View Full Version : Zoe By My Side- Our Journey with Cushings
LOL Leslie, you should have seen her throw a fit. I have never seen her that bad. She was going to bite me and the vet when we tried to muzzle her. She was a piece of work, let me tell you. I think she needs some reminders of how to say please and nothing in life for free.
Hubby said that she is our little Jo Frazier Zoe and she won't take nothing from nobody 'cause she's got spunk:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Oh please, dear hubby, the juevenille delinquint was having a fit just at the thought of being lifted up onto the examining table. And I even brought my clicker and chicken. Noone had even peaked at her privates at that point.
Julie, I would not know if it was anything more serious because he could not even examine her:eek: She did not have any bad sores though and just the start of the rash.
Has anyone used this antibiotic? I never have.
Never a dull moment at my house addy
Bailey's Mom
01-02-2012, 10:53 PM
Well! I got my chuckles for the day!!
I've never heard of that AB. Ya know-if someone tried poking around my privates, I'd struggle as well!
I do have one suggestion. While things are calm, why don't you pick up a muzzle for Zoe? You could put it on her before you went into the vet's office.
01-03-2012, 01:45 AM
hope the ointment nips it in the bud!!!!!! awwwwwww shes so cute and innocent looking at her picture!!:D:D:D:D:D
be good for mom and the vet...... Killer!!!! I mean Zoe!!:D:D:D
hugssssssss xoxo
and the vet killer!!!! I mean Zoe!!
yup, and she looks so sweet so you don't expect it and you never know which Zoe is coming to the party- the good one or the demon twin:D
Sus- I am back to looking for a muzzle, we went through this last year but then she started being good so I let it go. She mellowed out on the melatonin. I always thought it was because her estradiol went down to normal but who knows?
I was reading on the DVM site about excessive licking and how to tell if it is medical or behavior based and info about it. They mention Cushings can be a cause. I had asked our IMS numerous times and she kept saying no. Zoe has always had problems with licking which is why I tried the Pepcid, I thought she may be sick to her tummy but it did not help and she threw up twice on it.
So we will ramp up the tricks and chew toys and make her do commands. I had backed off that and I feel bad maybe it is behavior from being locked up so much and not having so much attention while my mom was in rehab. Though the article said if I can easily distract her it is more likely medical than behavior. I had thought it was the opposite.
I hope this antibiotic helps. I have read so much about how hard it is to break the cycle. I am worried she is going to get bad sores.
Well, we had a good run. Maybe there is a reason for this. I will try to be positive. The bad thing about giving her more chew toys is then she drinks more water from all the chewing and then she urinates more.
She is on the antibiotic for 14 days. We'll see.
Oh- Julie- it was 9 degrees this morning and Zoe did not want to go out and poo;)
Oh- Julie- it was 9 degrees this morning and Zoe did not want to go out and poo;)
Hi Addy,
Hannah wouldn't go potty last night...because I couldn't start my week back at work by worrying all night I drove her to my parents' house at 10:00 last night, and sure enough, she went on their patio. I tried everything else I could think of...even potty pads outside!
She also didn't go this morning, but I had to leave for work, so I put potty pads in the kitchen where they are locked up and left. My parents go exercise right by my house so they will stop over and see if they can get her to go. If I knew she would eventually go on a potty pad in my house I don't think I would worry as much, but I am worried she will try to hold it and create a new problem. What do you think? Would she most likely eventually go?
What is she going to do all winter? We live in MN!!! It has been cold all 12 years of her life and she has never been this bad. Ugh. I guess she'll need to learn to use potty pads when it is really cold.
My students actually enjoy hearing my stories about Hannah and Izzy so maybe they will take it easy on me if I share my frustrations with them this morning.
Losing my mind...
Julie & Hannah
01-03-2012, 09:27 AM do know that's safe for humans as well? :p
I hope the ABs stop this and she is much more comfortable soon. Maybe she's a bit sensitive back there right now is why she reacted the way she did to the exam. Next time tell her how lucky she is no stirrups are required! :D
Leslie and the gang
HAHAHA, the stirrups remark had me rolling on the floor..
And 9 degrees!! It was 30 this morning here in WARM FL!! Rebel got to wear his jacket :)
Addy, I hope this can give her some relief soon.. Thinking of you :)
01-03-2012, 11:24 AM
Re: Post 1503 lol I hope you didnt think I meant vet killer lol I meant Killer/Zoe:D I had to put a few ..... in there to seperate it:)
Cindy- Zoe is trying to be a vet killer:D:D I laughed so hard at that.:D
I think maybe it is all the fussing we are doing at her trying to stop the licking and chewing. I feel so bad this morning.:(:( I had her and Koko play follow the leader around the house this morning, we did tricks, we practiced commands, I tried to distract her with positive things and tell her good girl when she did not chew her paws.:) When we first adopted her, I could not even touch her paws.:eek::eek: or pick her up:eek::eek: We had to learn that with positive reinforcements. I need to spend extra time with her now, I need to reassure her, I think. I am going to go through an awful lot of chicken:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I'm not mad at her anymore, it is not her fault but I tell you when that demon she devil twin takes over, Zoe is something else:eek::eek::eek::eek: :o:o
The strirup joke had me rolling on the floor.:D:D:D
Stay warm,
01-03-2012, 02:11 PM
omg I laughed so hard toooooo!!!!!! I was trying to say -
Killer....I mean Zoe be good for mom and the vet!!!!!!!D:D:D:D:D
I wish her feet would stop itching! Not fun!!!! My bros dog has same problem - its a golden/lab
BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAgaspsnickersnort, oh goodness............thank you....i needed this. LOL, shaking my head. that is just precious! LOL!!!! to bad you didnt video that! bless her. and i do hope all is better soon.
on the pooh and pee cause of cold, i had mentioned on another thread....if you can get hold of sod, or artifical grass.....put in garage (or mudd or laundry room) and she may go on that if wont use piddle pads. I use to do that for my girls when it was several feet of snow out and there was no way to shovel out! and i even put a small little space heater out there that i would turn on only when out there as i supervised so we all didnt freeze. LOL. worked pretty well most of time, not always, but did help.
marie adams
01-04-2012, 01:14 AM
I was LOL about the stirrup statement!!! :D
Poor Zoe what a tramatic experience and yet we end up having no patience with them when they go into a fit.:eek:
You are so good with Zoe and Koko making them go through commands, playing with toys, and so forth just so Zoe's attention will be focused in a different direction other than chewing on herself. Lately I am so rushed to get things done I don't take the time to spend with Ella like I should.
I sure hope she feels better soon!!!:)
The bad thing about giving her more chew toys is then she drinks more water from all the chewing and then she urinates more.
have you thought about getting a small KONG and putting frozen strawberry or blue berries in there? or maybe frozen green beans, sweet potato (no skin) or carrots maybe even some pumkin? maybe even small amount of diced up apple, then she will work and work to get a healthy snack out of her kong instead of other....that contains so many preservatives
Hi Skye,
Thank you for the input. Her food does not contain preservatives, I put Honest Kitchen Embark in her Kong, just a dab. She has IBD so can't eat a lot of things, she has to have a minimal diet.
I think she just gets thirtsy from chewing on the Kong. after she licks out the food. She really goes at it. :rolleyes:
01-04-2012, 05:23 PM
Hi Addy,
I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and Zoe and mom, etc...
Tight hugs to all...
xo Jeanette and Princess
hmmmmm, think you could freeze some water in the kong and then put her treat on the very very edge if small amount? then as she chews on kong she would get hydrated too..........
i love the kongs.....i will put water in them and freeze them, down fall is knowing how much to freeze so its not a huge mess if they leave it. course normally they dont melt entirely
i completely understand the diet thing....i do homecooked and add supplements....pancreatitis here. and just had adrenal surgery month ago. can you believe its been a month already? whew.
Hi Jeanette,
Thank you for thinking of us, Mom is doing really well:D and Baby Kujo aka Zoe the vet killer did not bite me yet today:rolleyes::D:eek:
OMG, that little dog;) Now when we come in from outside I say in my happiest voice "Let's get chicken we were a good girl." and she runs to the frig and forgets about chewing her paws and potty. I hope it keeps working:rolleyes::rolleyes: and I stopped scolding her and I only wiped her paws and potty once today to give her a break. She doesn't like all this fussing at her. I often wondered why God sent Zoe to me. I guess I needed a lesson in patience:D:D
Skye- really, I can freeze water in a Kong? How? I am brain dead and can't picture it. Upside down in a container of some sort? Tell me more.:D
Well, I am off to find Baby Kujo, I think she stopped chewing on the Kong. Must be time for a round of puzzle:rolleyes::D
Sometimes I really miss my cat:D:D:D:D:D
shaking her head addy:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
Bailey's Mom
01-05-2012, 06:36 PM
I know why God sent Zoe to you. No one else could have given her the love and the care that you do. I think it's good that you're cutting back on the feet wiping. I would think once a day would be enough....unless mud is in the picture.
I didn't know you had a cat. Learn something new every day!;)
01-05-2012, 10:23 PM
Dear Addy
Just checking in on you and Zoe. Will post on my thread.
Love Sonja and Apollo
yes you can freeze stuff in the kong!!! and they are even dishwasher safe!!!! if you are going to freeze water in it, i would plug the button from the outside so you can remove it when you give it to her. like with a home made cork type or even placing tape over it sealing it really well. (i normally use the tape or a pen cap, lol) of course you could place ice cubed in it but they slip out where as water actually frozen IN the kong wont.
Thank you all.
4 nights antibiotic, Zoe woke this morning usual time, started licking but not as intense or maybe just me hoping it was not. Reached down and picked her up, held her close and tight to my chest, rocking back and forth, breathing slowly, calmly, she did not squirm just stayed in my arms. I put her down on the bed and let her have a few licks of my arm, then rubbed her ears slowly in a circle. She laid down next to me and went back to sleep.
This little dog, baby Kujo one day, angel Zoe the next. Almost five years now have tried to help this little dog, my soul mate, my once in a lifetime dog. Issue after issue we battle together. I am not always patient, some times, I get tired, some times I don't know what to do.
But I love her still.
Squirt's Mom
01-06-2012, 09:57 AM
This little Kujo Angel is so very lucky to have you as her mom, Addy...she could have asked for no better.
01-06-2012, 11:35 AM
so glad your mom is doing good!!!:) Thats great news!:)
And the baby kujo may be doing better with her paws - licking is alittle better? Hope so - I know how hard it is and you get tired but you are the best!!!!! and kujo knows that for sure!!!!
love strength prayers and lots of hugssssssssssss xoxo
I posted some recent photos of Zoe's hair loss. Her IMS had not seen her for 3 months and she thought her coat looked better. I think her tail, especially, is worse as well as the area down her spine. She started losing that hair last February.
Any thoughts? She originally started to look better on Trilostane , her tail looked better and she was trying to grow an undercoat but I think it is worse. The only thing that did change is the length of her hair grew very fast. Before her groom that hair length was after 2 months.
I thought it had to be 3-4 months but when we checked it was only about 2 months.
Just wondering if any of this hair loss could be unrelated to Cushings. IMS said it is hormonal.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
01-07-2012, 02:29 PM
Addy, That is what Annie's hairloss started out like.. you should see it now. And the majority is along the spine. I can't do a schnauzer cut anymore as all you'd see is skin so its ''long'' and thin now. Kind of like what Donald Trump does. :D
Bailey's Mom
01-07-2012, 04:48 PM
Hi Addy-Palmer had that hair loss thing going too, but it did improve once we were on Trilostane. I take biotin for my hair. There's thin hair-and sparse in spots-on my side of the family. Bob (and his Dad did) has hair that you'd need a weed whacker to get through. It looks as if you threw something against it, it would careen off in another direction. Not fair!
LOL at Donald Trump comparison! I think Donald has gone truly whacko. He was just mostly whacko before, now he seems to be totally gone.
01-08-2012, 08:32 AM
So sorry to hear Zoe has lost so much hair, poor thing. Unfortunately, I don't have any input on hair loss. I guess Princess is one of the blessed ones who has never had to deal with that type of hairloss, aside from blowing her coat:eek:, that was scary enough. But if dr. thinks it is hormonal, is it treatable and if so can they do a full adrenal panel to determine her hormone levels?
Just saying but I dont know much on both issues, sorry.:(
I pray you figure it out soon, please let us know.
Love ya much..xo Jeanette
LOL The Donald , maybe we will have to allow Zoe's hair to get really long for that side flip:D
But I really need some input. Any ideas welcome.
The potty licking is better and she is not going after her flank at all but the front paw chewing is really bad. She has done that from day one but not this constant. I don't understand why I asked both the IMS and the other vet could I have that blue solution with the antibiotic, they know which solution I mean, to soak her feet. It helped her once but they say she doesn't need it.
Maybe if I leave her with them for a day they would change their mind.;);):rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
It got better durring the week and now she is just at it all day yesterday and this monring. Maybe because we are home.
She does not scratch or bite or lick anywhere else except she always wants to lick us. She wrestles with Koko and plays. If she thinks she is going to get food, she stops. Could this paw chewing be hunger?
I was worried that some of her hair loss was from something other than Cushings. I asked the IMS, could the chewing her front feet be from her new food, she did not think so. In fact she told me if I wanted to keep transitioning her to more of it I could:confused:
I don't know what to do. Usually in winter she can't go out because her paws freeze and then the chewing is not as frequent but we have no snow and the grass is not completely dormant. Maybe I will try not walking her in the street for a few days.
I am so confused any input would be so welcome. If I distract her, she stops. As soon as she goes outside and comes in, she goes for her paw and that is what starts the cycle.
The antibiotic may have helped her potty but not the paw. Five years ago when it was this bad, she got an antibiotic, an antihistamine and the blue foot wash. That stopped it. It may not stop it now but shouldn't we try? Maybe the IMS and the vet were more focused on her potty licking; they just looked at me and did not answer when I suggested it. The only thing the IMS said was that original anthistamine had been around forever, even when she was young. She seemed to wrinkle her nose at it, so to speak. She wanted to keep her on the benadryl for a month. It was not doing anything, the potty licking was getting worse and it had been 3 weeks.
Sorry I wrote a book, I am at my wits end. If I fuss at her and try to put socks on her or wipe her paws she turns back into Baby Kujo and wants to bite me.
frustrated addy
Squirt's Mom
01-08-2012, 09:24 AM
Hi Addy,
I don't know what else to offer as I don't have much experience with itchies or chewing on the body. Squirt will lick her front paws when she is nervous or not feeling well...and when she goes to sleep, almost neurotic about it at nite sometimes, in fact, so I have come to see that as a comforting action to her since she typically falls asleep licking. If I don't stop her at night, tho, she will lick while she snores. :p I think for her, it is like rocking a baby.
Trink has some mild allergies, seasonal, but hers manifests as an oily, itchy back and the Chamomile tea has helped immensely with her.
I was going to suggest sock or booties but she may need a soft muzzle as well. :( If it's a habit, that may help her break it. If this is from nervousness, medication like Prozac may help. If it's boredom, you are gonna be VEERRYY busy. :p
The blue solution....was is sorta sudsy and a really pretty light blue color? Dr C in TN gave me a little butter bowl of a solution that fits my description for wound care since Crys was constantly being torn up. It is amazing stuff but I have no idea the name or if we can order it without vet approval. She said it was an antibiotic scrub that would help the wound crust and seal while cleaning it very well - and it does. And it doesn't seem to sting at all - none of my "patients" have even flinched when I used it on them. I am about out and asked Dr B here about it and he had no idea what I was talking about. If I remember :rolleyes: I will contact Dr C and find out what this is and how we can get some.
Ok, my thought processes are empty concerning Zoe's itchies. You interested in anything else that might be roaming around what the devil is this strange bug crawling up my screen door....INSIDE!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Gotta go!
edited to add-
Ok, weird bug gone, no one injured, door here's your -
Leslie and the gang
Okay, I gave her one mg of melatonin an hour ago and it did nothing. When she was not on vetoryl, I had to wean her on to the melatonin slowly, one mg made her real tired right away.
I just gave her one more 1mg of melatonin. She has been chewing her Kong or her paw, licking, playing with me just about none stop for over two hours, mostly chewing on something. I even made her follow me all around the house for exercise. I really think it is better not to fuss at her when she chews her paw. That is what I did all week at night and she was better, but hubby gets hyper about it. Can I give hubby melatonin?:p:p:p:p:p
Wait, she just stopped and went to her bed to sleep. Maybe the melatonin kicked in. I feel bad but I had to do something to get her to stop for awhile.
Can this wanting to lick or chew all the time be from hunger? Do they do this when they have a tumor?
Kim- if you are around- does or did Annie lick things or want to chew alot?
Maybe she needs doogie downers, like Leslie suggested. I'll take the Prozac with her:eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:D
Glynda- can she have the melatonin with the antibiotic? I can't see why not.
thanks for listening,
Oh, Addy, I feel for you with the licking!!!
Hannah's itching is bad again...I know she can't itch as much as she wants, but she is itching her ears, scratching her sides, and licking the feet again...a lot. I really think it is an allergy thing, combined with some OCD behavior. My vet has always thought that too.
I don't know what the blue solution is you are talking about, but I do think I have some itching or hot spot shampoos and that at times I have to wash her in that, just in her itchy areas. I can't find it right now so I don't have a name, but I remember leaving it on her feet for a few minutes before rinsing.
I might need to try the melatonin to calm Hannah...and myself. Have you tried any other antihistamine with Zoe? I can't remember. My vet said they are just like people and some work for some people and not for others. Hannah seems a little better on Hydroxyzine (but believe me, we have by no means solved the problem either-it is also worse in the last few days), so maybe Zoe needs a different one?
I really think this crazy, mild winter has something to do with this. My allergies were still bothering me up until that last few days of a cold streak, and I can sort of feel them starting up again. I am in the same boat with you. I don't want the cold and snow to prevent my dogs from going out, but I desperately want it to slow this itching.
Best of luck to you. I know it's hard not to worry, but considering the weather, she might be reacting to something outside. Maybe focus on the positive--that she hasn't created any infection from the licking. My parents had a Shih Tzu who obsessively licked her front paws for her whole life. They think it was a calming thing. Never caused her a problem, but it drove my mom nuts!
Good luck.
Julie & Hannah
marie adams
01-08-2012, 11:52 AM
Good Morning Miss Addy,
I have no suggestions that I haven't already given. Ella continues to scratch and chew, but not like she was doing around Christmas. I think the beef products are mostly out of her system and I am just giving her the dry food and nothing else--not even the raw. If she continues to scratch and chew I am going to switch to venison and see how that works out. The problem with switching is you have to give it time to see if it helps.
Time is what you do not have to see what works for Zoe. I know you have done Google searches to see what might work, but I know each time you search by changing the way you position the keywords might make something new come up. I know that is how I finally found the Cushings link for Maddie.
I cannot see that being hungry would cause this type of behavior. I know when I see Ella doing it, is when she goes to sleep and wakes up. Of course that is always when she is in bed with us--she also likes to lick us at both of these times too. I don't have a clue why because I haven't done a lot of research myself.
Maybe you need the Prozac....:eek::eek: Just kidding of course.:D
Please enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!:)
Cindy Thoman
01-08-2012, 12:20 PM
Hi Addy, If you find something that works for the licking or hair loss please let me know. Alex licks his front leg obsessively and suffers from the hair loss. I think the licking is anxiety related with him. We have tried numerous anti anxiety meds which have not worked. I can usually distract him and he stops. At this point I have just accepted his hair loss. He has been on 3 mg. of Melatonin twice daily and I have noticed no changes.
Cindy, Alex and Bear
01-08-2012, 12:31 PM
Oh Addy, I really feel for you, too! My non-Cushpup, Peg, is having a terrible time with itchy skin and paws right now. She has always been bad throughout the wintertime, but this year is the worst. Whether it's seasonal allergy or dry skin from the forced-air heating -- or a combination of both -- she is miserable. Her skin is so dry and her coat looks awful. For the first time ever, she is creating hot spots from gnawing. I was really glad when Mary Beth told us about the Benadryl anti-itch spray, and I've been using in on Peg's hot spots as they progress towards healing. But at the beginning, when they are raw, I've been worried about infection. So I've been looking for some infection treatment options, and have one more suggestion to throw out to you.
A good friend told me about "Vetericyn." It is a clear liquid that can be sprayed liberally without fear of pets licking it. It seems as though the same product is marketed with many alternative labels: some targeting horses, other targeting dogs, etc. I bought an 8 oz. bottle of Vetericyn at Petco labelled "Wound & Infection Treatment," but later discovered I could have gotten twice the amount for the same price at the local Feed-n-Seed (probably labelled for horses). It is pretty expensive: I paid around $30. And the reviews on Google range from people saying it's a miracle treatment to an equine forum board that totally dissed it, saying it's overpriced diluted bleach in purified water. But enough people said enough good things that I've tried it. And it has worked really well for Peg thus far. She doesn't flinch at all when I apply it, and right away it has taken the redness and rawness out of the hot spots. So I just thought I'd mention it.
Also, for what it's worth, my Cushpup also licked his front paws and our bare skin INCESSANTLY for years before he was diagnosed. Any part of our skin that was exposed, he would lick. Once we got his cortisol lowered with the trilostane, all the licking magically stopped. I have no idea why, but that was what happened. In terms of licking us, I wondered if he was seeking salt for some reason prior to treatment.
If I recall correctly, Zoe's cortisol is running a bit higher right now -- around 9 or so? Have you ever noticed any difference in the licking when her cortisol level changes? I'm just wondering whether both the licking and the ongoing hair loss might relate to the fact that her cortisol is still running on the high end of the therapeutic range. I do understand that there are other reasons why you don't want her to drop a lot lower, but I'm just wondering whether this may be a bit of a trade-off in that regard. Just a thought!
I'm thinking the same thing, Marianne, that maybe she needs to go lower. I know the IMS told me once we lower her cortisol that we can uncover all kinds of issues, allergies could get worse, etc but I just sit here and wonder about all this needing to lick and chew and she seems really hungry. This morning she wanted some of my oatmeal, we always have breakfast together and when I did not eat fast enough I guess and she did not get her lick, she laid down and chewed her paw.
Thats why I asked could this chewing and licking be from hunger?
I'll look into the product you just mentioned. I can't take off work to go see IMS until my co worker gets back from Nigeria. That means not till the first week of February.
Oh and with all this chewing she just keeps downing water and I keep filling up the bowl and she had 2 accidents in the last 4 days.
I read about side effects from the antibiotic, thirst was not one of them.
Last night she got up at 2:30 and I heard her drink water. She never does that but she also has never chewed like this. Of course, we have never had a winter like this either.:eek::eek:
The melatonin did not last very long. Maybe I should give her a Benadryl but when I asked the new vet he said, lets try the antibiotic first. I will call tomorrow about the antibiotic and blue foot wash.
Thanks all for your input.
Hi Addy-
I thought of one more thing. My vet recommended that if Hannah doesn't stop itching that we try a spray that has a little bit of steroid in it. One is called Gentaved, and the other one is Genta-something. She knew I would be concerned because of Cushing's, even thought Hannah is really not exhibiting any Cushing's symptoms (other than the fact that I still think she has some back end weakness), but she said that just one spray can really help them stop itching and that we could use it short-term. I don't know how you would feel about trying that, but wanted to mention it.
I'm worried Hannah might have an ear infection because she is in her right ear so much. It is hard to tell because sometimes she itches so much it gets all red and irritated and she will draw a little blood--even with no infection! Just allergies! I have some medicine at home from the last infection, but don't want to use it if she doesn't have one, and I'm not sure I could use it with the Metacam. I am thinking I will have the vet check it on Wed. when she gets acupuncture. Hopefully that is not too long to wait.
I hope you and Zoe have some relief too. I think I am ready for Prozac or melatonin. Between my worry and one of the dogs waking me up at night I am pretty out of it. :D
Julie & Hannah
P.S. My Kujo, Izzy, is being such a good girl right now! She is overdue for a grooming (they were both going to go in last week, but I canceled after Hannah's injury) so her hair is long and it tangles easily. She was so bad when I first adopted her that she would bite the entire time, even if we weren't pulling hair. It took me and my mom to brush her. My mom is here brushing her now because she does a little better with her, and she is being WONDERFUL. She hasn't tried to bite once and is being so patient. I am so proud of the progress she's made in this area. She will still bite when she doesn't want to be picked up, moved, etc. Somewhere along the line, she became the boss...;)
OMG Julie, we have double twins, Zoe is a long lost sister to both Izy and Hannah.:):):) It is comforting to know you have a Kujo too. I was in the bedroom earlier, telling Zoe, pick up your paw and mama rubs it, good girl, have a treat. We practiced 4 times each paw and she was good. Yeah- Zoe is always the boss.
Look what I found on the DVM site:
Differential diagnoses for excessive surface and object licking include2
Diseases that cause nausea or gastrointestinal discomfort (e.g. liver disease, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal lymphosarcoma)
Dental or oropharyngeal pain or discomfort
Adrenal disorders (hypoadrenocorticism or hyperadrenocorticism may cause excessive licking because of nausea, electrolyte disturbances, or polyphagia)
Appetitive behavior (possibly as a result of mild polyphagia)
Primary central nervous system disturbances (e.g. hydrocephalus, brain neoplasia, partial motor seizures)
Attention-seeking behavior
Conflict- or frustration-induced displacement behavior
Compulsive disorders
Canine cognitive dysfunction.
She had ACTH test mid November. I think we do another in Feb. Maybe she does need dose adjustment though I think IMS will think I am nutzo.
on the case addy
Squirt's Mom
01-08-2012, 05:33 PM
Little Brickman is a voracious licker - not on himself or on me but on the furniture, floor, walls, you name it he licks obsessively. Dr. B's receptionist that has the doxies with hydrocephalus told me her babies do the same thing, that it usually indicates their electrolytes are out of whack and a little Pedialyte fixes her babies right up. I tried it with Brick and found the same result - with just a little Pedialyte, he stops the licking. Why I didn't think to share that with you...well, feeble-minded is all I can say. But when I read your post and thought about it for a minute, it hit me like a ton of bricks (pun intended :p).
Of course, imbalances in electrolytes is common with hydrocephalus and without testing you can't know for sure that is what is bothering Zoe, but a taste of Pedialyte shouldn't hurt and it may let you know if that is a possibility or not.
Leslie and the gang
Leslie- I buy any kind? How much? Her elctrolytes can be out of whack from the Trilostane. Vet is to check that when they do acth test. The temp vet did not check that in Nov because she did all the blood work for her endiscopy in OCT. Said she didn't need to recheck it.
Harley PoMMom
01-08-2012, 07:11 PM
Home-made Pedialyte:
Try this recipe for homemade Pedialyte to have available in case of unexpected illness:
1 quart purified or natural spring water
2-4 teaspoons raw, unprocessed sugar, or 1-2 teaspoons of powdered fruit sugar (fructose)
1 teaspoon Himalayan or Celtic sea salt
Boil water, add sugar (or fructose) and salt. Stir. Let cool.
Refrigerate what you do not use, but do not keep for more than 48 hours; make a new batch. Safe for pets, particularly puppies and rabbits.
Bailey's Mom
01-08-2012, 09:29 PM
Wow! Involved!!
No help here....sorry.
Squirt's Mom
01-09-2012, 09:33 AM
Hi Addy,
I simply use the baby type bought in any grocery, WalMart, etc. I use the name brand Pedialyte in the unflavored variety.
Leslie and the gang
01-09-2012, 09:44 AM
Sorry Addy, I don't have anything useful to add as Sadie does pretty well with Benadryl and did lots better when I changed her to Acana food. But I'm thinking you you and sending you lots of love and I hope you can both have some relief :)
Well, the antibiotic seems to have helped the licking the vulva. This morning she did not even try when she awoke nor after urinating so that is good news. Maybe it will just take longer with the paws because they were worse.
Now we just have to fix the paws. I have call in to vet. I will pick up some Pedialyte after work. I gave her 3mgs melatonin this am. Last night after dinner she was better about the paws. I'll see how it goes with just hubby home today. I asked if he could try not to get hyper and just ignore her or distract her. I also did not walk her on the salty road again. We exercised in the house and had her smells in the yard.
Going to check out the product Marianne wrote about.
Thanks for all the help and support, love you all.
Bailey's Mom
01-09-2012, 07:10 PM
Good luck kiddo. I hope things continue to improve.
01-09-2012, 09:51 PM
Fingers and paws crossed that things keep improving!!:)
hugssss xoxo
this is interesting too.
marie adams
01-10-2012, 01:04 PM
So glad Zoe is on the improving track!!! :p:D:)
After reading about the electrolytes being out of whack I wonder if Ella has that problem too. She really likes to lick us especially in the morning or at night when she goes to sleep.....
Isn't it funny how reading someone else's posts makes you think about what is going on with your dog. You would never think about it or really pay a lot of attention except after having a cush dog or having one now you really watch every little thing. :confused:
You are doing a great job as you always do!!! :)
I am going crazy here:(:mad:
I call the vet yesterday am and give him the report. Hubby said Zoe was doing better than he had seen in awhile. (He is home with her until 3:00 while I am at work all day). Vet calls me back and tells me to restart the benadryl for the excessive paw chewing. We had stopped it when she started the antibiotic per vet's instructions.
Note: Zoe is 17.5 pounds and we were giving her 25mg of Benadryl BID per IMS.
So, I did not give any Pedialite last night I give her the Benadryl at 8:30. Up until then she tried to lick her potty when she came in from urinating but quickly looked a way but was chewing her paws. Not sure why hubby thought she was doing so well durring the day:confused:
She calmed down after a massage though and was being good. I gave her a snack, the benadryl, took her out at 9:30, no licking and she went to bed.
GREAT I think.
This morning OMG!!!!! She is going at her potty, going at her flank, growls at me to NOt pick her up, goes to the kitchen and drinks I don't know how much water, does not chew her Kong as usual. I take her out and she pees a long time and is NOT acting happy.
So I freak out and do not give her any more Benadryl but give her 3mgs of melatonin. Hubby said she was trying to chew her feet and lick her potty all day but calmed down in the afternoon durring nap time.
I sende hubby out for Iodine after watching SKy's video as I had also read about Iodine foot soak for itchy sore paws. We will do that tonight.
I will see if I get the same reaction tomorrow. The weird thing is that the potty licking had been getting better while she was off the benadryl. I did read Benadryl can cause water retention and dry mouth.:(:(:(:(:(
THEN I read on Benadryl for that she should only be getting 10mgs. Is that right??????:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
So I am thinking do we try another urine culture? Does she have kidney disease, I'm imagining the worst of everything!!!! The antibiotic said not to give to dogs with known kidney disease. Well, she didn't have kidney disease but maybe she does now.:eek:
I'M FREAKING but will try to breathe. SHe is now laying her next to me chewing away at her paw. Note: that paw is her bad leg but she also chews the other front paw. She does chew the sore leg paw more.
trying not to freak anymore
Hi Addy,
I gave Hannah three halves of a 25 mg pill per day (so 12.5 mg) three times per day. She weighs 12 lbs. My vet said that was what I should be doing when she was bad and perfectly safe.
Hope this helps!
Julie & Hannah
Bailey's Mom
01-10-2012, 08:00 PM
Well......I was going to say it seemed to me that 25mg was an awful lot for all 17.5 lbs of Zoe. I was going to suggest cutting it in half. It can dry your mouth and it can make you very sleepy. I've not experienced water retention with it. ISTM that with such a dramatic change in behavior, and the only change being the Benadryl, I'd cut out the Benadryl if things aren't better by AM.
Take a deep breath. Now count one, two. Exhale. Repeat as often as needed.:)
One more thing...initially my vet said the normal dose of Benadryl is twice her body weight (I believe) per day, but when she was really itchy they told me it is fine to do the 12.5 mg three times. Hannah did it for a couple of months and was fine. I know it can make your mouth dry since it is an antihistamine.
It is weird how similar Hannah and Zoe are. I had to put the "cone" on Hannah because she was itching her ears so much. She is also going at it licking the front paws, and one back paw, itching her chin (which got all irritated last summer from her itching, and that's how we ended up with those wipes in the first place) and has recently gone back to the vulva area. It isn't excessive...yet...and I hope it won't be. I am using the chlorhexadine wipes on her vulva and her chin once per day to try to keep things clean and under control.
Ahhh!!! These dogs. They are going to make us lose our minds. Take deep breaths. You are worrying about everything now. One thing at a time.
Thinking of you!
Julie & Hannah
I just wrote this big long post and hit the wrong button:mad::mad:
I am worried Zoe has yeast from her sweet potato food (4 tablespoons a day) IMS said she did not but I keep remembering Rene saying Snoppy got yeast from sweet potato food.
I am worried that Zoe has some kind of stone or kidney disease.
I am worried her raw turkey diet is making her hair fall out.
I am worried that her paw is getting really sore when she walks.
I am worried her cortisol is too high even though she is NOT lethargic AT ALL.
I am worried her estradiol is going too high
I am worried her aldosterone or which ever hormone Trilostane makes go to low is going to low
I am worried she has mites
I AM JUST PLAIN WORRIED:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
How can such a sick dog wrestle like she does with Koko? How do her back legs hold up, you should see them go at it.:confused:
Her eyes are bright, she smiled at me while I ran around the house singing and acting stupid to try to divert her attention from chewing. Who knows what the neighbors think if they saw me through the window:rolleyes::rolleyes:
We did the iodine foot soak. She stood nicely in it for 5 minutes but still went at her paws afterward.
I think I am going to bed:o:o:o:o
After all, Tomorrow is, another day
Addy scarlett
smiling..........and holding my arms out to being worried, i understand, and doing distracting things regardless of what that may be, just doing it, I believe Lesile will understand completely too, and worry even if things are normal....cause is normal really normal or is this a worry something is coming normal, well you know what i mean. lol
(((((((((hugs)))))))))) love and paw hugs.
Harley PoMMom
01-11-2012, 12:22 AM
Sending tons of huge, loving, and soothing hugs.
Bailey's Mom
01-11-2012, 12:50 AM
[QUOTE=addy;67873]I just wrote this big long post and hit the wrong button:mad::mad:
SOMEONE needs to fix that bug!!!!
marie adams
01-11-2012, 01:17 AM
You are sure worried!!! I hope your hair isn't falling out like Zoe's :eek:
I wish I could make it all better!!!
01-11-2012, 01:40 AM
Hey Addy,
Just stop for a minute and take a deep breath. It's normal to worry a bit but don't let it consume you. If you spend all your time worrying about what may happen then you are missing out on the now.
I was looking for something else and came across this and though it may be something worth a try if you haven't already.
01-11-2012, 04:17 AM
Addy, I know this is easy for me to say cus I'm not facing things like you are... but I have noticed lately that the more I worry the worse Kira seemed. For so long I felt I was loosing her and she looked the part. Like she senced my worry and it made her look unwell. At least to me. My husband kept saying she's fine... If only we could turn the worry off, for just one day, and look at our doggie sweethearts with true joy. We just might find it looking right back at us.. If only we could...
We found nothing wrong with Kira. I feel so much better and Kira is practicaly doing the dog crazies! Or perhaps the Gabapentin is magic.
Anyway, my heart is with you friend...
Aww, thank you all for helping. I thought if I told you all what I was worried about it would help to let it go.
Things are not as weird as yesterday morning so, no more benadryl, at least not while she is on this antibiotic.
I am thinking alot about last year when we went through this but it was not as severe.
We did that iodine foot soak like both videos showed. I will do it BID for a few days, continue to keep her off the road and keep playing with her so she sees me happy and positive. I will continue the melatonin for now. Last night after she wrestled with Koko on the soft bed, I gave her a calming rub down and she just stopped chewing and licking for a good hour until hubby got home. At that point it was easy to stop her with distrations.
We are to get 4-8 inches of snow tonight. Maybe that will finally help.
Addy scarlett's new motto- One day at a time:D:D:D:D (we'll see how long that lasts until my twitcher fires up again)
love you all.
01-11-2012, 05:09 PM
Hi Addy,
I hope you didn't take me the wrong way. I know the worry is very real and I fall into that category too. I think people fall into two groups, the worriers and the go with the flows. I am often reminded by friends that worry does not help and sometimes makes you miss the good that is going on now. I know you can't forget the worry but you can push it back a little, and when it gets too strong again someone like me will tell you to stop and take a breath! I didn't mean to offend honestly.
01-11-2012, 05:35 PM
Jenny... Your name says it all! Best Buddy. Your concern and love means a lot to all of us. Including me. Don't you go worrying ok?
Jenny why would you think that you offended me? Did I sound weird this morning?
On the contrary, I would not know what to do without all of you. Besides, usually it is Leslie that reminds me about twitching, which I am really good at, twitching, I mean.
I have been overwhelmed, it is so hard to watch her chew constantly, very stressful. But I did list my worries so they would not seem so scary if I said them out loud. And I was hoping you all would point out why NOT to worry.;););) or tease me out of it.;):D
I don't think I put enough iodine in the footbath. I am bringing home ice tea from work so I get the color right.:D
Am I obsessive complusive? And we wonder why Zoe is?????:rolleyes:
Bailey's Mom
01-11-2012, 06:02 PM
I bet every one of us is obsessive compulsive to a a minimum. Maybe instead of writing down what worries you, you might try writing down what you're grateful for. Or....some people I know write down the worries/ resentments/etc. and put them in a box. Then they "turn them over" to the box. Kind of like-okay....that's yours now. I give up. Consider it in the hands of someone/something else. I think we're supposed to row. No one put us in charge of steering. Just paddle your heart out!! Row, row, row! (your boat.....)
Back to my thread with a bit of news.........
01-11-2012, 06:24 PM
Hi Addy,
I was just worried :D that I may have sounded a bit harsh. Sometimes it is really hard when posting because nobody can see your face and read what is really being meant.:confused:
I was just worried that I may have sounded a bit harsh
Sweetie, no worries.:D:D:D You can have some of mine though, I will give them away for free:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Or we will have Susan's Wally carry them out to sea, my worries I mean. Sometimes saying out loud what one fears, helps them deal with it. Or at least I read that somewhere.
But I will follow Sus' lead here:
I am grateful for all of you and my family and my dogs probably a whole lot more but Zoe is trying to chew her nail off so gotta stop for a minute
01-11-2012, 09:42 PM
Wish they would come up with one nice pill that would make all our pups troubles go away and us moms could relax -- well that is not happening soon....... so we have to keep alot of that choco vino on hand!! yummm I had that new years eve!!!
Addy thinking of you and praying things get better with Zoe - sending lots of love and hugsssss your way!!! xoxo
ps stay warm - I read you are getting alot of snow!!!!!!!!
01-11-2012, 10:46 PM
Wish they would come up with one nice pill that would make all our pups troubles go away and us moms could relax
They make one of those pills but it's not for dogs. :p
01-11-2012, 11:42 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D: true
you guys are so funny:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
by the time I get done shoveling I'll be too tired to twitch:p:p:p
meanwhile Zoe is now sleeping until 5:30 on her melatonin - oh happy days, getting up at 4:30-4:45 was hard:D:D:D:D
of course, now I have less time to gab here:(:(
gotta run, snow is coming
01-12-2012, 10:03 AM
Snow?? What's that? Is that the white stuff I keep hearing about?? Never seen it before, but maybe one day I would like to for maybe about 5 mins :)
Maybe to distract Zoe you could strap a small child's shovel to her and have her help ? :)
Hope she starts feeling better soon. Love ya :D
01-12-2012, 12:52 PM
how much snow did you get today?? gald zoe is sleep for you!!! I wish we would get at least one covering of snow - it feels so weird not to have snow in New England - kinda creepy - :eek:
you are going to need a nice hot bath after today!!
hugssssss xoxoxo
marie adams
01-12-2012, 01:20 PM
How are you doing today?? Worry just drains you and then the sick demons will appear.
Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!!! I hope the snow will help with what is causing the problems for Zoe. My husband said that some of the other dogs around here are scratching more than usual here. Maybe global warming is affecting all of us in the same way????:D Just kidding, but something seems to have changed. Maybe Ella doesn't have food allergies after all--no I am pretty sure she does.
If I hear of anything from some of my other dog buddies I will let you know.
Hang in there my dearest friend we will get you through this! :)
(((((HUGS TO YOU & ZOE)))))
Lol, I still had a bench with a cushions, planters and stuff in front of the house. I took Zoe out and had her follow me around while I moved everything. She thought it was great fun. Strapping a shovel to her might be good except the poor girl's feet always freeze in the snow.
If she would just stop chewing her paws, she seems to be in good shape otherwise. I am amazed how often she plays with Koko and she starts it. I am trying really hard to be happy and silly with her, playing, making her do tricks, run around the house. That though, seems to bother the one paw.
We continue the iodine foot baths. With the snow and cold, I will cut back to SID.
I have not given another benadryl since the "incident". She has 4 more doses of antibiotic. I can't figure it out but we could not figure out what was bothering her last year either. I am putting her back on the melatonin and lignans for awhile. I never really wanted to stop them.
I may have her tested again for UTI. It was negative in November.
5-7 inches of blowing snow expected. So far, it has not been much. I think it is media hype:rolleyes::rolleyes:
01-12-2012, 01:26 PM
Hi Addy,
Sorry for imposing on your thread, but didnt know where else to turn since I know your Zoe has been having same issues. I have a friend whose pup has been licking her potty area and everything else, and for the life of me, I can't remember whose thread I saw mentioned a Benadryl spray to help relief this problem? Was it yours? Again, so sorry, but if you know the name of that spray, would you be so kind to share with me. Thank you, thank you so much.
In the meantime, hope Zoe gets some relief herself soonest....ughhhh.
Much love and tight hugs.
xo Jeanette and my sweet Princess:)
Jeanette, yes I have the name of it but my IMS said not to use it there on Zoe. She did not like the idea some of the medicine might get inside her. Benadryl Extra Strength Spray.
Also, you cannot use the benadryl spray topically if you are also using oral benadryl.
We tried the wipes from Amazon. I have to find the name. I also went and bought Huggie Baby wipes with aloe and vitamin d, no harm if she licks herself ater a swipe. I wipe her a few times a day after she does her business. She was starting to get a rash there also so vet put her on simpliflex antibiotic. Not sure if I spelled that right. The bottle is at home.
Did she test for UTI?
hope this helps,
Bailey's Mom
01-12-2012, 04:16 PM
Any chance Zoe just needs a break from being wiped? Of course some times it's mandatory.....but we hardly ever need to wipe Bailey.
Just a thought.:)
Hey Sus,
How are your ears? I hope you are feeling better.
I just starting using the wipes when she went on the antibiotic for the rash she got from licking herself. We had never used anything before. The original wipes that Julie used for Hannah for some reason stung Zoe so I had to get baby wipes instead.
If I use them once or twice a day she does not lick herself after peeing. So I think they help her for now. I hope I don't have to continue with them. I am hoping it is just a temporary thing.
Jeanette- I meant the IMS said not to use it on her vulva area. I don't think I was clear about that.
Love ya,
01-13-2012, 12:11 AM
Wish poor Zoe would get some relief!!!
I hope the weather is all hype - thats alot of snow to shovel:eek:
hugssss for now xoxoxoxo
01-13-2012, 01:07 AM
Dear Addy
Sorry to hear about Zoe, hope she gets better. If seem like we put out one fire than another pops up.
HUgs Sonja and Apollo
I probably should not jinx her- two days with no potty licking.:):):)
Funny thing, before when her cortisol was high, the melatonin made her tired for awhile. That does not seem to be the case now though she does sleep later but is then ready to play and eat when she gets up. Much more active with the melatonin then last year. Waiting for the end of the antibioticsand will then slowly reintroduce the lignans.
Now have to keep working on the paws.
Sorry so short, tons of snow and a migraine.
01-13-2012, 02:54 PM
Feel better Addy :)
01-13-2012, 04:33 PM
Hope you feel better.
Sonja and Apollo
Bailey's Mom
01-13-2012, 04:54 PM
I'm sorry you're under the weather. I hope a weekend is just what you need!:)
Thanks guys, I think it is the start of another sinus infection.:(:(
OMG you will never guess but I was just reading our Humane Society newsletter and Pat Miller, the positive dog trainer, is coming to speak in February. OMG, I have her book. I love Pat Miller and Jean Donaldson.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Oh, I want to go SOOOOOOOO badly. I have a million questions. I just want to shake her hand too. I am so excited I had to tell someone who would understand. I am sure someone out there will;););).
I have to work on this one.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
01-14-2012, 09:28 AM
Hi Addy,
Thanks for getting back to me, and sorry you are not feeling well yourself:(. I would highly recommend the Neti Pot for sinuses since my husband has been using his for many years effectively, but since Melissa heard there was a incident linked to using the Neti pot, I wont be recommending it any longer....:eek:
Feel better real soon.
xo Jeanette
Squirt's Mom
01-14-2012, 09:43 AM
Here is one of the reports on Neti Pots causing infections and death.
I am not familiar with these pots or how they are supposed to be used but here is some info about the infections you can check out.
01-14-2012, 09:57 AM
It's very ironic that somebody is talking about a net pot on the forum. I've been sick with a killer cold and had a train buddy recommend a neti pot to me. Huh? A neti what? I'm a poultice slathered with Vicks on your neck and chest kinda a gal but I figured maybe I should try something else so I looked it up. Thank goodness the internet finds stuff for you even if you butcher the spelling. It is not neddy or netty but rather "neti" pot. How can so many people know about something that I never heard of? Apparently, I've lived a sheltered life for the last 60 years. The reviews were great so I'm going to pick up a neti pot today. I did run across the recent information on two people who died after using tap water in the neti pot. Who would have thought that you are fine if you drink little bacteria buggers in tap water but they can kill you if you flush the tap water up your nose.
Make sure you use sterile, distilled or boiled tap water in your neti pot and you'll be fine.
Harley PoMMom
01-14-2012, 11:31 AM
I've had sinus infections for years, even had my sinuses operated on. Went to a allergist and had all the pin pricks done (ouch) and found out I am allergic to mold and dogs! :eek:
The allergist recommended a sinus rinse made by neil med. I have been using this for over 10 years and it is wonderful. I use the bottle and not the neti pot...Here is a link for those interested:
Wow lots of good tips here > I do rinse with saline spray BID but not until it comes out my other nostril:eek::eek::eek: I have to hold my nose even in the pool if I go underwater:rolleyes::rolleyes: My allergy Beconase nasal spray says it causes frequent infections. I am allergic to mold grass and feathers. I think I am too big of a wimp for the netty pot:o:o:o:o:o:o
But guys, isn't it cool about Pat Miller? Did you guys miss that part?
Squirt's Mom
01-14-2012, 12:49 PM
Huh? Who's Pat Miller? :o:confused::p
01-14-2012, 12:55 PM
This is Pat Miller:
01-14-2012, 12:55 PM
You are so funny:D. Boy did I raise a big stink for suggesting the neti pot huh:eek: Only reason I know of it is because my husband has owned one for many, many years now since he suffered badly from sinuses. He had surgery last year though, and it has made a world of difference, hasn't had one infection since his surgery. YAY! As for the pot, he never used tap water, thank God. His ENT recommended a rinse to go along with the neti pot. I can always get the info for you in you want to consider it. As for VICS, I swear by that stuff really. WOW! I rub it also on my kids' throats and chests and feet, yeah I said feet, (the soles), for coughs. Works for me..., so I will stick to the VICS and leave the neti pot to hubby...
Hope all is well.
Much love to you and babies.
xo Jeanette
marie adams
01-14-2012, 01:32 PM
I am always open to another person's method or ideas how to train so I will study Pat Miller more indepth. How can I not--she has a donkey named Joan which is my daughter's name in English (her name is the German form of Joan)--haha!!!! That is so wonderful you can go hear her speak and hopefully ask questions!!! :)
I hope you are feeling better for the weekend. I heard about all the snow and the cold temperatures back your way. It has still been in the 70's out here, but a little cold this morning. My husband said he saw a little frost on the grass at the school he took Ella to this morning to run free from the leash.
I am keeping my fingers crossed Zoe is on a healthy track....:D
Squirt's Mom
01-14-2012, 01:36 PM
:o Oh....ok, I'm up to speed now. I was trying to connect Pat Miller to Neti Pots and getting absolutely no where! I need more coffee....
Yes, Addy, I did miss that part! :p I hope you get to go!
Leslie and her feeble brain
Bailey's Mom
01-14-2012, 05:36 PM
Wow....lots of info here, today! Thanks for the NetiPots warning. Bob has used one - I'm forwarding this info to him.
Thanks for letting me know about Pat Miller. I ordered a pamphlet.....and her book.
I have the BEST collection of books....problem is I almost never read them. I'm just not one who can keep her attention on book. I can do fine on the computer or magazines, but not books. I remain ever hopeful, however.
Hope you feel better Addy.
It's 34 degrees here and Bailey LOVES it. Crazy dog. Oh-I'm going to post some new pictures......
You guys crack me up:D:D:D:D:D Doesn't matter how crummy I feel you guys always bring me back up. My face and head stopped hurting for awhile I was laughing so hard.:D:D:D:D
Pat Miller invented neti pots, not, just kidding.:p:p:p:p:p
Lori- I watched the video of the nasal wash and freaked out when I saw all that water coming out of the lady.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Do you really do that? You are very brave. I cant do it, I really am a wimp when it comes to water up my nose. LOL!!! My face must be above the water at all times:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I hope I get to go see Pat Miller too. She is one of my heros. She used to train horses in Wisconsin. I just read that about her.
Now I like her even more.
Harley PoMMom
01-14-2012, 09:56 PM
Lori- I watched the video of the nasal wash and freaked out when I saw all that water coming out of the lady.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Do you really do that? You are very brave. I cant do it, I really am a wimp when it comes to water up my nose. LOL!!! My face must be above the water at all times:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Yes I do try to do that once a day, and it did take me a bit of time to get used to the water up and out of my nose! It feels so good after I am done and I don't get many sinus infections, maybe once a year, I probably wouldn't get any if I did the rinse every day.
Hope you get to see Pat Miller.
Love and hugs,
01-15-2012, 10:53 AM
pat miller didnt invent the neti pot?
01-15-2012, 10:56 AM
That is the same stuff my husband uses with his Neti pot, and it works wonders for him, but I have to say, if you suffer from a deviated septum, he had surgery last year, and has not gotten any sinus infections since then. As you, he used to get them too often and be miserable.
Hope you and Bear are on your way to recovery.
xo Jeanette
Hey Jeannette
How bad was it to go through the surgery? Sometimes I wonder if it is just I never completely get rid of the infection. Everything gets so inflamed, nothing will drain except down my throat and my eyes have so much pressure. When it gets this bad it seems like the only thing that helps is prednisone.
I can't believe the weekend is over:eek::eek:
Harley PoMMom
01-16-2012, 12:37 AM
Hi Addy,
I had my sinus surgery over 10 years ago and I don't think it was that bad. The only thing that was bothersome was the plastic tubes that were stitched inside my nostrils to keep them open. I had to go back to the doctor to get them flushed, that was a bit ouchy.
I really to recommend this surgery to any one that is contemplating it especially if one suffers from frequent sinus infections.
Hi Addy-
I hope you and Zoe are feeling better! For the record, I use the Neil Med bottle when I have a bad cold too. I got freaked out by the Neti Pot news because I have always used tap water...even though I think our water is much safer here in MN, I'll be boiling my water first now. I didn't think I would like the feeling either, but it provides so much relief. It is like heaven when you are really stuffed up.
Julie & Hannah
01-16-2012, 10:24 AM
it took me some time to get used to the water pouring out the other side of my nose also, but I guess it helped some. But I threw mine away I don't care how they got the infection after learning about bacteria coming in through the nose and killing people I won't take that chance.. lol taking the Anatomy class last semester and learning about how much bacteria is out there and just trying to get you!!! Oh no!! Lol
I went to see an ENT recently and unfortunately I don't have Sinusitis I have Rhinitis which surgery won't help and there aren't many meds that will even help it. :( Sudden temp changes set me off which is what happens here this time of year, but I did recently find Alka Selzter severe allergy congestion (its new) and it has really helped. I also have emergency doses of prednisone on hand that my ENT gave me for days when my ears are so stuffy they ache..
Hope you get to feeling better soon Addy. Have you tried the really hot bath, shot of Brandy yet?
I feel a bit better, thank you for asking. I took a small dose of Prednisone yesterday and my nose actually started to run. Sudafed, hot compresses, mucinex, saline spray, steam, nothing could relive the inflamation and relieve the pressure. I don't want to use up the prednisone. I put some of mine away for Zoe and I don't have many left for her.:(:(:(:(
I'll see the doctor next week if the hot compresses and breathing steam don't keep helping.
I get both sinusitis rhinitis:eek::eek::eek::rolleyes:
Okay, enough of me being sick:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I'll get a reputation if I don't have one already;);););)
Hey Julie- how is our little, sweet Hannah?
We are to get the cold front tonight. I took both pups out for a wee bit of a walk this morning before the front comes in. They were happy campers. They both needed to move forward. So did I!
love ya all,
marie adams
01-16-2012, 04:46 PM
Maybe you should see the doctor this week so it doesn't get so bad you have to take even more medicine to fix the problem or end up in the hospital yourself. I will be the MOM today for you!!!!:mad::D
I hope you got the day off for the holiday!!!!! I did!!!:p
Happy Monday!!!! Get better!!!!
01-16-2012, 06:38 PM
Yeah I agree see dr this week!!
01-16-2012, 07:07 PM
Hi Addy
Hope you feel better soon!!! Its awful to feel like that for sure!!! Mike had it to and he has to use Sudafed and thank God it helped him- I hope you get relief soon!!! If not doctor visit soon!!! Hope the furbabies stay warm!! hugssssss xoxo
Bailey's Mom
01-16-2012, 10:43 PM
Hey wait!!! I'm the Mom here!!!!!:D:)
Now little must be in bed by 9, you must drink a LOT of water and you must make an asap appt with your doc. That's why they're there.:)
World's still spinning around over here. Not as often, though.
I hope you feel all better soon!
marie adams
01-18-2012, 03:35 PM
I know you are the MOM, but I thought with your head spinning around you might get lost and not do your motherly duties....:D
Addy, I hope you are feeling better or you made that doctor's appt!!!
Squirt's Mom
01-18-2012, 03:39 PM
Hi Addy,
Just checking in on you. Hope you are feeling better.
Leslie and the gang
Bailey's Mom
01-18-2012, 04:51 PM
Well.....I AM lost....but I don't think that's anything new!!:D
01-18-2012, 08:53 PM
Hope each day you feel better and better!!
Hugsssss xoxo
Hi guys,
Thanks for stopping by. Zoe chews her kong and drinks water, long drinks. When she isn't doing that she is chewing her paws or sleeping. Since she took the last Simpiflex dose, she has been kind of off. Last night her tummy was all swollen and bloated. We have not been taking a chicken walk because of all the salt in the road and her Cush tummy is coming back. Or it is from all the food I have been giving her trying to distract her from chewing her paw.:eek::o
I am going to call the IMS and see if she can see her next week. She isn't licking her potty anymore. She is still chewing her paw. I am wondering if she needs the cone of shame:eek::eek:
Why wont they give me the blue solution and the old antihistamine? Who cares that it has been around since the IMS was a kid. If it worked once it may work again.
I am so frustrated!!!!!:(:(:(:(:confused::confused:
And i am still sick.
Bailey's Mom
01-18-2012, 11:51 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwwww....Addy......I wish I could send you a day when all's right in the world.:)
Poor Zoe....NO cone of shame......halo for the angel she is. :)
I hope you & Zoe both get very well very soon.:D
Sus (still spinning)
01-19-2012, 09:19 AM
Addy, I hope you can get this figured out with Zoe soon.. I know she doesn't want that cone of shame :(
And one more thing... Have you seen the Dr for yourself??
Squirt's Mom
01-19-2012, 10:57 AM
Hi Addy,
Ok, the feeble minded old broad finally remembered to call about that blue solution. It is called Nolvasan Solution. Here in a link about it. This link says not to put it directly on the animal but we sure did and with great results! Hopefully, we can find a smaller container of this than the gallon, too. But at least we know the name now! :)
marie adams
01-19-2012, 01:11 PM
We are going to have to have an intervention for you to go to the doctor's. Mom already yelled at you is that not enough. If you are sick who will worry about Zoe....hello!!!! :eek::o:confused:
Please call today to get an appt or do you have prompt care walk ins???? I know you would like to see the regular doctor, but please do not mess around with being sick.
I need someone to wear a red sweater with me in the non-basement.....:p
01-19-2012, 01:22 PM
Hi Addy
How are you feeling?? Hope better:) I am sorry Zoe still is having problems - yes I agree if it worked once why not again?? Hope you can see the doctor soon for Zoe and yourself if you are not better
hugssssss to both of you xoxo
Okay guys, I think I figured out why Zoe was bloated the other night. I had been giving her less than 62 mgs of metronidazole every other night for the last week. I cut back on the food and gave her the regular dose of metronidazole and she looks better ( she pooped 3 times today). Her probiotic may have to kick in again since the other antibiotic is done. Tummy bacteria could be messed up.
I found the old antihistamine on line too ( I can also get it at walmart) but I have to check to make sure it can be used with the Trilostane and the metronidazole. I would probably have to stop the melatonin.
I know, I know, I have to call IMS not just do this myself. I just want her to stop chewing her paw. I have tried so many things already, nothing has worked. Okay, I will call IMS. Wait she is not in on Friday. Maybe I will at least order the solution. That can’t hurt. I should have called her today. I am not thinking. I got so upset about Koko’s eye. I think I called hubby every hour.
well, thanks for letting me ramble.
anybody for Chocovino????????
Bailey's Mom
01-19-2012, 07:00 PM
I don't remember reading anything about Koko's eye. Did I skip over something?
WELL! There you are Marie Irene!!! Why didn't you tell me you needed some company down there?? I thought you and Wally had gone for a swim. Brrrrrrrrr.
What's this I hear about you wanting a different color sweater?? Do you have holes in the red one? Did you spill something on it and it won't come out? Did you wash it and now it won't even go over your head???!!!
Now, as for you, Miss Addy-me thinks you are stalling on calling the doctor. Not in tomorrow, you say? If you have one of those rattling chest coughs and/or a fever, I want you to march your little self on over to the ER. Waiting until Monday to call will mean she'll see you when? Easter?? 3 more days could really do you some damage. If it's just (yeah, "just") the sinus, march yourself into the shower and run it as hot as you can stand for at least 20 minutes.
Dr. Sus has spoken! (Not to be confused with Dr. Zeus.) Isn't that the goddess of love? I'm getting so confused here.
Now go put on your red sweater and sit by the fire after you have taken your shower. That's an order!!!
Sus/Mom/Dr. Sus
01-19-2012, 07:25 PM
Oh... Addy... I'm so sorry you are going thru this. It's a horrible place to be. If you're being advised to go to the ER maybe you should. You could ask them about your ideas and find out if it might help. Glad you are talking to husband lots, hope his being supportive. My husband who is normaly very not supportive was very supportive with our Mira. That meant a lot!
(((((((((BIG HUGS)))))))))
Jenny & Judi in MN
01-20-2012, 09:47 AM
((Addy)) how is Koko's eye? did you call IMS about Ms. Zoe the licker? hope things are looking better!
01-20-2012, 10:09 AM
Just catching up to speed on this thread but it seems there is an issue with what I use to call mawing at her paw. I'm sure the vet has told this could be caused from many things from allergies to diet to skin issues. Jake's brother, Ramsey, who passed last year had seven years of issues until I took him to a dermatologist at Angel Medical Center in Boston.. they are state of the art for everything there. We got to the bottom of this finally but often times when it flared it was an ear infection, which I'm sure has been mentioned and i see metronazole mentioned or it could be bacteria. But the one thing that relieved the paw chewing was making a solution of a shampoo from Verbac called Ketochlor and water and dipping her paws into into for as long as she will stay. The rinsing. You can do this when she comes in from walking. It calmed the itching down considerably and along with the meds kept the paws in check. It is a RX shampoo available at the vet... of course. But I mixed it with oatmeal soap to bath Ramsey and that made it lather and with diet changes he was almost back to normal after what Angel said was the worse case they have ever had, and they train the Tufts Vet School vets!
I have given Ramsey a benedryl pill when he was miserable and the doctor recommended the benedryl gel and that helped hot spots. i have also use solarcaine spray- if you look it's benedryl or lydocaine both with vets approval.
Thank you so much for all the info. We have tried benadryl, a skin antibiotic besides the metronidazole daily for her IBD, we tried cidar vinegar foot baths, antiseptic wipes, baby wipes, iodine foot baths, nothing has touched it.
Her IMS does not think it is dietary. Hopefully we can get in to see her next week.
I am worried at this point it is sore and hurts and is turning into a behavioral issue or maybe she keeps chewing it to make it stop hurting. It has to hurt because she now growls at me when I want to look at it.
When you used the topicals, how did you prevent your pup licking them off?
Thanks again, I'll go look up the Ketocklor.
01-20-2012, 02:19 PM
Oh Addy,
I'm sorry I missed all that is going on with Zoe:(, and here you are "shouting" for us still. Please take some time for yourself. You need a breather right about now, but yeah who am I kidding, this is what moms do, we can't afford to stop for one second, who's going to take care of the kids?:eek:
Praying for a turn for the better for you and Zoe, mom and your family.
We love you....xo Jeanette
I have used Ketochlor for Hannah too when she is itchy. My vet thinks it is the best when there is an infection because of the itching. We used that when Hannah had the infection from the vulva licking and it really helps. Sometimes they say that will even work without an antibiotic. I don't remember if we used it for just itching. Maybe she has created some kind of little infection from licking though, so this will help?? We leave it on Hannah for 5 min. or so (or as long as she'll tolerate it) and then rinse. I just keep her in the tub while I do it and hold onto her.
I hope you're feeling better and that Zoe gets some relief soon too!
Julie & Hannah
Okay I need to vent, BIG TIME:mad::mad::mad:
I called IMS, talked to her nurse, brought her up to speed, nurse goes to speak with IMS. Calls me back 2 hours later and tells me to take Zoe to her regular vet or a dermatologist because she only deals with "insides since she is an internist" and it sounds like a skin problem.:confused::confused::confused:
IMS has been Zoe's vet for everything for almost 2 years and I get the brush off?????:eek::eek::eek::mad::mad: Zoe doesn't have a regular vet, the IMS is her vet which the IMS agreed to 2 years ago.
How many thousands upon thousands of dollars and I get the brush off?:eek::eek::mad::mad:
So I call the local vet we saw 3 weeks ago and bring his nurse up to speed and that I am worried if I bring Zoe in she may bite someone since she is trying to bite me. New vet calls me back personally, not the nurse ( he called me back right away last time too). we discuss how Zoe is feeling and we decide to try the old antihistamine since it worked once. He checks his book, no drug interaction, I ask about the hypothyroidism warning and that she was always borderline because of her Cushings, he say should be okay. So I am off to find this and the blue solution. He said if I can't find the blue solution continue the iodine. We discuss the melatonin and we decide to stop it since we don;t know how it will interact with the antihistamine.
I did not discuss the Ketochlor shampoo with him yet.
So should I be mad at the IMS? Should I look for a different IMS? I really feel betrayed by her.
anyway it looks like it is you my Cush family, and me and Zoe to try to figure this out.
Thank the good Lord I have all of you to help me figure this out!!!!
I'm so mad!
really ticked off addy
Im so mad I want to spit.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
marie adams
01-20-2012, 08:10 PM
Wow!!!!! That is so bizarre that the IMS did the brush off. I would feel betrayed also!!! I know I should be giving you comforting words, but I don't get why they do this. Does the new vet have a good IMS he can refer you to when you need one??? :mad::mad:
I am glad you are feeling better, but now you have this to contend with---stress, stress, stress you do not need this right now. :D
You need a good cosmo right now, maybe chocovino...:p
I am glad the red pj's helped, I hope they go with your red sweater. :)
I don't have plans for the weekend--we are suppose to get some rain so I think it will be inside projects. We went out to sushi last weekend--it was sooo good--it had been so long.
I hope you can enjoy the weekend, relax and Zoe & Koko do not have any issues.
Take care!!! ((((HUGS)))))
Bailey's Mom
01-20-2012, 09:06 PM
Hi Addy-First I read how much better you feel, then I find you're really pissed at the IM vet.
I am guessing the vet wants to get out of treating Zoe because of the problems it poses when she comes in. That's MY guess. Of COURSE it's rude, lacking in compassion and inconsiderate of the guy to tell you to go away. Any reason not to have the "new vet" be your regular vet? My vet's frist Cushings' Case was Palmer. We were able to work most things out. She had a number of colleagues she consulted and between all of us, we kind of made our way through it.
Aren't bad things supposed to come in threes? Aren't you up to 9 or 12???? :confused: NOW CUT THIS OUT!!!!!;)
Have a relaxing weekend. They're calling for some snow here as well. Sounds like a good reason to build a fire and watch a couple of football games.
01-20-2012, 10:54 PM
Addy I pray for a cure for Zoe soon!!! These vets - ugggg I really dont get them - I have had my share with mine!!! Poor girl her paws must be so sore - I think you need a nice quiet weekend to cuddle have a choco vino or a hot choc and get some well needed R & R -- sending you lots and lots of support strength prayers love and hugsss xoxo
01-20-2012, 11:17 PM
Addy, I know this is a real stupid idea. So please don't do it. If you and your dog are so messed up your spitten angry. Biting! Poor thing. Just stop all meds, at least for a day. Sit by the fire and share some boiled chicken and see what happens. Give yourselfs a brake. I know lots of people who felt so much better when they stopped all the meds. Some can't I supose. Oh hell I wish I could help.
01-21-2012, 08:23 AM
Addy - I think the IMS owes you an explanation. Was she saying she is not willing to help you at all or just for this issue? Regardless of the answer if she had agreed to be your regular vet then she needs to be reminded of that and know that she has just thrown you to the curb after earning your trust. This is really hard for anyone to handle. She took an oath and she needs to be reminded of it. Even if the outcome doesn't change I wouldn't let it go. Not fair. Sending love, Kim
Thank you Kim, she is saying she can't help with this issue and from her end everything is in order. I don't understand since she told me to give the benadryl a try for 3 weeks and then we could try a different anthihistimine if the benadryl did not help. She even wrote that on the discharge in december. So now I call for that help and I get the brush off. She wrote on the discharge about Zoe's food as well. So what the heck are they telling me now?
And now zoe's colitis is flaring this morning. I figured something was up with the swollen tummy. I don't even know if this chewing is from itchy paws. I have been wondering if I should have her thyroid rechecked. It has been 2 years. I read they can even chew their paws from experiencing pain.
She is so snappy and crabby. She has always been high strung (like her mama) but I have learned when she does not feel well it gets a LOT worse.
I'll try to figure this out on my own I guess. I need the new vet to advise if my thoughts are okay from a medical stand point. I'll get control of the colitis and nip that in the bud.
I'm used to being on my own with Zoe. The vets have always thrown me under a bus.
Now I'm crying. Gotta go
Oh, Addy, that stinks! I would be angry too! Even if she didn't feel like she would be the best to treat Zoe (which could be the reason why she doesn't want to try), I think she should have contacted you and just given you her explanation. I know how hard it is when we invest so much time and money and most importantly, trust, into our vets and then they do something to let us down. I have had that experience a couple of times with mine (but not nearly to this degree-just little things), and it really is frustrating. I don't think they realize how important they are in the lives of some of us with pups that have many problems.
I can think of two possibilities: call back and ask to talk to the vet herself and just ask for an explanation. Stay calm and just inquire as to her reasoning. If you get the exact same explanation, I would remind her that she has been Zoe's regular vet and that she agreed to that, and see what she says. The other idea is to just go to the other vet you tried. He called back himself, seems concerned about Zoe, and is obviously not worried about her biting.
I'm so sorry you're in this position. It seems like you can't get on top of this thing, and with feeling crappy yourself, it must be extra frustrating. I feel so bad that Zoe is having so much trouble with her foot. Do you think it looks like there could be any infection there? I wonder if that is what is bothering her. They can easily get a yeast infection just from their licking and keeping it moist.
I wish I could think of more ideas to help you. Like I said, I have successfully used Ketochlor, and my vet does say that this spray with a little steriod in it (one is Gentaved, but there are others) is highly successful when they wont' stop itching. I know none of us want to hear the word steroid, and I know that Hannah's Cushing's is not very bad, so that may be easier to consider for me, but both vets felt confident that a little bit topically would be okay to get us over a hump if we needed it. I didn't ever use it, but still have it.
I'm sending some positive vibes your way. Please let us know if you talk to your vet again, or what you decide to do.
Julie & Hannah
Addy, I just read what you posted while I was writing to you. I think if I were you I would get the thyroid checked, unless they tell you it makes no sense. It can't hurt. My parents have a collie with thyroid issues and he is just "off" when it isn't regulated.
After hearing that the vet said all of that and you have info. on the discharge papers, maybe she really doesn't KNOW what else to do and this is the way she is handling it (giving you the brush-off), instead of just telling you. I don't get it.
I am so, so sorry. :(
Julie & Hannah
Squirt's Mom
01-21-2012, 09:15 AM
Hi Addy,
That really stinks for the IMS to do that even if they feel they have done all they can for Zoe in this situation. I would make a consultation appointment and sit down face to face with the IMS, remind her that she agreed to be Zoe's ONE vet, and let her know how this episode has effected you. I would not just let this slide by - for the IMS' sake as well as yours. ;) You seem to have had a pretty good relationship up to this point so you should have a foundation for such a chat.
I am so sorry you had to be given this to deal with too. :(
Leslie and the gang
01-21-2012, 11:09 AM
Oh Addy, I am also so sorry that you've been treated this way! When you're up to it, though, I do agree with Leslie and Julie that I wouldn't let this go without talking to the IMS personally. Since the nurse was the intermediary, there is no way to truly know what the IMS really intended (or whether your own info was accurately conveyed to the IMS). No matter what, she needs to know how this brush-off has affected you. It is not right for any care provider to abandon a patient without talking to them directly.
But in the meantime, you're stuck with your worries. :( :( :( :(
FWIW, here's a few thoughts. First, it looks as though the Ketochlor shampoo contains the same active ingredient (chlorhexidine) as does the blue Novalsan solution. In addition, the Ketchlor also has the antifungal agent, ketoconazole. One other thing I noticed is that the chlorhexidine in the shampoo is "chlorhexidine gluconate," whereas in the Novalsan it is "chlorhexidine diacetate." Maybe it's the form of the chlorhexidine that makes it OK to put directly on an animal's skin? Because on the same page as Leslie's link to Novalsan, there is another generic blue solution that *is* OK'd for direct wound care. And the listed ingredient for it is also "chlorhexidine gluconate," just llike the shampoo. I never took a chemistry class in my life :o, so maybe this has nothing at all to do with the different uses -- maybe there's just some other additive in the Novalsan that could be a problem. But at any rate, here's the link to the other blue product on the website that Leslie found:
Last but not least, I wanted to tell you that your old-time antihistamine is the one that I still use personally to this day, and that I was also giving to my Peg up until she started on the phenobarb. The brand name is Chlor-trimeton, which I have been able to find in grocery stores (I've also found generics in the groceries, too). The only reason we switched Peg off it is because my vet said that since she is already getting a sedating effect from the phenobarb, it would probably be better to switch her to a newer, nondrowsy med. I know you're concerned about specific interactions for Zoe which makes total sense, but I just wanted you to know that I'd been safely using it with Peg for years. And I still use it myself, drowsy or not, because it works better for me than any of the newer drugs!
Addy, try to hang in there! I can imagine how upset and discouraged you must feel. I will never forget how it drove me CRAZY to sit in the quiet house with Barkis, and hear that constant "slurp, slurp, slurp" from wherever he was sitting. Peg is also so licky and itchy, too, but at least she varies the target :o. With Barkis, it was always his paws. The skin around them turned permanently pink. I always wished so much that I could just ask him "WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT??????????????" :eek: :eek: :eek:
01-21-2012, 11:38 AM
Dear Addy,
So sorry your insensitive IMS made you angry, mad, cry and feel let down. It sounds all too familiar to me. My IMS told me the very same thing this past December when Princess rebounded with her symptoms. Reason why? as Glynda once pointed out to me is the fact that her head is way too big and it is beneath her to treat a patient whose mom is trying to play an active role and educate herself with all this cushings non-sense. I know she wants to be done with me and Princess, and under different circumstances I would have been all over that a long, long while ago, but since I do not have a backup IMS at the moment, I refuse to give this one the upper hand of dumping me and my girl before I have the honor of booting her first, and when that days comes, and it will, it won't be prettieeeee. :mad: For now I basically rely on her for the stims and meds. That is my relationship with her at this stage of the game.
I do not know what your situation is there with other IMS's, but if you have access to others, and feel your dr./patient relationship has been jeopardized, I'd jump at the chance to run off with Zoe.
So sorry you and Zoe have to deal with this on top of everything else, but sometimes they are blessings in disguise. I hope that is the case here.
Feel better soon as well as Zoe.
Much love and hope....xo Jeanette
Thank you all so very much for your understanding and support. I guess it got so I was like Shirley McClain in Terms of Endearment when she started yelling "just give my daughter the shot" in the hospital. I called for help for my little girl and could not make that dang nurse understand a darn thing so I lost it after I hung up the phone. It was like I just want an answer and I want it NOW. I did not yell at her, I just lost it in my head and my head went into the Shirley McClain zone. Does that make sense?
I was already upset yesterday because she had been chewing and chewing her paw and when I went to put her harness on she snapped at me again. It was almost like she was guarding a resourse. I finally had to put her collar on to take her out to pee. Then I had to run to work. Her behavior just makes more stress, though I do understand why she is doing it. I will not break the sacred trust again as I did when I sprayed the bitter apple on her paw a month ago It is just harder to help a reactive dog.
When I saw her poo this morning it was like the last straw. I was concerned about giving her another antibiotic, what would it do to her IBD but felt I had to try. Looks like it accomplished nothing but giving her a flare up.
If I am honest with myself, I never really did what the IMS told me to do for very long anyway. I usually changed it to my own comfort level with Zoe. But I did listen to her input and I always considered and weighed her opinion. And in my mind she had done not all that much with Zoe regarding this new problem. I had alot of questions. But then, I always do and vets dont seem to be comfortable with that. I talked to her once about it. But I just can't talk to her right now.
I think I have the right blue solution, I went to the new vet's office and explained to the tech what he and I had discussed. I have the Chlor tabs and a muzzle.
I soaked Zoe's feet and she let me look closely at her paws. I do not see any open wounds, gashes, the large pad is just not black and looks irritated. Maybe I can take a picture of it to show you.
We will try the new meds for 2 weeks and if there is no improvement at all we will go back to the new vet. I will ask how can we tell if it is mental or physical.
I'm hanging on. Sorry I lost it.
01-21-2012, 02:29 PM
Addy, I've been trying to get caught up on what has happened with the IMS. Since she agreed to act as Zoe's primary vet, she needs to be told about all of this directly. Now, for my 2 cents worth, I really think you need to see about a referral to a derm vet. I have had a derm vet on board for a number of years, now, & when it comes to skin, coat, allergy issues, they are the ones you need to see. IMO, it sound like Zoe may be beyond what a GP vet can do for her. I don't know what it is with Lhasa's & allergy issues but Barkley was severely allergic, Chewy is pretty bad, but not as bad as B, & it sounds like Zoe is getting there.
PS- Some other antihistamine choices are Zyrtec, which is what Chewy takes. Benadryl can be given as many as 3 per day, & there are several of the other OTC allergy meds that can be used. If I can find the list from my derm vet, I will post back.
01-21-2012, 02:37 PM
You know you never have to apologize for losing it - we all do that!! Thats what we are all here for - we laugh together - cry together - vent - scream - get angry - yell - etc. etc. --- we are family - so again dont ever feel you cant express how you are feeling. We are all here for each other. You love your baby - you feel so bad for her and you just want her to feel better - and that vet was totally wrong!! After all you have been through you didnt need that from her. I hope the new meds make a difference. I am sending you lots and lots of support - strength - prayers - love and hugsssssss - wish I could hand you a bottle of chocovino right now:D:D Give Zoe a kiss and hug from me and Penny xoxoxo
01-21-2012, 03:24 PM
I've tried to do a little more reading about the blue solutions, and it looks to me as though the issue has to do with the relative concentration/effectiveness of the active ingredient in the particular solution. The Nolvasan Solution definitely carries a pretty daunting EPA warning, so there must be something about their Diacetate ingredient/formulation that is different from the generic Chlorhexidine Gluconate Solution. So Addy, I'd definitely encourage you to make sure as to which solution you're using and how much you should be diluting it before continuing to soak Zoe's paws. The Nolvasan write-up definitely states for human workers to be very careful not to get the solution in the eyes or to inhale it when using it to clean surfaces, and also to clean it off their skin if they are directly exposed at the concentration with which they are using it to disinfect.
The Nolvasan people do make a specific product that they market for wound care:
Squirt's Mom
01-21-2012, 03:52 PM
From the link Marianne posted -
Rinse the area to be cleansed with clean water. A moistened gauze pad may be used to apply a small amount of Nolvasan Skin and Wound Cleanser to the affected area. Gently cleanse for 2-4 minutes. Additional water may be needed to obtain adequate sudsing. Repeat cleaning if necessary. Wipe away excess foam with a clean gauze pad. After cleansing, an antiseptic ointment or suitable dressing may be applied.
This are the instructions I was given with the blue solution from the vet in TN so this must be the form of Nolvasan solution she gave me. She poured it from a gallon jug into a little butter bowl with gauze pads in it and printed off the above instructions. She didn't say to dilute it any and the solution is quite sudsy so they may have previously diluted what she poured from and no mention of wearing gloves when using it.
Those warnings were a bit jarring to me since I have used this stuff on many pups and had great luck with it. I have always used it via the gauze and not poured directly onto the wounds - maybe that makes a difference tho I can't see that it would make much of one.
Leslie and the gang
Bailey's Mom
01-21-2012, 05:49 PM
Wow----there sure has been a lot going on over here!
Addy I don't have much to add. I do think the derm vet sounds necessary.
I love that Shirley MacLaine scene. I always wished I had a protector like that. :D I can see myself doing that in a nano second.:D
I think the fact that Zoe let you examine her paw is an indication of how painful it is for her, at other times. The growling/snarling etc. is the only way they can let us know that we're not making it better. They're protecting themselves. I think it's important that you not take it personally. She's still your loving Zoe.....she just needs for something to be done.
I agree with the others about talking directly with the vet and I think the best way to do that, by far, is to make a consult appt. without Zoe there. Don't offer any guesses as to why she acted the way she did, just ask her to explain her actions to you. You either need to get a true working relationship with this vet or you definitely need to find a new vet. There is no excuse for her behavior and you definitely should not put up with it. The only "flaw" I see is that you haven't followed her directions......which I am not faulting you for....but it sounds kind of like the situation I went through with Palmer's vet where she felt a need to remind me that she was the dr. and she had the education. I never deviated from what she told us to do, but I was getting ready to have a second opinion by another vet we know. By that point she agreed that if the second vet agreed about switching to Lyso, she would do that with us. We never got that far, as it turned out. :(
I am so glad you are using this to vent. It's best to get it out.
I wish I had more to offer. As comes one huge hug in the hopes that it gives you comfort and strength.
Addy, like others have said, there is no need to apologize!!! And, in my opinion, you have nothing to apologize for in the first place. I completely understand how you were/are feeling. I would have been in tears before I could even hang up the phone! Others are right, this IS the place to vent! We are all going through similar struggles and most of the time I feel like my "friends" on here are the only ones who can relate to me, and often, you are the ones who calm me down, and bring me some peace.
I really hope this new plan will bring Zoe some relief. And again, I am so sorry you and Zoe have had such a tough time.
I'll say extra prayers for you tonight! And please, continue venting to us. That's what we're here for!
Julie & Hannah:)
01-21-2012, 06:11 PM
Addy, I never thought about it, but Susan has a point as to how sore Zoe's paw has got to be. Remember Sas telling us that Yunah had gotten to the point that she was baring her teeth as Sas because she was so uncomfortable, & painful. It just seemed that this was so unlike Yunah that you knew something had to be badly wrong. Reflecting on this makes me wonder about Zoe.
I asked for a referral. She said they no longer have a dermatologist on staff. My response was then well, can't you give me a referral or some names? She said no I had to find one on my own. I then looked at the other speciality clinic and they have a "traveling" dermatologist. I have no idea how good they are or who they are so I called the GP because I knew he had helped an acquaintance with her dogs skin issues and she was very pleased.
I am not so sure this paw chewing is allergy related. How do they determine that? I have had vets tell me the allergy testing is not always reliable.
Zoe is a reactive dog. Has been since I brought her home from animal control. Biting and snapping is her way to cope. We had managed to overcome most of it after alot of patient work on my part. I read every book I could get my hands on about fearful dogs. Which is how I came to Pat Miller and Jean Donaldson. But I broke the sacred trust when I used the bitter apple. I don't know what I was thinking. I should have known better.
Which is why I am wondering about her thyroid again and her IBD. If this chewing is not from her feeling pain somewhere else, is tied perhaps to the obsessive need to lick to soothe herself. Or her estradiol being out of whack again. She was so reactive and then when the estradiol was normal- a changed dog, calm sweet, angel zoe.
Which is why I am so angry with the IMS. She had not even scratced the surface with this. She broke the sacred trust too but with me.
I will try to find a dermatologist. Maybe then my mind will rest about her coat and the worsening tail, her beahvior. She has never fit the norm, not with Cushings, not with IBD, maybe that is why she does not seem allergic to me. She never fits the right profiles.
01-21-2012, 08:52 PM
Addy, I wish there was something I could say to help. All I can do is send you my love and support and I pray you find the answers you need soon..
01-21-2012, 09:10 PM
Addy, what I can tell you about derm vet care is that in the right situations, it can be almost a miracle. Both Barkley & Chewy manifested their allergies with chronic ear infections. B would have an ear infection almost every time you would look at him wrong, we're talking 3-5x a year. My GP vets tried everything they knew to do, & the infections would come right back. When we finally got sent to a derm vet, (my wonderful Dr. Lewis), is when all of this finally got under control. With the Cushing's, B was not a candidate for skin testing, so Dr. Lewis put him on several meds which cut the infections done to once, possibly twice a year. Chewy went through all of the skin testing, & is on allergy shots. When the shots first started, he went about 16 months before he had an ear infection, & it's probably been a year since that one.. I really think they can help figure out what is bothering Zoe, even if it's Cushing's related. Most derm vets should be used to dealing with Cushing's as they will see them for the skin/coat issues.
I can't promise anything, but let me call Derm Clinic for Animals on Monday & see if they know of a derm vet in your area. I also checked their website, & they now have a clinic in Akron, Ohio. I have no clue as to how far that would be for you, but thought I would put it out there.
Harley PoMMom
01-21-2012, 09:48 PM
Hi Addy,
I searched the ACVIM website and found 2 derm. vets in the Milwaukee area.
Patrick J. McKeever, DVM, MS, DACVD from Lakeshore Vet. Specialist & Emerg. Hosp. in Port Washington # 262-268-7800.
Andrew Lowe - DVM, MSc, Diplomate ACVD from Fox Valley Animal Referral Center- 4706 New Horizons Blvd. Appleton WI # (920) 993-9193.
Sending tons of love and hugs, my dear friend.
i wanted to tell and your precious baby are not alone when it comes to feeling this way at doctors. Know that i am certain several of us are holding you near as you hold you precious zoe close to you. I know you both will prevail, and get through this. I am proud of you for taking active part and wanting to be knowledgeable. ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))
Hi Addy,
Just checking in to see how you're doing today. Hoping you and Zoe had a little bit of peace yesterday...
Julie & Hannah
Hi Julie,
Thank you for checking on us.
She had 2 doses yesterday and I planned on 3 today. I gave her today's first dose early this morning and so far has not even made a bit of difference.
Last night she did not play with Koko and wrestle as she always does:( That made me sad as she has been wrestling and playing and happy every night even with the obsessive paw chewing.
And she just had a piddle accident in the house. It sure has not made her tired, almost the opposite. The last time I gave her the benadryl she had piddle accidents too.
One good thing a day is her IBD is hopefully better.
The derm vet only comes to Milwaukee one day a month. I checked over the forms new patients have to fill out and the "allergy history form I would have to answer mostly "rarely" to the questions.
We are to have really bad weather rain, snow and ice today.
Tomorrow is another day:)
Big Sigh,
Hi Addy,
We are supposed to get some of that same weather. I am worried about the freezing rain and it getting slippery again for Hannah. Between her back issues and the fact that I think that is what caused her resistance to going outside a few weeks back, I am hoping it isn't too bad.
I'm sorry to hear that Zoe wasn't up to wrestling like usual last night, and that you're not seeing results that you'd like. I can't remember, have you tried another antihistamine with her? The Hydroxyzine seems to help Hannah better than Benadryl did. I think it is reasonable that it makes her drink more since it can dry everything up a little. I know there are other options out there too, but just thought I would throw it out there again.
Do you know when the derm vet will be in? Will you be able to get an appointment soon? Is that the only one near you? What a frustrating thing to have to keep waiting!!! :mad::mad::mad:
Any chance you'll try ketochlor? That might help with the itch and any sort of infection that might be going on. It seems like you have tried so much, but I guess that's the thing to do. Move through things one at a time to see if you find something that helps.
Glad to hear her tummy is feeling better. That is one positive!
I'll be thinking of you!
Julie & Hannah
I think that Ketochlor has to be prescription, doesn't it?
She is sleeping now with hubby, just laying there calmly on her back with her back feet on him. She looked at me when i went to check on her but did not stir. She gets her next pill in an hour.
This morning was just awful. She was bouncing off the walls after I gave her all her meds. How can she be such a mess and now laying on the bed like nothing was wrong? Could Hannah just lay there acting like nothing was wrong for a few hours?
My golden had skin allergies and I new she had skin allergies; she itched all over and her hair came out in clumps, she had ear infections, typical stuff.
Hubby is not happy about the one day a month derm vet. Not sure what I will be able to do with that.
Hannah always has periods where it seems like she is fine. It has never been constant licking. Sometimes she itches/bites like crazy for 15 minutes straight, and then she can go 3 hours without any issue. It is bizarre. I did get the Ketochlor from my vet. They swear by it and several of the vet techs have used it on their dogs. That is the same thing they tell me about the steroid spray I haven't had to use yet. The vet told me that would be like a last resort if nothing else stops her licking.
Glad she is feeling good right now!
Julie & Hannah
01-22-2012, 03:01 PM
Oh Addy, I'm so sorry Zoe doesn't seem to be responding very well to the chlorpheniramine. I just looked at my box, and it does say that "excitability may occur, especially in children." This always seems so odd to me -- how can the same drug make some people sleepy and other people excitable? But maybe this is the effect it's having with Zoe and it won't turn out to be a good antihistamine choice, after all. :(
It is just so hard when there are so many variables going on. FWIW, I'm now giving Peg the generic version of Claritin, so that's another one that is OK for dogs to have. In honesty, though, it has never seemed to me as though any of the antihistamines have ever helped very much with her itching. If Zoe is actually seeming worse in other ways while taking the antihistamines, I'd almost be inclined just to ditch them for the time being!
Well, I did just read I should give each antihistamine 7-10 day trial. In December IMS said 3 weeks:eek::eek::eek:
Maybe I had too high of hopes with the new antihistamine:o I told myself if she did not take a normal nap time today then I would stop the drug but so far she is happy as can be sleeping with daddy.
As soon as she wakes up I will have to take her outside and then the cycle will start all over again.She chews the side nail and the large pad on her two front feet but mostly the arthritic leg.
I used the iodine foot soak this morning until hubby can go to the vets tomorrow and confirm the blue solution. It seems it is the same solution I used 4 years ago. The instructions are the same. Dilute one part to 20 parts water. Back then they told me to make it a pale blue the color of the sky.
Maybe I should have him ask for the ketochlor when he goes.
well, I have to get her up to give her another chlor tab and take her outside.
Here we go again:rolleyes::(:o:confused::eek:
01-22-2012, 04:42 PM
Just sending a link for your info. This is an Aussie site so the drugs may be different names. It states each drug should be given 10-14 days trial so there is a bit of different info out there about this.
01-22-2012, 05:21 PM
Fluconazole and Ketoconazole were prescribed to my brothers dog for itching which including biting his feet - have you used this on Zoe in the past? He was just trying to see if someone has used it before. Thanks:) hugssss xoxo
Hi, Addy,
Sorry to hear Zoe is still having skin issues. Alivia still is, too - she has her butt furless and raw. The Benedryl spray worked for awhile but isn't helping at all now! Anyway, I know you have tried a lot of things, but I saw this on and thought of Zoe - Omega Paw Stop Paw Licking for Dogs ($16.90). I haven't tried it, but it has some good reviews. We have a vet dermatologist here and they have never been able to resolve Ali's itching. The first thing they are used to prescribibg is Prednisone and when that's out of the question it apparently gets much more complicated (and less successful).
I hope Zoe's feeling better soon!
Jenny & Judi in MN
01-22-2012, 07:07 PM
my well wishes to Zoe too! My dogs have been licking their paws more than normal lately but nothing like Zoe. sorry I have no suggestions!
hugs, Judi
Jenny- thank you for the list. There does seem to be different info as you said as my GP said Zoe could have the Chlor tabs 2mgs 3 x day and Benadryl could be 3 times a day as well:confused: I guess a happy medium would be 10-14 days:D I'll ask the GP again as IMS wanted 3 weeks:confused:
Cindy- I wish I could give input but this is a new problem for Zoe we have never had to treat so I have not yet used the drugs you asked about. The only time we ever had to treat was when she first came to us and then antibiotic, blue solution and Chlor tabs did the trick in 2 weeks. But she was a different dog then.
MB- hey girlfriend. I am so sorry to hear of Alivia having skin issues too. We seem to be in the same boat at about the same times:)
That is good as at least we have company in the boat!!!!!:D;)
Maybe it is just a really bad year for allergies with all this crazy weather.
At least it was a calmer afternoon than morning. Zoe did not bounce off the walls. I remember now telling the vet 4 years ago the Chlor tabs did not make her tired. Wish I would have remembered that yesterday:rolleyes::o
LOL, at least I am not crying, I must be delirious!!!!!
As Sus said, I must be in Sane rather than in Milwaukee:p:p:p
addled addy
Hannah has been at her paws lately more than usual as well! What is this weird phenomenon? She is nothing like Zoe and it doesn't seem to be a frequent thing, but that is not her most frequent area. She is licking all four, but mostly the front ones. She turns both feet over entirely and just licks the pads. She has had no exposure to salt, so I don't know what it is. It has been cold here for over a week now, so I don't know how it could be allergies, but I am still giving the allergy meds anyway because of the itching. If I distract her she stops, but she will pick it back up later.
I can't stand that noise, and of course it makes me wonder what is wrong that is making her do that. I don't want to deal with another infection either. I am going to try the chlorhexidine wipes. Since that is one of the same ingredients in the Ketochlor, I'm wondering if it will help. My vet seemed to think it would help prevent an infection at least, so it's worth a try. She would NEVER snap at me, so I only know when something is really bothering her when she doesn't want me to look, and that is not the case yet.
I think they have some sort of conspiracy to drive all the humans crazy! :D :confused:
And right now she is licking her vulva! :eek:
Time to go find something to occupy her. I might be in Sane with you if this doesn't stop! ;)
Julie & Hannah
01-22-2012, 08:59 PM
Checking in - hoping something gives for you soon!!! How nice it would be if something could just fix the problem soon!! While in Sane have a glass of chocovino - it cant hurt!:D mmmm wonder if our pups would like some - maybe thats what they all need:D:D:D:D
Here for you----- love hugs and strength xoxoxo
Bailey's Mom
01-22-2012, 11:29 PM
Hey Addy-I hope you and Zoe are sleeping peacefully now.:)
This is probably too easy and too simple, or maybe you've already tried it....but here goes. I know Zoe doesn't like you messing with her feet. Would you be able to somehow have her step into a pan of water anytime she's been outside? Then you could put a towel down for her to walk over and kind of dry might get off anything that might be bothering her. I was going to suggest putting in just a tiny little drop of Ivory Liquid, but that's probably not a good idea.
Another idea.....again....maybe this is one you've tried......From time to time I take Vistaril. It's an allergy medicine. It will make you sleepy, so you'd need to check about it is an Rx. Palmer's doc Rxd it for him at one point. We didn't use nearly what she sold us, so the rest went into my "stash." We went through the paw chewing bit then, but I don't remember all that we did other than the Vistaril. Maybe I'll go back and see if anything shows up on his records.
No snow here. Too warm. LOTS of rain. It is very unusual for us to get snow, being so close to the ocean.....but it has happened.
They have been replenishing the beach and it looks gorgeous. It's fascinating to watch the little boys (men) in their trucks, backhoes and scooper thingies, playing to make a HUGE sandbox. I think I could do that job for awhile and enjoy it.
Have a great Monday. Keep us posted on how it's going.
Bailey's Mom
01-22-2012, 11:46 PM
Hey Addy-
Another idea.....again....maybe this is one you've tried......From time to time I take Vistaril. It's an allergy medicine. It will make you sleepy, so you'd need to check about it is an Rx. Palmer's doc Rxd it for him at one point. We didn't use nearly what she sold us, so the rest went into my "stash." We went through the paw chewing bit then, but I don't remember all that we did other than the Vistaril. Maybe I'll go back and see if anything shows up on his records.
Rimadyl..that's what we used. My memory tells me it was very effective.
doesnt Rimadyl have several effects on kidneys and liver though?
i have also heard of the spitz foot bath.....have heard placing benadyne (spelling) in it helps sanitize the feet here is good video, i may have already shared this with you though....sorry if its repeat.
Bailey's Mom
01-23-2012, 04:06 AM
Important Safety Information
RIMADYL is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication available only by prescription through your veterinarian. As with other NSAID-class medications, signs of RIMADYL intolerance may include appetite loss, vomiting and diarrhea, which could indicate side effects involving the digestive tract, liver or kidneys. Some of these side effects may occur without warning and, in rare situations may be serious, resulting in hospitalization or even death. If these signs occur, discontinue RIMADYL therapy and contact your veterinarian
I don't remember how long Palmer took Rimadyl. Conceivably it could have contributed to his death. I had a pretty conservative vet and I feel certain she was aware of these side effects. Before Cushings' came on the scene, I did not do much research on medications we received. Palmer was never really sick, other than his knee displacement issues. That involved surgery.
I neither recommend nor non recommend this to you Addy. I was just providing my experience.
The piece I posted was directly from the Pfizer site.
Sus :)
Sus I know what your point is, the chewing was coming from pain for Palmer and I have to wonder that for Zoe as it is mostly her bad leg though she will go at the other front paw too, just not as much.
Zoe had a bad reaction to Rimadyl years ago and I can't give it to her.
Hubby thinks I should pay for a consultation with Dr. Peterson to clarify some things for us. He thought in all Dr. Peterson's years of treating Cush pups he might be able to point us in a direction after answering some of our concerns about her thyroid, her behavior, etc.
He thought it might be money well spent.
Thanks Skye for your input as well. I understand your concern.
Julie- maybe the dogs are trying to tell us they need a vacation:):)
Cindy- hope things go well with your aunt this week.
I hope I did not miss someone- I am typing and watching Zoe chew her paw at the same time:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
01-24-2012, 12:31 AM
Thanks Addy aunt is coming along but after two broken femas she will never be the same and she is really depressed about it. Can't blame her. Hope Zoe had a better day today
Loves and hugs. Xoxo
I know, it is sad. Same thing with my mom. Getting older stinks sometimes.
Zoe's roller coaster ride is something else! I'm looking in to the traveling derm vet, one day a month. Hubby does not like that option at all but will give in if it is what I want. He doesn't understand how that could be an effective relationship. I agree but not sure what my other choices are.
The reason I went to our IMS in the first place was the clinic had good references and had every kind of doctor I needed. Well, I guess with the recession, they have cut back. I went on their website and the dermatologist is gone, the other internist is gone and they verbally told me the oncologist is on maternity leave. My IMS, I am sure, is so busy I dont see how I will get the attention I need.
Still weighing my options while we try out the new anthistamine which does not seem to be doing much so far. It is up and down and mostly down. She had a bad night and not a good start to the morning.
01-24-2012, 08:53 AM
Addy, I've been thinking over your suggestion about perhaps consulting with Dr. Peterson, and I am going to take it one step further...
This would be both expensive and time-consuming :o :o, but would it be nutty to arrange a complete hands-on workup of Zoe at the Vet School in Madison? I looked at a map and see that Univ. of Wisconsin is about 80 miles from Milwaukee, so it definitely would be a drive. And planning an overnight trip to the Vet School wouldn't qualify as a fun vacation, that's for sure. But surely they have every specialty group on faculty there, and maybe with a planned visit, you could make sure that Zoe is seen by dermatology, internal medicine specialists who are expert in both Cushing's and GI abnormalities, and any necessary testing could be done on the spot. And then they can all talk with one another and hopefully come up with a consolidated recommendation.
Through the experiences of family and friends, I know there can be trade-offs to being a human patient in the setting of a university teaching hospital. But from a diagnostic standpoint, one huge plus is that you are getting the benefit of the combined thinking of the best-and-the-brightest who are aware of all the cutting-edge treatments. And sometimes it is even just the off-handed question of one newbie med student that turns on the light bulb for the whole group.
As I say, just a thought. It may not be reasonable or workable for you to consider right now, but maybe a possibility sometime down the road.
01-24-2012, 09:35 AM
Addy, I wish I had some great or even good suggestions for you.. :(
All I can offer is my love and support and a warm place to visit if you and Zoe want to come play on the beach one weekend.
Hugs and love from us..
marie adams
01-24-2012, 11:53 AM
Good Morning Addy,
I like Marianne's suggestion, but I know sometimes doesn't work in the scheme of things. I think if I had been closer to UC Davis Vet School (it is way up north from here) I would have taken Maddie. I called up there a few times and they were very helpful--especially in the beginning stages of me learning about the disease.
Zoe has so many things going on and they may be Cushing's related, but who really knows because each dog is different--just like us.
You are so helpful and loving to all around you I wish I could help you more. The stress is hard to manage sometimes, but you do a good job of pulling through.
So if I got you that yellow slicker, hat, and I will even let you wear my spike heel rubber boots will you get a big smile on your face???:D:):p
01-24-2012, 12:04 PM
Awwwww addy so sorry Zoe isn't getting better. I know when you don't have many choices what can you do. Did you research the traveling vet? Maybe it's worth it to give it a try?? You are one strong sweet lady:) Still praying you will find something that works!
Lots of love hugs and prayers coming to you and Zoe
Dr. McKeever founded the veterinary dermatology program at the University of Minnesota , and served as the primary professor there for 27 years. Many of the veterinary dermatology specialists in Minnesota have studied with him at one time or another.
This background enables Dr. McKeever to see beyond the obvious in arriving at a diagnosis. His years of experience in diagnosing and treating thousands of animals with skin disease allow him to determine which diagnostic procedures will be most rewarding, and which medications and doses will produce the best results. What ever skin or ear problem your family pet has, Dr. McKeever has probably seen and treated many like it. He has the insight and patience to determine what's truly bothering your animal ---and the skill to control it.
Info on the traveling derm vet. What do you think? I called and they told me he will be in my area 2/14 but he fills up fast. They said he had a lot of experience with Cushings too.
The clinic he comes to also has an IMS. Zoe's file is so thick not sure how they will send it over or have time to read it.:eek::rolleyes:
Madison is hard for us to do. My neighbor went that route with her pup. She gave it mixed reviews and am afraid about the stress for Zoe staying overnight there. She does not handle being crated well and does not travel far well.
Thank you all for your input. Always brings smiles to my face.
Harley PoMMom
01-24-2012, 02:10 PM
Hi Addy,
I searched the ACVIM website and found 2 derm. vets in the Milwaukee area.
Patrick J. McKeever, DVM, MS, DACVD from Lakeshore Vet. Specialist & Emerg. Hosp. in Port Washington # 262-268-7800.
Andrew Lowe - DVM, MSc, Diplomate ACVD from Fox Valley Animal Referral Center- 4706 New Horizons Blvd. Appleton WI # (920) 993-9193.
Sending tons of love and hugs, my dear friend.
I am just wondering if this is the same McKeever that you mentioned in your post?
01-24-2012, 02:52 PM
Hi Addy,
If I were in your shoes, I'd jump at the chance to have Zoe seen by Dr. McKeever. His bio is really, really impressive and I know from first hand experience that dermatologists are more familiar with endocrine disorders because it is skin problems that are often the first and sometimes the only symptom. Zoe could have any number of issues going on with her at the moment and who better to sort through the likely causative factors than a board certified derm vet, especially one with Dr. McKeever's credentials. You may just get the best Valentines Day gift ever from Dr. McKeever. :-)
01-24-2012, 03:30 PM
Ditto to what Glynda said. Go for it and book it before he fills up! She's right it may be a wonderful Valentines gift which you so deserve something wonderful right now!:)
Love and hugssssss xoxoxoxo
01-24-2012, 04:08 PM
I'm on board, too! It sounds like a really good opportunity to me. And even though the vet is only physically in the office once a month, I would feel certain that there'd be a mechanism for you to ask questions at other times, even if not face-to-face. Once you've had that initial consultation, you can probably talk over the phone or via email.
bad news- I can't get in until March. Whomever I spoke with yesterday gave me wrong info.
She wont have a foot by then:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Lori- it is the same dr you found yes.
and also- this clinic just bought a building right near my house and will have a staff there on rotating days so I could see this derm vet and an IMS on rotating days starting in march.
What do i do until March?
01-24-2012, 06:59 PM
all i can say is Ugggggg! Figures they cant see you till then!! Can you put your name on a waiting list - Hope you get a break soon!!! I know it is so frustrating to see Zoe like that - poor Zoe - her little tootsies must be so so sore!
Hugssss xoxoxoxo
Okay, I work well under pressure, a plan is forming, mind is racing, sometimes God works in mysterious ways.
I found the new GP vet last winter when I was planning on putting Zoe on a low dose of Trilostane. I thought the IMS would not do it. We emailed each other back and forth. I liked him. He told me all the Cush dogs see the IMS in Pt Washington but he also thought my IMS was good.
Now Port Washington clinic tells me they will have a clinic right near my house, right near the new GP vet. The Cush IMS will be there rotating days as well as the derm vet once a month AND new GP is right nearby too.
No more driving 45 minutes to old IMS who probably won't be at that old clinic much longer anyway, looks like all the vets are leaving it.
So, I am making appointment with GP for Zoe for next week so he can thorougly check her paws and calling back to be put on waiting list for derm vet as well as schedule March appointment. depending how it goes I will have consultation with new IMS in March too, Zoe will need ACTH test. Just have to find out when in March.
Not used to all men doctors:confused::o:o
I think I have a plan. God works in mysterious ways. It has to be a sign. This will be a good thing. Time for a fresh look, a new eye.
I feel good!!!!
love ya,
01-24-2012, 07:56 PM
sounds like a plan to see the GP! :)hope the derm calls you soon from their waiting list!! fingers and paws crossed!!:)
love and hugsssss xoxo and lots of prayers!!
Bailey's Mom
01-24-2012, 10:52 PM
THAT's my girl!!!:):):):):) You're back in charge!! Man, what a plan. Sounds like divine intervention to me!! I am so happy for you. One more thing to the waiting list people every other day......say...I was just checking...wondered if you got a cancellation since I last talked with you. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.:p
Great, great news.:D;)
marie adams
01-25-2012, 12:48 PM
Jumping for Joy!!!!:)
Yes, Pressure works to get the mind thinking out side of the box.
We now have a male vet and at first he seemed distance, but every time since he is a little more down to earth if that makes sense. He jokes more and if he feels it is not necessary to do something or have a shot for this or that--he tells you--you don't need that....I like that thinking.
I am so glad you do not have to travel so far to go to the IMS now. I know Ella wouldn't make it 45 minutes in the car. We thought she was doing so well and then Sunday--almost home and BARF!!!
God does have a way of intervening when we need him most!!!!;)
we see GP vet next week Tuesday for paw check
our appointment with Dr. McKeever March 15th- they are calling today for Zoe's records. (My birthday is March 30th- maybe I will have a good birthday present from Dr. McKeever).
depending the result of that appointment- will then schedule with new IMS
yesterday and last night Zoe did really well, not a lot of paw chewing but then she woke up at 2:30 in the morning and started chewing on her Kong. She has never done that EVER.
But at least last night after work was pretty calm and that was truly a gift. She was sleeping when I left for work.
I better practice the dang muzzle some more:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::eek:
01-25-2012, 01:29 PM
Good luck with that muzzle, it's so funny to me sometimes how looks can be deceiving. Zoe looks so sweet and innocent, but watch out vets! Sadie is this massive 90lbs muscle beast and she doesn't care who touches as long as she has the attention!
Good luck with your appointments also :)
01-25-2012, 01:32 PM
So glad your appointments are made:) They may even surprise you and have a cancellation earlier for the derm - I hope its all resolved by then so you will have a wonderful birthday present:D
Glad Zoe had a good nite and yes you better get practicing with that muzzle for sure!!:D My girlfriend took her dog to the vet yesterday and yes the dog bit the tech - but vets fault my friend said to muzzle her dog and he say no!!!
hugsssss xoxo
We sit on the floor, Zoe, Koko and I with the muzzle and a bag of chicken. In happy voices I ask what's that? They both smell the muzzle and then get a treat. We try it on Koko first for just a second, quick on, quick off, they both get chicken. Then its Zoe's turn, quick on, quick off. Repeat 3 times, then put it on and clasp it, quick off and Zoe gets a jack pot .
So far so good. I have to remember to not rush it or push her over her limit. We practice again tonight. She is starting to target the muzzle, a quick touch with her nose.
I may not be doing this by the book, but it seems to work at home. Not sure how it will go at the vets.
love ya all,
01-26-2012, 09:43 AM
Good luck Addy. :)
Bailey's Mom
01-26-2012, 05:39 PM
Addy-how cool.:cool: Can I come over to your house to play?:D
I know you have a rough time getting Zoe comfortably to the vets, but if you can manage it, I'd have the muzzle on before you leave home. If she gets used to "playing" with you, it seems to me it would be much less threatening to her to put it on at home. If you wait until the vets, then she associates it only with the vet. At a minimum, I'd put it on her in the car before going inside the vets.:rolleyes:
...not that you asked............:)
01-26-2012, 09:43 PM
Yeah I agree... COOL! That's got to work!
Fingers Crossed!
01-26-2012, 11:47 PM
Addy so glad it's going smooth and hoping it works at the vets. Maybe you should put it on in the car. You don't wanna stress her out once she gets in there. She will be stressed enough just waking through the door:eek: Penny freaks on ride ther. How weird they know when they are headed there!!
Hugs to the three of you ooooooo. Keep practicing:D
marie adams
01-27-2012, 12:13 PM
You are closer to quitting time than I am--9 am here!!! :mad: I really need to get some sales under my belt, but these customer's just aren't accomodating.
So now I am glassless (except for the 99 cent store ones that I can read with, but the distance makes me sick)--Ella chewed up my last pair (and these were old ones from 2 sets back) the only good thing is they were not a new pair because I haven't gotten around to ordering them yet. :eek:
How is Miss Zoe today? I hope better. How are you?? Better now that you have a plan in place and it is a good one if you ask me!!!
Happy Dancing Friday!!!! :D
i think that is a great idea rewarding something spooky positively. That is EXACTLY what i do with trimming the toe nails. some dogs freak completely out at the sight of i would start leaving them out, and then incorporate them closer to them so they got to seeing them all the time. and even on floor when playing, then when i trim a nail tons and tons of praise and a tiny tiny nugget of treat. and for the ones that get really stressed, i will do only one nail a day. lol. then tons of praise and tiny treat. or wait till their sleeping trim a nail, course they wake up, like WHAT??? and i am already done and praising them and offering a treat. lol, so i think what your doing is a great way to do this.
01-27-2012, 10:30 PM
Dear Addy
Sorry I have not been checking in. I hope you Zoe, and Koko are doing okay. Hope your mother is improving.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo.
Thanks guys. This morning we played muzzle and she actually woofed for chicken while the muzzle was on. I hope that is a good sign.
I think I may take Koko with us. If I tether her in the backseat alone, she's going to know where we are going.
I wish I could say there is improvement with the paw chewing. When she is up and about she won't leave them alone. She will sleep all night and be fine. Shw will take her afternoon nap and not think about it. If I play with her with food she is fine but even then sometimes she will drop and chew in the middle of playing. It has been a week on the Chlor Tabs. The other night I thought we had turned a corner but it was short lived.
Those of you going through allergies and the biting and chewing, I don't know how you stay positive all the time. I try for her sake but inside I feel much dispair. There are so many posibilties, I don't see how we have time to try them all. March seems a long way away.
Hi Addy-
It sounds like there has been some encouraging progress with the muzzle. That is great news! I also think it sounds like a good idea to bring Koko to throw Zoe off a little.
I wish I had some advice to give you about her paws. Both Hannah and Izzy are doing quite a bit of paw licking (mostly pads of front feet) and I have had to put the D.A.P. (calming) spray on a bandanna on Hannah the past couple of nights to get her to calm down and stop licking before bed. Once she calms, she conks out, and then is fine. Izzy has had no previous allergy issues, so I don't know if it is something allergy related with our weird weather or what. Neither of them do it excessively at this point, but Hannah is definitely doing it more than Izzy and with some real vigor sometimes.
My husband, who has never had allergy problems, had been miserable for a few days (earlier this week) with sneezing and a runny nose. He thought he was getting sick, but I told him I thought it sounded like allergies, based on how I feel when mine are bad. We couldn't figure out what he could suddenly be allergic too, and it had been pretty cold here for a while, but then warmed up again. He finally went to the doctor, and sure enough, that's what it is. They don't know what he is allergic to and we aren't going to find out for now, but the allergy pills he got have totally done the trick. I wish you could find the same relief for Zoe. I'm still giving Hannah her pills too, but I honestly don't know if she itches any less than if I were to stop. It just seems like there are bouts of itching and licking, and then hours without. I can understand your worry and frustration. March must feel like years away...
Hang in there...
Julie & Hannah
Thanks Julie,
Zoe chews, sometimes really hard, on the large pad and the side nail on her front paws. The nurse at the new vets gave me some calming treats to give Zoe before the visit. She said I should try them out at home. I asked about reactions with any other drugs she said no interactions. The only thing that worries me is anything "new" food wise even just one new treat can set her IBD off so I am afraid to try them.
I asked our compounding pharmamcy about Vetoryl, melatonin and the Chlor tabs, he felt from his information, that it would be okay to give all three but I am a bit concerned about trying it. I may just try one dose of melatonin today, replace one of the Chlor tab doses. I don't think the Chlor tabs are really doijng anything except making her retain water.
Tell me about this calming spray. Maybe I could try that instead of the calming treats. The treats are Vetri-Science Laboratories Composure TM Mini chews. It says on the package for veterinary use only. Package says to give 1 a day or double or triple the dose for stressful events. Maybe I will google them;););)
Hi Addy,
I believe there are a couple of versions of the spray I am talking about. The "original" is D.A.P. (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) Spray. It is good for short-term calming (car trips, vet trips, etc.) They also make D.A.P. collars, which last about a month, I believe, and are good if the dog needs it all the time. They also make a plug-in diffuser that you can plug into the room where your dog spends the most time (or you can put a few in your house). There is another version, Comfort Zone, that is the same thing. I have the D.A.P. collars and didn't notice a huge difference when my dogs wore them. I have tried the diffusers too (didn't notice a huge difference either), but the spray on the bandanna (you don't spray it on the dog, but on their bed, blanket, bandanna, etc.) seems to really calm Hannah. It is temporary (like 15-60 min.), but I see a definite difference. Many other people see a huge difference with the diffusers and the collars, so I think it just depends on the dog. I have the same success with the Comfort Zone spray as the D.A.P. spray. I ordered my last shipment from Revival Animal Health and got it really quickly. (I got two of the collars and a bottle of spray that time). I have also ordered from the other online sites. You can get Comfort Zone at many pet stores as well, but it is cheaper online.
Also, when I went to the acupuncture vet, they recommended some kind of oil that you can put on your dog's tongue, in a treat, or in water that can calm them. I believe they said I could get it at a co-op. I can't remember the name. I'll check the next time I call them. I know I have found Rescue Remedy online (and that might even be it), which sounds similar.
Something like this might be worth a try. Izzy seems to get some relief from it, but Hannah really responds. There is a clear difference every time I put her bandanna on her (or spray it on her bed). There is a little odor until it sets in, so spray it away from the dogs and your face, but if you let whatever you spray it on sit for a min. or two, it's gone.
Good luck!
Julie & Hannah
01-28-2012, 08:13 PM
Addy hope you and the babies are having a good weekend:D:D
hugs and love xoxo
marie adams
01-30-2012, 12:44 PM
Happy Monday Miss Addy!
I tried to box up the sun and warmth and send it your way, but it kept escaping out of the box. :mad: It is suppose to be warm again starting Thursday so I will try again. :D
I hope you kept warm this weekend and enjoyed a good fire with hubby, Zoe, and Koko. How is little Miss Zoe doing? How is your mom?
You are the GREATEST!!! Just remember that!!!!:D:p;)
01-30-2012, 02:26 PM
oops! sorry...
Bailey's Mom
01-30-2012, 04:12 PM
oops! sorry...
01-30-2012, 04:14 PM
LOL Jeanette, have you been in the Chocovino again?????
I'm on the floor laughing so hard I am crying!!!!!!!!
Now I'm coughing:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Jenny & Judi in MN
01-30-2012, 08:27 PM
Hey Addy: there is a good discussion on the diabetes forum about skin problems and what people use. Here is the link while you are googling and reading. Hope you and Zoe are OK
Hi Judi,
thank you so much for the link. I am off to read it before work.
Hope it is warm in MN. WI is to have 54 degrees today:)
Jenny & Judi in MN
01-31-2012, 11:30 AM
54!! :eek: that is tropical!
i hope it doesn't trigger any allergies!
I can finally breathe a deep breath. OMG. So I come home from work to take Zoe to the vet. She is happy as can be napping with Daddy. She gets up and I take her out. She does her business and we walk up and down the drive way for 10 minutes. She comes in the house and starts chewing on her paws and turns into Baby Kujo. I can't get her harness back on, she is snapping at me and I am terrified about how will I muzzle her at the vet if she is like this at home?
Finally hubby gets her harness on and now she won't let me pick her up to put her in the car. So I have my ski gloves on and I pull her bluff and pick her up in the middle of her snit which shocks the heck out of her and tether her in the back seat and I don't look at her or say anything while we ride to the vet.
We get into the waiting room and I sit on the floor and start to play muzzle and Zoe is back and Kujo is gone. I muzzle her just fine. No problems, the vet examines her, she is perfect. I take the muzzle off and she sits next to me on the floor:confused::confused: Calm as a cucumber.
Long story short, she did not bite anyone, she is not in quarintine, I almost had a nervous breakdown but am recovering.:eek::eek:
Verdict- bacteria between her toes- back on Simplifex for 2 weeks, we have steroid topical spray for her paws, continue antihistamines and he agreed I did the right thing by making the derm vet appointment in March.
:confused::confused:Now my question- topical spray says "use a small amount" what the heck is a small amount? Gentamicin Spray He said put it on in between her toes and higher on her side nail, walk her for 15 minutes so it can dry. I think I am brain dead now and I can't figure this out.:confused::confused:
heart rate almost back to normal addy
P.S. forgot he thinks it is air borne allergies not food allergies and said there is a blood test we can do?
Hi Addy,
I'm glad you made it to the vet and through the experience! And you got some answers! Yay! All good news. :D:D:D
I am sorry that you are now left with questions. If I were you, I would try just one spray and see how she does for tonight, and then call tomorrow and ask for more info. on what that means. I have also called the ER vet when I have worked myself into a frenzy to ask if they can offer advice. Usually they are willing to help me out enough to get me through the night.
If you are too worried about trying it at all, then I would wait until tomorrow. It isn't going to kill her to wait one night. It does sound like you have a great plan, and according to my vet, the sprays can work wonders to get them to stop licking, so hopefully Zoe will have some relief soon.
I do think you can test for allergies. My parents had a Shih Tzu who had non-food allergies and she was tested and they gave her injections. Unfortunately, they didn't work very well for her, but for many dogs they are successful.
I wish I could offer you better advice, but like I said, I would start small to give her something. I am so, so glad to hear that the trip went well though. Zoe was such a good girl!!! :)
Take care of yourself tonight!
Julie & Hannah
Bailey's Mom
01-31-2012, 10:04 PM
oops! sorry...
I STILL don't get this. ^^^^ that.
Bailey's Mom
01-31-2012, 10:10 PM
Hey Addy!
I'm so glad the vet visit went well. All goes to show you, our doggies are training us. Plus-as Sas has said-if you don't give bad behavior attention, they will get bored with it.
I think "small amount" means just a quick spray. Don't spray until it starts dripping. Just a quick all over. Kind of like how you'd spray your hair (unless you're from West Virginia!) ;) [Gee-I hope there aren't any West Virginians reading this!] :eek: That is-if you were to spray your hair. I hardly ever do that.
I am having one heck of a time typing. I think I'll get back to this tomorrow!!
02-01-2012, 01:58 AM
See Zoe knew when to be good!:D. Glad the visit went well! I know prior to that was alittle rough but glad it got better.:). I agree with Susan. Just a quick spray like a mist. Don't soak it. Hope things get better for Zoe from here!
Hugsssss xo
Thank you all. We got it figured out last night with your input and Glynda's.
Glynda- the wrapped blanket worked well for my little demon for half the time, I think I did not wrap it tight enough;)
She was up early in the middle of the night and then settled. I give the cefpodoxime with supper so she does not settle well during the night. I don't want to give it with her Trilostane and metronidazole and I want to make sure it is well apart from her probiotic too. I guess I can put up with the restless evenings for 2 more weeks.
I'm not super hopeful about this working but we will see.
I have my hands full so gotta run. This spray treatment takes a good chunk of time and I can't be lat for work.
Sorry I did not have time to read all your threads and check up on you all.
02-01-2012, 12:26 PM
Addy - what side effects does Zoe have with the anticiotic - Penny is on the same one - she has to be on it 21 days - 4 more days to go -
marie adams
02-01-2012, 01:10 PM
Good Morning Sister Addy Scarlett,
I admire you for being such a good nurse to Zoe. Sleep is overrated as my husband would say. :eek:
Here is hoping today is a better one and the schedule of Zoe's med's and spray med's gets better and easier to handle. You are a trooper so it will happen. :)
Cindy- Zoe bloats up, is restless, is thirstier and pants more. She only pants when she has tummy pains and this morning her tummy was making noises so I suspect it is bothering her IBD to some degree. She seems to have more of a problem with the antibiotic when we add an anthistamine to the mix but unless it gets bad, I am keeping her on the Chlor tabs. :)
Marie- mornings are a zoo:rolleyes: It is like trying to get ready for work and having 2 two year olds, one of them sick:rolleyes: Of course Koko has to supervise everything and lay on the floor with her to watch her get her paws swabbed and then sit on the floor wondering why Zoe is wrapped tight in a blanket and on my lap (Glynda, thank you for that tip as it worked much better this morning). I then had Zoe follow me around the house on a leash while I finished getting ready for work, which drove Koko nuts as well but she did not lick her paw for 45 minutes so I knew they were good and dry.:D:D:D:D;);););)
Hubby has it easy because he leaves for a few hours in the am and then comes back and has nap time, then locks them up and goes to work. So by the time I get home they are raring to go:eek::eek:
Bailey's Mom
02-01-2012, 02:40 PM
Hey Addy!
Does Marie Irene think we need BIG TYPE????
Maybe she's the one who needs it....yuk, yuk, yuk.:D;)
I'd like to be wrapped up in a blanket and held on someone's lap. What time works for you????:D:D
02-01-2012, 04:05 PM
Hi Addy,
I'm glad the magic wrap worked for you and Zoe. You almost have to mummify them from the head down to get a really good calming effect. I have a snotty brat that can't be trusted to play nice so I have to take him by surprise with a beach towel and quickly wrap him up as tight as a drum in order to get drops in his ears....the little turd! I think it works on the same principal as the thundershirts but even better because they are totally enveloped. I learned that trick from a fellow rescuer who also focuses on special needs dogs, some of whom have a real attitude like my Jojo. :D I've done it numerous times on dogs who needed topical meds or prescription shampoos that need to be left on for several minutes.
marie adams
02-01-2012, 07:26 PM
My father in law use to wrap up our babies like that to calm them down. He had such a way with his grandkids--they loved him!!:) So I would think this same principal works with dogs. I can just see me doing this with Ella!!!:eek:
Yes Susan, since Ella ate my glasses I need to see big letters!!!:D
I need big letters even with my glasses
I'm going to have to start singing the "Wind Beneath My Wings" to our Glynda.:):):):):):)
Shoot, I think I sang it off key:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Bailey's Mom
02-02-2012, 12:01 AM
Marie Irene-
Ya know-my dog ate the corner of a blanket......and my homework.....but your glasses????!!! Tell Ella she'd better shape up or we'll send Wally to whip her butt!;)
Addy---or is it Addled Addy? Sounds to me like you need a break. At least your shoes matched!:D
Happy Thursday gals!!
Hi Addy-
Hope the med routine went smoothly this morning. I'm glad to hear the blanket idea worked so well. I'm going to have to try that on Kujo-Izzy. When she had her first corneal scratch I had to wear my husband's thick winter gloves to hold her head to put drops in. Thank God she is better about eye and ear issues now, but she still wants things done on her terms and is so fearful of things.
I thought of you this morning because Kujo came out when I tried to get her into our bedroom to lock her up for the day. (I just have a baby gate in our doorway so they have to stay in one room). She must have been mad about going in there because she just went after Hannah when Hannah went up to sniff her. Sometimes she takes her frustration out on poor Hannah. Sometimes she gets worked up barking at things outside and she'll go bite Hannah after...I think because she is so worked up and can't do anything about it. Luckily my sweet little Hannah doesn't fight back unless there is something to do with food.
Izzy likes this bedroom arrangement better than when they were locked in our kitchen, but she still doesn't like when I leave and sometimes won't go in there on her own. We are almost never allowed to pick her up; she'll bite us (has drawn blood on me on several occasions) or try to bite. I have to either pick up a dog bed while she's in it (and be quick about it) or as a last resort, put a blanket over her and pick her up. It is terrible.
I really think she was abused or not at all socialized before we adopted her. She has come a long way, but this biting is terrible. I am planning to have kids soon and I am very worried about her with children. I have to have her on a leash or in my arms when my friends' kids visit. I think I might need to do some reading about the woman you mentioned that helped you with Zoe. Who is that again?
Anyway, I've gone WAY off on a tangent, but it sure is tough figuring out my little Izzy. She can be the sweetest little thing and loves to get cuddles (when she wants them) and gives me tons of kisses, but she seems to want to be the boss...or otherwise does not trust us at all. We hired a behaviorist to help us a few years ago because of the thunderstorm/loud noises fear and the biting. It didn't get us anywhere.
Any advice you have would be so much appreciated! I can't bear to think of not keeping Izzy when I have kids, but I can't risk her biting them either, so at this point I have told my parents they might have to take her if we can't get it figured out. I plan to buy a baby-sized doll in the near future so we can start practicing. Ugh. It sounds like you have made so much progress with Zoe, so that gives me hope. Anyone else who is reading this, feel free to offer your advice too!
Have a good day, Addy!
Julie & Hannah & Izzy (Kujo)
Bailey's Mom
02-02-2012, 07:00 PM
Where is Addy today? Has she gone off with Carrol? Did she run away from home? Is she still looking for the "right" shoes?
Oh where oh where has my Addy gone?
Oh where oh where can she be?
With her Zoe and Koko and Kudjo there,
Oh where oh where can she be?
I hope everything is okay. You are such a constant that more than 24 hours without hearing from you makes me worry.:(:confused:
Hi Sus,
I LOVE your song:):)
I'm here, just having a hard time juggling Zoe. This morning I was brushing my teeth,comb my hair, etc, with one hand and holding her leash with the other to make sure she did not lick the medicine from her paws. I probably do it longer then I need to- I hold her in the blanket for 10-15 minutes and then have her follow me around the house for another 10-15 minutes.
You know Overkill paranoid addy:o:o:o:o
How are your ears? Everything good? Miss Bailey too?
Love you and miss you
AWOL addy
02-02-2012, 07:20 PM
I love your song too, Addy. :o
Bailey's Mom
02-02-2012, 09:29 PM
Whew! You're just having a normal day.:D
The ears-I have been discharged from pt. That was a joke....but then I've not had vertigo since Sunday. The CT scan came back normal. (BOY! They got THAT wrong!!;))
I have a follow up with my doc next week...which I think I'll keep because I think she muttered something about degenerative disks. I need to get that clarified before I imagine myself already in a wheel chair.
Other than that.....for the moment (shhhhh) I am free from the medical world.
Bailey is fine....except she seems to be reverting to this biting phase. Maybe she's just testing the boundaries. Plus I have been tied up with desk work, so she's not had her usual fill of running after the she has pent up energy.
I really do think you're overdoing it with the timing on Zoe. How about a total of 20 minutes? Just a suggestion.:)
marie adams
02-03-2012, 12:55 PM
Wow!!! Now will there be singing practice in the non-basement--I will video tape the sessions because there is no way I will be singing. :eek:
Of course you would overkill, but then I might do the same thing. I have to have Ella with me most of the time because I never know what she will get into or attack.
I hope Zoe's paw attacking is getting better since you have been using the spray.
Susan, I wish someone would kick Ella's butt!!!! :D;)
Have a HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!:D
Hi Addy,
I just wanted to check in and see how our sweet little Zoe is doing on all of her meds. Has she had any relief? How are you doing managing all of the extra work? Haven't heard anything lately, so I'm hoping that's a good thing! :)
Thinking of you...
Julie & Hannah
Free to good home: one used husband, comes with 3 months worth of food and free TV with remote
Hu Julie, thank you for checking,
I have had a migraine all weekend. I washed all of Zoe's bedding, vacuumed everything, scrubbed floors. The Gentemicin Spray cut back the paw chewing maybe 50% for 3 days. Either that or she was just wiped out from the vet experience. Perhaps I was not putting enough of it on. Friday morning she woke up at 4:00am chewing away and even after the meds and spray would not stop. Saturday was the same thing. So last night my practical, helpful daughter and granddaughter stopped. Granddaughter told her mom- Nana and Zoe are very stressed, this is not good. I had tried to put Zoe's spray on and she fought me for the first time.
I left her harness and leash on and kept correcting her when she would chew. Daughter proclaimed" this may have started as medical but it is a habit now you have to break it. Mom you can't keep this up." Well,. she was right about crate training Koko 4 years ago so I paid attention.
So off I went today to get a comfort cone after reading reviews. I did not use the spray and just redirected her. She was no worse today without the spray then with it. Tonight I tried on the comfort cone and hubby had a fit, saying how she was in pain, he could not watch, bla bla bla until I felt like a real creep.:mad::mad::mad:
She is starving looking for food all the time and I think maybe her cortisol is too high.
Five weeks is a long way away but the spray really did nothing. She is on the antibiotic for 1 more week. Maybe after that I can sleep.
sad addy
Oh Addy, I am sorry to hear things are not much better, that you have a headache, and that your husband is free for the taking. ;) That one made me laugh out loud. Hard. :D:D:D
I think you did the right thing with the comfort cone. I use a cone on Hannah when I need to because if anything it IS preventing an infection from starting again. I would listen to your daughter and try it out. See how it goes. 5 weeks is going to be a long wait, but maybe the behavior redirection will help. It sort of does make sense that if she is still licking with all the meds that maybe it is now just a behavior she likes to do. I know that is part of it with Hannah. My vet and I have suspected for a long time that part of her itching/licking is allergies and part of it is an obsessive/compulsive behavior. Sometimes it is obvious to me that she is anxious or frustrated about something so she licks. When she sees Izzy get up on our bed and she is on the floor she will lick like crazy. I can predict it every time.
I wish I could give you some relief one way or another. I can't even take the used husband because I can barely handle my own right now. ;) He's been on my nerves all weekend, but probably only because I am exhausted for some unknown reason. The only thing I can think of is ever since I have been giving Hannah the Denamarin an hour before she eats in the morning I have been unable to fall back to sleep. Maybe being up at 5:00 but not going to bed earlier is just catching up with me? Or my thyroid is out of whack, but I just got tested a few months ago. Who knows.
I'm sending some positive vibes your way. I wish there was something more I could do.
Hope you're feeling better soon.
Julie & Hannah
02-05-2012, 10:39 PM
I choked on my tea when I read that!!!!:D:D You really are to funny!!!:D:D
So sorry about Zoe - I know it never ends
Sending you lots of prayers , love and hugs xoxoxoxoxo
Bailey's Mom
02-06-2012, 01:46 AM
Hi Addy-
Just checking in. I am sorry you had that headache all weekend. What a bummer.
Maybe we could swap husbands for awhile, like they do on that tv show.
I've been bummed out. Don't know why. Now I have a schnoodle draped over my shoulder. We've been together ALL day. :( At least Palmer was satisfied with sitting on my lap.
Great football game....went down to the final seconds.
I think the cone is a good idea. Won't that also make it not possible for her to snap at you?
Just an observation-but when I've been aware that you have had migraines, it's always been on the weekend. Hmmmmmmmmm.
Have a good Monday.
Love and hugs,
Sus :):):)
marie adams
02-06-2012, 07:38 PM
How do we swap 3 husbands????
You do have a lot of stress going on so no wonder you got a headache. Have I told you my way of getting rid of one...not getting rid of the husband (would like to many times:eek:), but I take advil and then jump in a hot shower and then try to lay down and sleep. For some reason leaving my hair in the towel seems to help. I don't get the really severe ones, but if I let the headache go I get sick; so I try not to let them get out of control. I am sure you have tried many ways....:o
I think I would resort to the cone also--so you did good. Now 21 days breaks a habit--these will also be long days so don't guilt yourself into taking it off--in the long run your hubby will thank you.:confused:
Hang in there my dear sweet silly friend!!! ((((HUGS)))):)
02-08-2012, 06:37 AM
Hi there sweet Addy,
Sorry you've been having a rough time with Zoe and everything else. Please take one day at a time with everything, k.
Tight hugs to you, Zoe, Koko and mom.
xo Jeanette
ps: where do I pick up my food, tv and remote, you can keep the rest. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.:D
I decided to keep him, he was starting to grow on me after we did some counter conditioning:p:p:p;););):D Reward training helped too.
Sorry guys, I have just been burned out I think. Zoe is getting used to the cone as negative reinforcement. Chew paws- cone goes on, play with toy, cone comes off. Hopefully her paws will start to heal up now.
Until last night, I felt so bad putting it on her, but last night went really well so maybe I can have some hope after all.
I seemed to have lost my hope and am thinking maybe I should stop the trilostane. I will have an ACTH done before we see the derm vet in March to see where we are.
I went from having a happy dog, happy to have mama put her sweater on, playing with Koko to this stressed out, biting, unhappy dog in such a very short time. It seemed the more I tried to fix the chewing, the worse it got.
Reminds me of my cat, years ago, she started vomiting. The more we took her to the vet, the sicker she got until one day I said enough and stopped everything the vet told me to do. I started feeding her small amount of her food frequently and would rub her head after she ate. She stopped vomiting and recovered finally.
I can't get that out of head.
Thanks for listening,
02-08-2012, 08:15 AM
Wow. I think I might go for it too. At least for a few days. Scary though huh?
Squirt's Mom
02-08-2012, 09:33 AM
Hi Addy,
Getting burned out is not at all uncommon, honey. We all reach that point at some time, I think. I mean, really, look at how much of our time and energy is spent on trying to make our baby's lives as rich, healthy, and happy as we possibly can. And they don't appreciate it at all sometimes...little brats! :p;) I remember Crys...I would get a handle on one area of problem and she would develop another...geez, Pica??? Really?? But all these things that drive us absolutely nuts are the very things that make us love them all the more in the long run - after we get over the part of wanting to strangle them. :D
Our babies teach us so much not only about them and canines in general but about ourselves. And we grow from those lessons. You, my dear, have grown so much and I see your growth continue almost daily. You give so much of yourself to Zoe, Koko, your family, your friends, your job...and to us. You are bound to start running low at times. ;)
And these are the times when it's "be good to Addy time". Take some time just for you, honey. Do the things that bring you joy deep in your heart. Primordial screams, beating the clothesline pole with a 2x4, making bread and punching the dough are all things that have worked well for me in the past...the first two will also allow you to make new friends as folks start to wonder what the heck you are doing! :p
So you take a break from things and be good to you! We love ya and know you love us. ;) Your babies know you love them as well and I know you will do the best thing for them just as you always have.
Leslie and the gang
marie adams
02-08-2012, 01:26 PM
Dear Addy,
Leslie is right you do so much for other, but do not take the time for you!!!:)
Remember Zoe lives in the moment and will get through this and love just as much!!! Koko he just loves you for you!!! Your husband lets go with he loves you just for you also!!!:D Everyone else loves you too--some just do not show it the way they should. Do we have an icon for a big fat KISS!!!!????
I have no answer on taking her off the Trilo, but you are with her to know how she reacts to the different meds. You could gradually take her off of some and see how she does. :o
I am sending a ((((HUG & KISS)))) your way!!!:) Love You!!!
I am sending a ((((HUG & KISS)))) your way!!! Love You!!!
Marie, My Angel Girl Maddie, and Now Miss Ella
Thank you for the big slobber-:D:D I needed that!!!!!:D:D
It's Zoe trying to bite that has me burned out I think. But Leslie you are right, I need to do more for me.
That and work has me really down. I just heard about another business we have done business with for 27 years closed. It is so sad.
and we didnt even have winter, can you imagine how I would be if we were snowed in all winter as usual?:eek::eek::eek::eek:
I did not give her metronidazole this morning. Did not mean anything yet:confused::confused::o
my new song to Baby Kujo- you gotta give me some lovin' ........EVERYDAY!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
I swear I have lost it. When I was alone at work for a month, I started talking to the dogs since they were always in my office. So now Rocky lays on the floor watching me and I discuss quotes, phone calls, orders,etc with him. I think I will give him a raise.;);););)
Save me from myself PULEEEZZZEEEE:eek::eek::rolleyes:
You always make me laugh so hard!
You do need to take time for yourself. I can understand how you are burned out. You are so good to your pups and so patient with Zoe and her issues and her biting. Spoil yourself a little and just try to take one day at a time.
I'm sending hugs your way as well. Hannah sends a kiss and so does Izzy/ didn't even get a bite! ;)
Take care!
OMG- Lori- I just read your post about side effects of Trilostane and it listed Pruritus-
Does anyone know about Pruitis- could Zoe only have one main symptom- the feet biting? Or am I way off base here?
Symptoms of Pruritus
The main symptom is scratching. This is different from the ordinary itching that a dog does throughout the course of his day, as it is more forceful and persistent. Even if it causes your dog extreme discomfort, scratching will continue because the brain is still sending out messages that it needs to be done as a result of the pruritus.
The other main symptom is licking their feet. Again, this is something that will be done almost obsessively, as though they are incapable of stopping or controlling themselves.
QUOTE]Biting can be another symptom. Like with the other two, this is something that will be done more than a dog would usually do and will often wind up causing your pet extreme discomfort.
Read more: Pruritus in Dogs - VetInfo
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2012, 02:11 PM
Hi Addy,
I went and looked this up in my nutrition books and both Dr.'s Remilliard and Hand, et al say food allergies are among the most common cause of pruritis in dogs, manifesting most often in the feet, shoulder and groin area. As the condition progresses, more of the body is involved.
Dr.'s Hand et al also say that initially the onset of itching after eating the allergen happens between 4 and 24 hours after ingestion - BUT that "over time, chronic cases show constant pruritus with no evident associations between eating and and excacerbation of signs."
Do you recall if Addy's paw chewing started after any of the changes in her diet or a new supplement, even a new manufacturer of an old supplement?
Just wool gathering here...
Leslie and the gang
Thank you Leslie. I added the Zeal last February. She has always chewed her paws, we always felt it was anxiety. It just was never this extreme. I asked IMS and GP about food allergy and they both think it is not food allergy. I was worried she was getting yeast from the sweet potato in the Zeal. In fact IMS said I could continue trying to increase the Zeal and decreas her raw.:confused::confused:
I have a month left to wait for the derm vet appointment so I will be jumping all over the place until then. It is just her tail has gotten worse since the Trilostane so when I read the Trilostane side effects I thought maybe I should mention that possibility to the derm vet. Maybe that is tied to the trilo along with the paw chewing.
The thing is yesterday, hubby was home with her and she did really well. When she started to chew her paw, he told her no and she stopped.
I AM GOING TO DRIVE MYSELF CRAZY:eek::eek::rolleyes:
I think i already am.:D:D;)
Oh the heck with it. I can't keep this up. My notes show that the more we decreased her cortisol the more paw chewing she did. I went back to September and saw I posted she was chewing like crazy but even that was not this extreme.
One week with Comfy Cone. I see slight improvement. I also notice that when she is really tired, she does not chew. The day we came back from the vets, she did not chew much the rest of the night.
If it truly was an allergy would she not be up at night chewing her paws?
I know I am driving you all crazy.
02-11-2012, 09:35 AM
Addy, I have nothing helpful to suggest , but if misery loves company -- you and I can be crazy together :o :eek:!!
Peg has been licking her paws and gnawing her flanks like crazy this week. The only thing that's different is that I've started giving her a higher dose of fish oil because that's supposed to HELP with her dry skin and itching. But is she allergic to the fish oil? Is that making things worse instead of better???????????????
JUST SHOOT ME NOW! :rolleyes: :( :( :(
02-11-2012, 11:17 AM
Addy and Marianne
I feel so bad for these pups who are itchy!! Its awful - I went years with my golden who itched daily and ate her paws!! Did allergy shos the whole thing!!! So sad!! Amber had allergy testing and she was sensitive to everything she inhaled -- I hope something gives soon!! I feel bad for the moms!!!! Its awful to watch to babies go through this! Sending hope love comfort and a miracle soon!:)
love ya xoxo
02-11-2012, 01:14 PM
Dear addy
Sorry have not posted lately
Trying to use new iPad
The skin conditions can be a part of the Cushing
Apollo has all sorts of skin problems now, the latest is tiny black heads on his bellow but his coat overall is doing better.
Hope zoey is doing better.
It is always something with a weakened ammune system.
Will post on my thread.
Hugs sonja and Apollo the warrior
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