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04-19-2014, 02:12 PM
Thank you all, your support means so much. Today, for some reason, is hard, so I just go watch Zoe's videos, they bring such joy to my heart, not sadness.

My virus seems to have turned a corner but hubby is now sick:( Funny, but since I have been taking my inhaler, I cannot believe how much better I am breathing. I wondered how long I have been walking around short of breath and just was used to feeling like that:rolleyes: Thought it normal:o

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I am busy making baskets for everyone today. We did not have our Easter Egg hunt though, so that is a bit sad. We worried we would give the youngest granddaughter this virus. We cancelled Easter Brunch at my brother's as well for the same reason.

I found myself thinking back to our visits to France and how dog friendly that country was. They even allowed dogs in restaurants. Once it gets a bit warmer here, we can try taking Koko patio dining. The one time we took Zoe, she barked at the server and they made us leave:rolleyes::rolleyes: I told Zoe, that was ok, I had been thrown out of better places than that!!!!:D:D:cool::cool:

Happy Bunny Hunting!!!!!

04-19-2014, 06:33 PM
Hey Addy

Awww no good now hubby is down with it, that sucks! Must have had a bit of bronchitis there Addy if the inhaler is helping?? Or do you have some asthma too?

Today for me is a day of getting organised, cannot say I have done much housework since my holiday started and with everyone coming over tomorrow I need to spend the day getting the house presentable and cook my sisters cake! So I am going to be kept busy enough, no we do not do baskets here. Exchange eggs, or bunnies in my my case!! It has been bad for me having the chocolate in the house, I have to keep replacing it :D

I loved seeing all the dogs when I visited France too, I bought Flynn the nicest red leather collar and matching leash in Paris. I saw dogs in prams, some dressed up in the craziest of clothes but they were obviously pampered pooches. What I did not like was all the poop in the streets! :eek: Not so good at picking up after them it seemed! LOL at Zoe getting thrown out... I can take him to cafes with outside areas. He did get thrown out the Farmers Market, never knew dogs were banned! xx

molly muffin
04-19-2014, 10:57 PM
oh no picking up poop in Paris?!! That's not fun to be stepping around.

In Nice, they have trashcans with poop bags on them, or just little disposal cans with poop bags, and I didn't notice any problem with it on the sidewalk. I too loved how they are very dog friendly there.

They kicked Zoe out! How shocking! She was just placing her order. They must not speak Zoe there.

Really? No dogs at the Farmers Market Trish? hmmph

Bummer about hubby now being sick too. :( Would have been too good to get away with him not catching it I suppose. Maybe he won't get it as bad. I never got bad like my hubby did in January, mine felt more like a regular flu, whereas his was that nasty one. Sounds like you have that one that is hard to get rid of too.

shhhh, I picked up some Godiva chocolate eggs for hubby and a cute little basket with a bunny rabbit. I'm making it up tonight for him as a surprise for in the morning. He has something over in his corner that he keeps telling me to stay away from, so I figure he has the same sort of plan. :) sneaky he thinks he is.


04-20-2014, 12:15 AM
Addy, I love Zoe's story, it is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. I love the videos too. What a special little girl who touched so many hearts. And Koko is just precious too.

So cute how they are intently looking at you as you are telling them to stay, just waiting for the tiniest of signals to come running. :)

Glad to read that you are feeling a bit better, but sorry hubby is under the weather now. I was wondering today if you have picked up your necklace yet?

Happy Easter to you and your family. :)

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

04-20-2014, 06:18 AM
Happy Easter To you And Koko I hope your Hubby gets better soon darn bugs :)

04-20-2014, 12:23 PM
I wish we were more like the Parisians when it comes to dogs too! If only I could bring Trixie into my market when I just need to garb some milk..we are out walking so often and I always have to bring her home if I need to go where food is sold. She loves to come along on errands where she can go in...though so many places sell food now that she's banned from most places I need to go to.
I don't know if I would bring her to a restaurant because I look forward to eating out so I don't have to have Trixie staring at me the entire meal! ;)
Haha...how Zoe barked at the server makes me laugh!! She probably had some good insight...I find the people Trixie decides to bark at probably need a good talking to!! :D
I did see two small dogs at the Botanical Garden yesterday..I imagine they were service dogs and I'm so glad they allow those people to bring their dogs. So many dogs now are for epilepsy or diabetes patients and so it's great they can bring their dogs along with them.

Glad you're feeling better..hope that your husband is soon feeling good too. :p Happy Easter :)


04-21-2014, 06:01 AM
Hi Addy

I ate enough chocolate for both of us, so I've saved you some calories!! Hope your Easter Sunday was restful, nice you got good weather!! Gosh there have been bugs aplenty around lately, hope Hubby is feeling better pronto! Have I said how much I love Zoe's story, because I do. You are very clever :) x

04-21-2014, 07:02 AM
This back and forth between warm and cold is wreaking havoc on people. Dad is coughing ans sneezing. Hoping hubs feels better soon!

We have frost on the ground this morning. Crazy.

04-21-2014, 01:59 PM
Belated happy Easter. Remember so many,many years ago in France, they even had dogs in the plane,just sitting with their owner, U.S.A. Could learn something from them. read the two countries with the most dog owners is U.S.A. and France. Tried to go to an outside patio in Montery with Apollo and Karma years okay,brought their food. they both started whinnying,barking,almost jumped on the table to get to our food. We were laughing so hard to keep them off the table:D
Love you
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

04-21-2014, 08:02 PM
Did you know you can rent a pretty cool apartment in a hamlet in the
Midi-Pyrénées for like 600-700 Euros a month? And they allow dogs?!!! That would be a long term lease. I always wanted to see Tarn.:):)

Wow- so maybe I could sell this house, rent a place here until I retire and then I could take Koko and hubby to Midi-Pyrénées to live for awhile. Only problem is I cant retire for five more years.

Shoot. Well, a girl can dream right? I'm going to look for more apartments and what do they mean by main drain included or not???:o

This is so cool, I dont get much in Nice which is where I wished I could retire too.

04-21-2014, 08:25 PM
I'll come visit!!

Definitely want one with a drain!! Maybe they have a septic tank if they have no drain?!?!

molly muffin
04-21-2014, 10:39 PM
Hmmm. I wonder about that drain thing too. Maybe Trish is right and it means septic or main. Funny we looked at prices in Nice too for the same reason. Lol

I loved the Pyrennes on Spain side. Just beautiful. Dreams are the pathways to tomorrow.


Squirt's Mom
04-22-2014, 08:40 AM
Yes, Addy, I do understand about Grace's thread and want you to know that YOU give me the courage to be here today. ((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))

04-22-2014, 09:15 AM
That all sounds so wonderful, what a great get away from it all place!. Hope you and hubby are well and rid of that nasty virus. That was the very best thing you could have done, was take all the video of Zoe and KoKo. I so enjoy watching them, and I am sure it warms your heart to see your sweet Zoe. I have been compiling videos of my Tipper also. I wish they would have had all the technology back when my dad passed away, as I would have loved to have some video of him. I do have a small VhS tape that I need to get transferred to a DVD. Blessings

04-30-2014, 08:19 AM
Just checking in, the rain has stopped for the moment and the sun is out. we have not had the horrible storms, just non stop rain so our yard is flooded.

I am going to stop PT for awhile. I started doing the exercises I used to do and cut back on the ones the therapist gave me and researched some new stretches. My neck feels much better so I think I am healed well enough to figure this out now on my own. PT seems to be hurting more than helping now.

Ran into someone who lost her pup 1 month before I lost Zoe. She said she can finally knit again and is looking to adopt a new puppy. Hubby and I have been looking at condos and apartments to rent, not sure I want to purchase anything after we sell this place until we know where we want to be, we may not stay in Wisconsin after I retire. Most places wont even take one dog let alone two so, Koko will remain an only child.

We did have sticker shock at what rents are these days. I think we had this romantic image in our heads of taking Koko up and down the elevator and walking out a pretty lobby with some green space near by- similar to hubby's sister's building in Manhattan. Not that we could afford an actual apartment like hers but I think that was all we knew to imagine. Most of the new buildings downtown are surrounded by concrete, we hated the feeling. So for now, I continue to get rid of clutter.

Last night they mentioned something on the news about a lethal injection and I freaked out and just bawled my eyes out. Strange how I never know what will start the tears.

So off to play puzzle with my only child. I hope you are all well and your pups are doing ok.

Thinking of you always

molly muffin
04-30-2014, 09:22 AM
Hi Addy, I think there are triggers, words, smells, sounds that just hit you like a sledge hammer and the emotions over flow.
It's strange, I can still look into the dining room and see Tasha and where she had her last set back, when we knew the end had come and it's like a video playing in my head and I feel sad, sometimes cry, and Tasha has now been gone 12 years. You just don't know. Super Big hugs!

I think key, is taking your time and feeling no rush, it gives you the opportunity to check out neighborhoods, find the ones you like and keep an eye out for something that might come available where you want at a reasonable price.
It took me a year, of looking every day to find the house we have now. I knew this was the street I really wanted or at least the neighborhood and just kept at it. I hope you find something that suits you, hubby and Koko.

Sending you hugs!

Squirt's Mom
04-30-2014, 09:54 AM
Sharlene is right. I still get triggers for babies long, long gone. I see a picture that resembles them, or a scent, or a toy, or....and the tears start again. And each one of them deserve those tears - they were each priceless and irreplaceable; and always missed and loved.

You are doing just fine even tho I know at times it doesn't seem that way at all to you. And I know our sweet Zoe is so very proud of you every second of every day.

Leslie and the gang

Bailey's Mom
05-01-2014, 01:43 AM
I've caught up on the past 2-3 weeks. You do have such a talent for writing, Addy. And .... look!!! It's MAY!!!!:D:):) One of the most beautiful months of the year. Warm weather, lots of flowers, green grass, promise of new beginnings.;)
I finally shook my "bug". I finally recognize myself once again. I'm still tired and not running at peak performance level, but at least my arms and knuckles aren't dragging on the ground and my cough is gone and the stuffiness is over.
Your videos are great. Isn't it wonderful how technology has made it such that the average person can afford a camera that will produce, with minimal effort, such a nice video? Something to preserve for all time.
I, too, can get caught, though far less often now by the "tear zapper." That or for no apparent reason, I call Bailey "Palmer." I did it earlier today. It is usually when I am very tired or stressed out that it happens.
What was the final decision on the sink? Just curious.
"woof" to Koko with a belly rub and to you a big hug.:D

05-01-2014, 06:42 AM
Hey Addy! It's a little early, being 1hr and 20mins until it's FRIDAY... but it is here tomorrow!! I am using Mum's PC... I feel so clunky being on the forum... she has poor eyesight so the font is HUGE and only on post fits on the screen at a time in this huge writing lol, I feel seasick with all the scrolling I have to do. Sigh, here I am prattling about nothing at all... HOW ARE YOU?? Hope you have had some "me time" this week. Sending a big hug to you xxxx

05-02-2014, 08:42 AM
Uggg, the sink, we had to put the kitchen on hold as we don't all of a sudden have hot water to our master bedroom shower.:confused: Plumber thinks we have to replace the old steel pipes with copper. I want him to try to replace the dial and cartridge then flush out the system first but he said no guarantee that will work. So trying to figure that one out so we just replaced the broken faucet in the kitchen- third faucet in 15 years $300- are they crazy?) - we have such cruddy well water- even with all the water equipment:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Laughing at Koko as he has toys strewn all over the house. He must of eaten something outside yesterday because he threw up around noon, hubby said. Seems fine today. It is that time of year around here.

Kentucky Derby weekend!!!! We never miss it.

05-02-2014, 11:11 AM
Thinking of you and hoping you are doing well. It sounds like KoKo got into something in the yard, and hope that's all there is to it. Blessings

05-02-2014, 05:14 PM
Just checking in on you and Koko. And thinking about our sweet Zoe. Every time I see a Lhasa Apso, my heart skips a beat and I think of Zoe, that face, those soulful eyes.
Know what you mean about downsizing. I hope by next year to move, but not sure where, warm, beautiful, dog friendly, lots of parkways, inexpensive living, lots to do, theaters, parks, culture,great medical care, green, waterways. Let me know if you find it.:D
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

05-02-2014, 06:05 PM
Hi Addy
Ohh my Dad would be right with you watching horse racing, meh I can take it or leave it! Sounds like Koko is a happy little camper and enjoying himself, maybe a bit too much with that little spit up! God knows what they get into some time, can't watch them 24/7 though! Have a nice weekend Addy, hopefully lovely Spring weather where you are! xx

molly muffin
05-02-2014, 11:05 PM
That is so funny about Koko having his toys everywhere. Might have over done the excitement and then thrown up if he was playing hard?

Oh gads, nothing worse than plumbing issues. Hope the pipes don't have to be switch out, what a pain that would be! isn't it awful what a good faucet cost these days!! I have gotten the worst sticker shock when looking at the simplest things. I love to go browse the home stores but sometimes I can come away feeling broke just by looking!!!

Maybe you'll have some nice weather for the weekend and be able to get out and do something fun.


05-08-2014, 01:06 AM
Hi Addy,
Haha...Like Koko, Trixie has her toys strewn around all the time! Also she loves to get a hold of socks..so whenever one of us comes home (if wearing socks) we ball them up and throw them to her. She takes them into the dining room where she shakes them apart and runs around with them. So-besides toys and balls around I usually find some socks under the dining room table too. :D


05-09-2014, 01:22 AM
Hi Addy

I can barely muster up much enthusiasm to remind you it is Friday! But I will as it is the end of the week and we have a couple of days to rejuvenate ourselves. I hope the rest of the working week has gone a little better. This is what I think you should put on your office door for your work mates:
I can only please one person per day,
Today is not your day,
Tomorrow is not looking good either......


05-09-2014, 07:59 AM
Thinking of you especially today as we carry a new sadness about Squirt. It is certainly hard for me to concentrate on anything. Blessings

05-09-2014, 08:22 AM
Our darling Squirt led a charmed life and has such a great mom. Squirt is blessed to have such love and devotion. I loved it when she was swimming in the pool to heal her leg.

Today is a very sad day but if Leslie does not mind, I ask that we all celebrate the Queen Squirt and honor her courage and spirit with good memories of her life.

I know tears will fall today, we cant help it but let us all try to remember the good days Squirt had and there were so many. I hope between the tears we can smile at a memory of our precious little girl.

My heart breaks for Leslie and for her pain, I cry

Love you all.

05-09-2014, 08:22 AM
Me too Addy, thinking of you and Zoe, and how hard this must be for you also.

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper

05-09-2014, 04:42 PM
Hi Addy

I am joining you in celebrating Squirt's charmed life, that girl sure knew how to pick a home! I like to think of her going out with Leslie picking her herbs and pottering about outside, it always sounds so peaceful at their place. Beautiful girls xxx

05-09-2014, 07:00 PM
I'm joining in too for the celebration of Squirts life and what a wonderful life she had. I loved the stories of how she would nudge Leslie for more treats she lived a blessed life. It truly is a sad day.

Thinking of you on this day also as I know when a pup leaves it brings it all back to the ones we lost before x

05-09-2014, 07:04 PM
Group HUGS girls!!!! I bet Zoe and Woody were part of the welcoming committee!! Woody would be getting the snacks out the fridge and Zoe was in the band playing a happy song to welcome her into the fold!! xx

05-09-2014, 07:10 PM
Aw Trish that is a good picture you painted there only not too sure about Woody getting the snacks he didn't do sharing food well lol

05-09-2014, 07:13 PM
I think so Trish and Ali and Apollo were there too.

I loved the way the melatonin made Squirt's hair all fuzzy and yup I can see her walking with our Leslie hunting down the right herb. Makes me smile to envision that. Dang, so hard to lose them.

And it has been some day here at little house in the big woods. We have pest control come out to get rid of the ants, wasps, mice and in the middle of it all our pressure tank for our well started leaking water all over. Poor hubby and Koko were left to deal with it, I could not leave work:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Next week I have jury duty:eek:

I know Leslie is probably in shock right now. I worry about her. I guess I am more worried about her right now than about me and Zoe but you guys are really sweet to worry about me too. Thank you. I'll be ok.

I want an Irish wake when I go:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

05-09-2014, 07:26 PM
Squirty will be nipping at Woody's heels if he does not share.. I was remembering that video you have of him at the fridge Tracy!!

Good grief, all those pests... I had a wee ant invasion the other day. Dunno how they got in as I do not see them often. They had managed to get into Flynns biscuit tin!! Lucky they were his old biscuits that he is not eating now so tossed the lot out. Do they think the ice broken something in the well? Gawd poor hubby and Koko, what a day. Sounds like for once you were better off at work!!!

I am worried about her too, but she knows where we are if she wants to talk. If she is anything like me she is probably in hibernation and I hope that sweet Brick is there kissing her tears :)

An Irish wake eh!! Well that is not going to be for many many many many years and I am not even ready to think about that! But I will break out the Guiness if that ever does happen :D

molly muffin
05-10-2014, 12:45 AM
I always kind of like the idea of an Irish wake too, party on people, have a drink on me, that sort of thing.

I'm worried about Leslie too, I'm glad she has the other babies to hold her hand through this, just like koko has held yours. They just sort of step up to the plate when they need to.

Gads, I bet Trish is right, this horrid winter has played havoc on a lot of peoples plumbing lines. I had Never seen a water main break on our street before this winter. I cannot even bear to look at all the bushes we've lost this winter, normally we don't use a solid bush, maybe some plants, but this year I bet I'll have to pull out 6 bushes at least, 3 of them being good size emerald trees and an alberta spruce, so it did take a toll. We need to start up the lawn sprinkler system and I'm terrified of how many lines will need to be replaced when we do that. *sigh*

Our ants haven't shown up yet, but every year I get a bunch of those tiny ones coming in the house somewhere. It lasts for a few weeks an then that is it (normally).


05-10-2014, 12:51 AM
your green light is on Sharlene, hope you had a good night out with hubby.

yeah, bad winter, we have never had mice or ants like this, I could not take any more so hired a pest control company for monthly check ups, I can call whenever I need anything and no pests for when I sell the house, seemed like a good idea on Angie's list. Even got a discount.

Sharlene- hubby said they found a few dead mice by the pool equipment- we have never had that. Hate to see how many are floating under the cover of the pool:rolleyes::eek:

cant sleep, bad week at work, the ants, Squirt. :o:o:o:(

having family here Sunday for Mom's day, I did not invite the ants:D

molly muffin
05-10-2014, 01:05 AM
Some weeks just suck. I was checking in to see if Leslie had been logged in or not. I didn't actually expect her to, but was hoping. I hate that this happened right before mothers day for her :(

Oh crimey on the ants showing up right before company. This should take care of them though and smell will be all gone by sunday. Is your mom coming to your house on Sunday?

Did you open the pool yet? My hubby wants to do it Sunday. We changed pool cover style last fall, this one now stretches clear across the top, tight and is rated for animals to walk on for safety. I can't remember how many pounds it is safe up to, but I know it is okay for molly, although, hubs doesn't mind if she is on it, I freak out. So I am hoping no mice in the pool We've had one or two in previous years.

Dinner out was great. I'm tired though and feel like I could sleep for a week. It also feels like we go from one meal to the next this week. I'm stuffed and have to get up, go take hubs jeep back to the shop, then to lunch.

Try to get some rest Addy. I hope Leslie is getting some sleep and rest, sometimes emotional exhaustion kicks in and all you want to do is sleep. :(


05-16-2014, 01:27 AM
Mice and ants...yep...out at my parents house too :eek:. We have the house on the market now so we had pest control a few months ago. The house is surrounded by woods and tress so there are also racoons everywhere...we had a family of them living underneath a wooden decked patio. It's not high up and I can't imagine they had much room under there but we had everything repaired and that work must have pushed them out-at least I hope so! I don't see any "evidence" that they have been around...and they leave plenty of evidence!!
There is so much work at a house...and especially one with a pool..yep we have one of those to deal with too. Really hoping we sell before it should be opened, wishful thinking! After dealing with all this stuff in order to list the house I am happy to be in an apartment! We own it but the building staff takes care of most everything thank goodness because my husband is not handy! ;)


05-16-2014, 06:24 AM
Guess what day it is Addy!! http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=6732

Hope the ants and mice have moved out! Hopefully catch up sometime on the weekend :) :D

05-16-2014, 06:48 AM
Oh oh oh Addy, Addy, Addy!!! I nearly forgot, I knew I had something else to talk to you about!!! You know how I like sport, in particular Rugby and our awesome NZ All Blacks.... Well they are coming to the US to play a game on the way to Europe for a few end of year games. AND they are playing in Chicago.... You got to go for me and wave my flag!!!!!


Or maybe I should come over for the game and we can go together!!! x

05-16-2014, 08:01 AM
Hi Addy:
Just thinking of you and wondering how you are getting along these days. I hope you are sleeping better. Blessings

05-16-2014, 08:42 AM
LOL at the picture, Trish, I cant stop laughing. I will see if I can get the game on TV and wave the flag for you if you cant buzz over here, we have two extra bedrooms and an extra bathroom , so we have plenty of room for you.

Good thing I called pest control because the ants were coming from the living room, a totally different spot than we thought. The ants were crawling under the molding to the kitchen. Smart pest control guy, we have not seen an ant since even with all the horrid rain storms.:):):p Worth every penny!!!! We now have a month maintenance schedule for a year. Hubby said "no more anties without panties":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Barbara, an apartment like yours would be perfect for us. Hubby's sister said we should move to NY. Hubby is 10 years older than me and has really bad arthritis so the older we get the more physical chores fall to me. This lot is just too huge for me to take care of myself, plus do all the indoor chores and work 40+ hours a week. I'm no spring chicken any more either:p:p:p:p:p

For the last week, every paper I pick up has a photo of two Havenese puppies for sale. I never see that bred offered here. I would not purchase a pup from the paper as it most likely is some puppy mill's agent pretending to be a home breeder. Plus, since I work full time, I cant have a puppy and I cant even find a decent apartment I can afford that will allow one dog let alone two, so I know my days going forward will always be Koko as my only child.

But hubby and I cant stop looking at that little girl. There is something in her eyes that remind us of a baby Zoe. I hope the little one finds a good home and I wish I could adopt her but, I know I cant and this time my head must overrule my heart.:( I keep thinking Zoe is trying to talk me into something so I stop crying so I have to convince her spirit I will be ok and one day I will find some joy again thought not as great of joy as she brought me.

I am not sleeping any better, I wish that could change. I think about my best girl Zoe every single day and I do still cry - not as much but tears come every day; they just don't last as long. Some people may say I gave up a lot of my life for a long time for that little girl and they are right. But I would do it all over in a heart beat if I could. She was so worth all of it for the joy she brought me and the love that filled my heart.

Well, now I am getting all mushy and crying so, off to work I go after a round of puzzle with Koko.

Thanks for checking in on us and I hope you have a great weekend!!!

molly muffin
05-16-2014, 03:29 PM
It's terribly hard not to bring a puppy home, especially when one touches your heart, even when your head is saying, no can do this time. I know, I want to do the same thing every time I see one on the rescue boards I'm on, that just speaks to me. I know Molly would flip out though and not be good with another dog in the house. She barely seems to tolerate her best buds in the house when they come to visit. She's getting a tad grumpy in her old age I think.

Oh wouldn't that be fun to move to NYC. Hard to find decent places now though at a good price in a good neighborhood. Actually I suppose it is hard no matter where you are to find the kind of things a person wants as they get older, amenity wise and still be able to afford it. I know I had the thought the other day when we were on the way downtown to the theater. Gee, how simple if we just sold the house and moved to a condo and could get to work easily and downtown to do things. I guess I'm not ready quite yet, but hubs and I both agree, that there will come a day when we just don't want to do the upkeep of a big home any longer and all the yearly work that has to go into it. *sigh*

This grief thing is a long process. I think it is better sometimes to shed the tears and not hold them inside, however long they may last. It's just an overwhelming emotion that has to be let out or it makes you sick inside.

Oh that is cute that Koko is still the puzzle guy. I love that. I'd never heard of puzzles until you mentioned for Zoe and Koko.

Hope you have a good Friday and ready for the weekend. We have a 3 day weekend here! whoo hooo!


05-17-2014, 09:25 AM
Oh Sharelene, we have three days next weekend, I cant wait. Enjoy your three days off.

I have a homemade puzzle for Koko as well as the ones I purchased for him and for Zoe. We play both and even though they are easy for him to solve, it works his brain and makes him use his nose:D:D The homemade one is just a muffin tin with tennis balls and I hide treats in the tin and cover the spot with a tennis ball. I use 5 tennis balls and he knocks them all down on the floor and then we play bounce all the balls. He goes crazy as he thinks it is so much fun.:D:D:D:D:D:D

I am off to spray weeds:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

05-17-2014, 02:28 PM
Sounds like Koko is a lot of fun. Arial makes me laugh also, but in even after almost 2 years the tears for Apollo still hit me out of no where. Try to picture our babies,Zoe, Squirt, Apollo playing with each other in heaven. A friend said to me they are always in our heart never gone.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

05-17-2014, 05:26 PM
Yes those puzzles are fun!! I got Flynn's out yesterday and dusted it off. He remembered exactly what he had to do and opened all the drawers one after the other and collected up all his treats!! Koko is a doll!! Glad you are having fun with him!

You never know Addy, I will see what is going on in my life closer to November (but you know what we think of November so it may not be safe for me to leave the country!!), I would love to come and stay and get the train with you to the game!!!

Have you got a cute pool guy to come clean it up??

molly muffin
05-17-2014, 07:10 PM
California Chrome won!! Do we have a possible triple crown winner??? :)

On to the Belmont


05-17-2014, 07:46 PM
I know I was on my knees, banging the floor, screaming, go, go , go

hubby thinks I'm nuts- I do carried away:p:p:p:p:p:p


and the sun came out here too

and I met our new neighbors, they have a big dog named Daisy- he said she is a little crazy- Koko is not going to like that as we walk past their house very night.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Good to see all the young families moving into the neighborhood though.

molly muffin
05-17-2014, 08:16 PM
hahahaha, I can totally see you doing that, floor banging for Chrome! hahahaha

The Belmont should be good! Long Distance there but wowser, should be exciting.

Oh, maybe Koko and Daisy will make friends! If she isn't crazy in a "get me the heck away from this thing mom" sort of way.

We've gotten some younger families moved into our neighborhood too. A lot more kids now walking to school in the mornings. It is good to see the neighborhoods vibrant and active.

Hubs is out cleaning the bbq!!! whoo hoooo

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-19-2014, 09:41 PM
Hi Addy, I haven't been on for so long. I just wanted to say how sorry I am about Zoe. Sending (((((Hugs)))) and Love.

Sharon, Norman and Millie

05-22-2014, 06:30 AM
Hi Addy, how's the week going?? You recovered from the excitement of the horse race?.... Flynn has started on metronidazole, what dose did you give Zoe? He is on 12mg, 1mg per kg, actually it is stomorgyl. I seem to remember you gave much less? Thanks darl! x

05-22-2014, 08:44 AM
Thinking of you and Zoe. Blessings

05-22-2014, 09:35 AM
Hey Trish, I'll check her bottle when I get home tonight. Zoe started out on a high dose twice a day, then I cut back and cut back and eventually dosed her once a day. The last year of her life I did have to increase the dosage again.

05-22-2014, 10:05 AM
Pet Weight Dosage
Dogs: All weights The usual dose is 3mg-23mg/pound of your pet’s body weight, by mouth, 1 to 4 times a day

This is standard dosing or metronidazole/flagyl in the US

Zoe averaged 3mgs per pound once a day, sometimes more, sometimes less if I remember right (Im at work, shhh dont tell anyone:D:D.)

Does Flynn need it long term or short term?

Hi Patti- thanks for thinking of us

05-22-2014, 10:21 AM
FWIW, Trish, when my Peg or Luna take metronidazole for acute GI distress, they are given 500 mg. twice daily, which with their weight differences, works out to 6-7 mg. per pound twice a day (or around 14-16 mg. per kg.). This is for a limited course of maybe 5 days or so. So Flynnie's dose is really quite small in comparison. As you can see, I think the dosing range is highly variable depending upon the reason for and duration of treatment.


05-22-2014, 01:31 PM
That it is, Marianne, when Zoe had an acute episode, her dose was much higher and her daily maintenance dose was much lower. Flynn is on a very small amount compared to what we usually see here.

Poor Flynny boy:( I know he will be just fine.

05-22-2014, 02:50 PM
GOogled the stomorgyl... its not just metronidazole

He is on one 10 + one 2

Which = metronidazole 150mg and spiramycin 280mg. It is indicated for mouth problems but on reading a lot give it for colitis.

Flynny has jumped out of bed this morning and seems hungry, still waiting his hour after his samilyn to give brekky, he did not poop on his first venture outside. he is perky though! YAY!

I need to read a bit more on this drug, will give it this morning. it is enteric coated so cannot be split.

Thanks Addy and Marianne.... I am sure Flynn would love Peg, it is just the ones that run up to him threatentingly he takes a dislike too :eek::eek:


05-22-2014, 02:53 PM
He is 35pound (13.1kg) so seems well within the safety dose

molly muffin
05-22-2014, 06:44 PM
Addy, you and hubby and Koko should definitely do a weekend escape. It sounds wonderful!
What a good boy Koko is to travel so well too. Wish molly did.


05-22-2014, 08:44 PM
Trish- I think the metronidazole ipart of the pill is fine for Flynn. When Zoe had terrible flare ups she was on 125 mgs twice a day. I am not familiar with the combo drug you have so will have tor research it like you. How long do you have to give it to Flynn?

I should probably go copy this on your thread.

Sharlene- I think I will call the Inn to see when they have a vacancy.:)

I should post a link to it too so you can see how nice it looks.:D:D:D

05-22-2014, 10:23 PM
Hi Addy,
Just catching up on your thread. :) How exciting was the Preakness!!? We are all for California Chrome and can't wait for the Belmont! My daughter and her friends are going out to the track for the race...I would never go because there are way too many people and it's so crowded...too big a crowd for me! It's going to be so exciting with a possible Triple Crown win! I'll be watching on TV where you get the best view!

Funny you mention the Havenese...it is such a popular breed here in the city and Trixie has a lot of little Havanese friends around the neighborhood. Guess they are a good size for many apartments...plus they are super cute! My friend got one and hers ended up being pretty big though..she weighs about 8 pounds more than Trixie. I can see how a little Havanese would remind you of sweet Zoe, many Lhasa features are similar to a Havanese.

Sounds like you've got those ants and other little varmints under control now. I like your husbands " no more anties without panties" :D..that's funny!!
There's so much to think about with houses, especially when you're going to possibly sell. I wrote on my thread about the painting we did at my mother's house.
I told my brother to be sure and get the mice traps put away before any of the open houses!!:eek::eek: I would think that might turn some people off. :D My parents house is also surrounded by many trees and wooded areas so there's lots of creatures in the vicinity. The city has plenty of it's own furry friends...somehow the ones that live in the woods don't seem as bad than the ones that live in the subway tunnels! :eek: I've never seen anything here in my building and hope never to!! ;)
Hope you all and Koko have a good time if you end up getting away. :D


05-23-2014, 08:46 AM
I would love to go to the Belmont. Hubby went often when he lived in NYC. I am still super excited but worry some fresh speed horse will ruin everything as always:(:(:(

We fell in love with the Havenese breed when we saw them at a dog show. Alas, no more doggies for me. Just my only child:


He is really so well behaved. We allowed him free run of the house last weekend for about an hour just to see what he might do- he went into the kitchen and lay down on his blanket as if he was in there with the door closed. Good boy. Everyone tells me what a good dog he is. It used to bother me when Zoe was alive as no one ever said that about her:(

He is a completely different dog, I think it is the cocker spaniel in him.

Happy M day!!!

05-23-2014, 10:33 AM
I have seen many Havenese and one in particular I saw at the hospital twice is the most beautiful I have seen. They are really stunning when clipped right with that flowing hair. Hope you are doing well. Tipper and Toby will be the last dogs for me too. Don't know if I could survive without Tipper. Blessings

molly muffin
05-23-2014, 02:00 PM
Koko is so adorable. I love that picture! Him and Zoe so often remind me of molly to look at them. hmm, no one ever said molly was well behaved either. hahahahah But they do say, she has tons of character and I think Zoe had that to, bigger than life, here I am, personalities. Koko is just a people guy and everyone loves that about him I'm sure.

Finally a Friday!! You're going to love having a 3 day weekend!

I need a nap. LOL Actually I have a job scheduled for 3pm and one for 4pm and other than that, just fixing problems that come up. So it's not too bad and not too many problems. :) I'm going to go get more plants either tonight or tomorrow. I've contacted a guy about coming out (hopefully soon) and removing some of the bushes that died that I just can't get down to the roots to remove. When that happens, things will really start to be tip top finally!.

I do want to see the link to the Inn. I love looking at places others go and just love Inns and B&B's with character.


05-23-2014, 05:37 PM
Me too, want to see the link I mean. I like seeing travel stories too!! Koko is just too adorable, some are good and some are personalities LOL Sounds like Koko has a bit of both. Wooot you must be home soon for the long weekend, hope the weather behaves and you have a nice relaxing one!

05-23-2014, 07:38 PM

It has a few bad reviews on this website but Trip Advisor had new reviews from April 2014 saying it has been remodeled but I think the red hound dog is still there:(

I was so excited but not sure about the reviews. Maybe I should look for a different place.

Sharlene- Molly, Zoe and Koko could be triplets:):)

Trish- maybe I should paint all my rooms a light neutral color, I think it is a good idea though it will kill me to give up my Benjamim Moore Concord living room. I spent weeks after work edging in all the picture windows with a tiny paint brush and it is such a happy gold:D:D:D:D:D I dont have many walls in my living room as it is mostly windows, fireplace and built ins and a huge cut out to the dining room. That is why it took me so long to edge everything with my tiny paint brush. Maybe I could leave that and paint all the other rooms the same color:o:o

awwwwww, Friday, gotta love it

molly muffin
05-23-2014, 09:35 PM
There are good and bad with all places. It does look cute and pet friendly is a plus for Koko.

Did you see this thread on trip advisor?


If you want to explore some other options before deciding.
The area looks so beautiful! I'd want to go too.

You're right they could all be siblings.

Oh I wouldn't change the concord right now. Didn't you say another year maybe? All the work and a color you love. I know they say neutral to sell but not selling yet!!

Sharlene and Molly muffin.

05-24-2014, 01:54 AM
Oh I wouldn't change the concord right now.
Sharlene and Molly muffin.

:D:D You're turning into the autocorrect Queen!:D:D

molly muffin
05-24-2014, 10:30 AM
Uh huh addy said concord first!! Think it is a sort of gorgeous deep purple? That could be just lovely!!

I blame the smart phone who is not nearly as smart as it thinks it is!


05-24-2014, 05:15 PM
Ahhh ohhh its a purple, lol I learn something new every day on this forum... :D Sorry for doubting your spelling hehe

How's the long weekend going so far Addy? Really I think I will be halfway through next week before you are all back to work!

I think your hotel looks lovely Addy, nice by the lake!

molly muffin
05-24-2014, 05:55 PM
Hhaaaa Trish! You have every reason to doubt my spelling. Drat iphone. LOL

That does look lovely by the lake.

I'll be working with you Trish, well a day behind, but working this week. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-24-2014, 07:33 PM
you guys lol, It is Concord Ivory which is a very pretty gold; why they call it that I have no idea. Who thinks up these colors names anyway? It is a historic color from Benjamin Moore.

I cant even move, was up ealy, Koko had his long walk, sprayed all the weeds in the gravel, had not a clue as to what I was doing:o:rolleyes:
then started on the back south flower bed where my Snake Roots and Japanese ferns reside. What a mess. :rolleyes: Got five bags of mulch, all we could fit in the Honda's trunk but because I sprayed the gravel, we had to carry them all the way around the house to the back and my bad arm was not good. Got the mulch down, dug the edging and hubby decides he is going to trim bushes:eek: so now I am carry branches all the way to the street:mad:

and only half the bed is done and my darling Annabelle hydrangea is eaten down to nothing. Dang bunnies:(:(:(:(:(:(

I was going to call daughter and Kate to help go get 10 more bags of mulch just so they could help me carry them all the way around but hubby said he didn't feel like feeding them:confused::confused: say what????

Then took Koko for 2 more short walks. He was very upset he was not out helping to garden.

I can't believe how bad my arm still is:(:eek:

Maybe I can rent out Kate's room to a gardener:D:D:D:D:D:D

05-24-2014, 07:44 PM
Sounds a plan Addy!! Live in gardener/pool guy/housekeeper/chef... hmmm I want one of them!! Your plants have strange names, I do not know them! I do know hydrangea though!!! Wow you have earned a girly drink or two!!

05-24-2014, 07:47 PM
Wow addy I'm exhausted just reading that. Your arm is going to take a while to heal just have to be patient with it. If you get live in gRdener/pool man can I be your live in cleaner sounds like fun :D

05-24-2014, 07:52 PM
Gosh Addy, I am exhausted too from reading that. I was already needing a nap from reading about all of Sharlene's yard work.

I worry about your poor arm, I don't think you should be carrying heavy things with it!

I was thinking the Concord was a purple also, lol. But purple is my favorite color, so of course I would think that. :)

05-24-2014, 07:56 PM


tonight I need something stronger than a girly drink, I need some ice cold straight up vodka:D:D:D
a friend of mine used to keep a bottle in her freezer;)

05-24-2014, 07:59 PM
Ohhh I love both of them, have not seen them here. We just have plain green ferns, but I do have one with a bit of white on it, kinda bit like the purple one.

Tina, purple is my favourite colour too!! SNAP! :D

I got cold peach schnapps Addy, I am sure we could do something with that! :D

05-24-2014, 08:00 PM
Yip best place for vodka where I work they use a special glass for the vodka so that you can keep it in the freezer, it's best served that way with a little cube of ice :cool:

05-24-2014, 08:03 PM
What about a flavoured vodka?? Kiwi fruit :D

molly muffin
05-24-2014, 08:13 PM
hmm, must like a white grape (concord) or maybe if it's a heritage, historical color, that was popular in some place called concord. :)

Wow, Addy, you had a busy day. I think you did a whole lot more than I did, in fact I know you did.

hmm, hubby should definitely let the girls bring the mulch. Much easier all around to feed them??? than to go get it and put it in the honda etc, etc. Maybe he was just tired of mulching? LOL
Awww, those dratted rabbits! We have a few around here too, wonder if my plants will survive them.

You have to give Koko the supervisor position. They do very well at that part.

hmm, hubs put on some netflex series, the 100. Looks like a scifi, lord of the flies kind of thing. Not sure that is going to keep me awake this evening.

sharlene and molly muffin

molly muffin
05-24-2014, 08:26 PM
ohh I have a bunch of mini flavored vodka, raspberry, etc and then a regular bottle of grey goose with my name on it. hahahaha

Oh both of those plants are lovely. I wonder if our nursery has those. hmmm...I'm blaming you when hubby has to spend a day planting again!!! hahahahaha

sharlene and molly muffin

05-24-2014, 08:41 PM
I could go for some vodka about now

Sharlene, I have never seen that show the 100, but one of my friends watches it, and she is friends with one of the actors in it. Not sure which character he plays. But she loves sci fi.

I know, those darned bunnies, they are such pests around here. And we don't want to even mention bunny poop dietary indiscretions. :eek: I have my yard barricaded to the hilt in an attempt to keep them out. Not sure how successful it will be.

molly muffin
05-24-2014, 08:50 PM
I think I have watched 4 or so episodes so far and still going. :) I do love sci fi, so I am giving it a chance. :)

I know I have to keep molly out of the bunny poop too. What is it about bunny poop that dogs love anyway?

love sharlene

05-24-2014, 09:13 PM
LOL I have not had to manage bunny poop, although out of the blue a couple of years back a big white plump bunny turned up just over the fence in the school next door, half the neighbourhood turned out to try and catch it. It had quite a bit of speed, not helped by a building where it could get underneath and away from us. I finally got it cornered but was too scared to pick it up... Flynn wanted to be released to have a go, but Nooooo did not want a mangled bunny with kids about AND it was Easter too, so they all thought it was the Easter Bunny that had got lost, one kid was quite upset that now he would get no eggs as he could not see how that bunny was actually carrying them!!@! What a drama, but we got bunny eventually and off he went to the SPCA dunno what happened to him, it looked like a pet one with its big floppy ears!!

Now horse poop is very tasty too according to Flynn!!

molly muffin
05-24-2014, 10:03 PM
Flynn likes dead stuff too. I don't trust his judgement at all! Not to mention eating whole skewers. No discrimination at all. tsk tsk

I bet it was someone pet bunny or one bought just for Easter that escaped. Hope it found itself a good home.


Bailey's Mom
05-25-2014, 01:38 PM
Hi Addy-
Thinking of you.

05-25-2014, 02:46 PM
You guys are so funny. We got back from Pt Washington and Koko did amazing for his first time at patio dining:) They also had a street fair. Every time we stopped at a booth, he would lay down and wait.
I got a very cool pair of earrings but no vodka;);););)

Put down six more bags of mulch, did the pots around the pool. At least I feel I am getting yard stuff done. The poison seems to be working today so hopefully next weekend Koko can go into the back yard though he sits on his bench very nicely while I do gardening in the front yard. He does not like the cement. Such a drama king about stuff but then so good about other stuff.

Guess what is the best news guys- NO WORK TOMORROW:D:D:D:D

I agree with Sharlene , Flynn loves everything, he and Zoe would have had fun comparing their "dietary indiscretion"

The snake root we first saw at our botanical gardens they had a huge clump of it and it was just beautiful with these blooming white plumes.
I have quite a few shady areas and bought three but they are very needy when it comes to water and they don't make many babies.

Koko just crashed for the afternoon, hubby is napping, hmmmmm, it so nice out, guess I am headed back outside.

molly muffin
05-25-2014, 07:13 PM
Oh wow, Koko was wonderful for patio dining and for the street fair. Molly would be a nightmare! She is Not that people comfortable. Good boy Koko. Very impressive.

Sounds like that garden is coming along fine. Gardens are also baby step entities. Hubby did some work on ours today too. I went swimming. Pool water was at 88F. I couldn't resist!!

I hope you are having a good time playing in the garden and not over doing it with that arm!!


05-26-2014, 04:34 AM
Yeah I too have no work today gotta love bank holidays :D. Well Koko was a star, with his patio dining. Garden sounding lovely but watch that arm you don't want to be back square one with it :)

05-26-2014, 08:22 AM
Glad you have no work. That is to bad you are still bothered by your arm. You sound like you are making a lot of progress in the yard. When you get a minute please read my last two posts. I am wondering if you can help solve Tipper's problem? KoKo sounds like the perfect patio dining companion! He is coming out of the shadows into his own. Blessings

05-29-2014, 08:57 AM
Well, the rhythm of life without Zoe continues. Koko seems to be much better, it is just he is now stuck to me in instead of Zoe. We have been taking him out and about whenever we can and play with him often. I wish I could say I was adjusting as well.

Almost on a daily basis, visions of Zoe's last day flash through my head. It has not gotten any better after three months.

Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like I have post traumatic stress syndrome. I have been having strange dreams, I think they are about Zoe but she never really appears in the dreams, more like a phantom.

Last night, I just had to leave the house so Koko and I took a ride and went exploring a near by park. It seemed to help to change the routine.

Hubby said he thinks I will feel like this for quite a while yet as Zoe was my life.

05-29-2014, 11:58 AM
You are right it is exactly what you are saying. I sent a letter to the IMS about this stuff with Tipper so I will see what her opinions is. Take care Addy I know you are really strong and doing life the best you can right now. I think of you and Zoe every day. Blessings

05-29-2014, 12:36 PM
Dear Addy
What you are experiencing is not unusual. Yesterday,for some reason I started reading my thread on Apollo's last month and days, and after almost two years I still flash back to his last day. It is a little better but I still cry,miss him so much. Like Zoe,he was my life, my support,my joy,my baby. Just yesterday I saw I dog that looked like Zoe and when watching her walk I thought no wonder you loved her so, the walk,that face:p
When you try so hard to save them and one ailment after another pops up,it is even harder. And like you Zoe was doing better than suddenly it all went wrong so fast.
I love Arial, but it is not the way I loved Apollo.
Love and Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

molly muffin
05-29-2014, 02:46 PM
I think hubby might be right.

Discovering new parks and areas to play with Koko sounds fun and distracting. :) Which isn't always such a bad thing.

Some things though I don't think ever go away. I can still see Tashas face her last day at the vets and that was so many years ago. What I don't feel is the overwhelming grief that use to hit when me when I thought of it. Molly helped with that a great deal I think. So hopefully Koko can help you too.

It is what it is though and as you know, we all get through it in our own ways.
Some day there will be more smiles than sadness when the memories come. I started to substitute, when I thought of the bad day, I'd instead go right to a fun memory and Tasha being a golden was a huge goof ball, but the thing I remember most often, was a couple specific ones. Her getting out of the yard and being brought home in a police car, that was hilarious, and such a relief she was okay. But she just owned those two cops. Her sticking her head out the window and making friends with the Canadian border agent when I got to finally bring her home to Canada and best of all her at a year old, when my niece was born and only a couple months, scooting around on the blanket to keep the other dogs away from the baby and then just letting the baby tug and sitck her hand down her mouth, whatever she wanted and not moving a bit. Ashley was Tasha's baby as far as she was concerned. Those memories make me smile and make me cry sometimes still, like now, but it's okay.

Sending you lots of love and hugs,

05-29-2014, 02:52 PM
Yes Addy I get that too. I to flash back to Woodys last day and I can smell every smell, even the ferns in the hospital grounds, I see the spots of blood on his heel from his IV, how he smelled everything and he,s gone almost 6 months. Sometimes it makes me sad others I take comfort in it. I think I personally need these flash backs to help me move forward well of sorts. I would never want to not have them they are part of me and part of Woody and our journey together ;)

05-29-2014, 05:03 PM
Thank you so much, it helps so much. I remember I was still pretty much a mess at three months when my father died. My Chopper cat, well I hid at work for a year but that was different she was 21 years old and was with me all her life, I knew her death was coming. It was a different bond. I loved her dearly but it was just different. I threw my heart and soul into Zoe. I lived and breathed her every moment of every day. We played beauty parlor and dress up, games and tricks. Her smell put me to sleep at night. I read every dog book in our library at least 3 times and then started on a different library. I have felt such joy and such sorrow over a tiny little dog who loved to make me laugh, who would boss me around and even try to bite me but who also loved me with all her heart. We were one.
I think hubby is right. It will be a long time. Thanks for listening. It helps to talk.

05-30-2014, 08:16 AM
All you say is so true. I went thru this 15 years ago when my other dog passed from cancer. This may take the rest of your lifetime to come to terms with Zoe's passing. I think of you every day, and I feel your pain. Blessings

05-30-2014, 08:44 AM
Thank you Patti. I think about you and Tipper as well. Zoe's congestion could have been also caused by one of her eyedrops. I don't think it was as severe as what you describe for Tipper but it certainly was something I noticed.

The eye goop could have been she had eye tearing and it caused yeast under her eyes. That turns in to a cycle; I deal with that with Koko. Once her hair all grew back in so thick, I could not trim that hair around her eyes so that contributes to the problems. We had problems when she had no hair and problems when she had too much hair:rolleyes:

05-30-2014, 05:59 PM
OMG I missed Friday, well not yours but mine passed in a whirl!! So Addy, its purple this week in honour of the colours your walls aren't!! :D Plus it is my favourite!! You must be nearly finished work, hooray!!


Bailey's Mom
05-31-2014, 11:15 PM
Hi Addy,

Those last scenes are hard, if not impossible, to erase. I think I agree with Sharlene that the best way to deal with them is to force them out by replacing them with positive memories. I have half a dozen or so different images of Palmer that I wish were not there....but they are. They happened. It was a part of what we shared together....part of our journey. If they come to mind I try to think of images I have that make me smile or times together that make me smile. Three months is not very long. It will take much longer to come to terms with the loss of one so dear. That is no fun, but it is normal.


Budsters Mom
06-01-2014, 01:43 AM
Oh Addy,

Buddy was my pint-sized soulmate too. I felt/feel exactly the same way about him, as you do your sweet Zoe. I'd like to say that I'm processing and it's easier now. It's been almost 11 months and I still ache for him. Know that you are not alone in your grief. We understand oh so well.

Big soothing hugs for you and kisses for Koko. He's such a good boy!


06-01-2014, 07:58 AM
I know what you mean about playing the last hours of Zoe's life on a never ending cycle in you head. When my dog dies from cancer, I can still see vividly the vet leading her down the hall to see what was wrong with the operation she had a few days earlier. She turned and looked at me like saying goodbye and I never realized that was the last time I would see her. She was hospitalized and I told them to call me if anything went wrong I needed to be with her. Sadly she died without me, I never forget it for one day. Five years ago my Sweetie Bird a yellow naped parrot I had for 38 years had cancer also. I had to put her down so she would not suffer. After 38 years of hearing her talk to me every day, I was and still am devastated by it. I certainly cannot handle my Tipper being gone. It is so hard for the average person to know the anguish you live with all day long. I have been in that dark hole and have only ever climbed partially out of it. Sometimes I wish I could just erase the memory of all of it so it would not hurt me anymore, but I so loved them that I try to replace the bad thoughts, some days it just does not work. Thinking of you and Zoe. Blessings

06-01-2014, 05:51 PM
I agree with Sus, I am all for avoidance of bad memories and replacing them with happy ones. Maybe not a healthy way of dealing with things but it works for me to try and not dwell on them. We have an absolute ton of happy Zoe stories and they are the ones I choose to think back on. If there is one thing thatZoe taught me is that is was to enjoy life... even if you are feeling crap, find that one thing that makes you smile and feel good. OH HANG ON HERE... that also reminds me of you and what you have taught us.... eg the whole put it in the drawer OR think of the one happy thing today and cling on!! Hmmmm you and Zoe were both very smart Addy!! Don't dwell and please do not take on other people's grief either you have enough of your own. Lots of love for a sunny gardening weekend! xx

06-05-2014, 07:37 PM
Thank you all for your support and boy, Trish, Zoe tried so hard to enjoy her life right up until the last day. Thank you for saying that to me, it really helped.

Work has been very hectic, today was the first day I could almost relax and work:rolleyes:

The weather has improved this week so our spirits have as well. I stopped gardening for a week to give my arm a rest. My arm is happy but the gardens are not:o:o:o:o

I took Koko to visit my daughter last night. He met her kitten through the screen door. He wagged his tail and did not bark but Sasha sure had a hissy cat fit:D:D After an hour of us sitting on the porch, she calmed down and was much better. I guess we will go visit once a week and see how they do together. Koko just wants to go visit people. He is so funny.

So Saturday is the BIG day:D:D:D:D Will we have a Triple Crown winner???

Thank you all for your support.

Bailey's Mom
06-06-2014, 01:50 AM


06-06-2014, 06:28 AM
Hey Addy!! Zoe sure did try hard, she had that joy for life and was always up for a dance and a chicken walk :D:):):D Glad that arm is feeling better this week, not going to give 2 hoots about the garden right now as long as that is on the improve!! Always time to pull a few weeds later on... not today though because its FRIDAY!!! :D:D

Doesn't a bit of sunshine make everything seem that little less gloomy, I know it helps my moods. Not liking it here at the moment, dark when I wake up and dark again by 5.30pm :mad: But only a couple of weeks till the shortest day of the year is here then I can see Spring in the not too distant future!!

Friday busy day at work, then only home long enough for a quick shower and out to dinner for a friends birthday at a winery... gosh they do lovely meals! My fish had this fancy schmancy foam on it! ;) alongside a prawn risotto :D The restaurant is one of NZ's oldest winerys!! Maybe Sharlene has tried it... well the wine I mean, not the food! http://www.missionestate.co.nz/

Anyway, it was a nice way to end Friday and start the weekend!! I hope yours goes well :D

06-06-2014, 07:29 AM
Hi Addy;
Just had you and Zoe on my mind and hope you are well. Blessings

06-06-2014, 12:25 PM
Think about you and Zoe often . Every time I see a Lhasa Apso, I think about Zoe and see why you loved her so much. So glad Koko is such a love.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

molly muffin
06-06-2014, 03:24 PM
I know of the winery but haven't tried any. Started by monks or something wasn't it Trish?

We really must go there Addy, New Zealand sounds wonderful!!

Friday is my favorite day too, or Saturday, yea, Saturday is my favorite day for sure! Can't wait for it, it's what the whole rest of the week is aiming for.

Did you get your pool opened Addy?
Koko meets kitten, how adorable is that! Hopefully they'll become fast friends. Think it might end up being up to the kitten more though, koko likes everyone and everything doesn't he?

Found an interesting inn and booked it in Newfoundland. I swear it was one of the last rooms available in the city! Couldn't believe even the big hotels were full. Think it will be okay. Not much choice if it isn't. LOL

http://www.winterholme.com/ Otherwise, we'd be somewhere out by the airport of boondocks I think!! Definitely looking forward to getting away for a few days. When are you going to the lake? Did you book that one place you showed us (via link?)

Hope you have a good weekend, sunshine and butterflies :)


06-06-2014, 06:59 PM
Yes it was started by monks Sharlene, it is a great old building, perfect place for a wedding! Great views out over the city too. Ohhhh I love the look of that place Sharlene!! Love the historical places, I often look for places like that. Once we stayed in this old church that had been renovated into a B&B, it had a whole lot of historical stuff in it.

I have just had a trip away to Australia fall into my lap! A group I belong to has a twice yearly meeting over there for the exec committee, our chairperson cannot go so she has asked me to represent our group. It is in August in Sydney, get flights and one nights accommodation paid for. But as I worked in Sydney back in the 90's I still have friends there and going to catch up with them for a few days after the meeting! Sydney is such a pretty city, looking forward to getting back there.

Well if Koko is anything like Flynn he won't be too keen on having a kitten as a buddy, but it sounds like it is the other way around. Kittens can come around and there is nothing cuter than a pup and puss curled up together :)

06-06-2014, 07:16 PM
I want the Jacuzzi suite with a bottle of wine from Trish's winery:D I do love New Zealand wines and Spanish wines too. Dinner sounds like it was super yummy Trish. Dont you love frothy stuff?:D:D:D

Sharlene, they are coming next Saturday to open the pool. It is my fault, the weather had been so awful and they have to do a major overhaul of our gas fired heater. I should have have said this week, oh well.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Then I would have been tired for the Belmont. :o Even with pool guys opening the pool it is still work and drama for me.

We contracted with a company to get rid of the buckthorn and garlic mustard in the far back and all the other weeds. We have not used anything on our lawn since Zoe was diagnosed with Cushings and boy the weeds are in my flower beds, and just closing in everywhere. We thought we would just do it this one year and be super carefull with Koko. I have to do something as it is getting really bad. But I am not happy about it.

06-06-2014, 07:27 PM
Ohhh and good luck for your horse race today Addy, Go Chrome!!!!

Tonight, it is the first All Black test of the year, we are playing England (Mel are you watching!) so the whole county will be glued to the TV if not at the game which is in Auckland! For the first time in about 15 years we have a test match in Napier in a couple of months time, I am taking Dad. He has not seen the All Blacks play live in like forever!! We already have our tickets booked and so looking forward to it!!

06-06-2014, 07:29 PM
Yeah I 2nd the Jacuzzi suite too!!!

Sounds like a major zapping of weeds needed, Koko will be fine if you just keep him away. How big is your section, it looked huge in photos you posted a while back!

molly muffin
06-06-2014, 09:17 PM
I am looking all over my facebook page, and could swear either I have, or my cousin or friend down south, a natural recipe weed killer? or weed something. Gonna find that sucker!

I think we have a jacquizzi, but I don't actually know. It is the library suite. Like I sais, last one left! LOL I love places like that too, we stayed at a wonderful place in Charlottetown PEI. Historical inn, turned out Paul McCarthy stayed there, when him and what was his wife name before this one? When they ended up in the wrong province to protest seal killings?

okay, back to the search for the weed stuff.

oh right Addy, can't be tired on the weekend of the Belmont, you need energy for jumping up and down and yelling!! Go Go Go!!


molly muffin
06-06-2014, 09:48 PM
Grrr, could not find it. I think though if you look under natural lawn weed killer recipe, you might find something that would work.


06-06-2014, 09:53 PM
The library suite is beautiful too, you really will have a great time.

We are all going to meet at mom's room to watch the race. My BB is bringing pizza.:):):)

I tried to find Trish's rugby game on our cable station but we dont get the NRL League station.:(

I was going to practice yelling;););)

I tried boiling water, vinegar, salt in the boiling water. Maybe if we had a smaller yard something else would work. Pretty much the weeds are laughing at me. I think we are now the only property on our block that does not spray and feed. We are surrounded by weeds and pesticide:eek::eek::eek: Anyway, they are coming out to come up with a plan and will overseed the whole property in October. Maybe the far back will get grass again. I keep planning for trying to get things tip top to sell the place. Hard to get an almost forest tip top, though and we have cut down I dont know how many trees and more need to go as the evergreens had a hard time two years ago and the ash borer is here now:eek: They are cutting ash trees everywhere.

molly muffin
06-06-2014, 10:26 PM
Oh that ash borer is terrible!!! It's all over the place it seems these days.

We have something that is killing our beautiful birch trees here. :( I bet all the birch on the street will be gone in a couple years. We had ours removed 2 years ago as it was dying limb by limb. The arborist said it was a bug doing it, so same thing. Very sad.

True, it's hard to do anything with weeks and forest, tough combination. Over seeding is good and not cutting the grass too low, is about all you can do. It takes time but works pretty well.

Oh that will be fun for everyone to be together for the race. We use to do that at my grandmothers house when I was a kid for the horse races. Good times!

Oh almost forgot! Found this description of the library room: Main floor, room 8, large room with sitting area, large bathroom with jacuzzi tub” Jacuzzi tub!!! Got to love'em! I've orders a log for the fireplace too. LOL Now how to get wine from Trish. :) :) :)


06-06-2014, 10:38 PM
Hi Addy,
How cute that Koko enjoys visiting people...even if there's a cat involved. Well- too bad the cat wasn't that happy about it...sounds like she starting to come around though.
We were hoping not to open the pool at my parents home which is on the market. We had 2 offers...one low ball bid which was laughable and one bid that we countered-and they countered-and we did again...with the stipulation that we would not open the pool. Haven't heard back yet but I don't think they will come up anymore. I just don't want to deal with the pool, or pay for the upkeep of it right now.
My daughter is headed out to Belmont tomorrow. Everyone here is so excited about the possible Triple Crown. My daughter and her friends are going to go wearing California Chrome colors...purple and green. I hope he wins!!! :D
I hope all the good memories of little Zoe replace the harder times that linger and bring the tears. She was a special little girl, that's for sure.
Enjoy watching the race, it's going to be so exciting!! :):D:):D


06-07-2014, 12:04 PM
Addy, You are so lucky, how I wish we could open the pool and all the chemicals for $500!! That is so excellent! I think they charge $500 for just showing up out on Long Island!! We've been doing so much to prepare the house for sale..I think we're done for now and whoever buys will have to deal with the rest.
Actually we haven't opened the pool for 2 seasons already. That is why we don't want to open it up now...it needs a new liner and I'm sure lots of other improvements. I think we would sell the home faster without it...maybe turning it into a tennis court would help! :D
Since the house is perfect for "down-sizers" the pool is sometimes not a good thing. My parents were down-sizers but had young grandkids so the pool was great for them and believe me for 20 years we used it like crazy. That house became our summer getaway from the city and my kids grew up there over the summers. So...we'll see, I think for now the pool will remain with the cover or else we'll need the pool guys to come all the time as it's surrounded by trees and gets leaves in it constantly. That's the other thing..all the trees around the pool need pruning and work. This is why a house is not for me...too many things need doing, and even once you think you've attended to everything, something new crops up!

As far as Trixie's poops...they have been perfect since the last minor incident. Mucous poops sometimes followed by soft poops..but not always. Last time I saw the mucous I did 2 days of metronid. After the first dose she's usually fine but did 4 doses of a half tab each and then she's perfect. The vet told me it was fine to do this, so I guess it is. :confused: 2 years ago Trixie had a clostridium overgrowth and had a 4 month bout with gastro stuff--off and on until they discovered what it was..so perhaps all of it's related? Maybe she tends to get these overgrowths? I don't know..these poop incidents haven't been terrible...but yes, they happen on occasion.
Ever since the pancreatic attack I'm now more worried about that happening again than anything. It's always something!!

My daughter just left for Belmont. They're all doing brunch someplace here in the city and headed out there on the train. I hear it is going to be so packed with people and the wait to get back out on the trains later will be hours!! I guess it's lucky they are all young, they're going to need the energy to deal with the crowds! I'm going to be so happy watching right here in my living room!!
I hope you all have fun watching!! :D

06-07-2014, 12:32 PM
Hey Barbara,

think your Mom's house sounds like a clone of our house, no kidding, we have all those stinking trees too. And yes, for 15 years the grandkids thought this was their summer hotel, they even named it "Knollwood" and we had a good time. My daughter's college essay was based on our pool and growing up here.

I hope the people come back to offer a bid on the house.

Hubby and I just spent 3 hours working in the far back, we feel like we are going to die, hubby punctured his arm with a thorn trying to trim branches, a born and raised NYC boy is not good at yard work:eek:

I thought I was going to have to take him to a hospital, blood was squirting everywhere:eek::eek: I had him raise his arm and applied pressure, wrapped it up tight with an ace bandage and paper towels and it stopped bleeding just swollen and bruised with a hole in the

06-07-2014, 03:34 PM
Hi Addy,
Trying to do a little catch up on the forum today. I have been thinking about you, Zoe and Koko so much. So many sweet memories of her, I always think of her chicken walk and potatoe treats in the bathroom. :)

Ouch, that sounds like a painful injury for your husband. Keep an eye on that Addy, puncture wounds are the worst for infections, as I'm sure you already know. And does he have a current tetanus shot?

I am pulling for California Chrome today too, of course! I'm really looking forward to the race, it should be very exciting. Your pizza party sounds fun, enjoy yourself. :)

Thanks for your support on our thread, as always.

Tina and Jasper xo

06-07-2014, 05:19 PM
What time is the race??

06-07-2014, 06:37 PM

Addy!!! Here is the start of last nights game, so you can see what you will be in for when we come to play in Chicago, just need to take out "god Save the Queen" and put in your anthem plus the haka!

06-07-2014, 08:07 PM
my horse lost:(:(:(:( but my mom sure had a good time, she even ate pizza.

I hope your game goes better, we kept trying to find the All Blacks on cable last night so I could watch it with you!!!

Well, hubby's arm seems to be ok just swollen and bruised still. I have now declared war on the far back, I cant wait until the weed people come. I am going out to purchase a big jug of Round Up and a cordless trimmer for back up.

Maybe I need a Davy Crocket outfit:p:p:p:p:p ADDY, ADDY CROCKET, QUEEN OF THE WILD FRONTIER:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Koko went to the groomer , went patio dining with us (everyone stopped to pet him and said what a good boy he is), took a brief nap, went to the pizza party with us ( gave kisses to some of the other residents) and now I have to take him out to poop. He had a good day:D:D:D:D:D And I taught him touch me:D:D:D:D:D he learned it pretty quick;)

molly muffin
06-07-2014, 11:10 PM
Bummer that California Chrome didn't win. :(

That is fantastic that your mom had a good time!

Awww, who wouldn't love Koko. Unimaginable! What is "touch me"? Is that like our high five? Hubs is working to teach molly "fist pump" now. Cracks me up!

Addy Crocket, well that would be something to see. Is the far back the Alamo? hmm..no you aren't defending it, you're attacking! Go Addy!! You need a hat. One of those things with the tail. And buckskins, I bet Davy had a set of buckskins too. LOL :) :)

Man, it's the wild, wild west at your place!!


06-08-2014, 07:43 AM
Good mornin' Addy! Yeah, I really want to know what "Touch Me" is, too! :)

Also, two thoughts left over from yesterday and the heartworm conversation on Sharlene's thread. First, if you're currently using Heartgard alone and it doesn't agree with Koko, it seems like you'd have nothing to lose by trying Revolution since Heartgard doesn't cover any ticks at all. If you're instead giving Heartgard in addition to a different spot-on product, you might try switching to Sentinel for the heartworm protection. You should double-check that chart in that link I gave, but I think Sentinel is OK to use with most other stuff and it contains a different heartworm med than Heartgard.

Secondly, about the race, it was surely disappointing...:( :( :(. But perhaps in defense of the winner and the notion of not running a horse in all three races, owners may know from the get-go that their horse does not compete well at shorter distances, but has a much better chance on a longer run. Seems like they ought to have a shot at winning at least one of the three crowns even if they don't want to enter the other races and risk injury when they know their chances are not good in them. Just musing, here. But it is really hard and so special to find one horse who can win at all those distances, kind of like how an Olympics sprinter is not also going to enter (let alone win) win the mile race. I really wish California Chrome could have done it all, though. It would have raised all our spirits. :o

06-08-2014, 07:45 AM
LOL I considered the far back an untamed "frontier":D:D:D:D:D

Koko is so crashed out from yesterday he is still in bed:rolleyes:

Touch me is when you put your hand up and they touch it with their nose. I made the mistake of teaching it to Rocky at work and he now comes in my office and touches my hand for a treat 50 times a day. But it is cute, before Rocky would bark which did not work if I was on the phone.

Anyway, I was surprised how fast Koko picked it up.

Today is no work, have fun day. We cant move from yesterday's yard work. We are getting to old for this.:rolleyes::o I trimmed bushed yesterday after noon for an hour too.

But the weather is cool, sixty and very windy, party sunny. Im afraid I will fall asleep at the movies, Im so tired. Maybe some retail

06-08-2014, 08:01 AM
Hey Addy, we were typing at the same time -- just want to make sure you see my heartworm comment above. ;)

06-08-2014, 08:02 AM
It sounds like you are making headway in the lower forty. Too bad your hubby had that thorn stick him. Do you have any drawing salve. My grandmother one time got a splinter in her hand from a clothes line pole, and it drew it right up to the surface. I know the thorn is out, but maybe some residual stuff in there? Everyone is so down about California Chrome, such a shame. I think you are going to have an appointment with Ben Gay if you keep slaving in the yard. Blessings

06-08-2014, 09:34 AM
Hi Marianne, my neighbor just called me, her vet switched her dog from Heartguard to Sentinel, she did not know why. ( not to be critical of her but I would have asked why) The Sentinel covers fleas as well and her vet has her giving Sentinel and Frontline, so that is a double dose for fleas, isnt it? I will go check the chart.

I guess I am trying to weigh my options before I meet with the new vet. It would be too good to be true that our new vet studied or worked at Massey in New Zealand. Trish's vets at Massey seem so darn good.

Well, yes and no on the horse race. I agree about the injury issue but hubby said he read that they did not allow fresh horses in the Belmont years ago; it was after we had three Triple Crown winners in the seventies, the last jockey (Affirm's) proposed this change and they adopted the new rule. I think of it like a triathlon. People sign up for the whole thing, all of the events, you cant stick a fresh person in at the end for the last event. We will never again see a Triple Crown winner. I have been saying that for years now. Chrome is an amazing horse, the horse that won the Belmont could not touch his record with a ten foot pole. It still just does not seem right to me. Perhaps Chrome's owner spoke out at the wrong time but I agree with him completely. Just my opinion:):);)

06-08-2014, 10:03 AM
Hey Addy, I'm sorry, I forgot that I had put the link to the chart on Henry's thread and not Molly's thread. Anyway, here it is again:


According to the chart, it is OK to combine Frontline ("fipronil" containing) with Sentinel. Sentinel does have a drug that keeps fleas from reproducing, but it doesn't kill living fleas, so I guess it doesn't totally dupliate Frontline's coverage in that regard. Also, it is an oral rather than a spot-on treatment.

I had used Sentinel for years with all my dogs, up until there was a manufacturing shut-down a year or two ago (some issue with Novartis' manufacturing protocol, I think :o). During the interim, I switched to Heartgard and just haven't gone back, mainly because Heartgard is so much cheaper for two big dogs and we've just never had a problem with fleas, anyway. One other advantage to Sentinel over Heartgard, though, is that supposedly it covers one more "worm" type (can't remember which one).

All my dogs have tolerated Sentinel with no problem, although I did have an annoying parasite lapse with Peg. I am obsessive (of course!) about treating for heartworm so had not missed a single dose, but Peg came up roundworm-positive on a routine fecal. My vet asked me to contact Novartis re: the treatment failure, which I did. They were very nice and paid for an anti-worming treatment, and gave me an explanation that it is possible to come up positive for some of the worms if the testing is done at a specific time in the monthly cycle (before the monthly administration has killed them off). It sounded kind of bogus to both me and my vet, but there you have it. I'm afraid there may be increasing preventive failures increasing with all these darn pests as they develop immunity, though.

Anyway, moving on to the race, I did not realize that there had been a rule change like that. If so, then I reverse course and agree with you! I don't know whether CC would have won yesterday, regardless, because he just didn't seem "on" -- maybe that hurt hoof played in. Did either of the other two that beat him out (aside from the newbie winner) also run in the other two? If so, he still wouldn't have come out on top. But if that was historically the rule, then it shouldn't have been changed, and I'd be miffed too.

06-08-2014, 10:49 AM
Hi Marianne, I was just reading an article about Heartguard verses Heartguard Plus.

Koko seemed to tolerate Panacur just fine. Since I only need the ingredient in Heartguard for heartworm, I wonder if he would tolerate plain Heartguard verses Heartguard Plus ad then if he ever developed worms, could I not then dose him with Panacur?

Just musing I guess. Perhaps the Sentinel is the best way to go.

06-08-2014, 11:48 AM
Good point -- I neglected to say I am using Heartgard Plus and not plain Heartgard. But if your vet will sell you a single plain Heartgard to try, you could see how Koko does with that. Or you could instead try one month of Sentinel, just to see how he does. Don't you just love experimenting with things like this -- NOT!!! :o

06-09-2014, 06:11 AM
We are not at Massey anymore, changed to the Auckland specialists. But they are good there and they did his first liver resection and the adrenalectomy. Massey is the only university pet hospital in the country and where all the vets are trained.

Gee, I have enough trouble with just fleas. We have to do basic worming but not heart worms or ticks so we are lucky in that regard. Still doing the natural flea treatment for Flynn and so far so good.

Just tried to teach Flynn "touch me" hmm we need to practice a bit. I would put my finger out for him to touch with his nose but he just kept putting his paw up like to high five!

Haha I want a photo of you in your coon skin cap!

Have a good week Addy! xx

06-12-2014, 09:00 AM
Thanks Marianne:):):) I think I now have enough info to have a conversation regarding whatever the new vet offers. It is good to know Sentinel has worked for your pups.

I used to have Zoe "watch me" I would hold my finger to the bridge of my nose. Those huge eyes would just freeze onto my face, she was so funny. Then she would get a treat. I have not had Koko "watch me" for 2 years I think.

I now ask him to do that once or twice a day and he is starting to look at me with that same look, just his eyes are not as big an pretty as Zoe's.

Anyway, I am actually laughing at him, his face is so funny and adorable.

If you have never done "watch me" with your pup, try it, they are so cute when they "watch"

Hubby says "and the Zoe traditions continue"

06-12-2014, 12:01 PM
Glad to read from you
Always love and hugs Sonja and Apollo

06-12-2014, 12:14 PM
Oh addy I love the "watch/ look at me" I did it with woody all the time I even used it outdoors to distract him from dogs, ah I miss that. I also used "hand" and he knew when out he had to put his nose to me hand helped him walk to heel, to learn him I would put cream cheese on my hand and he would get to kick it. It's the simple things we miss :)

06-12-2014, 07:18 PM
Indeed it is those simple things that endear them to us.:):):):) Without a doubt the things we miss most.

Trish- I totally forgot you are not at Massey anymore:o:o

It is not so much the fleas I worry about with Koko but the deer ticks and heartworm, though if it does not warm up we may not have mosquitos this year.

06-13-2014, 08:00 AM
Thinking of you and Zoe, hoping you are doing well with your shoulder. Blessings

molly muffin
06-14-2014, 12:05 AM
hmmm, well I do like it when Molly 'watches" me, but she isn't likely to do it on command. Commands seem to be a hit and miss with her, depending on her mood and nap time. hahahaha

hope you have a good weekend!

06-14-2014, 05:59 PM
Hi sweet! Well missed our Friday happy day wishes this week, was away for couple of days, so I hope you enjoyed it!

Sunday already and only one day to get all the weekend stuff done, but sitting watching the FIFA games, England about to start. We did not qualify so will have to settle to supporting Australia and England! :D

Have you had a good week?? x

06-14-2014, 06:39 PM
Hey, Addy. Just dropped in to say hello. Been thinking about you and sweet Zoe. Hope you are doing well. Give Koko a hug and belly rub from me and Maxwell. Our boys have been such a comfort, haven't they?

molly muffin
06-15-2014, 12:45 AM
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend Addy!!!

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-15-2014, 07:39 AM
Thinking of you and Zoe. Hope you have a wonderful Father's Day with your hubby. Blessings

06-15-2014, 08:17 AM
Uggg, the pool had us going forever and now the pool guy just replaced the on off switch even though he said he would redo the wiring so now of course the heater still does not work :mad::mad::mad: I will have to pester the daylights out of him just like the plumber, why wont these dang guys listen to me:mad::mad:

Then more buck thorn cutting and yard work. I plopped Koko on a lawn chair and told him to stay and he was such a good boy. This pup amazes me; how good he is. He just cant give up his nightly potatos though. Hubby call him the "Spud Stud!:rolleyes:

Friday night with Kate was so much fun!!! The kids dancing were beyond cute. Great event. Sangria and tons of appetizers, yummy good. Italian twinkle light strung everywhere. Our factory looked great!

Today is hubby day and I am running late so gotta go.

06-16-2014, 08:12 AM
You have your hands full with all the work you have ben doing. Have you decided to put the house up for sale? What ever happened about that darn kitchen sink? Hope you are well. Blessings

molly muffin
06-16-2014, 05:52 PM
Those pools, always something. I don't know, if hubby didn't take care of ours, then I probably wouldn't have one, even though I love using it. The up keep is just very time consuming and a royal pain sometimes, and it's salt waters, so supposedly easier than the chlorine pools . ugh

Aww, good times with Kate and the kids. Glad you had fun. Koko is an easy soul to be around people so well.

Have a good week.

06-19-2014, 08:41 AM
LOL life in the little house in the big woods:rolleyes::rolleyes:

This morning I walk into the living room, and look out to the pool and see a deer at the end of the deep end where my giant hostas reside. The doe had jumped our fence ad was hanging out, having breakfast.
Fearful that she would jump in the pool, we went out to start to open all the fence gates and she jumped the fence like a steeple chaser and left.

Count of animals jumping in our pool and drowning since we opened it

2 chipmunks
2 mice
1 squirrel

I hate that, why do they keep jumping in the pool?

Koko went crazy!!! Zoe would have loved the todo.

06-19-2014, 08:47 AM
Because they can Addy!! Ha Ha poor critters, hope they can all swim and get up the steps.

06-19-2014, 12:35 PM
Life-full of mishaps and surprises.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

molly muffin
06-19-2014, 08:56 PM
Welcome to the animal kingdom, live from Addy's backyard! Yep, Zoe would have loved all the rukus for sure. Well, who wouldn't really.

The adventure continues, tune in next week when we take a look at our new feature animal, the rabbit, who eat everything, poop everywhere.


Bailey's Mom
06-20-2014, 03:26 AM
What a hoot! :D Remember Mr. Green Jeans? THAT's what we should call you!! (That's a Howdy Doody reference, for all you young whippersnappers)

I want Koko to come visit! I think he's cool. :) Plopped and stayed? That's not Bailey!!

Well-deer isn't as bad as a big black bear.....that is what was hanging in the top of a tree at NIH yesterday. He was so high they had to scare him down before they could use a tranquilizer gun. I presume he's sleeping comfortably now and will have a real surprise when he wakes up, wherever they drop him off!


06-20-2014, 08:10 AM
You will have to call National Geographic if the wild life keeps coming and get some photos! Hope you are not working too hard and your shoulder is holding up well. Blessings

06-20-2014, 12:31 PM
It does sound like a wild life preserve. I remember Mr Green Jeans and Howdy Doddy. Yucks! I am that old!
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

06-21-2014, 08:12 AM
I remember them too Sonja!

06-21-2014, 09:28 AM
I remember as well and I feel even older now since I have been out looking for a new frig:(:(:rolleyes: All of our kitchen appliances are about 18 years old. Never had a repair or a problem with any of them but for a few days the compressor on the frig was making a weird noise, now it stopped so we thought we better have our ducks in a row and find a new one so we can watch the sales and replace it in case it dies.

Well, we have a long narrow galley kitchen that opens up into a banquette and dining area so we have only an 18 cubic foot top freezer as I dont want it sticking way out, we have a second frig in the basement. There is only two of us so never been a problem,

Now days, no one want a top freezer, I guess because I cant find a good one to replace mine, none of them have separate controls for the freezer and frig. AND we have a limited space to fit it in, cant be more than 32" wide.

We finally found two french door frigs that we thought would fit with separate controls. Not happy about bending over for the freezer but I went to look at the two and I have never seen such cheap junk inside. The insides look like the frig should cost 1.99 and they are on sale for a grand. Our old one has rollers on the drawer crispers and meat drawer so they glide nicely and fit well, the shelves are thick glass, any plastic is thick and durable.

I am so ticked off and I did not think a $1700 frig on sale for a $1000 was exactly cheap but I guess these days for that price all Im going to get is junk compared to my old one.

i feel old:mad::mad::o:eek:

06-21-2014, 01:38 PM
Join the club. Replaced my 14 year old frig with a new computerized one. It already has cracks inside and the darn thing keeps singing Everytime I open it. It took me forever to adjust the temp. Old one inside,new one on door,press this,press this. Also replaced the washer dryer with new one. Once the door locks on the washer you can not add anything,no knobs,no adjusting. I am a dinosaur ,I still have all my parts!!:eek:
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Like my Mom says,tweeter this,text that, selfie that,what's the world coming to,has anyone heard of saying hello,and talking?

06-21-2014, 02:29 PM
LOL Sonja, so true, I thought it was bad enough when our car called my mom and we didn't know how or why:o:)

Salesman just told me that for the smaller frigs you pay more and they are junk inside and that I have to purchase at least 21 cu ft frig to get the features I had on the old one.. but I cant stand the look of some 35-36" deep frig sticking out and ruining the look of my kitchen.:(:eek:

I know what I want when I want it, trouble is when it comes to this dang old house, it always has to be custom or settle for what I don't want:(

LOL, I am so glad I replace my washer before that turned out like yours, I would go bonkers too. remember when we could open the top of the washer and look inside or add clothes? Gone forever.

06-21-2014, 04:30 PM
You sound like me that would drive me nuts if the refrigerator stuck out too. I guess you have no choice but a built in model, and that will be really pricey. You just wonder why things can't work out. I had a beautiful ocean blue washer and dryer. Something happened to the washer and they could not fix it. So when I went to replace it they no longer made that color. This is right off my kitchen so who wants to look at a washer and dryer that are different colors. I had to buy another set so I sold the dryer. I was smart about not this time, I called the manufacturer and asked if they would always have the stainless and they said yes. It is stainless paint and looks like the real thing, you cannot tell the difference from my appliances in my kitchen. I was able to get a discount on the set as my washer was under warranty, but still made me spend more money. Hope the old one keeps going until you figure it out! Blessings

06-21-2014, 04:56 PM
Morning!! I LOVE fridge shopping, take me take me!!! :D:D I was just talking about that with someone on here recently too!

Oh ahh you had a deer in the yard again, I would so love to look out and see that. Plus the raccoons and squirrels!! Sounds like you live in the midst of a wonderland to me!! I know you do, as I have seen your pics with the snow in the garden!!

Hope the weekend is going well for you, hubs and Koko :) Quiet day here for me and Flynn... it's raining... booo.... hisssss!

06-22-2014, 07:47 PM

Seems like we are on the same LIFE schedule. My fridge died about 2 months ago. I also didn't want it sticking out into the kitchen, so I special ordered a counter depth French door fridge ($2,600 on SALE!). Crazy that you pay so much more for a smaller one! It really does look nice, though, and I really like it. Unfortunately, the water doesn't come out of the door cold and one of the ice makers wasn't working (but, it is now???). Anyway, they are bringing a new one on Wednesday. Then I will have to hurry to stock it up before my surgery on Thursday, since I won't be able to drive for 6-8 weeks.

06-23-2014, 08:32 AM
Well, it is done, guys, appliances ordered after so much drama, research and us just being stupid us. I did end up getting a super, super deal on everything and the shiny stainless steel stove, which I LOVE, the frig, which is beautiful outside and crappy inside but fits almost exactly without being custom so I sacrificed the interior and the dishwasher, I am no thrilled about though it is rated number 7 by Consumer reports. I am so visual that I dont really like the way it looks but the model I ordered has been changed; I dont want to purchase a brand new model with no history.

Mary Beth, I could not go to counter depth because they were all too wide. As soon as I went up to 22 cubic feet, the frigs were just what I wanted but I cant have it look so awful, the kitchen already is not open like most people want, I cant afford to make it look worse.

I am excited and I think the new appliances will give my kitchen an instant face lift. On to the new light fixtures, blinds and cabinet hardware:D:D:D:D:D:D

It has helped take my mind off Zoe and not worry about Koko's annual tonight. I am starting to freak out today and it is because I am frightened he will have something wrong.

Wow, I wrote a book:o:o:o:o:o:o:o Did not mean to go on and on

06-23-2014, 11:28 AM
The new appliances will make a huge difference. My kitchen cabinets definitely need replaced; they are circa 1960-something pressed board and literally falling apart. The new stainless fridge, dishwasher and range hood even improved that look! My fridge is only 22.3 cf, but you are right, since it is counter depth it is 36 inches wide.

I sympathize with you Addy about taking Koko for his annual. It is like we are waiting for the other shoe to drop. I felt the same way when I took Max for his eyes - terrified they were going to tell me something awful. I do wish we lived closer to each other!! Any chance when you sell your house you will move to Pittsburgh? :D

I am sure Koko will get a good report tonight and I'm looking forward to hearing about it!

Hugs to you!

06-23-2014, 01:13 PM
I hope he does, Mary Beth. Some days he just does not seem right to me. His groomer thinks he is playing me because I give him more attention when he acts quiet. I'm not so sure.

My cabinets are old too but I thought if I put different knobs on them it would help update the look. I think we decided to forgo the new sink and counter tops. We have other projects that seem will give us more bang for our buck. I really like the old counter tops I have anyway.
At least we get to enjoy the appliances for awhile too.:):)

We have family in Pittsburgh we never get to visit. Maybe one day we can come to visit everyone!!!

06-23-2014, 01:31 PM
Sounds like you got a great deal and your kitchen will be all spiffed up! Good job! You'll have to show us a picture! Blessings

molly muffin
06-23-2014, 07:23 PM
Sounds like a good kitchen plan to me.

Gosh I hope that you just have the worries when it comes to Koko and that everything tests fine for him. I don't think you'll feel okay with it till you have the test results in your hot little hand. :) :) Then it will be okay, as long as they are good and you can breath again. It's not easy though. We know that

Sending you tons of love, hugs and support! Go Koko!


06-23-2014, 09:32 PM
He does not have any tick born illness or lyme disease. New vet is not sure what to give Koko to protect against it if we dont use Frontline and Heartguard. First she thought I should try Revolution and Frontline. I was not real happy about that. She was not crazy about Sentinel and Frontline, she is going to make some phone calls.

Cool thing was the Snap test; we had the results of the heartworm and tick born illness test in eight minutes. Wont have bloods back for a while.

She said he needs another dental and he had one a year ago, five days shy. She said she does not like it that his teeth are so bad already and that I have to brush his teeth after this next dental. I told her I was not happy with the way he acted after his dental last year!!:
She said maybe they need to tweak his anesthesia and give him better pain meds.

I am just relieved no tick borne illness as the ophthalmologist thought it was a possibility, contributing to his eye issues.

and we wait for the stool sample too.

I'm over the kitchen already. It was a nice distraction.

Koko was not a drama queen at all. You know how bad he usually is. She is holistic and western vet and she has spa music playing and essential oils going. Koko was really happy. I could not believe it.

We ran out of time as I was the last appointment of the day so I did not get to ask about New Zealand and her time there. But she is very calm for a vet and all smiles.

06-23-2014, 09:59 PM
What a good boy!! She sounds lovely Addy!! A smiley vet is a good thing, like how she is investigating your concerns about the meds further too. Ohhhh music and smelly oils, flash!! :D

I remember when Koko had his teeth done last year, took him a while to get over that if I remember correctly. Hopefully with her knowing that she can tailor the anaesthesia a little better so it does not affect him so much.

Pleased to hear the good results so far, fingers crossed the blood and stool come back good too. :D xx

06-24-2014, 07:55 AM
That sounds like a wonderful place where you take KoKo. It does help a lot to brush their teeth, I brush everyone's teeth here every morning. Tipper know as soon as I am done brushing mine it is her turn. She loves it, but has had it done since she was a puppy. Maybe she just likes the poultry toothpaste!! Blessings

06-24-2014, 06:30 PM
New vet left message for me today. Koko's labs are perfect.

His thyroid is perfect
Kidney values perfect
red and white blood count perfect

everything is PERFECT


I'm going to go cry now, tears of relief!!!!

06-24-2014, 06:35 PM
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee OK you can cry for 10 mins, then we have some cake to celebrate!!! YAY KOKO!! :D:D:D:D:D

06-24-2014, 06:55 PM
and stool sample was good too no parasites:D:D:D

Im going to take Koko out for ice cream!!!!

What do you think is the deal with his teeth? I know the small white pups can be prone to bad teeth. Trish- is it bad for him to be put under again? They said they would tweak it so his recovery was not so long and hard.

I guess I should go ahead and do the dental and start brushing his teeth. That should go over real well with Koko:rolleyes:

06-24-2014, 06:57 PM
So happy to hear your news on KoKo. You really needed some good news! Have a little celebration with him! It is so nice to hear good things isn't it? Blessings

06-24-2014, 07:12 PM
I don't think it would be bad for him to go under, all his tests are looking good and if they take into account what happened last time they can adjust to give him better outcome??? I would talk over with the vet, just so you are loud and clear. Most times after a dental they are back to normal by the next day, so hopefully all will go well!!

Flynn is so not keen on anything going in his mouth, tooth brushing is not going to happen. Last check his teeth had some tartar but no nasties that needed removing, I just make sure he has something to crunch and that is enough for him.

Yum, ice cream!! :D:D You both deserve some!!!

molly muffin
06-24-2014, 08:06 PM
OH! Yay!! So glad to read this. Go koko!!!!! Ice cream all around, I'll have oreo I think. :) :)

That is fabulous news Addy. I think some dogs are more prone to dental problems, especially the little white ones. Start giving him some dental treats and get some of that tarter removal spray or gel something to get it to loosen so when he bites into the dental bones, then it comes off.


06-24-2014, 08:42 PM
Thanks guys, for being happy for Koko. If is teeth are so crappy do I have to worry about him chewing on a dental stick? He doesnt chew much. He tends to try to just swallow things.

AND the new vet i some research and decided Marianne's suggestion of Frontline and Sentinel would be the best for Koko. Hurrah Marianne!!!

Thank you and ice cream for everyone!!!

06-24-2014, 09:57 PM
Yes you do, if he swallows things. Those dental chews are similar to greenies and they can cause intestinal blockage if they are larger ones like 1/2 inch in diameter. I do not give them to Tipper anymore after I saw some things on the news about them. If they are the flat ones from CET they dissolve and are ok. How is the brushing going? Is he ok with it? Blessings

molly muffin
06-24-2014, 11:31 PM
I would call the vet and ask what she recommends for a dental chew and if his teeth are good enough to do that.


Budsters Mom
06-24-2014, 11:49 PM
So glad to hear such great news about Koko! :):):):p:):):)

Rosie ended allergic to Frontline - Intense itching! Oddly, it bothered Buddy too? I must attract little allergic dogs!

Addy, I'm so thrilled that you and Koko have each other. He sounds like such a mellow sweetheart. Xxxxxx

06-25-2014, 06:35 AM
Oh Addy, I'm so happy about Koko's results!!! :) :) :)

And I don't know that I can take any credit for the Sentinel/Frontline combo, but I sure hope it works for your sweet little guy! ;)


06-25-2014, 07:47 AM
Wondering your thoughts on the possibilities of my dilemma with Tipper? Blessings

Harley PoMMom
06-25-2014, 04:27 PM
So happy that Koko's results are really good...YAA!!!

My Sampson doesn't mind when I brush his teeth, he just loves the flavor of his toothpaste which is chicken. :D

06-26-2014, 08:28 AM
I was thinking, maybe a finger brush would help KoKo. It slips over your finger and you just put you finger in his mouth instead of a toothbrush?? I used to use one on Toby when he was a pup to get him used to brushing his teeth. Blessings

06-26-2014, 01:30 PM
I am hoping Koko loves the tooth paste as well. I thought the same thing, get a finger brush. I have been putting my finger in his mouth off and on. So far if I only put my finger on one side he is ok with it being in his mouth.

I scheduled his dental for July 18th, voiced my concerns again, everything is noted down in his file. I also told them that his not wanting to eat last time could have been the rimadyl and antibiotic bothering his tummy, not so much pain.

I am going to use the Frontline Plus this year and try the Sentinel, not Spectrum the plain Sentinel. I have one dose to try. Hopefully, next year we will live in the city and I wont have to worry about ticks for Koko.

Now I just have to time the meds with his dental. The mosquito are not yet out here, it has been chilly. I think I will do the Frontline first and start the Sentinel after his dental, i was to wait two weeks between drugs anyway.

Thank you for all your help.

06-26-2014, 02:37 PM
Sounds like a good plan. Do you think he has any bad teeth that need extracted? I use the finger brush on the cats as they do not like a big old brush in their mouths. Blessings

06-28-2014, 12:57 PM
Glad to hear Koko is well.I use the long toothbrush that has a brush on both ends easier to get to back teeth. Arial leaves the room as soon as I bring out the tooth brush:p
Thinking about you and our beloved Zoe.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

06-28-2014, 01:04 PM
Glad to hear Koko is well.I use the long toothbrush that has a brush on both ends easier to get to back teeth. Arial leaves the room as soon as I bring out the tooth brush:p
Thinking about you and our beloved Zoe.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

06-28-2014, 02:32 PM
Hi Addy:
Just thinking of you and wondering what you are up to. I ma sorry your arm is still crooked and hurts. There is something to be said for chronic pain sufferers. I hope you have a relaxing weekend. Did the new appliances come yet? Bet it looks beautiful if they did. Blessings

06-28-2014, 05:30 PM
Can you believe it, the delivery window is 7-10 pm:eek::eek::mad: Who delivers appliances at ten o'clock at night? I swear that I just feel older and older every time I turn around.

We went to look at kitchen lighting fixtures, had sticker shock, could not even find anything we liked:rolleyes: We have a very, very old chandelier that a friend gave to us hanging in our kitchen and I dont want to leave it. Did not think it would be that hard to replace two fixtures.

Came home and took Koko patio dining. He loves that. So far he is fine with me putting my finger in his mouth. New vet thought he might not let me brush his teeth before his dental. I want to go get the finger brush if I can find one locally rather than order on line.

I am cat sitting for grandaughter' Sasha but that only means going twice a day to feed her and check on her. I am worried she is going to run out the door on me as she is good at that. I have to go there in a bit, wish me luck.

06-28-2014, 06:00 PM
Good luck with the puss Addy!!! Hope it does not make a bolt out the door, eek last thing you need running about trying to find it.

I have never heard of deliveries at that time of the day ... or night!! So silly!! Good luck with the light shopping!! Love the patio dining, I bet Sharlene is doing a bit of that on her trip! Have a lovely weekend! xx

06-29-2014, 08:13 AM
Watching someone's cat is always a challenge. Getting in the door and shutting it quickly sometimes works. Before my last Job when I sold Real Estate, I was taking a couple to see a house and it was just getting dusk. I had the key in the door and opened it slightly and when I looked down saw a cat standing on the threshold. It ran in the bushes beside the door and I though of gheez I let their cat out these people will kill me. After having to get on my knees and climb thru the bushes with the help of my very understanding clients we got the cat and put it back in the house. The couple looked at the house and said they would be in touch later that evening. Around 9pm my manager called me and I figured the couple was going to put an offer in on the house. Instead she said to me, did you put the cat in the house that you showed tonite? I said yes I was sick when it got out. She said these people do not own a cat!!! It must have been hiding in the bushes when I opened the door and it jumped on the threshold like it came out of the house. The next day we were all making cat noises in the office and laughing our heads off. It was only one of a multitude of things that I could write a book about with that job! Blessings

06-29-2014, 08:41 AM
too funny Patti:D:D:D:D:D ROLF, what a great story!!!!

She was fine last night, not sure how kitten will be this morning after staying home alone all night!!!! Poor Puss. She is a pretty little thing but she is barely a year old now. Awfully young to be home alone for so long without getting into trouble.:(

06-30-2014, 07:47 AM
Yes I think that must have scared them to have a cat come dashing out from their bathroom when they did not own one. I thought if it was me and someone left my cat out, I would be out for blood, so I did my best to put it back in the house. Oh well I still laugh about it all these years later. Blessings

molly muffin
07-01-2014, 08:44 PM
Great story Patti!

How is the kitty sitting going Addy?

I hope you are having some nice weather finally and these yuk storms that Patti is getting are missing you.

Boy a house is a lot of work isn't it. I think we spent most of our time last year just trying to fix up the little things that have cropped over the last 10 years that we put off doing. Our whole year seemed consumed by it.


07-02-2014, 08:40 AM
Kitten sitting is over and went well. No lost puss and Sasha did not even try to run out on me.;)

Koko seems to like his poultry toothpaste. How much do we use of it? First time I used just a dot, second time a bit less than 1/2 inch maybe, seemed to go further:confused::confused:

No vomiting yet from the Sentinel- hurrah!!!!

arggg, rain every day, I dont even want to see the size of the mosquitos if it ever stays warm. Right now Koko and I can sit out after work, o a bit of gardening and enjoy the evening. Not sure how much longer that will last without us being swarmed by the bugs.

LOVE my new appliances, hated them the first night. Have yet to try the range which did not come with a broiler pan and I did not keep my old one. I guess we dont get broiler pans with new ranges anymore.

We found a store with a huge selection of lights for hubby and I hopefully to agree on some.:rolleyes:

Still hoping to go away with Koko for a weekend.

Happy Fourth of July and Happy Hump Day!!!

07-02-2014, 11:37 AM
Are you using the CET toothpaste? If not make sure it is enzymatic. Then it does not matter how well you brush, but that you get it applied to all the surfaces and the enzymes eat off the tartar etc. I use about the size of an eraser on a pencil for each side of Tipper's mouth. I just do one side and then get more toothpaste and do the other. It is so hot and muggy and Tipper is resting now from being at the vets. Blessings

molly muffin
07-02-2014, 04:19 PM
Yep, I just use a bit too. I also have the spray, enzyme cleaner, that I just give a shoot of into her mouth. She no likee but I wasn't asking her how she felt about it either. hahaha (you know what Her answer would be!!!)

Oh yea, I hate new changes usually too, especially with the house, then I love them, then I dislike them, then I like them and finally sort of settle into okay, this works frame of mind. :) :)

oh I hope the bugs stay away for a long time. Our mosquitoes are already out and about. I've had a couple bites from sitting out at sundown. I should know better and I never let molly out at sundown/dusk or early evening to just sit with me as I don't want her bit either.

Got to boogie!


07-02-2014, 07:31 PM
Ok then I guess half inch all over the mouth is too much. How about maybe an eraser size dot for each side top and then each side bottom = 4 eraser size dots.:o:rolleyes::confused::cool:

It is enzyme cleaner and he did not mind the finger brush, I was surprised but then he has been such a good boy.:)

I think Zoe is sending him vibes from heaven:D:D:D:D

molly muffin
07-02-2014, 10:18 PM
A dot per side done over the top and bottom should be enough, but go with what you think is working. If he is good with having that much, then hurrah!! It's a good thing and you're probably getting the job done very well.

Hmm, maybe I should try chicken flavor for molly.

Oh I'm sure Zoe is keeping an eye on Koko! She's after all the leader of everyone. LOL (and I for one wouldn't tell her different, even now) LOL


07-03-2014, 08:35 AM
When I tell Tipper it is time to brush her teeth she comes running. She has always done well with it and knows it is part of her routine. When I say Tipper your mouth smells she knows what it means and runs to the bathroom to brush. It does not hurt mind you that this toothpaste is either beef flavored or poultry, and that she is a cush dog. Lately she acts more like it I snack!! KoKo will have it down pat in no time at all. I do the animals after I do mine so I never forget anyone. blessings

Boriss McCall
07-03-2014, 01:35 PM
I am so so sad to read about Zoe. You are such a good mommy. I know she had a wonderful life with you. I feel bad for not being here when you were going thru such bad times. I think my husband had his motorcycle wreck around the same time.
I hope your heart is feeling better even though I know you will always miss Zoe.
bug hugs

07-04-2014, 07:55 AM
Hi Addy:
Hope you and KoKo have a restful 4th of July weekend and do some fun stuff together. Just thinking of you. Blessings

07-04-2014, 01:01 PM
Wishing you a fun and safe July 4th.
Sonja and Angel Apollo

07-04-2014, 06:21 PM
Hi Addy

Have a super fun Friday with the fireworks!!



07-09-2014, 07:30 PM
This week's stresser is over-:D:D:D:D:D I guess challenging a defense attorney when he is asking questions of the potential jury pool= no jury duty for this kid;););)

Ahhhhh, time to relax until Koko's dental next week:):):):):):)

molly muffin
07-09-2014, 07:38 PM
oh you have been having some excitement going on. Jury duty. LOL Challenging the defense attorney eh. Did you pick up this traite from Zoe or her from you?

Be glad when that dental is over. I'm sure they'll be very careful with koko.

Molly and I are hanging together this week, so walks, movies and major chill out time to do whatever we want is on the agenda!


Bailey's Mom
07-10-2014, 02:34 AM
Bob is "on call" for jury duty this week and net. It's the second time he's been called since we moved here 12 years ago. He was also called once in Arlington county and once in Federal District court. He was called at least one other time in Arlington where he didn't have his number called to show up.
Me? Never called down here. Called once in Arlington when this house was being built and I got out of it because I was living down here. Bob's excused for the rest of this week. I'll tell him of your strategy for next week!:):D


07-10-2014, 08:28 AM
Ha, I really did want clarification and I felt the attorney was indirectly asking us our opinions on something; in such a round about way, I called him out on it;) because, if that was indeed what he really wanted to know, I had a whole lot to say on the subject and I told him that!!!

This was the third time I was called in 15 years and my new boss refused to pay me for my time off. Everyone I spoke with yesterday was being paid by their employer. That is a whole other rant of mine.

Hubby is from New York, Sharlene, he taught me to speak my mind. I am not always good at it, Midwest manners and all, but when it is something important to me, I can do it.:o:o:o

Koko is really doing well with all this socializing and is becoming a very confident pup. He no longer barks at dogs we pass on the street and he can actually come within 10 feet of them and not have a hissy fit.:D

Bailey's Mom
07-11-2014, 02:16 AM
What do you mean by "new" boss?

molly muffin
07-11-2014, 08:54 AM
hahaha, yes New Yorkers are know for saying what they think aren't they :)

hmm, yes, what new boss? When did that happen and how crappy not to pay for jury duty time. Is that even legal? (as in I don't know but seems sort of iffy and I thought they all companies were required to pay for jury duty time)

Awww, that is really great that Koko is becoming better socialized.
Did you get to book some time away to the lake yet? I bet he'd love that too.


07-12-2014, 01:11 AM
Hi Addy

Happy Weekend!!! OH man I needed this one to roll around, hope your week has been a good one! Glad you got out of jury duty, here it is illegal not to be paid for it. For some weird reason I have never been called up, they must have left my name off the list as most everyone else I know has been at some stage or another.

Koko is such a doll, getting out and about and having fun! Love to hear that. I was wondering about your lake trip too, hope you get to do it during the summer sometime. Someone said today it is only six weeks to spring... must be true as I can see my tulips peeking up through the dirt already!! xx

molly muffin
07-12-2014, 07:17 PM
Spring!!! Didn't you just have summer?!

We need to move to New Zealand Addy


07-12-2014, 07:42 PM
I was worried when I read Trish was thinking New Zealand was nearing Spring because I thought that meant we were nearing Fall and we have only had a few days of summer!!! Dang, why does Summer go so darn fast?????

Trying to talk hubby into bamboo roman shades for the kitchen:rolleyes: What a fight on my hands.:o I keep telling him they are not the bamboo of your youth:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

His dishwasher- note I said his not mine since I did not want this one-
I need to get a degree in dishwasher school to use it :o:confused:
I think I finally figured out how to program the darn thing but I am not really sure I did not screw up some other preset. The thing stays wet inside because it does not have a dryer mechanism like American models. It doesn't tell you when the Jet Dry reservoir is full and it s going to take forever; something like 2 hours for a cycle. My old Whirlpool did a perfect job on quick cycle- 40 minutes everything clean and dry.:(:(:(:(

Koko starts liquid antibiotic tomorrow. Wish me luck squirting that down his throat!!!!

07-12-2014, 08:30 PM
Hey!! Lunchtime here so I'm in from the yard... boy fair bit of work getting down outside today, lovely day, sun shining and bit of a breeze so tons of laundry done too! Am feeling quite productive which I haven't in a while, so making the most of it :D

Why is Koko on ABs? Is it in preparation for the dental?? Hopefully it is a tasty one that dogs like with a bit of flavouring?? Is he a gobbler like Flynn, if so I would be tempted to put it in the middle of a bit of cheese or something, maybe a cube of meat. I know Flynn swallows without really tasting it so you might get away with that rather than just the squirt down the throat technique which might just freak him out :rolleyes: I am presuming the AB is alright with food, some need empty tummy so just check the timing according to vet recommendations :) x

07-13-2014, 06:39 AM
It is for his dental- two full droppers, they told me to give with meals. I asked could I squirt on food and they said then I have to make sure he eats all the food, they thought I should just put it in his mouth. It does not say it is flavored.

Seems like a lot to put on food though:confused:

Budsters Mom
07-13-2014, 08:48 AM

I've done the dropper thing for meds before. The 2nd dropper is the hardest because they know what's coming!:eek: It worked out better for me to combine the dosage into one larger dropper. That way I could do it in one shot and attack by surprise. Good luck! ;)

07-13-2014, 09:56 AM
Thanks Kathy, I already screwed it up, I tilted his head back and squirted it all in and he coughed and gagged just like when he drinks water too fast. I did not realize it could go down his windpipe:eek:

He is ok now. I just watched a video on putting it in the side of his mouth near his back teeth and squirting it in slowly.

I hope he did not asperate and get the meds in his lungs. The video said it could cause pneumonia. EEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!

molly muffin
07-13-2014, 10:05 AM
Eek I don't remember how I gave Molly her liquid med. I think just a side squirt and it worked ok. Hopefully he will be fine. They need chicken flavour meds. Lol. So much easier to get them to take it.

Love sharlene

07-13-2014, 02:31 PM
Hope Koko gets better. I dropped a pill in Arial's food and sure enough he left it in the bowl. Back to hiding it some other way. I'm with you on the new computerized appliances. My new refrigerator makes beeping noises when the door is open to long. I have to switch the clothes washer off if I need to add another piece to the wash,not with my old one. Am I a dinosaur?
Thinking about you. Considered about Patti,not hearing from her.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

07-13-2014, 07:01 PM
Well, the side grab, hold him firmly with left arm in a bear grip, put eye dropper between the side teeth and slowly squirt, stop, watch him lick, squirt more, tell him GOOD BOY, jack pot of potato, :D:D:o

who knew?

and I thought Zoe was the only one potato crazy:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

hopefully I did not hurt him this morning; we had mom and the kids here this aft so he was happy with all the company,no more coughing or gagging.


Bailey's Mom
07-14-2014, 10:37 AM
Okay....I'm gonna try again...........What "new" boss?

07-14-2014, 03:38 PM
hhmmmm, Sus no pm from me?

molly muffin
07-14-2014, 06:49 PM
Sounds like you have found the combination for Koko and the meds and all it took was bringing out the potatoes. Zoe trained him well!


07-17-2014, 11:09 AM
The building inspector came yesterday to check the new dishwasher installation. Koko greeted him with kisses and flips and rollovers. The man spent more time playing with Koko than inspecting so the installation passed just fine.
I dropped him off for his dental this morning and he was kissing and wiggling and flipping over for belly rubs from the vet. She said “are you a fun dog- you are going to be really spoiled here”.
He did not seem to care he had not had breakfast though I think he had a bit of acid reflux going on.
Dropping him off was a flooding of emotions for me as I kept thinking of Zoe and her surgeries. That was hard. Hopefully this will go better than last year

07-17-2014, 11:22 AM
Oh Addy, keeping all fingers crossed that everything will go just fine!! Please let us know just as soon as you hear. I know how hard it must have been to drop him off. :o


07-17-2014, 01:41 PM
Thank you Marianne, he is awake now and did well but had to have six small teeth pullled:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: It will be a long weekend I am afraid. Look how he was last year with only one extraction:rolleyes::(

I am picking him up at five. Fingers crossed for my sweet, loving little one. He is such a sweet, gentle, joyful soul.

Thanks Zoe- for keeping tabs on your brother for me.

07-17-2014, 02:08 PM
Whew!!! Thank goodness it's over but poor little boy with six pulled...:o :(

Surely hopin' they'll be able to give him something to keep his pain under control. Please give him a gentle pat for me.

Budsters Mom
07-17-2014, 04:25 PM
Poor little Kokomo.:o Six extractions! OMG!:eek::eek::eek: Make sure you get some pain meds for that little boy when you pick him up. :o

Are you working tomorrow Addy? If so, will hubby be available to stay with Koko? I do remember last year very well. That smart little one conned you in to feeding him by hand much longer than necessary. lol

Sending much love and healing energy your way.xxxxxx

molly muffin
07-17-2014, 06:39 PM
Awww, Koko poor little guy, 6 is a bunch. Hopefully he'll rebound in not time though and this won't be like last year.

Hang in there! Always tough when they are at the vets for stuff.


07-17-2014, 07:57 PM
He has 1/4 tab of 75 mg's of rimadyl and 50 mgs tramadol-they said give him the whole tramadol but I gave him the bigger of 1/2. I cannot imagine giving him the whole pill. He could hardly keep his eyes open already.

He ate some dinner - being spoon fed and he is now just standing in the foyer kind of lost.

I will see if he can pee- they said he did urinate there. I rembered from Zoe's last surgery- Trish told me our plan - wake up, walk, pee ,come home.

Ahhhh= he finally is drinking water- he is heading back to his bed in the bedroom. He has that same look on his face when he was so sick when I brought him home. Fleas, kennel cough, neutering and the stress of lock up at animal control. I have not seen that look since then.:(:(:(:(

gotta run

Budsters Mom
07-17-2014, 11:01 PM
50 mg. tramadol does seem like a huge amount. :confused: The most I ever gave Buddy was a half a tablet. He weighed 15 1/2 pounds. The vet probably just wants to make sure Koko is comfortable.

Big hugs Sweetie,


molly muffin
07-17-2014, 11:15 PM
oh poor baby. Maybe he is just sensitive to the pain meds. Giving him a half was probably good.

Just remember Addy, Koko knows he isn't in the kennel, and that he is in a safe place surrounded by love. This is the truth. You are his pack and he is exactly where he needs to be. He might be all fuzzy from the medication, but he knows you are there with him. He is safe and he is safe to be fuzzy too.


07-18-2014, 01:02 AM
6 teeth pulled! Poor Mojo!
I hope that he feels better soon. Hugs

Budsters Mom
07-18-2014, 01:03 AM
He is safe and he is safe to be fuzzy too.

Hey, where can I be safe to be fuzzy Sharlene? That doesn't sound all bad. lol :D

Bailey's Mom
07-18-2014, 02:29 AM
Well-you now have a different "last trip" memory for the vets. Koko went in, came out and is just groggy. A lot of TLC and he'll bounce right back, I know. I know it was hard going there today. I am glad it was a successful trip. Sleep well, Koko. The weekend is almost here! Mom and Dad will both be home to stay for a couple of days very soon.
Bailey & her Mom :)

07-18-2014, 05:53 AM
Awwww poor wee Koko, man you are going to have to give him loads of loving to make it up for this one!! He going to be feeling good once his mouth has healed up. Hope he is not too doolally on the meds, least he will be comfortable. Have you got Friday off to look after him, or I bet hubby will be there. Lots of good food and he will bounce back before we know it!! Happy Friday Addy, hope it goes well and then its the weekend!! Mine is already here and I have just had the best night out with old friends over from Sydney, far too much food and good wine!! Best night out in ages!! xxxxxxx

07-18-2014, 08:33 AM
well I guess my complaining about last year helped because they tweaked his anesthesia and he has bounced right back even with six teeth out. That and the added dose of Tramadol. He did not need more than half.

I laid on on the floor next to our chaise where he lay last night and held his paw and rubbed his head. By the time hubby got home his tail was up and he went out to pee.

He seems really good this morning.

The vet has the CET toothpaste so I may pick that up when he goes in for his recheck. The pet store only had enzymatic Arm and Hammer.

I stopped giving him the bully sticks as I was afraid he would crack a tooth. I wish there was something I could give him that I did not have to worry he would swallow hole or crack a tooth on. Hopefully, the brushing now will help him.

Off to give him his tramadol. Hubby has nurse duty today, I have to work.

Have a great weekend!!!

molly muffin
07-18-2014, 01:07 PM
So glad to hear that he is doing so much better today! That tweaking of the anesthesia must have done the trick.

A bit of a brush here, bit of a brush there. :) I need to take molly in for a dental too. Just going to have to bite the bullet on that one at some point.

Thank goodness the weekend is finally here!


Squirt's Mom
07-20-2014, 07:56 AM
I am so glad Koko did well with his dental. I hope he is ripping and rearing again soon!

07-20-2014, 10:04 PM
Glad to hear.
Sonja and Apollo

Budsters Mom
07-20-2014, 10:25 PM
I admit to being somewhat deranged, but whenever I think of, "cuckoo for cocoa puffs" I think of your sweet boy. Lol :D:D:D:D
I know that you spell it KoKo, but it's still funny! Xxxxxx

07-21-2014, 01:30 PM
It is funny LOL. Now I wont get that out of my mind and I will start saying Koko Puff :):):):):)

Speaking of Koko Puff, tomorrow is his last dose of pain meds and antibiotic- hurrah- he did quite well but then the little granddaughter got him quite riled up late yesterday afternoon and he got totally spaced out.:confused::confused::confused::confused: Too much excitement for him yesterday, I think.

Thanks goodness he rebounded and then was running around holding his purple teddy bear in his mouth. We were calling him our druggie dog last night.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Budsters Mom
07-22-2014, 02:05 AM
If he's able to run around with toys in his mouth, it must not be too painful. Great news Addy. :p Go Koko Puff! :D:D:D

07-22-2014, 05:51 AM
Hi Addy
So pleased little Koko Puff is doing well, meds and excitement can do strange things to a wee doggie!! Glad he has done well this time! Must be a big relief for you :) xx

07-22-2014, 08:21 AM
Difference is night and day from last year. Must have been the tweaking of the anesthesia and adding the tramadol, switching antibiotics. All I know is I am glad I complained, they listened, they worked to solve the problem and we have much better results this time.

I think I like this new chief of staff:D:D:D:D:D:D:D,

Bailey's Mom
07-22-2014, 02:14 PM
Hugs to Koko Puff!

molly muffin
07-22-2014, 02:38 PM
That is so hilarious! Koko Puff! I like it!!

Yep, I think I like the new chief of staff too. Now you won't have to worry as much when Koko gets his teeth cleaned, you have a plan in place to handle it that seems to work.


07-22-2014, 07:48 PM
I know- she was great in checking out the Sentinel for him and now this.

Gosh, she actually LISTENS;););););););) Amazing:):):)


Koko loves his teddy

molly muffin
07-22-2014, 09:50 PM
He is way too cute with that purple teddy bear!!! His face looks like the avatar I use to have up of molly with her bear in her mouth. They are so funny and I love how he carries the bear.
