View Full Version : Zoe By My Side- Our Journey with Cushings
Hi Addy,
I've been wanting to stop by to see how you're doing. It's a busy time with parent/teacher conferences. I have conferences two nights this week, so I may be MIA for a bit.
Anyway, I know nothing about Pruitis so I'm no help there. I still don't have Hannah's itching/licking/biting under control the way I would like, but it isn't constant. The worst is that now that I have to give her Denamarin an hour before she eats, I set the alarm for 5:15 to give her the pill. Then I get to "sleep" for another 30-45 min. Well, I no longer sleep because she immediately begins licking when the alarm goes off until I get up. Every day. I don't know if it is a nervous thing or what. If I reach down and pet her she sometimes eventually stops and conks out. It is just the bottom of the front paws now. She does itch her chin and sides from time to time though.
I am glad to hear you decided to keep your husband and that the comfort cone is going okay. I wish I had some other advice to offer you, but I don't. I have a feeling this is going to seem like the longest month of your life!
Thinking of you!
Julie & Hannah
Marianne, poor Peg, poor Zoe. What will we do with our girls?
I guess misery does love company. It is not so much that but, I feel so helpless and incompetent to help her, so when others tell me their experiences it helps put a different perspective on it for me because otherwise I just sit here and blame myself. I know I should not but I do.
We can't shoot you, Marainne, we need you too much:D:D (((hugs)))))
Hubby thinks we need to lower Zoe's cortisol. I vacillate.:rolleyes:
My daughter said she does not know whether to smile or cry when she sees Zoe in her Comfy Cone. Zoe looks up at her with those huge eyes and she looks so cute and so miserable at the same time.
Since it has gotten so cold and we have snow cover she is now sneezing whenever I take her outside and she really does not want to go outside. She has been a good girl this morning. I did not do the iodine bath today. Decided to give her a break. I did not want her to go out in the cold with wet paws. (which are now kind of yellow)
My crying the blues for the day. Thanks for every one's support.
marie adams
02-12-2012, 01:23 PM
It's okay if you cry the blues--sometimes we just need to do that to get back on track!!! :p
Sorry for being MIA again--just other stuff going on.
Went out Friday night for a little while to have a drink with one of my buddies who use to work with me--she is 20 years younger. My husband said we were going out "Cougaring". I really don't like that term. I said she isn't old enough, but his comeback was you have to add your ages together and divide by 2--that makes her old enough...:rolleyes: Of course he was being silly. It was nice to get out and when he asked if he could go I said NO. He didn't really want to.
I think maybe this could help you a little is to just get away without the thought of Zoe, work, just everything. Too bad you are there and I am here....:p Just having to make a decision on what kind of drink to have would be fun. :D
Try to have a Happy Sunday and not think about Monday coming.:)
Harley PoMMom
02-12-2012, 02:07 PM
Huge loving hugs being sent your way...we are always here for you, dear Addy.
Bailey's Mom
02-12-2012, 03:24 PM
02-13-2012, 02:51 PM
We're right here for you too Addy and family for some very TIGHT Huggies.....
Much love always.
xo Jeanette and Princess
02-14-2012, 03:39 PM
I'm behind on your thread Addy so much going on lately I can't keep up. I think of you guys all the time and you and little Kujo, I mean Zoe, are always in my prayers.
Love you guys and Happy Valentines Day!
02-14-2012, 03:47 PM
Wish I could send you a miracle!!
Love and hugs!!
Thank you all for stopping by and cheering me up. I started preparing for derm visit so I feel I am accomplishing something. I printed out the health history from his website and started working on that, printed out copies of what is in her food. I always try to present a brief written history so her heavy tomb from the IMS is not overwhelming and some of the IMS notes are just wrong anyway:rolleyes:
Not sure if I should do this again as it usually gets the vets bothered that I am too prepared and detailed.:confused::confused: aka they think I am a pain in the behind because they then know I will question them and they don't always have the time or the answers.
QUESTION: since the derm vet only comes 1 day per month I thought I should have an acth done before the visit, check her electrolytes, kidney function,etc with the old IMS and then tell the old IMS how I feel about her throwing me under the bus. Hubby is a bit nervous about that (my tongue can get rather sharp).
Thoughts anyone?
I am just worried about losing another month if we don't do the acth and blood work before hand.
Meanwhile, Zoe's tail is almost bald and her coat very thin. She is not biting as much so Baby Kujo is lurking beneath the surface but not coming out to "play" right now.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day. We had a special dinner and watched Westminster.
02-15-2012, 09:19 AM
Addy, usually I always like to have bloodwork done before my own "human" MD visits so that we'll have the results in front of us to talk over together. However, in this case, you might want to hold off in case there are additional or alternative tests that the derm vet will want to have run. That way, it can all be done with a single blood draw. I wouldn't think you'd have to wait for a month to discuss the results -- surely you could talk by phone or email during the interim?
Just a thought. And you can never go wrong by having updated lab results to show him. But I'm just trying to save you some money and Zoe an extra "jab" if it turns out that he wants different testing done as a result of your consultation.
02-15-2012, 11:08 AM
Hi Addy,
For what it's worth, I agree 100% with Marianne. The derm vet may want to want to run his/her own tests but seeing's how s/he is only there one day a month, you may want to go ahead and get the work up done ahead of time. S/he could at least rule high cortisol in or out as a causative factor and move on from there with any needed additional testing. If you can reach the derm vet's office, why don't you ask them if having the latest blood chemistry and acth stim test results in hand will help expedite a diagnosis?
Bailey's Mom
02-15-2012, 12:37 PM
Hi Addy-
Could you call the derm vet's office and ask them what blood tests are most likely needed? Maybe they could get with the doc and he could help lead the way.
If we don't let the people who treat us inappropriately know how we feel, they go on their merry way thinking all's well with the world. I have a doc - endoscopy - and I was waiting for results. He had told me 2 days. 5 weeks later I still had not been able to shake results out of those trees. I wrote out a letter, made an appt for an office visit, and when I saw him, I read my letter to him. He listened VERY attentively. He was very apologetic. I had not named any names, but he asked me about one person who had been especially arrogant. He told me he really appreciated what I did, that he would be talking with his entire staff and most specifically with that one nurse. Now-maybe nothing changed. Maybe he didn't talk to them. I like to think he did. Either way-I let him know my feelings and that I felt I deserved better care than that received. For me, that was taking care of myself.
All of that was done from my perspective. I did not go in making allegations or judgments on him or his practice. I merely stated....this is what you told me, this what I did and here I sit, still having no results.
02-15-2012, 01:39 PM
Hi Addy,
I just wanted to wish you and Miss Zoe all the best at your derm. appointment, and hope they can get her in a better place so you can get back to business as usual and to enjoying each other again.:)
Take care of you and thinking of you and your girl always.
Much love and tight hugs..
xo Jeanette
02-15-2012, 02:53 PM
Thinking of you.......hope the appointment goes well. Will be sending prayers love and hugs!!:)
02-15-2012, 03:54 PM
On the lighter side maybe zoe and Apollo could make a date at the dermatologist :D
Will be praying for you. I feel the weakened ammune system makes it hard for our babies to fight off any thing,thus the skin issues. Apollo just keeps getting more skin problems,yet most of his coat is healthy. I check every day.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
02-16-2012, 06:59 AM
Addy, it's not fair... It's not fair at all.. You try so hard and seem to get no where. Vets just don't seem to understand what your going thru. The frustration of it all is enough to drive you mad. You want to scream, but no wait, this might work.. You try everything within reason and a whole lot that isn't. I've been known to sleep with a short leash tied to my wrist so if there is unwanted actions thru the night it will alert me. Damn the things we do. It's just not fair and nothing can stop us from trying. We all do it. All of us here. We are all praying for you and sometimes it helps. (grumble) it's not fair at all..
Thank you all, I do feel like I just run in circles. I remember not wanting to use Trilostane in the beginning because I was afraid her hair would all fall out. Big sign icon here. Her skin is so dry and flaky, worse than it has ever been.
I need to get refills for her Trilostane. I won't have enough to wait for derm vet visit so I am scheduling an appointment will old IMS today. That will save me a consultation fee with a new IMS right now and then I can take it from there and switch her over to new IMS at the visiting derm vet clinic near my home.
I have so much on my plate right now I feel so badly I don't stop on all of your threads. I need to sell my mom's condo and there is so much involved with that, need to help oldest granddaughter with her college essays for summer programs, the youngest one feels left out so comes over for help with her story writing for school, Zoe, work, sorry for rambling on about my life but I just feel so sad I have had little time for the forum the last few weeks.
I miss you all and thank you all for thinking of me. It means a lot.
Sniffle, sniffle:):):)
love you,
Harley PoMMom
02-16-2012, 09:14 AM
We love you too, Addy! Sending huge and loving hugs your way. The forum will always be here so you just take care of yourself and the family and remember we are here to offer moral support, hugs, love...
Squirt's Mom
02-16-2012, 10:07 AM
Ditto to what Lori said! :)
02-16-2012, 02:17 PM
Ditto here too.
Take care of you and your family sweet Addy. No reason to feel guilty about anything. We know how challenging it is to balance everything life throws at us.
Head Up...:rolleyes:
Shoulders back...:)
Chin Up...;)
and SMILEEEEEEEE....:):):):):) (even if you don't want to, cause it pisses everyone off)...:D
We love you dearly.
xo Jeanette and my girl
Bailey's Mom
02-16-2012, 06:02 PM
Dear Abby-
Hang in there sweetie. You are doing a GREAT job. :)
It is 46 degrees today and she is chewing her paw like crazy. Two things happened at the same time. Monday night she finished her skin antibiotic and it warmed up and she is chewing like crazy ever since.
It has to be something outside, mold on the grass, it has to be.
I called old IMS 3 weeks before I needed an appointment, 3 WEEKS and I had to push to get Zoe in. Nail in the coffin, I think. I am angry all over again, need to let it go.
Have to see little granddaughter play an instrument in her school concert tonight.
ACTH- March 1st
Derm vet March 15th
Thank goodness February is a short month.
Anyone know how to pick a realtor? Man, I am just in over my head.:rolleyes:
Bailey's Mom
02-17-2012, 12:20 AM
Realtor-find someone who recently purchased a home or is/has sold one. They may be able to give you a reference.
You could try Angie's list....but you'll need to pay $15 bucks or so to have access to the info in your area. It would probably be worth it if you have no luck elsewhere. Folks report on services-good and bad....almost any topic.
02-17-2012, 12:34 AM
Hey Addy, just adding to what others have said. When I first landed in this forum over a year ago, I was totaly overwhelmed by all the dreadful things happening. I knew people were talking to me wanting to help. But I couldn't remember names. SOMEDAYS I could only write and not read. You mention visiting friends threads in kind. Good lord I was in no condition for that. I think all of us know what your feeling now and only ask that you don't go it alone. Don't worry about anything else. When things settle down maybe you find the time and the sanity to visit round. We'd much rather you take care of you right now.
When things settled down I printed out Kira and Mira's enter threads and I wrote down all the names of everyone who was there for me. I'm sure most wouldn't need to go that far. But for me now I can go back and be there for all those who cared about me.
Thank you... (sheepish smile)
02-17-2012, 12:40 AM
Love you! You have always been there for me and everyone else.....don't feel bad about not being able to check on everyone when you have such a full plate! Take care of you and your family...we are here for you always
Send you a huge tight hug and lots of love!
Hi Addy,
Just wanted to stop by to let you know I am thinking of you. First, I recommend Angie's list. I am a member (my dad has been for years) and it is great for so many things. People who belong fill out reports on work they have done, etc. and you can search reports to find someone good. There is SO MUCH on there-even vets!
Second, please take care of yourself, your family, your pets right now and don't worry about us. I am always amazed at how dedicated you are to this site and how you comment on nearly every thread. We all know that we have lives outside of Cushing's and this forum and sometimes we need a break to take care of other things.
I even found myself feeling guilty not being on here much (or welcoming others) this last week because I was so busy with parent/teacher conferences at work, and stressed out because my class has been a nightmare this week. But I know I need to take care of myself and do my job well too. So, don't feel bad and don't feel guilty. We know you care about all of us and that you are going through a lot, and that you have a life outside of here.
By the way, Hannah has increased the paw licking and the scratching like crazy this week. It is warmer here too. She is at the point where she was pulling out little clumps of hair from itching. I finally got more Hydroxizine today because it seems to work better than anything else. It has got to be something outside.
Know that we're thinking of you and that we want you to take care of yourself right now.
Julie & Hannah
Jenny & Judi in MN
02-18-2012, 05:36 PM
I've been thinking of you Addy but haven't had much time to respond either. I hope you can get Zoe's skin issues resolved and that life becomes less overwhelming.
On the bright side, I've found if you live on coffee and altoids you can lose 8 pounds AND be minty fresh! hugs, Judi
marie adams
02-21-2012, 01:42 PM
Dear Addy Scarlett,
Just popping in to say HI!! :)
02-21-2012, 01:53 PM
Hi Addy,
Have you tried Zyrtec for Zoe? I take Zyrtec for my allergies and so does Lulu. She gets 1/4 of a 10mg tablet in the mornings and it has worked wonders for her allergies. She is not a big scratcher but she sneezed a lot.
I have a dog in foster care who has horrible skin problems, itching and biting all the time. He was placed on a round of prednisone which made things better for a while but the itchiness seems to be escalating again. Benedryl wasn't doing much for him so his foster mom decided to try Zyrtec three days ago. Much to our surprise, Izzy has improved with Zyrtec. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Hi Guys,
I have not been posting, I seem to be out of words:o
I asked IMS about Zyrtec in December after Lori mentioned it. She looked at me like I was from Mars and responded "Well, we have to make sure an anthihistamine works with Vetoryl and we know Benadryl does!!!" End of her snit.:eek::eek::eek:
She goes next week for her ACTH. I had no more refills for Veotryl.
Nothing has changed for Zoe since last February when I started the Zeal food and in June when we started Vetoryl. No other changes, I use the same vinager to clean, no carpet shampoo, no lawn chemicals, nothing.........
The only thing else that was different was when she went for her groom in december IMS told me to use a conditioner for her dry skin and the groomer did.
So the only new things have been what we have tried to get her to stop chewing her paws. The more we try, the worse it gets.
And her coat is really bad and her tail almost bald. regular vet said normally he would say that was from her Cushings but with the paw chewing, he is not so sure.
out of words again
02-21-2012, 07:33 PM
Dearest Addy,
I sense by the tone of your words, you feel "so done" right about now, don't ya?:( Gosh, we all understand that feeling all to well, specially when you seem to keep trying and trying, and get nowhere. Poor you and Zoe, at your witts end:mad:, specially with these doctors. I'm not very far behind you doll, and been having a heck of a time these last 2 months with my girl and the "best" IMS on this good earth:D.
But anyway, I have a couple of friends who give Zyrtec to their dogs as well, and it seems to work. Worth a try, and don't need a lousy prescription for that one:)
Hang in there my dear friend and I pray things will start to look up for you and your girl very soon...:)
Love and tight hugs from moi, and licks from the Princess.
02-21-2012, 10:33 PM
Yeah there is a lot of people here feeling like things are hopeless right now. My Kira too. You try so hard but Nothing works. I cry a lot.
I found some words:
I love you all and thank you all for sharing with me
Squirt's Mom
02-22-2012, 09:31 AM
02-22-2012, 11:36 AM
Dear Addy
Thinking about you and Zoe. You have your hands full. Why is it when we get older more is dumped on use, especially women. I have a lot on my plate also.
Praying for you and Zoe. Can hear the frustration in your voice. It seems with the Cushing's more issues prop up. Try to manage the Cushing and the side effects from the medication can cause other issues, in addition to all the issues Cushing can cause: the skin issues, the intestional issues, the muscle wasting, and it goes on and on.
Try to focus on any little miracles each day: a lick on the face, the sun. Sometimes it is the only thing that keeps me sane.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
02-22-2012, 12:20 PM
Tight hugs back to you and Zoe!!
Sending lots of prayers - (hoping for a miracle that the paw biting will stop..her skin,coat, tail and tummy will get better) and also sending lots of support - strenght and love!!
Thanks guys. It isnt just the paw biting. It is her skin and coat, her tail, as well and her bloated tummy along with her whole demeanor.
It has been the longest two months of my life. Perhaps soon we will get some answers.
I think I may stop the trilostane for awhile. I know I spent a lot of time, effort and money to get her adjusted but, I just have this feeling, can't explain it. Hubby thinks she needs her dose adjusted.
Maybe it is just me remembering all the reasons why I did not think I should put her on it but seemed the lesser of two evils for her.
I'll see how this all plays out but, I think I want to stop the trilostane for awhile.
This morning she had a good morning. I am thankful for that. ;);)
LOL, last night I just wanted to soak in a hot tub. I took her out to piddle prior and no sooner did I settle in to a nice hot tub, here comes Zoe in her Comfy Cone sticking her head in through the shower door, panting at me. Then she left and came back. By the third visit, I realized she was trying to tell me she had to poo and rushed out of the tub ( I had been in all of 5 minutes), barely dried myself off, through on clothes and my coat, grabbed her and out we went. She pooed and peed:rolleyes:
That was the end of my trying to relax because I spent the rest of the night with her so she did not have to wear her Comy Cone.:rolleyes:
For the love of a dog:D:D
P.S. I just realized I was able to find words again:o:o:) Maybe I am better:confused:
02-22-2012, 02:43 PM
Updated my last post......added more prayers for Zoe..... The main man has to hear me now!!
Sorry for the short bath....our babies have the best timing:p
Hugs xoxoxo
02-22-2012, 03:04 PM
I think I may stop the trilostane for awhile. I know I spent a lot of time, effort and money to get her adjusted but, I just have this feeling, can't explain it. Hubby thinks she needs her dose adjusted.
Did you ever really get her stabilized on Trilostane? I did a quick scan of your thread and the last acth stim result I found was back on November 30th and Zoe's post stim was 9.6 ug/dl. Have you had any stims done since then? If so, can you remind me what the results were. If not, I may tend to agree with your husband because 9.6 is too high to expect resolution of all symptoms. Since you have a stim test scheduled for two weeks, you may want to keep her on the Trilostane until you get the results. It could be that her cortisol is too high, in which case, a dose increase should be considered.
I'm hanging in there with you and praying that you can get to the bottom of Zoe's problems.
02-22-2012, 04:32 PM
Awww Addy, I surely understand why you're feeling so downhearted. But I agree with Glynda and hope that you will not stop the trilostane until you've gotten the ACTH results and see the derm vet.
I know your reasons for not wanting to take Zoe too low with her cortisol, but the flip side is that your description of her (aside from the paws) really does sound like an uncontrolled Cushpup :o. And until/unless she is within therapeutic range, you just may never see any noticeable improvement. Kind of like a light switch -- it's either on or off.
I am not trying to pressure you into something that conflicts with your gut instinct. But I hope you'll hang in there at least for the next couple of weeks. My Peg has never licked her paws as badly as she has ever since Christmas, and of course for her it is not Cushing's-related. So Zoe's paw-chewing may be sort of a "red herring" here. As upsetting and wearing as it is, it may not have anything to do with her Cushing's, either.
I wish so much I could reach my arms through the computer screen and give you a huge hug. It's so hard to keep plugging away when you don't know what's really going on. But I do hope you'll hang in there for at least another couple of weeks.
I am concerned about the hyperplasia of her valve leading from her tummy to her intestines. It is filled with scar tissue and the opening is very small. When they did her endscopy in Ocotober, her stomach walls were also inflammed. If I lower her cortisol even more, what will happen to the valve and her stomach?
We decided to leave her be at 9.6. I discussed with IMS again in December and brought up the subject of changing her dose. She thought we should leave her be especially if we were now starting to uncover allergy problems. She was hoping we could slide through the winter.
I am concerned that maybe it is the Trilostane causing pruitis, since nothing else has changed and I am concerned her bloated tummy is from her valve opening getting even smaller.
She has her stim next Friday. I had not planned on any changes until we see the derm vet. I know I should not be defeated before we even start with the derm vet but I have no good expectations there. From what I have read of the allergies, it is just impossible so I surely wont get my hopes up at all.
There, I have said it, I put it out there, my worries and thoughts. Maybe now I will feel better.:):o
I don't know what exactly Zoe represents to me. People tell me I replaced my oldest granddaughter with Zoe when my Kate got a bit older. That may well be. I just know she is my heart dog, my once in a life time dog and she is a part of me, intertwined and woven through my fabric, my essence, so that when she is not well, I ache to my very soul. I cannot explain the bond any other way.
Sorry for getting mushy. I just had to let it out.
Harley PoMMom
02-22-2012, 07:43 PM
We are here for you, sweet Addy, so vent, write, get mushy...etc! We LOVE you and Zoe!!!!
If you really think that stopping the Trilostane might solve her itching/scratching issues, then I would definitely do that. Please do not feel pressured, especially by any of us, to keep treating with Trilostane, ok? ONLY YOU know Zoe the best. ;) :)
Love and huge hugs,
02-22-2012, 08:54 PM
Sending love and I truly understand. She's your soulmate. Keep on loving her and know you are a truly remarkable mom. You can't expect more from yourself than that. I know... if only we could wave the wand... hang in there friend and keep the faith. wishing you luck with the test. Kim
Hi Addy,
Just wanted to tell you I am still thinking of you and Zoe. I also wish I could wave a magic wand to make things better.
I think they way you explained your bond with Zoe was beautiful. Hannah is that dog to me. My first one on my own and my "baby" because I don't have a human one yet. I cannot be happy when she is not doing well.
Thinking of you and sending hugs your way...
Julie & Hannah
Bailey's Mom
02-23-2012, 01:32 AM
Hi Addy-
I am here with all the love and support I can give you. Don't cha just hate Cushings'?
I really feel for you and Zoe. I just wanted to tell you that I felt that I had my once in a lifetime, never to happen again dog when we got Peaches. I just knew I would never ever find another dog that was so sweet, so loving, so wonderful.
Then came Palmer. Palmer was my buddy. He was with me for all my knee operations. When our eyes met there was a definite connection there that went down to my soul. He was my sweet heart. I just knew I would never ever find another dog that was so sweet, so loving, so wonderful.
Then came tiny little Bailey. Now, Bailey has not attained that closeness with me yet. I see signs and think she will. We will go hand in hand down this road wherever it takes us.
You are a loving, kind, dedicated, persistent Mommy. You have done so very much in research and in trying things and then analyzing things. You have been SUPERMOM!!!!:D
Don't beat yourself up and don't spend a lot of time worrying about things over which you have no control. It is wasted energy. You will get some answers soon even though it isn't soon enough and you will then do the next right thing. It is all any of us can do. Dogs should not have such short lives and they don't deserve such horrible illnesses. We know those are the risks and downfalls when we get into this and, still, we would not change a thing.....other than to give them longer lives and no illnesses!;)
You are a wonderful, loving, strong woman. Enjoy Zoe for what there is for now. We don't know where this will lead, but enjoy what is in front of you now.
With love,
Sus :)
02-23-2012, 01:33 AM
I understand how you feel - Penny is my little girl who I cant even explain what she means to me
Sending you all the prayers in the world with lots of love and support
Hugs xoxoxo
02-23-2012, 07:45 AM
Addy, the words you used to describe your bond with Zoe touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. What you wrote was so moving and so beautiful. And it reminded me of the pain that I suffered when my Barkis was so ill. So I can imagine, too, how you are struggling now to find some relief for Zoe.
After the testing and derm visit are finished, if your instincts still lead you to a trial discontinuation of the trilostane, I will not tell you it is a mistake. I know only too well how hard it is to find a way to live with the unexplored "what ifs," and if it feels important to you to give it a try, you should do so. But if you do stop it and things do not improve for Zoe, you might consider biting the bullet and reinstituting it at a dose that will finally get her cortisol down within therapeutic range.
Understandably, you are very worried about the effect on her GI system.
I am concerned about the hyperplasia of her valve leading from her tummy to her intestines. It is filled with scar tissue and the opening is very small. When they did her endscopy in Ocotober, her stomach walls were also inflammed. If I lower her cortisol even more, what will happen to the valve and her stomach?
And of course I am no vet, but I still keep falling back on what my IMS told me re: Barkis -- that even though steroids are prescribed for their anti-inflammatory effects, continuously high levels of circulating cortisol can actually increase the irriation of the GI tract. For example:
Steroids can increase the production of stomach acid and lower the production of protective stomach mucus. This can irritate the lining of the stomach and may cause or aggravate a stomach ulcer. To reduce this side effect the tablets should be taken with meals or a drink of milk. Tell your doctor if you have indigestion, stomach pains or abdominal discomfort.
and (this quote was related to cats);
The side effects of oral and injectable steroids are essentially the same. Both being systemic steroids, you can expect increased thirst, appetite, and urination. Long-term use effects vary among different cats and according to dosage and they include... stomach or intestinal ulcers, weight gain, altered mood and personality...
Especially since your vet does not wish to lower Zoe's cortisol any further, I really do hesitate to keep bringing the notion up. I would feel worse than horrible if you increased her trilo at my suggestion and she had a bad outcome. For that reason, I do agree that for your own peace of mind, you may want to stop the trilo altogether for a while in order to see what happens. But if that does not help Zoe or if she worsens, a higher dose may still be an option to discuss with your IMS or whomever else you end up consulting. That way, one more "what if" could finally be crossed off the list.
Sending you enormous hugs as you bravely fight this battle on behalf of your precious Zoe,
Squirt's Mom
02-23-2012, 09:04 AM
Aw, Addy,
I wish I had some help to offer, but I don't. I do have long arms and broad shoulders and a heart that loves you and Zoe dearly, tho, and they are all yours anytime.
When Squirt was first diagnosed, I was pressured from several directions to *get her on treatment now*...but my gut said, "no", and I didn't even know I was supposed to listen to it at that point. I just knew it didn't "feel" right and I am eternally grateful I listened to my gut and not the well-meaning advise of others who knew much more about Cushing's but who did not know my Sweet Bebe. We say it here all the time - "no one knows your baby like you." And I follow that with my own silent ending - "...and Squirt and I will live with the consequences of my decisions, positive or negative; just us, no one else."
From the day Zoe entered your life, you have done the very best you could for her, you have given her the very best of everything, and, most importantly, you have given her more love than she could have ever dreamed of. You have already made her world perfect, honey. And every day, you wake up looking for ways to make this day even better than the last. From where I sit, there is absolutely no reason to think you will ever do any less for Zoe regardless. You are a Supermom, honey.
But even Supermoms need to take their capes off from time to time, soak in a hot tub, and just let the pup poop on the parquet. ;)
Many hugs, dear one, and gentle belly rubs for Zoe (unless, of course, ya'll wish to switch places! :D)
Leslie and the gang
marie adams
02-23-2012, 02:04 PM
Okay you have me sitting in my car crying trying to type out my message to you Sweet Addy...
she is my heart dog, my once in a life time dog and she is a part of me, intertwined and woven through my fabric, my essence, so that when she is not well, I ache to my very soul. I cannot explain the bond any other way.
I thought of Maddie last night of being My Maddie and now Miss Ella is My Miss Ella--she is not Maddie other than being an Aussie. I know how you feel because I felt the same way about Maddie, but Ella is slowly working her way into my heart as Maddie did, but then Maddie was the "First".
I agree with Susan and just everyone that you are Zoe's best person and she is your best furbaby. We are all here to wrap you up in our loving arms and give you the hugs & support you need--just as you always GIVE to all of us!!! :)
(((((HUGS & SUPPORT!!!!))))
Casey's Mom
02-23-2012, 10:41 PM
Addy - we are all here for you in spirit, love and warmth. Sweet Zoe, you are your mom's special baby. Love and hugs to both of you,
from all of you I draw my strength and courage.
with all of you I share laughter and tears
here, only here, can I speak the truth
together, always togther, we all find our way.
I love you all and thank you,
marie adams
02-24-2012, 12:44 PM
You know how to bring on the tears....:o
Love You Too!!! :)
Is it Cha Cha Cha Friday???? :D
Sister Marie Irene, sorry I made you cry for two days:o:o:o
I want to see Ella romp in the snow, take pictures. Zoe likes to eat it.
Koko hops like a bunny in it but will not stay out long.
cha, cha, cha:D:D:D:D
addy, zoe and koko too
marie adams
02-24-2012, 01:34 PM
Maddie use to hop like a bunny also!! I remember the first time she went it was snowing so much she was all white except for her brown eyes!!!:D She loved it!!! I just couldn't believe her paws wouldn't get frost bite.....:eek:
I will take pictures when we go....
Happy Friday/Weekend!!! Make it a GOOD ONE!!!!:D:):p
It's so good to hear from you again! I have missed you...but I am glad you took a little break for yourself. I am always thinking of you and Zoe and hoping that things are going okay. I wish we could speed up time so you could get to the appointment.
Hannah is licking her paws obsessively right now, in honor of Zoe, I'm sure. ;)
Hope you have a relaxing weekend,
Julie & Hannah
How are things? have you any new news? wanting you to know your being thought of.
Thank you Skye, Julie, Marie,
Zoe goes for her ACTH Friday. I have been trying to clear my head about that. The hair on her tail is almost gone and she has bumps under the tail skin which I fear are calcium deposits. She had one on her tail last June and when we started Trilostane it went away and hair tried to grow, now they are spreading and one looks like a hard pimple.Reminding me of Sonja and Apollo two years ago when he first started Trilostane.
She is still chewing her paws all the time, but she wants to wrestle every night with Koko and take her chicken walk so her mood is better, not biting and snapping at me as much. I have successfully weaned her Metronidazol down to 62 mgs once a day, every other day with relative ease. Worry if derm vet wants to change her food. She seems happier with less metronidazole but maybe that is my imagination. She really did not do well on the skin anitbiotic. It almost seemed like it cancelled out the Trilostane in some ways, up in the middle of the night, more drinking and peeing, not wanting to play, crabby, etc.
We seem derm vet March 15th.
I have been cleaining out my mom's condo. It has been hard for me, emotionally drained.
love you all,
02-28-2012, 09:23 PM
Hi Addy, I just wanted to check in and see how things were going. I think of you guys all the time even though I'm not on as much right now. I hope all goes well on Friday and you get some answers..
I completely understand how you feel when it comes to Zoe.. Rebel and Sadie are my babies and no one will ever tell me different, please let them try!!!
Love you guys..
can someone explain this? Zoe was at the IMS for 3 hours and at no time did she even try to chew on her paws. She came home had her snack and once she was done she started chewing her paws,:confused:
We did a urinalysis, cbc and a 15 profile (whatever that is) acth test and thyroid panel.
I told her I was concerned about the little white spots on Zoe's shoulder blades. She does not know what they are. I told her I had battling voices in my head- one voice telling me to lower cortisol to therapeutic range, the other voice telling me to stop the Trilostane because it is causing Zoe problems. She said she thought the derm vet would be able to shed light on things. She would not comment or recommend anything except let us wait to see the test results.
We need to stop antihistamines for at least one week before seeing the derm vet.
Zoe was an angel and let me muzzle her with no chicken treats. She was calm and well behaved and we were there 3 hours.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I put Zoe in her pretty spring sweater, she looks so beautiful, I hope it kept her warm. I worry she gets cold with such little hair.
I dont like these small white spots on her skin. They are a bit bigger than a pin head. There are a lot of them between her shoulder blades where the hair is just gone and the bald spot is getting bigger.
Zoe continues to do well on 62 mgs metronidazole every other day. My IBD forum said most derm vets will not suggest a food trial. I have been worried if she has to do a food trial what will happen to her IBD? IBD forum is saying try not to do a food trial with Zoe.
Round one, just a few more to go.
Thanks for listening,
Bailey's Mom
03-02-2012, 10:32 PM
Addy -
I'm here. I hear you.
I think your vet is not a real vet. I think she just opened an office and all she does is tell people...."Get tests. Get more tests. See a specialist. They'll know something." I think she is some kind of spy in disguise......maybe even a warlock. (What is a warlock, anyway?)
It sure sounds like there is something in the house that is bothering Zoe. Is it possible you might have a mold issue? I can't offer anything on the white dots.....but you might want to play "Connect the dots.";)
Hugs, sweetie.:):)
are they are hard rubbery type bumps? but they are not at a area of where an incision was correct? have you had them pricked and smeared for testing? not sure why she couldnt do that. Might be a form of folliculo-sebaceous cysts or granuloma type thing? do you have picture of it?
Squirt's Mom
03-03-2012, 08:59 AM
Mornin' sweetie,
Just some thoughts -
Skye stated one of my thoughts; something in her home environment is causing an allergic reaction. I would probably be driving her all over town to see how she reacted in different environs compared to how she reacted once back home. Ya know....carry a little notebook, observe closely and take notes, wear a white coat while doing all this - a little science experiment! :D
It could have been that while in the vet's clinic, Zoe had enough stimulation she didn't have the urge to chew; ie she was too busy. If this is the case, that would indicate more of a behavior/habit issue to me. Get a Rumba? rearrange the furniture? remote controlled toys? a hamster in a ball? oorrrr...scream SASKIA!!! :p
The location of the white spots - the neck is the usual area for injections in a dog. Is it possible these are related to injection sites or are they too far down the shoulder for that?
Just thoughts; I would hope the derm vet will be able to tell you about the spots. Zoe's feet chewing is probably going to take a lot of work on your part to figure if you didn't know. :rolleyes:;) One thing - if it is allergies, based on her lack of chewing at the clinic I would doubt it is completely, if at all, food related. But, again, just navel gazing here. ;)
I feel for you cleaning out your mom's place. That is a tough job for a child to face. We are forced to take an adult stance for the world to see but as we are packing things up, inside we are once again small, helpless, and oh so afraid. The internal drive is to go crawl up in mom's lap one more time to be gently rocked and lovingly told, "Everything is going to be alright". Addy, I want to assure you, promise you from the bottom of my Soul, that in your mom's heart she is doing just that and her memories of holding you, her baby girl, in her arms are among her most precious treasures.
Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang
Hi Addy,
Hannah never bites her feet or itches at the vet either, even if she stays for a while. It seems like it is partly an allergy and partly some sort of anxious or calming behavior. It's like they never show the vet what the problem is. Even when Hannah has a corneal ulcer her eye is wide open at the vet, but it is pinched shut at home. I just think they are so uncomfortable there that they don't act normal.
I have no help for you on the bumps, but it seems to me that the derm vet should be able to help you with that. It will be interesting to see how Zoe does with no meds for a week-if there is any difference.
I will be curious to see what her test results show. I'm so glad you are only 12 days away from your visit. I surely hope you'll get some helpful advice. I don't know what to say about the food trial. That seems like it could cause some harm with Zoe's IBD. Hopefully they will take other issues into account.
I'm always thinking of you and little Zoe!
Julie & Hannah
Hi Addy-
One more thing I wanted to mention. I was just referring Janis to the website about laser treatment. It is amazing how many things it can help with. I saw IBD and allergies (although no one has talked to me at this point about using it for Hannah's allergies) and I thought of Zoe and wondered if it could help. I loved the fact that it is non-invasive, that it is painless, and that it's quick.
Here is the link if you want to look into it:
Julie & Hannah
03-03-2012, 03:37 PM
Hi Addy,
I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU....:)
Tightest hugs.
xo Jeanette
Oh Guys, I need I love you and hugs, thank you Jeanette, Leslie, Julie, Skye and Sus:):):):):):):)
Twelve days cannot come fast enough, she had a peepee accident this morning. I was just looking at the skin on her tummy and it looks nasty.
We did all these tests and I am trying to stay calm waiting for the results. I am changing IMS vets. No question in my mind. She made some comment like " I'm not good with skin problems, my dog has bumps, I just don't worry about them" I looked at her. "Well, if you could tell me what the bumps were, then maybe I don't have to be worried about them." I then bit my tongue so I did not start into her. Not like her dog has Cushings and all her hair is falling out and her skin is turning funky!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:But hey, why worry about bumps:rolleyes::rolleyes::mad:
I should not even get started.:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
I was going to tell her how I felt about her throwing me under the bus and she disappeared.
I wont be going back there.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Thanks, guys for bringing smiles to my face. We will get the good or bad news test results prior to the derm vet date. My IBD forum told me to cut back the hair as far as I coud bewteen her paw pads and toes so the foot soaks can get to the skin better. I have been slowly working on that as she sleeps so I don't call attention to her paws.
love ya,
Harley PoMMom
03-03-2012, 05:03 PM
I love you and sweet Zoe!!!! Sending huge hugs filled with all my love...Lori
03-03-2012, 06:40 PM
I know you have your hands full with cleaning your moms house and I know it's emotionally draining also. On top of that all you have to go through will Zoe and the awful vet!! It's alot:eek: sooo.....
Tight hugs and kisses to Zoe toooo:) XO
marie adams
03-03-2012, 08:29 PM
Dear Sister Addy Scarlett,
I am sending LOVE & HUGS your way!!! :p:):D
Maddie got black bumps on her belly and inside her back legs--they looked like blackheads. The only bump she got that looked like a hard pimple was on her head. She had never had anything like that before and the vets said it wasn't anything to worry about also. She had callous looking bumps on her lower back of her hind legs--the right one seemed to look like she had grown something on her leg bones--I had it x-rayed and that is what the vet said. So I do not know if they were Cushing's related, but I know they all showed up after she got Cushing's.
It is always a guessing game and not a fun game at that!! :o You know how I feel about vets.....!!!!:mad::rolleyes::eek:
How I know the feelings of cleaning out your Mom's stuff. It will be a year since my Mom passed away--hard to believe. When my Mother in law went into a nursing facility my Father in law was still in the house so there really wasn't much cleaning out until they both were gone 25 days apart. My Dad still lives in the family home so still not a lot was cleaned out but my Mom's clothes.
It is probably hard on your Mom to know she will not be going back there, but so hard on you because of all the memories.
So now that Mom is away lets PARTY in the non-basement with the surfer dudes--maybe!!!! :D:D:D You could teach them to cha cha cha....
Take care my dearest friend and sister!!! :)
Love you guys :)
I just spoke with derm vet- thought I was going to get his receptionist but he answered the phone:D:D
I asked should i fax over the new patient forms i found on his website this week since our appointment is next week and if i had some supplements sheets with information to answer his questions (wasn't enough room to write on his form), was that okay or should I not send them?
He said very sweetly, you send over whatever you think will help me.:):):):):)
I feel better already, maybe he won't think I am some nut case because I am detailed.
marie adams
03-06-2012, 11:54 AM
It always feels good when someone seems so caring and gentle with you. I think sending as much info as possible will help him get a good picture of what all has been going on. He will thank you!!! :):)
Is the party Friday night before MOM gets home???? :D:eek::p
I read your post on feeding cooked do you feel about chicken breasts that is slow cooked in crock pot? I have found though, sometimes it is best to not use liquid remaining in crock to add to liquid to cook the rice as sometimes it can be to fatty, just depends. your thoughts?
Hi Skye,
I wish I could take credit for that post but I can't;) perhaps it was Leslie?
The only thing I cook for Zoe is her turkey treats (which we still call chicken from when they were chicken). I buy boneless skinless turkey breast and I put it on a rack so any fat drips down and I roast it in the oven.
I think a crock pot would be fine, just have to rinse the chicken off maybe.:confused::confused:
Marie- I never know how they will take it, so far the female vets think I am really detailed (i get that from work) they don;t like it becasue they can't answer all the details.:rolleyes: Wish I could find the fine line;););)
Happy Tuesday!!!!!!!!
Harley PoMMom
03-06-2012, 01:51 PM
I read your post on feeding cooked do you feel about chicken breasts that is slow cooked in crock pot? I have found though, sometimes it is best to not use liquid remaining in crock to add to liquid to cook the rice as sometimes it can be to fatty, just depends. your thoughts?
With Harley, I used to purchase skin-less/bone-less chicken breasts that were 99% fat-free. I would roast the breasts in water and then when done take them out and add the rice with more water and put back into the oven. I would roast/bake the rice, adding more water if needed, until the rice was a mush mixture.
Squirt's Mom
03-06-2012, 01:57 PM
Skye - boiling or baking/broiling is best with meat raised up so the fats can drip off like Addy described plus skin removed and extra fat trimmed off before cooking if you are trying to lower fat content. Slow cooking is fine if you can raise the meat off the bottom so it isn't sitting in the fats. Put some potatoes and carrots on the bottom for your family - they will have a nice flavor! ;)
I wouldn't use the juices left after cooking as that is where you will find the greatest fat content. For a pup with pancreas concerns you want *low fat*, not no fat, tho. ;) Boil rice in water until it is a paste - over cook it.
Hope that helps!
Leslie and the gang
I am so glad to hear he was so kind! I would certainly think they would appreciate as much info. as possible--especially a derm vet! After all, you are trying to uncover a mystery more or less. 9 more days! It's getting close!!!
Julie & Hannah
Hey, I'm gettin' hungry!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):)
Pass me some meat!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
Julie, was the day beautiful or what? I only got to enjoy it after 5pm but it is still warm out and it is dark. Did your snow melt? Ours did, yard is flooded. Great for Zoe's paws and Hannahs too:mad:
Vet tech just called and said IMS will be calling me tomorrow with all of Zoe's test results. Zoe had another pee pee accident, 2nd one since Saturday morning. Hubby took her out at 2:15, I got home from work at 5:30, started their dinner like I always do and 5 minutes later, she peed in the hall way. She has never done that.
I have a pit in my tummy now because vet tech called right after I got done cleaning up. I asked her if Zoe's kidneys were all right. She said IMS had all the test results with her and was coming in tomorrow on her day off to call me and go over them.
I'll be up all night with Cindy I think!!!! Worry, worry, toil and trouble.
Not much toil but alot of trouble.
Marie Irene, maybe we should have the Surfer Dude Party tomorrow;) I need a Margareta!!!!! or a trip to Margaretaville:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
How about a pound of dark chocolate? I think I will go call hubby to bring me cookies:rolleyes:
Hi Addy-
It was gorgeous today and I thoroughly enjoyed getting home early today (3:30). Hannah tried to give me a heart attack today though, and almost did. While I was taking out the garbage, she couldn't find me, and of course ended up in a panic.
I found her in the BASEMENT! :eek:
She is not supposed to do steps! :mad:
We have the steps blocked with a gate! :confused:
That means she went through the railing!!!:eek::eek::eek:
I am assuming and praying that she went through at the top and was on the top step and walked down the stairs and did not fall. There are about 10, so I would think she would be hurt if she fell.
She was wandering around down there. My heart was pounding and hers was not, so again, I assume she just walked down.
She is walking fine and acting fine, but she had me terrified! Imagine if she went through the railing in the middle! :eek:
That was my fear when I peeked over. I am taking her in for another laser treatment tomorrow regardless. I'm sure that doing that many steps after months with no steps could make her a little sore.
At this point I am just thankful that she is okay. It was not the kind of birthday I imagined for her!
As for the warm weather, I don't have any puddles in my yard, but now it has frozen again so Hannah can't walk on it very well. She did not want to go potty tonight. :mad: I'll have to try again in a little bit. The licking seems to be the same. Ugh. But I am thankful it is nothing like Zoe.
Hope you get some sleep tonight. I'd be nervous too! In fact, I'll probably be up with you worrying about if Hannah hurt herself on the steps or if she doesn't pee I'll worry about that.
Hang in there! Hope you'll get some good news tomorrow!
Julie & Hannah
Jenny & Judi in MN
03-06-2012, 10:23 PM
I hope you can get some rest tonight Addy. What is, is. You can and will deal with it like you always do bless your heart!
I will be checking for an update tomorrow and hope it is nothing serious.
and Julie and hannah, my word that would have terrified me too
ok you guys enough with the heart stopping worry
big hugs from the skunk scented air of warmer northern Minnesota!
Hi Addy-
I hope you were able to get some sleep last night. Luckily I did. The icy yard is actually straight ice today-like a skating rink, so luckily we have some grass on one side that they can walk around on. I hope you can walk around in your yard without slipping or getting soaked!
I'll be looking for an update on Zoe's results today. I'm really hoping there is nothing serious.
Sending positive vibes your way!
Julie & Hannah
Squirt's Mom
03-07-2012, 08:08 AM
Ya'll keep talking about all this ice! We have been picking ticks all "winter"! :eek: I would have loved to have some of your ice and snow for just a few weeks - just long enough to cut this parasite population down a bit!
Of course, if we did have snow and ice, Trink would have been out of her mind again knowing the little white aliens had returned! :p She is a true CA girl! :D
Hang in there, Addy! I am hoping the derm vet has some ideas no one else has considered and that he is right on the mark.
Leslie and the gang
Bailey's Mom
03-07-2012, 01:00 PM
Hi Addy----
I love you and Zoe.
I love you too Sus:)
Okay, bear with me here-
One thing for Zoe is her Alk phos values have always been around 300-400 not much like a normal Cush dog. Her recent blood work shows a jump to 849.
I just saw on a lab website the following: It shows itching pruitis can be a sign of liver envolvement in people. Is this true?
When is it ordered?
ALP may be ordered as part of a routine lab testing profile, often with a group of other tests called a liver panel. It is also usually ordered along with several other tests when a person has symptoms of a liver or bone disorder.
Signs and symptoms of liver involvement may include:
Weakness, fatigue
Loss of appetite
Nausea, vomiting
Abdominal swelling and/or pain ------ Zoe
Dark urine, light colored stool
Itching (pruritus)---- Zoe
the rest- urine very diluted, other liver values normal, pre 6.3 post 11.5, trace of bacteria in urine- could be from free catch, nothing else standing out from bloodwork- I do not yet have any copies of the tests so just repeating the news I know so far.
Be back later to discuss
03-08-2012, 07:54 AM
Hi Addy,
This is all so complicated, I know I'm no help at all. But I just wanted to let you know... I'm thinking of you....:o
IMS chocies:
do ultra sound to check liver and adrenal glands
draw urine by needle recheck uti
increase dose of trilostane
start antibiotic without urine culture
run utk panel
Hubby and I have decided to do nothing until we see derm vet and we want no change in medication or add on of medication.
The two new pieces to the puzzle- increased, extremely dilute urine and increased ALK- this is informtion I did not have before.
My comment to IMS was 'sounds like she needs a dose adjustment'
Her comment "not necessarily"
My choice: wait and hold
stay tuned
Hi Addy-
I'm no help, but it sounds like you have a good plan for now. Hannah has had the classic ALKP elevation, but it really has dropped with the Denamarin. Does Zoe take any liver supplement? Hannah's went from 800 something to 400 in just under a month.
I'm so glad your derm appt. is getting closer. I can hardly wait myself!
Thinking of you and Zoe!
Julie & Hannah
Bailey's Mom
03-08-2012, 07:00 PM
I dunno Addy-from down here you sound very composed and sensible. That wasn't how I left you! I think you're right to wait before making any changes. Gather all the information first.
This time next week "all will be revealed."
I posted a picture of some of Zoe's white spots and a new bump on her bare skin spot between her shoulders. It is in the album "Zoe's hair loss' picture- Zoe's skin problem
Just wondered if any of you with calcinosis cutis think it may look familiar. I know it can only be diagnosed with biopsy and we see the derm vet nex week, two months has just given me too long to worry.
Sabre's Mum
03-09-2012, 02:14 PM
Hi Addy
It is a little hard to tell from the picture but it does not look like calcinosis cutis ... particularly how it came up on Sabre. Are the lumps hard or more like pustles? Here is a pic from wikipedia which I think is a good example of calcinosis cutis.
Take care
Angela and Flynn
03-09-2012, 02:32 PM
"not necessarily". ummm, is Zoe seeing the same IMS as Princess?:D
ugh, ugh, Addy...
Hang in there and patience is really one of your virtues...
Much love..
xo Jeanette
Squirt's Mom
03-09-2012, 03:33 PM
Hi Addy,
It is really hard to tell from the photo but they look a little bit like sebaceous adenomas like Squirt has. They started out as hard, raised, pink areas, small, then they sorta erupt with a dark material, close back up and look pinky again. Hers do this over and over and over but don't seem to bother her in the least. Dr C in TN is who diagnosed them and told me we could cut them off but that they often come back and that they are not dangerous unless they start changing/growing. Her's haven't in all this time tho she does have more of them as time passes. Here is a link about these growths with some pics. Squirt's aren't as large as these seem to be, tho, nor do they get as raw looking.
Leslie and the gang
this picture shows alot of white spots, she has 5 so far. This was on line, it is the picture of the gray hair with lots of white spots
says could be foliclle something or cutis, you have to page down to the bottom.
thanks for trying to help I know it is hard looking at pictures even this one for me but it seems so similar to what she is starting to have
Bailey's Mom
03-11-2012, 01:12 AM
Addy-both Peaches and Palmer had little bumps. It seems to come with age. In their cases, the color was gray or black. The first one I saw....I thought it was a tick. I asked the vets about them and they both said that yes they come with age and it was not anything to worry about. It is kind of creepy.
I just looked at Zoe's pictures and her hair. Poor little baby. Maybe you could find her a sweater that has fur on the back.....then she can feel spiffy!? How about extensions? I'm just kidding. I know how distressing the hair loss can be. Palmer's never got really bad....not like Zoe...but at one point it was pretty thin. It seemed to come back with the Trilostane treatments.
03-12-2012, 09:28 PM
Dear Addy
Apollo has the same bumps. they are like pus filled pimples, another effect of the cushing. I squeeze the pus out. With their immune system so weak, skin problems continue. I will post some of Apollo's labs. his ALK PHOS is 572 was 243, the liver.
It just seems like they struggle a lot.
Sonja and Apollo.
03-12-2012, 10:44 PM
Oh Addy why do our little ones have to go through this! I pray they find something to help!
Kisses and hugs.....give Zoe a big kiss from us!
2 more days, right Addy?!
Looking forward to you and Zoe getting to that appointment!!!
Julie & Hannah :)
derm vet is Thursday after noon and we go Thursday morning for urine draw for culture. Zoe is having pee accident every day now. I think it is her cortisol, vet wants to recheck for UTI. I think she needs her dose changed IMS thinks it may ber her intermediate hormones.
Mom fell again and broke her pelvic in a new spot. I have been at hospital all day. She is home now at the assisted living. Not sure if she will be able to stay there. she had been doing so well and I feel so badly for her. don't know what will happen now. and i fought so hard for her.
still trying to fight for Zoe too. asked 3 times for test copies still don't have them. asked ims is it her kidneys? she said we would not be able to tell if it is her kidneys since she is not concentrating her urine. what the heck does that mean? blood panel was supposed to check glucose, I sure hope she did that and it is okay. will try to get test copies thursday morning when i go there. last 2 nights when I came home, zoe has been sound asleep in kitchen and does not wake up right away. this is new behavior. she is sleeping alot. i put her back on her 62mgs iof metronidazole very day, too much going on with her.
will post when i can, i am very upset right now. it has been a very hard day.
Oh Addy, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. That must be so difficult. My parents went through something similar with both of their fathers a couple of years ago. It was very tough on them trying to figure out where they should be: the hospital, rehab, assisted living, home, etc. It was like a full-time job, but one they cared more about than the one they had to do every day.
I'm sure that doesn't make the stress of everything going on with Zoe any easier. I hope you'll get the info. you need from your vet, and that your appointment on Thurs. goes well. Try to stay calm and relaxed until you get to that appointment. Take one thing at a time.
You're in my thoughts and prayers, Addy.
Harley PoMMom
03-14-2012, 12:09 AM
asked ims is it her kidneys? she said we would not be able to tell if it is her kidneys since she is not concentrating her urine.
Oh Addy,
I, too, am so sorry to hear about your mom and am sending healing white light and prayers.
Regarding about checking for a kidney issue:
Proteinuria: If more than a trace amount of protein is found in the urine, you should do a urine protein:creatinine (UPC) ratio to determine how significant it is. Significance to some extent is related to the stage of kidney disease: for dogs with normal kidney function (creatinine < 1.5), a UPC of 2.0 or less should be investigated for an underlying cause and closely monitored, while those with UPC > 2.0 should be treated. For dogs with creatinine levels above 1.4, UPC over 0.5 should be treated.
http:// (
If you think Zoe might be having kidney problems an UPC is a good place to start.
Love and hugs,
Bailey's Mom
03-14-2012, 12:09 AM
Hi Addy.........:(
I am so sorry for the new developments. I am thinking of you. I love you. You will get through this.
Take a deep breath, hold it, let it go take a hot shower.:)
03-14-2012, 03:35 AM
Damn it all! My 93 yr old dad tried to drink out of the sugar bowl tonight, yesterday he comb his hair with tooth paste. Growing old sucks. It's so heart braking. Thanks for telling us Addy. We are all thinking about you.... :(
03-14-2012, 06:17 AM
Hugging you, Zoe and mom very tightly Addy,
God Bless and much love.
xo Jeanette and Princess
Squirt's Mom
03-14-2012, 09:47 AM
Oh, Addy,
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. :( It is a story familiar to me and I wish you and yours had been spared this event. With all the long bones in the body, I find it odd that we break our hips as we age and fall but that is such a common story for so many.
I hope the derm vet has some answers for you tomorrow. This has got to be even harder to take with everything else going on right now. It does sound as if her cortisol may be rising. How is the chewing going? Worse, better? She chews more when it's high, doesn't she?
As for a dose increase VS the intermediates - you know my take on that so no need to rehash. ;):p With her digestive sensitivities, you are sorta between a rock and a hard place but you are doing a fabulous job of maintaining balance.
I know discouragement is going to be a frequent visitor of yours for a bit with all that is on your plate. Just know we are here anytime you need to vent...but most of all, know that we believe in you and know that you will do what is right for everyone in your life.
Many huge hugs,
Leslie and the gang
03-14-2012, 12:31 PM
So sorry about your mom. I understand. My aunt who lives alone broke her femur and a year later broke her other's so aunt kept falling because her bones were so brittle....osteoporosis very bad.
Sending you lots of support, strength, hugs, love and prayers to you and your mom........hoping things get better for sweet Zoe at the appointment
Hugs xoxo
Hi Addy-
I hope Zoe's appointment goes well today. I hope your mom is doing okay as well.
Thinking of you!
Julie & Hannah
Thank you.all for your well wishes.
Julie, you are so sweet to remember. Thanks for the good luck wishes.
She goes this morning to IMS for urine draw and derm vet is at 2:00. Hubby was upset she has two appointments in one day but I had to take off work again, I could not split it up since I was off work for Mom already this week.
I think I'll but a lottery ticket;):D:rolleyes:
Paw chewing is still going on. It has been very warm, crazy weather, almost 80 yesterday in MARCH????
off we go!!!!
Squirt's Mom
03-15-2012, 10:22 AM
I'm with you all day, Addy...and if Susan and Marie don't move OVER.......someone's going in the trunk! :D
That little tickle you will feel on your neck today is just us, fluttering around you, lending our strength and hope to yours.
Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang
03-15-2012, 11:20 AM
Thinking of you and Zoe.....right there with you:)
Big tight hugs xoxo
Harley PoMMom
03-15-2012, 12:39 PM
I'm here for ya, too!!
Jenny & Judi in MN
03-15-2012, 03:08 PM
I am so very sorry about your Mom. I hope you get some answers at the derm vet. hugs, Judi
Derm vet appointment was not long.
1- no bacteria between per pads
2- pollen is between her pads
3- thinks she is also obsessive compulsive
4- asperated a white spot- it is plague- calcinosis cutis
5- feels all the skin and hair problems are from Cushings
Number one issue is to bring her cushings in control. Does not care which drug I use. He said "I'm old I have always used Lysodren" but thinks Trilostane is fine to continue.
If her lower cortisol does not help her compulsive behavior he recommended a drug, I don't remember the name as my mind went blank when he confirmed the calcinosis cutis.
Wipe paws with baby wipes every time she comes in from outside
No topicals as calling attention to her paws will make the chewing worse.
He feels all of Zoe's problems are stemming from her Cushings. I asked what will happen if her allergies get worse when I lower her cortisol? He said we will cross that bridge when we have to.
I told him Dr. Peterson thought she should be on Trilostane because of her IBD originally. He thought Lysodren would not be a problem for her.
I'm numb. I can't think right now. I don't know if I should change IMS now as I planned. I don't know if I should continue the Trilostane and lower her cortisol and see what happens with her IBD and wait to see if the cutis gets worse.
I can't think.
Squirt's Mom
03-15-2012, 04:43 PM
Don't try to think about it right now. You have learned some things you needed to know and now you just need time to process. No need to make any decisions right now. It doesn't sound as if the derm vet feels there is anything truly pressing today so don't let your mind make it that way for you. Just let thing perk for a bit. ;) A day or two isn't going to make a difference in the long run.
Get dressed up and tell hubby to take you out for a very nice candlelit dinner then come home and just relax for the night. If not tonight, then tomorrow - you need this and so deserve it!
Leslie and the gang
Harley PoMMom
03-15-2012, 05:31 PM
Deep breathes, dear Addy.
We are here and will help you through this. ;):)
Bailey's Mom
03-15-2012, 05:33 PM
I'm with you all day, Addy...and if Susan and Marie don't move OVER.......someone's going in the trunk! :D
Leslie and the gang
OMG----this car is getting really full!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe we should consider getting a mobile home? Or one of those touring buses?
Wally, get off!!! You can NOT ride in this car.:rolleyes:
03-15-2012, 06:00 PM
Addy, do you still have a way to communicate with Dr. Peterson? If so, I'd ask him whether he has any preference for trilostane vs. Lysodren in the face of calcinosis cutis. It sounds like the derm vet has given a clear directive that he thinks Zoe's cortisol needs to come down. So if you decide to "go" with his advice, the question is just which drug to use. It sounds like the derm vet doesn't really care which drug you use; I wonder whether Dr. Peterson has a preference for treating c.c.
I asked him specifically about the Trilostane. He stated the trilostane was not causing her skin problems. He thought I could continue it. I asked him if it would treat the calcinosis cutis. He thought it would.
If I have any questions, I am to call him.
I had already made up my mind to lower her cortisol when I got her acth test results and blood work and the last week or two after seeing the Cushings symptoms she never had before, accidents in the house, her back legs are trembling again, constantly at the water bowl, sleeping so much ( but that stopped her paw chewing)
I told the vet tech this am, I think the urine culture will be normal. I think it is her Cushings.
The only thing that would have changed my mind is if derm vet told me she had severe allergies and it was not cutis ( I knew it was, I just knew it was).
03-15-2012, 06:42 PM
It will definitely be easier to just increase her trilo as opposed to going through a wash-out and a switch to Lysodren. So I'm relieved the derm vet thinks that approach will be OK!
Sabre's Mum
03-15-2012, 07:06 PM
Hi Addy
Sorry to hear the latest on the skin condition. I sure would not have picked it as calcinosis cutis but there is the beauty of a biopsy or aspirate. I agree that you really need to get her cortisol levels down as the calcinosis cutis is likely to progress with cortisol levels that are too high.
All the best
Angela and Flynn
her stomach is all screwed up. You should read the pathology report from her endoscopy. has anyone on this forum been successful with trilostane and calcinosis cutis? Zoe's case is not horrible at the moment. I don't know enough about it to know how fast it gets bad.
I am concerned about losing six weeks of time right now but if the trilostane is going to make it worse------:confused::confused::confused:
I am so between a rock and a hard place. I thought I would add 10 mgs of trilostane in the evening so I don't hit her all at once with the increase. That is a 50% increase. but not all at once. I am worried the 25% won't do anything again.
But if no one has had good luck with it, then I don't know what to do. Should I call Dechra and ask them? Would I just email Dr. Peterson or call his office and say I have a question? I am afraid I will get a $250 charge.
Hi Angela, we were posting at the same time. Do the intermediate hormones cause the custis too or is it just the cortisol? Zoe's last acth test was 11.6 ug/dl or 11.5 one of the two. Derm vet did not think it was cutis at first either, he said cutis is usually inflamed. I could see it was plague when I looked at the spots. It just did not look like pus pimples.
Sorry to hear the bad news about the skin. I'm glad you had the appointment though, and now you can take some time to think things through and come up with an action plan. It sounds like you're getting some good advice, and I'm sure you'll get more.
Sending hugs your way...
Julie & Hannah
Sabre's Mum
03-15-2012, 07:27 PM
There have been a number on here that have treated with trilostane. One that I remember that had a bad case of calcinosis cutis was Mocha. Here thread is this one -
If I recall correctly Choclab (Mocha's Mum) posted a pic here online of her in her album ... sorry busy baking a three tiered cake for my 9 year olds birthday party!
There have been a few lately which have also treated with trilostane but they haven't updated their threads.
Will pop in later ... after preparing the party food for tomorrow!
Harley PoMMom
03-15-2012, 07:32 PM
I have researched calcinosis cutis some but am by no means an expert.
I found these two articles which I think are very interesting:
Adrenal secondary hyperparathyroidism is a cause of increased PTH concentrations and may be associated with abnormalities in calcium and phosphate metabolism in dogs with HAC. The findings of this study could explain why canine HAC may cause clinical signs such as calcinosis cutis that are associated with altered calcium metabolism.
Objectives: To determine the effects of treating canine hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) on parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcium and phosphate concentrations in dogs.
Methods: Serum calcium, phosphate and PTH concentrations were analysed in 22 dogs with HAC before treatment with trilostane and at a median of 210 days after commencing treatment. Pretreatment data were compared with data from an age- and weight-matched group of hospitalised patients, and post-treatment data were compared with pretreatment data.
Results: PTH and phosphate concentrations were significantly higher in dogs with HAC compared with control dogs. PTH concentrations reduced significantly with treatment, such that there was no longer difference between the HAC and control groups. Phosphate concentrations also reduced significantly with treatment but there was still a significant difference between those in dogs with HAC and control dogs. Despite no significant difference between calcium concentrations in the pretreatment HAC and control groups, calcium concentrations increased significantly with treatment.
Clinical Significance: These results show that adrenal secondary hyperparathyroidism resolves with treatment and suggest that increased calcium and phosphate levels have a role in its pathogenesis e+disrupted+17+March+from+10-14+GMT+%2806-10+EDT%29+for+essential+maintenance
I really do believe getting her cortisol down is a very good start to controlling the c.c. But remembering that sometimes c.c. does not resolve in a few cases.
Thank you Lori. Her calcium levels are the high side of normal but phospate levels were in the middle. I just checked her last blood test.
Maybe the calcinosis cutis wont be so bad, maybe I am catching it early enough.
I remember she the same skin bump on her tail but just one when we first started the trilostane and as her cortisol came down, it was 44ug/dl remember? Well, the bump melted away and hair started growing. All this hair stuff and white spots started the same time as the excessive paw chewing, after she had the skin antibiotic the second time. I remember she was getting up in the middle of the night and it seemed like the antibiotic cancelled out the trilostane. It was all so strange then.
The picture seems much clearer now. I just don;t want the triolstane to make her cutis worse. I read through Mocha's thread. Maybe it will be okay. Maybe her IBD will be okay too. I can always up the metronidazole for awhile if I have to.
Just not sure how much faith I have in old IMS though she did come in on her day off and was so concerned. But she knows nothing about skin problems. But that is why I have Dr. McKeever right?
sorry for rambling.
I wont sleep tonight
too many thoughts
mom seems to be a tiny bit better, less pain today- that is positive thing. She and Zoe seem to go hand in hand. Bad things happen at the same time. Not sure why that is.
one good thing, actually two, Zoe had no yeast and no infection, 3 things, no bacteria.:):)
I put her hair in pig tails, we played beauty parlor before we left. She looked so cute. She was a good girl. Let me muzzle her.
She tries so hard, my Zoe.
03-15-2012, 09:24 PM
Love to see the pig tales!:D. Thank God mom feels a bit better...thanks good news. So sorry everything happens at once......I totally get it.....
Hoping everything works out with mom and Zoe.....please don't apologize about going on.....we all do it!!! That's how we vent!
Please try to sleep tonight....I know it's hard to shut off the brain.....but you need your rest to be there for mom and Zoe :)
Love ya......hugs xoxoxo
Bailey's Mom
03-16-2012, 12:57 AM
Just not sure how much faith I have in old IMS though she did come in on her day off and was so concerned. But she knows nothing about skin problems. But that is why I have Dr. McKeever right?
I think you have something there. You have the dermatologist. If the woman came in on her day off, looked very concerned, I would be thinking twice about finding someone new. She is familiar with Zoe's history. That goes for a lot, in my book. Also, it would be more expense to get up and running with someone new.
I wish I could offer more.:(
Hugs and love,
03-16-2012, 07:42 AM
As far as your IMS, I think the big question right now is whether she will agree to go forward with the derm vet's recommendation to lower Zoe's cortisol into therapeutic range. If not, that would leave you pretty much hand-cuffed in terms of treatment. And if she is willing to lower Zoe's cortisol via Lysodren, I don't know why she shouldn't be OK with a lowering via trilostane, as well. Up to this point, the trilo dose has really never been high enough to fairly judge its performance on Zoe's Cushing's symptoms.
I just want to clarify that I have no reason to think that trilo would make Zoe's calcinosis cutis worse. As Angela has said, we've got several c.c. dogs who are on trilostane. My question about Lyso vs. trilo stems solely from Glynda's report re: Dr. Bruyette's past lecture comment that he has not always had great results with clearing up c.c. in dogs taking trilo. Whether he has had different results with Lyso, I do not know.
Trixie's dad, Fred ("busyman"), has told us that his vet is attending an endocrinology conference this week and will specifically be questioning his colleagues re: calcinosis cutis treatment. So hopefully we'll all benefit from some new insight as soon as Fred hears his vet's report next week!
Thank you Marianne. She did not want to change her dose in December and she backed away when I brought it up on the phone last week. In light of the derm vet visit, I don't know how she can say no now. I guess she could refuse and throw me under the bus again. But that would be unacceptable to me so then I would have to leave her. I have two replacements picked out. Hopefully I wont lose my job in the next few months. At this point, I would rather use my money toward new IMS if I have to rather then spend $250 on Dr. Peterson. Just in the last 2 weeks we spent over $800 and now I am looking at two more ACTH tests minimum plus blood work. I told hubby it is too bad we can't deduct vet costs on our taxes;);):rolleyes:
I think I need to try the trilostane at theraputic range and if that makes things worse then I am have to change to lysodren and IMS never planned on loading Zoe because of the IBD. She had always planned to hit pulse her on and off I think. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, I guess.
I have had a week to think about all of this. GAthering information as I went along. What bothers me is that most likely for Zoe's Cushings lysodfren is the best answer and I know that. But for her IBD and the findings last fall of the state of her stomach and valve, I also know lysodren is not the best answer for that.
So here I sit. I can only do what I can do and watch Zoe and wait. I will not hesitate to switch if I really have to. I'll do whatever is bets for Zoe and the rest is on God's hand, I guess.
gotta go to work now.
The trilostane has not yet bothered Zoe's tummy and she flared from it originally but otherwise her stool has been perfect, better than it has ever been all these months; even after eating an entire bowl of Koko's food which is a miracle in my book. In the old days she would have flared for a month from that.:eek::eek::eek::eek:
03-16-2012, 09:53 AM
Addy, as paradoxical as it would be, I've still got my fingers crossed that you may actually see improvement in Zoe's GI issues once the cortisol is lowered! And truly, I don't think we know yet whether Lyosdren would be the better treatment for her Cushing's, everything being equal. Once her cortisol comes down on trilo, you may see good symptom resolution across the board.
I wanted to add that, based on Dr. Allen's advice to you a while back, I agree it sounds like a good idea to add the extra trilo in an evening dose. I remember Zoe did some "pogo-ing" with her stim results early on, and he suggested that dosing twice daily might help make things more consistent for her. So just to remind us, is she taking 20 mg. once daily in the morning now, and you're thinking about adding another 10 mg. in the evening?
Thank you so much Marianne,
Yes she pogoed alot and we had left it with Dr. Allen to add 10 mgs in the pm to her 20 mgs in the am. The one thing that makes me hesitate here was that back then, she was not having accidents in the house like she is now nor was she drinking as much water as she is now.
But, I think we will proceed as planned unless IMS has something to add. She is to call me next week with culture results. Hopefully, we can start next week. I really don't want to wait.
I am hopeful Zoe will do well with the increase. This morning we took our walk and she and I discussed it:);) You would not know from her face she has all these problems.
Hubby cried this morning when she came to lick her oatmeal bowl. He is having a hard time with all of this too.:(:(:( The paw chewing really gets to him.
thank you all for being there for me.
marie adams
03-16-2012, 01:51 PM
Dear Addy,
So sorry I haven't been here for you!! :(
It is that work thing just getting in the way trying to be where I need to be on sales and it isn't working like I want so STRESSED OUT!! :eek:
From what I have read you are getting some good info especially from Marianne. That is great!!!
So sorry though that it comes in 2's with Zoe and your Mom, but it always seems to go like that. Saturday was a year ago my Mom passed away--just doesn't seem like the time passed that fast...
You take care and try to enjoy the weekend!!! I am picturing you and Zoe on your walk--how cute discussing all the problems and remendies!! :D
Happy Friday!!! :)
I am feeling much better tonight. Sleep deprevation is amazing, actually.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
you all have been amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. so does Zoe:):):):):)
We think we will keep you all;););););)
zoe would send hugs as well but she is chewing her feet:rolleyes::rolleyes:
sometimes, you just have to laugh:D:D:D:D:D:D
addy and the kids
Bailey's Mom
03-17-2012, 05:32 PM
:DSometimes you do.............and isn't it a relief?:D
03-17-2012, 08:59 PM
Just saw the last couple pages of this thread, so dunno if this is helpful or not. My dog has Cushings and is currently taking Trilostane. He had bad skin from Cushings - many small ulcerated, flaking spots, excessive dandruff, shedding, dull coat. Most likely calcinosis cutis, althogh not confirmed by a derm. About 8 weeks into the Trilostane (2 mg/kg bid), his skin and coat started improving. He is now 3 months into treatment and his skin and coat are looking better all the time, and almost back to normal.
So, at least in his case, Trilostane has worked very well for Cushings related skin problems, but it does take some time.
03-18-2012, 08:18 AM
I just wanted to say hello Addy.... I've been reading along some here. And I just feel so sad for you and Zoe and everything else. Not knowing what to do is the worst feeling. And having to wait. It just tears you apart. I know.
03-19-2012, 02:08 PM
Just catching up on my threats. Been very busy and on the road for work. I know Jake had problems with his stomach just before he started Trilo and for a period afterward UNTIL i switch his food, a suggestion found on this forum. It was never pancreatitis but very grumbly and i knew he had a lot of gas. I finally settled on Blue Buffalo salmon- dry mixed with a tablespoon of Blue Buffalo moist. He liked all the choices and none of them gave him issues so I settled on stew mix. His stomach has been fantastic. So might I suggest looking for a less complex food. The fish is very easily digestible.
03-20-2012, 07:30 PM
Oh Addy,
Just checking in on you and sweet Zoe...sorry she is still chewing her footsies:mad:, they must really really taste delish...:D lol.
I thought maybe by now she may have been figured out a little better. Guess that virtue of patience is slowly slipping away at times huh? Hope mom's recovering after her fall as well.
Do know we continue to love, support and cheer you on come what may.
Tight hugs doll...xo Jeanette and Princess
Casey's Mom
03-20-2012, 10:40 PM
Hi Addy, sorry I haven't been here - travel:(ing and staying in hotels again for work:( So sorry to hear about Zoe - Angela knows a lot about it because I remember her dealing with Sabre's issues. I hope you get some answers soon. Just know I am here for you and Zoe.
Thank you all for stopping by. Mattwho, I am glad to hear of your Trilostane experience. Thank you for sharing it. I do know I read that calcinosis cutis may not always fully resolve with Trilostane but since Zoe's is not yet that bad, perhaps it will not get worse.
IMS has been called away with family emergency. I hope I can connect with her Friday. I wanted to change Zoe's dose this week. Does not look likely now:(
And that is a bad thing because it is giving me too much time to think. I just went over all her stims. We had always only increased her 25% never 50%. So of course I am starting to second guess my self about 50% increase. Dechra update by Ellen Behrend also says 25%.:confused::confused::confused::confused::confu sed::confused:
Jeanette, still trying to be patient;):rolleyes::rolleyes:
We have had summer for 4-5 days now, I have been out with the pups enjoying the weather. Figured I should spend more time enjoying the pups. Alas, our bubble will burst soon as more seasonable weather rolls in. Yesterday it was 81!!!!! In Milwaukee???? in March???? We broke a record.:D:D:D:D
Ellen- I hope your new job is working out.
Again thank ALL of you for stopping by with your words of support. We are doing fine, just hanging for now, waiting. Seems like I spend a lot of time WAITING:eek::D:D;)
03-21-2012, 11:51 AM
Sending my daily dose of prayers strenght and support:)
love and hugs xoxoxoxo
Just stopping in to tell you I'm thinking of you and Zoe!
Julie & Hannah
03-22-2012, 02:53 AM
Me too.... Wishing you well, and peace of mind soon! With Mira they gave me like five differant pills and wished me luck. Not knowing is horrible. I come here everyday to check on you!
Hi Cindy, Julie, Janis,
Hi back at you all and thank you for your support. Zoe is actually getting a tiny bit better about paw chewing since the grass turned green though she is drinking water like a fish. Wait, do fish actually drink water?;););)
The sun and warm weather has helped me ditch the tears and feel more positive about Zoe. If I can't reach IMS by Monday, I will call the new one. Jeanette is right, I am out of patience aft6er all of this and just want to move forward.
Trying to brain storm with my granddaughter so she can write her college essay. Now that is a challenge:D:D:D
Koko has a, I don't know what it is, a boil, a cyst, a tumor:eek::eek:
just down from the side if his lip. I cleaned it and it has a scab on part of it right now. If it doesnt get better by Monday, he is off to the vet.
love you all,
03-22-2012, 09:11 AM
Addy: So sorry about your problems with your puppies and you still take the time to try to help others. Hope you have a good and sunny day today. We are expecting rain in Nashville. We have not had a winter so here come the bugs. My husband just informed me he was going to put up an awning to keep CoCo dry when he goes out to pee or poop. We already have a ramp, had a dachie that broke his back, but was operated on and lived another 4 years afterwards. Happy day for you and sweet pups. JoAnne
03-23-2012, 06:56 AM
Yes....wishing you more happier sunny days!!!
03-23-2012, 07:38 AM
Glad Zoe is a little better...a little is a start:)
Koko .....ugh .... Like you haven't had enough....hope he is fine
How is mom?
Hope the weekend is good for u!
Hugs xoxo
Hi Joanne,
Thank you for your kind words and thank you Cindy and Janis.
I have a question:
would there be any value to starting Zoe on 5mgs trilostane in the pm, test her in 14 days and go up to 10 mgs if I need to?
I only ask because I have over 20 5mg capsuls left and that would be a 25% increase.
I know they say increase the dose and divide in half but I did leave it with Dr. Allen about adding 10 mgs in the pm. because of her pogoing and IBD.
Thoughts anyone?
I have left 2 messages now for IMS and no one had the courtesy to call and ackowledge they received my messages. I am so tired of the mixed messages I get from that group. Am I expecting too much? I now have lost another week and Zoe has an accident in the house every day. I am out of patience now, this is affecting my dog in a negative way
Sabre's Mum
03-24-2012, 02:14 PM
Sorry can't help you on the trilostane dosage ... being a former Lysodren Mum. You must be truly frustrated with the IMS ... and I don't believe you are expecting too much at all.
Hugs from Down Under
Angela and Flynn
03-24-2012, 10:36 PM
Treating Cushings seems to be such a giant guessing game and a terrifying one at that. When I first read about it that's the impression I got. Possibly the vets don't know any better then you do. If i remember right It seemed like a lot depended on how the dog was acting. You asked about your idea on dosing but did you tell them how she's acting? I get so bad I'll make a log of every move they make. Every reaction. Sorry this is no help at all I know. Maybe try dropping in on someone's thread who is using the same stuff and ask what they are doing?
03-25-2012, 07:17 AM
Addy, my own thought about the dosing increase is this. If you want to start off by only adding 5 mg. at night, you could do so for a couple of weeks. However, if she is not showing any ill effects at that time, I wouldn't yet proceed with an ACTH and I would go ahead and try increasing to 10 mg. for another couple of weeks -- and THEN test.
This is my reasoning. I am really doubtful that a 5 mg. (25%) increase will bring her cortisol down to therapeutic range. Even when dogs are already within therapeutic range on a once-daily dose, Dechra recommends an increase of 1/3 to 1/2 when switching to twice-daily dosing (although granted, this is based on splitting the total daily dose equally into halves). But still, going on that principle, I will be surprised if a 5 mg. increase will be sufficient, and I hate to see you guys heading in for yet another stim test after that minimal increase. As I said above, though, I wouldn't see a problem with first starting off at that level and then subsequently increasing the evening dose further if Zoe has no apparent side effects.
03-25-2012, 09:30 AM
Hi Addy,
Is Zoe's 20mg dose compounded or are you giving her two 10mg Vetoryl. If they are 10mg, you have the good option of giving Zoe 15mg twice a day.
Hi Addy-
I can't believe your IMS office. I would be very frustrated if I were you. I don't understand how they could just not call back. Unacceptable.
Sorry I can't help you with dosing. But I am sending warm thoughts your way and itch-relief to Zoe. Hannah's itching is at a high...she's taking allergy pills 3 times per day.
Good luck on the meds!
Julie & Hannah
Well, I have one piece of good news, Koko's growth was a boil, whew!!!!
I have been putting peroxide mixed with water and hot compresses on it 2-3 times per day. It is much smaller and flatter and has a few white heads now. BIG SIGH OF RELIEF.
Today, I deal with the vet for Zoe I hope.
Winter is back. Julie, which anthistamine are you giving Hannah?
Sorry to hear she is itchy again.
I hope eveyrone has a good week!!!!
Hi Addy,
Glad to hear the GOOD news on Koko!!!! What a relief!
She gets Hydroxyzine from our vet. She takes 10 mg (and weighs about 12.5 lbs). It works better than the Benadryl for her. They told me it is just like people-different things work better for different people. There is a definite difference for her.
Have a good day!
Julie & Hannah
marie adams
03-26-2012, 02:37 PM
Did you miss me??? :D
I cannot believe I was gone for a good week---where did the time go--that stupid work always seems to get in the way!!!! :mad:
Don't you just want to go down to the IMS and YELL!!!! Asking them what kind of customer service do you practice here!!!!???? Common courtesy has gone out the window with so many people and I cannot figure out why it ever left???:o:rolleyes::confused:
I am so glad there are little signs Zoe is getting better about the paw chewing. Ella seems to like to chew on her nails--such an awful sound--I tell her "No Chewing" of course she just looks at me and continues on. I think she doesn't like dirty toe nails because she doesn't do it all the time mostly after she has been outside on the grass or after a walk---who knows for sure. It is too time consuming to try to figure them out sometimes.
Good news for Koko--how the heck do they get these ailments--like you didn't have enough to do with Zoe and then figuring out what he has---you are too good!!!
So what did you and your granddaughter figure out for the essay? You thought you didn't have to do down that road again--hahaha!!! That is so cute though that you are helping--what a GREAT Grandma!!!:):)
Happy Monday!!!
Yes Sister Marie Irene, I MISSED you!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
I am so excited Ella is going to agility. Promise your daughter will take videos of her first class. I so wanted to do that with Koko but could not with his trachia.
IMS is having her nurse schedule a telephone appointment with me tomorrow. Thanks goodness!!!!! She has been sick. I guess I will buy that excuse.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Kate wrote a lovely essay about THE POOL!!! She used lots of metaphors and I think it is pretty good considering she only had 500 words.
Now, make sure you don;t stress out all week or you will be a mess for agility!!!!
I am going to go copy this to your thread for double trouble!!!!
03-26-2012, 08:01 PM
Addy so sorry I am so behind on posts......happy is was just a boil:)
Glad you gave the phone appt with the vet.....will check back to see how that goes
Hugsssssss. Xoxo
IMS is out of the office starting April 6-15th
If I start new dose tomorrow she would have to have stim in 7 days or wait longer than 14 days. If I start new dose next week, IMS will be gone for part of her 14 days.
Because Zoe is now drinking like a fish and urinating frequently and IBD is controlled we decided not to start twice day dosing now. Since her situation has changed since last September we decided on a new game plan for now.
I can wait to start 30 mgs SID and deal with IMS not being around or
I can bump her to 25 mgs SID, for 10 - 14 days then bump her to 30mgs and then ACTH 10-14 days from bump to 30mgs. We dont think the 5mg increase will take her down to low judging from her past history and we think she will need the 30mgs.
IMS said Dr. MCKeever told her we should bump her to 40mgs SID. I said no way am I doing a 100% increase.
I have never increased Zoe more than 25% at a time and I always waited 30 days between dose changes. She also pogoed up with that strategy.
I think start her at the 25 and bump her up at 10 days then test 10 days later.
Unless you guys can help me while IMS is gone. Hubby thinks I was too conservative in the past.
I reread new Dechra update for the upteenth time. Dr. Behrend says 25% increase test in 7 days.
IMS is okay with 25% plan then bump to 30mgs with no ACTH becasue of Zoe's past history.
dang, why is life never easy?
03-27-2012, 09:04 PM
Addy, if both you and your IMS are comfortable with the 10/10 day combination (first 25 mg., then 30 mg.), then I think you should go for it. I think the important thing is to go ahead and get started so as to try to put a lid on the development of the calcinosis cutis.
Also, even though there is definitely helpful information in that article by Dr. Behrend, I just want to point out that it is not a part of Dechra's own official guidelines. It is an article that was originally published in "The Clinician's Brief," which is the journal for the North American Veterinary Conference. Dechra chose to reprint the article on their website, in the same way in which they have also included continuing education resource pieces by Dr. Mark Peterson, Dr. Audrey Cook, etc. In no way do I mean to minimize the value of her article, but it does reflect her own thoughts and recommendations. So her article undoubtedly will not correspond 100% with the published recommendations of Dechra or other endocrinological specialists. Everybody seems to have their own "twist," after all...
Okay, I am glad you pointed that out to me Marianne because I thought Dechra was saying "oh here is new update follow this":confused::confused: I get it now:D:D
I really wish I could have just done the 30mgs right away but I don't want to test her in 7 days and then IMS is gone. I gave her the extra 5mgs this am.
I just keep remembering that Dr. Peterson told me that when I drop her cortisol the IBD will get worse. IMS and I are hoping he is wrong. I have nightmares of her pooping non stop while chewing her paws till they bleed:eek::eek::eek:
It may well be Dr. McKeever is right and she needs 40mgs (she weighs about 17.3) but remembering Dr. Peterson, no way will I jump that high all at once. I just can't take that chance.
Off we go, I gave her extra 5mgs this morning and she is wrestling Koko off the bed:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
It is going to be a long month;);););) We'll see what happens with the water. I'll let the kong chewing and water drinking guide me. I remember the pattern from last summer.
Harley PoMMom
03-28-2012, 10:56 AM
I think start her at the 25 and bump her up at 10 days then test 10 days later.
FWIW, I believe you have a very good game plan here and you are so right as this can be so frustrating but you're doing an excellent job! ;):)
Love and hugs,
marie adams
03-28-2012, 11:24 AM
Addy--what would you do if you didn't have all this STUFF to think about??!!!:eek: I know what you would be doing; sitting in a lounge chair on the beach sipping a very alcoholic beverage with an umbrella and they just keep coming magically--those Surfer Dudes just know what you need!:D:D
As the saying goes--you are never given more than you can handle--so that means you are a very GOOD PERSON!!!! I think you are the GREATEST!!! I wouldn't called you my sister if you weren't--I would still even if.....:)
I like your plan even though I am not familiar with trilo. You know Miss Zoe the best and you know what to look for so go for it!!
Love You!!! ((((HUGS))))
Thanks guys. I am a tiny bit confused why IMS changed from the BID dosing we had decided on last September but I did wonder if we should rethink it due to Zoe’s changing issues. I think IMS was influenced by derm vet and I am not sure if that is good since he freely admitted he is “old” and uses “lysodren”.
We discussed things for over 30 minutes and each voiced opinions, etc. She always asks me what do I think which is why I probably continue seeing her.
With all the new articles on the benefits of twice day dosing (Feldman included) I am not sure exactly how I feel about the change in plans but I do see her point. I do just worry about Zoe really needing it BID. Even Dr. Pterson thought BID was not a problem for Zoe.
Great, now I will be hung up on this!!!! I think if she pogos up after 30 mgs SID that will be it for me SID.
03-28-2012, 03:36 PM
Addy, I must admit that I did wonder why the gameplan got changed. And I'm still not sure why your IMS thinks it's better to stick with once-daily dosing given Zoe's history and Dr. Allen's recommendation. But apparently she does. And rather than making yourself crazy over it, I really think the most important thing right now is to just go forward with an increase no matter what time of day. It sounds like you and the IMS had settled on a strategy. So rather than letting any more time slip away, I think it's best to go ahead and give it a try. You can still always switch to twice-daily dosing any time it seems warranted. The important thing is to get started with an increase, and see how Zoe does with it. At this stage of the game, I don't think you are locked into a timeframe that is carved in stone. If you give her the extra 5 mg. for a week and you don't see a speck of improvement (and no ill effects either), then maybe you'll want to move up the timeframe for the additional 5 mg. But until you get started, you'll just never know.
We started today. Hubby said she only took 2 sips of water after her snack.:):):)
I am so anxious to go home can't stand it
Squirt's Mom
03-28-2012, 05:26 PM
Addy? Just wondering...have you checked your cortisol level lately? :p
I dont have to check it, I have a pot belly, my hair is thinning and I am tired all the time. I even have a limp:p:p:p:p;)
Im freaking out because IMS is going to be gone and the timing is all screwed up. I am a control freak, I have to have everything detailed and in order!!!!
And I only have enough pills for 25 mgs for 15 days and then I have 30 30mgs.
I can't figure out the stinking timing:D:D:eek::eek::eek:
03-28-2012, 09:51 PM
Oh Addy... The worst moment of my life was when they told me I had to figure out what pills I had would make Mira confortable. I never felt more lost and helpless in all my life. I suspect you are feeling the worst days of your life too. I can't think of a more horrible place to be. To have to live thru. I'm so so sorry. My heart goes out to you.
((((hugs)))) 8:::::
Squirt's Mom
03-29-2012, 10:13 AM
Hey Addy,
From another control freak, you are in the perfect position for folks like us - there won't be anyone around to tell you not to do this or to do that. You can do what you feel best as you will be in complete control. Then when the IMS gets back, you can simply fill her in on what she missed out on. :D
Seriously, you know Zoe better than anyone on this planet and you know a great deal about Cushing's, Trilostane and how they effect your baby. So you know what to do, how to do it, what to watch for, and how to handle anything that might show up. And, you have us, who have the utmost faith in you.
But I do so understand that all our planning, scheduling, organizing, pondering then re-planning, re-scheduling, re-organizing and more pondering does nothing to lessen the fears we harbor. So we have to lay our ears back, grit our teeth, and take the plunge. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! follows the plunge because at that moment, we don't have control - all we have is hope and trust that we have done all we can to be ready - and you have, honey.
Hang in there!
Leslie and the gang
03-29-2012, 10:57 AM
Hey Addy,
Just popping in to add to the 'you know what you're doing' line. Crossing my fingers and toes for Zoe that you don't drive her mental with your worry :p
Glad to hear that Koko's lip thing was only a boil :)
Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx
03-29-2012, 11:53 AM
I get it...trying to get the right dose of meds is so Leslie said you know Zoe the best.....I hope it woks out soon....
Love and hugs. Hang in there..xoxo
Thanks guys:D:D:D what would I do without you. Leslie, you are so right speaking to another control freak. Hi Jane!!!!!!! How are you?????? I am so thrilled to hear from you!!!:D:D:D
I feel better this morning because I know now when Zoe can have her stim (scheduled it for 4/19) so I can count backwards from that date for starting 30 mgs and I know I have enough pills for different scenarios. Also, the good vet tech will be working with other IMS the week our IMS is gone so if I need something I can call her. I think I was mainly worried about do I have enough different strength pills. I think I do and if not I know I can call the vet tech that week and beg a perscription.
One thing we are wondering, with start low and go slow, do you just have to get to the magic dose or is it a 25% increase sometimes cannot have enough impact on them and you have to hit them with a bigger increase like 50%? I would guess it depends on what their post cortisol is would it not?
I just read back through my email to Dr. Allen after we switched to 20mgs and she pogoed back up. I forgot she flared when we went from 15 to 20. So far 2 days at 25mgs, she is fine, poops are good so far, water consumption has decreased a bit.
I do know a lot about Cushings. Hubby tells me that all the time. AND I know all of you have my back:D:D:D:D
I was so expecting to go to BID this has all thrown me for a loop. I had many months to get used to 20/10 dosing:D:D:D. This decision I had to make in 30 minutes at WORK!!!!! I hate it when that happens.
Day one of 25mgs did not phase Zoe. I took a relaxing bath and she and Koko were playing and wrestling in the hall way while I was trying to relax. I ignored them:D:D:D
Day two and counting
love you all
03-29-2012, 07:19 PM
You changed your avitar? Or am I just getting old? lol I point the camera at my dogs they look the other way too. They hate that little black flashy box!
Sure am glad you are able to keep your head on straight, keep it all straight. Wow... as confurmed by hubby too! You lost me with the first sentence.
Lol Janis,
Yes, I changed my avatar to my favorite pix of Zoe. It was taken the summer we adopted her and it was her first professional groom.
Yup, when I am at work, I don't make a lot of sense when I type:rolleyes:
Almost end of day two- not sure what to think, she's wrestling with Koko again but tonight she did "play bow". I can't remember when I last saw Zoe do "play bow":):):)
She does not seem to be chewing as much so that means she is not running to the water bowl all the time.
Almost seems like she was last fall before the potty licking and paw chewing started. She is still chewing her paw but not quite as much.
Don't you wish we had a Cush-O-Meter and it would work like a thermometer and we would just put it in their mouth and say" yup, 3.4 we are good to go:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Now come on with all of you out there, can't someone invent that?
I guess I'll see what day three brings. Hoping it brings her good luck tomorrow because it is my birthday. SHHHHH don't tell anyone, really.:rolleyes::cool::)
Jenny & Judi in MN
03-29-2012, 08:24 PM
Happy Early Birthday! I'm so glad Zoe seems to be feeling better. (I should whisper that and not tempt fate) :)
03-29-2012, 10:54 PM
Dear Addy
Just checking in on you. Good luck on the new regiment. You are a great Mom to Zoe and I am sure she will do fine. Just think she is still here.
HUgs Sonja and Apollo
03-30-2012, 01:12 AM
Ha! I heard that... Happy Birthday Addy :D :D :D
Sas and Mhina :)
03-30-2012, 07:21 AM
I never could keep a secret! :rolleyes:
:D:D:D:D :D:D :D ;)
03-30-2012, 10:09 AM
Oh Addy, Happy Birthday from me, too!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
(And I can't resist telling you and Leslie that my Peg is now a card-carrying member of the "blue" Nolvasan club, too :o. I think she actually hurt her paw somehow, cause she's been limping the last couple of days. Well, overnight she licked the dickens out of it and it looks like raw meat and is all swollen up :(. Took her into the vet and her whole paw is infected. So what did he send us home with? -- none other than a bottle of the blue stuff to mix up for soaking. As bad as I was feeling, it actually made me smile when he gave it to me. I told Peg she's in very good company ;) -- although we're hoping that Zoe's "blue" days are all in the past now!!!)
Harley PoMMom
03-30-2012, 10:18 AM
Happy Birthday, Addy!!!
Squirt's Mom
03-30-2012, 10:19 AM
:D:D Happy 29th Birthday, dear Addy! :D:D
Sabre's Mum
03-30-2012, 01:45 PM
Happy Birthday Addy!
03-30-2012, 01:48 PM
Happy Day dear Addy! Hugs, Kim
Bailey's Mom
03-30-2012, 04:16 PM
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,
Happy birthday dear Addy........................,
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.!!!!!
Happy birthday to the best pal a gal could ever have!
I took Bailey to get groomed today.....clipping this time, not scissors. I asked her to give her the "Palmer cut." YIKES!!!!! She's dang near BALD!!!!! The head is good, but the body.......YIKES!!!!! I'd take a picture, but I feel so sorry for her.:(:(
Knee collapsed at groomer's. Oh how I wish just once I'd have a dog that had ZERO problems. I love her no matter what.:D:D:D
Have a bite of birthday cake for me. By the way, my tummy sticks WAYYYYY out, I walk with a limp or two and I've just crashed back to earth after the latest medication change.:eek::eek::rolleyes:
Have a GREAT weekend. I love you. Best of hugs to Zoe and Koko.....and hubby. Cool that your birthday is so close to your Mom's.
Awww thank you all. I am having a very nice birthday. Actually I was born on my mom's birthday so we get a twofer:D:D
Marianne- I am so sorry to hear of Peg being a member of the blue solution club:(:(:( Sending you lots of hugs:):):):):)
I had a very nice birthday party at work and now we are off to see mom. Hubby is taking me out with the kids tomorrow night and we are bringing mom home Sunday for a family gathering. Should be a really nice weekend!!!
Thank you for the birthday wishes!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D Leslie, how did you know how old I am?;);););)
Bailey's Mom
03-31-2012, 04:12 AM
Say......Addy.......I just realized Marie Irene has a birthday coming up at the end of next week. Now, I know when certain drugs are given to me that I might not know who I am or where I am...................but please tell me that I was not in labor for 8 days - that you are not twins. YIKES!!!!! :);):D
Labor for eight days? Yikes is right!!!!!!!
Sister Marie Irene is the younger child!!!!!! Don't you remember all the babysitting I had to do?
Hope you are feeling better, sounds like you turned the corner!!!
Go Susan!!!
How is Bailey?
Zoe is starting to drink like a fish again:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Hope this next bump does the trick. When you did twice day dosing with Palmer when did you do the ACTH stim?
Happy Weekend!!!!
Bailey's Mom
03-31-2012, 05:24 PM
Four weeks later. I think you can rest assured that you've thought this through and that you will find that it turns out not to be so scarey.
Happy Day-After-Your-Birthday, Addy! I hope you had a wonderful day! ;)
Glad to hear Zoe seems a little better with dosage increase! What is the "blue" stuff mentioned a few times?
03-31-2012, 07:26 PM
Argh! How did I miss your birthday, Addy? I am so sorry! I hope you and your mom enjoyed yourselves to the fullest because you'll never be that age again. :D:p:D
Happy Belated Birthday
I missed your birthday!!! Happy belated birthday! So glad to hear it was a nice one. Thanks for checking in on me and Hannah last week. It was a busy week and I've had a lot on my mind about work. I'll try to post an update today. I love the new profile pic!
Take care,
Julie & Hannah
Hi Addy-
I am thinking of taking my Hannah-bear (that's what I call her, among other things-even though my hubby loves to make fun of me- since her name was Panda Bear when we got her) to see a derm vet because I feel so bad for her with her itching. I found a little scab on her chest, which I'm sure is from scratching. She did the same thing a few months back on the back of her front leg.
What did they do with Zoe? I am fairly certain Hannah's issue is outdoor allergens and not food. We did do a food trial and certain things are so much worse with warm weather (spring through fall). I also think she has some OCD licking. I am assuming the appointment is not really cheap since it is a specialist, but I am wondering if they might have another idea of a med to try since she can't use steroids.
I'd just love to hear more about the visit. I'm going to call them tomorrow and see what they think. At her age of 13 I'm not sure I'm going to crazy trying lots of stuff, but I want my Hannah-banana (another nickname) to be comfortable.
Love to you and Zoe,
Julie & Banini (yes, another one):D:D:D
Hi Julie,
Well, for Zoe, derm vet read through a lot of history, IMS even called him, I supplied recap of her history. He checked visually and then put some tape on her paws, said no bacteria, no yeast, just pollen, offered up an OCD drug and told me to get her Cushings under control. I then asked about the white spots so he aspirated them and said yes, I was right it was calcinosis cutis. When I first pointed them out to him he thought it was the hair follicles . That was pretty much it. Nothing else. I asked what happens if her allergies get worse when I further drop her cortisol he said we would cross that bridge when we had to. He said he could give me topical but felt the more attention we called to her paws the worse she would chew them.
That was it. No blood work, no allergy testing, no nothing.
I spend $140.00.
I was a bit disapointed because he did not even examine her paws or her nails. I mentioned I was worried about the way she chewed her nails she might rip them out. He never checked them. I think he was just hung up on the Cushings.
It was not what I was expecting after waiting two months for the visit:( But maybe I expect too much.
Hmmm....not really what I was hoping to hear. I looked up derm vets and there is one really close to me. It sounds like they do extensive testing. I even saw a pic of a dog's tummy getting the skin testing like people get. I think I might call there tomorrow. I am not going to do anything to treat her Cushing's now since it is just not bad, so waiting to do something about Cushing's wouldn't work for me. ;) I don't think you expect too much at all. I would have wanted him to do more if I were you. I'll keep you posted on what I decide.
Julie & Hannah
04-02-2012, 02:48 AM
Hi Addy,
Some vets seem to work at a snails pace. When facing a problem they start with the simplest thing and slowly work up to worse possiblites. By the time they get to the real problem the dog could be dead! When my vet didn't have a reasonable answer about my Mira I went to someone could give me an answer TODAY! Cost me a fortune. I would be very upset too about him not looking at your babies feet! I'd gather up every scrap of records you have and head off to another vet, ask them to review it all BEFORE they see you and ask them to go over every inch of your doggie with you and get their opinion. Chances are you'll get an entirely differant opinion but at least you'll walk away feeling like you did everything possible.
marie adams
04-02-2012, 01:45 PM
Good Morning Addy Scarlett!!! Oh Wow!!! I didn't wish you a Happy Birthday!!!:) Maybe Mom is right and we really were born 8 days apart so I thought your's was coming up!!!:D
I was a little confused when Mom said I have a birthday coming up since I don't really, but if I can celebrate for 3 months I am good!!:D
On the Zoe subject--if you went to a new vet or derm vet and didn't fill them in before hand--played a little ignorant do you think you might get a better answer and more attention??? Just a thought....
I hope you have a wonderful Monday!!!!
04-02-2012, 02:13 PM
Dear Addy
I have attached a site to help you out on the skin issues with Zoe.
For Apollo numerous skin scrapings and blood test and finally a tiny biopsy came to a diagnosis. Apollo also has the white little bumps on his belly, etc. The cushing weakens their immune system to not have the ability to fight all the issues. I did read something about licking in between the paws. Look and see what is between Zoe's paws, use a magnifying glass to see. It could be a fungal infection, bacterial, etc. But the vet should have looked at it. Blood tests can determine if it is fungal, but a skin scraping might help more.
Dog paw licking usually boils down to asking two questions:
1. Does my dog have itchy paws?
2. Does my dog lick his paws out of boredom, anxiety, or instinct?
Paw licking can be caused by environmental factors like allergies, mites, fleas, fungus, etc. Or, the psychological tendency of dogs (especially certain breeds) to lick their paws, sometimes to the point of self-injury.
If your dog licks only one paw with no visible injury, or just the front paws, it's probably psychological.
If she licks all four paws, it's probably allergies, physiological issues or environmental factors.
Hope this helps.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
marie adams
04-02-2012, 03:43 PM
Sister Addy,
I almost forgot to tell you how cute is the picture of Miss Zoe...:)
Thanks guys, Im ok with the derm vet visit, don't get me wrong, I was just wishing he would have checked her nails. I think IMS calling him that morning, still not sure why she did that, put us on the Cushing focus. Had she not called, I think visit would have been different. Perhaps once her cortisol is controlled, it will be different.
Our server crashed at work, what a mess:eek::eek::eek:
Zoe gets bumped to 30 ngs Thursday. She has handle the 25mgs just fine. There are some days I think it is making a difference and then other days it seems not to have changed anything.
I have a story to tell. Zoe has always loved my mom. She has not seen her since Thanksgiving. Once I got mom settled in her chair we let the dogs out of the kitchen. Zoe came running with her chew toy as usual, saw my mom, dropped her toy (she never does that for anyone) and ran to see my mom. I had to pick her up so she could see Mom and say hi. The Zoe kept hanging around Mom's chair and when it was time for mom to go in her wheel chair to go to the dining room, Zoe walked along right next to her wheel chair. Zoe was so happy to see my mom. I cried.
I hope eveyrone has a good week
04-03-2012, 08:24 AM
Addy what a touching story about Zoe and your mom. I hope you got photos of that. Hugs
marie adams
04-03-2012, 01:52 PM
Will that story of your Mom and Zoe be part of your book? This way you will never forget and everyone can learn from your experiences.:)
I am glad you are not completely dissatisfied with the derm vet visit, but I agree that it shouldn't have all been about the cushing's because other factors ccould be causing Zoe's problems with her paws. Ella still has to chew every morning on her paws and then the rest of the day doesn't even care about them--they are such strange little beings sometimes.:rolleyes:
Love You!!! (((HUGS)))
marie adams
04-06-2012, 10:13 PM
Is it a Cha CHa ChA Friday???:D:p:);)
Well did not manage too many cha chas:o:o
11 day of new dose, 7 days at 25mg sid and 4 days of 30 mgs sid.
Zoe was feeling great wrestling and playing, wanting to walk, still licking and chewing and drinking and having 1 accident almost every day but sleeping all night and holding it for almost 30 minutes when waking up. She has always done that. So I dont get the day time, take her out to pee and 30 minutes later she has an accident.:o
I noticed last week her eyes starting to get bloodshot, especially the left one. It started looking worse and yesterday I noticed discharge floating around at the bottom of her eye, then ending up in the corner. She has never had that. This morning I tired to gently open that eye up compared to the other eye and it seemed to hurt her to do that. I called 2 different emergency clinic, they thought she should come in. I could have taken off work Tuesday and possibly gotten any appointment with opthamologist- POSSIBLY. So off we went to emergency this morning.
normal pressure, normal tear production, slight scuff not a scratch on left eye and he thinks the redness is an underlying allergy. She is on Atropine 4 x a day and I am to follow up in about 5 days.
he said he heard a heart murmur- here we go again, I don't understand they tell me she has one, then she doesn't, which is it? why is this heart murmur stuff so back and forth and wishy washy? she has one, then she doesn't have one.
she stepped in a hole in the grass this afternoon and twisted her bad paw and I thought we were heading back to emergency but it seems better now. It has been bothering her.
meanwhile no other ill affects from dose change, poos are normal, I know her eye really bothered her last night and she slept alot.
I am a bit concerned about his allergy comment but he did make me laugh when he said"Zoe would not be the first Cushings dog to have allergies." Meanwhile he looked all of thirteen but was very nice and Zoe was very happy to go with him and he even wrote how good she was and what a pleasure:rolleyes::confused::o The vet tech knew Zoe and was not thrilled to see her. I had to wonder how many times Zoe must have tried to bite her:rolleyes::eek:
what can I say, Zoe is a flirt and likes younger men.:D:D
Not sure how I am doing these drops 4 times a day, she is sound asleep by 9:30pm and so am I.
any advice?
marie adams
04-08-2012, 08:11 PM
Advice on the eye drops--I just had a situation with my left eye and the doctor said as long as it is 4x a day it doesn't matter if it is spread out evenly or not. On the first day I was to start my drops he said (it was after 6 pm) I could get 4x in before I went to bed. So my advice is split it up as much as you can for the time you are awake.
I hope you had a Happy Easter dispite Zoe's situation.:)
Hi Addy,
I only have a second, but I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and Zoe and to tell you that I have used Atropine many times on Hannah. Usually they said 3 times a day was plenty, and I only had to do it for a few days. We always had an antibiotic (usually Gentamicin) that I had to put in 3-4 times per day for 5-7 days, depending on the injury. I would think 3 times would be fine. Did she need any other meds?
Sorry to hear about the confusion with the heart murmur, and with the little mis-step of the paw outside. Hannah did that yesterday in our backyard, but luckily was okay. She has been a little off since her grooming this week, but seems to be on the upswing now.
Sorry to hear it wasn't the best weekend, but glad Zoe is okay.
Julie & Hannah
Bailey's Mom
04-08-2012, 10:06 PM
;)My gosh it's hazardous living in Milwaukee!;)
Poor Zoe. Can't see. Can't walk without falling into holes. Can't tell the difference between grass and carpet.;)
I have never had to deal with allergy issues....other than Palmer chewing his paws for a bit one year. Is this a Cushing issue?
I can't do eye drops myself. I always apologize at the eye doc office. My reflex to keep them out is really high. I always wondered why they could not let you keep the lid closed, apply the drops, and let you open your eye. They insist on raising my eyelid up over my eyebrows!:eek:
Heart murmur-we had that with Palmer....and I think maybe also with Peaches. I gathered that it was not a real big deal.....I guess if it gets stronger or something then they worry. The first time they told me I almost panicked. It sounded so awful. But it never did show itself that I could tell.
Thanks guys, we'll do the 3x a day and I think I will do the follow up with opthamologist if we can get in Saturday.
Right now the calcium deposits (white spots) on her shoulders look smaller.
I think I may have to decide about giving her something for pain for her bad paw.
It will continue to be a balancing act. I feel like I am walking a tight rope sometimes with no net:eek:
and then I remember all of you are my net:)
wish I could take the day off and dig in the dirt!!!!!:D:D:D:D
love you,
Squirt's Mom
04-09-2012, 10:26 AM
Hi Addy,
Squirt's heart murmur seems to come and go, too, but I think it has to do with how hard they are breathing when the vets listen. If they are calm, it is easier to hear; if they are stressed and panting, it is harder. I was first told about a murmur when she was quite young and it never progressed past a grade 2...then they couldn't hear it anymore. But by then, Squirt had been going to see the vet often for testing, surgery, etc and she started getting nervous at the vet. Just a theory...;)
I'm so glad the new dosing is going well and hope her eye and paws get better real soon. I HATE eye drops! It was such a battle with Trink trying to get drops into her socket. That little 5 pounder can fight like a 50 pounder! :p
Keep up the good work! You are such a great mom.
Leslie and the gang
PS. Speaking of is yours doing?
Well, so far, Zoe has been an angel about the eye drops. I wonder how long that will last? Last week she got stuck in between the sofa and a table with her Comy Cone on and really freaked, I could not get her out and she took a small chunk out of my hand:eek::rolleyes: Yikes, that baby Kujo routine gets old so dang fast and then she turnes around and is so dang sweet, It was my fault, I knew if I put my hand there, she'd bite it, but she usually controls her bite better.:o:o She really gets mad now when she has to wear that Comy Cone. We have been trying to not use it unless we have no choice. Koko is no help, he goes and bites on to the end of the Comy Cone and tries to play with her:eek::eek: It's like having two three year olds!!!!
Hubby is worried the trilostane is not doing anything. He is worried her stim will show she is still too high.
I am not sure what plan B will be. Trying not to cross that bridge until I have to.
Mom was over yesterday. She did really well but seems very frail. She sat in her chair beaming from ear to ear and for a few hours, we forgot how things are and it seemed like the clock had been turned back and things were like they had been before this journey started last year. Thank you for asking, Leslie.
marie adams
04-09-2012, 01:48 PM
I love it when Moms have really good days!!!:)
I know how bad the bites are. I don't seem to heal up like I use to... Miss Ella still likes to do drive bys but those usually leave bruises.:eek:
I hope Zoe gets all better fast, except for the Cushings, we know that one isn't going anywhere, but it could get better in the numbers. :o
I would love to dig in the dirt with you!!! Ella loves to do gardening. When my daughter is weeding Ella helps by eating the weeds and doing a little digging to get them out--it is the funniest thing--I took a picture of both of their butts up in the air getting in the planter--my daughter wasn't too proud of that snap shot!!!:eek: I think it is so cute--but then a mother would!!!
Here is to creating a wonderful Monday for ourselves--SURE!!!!!:D
04-10-2012, 08:05 AM
Hi Addy: So sorry you are having problems with Zoe. I just read your post about Zoe getting stuck and the bite and I can just see the predicament she got herself into, but the way you told it gave me a good laugh this morning. Hope Zoe gets better soon. Take care. Hugs to you and your babies and family. My CoCo seems to be doing about the same, is getting really bald on his head and has lots of gray hair on his back which is the way the head baldness started out. I started him on Melatonin 1.5 mg a week ago, but no difference yet, am going to start the HMR lignan after i read more about it, I think it is benign, but seems like it could cause stomach sensitivity since it is flax seed hulls. My vets do not seem to know much about Cushings so I am getting most of my info from this site and the internet. Good thoughts to you and yours. JoAnne
Jenny & Judi in MN
04-10-2012, 09:02 AM
ha! Jenny is doing her Cujo routine too. little stinkers. I hope Miss Zoe continues to heal and I'm really glad your Mom had a good time with you. That is what matters! hugs
Bailey's Mom
04-10-2012, 01:46 PM
Hi Addy-
I only got two hours sleep last night....I was so angry about my knitting. I didn't accomplish anything by doing that......just made me more tired. Kim, the knitting lady, says she will be there tonight. I told her I had a challenge for her!
Can I take a nap now???
marie adams
04-12-2012, 12:35 PM
I hope Thursday is finding you more relaxed and calmer. I also hope Miss Zoe is doing well. :)
It is almost the weekend, but you said it was going to rain for 5 days--sorry I think I sent it your way, but we only got a little rain. I think it has time to build on its way to you!!:eek:
We are due to get some more--I will try not to send it your way....:D
Miss Ella is off to another class late this afternoon. Control Unleashed is what it is called. There is a book by the same name. It is suppose to be a wonderful way to train reactive dogs and for dogs in agility, obedience, performance type. We will see....I never know what she will do in class--I think she gets bored with all the talking. The one thing I would like to see is to let all the dogs socialize in the beginning of class, but they have so many classes going on there isn't time.
(((HUGS))) for you today!!!
04-12-2012, 10:44 PM
Dear Addy
So sorry to hear about your Mom. That is awful.
Hope Zoe is doing better will post on my thread.
Love Sonja
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
04-12-2012, 11:28 PM
I just took a few minutes to read your posts
Love the one about your mom and Zoe....that was so touching:)
Also I am so sorry I missed you birthday sooooo
Love and hugs to you and Zoe!! Xoxo Hope she is better each day
Hi Cindy, Marie. JoAnn, Sonja, dear Sus and all,
Zoe's eye does not look any better, it is so red, the discharge may be less, it does not look good. She sees opthamologist tomorrow morning and I am very concerned.
I had stopped her night time melatonin a few weeks ago when we started increasing her trilostane. She is getting up earlier and earlier. I am trying to hold on until her stim and then see where I am. This morning she was up for 45 minutes before she went out to pee. I was sure I would find an accident, but I did not. But this waking up, now it is at 4:20, each week it is 10 minutes earlier or more, I am so tired.
Her poo had that colitis smell last night so I gave her an extra tiny piece of flagy. I think she has trouble breathing when she sleeps, she snores, and makes all kinds of sounds. Reminds me of me when my allergies are bothering me at night and my nose is stuffed up. Myabe that is why she isn't
Her stim is next Thurday, April 19th.
Otherwise, she seems really happy, still wants to play with Koko but I wont let because of her eye. I honestly have no opinion on where her cortisol is. Probably still too high.
I am really concerned sbout her eye.
will her eye problem affect her stim?
04-13-2012, 07:19 AM
Addy, I'm so sorry about Zoe's eye. I will be anxiously awaiting the eye doc's report. I think that allergies are more likely to produce redness in both eyes rather than one eye alone, unless it's a contact allergic reaction of some sort (like when a human who's allergic to cats will pet a cat and then rub one of their eyes). Maybe Zoe got a little scratch or something from wrestling with Koko. But the eye doc should be able to tell you for certain.
As far as the stim test, I know you'd prefer not to have any kind of complicating issue at all. But I would hope that the eye irritation wouldn't have any big effect. Once you know the cause, you'll be better able to judge. And you can also ask the eye doc for his/her opinion about that.
Good luck tomorrow!
04-13-2012, 08:23 AM
Addy: So sorry Zoe is having so much trouble and she is taking it like a trooper. Hope she gets better soon. Hugs to you and your puppies. JoAnne
Thanks Marianne,
ER vet said she had a "scuff" not a scratch so they will retest tomorrow to see if the "scuff" is still there or worsened. He said both of her eyes were red, just the scuffed eye was redder and looked worse. I am so glad we are seeing the eye doctor and not a general gp.
One of the bumps on her tail is coming more to the surface. That is what happened last summer and then it opened and then healed. Her bare tail feels so cold.
Her birthday is next week. It was on her birthday 2 years ago they told me they thought she had Cushings. So now when it is time for her birthday I get scared that I will get more bad news.
I don't know what is wrong with me, I can't stop crying this week. I think I am really scared.
Just a thought-could her eye have an infection from the scrape?? Hannah ALWAYS has to use an antibiotic drop or ointment for several days and Atropine only for a few because it is for pain only. I wondered that from the beginning with Zoe, but thought maybe it was just because it was minor. I hope something as minor as this could be the answer.
We have a fabulous opthamologist vet here in the cities who loves his job and is fabulous! Maybe you could even consult with him if you don't get anywhere.
Hang in there! Thinking of you and sending prayers and hugs your way!!!
Julie & Hannah
04-13-2012, 11:14 AM
Good luck tomorrow....I hope they can figure out the eye problem...I understand....their birthdays are such an emotional time...especially when it reminds you of things you rather not remember.......but we will pray Zoe's eye gets better soon in time for her birthday:)
Also you still use Flagyl.....only as needed?? Penny still has the colitis to.
Hugs to you xoxo
Gee, ER vet told me Atropine was a triple antibiotic to prevent infection, not for pain.:o:o:o:o:o:o I better recheck the box.
Cindy, I still give Zoe 62mgs Flagyl once per day. If I smell that colitis smell or start seeing tails, depending on the situation, I will cut back on her food and give her a tiny extra piece of flagyl maybe 30 mgs at night. I had cut her back to 62 mgs every other day but we started having issues her and there and knowing the Trilostane increase was looming, I needed to be assured of solid poos.
She looks so bad, bald tail, no undercoat, bare spots, now her eye. Yet last night she was laying in front of the door with her ears forward and that look on her face, watching and waiting for me and as I looked at her, I still saw the most beautiful dog I have ever seen.
Please say a prayer for her tomorrow.
04-13-2012, 01:31 PM
I know that look all to just breaks your heart....I see it in Penny....Zoe will be in my prayers....praying the eye situation and skin problem gets resolved.....penny is skinny, boney and so sad looking.....but all we see when we look at them is our beautiful fur babies:)
Sending you tons of love, prayers, support and strength!!
Hugs to you and Zoe xoxo
It is not Atropine. I don't know why that was on her discharge paper.:o:o:o
it is:
neomycin/polymyxin b/gramicidin d - ophthalmic solution
and that makes sense as he said it was a triple antibiotic to prevent infection. Not sure why they wrote Atropine. I have to go back and read her discharge papers again. Why would I have the Atropine name?
YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marie adams
04-13-2012, 02:00 PM
Prayers being said here for you and Zoe!!!;)
I am sure if Maddie had had a tail it would have been bald also. She got all the bald spots Zoe has now, but once the maintenance kicked in her fur came back--just not the same kind of fur and the coloring was different--she wasn't black but a tan gray black mixture. I took what I got just to have her fur back to somewhat normal. You will too. :)
How their look just melts your heart you just want to squeeze them with affection.:D
Enjoy the weekend as much as you can!!!:p
Well, the thing is her discharge coming from her bad eye is better, but today her third eye lid is out again and red in that eye. For the last two days when she licks us, the bad eye starts rolling up in the back of her head. It has never done that before.
I just called hubby and told him to discontinue the eye drops.
I don’t like this and have a pit in my stomach. Her eye has never done that before. Both eyes may roll up when she sleeps but I have never seen one of her eyes move like that when she is awake and doing something. It only happens when she licks us.
marie adams
04-14-2012, 12:40 AM
I just want to hug you and tell you it will be alright, but I know that won't take away your worries.:(
I truly wish I could wave my magic wand and Zoe will be all better. :)
Hang in there my sister!!! @--->---
I do have a question--you said "her third eye lid"--how many eyes does Zoe have????:confused:
04-14-2012, 06:23 AM
"I feel sad, when your sad..... Mmm mmm mm." Or however that Barry Manilow song goes. 8:::
I am so sorry to hear that Zoe is having yet another problem. It just isn't fair that these sweet things have to suffer at all in their already much to short lives! I think we all understand feeling sad and afraid. Even though I am so fortunate that Alivia is doing well, that concern and fear never seems to go away.
I hope Zoe's eye problem is nothing serious. You both deserve some good news!!
Take care of yourself...sounds like a glass of Chocovine wouldn't hurt!
back from eye doctor: full report will be sent to me next week.
"scuff" has healed
diagnosed with dry eye and allergies- under third eyelid- beat red-looks so sore- he numbed her eye and pulled it out and showed me. He said this is usually from allergies.
also has "white " substance on eyes- from calcinosis cutis- most likely will not go away once her cortisol is controlled- blood vessels growing into cornea from the excess fat and triglicerides? Slight cataracts less then 10% of eye.
Cyclosporine .02% solution BID- assurred me this has no systemic side effects and is ok for Zoe to have. He thinks that the derm vet plans on using Cyclosporine on Zoe if her allergies get worse from her cortisol being controlled. I freaked out:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Genteal Gel for dry eye disease (over the counter 4x a day durring waking hours)
Flurbiprofen every 8 hours until recheck exam May 5th.
He was thorough and patient and I liked him a lot. He said he is used to working closely with a derm vet and he has worked with Zoe's derm vet and it has worked out okay.
I tried to keep my mouth shut until I freaked out about the Clyclosporine.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::(:mad :
I also am concerned about the calcinosis cutis showing up in her eyes.
He said he sees this in Cush dogs thought it can be caused by other things (diabetes, Hypothyroidism, even diet, etc) but in Zoe's case he believes it is from her Cushings.
I will give a more detailed report once I get his records. Maybe it will help other members.
guys- how am I going to balance the cushings and the allergies?
trying not to be upset, trying to be positive, trying not to blame myself, should I have got her in control sooner? Should I not have upped her Trilostane? What if she is still not controlled on 30mgs sid?
I know, cross the bridge when I come to it. Last thing IMS said to me was she was not going to "chase numbers".
Zoe's skin and white plauque spots on her shoulders continue to look better. Her eyes look like hell.
trying to stay calm and level headed Addy
P.S. I have not been handling the pressure well this week:o:o:o:o
marie adams
04-14-2012, 02:44 PM
There are always going to be what if's, but all we can do is deal with what we have in front of us at the time. We cannot go back, but just imagine if we could...:)
It is okay to have meltdowns once in awhile and you have been building up for quite some time. So have that melt down and then get up, move on because you are always there for Miss Zoe and you have your family to help you--just ask them to help a little with the load. :)
Bailey's Mom
04-14-2012, 09:16 PM
- he numbed her eye and pulled it out and showed me. He said this is usually from allergies.
He pulled out her eye???!!!????
He thinks that the derm vet plans on using Cyclosporine on Zoe if her allergies get worse from her cortisol being controlled. I freaked out:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Why did you freak out?
trying not to be upset, trying to be positive, trying not to blame myself, should I have got her in control sooner? Should I not have upped her Trilostane? What if she is still not controlled on 30mgs sid?
Addy, Addy-You have NOTHING to blame yourself for. This is just the hand Zoe was dealt and it is awful and it is not fair. You got her in control as soon as you knew something was amiss. Don't do 20-20 hindsight. That's not fair to you. Try not to consider the "what ifs." It is just one day at a time, one hour at a time, sometimes one minute at a time. Deal with what you can now and with what is here now. I know all this is easy for me to say and very hard to do, but see if you can't try.
To you the biggest hug I ever made and love and compassion.:)
marie adams
04-15-2012, 02:25 AM
I think I missed the one about "he pulled her eye out" I was too concerned with Zoe has 3 eye lids so does that mean she has 3 eyes????? I am as confused as I ever was....which isn't hard to do!!!:eek::confused:
How do you do that and not cause any problems? :confused:
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday--almost pool time!!!:D
04-15-2012, 06:38 AM
Hi Addy,
I just wanted to let you know that we use flurbiprofen to treat Peg's eyes when her allergies flare, and it has worked very well for us. Her eyes have been awful at times -- very red, goopy, and irritated. But the flurbiprofen has definitely helped. It is not a steroid, and seems to be pretty benign in terms of any ill effects. We have used it long-term with her, when need be. So I hope it will help Zoe, too!
I am feeling better. Marianne, I am so glad to know that it worked for Peg. Marie and Sus, thank you for being crazy and making me laugh:D:D
We came home with 3 different eye drops and tried to figure out a schedule since hubby and I both work and we got overwhelmed besides my worry. Hubby said "how will we ever do this? We can never leave the house for more than a few hours?" When the vet tech brought out all the medication, I had asked her how long will Zoe need all these drops?
She said permanently:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I think what upset me the most was the calcium deposits and fat in her blood vessels in her eyes. If they say your eyes are the windows into your body, what the heck is happening inside Zoe?
I am concerned her heart is next.
Okay, bad storms are headed our way. I will have plenty of time to practice getting drops in Zoe's eyes.:D:D:D
Did I tell you she was so good on the table while the vet was poking and prodding her eyes. Poor things sat there like an angel. (with her muzzle;) )
It is so hard for me because she is like my child, like watching your two year old at the doctor.
Okay, smiling again, off to put more drops in:D:D:D
love you all,
Hi Addy,
I'm glad you got some answers. I know it is so hard not to get overwhelmed and hard to focus on the positive. Think of it this way. She is okay. You now know how to help her. There are meds to help her.
I use the GenTeal gel on Hannah as often as possible. Her opthamalogist vet also said I could use Cyclosporine drops on her if I wanted. I didn't only because it was optional. I have been told they would be fine though as well. They would not cause other issues and would really help. The dry eye can be so irritating for them so Zoe is going to feel so much better when you get those drops in her eye. I am glad you heard some good info. from Marianne as well.
I have to decide about using Cyclosporine for Hannah's allergies. My vet seems to think this is the way to go and said several derm vets on her posting board said that was the best thing to try. She seems to think there are no concerning issues about Hannah having Cushing's, but I am going to email or call the IMS we saw and see what she thinks. Also, it is $75/month for Hannah and she is only 12 lbs.! That is certainly not cheap. They told me it would take 4-6 weeks to work. I'm not sure what to do. I was thinking of doing it for the summer only. No one (vet) has told me anything about side effects and since I have heard other things from other members I want to think more about it.
I'm thinking of you and hoping you can try to find the positive in this and feel a little relief. At least you have some answers and a way to make most of it better, right?
We're in for some storms today too, so I'll be thinking of you then too!
Julie & Hannah
04-15-2012, 11:32 AM
Julie and Addy, it is perfectly fine to administer cyclosporin eye drops to a cushdog. My Jojo was on them for over two years and my little rescue, Lola, will be on them for life. I actually expected Jojo to need them for life but for some reason, he started to produce enough tears. I often wonder how long I'd been giving him those drops when he didn't need them. I could have used the money. :D
Speaking of money, that little tube of Optimmune that the vets usually give you is expensive and you are going to get really p.o.'d at that little tube when you squeeze out the right amount in the eye and it keeps oozing out. You better be prepared to grab the cap and put it back on in a split second. I think I wasted more than Jojo ever got in his eye. After complaining to Lola's eye specialist, she gave us the med in corn oil. It was still expensive and I don't mind the greasiness but the corn oil discolored her white fur. The frustration was solved when I asked Roy at Diamondback Drugs for a price check. I figured it had to be cheaper from DB. He informed me that they suspend the med in a colorless oil. Done deal! It was a fraction of the price of Optimmune and the eye vet's drops, plus I got more in one bottle so it lasted a lot longer. FYI, the eye specialist was fine with the compounded version and still calls in refills to DB.
Yup, Zoe's eye doctor gave me a name of a compounding pharmacy to call for her next perscription. He said it is much cheaper and he trusts this pharmacy and uses it often. So thankfully, he is on top of things.
Julie- How often do you put the GenTel gel in Hannah's eyes? Hubby is upset because he has to always make sure he is home now at 11:00 am to put those drops in her eyes. Eye vet said 4 times a day durring her waking hours.
She gets up at 4:30 or 5:00 but is too worked up then to put drops in so I really cant get any drops in until 6:00 am and she goes to sleep around 9:30-10:00.
I was going to do 6, 11, 3 and then 8 because no one is home between 3 and 5:30pm.
I do feel better after having talked to members here on our forum and after reading about dry eye this morning and after putting all thre drops in this morning, Zoe was such a good girl.
love you all,
04-15-2012, 01:01 PM
Addy, I can soooo relate because there were times I had to put 5 different drops in Annie's eyes 4 times a day. I did them a.m., lunch time, as soon as I got home and then before bed. I used my cell phone to measure the 5 mins. because if you don't you space it and forget and lose precious time... but just know it's worth it. Hang in there and know you are doing the right thing. Kim
Thanks Kim I know you can feel my pain:):):) I remember you running home at lunch to do drops.
The one eye drop is every eight hours, one is bid and the last is 4 times a day. The problem is the eight hour eye drop and the four times a day eye drop cant go in at the same time because it would be too soon for one of them or too late for the other one, so now we have to do 2 medicines at 6, 1 at 6:30, another gel at 11 then wait until 2:00 for the eight hour one again but it is too early for the gentel gel so now do that one at 3:00, second does of BID med at 6:30, then final gentel gel around 8 and last eight hour drop at 9.
Is it really that complicated? Am I making it too hard?
cyclosporine twice a day 12 hours apart
Flurbiprofen 3 times a day every eight hours
Gentle gel 4 times a day durring waking hours
Zoe wakes up at 4:30-5:00 but is too wound up for eye drops until about 6am. She goes to sleep about 9:30 or ten.
Anyone that can help me with a schedule, go for it, because I have made a complicated mess of it the way I calculated it:eek::eek::eek::eek:
not good in math addy
04-15-2012, 03:26 PM
Dear Addy
Sorry to hear about Zoe. With cushing's so many other things can come up. I started ordering some meds from Dr. Foster's and found them to be more reasonable on some items. Also free shipping on some things. Hope this might help.
Enjoy each day with your sweet Zoe as I do with Apollo.
Love and hugs Sonja and warrier Apollo.
Thank you Sonja and thank you to all of you for listening to me freak out all weekend.
I will sign off with this note:
Zoe's eye looks better already and when I came out of the kitchen tonight after making their dinner and cleaning up their dishes, Zoe had her toys strewn all over the living room with Koko's.
That brought a smile to my face like nothing else. I hope she is feeling better.
Stim on Thursday. Round thirty-five:D:D:D:D
I love you all,
Bailey's Mom
04-15-2012, 11:10 PM
On to Thursday....
Bailey's Mom
04-16-2012, 08:23 AM
:D:DGood Morning dear Abby!!:D:D:):)
Here's hoping today is a beyooootiful day!
One BIG hug, one hand squeeze.
Now off to work for you.
04-17-2012, 10:16 PM
Today is a very special day for you...and your mom....hope you had a good day!!! Knowing your mom you did!!:D
Good luck Thursday....will be right there with you!!
Love and hugs
Penny and Cindy xoxo
sorry this is getting to you late Zoe darling!!!! our internet went down :( but its back up now, and Shysie, Shaddix and I wanted to wish you a very happy birthday!!!!!!! and the best of best of the best ever at upcoming doctor appointments. Know we are all sending kisses to snout and those ohhhh sooooo feeel sooooo good tummy rubs.
04-18-2012, 02:54 AM
The world is a brighter place with you in it!
Your mommy told us so!
marie adams
04-18-2012, 03:32 PM
I want to copy Janis' post for Zoe's Birthday--it is so pretty!!!
Miss Ella sends a kiss and a paw pat on the back!! :D
Squirt's Mom
04-18-2012, 03:37 PM
Sorry I missed this yesterday!
Happy Birthday, sweet Zoe! And many more!
Belly rubs,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, and Brick
Thank you!!!! Zoe thanks you too!!!!!!!!
The kids stopped by tonight and daughter said, she sure is perky whenever we come here. Is it us or is she feeling more like the old Zoe?
I said I hope it is both!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
love you,
addy, zoe and koko too
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