View Full Version : Meet Finnigan

08-31-2010, 04:02 PM
Hi all:

It's been a long time since I've posted here. The last time was to introduce Miko and then to let everyone know that I had to take him back because he bit me.

Well, the summer is almost over and back in mid-July I finally got my new boy Finnigan(a husky too). He is just adorable and a real lover. He only weighs 35lb, so I'm more than able to handle him; I can even lift him up. I got him from a Siberian Husky rescue. They had him listed as 1 yr old, but I suspect that he was younger than that. More likely around 9 mos. I've now had him for just over 1 month and things are going really well. I'm going to post a few pictures of him.

This one is definitely a keeper.

Hope you and your loved ones (furry loved ones as well) are all doing well.

Heidi (formerly Kira's Mom; now Finnigan's Mom)

Harley PoMMom
08-31-2010, 04:30 PM
Hi Heidi!

So happy to hear from you!! It has been a while since we have heard from you and I was wondering how you were doing.

Finnigan sounds like a beautiful and joyous furbaby and I can't wait to see some pictures! Please don't be a stranger around here because we have missed you and we would love to hear more about Finnigan also.

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
08-31-2010, 04:48 PM
Hi Heidi,

Always good to hear from you! :)

I am so happy for you and for Finnigan! He is a real beauty, too! I love the pics!

It is our wish that you and Finnigan have a long, happy, fun-filled life together,
Leslie, Squirt and the girls - always

08-31-2010, 06:01 PM
Hi Heidi,

I am so happy for you and Finnigan!!!!! And yes, do not be a stranger - I am always happy to hear from you.

Post those photos :D

Always my best

08-31-2010, 06:36 PM
Lucky Finnegan. I haven't had much to do with Husky's but my niece just adopted a white shepherd x husky named Snow (check the pic and you will see why the name!) He is just beautiful, very sweet but also very strong.
I just love those blue eyes.


08-31-2010, 11:43 PM
Congratulations Heidi! and Welcome to Finnigan! I'm so happy to hear of your new addition to the family....he sounds like a real treat!
We're having a great time with our new addition....Victoria has fit in here as if she had been with us all of her almost 8 years. Will try to get pictures up ...just never think of it and we're not too good at that. :o :rolleyes:

Just checked your pictures and he's beautiful....so wise looking in the one of his head only...and he's a different color from Kira....have fun!

09-01-2010, 06:28 AM
I see you had posted photos and I am in love :D He has such a sweet face and very handsome.

Keep us posted on how things go.

09-02-2010, 06:11 PM
Now that's a handsome boy, if I ever saw one! I bet Finnigan is enjoying life at his new home. Congrats. Sue

09-02-2010, 07:09 PM
Thanks for all your kind comments.

I haven't been on the forum for a long time because I think Kira's passing hit me harder than I thought. Also, it was a really hot summer here in the Great White North and that also depressed me a bit. I love temps in the mid 20's (70-80 F). I had a garden reno done in April and was looking forward to spending a lot of time working in the garden but because of the extreme heat (high 30's with humidex in the mid 40's)I spent quite a bit of time indoors.

Then in July I started looking at the rescue sites for a new pup. Well, I found Miko, but that only lasted 6 days. He was waaaay more than I could handle. He was a 74lb husky/malamute mix. I think I even posted some pictures of him on the forum. He wanted to be the alpha in the house and I wasn't having that. He stole everything that wasn't nailed down and kept trying to dominate me at every opportunity. I was constantly on high alert. If I was resting on the couch, he would jump up and stand over me. Finally, when he bit me when I was trying to get him back into the house, I took him back to the rescue. They weren't entirely forthcoming with details about him as it turned out. The people that owned him before me had kept him outside 24/7. I was keeping him inside the house (as per a trainer's instruction) as much as possible. No wonder he always acted up whenever I tried to get him back into the house.

I was really depressed that I had to return him. Never in all my years of owning dogs did I have to return one. I cautiously started looking at the rescue sites again, this time armed with more questions to ask before getting another dog. Finally, at the end of July, I had been monitoring this one site that had Finnigan listed. I just wasn't sure, but the deciding factor was that he only weighed 35lb. I knew I could handle a dog that size. So I made arrangements to see him. Well, when they brought him out, I fell in love. He is just adorable. They had him listed as 1yr old, but I suspect he was younger than that. He is still so puppyish. Yesterday was his 5 week anniversary with us and there haven't been any serious problems with him. He had a very loose stool when I got him, so when I took him to the vet to have him microchipped, I took along a little present for the vet. It turns out that he had worms. The rescue routinely de-worms all the dogs it gets, but as it turned out, he didn't have the usual type of worms. He had a type found only in the U.S. He was a runaway, so either his previous owners were up here visiting when he ran away, or perhaps he was order from the U.S. over the internet. Anyway, we got it under control. Unfortunately he has to go through 3 de-worming sessions. The first to get the actual worms. Then 3 weeks later (last week) agains, to get the larvae which could turn into worms. Then 3 weeks after that, to get the eggs which could turn into worms. The medication is a liquid which is given via a syringe. The vet said it is easy to give. Just lift the lip, insert the syringe and depress the plunger. Easy in theory; not so easy in reality, when you have a squirming puppy in one arm and try to insert the syringe with other. I think there was more on me and the floor, than in Finnigan. But, when we got the test results, the vet said that the worms were gone, so I guess enough got into him.

The only problem right at the moment is that he nips (or probably more correctly, he mouthes) my arms and toes. He gets really excited and it's hard to control him. I'm not sure how to handle this, because it can really get out of control. I try time-outs in his cage and he settles down while in there, but as soon as I let him out, he runs like an maniac and goes after me again. I found this spray called 'Bitter Apple', which is used to spray on the dog if he's chewing his fur or onto furniture that he might be chewing. So I sprayed some on my hands and feet and it seems to be working. You should see the look on his face when he grabs my hand or feet. Oh well, this too shall pass. I know we're going to have a long and happy relationship.

Hope all of you and your furbabies are doing well.


09-02-2010, 07:11 PM
Lucky Finnegan. I haven't had much to do with Husky's but my niece just adopted a white shepherd x husky named Snow (check the pic and you will see why the name!) He is just beautiful, very sweet but also very strong.
I just love those blue eyes.


I took a look at the picture. I see why the name. Is he hard to keep clean? How old is he?


11-18-2010, 12:46 AM
good luck w/Finnigan, he is a very handsome boy!:D

Jeff & Angel Mandy

11-18-2010, 02:35 PM
Oh Heidi,
I am just as happy to have found this new thread. I am not on all the time but do check from time to time to see how my fur babies are doing. I am sorry that I must have overlooked this thread since August it seems, don't know how I did that? nevertheless so glad to know you are doing fine and that you have found another precious baby to love. of course I understand one can never replace your beloved and precious Kira but I know that we manage to find more love for all these beautiful creatures in the same way. I wish you many many years of joy and beautiful memories with your Finnigan. Sending you our warmest regards as always and some very special and tight hugs. Xo Jeanette and Princess

Casey's Mom
11-19-2010, 08:26 AM
Good luck with Finnegan Heidi. I am always so happy to see someone get another pet. He is so cute!

Love and hugs,