to fog/bomb my house & yards. Dr. Lewis, my derm vet, suggested these. He said they usually work very well, & that when the ticks find out they don't have a free meal, they will move somewhere else. He was absolutely right, probably in less than a week, I could find no ticks on anyone. I kept these collars on all the boys for probably another 6-8 months just to make sure. Haven't seen any of the nasty little things since that time.


07-21-2011, 11:44 AM
Oh poor Trink...and you :(

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "wad of seed ticks" but I asume it means something like "a whole bunch of baby ticks"? The only way to remove them is using tape to remove the ones that are not yet stuck in the skin and to remove the ones that have already bitten, with a special tweezer or other tick removal tool. Once removed, clean the skin with a Betadine solution to disinfect the area. Never use alcohol on ticks, that triggers them to "spit out" their (possibly contaminated) saliva into their victim. And that's exactly what you want to avoid due to all those nasty tickborm diseases which they release with their saliva..

The best working tick preventative, to the best of my knowledge, is the Scalibor tick collar. (http://www.scalibor-usa.com/)

Don't let using tick prevention in any form, set your mind at ease. Still check your dog(s) each time they have been outdoors for ticks :)

Sas and Yunah :)

Squirt's Mom
07-21-2011, 11:49 AM
Thanks, Debbie! I called Dr B's office after reading on the link and he said it is the only collar he will sell. One of his clients has had one that is still working nearly two years later! He said they carry the 25" which will probably cover all three of my babies as they can be cut. I didn't find any on Squirt or Brick but am not willing to take the chance. He also said you can take a knife or wire scrubby and reactivate the collar which is great!

So I am off to get collars!

I got to thinking while in the garden about Dinah, my Dane. She was a Harlequin which meant she was mostly white, like Trink. Dinah had more ticks, fleas, rashes, fungus', etc than any other baby I ever had and her vet said it was because of her coloring - white attracts bugs! That is why we are told to wear dark clothing when going into the woods during the summer - to help keep ticks off. ;)

Thanks, again, Debbie....

Leslie and buggy Trink

Squirt's Mom
07-21-2011, 11:55 AM
Thanks, Saskia!

Seed ticks are basically baby ticks. They are soft bodied, not attached as well, and usually come in wads - instead of finding a single tick on you, you will find 100's - 1000's of them! A person, or pet, sits, stands, or otherwise puts themselves in a bed of baby ticks and they attach by the hoards!

Here is a link that tells a bit about seed ticks - that may be a southern phrase. ;)


Leslie and Trink

Squirt's Mom
07-21-2011, 09:29 PM
In researching to be sure it is ok for Squirt to wear this collar while on all her meds and supplements, I ran across this info and wanted to share. The following link -


had this to say, in part -

What should I discuss with my veterinarian before applying Preventic Collar to my pet:
Preventic Collar should not be used if the pet is taking another MAOI such as Anipryl, Selegiline, or meperidine. Tell your veterinarian if your pet is diabetic or has any other medical conditions. Tell your veterinarian if your pet is pregnant or lactating.

What should I avoid while using Preventic Collar on my pet:
Do not use Preventic Collar on dogs less than 12 weeks of age. Consult a veterinarian before using the Preventic Collar on debilitated, aged, medicated, pregnant or nursing animals. Do not use Preventic Collar on dogs using other MAOI's such as Anipryl, selegiline, tricyclic antidepressants such as clomipramine or Clomicalm, SSRI's such as fluoxetine. Humans taking MAOI's or who are diabetic should use caution applying the collar.

Just FYI for others with tick problems considering this treatment. All collars may have similar info but since some of the meds are ones we are familiar with and because we do deal with diabetes, I wanted to pass it on.


07-21-2011, 09:35 PM
Leslie, I agree that this should be discussed with a vet if the pet is using any of these classes of meds. The one thing I can tell you is that the ticks were eating Barkley alive because of him being on chemo & his debilitated immune system. I might find a couple on the other dogs, but I could pull 8-12 off in B in one sitting. In reading the information on the collar, at that time, it clearly stated not to be used with an immunocompromised pet. In a panic, I called B's oncologist. The answer was put the collar on him, you have to do something to get rid of the little buggers as quickly as you can because if they're carrying anything B will more than likely get it.


Squirt's Mom
08-04-2011, 08:35 AM
Hi ya'll,

Our Little Bauble goes to see Dr. B this morning for labs. I am nervous about what they may find but am also convinced her diet was a big part of the things I am seeing. She is improved but still not "right".

The spot where all those seed ticks were feels really weird. The skin is harder and kind of leathery there but no hair loss. There are also a lot of little tiny yellowish granules in that area. So I want him to look at that, too.

I'll let ya'll know what I learn as soon as I can. I dreamt last nite that she was diabetic...which absolutely terrifies me. :o I got out of bed and found her in the box asleep. We got back in bed and cuddled while I promised her I would learn anything I have to for her. I think she believed me. ;)

Leslie and Trink

Squirt's Mom
08-04-2011, 01:04 PM
We are back and good news for the most part. Thyroid is fine, glucose is approaching high but ok for now. BUN is higher but creatinine is lower. Her platelets are high and hematocrite is borderline low so she is borderline thrombocytosis but Dr B isn't worried about that yet.

I found out that HeartGuard that I have been giving all of them is not working and the company knew it wasn't working back 6-8 years ago! :eek: So they have all got to be tested and started on a new heart worm med next month. They will be getting a shot every 6 months VS a pill/chew monthly.

I have the info on this and will post her test results and the info on HeartGuard later.

All in all, I am relieved by the test results. I am now convinced the things I have been seeing are caused by diet.....I left her on the colitis diet way too long. :( Bad Mama. :mad::(:mad::( But she is doing alright on the kibble and I hope the next tests in a few months will show some improvements.

Leslie and Trinket

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-04-2011, 02:43 PM
I'm glad you got mostly good news! A few years ago my dogs were getting a shot for the heartworm that was taken off the market as it was causing bad side effects (but I can't remember what they were).

eta: I googled it. Found an article that said it was taken off the market because 6 months of medication was too much for the dogs to handle at once. I think Jenny's shot was annual

did the vet say how this shot is different from that shot?

I am stunned about the Heartguard. wow


08-04-2011, 02:49 PM

If you have some of the old Seven Vegatable Garden Dust laying around you can sprinkle that right on your pet or carpet. The ingrediant in it is nontoxic to humans and pets and will dry up any pesky critters. Read the label of what you have though it will say it ok for pets and don't go out and buy the new Seven because they changed the new formula and it is not safe for pets. They have similar products at the pet store or online that are non toxic powders such as "Diatomaceous Earth" for about $16 that you can rub into your pets fur or leave in the carpet that will take care of the problem non toxicly...is that a word?

Rene & Snoop

Squirt's Mom
08-04-2011, 06:08 PM
Hi ya'll,

Here is the info on HeartGard that Dr. B gave me today -

Heartworm preventive efficacy study results revealed at NAVC

In the following study HeartGard is Ivermectin/Pyrantel (group #1); Advantage Multi is imidacloprid/moxidectin (group #4)


This is the article from the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Dr. B gave me but to read the whole article you have to pay. A lawsuit has been filed against Merial, maker of HeartGard, by a former employee of that company. The lawsuit says, ““Merial has been aware of a serious lack of efficacy” since 2002, even as it continued to market HeartGard as “100% effective”. “ A study found that 20% of dogs treated with HeartGard “regularly contracted heartworms”. The article also says, “It’s not just the number of heartworm larvae that concern Delta veterinarians There are a growing number of anecdotal reports suggesting heartworms in South-Central states are resistant to medication, said R. Kelly Schwalbe, a spokesman for the Companion Animal Parasite Council.”

Advantage Multi is what Dr. B uses now plus the shots, which I think are called ProGuard (?). He said it is the same ingredients as Advantage Multi but is an injection that lasts 6 months. It is less expensive than the tablets, too.

I am going to make a separate post in EE about this so folks who don't follow Trink will still know about it.

We are exhausted so we are off to bed!

Leslie and Trink

08-05-2011, 01:32 PM
Glad to hear Trinket is okay. We used Heartguard too so will have to switch for Koko. Zoe always got loose stools from the Heartguard:eek:

Thanks for posting all the info. Boy, we sure have to keep up with it all, don't we?

I am so happy Trink is doing well on her kibble. That is wonderful news, Leslie:):):)

Hugs from our house,

Squirt's Mom
08-10-2011, 03:32 PM
Well, there is no question that turkey cannot be part of Trinket's diet. Yesterday, I had baked a turkey for Squirt's food and when pulling the meat off, some of it went flying and landed right in front of Trink on her bed. Naturally, she scarfed it up! :p Last nite she had a loose, mucousy stool and then immediately diarrhea. No blood this time, thank goodness. She's gotten SEB last nite and this morning and didn't get to eat breakfast this morning which has upset her terribly! :p Tonite we will start back with a few kibble then if the morning is alright, she will get a few more for breakfast. But NO MORE TURKEY! :rolleyes:

marie adams
08-11-2011, 12:36 PM
Hi Leslie,

It is always an adventure!!!

I am not going to put Ella on heartworm medicine. The vet said in all her years she has had 3 cases of it. She said we do not have the right kind of misquitos here in So Cal and if I am not planning on taking Ella out of the area not to worry. I am giving her Comfortis for the fleas even though I haven't seen one yet....hate to given them anything!!!! :eek:

Love your new Avatar!!!

Yay for Trinket feeling better--that darn Turkey!!!

Squirt's Mom
08-25-2011, 11:54 AM
Hi ya'll,

After much delay, here are Trink's lab results from Aug. 2010 and then in Aug. 2011 -


Aug. 2010

ALB 4.3 2.5 – 4.4 g/dl
ALP 580* 20 – 150 u/l
ALT 103 10 – 118 u/l
AMY 421 200 – 1200 u/l
TBIL 0.3 0.1 - .0.6 mg/dl
BUN 11 7 – 25 mg/dl
CA 11.1 8.6 – 11.8 mg/dl
PHOS 5.2 2.9 – 6.6 mg/dl
CRE 0.6 0.3 – 1.4 mg/dl
GLU 125* 60 – 110 mg/dl
NA+ 147 138 – 160 mmol/l
K+ 5.8* 3.7 – 5.8 mmol/l
TP 7.0 5.4 – 8.2 g/dl
GLOB 2.7 2.3 – 5.2

Aug. 2011

ALB 3.9 2.5 – 4.4 g/dl
ALP 68 20 – 150 u/l
ALT 68 10 – 118 u/l
AMY 456 200 – 1200 u/l
TBIL 0.3 0.1 - .0.6 mg/dl
BUN 31* 7 – 25 mg/dl
CA 10.0 8.6 – 11.8 mg/dl
PHOS 3.6 2.9 – 6.6 mg/dl
CRE 0.8 0.3 – 1.4 mg/dl
GLU 109 60 – 110 mg/dl
NA+ 144 138 – 160 mmol/l
K+ 4.7 3.7 – 5.8 mmol/l
TP 5.9 5.4 – 8.2 g/dl
GLOB 1.9* 2.3 – 5.2

Thyroxine (T4)/Cholesterol Test
T4 1.5 1.1 – 4.0 ug/dl
CHOL 220 125 – 270 mg/dl

Hematology Results
HCT 37.8 37.0 – 55.0 %
HGB 12.8 12.0 – 18.0 g/dl
MCHC 33.9 30.0 – 36.9 g/dl
WBC 8.8 6.0 – 16.9 x10(9)/L
GRANS 5.8 3.3 – 12.0 x10(9)/L
%GRANS = 66%
NEUT 4.5 2.8 – 10.5 x10(9)/L
EOS 1.3 0.5 – 1.5 x10(9)/L
L/M 3.0 1.1 – 6.3 x10(9)/L
%L/M = 34%
PLT 603 175 – 500 x10(9)/L
Retics = 0.6%


As always, input appreciated!

She is doing much, much better! Hair regrowing, no more sore spots or itchy spots; she still has a strong appetite but not as bad as it was. And always my little snuggle bug! :D

Leslie and Trink

Squirt's Mom
08-26-2011, 09:53 AM
Something occured to me last nite - these first values say they are from August 2010 - but Trinket wasn't here in Aug. '10! She didn't get her until Sept. so that date is not right....so I now question the values themselves - are they Trink's? :confused: I will have to call Dr Bs office and see what's up with this.

08-28-2011, 08:52 AM
Hi Leslie,

I can't help with the test results but glad to hear Trinket is feeling better and her hair is better.

Zoe's bun was 32 the last test and IMS said she was not worried about it, could be a bit of deydration she said.

Sorry to hear Trink got sick on turkey, that is usually so bland (the white meat). Maybe she is like Zoe, where something new in her diet can give her a bit of a problem.


Squirt's Mom
08-28-2011, 09:27 AM
Hi Addy,

Thanks for the reply! I did learn that the machine just picks up a date one year earlier regardless of when the test was actually given. So when they got copies from the machine to compare to the last labs, the machine just dated it one year from then.

I don't like seeing the BUN that high but I also know it can be affected by so many things, including hydration. Trink doesn't drink a lot so that may be part of her high results that day. (I don't like seeing any abnormal values! :p ) Her creatinine is much better than it was when I got her, and has remained good, so I am happy with that - no support for the kidney failure the vet in CA was concerned about. :):cool:

Dr. B explained the GLOB to me during our visit, too, but I can't remember what he said....something about healing or fighting infection maybe? I hoped Debbie or someone would stop by to explain it and the hemotology results.

The turkey incident cemented in my mind an allergy to turkey. When the colitis first showed up, she was on a diet based on dark turkey meat. During the worst of the colitis, I had to be careful not to stir her food with the same fork I used to stir Squirt's or she would have a big flare up. I make it a point to stir Trink's food first to prevent what seems to be a reaction to Squirt's food. Squirt's menu is based on white turkey meat. That little piece of turkey that flew onto her bed :rolleyes: was a real treat for Trinket....to eat, but had a negative effect on her gut. The odd thing is, her kibble is chicken so maybe it's not a poultry allergy but specifically turkey - tho at the moment I don't understand how that would work. :confused:

This little girl is such a blessing in my life. When we went to bed last nite, it was like she knew my heart needed to be lightened so she was a real clown for a while! She wiggled under the covers, down by my leg, then she would start twisting and flipping her way back up to my shoulder, growling and trilling the whole time. If I reached out to touch her, she would freeze and flop on her back, exposing her belly for a rub. When I stopped touching her, she immediately started twisting, flipping, growling and trilling again. :p She looked and sounded like an insane Albino otter! :p:D:p At the first sign of life this morning, she flopped across my neck, trilling and snuggling, ready to start another day.

Leslie and Trinkertoo

08-29-2011, 01:21 PM
I don't like seeing the BUN that high but I also know it can be affected by so many things, including hydration. Trink doesn't drink a lot so that may be part of her high results that day. (I don't like seeing any abnormal values! )

I know what you mean, I tried not to get worried when they told me about Zoe's but the IMS was so calm about it I felt better. It is still always in the back of my mind but she had been drinking less water with her treatment so made sense:) So hopefully beautiful little Trink just needs more H2O:):):)

They can read us like a book, our babies. I am glad you got some smiles and extra cuddle antics. If Zoe crawls on my chest in the morning then I know I will have a good day;)

Hugs and love,

marie adams
08-29-2011, 02:03 PM
Hi Leslie,

So very happy Trinket is feeling better!!!

I love those morning snuggles and kisses--just makes your day so much better!!!

08-31-2011, 07:27 AM
Awwww Leslie,
Its no wonder you feel Trinket is a blessing in your life, because she truly is, and I think she feels the very same way about you, and why she is so full of love...you deserve each other.

Love you all.

Xo Jeanette and Princess

Squirt's Mom
10-20-2011, 05:29 PM
One thing I have learned this go 'round with Trink's "time of year" is that her appetite falls off. It worried me, of course, especially since I had just switched her to Avoderm. She seemed to like the little bag so I bought a big bag and she went off her feed. :rolleyes: BUT her time is ending and she is eating better today. She has had me feeding her in the bed at nite again just to get her to eat. I am so easily trained! :p:D:p

10-20-2011, 06:05 PM
LOL Leslie -

yes us moms are trained all so well!! My girl eats at night in her bed also - glad Trinke is eating better today! Its a joy when they eat well - we feel so much better for sure!!

10-21-2011, 01:34 AM
So feel so bad Leslie ...having same problem with lara...she is on heat for the first time.. very picky with food , only eats from our hand with Natcho standing guard :rolleyes: getting sterilized in Jan / 2012 .;)
Catherine .

10-21-2011, 01:20 PM
Our little baubble should be able to easily train you, she has the looks and all the right moves:D:D:D:D;);););)

I hope she is back to enjoying her Avoderm real soon.


Squirt's Mom
11-12-2011, 08:07 PM
Hi ya'll,

Not sure if there is something in the air here or what but I have been having problems getting Trink to eat again...like some others on the board. ;) I have had several little tricks up my sleeve that have worked until recently. Now no matter what I try, she isn't eating enough to please me - well, enough to keep me from worrying. :o

She needed to lose a bit of weight, she and Brick both, so I switched them to the AvoDerm - plus it was a bit less expensive when I first bought it however that was just the new-item-in-the-store price and it is now as high as the RC. She wasn't thrilled with the AvoDerm to start with then she started scratching at her back and her coat there got an oily look to it, so I put her back on the RC. I thought she would go back to eating well with the change back, but she hasn't. Her itching is a little bit better, tho, and the oiliness is much better.

I changed her plate (remembering how Goldie was :rolleyes::D); I wash her plate after every meal to make sure the salmon oil smell is gone; I have tried different locations (again, memories of Goldie); I fed her in the bed; I fed her on my pillow; I fed her in my lap; I have sat and hand-fed her one kibble at a time; I have tried adding SEB. As a last resort and only when she has missed most of two meals (she will have eaten a few kibbles), I will add a drop of dark Karo syrup and some water. All of these things will work from time to time - but nothing works consistently. She has an appetite because she will clean Squirt's bowl and beg for anything I or others are eating, plus she does the bark-n-dance mealtime routine just as excitedly as before.

In an effort to save money, I have cut Squirt's home cooked in half and feed her some kibble along with it so I really can't afford to start cooking for Trink right now, tho if I have to in order to get her to eat again, I will do what I can. I'm going to cook some sweet potato tomorrow as a topper for her and see if that helps. Then I will try some canned feed as a topper if it doesn't. If anyone has any ideas/thoughts/tricks to share, I'm all ears! :)

One observation about the AvoDerm - I use the small bite variety feeds and the bites of the AD are extremely small, the smallest I recall seeing. This isn't an issue for Brick, who eats one kibble at a time, chewing each one in a contemplative pose like a true gentleman. :D However, for Miss Piggy and Trink, they are too small. Squirt doesn't chew any of them, I don't think, and Trink chews only a portion; some she swallows whole...even during her not-wanting-to-eat phase recently. The RC is large enough that the girls have to chew yet is still small enough for their mouths.

Leslie and Trink

11-12-2011, 08:20 PM
Leslie - yup something in the air for sure - I hate it as you know when they do not want to eat - well Penny started eating again - the only thing is she only wants to eat for my husband - go figure - I am with her day and night and she wont eat for me any more -- well I can send David over to see if Trink will eat for him!!:D:D But on the serious side Penny seems to like her Wellness wtih alittle bit of canned and I have to add Roast Beef or chicken to it - I know that the beef isnt the best thing but she needs to eat - she lost 5 - 6 lbs not that she didnt need to but I need to keep up on the food especially if they are talking about using lyso - my aunt that has the pup has the same problem and added a bit of baby food to the kibble and he ate - again I dont know if that if ok but he is eating now --Hope Trink starts to eat for you - it is frustrating for sure --- Hugssssssss xo

Harley PoMMom
11-12-2011, 10:50 PM
Maybe add water or broth to her kibble letting it soak in and then microwaving it a bit, sometimes the warmth will make the aroma of the food more intense and smell better to their noses.

Hope Trink starts eating better for her loving mommy.

Sending huge hugs, Lori

11-13-2011, 10:04 AM
Zoe always turned her nose up at kibble. I would always have to put some cooked chicken mixed in for her to eat it. I thought Lori's idea was a good, low cost place to start.:):):)

Sorry to hear Trink's appetite is off. That is so hard. Are sardines inexpensive? You get the fish oil benefit and yucky smell. I bought a tin for zoe two years ago but then never tried it. They probably would not keep long enough, Trink is so small.

You could email Honest Kitchen for some free samples and mix a tiny bit up at a time and mix it in. I used a teaspoon of the food BID and the free sample bag lasted almost 2 weeks. The Zeal is fish and sweet potato and green beans and fruit and has a nice stink to it:D:D:D Just tell them you are considering using their food and ask a question about it and they send you free samples.:D:D:D


Squirt's Mom
11-13-2011, 12:01 PM
Thanks, ya'll! I did use the water and heating trick this morning; she ate it all in one sitting. YAY! So I will try that again tonite.

Funny, I have been looking at feeds online and making a list of those I want to ask for samples from! Great minds...:D She loves cod but turns her nose up at salmon and sardines. :rolleyes:

Leslie and Trink

11-13-2011, 01:04 PM
So glad Trinket ate!!! yeah!!!!! I tried to feed Penny this AM wont eat for me - so David fed her he ---

Puts the roast beef and water in mirco
Puts dry food and alitte canned in her dish
pours the heated roast beef and juice over the food
Mixes it and she eats!!!!

I did that but I just put it all in the bowl and heated - wow the way you prepare it makes a big difference!!!!!

Guess so -- it worked for you with Trink by heating it up!!!! LOL LOL

Hope Trink keeps eating!!!!!! Hugsssss

marie adams
11-14-2011, 11:24 AM
Hi Leslie,

What we do to make them eat!!!:D Of course we will do anything it takes.

So glad Trink is eating!!!! You are the best!!!!:):)

Squirt's Mom
02-07-2012, 06:47 PM
Hi ya'll,

In spite of her days when she doesn't want to eat, our little bauble has gained over a pound since her last visit! :eek: So she is going on a diet and exercise plan tomorrow...tonite we have pie in bed. :p

Trinket's labs are all good. BUN still running a bit high but still normal, creatinine very good! :):) However, her glucose and sodium are off - not as bad as Brick's, tho, so no catching urine under her low riding, hairy butt. :D

GLU 115 Normal 80 - 110
NA+ 136 Normal 138 - 160

She gets stressed at the vets so Dr B feels her glucose level is a result of that but we are going to keep an eye on it especially in light of her days when she has no appetite. I plan to have it checked the next time she does that. ;) I am hoping both their results today are the result of the feed they are eating.

I'm exhausted from being at vets all day so we are going to bed asap.

Leslie and Trinket

02-07-2012, 07:13 PM
Enjoy your pie:D:p and hope you get a good nites sleep!!

Hugs xoxo

02-09-2012, 07:04 AM
Leslie, you must be totally fried form all the vet visits. I hope the pie was delicious:D:D:D Pie in bed, I am trying that tonight;);););)


Squirt's Mom
04-11-2012, 10:06 AM
Hi ya'll,

I need some help.

They left a tear duct in Trink's eye when they took out her eyes and it has started really bothering her recently. I have picked up the phone and started dialing Dr B several times a day for a couple of weeks now but just can't bring myself to complete the call. I am terrified of putting her under anesthesia again after nearly losing her last time. Yes...I know, she had been given a lot of it during that period, and that she was under some awful stress all around, and that things have changed for her, and that Dr. B has said he can use gas which will be safer and easier to gauge the amount needed...but I am still scared to pieces. :(

So, ya'll work your magic and tell me I'm being a goof as usual and to get off my butt and take care of this. OR tell me I'm right to be so scared and let it go as is.

Leslie and Trinkertoo

04-11-2012, 10:39 AM
Gosh Leslie, I hate it that you and Trink have a new worry!!! :(

But if I were you, I'd go ahead and talk to Dr. B sooner rather than later. Bear in mind that you don't have to move forward with any procedure until/unless you are ready to do so. But Dr. B will be better able to tell you what the ramifications may be about waiting. As much as I understand why you HATE the prospect of any anesthesia for Trink, she may be better off having the tear duct handled now rather than risking an infection or other inflammatory issue developing. In other words, a less involved procedure now would hopefully involve less anesthesia than a more complicated procedure would require if things get out of hand.

Since Dr. B is such a trustworthy ally, I really do think it would be best to go ahead and give him a call. :o


04-11-2012, 01:33 PM
Well, I understand the fear totally but Marianne has a good point of taking care of it now before it possibly gets complicated. Just have the conversation and then you can think about what was said.

We will hold your hand while you make the phone call. See, I have your hand ((((holding))))) and then we can discuss the options.

Last week, it dawned on me I spend a LOT of time worrying, worrying about things and then they dont even happen. I realized I spent all that time worrying for no reason.

Sometimes we just have to get past that and it is HARD:eek::eek:

So, here we all are, worrying with you and holding your hand and then we can decide if you really need to worry.:D:D:D

I also decided it is not good to worry alone.


Harley PoMMom
04-11-2012, 04:36 PM
I agree with Addy and Marianne in finding out if the tear duct will cause any issues and then base an opinion on this.

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers...sending huge and loving hugs, Lori

marie adams
04-11-2012, 08:27 PM
Hi Leslie,

I am also going to agree with everyone. Find out the info and then make a good decision for Trinket.

Hugs to you!! :)

04-11-2012, 08:38 PM
Oh god Leslie, I'm shaking in my boots too for you! Took out her eyes?!! =8-0 The only advise I have is take a fist full of valume (sp?) and make the call. And keep talking to us. Please please please be ok Trink!

04-11-2012, 08:38 PM
Hi Leslie,

I know you are aware of this already but when Trinket's first eye was removed, she was back to her sweet self within 24 hours. It was like nothing happened. I don't believe she will be any different if you let Dr. B do the surgery. The problem was putting her under for a second surgery within days of the first. This was really bad and I'm still kicking myself over that one. I predict she will be fine under Dr. B's care.

Truffa's Mom
04-12-2012, 03:47 AM
Ditto with everyone, I will be sending you and our sweet bauble tons of prayers.

Squirt's Mom
04-12-2012, 09:19 AM
Thank ya'll so much for being here. I know this fear is not rational, but it is very real.

Leaving the socket as it is wouldn't be a problem. The lid is mostly sealed except for the very corner where this tear duct remains. Fungus' are the main possible problem, infection next, injury to the lid and inner socket next. With the boney plate behind the eyeballs, injury through the socket into the skull is unlikely. The issue is her comfort - I don't have the right to let my fears make her live with something that makes her uncomfortable. So I will keep trying until the call is completed and the surgery scheduled.

I cling to a future with my itty bitty girl with the tightest of holds. I know that Squirt and Brick will more than likely have to leave before Trink. So the thought of her not waking up is just horrendous. Selfish, huh?

Thanks again. I love you all.
Leslie and Trink

04-12-2012, 09:39 AM
I cling to a future with my itty bitty girl with the tightest of holds. I know that Squirt and Brick will more than likely have to leave before Trink. So the thought of her not waking up is just horrendous. Selfish, huh?

No, you're just a big hearted woman who loves her furbabies to the nth degree. You seem to forget who you are talking to here. :D

04-12-2012, 04:05 PM
Not selfish at all. It is very real. It's ok to give yourself time to be ok with it. You'll look at her and know I have to do something now. I knew Kira had been hurting all week. I knew I needed to do something. But probably there is nothing safe or easy that will help. So I put it off. Then she let out a good yelp and I'm on the phone two minutes later. Youll find your way Leslie. It's ok.

04-12-2012, 08:07 PM
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))

Janis is right, you will find your way. Fear of the unknown. You will work it through.

love you,

04-14-2012, 06:07 AM
Thinking about you lots Leslie. ((((((hugs))))))

Squirt's Mom
04-16-2012, 09:43 AM

Trink has an appt this morning at 10:30 for a pre-surgery check. If all is ok, it will be done today or tomorrow.

Now...where is my Xanax??????

04-16-2012, 11:36 AM
Good luck with Trinket today. Hugs, JoAnne

04-16-2012, 11:56 AM
I'll be thinking of you both today and tomorrow. Positive thoughts and prayers for an uneventful procedure and speedy recovery.


Squirt's Mom
04-16-2012, 12:38 PM
We are back and no surgery this week anyway. :):):) The gland and third eyelid are inflamed so we came home with evil eye drops - they have _mycins and dex in them. :eek: But that's seems to be the best option to maybe avoid the surgery altogether. After examining her eye this morning and seeing the inflammation, he is hoping that is the cause of her discomfort and by reducing it surgery won't be needed. He didn't see any injury or debris. So we go back next week to see if the drops have helped...if not, then surgery will more than likely be done to see if that will let that lid seal and give her some relief. She doesn't show any other signs of allergies but that is a possibility as well since it started with the spring bloomings.

She was so good when Dr B put the drop in while in the office but you just watch! She will turn into a possessed Great Dane when I do them! :p

Leslie (who can breath for a week again) and Miss Trink

04-16-2012, 01:15 PM

Glad to hear no surgery yet. Zoe's third eye lid was so inflamed, eye doc numbed her eye and took a tweezers and pulled that third eye lid out a bit and it looked so sore underneath, like red meat:eek::eek: Eye doc told me that usually indicates allergies- Zoe got Fluribofren (not sure of spelling) for that. He called it allergic conjunctivitis.

She was on the triple antibiotic the week before- hers did not have the dex. Her eye got worse!!!:eek::eek::eek:

I hope Trinket gets better on the antibiotic. Zoe's eyes look better already. I have to watch them becaase of the Fluribofren (again I think I spelled it wrong).


04-16-2012, 06:18 PM
Ohhh. Little Trink and mommy. All I saw was the email message saying you were going to brave the vet today. So I dashed right here! I sure hope the dreaded drops work and Trink doesn't rip your arm off in the process. Naughty Trink. Doesn't she realize what this could save her from? Best of wishes with your wrestling matches. I'd love to hear about them! (((((hugs)))))) and bandages?

04-20-2012, 08:16 AM
Hey Leslie,

How is Trink doing with her drops? You guys okay??????

love ya,
addy, zoe and koko

marie adams
04-20-2012, 11:10 AM
Hi Leslie,

It has been about 5 days on drops--do you see any changes? Please Please say yes!!!:D

Is she as possessed as a Great Dane or being a good little girl for you? I hope a good little girl!!!:D

Take care you are almost at the end of the race with the eyes and hopefully no surgery!!!


Harley PoMMom
04-20-2012, 11:35 AM
Hey Leslie,

How is Trink doing with her drops? You guys okay??????

love ya,
addy, zoe and koko

Me wanna know too! :)

Squirt's Mom
04-20-2012, 12:25 PM
Hi ya'll,

Thanks for asking about Trink! :)

She is doing much better. In fact, I stopped the drops for a day but started them back that nite when she started rubbing her face again. :rolleyes: The drops just give me the hibbie-gibbies but if she needs them, she'll get them...until I find a viable alternative. ;)

The duct isn't life-threatening and if it hadn't started causing her discomfort, I wouldn't have worried too much about it. My main concern is that the duct keeps the lid from completely sealing - it remains open in the corner of that socket, which makes it susceptible to fungus' and infections, as well as debris and injury. When she first came home I bought some of those baby wash clothes that are super soft and I use them to wash her face and eyes just about every day. But I think the pollen this year was just too much for it. Sooooo, I'm working on finding some sort of mild wash I can use that will help with inflammation and allergies that I can use instead of just water. If this will help and she can get off the drops, the surgery can probably be put off indefinitely, if not forgotten. But, if it looks like she will have to stay on drops like the one she's on now, then the duct will more than likely come out.

Trinket has been pretty good this time around! Of course, last time she had 2 drops and an ointment that had to be put in four times a day each so she was put through that a LOT each day. This time, its only twice a day plus her colitis is doing well enough that she can have a small treat and usually have no trouble. So she knows when we are done, she gets a "bite". That's not to say it's easy now - she still fights and we both end up wet...but I'm sure some of it ends up where it's supposed to! :D I told someone that I think it would be just as successful to simply squirt the stuff toward her face! :p But, she's getting lots of extra cuddles because I don't want her getting the idea that every time I pick her up something is going to happen that she does not like.

Squirt can see the treat bag when I get one out for Trinket and she wants one naturally. Brick can't see the bag but he could hear the crunching and smell the goodies...he's learned to associate the sound of the treat bag being opened to getting some himself. So, they all three get treats now when Trink gets her drops. And, yes, they all three remain absolutely, completely and totally, unspoiled. :p

Leslie and Miss Trink

04-20-2012, 04:37 PM
Hang in there mom! We are all smiling at you!

When I lost Mira I was giving her anything she wanted. That included lots of peanut butter. As a result Kira was getting lots of peanut butter too. Yikes! I know how that goes.

I like the squirting from a distance idea. Just try to hold a uncooperative huskies head still!

Squirt's Mom
05-18-2012, 02:02 PM
Hi ya'll,

You may have heard that we have a new baby in the house - Tasha. She was left with our vet when her mom died and I learned today she has breast cancer. Trinket has not been spayed and I cannot stand the thought of her ending up the same way, so I bit the bullet and made an appt. for Tues. to have her spayed. I'm also going to see if he can take care of her eyelid at the same time so she hopefully won't ever need to go under anesthesia again.

Please keep her in your prayers; I'll let ya'll know how things go.

Leslie and our Little Bauble

05-18-2012, 06:44 PM
Hugs and prayers dear Leslie. I know how worried you are. We will all be with you.

Do we have a picture of Tasha? Thank the Lord she found her way to you.


05-19-2012, 03:42 AM
I hadn't heard! Welcome to Tasha! I hope she will be ok!

My Sasha wasn't spayed until she was 6 or 7. She did get breast tumors and we had them removed and she went on to live 15 1/2 years! Back then we couldn't do tests. We never had the tumors tested. We got lucky. Good idea to get all this done before something goes wrong.

I'm praying your babies! Your doing the right thing.

Squirt's Mom
05-20-2012, 04:20 PM
Addy - I just posted an album for Tasha; she's playing with her favorite toy. For an older gal, she still has some bouts of real energy and spunk!

05-20-2012, 05:27 PM
Will be hoping and praying that all goes smoothly and comfortably for Trinket and you too. (((HUGS)))

05-20-2012, 08:45 PM
Hanging out with you, holding your hand, checking out Tasha, she is sooooooo cute!!!!! And she looks so happy:D:D


calming vibes being sent your way,

Squirt's Mom
05-21-2012, 06:53 PM
Well, the Xanax are all laid out in neat little rows and I have talked with vet's office this afternoon. So, gulp, all systems are GO!

He is going to look at fixing the eye as well; as long as she is doing well, things don't look too complicated, and she hasn't been under very long he will take care of it.

I will keep in touch tomorrow and let ya'll know how things go! Please keep her and Dr B in your prayers.

Leslie and Trink

05-21-2012, 07:13 PM
still holding your hand, Leslie, everything will be fine.

sending positivies vibes your way

love and prayers for you and Trinket

05-21-2012, 07:26 PM
You gotta know that I'll be saying prayers for Trink, Dr. B and you. I'm sure Trinket will ace the surgery(s).

(((Huge hugs with consoling "there, there pats" on the back)))

05-22-2012, 06:25 AM
Leslie, I am holding sweet little Trinket in my prayers all day today. And my heart is with you!

Many, many hugs!

05-22-2012, 06:36 AM
We are with you dear Leslie. Fluttering everywhere. Love, Kim

Squirt's Mom
05-22-2012, 08:01 AM
Just enough time to drink a cigarette and smoke a cup of coffee before we leave.

Thank ya'll so much....I can never find the words to say how much you each mean to me. My babies are so grateful you keep their mom halfway sane. :)


05-22-2012, 08:13 AM
Ohhhhh, I can pretend to smoke one with you, I can almost taste that goold ole nicotine;)

Still holding your hand, got the car fired up yet? Ready to go?


Squirt's Mom
05-22-2012, 11:36 AM
:D:D:D:D:D:DTrinket is awake!!!:D:D:D:D:D

Doc couldn't fix her eye, tho - he said he would do more damage than good at this point but not sure what he meant by that; message relayed via tech. I pick Trink up this afternoon around 2. :D:D

05-22-2012, 11:37 AM

05-22-2012, 11:39 AM
Double Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-22-2012, 01:12 PM
triple yea and a whole bunch of waaahooooooos


05-22-2012, 01:34 PM
ok, sorry we're a little late, but, quadruple yays and wahoos from us too...:d

and tight hugs too.

Xo jeanette and princess

Squirt's Mom
05-22-2012, 03:49 PM
Trinket is home!! :D:D

She's shaking and sleepy but ok! :D

Dr B looked at the duct and decided since it isn't bothering her any more, and has only bothered her one time in the nearly 2 years she's been home, if it was his dog he wouldn't do it. Odds are, it was the pollen this spring that got it inflamed and she responded well to the drops so that is what we will do if it happens again. If it gets inflamed and the drops won't help, then we will revisit the surgery. ~~whew~~ Now I "need" to worry about is if I got her spayed in time. :o

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you all so very much. I don't know what we would do without our family here.

Leslie and a sleepy Little Bauble

Squirt's Mom
05-22-2012, 04:53 PM
HA! When I picked Trink up and they gave me the post-op instructions, Connie said I didn't have to worry about the last item. I said ok and left, didn't think about it again until just now and decided to see what I didn't need to worry about. It says, "Consider a little extra love and time and affection spent with your recovering patient...maybe a toy...after all, your pet may be a little anxious about what is going on." :p

Jenny & Judi in MN
05-22-2012, 05:10 PM
ha, that is cute, they definitely know you! glad she is ok

Roxee's Dad
05-22-2012, 05:42 PM
I am sooooo happy all went well, I was holding my breath right along with you :)

05-22-2012, 07:00 PM
ohh, so some cuddles and hugs and a whole lot of love yous must be going on at HOME SWEET HOME:):):)

Thank you GOD!!!!!!


Harley PoMMom
05-22-2012, 08:07 PM
So happy that all went well, sending huge and loving hugs to you and all the sweet babes.

05-23-2012, 04:14 AM
:):):):) Happy dance ...once again leslie ..well wishes to you and Trinket
Our turn is coming up with little 1.7 kg Lara soon .
Take care my friend ..Catherine .

05-23-2012, 04:59 AM
:o oh dear please forgive me for letting this most important date slip by. We are out of town. At the desert. We have been stocked by coyotes, possibly lured by my somewhat lame Kira and Neeka got stung on the paw by a scorpion. In the house! Now we have two lame huskies. We are fine, and will be fine. No excuse for me not rushing to your side with the others. Please forgive me my friend.

Ok now doing HAPPY DANCE!!! Happy happy happy!!:p

Squirt's Mom
05-23-2012, 10:31 AM
Aw, Janis, nothing to forgive, sweetie! I know you are by our side always. ;) GEEZ, tho, SCORPIONS in the HOUSE!!! :eek: I hope everyone is alright!

Trink threw up about 9:30 last nite and refuses to drink or eat this morning. I have syringed some water into her and given the pain/inflammation med so maybe that will help soon. I will start SEB tea and force feeding by afternoon if she hasn't taken up the initiative to do so herself by then.

Other than that, she is doing fine. The incision looks really good, she's moving around fine, and is in a fairly good mood. Of course, she is now 1000 times more spoiled! :p

Leslie and Trinkertoo

05-23-2012, 06:07 PM
How is our little Trink now?

You know I had to smile at your giant SHE'S AWAKE thing. Used to be I'd be on the phone to the vet asking... Is she awake?... is she awake? We had a very bad experance too. For so long I just couldn't relax until they told me she (or he) was awake. Haha I know that feeling of desperation so well.

Squirt's Mom
05-24-2012, 12:40 PM
Trinket ate on her own this morning! :D She was beginning to worry me but that is a good sign! Her belly is itching like crazy and I have to give the med more than I like to keep her from messing the incision up but otherwise is doing well.

Leslie and Trinket

05-24-2012, 12:55 PM
Good news! Big hugs to you and all the kids !

Squirt's Mom
06-05-2012, 12:59 PM
Our Little Bauble has become a horny huzzy! :eek: Since being spayed, she is humping anyone who will tolerate it! :confused: She has also developed an itchy-seeming back tho her skin and hair look fine. She rolls and wiggles on her back, rubs it against the furniture and accessible feet, and begs to be scratched at the base of her tail. Is this a reaction to hormonal changes? She didn't do any of this prior to the spay.

Still cute as a bug, tho! :D

06-05-2012, 07:03 PM
Neeka had a very significant hormon change after being spade too. She had false pregnancy really bad. She was running all over the house with stuff animals crying. Tucking them in safe places. A little while later she'd be running thru the house with one crying again. I also found her in the closet many times. She had never done anything like this before. It went on for about a month or more and then finally faded away. Maybe this is what is happening to Trinket. We had three others females spayed in the past and this did not happen to them. Just this time with Neeka this year. Makes me wonder if they are doing it a bit differantly now. hum....

Truffa's Mom
06-11-2012, 01:51 PM
"Our Little Bauble has become a horny huzzy"

LOL, Cute, Funny and a Horny Huzzy, not bad for our daily dose of haelthy adorable bugs.


Squirt's Mom
07-26-2012, 08:25 AM
Ok...I've done real well for me, but now I gotta talk.

Trink's belly hair has not grown back from her spay surgery. There is a tiny bit of fuzz but that is all. Should there not be more regrowth by now? Her surgery was the end of May.

I need to get Tash in to the vet and get Brick's nails trimmed so I was thinking of having Trink looked at at the same time...unless I am once again in panic mode and need to give her more time?

07-31-2012, 09:04 AM
The follicles go through a cycle and can take 3 months. Dont panic yet. Give it a bit more time.

marie adams
08-02-2012, 02:06 PM
Isn't it funny how we worry about the non-Cush ones as much as the Cush ones.

I am always thinking something is wrong with Ella. She does have more going on with her than Maddie ever did. Allergies both food and environment now so she is a lot of work.

The vet said to give her fish oil or flax seed oil for her skin so maybe Trinket might benefit from it for her itching. :D I just put the flax seed oil in with her food.

Hang in there dear Leslie!!! :) (((HUGS)))

Squirt's Mom
08-02-2012, 04:05 PM
Thanks, ya'll!

Trink had her thyroid checked and it is all normal...that is what I really felt like was the problem. Not only has the belly not regrown, her coat texture has changed, her appetite is strong - no more finicky! - and she has become a bit of a grouch, like her mom! All that says "thyroid" to me. But she's not peeing or drinking any more than usual. Since she already has one stress disorder, the colitis, we are going to just watch her for the next few weeks to see if anything else changes, better or worse, the thinking being maybe this is simply stress related due to the move and changes in routines. Then do more in depth testing if needed.

Her glucose was back to normal this time and left the vet's saying to her, "You can have hypothyroidism, you can have Cushing's, but you CANNOT have diabetes!" :D All she probably has is a hyper-anxious mom! :p

Leslie and Trink

08-02-2012, 04:15 PM
My dog has HAC (Hyperadrenocorticism)

Trinket has HAM (Hyper-anxious mom) :D

Squirt's Mom
08-02-2012, 04:34 PM
LMAO! That's a good 'un! :D HAM :p:D:p

08-03-2012, 06:55 AM
Then they all must have HAM as a secondary condition to HAC:D:D

I know Zoe has that too. It must be contagious!!!!!

HAM- gotta love it:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Squirt's Mom
11-01-2012, 10:49 AM
Hi ya'll,

We had a bit of an emergency this morning...actually, it was a major HAMMIE attack. I got up at 5am to let Brick, Tasha and Cappi, a foster, out; Squirt and Trink stayed in bed. I am battling a headache so I went back to sleep and woke up around 7:30. I let Squirt and Trink out. When I came to make the bed, I saw three spots of fresh blood where my shoulders would be on the top sheet. Checked myself - nothing. Checked Squirt's feet thinking her pad had ruptured - nothing. Picked Trink up and her back end was covered in bright red blood. I bathed her off so I could see. There was no feces odor like with her colitis. I found an area about 1/2 inch long with a hole in it - almost as if she had been cut then shot. But those three spots of blood was all there was in the bed so whatever happened, happened between 5-7:30am while in bed. I wrapped her in a clean towel after drying her off and raced to the vet.

An anal gland had become abscessed and it ruptured. I feel like a total heel, a horrible mom. How did I miss this? She hasn't scooted since we were in the camper when she was having the colitis flares. We decided it was due to irritation from the colitis as the glands were fine. I haven't noticed her scooting since. Gods, I feel awful for her. She had to have been in pain, miserable, and I missed it. My poor itty bitty baby girl. :(

Doc is keeping her for a while today to pack the area and make sure the bleed is over. He had several other emergencies come in plus a pup not doing well after surgery so I didn't mind leaving her for him to watch a while at all...tho I miss her.

I will let ya'll know how she is when I get her back home. Until then, I am going to dance with guilt until I'm dizzy and sick.

11-01-2012, 10:59 AM
Oh Leslie...you are NOT a bad Mom. I didn't even know that this could happen ( both my pups have anal gland issues). Gosh, how scary for you ( my heart would have been pounding, sweating bullets, shaking) It sounds like your baby is in good hands. Will they have to do surgery for this? I sure hope not. Thinking of you and your little Trinket, hugs Lynda

11-01-2012, 01:15 PM
Leslie, stop it right now! You have nothing to be guilty about. If that absess had been anywhere else on her body, you would have known about it....unless you are very weird and routinely rub your dogs' anus and areas in the general vicinity. That's an area we tend to not pet. :o I'll never miss something like that with Lulu though. Being so bald, especially her rear end, when she walks away from me, she has that third eye staring at me with everything around it exposed. That's a sight for no eyes. :D

11-01-2012, 01:48 PM

You have so much going on (Tasha, Sophie) and she actually may not have given you any signs at all - dogs are always famous for this.

Let us know how things go after the vet checks her out.

11-01-2012, 02:01 PM
It is not your fault. Last night we too found a spot of blood inbetween Koko vomiting and Zoe was licking it:eek: I had paper towels under her to see if it was from her urine, trying to look at her paws, her mouth, near as I can figure out, she has a sharp dew claw and scratched her tongue:confused: Point is, I have looked everywhere and cant find the cause so how would you know about Trinket? I dont think to check their butts on a regular basis unless they are bothering it:):):)

Just one of those days Leslie, as you always say, another bump in the road. I hope Trinket is okay but I am confident she will be just fine under your care.

I found some slippery elm capsuls at a health store. Can I use those for Koko? How many do you think?

See, I am distracting your brain right now;):D;)

11-01-2012, 02:41 PM
Guilt! Leslie,

We won't hear any of that hogwash from you. You are one fine mommy, and don't allow yourself to think otherwise.

Your sweet "bebe" will be just fine in your loving care.

We love you.

Xo Jeanette

Squirt's Mom
11-01-2012, 05:40 PM
Well, shocker of shockers! I asked Doc what signs I had missed and he said, "Maybe the growling and snarling?"

"Huh? She growls at everything that walks by!"

"Well, someone bit her this time."


He said there are two holes, one on top and one on the bottom. The anal glands are fine, not impacted, no sign of problem there at all. He thinks she got bit! It had to have happened in the bed so it's either Squirt or Cappi as there were those spots of fresh blood on the sheets. I am just dumbfounded.

I walked and walked and walked our little yard today looking for blood in the yard. I couldn't imagine her having a BM and there not be loads of blood in the area. Didn't see a thing and none of the other dogs scented anything that got their attention.

She's been given an AB shot, sent home with Clavamox, Meta-Tinic, and Panalog (which scares me as it is a mycin drug). She's crated at the moment to keep the rest of the gang from sticking their noses where they don't need to be right now. She isn't hungry or thirsty right now but it's obvious she's glad to be home.

A funny - I called this afternoon to check on her and the tech told me she kept trying to bury the water bowl. That is Trink's saying, "I'm not thirsty, thank you, please take that away!" :p

So I feel somewhat less guilty that I didn't miss something major....just a DOG FIGHT! :rolleyes:

I know I've got a bottle of Brandy around here somewhere.....

11-02-2012, 09:11 AM
Oh Leslie, how are things this morning? poor thing, it must hurt? I hope you found that bottle of Brandy ;)..you sure deserve it :)
hugs Lynda and Nika

Squirt's Mom
11-02-2012, 09:31 AM
Trink had a fairly restful night and is ok this morning. She doesn't feel up to par but she's moving ok. I was up feeding her small amounts of kibble all nite. She didn't want breakfast, which she has to have with the AB.... until I put her and her plate in the bed. :rolleyes::D She spoils sooo easily...and has me WELL trained. :p The wound is still oozing a little bit but nothing like yesterday morning. Doc shaved her but didn't get enough of her hair off to suit me so I am going to do some careful trimming today to help keep the area clean. She's so fuzzy everything sticks and gums up easily.

I think the same herbal wash I made for Sophie will work for this as well but am going to check to be sure before I make some for her. It helps the wound heal, helps with inflammation and pain, and contains antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-itch actions. I have pondered the logistics and given up on a compress for the area. :D

In all my years, I have never met an animal as difficult to give meds to as Trinket. Wrap a pill in something and she smells it and turns her head. It takes half a bottle of eye drops to get one to land where it should. Ear washes wash everything. Liquids require a wrestling match - and all her meds are liquid this time. I'm going to make her some soft, stinky fish mush today and see if she will take the meds in that. Gotta take it slow as I'm worried about the colitis flaring - she does NOT need that right now. :eek:

She is going to unbearable by the time this heals. I am so over-protective. I see myself acting that way, tell myself to stop, and carry on as if I didn't hear a single thing. She is being carried everywhere so the others will leave her alone, she stays in my lap or beside me when I sit, and I hover when she is outside, picking her up as soon as she's done so she doesn't sit down outside. And I'm lifting her tail every 10 minutes again just to see what's going on like I did when the colitis was in full swing. :rolleyes::o;)

I had her thyroid checked again yesterday and it is normal. Her appetite was still very high until this, her coat isn't quite right but it is getting better - the hair has finally started growing back from her spay and my hack trim job this summer. So I wanted that checked again just to ease my mind.

Thanks for checking on us!

Leslie and a dopey Trink

11-02-2012, 09:59 AM
awwww Leslie, you are such an amazing Mom and your Tinket is so lucky to have you:)..If I could, I would pick my Nika up when outside so she doesnt sit and make her issues worse, but she is a almost half my weight, so it just isn't going to happen:o
That herbal wash you make sounds amazing, how on earth do you make it yourself?
I am glad the night went well, and you had me laughing when you said how you finally got her to eat :p..yup, spoiled, just like all of our pups:D I hope you figure a way to get the meds into her..hope the fishy mush does the trick.
I am also glad the thyroid checked out normal, one less thing to worry about.
I hope things continue to look up for you and your baby. You must be pretty tired, don't forget to take care of you,
hugs Lynda

Squirt's Mom
11-02-2012, 10:56 AM
The wash is easy to make - it's basically like making tea. You pour boiling water over the chosen dried herbs, let it steep until it's cool, strain the herbs out, and apply the liquid. Then the strained herbs can be cooled and used as a poultice or compress. It will keep in the fridge for quite some time. I am really enjoying working with herbs and learning a little bit about them. I only wish I had started 20 years ago! SO much to learn! ;)

Squirt's Mom
11-02-2012, 06:00 PM
WOOHOO! Fish mush worked to get the meds in today! Now, will it work tomorrow??? :p

molly muffin
11-02-2012, 10:18 PM
Oh my gosh, I do not know how I missed Trinket's thread and her not so fun adventures. Your adventures too I might add. Even as I'm gasping in horror at your finding the blood, I'm laughing at the raising the tail to look ever few minutes. I am so glad that she is going to be okay. How can you not spoil her! Hope you are over that guilt thing by now. I was seriously imagining you running around behind a whole pack of dogs, trying to check anal glands. While the imagined visual was hilarious, I'm sure the actuality would not have been!

That wash sounds amazing! Okay, fess up, what kind of herbs do you use? Do you buy them or pick them?
I have a friend in Kentucky who I swear is a miracle worker with natural remedies and herbs. She said she learned from "granny" and it's all just passed down to someone in the community when it's "time". I probably don't want to know what that means either. I have to say though that she really knows her stuff and I'm in awe at the results she gets. You can find her because she is always taking in animals for one reason or another.

Hugs to you and Trinket!
Sharlene and Molly muffin

Truffa's Mom
11-03-2012, 02:06 AM
Gosh Leslie you make me cry and laugh and cry and really laugh. You are an awesome mom, listen to everyone!!! Erase guilt of your life forever....or maybe just enough so you can "guilt" about a little and we can laugh at Glyinda's comments from time to time. Well now I'll now that maybe we will have to take our pet habits a little bit south!!!! Smooches to Trink and I'll keep checking on you all. And I'd love to hear your herbal recepe....sounds amazing.

Squirt's Mom
11-03-2012, 09:51 AM
Thanks, ya'll! You make my days, ya know. ;)

Trink is doing ok. Her butt looks good, not as red any longer, but is obviously sore. She tries to sit then bounces right back up, finally settling for a sideways flop. :D After some more trimming yesterday it is apparent this is a bite. Two holes are clearly evident. :( She doesn't like it messed with in the least but once the wash has started, she relaxes and acts as if it feels good. I'm sure the coolness feels good. There is some clear discharge, a tiny amount, but no more blood.

The fish mush worked again this morning, thankfully! She wolfed it down without hesitation....and on the floor not the bed! ;) Fish can hide all sorts of nasty tastes! :p A little sweet potato to sweeten it and ooo la la! LOL Of course, tonite she may turn her nose up at it. :rolleyes:

She hasn't had a BM yet and I can barely imagine how painful that is going to be when she does. :(

Ok, the wash recipe. Here we go - it is very easy to make. I purchase my herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs for the most part. I am learning about the herbs, often what we call weeds, that grow in my area and have wildcrafted (gathered from the wild) Goldenrod this fall which is being tinctured in alcohol and made into an oil infusion, and can also be used in teas, water infusions and decoctions. The herbs used in this wash are all from MRH, all dried herbs. (Powdered herbs are just dried herbs that have been ground into a powder. You use less powdered herbs by weight than you do whole herbs.)

16 grams Calendula Flower
8 gr Yarrow powder
2 gr Aloe Vera
1/4 tsp Oregon Grape powder

Pour 6 cups boiling water over dry herbs and steep until liquid is cool to the touch. Strain the herbs out using undyed muslin, cheesecloth, or unbleached coffee filters (or combination of these). Once the liquid has drained from the straining material(s), squeeze the straining material to get all the juice out of the herbs you can.

Reserve the strained herbs to use as a poultice or compress.

The wash is applied using a soft cloth and can be used as a wrap if the area allows by soaking a towel, rag, etc in the wash and wrapping the area. This is how I used it on Sophie who had wounds around her neck and chest.

For the poultice, you would simply lay the strained herbs on the area and let it sit. For a compress you take the strained herbs and wrap them in gauze or some such then apply that to the area. The compress keeps the herbs in place.

Squirt's Mom
11-03-2012, 10:55 AM
YAY! She had a BM! She cried a little bit and I cried with her, of course. :( But the poop is solid and formed, not a tail or shine in sight, and no bleeding after! :cool::cool::cool:

11-03-2012, 07:26 PM


I'm so glad the little one was able to go. Sure hope it wasn't too painful. The first one is probably the worst.

I really admire your ability to mix up things from herbs. It is a gift you know:):):):)

I hope the rest of your weekend is uneventful, rest and healing for you and the gang.

Squirt's Mom
01-05-2013, 05:21 PM
:eek::eek: Well, whatever caused Trink's butt bleed a month or two ago is about to happen again! :eek::eek:

She wouldn't eat either meal today so I gave her some fish for supper which she ate. She wanted outside and when she came back in I looked under her tail to see if she was getting diarrhea and saw this black spot that I first thought was dried poop in the hair. But when I touched it I realized it is soft and filled with blood. So I bet this is what happened before, not a bite after all.

I posted a pic of it....have any of you seen anything like this before?

Our vet isn't open and I really can't afford to take her to the ER...unless it is life or death. Any idea what I should do with it for now?

ANY input greatly appreciated!

Leslie and Trinket

01-05-2013, 06:04 PM
Boy, Leslie, I am stumped...

Do you think it could be a protruding engorged hemorrhoid? I just did a quick Google search and half the stuff I found said a dog couldn't have hemorrhoids, and the other half said yes they can. :confused:

Anyway, here's a link to an article that says they do exist and you can treat with witch hazel if that's what is wrong.


Sure wish I could be more help!!!

Squirt's Mom
01-05-2013, 06:17 PM
Thanks, Marianne! You know me....hair standing on end, envisioning the worse. :o A friend just called and said one of the rescues had something like this and it was a cyst. The vet drained and put the pup on ABs. I have Clavamox so I am going to go ahead and start her on that for now. Then go see Doc Mon if it's not better.

Thanks again!

Harley PoMMom
01-05-2013, 06:26 PM
Maybe an abscessed anal gland or a hematoma? Wish I could be of more help, too.

molly muffin
01-05-2013, 08:51 PM
Maybe make the same compress that you did last time to treat too?

I've now read tons of websites about cysts and lumps and bumps and I am none the wiser. :(

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-05-2013, 09:14 PM
Leslie, I would agree that it looks like a hematoma from the picture. Is it above her anus, or on the actual anus? Is she straining to poo? Thinking of a possible prolapsed rectum. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Squirt's Mom
01-06-2013, 08:27 AM
Thanks, ya'll!

Whatever this is ruptured not long after signing out last nite. I put a warm compress on the area and it almost immediately started draining. There was a hard core-like thing that came first followed by thick blood and some really gross stuff, and it continued to drain during the nite. There was no odor whatsoever like I would expect with anal gland problems or bad infection - just no odor at all. I have no doubt this is the same thing that happened last time. I can see the large hole like before in what looks to be the exact same spot. This morning the discoloration is all gone, the skin a bit red is all. I can still feel swelling in the area, tho. There is still some drainage, too, tho nothing like last nite.

As for location - the pocket was located just to the side and down a tad bit from her peepee. But the hole is closer to the rectum. I'm no longer convinced a bite caused it the last time....it could be an anal gland after all tho Doc saw the second hole when he flushed it then. She wouldn't allow me to flush so I kept running hydrogen peroxide over the area. The pocket was about the size of a nickle and raised up almost a 1/4 of an inch. It wasn't there the night before (she gets brushed every nite when we go to bed) so it came up and got that full in less than 24 hours. :eek:

She hasn't been straining to poop that I've noticed; in fact, she is the quickest at going out, getting her business done and back in. Finding that just right spot takes her longer than anything. ;)

I went ahead and started her on some Clavamox tho I'm not sure that is what this really needs. That is what she was given last time and I wonder if the infection never got completely addressed and has been building this whole time. Kari, my friend with the rescue, is coming over today to look at it and bring another AB that is stronger. Kari has some "strange" passions (like watching youtube videos on how to clean cysts - insert gag icon HERE :p ) and has assured me she can help determine if this is anal gland or something else.

Trink is acting more like herself this morning and ate all her breakfast like usual so I know she feels better than she did yesterday. I'm gonna try to keep the area open today so it will continue to drain and get her in to see Doc asap to find out exactly what this is and why it keeps happening.

One thing I forgot to tell ya'll is that the hair on her back just above the tail has started to get oily. I don't know if the two are connected but thought it worth mentioning.

Thanks again!
Leslie and Trinket

01-06-2013, 09:22 AM
Leslie, I'm so relieved the cyst or whatever it is has drained! I'll be really interested, though, in what doc had to say about it because I am still clueless. :confused:


molly muffin
01-06-2013, 09:38 AM
Hi Leslie,

It sounds like a cyst from the reading I did yesterday on lumps and bumps in dogs. That is what I'm calling my research, lumps and bumps. The oil might have something to do with it too.

This is one site that talks about all kinds of canine cysts. Don't let it freak you out. Most cysts are benign and don't bother the dogs that much. (depending on location).


This is one of the things mentioned on another site about treatment of cysts and I'm including it because it speaks of specific herbs for canine skin health.

If your vet determines that the lump is just a cyst and that it is not causing your pet any problems, he or she may advise leaving it alone. Cysts will often rupture and heal on their own without any treatment.

If there is an infection, the fluid will need to be drained or the cyst may need to be surgically removed. If the cyst is causing your pet discomfort, if will also need to be removed. If there is any question about the nature of the lump, it should also be removed in order to make sure it is not cancerous or otherwise harmful to your dog.

Dogs that have recurrent skin conditions may benefit from a natural supplement designed to improve skin health such as PetAlive Skin and Coat Tonic for Healthy Skin and a Glossy Coat in Pets which combines well researched remedies such as Equisetum arvense (Horsetail), Taraxacum officinalis (Dandelion), Arthrospira platenis (Spirulina), Fucus vesiculosis and Kalium Sulphate (Kali. Sulph.).


Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
01-06-2013, 10:04 AM
Thanks, Addy! This description fits very well, especially the content of the pocket -

Sebaceous Cyst on Dog: This is the most common type of canine cyst, which is also called an epidermal inclusion cyst, epidermoid cyst or specifically a infundibular follicular cyst. This type of dog cyst is formed due to the dilation of the upper portion of the root sheath of the hair follicle, which blocks the flow of sebum – secretion of the sebaceous glands. This cyst varies in size from 2 mm to 5 cm in size, and the cystic formations below the cyust are 5 mm and are called milia. A sebaceous cyst on dog is partially compressible on palpation and has a small opening over the epidermis. It contains gray, yellow or brownish contents, cheesy material, which is luminal keratin.

Squirt has a Dermoid cyst on the top of her head and I knew Trink's was different from Squirt's.

molly muffin
01-06-2013, 06:28 PM
Hi Leslie,

What did you friend Kari have to say? How is Trinket today? Hope it is looking better. Sometimes those cysts look ucky before they start to look better. Especially while still draining.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-07-2013, 03:48 AM
Dogs! Wish they would stop doing these things! Neek had me worried today with the pukkies. Threw up for hours while i was gone my husband said. Your Slip Elm fixed her up just fine. She's back to terrorizing Kira again now.

So sorry your baby has owie!

Squirt's Mom
01-07-2013, 08:19 AM
We decided this is a ruptured anal gland but are still not positive. I'm gonna call Doc first thing this morning and see if she can get in today. I want this flushed out really well and to make sure the Clavamox is strong enough. What Kari had was a capsule that was much to large for Trink's size. I also want to know what is causing this and why she gave no signs something was wrong. This morning just after she came in, I saw her butt-scooting. With her butt as raw as it is now, this thing still open, she's scooting across the carpet. :eek: That had to hurt! I checked her and don't feel anything in the anal glands, as if they were impacted, so I'm not sure why she scooted now. Maybe she has been and I have just been missing it - tho I find that hard to accept.

Trink hasn't liked the attention to the area all that much especially the trimming but I'm sure it is quite sore. When we start cleaning, she tenses but as the infusion starts to soak in, she relaxes and will sit on the soaked cloth as long as I let her so I know it feels pretty good. I'm trying to keep this open so it will drain as much as possible - which it did nearly all day yesterday. There was very little discharge over night.

The view from the rear is rather peculiar with my sloppy, extensive trimming...all the way around the base of the tail, about 2" down the tail top and bottom, back of her legs, all along her thighs, around the area, and on her belly has been cut back quite a bit.

I'll let ya'll know what Doc has to say!
Leslie and Trinket

Squirt's Mom
01-07-2013, 09:09 AM
Appt at 11 this morning - Trink to be examined, all four for nail trims. I'll let ya'll know what we learn.

Squirt's Mom
01-07-2013, 01:48 PM
Yes, this is a ruptured anal gland - same one as last time so even tho there were 2 holes last time, Doc now feels that was also a rupture. :( He said my use of Clavamox is what he would have done tho my dosage was way too low....at least I got a start on it. ;) The gland is empty, both are in fact. When I asked why this is happening he said we don't always know. She hasn't done any butt scooting that I have seen until this morning but both glands are empty. :confused: Doc said that if she had been having problems with the colitis that could explain it because she wouldn't be having firm enough turds to empty the sacs...but her poops have been normal. Some breeds are prone to problems, Chis among them and she could well be part Chi. Could be what she is eating or I could be feeding her too much - ahem, she weighed in at 6.1 lbs today so yeah, that's a possibility. :o And it could be she isn't active enough. A far out possibility is the hair could be getting in there and causing inflammation.

So, I will be working on her diet and feed schedule, exercising more, and trying to keep her butt trimmed.

He said it looked good today, still draining a bit which is good. The wash helps and he is ok with me using it so I will keep that up until it is healed.

Thanks so much for the support. Ya'll are the very best!
Leslie and Trink

Truffa's Mom
01-07-2013, 02:07 PM
Kisses on that cute little butt. ;) you are such an amazing mom.If I learn something's in her diet could change this uncomfortable problem I'll let you know. Healing smooches.

molly muffin
01-07-2013, 02:38 PM
Well how about that. An anal gland rupture. Now is this going to be a recurring problem? I certainly hope not.

Molly will scoot if she doesn't feel like her bum is clean after going to the bathroom. Giving it a wet swipe with a cloth or even tamp toilet paper will do her fine and then she won't scoot. Maybe it feels funny if not clean or itchy, etc.

I wonder if scooting can cause it to rupture. I'd think it could.

We do spend a lot of time with poop and bums around here. ROFL!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-07-2013, 06:22 PM
Hi Leslie,
So glad they figured out Trinkets problem, but is still stinks, no pun intended, really. ugh, but if we know you, you'll have her fixed up in no time--she's one lucky girl.

Happy and fast healing and know we love you and the whole bunch.

Xo Jeanette and the Princess

01-07-2013, 07:00 PM
We decided this is a ruptured anal gland but are still not positive. I'm gonna call Doc first thing this morning and see if she can get in today. I want this flushed out really well and to make sure the Clavamox is strong enough. What Kari had was a capsule that was much to large for Trink's size. I also want to know what is causing this and why she gave no signs something was wrong. This morning just after she came in, I saw her butt-scooting. With her butt as raw as it is now, this thing still open, she's scooting across the carpet. :eek: That had to hurt! I checked her and don't feel anything in the anal glands, as if they were impacted, so I'm not sure why she scooted now. Maybe she has been and I have just been missing it - tho I find that hard to accept.

Trink hasn't liked the attention to the area all that much especially the trimming but I'm sure it is quite sore. When we start cleaning, she tenses but as the infusion starts to soak in, she relaxes and will sit on the soaked cloth as long as I let her so I know it feels pretty good. I'm trying to keep this open so it will drain as much as possible - which it did nearly all day yesterday. There was very little discharge over night.

The view from the rear is rather peculiar with my sloppy, extensive trimming...all the way around the base of the tail, about 2" down the tail top and bottom, back of her legs, all along her thighs, around the area, and on her belly has been cut back quite a bit.

I'll let ya'll know what Doc has to say!
Leslie and Trinket

Hey who needs that expensive vet? She got you!!! Good job mom! Right down to the skin no less.

01-13-2013, 10:35 AM
Hey Leslie,

My parents have a little Lhasa Shi Tzu mix who has had some anal gland issues. He had one rupture and had some sort of surgical procedure because of it. They said he would probably be prone to these issues, so my parents initially took him in every few weeks to have them expressed, even if he wasn't showing signs of a problem. He really hadn't shown them any scooting, pressing his butt into the floor, etc. before the initial rupture, so they just had to put it on the calendar and see how things were when they got there. The first time they were already full a few weeks later, and didn't express easily, but over time it got better. Now they have been able to go a little longer-maybe every couple of months. Maybe that would be something to try with Trink? Glad to hear she is on the mend. And good job taking care of her, Mom!

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
01-13-2013, 07:14 PM
Thanks, Julie! I will be doing quite a bit of butt checking and "other stuff" from now on I imagine. :eek::p In fact, they are all starting to get nervous when I'm behind them now. :D

01-14-2013, 11:12 AM
Thanks, Julie! I will be doing quite a bit of butt checking and "other stuff" from now on I imagine. :eek::p In fact, they are all starting to get nervous when I'm behind them now. :D

Hi Leslie - dropping in again! My diabetic Kumbi never got the typical UTIs - instead, his left anal gland got infected! It would swell up rapidly till it looked like a cherry tomato - OUCH!

Our routine for this: phone the vet immediately for an appointment (usually, he'd be seen the same day); apply hot compresses (keeping temps down enough not to burn) - this I'd do till the cherry-tomato burst - relieving much of the pain; take to vet, get the gland flushed out, come home with antibiotics - usually, Clavamox and Baytril; the latter because of the likely e-coli component. Usually a 14-day course.

And hot compresses at least three times a day.

I'd keep this up, and Kumbi would heal up. (He died of cancer, NOT diabetes, 8 June 2010; now I have a rescued Havanese who is twice the breed standard size, and has a behavior problem, but is a sweet girl - Camellia).

Lots of love and hugs to you, to Squirt, and to all!
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 08:11:37 (PST)

Squirt's Mom
01-14-2013, 11:33 AM
Hi Carol!

Good to hear from you! Thanks for sharing Kumbi's experiences with me. That is pretty much what we are doing, too. I just hope this doesn't become a regular event.

Hope all is well in your world!
Leslie and Trink

Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 11:15 AM
I noticed Trink butt scooting yesterday! :eek::eek::eek: I have been trying to express her glands but get nothing from them. Don't know if I'm doing it wrong or if they are just hard to express. Either way, she is going in with Squirt today to have her butt checked, glands expressed if needed, and for them to help me do a better job of this at home.

I bought her a new food yesterday and she had her first taste this morning. I got something called Freshpet Deli Fresh in the chicken. Now for the fun part of waiting to see how it affects her. ;):D The ingredients look pretty good and she has been able to eat chicken with no problems. Turkey is still a BIG no-no, tho. :eek: Cat is working on new diets for both Trink and Squirt but she is so swamped right now it may take a while for her to get to us. Soooo, we'll see how this Freshpet works for her in the interim.

It's funny....Trink has become my guard dog, only she guards us against the dogs that make sounds on the TV. :p:D:p I have been wondering what in the world she was getting so fired up over - she is typically calm and laid back. Then last nite a commercial came on that had a dog whining in it and she bounced up giving it heck! LOL It sounded to her as if that strange dog was getting MUCH to close to her bed and mom! :p

Leslie and Trinket

Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 04:15 PM
Well, it was the left gland impacted this time. It is the right one that has ruptured twice. I am apparently not squeezing hard enough for fear of hurting her but that brief discomfort has got to be better than a gaping hole in her butt. :rolleyes: Doc said it was a 2-person event and I just laughed. There's only me with my two hands so we will do our best. One of the techs said she puts hers in the bathtub and doesn't try to keep the anus covered, making it a bit easier to do alone. So we will see. She shouldn't need it done again for a couple of weeks but I am going to be playing with her butt to get us both used to this. :p

Squirt's Mom
02-16-2013, 01:30 PM
I am so pleased with Trink and her new food! Not one little bit of upset! :):cool::) And she loves it! It is pretty high in carbs but along with the cod mix I make for her, I hope it will raise the fiber content enough until we get her new menu. The herbs I have been giving her have caused a larger poop than she did have and I would have thought that would help the glands empty better but based on the impaction in the left one, I'm no longer sure but they are not as hard as they were so I will continue with them for now.

I got some new dental spray for them, too. The other one I had they didn't like at all and it has to be used with an applicator that is a PIA. This one has a tiny opening so you simply spray the solution on the gum line. Everyone else balks a little bit but Trink? Oh my! You would think I was planning to cut her nose off! :eek::p She fights soooo hard when it comes to anything having to do with her face! I can't help but wonder if perhaps someone wasn't a bit too heavy handed with her when she had the glaucoma. :( So I got about 6 drops on her teeth and about 2 cups on her head and neck and back and carpet and me! LOL But still infinitely easier than using the applicator! :eek:

Leslie and Trink

02-16-2013, 05:16 PM
Hi Leslie

Glad little Trink is feeling better and liking the new food!!

I have learnt something here, who knew there was dental spray for dogs!! I have never heard of that! have got Flynn a toothbrush and chicken flavoured toothpaste, but have never done it often enough for him to get used to it so it is a battle. But the best thing of late for his teeth has been the addition of the tripe, he gnaws it up and his teeth are looking sparkling!! Maybe you could get some for Trink?!?

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

molly muffin
02-18-2013, 08:58 AM
Trink and the butt adventures continue it sounds like. :) How is that going Leslie?
Oh that is hilarious about Trink protecting you from commercial dogs. hehehe Molly reacts to door bells on the tv, running our front door carrying on like a banshee, only to find that there is no one there. Then being disgusted and thinking they got away before she could get to them. Aren't they just adorable!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-20-2013, 05:35 PM
Just catching up with Trinket. You are a very brave girl to try to deal with those glands yourself, Leslie :) I cant even cut Zoe's toe nails:eek:

I'm really glad the new food is working out. It is time for me to switch Koko's food and not looking forward to it. He usually does okay, just my anxiety over which food to pick. I love Honest Kitchen but it is doing major damage to our pocket book and I cant change Zoe's Zeal.

Funny how Trink is guarding tthe house and you from those TV dogs:D:D:D She's a good girl. I can just picture her doing it.

Give that little bitsy some kisses on the head from me, ok?

Squirt's Mom
04-12-2013, 01:48 PM
Trinket is so hilarious! :D Whenever two commercials come on the TV she goes nuts barking and growling at them. One is about Beggin' Strips and when it starts she perks up; when the dog says, "I'd get myself but I don't have THUMBS!", she barks and barks like she is in agreement with that sentiment. :p

The other are the Meow Mix commercials. When the first refrain of "meow meow meow" starts, she starts her purring growl. By the second refrain of "meow meow meow" she is growling and barking at the same time, standing on her feet by then, bouncing with every bark! :p Haven't quite figured out if it's the food or the cats she objects to!

Her butt is doing good. No more ruptures and her BMs are good so I hope we are on the back side of this issue for her. I plan to get her hair all cut off this summer if possible so she will be cooler and not so hard to groom - which she hates with a passion.

I wish everyone here could hold her for just a minute - your hearts would melt into a big ole puddle when she lays her little head against your chest. She is so very precious.

04-12-2013, 02:43 PM
Oh Leslie Trinket is so precious. I love those little dogs that love to be held. My CoCo hates being held. He has never liked it. He is the only dachshund that I have had that did not like to sit in your lap and we love him dearly and would like to hold him all the time, but he just does not like it. Only sits in my lap when we are driving. You are so good with your babies. Love, JoAnne

Squirt's Mom
06-29-2013, 11:22 AM
This week we have had two house guests - a male and female Yorkie. Trink is learning to play with Sophie but Soph doesn't understand that Trink can't chase her - Trink can't see where she went. But she tries anyway and seems to enjoy herself.

Just now, Prince, one of the Yorkies, was playing with her and he seemed to understand her limitations! He would bark then touch her with his nose. He would then move away just a little bit and Trink could find him easily. She would do her bulldozer thing then spin away and Prince would touch her again! She was making the sweetest, happiest little yips the whole time. Mom just sat and watched with tears flowing.

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 12:32 PM
That is so beautiful! Prince knew just what to do. Thanks for sharing.:) big hugs,

molly muffin
06-29-2013, 06:19 PM
That is just precious! What a happy, happy day!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-29-2013, 06:26 PM
Sweetest story. So nice that Trink and Prince had such a nice playtime and that your heart was warmed watching their antics!

06-29-2013, 06:33 PM
So sweet, Leslie, I would be bawling as well.

They just know, I dont know how, my friend had a blind cat. She took care of Zoe for me for a week a long time ago. Zoe and the blind cat became best friends. Zoe allowed the cat to sleep in her bed with her. My friend had two other dogs and three other cats. The blind cat was the only one Zoe allowed in her bed.:):)

Squirt's Mom
11-17-2013, 10:29 AM
HA! I may finally understand why Trink barks and growls at the dog and cat commercials. She thinks those sounds mean Mom had brought home another dang baby she will have to share HER Mom with! :p She is the only one in the house to fuss at Grace. She hears Grace cough and she growls; Grace gets near and she barks; Grace touches her in the bed and she growls - and it's with the same tones she uses for the commercials. :p:p:p My Itty Bitty Girl is jealous! :D

11-17-2013, 01:16 PM
awww, that is so cute, Leslie. I am always amazed at how well your pups adapt to the new family members.:):)

Budsters Mom
11-18-2013, 03:32 PM
Completely understandable. I wouldn't want to have to share you either!:D

molly muffin
11-18-2013, 05:16 PM
LOL Trink, Trink, she has her mind made up, stop bringing home all these other animals mom!! Poor thing, doomed to be disappointed in that regard me thinks. LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
01-14-2014, 12:30 PM
Well, Trink's attitude toward Grace has changed! She wants Grace to play with her so bad! When Grace is out of her pen and roaming the house, Trink will come up to her and start making the cutest little yips while bouncing and dipping her front end down in the play position, her tail flying as she wags it. She does her utmost to get Grace's attention! But poor little Grace can't see nor hear Trink and doesn't have a strong enough sense of smell to stay in contact with her if either one of the moves... and Trink is movin'! :D I keep hoping that one of these days the two of them will figure it out and start enjoying each other more. It would do them both a world of good to have another dog to play with! Grace enjoys her forays out and about both inside and out but she also likes the security of her pen and when she's had enough, she lets me know she's ready to get back in. Thanks to an angel, she has a very nice new pen.

01-14-2014, 07:56 PM
What about boiled white potato? When I had to cut back on Zoe's turkey treats because of the protein in her urine, her Honest Kitchen Zeal had fish, sweet potato and potato. Hubby boiled up some plain white potato, I think he buys russet. We started giving her just tiny little pea size pieces at first. Crazy, the dog cannot eat anything but she sure could eat those boiled white potatos. If I give Zoe too much Zeal, the sweet potato acts like pumpkin, which is why I could never get her off that last little bit of raw turkey patty and it did not take much more to bother her. It is like she has a limit- I can only eat this exact amount of Zeal, not even two pinches more.:rolleyes:

Being constipated can cause diarrhea. It ends up a vicious cycle. My mom has that problem.

Just brainstorming:):):)

Squirt's Mom
01-15-2014, 09:02 AM
oops! I must be tireder than I thought - I mixed up Grace's info on Trink's thread. :o:rolleyes: Trink's digestion is doing very good! She's having no issues whatsoever and hasn't in some time.

Now, to get Grace's thread updated correctly. geez.....

Squirt's Mom
01-16-2014, 10:29 AM
Trink has an appt tomorrow at 3 to see Doc. She's coughing and her appetite is off. She hasn't wanted to eat her breakfast the last few days and just isn't herself so we are having a physical tomorrow to check her out.

I have a new foster, a little intact male Chi, who is VERY interested in Trink - to the point she wants to stay on the bed where he can't get to her. At first they played together but Yuri gets too carried away and tries to mount her. I KNOW she's spayed but he sure acts as if she' in heat! :eek: It's kinda funny to watch him, tho. He'll work and work to get to Trink and when he can't, he goes and humps his little blue blanket for a while. :p:D:p Yuri is in for a SURPRISE come Tues. tho! ;)

01-17-2014, 09:47 AM
Hope Trink's appointment goes well with Doc!

Squirt's Mom
01-17-2014, 06:04 PM
Trink's heart is good and no heart worms. Doctor Stacy said she could hear some raspy sounds in her breathing but no crackling that would indicate fluids. It is possible that the eye gland would make her cough from the drainage it causes but that wouldn't account for what she was hearing. So Trink may be in the early stages of heart problems but the vet thinks it's likely early bronchitis instead. Trink came home with Amoxicillian and Temeril-P.

She put up a good fight trying to draw blood for the heart worm check. Took two techs to hold her 6 lb frame still! :eek: I had to leave the room when they tried to draw from her neck. :o

molly muffin
01-17-2014, 06:57 PM
Yay Trink! Okay, bronchitis is treatable and better than early heart problems. Way too young for another one to be dealing with these issues.

Now if she could just escape Yuri's attentions. hehehehehe

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
02-19-2014, 10:41 AM
Well, the adventures never end at our house! About a week or so ago, I noticed Trink was scratching her back, rolling on the floor vigorously, and twitching when my hand runs along her spine toward the tail. I noticed the hair has gotten coarse, brittle, and short in that area. Now she is rubbing her back on the edge of the support mattress like one possessed! And I noticed the hair is very thin in that area. So she has an appt. at 2 today.

When she first started acting itchy, my mind went to the feed she's been eating - a feed called Victors. Not the best but not a bad feed, especially since it was donated to us. ;) And she LOVES it. She would walk away from her cooked feed to steal kibbles from Soph. So I started letting her eat the kibble a while back...and save some pennies along the way. But this may be from the Victors so this week I've started transitioning her to a canned food, lamb based, limited ingredients, that she has eaten before with no problems.

Another thought is that she went to a groomer not long after starting the Victors so she may have picked up something there....tho none of the others did.

But I need to find out what this is for sure and try to get it under control quickly before she rubs the skin off along with the hair! The skin in that area is not happy, reddish in color, so it's already under stress and probably wouldn't take much for sores to start. :eek:

I feel kinda bad - no telling how long she has been having discomfort and I simply missed it. We could have already been working on the issue. My focus has been solely on Squirt other than meeting basic needs, keeping an eye on known conditions, and rare play sessions for the rest of the gang.

I'll let ya'll know what we learn.
Leslie and her Itty Bitty Girl

Squirt's Mom
02-19-2014, 03:42 PM
Yes, it is an allergic reaction to something. I noticed her little feet are stained so she has been licking them as well. I've been noticing wet spots on the sheet where she had been licking but they get a treat when we go to bed and she doesn't always want it right then. She will take it under the covers then go back for it later and licks the spot where it had been lying. I just thought she had found treat spots but apparently she has been licking her feet instead. :rolleyes: Doc gave her a shot of Depo-Medrol and said that along with changing the feed will hopefully do the trick.

This is dental month at the clinic and we talked about a dental for Trink. Doc said he had been having luck using antibiotics for a period prior to dentals in pups with bad teeth - actually improving the mouth and resulting in fewer teeth needing pulled when the dental happened. They told me about one patient who had very bad teeth upper and lower - too infected to work on. This pup was on this antibiotic protocol for a year and had his dental recently - he lost ONE tooth. Doc said it would help even Brick and Grace who we don't want to put under if at all avoidable. So we came home with antibiotics and are going to try this. Trink, Brick and Grace will take 2 doses a day for the first five days of the month the first month, then one dose a day for five days the following months.

02-19-2014, 04:55 PM
Awww poor wee Trink, not only a humpy chi chasing her about now the itchies, hope the jab and the food change does the trick Leslie. That antibiotic treatment sounds interesting, he does not worry about developing resistance?

Squirt's Mom
02-19-2014, 05:08 PM
Since the AB is only used for 5 days at the beginning of each month, that shouldn't be an issue. The dose isn't as high as it would be for an active infection - the three of them will get 12.5 mg each dose.

4pm and she was rubbing her back on the mattress again! :eek: Hoping it is just habit, I ran my hand down her back - twitching. :rolleyes: Maybe she is just really inflamed right now and the shot will help her skin calm down overnight.

Squirt's Mom
02-19-2014, 05:09 PM
At least that was my understanding from Doc! With the brain I am carrying around these days tho..... :p