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10-16-2011, 10:53 AM

Sorry I don know anything about IBD but you zoe and mom are always in my thoughs and prayers - glad Zoe did good at the groomers!!! Sending great BIG HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harley PoMMom
10-16-2011, 01:44 PM
Dear Addy,

I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

I am a firm believer in treating the dog and not the numbers. Meaning if her stim results are not within the therapeutic ranges but Zoe's symptoms are not bothersome and she is feeling well than this would be ideal to me.

Sending huge and loving hugs, Lori

10-16-2011, 10:37 PM
Dear Addy
You, Zoe and your family are in my thoughts. You are doing a good job for Zoe. This roller coaster just keeps going on. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. Try to have faith. Miracles do happen sometimes.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

10-17-2011, 08:33 AM
Thank you both, I think I am going to just keep plugging along until IMS is back unless she has a change.

I need to research these cells of Zoes. I remember some of it but am foggy on certain parts.

One good thing this morning: she looks awfully cute in her sweater. Weather truned cold so hauled out one of her cotton sweaters, she ambled up the street for her "chicken walk". Walk to a drive way, get some chicken. We can get a few blocks doing the chicken walk:)


marie adams
10-17-2011, 01:59 PM
Oh Addy,

You sure know how to have fun!!!:eek:

It is so hard to make decisions for your parents. I remember having to help with my in-laws; beg a doctor to just let my father in law go back to the rehab/conv facility so he could die there instead of at home. I was going against my brother in law, but I knew what my father in law wanted better that my brother in law who we now never speak to--sad story there.:mad:

You will do what is best for your mom. Does Medicare/Medicaid work there? I know when the person doesn't have the funds any longer this helps out here. So many things to think about. You are going with researching--you will make a good decision even though it is hard.:)

I think with Zoe--sounds like she is in a good place and your are giving her what she needs for all her ailments. How long does it take to give her meds and eat?:p

Happy Monday!!!!

((((BIG HUGS AGAIN!!!!)))) You need it!!!!!

10-17-2011, 02:10 PM
Milwaukee brrrrrrr - winter is coming fast!!! Still 64 here in RI cool but so windy!!!!!! Penny loves the cool weather !!! Guess its the Akita in her:) You have lots on your plate but you will make the right decisions - its so hard - like I said my aunt depends on my mom and me - we just had to get her Life Alert cause both her legs are so bad - Well I am glad Zoe had her sweater on today and had her little chicken walk!!! :):) Keep me posted! HUGSSSSS

10-17-2011, 03:52 PM
Still trying to figure out her next stim. It will be two months at the end of October since her last one. Now I am really worried about bringing cortisol down within range with the finding of eosinophilic cells.

Eosinophilic cells do not cause a problem, they are the by-product of a problem. Too many of these white blood cells show up because there is inflammation going on somewhere. I don't think any vet is a stranger to eosinophilia because a proliferation of these cells take place in dogs with parasitic infestation, allergies, GI problems, cushing's or just about any other chronic disorder. GI problems? Check. Cushing's? Check. :D

10-17-2011, 04:22 PM
Thanks for checking in on me and Hannah. I will keep you, your mom, and Zoe in my thoughts and prayers as well. I hope Zoe will continue to do okay, and that you will figure out a plan for your mom. Take care of yourself, too!

Julie & Hannah

Bailey's Mom
10-17-2011, 04:49 PM
Hi Addy-
I know this is VERY basic, but sometimes things can slip by. Usually (in my experience), the hospital will have a social worker on staff. When my Mom was nearing the end and when my father seemed to be in major denial, I set up an appointment for all of us to meet with the social worker and to find out what options were available to us. If you don't find a person like that there, I would contact state social services next. I know you are under a time pressure. You also may be able to find this info on the internet....when my Mom died, internet was not like it is today.....at all! I'd also contact Social Security to see what they can tell you. You may have done all of this already.

Do you have anyone in your same situation? Maybe they would have tips for you. Also-maybe the nurses at the hospital. Sometimes, often, the nurses are the best source for resources and answers.

If Zoe seems to be fine, at this point you have more than enough on your plate and I would continue as you are. If that vet thinks you can wait five weeks, wait five weeks.

To answer your week old question...I was up at 2...or was it 1?...because I have been unable to sleep. They had me on Prednisone and that always interrupts my sleep. I have come to accept it. I am off the Prednisone and I slept for 9 hours Saturday night, most of the day Sunday, and another 12 hours last night. I get to leave the house tomorrow and that will be only the 3rd time since the operation. I don't do well being stuck and disabled.

Please keep us posted on how things are going....even if only a "Hi, I'm okay." We are all thinking, praying for you and your dear ones.


10-17-2011, 05:59 PM
Did I ever tell you all that I LOvE YOU?:D:D:D:D:D

Sus- prednisone does the same thing to me:rolleyes:
Marie- yes, I am a good time charlie, no?:D:D:D
Sonja- thank you for reminding me of our one good thing
Cyn- hope Penny is okay, I check all the time
Julie- I check on you all the time too

Glynda- aren't those the more severe cells- IBD with those cells-it means the inflammation is harder to treat and usually needs prednisone? That is why I am so worried about them.

I don't get it- if she has all this inflammation- how come she is asymptomatic?

I must sound like a pyscopath- all these ups and downs, and did I ever tell you I really never even liked roller coasters when I was little?:p:p

10-17-2011, 06:32 PM
Glad to hear Zoe and Kudo had a good wresting play time. We are hear to listen. And you got some good suggestions on your Mom. You have a lot on your plate. Try to find one good thing each day. Sometimes it is just the little things.
HUgs Sonja and Apollo

10-19-2011, 09:54 AM
Wow, Zoe is so much better getting pepcid mid afternoon. What a difference. Had to tape a note in kitchen for hubby to remember. Either that or she is finally recovering from her procedure. I think it took a bit out of her. When Zoe feels good, I feel good. too intertwined, I think.

Still researching the IBD. Starting to remember it all from when I researched it 3 years ago. The part that is confusing for me is that she is has not had symptoms since March and I was able to keep lowering her metronidazole. I have quite a few months of daily hearts in her poop diary:D:D:D

Has anyone else out there dealt with IBD and Cushings? I sure would love to hear from you.


marie adams
10-19-2011, 11:25 AM
Good to hear Zoe is doing so much better. Of course when they feel (or act) good :D we feel good. Yay!! for you feeling GOOD!!!:D

I cannot help on the IBD along with Cushings--so sorry!!!

Have a Happy Wednesday!!!

10-20-2011, 07:32 AM
Thanks Marie,

Mom had a good day too:):)

I think I will make appointment for Zoe's stim week of November 7th to see where we are with that. I wonder how much the inflammation in her tummy is playing a role in Zoe not absorbing the Trilostane well. or keeping her numbers higher.

If we are treating the pups with trilostane and they have concurrent illness, would that keep their ACTH results higher?

Winds are terrible, gusting to 55 mph:mad: Waiting for a tree to come down or lose power. Last night the pups and I hid in the bedroom in bed and listened to the wind until hubby came home. This am it is still just as bad. High winds through the day. We have so many trees surrounding our house, it is scary.

Off to wake up Susan:)


10-20-2011, 12:49 PM
Hi Addy - So happy mom had a good day!!!!:):) So you give Zoe the pepcid just in the afternoon? The new IMS told me to give Penny her pepcid am and pm now cause shes a big dog and I guess she needs it - she has been like spitting up alittle -

Hope those trees stay standing:eek: Its windy here to but not as bad as where you are - our winds were 38 mph last night and only 25 mph today - You and Zoe are in our thoughts and prayers everyday!! Give Zoe a hug for me!! xo

10-20-2011, 01:10 PM
Hi Cindy,

IMS said Zoe could have it once or twice a day. When I give it to Zoe 30 minutes before her Trilostane and metronidazole, she doesn't feel good, so for now, we are doing once a day a few hours before a meal as that seems to work best for her. She wakes up at 5:00am and wants to eat by 5:30 so making her wait to eat until 7:00am will mess up our whole schedule and she won't wait that long to eat:rolleyes:

Hope you and Penny are okay,
Love and hugs,

marie adams
10-20-2011, 01:32 PM
You are so funny "off to wake up Susan"--hehe!!!:D

So glad about your mom!!!

I am always afraid when the winds are bad that a tree will do us in or something will fly thru the window over the bed (kinda of stupid place for the bed with earthquakes, but it works better in the room). We have a huge coral tree in the front yard--I am going to call it massive, it is very close to the house by the single story part of the house. I hope they subside soon for you!!!

You might have something with the inflammation causing the trilo to not work as well or the up and down with the numbers.

It is almost Friday!!!! Cha cha cha time!!!:D

Jenny & Judi in MN
10-20-2011, 02:13 PM
glad your Mom had a better day Addy and that you and Zoe are figuring out what works for her. I've been trying to keep up with all of you and your pups! Judi

10-20-2011, 07:31 PM
Glad to hear things are going a little better for you. Hope you have a nice weekend!

Julie & Hannah

10-21-2011, 11:55 PM
Hi Addy,

I am glad that you have less worry and hope you are taking care of yourself. Hopefully the wind has gone now.

Thinking of you,
Rene & Angel Snoopie

10-22-2011, 10:10 AM
Hi, Addy!

Just checking in for a minute - I've had internet connection issues for quite awhile. Haven't had a chance to catch up completely, but it sounds as if you and Zoe are doing well. :)

marie adams
10-22-2011, 12:08 PM
How did you do with the winds??? It might have blown you to Mom's house to the non basement....:eek:

Happy Saturday!!! I hope you are doing something fun besides waking up at 3am. Naptime with Zoe!:)

I posted this on Bailey's and Ella's thread, but I thought I would put it here so others could check it out...

I have been nervous about buying toys made in China; so I found this link that shows what I have been nervous about. Who knows if this is why our dogs get Cushings or cancer--I always wondered with Maddie.


Since Ella is now chewing through most of the stuff animals and even plastic toys it really makes me wonder....

10-22-2011, 01:57 PM
Dear Addy
Glad your mother had a good day and Zoe is doing better. I think Apollo also has IBD and his cortisol is going down? Sadly his sex hormones are going up even more. Rene wondered if lowering the cortisol causes more flare ups. If the cortisol helped with these issues before lowering it may cause more of a flare up? This disease and the drugs are so complicated, you never know what is going to prop up.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

10-23-2011, 08:16 AM
Hi Sonja,

IBD is caused by inflammation so it would seem likely that higher cortisol reduces inflammation in the body so if a pup has IBD lowering the cortisol maybe a problem. Zoe flared as soon as we dropped her cortisol. The problem is to discover what is causing the inflammation, sometimes one never figures it out, sometimes it is an allergic reaction to diet or their immune system just gone haywire. Sometime a pup will respond to more fiber in their diet but then you have to figure out insoluable verses soluable fiber.

Have you tried a teaspoon of pumpkin?


10-23-2011, 11:25 PM
Dear Addy
Thanks for the advise. Apollo gets pumpkin everyday. Today the stools were better. Cushing keeps us on our toes, that is for sure.
Never know what surprise is waiting for us.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

10-25-2011, 09:24 PM
Hi Addy just checking in -- how is Zoe doing these last couple of days?? How is Mom? Is she still in rehab??? And you-- how are things? Hope all is getting better - :)

marie adams
10-26-2011, 01:24 PM
Happy Wednesday!!!!:)

I hope this week is going good so far!!:D Not too much drama and Zoe is doing good also. How are things with your mom? Good I hope!!

Have you been wearing your red sweater? Mom says she won't be knitting us any green ones; so hopefully she can order them online because I don't think she will be going on any trips soon to find us ones. Did you ever get the last ones she said she got on her last adventure--weren't they blue or brown or something???:D:p

I thought I had lost everything I had just typed--hate that when it happens.

Happy Rest of the Day!!! (((HUGS)))

10-26-2011, 01:35 PM
Hi All,

Mom is still in rehab. :(:( I am fine, just been super busy and stressed and tired.:(:( I have been checking in on all of you even though I may not write anything.

Zoe is okay, back legs slipping on the hardwood floors and back end looks thin, lost muscle mass. She still wrestles Koko to the ground though:rolleyes::D Of course, he lets her.;) Seems hungrier this last week. Still wants her chicken walk as many times as she can go:p

I had to again change the pepcid. She threw up in the middle of the night on the 21st day. She never throws up. I stopped the pepcid for 2 days and now give it every other day. Will see what happens.

Stool is very good quality, no complaints there, we have had a nice long run except for those few weeks when we first started Vetoryl.

Stim is November 9th. Will most likely try to do 10 mgs BID rather than 20mgs SID unless her cortisol is really high. Than maybe 15mgs am 10 mgs pm. Not doing 50% add on of 20mgs am 10 mgs pm as IMS wanted last August.

Still not sure what to do about the biopsy results except pretty much ignore them for now if she remains asymptomatic.

She is chewing her paws like crazy since fall came and the grass is alway so wet. Need to discuss with IMS about the blue solution you mix with water to make the color of the sky. We used that once before, when she first came home to us, and it helped her.

Did not mean to write a book:o:o:o A lot on my mind this week.

love and hugs,

Bailey's Mom
10-26-2011, 04:57 PM
[QUOTE=marie adams;63490]
Have you been wearing your red sweater? Mom says she won't be knitting us any green ones; so hopefully she can order them online because I don't think she will be going on any trips soon to find us ones. Did you ever get the last ones she said she got on her last adventure--weren't they blue or brown or something???:D:p]

They are blue. Are you telling me you lost yours already??? :eek::eek::eek::mad::mad::mad:
There is now a trip to Grand Cayman on the horizon. First full week in March. It's all booked. Problem is.....it's so warm there that they don't sell sweaters....or anything else other than t shirts and jewelry. I tried to find a pair of exercise type shorts last time and struck out. :(

We have a time share there....we got it while we were both working and I was traveling a lot and really racking up miles. Now we're both retired (therefore poor) :( and I never get miles hardly ever. It is in the Caribbean which is my favorite place to be.:D

If you can find your blue sweaters, I might take you with me.:rolleyes::p

Jenny & Judi in MN
10-27-2011, 09:11 AM
hope your Mom continues to progress Addy. Hoping for good results from Zoe's stim.

you can't control everything so hang in there. Judi

10-27-2011, 11:36 AM
Hi Addy

Prayers for Mom - sorry she is still in rehab - Glad Zoe is doing okay - penny has the slipping of the back legs also - hope her tummy feels better and glad the stool is ok - now penny has that problem - guess Zoe and Penny just wanna past that back and forth:rolleyes::) Will be praying for Zoes test on the 9th - I think I am taking Penny on the 8th - thats my 50th :eek::eek: maybe it will bring her luck???? Penny had been at her paws too - the leaves are so bad - and the weed allergy is too - the last two months our weather said extremely high pollen counts from weeds and she and I both feel it! I know you are stressed but just keep remembering to breath!!!!! And try to get some R & R over the weekend!!!

10-27-2011, 10:47 PM
Hi Addy,

Have been reading along. Im glad things are as well as they can be. It does take time. I think of your mom often and know how stressful it can be. I hope you are taking time for yourself and taking very good care.

What is this blue mix you are using?

Rene & Angel Snoop

marie adams
10-28-2011, 11:38 AM
We Made It--It's Friday!!!!!

I hope you are planning a fun weekend. Ours will be finishing up the brick work in the backyard, but it will be a project DONE!!! On to the next one....

It is so funny to hear you and Susan talked about closing up the pool and spa because here we can continue to use them. The water is colder, but the spas can be heated. I don't have either one. The water at the beach is always cold and the surfers usually wear wetsuits year round. Yes we have surfer dudes out here.... :D:cool:

I cannot believe it is almost the end of the year!!! My niece is getting married on New Year's Eve--I still haven't lost the weight I have gained from being depressed from the Cushings to all that has happened this year!!:eek: Boy can I be a debbie downer--hellooo--I need to be positive.:D

(((((BIG HUGS!!!!)))))

10-30-2011, 01:07 AM
Dear Sweet Addy
Thinking about you and in my prayers. Hope it gets better for your Mom. It is tough to see our Mom's go through all of this. Hope our Zoe is doing better. Enjoy your weekend.
but the problems with the cushing in the drawer for a day.
HUgs Sonja and Apollo

10-30-2011, 08:55 AM
Thank you dear first friend!!!!! We are both still here and so are Zoe and Apollo.

Hey. Whole Dog Journal featured Cushings this month and they list our forum as a support group:) We might have a whole bunch of new people needing support:):)

Have a wonderful Sunday, I am putting Cushings in the drawer today along with you. Cushings? Whats that?

love and hugs

Bailey's Mom
10-31-2011, 03:40 AM
Hi Addy-
Just wanted to wish you a great work week.....with a rapidly approaching weeken.


marie adams
10-31-2011, 11:26 AM
Boy Susan wants a new weekend fast to take the place of her bummer weekend--don't blame her.

I wish I could help more with the Cushings thing, but it is in the drawer with me--of course not forgotten--it still lingers in the back of my mind--the what ifs.....:(

Have a HAPPY MONDAY and a great work week!!!:):p:D

10-31-2011, 01:33 PM
Thank you Marie, is it Friday yet?:D:D:D


I am not good at math- can someone help me figure this out? Currently Zoe eats 3 ounces per meal of her raw turkey patties. I mix in 1 tablespoon Honest Kitchen Zeal and 1 tablespoon Honest Kitchen Embark. (dehydrated food you add water to so it is kind of like canned)

The goal since January had been to decrease her raw and increase the Zeal. Ideally I would like to feed half and half per meal. I can't find the calorie count on the raw food. I have to increase the Zeal slowly but since it is much lower fat than the raw, how do I know how much raw to take away as I add tablespoons of the Zeal? I have to go slowly.

Does this make any sense?

If she ate only the Zeal, it would probably be maybe 1/2 cup per meal (i'm guessing).

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm driving myself crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can't think with that side of the brain addy

Bailey's Mom
10-31-2011, 05:47 PM
Addy-wouldn't you need to know how much fat percentage is of each one? I think you'd need to refer to the nutritional analysis on the packaging. Unless they're all at the same fat percentage, calories won't tell you anything....other than the total amount she's eating. I do know it's 2 tablespoons in one ounce.

Bailey's Mom
10-31-2011, 05:52 PM
Here's Ground Turkey information.....

Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 cup of cooked Amount Per Serving Calories from Fat 149
Calories 296 % Daily Values* Total Fat 16.56g 25% Saturated Fat 4.269g 21% Polyunsaturated Fat 4.068g Monounsaturated Fat 6.159g Cholesterol 128mg 43% Sodium 545mg 23% Potassium 340mg Total Carbohydrate 0g 0% Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Sugars 0g Protein 34.46g Vitamin A 0% http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_darkcir.gif Vitamin C 0% Calcium 3% http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_darkcir.gif Iron 14% * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Nutrition Values are based on USDA Nutrient Database SR18
of RDI*
(296 calories)

Calorie Breakdown:

Carbohydrate (0%)

Fat (52%)

Protein (48%)

* Based on a RDI of 2000 calories What is my Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)? (http://fatsecret.com/Default.aspx?pa=rdic)

Nutrition summary:




There are 296 calories in 1 cup of cooked Ground Turkey. Calorie breakdown: 52% fat, 0% carbs, 48% protein. Common serving sizes:

Serving Size Calories http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_box_blue.gif 1 cubic inch raw (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=6509&portionamount=1.000) (yield after cooking) 19 (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=6509&portionamount=1.000) http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_box_blue.gif 1 oz raw (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=7114&portionamount=1.000) (yield after cooking) 35 (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=7114&portionamount=1.000) http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_box_blue.gif 1 cubic inch cooked (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=5963&portionamount=1.000) 37 (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=5963&portionamount=1.000) http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_box_blue.gif 1 oz cooked (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=6508&portionamount=1.000) 65 (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=6508&portionamount=1.000) http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_box_blue.gif 1 small patty (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=6507&portionamount=1.000) (3.33 oz, raw, 5 patties per lb) (yield after cooking) 112 (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=6507&portionamount=1.000) http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_box_blue.gif 1 medium patty (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=6949&portionamount=1.000) (4 oz, raw, 4 patties per lb) (yield after cooking) 140 (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=6949&portionamount=1.000) http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_box_blue.gif 1 large patty (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=5964&portionamount=1.000) (5.3 oz, raw, 3 patties per lb) (yield after cooking) 186 (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=5964&portionamount=1.000) http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_box_blue.gif 100 g (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=50465&portionamount=100.000) 233 (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=50465&portionamount=100.000) http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_box_blue.gif 1 cup raw, yield cooked (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=6950&portionamount=1.000) 268 (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=6950&portionamount=1.000) http://fatsecret.com/static/images/icons/myfs_box_blue.gif 1 cup cooked (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=5944&portionamount=1.000) 296 (http://fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/turkey-ground?portionid=5944&portionamount=1.000)

10-31-2011, 06:01 PM
Thanks Sus,

I think she will eat about 1/2 cup of Zeal per meal and 1.5 ounces of her commercial raw per meal.

I think there are 8 tablespoon in 1/2 cup of the Zeal..

So, could I break it down from there if I plan on adding 1 tablespoon at a time, which may be too much. We have switched to all Zeal on her two snacks, so just have to work on the food now.

So would it be

1 tablespoon Zeal, take away .1875 ounces raw which is a dumb number so a little less than .25 of an ounce?

I hate math.:(:confused:

Squirt's Mom
11-01-2011, 10:20 AM
Hi Addy,

I pondered this question yesterday and decided with my math skills, ahem, it was best I just stay quiet! :D But I know you will work it out with a little help from our friends and that Zoe will be just fine in you loving hands as always.

You and your family remain in my prayers.

Leslie and the gang

marie adams
11-01-2011, 11:51 AM
I saw Carrol was on today!!!!:D:):p

I am just looking not to have any grain in the food so I haven't figure fat content at all--so that mean I am no help at all. Mom always said you were good at math.....:o

I still need you to be sane so don't drive yourself crazy....:eek:

11-01-2011, 01:28 PM
Mom always said you were good at math.....

LOL, Marie, I can't stop laughing. Leslie, thanks for trying;)

I emailed Honest Kitchen, maybe they can figure out:p:p;):rolleyes:

I checked the box and it said feed 1 cup for 10-30 pounds inactive dog. Seems like quite a range and the boxes always tell you more than you need to feed. I feed Koko 1cup of Embark and that has the same range and he is 16.5 pounds. So I think Zoe will eat less than 1 cup per day if I am doing half and half.

Then I emailed Mary Strauss and ler her do the math for me. She calculated the fat content on the Zeal and Embark. I think the Zeal alone is too low in fat but she thought it would be fine even as fed without the raw. I don't think I want to do that though. I want to do half and half for awhile.

Will wait to up the anti, stim next week.

She had a potty accident this morning in the house. I think she was up for a bit before I heard her. She has never done that before. urine was yellow and had a smell, not diluted at all.

Wonder what that was about?


Squirt's Mom
11-01-2011, 01:46 PM
Could be a UTI in the making...keep an eye on her urine for strong odor and darkening color. ;)

11-01-2011, 02:18 PM

YOU ARE MY SHERO....:) Everything that you go through and you still take out time to figure out the right amount of food to be given to Zoe... It is like you are SUPERWOMAN.... I am now looking at what I feed Honey more carefully and starting to do research on food.. Thanks for making me more aware

Hope your Mom is doing better

Take Care

Bailey's Mom
11-01-2011, 04:22 PM
You are working with a total of 11 ounces now.....8 Tbl Zeal : 3 TBL commercial raw.
So.....you can choose how fast....
If you want to add 1TBL Zeal then you'd need to cut out

1 tsp = .1666667 ounces
1 Tbl = .5 ounce
it's 3 tsp in 1 tbl.
and 2 tbl = 1 ounce

So-if you want to keep the ounces @11, for every tablespoon of Zeal you'd decrease commercial food by 1/2 ounce. If you need it broken down further, I will do that. (I think I have this correct.)
Thanks for stretching my brain.

11-01-2011, 04:39 PM
Hi Addy - just checking in to see how things age going??? ugg hate to think it could be a UTI - let me know hows she doing toinght:)

11-01-2011, 09:30 PM
Hi Addy-

Just wanted to let you know you and your little Zoe are in my thoughts. I try to keep up as often as I can. I hope you're both doing okay.

Julie & Hannah

11-03-2011, 12:24 AM
Dear Addy
Checking in on you. I would run that by the vet.
found off internet

How dark or light yellow it is depends, like the poster before me said, how well hydrated your dog is (or isn't). When they're well hydrated, the urine will be a very light yellow, almost clear, and without strong smell. When they're getting dehydrated, the urine will be darker and smell more strongly.

Hope this helps. We are super sensitive with cushing and most pay attache to all signs.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

11-03-2011, 02:00 AM
thanks guys, for checking in on me. Sus- wow what a help in figuring this food amount out, thank you so very much.

Rondalyn what sweet words, but I am probably more obsessive than a shero:D:D:D You are so cute

Leslie, Cindy, Sonja,

I was thinking possible UTI too. I'll talk to vet when she goes for her stim next week.


I think about you and Hannah too, thank you.

I am up in the middle of the night, rehab, called, mom fell, sending her to hospital to make sure she did not break anything. her bones are so brittle , does not take much. It is raining really hard, hubby won't not let me drive to hospital, he just left, it is only 15 minutes away but he said no, please stay with the dogs, he would go.

not sure how this will all play out. Doubt I am going back to sleep tonight though:rolleyes::rolleyes:

trying not to cry, think i am half asleep , she was doing so well the last few days, mom, i mean. rambling now, they woke us up we were sound asleep.

Marie- I found my poem about Hope. Maybe I will post it. Need some hope now.

Squirt's Mom
11-03-2011, 09:18 AM
Mornin' sweet Addy,

I am so sorry your mom fell but pray all is well other than a few bruises. It is so difficult to find our roles reversed with our parents. A part of us always remains a small child, looking to them for care, guidance, support, and strength. Then the time comes when they are looking at us for the same things. It is through the lessons they taught us that we are able to make the change from care recipient to care giver. It is very obvious to me that your mom was a superb care giver in her turn because her daughter has turned out to be such a loving, caring lady. Our lives are the greatest tribute we could ever give our parents and yours shines with the brightest of lights so I know your mom is so very proud of her little girl.

Many hugs and much love,
Leslie and the gang

11-03-2011, 12:31 PM
Dear Addy
You have too much on your plate. I am praying for you and your Mom. Like you it is so hard to see what they are going through. You are a loving and caring daughter, mom, etc. Zoe knows it too. Please take some time for yourself. Just a little treat for your self, maybe some Vienna Ice Caffe, remember: coffee, 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream whip cream.:)
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

11-03-2011, 12:55 PM
Addy I am so sorry about Mom - I pray she is okay - yes you do have your plate full - My aunt that came home rehab fell last week at home and fractured a rib - its hard - I understand - hoping to hear she is fine - will check back -- my love my hugs and my prayers go out to you xo p.s Sonja's Vinenna Cafe sounds like a good idea:)

Bailey's Mom
11-03-2011, 02:38 PM
Hi dear Addy-

I was up in the night as well. It's too bad we didn't know ..... we would have been good company for one another....depleted or not.

I am sorry for your Mom....and you. We lost all 4 of our parents back in the 80's. It is very difficult having to take on that caring roll and so very hard to see them suffer. I wish I could lighten your load some for you. Please do take care of yourself. I'm glad your husband took the lead...it's best.
Please keep us updated, as you can.
You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Jenny & Judi in MN
11-03-2011, 08:30 PM
Hope your Mom is OK Addy and that you got some rest. Your husband sounds like a keeper.

big hugs, Judi

marie adams
11-03-2011, 08:59 PM
Oh Dear Addy,

My 1 o'clock this morning was your 3 or 4 am--Ella was having poop issues so I ended up staying downstairs--and really no sleep--we could have all talked...:D

So sorry to hear about your mom; I so remember those calls. So nice of your husband to go for you so you could stay with Zoe & Koko. I bet you have been to the hospital by now to check on her. I wish I could help you with the dogs so you wouldn't worry about them and you could concentrate on your mom.

Please try and get some sleep tonight so you don't get sick yourself because of all the stress.

I thought I was calmer until today with work, Ella, just stuff--mostly work--I just cannot understand how inconsiderate people are in not getting back to you; especially when you have a deadline to meet.

Just think tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!!

11-03-2011, 09:09 PM
Dearest Addy,

Praying for your mother. My dearest husband has been having his ups and downs and well and I know how terribly hard this time is for you. You have been a treasure for most of us here and we love you. We are concerned for you. Please know that we are here for you and think of you often.

Sending an abundance of love,
Rene & Angel Snoopie

11-03-2011, 10:14 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. How is she doing? Is everything okay? It is so hard when there are multiple things going on. My grandpa was in and out of rehab centers after falling/having a stroke, etc. and it was really hard on my parents. They were always worrying about if he was okay, if the place he was in was doing a good job, etc. I can't imagine having to try to handle that and worry about health problems with Zoe, while still having to deal with all of the day-to-day difficulties in normal life! You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you, Zoe, and your mom are all doing okay!

Julie & Hannah

Casey's Mom
11-03-2011, 10:35 PM
Addy, my best wishes for your mom. Hope all is well with you and there are no broken bones to worry about.

My dad had his third stroke a month ago and they say rehab won't work for him and that he won't be able to walk without help. Now he is going to a second hospital to wait for a bed in a nursing home. We brought him home last night to celebrate his 85th birthday but he had to go back to the hospital that same night. My heart breaks for him and for my mom who is home alone now. Aging parents are such a worry so I do really feel for you.

Love and hugs,

11-04-2011, 06:24 AM

I am so very sorry.... Hang In There .... This too shall pass ...

My thoughts and Prayers are always with you and your family

Rhondalyn and Honey

11-04-2011, 08:41 AM
Addy, I'm standing with the others in praying that your mom is going to escape with no broken bones. I feel your angst....my mother has been going down hill for the last year and it's difficult to watch the aging process when they become so weak and reliant on others. Hugs from one loving daughter to another.


11-04-2011, 09:01 AM
Thank you all. I wish I had a heart icon.:):):)
Mom-no broken bones but mentally shut down-wont eat, just shut down

Zoe- had another pee accident ths am- will have her checked for UTI next week

Sorry so short, not much time.

love you all, will be back when I can

love and hugs,

11-04-2011, 09:21 AM
Dear Addy - sending you love and strength. Take care and know you aren't alone. Kim

11-04-2011, 09:32 AM
Dear Addy - sending you love and strength. Take care and know you aren't alone. Kim

Me, too! (Everything that Kim just said...:o)


Squirt's Mom
11-04-2011, 09:36 AM
Me, three, sweetie. :(

Huge hugs,
Leslie and the gang

marie adams
11-04-2011, 11:26 AM
Shall I say me Four???:)

Addy, I know where you are when you talk about she is shutting down. I could tell a story, but I won't, doesn't end well. Try as good as you can to make her eat something she likes. Hopefully she can get in a wheelchair and cruise around the hospital--even with IV's????

Take some "you" time with Zoe and relax not having to think about anything but Good Thoughts. Remember "Calgon take me away....":p

Enjoy the weekend as much as you can!!!!:)

((((HUGS)))) ((((GROUP HUG TIME))))

Bailey's Mom
11-04-2011, 01:34 PM
Me five!

Addy-Not that my experience is all that vast, but I've been through my share of these kinds of situations. I would like to suggest to you that you just treasure each moment. My Mom was eating about a teaspoon each day, near her end. I approached the doctor, wondering if she was intentionally starving herself....(she died from cancer.) He assured me that, no-that was not happening. First she probably had no appetite. Second, her movements were minimal at that point and you don't need calories to sustain that. It's a very hard, difficult situation, I know. Also-often when people reach this stage of life, it is so much easier for them to talk about "long ago.".....and sometimes in the present tense. You could talk with her about funny things between you two when you were growing up. It might perk her up. I am so sorry.

Take care of yourself Addy.

Love and big hugs,

11-04-2011, 08:20 PM
Six! We love you.

((((Warm Fuzzy HUGGGS))))

11-05-2011, 12:32 PM

Your plate is so full you have started a second one!!!!!!! You are doing all you can - take it day by day - zoe - hope its not a uti!!!!! Love support strength prayes hugs to you!!!! Xo

Bailey's Mom
11-05-2011, 03:45 PM
How cool is the support here??? Yes, I know.....I'm "five", but I felt it was a new day-----maybe you wouldn't catch it!

Thoughts and prayers, again.

11-05-2011, 03:59 PM
Number 9 here:D

I'm offering you the usual tight hugs...

Much love to you, the babies and mom...

Xo Jeanette

11-06-2011, 07:25 AM
Number 10 calling in from The Netherlands ;)

What I always like a lot is creating a book...with pictures and familiar things, like songs, nursery rhymes, drawings, pictures of former pets for example, etc. People will often love to go through it and brings smiles to their faces...just a thought :)

Thinking of you and yours,

Sas and Yunah :)

11-06-2011, 08:35 AM
The kindness and caring, the loving support from all of you has brought tears to my eyes and I have such a lump in my throat I can't even type.:):):)

Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions, they do bring a smile to her face, memories and just time together. Sas- a picture album will be next on my list.

Now a goofy question- how do I get Zoe used to the time change? It has never been a problem in years past but she has been waking up earlier and earlier and today she woke up at 4:45 which was really then 3:45:rolleyes:

OMG, maybe I should apply for 3rd shift!!!!!!!;););)

love and heartfelt thanks,

11-06-2011, 09:57 AM
Hi Addy-
I'm a little late, but I guess I'm still number 11! I'm not sure what to tell you about Zoe with the time change. 3:45 is insane!!! Is it because she is ready to get up, or ready to eat? At one point, with my other dog Bailey, we had to just have a few of his kibbles in the bedroom and we would give them to him if he woke us up in the early morning (so we didn't have to get up at 4:00). That would usually hold him over until 6:30 or so. With a 3:45 wake up time, I think you're right about the 3rd shift! Yikes! I'm hoping you have a relaxing and uneventful day.

Take care of yourself!

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
11-06-2011, 10:00 AM
Hi Addy,

I am so happy that you are getting to see your mom smile! :):) What a beautiful blessing!

I am anxiously awaiting the answer to your goofy question! :D Mister Brick has a built-in alarm that goes off between 5:30 - 6:00am every morning. He scratches on the wall by my head and whines like his little heart is breaking. He learned quickly that barking just doesn't bring the desired result. :rolleyes::p Did he recognize that we could have had an extra hour of sleep last nite? nnnooooooo......at 4:30am he started his pitiful routine, which always works even tho I had finally fallen asleep only an hour earlier. :rolleyes: But he makes it so worth it - when he hears me move and I look over the bed at him all groggy-eyed, his little ears go back, head comes up, chest sticks out, tail wags so fast it's a blur, and he stomps up and down by the bed so thoroughly happy he's giddy. :):D:) I have never been a morning person, but Brick gives magic to those first morning moments that brings a smile to my face and fills me with a sense of wonder and joy. However, two hours sleep would have been nice! :p:p

Prayers, healing white light, and love continues to fly your way,
Leslie and the gang

marie adams
11-06-2011, 01:22 PM

If you just take Zoe out to do her business and then bring her back in to sleep on the bed--will that work?

Of course what am I talking about Ella was up before I wanted to be up--I tried this, but she was all over the bed--on our heads, eating more on the duvet cover--which is in a tatered mess--do I dare make a new one:eek::eek:. I finally got up to walk her at 6am on a Sunday:eek::eek:. The good thing was we saw someone we had not seen for a long time--hugs!!! She has a blood hound named Fletcher--hahaha!!!

I know you will figure this out other than going to bed earlier--hehe!!!:D

Please enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!!!:p;):D:) Good thing you are out of the nonbasement and the ants dream....:p Did Mom lose her keys or something.....:confused:

((((BIG HUGS!!!!!))))

Bailey's Mom
11-07-2011, 02:18 AM
I want you all to cut this out right now! This is night #2 where my body is all restless and I cannot fall to sleep. I think I should have a night job!
Bailey gets up with me, if I leave the room.
I'm going to find a movie to put on and get in the recliner up here. Maybe I will dose off then.

Of a more serious nature.....I am looking for experiences with lamb's ear, pig's ear, pig hooves, rawhide of every size and shape. I am trying to find out about calories, hazzards and nutrition.

Come on by, any who are up, I have the popcorn and there's a fire in the fireplace.;):D

Good night Mrs. Calabash wherever you are.

11-07-2011, 10:28 AM
i personally have heard nothing good about rawhides...they are a extreme choking hazard, pig hooves can break teeth to easily, and pig ears are anything but nutritional, loaded with fat, and have seen digestive upsets, loose stools in result of them. I have not heard of or had experience with lambs ear, but Dr. Karen Becker is a good source to seek some answers from. she also has facebook and is great at responding to questions on her wall. Hope that helps. There is a trach. that was okay to give, and the knuckle bones are another source NOT to give.

11-07-2011, 10:42 AM
Penny use to eat pig ears all the time - she went crazy for them!!!!!! But after she cracked her K9 tooth I was afraid to give them to her again - I dont know for sure if that is what caused it????

11-07-2011, 01:12 PM
No input. All I can say it is amazing the internal clock these dogs have.
Apollo knows exactly when it is lunch time.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

11-07-2011, 01:18 PM
LOL Susan,

Are you back on pain pills? Could I have some?

As for the chews for Bailey, I would be worried about the ones you listed. Have you tried a Kong with peanut butter smeared inside? Their website has tons of recipes for how to stuff a Kong, she would have to work, expend mental and physical energy and have some extra calories.:D:D:D:D

Zoe made it until 4:30 this am, hopefully in a week she will be adjusted.

Stim is Wednesday- wish us luck,


11-07-2011, 01:40 PM
Hi, Addy -

I have been having computer issues - STILL! I just wanted to check in real quick. Sounds like your mom fell? I hope she continues to improve. Tough situation, I know.

Zoe, seems to be doing well? Saw she's getting a stim this week. Hope you get good news with that.

Have you ever tried the Chocovine, yet? ;)

Bailey's Mom
11-07-2011, 06:33 PM
Hi Addy-

No-not still on pills although I have wondered if maybe some of them would help this phase.:eek: I'm down to Alleve, if anything. I am saving the remainder of the pills as a security blanket. I just looked at the medical EOB online and it was $15k+ for the surgery place and another $5k+ for the doc. Holy moly. I could have had quite a nice cruise(s) for that!!

I am of course wishing you luck on Wednesday!!!

I tried the Kong today before I even read your post. We went out hoping to avoid becoming totally insane and when we left Bailey in her condo, in went the Kong. She hasn't been real interested in the Kong and I have not found treats that work very well with the small sized one I have. She LOVED the peanut butter. I guess it's Kong and bully sticks......where did that bully go???:confused::confused::eek::D

(Do you know....of course you don't.....we are still working on treats I purchased for Palmer. When he had to leave, I had recently been out and stocked up since we're not near much in the way of doggie stores.)

Off to the Kong website.


Bailey's Mom
11-07-2011, 06:38 PM
Leslie -

[QUOTE=Squirt's Mom;

... he makes it so worth it - when he hears me move and I look over the bed at him all groggy-eyed, his little ears go back, head comes up, chest sticks out, tail wags so fast it's a blur, and he stomps up and down by the bed so thoroughly happy he's giddy. :):D:)
Leslie and the gang[/QUOTE]

Isn't life wonderful? What a great description! Bob and Bailey just returned from a walk. I am upstairs. I called to Bailey because I could tell she was looking for me. Up the stairs she ran, entered the room, went so far as to see me and stopped....with ears perked up. I welcomed her with a squeal of joy and she turned into a rabbit, bouncing her way over to me with what's left of a tail madly waving!:D:):cool:

11-07-2011, 07:11 PM
Addy maybe you have to take Zoe for his little walks right before bed to make him more tired:D:D Come on Zoe mom needs her rest!!!!!! I no the feeling - I am a nite hawk so I go to bed at 2 and Penny gets me up at 330 then 530 then 7 so it would be nice to just get some rest!!!!! My end its the drinking and the 12 year old bladder but going to check for UTI just in case:eek: Take care - prayers for your mom and Zoe always hugssssssss for all!!!!!

11-07-2011, 07:19 PM
awwwww Sus, loving the pup!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D No one loves you like your dog.

hi to MB too, hope Alivia and Maxwell are doing greeeaaaattt!!!!:D:D

Zoe's back legs and front leg stopped trembling. We have been trying to stop her jumping off the bed. Not sure if it is that- I think it may be her cortisol going really high. She is also licking her potty again, she did that last year, thought she had a UTI, she did not, and then during winter, she just stopped doing it, once the grass went dormant.:confused:

Koko- my little boy, I don't talk much about him but I do love him so. He is the most joyful, sweetest little boy. I took him to rehab last night. Everyone loved him and he was soooo good. I plopped him down on Mom's lap. He laid down gently on her chest and licked her face. She was beaming with such joy, incredible the effect a dog can have.:):):)

Sus - you can go a size up if you want with the Kong, I started with a small and changed to a medium for Zoe and Koko. You can smear some canned food into them too. I smear some Honest Kitchen intotheir Kongs at each meal so they have to work for something.

Also, I was at our pet store and saw some "fish sticks". And the bully sticks, make sure they are made in America. I'll ask our Carey at the pet store about the fish sticks.

Love ya,

11-07-2011, 09:51 PM
Addy - so happy Mom was glad to see Koko- so sweet!!!! Dogs are the best therapy -- my goldens were my therapy when I was having chemo -- they are the best!!!!!! My dad isnt well - my brother is the Fire Chief here so he works alot so he leaves Buddy - his golden/lab at my Parents almost everyday - my dad loves it!!! Penny liked the bully sticks too - she dont chew too much now - wow fish sticks - Penny goes crazy when she smells fish - she would probably love them!! Glad Zoes legs are better so you feel when the cortisol goes up the legs get better?? -- makes sense --Pennys is up and she is walking pretty good - she also lickig alot to - gotta check for UTI -- always sending prayers loves and lots of hugsssssssss xo

Jenny & Judi in MN
11-08-2011, 12:25 PM
Good luck to Zoe tomorrow! I'm so glad Koko made your Mom smile. Dogs and rehab are wonderful.


11-08-2011, 02:44 PM
Hi Addy,

I'm just checking in on you, mom and sweet Zoe, and praying you are getting through each day.

Luv ya lots....Jeanette

Bailey's Mom
11-08-2011, 03:28 PM
Hi Addy-

My heart just melted a teeny bit when you talked of taking Koko to rehab. It took me a minute to figure out what rehab? Who's in rehab? I didn't know Addy needed a rehab. But forgive me-I could not sleep much again last night. I think I need more exercise, but the foot can only take short amounts. I have an exer-bike and will try that late this afternoon.

What is Honest Kitchen?

Okay-it's now about a little less than two hours later. I realized I could Google "Honest Kitchen"....so now I know. I am going to order the sample package.

I hope your Mom is doing okay and I'll be thinking of you and Zoe tomorrow. When will you have results?


11-08-2011, 10:15 PM
Hi Addy - Will be thinking about you and Zoe tomorrow!!! Hope the stim goes well!!!!! How is Zoe doing today??? Fingers and paws crossed -- Love Hugs and prayers!!!!! Give Zoe a kiss for me!!!! :)xoxo

11-09-2011, 08:23 AM
Thank you all for checking in,

Stim day, Zoe has had a potty accident the last two mornings. Night before I took her out at 1:00 pm and she still had a potty accident around 4-4:40. This morning I head her get up at 4:30 and got up and took her out but she already had potty accident in the den.

Plan to switch her to twice day dosing unless her numbers are within range which I doubt very much they will be; post was 12.7 ug/dl late August and we let her ride.

She really is not drinking buckets. Do you think I should do a culture? IMS will only draw urine through needle. This all started after her endscopy and has gotten worse. I thought maybe the catheter caused a UTI.

When her numbers were 44 ug/dl she did not have accidents durring the night.

I am worried.

11-09-2011, 08:55 AM
Oh Addy,

Here you go again. Sorry something is off with Zoe lately. I don't know much about UTI's since Princess has fortunately never had one to this date, that we know of anyway? I guess it would good to check Zoe for one depending on what the stim results show, no?

I wish you all can take a much deserved and needed break from all the health issues, maybe even a vacation would be wonderful, but I know that is unrealistic with wanting to be at mom's side ( there's no other place we would choose to be when our loved ones are hurting).

Regardless, I do hope there is a place where you can retreat at the end of your long days to just unwhine...

Will be checking in on you again later. Best wishes today.

Tight ones. Xo Jeanette and Princess

Jenny & Judi in MN
11-09-2011, 09:27 AM
I never noticed Jenny drinking a ton more water but she definitely had potty accidents like crazy when her cortisol was higher.

how stressful/expensive are UTI tests?

I'm no help Addy, just wishing the best for you both!

11-09-2011, 12:19 PM
Addy I no you wont get results till tomorrow but let us know what the vet said about the accidents and did he do the urine test? hugsssssssssss

11-09-2011, 01:23 PM
Well, I had them draw the urine for both culture and not. I would rather spend the money now and make sure no UTI since Zoe never has had potty problems at night and with the catheter and all, I just went with it. They drew the urine after the last draw for the ACTH test.

So if Zoe does have a UTI I assume it may increase her numbers on her ACTH test? Could this gastritis in her tummy and helicobacter "infection" also increase her stim?

I am grumpy because temporary IMS never even came in to talk to me. Then the vet tech tried to tell me they probably won't get back to me until next week since temporary IMS wants to consult with Zoe's normal IMS since she is coming back to work in 2 weeks. Meanwhile I have 13 days of Vetoryl and will need a new script before then. I persistently told her I need the pre and post numbers tomorrow. We don't have to discuss anything tomorrow, but I WANT THE NUMBERS:mad::mad: and I am not waiting unitl next week to get them:D

Really, what is up with the medical community? I just went through putting my foot down last Friday with my new doctor's nurse who tried to cancel my appointment and tell me I had to wait until January.
Needless to say, I saw my new doctor that very day;) January, I mean really who exactly is the customer????? URGGGGGGGG!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent,
high blood pressure addy

Squirt's Mom
11-09-2011, 02:26 PM
Well, I had them draw the urine for both culture and not. I would rather spend the money now and make sure no UTI since Zoe never has had potty problems at night and with the catheter and all, I just went with it. They drew the urine after the last draw for the ACTH test.

I would probably done the same thing! Why not cover all the bases?

So if Zoe does have a UTI I assume it may increase her numbers on her ACTH test? Could this gastritis in her tummy and helicobacter "infection" also increase her stim?

The UTI can affect the ACTH; I would think the digestive issues would as well.

I am grumpy because temporary IMS never even came in to talk to me. Then the vet tech tried to tell me they probably won't get back to me until next week since temporary IMS wants to consult with Zoe's normal IMS since she is coming back to work in 2 weeks. Meanwhile I have 13 days of Vetoryl and will need a new script before then. I persistently told her I need the pre and post numbers tomorrow. We don't have to discuss anything tomorrow, but I WANT THE NUMBERS:mad::mad: and I am not waiting unitl next week to get them:D

Really, what is up with the medical community? I just went through putting my foot down last Friday with my new doctor's nurse who tried to cancel my appointment and tell me I had to wait until January.
Needless to say, I saw my new doctor that very day;) January, I mean really who exactly is the customer????? URGGGGGGGG!!!!!

:p:D:p:D Oh, the visuals I have from this! :p:D:p:D

Leslie and the gang

11-09-2011, 03:07 PM
Addy I know what is up with these vets!!!!! This is exactly what I was complaining about last week!!! Really!!!!!!!!!!! In my case the vet would not get on the phone - the tech had to be the middle person!! But when i got her she was nice but thats not the point ----- and wait for your results------------you just want the numbers ---they have to give them to you!!! I know its not bad enough what you go through and then they just have to make it worse:mad: You call tomorrow and you get Zoes numbers -- you need to know so you know about the medication - you need a


11-09-2011, 05:08 PM
I'm glad you put your foot down. There is no reason they can't call you to update you on her results. I would have had them check for a UTI too, so I think that was a good idea.

I also wish you would have a little time to relax from all the stress in your life. I hope Zoe does okay tonight and that you get an answer about her potty issues.

Take care,
Julie & Hannah

Jenny & Judi in MN
11-09-2011, 05:20 PM
After Jenny's last ACTH her vet was on vacation for a couple of days. I finally convinced the vet tech to grab her chart and just read me the #'s. She was nervous though. Hang in there Addy!

One of Jenny's first Cushing's symptoms was peeing on my husband's pillow in the middle of the night :D It happens (so do new pillows)

Hoping for good results and plenty of chocolate!

xoxo, Judi

Bailey's Mom
11-09-2011, 11:02 PM
Oh Addy-I am so sorry it's still pouring on you (when it rains , it pours.):mad:

You paid for the test (I am assuming)....you ask for a copy of the results. Even the receptionist should be able to get that for you. Quite often they'll push until we push back. You are not asking for anything extraordinary. You have every right to get the results asap.

I agree with the urine test for UTI.

Big, big , big HUG for you. Try to get some rest.:)


11-10-2011, 08:30 AM
Thank you all. I hate waiting, it is so hard. Doesn't make sense, but maybe we have reached a point where higher cortisol will bother her durring the night and she can't hold her urine as long. The last week or two her back leg trembling stopped, her bad front paw has not been as shaky, she is not drinking more water. Maybe she is just all messed up from our stress over mom and the time change.

I emailed the vet at Auburn Univeristy, the one who wrote the Vetoryl update on Dechra's site to ask if you are treating a dog for Cushings with Trilostane and the dog has a concurrent non adrenal illness, how much can that elevate the pre and post numbers? Alot? alitltle?

Guess what???? It is SNOWING!!!!! Tiny, dry flakes, Zoe and I did our chicken walk in the snow. Her eyes are bright and happy. Hubby says we are bonded so, Zoe and I, because she is just like me.

OMG, the flakes are gettinng bigger, it is sticking to the grass. Wish I did not have to go to work even though I was home yesterday.

love you all,
addy the worry wart

marie adams
11-10-2011, 12:43 PM
Waiting is sooooo hard and when you keep calling without any results that makes me mad!!!:mad::mad: I finally yelled at the front desk and then the vet when it took 3 days of calling to get Maddie's results. When you are already stressed it just makes it worse!!!:( I am so sorry you have to go through this and everything else....

I am picturing you and Zoe in the snow--makes me get a BIG SMILE on my face--wish I could have been there.:D:):p It is going to be fun to see Ella in the snow for the first time when we go to Mammoth in March. Of course we have to get her riding in the car a lot better first.:D

Take care my dear friend!!! XOXOX

11-10-2011, 01:23 PM
OK, no results on blood work or urine stuff until next week but stim is:
post 9.6

she went down since the end of August without a dose change:D

History since we started in June:

she was 44 ug/dl in January we did not retest before starting Vetoryl in June.

10mgs took her down to 7.7 pre 11.2 post after 10 days

at 30 days [on 10 mgs] she was pre 9.9 post 16.9

raised dose to 15mgs which took her down to 5.8 pre 9.9 post after 14 days.

retested 14 days later and here we are climbing again 6.4 pre 14.9 post

raised dose to 20 mgs and post result after 14 days was 12.7(dont' remember pre)

we let it ride until now

So why the potty issues? Also wondering if the pepcid maybe helped her absorb the vetoryl better? Maybe I should not stop it?

I think all I would do if everything comes back normal is maybe take the 20mgs and switch to twice day dosing. Maybe that need to eat and pee at 4:30 would go away with BID. With her IBD I had hoped to keep her around 9 if she was ok there. The potty accidents increased after the time change. Her fasting blood work in September looks really good. I reread the Trilostane update 2011 on Dechra's website. I think splitting dose now makes sense depending what else comes back.

I am a happy camper right now, I think the higher pre numbers may be from her IBD.



Bailey's Mom
11-10-2011, 03:00 PM
Sounds like good news to me! I've always been in favor of the BID. It just makes sense to me. I am having a blank (hit my head, you know) with what "BID" stands for.

SNOW?? You have SNOW???? No FAIR!!!! ;)

Jenny & Judi in MN
11-10-2011, 03:07 PM
that is wonderful news Addy!

Jenny is still on the evil hormone for her pee issues. I know with Addy's other problems you want to avoid further medication.

We have snow too but it is supposed to be 50 this weekend and we are determined to get our dock in without chipping ice!

hugs, Judi

11-10-2011, 05:21 PM
Sounds good Addy!! Every dog has a different post they do good at so does the vet like to keep Zoe like 9ish??? Penny did better also when she was 9ish- didnt do good at the 5ish post --- hope everything else turns out good - Penny did well on twice a day also -

Sus - Judi you guys have snow - alot ---- we have lots of rain and winds coming:eek:

11-10-2011, 08:54 PM
Hi Addy-
Glad you got some good news! I saw a few flakes here in MN today too, but nothing sticking. I hope you can figure out Zoe's potty issues, but I'm so glad to hear she is doing well!

Julie & Hannah

11-11-2011, 05:59 PM
Thanks guys, I guess I will hear more next week on the rest of her tests.

Right now, I will take the 9.6;)

have a great weekend,

11-11-2011, 11:31 PM
Addy thinking of you and Zoe fingers and paws crossed that the blood work and urine come back good Hugsssssssssssssssss

11-12-2011, 07:23 AM
Thank you Cindy. We think of you too.

Lori-Glynda-Marianne and all:confused::confused::confused:

I had a thought in the middle of the night- we went through this last fall, we thought she had a uti, she did not, then out of nowhere she stopped licking herslef and the accidents slowed down. We did the UTK panel in January and her estradiol was no loner elevated but normal. She had been on melatonin and lignans full dose for 3-4 months.

Is there a connection?

Instead of thinking of doing twice day dosing- should I be thinking of putting her back on the melatonin and lignans (which I never wanted to stop but IMS was freaking about that- I don't think she knows Dr. Oliver would have okayed it)

I'm really thinking about this and need input from anyone on Trilostane and melatonin and lignans.


Squirt's Mom
11-12-2011, 09:00 AM
Hi Addy,

Just my 2 cents worth, but I don't think they should have ever been stopped. ;) If her estradiol is being produced outside the adrenals, and based on the UTK panel showing them once again normal I would say it is, then this combination is the only thing I know of that has the ability to lower it.

Leslie and the gang

PS. Here is a excerpt from an email Dr. Oliver wrote to one of our members, Gretchen, about her dog, Rusty, which she posted here on the forum -

And the estradiol levels are very elevated, and this can cause essentially all the clinical signs of Cushing's. It's been my experience, seeing test results of dogs that are on trilostane, that androstenedione and estradiol (only estradiol in Rusty's case) are increased by trilostane. This may not cause a problem for weeks to months, but a lot of these dogs will begin to have signs of Cushing's disease again, and I attribute this to the elevated sex hormones (the two above in particular).

11-12-2011, 05:55 PM
Hi Addy how is Zoe doing? The legs still weak - so are Pennys but she isnt shaking -- I saw your post on the pepcid - that is interesting - let me know - so Zoe is off it now?? How is Mom?? Have you taken your little baby back to see her?? Always thinking of all of you hugssssss to all xoxo

p.s saw your post about the brick --- i think that is so nice - I would put both their names and the date ---

11-13-2011, 12:13 AM
Hi Addy,

When Lulu was on Trilostane, I asked Dr. Oliver if he thought melatonin and lignans may help Lulu regain her coat. He couldn't guarantee it would work but he did say it should be fine to give both with Trilostane. I never did because it was about then that I decided to switch both dogs to Lysodren.

Melatonin and lignans are pretty benign but for me, I already dole out pills like candy every day and unless I know for sure they need another pill, I won't give it to them. If you are sure Zoe is peeing because she is no longer concentrating her urine due to estradiol or any other sex hormone, then it's definitely worth putting Zoe back on them.

My dogs are on their own time clock and I may alter my routine with the time change but they haven't yet. At 4:00 am they are making noise for breakfast and I have noticed an increase in the pee on the pee pads at 5:00 am. Are you sure Zoe isn't still on daylight savings time? Can you tell if her urine is dilute?

11-13-2011, 09:33 AM
Hi Glynda,

I am not sure that is why she is having accidents I just remembered what happened last fall. Her urine has color to it, and a smell, not strong smell or dark urine. It seems like normal urine, not diluted.
Last fall I thought she had a uti then it just all stopped. Maybe it is just a coincidence that we happened to do the UTK panel and the estradiol was normal.

She is post 9.6 but has the gastritis and helicobacter infection though remains asymptomatic, I assume her post could be lower? Or not.:confused:

Dang, Zoe always throws me a curve ball just when I think I have a good plan she puts a moneky wrench in it:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Well, I guess I can always let it ride again and see if she adjusts to the time change before I do anything. I was going to change to twice day dosing, same dose just split in two doses. Maybe I just let it ride again because otherwise she is good. Hair/coat is the same, no better no worse, she grew a bit of undercoat earlier and the honey color on her face and ears recently got brighter.

Man, why do I feel like I have to be Einstein to figure out what to do? I guess I will here the IMS's opinion and take that into consideration. Not that I usually do what they want:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Glynda, what do you think?

thanks for the help,
not even close to baby einstein addy

11-13-2011, 12:29 PM
Hi Addy,

It doesn't sound like excess cortisol or estradiol is causing the accidents in the house. It's possible that she has a UTI but if that were the case, I think she'd be having accidents at all hours of the day. It very well could be something as simple as the time change. A chat with your IMS is a great idea.

With respect to BID dosing, the majority of dogs on Trilostane are well controlled with once daily dosing but those who continue to have unresolved symptoms with post stimulated cortisol within the therapeutic range may do much better on twice daily dosing. With Zoe being asymptomatic, I don't believe you are at that crossroad. If you were, it is recommended that you up the current dose a bit and divide in half. Half of the current dose would probably be too low for effective control.

11-13-2011, 08:01 PM
Thank you. :) I'll give it a bit more time. I have my notes from last year and the accidents did start happening at different times of the day last year as it continued on. The only difference is it started earlier in the fall and I don't think her urine was as concentrated last year. Seems odd that the same thing would happen again. If she doesn't have to be on melatonin (it made her tired) it would be probably better but I think I will keep that in my reserve bag of tricks. As long as I know Dr. Oliver was okay with it.

The twice day dosing, I was rereading the update use of Trilostane on Dechra's site. I don't know that I want to really bring her cortisol down much more, I am more comfortable with her in the 9 range with the IBD, gastritis, helicobacter stuff. I was suprised her cortisol even went down with no dose change. Unless the pepcid helped her absorb the drug better. Right now I can't justify an increase of her trilostane. I was thinking through the Trilostane Treatment tree with minor adjustment. I thought it was interesting Dr. Behrend suggested only 25% increase. Zoe is asymptomatic for her IBD, the Cushing symptoms could use a bit of tweaking;) I will discuss with IMS and give it a bit of time. In the past I did not need to be in a hurry with Zoe with anything. Hopefully that will not change. I hope I don't get bad news this week with the rest of her test results. Trying to believe everything will be "normal" as always.

Thank you!!!!:):) Sorry for rambling the thoughts in my head that go round and round. I know you all probably think why does she keep insisting on Zoe's cortisol be kept around nine instead of the ideal range? I can't explain it, gut talking, which could be wrong but I'm going with it for now.


11-13-2011, 08:47 PM
Thank you. :) I know you all probably think why does she keep insisting on Zoe's cortisol be kept around nine instead of the ideal range? I can't explain it, gut talking, which could be wrong but I'm going with it for now.

Addy, I might question your wisdom if you knew for sure that Zoe's accidents were caused by cushing's but I don't think that's the case. Since you and Zoe are on a roll, why not let it ride. I'm with ya all the way.

Bailey's Mom
11-14-2011, 04:45 AM
Hi Addy-
I can't help with what you're going through now, but I can wish you a HAPPY MONDAY!!!
I think you are doing a wonderful job. :)
How's Mom?

marie adams
11-14-2011, 01:30 PM
Addy I have the answer to why Zoe does this to you....She wants more attention--hehe!!!!:D:p

You are doing a great job as always so do not stress yourself out!!!

((((BIG HUGS))))

11-15-2011, 09:35 AM
Biggest smile I could make, it won't make it bigger even on size 7

urine culture- urinalysis all normal - no UTI-
same as last year!!!!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I don't think it is cortisol unless high cortisol makes them like their potty:confused::confused::confused:

I got a feeling the first snow it will all go away again!!!!!!:rolleyes:

that's my girl- sleeping until 5:00 HURRAH ZOE!!!!!!

marie adams
11-17-2011, 02:35 AM
So glad Miss Zoe caught up to the right time--if 5am is the right time???:eek::D

I hope you are doing better and less stress....sure!!!

Carrol is back for good---maybe, but I will take any time she gives us.

11-17-2011, 08:40 AM
Marie Irene,

Funny how we christened you with that new name and now can't stop using your nickname:):):):):)

Carrol flew in on a gush of wind. I hope she doesn't run off to the circus again.:):):) We have all missed her. I have not had a chance to go post something witty because work is raising my blood pressure:mad:

Actually, I have been trying to figure out how to get mom home for Thanksgiving dinner. It involves a lot of planning and expense for special equipment but, hey, if I can pull it off, I sure the heck want to try for my mom.:D:D:D:D

The only thing I need to figure out is how to get a wheel chair up a small step onto the porch and then a small step through the front door.
Any ideas???????

love ya,

11-17-2011, 08:49 AM
The only thing I need to figure out is how to get a wheel chair up a small step onto the porch and then a small step through the front door.
Any ideas???????

I have huge nephews you can borrow but you'd have to pay for airfare. :D Since that's not an option, rent a wheelchair ramp for the day. They have them for cars and your home. Go online and try to find a place in your area. Here is one I found in your neck of the woods.


Squirt's Mom
11-17-2011, 09:21 AM
Hi Addy,

I so hope you can work it out so you mom can come for the Holiday! What a wonderful idea! You are a good daughter...but we already knew that. ;):)

Would some of the aides maybe come help you get her in and out of the house for a meal? :D

Leslie and the gang

Jenny & Judi in MN
11-17-2011, 10:06 AM
Addy: are there any local organizations like hospice or someone who could loan you a ramp? My husband teaches high school and sometimes the shop kids like to do different projects like this too but I know time is short.

hope you find a way! Judi

marie adams
11-17-2011, 10:51 AM
Good Morning Addy,

Everyone has given you great ideas. Medical supply and equipment places rent a lot of different items to help people get around--so try them. Building a ramp is an option, tilting the wheelchair back on the back wheels and someone picking it up in the front can work. My mom had a very light weight wheelchair just for someone to push her; that might be an option and not the big heavy ones unless she wants to get herself around. Like Glenda said borrow her nephews for the lifting.:D

I think it is a wonderful idea to have her come for Thanksgiving!!! It will make everyone feel good to have family together!!!:)

Yes I know all to well about the blood pressure and work--weren't we going to start our own company?????? I can sell and market it; you can make it....of course we will have headaches along the way, but then we will let Zoe, Koko, and Ella run it--hehehehe!!!! Then they will know what stress is.:p:D

It's Thursday and then it is FRIDAY!!!!! And then 2 whole days off, 3 days on, and then FOUR days off!!!! YESSSS!!!!

Bailey's Mom
11-17-2011, 09:39 PM

My experience with wheelchairs is similar to what Marie said. Turn the chair around and back it up the step-one strong person holds and pulls on the handles and another strong person lifts from the bottom.
Orrrrrrrrrrr..........someone could lift your Mom up and bring in the wheelchair separately.....if that would be possible with her.:confused:

I'm sorry you're working so hard. I've missed you!
And now there is this wild woman, wanting sweaters, losing a camel and getting pissed!!

One more day and then it's the weekend.................unless you're retired and then you NEVER know WHAT day it is!!

11-18-2011, 08:33 AM
You guys are so great, what would I do without you? Brother has a hernia and hubby has a bad back so lifting wheel chair may not be possible. I assigned my daughter to look into wheel chair ramps for rent at the store she is renting a lift chair from!!! Who know you could rent them?

I asked work about making a ramp but need to explain to them better. I could order one from Amazon.com but I don't think it will get here in time.

Zoe has adjusted finally to new time and no more accidents in the house though she is still licking her potty as she was last year. Temp vet never called me, sent tech to call me and said to make another consultation appointment with my IMS when she returns to work next week. I am not a happy camper as I PAID for an appointment with HER:mad::mad: I'll work that out with my regular IMS but if I get fed up enough, I'll go elsewhere.

Thats all for now, everyone have a wonderful weekend. I am off to find transport company for wheel chairs.


11-18-2011, 04:54 PM
Hi Addy - My girlfriends father in law has been in wheel chair for years and thats what they do - they get the tranportation each time he has to go to her house - good luck --- glad mom can come home for Thansgiving --:) Give Zoe a kiss for me!! Hugsssssssss

11-19-2011, 08:23 AM
Hi Addy,

What a blessing to have mom home for the holiday--:). Considering the circumstances, it still does make it the more meaningful for the two of you. Gosh, you are such a loving daughter, it touches me where it matters most.

I know you will go to all extremes to get your wish this holiday--more power to you lady...:)

Love and tightest hugs ever to you, Zoe, mom and your precious family.

Xo Jeanette and Princess

marie adams
11-20-2011, 12:22 AM
Your thread has not been hijacked by Carrol in the desert with Wally. She lost the surfer dudes to the belly dancers--how could she!!! She want Navy Seals to bring water for Wally--she wants a lot of stuff--taxis, planes, whatever to get her out of the desert. She probably doesn't like all the sand in her hair....:eek:

I lost my info on this line-stupid computer: I think it is wonderful your whole family can be together for Thanksgiving; especially your mother.:)

Happy Sunday!!!! It is still Saturday for me right now....

11-20-2011, 12:29 AM
Dear Addy
Hope your Mom can be with you on Thanksgiving.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

11-20-2011, 04:19 PM
Hi All,

Sorry I have been awol. Mom has a discharge date from rehab and we found an assisted living facility with 24 hour care. Her primary doctor thinks this will be a good transition for her. I think so too. So now we are planning turkey day and planning her discharge. I have to move some of her furniture from home and fill out endless forms. She will be transferred hopefully December 1st. We need so many supplies we never had before so lots of shopping.

I have the transport, the lift chair, the ramps, the raised toilet seat and bars. We did not forget the turkey:):):)

Last year I had to get Zoe better. This year I have to make sure mom has a chance to improve. I hope both will be here with me for a long time.

Thank you all for your support and understanding. I will be in and out but thinking of you all.


Bailey's Mom
11-21-2011, 12:27 AM
Hi Addy-

I've missed you!:)

It sounds like great news about your Mom. :D She's well enough to move on. :D:D

You sure have been busy!! Any chance to take some time off from work?

11-21-2011, 01:27 PM
Hey Sus,
Miss you too. Mom isn't well enough- rehab will not keep you if you "reach a plateau."

I'm almost out of personal days and I have so many more to use between mom and Zoe. No vacation days for me.:)

Zoe seems to be doing well. She was wrestling with Koko yesterday waiting for dinner. No more accidents. She is starting to get up from under the bed in the middle of the night and go sleep on her favorite bed in the living room rather than her bed in our room. She likes that one more because it is bigger and she can stretch out. I have no room for it in our bedroom. This morning I checked on her and there she was zonked out on her living room bed snoring away. Too funny. But I kind of miss hearing her snore and grunt durring the night. Sounds weird, I know, but it was comforting, I knew she was okay.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!!!


marie adams
11-22-2011, 07:09 PM
I hope all your plans are in motion for your mom.

That is so cute of Zoe and her big bed. Maddie would start out in our room on the floor (after the Cushings started); she use to sleep on the bed; then she headed downstairs to the cool tile floor in the family room.

Does Koko sleep in your room also? Ella is all over the bed like she owns it--of course who is telling her differently.:eek:

Happy Thanksgiving to you also!!!:) So understand if you do not make it back here until afterwards....:p

11-23-2011, 01:32 PM
Sorry guys, I just read the news of Yunah. I missed Sas's first post.

I can't stop crying.

marie adams
11-23-2011, 06:10 PM
I was in tears with the first post about making the decision about Yunah and now that she is gone--it is soooo sad. Makes me remember....

Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes!!! I want to wish you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving also to you and all your family. Give Zoe and Koko hugs from Ella!!!:D

11-23-2011, 07:55 PM
Oh sister Marie Irene. I truly do love and appreciate you so.

Koko and Zoe say right back at you to Miss Ella:D:D:D:D:D:D

Gobble, gobble gobble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eat lots of turkey and pie, pie is very important.;);););)

love you,

Bailey's Mom
11-23-2011, 11:40 PM
Ahhhhhhh......pie----I just happened to have made two pecan pies. Come on over and we'll each have one!:D

Happy Thanksgiving Addy. I hope all goes well and smoothly for you and your family tomorrow.

It is so sad about Yunah. I had not realized the extent in which my heart had intertwined with the forum, its members and the wonderful doggies.


11-24-2011, 08:31 AM
To My Extended K9 Cushings Family,

I wish I could post a personal message on all of your threads. Unfortunately, I only have a few minutes today.

For all of you I wish a blessed Thanksgiving and I am so thankful for every last one of you. You are all very special and dear to me.

For those of you who have suffered a loss, please know you are in my prayers and thoughts and I hope you find peace today.


love always,
Addy, Zoe and Koko

11-24-2011, 09:44 PM
Happy Thanksgiving Addy!
Rene & Angel Snoop

11-26-2011, 12:07 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to you Addy,

And to all of my family here, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a safe time, especially if travelling.

Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx

11-29-2011, 01:06 PM
Jane!!!!! how wonderful you stopped by. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!!!!

Renee- I hope hubby is doing better, thank you for saying hi.

Not much new on Zoe- waiting to make appointment with IMS for review of last ACTH test and everything that happened while IMS was on leave but have to coordinate that with mom. Mom is moving to a new facility and it is beautiful and I am so hopeful and happy AND the puppies can go visit her apartment whenever they want. Lots of dogs in the lobby, you know it has to be good!!!!!:D:D:D:D

Thanksgiving was the best I could have hoped for and more. Zoe was so tired from the to do she slept in the next morning;););) I stopped the pepcid for now and I don't see any ill affects. She is back to her normal morning routine, thank goodness and is still playing with Koko and begging to take her chicken walk.

Will be back as soon as we have mom settled in her new digs.

love to all,

11-29-2011, 02:43 PM
Hi Addy,

So happy things are starting to look up a tiny bit. It's all we can hope for. Glad you found a great new pad for mom and the welcome doggies:D. One of my best friends works at an assisted living residence and she brings her lhasa apso everyday to visit all the residents, and they simply lover her. her name is Molly, ain't it funny she's a Lhasa like Zoe? Zoe will fit right in as well.

take care of you and we love you so very much.

Please kiss mom and Zoe for us too, and all the new doggies soon to meet:D

Xo Jeanette and my girl Princess

11-29-2011, 05:40 PM
Addy so happy you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!:) Zoe seemed to have a good time tooooo!!!:D Glad things are getting better for you - love and hugssssssss xoxoxo

11-29-2011, 07:15 PM
Dear Addy
Glad things are getting better for you
HUgs Sonja and Apollo

Bailey's Mom
11-29-2011, 11:38 PM
Hi Addy-

Your thanksgiving and morning after sound great. I'm sure you are relieved some for your Mom's new digs.

I'm looking forward to Zoe's results and clarifications.

11-30-2011, 08:40 AM
Jeanette- I love the story of Molly.:):):):) Dogs just make everyone smile!!!!!!

Cindy- Sonja-Sus, thanks for stopping by. Zoe sees her regular IMS December 15th. I still do not see any symptoms that would encourage me to treat this heliocobacter so she will have to convince me why I would do that. Cushings, symptoms are exactly the same, IBD has good control. I am beginning to think she has an airborne allergy.

Chew paws- check mate though she also does that from stress and boredom

Licking flank off and on and vulva- checkmate

Rubs face on stuff- checkmate

Sounds like nose stuffed, snores- checkmate

Eyes are bright, quality of life good, foot dragging improved, we run and jump up one small step outside, aces it every time, we practice 4 jumps and run each am.

So, 9.6 ACTH, I most likely will let it ride again. We'll see.

Love you all,

11-30-2011, 11:41 AM
Addy Penny is at 11 and she is doing good - eats well - walking is ok - and she seems happy - alot more happy than before - so we are letting it ride also at this point also- IMS is watching her carefully -
Hugssss xo

11-30-2011, 10:39 PM
Hi Addy,
I'm glad to hear Zoe is doing well and things have been a little more calm for you. Hannah has her first NSAID profile tomorrow after being off of Anipryl for about a month. I am excited to see where her ALKP level is. I have noticed no change with her being off of Anipryl whatsoever. Honestly, at times I would never know she has Cushing's. The drinking seems to go in spurts. At any rate, I'll post results when I get them. Just glad to hear you're all doing well!

Julie & Hannah

Bailey's Mom
12-04-2011, 05:08 AM
Addy..........where are you??!! You post on other threads, but you've not told us how Zoe is doing......in quite a few days.

I'm missing you.


12-05-2011, 09:11 AM
Hi Addy,

How is mom getting on at her new place? Anything new with Zoe and Koko?

Rene and Angel Snoop

12-05-2011, 10:52 AM
Just checking in on you mom Zoe and Koko - hope all is well - miss you!!!!! Hugssssssssss xo

12-05-2011, 01:55 PM
Hi Guys,

Sorry I am still missing, still so many details to work out at mom's new place, we have not had much time.

I finally got to cuddle in bed with Zoe and Koko last night. They missed me and I missed them so much my heart ached. Does that make sense? Tonight we have the night together as well and hubby had their normal routine today so I hope Zoe gets a nice long afternoon nap. ;) Zoe see IMS next week Thursday. I really think she has some allergy going on as I mentioned last week. She still has "hat hair" from wearing her coats and sweater. I have tried soaking her paws in epsom salts but it does not do anything but it is hard to get her to stand in the solution for more than 5 minutes.

Other than the licking her potty and flank and worsened paw chewing, she is exactly the same. This is what we dealt with last year and then in January it all stopped except she would still chew her paws when she was stressed and bored, just not as much. I think her tail may look worse but that could be she needs a bath.

Could all this licking and chewing be from stress? She still wrestles Koko and wants her chicken walk. Yesterday I wanted to bring her in from her walk and that determined little girl loooked at me and turned right around and headed back down the driveway:D:D:D Of course I gave in and she got her way.

Sorry if I am not making sense, I am so tired and brain dead. I wish I could take the puppies and we could all go sit on a beach.

love you all and miss you all, will try to be back soon,

12-05-2011, 09:58 PM
Hi Addy,

I see that you mentioned Zoe's licking her paws and genital area. Hannah does the same thing, although the genitals is new. I just posted about a rash she had previously in her abdominal area that we treated, but a few weeks later and she is licking again. They are doing a UA tomorrow and checking it out again. Have you figured out why Zoe does that?

The paw licking has been a habit for years. We think it is partially allergies and partially nerves/calming/OCD like behavior. I know she can't be suffering from allergies when it is like 20 degrees here (and we did the food test with no change) so often I think it's an anxious/calming lick. I hope we get the thing with her genitals cleared up tomorrow. I just want two happy, healthy dogs for the holidays.

I hope you get some rest and that Zoe continues to do okay...

Julie & Hannah

12-05-2011, 10:33 PM
Have you figured out why Zoe does that?

we went through this last year and then it just stopped in January. Here we go again!!!!!

Maybe Hannah and Zoe are related:D:D:D Hannah sounds just like Zoe;)

She had a urine culture and anyalysis- no uti a month ago. She did not have one last year either. IMS could not find anything wrong with her genitials or vulva then and I wonder if she will next week!!!:rolleyes:

Does Hannah like to lick your arm, leg???


12-05-2011, 11:19 PM
My Haley had the same thing and a vet had a name for it but it was so many years ago... but essentially she never had an internal UTI - she had external issues and thus the licking of the area. He put her on an ointment and it cleared it right up.

12-06-2011, 01:27 AM
is she licking the flank area or nipping at it? nipping at it might be sign of discomfort
there are these wipes that you can get at the vets...they smell terrible i think....but help with the feet licking and might even the gential area. Ugh they start with a M....but I cant remember what they are called.
for the feet though...have you tried any cortisone lotion? or calamide (spelling) lotion? sometimes solarcane can help with the itchy feet too. (sorry spelling is so terrible)
hope you can sound out what i am trying to spell..lol
hope you can get some rest and hold your babies tight, and yes it makes perfect sense when you say your heart hurt. I think most of us can relate to that expression.
try and get some rest, your a beautiful mom to beautiful fur babies.

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2011, 10:23 AM
Hi Addy,

Trink also seems to have seasonal allergies and her back area near her tail gets oily and itchy tho the skin doesn't change in appearance. I tried Mary Beth's suggestion of using Chamomile tea and it has helped a great deal! I boil 1 cup of water and use 1 bag of tea then use cotton balls to soak the area. I make twice the amount (2 cups water, 2 tea bags) when she gets a bath and after her final rinse, I pour the tea all over and leave it. I don't bath her often as I worry about over-stimulating the oil glands in her skin (not even sure that is a real possibility but I have to have something to worry about, ya know!). The tea does seem to help but I don't know why and haven't stopped to find out! :o:p

Leslie and the gang

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2011, 01:00 PM

12-06-2011, 01:17 PM
Thank you Leslie, I forgot about the tea, I have some at home:D

tonight Zoe will get her paws soaked, her private parts dabbed and I will finish up by drinking a cuppa myself:):):):):):)

Today is a good day indeed!!!!! I was awake all night wondering how to coordinate the aids making mom walk a few times a day. I was so sad that perhaps my brother had been right and this move was not right for her. I left a message for the new physical therapist before going to work. Out of nowhere, mom calls me at work, relays a message about supplies the aids need and proceeds to tell me she informed the aids she wants to walk as much as possible and walked to breakfast with her walker (which is a really long hallway!!!)

I was so happy and grateful I cried. So if I can give Zoe some relief tonight, it will have been a beautiful day!!!!!!

Love you all,

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2011, 01:38 PM
Out of nowhere, mom calls me at work...

What a wonderful gift you got today! I know you cherish every second of that conversation. These times are so special they deserve a celebration.

I hope you have a restful and enjoyable evening.

Leslie and the gang

12-06-2011, 08:07 PM
Thank you dearest Leslie:):):)

Anyone ever use Chlorpheniramine? When Zoe first came to us she chewed her paws like crazy. Finally the doctor gave me these allergy pills and a blue solution that you squirted into a bowl of water until it was the same blue of the sky. For whatever reason, after 1-2 weeks, she stopped chewing her paws for the rest of the summer.


12-06-2011, 09:24 PM
Addy i am so happy that mom wants to start walking more!!!! Go mom!!!!!! - that is really good news and if zoes paws stop itching that would be wonderful!!!!!!! Penny was biting her paws to - actually she did until about a week ago - the fall weather causes it with her - the rag weed the leaves falling??? But she was tender and raw for awhile --- so happy things are getting better!!! Love hugs and prayers!!!!!! Xoxoxoxoxo

12-06-2011, 11:16 PM
Dear Addy
Glad to hear some good new on your side. Angels are watching over you.
Love Sonja and Apollo

Bailey's Mom
12-06-2011, 11:58 PM
Hi Addy-

I'm so glad to hear of the news of the phone call. :D I wish I could call my Mom.

Palmer had the paw chewing thing. We gave him Vistaril until it stopped. That's an Rx. I have taken it myself. It can give you a very good night of sleep. Palmer left me some when he left. :) Part of the problem with the paw chewing is it is self-perpetuating. The more they do it, the more they WILL do it. The paws itch, they chew, it irritates the paws....so they chew more.

Glad you had a good day. I hope there are more.


12-07-2011, 08:39 AM
I tried the tea i soaked it all over her paws and dabed on private parts. As soon as I let her loose she took off and went and chewed her paws:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I have to threaten her with the bitter apples bottle to make her stop.:p

Thank goodness we see IMS next week, I think she needs an anthisamine for a week of two and a paw soak. Our grass is not yet dormant. What is weird is we went through this last year and her cortisol was sky high then. Did not seem to matter.

love you all!!!!!

12-07-2011, 01:41 PM
Just uploaded dogs at work photos. See my work day dogs:D:D:D


12-07-2011, 02:53 PM
do you know if you could give her beneradryl? its 1 mg per pound.....but not sure if that will go with her other meds??
I got teary with you about your phone call with you mom............beautiful.
warm hugs squeezing tight!!!

Bailey's Mom
12-07-2011, 07:00 PM
Hey Addy-is that you in the blue shirt?
Them's some BIG work dogs. Funny how they look like building blocks when you stand them together.
What breeds are they and what are their ages? Do they get to go home with someone(s) at night?


12-09-2011, 07:32 AM
Hey Sus, The 2 big dogs were rescued from Madison, Rocky (largest) was on death row. My boss went to pick up Lucy (medium) another rescue and decided to bring Rocky as well. Rocky is a South African Mastiff, Lucy is a rotty-lab mix and Bella the pug is my bosse's dog and goes home each night. Rocky and Lucy stay. They have a den in the heated factory with a doggy door to a large fenced in yard. Someone is always there, in and out on weekends.

Can I give Benadryl with Trilostane? Her other antihistimines are expired. Anyone give both?

Otherwise I'll try to call the vet tech today. I wanted to see if a few benadryls helped her.


12-09-2011, 08:41 AM
Beautiful work dogs. I wish I had dogs lying at my feet at the office. Can I have Rocky?

12-09-2011, 01:24 PM
Thank you, Glynda,

Rocky is beautiful and so gentle; to think they were going to put him down, he had been through a few places, no one wanted him, too big maybe?

Lucy is too smart for her own good, like Zoe.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I can never quit my job because I am bonded to the dogs.:rolleyes:

I think my boss planned that:eek::eek::eek:

12-10-2011, 01:47 PM
Gave Zoe her benadryl last night, IMS okayed it, she did not chew paws, went to bed, but her routine had changed last night as we tried to get some shopping done.

This morning chewing and licking again. Bought some test strips and tested the ph in her urine- was normal so not to acidic. Good thing I did not buy the $25 jar of cranberry powder:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Gave her a benadryl around 11:00am, she is napping with daddy now.
IMS said she could have every eight hours, I think I will only do two a day.

I was so hoping she would sleep late, no such luck, yawn!!!!!!:(:(:(

How many more days until Thursday?????:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Bailey's Mom
12-10-2011, 04:35 PM
Hey Addy-is that you in the blue shirt?

12-10-2011, 04:45 PM
no susan, I never wear blue. If you want to see what i look like look at my photo album of christmas last year.:D:D:D:D

yes, that is me in the blue shirt having a bad hair day.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

okay, now that i admitted it was me i am going to hide under the covers in bed for the rest of the night.

embarassed addy

marie adams
12-11-2011, 12:17 AM
Hi There!!!! I have so missed you and the adventures of Zoe...:)

How wonderful your mom wants to get better fast. That call helped you feel better that you had made the right decision!!!:) I remember getting a call from my mom when she was leaving rehab and she sounded to happy with herself for all she accomplished. I know your mom will be do good!!!

I love your story about setting up the Christmas tree and then sitting there in the dark looking at the lights--precious!!!

Ella was after her left paw. It looked like yeast on her paw and private parts I tried many things to fix it, but it came down to taking chicken out of her diet along with making sure she didn't have grains either. The vet said it could take a few months and I am seeing some progress. I hope the benedryl keeps working for Zoe until January and it is over.

I did make it to the Macy's sale--hehehe!!! :D I must have 5 or 6 dresses to try on for the hubby to see what he likes for my niece's wedding on New Year's Eve. Need to find a place for Ella for the evening also--not easy because she isn't spayed.:(

I hope you are enjoying your weekend!!!!

12-11-2011, 12:43 AM
Hi Addy,

I've got a little pug rescue coming in the next few days after she is spayed. She is probably between one and two years old and is really tiny for a pug, tipping the scales at 8 or 9 pounds. She's blind in one eye and not quite sure what the story is but will find out. I've never rescued a Pug before so I'm looking forward to getting to know the breed. I've heard they are mellow little things and rarely bark. Can you give me some insight please?

12-11-2011, 03:10 AM
so glad ims gave go ahead for benendryal. yeah!!!!!!

on the pug resuce.........i have had three pugs. how can i help?
tell me age and stuff.
its common for them to have eye issues since their eyes bulge
but it is important and good that they are treated.
they have wide soft pallets
do not tolerate heat well, can have heat stroke easily
they need to have their face wrinkles cleaned daily
older pugs are lap dogs and love and seek your companionship
loyal sweet loving breed.
they snorkle and snor
young pugs are crazy funny, run play race about.
but as they mature, they calm waaaayyyyy down.
extremely sweet loving breed:p

Bailey's Mom
12-11-2011, 09:10 PM
no susan, I never wear blue. If you want to see what i look like look at my photo album of christmas last year.:D:D:D:D

yes, that is me in the blue shirt having a bad hair day.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

okay, now that i admitted it was me i am going to hide under the covers in bed for the rest of the night.

embarassed addy

I don't know what you are embarrassed about. I had looked at your Christmas picture before....just forgot. It's nice to put a face to the typing. :D

Got the last of the Christmas cards out and in the mail. :cool: I have two more jobs to get done before Christmas. I have enough time if I don't screw around. It's getting short!!! And I've not wrapped ANYTHING!!!:eek::eek:

12-12-2011, 07:26 AM
Glynda- our work pug is large for a pug, her dad's name was Bruizer;)
She was raised with Rottys so she thinks she is a big dog. She barks ALOT:D:D:D She is prone to reverse sneezing because of the pushed in nose. She is very good hearted and kind but can be noisy. She can be subborn as well. She likes to be in the middle of everything, is not happy when she is left out.

I used to take care of her when my boss went away for the weekend. She got along well with Zoe though Zoe would always correct her behavior. She did not have a problem with that and they were good friends.

I don't think Bella is a typical pug however so Skye's descriptions are probably more accurate of the breed;);)


Squirt's Mom
12-12-2011, 08:53 AM
HIJACK!!!! :p

Glynda, I've shared life with 2 Pugs. One male, one female. Otis (yeah, original, I know) was wild as a march hare his first two years. Literally running up the walls in mad dashes through the house; bouncing off furniture, cabinets, etc at full speed, grinning and snorting like a deranged Tasmanian devil the whole time. Incredibly smart - he learned all his commands very quickly and always responded appropriately...unless he was in the midst of a mad dash through the house. :p Very affectionate and devoted. Loved everyone he met. When he barked, there was cause.

Sophie is nuts. She barks at the drop of a hat, loud and long. She is often terrified of who knows what. She hasn't had much training, and what she does get is countermanded :rolleyes:, so controlling inappropriate behavior isn't easy with her. She is quite stubborn and not very intelligent sadly. But she is very affectionate when she isn't off her rocker. She is an adult, about 7-8, and still has quite a bit of energy but nothing like Otis.

Both had/have allergies and often need their face wrinkles cleaned. Neither had/have serious allergy issues - both seem to seasonal. Both loved/love to play with toys and both would/could be so fat they couldn't stand if feed wasn't carefully controlled.

That's my experience with Pugs!

Hope your little girl does well and finds her perfect home asap. You simply awe me, woman.

Hugs to all,
Leslie and the gang

12-12-2011, 09:02 AM
Well, sounds like my assumptions about the pug were slightly off....by a mile. My little rescue was spayed, had her teeth cleaned yesterday and spent the night with a doggie sitter. I'll be bringing her home after work and will let ya'll know if she turns out to be an Otis, a Bruizer or a Sophie. Addy, thanks for the information about Bruizer and for allowing me to hijack Zoe's thread.

12-13-2011, 07:08 AM
Hi, Addy.

I haven't completely read your thread to catch up on Zoe, but I saw that she has been having an issue with licking her butt. This has been an off and mostly on problem for Alivia for several years. She has a dermatologist and has been through food trials and they think it is a seasonal contact allergy but still not sure to what. It seems to be worse at certain times of the year. She's been given every known medication - topical, oral and shampoos, both prescription and OTC, including Benedryl. I've spent TONS of money on things that did nothing.

A couple of days ago I found something that actually seems to be helping to relieve her itching! Benedryl Extra Strength Itch Cooling Spray. It is safe for dogs (contains the same ingredient as oral Benedryl) and apparently doesn't sting at all because she doesn't seem to not mind me spraying it on her butt twice a day. She has stopped licking (knock on wood!) and the area is less red and the fur is already starting to grow back. She seems MUCH more comfortable after just two days of using it! Something so simple and readily available just might FINALLY be the answer to her problem! Anyway, just wanted to share. Might be worth a shot for Zoe.

12-13-2011, 07:35 AM
Thank you Mary Beth, can I purchase it at Walgreens? If she would lick the area I sprayed it would not hurt her? I will look into it I tried the benadryl BID for a few days and she was still chewing and licking maybe a bit less, it was easier to get her to stop licking. Maybe she has to take it longer.

How are you and Ali and Maxwell? I hope things are going well and you still have your Cushing holiday:D:D

I really think it is a seasonal allergy for Zoe too. She has all the signs of an airborne allergy.

Give kisses and hugs to our beautiful girl and to sweet Maxwell. And thank you so very much for the tip:):)


12-13-2011, 11:12 AM
Hey Addy, my Sadie takes benadryl for her skin allergies. It helped when I changed her food to Acana, but she still had issues and mostly this time of the year. So I don't know if it is something in the air also or not. She is a big pup and takes 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. Even with that this time of the year she still chews and licks quite a bit.

12-13-2011, 01:17 PM
Thank you, I really think it is airborne allergies. I will ask the IMS to try to switch the antihistamine I know worked for her a few years back.

I am so glad to hear Rebel is better too :)


12-13-2011, 04:08 PM
Yeah me too Addy, I'm thinking of cutting back to 1 pepcid a day then maybe to none if he does ok with that. Maybe just the extra meals is all he needed, what say you?

12-13-2011, 08:36 PM
Oral Benedryl never seemed to help Alivia much at all (nor did about 1,000 other things!!). The spray has the same ingredients and is safe for dogs according to a book I have called "The Dog's Drugstore" and the pharmacist. I'm certain it would not be listed as safe if there were any harm in it being licked. I just started using it on Ali on Sunday and she is noticeably better - not licking at all and she had her butt area completely red, raw and bare! She is not better yet, but this is the fastest anything has ever worked on her. I bought it at Rite-Aid, but I am sure Walgreen's or any pharmacy would have it - it's right by the regular Benedryl tablets.

I'll post an Ali update on my thread!

12-13-2011, 08:40 PM
Hi Addy just checking in - I hope switching anithistamines helps - poor Zoe - not fun to be itchy all the time:( hugsssssssss

12-14-2011, 08:09 AM
Thanks guys, I looked up the spray up and will give it a whirl. I printed a page too for the IMS to review.

I'm thinking I would not yet cut back on Rebel's pepcid, IMO I would wait a bit. Let thing calm down for more than a week. If he is doing well finally, if he were mine, I would do that routine for a few weeks or a month. and then gradually cut back, one pill at a time.

love and hugs,

12-14-2011, 09:58 AM
Thanks Addy I'll keep him on it for awhile. I think I might look into that spray for Sadie also.

12-15-2011, 07:57 AM
Last year hubby went out and purchased every bird ornament he could find. We filled our tree with beautiful birds and called it "Zoe's Tree". She was a pretty sick pup and we feared it would be her last Christmas with us.

Well, she is still here and I am grateful for that. As I took out each beautiful bird last night to hang on our tree, I thought of all our Cush pup angels. I thought how fitting it would be to dedicate our tree to all of our babies at the rainbow bridge.

This year, each bird represents to me the spirit of one of our beloved pups lost. As I look at our tree and reflect, I hope each bird can represent their spirits flying free.

Soar high dear Cush pups, we love you still and you are never, ever forgotten.

all our love,
addy, zoe and koko

12-15-2011, 08:56 AM
Oh Addy, I am so touched by your sweet and beautiful words. We are all so grateful to celebrate this Christmas with Zoe, Koko and your entire family. And from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for dedicating your tree to our angels. And my spirit Barkis thanks you too, on behalf of all his buddies at the bridge. :o :)

Sending many hugs to you today and everyday,

Squirt's Mom
12-15-2011, 09:25 AM
Oh Addy,

Tears are falling reading your beautiful post. What a touching tribute to our Angels. In my mind's eye, I can see those little birds with the names of our Angels rising up like magic from their wings, calling to our babies, reminding them they are never forgotten, always loved. For all of them, and especially Crys and Ruby....thank you.

Leslie and the gang

Jenny & Judi in MN
12-15-2011, 09:33 AM
You have the kindest heart and that is such a great thing to do.

hugs to everyone who is missing their friends this Holiday season

12-15-2011, 10:03 AM
Oh Addy thanks for making me cry at work!! You have a beautiful heart and it's wonderful you are dedicating your tree to those we have lost.. While we were decorating our tree I pulled out Rebels ornament with his name and he walks up to the tree with me puts his front paws on my knee while I hang it. I thank God everyday that we have another Christmas together.

Hugs and love to those missing there beloved pups this year.

marie adams
12-15-2011, 01:46 PM
Thanks a lot for making me cry even more!!!:(

Thank you for making such a wonderful jesture of dedicating your tree to all the the Rainbow Bridge gang.

I am just a touch more sensitive because yesterday would have been Maddie's 13th B-day and it was the week we found out she had cancer--knowing it was our last Christmas with her.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

So glad you are ready for Christmas. I haven't gotten all my presents yet, but working on it.

Happy Thursday!!!! It is almost Fridayyyyyy:D

12-15-2011, 02:16 PM
Addy - what a beautiful thing to do!!!! Yup I needed a good cry today!!!! You are such a thoughful and beautiful person - Zoe is lucky to have you as a mommy!!!!! hugsssssssss xo

12-15-2011, 03:53 PM
Well, I cried at first too but now I smile because somehow it just seems right:):)

I spent an hour going over things with the IMS. We were pretty much in agreement. Her feelings were if it isn't broke don't fix it as far as the food. She agreed completely about not trreating the helicobacter and allowing Zoe's 9.6 to ride for now.

She does not believe she has yeast, her skin looks healthy but dry. She would suggest fish oil but we are worried about her IBD so will try a conditioner for now and hope we can wait it out and that it will get better come Janaury, like last year. If not, we'll take another look.

Would suggest to try the benadryl for a good month before switching since we know it can be given with the Trilostane.

She thinks Zoe looks good. She said our goal is to improve her quality of life and we probably can't make her "perfect".

She agrees we appear to be having a good run so let it be unless something changes.

We talked so much I can't write it all. I feel good and positive though about the visit.

Have to go back to work, I am so late!!!!!!!!


12-15-2011, 04:17 PM
Great news about Zoe.. Glad you feel good about the visit. Thanks for all your help :)

12-15-2011, 07:55 PM
Addy, reading your post about the tree just made me cry. My friend who had Ali's sister, Patches (who recently passed away), and I were just talking about really appreciating this Christmas with Alivia. She'll be 14 in February and I am so lucky to still have her.

Glad you had a positive IMS visit and that Zoe is doing well! Did you ask about the Benedryl spray? Ali never responded much to the oral kind. I wish I would have discovered the spray at least a $1000 ago! She seems so much better already and isn't itching at all. Kind of disappointing that the vets never mention a $7 OTC treatment that seems to be working so well for her.

12-16-2011, 07:38 AM
Gosh, I sure did not mean to make everyone cry, I feel bad:o:o

I asked about the spray. She said I could use it on her paws but she did not want me to spray it near her vulva. She said antihistamine treatment is the same as with people, sometimes you have to find the right one but she always tells everyone to give it a month before switching. I have not given the benadryl 3x a day. I may try that this weekend. So I am not sure what to do about the spray since I can't spray it near her vulva.


12-16-2011, 07:46 AM
Awwwwww! How very sweet Addy.

God Bless all our cushpups here and gone!

Love ya much.

Xo Jeanette and Princess

12-17-2011, 07:38 AM
Hi Addy,
I love your idea about the tree-so sweet! I have not had much time to post lately, but thought this might be helpful for you. I mentioned that Hannah had been licking her genital area a lot and had created a bit of a skin infection (even though there was no UTI and no visible problem telling us why she would be licking there so much). We have used Clavamox for the infection, but now they also have me using Douxo Chlorhexidine 3% PS pads. They are antiseptic cleansing pads. We used them before when she was having a little chin acne issue and my vet said they are great for treating areas dogs lick. She uses them on her dog's legs.

The first time Hannah created an infection in that area it was a much larger area and they had me use Ketochlor shampoo, which also really helps with any sort of infection, but since this was such a tiny area and just a little irritated, she told me the pads might just help keep that area comfortable and get her to leave it alone. She still occasionally is back there, but it has greatly improved.

Hannah also has allergies and has licked her feet and hips for years, and the Benadryl and Hydroxyzine (supposedly a little stronger than Benadryl) didn't really help her. Years ago we used Triamcinolone in the summer months, but obviously she gets no more steroids now. Even that didn't always stop it, which makes all of us think it is partly a psychological issue. Even when we tried different foods in case it was a food allergy nothing changed. (Plus, she eats a Rx food). Sometimes I think she does it when she is anxious because then she'll leave the area alone for hours.

Anyway, I'm not sure if these little pads would help Zoe, but I thought I would mention it. My vet says they are great for lots of things. They look like little Stridex pads. I cut them in half so they last longer and they were fairly cheap too.

So glad to hear Zoe is doing well!

Julie & Hannah

12-17-2011, 07:51 AM
ouxo Chlorhexidine 3% PS pads. They are antiseptic cleansing pads.

Hi Julie,

Where do I buy these or do I have to get them from the vet? IMS thinks right now it may more compulsive behavior. Hannah sounds just like Zoe.:):):) Also she thinks Zoe's skin is very dry and we should try a conditioner. We are trying for appointment with groomer and will have her do oatmeal bath with a rinse of mositurizing conditioner.

Thank you so much for the tip. :D:D:D


12-17-2011, 08:00 AM
Hi Addy-
I got them from my vet, but after some research this morning by just typing that in, I found you can get them online MUCH cheaper. I think I paid 30-something, but they are selling for $8-$12 online. I read lots of reviews and people seem to love them. My vet told me they were really safe because I was worried about Hannah licking after I wiped them. She told me it wouldn't even be a big deal if Hannah ate one, which of course, wouldn't happen. She really doesn't care when I wipe and doesn't lick after. The vet said to just be sure I give it a chance to dry before Hannah gets back there, so she can get the full effect.

We think Hannah's is somewhat compulsive as well, and she has just added this area to her other chosen licking spots. I just don't want to deal with infections and Clavamox every month. She doesn't want me looking down there too much lately, but when I sneak a peek it does seem to look better.

It looks from the reviews online like people commonly use them on pugs or dogs with skin folds, to clean faces, and for areas where they often lick. I think I will get them online from now on. I'd also like to ask my vet about wiping the face and ears, like I read many people saying online. Hannah itches her ears a lot too.

I also saw that they make a shampoo, which I might look into. I would think that might help and the wipes seem so gentle and have a very light scent--nothing really medicine-y. We use the oatmeal shampoo sometimes also, but Hannah gets sort of dandruffy from time-to-time, so the acupuncture vet recommended I try something for seborrhea to see if that helps. It's nice to have a variety of shampoos, depending on her issue. ;)

Let me know if you get them and how they work. Zoe and Hannah sound like sisters, that's for sure!

Julie & Hannah

12-17-2011, 08:56 AM
Thanks Julie, I just found them on Amazon with 25 good reviews so I am going to order them today:D:D:D

Sounds like a plan to me as I discussed another cleanser with IMS to try if need be in a month but that had an antibiotic in it which she felt Zoe did not yet need so these pads are fitting the bill perfectly for what I was thinking of for my Zoe.


Doesn't take much to make me happy when it comes to my girl.;););)

love ya,

12-18-2011, 11:58 AM
I also got these pads from Ali's dermatologist and paid a whole lot more!! I had just assumed they were prescription only and never looked online! They do have great reviews, but unfortunately were one of the million things that did not work for Ali. Ali never seems to have typical responses to anything, though. Hope the help little Zoe!

Breaks's over! If I had three more weeks till Christmas, I'd be right on schedule!! :D

Bailey's Mom
12-18-2011, 02:08 PM
Now Addy and Leslie.....cut that out!!!
I too love the idea of the dedicated tree. I think all our pups are there, wagging their tales.....just taking a break from playing.

I found an ornament that looks like a Bouvier. That was the closest I could find that looked somewhat like Bailey. It has the same ears, was all black and was sitting down....so you couldn't see the tail (or no tail.) Once it came, I got out some paints and highlighted here and there. I think it looks a LOT like Bailey now.

I always got an ornament for each year for Palmer with the year on it. I am not near the places where I could do that and I've not found anything online that interests me. It's a really tiny ornament....not more than
1 1/2" tall. But it looks really big to me!

Addy-can you post a picture of your tree? We'd love to see it.

You are so of warm heart. I'm so grateful I know you.


12-18-2011, 06:02 PM
Addy-can you post a picture of your tree? We'd love to see it.

I will as soon as I remember to bring the cord home to download from my camera. :o It is at work. Funny, we looked this year but the birds the stores have now are not as beautiful as the birds we bought last year and there are not many of them out there. This makes our birds even more special, I think it was meant to be:):) All of our beautiful, precious pups represented by these beautiful birds. May their spirits soar forever in our hearts.

And no crying, it is a beautiful thing;););) Hugs to each and every one of you. I love you all.


Harley PoMMom
12-18-2011, 07:26 PM
Thank you so much, Addy, for honoring our furbabies in such a special way.

With much love and hugs,

Roxee's Dad
12-18-2011, 11:36 PM
Thank you Addy.

12-21-2011, 07:08 PM
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!!!

I posted some photos of the Remembrance Tree. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.

Thinking of you all,

Bailey's Mom
12-21-2011, 07:27 PM
Your tree is gorgeous! :D
See the owl in #6?:confused: He stands to the left of the little guy in #8. I think that's a hedgehog, but I'm not sure. :confused: Well, that little guy is Palmer.:D
Just wanted you to know in case you were wondering.;)

12-22-2011, 06:15 AM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Addy,

That's so adorable! I have picked the sweet bird next to all the berries (no. 68) since my girl lovessss her fruits :). Haaaaaaaa.

Merry Christmas to you , Zoe , mom and your dear family.

With love .... Jeanette and Princess

12-22-2011, 11:26 AM

The Remembrance Tree is just so beautiful!!! Each bird is so pretty - it is so thoughtful of you to remember all the cush angel pups by dedicating this tree to them - you are very special and warm hearted --- Merry Christmas to you Zoe and your family love and hugs xo

12-22-2011, 01:19 PM
Thank you.:)

Zoe woke up in the middle of the night licking her potty.:eek::eek: She has never done that. She also had an accident in the house last night after dinner which she has never had at that time before.

I don't have the wipes I ordered. They might not come until next week. I am trying 2 benadryl today. She goes to the groomer Monday for her bath and moisturizing treatment.

I am getting worried. I may take her to the local vet next week and recheck for UTI. Sigh.


12-22-2011, 08:17 PM
Hi Addy,

First of all, your tree is beautiful!

I'm sorry to hear Zoe is still having some troubles. I just posted about Hannah having issues, as well. She seems so itchy and is having so many skin problems. We just went to the vet AGAIN today with skin stuff. She is on a new antibiotic (after doing Clavamox for three weeks about two months ago, and we just finished another two weeks on Tues.). They don't know what is causing it, but wonder if it is some allergy thing since it is not a typical winter. I would love to hear if you have input if you read my post.

I know I just want to get through Christmas with no major issues or trips to the vet. My in-laws are in WI, so we are heading there on Sunday (until Mon.) and my parents will have my dogs. I'm hoping they can keep Hannah from jumping on furniture (to get away from their dogs) and manage all of her meds, cleaning these areas, etc. while we are gone. AHHHHHH....I just wish we could figure out what is causing the licking and scratching more than usual.

Good luck to you and Zoe!

Julie & Hannah (Zoe's long lost sister) ;)

12-22-2011, 10:39 PM
Dear Addy
I am so sorry what you are going through with Zoe. Our other baby , Karma did that also just once and seems okay now. Apollo is having accidents now also, I have bought diapers. But he wiggles out of them. Dear Addy, I worry so much for a little ones. They don't deserve this awful disease. Hope your mother is doing better.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

12-23-2011, 01:15 PM
Hi Julie and Sonja,

Zoe is doing better on 2 benadryl a day. She has no leisons anywhere. Her mouth seems to get dry from the benadryl, I think that might be why she had an accident the other night, she was drinking more water. (I'm so wrapped up in her, have you noticed I usually say "WE":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I just corrected that so you don't think I had an accident:D:D:D

I hope the wipes come soon.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Mom is doing very well according to her physical therapist. I like her new place. They had a dog visit yesterday, "Visits with Blarney". Blarney is a German Shephard Great Dane mix.

Have a wonderful holiday!!!!!!!



12-24-2011, 01:31 AM
Addy so glad mom is doing well and she is doing good in her new place:) Hope Addy feels better soon!!!! Have a wonderful Christmas - its been a rough roller coaster ride for you this year - hope things go smoothly in the new year!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

12-24-2011, 09:11 AM
Hi Addy-

I am so glad to hear your mom is doing well and that you both like the place where she is. It sounds like you might have figured out Zoe's problem with the accident, now hopefully the wipes will clear up the other problem. I was going to order more from Amazon last weekend, but then found the older container that was still half full. I remember it told me the wipes might not come until the 28th before I decided not to get them. They really do seem to help clear up little skin issues. Pretty amazing little things.

Hannah continues to puzzle me since I can't find her leg injury and her chest area looks significantly better-after only one day. She does itch, but it is not constant. I don't get it. The Benadryl might help a tiny bit.

I'm sure you must be having a brown Christmas in Milwaukee, too. I am in the Twin Cities (MN) and we have gotten a couple of little dustings of snow this week, but it is still brown. I think it's supposed to be in the upper 30's today and 40's tomorrow. I am ready for some snow!

Have a wonderful Christmas!
Julie & Hannah

12-24-2011, 01:59 PM
Merry Christmas Addy Zoe and Family!!!!! Hope you have a good Christmas!! :D

Bailey's Mom
12-24-2011, 09:33 PM
Addy -
I hope you and all your family, two and four legs, young and not as young, have a wonderful Christmas.

Thanks for all your help, all the hugs, and the love.


Jenny & Judi in MN
12-25-2011, 10:07 AM
Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a calm relaxing day!

12-27-2011, 10:19 AM
Hi Addy,

We did have a good time in Wisconsin (Chippewa Falls), except for the windy drive home yesterday...ugh.

Hannah is still itching...but it is more her feet and her ears now (normal allergy spots) and I have a call into the vet to see if we should try Hydroxyzine or something instead of Benadryl. Again, it is not constant...just bursts of licking and scratching. No wounds at all though, so that's good.

As far as the wipes go, I used them twice a day on the irritated areas. Maybe they could be used more often though, I'm not sure. They told me it is kind of like hand sanitizer for us. It just has a little cleaning agent in it.

Did you finally get the wipes? Good luck!

Hope you and Zoe are doing well!

Julie & Hannah

12-27-2011, 01:29 PM
Thank you Julie:D Zoe went to the groomer yesterday and had an oatmeal bath with a moisturzing conditioner rinse; but like Hannah, Zoe still licks her vulva and chews her feet. It is not constant either and I can distract her very easily. I am hoping to have the wipes today or tomorrow. If I yell "chicken" she forgets about it or if I give her a chew toy. I am going to let her have more chew toy time even if her poos get a bit soft. Maybe I can break the cycle of this habit/behavior.

Otherwise next week I will take her to the local DMV not the IMS. See what he has to say.

You know dogs, always something!!!!!;););););)


marie adams
12-27-2011, 02:16 PM
Merry Christmas a little late!!!!

Your tree is so beautiful and the post you said about Maddie's remembrance in one of the birds fills my heart with warmth. Thank you!!!

So glad to hear your mother is doing so well with the physical therapist and she is in a good facility.

Ella is scrathing and biting so much lately again. I think it is the beef sticks we have been giving her to calm her down with all the people coming over for the parties. I thought they would end up causing problems since she is allergic to chicken why not beef--darn!!! :eek: I will blame the hubby on this one. What are these wipes you are getting???

I think I will get some benedryl to help with the itching and scrathing. She has little sores that have scabbed up--it is always something...

I hope today is a good day for Zoe and Koko!!!

Hugs and kisses to you!!!

Happy New Year!!!

12-27-2011, 07:09 PM
Sister Marie Irene:D:D:D Oh Happy Days:D:D:D:D

The pads are antiseptic cleanser pads Douxo Chlorhexidine 3% PS we ordered them at Amazon. Also Mary Beth is using Benadryl cool itch spray for kids which she and Marianne said works well. I will have to go back in my thread for the exact benadryl product. My IMS does not want me to spray that on Zoe's vulva so I can't use it there and you cant use it while giving any other benadryl.

Koko went to see my mom yesterday while Zoe was at the groomers. He had a wonderful day since the BIG ZOE was not upping him. He got to sit on my lap in the car, go to Grammys, go to the dog store and chew a bully stick.:D:D:D. He was SUCH a GOOD boy;););)

Zoe came back from her groom all pretty with a snowflake scarf and matching bows. She may not have much hair but when she comes back from the groomer, that face is so beautiful. Not that I am prejudice;) She hates going but she likes how she feels afterward, all clean and pretty.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. How is your dress for the wedding?


12-28-2011, 11:28 PM
Dear Addy
Great to hear about your mother. Hope Zoe is doing better. Koko deserves the spot light sometime. What a beautiful Christmas tree.
May the coming year be brighter, prosperous and more hopeful for all.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

12-29-2011, 08:03 AM
Hi Sonja,

Yes, Koko does deserve to have first place sometimes. He is overshadowed by Zoe and is such a good boy. He sure was happy to see Zoe when she got back from the groomers. The two are bonded.

I have been trying to distract Zoe and not scold her for chewing her paws and licking. I read that can make her more nervous and she will lick even more so we are happily eating more food and chewing up toys. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Oops, there is that famous "we" again" Why do I do that?

I am seriously considering stopping the benadryl and putting her back on melatonin and lignans. I'll give it a few more weeks if the wipes ever arrive. They were to be here yesterday but never showed up:eek:


12-29-2011, 11:11 AM
Hi Addy-
I can't believe you don't have the wipes yet! Hannah is now trying Hydroxyzine for a few days to see if it gives better results. She has been leaving the vulva alone for the most part, and is now just licking her paws (top and bottom of front feet) and tips/toenails of the back feet, and scratching her ears and face.

I also have allergies and have been having nasal drip, sinus pressure, etc. and went back to my own allergy pills last night, so I am still assuming this is some kind of allergy problem.

I CANNOT WAIT FOR IT TO SNOW!!! I never thought I would say that, but I desperately want it so the stupid allergies go away, and because it looks so terrible all brown and gross.

I do have the Gentaved spray (with some steroids in it), but I have not used it yet...I can usually get her to stop while I am home. She also has spent a lot of time with her kongs, toys, and bones.

I hope Zoe gets some relief soon and that you get those wipes! I'm also glad Koko got to feel extra special yesterday. My little Izzy loves when she gets to be the center of attention too. She is not as sweet and loving as Hannah is (Izzy only wants it on her terms), but I try to make a point to give her lots of her own attention each day. She did sleep on our bed last night, so I think she felt pretty happy about that.

Take care,
Julie & Hannah

Bailey's Mom
12-29-2011, 10:16 PM
Good Morning, Addy!! Happy new year's eve, eve, day!!! :D I hope you will "have off" (as Bob says) for at least three days, after today.
Take some naps....you'll need them to stay up!!;)

12-29-2011, 10:18 PM
Hi Addy,
I did use the wipes on her paws. I did it right before she ate supper so it had a chance to dry. My vet told me it would not hurt Hannah even if she licked it (or ate it is what she said) but I try to put things on there at a time that she will be occupied for awhile. Hannah is my sweetie. I can do ANYTHING to her without a bite. She might not like it and will resist a bit, but she would never, ever try to hurt her owner. She LOVES me to pieces. She's my little sweet pea.

Hope the wipes will help. I used those on her vulva right before she ate supper too.

Good luck!
Julie & Hannah

12-30-2011, 08:01 AM
Thanks Julie,

I gave her privates a swipe last night. I think the pad felt cold and she put her tail between her legs and ran away then turned and gave me a "look". We have been able to distract her from licking there fairly easily except in the morning when she first wakes up.

I tried her paws last night and put baby socks on after. They stayed on for maybe 3-4 minutes and then came off and she immediately started chewing her foot. She had a funny look on her face so I think she could taste the wipes. I'll have to try nap time instead.

Happy New Year Susan!!!!!!!!! I do have 3 days off, thank goodness!!!!! We hope to see a movie and got out for dinner. Have you seen any good movies?


12-30-2011, 11:45 AM
Hi Addy,

Hopefully Zoe will get used to the wipes. By the way, I cut them in half because I don't think I need the whole thing for Hannah. It's a good way to conserve them.

My mom used to create a "sling" of sorts with one of her socks, and would wrap it around the dog's back/neck area and tie it on so it couldn't lick its feet. She did this on our cockapoo, and also on their collie they currently have. I thought about this with Hannah ...although she would need them on both front feet (or maybe all 4, actually). I haven't thought of the baby socks. I might need to try that.

I use the wipes on her feet and chin once a day (she itches there a lot), and on her vulva a couple of times per week. They told me it would help keep the area clean and prevent an infection from her saliva. We'll see. We have a few more days of antibiotic, and hopefully she won't have a new problem as soon as she goes off.

She is itching about every 3 hours at night so I wake up, pet her a bit to get her to stop, and then she goes back to sleep. I'm not getting much sleep. My parents had Hannah and Izzy overnight when we were in WI for Christmas, and my mom said she got almost no sleep and now knows why I am always so tired! I don't know what makes it come in cycles like that...and if it is somewhat psychological or what.

Julie & Hannah

12-30-2011, 01:14 PM
Hey Julie,

I know it so hard to figure it out, isn't it? Zoe sleeps all night and does not start till early morning once she wakes up. That is the time she likes to come on the bed and lick us too so I am beginning to think it is pyschological somewhat with Zoe, especially since I can distract her so easily. When she comes in from urinating all I have to do is leave her sweater on and tell her treats and she forgets all about it. The paws are a different issue.:(:( If I give her extra chew toys she will tire out and not chew her paws as much.

I'll cut the pad in half tonight, thanks for the tip. I had forgotten.

The IMS said to give the benadryl a good month but I am seriously thinking maybe I should put her back on the melatonin and lignans. She was much calmer, I wonder if her estradiol is rising and she is anxious and crabby. Dr. Oliver said it can make them feel like that. I can relate:D:D:D:D:D


12-31-2011, 03:35 AM
on the socks.....i learned in my animal cpr and first aide class that you can use surgical tape at the tops of them so they cant pull them off. or that tape that is sort of spongey and is used on horses and comes in all sorts of colors...ugh at loss of what its called but it wont pull fur. but will hold the sock on her so she cant remove it.
hugs and love

01-01-2012, 01:56 PM
Good to know Skye, thank you. :):):)

So this morning I took Zoe out to go potty and after she came back in, I reached for one of the wipes and carefully wiped her privates. I saw a speck of red blood, just a speck. I thought that was odd so I wiped again and sure enough, more specks of blood.:eek::eek:

She went to the groomers last week so her privates are very visible compared to all the hair previously. Well, I can't see up close very well so I think I see a cut. So hubby and I decided maybe the groomer nicked her and there was a bit of dried blood.

Well, you all know me, I am like a dog with a bone, can't let go. So I come to the lap top and start googling pictures of female dogs private parts, thinking, man oh man, could I get arrested for that? I mean what would someone think if they see that on my computer:eek::rolleyes:

So now I realize that was not a cut but her pee pee slit I saw and that I am not very good in identifying a female dogs anatomy. I start freaking out that she has blood in her urine:eek::eek::eek: So hubby and I take a white paper towel and tape it to a metal pie plate. Now, we have 50 mile an hour winds so we are not sure how well this is going to work, but out we go with Zoe. I take a dry white napkin and gently press it to her peepee and no blood. We then put the plate and towel under her while she urinates, no blood.:confused::confused: I then take a clean white napkin and gently wipe her pee pee, no blood.

I look at her again and her pee pee seems sore looking and a bit swollen. I go check Koko and the end of his looks a bit irritated. I have not changed cleaning products (I use vinegar and water).

So what the hey????????????????????

The thing is, Zoe is so active in the morning before she gets her benadryl, it is hard to keep her busy ( a bit of change from my previous high cortisol couch potato) and then in the late afternoon/early evening after her benadryl wears off, she is just raring to go again. If I don't wear her out from chew toys, she gets bored and chews her paws:eek::eek::eek:

I am going to try to see if I can get appointment with the local vet. I can't take off work to see IMS. I am the only one there for a month.

Driving myself nuts addy= like mother like dog:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

01-01-2012, 02:35 PM

Could she just be dry and irritated in that area?? Penny was at one point and I had to put ointment there for a few days and it healed - but good to get it checked out in case it is a UTI --- hope its not!!!!
hugsssss xoxo

01-01-2012, 02:58 PM
Hi Addy-
Wish I had some advice for you. I am also driving myself crazy because Hannah is not wanting to go pee sometimes. Yesterday she was pretty normal, but today she WOULD NOT go. Yes, there are 50 mph winds here too, and it rained and snowed last night so it is totally crunchy yucky ice out there, but she had not gone since midnight and it was 9, then 10, then 11 a.m.--too long! I even put potty pads out in my basement and tried to get her to go there. Finally, as a last resort before considering the ER vet, I took her to my parents house to see if she would go potty there (and maybe the car trip would make her nervous, etc.). So at 12:30 p.m. she finally went, and she went right out and squatted there. I'm not sure if it was because she felt okay going there or if it was just finally time to go. I am getting so frustrated and confused.

I talked to my regular vet yesterday and he did not seem too concerned about the 10 hour lack of urinating because he said she might not have had a lot of water. He said if she was otherwise normal I shouldn't worry about it. She did go 4 times yesterday, and without any issues, so I felt better. But then this morning I thought I was going to go crazy.

I think I might see if we can get into the regular vet tomorrow and just get her blood test done again to monitor liver, kidneys, etc. to see if I can get any answers, or at least rule out a kidney issue if things are normal. She has had so many urine tests lately and has been on antibiotics so she really shouldn't have a UTI. I saw the pee in the snow at my parents' house and it was yellow. I was considering rigging something up like the napkin in the plastic dish I catch her pee in.

Ahhhhhhhhhh! They are going to drive us crazy!!!

Hope you get some answers soon...I think the vet sounds like a good idea for Zoe. Maybe they can swab there to see if something is irritated. Good luck!

Julie & Hannah

01-01-2012, 03:50 PM
Well, I just found some info on a German Shepard forum about baby wipes and wiping them off after each potty break, keeping the hair trimmed short and the area clean. So I sent hubby out for Huggies baby wipes, Aloe Vera and Vitamin D, specs say you would have to eat alot to have digestive upset so until I can see the vet, I will use try these baby wipes after each potty break. I already wiped off Koko and cleaned him up. Now I am just waiting for the Princess of the House to wake up and go out. I did also read that Benadryl can make a dog retain water:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Julie, when the weather is bad, Zoe and Koko refuse to go out to do anything, they hold it. This morning I knew Koko had to poo and he balked and then walked along the house under the overhang and tried to go back inside. I finally had to firmly move him to the yard and tell him to poo. Both of mine get confused with the first snowfall and dont want to relieve themselves in snow. Then, when we have alot of snow for a long time, they get so used to it that if we have a January thaw, they won't go on the grass:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I hope the vet is open tomorrow but I have a feeling they will be closed.

01-02-2012, 10:47 AM
Okay, local vet is open, we go see him at 11:30. Feeling nervous because we only saw him once to flush Zoe's ears. I'm so darned opinionated about things I always get nervous with a new one because I am not sure how they will take things.(meaning ME) Zoe's IMS is used to me after all this time. We have an understanding.

I don't get something. Last August when she could not hear much anymore and she was on the 20 mgs Trilostane SID, she was sleeping more. She is more active again the last month in spite of all the paw chewing and potty licking. Her hearing also seems better. Could that be from the Benadryl? I guess the only way I would know is to stop it.

OH, and guess who was out eating bunny poo? Here I am crying"oh no, she has pancreatitis, she is eating GRASS!!!!!" OMG!!! OMG!!!!:eek:

Well, then the other night I looked with the flash night and what do you think I found? BUNNY POO:eek::eek::eek::eek:

GREAT!!!! And her poos have been perfect for so long I stopped writing about them for a month or two:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Well, thank goodness I saw the bunny poos because otherwise we would think it is the helicobacter if she ends up getting bad poos now:rolleyes::eek::(:(

Last year 3 things happened when she stopped licking her potty

1-snow and cold
2- her colitis flared and she was taking 250 mgs metronidazole a day
3- her estradiol came down to normal from the melatonin and lignans

FYI- her tail had started to look better after a month or two on Vetoryl- it looks really bad again.

I have wiped her with the baby wipes another 4 or 5 times yesterday and today. I have not seen any more specks of blood anywhere. I am also using the baby wipes on her feet every time she comes in from outside.

Well- I guess I go gather my thoughts and change my clothes for the vet appointment. I did not give her a benadryl this morning.

Wish us luck,
not feeling happy about this addy

01-02-2012, 01:56 PM
He gave her Cefpodoxime antibiotic. He could see a rash starting. I should stop the benadryl for now, continue to use the baby wipes or the other wipes and see if the antibiotic nips it in the bud before it gets too bad.

She was a holy terror. I was so embarrassed, just like last year when I thought I would have to buy her a muzzle for the vets. The little she demon was impossible. :mad::mad: I had to sit on the floor with her head trapped under my arm and lift up her back end for him to see:eek::eek: She would not even allow me to put her on the examining table. We could not get a muzzle on her. It was a she devil in disguise of Zoe, the little blank, blank ##%ss##. Oh am I mad at her.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Man of man, I think she needs some melatonin really quick:rolleyes:

Squirt's Mom
01-02-2012, 02:51 PM
Man of man, I think she needs some melatonin really quick :rolleyes:

uhhhh...you do know that's safe for humans as well? :p

I hope the ABs stop this and she is much more comfortable soon. Maybe she's a bit sensitive back there right now is why she reacted the way she did to the exam. Next time tell her how lucky she is no stirrups are required! :D

Leslie and the gang

01-02-2012, 04:43 PM
Glad to hear it wasn't anything serious. I'm guessing that when they are irritated back there, they really don't want anyone messing with them. The way you described Zoe is how my Izzy would be. Hannah may not want to go along with what they're doing and might move or turn the wrong way, but most of the time she cooperates exactly as she should. That's why it's hard to know if something is wrong! When it came to her vulva though, she didn't even want me looking back there, so she was extra nervous with the vet poking around back there.

Hopefully the antibiotics will clear things up quickly.

Leslie-the stirrups comment made me laugh out loud! Good one!

Julie & Hannah