View Full Version : Sad stuff and scary stuff . . . .

06-17-2010, 04:46 PM
Just got back from a visit to the local rescue group, Homeward Bound. I cried all the way home. How am I ever going to choose, when so many are in need of a real home. This place is doing the best it can with their very limited resources. Their kennel is full, no ac in this miserable heat, tons of flies, and many of the dogs have been there for months upon months. At least the dogs looked clean and were about to get outside play time in the big pen. While I was there, two ladies came in with two more dogs they'd found runnning loose in the mountains. Nice dogs (one, possibly australian shepherd, the other husky/shep mix). They had matching orange collars but no microchips. Their rescuers had just checked at the vets. Probably escaped their owner's yard together, in light of the matching collars.
The rescue lady said sorry, no room at the inn, because their last remaining kennel was for a dog coming in this Saturday. Looked like the last stop for these two babies was going to be the county shelter (not good!) Then at the last minute, rescue lady comes running outside to stop the women, saying we'll take the dogs, but they'll have to go in that last open kennel together. So in they went, looking totally scared and confused. I should have taken those two and two or three others. But with what I've heard lately in our neighborhood, we have no choice but to get that fence up first.

Because . . . last weekend, deep in the middle of our woodsy neighborhood, apparently two dogs were in their yard late at night and a bear appeared and went after the smaller one. The larger dog tried to intervene, only to be picked up, slammed on the ground, and have his back broken. He didn't survive, obviously. Don't know if the smaller dog made it. Got the story from the gate person when I called to admit a fencing cotractor. Gate lady said, half-chuckling . . . are you trying to keep the bears out.?. No, I wanna keep dogs in......why? Then she told me that whole awful story.

So . . . . then last night, I'm out on the upper deck and it sounded like a freakin' Sasquatch was in the woods right next to our house - it's about 25 ft to the woods. And right by the area where I'd be letting dogs out at night. LOUD, LOUD disturbing, noises - like good-sized branches being broken and tossed around. And trees being shaken. I listened for about 5 minutes, thinking what the heck!!!! Deer rustle lightly when they go thru the woods and munch. This was NO Bambi, believe me. Turned on all the outdoor flood lights and within about 30 seconds the noise stopped. Strained my eyes to see something but past the tree line, it was just too dark. So now I want the fence up before I get any dog. Not that a puny 6 foot fence would stop a b'ar, but it might slow them down at least. I'll never ever let a doggy out to go potty alone at night, NOW, that's for sure. Will have to take b'ar repellant and go down to the yard with them . . . with all the floodlights on!!!! Sue

06-17-2010, 05:04 PM
Oh Sue!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

06-17-2010, 08:13 PM
OMG Sue, how horrible!!!!!! What kind of bear are we talking about? I know we have brown bears here but they do not openly attack unless severly provoke....they almost always run the other direction, even with a dog. Unless there are cubs involved.

How very sad about the rescue...I swear, I wish I had several thousand acres and start my own. We can only do what we can do and that is our very best for them. The problem is getting worse as people are not able to take care of their pets, cash strapped, etc. If I think about it for too long, I end up crying my eyes out.


06-17-2010, 08:40 PM
Don't know. Think they have black bears here, not sure about brown. Saw something on a Chattanooga station last night about a bear brazenly coming into a small town somewhere in the area and wandering around like he could care less. Crossing highways, sauntering around homes, etc. They said this is the time of year when they tend to act more fearless. Not sure why. They've set a trap for this one in our neighborhood. We live in a forest conservation area so there are rangers in charge, I guess. The bear may have been scrounging and the dogs may have gotten riled up and approached him barking, making him mad.