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07-23-2014, 04:00 PM
Hi Addy,

I just want to extend my sympathy for the loss of your beautiful Zoe. I was not on at that time and my heart breaks thinking of the strength and pain you felt helping Zoe cross the rainbow bridge. I believe <3 and Hugs are always helpful anytime, so I am sending them right now. I am sure her spirit is among your family and is looking over Koko.

Wishing you peace and the feeling of joy with the experiences Koko brings to your family.

Sharon :)

07-25-2014, 08:19 PM
Thank you so much. It has been hard, I try distractions frequently.

My new find:


check out the wag and stay special at our Hotel Metro

Koko Puff is woofing to go. Zoe would have loved doggie room service:D:D:D

07-26-2014, 12:30 AM
O M G!! A doggie room service menu, welcome toy and their own bed!! What could be better, well that just sounds like Koko heaven LOL. What a great idea!!

Budsters Mom
07-26-2014, 01:18 AM
WOW! Why don't we all go and have a convention there!:D We could book a whole floor and have a barkfest without annoying anyone. ;)Our fur babies could roam free from room to room visiting all. Sharlene and Addy would be in charge of entertainment and field trips. Sharlene already has more fun in one weekend that I do in an entire year! Wouldn't that be awesome! :D:D:D:D:D

Bailey's Mom
07-26-2014, 02:04 AM
That's a good deal. We've paid up to $100/room night to stay with Bailey, going back and forth to FL. For $100, all we got was a plastic dog bowl and a magnetic sign to put on the door announcing there was a doggie inside. I only paid the $100 because I had enough points to pay for the room for us. We have never had a doggie bed anywhere we stayed. Bailey wouldn't stay in the doggie bed, anyway, though. :p

I'll bring doggie treats. Sounds like great fun to me. Can you make it over Trish? :D:):cool:


07-26-2014, 02:05 AM
With bells on!! :D

07-30-2014, 12:39 PM
Wish we all could go with our furballs. What fun would that be.:D:p
Sonja and Angel Apollo

07-30-2014, 01:03 PM
Wouldn't that be the best time ever? I can just picture it. What fun we would all have. Wow, a nice daydream:):):):)

The hotel is a bit pricey but I really think I am going to try it as a splurge. I have not been away overnight in 5 years. I think I like it better than the hotel in Lake Geneva, maybe we will try both.;);)

Looking back, I don't regret that time spent with my Zozo one bit and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I was truly blessed to have that time with my little girl. I still miss her so much. I know some of my friends thought I was crazy that I refused to leave her but it was more important to me to stay with her than to go away. Turned out, I'm glad I did just that.

Our time with our dogs is too short.

Budsters Mom
07-30-2014, 02:34 PM
Yes, take Koko and go Addy.:p Carry a purse big enough to hold all of us and our pups. ;)

I never left Buddy overnight either. If I couldn't take him along, I didn't go. I have never regretted my decision either and would happily do it all again. I feel sorry for those people who have never had little loves such as ours. xxxxx

molly muffin
07-30-2014, 10:48 PM
Wow, what a great, great place. Wouldn't that be fabulous, all of us together with the dogs in tow. hahahaa Nice and hectic day dream, just thinking about it all, I had to take a nap. LOL Actually it does sound quite wonderful and like Koko would have a great time too. I bet you'd all have a blast.

You know what, definitely do both. Either, but book one of them this weekend for a date any time this summer. You need a break, you both do. I know you wouldn't trade anything about your time with Zoe, but it all takes a toll on you too, emotionally and physically, so a break is just what the k9cushings (we're not docs but we did stay at a holiday inn express) gang have ordered for recovery. :)

This is like a baby step back into the world of travel and koko going to is a bonus feature. :)


You just have to do it once, pick up that phone and then you're ready for each and every subsequent trip to come.

08-01-2014, 05:55 PM
Good morning Addy! HAPPY FRIDAY!! Sending you a great big hug to start off your weekend with some loving!! Hope work has been kind to you this week and give Koko a snuggle from me... have you booked our hotel yet?? :Dxxx

08-02-2014, 08:01 PM
Happy Saturday! I did not book our hotel yet, we got busy cutting down bushes this am, (bushes that were now small trees growing sideways) anyway, we were not doing very well with our lopper when someone showed up with a chain saw, cut all six of them down, ground out the stumps- anyway long story short, I have a frigging mess now but the dang bushes are finally gone:D:D:D:D:D:D So I got too busy to book a room.

Almost forgot Koko's recheck- he is fine, mouth is good, let the brushing begin:):):):)

BAD NEWS= the new vet that I really, really,liked and thought finally I have found a good vet= SHE QUIT:eek::eek::eek::eek: She was Chief of Staff. :confused::confused::confused:

I cant believe the bad luck I have with vets. I knew it was too good to be true.

molly muffin
08-02-2014, 08:44 PM
Oh no!!! She quit! She Just got there. Do they know where she went? Maybe she stayed local somewhere. Had she moved to the area? I feel distraught for you. Good vets are hard to find.

Yay. Might be a mess now but will. Be wonderful I bet when cleaned up.

Tomorrow is another day. Plenty of time to get that reservation made. Hahahah. See I'm not giving up.

Sharlene and Molly muffin.

08-04-2014, 08:36 PM
Oh BOY!!!

Koko has discovered -----

The MC Donald's drive thru

listen to human talk from a screen, wow pretty dang cool;

get to drive a bit further and SEE a human, EVEN BETTER

last window human gives us ICE CREAM!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

We shared two scoops and licked the last drop together



Zoe's woofing from heaven for you too;):):):):):):):):)

Budsters Mom
08-04-2014, 08:57 PM
Love it!!!!! :D it sounds like the perfect birthday to me!:D

happy birthday koko puff!!!!!

08-05-2014, 11:23 AM
It truly was Kathy.:)

Not to confuse you all but I have changed the title of Zoe's thread and when I am ready I will close it and move to Koko's thread on Everything Else. I am not yet ready to let this thread go.

Pages and pages of our journey are written here as well as numerous replies from all of you as you held my hand and loved our Zoe.

As well as Cushings, Zoe faced Inflammatory Bowel Disease, numerous eye problems, seasonal allergies, one minor surgery, vulva surgery to remove a tumor, protein in her urine, CC and other skin issues, a mysterious condition with her front leg, myeopathy in her back legs, kidney cysts, chronic pancreatitis, gosh, the list goes on and on and on. Through it all she continued her Bark Fest for food and tried as hard as she could to face each challenge with a love of life and courage that is amazing to me.

We fought long and hard through so much and without the support from all of you, the journey would have been impossible. The ups and downs, the laughter and tears are all recorded, page after page.

For our new members, please know this forum is indeed a very special place. The support here is unrivaled. The bonds formed are never broken as we all have one common goal. We may have different ideas, different opinions but that works out just fine as Cushings is not cut and dry.

Zoe's thread will remain open for now. If her journey helps even one dog, we will not have fought in vain.

For these reasons, I changed the title of Zoe's thread.

Love you all.

Budsters Mom
08-05-2014, 12:08 PM
Oh Addy, we aren't ready to see Our precious girl's thread closed either.;) We all have so many precious memories that we've been blessed to share with you and Zoe. Koko Puff definitely deserves his own thread. How else are we going to keep track of that boy as he explores the town.;)

08-05-2014, 02:39 PM
A belated happy happy birthday, Koko!!!!
I love the title. Like you said , I am in the same place with staying on. But maybe Zoe and Apollo can be a roll model that despite this awful disease, there are moments of joys, our little warriors fought so hard and strong for us.
Love always

molly muffin
08-05-2014, 04:34 PM
And a happy late birthday to KoKo!!! What a discovery and grand time to share an ice cream at a drive through!!!!

We all admire the strength you had and the spirit that Zoe had that lives on forever, in our hearts and in this thread. Her journey was one of peaks and valleys and a few calm meadows, but it was never dull, it was a high wire balancing act sometime for sure and it was snuggles and love at all times.
I am sure this thread will help many, myself included. I have since I joined k9cushings gone through looking for this or that information at various times. I imagine I'll continue to do so as our journey continues. Thank you!


Budsters Mom
08-05-2014, 04:56 PM
I couldn't have said this better myself! The forum would not be what it is without you Addy. :p
We all admire the strength you had and the spirit that Zoe had that lives on forever, in our hearts and in this thread. Her journey was one of peaks and valleys and a few calm meadows, but it was never dull, it was a high wire balancing act sometime for sure and it was snuggles and love at all times.
I am sure this thread will help many, myself included. I have since I joined k9cushings gone through looking for this or that information at various times. I imagine I'll continue to do so as our journey continues. Thank you!

08-17-2014, 08:54 PM
Happy belated birthday, Koko! Wow! Another thing in common, Addy...our boys both have August birthdays! Max LOVES the Wendy's drive through and getting a vanilla frosty! He just can't wait till he gets home, so I have to park and let him have some immediately!

Our girls had quite the journey, didn't they? I'm not ready for YOU to take Zoe's thread down, either. :(

08-17-2014, 11:11 PM
HI Addy, Belated birthday wishes for Koko from me too..and of course from Trixie! Catching up after being absent for a bit. Sounds like you are super busy at your house with all that outdoor upkeep.
Too bad about your favorite vet leaving! For a long time out vets office had ridiculous turnover. Seemed like they were coming and going each month. One of the three vets recently left but luckily our fav is still hanging in!
Glad Koko is doing well and that you're keeping Zoe's thread-with new title- going, and no doubt it will help many people who find this sute in need of support and advice! :)


Harley PoMMom
08-18-2014, 12:09 PM
Om my goodness how did I miss Koko's birthday! :mad::o

Happy Birthday, sweet Koko!!!

08-18-2014, 07:33 PM
thanks guys, it was a bit hard with missing Zozo but we made it through.

MB- so much in common when I think back to all our discussions over time.:):):) I am so glad Maxwell and Koko have come into their own.
I still cannot get over dalmation!!!:):):)

Barbara- thank you as well, I have missed your posts but knew you were busy with "the college kid":D:D:D as well call our Kate.:rolleyes: She returned to school early.

Thank you Lori, you are so sweet to us.

Not looking forward to the six month anniversary. It never fails, I start getting weird 3-5 days prior and don;t even realize why. It happens like clockwork, every month.

I cant believe my darling has been gone for six months. The house is still so empty without her. She was so full of life.

molly muffin
08-18-2014, 10:50 PM
I can't believe 6 months already. That doesn't seem possible for that much time to have passed.


Budsters Mom
08-19-2014, 01:09 AM
I know Addy.:o Big hugs!!

I cant believe my darling has been gone for six months. The house is still so empty without her. She was so full of life.

Squirt's Mom
08-19-2014, 07:28 AM
Big ole hugs!

Harley PoMMom
08-21-2014, 03:42 PM
Huge loving hugs from me as well.

08-21-2014, 04:57 PM
Hugs from me as well. It goes so quick but seems so long ago eh. Tommy ha been gone 12 months September 26 and there's still nights when I look for him at the window when I get home.

08-22-2014, 11:29 PM
my sister warrior, sweet hugs
Sonja and Angel Apollo
It will hurt for a long time. When you love so deeply and care so deeply as we did, the loss is deep right down to the soul.

08-27-2014, 05:46 PM
BOO!! Think I have missed a couple of Friday's! But we have one tomorrow so I will be back!! Hope all going well for you and Koko! Big hugs xxxxxxxx

09-15-2014, 07:28 PM
See Mary Beth- it is still here.:):):):):)

Still loving my girl, miss her very much. i thought I cleaned out the linen closet in her bathroom ( notice I call it her bathroom? It always was filled with all her stuff.;);););) Anyway, I went to again clean out the linen closet as a potential buyer is coming to see our house.

I found MORE stuff!!!!! LOL that girl had her own pharmacy.

I sure dont want to face the holidays without her. Not sure what to do about that.

molly muffin
09-15-2014, 08:24 PM
They not only take over our lives, our hearts but also our space becomes their space, we're just the caretakers. :) :) and true loves. :)


09-16-2014, 01:45 PM
Dear Addy there will always be traces of little Zoe.
Hugs always. Apollo is everywhere for me also.
Love Sonja

Budsters Mom
09-16-2014, 02:52 PM

10-11-2014, 09:05 AM
Hi All,

I am sorry I have not been around much. I do stop in and try to read your threads, I have just not been posting much. I have been coughing and coughing. A new doctor has me trying some different asthma/allergy drugs. I went from a dry cough every time I would try to speak to coughing so hard I gag, and I still cant speak without have a coughing fit. The coughing seems worse since using these new drugs.

It has left me exhausted so it is hard to think. I also have noticed for now, cutting back on the forum has helped me with Zoe's death. I spend more time with Koko which he loves.

Koko is doing well. I will update on his thread.

Hopefully,I will be better soon. Thinking of you with love.

10-11-2014, 01:52 PM
6 months already?
Hard to believe Addy.

Happy belated birthday Kuko! Hugs.

10-11-2014, 04:25 PM
Arrrr arrrr arrrrrr been coughing alongside you Addy. Ack, hope your feeling much better soon, that is exhausting. Hope you had a chest xray! Feel better, glad you are taking time away... it's good for you... and no doubt good for Koko!! Big hugs, miss you!! xxxxx

10-12-2014, 01:00 PM
Dear Addy,
I pray you get well. I need to heed your actions also. Miss our Zoe and Apollo but I need to be more present for Arial.
Love you Sonja

molly muffin
10-12-2014, 07:56 PM
Oh dear, not happy to hear you are still coughing yourself breathless. Like Trish, I hope they did an xray, to make sure it isn't walking pneaumonia or something awful.

Well, I can certainly understand how not being as focused on the forum all the time will help the healing process. Time with Koko is certainly very important for both of you.


10-21-2014, 07:38 PM
It has been awhile and I have not been around much because of my phantom cough. I tried two new drugs as the doctor thought I had allergic rhinitis which was causing an asthma flare. I started coughing even worse, having horrible coughing fits but the strange thing is, I am no longer short of breath.

I have been so short of breath for so long, I just accepted it as to that was normal. Sometimes I wondered if I had a heart problem. I think it is all related to my allergies and asthma. So I am to go for a pulmonary test and we are switching my medication.

This new doctor is very easy to talk to. He actually listens and hears my opinions.

Since I had so much training breaking in doctors for my Zoe, I hope this relationship will continue to function as a team so i don't have to find another doctor.

It has been 8 months since I lost my little girl. Not a day goes by without me thinking of her. Hubby and I still remember Zoe every day in our talks.

Koko continues to shine. He gets very upset when I have these violent coughing fits but he stays with me.

So that is what is going on here in Addy land. I continue to find it hard to come here while I am having these violent coughing attacks. I barely make it through work.

I try to read every day and think of you all.

love and hugs

molly muffin
10-21-2014, 07:57 PM
Addy, sweetie! Big hugs to you. We just want you to get better. I hope you can work with the new doctor as a team and get this figured out. They do need to rule out any heart problems, walking pneumonia (chest xrays), and asthma associated issues, but having settled the shortness of breath issue, it is confusing isn't it.
Koko is a real sweetie, he loves you and probably worries about you quite a bit.
I have a hard time believing that it has been 8 months already. :( I think Zoe will always be a very large part of you and hubby's lives. You'll be 90 on the porch in your rocking chair and say, remember that time that Zoe and Koko, did this or that and the chicken walk? That was hilarious wasn't it. She sure was a corker. (I think in your 90's you're suppose to say things like corker, but I'm not positive). :)


Budsters Mom
10-21-2014, 08:38 PM
Yes, I miss you Addy, but I just want you to get better too.:o

I think about our sweet Zoe often and smile. Chicken walks and potatoes at the bathroom door, top my list. ;)

Koko is worried about you also. He reminds me of Buddy. He would stay right by my side when whenever I was sick too. Koko is such a sweet boy.

Big soothing hugs my dear,

10-21-2014, 09:15 PM
Addy- please take of yourself! Will send healthy vibes your way.

My sweet Ginger
10-21-2014, 09:20 PM
Hi Addy, it's good to hear from you. I hope you will get rid of those nasty coughing fits very soon. I know how awfully violent they can get. I sometimes get those too, crying and my face gets all red, not a pretty scene at all.
Now, I keep hearing about Zoe's chicken walks and I haven't been able to locate your posts explaining what it's all about. So that you can spare me going through all of your posts which I'm planning to do sometime, would you mind telling me about Zoe's chicken walk, please? I'd love to hear about it. I know about her potatoes tho. So cute and so sweet.
I think about Zoe and look at her pictures every so often. Especially her black rimmed eyes and those one of the kind expressions.
Yea, it's hard to believe that it has already been 8 months since we lost Zoe but as you can see she lives on in all our hearts and still makes us smile. I miss her so much. Hugs, Song.

10-24-2014, 12:08 PM
Y dear sister in arms,thinking about you. Take care of yourself. Miss our Oe also. Apollo is taking good care of her in heaven,our little warriors.
Sonja,Apollo and Ariel

10-25-2014, 09:22 AM
Thanks to all of you. I stopped one of the asthma drugs, it was causing bronchial spasms and the antibiotics seem to be helping. I think this is one of those rounds where, I need to heed my own thoughts and gage how I feel on which meds.

Song- Zoe was reactive when she came to me. We went to clicker training classes at the Humane Society to help that problem. So in the beginning, we would take walks with a pocket full of chicken and click and treat our way through things that bothered her.

As she got older and sicker, we would just walk slowly up and down the hill in front of our house and she would stop every six feet and ask for her piece of chicken. It became a very special time for just the two of us. Zoe always went to the front door to ask to go for her chicken walk. When she stopped doing that, I knew we were in trouble.

My sweet Ginger
10-25-2014, 09:36 AM
Thank you Addy. What a smart girl and what special memories those moments must be for you. I can now clearly play the scene in my mind of you and Zoe doing your very special chicken walk. :):):)

10-25-2014, 12:59 PM
Addy, just reading your thread...I currently have pneumonia and can relate to the constant coughing...hope you get better soon! Thanks for sharing the chicken walk...I was curious about that. Precious memories that you will always have.

10-25-2014, 10:39 PM
Know so well what you mean.
Hugs Sonja,Apollo,and Ariel

10-31-2014, 05:00 PM



10-31-2014, 07:45 PM
Wait I'm cheering on your team not USA:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Is that a bad thing????????????????????????


molly muffin
10-31-2014, 08:40 PM
Rofl. So funny Addy. I know. How can we not cheer for the Blacks. They feel like the home team now. Lol

11-01-2014, 08:51 AM
They do, don't they? I sure wish I could figure out how to watch the game today on TV but we cant find a rugby channel. With all the sports stations hubby has, how can that be? Though, since it is in Chicago, maybe Milwaukee cant watch it on TV anyway. They used to do that with football games.

11-18-2014, 08:45 AM
For those of you that remember Zoe, you may remember that last Thanksgiving was the start of her serious decline. I have been dreading this Thanksgiving, not having her at my feet at the table, sharing her turkey with me.

Then I read dear, sweet Jeanette's post. Our dearest Jeanette had me rethink my attitude and approach to Thanksgiving.

So I hope you will indulge me as I come back to my darling's thread to celebrate her life and remember her life. If anyone has any special memories or thoughts, please feel free to share.

Today's memory- I remember the winter I bought Zoe a red velvet coat. She was beautiful decked out in red. She had gone to the groomer and was looking really sharp and Zoe knew she looked good. She always did. I stopped in to visit my daughter with my beautiful little girl. My daughter took one look at Zoe and said,"She is conceited!"

Oh, how I laughed and laughed at that observation. First, I think a bit of jealousy from my daughter but mostly that I thought it was funny that a dog could be conceited:D:D:D:D:D:D

Most likely, my daughter was right and I did not care how conceited my little girl was.

You may think it a strange memory, but I can still see Zoe in that special Christmas red velvet coat and she truly was to me the most beautiful dog I had ever seen.

Bailey's Mom
11-19-2014, 01:25 AM
What a fun memory. I don't think Zoe was conceited. She was self-assured! :D
I guess one of my favorite memories is the chicken walks.You and Zoe...strutting down the street....and teaching her to mind you with those chicken treats. And the potatoes-I've never heard of anyone eating potatoes like Zoe did......but then I've not tried it. Did you tell me they were chunks that you had cooked?

Thanksgiving is a great time to look back at all the fun times.....the heart warming times.

Several years, before eating Thanksgiving dinner, we went around the table to each person and they were to tell what they were most thankful for. It was interesting and fun.


I think you're going to have a mixed emotion Thanksgiving day. There will be some sad moments but, especially if your Mom can make it, it will be nice for the family to gather. Zoe will be missed, but Koko is right there to be appreciated! :)

Budsters Mom
11-19-2014, 02:18 AM
Yes, chicken walks and potatoes at the bathroom door are by far my favorite Zoe memories too.:p

I also enjoyed your stories about trying to take a relaxing bath with Zoe and Koko at the door wanting in. :D

11-19-2014, 04:23 AM
That's adorable :)

My sweet Ginger
11-19-2014, 07:53 AM
What about fashion? Her wardrobe, ribbons and bows on her hair, plush blankets... yeah, she was a fashion plate indeed.
But what was most endearing to me was those pouty(?) expressions she made with those black rimmed eyes. She was the cutest thing. Miss you, Zoe.

11-19-2014, 08:20 AM
Thanks for helping me celebrate Zoe.

She always came in when I wanted a relaxing bath. She would butt the door open with her head and then come in to pester me. When I would get out of the tub and try to dry my hair, she would try to pull the towel away from me, tugging at it and if I allowed her to have it she would roll on the towel:D:D:D:D:D

Koko still runs to the bathroom every night as if Zoe was still with us for his potato before bed. They were russet potatoes cut up and boiled.

I hope Mom can come Thursday, they are predicting snow which is not safe for her:(:(:(:(

11-20-2014, 02:05 AM
Oh what a precious memory! It sounds like there may have been a little sibling rivalry between your daughter and Zoe. :) I hope the good memories will outweigh the bad this Thanksgiving, but I know that even the good memories can cause their own kind of pain and longing. I'm glad you have Koko to keep you hopping. Maybe he will share his turkey with you this year. ;)

11-20-2014, 03:14 PM
Wish I knew Zoe but am learning a little about her now...She sounds like a little Diva:p You still have your memories to celebrate, nothing will ever take that away. Hope your mom can make it. Pats for Koko.

molly muffin
11-20-2014, 05:16 PM
I loved those days when you put on the oldies and you and zoe and koko danced around the kitchen and house. That always put a smile on my face as I could see it so clearly.

Zoe was a character and queen of her domain, never any doubt about that. She was also, just entirely precocious and so much of that was the bond between the two of you.

I will never forget the summer of her eye problems and how you too the time off work to be with her and give her all the various drops every so many hours apart. You got it cleared up though!

Yes there are Zoe memories all over the place, but my most special ones are always of the interaction between the two of you.

love and hugs!

11-21-2014, 02:23 AM
Oh yeah I liked the dancing to the old radio shows... could just imagine you all in the kitchen!!

I also like how you used to share your breakfast and give her a lick of the bowl!!! All those little routines that Zoe knew backwards and to her advantage smart little minx!! xxxxx

11-21-2014, 07:25 AM
Addy, back when you first posted them, I so loved seeing those videos of Zoe and Koko and the jumping game. "Dogs Stay" "Dogs Jump!!!" :) :)

Zoe's eyes never left you for a moment. Not for one moment. Even when the jumping was a bit premature :rolleyes:, she was running straight to her mom.

What I also love most about those videos is your own laughter. Sheer, pure delight! When I think about Zoe, at the top of my list of memories is the joy she gave you and that you ended up sharing with us all.

That's how she became "our" girl. Such a bright little bundle of joy all wrapped up in a fur coat. That was our little girl.

11-21-2014, 08:17 AM
All of your memories are so dear and I love them all, thank you for sharing them. They are at the top of my list for Zozo moments, golden oldies was a biggie and so was jump:):):)

I was always looking for new tricks and new games to play. I read about teaching your pup to jump in a low box. I thought that might be fun so I brought home a box from work and hauled out the clicker and chicken. First I was to teach touch the box, then put their head in the box and lastly, they were to jump inside the box. Zoe went straight from touching the box to jumping inside in a few tries and then would not get out of the box, just smile, eyes blazing and said arg, arg, arg:rolleyes:

Koko never graduated past touch the box. He did not want to jump in for some reason, it bothered him.

Zoe jumped in that dang box every time, oh and Marianne, it was pure joy and delight fo rme to watch her face when she did it.

I even bought a hula hoop and had them jumping through that.

We loved playing together and Koko is waiting right now for a game of hide and seek and puzzle before Mama goes to work. I love that.

11-21-2014, 09:31 PM
Beautiful time and memories. Zoe was the boss,the queen. Miss reading about her.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

11-24-2014, 01:10 PM
Browsing through our bookcases, I came upon a copy of How to Speak Dog written by Stanley Coren. I had purchased the book a few months after Zoe came to live with us. It has been more than five years since I last read the book. I love to reread all of my dog books.

As I was reading the third chapter, I suddenly remembered when I taught Zoe how to “speak”. We had just completed our first clicker training course. Zoe excelled at clicker training. She adored it because the clicker meant food. It was winter, our walks were limited. Zoe’s paws would freeze at the first drop in temperatures. I was looking for ways to occupy her time when I stumbled upon how to do Free Shaping with a clicker. Retrieving the clicker and a pile of tiny chicken bites, Zoe and I sat on the floor facing each other. The idea was for Zoe to start throwing out different behaviors to get me to click and treat. I was to wait for her to give me a behavior I liked, click and treat, then wait for her to repeat. Eventually we would “name” the behavior so Zoe would do it when asked.

Zoe threw out a few of her current tricks. I did not acknowledge them. She gave me a puzzled look and lay down on the floor in front of me. I continued to sit still. Suddenly, she reached out with her right paw, tapping it softly on the floor. Immediately, I clicked and treated, then waited. Zoe thought about that for a good few minutes and again gave me a quizzical look. As soon as she moved her right paw just a tiny bit, I clicked and again treated with more treats. Soon, her right paw was tapping on the floor. Each time she tapped, I clicked and treated, laughing and laughing. My laughing only encouraged her, along with rapid fire treats. Now Zoe was pawing at the floor as if she were counting!!!!

Success!!! The next day, Zoe and I once again sat on the floor with a pile of chicken and the clicker. Her dark rimmed eyes were blazing with excitement. She seemed confused about whether I wanted her to count with her paw. I did not give the command to count. Frustrated, she woofed at me. I clicked and treated and thus, teaching Zoe to speak was how “Bark Fest” was born. We added the command “speak” along with a duck quaking hand gesture. Zoe barked and barked, apparently, she had a lot to talk about.

Zoe never stopped speaking after that day. She asked for everything, woofing and barking through the remainder of her life; talking to me every day. I loved every minute of Bark Fest. Sometimes she would throw in “count” for good measure.

The house is very quiet now. I miss Zoe “speaking”. If I close my eyes and wish very hard, I can still hear her talking to me. I will always remember her voice and I know I will never forget one single minute of Bark Fest.

Thank you all for helping remember my girl and I hope we all Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

11-24-2014, 02:29 PM
What a sweet story and a smart dog! :-)

11-24-2014, 06:49 PM
How funny they can be with their individual quirks.

Daisy had no interest in boxes, she LOVED anything soft and cuddly. Often walked around the house with her blanket still across her back.

Bella has forced the cats to share their cardboard boxes with her :)

Budsters Mom
11-24-2014, 07:31 PM
Thank you for sharing your special Zoe memories with us Addy. I can just see her tapping the floor to count and telling you about her day. When I close my eyes, I can see that too.:p

molly muffin
11-24-2014, 09:16 PM
Ahh yes, Bark Fest. Definitely Zoe's special communication.

love ya

12-05-2014, 04:54 AM
Message for Addy..... http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=7261 :D:D xxxxxxxx

12-05-2014, 08:52 AM
ROLF. Can't stop laughing, thank you for the start to my Friday:D:D

lol I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard!

06-12-2015, 07:32 PM
Dearest family,

It looks like my beloved Knollwood will go on to a new generation. Our house sold in one day. Zoe's vase filled with flowers showcased our home and brought us luck. Thank you darling Zoe, my fiesty chicken lloving, potato eating girl. There will be no face at the door even as an illusion but that most beautiful face will never be forgotten.

Koko, hubby and I move forward to start our new life' and will spend the remaining month enjoying, loving and remembering.

I love you and miss you all. I will post more when I can.

06-12-2015, 07:38 PM
Addy -- I am sure this transition is bitter-sweet but sweet Zoe really amped up the luck factor!

My sweet Ginger
06-12-2015, 08:35 PM
Oh Addy, I'm happy for you and your husband that your hard work on your house has been paid off but why am I crying so?

06-12-2015, 09:27 PM
Oh Song, truly said. So truly said. :o

Budsters Mom
06-12-2015, 11:09 PM
So many mixed emotions for all of you.:o Surrounding you with tons of love.


Squirt's Mom
06-13-2015, 09:16 AM
My tears join Song's. But our sweet Zoe will be with you no matter where you are. I am willing to bet she will show you a sign very soon after you get to your new place to let you know that is now her new home, too.

Many hugs, dear lady.

06-13-2015, 08:58 PM
Dear Addy, life continues, but Zoe will be with you no matter where you are and she will give you a sign.
You are starting the next chapter of your life.

06-15-2015, 08:16 PM
It is a new chapter, bittersweet. We found a small townhouse in the city to rent for a year until we know what we want. We also have one on hold in the suburbs but I don't think the move in date will work.

We have not lived in the city for 16 years. There is a small dog park a block away and we took Koko there last night. He got a bit too worked up seeing so many people and dogs, sounds and smells.
I hope he will adjust ok as it is only ten minutes from my office. I could even hop a bus and ditch my car. We can even walk to the grocery store.

It felt so different but it felt good too.
I will let you know where we end up.
I think Zoe is showing us the way.
I hope Koko handles it, he has been a quiet, suburb dog used to this sprawling lot. The urban density is startling at times.

Thank you all for understanding. It has been a roller coaster of emotions.

molly muffin
06-16-2015, 07:17 AM
I know that where ever you end up it will be the beginning of a grand new adventure for you hubby and Koko too.
Our friends here have just done the same thing. Sold their house and bought a condo by High Park. It has not been without some traumatic moments as it is a lifestyle change. But change can be good and I hope this is the one that you and hubby will come to embrace thoroughly. Walk to the store. The park. New smells and doggie friends for Koko.

Big hugs and lotsa love

06-16-2015, 09:21 PM
Hey darl! A fast sale is a good sale :) funnily enough my house is on the market at the moment too. I am on work/holiday over in Australia right now so have suggested to agent be good if it sold while I am away! So will see what happens, has already been some interest from the weekend open home so waiting for an offer. Haven't bought new place yet either, if I don't find one soon will bunk in Mum and Dads garage with Flynn till we do. I am sure he will be most pleased to be living in the house of constant spoiling with me there too! But no hurry so if I do not get the price I want, can easily take it back off. I am home on Sunday, is exhausting this holidaying :)

Flynny doing good with mum and dad, but for wouldn't you know it, dad ended up in hospital on Sunday night, nothing major but a trip in the ambulance nonetheless. I am sure they save it up for when I am gone!! They did not tell me till he was home again because they knew I would fly straight home. Fingers crossed they all behave from now on!

I keep telling myself a change is as good as a holiday, re the house moving business, yes new things to get used too, but it will be positive I am sure, thinking of you Addy with much love xxx

Squirt's Mom
06-17-2015, 07:53 AM
I read your post last nite and tears just flowed. I know how hard it was to leave a space you shared with Zoe. But I know she wants you to be happy no matter where you are....and that she will always be by your side no matter where you are. But it is just so hard to walk away from those tangible things that are connected to our memories.

My best to you, hubby and Koko as you start this new adventure together.
Much love and many hugs,

11-13-2015, 09:22 PM
Oh my goodness, I came here to Zoe because at noon I was face timing Kate as she was so excited about her 3 days in Paris and was at the Louve, the next thing I know there are terrorist attacks and we can't find my Kate and all I could see was her glowing happy face at the Louve. finally, finally, she answered her phone and is safe in her friend's apartment, scared to death.

I thought for a moment, no I can't lose her too, not Zoe and my Kate.

But she is safe and now we have to figure out how to bring her home.

I can't stop crying so I came here. I have never been so scared in my whole life

Zoe, your sister is safe, we will bring her home now.

Harley PoMMom
11-13-2015, 09:31 PM
OMG Addy, What a scare for you and I am so very happy that Kate is safe.

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs, Lori

11-13-2015, 10:17 PM
Thank goodness Kate is safe! I did see a phone number on the screen when watching CNN that could be used by Americans in Paris to receive assistance. It might have been a local (Parisian) number to reach the State Department.

molly muffin
11-13-2015, 10:45 PM
Omg. Scared the bejeebes out of me for a moment there. Yes the consulate should be able to advise Americans on how to revise travel arrangements. I imagine the borders are closed until they sort out who might be still alive and involved but I can't see it as an arrangement that will last very long. Too hard with Paris being a major travel hub could just be a delay of flights is all. In the mean time she has friends there you said that she can be with.
Hopefully we will know more tomorrow on how things will proceed. Deep breaths doll.


Budsters Mom
11-13-2015, 11:04 PM
Awwww Addy, so glad you came to Zoe and us. Circling you with tight hugs and much love, like we do so well. Kate is safe and she's coming home. We'll wait it out together. Please keep us updated as you're able.

Circle of love,

molly muffin
11-13-2015, 11:16 PM
Those Americans in France needing assistance should call 001-202-501-4444. Americans concerned about loved ones in Paris should call 1-888-407-4747. An official told CNN the hotline was flooded with calls.

Posted on CNN

Budsters Mom
11-13-2015, 11:18 PM
Awesome find Sharlene!!!! :p

11-14-2015, 03:47 AM
So glad to hear that Kate is safe. It is a terrible and frightening situation to be near. Hope she is home again very soon.


11-14-2015, 07:01 AM
Oh Addy! Just like Kathy said, I am so glad you came here to Zoe and to us last night. Thank goodness you could talk to Kate!!! Please let us know just as soon as you have more news.

Squirt's Mom
11-14-2015, 08:37 AM
Oh Addy! I am so so glad you have heard from Kate! I know that horrible feeling in your Soul and pray you never ever experience it again. Zoe will keep an eye on her Sissy til she is home again. Let us know when you can how she is doing and when she will be getting out of there to come home.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))

11-14-2015, 09:14 AM
Finally, we received emails from the school,program and IES. I had been searching on line for numbers to call and could not come back here.

She is stuck in the apartment near Eiffel Tower, the school will arrange to bring her back to Granada as soon as the borders open and a flight is available.

She is very scared but safe. I feel better knowing we now have direct phone numbers to call to people in direct contact with her.

They have notified the American Embassy she is there.
Hopefully, there will be no more attacks.

What a terrible thing, Kate said she is in shock. We were a bit worried when she went to Morocco. I wasn't the least bit worried about Paris.

I still can't believe this is happening.

Those mama bear hormones kicked in and I had no control of the situation and was helpless. I was going to book the next flight there but then they closed the borders.

Sharlene, thank you for those numbers as we had missed the last four digits. Just in case we need them, good to have.

I heard from Kate this morning and she won't leave the apartment until the government tells her it is ok.

Thank you all, I was a wreck and could not think I just kept googling looking for help

Squirt's Mom
11-14-2015, 10:05 AM
I am ever so glad she is safe and you have means of communicating with her. I continue to pray for her and all of France...a candle is lit in her name as well. Know your family here is by your side and will be every second until she is safe in your arms once again.

11-14-2015, 01:59 PM
Thank you Leslie, my heartfelt thanks.

11-14-2015, 03:37 PM
Gawd darl, way to get the heartbeat racing. Thank god she is OK... what a horrible thing for her to experience, but she is safe and will be home soon with quite a story to tell no doubt. Not being a stranger to disasters when I travel I sometimes think it is worse for those wondering what the heck is going on, worrying about their safety... than it is when you there. Unless you are getting shot at of course, then it is way worse! My thoughts are with all those affected by this horrible senseless tradegy in Paris. I love that city xxxx

11-14-2015, 04:13 PM
Good to hear from you girlfriend, wasn't it just a week or two ago we were cheering on the All Blacks? Lol I even have hubby watching videos of your team!

Yeah, it has been a hard 24 hours for sure for those of us here not knowing exactly what is happening, especially for control freak Addy:o

Surreal actually, my heart breaks for France. Thursday night I told her, soak all of it in, fall in love with Paris and cry when you say goodbye. She was so excited and I was so thrilled she realized her dream.

Thanks, Trish, for checking in. Hope your mum and dad are well and Ella cat too. Hope your goofy neighbor got over his fence:rolleyes:

Love you and give our boy Flynn kisses from me.

11-14-2015, 04:26 PM
Control freak eh!! I would never have guessed that :rolleyes::D I did smile when I saw you were ready to jump on the next plane... that would be our Addy, ready to go into battle for those she loved! No terrorists getting close to her baby Kate! :cool: Will do an update on Mr Flynnman!

11-15-2015, 02:23 PM
Dear Addy
Great full that your Kate is safe. I just don't know what is happening in this world anymore. We have to be brave ,pray and stand together to overcome the evils in this world. Love, peace, acceptance,support will overcome.
Will pray for Kate's safety.

molly muffin
11-15-2015, 08:02 PM
It is wonderful to hear that she has a plan to get home.
What I've read the planes are flying, might be some delays, and the Eurotrain is running still too, if an alternate is needed. Fly home from London.

I know you will have that all worked out and a couple back up contingencies too. LOL

Isn't it hilarious who though one little dog forum, the All Blacks have gained a whole new group of supporters across the world. :) :) That just tickles me.

Let us know what is going on when you get the chance!

Bailey's Mom
11-24-2015, 02:18 AM
Hi Addy-
I only now saw that Kate is/was in Paris. How horribly frightening for all. I am glad to hear she will be coming home soon. I have not had time to read the posts for awhile, so I am not at all up to date.

I hope you, Koko, hubby and all the rest have a great Thanksgiving. I hope you are finding the town home to be a bit more comfortable with time.

Love and huge hugs,

11-25-2015, 07:11 PM
She is fine and will be coming home next month, she is still traveling:eek: and I have been trying to distract myself.:rolleyes:
It's not working, ugh.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and Sus, thank you. I look forward to reading your update and hope Bailey is well and no one needs any bubble wrap!

We are blessed to be able to bring my mom here for our meal. I did not think it possible but silver tongue hubby arranged it;)

Love you all

Budsters Mom
11-25-2015, 07:15 PM

Happy Thanksgiving sweetie! :)

We are blessed to be able to bring my mom here for our meal. I did not think it possible but silver tongue hubby arranged it;)

molly muffin
11-30-2015, 08:25 PM
I missed Thanksgiving wishes! So hope you all had an enjoyable one.
Did your mom come over?

big hugs!

12-03-2015, 10:20 AM
Hello Addy - Sharon from Sheboygan WI . If I remember you live in Milwaukee. I will be allowing Norman to cross the rainbow bridge later today. Sad, Sad day. But want to thank all of you who helped me through this journey. This site has been a Godsend. Every day I give Norman his medication I think of this group and thanked you for helping us through the diagnosis and so much more. Sending love, Sharon, Norman and Millie <3 <3 Appreciation and Gratitude

12-04-2015, 07:46 AM
Oh Sharon, I am so sorry to hear about Norman.

We understand how hard it is, so many of us lived it too.
Sweet Norman, I'm glad you had the extra time with him.

I'm glad though to hear Millie is holding her own. Take care.

Bailey's Mom
12-05-2015, 03:42 PM
She is fine and will be coming home next month, she is still traveling:eek: and I have been trying to distract myself.:rolleyes:
It's not working, ugh.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and Sus, thank you. I look forward to reading your update and hope Bailey is well and no one needs any bubble wrap!

Ohhhhhh....I thought you meant your mother was traveling........what a recovery!! Then I realized it was your granddaughter. I am sure you will rest easier once she gets home.

So glad your Mom can join you. I think that is super. Is she on her 7th or 8th cat life now? She's just like the Energizer bunny!~!

Some friends were over the other day and before they left, one asked me if I was now all healed. I thought for a minute and said yes I was! I don't think I wrote on here about falling in my own living room and badly spraining the whosis and the whatsis in my forearm. Even that has finally mostly healed. I was given instructions to keep it that way (healed.)

We head off to FL on the 15th. Ryan and Ellen will be here for "Christmas celebration" on the preceding weekend. I've had a hard time adjusting to not decorating....outside or in. I did manage to put up a cute little tree with colored blinking lights that fits on top of a table behind the sofa. It looks kind of like Charlie Brown's little tree. I'll get a picture and add it here later. I like it. Nothing like my 8' to 9' usual tree, but at least I have colored blinking lights around. I am focusing on preparing to be away for months and that helps keep my mind off of what is not there this year. We will never have that grand a Christmas again......but I can't complain for having such a big show of it for 60+ YEARS.

Bailey just had a bath and is doing just great. She is by my side no matter what time....day or night. I'll do a true catch up after the first of the year. Did I tell you we will be cruising the Caribbean over Christmas? So looking forward to that.

Take care. A big hug going out to you and, as always, I am standing there right on your shoulder. I love you, Addy.
Merry Christmas!!!


12-06-2015, 01:36 PM
Susan, how wonderful to hear from you. Cruising the Seas for Christmas sounds divine, dear friend. I know what you mean about no more grand Christmas trees and celebrations, Imstruggling with that this year. I wasn't ready, I think. Another loss as we get older.

I'm glad Ellen and Ryan will be able to celebrate with you before you leave for Florida. Hubby keeps looking at condos there but my mom is is on her eight or ninth life, you are so right. This transport van has given that to her, the change is amazing. The care staff told me she is here because of me, I dont think I should take that credit. The director was talking hospice and then I found this transport van and the ball game changed. She will be 92 in March. My brother and sister in law can't understand why I keep trying, they refuse to take her out,
but the battle for me is like Zoe, I try and fight until they tell me no more.

Send the pink bubble wrap to my hubby, he has acute sciatica ans will have an MRI Tuesday. He can't walk, sit or lie down, it has been one heck of a week!

I did not know you fell, I hope you really are better now. Be careful you don't fall on the boat!

Kisses to you and Bailey. Koko is attached to my side as well. We are so blessed to have them.

Merry Chrustmas Sus, I love you too.

molly muffin
12-07-2015, 06:54 PM
We stopped doing the grand tree, okay, so we do the tree, but we just don't have it stuffed with as many gifts and all in recent years, but with a new little grandbaby on the way I have a feeling that we'll be back to all out for christmas in no time. Never say never, if and when Ryan you have a grandkids that want to be at grandma's and grandpas for christmas, you might be putting that tree up again in Florida this time. LOL Never know what the future holds but for now enjoy the cruising the high seas life and every adventure that comes your way. I bet it will be wonderful!

How wonderful that your mom has perked up now with being able to travel again Addy. What I wouldn't give to still have my mom and dad around to just say hello to again. I can see why you won't give up, you aren't that person. You're the one who will be there through thick and thin and make every moment as wonderful as possible. I like that person btw. It's not everyone cup of tea as they say but those that it is, they are this worlds angels.

Big hugs, love

12-11-2015, 08:24 PM
Thank you, Sharlene, it is hard to juggle it all. I think with a new grandchild on the way, Chrustmas will change in a BIG way a at your house :D, aww the memories of Christmas Past.:) Grandchildren are such a gift.

And my gift comes home next week, I hate to see my luggage:p:rolleyes:

molly muffin
12-20-2015, 12:40 AM
Kate should be home now. Hope she enjoyed her trip, minus the scares she went though in Paris.

We just went to BC last weekend for our other grandsons birthday. Great time.

Yowser, it is already changing things as we are all now baby focused here. LOL It will be fun to have a gift so close by! :)

hugs, hope you are enjoying the holiday season!

12-20-2015, 02:02 PM
Hey Shalene, she came home Friday night. I held onto her for a good five minutes, could not let go. Cried myself to sleep, tears of relief, such a wave of relief swept through me, Idid not realize I was holding all that in. She flew Spain to Charles De Gaulle to Chicago. I knew the odds of something happening to the plane were zip but I still was a nervous illogical nervous wreck.

Grandkids are sooooo much fun. You have so much to look forward to, they are such a gift. Enjoy as much as you can, savor every minute of planning and when the baby arrives, yahoo:D:D

Hubby is still out of commission with his back. He started on Gabapentin, funny because I knew all the drugs the specialist discussed only because of dogs!

What an education from the forum.:p:p:p

Happy, Merry, Ho, Ho, Ho

molly muffin
12-26-2015, 09:55 PM
Oh that is funny about the meds for your hubby's back. It's true, that things come up in general and I'll just throw something out because it comes up on the forum here. Amazing what we learn on here.

I hope you had a good Christmas.

Think we might even be getting winter heading this way soon. eek
