View Full Version : 14 yr old dachshund just diagnosed (treated with trilostane)

05-18-2010, 05:04 PM
I am new to this forum and have been dealing with my 14 yr old dachshund diagnosed with cushings 3 weeks ago and being trated with trilostane. For more than 6 weeks she has had loose stool/diarrhea. Vet first put her on I/D and switched to W/D last week. If anyone has had experience with diarrhea as it relates to Cushings, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

05-18-2010, 06:53 PM
Glad you found us. I dont use trilo however I've been here reading for 4 years and I can tell you that it is very likely there is a simple fix to the problem. Lower the dose of trilo. Diarrhea should go away. It is a sign that the cortisol levels are too low.

Have you had a followup acth test to measure cortisol since starting the trilo? With trilo it is best to start with low doses and if needed increase because of exactly what you are experiencing.

Here is a link that might help you. Please tell us more about your dog and the testing. Thanks! Kim

Roxee's Dad
05-18-2010, 07:06 PM
Hi and welcome from me too.

Kim has given you some good information. Was there an ACTH follow up test? Should have had one 7 to 10 days after starting the trilo and another about 30 days later. The ACTH stim test will give you and the vet an idea of where your pups cortisol levels are and allow proper adjustments in trilo dosing. it can be a very dangerous situation if the cortisol levels get too low.

How is your pups appetite? Water intake? Did yor vet check the electrolytes? If appetite has decreased and your pup is feeling yucky, I would stop the trilo.

Please do tell us more about the testing and results.

05-18-2010, 07:19 PM
Yes, please do tell us more about your dog's test results and also the symptoms that led your vet to suspect Cushing's. If I am reading your post correctly, the diarrhea actually started three weeks before the trilostane was begun. If that is the case, then there must have been another cause initially. That is not to say that the trilostane may not be contributing to problems now. But it will help us if we can find out more about your dog's overall health history, as well as the testing that was done to diagnose the Cushing's. The blood tests used to diagnose Cushing's can give "false positives" in the presence of other illnesses or stress. So if another illness is/was responsible for the diarrhea, it is possible that the Cushing's diagnostic tests were affected.


05-19-2010, 10:38 AM
initially she was treated for diarrhea with antibiotics (stool samples were examined with no indications of abnormalities). Then blood tests were taken specifically to determine possible causes of the diarrhea, also came back negative. (she was initially put on diet of I/D which was changed last week to W/D). when diarrhea persisted an ultrasound was done during which I asked to see if there was any indication of Cushings (since she had been drinking quite a bit of water for a long time). The ultrasound indicated enlarged adrenal but no evidence of tumors. Blood and urine tests specific to Cushings diagnosis were performed and confirmed Cushings. initial dose of 7.5mg trilostane was prescribed. vet aslo prescribed baytril as a "precaution". After a week on baytril with no improvement in the diarrhea I requested baytril be stopped as a possible contributing factor. she was retested (blood and urine a week ago Monday and dosage was increased to 15 mg. her usual dosage (4mg soloxine) was cut to 2mg when vet saw her for first time for diarrhea. Other than the diarrhea, she has a great appetite and is alert when awake. she does sleep a lot...but she is 14. she has had a good life and other than the diarrhea gives every indication that she is not in discomfort. I intend to call the vet again today and also call another vet I know. thanks for sharing any knowlege and experience you may have

Harley PoMMom
05-19-2010, 04:07 PM
Hi and welcome from me and my boy Harley too! I am so sorry your precious girl is dealing with Cushing's plus coping with diarrhea also.

Some dogs will get diarrhea when their food is changed or when the ingredients in their food is changed. Unless one reads the labels very carefully they would never know if the ingredients of the pet food they buy has changed because they are allowed months after changing a formula before informing the consumers. :(

Is your girl acting sick in any other way? Vomiting? Does her tummy seem tender to the touch? Is there mucus or blood in her diarrhea?

Did the ultrasound get a good look at her pancreas and gall bladder? If so, what did the report say about them?

Looking forward to hearing more about your girl.

Love and hugs,

05-19-2010, 06:12 PM
ultrasound showed everything else (except enlarged adrenal) normal. other than straining for bowel movements (no mucus or blood), she acts quite normal; moves with ease; eats with gusto; still drinks a fair amount of water.