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04-18-2012, 07:16 PM
I missed it too!

Happy birthday, Zoe!

I am so glad she was feeling happy and energized!

Julie & Hannah

04-19-2012, 01:30 PM
A belated Happy Birthday
Hugs Sonja and your secret admirer Apollo

04-19-2012, 07:11 PM
Thank you.

Wont have stim results until next week:mad::mad:
Had a bit of a run in with IMS today. She totally flip flopped about twice day dosing and when I asked why she gave me this talk about a conference last June she attended and twice day dosing is really only if cortisol is controlled and symptoms are rebounding at night. I pressed her and she seemed ticked off at me.:(:(:o

Zoe's kidney values are fine she said. Everything normal. I told her the white plaque spots are gone on her shoulders. She said she knew, she checked and that she did not have to tell me how rare that was even if we caught her calcinosis early. I felt weird when she said that, like I did not know how to take it.

Anyway, I think she is ticked off at me because I mentioned about the papers I have been reading about the benefits of twice day dosing and that Dr. Feldman's studies indicated a dog could be controlled with less Trilostane per day.

She made some negative comment about the endocrinologists. I probably need to be more tactful with her.

End result is she feels since Zoe is not having any side effects now, there is no reason to go to twice day dosing if we have to increase her dose next week. If she starts having side effects, then we can consider it. I was just trying to prevent that from happening in the first place because I think we will have to up her again next week to 40 mgs. She gained weight and is 18 pounds now.

I guess I will be Addy Scarlett and think about it tomorrow.:confused::rolleyes:;)

04-20-2012, 06:41 PM
You know what? I delt with a Cushings IM specialist for about a month and she was the same way. At one point she siad..... if I was having a problem with her she could get someone else to take over. Geez, if things aren't already bad enough as it is, you don't need to be treated so... Like.... how dare you question anything I do!!! All that does is make you feel like they don't know what they are doing.

Then again... all vets give me that feeling..... :mad:

Jenny & Judi in MN
04-20-2012, 06:45 PM
I think with all of the research you've done you should go with your gut. I'm with you, why wait for more crap for Addy to go through that you can deal with later. hugs, Judi

04-20-2012, 06:54 PM
She made some negative comment about the endocrinologists. I probably need to be more tactful with her.

Really? Unless your IMS is a senior citizen, I dare say that she probably had to buy a textbook or two co-authored by Dr. Feldman when she was in vet school. I don't believe there is anyone living or passed who possesses such impressive credentials.

Dr. Feldman is Board Certified in Small Animal Internal Medicine and is currently Professor in Medicine & Epidemiology at UC Davis. He has taught small animal internal medicine for more than 25 years and authored more than 50 book chapters, authored or co-authored more than 140 peer-reviewed scientific publications and more than100 scientific abstracts. Dr. Feldman is a cofounder and former president of the Society of Comparative Endocrinology, a special interest group open to all veterinarians. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Norden Distinguished Teaching Award, the California Academy of Veterinary Medicine's Award for Teaching Excellence, and SmithKline Beecham Award for Research Excellence. He has co-authored two textbooks, the Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine with Dr. Stephen Ettinger, and Canine and Feline Endocrinology and Reproduction with Dr. Richard Nelson.

04-20-2012, 07:08 PM
Hi Glynda,

I know Dr. Feldman's credentials and so does IMS but IMS got ticked off. She said she knew the study I was referring to but would not budge and then made a negative comment about "these endocrinologists". I dlont remember her exact words.:(:(

And what confused me more is I know that was the study she had read last September when she first suggested going to twice day dosing.

I dont get it and I dont know if I should do it her way or insist on my way. :confused::confused::confused:

I guess I have all weekend to think about it. Probably all next week too:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::eek::eek:

Tempermental doctors!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:


04-20-2012, 08:10 PM
Okay, maybe we have had a change of heart here. IMS just called me:eek::eek::eek: Unheard of!!!!;););););)

Pre 3.7 post 7.3
Zoe always has to make the call hard!!!!:(:(:(:(:(

I feel she is still displaying symptoms, she is still very hungry, still at the water bowl has an accident in the house every other day. I can't say her symptoms are worse at night. She has had an accident at differen times of the day. Once in the morning, once after supper. On the plus side, plaque deposts are gone on her shoulders, she is playing with Koko, she has spurts of energy and wants to play. She is more alert. But she gets up so darn early!!!!!!

IMS thinks she can handle the 40mg sid and that it is easier for me and easier to know what is going on. BUT if I feel better doing BID, she is fine with it. Why didn't she said that yesterday??????

I am worried that we are getting up there in dosing and I worry about her pogo problem which is I wanted to go to BID.

I could try 40mgs SID and see how she does.

I am so confused now. We have colitis, allergies and allergy eyes. I dont think she can stay where she is. I wish I could say she could but I am afraid she will pogo back up.

IMS is on the fence because of me. She really believes Zoe should do 40mgs SID. She really thinks Zoe will handle it. I make her second guess herself, I think.:o:o:o:o

Baby, baby, let me sleep on it!!!!!!!!

addy scarlett

Bailey's Mom
04-21-2012, 02:30 AM
Hi Addy -
My vote.....which is the same as I said before...is twice a day. From all you have explained, I think you should move on this. How long is it that you've been trying to figure this out? (I do NOT mean that harshly.) When the dosages are available, it just makes so much sense to me to even it out. Instead of "hitting" Zoe with 40, you give her 20 and later, after some of the 20 has "been used" you give another 20. I don't remember what her dosage is now....can you remind me?

I just looked back to the information I kept on Palmer......and I don't think your numbers are all that high.....just a tad higher than the range.......am I right about that? Whatever the dosage is, I would go up by something. That's me. :)

With love,

04-21-2012, 07:26 AM
If I truly do not have to worry about her pogoing back up, once a day dosing if I use Vetroyl will cost less. If I buy Vetoryl and have to buy 4 packs of 10mgs I will spend double, over $200 a month. I am now spending $100 (about) a month for her eye drops.

I paid $98 for two boxes of 10mgs=60 pills.
I paid $65 for one box of 30 mgs=30 pills

Dr. Allen did say he thought once I found her
dose" she would level out and stay there for a while.

I guess I'll bump to 40 SID and hold my breath. I want to review all my charts first.


Bailey's Mom
04-21-2012, 11:27 AM
Addy - what about cutting pills? I did that & it was less expensive.

04-22-2012, 01:17 PM
Dear Addy
As we all know dealing with Cushing Meds can be a very slippery slope. All I can say from my experience the first IMS I went to had quite an inflated attitude . I did not always agree with him and it ruffled his feathers . He would not contact our beloved Dr. Oliver on questions I had nor Dechra on the information on doseing. I went by what the manufacture said not the IMS and Apollo did fine. I went back to my own vet who listens to me, talks things out with me and has Apollo,s best interest at heart. Despite what many say about IMS's, they to often time are black and white about issues and do not look at the gray area and their opinion is the only right one . I am sorry to disagree. You and I have been on this journey for almost two years, and both our babies are still here. Yes they both have more issues now, but we have listened and weighed all the issues,etc .out .
So my friend, once again I say listen to your gut . You are very intone to Zoe. The specialist should listen,support you, and discuss with you, if not then she is not doing her job .
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

marie adams
04-22-2012, 01:24 PM
Dearest Sister Addy Scarlett,

I am not as familiar with Trilo, but what Susan/MOM said about the twice a day at 20mg each seems like it would be better on Zoe with her other issues. I cut Maddie's Lyso and that wasn't a safe thing--didn't touch it and washed everything afterwards--kind of weird you don't want to touch it but you give it to your buddy to put in their system.:eek::eek: I was spending about $167 for 30 pills and I think I only give her it 3 days a week.

You are good with your gut so I would go with it, but do more research so you are comfortable with your decision. You know Zoe better than anyone. It does wear you down all this thinking and what ifs...:o

We are here to sound off of so keep asking for advice.


04-22-2012, 03:09 PM
I agree with Sonja that there is no black and white with cushing's and I also agree that not all vets, whether gp or IMS are created equal. What is important is that if you disagree with your IMS and s/he gets offended because you don't agree or ask them to explain why their recommendation is best, then find another IMS....one who will take the time to explain their rationale to you. We aren't ignorant and nobody knows our dog's outward behavior like us but do we actually know what's going on inside their bodies? The answer is no but they do give us big clues in the way of the usual symptoms and development of other conditions as a consequence of a hypersteroid battered immune system. The biggest clue of all is an acth stimulation test that should give us a clue as to why we are seeing the other clues. Is that too many clues in one sentence? Am I clueless? :D

I'm a go with your gut person most of the time too but I'm one member who rarely uses that phrase around here. Where cushing's is concerned, I personally believe it's okay to go with your gut but only if your gut is educated. I think Marie gave you some very sound advice when she mentioned to go with your gut but do the research so that you feel comfortable with the decision. Knowing you, I believe you've already done that and have looked things from every angle so That's a really good thing because I'd be concerned about your gut if it was telling you to ignore an unacceptably high stimulated cortisol number and to ignore those pesky symptoms and to forget about any dosing change. Believe me, your gut would be very wrong and Zoe would never get better. My gut is telling me that I've used the word "gut" way too many times but wait....there's more.

When it comes to deciding on an increase in dosing, then I believe you should be all ears when your gut is talking to you. If it's telling you that Zoe will handle 20mg BID better than 40mg SID, then go with your gut. Either way, your IMS is on board with it and you'll still be on track to meet the ultimate goal, being to get your girl stabilized on an effective dose that will finally resolve all symptoms and halt the adverse impact of high cortisol on her cute little body. No matter which avenue you choose, I predict that Zoe will arrive at her destination shortly and she'll get there safely because her mom will make sure of it. Won't that be an amazing feeling after all this time? :D

04-22-2012, 05:09 PM
Dearest Addy,

Are you sure, we don't go to the same IMS, cause yours sounds exactly like mine. Ughhhh....

I just wanted to say I've been thinking about you and your girl. Been a very emotional last few weeks with my friend's little boy with cancer. He finally lost the battle and passed on Monday....very gut wrenching.

Take care of you and the Zoe and know you are both in my heart always.

Tight hugs, xo Jeanette and Princess

04-23-2012, 08:00 AM
One more question since I now have her allergies to contend with along with the colitis/IBD-

if her colitis can handle the dose increase SID is it better for her allergies to keep her on SID so her cortisol rises later in the day?

Okay, I lied, another question, not just one;);)

IF I put her on 40 SID and I get side effects can I stop it and switch to BID or does she have to be stimmed first?

Jeannette- I am so sorry to hear of your loss. A child's death is so hard and should not be.

Sus, Marie, Sonja thank you for your input. I always pay attention.

LAST QUESTION: FLURIPROFEN EYE DROPS- can it cause systemic side effects? she does seem to be sleeping alot, not sure how much of that is her eye problem and/or meds.

I'll get it anwsered this week and start new dose by the weekend. I have to take off work for the stim so I have to check the calendar and time it.

I did the last go round half of my way and half IMS way and that seemed to not cause problems.


04-23-2012, 09:14 AM
Hi Addy-
I just want you to know I'm thinking of you and Zoe. I also wanted to update you on our allergy situation. I have decided that I am going to try to do baths every three days for a couple of weeks and see if that helps.

The vet I like who does the laser treatment said that derm vets are really coming back around to the idea of baths to manage allergies-if the dog can tolerate it and the human can keep up. She recommended I try that before Cyclosporine. She did say she knows it can really help dogs with allergy issues and feels that it should be okay, but says there are always a small number of dogs who don't do well and I don't know that Hannah won't be one of them.

It's the Cushing's/immune system issues that I worry about, even though she is doing well. I just don't want to create a new problem. The derm vets seemed to feel there was no concern, as does my regular clinic vet, but I'd rather try other things first.

I am waiting to hear from my vet on if I should use the Ketochlor (which I have and used yesterday) or Pyoben, which is another veterinary shampoo the laser vet said is good. I think I will try Claritin too, but only after I try the baths, so I know what is working and what isn't. I guess they say if a dog is over a "5" on the itch scale from 1-10 then antihistamines won't help. She is definitely over a 5 right now, but maybe it is temporary with what is blooming outside.

I gave a bath yesterday and let the Ketochlor sit on her for 10 min. (just wrapped her in a towel and held her) and the itching was not too bad, but she was pretty worn out from a weekend away from home with lots of other dogs.

To top things off, after a long weekend at my parents' house with lots of dogs, Hannah seems to have scratched her eye last night, so now we're back at it with the Gentamicin drops-and I even gave her an Atropine drop last night because it looked so painful. Luckily, she seems a little better today.

I'll keep you posted on how things go...

Julie & Hannah

04-23-2012, 07:25 PM
Hi Julie,

I am so glad you updated me on Hannah. I think you have a good shot at the baths. I would try it.

I think we may have a clue for Zoe. Last week the lawen people did not show up so hubby cut a small area of grass where the dogs do their business. Zoe's bad eye turned very red for 2 days.

Today the lawn people came and her bad eys started tearing and tonight after I got home from work, her eyes are red and she sneezed outside a few times.

GREAT!!! she is allergic to GRASS:eek::eek::eek::rolleyes:

Do you think I can do a desert landscape in Wisconsin?:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Does anyone have a comment on my possbile theory of will Vetoryl SID dosing help her allergies at all? My thought was if her coprtisol strats to rise durring the day maybe that would help or is that wishful thinking on my part?

I am going ahead with the 40mgs SID and I wish I had a better feeling about it. I dont. I was fine with the 30mgs sid. I just dont have a good feeling about this. IMS thinks she will be fine.

I hope I am wrong and she is okay.


Roxee's Dad
04-23-2012, 11:03 PM
Hi Addy,
It's been a while since I posted here but I have been following along:) Just a thought.. I have used artificial turf in some of my doggy yards. It's a bit pricey though, otherwise I would have done my whole yard:D It looks like real grass but no mowing or fertilizers. I did keep it sprinkled to wash away the urine... Kinda like flushing the toilet :p and picked up poop just like you would in any yard. It's very porous so the water does go right thru. I installed it on a 2 or 3 inch bed of finely crushed rock and sand.

I see they sell it at home depot now. The first time I had to special order as it was new on the market, the second time, Pattee found it on line at Walmart and they delivered. It comes like a roll of carpet.

Just a thought.

04-24-2012, 07:25 PM
Hi John,

What a nice suprise to hear from you and what a great idea. I will really look into that. I was thinking about some kind of "dog poo area" without grass but thought the pups would not like stones and Koko will eat wood chips:eek::eek::eek:

Artifical turf sound good to me:):):):):)

I gave her the 40mgs this morning. I just did it so I would not vacilate any more or take any more time to think. Shocked the pants off hubby when I told him to keep a close eye on her and why.

I was so on the fence over this, it was the only way to move forward.
I admit to having a pit in my stomach and not feeling especially brave.
I'm such a wimp!!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::o:o:o

Made through day one and counting.

I wasn't going to post with all the new members needing help. I felt a tad guilty.:o:o:o:o

We are okay. We are strong, we are survivors, we will be fine.


Jenny & Judi in MN
04-25-2012, 08:42 AM
fingers crossed that it works! Judi

Squirt's Mom
04-25-2012, 09:21 AM
Hi Addy,

Not post?!?!?! Why, we would come find you if you didn't post! Yours and Zoe's journey will help others down the road so post away, darlin'. You are helping old and new members every time you do. Plus, we love you both and want to know every little detail. :)

I am glad you made a decision and acted on it. That's the only way I know of to see if this dose and schedule will help or if you need to try twice a day dosing. You have taken the step necessary to learn what you need to know to help Zoe feel her best...just as you always do. ;)

Now, I expect to hear from you often to let us know how things are going, 'k? :)

Leslie and the gang

04-25-2012, 10:48 AM
Addy, I'm very sorry I didn't have a chance to reply to you earlier, but I agree that I'm glad you've gone ahead with the 40 mg. dosing. Until you've gotten Zoe's cortisol into that prime therapeutic range, I just don't think you will ever be able to draw any conclusions as to whether or not she'll do better or worse with her cortisol well-controlled. I'm SOOO hoping she'll do better, so I've got my fingers crossed that this will work!

Sending very hopeful wishes your way!

Bailey's Mom
04-25-2012, 04:12 PM
A HUGE step forward! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Addy!!!
I know that took a lot of courage and faith.
Please do let us know how it is going.


04-25-2012, 07:11 PM
Leap of faith is putting it mildly;););)

Once I knew her alt doubled and we were looking at cutis and I finally actually had a dog acting like she had Cushings instead of a permanent bad hair day I knew I had to bring her cortisol down. The only question was to change to twice day dosing or not.

If the 40mgs does not work, we are going on BID, no question.

She actually has slept until 5:30 am the last 3 nights:D:D:D:D:D
I know it is only day two but she so far is perfectly fine. Yesterday she was pretty tired two hours into her new dose but today, shes good. A bit of back leg trembling, I may have to go back to one day on and one day off for walks. It worked for her so well last time.

Each day will get easier.

Thank you all.

See, Marianee, I did it on my own, no push needed. Well okay I will admit to a gentle reminder from Glynda:D:D:D:D:D

What would I do if it was not for all of you?????

love you so,

marie adams
04-27-2012, 01:00 PM
MIA Marie here finally!!:D

Sounds good so far for you and Zoe!! You are not a whimp--you are strong!!

I am writing this in the car on Ella's first road trip. :eek::D

I think the artifical turf is an excellent idea myself. I would do it if Ella was allergic--so far so good, but you never know.

BIG ((((HUGS)))) from your sis Marie Irene!!!

04-27-2012, 10:05 PM
Addy I haven been posting but did check up on Zoe......I pray that this dose helps....believe me I know how hard it is to decide what root to take!! But fingers, toes, paws....everything is crossed for good results!! Give Zoe a sweet kiss from us! Hope mom is doing ok too!

Hugs nd kisses xoxo

04-28-2012, 04:22 PM
Deqr Addy
you and Zoe are in my thoughts and prayers. Zoe hang in there.
Dealing with the cutis skin issues also.
Will post
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

04-28-2012, 07:03 PM
Thanks guys, we are fine, doesn't seem like the 40mgs phased her too much yet. Her eye looks really bad again, all bloodshot and she is back to chewing her paws like crazy.

She seems alert but she is trying to rip her kong apart at the moment. I was gone last night and most of today at the condo rummage. Hubby babysat.

Koko is stuck to me like glue and Zoe is, well, cant really tell, hubby said she was very good and she is a daddy's girl but she seems a bit stressed and hyper.

I have this sinking feeling her cortisol may be heading in the wrong direction, up not down. She has been on 40 mgs sid since Tuesday, April 24th.

It did rain all day and she hates wet feet. Maybe that is why she is chewing her paws. Her eye looks bad.

I am glad I am home tonight with her and Koko.


04-29-2012, 10:23 AM
Hi Addy,

How are things going today? Hannah's itching (actually more licking) has been really bad lately as well. She is back to licking her inner back legs/groin area a lot too, so I am watching/waiting for sores to develop. None so far. I have been doing the Ketochlor baths twice a week and leaving it on for ten minutes before rinsing. I thought it was better at first, but now I'm not so sure. (She has had 3 baths; today will be number 4). I am thinking it might be time to try the Claritin, but I still want to check the dose. I haven't heard back from the IM vet in two weeks so I am getting a little frustrated. I just wanted her input on the allergy situation before moving forward-especially with the Cyclosporine. I don't know what to do. I just don't want to make anything worse for her or create a new problem.

Are you still using the Cyclosprine drops in Zoe's eye? I'm sorry that she is struggling with her allergies as well. No rain here today...I hope you won't have any either and at least then her little paws can dry.

Julie & Hannah

04-29-2012, 02:47 PM
Hi Julie,

She is still on fluribrofen 2 x day cyclosporine BID and genteal gel 4 x day.

We thought that grass was affecting her eye but now I am wondering if it is not also the fluribofren. not sure if i spelled it right. She has appointment with eye vet this coming Saturday.

She sure is perky though. This morning she started heading down the driveway without me:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Just trotting on down:):):) And even though she has a bit if trembling in her back legs, she is JUMPINg up the step into the front door.

We have another week until the stim:confused::confused:

I have to remember to ask eye vet if this eye problem can affect her stim .

Sorry to hear about Hannah. I cant help but wonder if it is not the grass pollenating early that is causing Hannah and Zoe issues.

I sure hate to have to get out the comfy cone again. She had been doing so well.

I gave her a haircut on her face and top of her head. The hair was so long I had been putting it up in a top knot. It was causing problems for her eyes and I can't take her to the groomer right now so I watched a video on how to cut her hair:eek::eek::eek:


marie adams
04-29-2012, 02:57 PM
Happy Sunday Sister Addy,

I love you watched a video to trim Zoe. I have watched a few to see how I can trim Ella's behind a little around the little snub of a tail she has. I like leaving her more natural, but the hind end.....has a few issues. :eek:

I love that Zoe has a lot more energy. Maddie had the trembling in her hind legs most of the time after knowing it was part of cushings, but it didn't stop her from climbing the stairs. I know having her in a more control maintenance helped with being able to climb better.:)

I think Zoe will have a good stim and the new dosage is working even though it is nerve racking. :o

Too bad it rained on the rummage sale. Maybe you could do it again next weekend or the next.

Take care!!!:D ((((HUGS))))

04-29-2012, 04:07 PM
Dear Addy
You are wonder women:D Now get that magic wand out.
Anxious to here how Zoe does.
Love Sonja and Apollo

Jenny & Judi in MN
05-01-2012, 11:07 AM
hope you and Zoe are feeling ok. did you ever try the wipes Louise mentions at the end of this thread on the K9 diabetes forum? just a thought. hugs, Judi


05-03-2012, 08:02 PM
Glynda had turned me on to a wonderful Etsy shop when Zoe needed sweaters to cover her tummy. I ordered two and then ordered a spring sweater for Zoe. The shop owner is delightful. Well, you may remember, she knit the most beautiful sweater, prettier than the one I had ordered and sent it along for Zoe for free. Yes, I said free.:):)

Well, I just went on their new website because I am thinking Zoe may need something light weight for summer as I am worried that bare spot on her sholuders may get sunburned.

So I clicked on dresses and there was the beautiful sweater dress sent to my pup and Chantel has now named her sweaters and she named the sweater dress----------


OMG, I can't believe it. She is such a nice person. I am going to order a BUNCH of stuff:D:D:D:D:D

I can't wait to show hubby!!!!

Glynda- thank you again for the contact. Chantel is truly amazing. I gave her a super reference on Etsy.:D:D:D:D

Her shop on Etsy is FIFIME and her website is Royalfifi. Her sweaters are to die for. Incredible work and they actually fit my dogs PERFECTLY. If you need sweaters or raincoats check her out!!!!

thrilled to death addy

05-03-2012, 08:38 PM
Chantel has some really cute stuff. Check these out:





05-03-2012, 09:16 PM

i'm getting this one for sure!!!!

Her clothes on RoyalFifi are a bit more money than on Etsy but she has really neat suff there too.

She has dresses made out of t shirts or knit bodice and cloth skirts.
I love shopping for Zoe.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I'll post the links for Royalfifi


OMG I can get Koko a matching shirt. Okay , now I know I am over the top

Bailey's Mom
05-04-2012, 12:52 AM
Well.........I am over the top as well.......although the sweater I may order is not so fancy.

Thanks for the link, gals.


05-04-2012, 08:07 AM

zoe's sweater:D:D

the link takes a bit if time to load

I found five I want- i dont think hubby will let me buy five. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

happy shopping susan!!!!

Squirt's Mom
05-04-2012, 09:17 AM
What cute clothes! I LOVE the Zoe dress! :D My girls would disown me if I put those on them, tho. Squirt would shred it getting it off and Trink would become a statue until I took it off! :p:p

I have an image in my head for an outfit for Brick that has four legs and covers everything but his head yet will allow him to do his business. His little legs are so tiny and they get so cold. I may have to learn to sew - gasp!

05-04-2012, 01:20 PM
Dear Addy
Love the clothes
Apollo has already picked out his lounging coat.:D
Hugs Apollo and Sonja

05-04-2012, 01:35 PM
Maybe Zoe's hair will grow back and she wont need dresses and sweaters!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

I dont think it will, though. Well, she will be decked out for sure!!!


Bailey's Mom
05-04-2012, 04:09 PM
Atta girl! That's how to look at it! :):):D I'll put in a link for Bailey's when I get it ordered.

marie adams
05-05-2012, 12:30 PM
I love it that you are shopping for sweaters and stuff for Zoe & Koko. Ella would rip it off and tear it to pieces so I won't even continplate any clothing and hubby would just roll his eyes.:rolleyes:

I will post later more. Work was hell this week so that is why I haven't been around.

Let me know more about Carrol's son if you can get on Facebook--I don't have Facebook so I wouldn't be able to get there especially if you have to be logged in.

Take care!!!

05-05-2012, 05:36 PM
Need advice:

Adverse Effects and Precautions
•Suppression of systemic lymphoblastogenesis has been reported in small dogs treated with 2% topical cyclosporine, but not with 0.2% (Optimmune®), suggesting that lower concentrations are advisable, particularly in small animals.
Ocular irritation reactions, including conjunctival hyperemia, periocular alopecia and blepharitis are common when topical
•cyclosporine is made from oral cyclosporine (Sandimmune®) but rarely are seen with Optimmune. Ingredients in the oral solution such as alcohol and surfactants as well as higher concentrations of CsA contribute to the irritation response. Cats have a lower tolerance to this ocular irritation than do dogs.
•Experimentally, CsA-induced exacerbations of ocular herpes in cats occurred when used without concurrent virostatic agents.
•Unlike corticosteroids, cyclosporine does not induce collagenase and is therefore not contraindicated in the presence of corneal ulcers


Zoe saw opthamologist today. Dry eye is nuch better she responded well to the .2% solution but the conjunctivitis is not better. He wants to change the clyclosporine to 2% precuations described above from Wedgewood Compounding Agency. Otherwise he said we have to use steriod eye drops and Zoe is not a good candidiate for that as the crystals in her eyes with the steriod eye drops could easily cause ulcers on her cornea.

He thinks if we leave things the way they are, the conjunctivitis will not improve.

He told me he uses the 2% all the time without problems then I come home and find this.

Bailey's Mom
05-05-2012, 05:55 PM
Hi Addy-
I vote for the wisdom and experience of the ophthalmologist. It is a helpful suggestion worth trying.....and not to do that will not counter the conjunctivitis. I have no experience with the drugs, so I can't help you there. The doc DID say he has used it before....a lot....with no problems. Sometimes you just have to trust and move forward.....I think. At least for me.


05-06-2012, 07:13 AM
Hey Addy: I know Zoe will look cute in her new clothes. My CoCo would tear everything up, although lately he is just not the hyper dog, he just seems to feel so bad lately. I have got to get him on the Lysodren, but my husband has been under the weather lately, so am waiting until we can devote time to watching CoCo closely. My CoCo looks so old lately, he has really thin hair on his head and baldness really like pattern baldness and is getting so gray on his back. My grandson graduated from nursing school yesterday and the family was here and my CoCo was so scared and seemed sick the whole time. He has a new symptom which I had noticed his bark was different and does not bark much, but last night I noticed he was so hoarse when he tried to bark, don't know if it is Cushings. Guess it is a another symptom, he still does not drink much water, but is really hungry and is losing his hair and now the bark and seems so weak and tired. I tried him on the Melatonin, but it did not see to make any difference and since it is a hormone I was afraid I was doing harm. Just wanted to know if you think the barking is due to Cushings or if he has something else. I knw Zoe will look like a doll in her new clothes. Hugs, JoAnne

Jenny & Judi in MN
05-06-2012, 07:36 AM
Jenny has used 1% cyclosporin with no problem. Could you ask your vet to check with another doggy eye doctor to see if they have had problems with the 2%?

sounds like you have to do something. hugs, Judi

05-06-2012, 08:11 AM
Thanks Judi, he did say we could try the 1%, when hubby balked, maybe that is the route we should go.


thanks for the kind words. I posted on your thread.

I know I have a trust issue with the medical profession, but I think it developed over too many personal misdiagnosis in our family.
But you are right, I have to trust him at some point.

Maybe I should copy the discharge summary and see what input everyone has.

05-06-2012, 01:05 PM
Eye doc report- I dont want to increase the cyclosporine to 2% yet.
He said I should not let this problem influendce what i do to control her cushings:confused::confused::confused:

On ophthalmic exam, Zoe appeared to have less discharge compared to previous exam and the corneas are better lubricated. She is responding well to dry eye disease therapy. However the conjunctivitis, while improved, persists. The follicular nature suggests an underlying allergic component. If the dermatologist believed underlying allergic skin disease was present (and the Cushing’s disease is currently controlled), then a reevaluation by the dermatologist is reasonable to discuss allergic skin disease (treating this appropriately will help the allergic conjunctivitis). If the dermatologist did not believe there was underlying allergic skin disease, then topical medication may need to be changed in the future. Additionally, the inflammation of the left cornea also persists. This may be due to relatively recent control of dry eye disease and thus the corneal inflammation may take more time to resolve. However, given the appearance, this may also suggest an immune mediate keratitis (her body identifying cornea as abnormal). We discussed topical steroid therapy to address the keratitis and conjunctivitis. However, there is significant risk for corneal ulceration with topical steroid given the current status of the cornea (dense crystalline opacity). Increasing the concentration of the topical cyclosporine is another option. This may address the corneal
inflammation but will not likely reduce conjunctival inflammation (this will most likely require control of systemic allergy if present or topical steroid).

As discussed before, there was significant crystalline opacity in both cornea -this is most likely related to the ulderlying cushings disease, however other possibilities exist (inherited, high fat diet, other endocrinopathy, etc). There are small cataracts which are not causing vision deficits that should be monitored over time.

Zoe has been diagnosed with dry eye disease (keratoconjunctivitis sicca -KCS). KCS is a condition in which the glands that produce a component of the tear film do not function appropriately resulting in inadequate aqueous tear production. This can result in ocular
surface pathology including corneal scaring, pigmentation, vascularization, ulceration, pain, and potentially blindness. Treatment for this condition will be lifelong topical medications.

Topical ophthalmic medications are designed to decrease associated ocular surface inflammation and stimulate tear production as well as lubricate the ocular surface. Additional medication may be required in the future. It is very important that she get these medications
as directed as missing doses can result in decreased response rate over time. Serial examinations are important to help ensure Zoe is responding appropriately to medications.

Zoe has been diagnosed with follicular conjunctivitis. The appearance is suggestive of allergic conjunctivitis (conjunctival inflammation). Primary infectious cause of conjunctivitis in dogs is rare. As discussed, any antigenic stimulation in her environment may be resulting in the inflammation of the conjunctiva. The clinical signs tend to be seasonal, but depends on what is inducing the irritation. Please take note of when you are noticing clinical signs (ie, seasonal,
after being outside; in the morning after waking up; etc) to try to identify potential sources of irritation.

In cases where the conjunctivitis is associated with other systemic signs of allergies (skin, ears, etc), identification of an underlying allergen can be helpful (inhaled, food, etc). A dermatologist has evaluated Zoe in the recent past and underlying allergy was reported to be suspected, however control of Cushings disease was recommended first. Please follow up with your dermatologist when the Cushings disease is considered controlled.

Bailey's Mom
05-07-2012, 09:11 PM
Wow! :eek: What a detailed report. Wears me out just reading it.;) So how and where are you with all this now? Is there a next step?

I am sending the XL size package of hugs. :) Try to take care of yourself.


05-08-2012, 07:07 PM
She is pre 2.3 and post 3.9


It is the best mother's day present I could ever ask for.

she is pre 2.3 and post 3.9

i cant stop crying and I am shouting to the WORLD

05-08-2012, 07:10 PM
Oh Addy.... :o :) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

This is such SUPER news!!!!!!!!!!! :p :p :p :p

Super HUGE hugs all around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-08-2012, 07:22 PM
YES, PERFECT NUMBERS!!! Go, Zoe, go!!!

Bailey's Mom
05-08-2012, 08:01 PM
Go Zoe.....go Zoe.....go Zoe!!!!! :):):) Give her an extra hug or an extra treat or an extra kiss or all of the above. I am so happy for you both!!Love, Bailey and Bailey's Mom! :D:D:D

05-08-2012, 08:03 PM
Speechless! See, never doubt yourself Addy.... you did it!!! Way to go and huge hugs to Zoe. Hope relief comes as a result. Can't help but see improvement. Wonderful wonderful news. Hugs hugs hugs, Kim

05-08-2012, 08:50 PM
Yay! That is wonderful news!

I am so happy for you! I hope you and Zoe can relax for a little while. I also help you can now get her allergies under control.

Congrats on the excellent news!

Julie & Hannah

05-08-2012, 09:04 PM
Yay!!! Congrats on the amazing news!!!!!!

05-08-2012, 09:25 PM
CONGRATS!!!! I am so happy for you and Zoe.

05-08-2012, 09:46 PM
Great news, Addy! So happy for you! Hope things continue in this direction!

Harley PoMMom
05-08-2012, 11:40 PM
What wonderful stim numbers!!! Congrats to you and Zoe! Sending huge and loving hugs, Lori

Roxee's Dad
05-08-2012, 11:58 PM
Wonderful news !!! :D:)

Jenny & Judi in MN
05-09-2012, 06:31 AM
I'm sorry I couldn't hear you, what were her results? :D

wonderful news! yay for you & Zoe

05-09-2012, 06:42 AM
Thanks guys, I was sitting at the desk thinking I was going to 30mgs am and 20mgs pm when the call came in. I was shocked.

Truth be told, she doesnt seem any different:o:o:o:o:o

Now I just have to figure out how to fix her eye. It is not the conjunctivitis so much that is scary but the cornea inflammation, keratitis, I thinkl is what he called it. You can see all the blood vessels in the white part of her eye when you retract her lid.

I am really scared about it. It does look better today. I am hoping the dry eye treatment helps. I really dont like the side effects of the 2% cyclosporine and I dont want to give her steriod eye drops and vet thinks that is where we are headed.

Go Zoe!!!!!! I love her so.


05-09-2012, 06:47 AM
Life is good! :)

Yayyyy Zoe and Addy!:)

Tightest hugs.

xo Jeanette and sweet Princess

05-09-2012, 08:59 AM
yes Jeanette, life is good, we went from 20 to 40 mgs with no IBD flare. Double the dose:eek::eek::eek: Poops got a bit soft here and there but I fixed them up right away before it got out of hand.

Now if I can finally finish changing her raw food and then stop the metronidazole, life will be perfect:D:D;)


p.s. derm vet said to do 40mgs, but I just did not want to increase 100% so I took the long way:p:p:p:p:p:p

05-10-2012, 09:07 AM
Yay, wonderful numbers, such good news for you. Jo anne

05-12-2012, 04:22 AM
She is pre 2.3 and post 3.9


It is the best mother's day present I could ever ask for.

she is pre 2.3 and post 3.9

i cant stop crying and I am shouting to the WORLD

I just now saw this. It gave me the chills I'm so happy for you!!!

marie adams
05-12-2012, 10:46 AM
Yesssss!!!!! That is the best Mother's Day Present!!!!:D:):D:):D

Do you feel like you studied so hard for the test and it paid off--you Aced It!!!! :p;)

Oh how I know the thoughts going through your head about the eyes....there is always still something to worry about. I do not have any advice on the eye situation--wished I did!!!:( You will have your gut feeling and go with it which will be the best for Miss Zoe.

Have the Happiest Mother's Day!!! Is your Mom coming over too!!!!???


05-12-2012, 03:44 PM
So glad to hear. Happy Mother's day. GREAT news on Zoe. YA! YA!:p

Casey's Mom
05-16-2012, 08:07 AM
Awesome results Addy!!! :):)

I too am dealing with dry eye with Oreo - its a struggle to get the meds in and he doesn't like it :confused:

Congrats and give Zoe a hug,

05-16-2012, 08:30 AM
Hi Ellen,

I sat and watched videos on Utube last night about how to put drops in a dogs eyes, how to flush their eyes, how to handle a dog who does not want you to touch their face:rolleyes::rolleyes:;):confused:

I am betting Oreo is feeling ALOT like Zoe right now.

So I watched all these videos then stumbled on a video about clicking and treating to get a nervous dog used to being handled about their face. Out came the clicker and chicken:D:D

I also changed my technique to using my arm to raise Zoe's head so "the dreaded hands" are not coming at her face. Some of the videos suggested coming at them from behind but it is harder then to see if the drops are getting in.

We can struggle together:D:D:D:D:D Sorry to hear you are dealing with it too. Always something!!!!!


Jenny & Judi in MN
05-16-2012, 08:32 AM
I like the clicker chicken technique! I've been bribing Jenny for everything!

Jenny only tolerates me messing with her face if she is on the bathroom counter. She knows I mean business if she is there. I will sometimes lean her against me and tilt her head up so I am behind her. It sounds weird but it works if Zoe freaks at seeing your hands come at her!

you are doing great!!

05-16-2012, 08:41 AM
Hi addy

Just wanted to say hi...just doing alittle catch up.... Hope the new techniques work:)

Hugs xoxo

05-16-2012, 04:33 PM
Hi Addy,

One question regarding Zoe's dry eye? Have you noticed any white gunky stuff in her eyes which comes out after you put in her drops? Princess suffers from the dry eyes as well and is on the tracolimus twice a day, but she gets that gunky stuff in there. I think I may need to address it soon because it doesn't get any better with the drops and not sure if even related to dry eye or some other issue? Never ends as that saying goes.

For now, let's keep on partying in celebration of our wonderful stim numbers.....:D

Love ya both...xo Jeanette

05-16-2012, 06:57 PM
hey Jeanette,

yup, zoe gets white junky stuff, you can sometimes see it floating around in her eye before it lands in the corners.:eek::eek:She does not have it all the time.

Zoe has multipe eye problems. dry eye seems to be better with the cyclosporine and genteal gel severe. She also has either allergic cunjunctivitis or imune related conjunctivitis and her cornea is inflammed and she has calcium deposits in her eyes.:(:(:(

Arent I glad I went to the opthalmologist?:eek::eek::eek:

eye doc said I can use an eye wash to rinse her eyes out.

mean while, yes girlfriend, party on down, we both had good stims!!!!! yahoooooooooo:D:D:D:D:D

love ya,

05-17-2012, 08:46 AM
Hi Addy: So sorry Zoe is having so much trouble with her eyes. Always seems to be something with our puppies. My CoCo has diarrhea again. I tried to change his dog food and evidently any tiny change causes diarrhea. He seems ok diarrhea wise this morn. He actually just seems to feel so bad. Hair is turning gray on his back and head is almost bald symmetrically and seems to be getting weaker. Taking him to the vet Monday for more tests. I forgot my password as Infoviewer, so re-registered as transcribe. I am a medical transcriptionist, so I just say I have too many words n my brain. Maybe the eye drops will help Zoe, I sure hope so and I am sending happy wishes for you and your puppies. Hugs, JoAnne

(Administrative Note: JoAnne, I went ahead and approved this single reply under your new username so that Addy will have the chance to read it. But I will be contacting you about getting you a new password for "Infoviewer" so that your membership on the site will continue under that username alone. Otherwise, it gets too confusing if we having members registered under different usernames ;). Marianne )

marie adams
05-18-2012, 01:03 PM

See I knew you would find a solution to getting the drops and such in Zoe's eyes. You amaze me with what you find!:)

I hope the weather holds out for that dinner out this weekend!!!

You couldn't see the beach from the restaurant, but the breeze and smell is always nice. I love when we can hear the waves breaking when I am out for a walk with Ella. I remember that is what made it so peaceful when walking Maddie and having my coffee too on the walks. :( Miss those times a lot; especially when dealing with Miss (I like to eat yucky stuff on the trail) Ella!!! :eek:

Flowers??? I didn't plant any Zinnas yet, but some are coming up from last year. We finally planted some impatients and marigolds; so now it will give some color to the front yard. What did you plant in the boxes???

It would be nice to get a little more rain--it helps all the plants so much better than just water. :D

Have a most wonderful weekend!!! Oh, you will because we are going to party hardy in the non basement with Mom--girl's weekend!!!!:D:p;):)

05-18-2012, 02:38 PM
Bree has dry eye as well. I guess the fact he had a juvenile cataract and was getting 13 drops a day during that treatment made the one drop and ointment per eye seem like a picnic!

I would say you might need a second person to hold the head, or to find a way to securely hold the head (preferably without strangling the dog - even if you might want to after try 25!!) so you can do it on your own.

Your vet might have some ideas that youtube didn't cover.

05-19-2012, 07:50 AM
Wait Addy,

You took Zoe to eye dr. so he can tell you "you can use a eye wash on Zoe" lolllll.... How much was that office visit? :D

Still partying....:p:):D:rolleyes:;):cool::eek:

xo Jeanette

05-19-2012, 04:42 PM
Dear Addy
We all seem to be going through the same issues with our babies,just different parts of the body. I hope Zoe's eye problems resolve themselves. Know what you mean about some of the specialists.
Will post about Apollo's latest issues. I feel with the additional conditions and medications more issues seem to surface.
Hang in there my dear friend.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

05-20-2012, 09:51 PM
Hi Addy,

Just wanted to stop by. I always check in on you and Zoe. I'm sorry to hear she is still having so many eye issues, but glad to hear the Cyclosporine and GenTeal are helping. I use the GenTeal gel on Hannah too. I have used it myself a few times as well, and it definitely lasts longer than the drops.

Hannah is still itching away over here. It has gotten worse. I am back to the Hydroxyzine for $40 a month because it seems to work better than Claritin or Benadryl. We are doing weekly baths as well. I don't get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time before she wakes me up itching or whining (I don't know if it's because she wants food or wants to be up on the bed)

She has been slipping more lately on our wood and tile floors. I'm worrying those back legs are getting weaker. For a while I was feeling really positive and calm about her, and now my fears are back and I am worrying that she isn't going to be around as long as I had been thinking. I tend to worry and be more negative when I am stressed, and I am definitely stressed right now, so maybe that is it. Geez! Sorry to babble on and on when I came to say hello to you!

Anyway, I think of you and Zoe all the time, and check on you often, so I just wanted to say hi.

Julie & Hannah

05-21-2012, 12:22 PM
Addy: I took CoCo to the vet this morning. He has thyroid problems and was put on Soloxine 1mg q12h, I think the vet said the measurements were .08. Forget to get a copy of the numers, but I will when I go back in 3 weeks. I just wondered if this was the normal dose for a 13 pound dog. Maybe this will help his hair and his weakness. I will try to start him on Lysodren in a couple of weeks when I can watch him closely. His alt, alkp and cholesterol were higher than six months ago. Did not do his cortisol until ready to start medicine. Thanks, JoAnne

05-21-2012, 12:55 PM
Sorry Zoe is still having so many problems with her eyes. I wonder sometimes how these sweet dogs can have one problem right after another and still wag their tails and make us so happy with a sweet lick, although my dachshund is not much of a licker. Hope you and Zoe have a good day. Thinkng of Zoe and all the sweet puppies that are having so many problems. Hugs, JoAnne

05-21-2012, 05:20 PM
Thank you guys for checking in on us. We are doing okay. I am having my own allergy problems and have not been feeling well. I think another sinus infection is in the making.

Zoe goes for her stim tomorrow. Cross your fingers that she did not pogo up.

I noticed when the air conditioning is on, she does not drink as much water and does not need to go out as much. She seems to be sleeping a lot. I worry about any systemic side effects from the fluriprofen.

All in all she seems fine. At least as fine as she can now be. We have a new standard for "feeling good" these days.

I always get very anxious when we have to have her stim. I find it nerve wracking.

Wish us luck tomorrow. Wish I felt better.


Squirt's Mom
05-21-2012, 05:31 PM
awww.... I hope you are feeling much, much better real soon and that the results are just as you wish them to be.

Leslie and the gang

05-21-2012, 07:06 PM
Good luck tomorrow! I hope you're feeling better soon! I'm feeling crappy too; not sure if it's allergies or a cold, Ugh! Sending positive thoughts your way. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

Julie & Hannah

05-21-2012, 07:18 PM
Hey Julie,
zoe is slipping a lot too on the hardwood. I have her back on one day walk, one day off. I noticed yesterday she did not knuckle drag till the end of the walk, big improvement. She also stood up on her hind legs Saturday while i was trying to watch The Preakness and did her scratchy thing on the sofa. Have not seen that in a while. Point is, that one day on one day off seems to help her hind legs. Maybe it would help Hannah.

Leslie- still holding your hand

JoAnn- I posted on your thread

05-22-2012, 01:45 AM
Will be waiting for the results.
Love to you and Zoe.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

Bailey's Mom
05-22-2012, 11:27 PM
Hi Addy-

Whenever you do divide your hostas......you probably already know this---do it early in the AM or early in the evening....then be sure to water right away.

Ginger the Gardener

Squirt's Mom
05-23-2012, 09:09 AM

Hey Ginger, Do you grow herbs???? I have started my first "herb garden" this year - all in pots. Would love some tips! :D

marie adams
05-23-2012, 02:41 PM
Did I miss any stim results?

I hope you are feeling better!!! I was taking a quiz on hypothyroid symptoms and one of the questions was about sinus infections, headaches from the eye, etc. Have you checked your thyroid lately?

Mom asked if I had a good time at the PARTEE--did you? :D

You are such a good mom to all yourself. Keep up the GREAT JOB!! :)


05-24-2012, 07:36 PM
No Sister Marie Irene- I just got the stim results now after work

pre 5.1 post 5.8

her pre went up more than her post. she was 2.3 and 3.9

could that be from stress? she had eye doctor visit Saturday and was stressed and stim was Tuesday.

IMS said come back in 2-3 months unless something comes up. meanwhile she had a potty accident when I got home

now what? Opthalmalogist wants to either increase cyclosporine to 2% or use steriod eye drops which could ulcerate her cornea. We see him again June 2nd.

Marianne??????? Any thoughts??????

sad addy

05-24-2012, 08:27 PM
Hi, Addy.

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, sad and Zoe is still having issues. :( I so wish there were easier answers for all these little ones. They certainly do not deserve to have all these problems. I really hope you get a break soon.

marie adams
05-24-2012, 09:49 PM
Oh Sister Addy,

I wish I could hug you in person and make it all better!! :o:)

With Zoe's numbers going up a little and the accident; the IMS doesn't want to go up a little with the trilo? I mean she could have been stressed, but I would think by Tuesday she would have moved on from that situation. Does she weigh more now than last time and her dose is off? I am not anywhere near being an expert on this so I hope Marianne can give you better info.

I cannot even give you advice on the eye stuff--I am like Mary Beth I wish there were some easy answers to all this and Zoe & the rest of them didn't have to go through all this medicine and problems. (Boy that is a long sentence :rolleyes:)

Here are the best (((((HUGS))))) I can give you right now.

Bailey's Mom
05-24-2012, 11:48 PM
I agree with Marie Irene's thoughts.

I am leaving now, will swing by and pick up Marie, then we'll be up to squish you with a huge hug!!

It WILL get better.


05-25-2012, 06:53 AM
Dear Sad Addy,:(

We are all here sad with ya!:(

Here's hoping sweet Zoe will get some relief soon so mommy and the rest of us can be happy again.:)

Stay strong, but take breathers in between please...

We love ya dearly.

xo Jeanette and Princess

ps: I hate it when they slip on the hardwood floors. Princess does all the time in our bedroom--time for wall to wall carpetting for the pupper..$$$$$:eek:

05-25-2012, 07:09 AM
Hi there, Addy :o

All I can say is, PHOOEY!! :( Or make that, DOUBLE PHOOEY!! :( :(

Did the IMS make any comment over the fact that Zoe's cortisol has increased?? Seems weird to me to just sign off for 2-3 months! :mad: Especially when Zoe has already exhibited her history of pogo-ing.

OK, girlfriend. I've been wracking my brain trying to think what I'd do if Zoe were mine. Since she's currently taking 40 mg. once daily, I think I'd finally take the plunge and experiment with twice daily dosing. Is her trilostane in a dose that would allow you to try giving her 20 mg. both in the morning and evening? I know Dechra says to increase the overall dose slightly when shifting to twice-daily, but I think with Zoe, I'd just go for 20/20 to begin with, if that dosing combo is possible for you. I really can't see why your IMS would have a problem with giving that a try, since it doesn't involve an overall dosing change. If she has some other explanation for dealing with the higher ACTH result, fine! But if not, I'd want to finally try the twice-daily dosing suggestion of Dr. Allen's.

As for the eyedrops, remind me of your worry about shifting to the higher-dose cyclosporine drops? Have cyclosporine eyedrops been linked to the same degree of worry re: side effects as oral cyclosporine (Atopica)? In my ignorance, I would think (hope) that the risks would be lesser with eyedrops. But I really don't know for certain. Please tell us what your worries are about the eyedrops, and that will help us to sort through them with you.

Sending many hugs, knowing HOW frustrating this roller-coaster ride must be!!


05-25-2012, 08:07 AM
Did the IMS make any comment over the fact that Zoe's cortisol has increased?? Seems weird to me to just sign off for 2-3 months! Especially when Zoe has already exhibited her history of pogo-ing.

IMS's nurse left a message that IMS was fine with the numbers and happy about them and hoped I would be too. Last fall when I let it ride and then had to deal with mom and put zoe on the back burner zoe dropped from 12.3( i think) down to 9.6 (I think) with no change in dose in 3 months but then the next 3 months she went back up.

2% cyclosporine has side effects and I read that the small dose of clycosporine should be used in small dogs. That the .2 was not a problem. I read about it on the Wedgewood Compounding Pharamcy page. Hair loss around the eyes, and I forget what else. I should go find it and post it. I

Meanwhile, her eye looks better today, she drank less water last night and happily took her chicken walk with me and Koko.

I am thinking of maybe letting it ride for two months, retest and if she is still over 5 then go to twice day dosing because she did drop back down last fall.

Marianne- do you think it is weird her pre and post are almost the same? Have you ever seen that before?

Ill go look and post the wedgewood page.

love ya,

•Suppression of systemic lymphoblastogenesis has been reported in small dogs treated with 2% topical cyclosporine, but not with 0.2% (Optimmune®), suggesting that lower concentrations are advisable, particularly in small animals.
Ocular irritation reactions, including conjunctival hyperemia, periocular alopecia and blepharitis are common when topical
•cyclosporine is made from oral cyclosporine (Sandimmune®) but rarely are seen with Optimmune. Ingredients in the oral solution such as alcohol and surfactants as well as higher concentrations of CsA contribute to the irritation response. Cats have a lower tolerance to this ocular irritation than do dogs.
•Experimentally, CsA-induced exacerbations of ocular herpes in cats occurred when used without concurrent virostatic agents.
•Unlike corticosteroids, cyclosporine does not induce collagenase and is therefore not contraindicated in the presence of corneal ulcers.
•Epiphora is an anticipated side-effect of CsA in non-dry-eye patients.
•The bioavailability of CsA is affected by the oil in which it is dissolved. Corn oil and castor oil are desirable vehicles; mineral oil is particularly undesirable. Cyclosporine is an extremely stable molecule, however stability of the ophthalmic preparation is limited by solubility, oxidation of the vehicle and sterility.
Recommended frequency is usually twice daily and can be adjusted more or less frequently to effect. For KCS, ophthalmic cyclosporine usually needs to be continued lifelong. For transient ocular-surface disorders it may be used periodically as needed.

05-25-2012, 10:07 AM
Hi Addy,

When Lulu was taking Trilostane, her pre and post results were consistently in the 2's and very close to identical. As I recall, her post was actually less than the pre a few times and some here were worried about non stimulatory results. I was new to Trilostane so I didn't understand what non stimulatory meant so I was worried. I asked her then gp vet about it and she was not worried because neither the pre or post were suggestive of low cortisol. I believe Marianne may have posted something about this on another thread but I can't remember which one. Hopefully she'll be back to share with you.

Aside from the one accident, is Zoe showing any other signs that cortisol is too high? Can you tell if her pee is concentrated and is she drinking a lot again? If no to both, is it possible that her accident was truly an accident and not cushing's related? If her urine is dilute and her water intake has increased, did you discuss this with your IMS or the vet tech you spoke with? Did you mention to the vet tech that you had concerns about the increase since the last stim and Zoe's history of ups and downs? Having experience with both Trilostane and Lysodren, I can tell you that you have a lot more options with Trilostane. The pressure is much greater with Lysodren to make a decision because things can get out of hand quickly. With Trilostane, I'd be much more amenable to the IMS' suggestion to wait two to three months because you always have the option of making changes sooner if increasing symptoms become evident. If that should be the case, I'd probably make the switch to twice daily dosing, given Zoe's history.

Sorry that I can't help you with the cyclosporin issue. I have no idea what systemic lymphoblastogenesis is. I looked it up and I am still clueless...too technical for my brain this early in the morning. Cyclosporin is probably one of the most prescribed drugs for canine eye problems so I would think that a board certified veterinary eye specialist would be intimately familiar with the drug and its side effects. Have you discussed your concerns with the eye vet about systemic lymphoblastogenesis and did s/he take the time to explain things to you? If so, perhaps you can let us know what the heck it is and what would happen to Zoe if she were to experience this adverse reaction.

That's my two cents worth for now.


05-25-2012, 11:06 AM
Addy, I agree 100% with what Glynda has written. If you don't want to tinker with Zoe's trilo dose for the time being, I think that's fine. I just wanted to offer out the twice-daily dosing alternative to you in the event that you were feeling really antsy about this new ACTH result. And I did talk directly with Dr. Allen about the situation where there is very little difference between the "pre" and "post" readings. He said that as long as the dog looked well and both readings were above that lower threshold of 1.45 ug/dl, he would not be concerned.

As far as the 2% cyclosporine, Debbie is probably our best bet as far as explaining what suppression of lymphoblastogenesis is. But my best guess is that it relates to suppression of the production of baby lymphocytes (cells involved in the body's immune response). However, upon Googling a little bit, I found this interesting 2010 article that seems to disprove a worry in this regard:


So again, I agree with Glynda as to talking over your concerns with the derm vet. He may be able to ease at least some of your fears about this. It does sound as though cyclosporine has been really helpful with doggie eye problems for quite some time, actually with a minimum of documented side effects.


05-25-2012, 11:20 AM
Great find, Marianne! Knowing what systemic lymphoblastogenesis is doesn't seem so important any longer. :D

05-25-2012, 11:35 AM
Addy: Sorry you are having problems with Zoe. Since her eyes are some better, maybe it just takes longer for dogs with Cushings to get over problems since they are immune compromised. Hope you and yours have a good Memorial Day Weekend. Hugs to you and yours. JoAnne

05-25-2012, 01:22 PM
I love you guys.:D:D Now if she does not get the hair loss around the eyes we are in good shape. Her 2% cyclosporine is compunded in coconut oil not corn oil.

And yes, Marianne, you knew I was antsy and so disapointed that Zoe went up in her numbers and concerned as you were, she was going to pogo way up. But then I remembered last fall and felt a bit better.

So I will have quite a few questions to ask the eye vet next week.
1-print out Wedgewood sheet and ask ophthamalogist to explain possible side effects including the possible hair loss around the eyes
2- ask how often has he seen side effects in small dogs?
3- ask if zoe would have side effects would we discontinue the drug?
4- if we change from .2 to 2 clyclosporine would she have to take the higher dose the rest of her life or at some point would she go back down to the lower dose?
anything else I should ask?

I believe Zoe is now concentrating her urine. She is not drinking as much water, especially when the air conditioning is on. There are times we take her out to pee ,she does not want to go out and we insist because in the past, sometimes she does not want to go out but then 30 minutes later she pees in the house. So it may be we have now confused her by taking her out so much and asking her to pee when she really does not have to.
I think I will watch her for a few weeks and decide what to do as she could very well drift down again. If I do switch I will go to 20mgs BID and give her a few weeks and then retest from there.
I believe IMS thinks that unless I am complaining about uncontrolled symptoms, let Zoe go for a few months as she may well drift down again. She had stim in March, saw derm vet, changed dose, stimmed twice in April, changed dose, stimmed again in May, ended up with a bit over five and she said she is fine where Zoe is unless I am not fine with it.

I feel better guys, thank you so much. I was feeling down because-

My sibling and hubby’s sibling think we should put Zoe down. They think she has too many issues for us to keep up with. They worry it is too much for us and they think her care is confining us to the house and are concerned that we have to run to one vet or another every few weeks. We feel she still has a quality of life. They see a bald dog with a bad eye and weak hind legs that sometimes pees in the house. We see the dog we love, who still gets excited about her chicken walk and goes arrrgggg,arrggg, arggg when we come home and happily takes naps with hubby, laying on her back, snoring away with her feet on his chest or tries to play with Koko and loves very minute of it. I started to wonder if we not seeing the obvious.

05-25-2012, 01:43 PM
I think your sibs are ONLY seeing the obvious. They are totally missing what is essential. And that is Zoe's shining spirit, and the love your family shares. :) :)

Those are the things that really, really matter.

05-25-2012, 02:05 PM
Addy, Ignore the family members' opinions just like I did and enjoy every last minute. You will know - don't let their opinions get you down. If you are down you aren't enjoying the time you have with Zoe. So put on the :D and go hug her. xoxo Kim

05-25-2012, 07:12 PM
I came home and my beautiful dog shook her head and looked at me and did arg, arg, arg and is now telling off a salesperson at the door;):D

I think siblings mean well but Kim and Marianne you are so right. We are heading out the door for our chicken walk before the rains come.

Zoe and I LOVE chicken walk, we talk, we walk, we stop, she eats her chicken, were are still doing chicken walks, life must be good.

Thank you so much for pointing me in the rright direction:D:D:D As usual:D:D:D:D

love you all so very much,

05-26-2012, 01:21 PM
Dear Addy
people don't see what we see. They see a dog that doesn't walk, has accidents, skin lesions on his face and back. We see a little dog,Apollo, who wags his tail when I say do you want a treat, a dog when he is in his stroller who loves to smell the outdoors, still enjoys other dogs, still enjoys his food. They are not property,they are our babies. Would we put down an elder that has issues? NO! So listen to the people who love their dogs unconditional. My vet says, Apollo will let you know when the time comes. As long as they have a quality of life, we still fight for them and enjoy every moment we still have with them and look back with no regrets,knowing we did the best for them,my dear sister in arms.
Love Sonja and warrior Apollo

marie adams
05-26-2012, 05:52 PM
Dear Sister Addy,

You and your hubby know who Zoe is; so they might not know the love of an animal or the love you share with them. Of course you wouldn't want Zoe to suffer and will know when the right time is--which isn't now. Would you put them down if they were a little sick and couldn't walk as good as before?--of course not. And I too know they mean well, but....I cannot believe they said that to you.:eek:

Enjoy the weekend. I like your plans--I should think about trying them. Everyone is taking a nap right now, but me--tried earlier, but Ella kept barking at people from the upstairs bedroom window--it is cute to see her looking out with her chin on the window sill. :)

These little furballs of ours always play the cute card. I wish you had a video of the chicken walk....:D

Happy Weekend!!!

05-26-2012, 08:28 PM
People suck! :mad:

Sorry, just saying...:D

More Zoe and Addy please.

xo Jeanette

Jenny & Judi in MN
05-26-2012, 09:06 PM
glad you are enjoying your chicken walk. please ignore the siblings. I've had more than a few people tell me that about Jenny. How can we not help her as long as she is enjoying life? hugs, Judi

Bailey's Mom
05-26-2012, 10:32 PM
It is not for others to tell us what to do and how to behave.

Yesterday a "friend" told me to Back Off! from Ryan. He's 32 and we are too interfering. His living arrangements are changing and both Bob and I have felt things getting a bit different,.....as they should with time. She thought we had too much contact with Ryan and that he came down here too often. I was really thrown for a loop and got VERY upset. I called Ryan, asked if he felt we were crowding him, interfering. He said "Absolutely not."

I don't understand where some people get off thinking they have all the answers.....and I didn't even ask for her opinion........as I bet you did not from your sister-in-law. NONE of us could do anything to hasten our beloved pet's time here on earth. A waggy tail, a chicken walk- an arf or an arghhh.,......or even a woof-woof.... that is what a lot of it is about. You and you alone will know when the time is right.....and as Marie Irene said....it is not now.

Tell you sister-in-law to bug out.
No, people aren't crap...........some people are crap.:)


05-27-2012, 08:25 AM
Thanks guys, sometimes, people dont get. Hubby put it right. Would we put mom down? Everyone was ready to give up on her and she has a wonderful quality of life now because hubby and I would not give up even though it got really hard. They said we dont know if Zoe is suffering. She may have aches and pains. So do we. But I dont think she is suffering.

When Zoe cant do her woof, woof, bouncy act or is not interested in her chicken walk well then it may be a different story.

Right now she is sucking peanut butter off my finger while I type with one hand. I'm grinning from ear to ear:D:D:D:D

I love you guys.

05-27-2012, 09:38 AM

I am with everyone else. You and your husband know Zoe best, and YOU will know when it is time. If she is that happy and has that much life in her, it definitely isn't.

Just yesterday I counted and I am currently giving Hannah 7 medications (she has a pretty bad corneal ulcer as of Fri. afternoon and an ear infection), plus she needs a bath once or twice a week and her "privates" wiped with Chlorhexidine wipes daily. She pretty much can't hear and can't see very well and she still has her allergy issues but it's a little better on Hydroxyzine.

Yes, it is a lot of work, and it isn't cheap. But she is still my happy girl who follows me around, wags her tail, gets excited to eat, and is excited every time I put that leash on to go walk one or two blocks. There is no question that she is still happy. With Zoe barking at you, going for her chicken walks, snoring away during her little naps, it is clear that she still is happy living life. YOU, and no one else, will know when she is not.

Keep up the excellent work! Zoe knows how much you lover her!

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
05-27-2012, 09:48 AM
I was told about 8 years ago that I was cruel to keep Squirt alive simply because she walks funny due to her back legs. Then she got Cushing's and it started again - put her down, put her out of her misery, why make her suffer... :rolleyes: I am told often today what a waste of time and money I expend on keeping her with me. But you know what? Not a single one of them have ever seen the light that shines in her gorgeous eyes over and over each day; they don't see her smile when she sees her mom come home; they don't see her play with toys; they don't feel that warm, fuzzy body snuggle close at night and sigh with contentment; they don't see the joy that fills her when she is on the trail of a critter in the yard or when it's mealtime. In other words, they don't know my Sweet Bebe at all but are speaking from their own, in my opinion, inability to connect with anything not human. It used to make me mad or hurt my feelings but I have come to understand these people are missing out on so much...and you and I and everyone here is oh so blessed to be able to make that connection with our babies. So just let it roll off you and find a way to have compassion for their loss. ;) Somehow, I don't think that will be hard for you. :)

Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang

Bailey's Mom
05-27-2012, 03:07 PM
Harrah, harrah!! I second Leslie's words.


05-28-2012, 07:21 AM
Dearest Leslie,

Your last post here simply made me cry. Couldn't have said it any better. So true dear friend. Wish we can make the rest of the non-animal world see it as well. I hear the same thing from many about "wasting" money on my dog. My reply to that "she's not a dog, she's my third child". :)

You are just wonderful Leslie.

We love ya, xo Jeanette and my very loved third sweet child Princess. lol:D

05-28-2012, 07:41 AM
So true, Zoe is my perpetual child, she is my little girl and her personality is larger than life. She and I communicate without words sometimes, just looks. She still makes me laugh, she still looks at me with that zoe look, she still does her rod stewart impersonation (she shakes her head and then her hair sticks our straight up on top and she tucks her chin and then sticks it out and barks) why that reminds me of Rod Stewart, I will never know:D:D:D:D

She knows when I have a headache and will check on me. Zoe is my once in a lifetime dog and I will know when it is her time.

I think from now on when the siblings inquire we will say she is "just fine" and when they stop over I will just point out happy things about Zoe before they decide to "help".

Thanks guys, It is comforting to know we all feel the same way. I got down because I started thinking, I am with her everyday, maybe I dont see something they do. But now that we discussed it. I see more than they do. And what I see is all good.

I rounded the hair on her back paws and cut the hair between the pads short. It seems to give her a bit moe traction on the floors.:):)

On a side note, grandkid and I finished the essay for Wellesley College. It is pretty good if I do say so my self. She has a chance to win an all expense paid trip to Boston to visit the college.

Wish us luck!!!!!!!!

love ya all and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Casey's Mom
05-28-2012, 09:43 PM
Addy - what everyone here says is so true. You will know when she doesn't have the same quality of life. Right now she is enjoying life and you are enjoying her and the chicken walks :):):) Don't listen to the others - she is your baby and you are her person.

Love to you and our Zoe.

05-29-2012, 07:35 AM
Addy: Everyone is right. Zoe still has a great life with you. She is so lucky to have you and you are so lucky to have her. Hope your grandkid wins. Both of mine are graduating, one a nurse and the other a teacher. We are so proud of them. They have really worked hard. Have a good day. Love JoAnne

Bailey's Mom
05-29-2012, 10:45 PM
Hi Addy!

Guess what??? Bailey's sweater arrived today. It looks and fits great. The neck should be about an inch shorter next time....that's our only comment. It will fit her tightly, so maybe it will do the work of those Thundershirts. :D

Are yours on the way?


05-30-2012, 08:07 AM
Hey Sus,

Mine should arrive any day. Zoe's sweaters stretched out a bit. I measured with a loose tape and I am worried I will have the opposite problem and hers will be baggy:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Her first alpacca sweater fit perfectly. Her tummy got a bit wider now and she weighs a pound more so I had Chantel increase the girth. I think I goofed on that!!!!!!!:o:o:o:o:o

Koko's throwing up the last few nights and itching his eyes. I thought he ate something outside but now that I see the eye itching I think it may be a reaction to stopping his angel eyes.

Always something!!!!!

05-30-2012, 11:50 AM
Thank God we all feel the same. Cheers to us and our Cushing Babies. We should start a parade and walk with them and show people that we love them unconditionally. :D could not say that about most people.
P.s. just made Apollo another sleeveless tie shirt to cover his lesians so we can go out without people giving us awful looks.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

marie adams
05-31-2012, 01:28 PM
Okay, I have a thought....miracles do happen sometimes when I think...:eek:

If you can block a sweat to make it smaller or larger--why can't you do that with Zoe and Bailey's new sweaters. I told you it was a thought and I maybe way off--which I am most of the time.:D

Happy Thursday!!!! It is almost cha cha cha time Friday!!!!


05-31-2012, 08:27 PM
Addy -

I was just reading back on a few of your posts that I missed. Alivia is living proof that miracles DO happen. There is no reason to give up on our babies when things get a little bit rough. 8 years ago they did not expect Ali to make it through the night! So, happy I did not give up on her then! I have had people ask why I spend so much money on her and say that she is old. I actually feel sorry for those people because they obviously have never had a "heart" dog.

I absolutely dread the day when Alivia is no longer with me. But, for as long as we have together I will continue to do the best I can for her - no matter what that is or how much it costs. Most of us probably have people in our lives that we do not talk about any of this with, because they just don't get it. I think that one of the best things about this group is that the people who come here truly get that and do not judge or criticize. We each know our dogs better than anyone. I know you will always do what is best for Zoe.

I hope Zoe continues to do well and you figure out why Koko is not feeling well! Sonja - love the idea of a cush dog parade! All shapes and sizes, some missing fur, some a little slow - but all totally loved and happy. :D

06-01-2012, 08:31 AM
Whew, what a last few days:eek::eek::eek: Koko got better with some pepcid BID and then yesterday went outside and managed to eat A MUSHROOM:eek::eek::eek::eek: Im at work, freaking out, making phone calls, googling "mushrooms in wisconsin"!!!long story short, he is perfectly fine this morning, feeling good and I think I will continue the pepcid for a bit.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

He is going for a check up next week, I have been putting it off for too long, so much money on Zoe, but I made the appointment.

Zoe is doing very well, is awake much longer and active when I get home from work, eye drops are not a problem, she has been really good about it again and Koko's groomer said "bring her in" they can handle her, biting, special needs, whatever she needs, they dont care she does not have a rabies shot, they will always take care of our babies, quote unquote:D:D:D:D

We cut back again on Zoe's raw food, added more Zeal, Im mad they changed the formula a bit, took out green beans and added pumpkin, hopefully, that small change will not affect her but boy are her poos BIG now. On all raw, they were small.

Love you all and thanks for your encouragement. Im in for the parade and Marie, you are sooo right, we can reshape the sweaters, such a great idea, I feel like a dahhhhh;);););) why didnt I think of that:D:D:D

They finally put fans in a work so I am not being fumigated at work anymore, they were painting and the lacquor fumes were coming up my air vets:eek::eek::eek::eek: What a week:mad::mad:

ch, cha cha right into the weekend, dance, dance dance

06-01-2012, 11:24 PM
Glad Koko is feeling better and the mushroom wasn't an issue! I know what you mean about the healthy one's check ups getting put on hold. I seem to do the same with Maxwell. He is a healthy little bugger (thank goodness!!), so I tend to put off his routine check ups...need to take him for one now.

Why doesn't Zoe have a rabies shot? Alivia doesn't either and is not permitted by her IMS to get ANY vaccinations. But, that is because of her prior episode of immune mediated hemalytic anemia. Fortunately, I have a groomer that has been seeing Max and Ali since they were puppies. In a pinch though, I tried to take her to a couple of the pet store chains...they refused to groom her even with a letter from her vet! Glad you found a groomer willing to take her! I missed the conversation about sweaters - are the special ones? Please post pictures!

06-02-2012, 02:29 PM
Dear Addy
Glad to hear Zoe and Kudo are better.
Go through the same with the healthy one,
Karma. Throw up ,panicked, but okay today.
With this disease, you seem to be on high alert always.
Dance like you never danced before, salsa into the weekend, close that Cushing drawer.:mad::D:p;)
Hugs Apollo and Sonja(shows you were I stand)

Bailey's Mom
06-03-2012, 01:08 AM
La, la, la, la......cha, cha, cha, cha.......a one ana two ana three......let's do that country music dance.....you know the one? They step forward and back and to the side. They do that one on cruise ships to loosen guests up. I like it!!!:D:D:D

06-03-2012, 09:01 AM
I'm up for that. A pretend crusie ship party, let's go!!!!!!!


eye vet visit- zoe has a divit on her cornea from what must have been an ulcer sometime durring the last month. I think it was an injury the night Koko and she played. I thought he poked her in the eye and then jumped on her. Her eye looked bad and she was squinting. But then I got confused and thought it was from trying to wash her eye out and because I had stopped her fluriprofen for 2 days.

Anyway, he said her is better but he want to still up the cyclosporine so we settled on1% not 2% for now and decided to use the gentle gel again 4 x a day.

Hubby and I are starting to wonder how much experience he has. He back pedals alot if you know what I mean and he never wants to fully explain the side effects to me. If I speak up about something, he really back peddles. Anyway, he is back to not wanting to use steriod eye drops which I have repeatedly said no to only if it is a last resort. Her dry eye is not that bad he said but she continues with the allergic conjunctivitis though it is better and these crystals are what he is really worried about.

Anyway, we have a reprieve from vets for six week which is great for poor Zoe who has been going to one or another every two weeks since the March.

I contine to be very concerned about her eye, more so than her cushings.

Otherwise we are all fine.

06-03-2012, 09:23 AM
Hi Addy,

We have an excellent opthamalogist vet in the twin cities. It seems like everyone knows him and thinks he is wonderful. Hannah has seen him twice. She does have dry eyes. He determined she doesn't close her eyelids all the way or blink often. I attribute part of this to the fact that she is always "on alert." She has to know where I am at every moment. But she also doesn't close them all the way when she sleeps.

He did tell me Cyclosporine would be good for her, but that I could also use the Gen Teal ointment or gel drops several times per day. That is what I opted for, mostly due to cost.

Also, my vet has always told me that if I suspect an ulcer or injury to Hannah's eye, that I cannot give anything with a steroid. I was told I could use some NeoPolyDex ointment to help hyperpigmentation on both eyes, which is scarring from corneal ulcers. But that if I thought she had any sort of injury I had to stop the steroid and get her to the vet so I could start the antibiotics and not hinder the healing. I don't use the steroid ointment anymore. I just do the dry eye drops as often as possible and the ointment at night. The specialist prefers the ointment because it lasts much longer.

Hannah's eyes are never red and sore looking like you describe Zoe's, but I know I have recently had some issues with dry eyes and mine sometimes get red and irritated like that. I just read a little about dry eye in dogs and that is one of the main signs. Another sign is mucus and what looks like discharge and Hannah definitely has that. I have to wipe her eyes daily and sometimes soak off chunks of gunk that harden around and under her eyes. Does Zoe have that?

I'm not sure I was very helpful, but I can totally relate to eye issues as Hannah has had them for the 9 years I've had her. My vets got to the point that they just let me treat the minor ulcers without coming in since I knew what to look for. Is there another specialist you could see for a second opinion? Or I wonder if your vet could send her eye info. to Dr. Olivero in the twin cities and if he would let you pay to do a phone consult??? Everyone here loves him-clients and other vets.

Good luck to you. I know eye stuff is challenging, and I also know from my own recent experience that it is uncomfortable too.

Julie & Hannah

Bailey's Mom
06-03-2012, 08:43 PM
Zoe has divits on her eyes???? Who has been letting golfers play around on her eyeballs????

I know you're concerned.....I just am trying to provide some momentary lightheartedness.


06-04-2012, 08:17 AM
Thank you Julie for your input. Zoe and Hannah have so many of the same issues, I am glad I have you to turn to.:):):):):)Zoe has 3 eye issues, not just dry eye. I think her eye is better than it was but the tear production was down a bit and these crystals seem to have him worried (theeye vet) I think if it were not for the crystals, he might not be so hyper.

And yes Sus, lol, that was exactly what the eve vet said "a divet like a golf ball" Poor Zoe:o:o:o:o:o

Always something down here on the ranch:D:D:D:D:rolleyes:;)

I had a doctor once ask me if I ever have a dull moment in my life. "Not too much" was my response:D:D:o;);)

But I would not trade it, my life, I mean. My puppies look up at me and smile and bring so much joy, as do my grand kids and hubby and daughter. I am counting my blessings this morning.

marie adams
06-04-2012, 12:13 PM
It is always nice to count our blessings!!!:) Sometimes we forget to do it and then slap ourselves up side the head to remember to do it...:eek:

Do we really have to work today???? :mad: I can't even say I am old enough to be retired--darn I shouldn't wish that--I just need a different job where I want to do the work instead of dread it. :( Now what kind of job would that be that gives me the freedom I have now????

You take each challenge with grace and I admire you for it. You are always there for everyone, but sometimes yourself. Isn't Mom talking about taking a cruise and taking us with her?????:D

Enjoy your Monday!!! It is overcast here right now....:o

06-04-2012, 06:35 PM
I just wanted to say hi Addy and Zoe...

We love ya.

xo Jeanette

06-04-2012, 08:14 PM
awww,Sister Marie Irene and dearest Jeanette, thanks for stopping by, we love you too.

I hope Princess is okay, Jeanette.

Marie Irene- when you find your dream job let me know, cause I need one too:D:D:D:D:):););) And I cannot believe I cant remember the name of our doggie ice cream:eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hey, I thought we were having a cruise party????? Where's mom and the boat?

Meanwhie, back at the ranch, if I were a betting woman, I would be bettting, Zoe's cortisol may be drifting downward. She is also almost at half raw and half Zeal. Now I have to transiition her over to the NEW Zeal, boy I am ticked about that. :eek::eek: She is doing very well with the food change. I am shocked. I hope I dont jinx her.:eek:

Koko is back on his Angel Eyes and is feeling Tony the Tiger Greeeaattt:p:p:p:p Need to talk about that with the vet Saturday. No more throwing up, he is racing around the house wanting to play, I dont get it. I sure hope I am not going to have another IBD dog, only this one with vomiting troubles not poo problems:rolleyes::eek:

love you all, I hope all the pups are happy

06-04-2012, 09:48 PM
Koko is back on his Angel Eyes and is feeling Tony the Tiger Greeeaattt:p:p:p:p Need to talk about that with the vet Saturday. No more throwing up, he is racing around the house wanting to play, I dont get it. I sure hope I am not going to have another IBD dog, only this one with vomiting troubles not poo problems:rolleyes::eek:

love you all, I hope all the pups are happy

The active ingredient in Angel Eyes is Tylan, an antibiotic used to treat colitis and diarrhea. This is probably why Koko is feeling much better.

06-05-2012, 01:29 PM
The active ingredient in Angel Eyes is Tylan, an antibiotic used to treat colitis and diarrhea. This is probably why Koko is feeling much better.

I know, sweet Glynda, which is why I am a bit worried about the possibility of him having some kind of start of IBD. Hopefuly, he just had an infection from getting into who knows what besides eating a mushroom. He is fond of dried worms:eek::eek::p:D;)

Thats my boy!!!!!!

Thanks for the input. I hope your pups are well. I think about them alot.

marie adams
06-06-2012, 12:57 PM

Bailey's Mom
06-07-2012, 01:11 AM
((((((More hugs!!!!!))))) :D:rolleyes::cool::)

06-07-2012, 08:08 AM
Thanks for the hugs, we are fine, really. :):):):):):):):)

Zoe has a grooming appointment in 2 weeks, hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her eye looks much better. I wonder if it is the air conditioning.:confused:

Koko sees the doc Saturday- he wont be a happy camper.:rolleyes:

06-07-2012, 02:08 PM
Glad to hear ZOE is doing better. With Zoe getting all done up maybe she should go out on the town and have some fun:D
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

06-08-2012, 07:38 PM
LOL Sonja, she does not have much hair to groom, but she will be clean, her face trimmed, her feet trimmed and nails cut. She can wear her new sweater unless it is hot like today!!!!

Her eye is looking better. I keep thinking it is the air conditioning. We started the 1% cyclosporine yesterday and the extra drop of Genteal gel. Her white plague spots are totally gone but no new hair growth on her shoulders, it remains bare.

Gotta run, she needs to peee:D:D:D:D:D

06-10-2012, 03:58 AM
On the mend.... Cool!

06-10-2012, 11:34 PM
Awwwwww just checking in on Zoe.....so glad the eye is doing better:D:D. Some good news!:)

Kisses and hugs to the furbabies for me xoxo

marie adams
06-12-2012, 01:23 PM
Poor Koko and his shot!!! :( I don't really like shots either!!!:D

I am so glad Miss Zoe is doing so much better. I guess you should have had the aC on this whole time. My husband said you can have it on in the car and turn up the temperature--I don't like it really cold.

If you read Ella's thread you will see what I did. Don't be mad at me! Can you do this too????

Enjoy the day!!! :)

06-12-2012, 01:34 PM
geez louiseeeee, how can I be mad at you, way to go girl!!!!!!! That took gumption and spunk little sister.

I cant belive you did not take a sick day in 7 years. :eek: We need to have a looonnng talk:D:D:D:D:D:D;);););) Been there done that for too many years, decided I needed a change in attitute, much better results, less stress. Mantra is- I dont own this business, this business does not belong to me!!!!!!:cool::cool::cool::cool:

Way to go Marie Irene-

hey do you mean Seacure or seameal? I tried Seacure for Koko when he was eating poops- did not help!!!!:D:D:o:(

06-13-2012, 12:32 PM
Dear Addy,
never had the problem with poop eating with Apollo.
Hope doing well. Trying to have a better attitude.:rolleyes
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

marie adams
06-14-2012, 12:54 PM
Thanks for the happiness for me!!:D Still trying to get use to this and not quite unstressed. I still have to fill out paperwork so I get some money while I am off and I guess maybe look for another type of employment.

Yes I meant seameal but it could be seacure. The trainer said to try bananas or Missing Link...:D Bananas so far not working but it has only been a few days maybe it has to get into the system more. The trainer thinks it might be a learned behavior from when she was at the breeders. :eek: GREAT!!!!!

So how are your two cute as can be furbabies??? I hope Zoe's eyes are almost back to normal!!! How is everything else going with her?

It is Thursday and Cha Cha Cha day is just around the corner!!!!! :):D:p;)

06-17-2012, 09:22 PM
Hey Addy: So glad Zoe is better. Just a little good luck makes us feel better. My CoCo eats his poop also, so we go out with him every time and pick it up. The vet gave me something, but did not work, so we just never let him go out alone. He goes in tomorrow for the thyroid check after being on thyroid medicine for three weeks. Now another problem, just saw worms in his stool, never had it, so I am really horrified. He has a fecal flotation everytime he goes to the doctor, but does not detect the eggs. Called the vet's office, he is open on Sunday, and he said bring in a stool sample tomorrow when he checks the thyroid. I did not give him Heartworm med or rabies shot since the diagnosis of Cushings, but guess I need to give him the Heartworm med, don't know what it kills. I have just stayed on the internet after family left trying figure out what to do. We were going to try to start the Lysodren since he feels so bad and is really losing more hair, but guess we have to clear up this problem first. These poor little dogs just seem to have one problem after another. So glad your puppies are doing better. Just so horrified seeing the worms that I just had to put it down on paper. Hugs to you and yours. JoAnne

06-17-2012, 09:39 PM
Oh JoAnne, I can imagine how freaked you are. Heartguard can help against some worms, they probably will give you Panacur. My Koko had a fecal float and he has Giardia- not worms but a paraiste. Probably from eating Bunny poo. So he is on Panacur for five days. I did not want to start till end of this week so we will be home in case he gets diahrrea. Zoe could never handle Panacur. I was freaked about that because Koko is my healthy dog, usually, but then I started reading about it and our Lucy at work had Giardia and was fine. He has no symptoms so hopefully he has not had it long and we caught it early. We always pick up the poos right away too so that is not a problem but sometimes neighbors are not as diligient.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I hope your Coco is feeling better really soon, JoAnne. You have to post on your thread about his thyroid test. Give us all an update when you get the results.

06-21-2012, 08:43 AM
Hi All,

Zoe is going to the new groomer today. Her face is a mess, all matted. Since the eye drops started, she wont let me wash or comb her face. Not sure how the groomer will deal with that. I am freaking out a bit. I know she can muzzle her but she cant wear the muzzle for long periods of time, needs frequent access to water, she overheats and it has been so hot here.

Hopefully tonight I can come back and tell you she did not bite anyone and is not at the pound.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Zoe's coat is getting worse very day and she looks terrible, inside back legs are bald, shoulders are bald, the skin on her belly is a funky white color not pink anymore, tail is bald. Her back legs are getting weaker, she overheats since summer started, still has accidents in the house.

But she still tries to wrestle Koko to the ground and she smiles at me and barks at me, ordering me around for her snack or her chicken walk or whatever she wants. She can go pretty fast from the kitchen to the dining room when there is food invloved and she can still do hop, hop.

I will schedule ACTH test early August and plan to go to twice day dosing, I guess.

Koko started his Panacur today, his blood test was fine except a kidney value was elevated. Vet said he could just be dehydrated, hopefully not kidney disease. We dropped off urine sample yesterday to see if he is concentrating his urine. He does not drink much water. His titer came back just low on distemper so he does not need the combo shot, for that I am glad. Titer was $89 but the shot is now free so I guess that worked out okay. I was hoping to have a dental for him but have to see what is up with his kidneys first.

Thats all here at the ranch;):D:rolleyes:

Forum has been very sad. Hitting close to home these days.

Jenny & Judi in MN
06-21-2012, 08:54 AM

fingers crossed that Addy is a good girl for the groomer. Hopefully going back on the Cushings meds will help her. Jenny's fur is finally looking better one year after diagnosis.

Kidney stuff scares me. these dogs and old people need to drink!

older dogs, lots of sadness. enjoy them while you can. Judi

06-21-2012, 11:02 AM

I hope the grooming goes well and everyone remains bite-free. I also get stressed about grooming with Hannah...not because she will bite (she has NEVER even tried to bite anyone), but because I worry it tires her out, may hurt her, etc.

Actually I probably worry about everything with her these days. I have been having a really tough time lately and have been doing a lot of crying and worrying that my time with my girl is limited. I am trying to accept it, and just embrace the time with her, but it is so hard to do. Then she'll bounce back and seem great. She, like Zoe, is still very happy and interactive with me, and she can move faster than Izzy when food is involved.

Their mood and zest for life is what is most important, right? So it's good that they're happy. I hope Koko is okay and his test was just a fluke. Hope Zoe does okay today, too.

Julie & Hannah

06-21-2012, 01:06 PM
Hey Addy: Hope Zoe looks beautiful after the grooming and does not bite anyone. I have to put a muzzle on CoCo when we take him to the doctor and the technicians call him the biter. I am just hoping that he has never really bit anyone there. Hope your KoKo will be okay. Maybe dosing twice a day would help Zoe, seems like lots of people on this forum do that and have had good results. I know you do everything possible to help your puppies. Love JoAnne

06-21-2012, 02:37 PM
Thanks guys:) I just left her at the groomer, where I had a total meltdown and could not stop crying. I have a very hard time leaving Zoe with anyone these days. It is a small place and there are 3 groomers there. The owner cleared the schedule for Zoe. They will all help. I took my little wild man Koko there when we first brought him home. Koko loves the place, I hope Zoe will too.

I dont know what is wrong with me. I fele like I left part of me at the groomers and cant stop crying. What is up with that:o:o:o

06-21-2012, 09:38 PM
I'm sorry, Addy. I can totally relate to being emotional though. I think we just love our pups. A lot. And sometimes we get overwhelmed with everything and just need to have a good cry. :o

I hope our little Zoe did well at the groomer and that mom is feeling better, too. :)

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
06-22-2012, 07:37 AM
Mornin' sweetie,

How did the grooming session go yesterday? Hope all was just fine and our sweet Zoe looks like a princess.

Leslie and the gang

06-22-2012, 07:52 AM
Everyone still has their fingers:):):)

The owner of the shop is so kind and took such care. She did have to muzzle her a few times. She said Zoe's skin is so thin, she thinks it hurts her to be brushed. She is clean and mat free. We had to cut her facial hair very short as well as her leg hair so she looks a bit different but she is beautiful.

It broke my heart to see her dirty and matted as I so lovingly have always kept her well groomed. She is clean and mat free and seems very happy and is welcomed back anytime.

I thank God so much for Kim and her K9 Barber Shop. Hubby gave her a huge tip becuase she only charged for a regular groom and she had 3 people working taking care of Zoe. I would have paid anything to get her clean.

Hubby teases that I forever want the dogs groomed but wont get my own hair cut. Somehow, my hair just doesnt seem as important.

Roxee's Dad
06-22-2012, 03:42 PM
Hi Addy,
Always great to hear of a groomer that is willing to make the extra effort.:) There are so many assembly lines that only care about the speed. Going to see if she has a FB site and like it :)

marie adams
06-22-2012, 05:50 PM
Hi Miss Addy,

Boy have I been MIA again---sorry!!

Sounds like Zoe and Koko are doing just fine, but I think you are needing some (((((HUGS)))))!!!:) Just do what I am doing take a leave--does your company provide family leave or medical leave--FMLA? I think you need to have less stress from that part of the world and then the other doesn't seem so bad.:(:eek:

I love your comment that everyone has their fingers!!:D

It is Friday and as you always say---Cha Cha Cha!!!

(((((HUGS HUGS HUGS)))))

06-22-2012, 07:55 PM
Oh John, how nice of you to think of that. They dont have a website nor Facebook page. At least not that I could find. And Zoe seems so happy now and with her facial hair cut short, I hope I can keep it clean and unmatted. Thank you for all your help and wonderful advice.

Marie- you are so right, work has been so stressful for me. Our production manager kept telling me he could produce rush orders (so did the owner) and now I sit here with 3 weeks behind in production and screaming customers. Easy for them- they dont have to deal with the problem customers all day long EVERY DAY!!!!

Vet just called about Koko. His urine sample was right on the border of being concentrated so results are still inconclusive. Now I have to take one sample a week for 3 weeks. I think he is just dehydrated. She is not so sure. She said it could be a birth defect with his kidneys.
Not sure what to make of all of it. I will ask for a copy of the blood work. She said his bun was slightly elevated and his creatinine was slightly elevated.

06-22-2012, 08:11 PM
Hi Sweet Addy,

Hope Koko will be fine. Just wanted to say a quick hello to a sweet girl.

All my love and tight hugs to you, Zoe, Koko and mom.

xo Jeanette

06-22-2012, 08:39 PM
Hi Addy just wanted to stop in and say hi. Maybe you need the fruity drink with a flower! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. They shaved rebels neck to look at his wounds. I'm thinking it's a good look and maybe I'll shave him all down and leave a little lions mane!! :)

06-24-2012, 11:45 PM
Thinking of you, Addy, Zoe and hope Kuko gets better.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

06-25-2012, 09:36 AM
Hi Addy,

Just stopping in to check on you. I hope Zoe is doing well after her grooming and that Koko is doing better too.

Since it seems like we have been having the same thoughts and difficulty lately, I thought I would share this with you. I was looking on pinterest the other day for some new recipes to try and I happened to come across this quote on someone's page: "Worrying never changes the outcome." It is quite simple and obvious, but it just sort of hit me that I need to remind myself of this. I have been worrying so much about Hannah the past week. I watch her like a hawk and worry about every little thing that seems/looks different. Then I worry about her deteriorating and about losing her. It made me realize that my worrying is not going to change anything, so instead I need to try to refocus that energy into enjoying the time that she is happy and okay, and to just try to learn to accept whatever happens and respond in the appropriate way. Obviously, this doesn't come too easily for me ;), but I'm trying.

Our girls being happy is most important, and they are. It is hard to watch them struggle and deteriorate, but we have given them such happy, wonderful lives, doing everything we can to make them happy, healthy, and safe. And they love us unconditionally for it.

I hope you took some time over the weekend to try to relax, and maybe even have that fruity drink? I hope the pups had a good weekend too.

Take care,
Julie & Hannah

06-27-2012, 11:30 AM
Hi Addy,

I was trying to read back on Zoe's eye issues and I remember there were 3: crystals, dry eye, and conjunctivitis of some sort??? Is that right?

Hannah seems to have a new eye issue. A couple of weeks ago I noticed her left eye was red and irritated in the white area around the edge. I was extra diligent about putting her drops in for a few days (like every 1-2 hours) and it really improved. When we got the acupuncture a week ago, the vet commented on how good her eyes look for all of their issues.

But yesterday it looked really red again, and it is dull looking and the Genteal ointment that I put in at night seems to still be sitting there in a little clump of goop in the morning. I can just tell it is dry. My parents had a Lhasa with really bad dry eye and Hannah's is reminding me of that.

I called the opthamologist vet and made an appointment this morning, but of course I can't get in until July 23rd. I am on the cancellation list, which has worked in the past, but who knows. I also put in a call to the regular vet to see if they want to see her.

I am 99.9% positive it is not an ulcer because her eye is wide open all the time (which is not what she does if it is hurt), but something is new. It was never red before. I feel like something else is going on.

Anyway, I knew Zoe's was red and irritated at some point, so I thought I would come to you first. I'm waiting to hear back from my regular vet, but am really hoping for a cancellation at the specialist. I've spent so much money on Hannah lately that it would be nice to just have one visit with the expert! :D

Hope you are all doing well! Is it going to be super hot in Milwaukee today? We might hit 100 here. Yuck! I took the girls for their walk an hour ago because I knew none of us would want to be outside later.

Julie & Hannah

06-27-2012, 01:15 PM
Hi Julie,

We are also baking in the heat:) Zoe has allergic conjunctivitis and it makes her eyes red, especially in the corners and goopy. She also has dry eye and some kind of crystals. We were using fluiprofen to fight the inflamation from the allergic conjunctivtis. When the eye vet numbed her eye and pulled that third eye lid out, it looked all red and sore there as well.

Zoe was thought at first to have an infection, her eye was very red and goopy. The 3 way antibiotic made her eye worse. What was bothering her most was the allergic conjunctivitis.

Since we switched to the 1% cyclosporine and 4 times a day Genteal gel her eyes are much better. Theory is becuase her eyes are well lubricated it is helping the conjunctivitis. On my IBD forum, some of the dogs have eye problems as well, not from allergies but because the IBD has messed up their immune system. I often wonder if Zoe has conjunctivitis from that rather than allergies but we are not sure.

We have just this week cut back from 3 times a day to twice a day on the fluriprofen. So far so good.

I am sorry to hear about Hannah's eyes. It may be possbile if she has other allergy problems it is now showing up in her eyes like Zoe. The weather this year has been so bad for allergies. If you have a great opthalmologist, I am sure he/she will get to the bottom of things though it does seem like a long wait. Let me know what happens. Maybe start with the regular vet while you wait.

06-27-2012, 01:19 PM
JUst saying hi.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

06-27-2012, 08:54 PM
Hi Addy,

I replied to you on my thread too! :D:D

06-30-2012, 11:54 AM
Hi Addy,

Thanks for checking on us!

I updated on how Hannah's doing on my thread.

How are you and Zoe and Koko doing? I hope things are going well, and that you're staying cool as well. It's been tough! :D

Julie & Hannah

06-30-2012, 10:02 PM
Am I able to give Zoe her Vetoryl tomorrow morning if I gave her prednisone tonight? I thought she was crashing so gave her about 3mgs ran to the car and drove 30 minutes to Emergency where opthalmalogist was staying for me. I di not know if it was her cortisol dropping or something bad with her eyes and did not want to take the chance. She would not get up and finally I got her up but she stood in the kitchen and could not open her eyes and hung her head low, and would not move. I thought maybe she went blind. I tried ti stay calm but this was not my dog and I have never seen her like this.

We got to ER and opthalmalogist checked her over. He did not think it was her cortsiol. She has a painful ulcer with elevated pressure along with inflamtion in one eye and not as bad ulcer, no pressure in the other. He thinks she is in pain from that. If she starts vomiting or gets worse I am to go to the er.

I have tramadyl for pain but he said dont start until tomorrow since she had the pred at 5:30. I have 10 different eye drops that have to be put in all day long. I should see some improvement in 3-4 days, if not, he is out of town and there is only one other opthalmalogist in town who may be away for the holiday. She goes back in a week.

I dont understand. She was doing so well and her eyes looked the best they have in a long time. How did it all go so bad overnight? I dont understand and she cannot open her eyes.

06-30-2012, 11:26 PM
Oh Addy, I am so, so, so sorry. I wish I had some answers for you. I know when ulcers are bad Hannah won't open her eye either. It usually improves pretty quickly. Did they give atropine? I know it really helps, but my opthamologist vet said it makes them dry too so then I need to add moisturizing drops. I'm so sorry she's having trouble. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Eye ulcers can really cause them to act strange.

Julie & Hannah

06-30-2012, 11:44 PM
Addy, Wish I could give you an answer as to why but I can only say.. I know! I went thru the same thing over and over with Annie. Her eye would be looking good and then bam... back to square one with even more drops to give. I know it is a ton of work and requires diligence to remember to give them all... but she is in great hands. You are doing all you can. Hang in there. Sending love and prayers. Kim

07-01-2012, 02:20 AM
Oh Addy. This is just dreadful! You must be worried sick. I have nothing to offer except my heart felt sympathy! Poor sweetheart. The way you explained it I can picture it so well. So sad!


07-01-2012, 02:32 AM
Hi Addy,

As usual, I'm the rogue of the group and am going to give you an anwer, or at least tell you what I'd do. If either of my cushdogs were ill or remotely acting different, they were off the trilostane for a day or two. It's not like you lose any ground like you do with Lysodren so it's no big deal to take a few days off. You can start again when Zoe is feeling more herself and I hope and pray she does real soon.


07-01-2012, 07:29 AM
Thank you.
Glynda-I am so glad you told me about the Vetoryl. I will not give it today. She laid in my arms with head burried in the crook of my arms, we did not muzzle her, she was just out of it. I have never seen Zoe like that.

Kim- so many parallels to Zoe and Annie. I read everything you ever wrote about sweet Annie from the first day I came here. What did you end up using so she would not rub her beard? Zoe does that too and gors arrgh, she ends up rubing her eye then too.

Julie, any behavior of Hannah's you can tell me about helps me so much. Eye vet is worred because while ulcer is superficial it is on the area of the cornea where the crystals are so can be hard to heal. I can only pray it heals for my sweet girl.

Janis- thank you for being there, especially with all you have on your plate.

She ate this morning but is still lethargic. I have tramadol for pain I will wait on that. She has drops of:

fluriprofen 3X
cyclosproine BID
genteal gel 4X
tacrolimus bid
Neopolygram 3X
Trusopt 3X
Tropicamide bid

She is very lethargic. He said she feels like she has a bad mirgraine and her eyes hurt so her behavior reflects that and is not unusual for her to want to sleep and hide.
She did eat breakfast and tried to woof and hop, but was not too good at it.

07-01-2012, 08:21 AM

Poor sweet Zoe and poor sweet Addy. I tell ya, I cringe everytime I read bad updates on our cushpups--:mad: And I know what you mean, one day they are doing great and overnight they get blasted with something unusual, and you are left wondering what the heck happened? Ugh, Ugh. And oh my Lord, look at that list of eyedrops, ugh, ugh, do the best you can Addy just as you've always been. BTW, I second what Glynda said, second they seem off, STOP the dang Vetoryl. That's my motto too. In fact Princess has still been off for over a month. I know I risk her returned symptoms, but to hell with it, rather be safe than sorry, and I have a gut feeling my girl is definitely sensitive to the trilostane, but what to do?:mad:

I keep you, Zoe in my thoughts and heart. Hope she is better in no time.

We love you sooooo much.

Tight ones. xoxo Jeanette and Princess

Squirt's Mom
07-01-2012, 09:08 AM
Oh Addy,

I am so sorry for what Zoe and you are going through. :( I swear, eyes and allergies are much more hassle than Cushing's ever thought about being! :(

Tasha came with an eye injury that won't heal, probably due to the cancer (and allergies galore apparently :rolleyes::D). It will get better then start to swell and bother her over-nite just like Zoe's did. We aren't to the point that she has to have several drops through the day yet but I fear we are headed that way. Thank goodness, she is soooooo good about them. Her pressure has been good and no ulcerations/crystals have been mentioned.

I really feel for you with all those drops. And I am so, so sorry Zoe feels so badly. I hope you see improvement today.

Leslie and the gang

PS. I agree 110% with withholding the Trilo for a day or so.

07-01-2012, 09:50 AM
Addy, wish I could be more helpful but I moved the bedspread that Annie was rubbing on up so she couldn't get all caught up in it. She could then wipe the beard but without it hitting her eye. I didn't use the ecollar because she couldn't have walked with it on. Sending more love. Kim

07-01-2012, 10:59 AM
Hi Addy,

So glad she ate for you today; that's at least something. My vet told me it's like having a charlie horse in your eye-which I can't even imagine. Are any of those drops for pain? Are you going to give the Tramadol today since it's been a while since the pred? Has Zoe used it before? I know the concerns with Tramadol and I have it for Hannah but never used it, but I am thinking that if the pain was controlled she would feel and act much better. You have such a long list of meds and I don't know what most of them are.

Hannah rubs her face on the carpet several times a day to itch everything...chin, eyes, ears, etc. I limit it as much as I can. Sometimes I would even see her try to use a table leg or door frame, which of course couldn't be good. She does it a little less with the new Tacrolimus/NeoPolyDex/Genteal combo. Most of the time that is how she got her ulcers. Sometimes it is hard to keep her from rubbing when she has an injury and I have had to use the cone, which I hate. Is Zoe trying to rub them now? Usually after about two days with the pain drops and meds she looks/acts a little better, but with a bad one it takes a little longer.

I wish there were something more to do for your poor, sweet little girl, but I am so glad she ate and tried to woof and hop. That's something!

Thinking of you and Zoe...

Julie & Hannah

07-01-2012, 07:53 PM
I only gave her half of the tramadol dose. I waited until dinner time and gave it with food. It already knocked her out. Thank God I did not give her the whole dose.

All these decisions on her behalf, she relies on me to make to care for her. I always worry I am making the wrong decision. Sometimes it is overwhelming for me with everything else going on.

With everyone else, if they have a medical emergency or they are sick, I am usually cool and calm. With Zoe, I fall apart. The decisions come harder for me.

Anticipatory grief. Anticipatory grief over my little girl.

07-01-2012, 08:55 PM

I can relate 100% to the anticipatory grief. I, however, am not calm in emergencies of any sort, but I am so worried about every medication I choose to give and decision I have to make with Hannah. It is so hard because they can't talk and we don't know how they really feel.

You know and Zoe knows that you do every possible thing you can do to make her happy, healthy, safe, and to help her heal. We have to try hard not to beat ourselves up and/or drive ourselves crazy anticipating and worrying. It is what I do best. :p I have to talk myself down often. I hope you can too.

I'm glad you gave her half the dose, and I'm hoping it will give her some relief. Please let me know how she's doing tomorrow. I've thought about you guys a lot today!

You are an awesome "mommy" and Zoe knows it! Hang in there!

Julie & Hannah

Bailey's Mom
07-01-2012, 09:25 PM
Hi Addy-

I am so sorry to hear about Koko's battles. I really don't know what to say. Just know I am standing right there beside you. I am hugging you deeply. And I know your pain. I wish I could ease it.

Jenny & Judi in MN
07-01-2012, 10:46 PM
(((hugs))) I was driving myself bonkers second guessing the vet, feeling that I had to make all of Jenny's decisions and my husband convinced me to lean on the vet a little more, still question, but if possible do what he suggested.

I don't know if you dare do that with Zoe. Enjoy her. Judi

Roxee's Dad
07-01-2012, 10:53 PM
Dear Addy,

I just wanted to stop by and say to trust in yourself, and your intuition or gut feeling. You always have Zoe's and Koko best interest at heart.

Enjoy every minute you can. I know your heart is breaking. I will be keeping you and Zoe and Koko very close to my heart and pray that she gets over this bump in the road.


07-01-2012, 10:56 PM
I know, I just gave her the other half of tramdol after finishing up the gazillion drops. I hope she sleeps for the night. Her eye looks so bad. breaks my heart.

Harley PoMMom
07-02-2012, 12:38 AM
Keeping you and our sweet Zoe in my thoughts and prayers...sending huge and loving hugs, Lori

07-02-2012, 03:14 AM
I've probably said this a zillion times but the worst thing when loosing Mira was all the pills they gave her. They said to just give her whatever worked. I agonized over it three times a day. I never got it right. It seemed so crewl. You are responsible for the whole damn thing! In the end I stopped giving her much of anything. Tramadol sucks! Gabapenton useless!

07-02-2012, 07:59 AM
The third eye lid is not as pronounced this am and she is opening her eyes and just a bit of a squint. She is standing here barking at me for chicken. No vetoryl this am. Maybe Wednesday when I am home.

Funny, I have all her meds lined up in the bathroom on the vanity. She comes in the hallway and I pile up chicken on the counter. For every drop, I make a big fuss about what a good girl she is and give her a jack pot of chicken.

This morning she ran to the bathroom to wait for her drops because she smelled the chicken:D:D:D

She is chewing her paws like crazy again.

The new morning brings hope but, vet said this will just keep happening most likely, like Annie's eye problems.

So just for today, we try not to worry about how bad her eye is and enjoy her barks and licks. She is trying so hard to do woof hop.

One odd thing though, her bark is stronger today. The last few few weeks it has been weaker, higher. Wonder if it is the stopping of the vetoryl.:confused::confused::confused::confused:

I put quilts all over the kitchen floor so she does not slip on the wood.

Koko and Zoe like that:D:D:D

I gave her one half if the hlaf of tramadol this morning. I will give her the other half before I leave for work.

07-02-2012, 08:13 AM
Hi again sweet Addy,

Still in my thoughst and get well prayers all around.

we love you. Xo Jeanette and Princess

Ps: I know Zoe is always licking or eating her piggies:D. I recently purchased a brace for Princess for her infected hygroma or elbow sore spots. It's awesome. protects her elbows and now she can lay anywhere on the hardwood or driveway so long as she's got them on. Go to dogleggs.com They have products for paw licking as well. Worth a shot. Xo

07-02-2012, 08:25 AM
Addy, Stay strong for her and as you are doing, just focus on enjoying each and every day. They are all precious. My heart goes out to you. I understand. Love will guide you. Kim

Bailey's Mom
07-02-2012, 12:31 PM
I'm glad Zoe is some better today. You should buy stock in chicken......between the pills and the chicken and the walks and the chicken!:D:D


Squirt's Mom
07-02-2012, 01:31 PM
I'm too lazy to go back and check...but have we discussed if chicken could be part of Zoe's allergies? :confused:

07-02-2012, 07:06 PM
thanks guys- I will check out doglegs and it really is turkey, Zoe just knows the word chicken. Derm vet thought she was more otc than allergy about the paws-which fits-she hurts, she chews to comfort herself.

guys- seriously now- I thought I was losing Zoe Saturday, she was that bad. I have never been so terrified for her. She has not had Vetoryl since Saturday am. Her behavior is improving, she can open her eyes and keep them open. Eye vet said it would be 3-4 days before I saw improvement in her eye- if it heals, but even with the tramadol- her spirit is back.

I am almost afraid to put her back on the Vetoryl. I was going to start it back up Wednesday because I am home all day to see how she is on it. Maybe should I wait for Friday? Eye vet did not think it was her Cushings but ------ not sure that was all just pain?

thoughts? at least if I waited till Friday, I am then home for 3 days to watch her.

07-02-2012, 07:15 PM
First...YAY! I am so glad she is feeling better! So glad those little eyes are open! I am hopeful that means she has a good chance of recovering!

I am useless in terms of advice about the Vetoryl. I do know that eye issues can really cause them to act lethargic. One day when Hannah had an ulcer, my mom was here to let her out. She didn't notice Hannah holding her eye closed and thought she had a back problem or something worse because she wouldn't move when she tried to put her outside. She just stood there all hunchy and miserable looking. I noticed the eye when I got home.

But I can understand your worry when you aren't sure. Would it make any sense to have her level checked to see how she's doing? I'm sure someone else will have better advice for you.

Are you going to continue the Tacrolimus drops after this issue? I can't tell you how much better Hannah's eyes look...and in less than a week when he gave a two week goal for improvement.

I'm so glad to hear our little Zoe is on the upswing! And it sounds like she is being such a good girl about her drops! Hannah will hardly let me near her eye when it is really painful. Go Zoe!

I am so glad things are going better for you! Take care and stay cool...YUCK is all I have to say about this heat.

Julie & Hannah

Bailey's Mom
07-02-2012, 08:29 PM
Hi Addy-
My thought on the Vetoryl is "no more." My entirely unprofessional opinion-or what I'd I like to think I'd do in your shoes, is to stop the meds unless a med specifically is helping her now.....like the eye drops. Enjoy Zoe! Romp and stomp and nap together. That is the best medicine, in my opinion.


molly muffin
07-02-2012, 08:59 PM
Just saying Hi Addy. I'm a newbie. Zoe is so beautiful! I am glad that she is doing better and her eye clearing up. How terribly scary the weekend must have been. Hoping for even more improvements this week. HUGS!

Squirt's Mom
07-03-2012, 09:16 AM
Hi Addy,

I am so glad to hear you sounding a bit more positive about our sweet Zoe. :) I hope you continue to see improvement in her as the days pass.

If it were me, I would probably withhold until Fri like you plan. But, I'm no Trilo expert so those who actually use it may have a different take. I keep coming back to "no treatment meds for a sick pup". ;) But, I'm not clear how the cortisol may affect her eyes....would they be better or worse if it were allowed to rise a bit?

You are a great mom, Addy, and Zoe is very lucky to have you in her corner.
Leslie and the gang

07-03-2012, 10:03 AM
Addy: So sorry Zoe had such a terrible spell with her eyes. Maybe the worst is over since she is some better. I sure hope so. Sending healing thoughts to Zoe and hugs to you. Love JoAnne

07-03-2012, 10:17 AM
one step forward, one step back :(

I think it is the pain as Julie indicated with Hannah's behavior

07-04-2012, 11:55 AM
Hi, Addy -

So sorry to hear that Zoe had such a serious problem with her eyes. I definitely understand your fear for her life...been there and it's an AWFUL, helpless feeling. As far as stopping the Trilostane, I'm certainly no expert, but I do know YOU are the BEST advocate for Zoe. My rule of thumb with Ali is I only give her what I feel helps her, nothing more, nothing less. That changes from time to time and I sometimes re-adjust my thinking. I think, in general, less is more. I am a strong believer in keeping them comfortable and if it is something I would want pain medication for myself, I definitely want it for Ali. They can't be happy and comfortable if they are in pain and it is our job to help them with that. You are doing a fantastic job with Zoe. Follow your heart. If something seems to be doing more harm than good, you are allowed to reconsider.

Hang in there! I hope you have a good day and a happy 4th!

07-04-2012, 12:19 PM
Hi Addy,

I just want to see how our little Zoe is doing today...and her mom too, of course! I hope she's taken another step forward. I'm thinking of you guys and hoping you have a peaceful 4th.

Julie & Hannah

07-04-2012, 03:05 PM

her eyes are worse, they have been going down hill. I will try to call the only other eye vet in town. Ours is on vacation, her recheck is Saturday, not sure I can wait that long. Restarted her Vetoryl today, gave her 30mgs not 40 mgs.

worried she will need surgery, not sure how they will do that wilth the crystals on the cornea. I dont think she can see out of that eye.

it has been a difficult few days and the record heat is not helping. I have been carrying her in and out.

i am very scared.

07-04-2012, 03:08 PM
Addy, Sending love and strength. Thinking of you and dear Zoe. Can't answer the eye question - I know its' scary. You will do the right thing - you always do. If you go to the new vet on Monday (eye doc) make sure bring in all the meds she's on so the vet knows... its hard to remember all those long names of eye meds. :eek:

Hang in there friend. Kim

Squirt's Mom
07-04-2012, 03:12 PM
Dear Addy,

I am so sorry, I know your heart is breaking. :( I hope someone can see her soon and at least see if they can relieve the pain. Surely, that is why she is having such a difficult time - that and the heat. It is making it hard on all of mine and they aren't under the stress Zoe has been so it is probably doubly hard on her.

Keep in touch as you can and know we are all with you in spirit.
Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang

07-04-2012, 04:45 PM

I am so sorry she is not doing well. :( I wish you had better news. I know my parents' dog had successful eye surgery here...I think twice. If you need another vet and are willing to travel, there is an excellent one here. I wonder if you could even do a phone consultation with him and share all the info. you have.

I wish I could help in some way. Do you have atropine drops? Those really seem to help Hannah a lot when she is at her worst. I know you have Tramadol too, but I wonder if the drop directly to the eye helps. Maybe she can't because of the crystals. I have never heard of that so I don't know.

Hannah has managed to injure her "good" eye today, so we have started her Tobramicin drops. She must be getting a sympathy injury for Zoe. Thankfully hers is not bad.

I am thinking of you and saying extra prayers for you and Zoe.

Julie & Hannah

07-04-2012, 10:57 PM
Thanks guys, she needs the prayers, I can see the ulcer today I could not see it before, I worry that means it is deeper. Both eyes look bad. Eight medicines ,so any times, I know I have not always done it right. I have a chart, I write it down, but at night, I am tired. She is so good, how she can handle all these drops I dont know. I dont understand why she needs them all and eye vet was not optimisitic about her eyes. Her pressure is high now in her what was her good eye. Makes no sense, now she has glaucoma? It has been normal all these times. I think it is from one of the meds, he said not, it makes no sense. Too many things wrong with her eyes, four or five things.

I am trying hard, but I know I just messed up one of the medicines and put it in both eyes not just the right one. I dont know what that will mean.

tomorrow is another day. maybe tomorrow will be better. I am angry at God right now.

07-04-2012, 11:29 PM

Remember you are doing the best you can. It is a lot to remember! I have screwed up Hannah's eye meds and there are only two! I think you should contact the other vet tomorrow. I'm glad she's being such a good girl for her mom. I just said more prayers for Zoe. I hope she can see someone soon so they can reassess. I'll check on you tomorrow.
Also, the vet here is Dr. Dennis Olivero. All the vets here love him. Look him up. See if you can email or fax all her info and get advice. He has books of pics of pets he has treated and more thank you notes and cards than I can count. They are the nicest notes. He's a great guy.
Julie & Hannah

Casey's Mom
07-05-2012, 12:47 AM
Love and hugs Addy .......

07-05-2012, 03:35 AM
Oh man I hear you on the ... Angry at God ... thing. I was so angry at god for talking Mira the way he did. I totaly lost my faith for a long time. I don't blame you one bit... This is horribly crewel! If you want I'll get my shot gun and blow him away! At least give us some reasonable cure for this horrible disease! Something!

07-05-2012, 07:49 AM
So sorry Addy that Zoe's eyes are in such bad shape. Maybe she will see the doctor today and get some relief. Hugs JoAnne

07-05-2012, 08:17 AM
Thank you all. I just got done reading about glaucoma in dogs. The pain is like an intense migriane, it can come on quickly and usually the other eye will develop it as well. It said surgeries can sometimes work, but not good outcome, removable of eyes if the dog can withstand the surgery.

I will try to keep her comfortable as long as can. I dont want her in constant pain. I understand now, the vet, I dont see the point of putting her through two exams. Enough now,

It is enough now, my little girl. The final tear in my heart.

Zoe, the most beautiful dog I had ever seen. The most beautiful sound in a single word. My Zoe.

Squirt's Mom
07-05-2012, 08:30 AM
Sweet Addy,

Have you discussed the surgery with the doc? What type of surgery are they thinking of? Do you know how many of the eye drops contain steroids, if any? I have to wonder how the stress of the eye condition is affecting the cortisol levels.

Please don't give up....there have to be options. For me, there would be no question - if Zoe can take the surgery, then the relief it could provide the both of you is worth it. I wish you were within driving distance; I would bring Trinket and Brick for you to meet. You would be absolutely blown away.

You are not alone. We are with you every minute of every day, holding you both close in our arms.

Leslie and the gang

07-05-2012, 08:37 AM
Addy, I am holding you and your babies in my heart and wishing I could enfold you in my arms. Precious Zoe, precious little girl. Please tell her how much we love her, too.

I am flapping my wings as hard as I can,

07-05-2012, 10:38 AM

I agree with the others. Don't give up just yet. I have not seen Zoe and of course I cannot understand the condition of her eyes, but our little Maggie growing up, a chunky little black shih tzu, had glaucoma in one eye. I affectionately called her "Maggie marble eye" because her eye was bigger and bulgy and grayish. I think my parents had pressure drops to put in her eye. Is that one of the drops you give Zoe?

Leslie asked if any of the drops contain steroids. Hannah has one ointment now with a steroid that I use in one eye. However, I have VERY strict instructions that if her eye appears painful or develops an ulcer to STOP immediately with the steroid because it will make the injury much worse very quickly. Instead, I am to use only an antibiotic and pain drop in that eye. Could that be something going on with Zoe? There is a steroid and now that she has an injury it is making the injury worse? I'm trying to find anything that could be going on.

I would still talk to the vet to see if there is anything to do to help her out now. It can't hurt to ask or just get more info. I am no expert but I just don't understand how all of this happens so fast. I'm so sad for you. :(:(:(

I'm sending hugs, love, prayers, everything I can to you and Zoe.

Julie & Hannah

07-05-2012, 01:33 PM
Sweet Addy,

Your poor Zoe. I am so very sorry for what you are both going through. It truly seems unfair, specially the pain part. No reason they should suffer with any pain.

I truly wish I could hug this all away. This is when we wish for the quick fix to all our sufferings, for God's quick intervention. I wish I had the power to make it all go away for your sweet Zoe. Grrrrrrrr.:mad:

Princess and I love you here too, soooo soooo much.

xo Jeanette

07-05-2012, 03:14 PM
thank you dear friends, you mean so much to us

Corneal ulcer (OU - superficial); Glaucoma (OD); Uveitis (OD); Keratitis (OU; OS corneal facet); Cataract (Incipient OU); OU crystalline
keratopathy; Follicular conjunctivitis (OU - improved); Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS) (OU - uncontrolled)

above are the things wrong with Zoe’s eyes.

Glaucoma can be primary or secondary- secondary can be caused by injury or Uveitis or cornea disease, cataracts, etc. He cannot test to see which Zoe has right now because of the condition of her eye. Glaucoma can come on suddenly and usually affects the left eye first. The second eye is at risk to also develop glaucoma and this can occur sometimes within 5 months. Her other eye is the bad eye which already is injured with the “divet”.

He stated he had never seen inflammation like Zoe’s. The corneal ulcer is worse and he was concerned as it was on the part of her eye where she has the crystals. I fear it is no longer superfical.

I don’t know how long we can do all these drops. We both work and she has drops from 5:00am , 6:30 am., drops at 10:30am, drops at 2:00pm, drops at 3:00pm, 6:30pm and 9:30pm. Every set of drops makes her eyes look worse, then they look a bit better when she gets up in the am and it starts again. You can see the pain on her face at times. We have to allow minimum of five minutes between drops so it can take 40 minutes to complete her drops.

She has Cushings, possible allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, eye disease, I don’t want to give up hope but she has been to see a vet non stop since March. She bites because she is in pain and sick. I have scars on my hands and I would gladly have more if it would help her. I also do not have unlimited funds. We spend everything we have on Zoe and we do so gladly. My heart is breaking because it seems we are starting to approach the end of our journey.

At times, I cannot breathe.

07-05-2012, 03:51 PM
Addy: I am praying you find something to help Zoe, it is so heartbreaking to see our puppies in pain. I am sure we all wish we could take the pain away from you and Zoe. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. I cry for you and your sweet dog. JoAnne

07-05-2012, 04:18 PM

I am crying after reading your last post. I am just so sad. I hate what you're going through. Poor Zoe. Poor you. I commend you for all the hard work you're putting in with those drops. I understand what you're saying. We don't want them to suffer and be in pain. You are such a good mom and doing such a good job thinking of her well-being. It just doesn't seem fair. She was doing so well.

I feel this special bond to you and Zoe because we have had so many things in common with our special once in a lifetime girls. It is hitting me so hard. I wish there was something that could be done to help her. I wish I knew what it was.

I am thinking of you all the time, sending you hugs and and prayers. I am so sad. And so very sorry.

Julie & Hannah

Bailey's Mom
07-05-2012, 05:17 PM

I am so sad and so very sorry. I wish I could help in SOME way. I am here thinking of you and Zoe and praying for all of you.


Casey's Mom
07-05-2012, 11:02 PM
Oh Addy -my dear friend my heart aches for you and for poor Zoe. My hugs and tears are with you.

07-05-2012, 11:10 PM
Addy, Did this eye doc mention anything about all the meds? I can't remember the name of any of Annie's meds but I specifically remember the specialist telling me that alot of them are harmful when used together. It just makes me concerned. Not to mention the dosing schedule you described is unrealistic for anyone. I had to give my drops five to ten minutes apart four times a day and I could do that but it looks like you are having to wait several hours and that is crazy. Even a vet couldn't keep up with that schedule. I think I'd have a heart to heart with someone about that. Did the new vet suggest making any changes? Know you are in my prayers and thoughts. Zoe is too. Hugs, Kim

07-06-2012, 09:13 AM
yesterday she had a good day and this morning she is in pain again with eye shut. I am not sure if the bad days are when I give all the meds in the am 5 mintes a part and the good days are when I wait longer.

She has 2 meds she gets every six hours, 3 meds every eight hours, 3 meds every 12 hours. The problem is hubby leaves at 2:30 ish and I dont get back until 5:30 ish so the one six hour drug which can cause irritation throughout the day is a problem. Also on the bad days she wont open that eye and it is hard to get the meds in.

I have to start the one six hour drug by 4:50 am so hubby can put it in again at 10:00 and then again at 3:00 which is five hours but otherwise she has to skip a dose or I have to set the alarm clock for midnight and wake everyone up to give her a dose which means she then has to go out to pee and hubby and I dont get back to sleep for hours so that does not work because she gets up at 4:30am.

Yesterday I was so happy as she was in good spirits when I got home and her eye was open, we even skipped her pain pill at supper time.

Now this morning, as soon as I started the drops, she closed that eye and I had to give her a pain pill at 7:30am already.

I have to trust the opthamologist with the meds.From what I can see, the drugs he is perscribing are correct but I am not a pharmacologist. He needs to address so many issues. The antibiotic eye drops she had last time caused her eye to be a mess, we stopped them. This is a different antibiotic, the one Julie has for Hannah but it could be bothering her. I was hoping we could stop it after tomorrow but the ulcer is not healed so I doubt it.

It would appear the glaucoma is secondary but i cant say for sure without a test. He has to control the inflammation, the dry eye, the glaucoma, and the list of other problems.

The other opthalmologist has hours mon-friday 8:00 am to 5:00pm and is further away. I could not get in today. She is going to need frequent visits to measure her pressure and have meds adjusted. I cant take off work that much any more and also keep taking off for her IMS as well and my mom. I missed two dentist appointments because I had to take her to the vet and miss work. I cant lose my job and they dont understand. They are tired of it and think my personal life interferes with my work. I never work late anymore because I have to rush home to her and they dont like that either.

I dont want to let Zoe down but what can I do? What can I do????????

07-06-2012, 10:53 AM

You're in a tough spot. I don't know what to tell you. I'm sure there isn't anyone else who could come over and put in drops for you, right? And if there were, Zoe might take their hand off? (I can relate to that with my Izzy; it would be a nightmare if she had major eye issues because we would probably lose a hand).

I'm glad to hear she had a good day yesterday, but sorry today was not as good. What is the antibiotic she gets? You mentioned she has a new drop that Hannah uses, I assume Tacrolimus, but it isn't an antibiotic. I don't know how to classify it, but it is something I use in both of her eyes to prevent the cloudy, red, look and to increase tear production. I do think I read that it can feel irritating for a little bit, but Hannah has had no issues and it has helped tremendously. She doesn't even flinch when I put it in.

The antibiotics we have used for ulcers are Gentamicin and Tobramicin. They add Atropine only for a few days when she has a bad ulcer because it controls pain. The opthamologist told me that it also can dry the eyes though, so it's a tough one.

Did you check to see if there is a steroid in any of these? Because if she has an ulcer and is getting a drop with a steroid it is bad news. That's when I stop and only use the antibiotic until I talk to a vet or see one.

I wonder if you could fax/email/call another vet and get a second opinion just by describing her situation/diagnoses, and meds?? Then you wouldn't have to miss work again.

I am out of ideas, but still thinking of you guys all the time. I hope Zoe is a miracle dog too! I'm glad you have the weekend to be home with her and maybe get on a good cycle with all the drops.

Julie & Hannah

07-06-2012, 11:04 AM
She is not getting any steroid drops, he knows he cant use them. I thought you had gotten Neo Poly B Sulfate for Hannah, I must have remembered wrong.

I gave her the full 40 mgs Vetoryl this am. She is not good, I just called for IMS, IMS is not in, eye vet is calling me back. She is as bad as she was Saturday when I rushed her in.

I withheld Veotryl Sun- Mon -Tues- Tuesday she was bad again so I thought it was not the Vetoryl but the pain. I gave her 30mgs Wednesday and Thursday and it did nto seem to be a problem so I gave her the full 40mgs today and she is a mess.

Not sure if her eye is worse and pain is worse, she would not open her eye for me already at 5:20 before the Vetoryl.

I carried her into the bedroom and shut the blinds so room is dark and put her on the bed. Koko is there with her, he knows she is sick.

Opthamologist may want to see her today not tomorrow, I dont know, waiting for call back. I have appointment with realtor and notary at 5:30 at mom's. I may have to cancel.

I am trying not to have panic attack, my heart is pounding so I think I am hyperventilating. Hubby is on his way home from work.

She is sleeping again. I rather she be knocked out than in pain.

This is so hard. I have never seen my girl like this before. It is so hard.

07-06-2012, 11:11 AM
Try not to panic. It's good that she is sleeping. I'm glad your husband is on his way home to check on her. Can he stay?

Do you think the Vetoryl has something to do with it? Maybe it needs to be on hold until her eyes get figured out?

Maybe you need to do the Tramadol even if she looks good to prevent the pain from returning like this? I'm not good at that and only give something if I think they need it, but maybe it really does keep her feeling good.

I know my opthamalogist takes urgent appointments. I paid more but they had us come in and wait until he could see her in between other appointments. I wonder if you can try that?

Saying my prayers for your sweet girl...

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
07-06-2012, 11:17 AM
Sending many hugs and much healing white light flying your way, sweetie.

07-06-2012, 12:00 PM
We see opthomologist at 4:15. She is in pain, her eye is causing pain. She got up for me to put her drops in and I have her a snack. She woofed and now is sleeping again. I see dischagre from her eye again. Last time she had idscharge she was in worse pain. I will keep giving 1/4 tablet every four hours of the Tramadol to try to control pain. Good point Julie, that was what they told me for mom, dont hold off on pain meds until pain is bad, you need to build it up in system. so pain deos not get bad. Thank you so much Julie for reminding me about that.

She is not doing well. ER is there with the eye vet if we need it. Her gums look fine, I think vitals are fine, I think it is pain. They will check her vitals.

Brother will go to realtor meeting, he is not happy about it, he does not understand, thinks we should put Zoe down.

I'll go find a paper bag to breath into:o:o:o:o:o:o

07-06-2012, 12:45 PM
I'm glad you'll see the vet today. Very glad. I'm glad she woofed. Also a good sign. And glad she let you put the drops in. She is such a good little girl!

Did you go home to see her then? Or do you go home for lunch?

I think the Tramadol regularly is a must at this point. That must really help her stay feeling good.

I'll check in later for updates. Remember that quote I found a few weeks ago: "Worrying never changes the outcome." I am not so good at putting it into practice, but it is true. Worrying and panicking is not going to do anything. So breathe into that bag and try to stay calm.

You have the appointment today and hopefully they can advise you on how to make her more comfortable and if there is any reason to change things.

Thinking of you!
Julie & Hannah

07-06-2012, 01:09 PM
I am home today, Julie, I had taken the day off to complete all the power of attorney, finising up cleaning mom's condo, etc signing all the papers with the realtor because my brother was scheduled to be out of town this week and I had thought earlier in the week about trying to taken Zoe in today not tomorrow since she has been so up and down.

I just finished reading about glaucoma and new drugs on the marek on the DVM website. From what I have been reading, this opthalmologist is using the new drugs and I understand why now and why he needs to be agressive with the glaucoma. I think the pain in her eye may be from the glaucoma getting worse, she has a white film over her eye now, perhaps the pressure is not controlled.

I just gave her another tramadol, she is sleeping but I did carry her outside and she pooed and peed. I know she is hurting because she is allowing me to pick her up all the time and does not try to bite me.
She does not like being picked up normally.

Hubby is home now too. Thank you for staying with me Julie. It helped so much to have you here.

marie adams
07-06-2012, 02:05 PM
So sorry for not being there for you!:(

It is hard to try to juggle all you have to do. You are always there for all and now you have the stress to add in. Not a good mixture believe me I know it.

I am not getting stuff done like I want, but then do I really want to do it.:eek::D

I wish I could come and help in anyway I can for you, but then the hubby would get lonely and need stuff done. Ella would tear up something because she isn't getting exercised enough or trained. Always something.:rolleyes:

I hope you enjoyed your 4th of July and it wasn't too hot.

(((HUGS)))) to you always!!!:)

07-06-2012, 04:31 PM
Addy, Many of us are with you. Praying too. Kim

Roxee's Dad
07-06-2012, 04:49 PM
Me too... I am here for you and Zoe. Hoping and praying.

07-06-2012, 06:41 PM
Hoping the appointment went well and you got some answers. I'll check in again later.

Julie & Hannah

07-06-2012, 09:03 PM
We are back. She is to be seen Tuesday, if her eye is worse, we will need to discuss surgery. Best case scenario we are looking at weeks of treatment with drugs. He is worried the same thing will happen to her other eye. Glaucoma pressure is better, ulcer is deeper but still superficial. Something about yellow inflammation he is now seeing. No more cyclosporine for right eye. We now have 10 drops, some for both eyes, some for left eye, some for right, some must be kept in the frig. She still has some sight left in the eye. He is trying to save her eye, he is trying to keep ulcer from going any deeper.
Dont expect it to look better, it wont. Continue Vetoryl 40mgs, do not stop it. Tramadol for pain.
Try to use Comfy cone after putting drops in. I told him I am in a hard place because she was biting me not wanting the drops in, she started biting when i made her wear the comfy cone. She now is good about the drops, she thinks it is a game. Not sure how to protect her eye. She can't drink water in her cone. I cant limit water. He said do the best we can.

Put drugs in 2 times a day, 4 times a day or 3 times a day, number of hours between does not have to be exact. Do the best we can.

She is sleeping now. She was alert at the vets.

Her eyes looks so bad but he said that is how they will look for now. I just dont want her in pain. She ate dinner.

She is asleep at my feet now. Maybe a miracle will happen.

Thank you all for being there for us.

07-06-2012, 09:24 PM
Addy, Your post reminds me so much of some of my days with Annie - her divet was really deep too. When they got bad both eyes were so deeply bloodshot and pussy.

You mentioned that her eye looked good and you skipped the tramadol Could it be that the pain got to her - you know how hard it is to keep it under control. It is so hard to know.. I gave tramadol religiously and sometimes wondered if I was keeping Annie from being more alert the last few months... but I truly believe it does help. If there isn't pain then hopefully less rubbing of the eyes also.

Continued best wishes and hugs, KIm

Bailey's Mom
07-06-2012, 10:17 PM
Hi Addy-

It sounds like it was a productive vet visit today. From how you wrote it, he/she sounded confident in what to do and what is going on.

I hope Zoe (and you) are resting peacefully.

Love and concern and hugs,


07-06-2012, 11:24 PM
Hi Addy,
I'm glad to hear Zoe ate and is sleeping and resting peacefully. I know that Hannah is always totally alert and will have a horrible sore eye wide open at the vet, but then she can let her guard down when she comes home.

It does sound like the vet is confident about what to do, and I am glad to her her pressure is down a little. I hope you will be lucky and you will just need to treat her for a few weeks. I'm glad they'll see her again Tues.

Hannah has a cone too-just the regular plastic one that I put on if I have to when she won't leave her eye alone. She can still drink with that on. I hate to do it as well, but sometimes have to just to be sure she doesn't further injure her eyes.

Maybe with the regular Tramadol she will be okay and will leave it alone. I'm so glad you have a couple of days to be home with her.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and check on you again tomorrow. I hope you both get a little rest tonight!

Julie & Hannah

molly muffin
07-07-2012, 12:43 AM
Hope Zoe's eye gets much better. I agree, your vet does sound like he is really up on what is going on with her and hopefully it will get better and not need surgery. It's so hard trying to take care of the little ones and all the other stuff that just goes on in life too. It just wears you don't mentally and emotionally.
Keep heart.
Hugs and a belly rub for zoe and koko.

07-07-2012, 07:56 AM
Just when I was feeling better about opthalmologist group:rolleyes::rolleyes:

one of the new drops does not have a hole in it so I have to drive all the way back there this morning to get a new one and I think I found a mistake in dosing instrction:eek::eek::eek:

whoever typed up discharge has cyclosporine left eye every eight hours and neo poly G every twelve- it should be reversed dose time

Koko has distemper shot this am, cant afford his teeth cleaning this month, $650 last saturday for Zoe $175 yesterday and who know Tuesday, if she needs surgery and we proceed, I will have to cancel granddaughter's college trip for her birthday present. I feel really badly about that.:(:(:(

I will make sure Zoe has 3-4 tramadol doses a day. We only did 3 the other day so not sure why she had so much pain yesterday, we dont usually do four. But I will make sure every day to give minimum 3.

We are going to look for another cone.

love you all and thanks for listening.

Jenny & Judi in MN
07-07-2012, 03:53 PM
Hi Addy: it was hard to check in with my phone while I was away. I have heard glaucoma can be very painful. So glad Addy's pressure is better. hugs, Judi

07-07-2012, 07:23 PM
Hi Judy, How is Jenni?

The eye vet said it is like a horrible migraine. I am hoping it is secondary from the ulcer and the drugs will keep working. He gave us a 'dog serum" for her right eye. He said they use it on dogs when they stay in the hospital and they are trying to save an eye. The bottle has to be refrigerated and only is good for five days. He said it can work wonders.
I hope he is right.

She played three rounds of puzzle today. A bit slow, but she played. She s funny though, she usually does not like being picked up but I have been picking her up and taking her outsidew when it was so hot. She has decided she likes that now:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Hubby says, stop spoiling her, make her walk, so I make her walk back. I told him it is just for now but I like the extra cuddle too:):)

07-07-2012, 09:42 PM
Hi Addy,

I hope the miracle drops work too! I love that she still wants to be picked up. That's cute. I'd enjoy the extra cuddles too!

Did you guys finally cool off there today? We did and it is wonderful. We got to open the windows for the first time in over a week.

Hannah's "good" eye keeps tearing like crazy the past few days, but it's open. I'm putting in antibiotic drops to see if it stops. Maybe she has a small scratch. Her other eye looks so good! I'm relieved.

Those little back legs still seem a little weak or sore, but she's getting around okay, so I try not to worry.

Hope you get some rest and relaxation this weekend. Give Zoe some love from me!

Julie & Hannah

Harley PoMMom
07-07-2012, 10:56 PM
Oh Addy, I am keeping you and dear Zoe in my thoughts and prayers and hoping that the "dog serum" works real soon.

Sending huge and loving hugs, Lori

07-08-2012, 01:42 AM
Dear addy
Hope the serum works.You have my permission to spoil Zoe, she told me to tell so.MY hubby says we will spoil Apollo has long as he is still here.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

07-08-2012, 02:57 AM
Just dropping in to give you a hug.

<<<<hugs>>>> :o

07-08-2012, 04:19 PM
Hi, Addy. So sorry to hear of Zoe's continuing eye problems! Howawful that must have been for all of you. Ifit feels like a bad migraine, that is definitely painful! I am glad you can give her something to help with that until youcan get the problem resolved.

It's awful to have to deal with people that don't understand the fact that she is a family member and you have to get her medical treatment for as long as she has a fighting chance! I don't even tell certain people when it is an Ali related problem and I have to take off or take her to the vet. There are just those who have never been as fortunate as we here have been! They just don't get it!

You are doing a great job with Zoe! You both deserve to be spoiled a bit! Hang in there!

07-09-2012, 01:31 PM
Thanks guys! It is a roller coaster, she seems better, she seems worse. Since I put her back on the full 40mgs vetoryl, the tramadrol seems a bit too much for her. I had been cutting her dose in half. Eye vet said 1/2 pill every eight hours. That was way too much. All weekend we did 1/2 of 1/2 3 times a day with a bt "larger" half of the half at night. I had to wake her up this morning at 5am so I could start the drops;)

This morning I shaved the half of one half pill down a bit more with my fingernail. Hubby ran out for 2 hours and she was awake when he returned home and more alert. I told him to make sure she gets the other smaller bit at 2:00 becuase I am worried it will wear off in less than six hours.

Koko is kind of down. He looks at her and goes to smell her when she is sleeping and then he goes and lays down with a odd look on his face. No playmate I guess. It seems he knows she is not well.

I had to change her appointment to Wednesday. We took a small chicken walk down the hill this morning, slowly.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

07-09-2012, 08:03 PM
Addy, so sorry Zoe is having so many problems. I will keep her in my thoughts and pray for her. At least she is walking some, maybe she will be better in a day or two. Hugs JoAnne