View Full Version : Zoe By My Side- Our Journey with Cushings
01-18-2014, 03:01 PM
Grrrrr :mad::mad::mad: at the IBD flare too, I hate those if she is anything like Flynn when he has one it really affects him with feeling lethargic and sick looking, not just the icky poops. Hope the Metronidazole sorts it out. God as if they do not have enough to contend with, it is so frustrating. My vet is still keen on treating Flynn with a heavy duty course of Pred, I do not see much point in it right now while he is doing good. Of course that would be no good for Zoe would right upset the apple cart with the cush meds. I am glad to have put that on hold for now.
Yes, it is a sunny Sunday morning here... got my hot cross buns (hehe saw them in the supermarket yesterday and could not resist) and cup of tea and perusing the posts. Laundry going, not much housework done yesterday so time to get caught up before the new week! Lunch out at a winery with a mate so that will be nice :) xxx
Budsters Mom
01-18-2014, 04:25 PM
Sending more love and healing energy to you my dear. I have been trying to blow some warm air your way. It has been in the 90's this week. xxxxx
01-18-2014, 05:29 PM
:( Those are no fun at all.
Daisy was absolutely miserable when hers acted up.
I think that she felt dirty too.
She hasn't had a single problem since we started the 1/16sp of Tylan powder twice a day.
01-19-2014, 08:34 AM
I know what a hard time you have been having so put all that stuff in the Addy drawer today and enjoy the day as next week the arctic vortex returns. Sending you and Zoe big hugs and healing powers. Blessings
molly muffin
01-19-2014, 10:44 AM
hmm, did you tell Zoe that she should just put that IBD into a back drawer and close it too? hehehe now if only that would work.
I hope that you are having a relaxing weekend and just enjoying the time with the furbabies and hubs.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-20-2014, 11:50 AM
Does Zoe have a separate drawer for herself Sharlene???
molly muffin
01-20-2014, 02:10 PM
Well if Addy can put the worries in a drawer and close it, seems to me that it would be quite helpful if Zoe would use the drawer, or A drawer too. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-20-2014, 02:23 PM
Good call Sharlene you are too funny.
Zoe does have a drawer too, so yes Sharlene, you are exactly right:)
Zoe will see the surgeon Thursday afternoon. I think two things are happening to her
molly muffin
01-20-2014, 02:40 PM
two things? okay, when you shut that drawer you might have pushed my side of the drawer open and even though I'm giving it some solid shoves to close, it's not working.
Might have to oil that track up a bit.
I do hope everything turns out okay and not to be what it could be (hope that makes sense).
Hang in there Addy!! You've been on a roller coaster journey lately.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-20-2014, 06:35 PM
I just want to give you a big big big hug. I know you will share what you are thinking in your own time and I understand not wanting to write it out
Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you all and hope so much that all goes ok with your appointment Thursday.
Budsters Mom
01-20-2014, 07:08 PM
Zoe knows how much she is dearly loved Addy. That's all that will ever matter. Xxxxxx
01-20-2014, 11:24 PM
I second that, she knows. They always know.
Bailey's Mom
01-21-2014, 12:12 AM
I'm still here, still fluttering around, still ready to give a hug or a hand squeeze or make a smore. Meanwhile I think I'll just rest for a minute over here on your good shoulder. Just for a minute. :)
01-21-2014, 01:47 AM
Hi sweet
Checking in on your guys, hope you get the answers you wish for on Thursday Addy. So Friday my time and Friday is our day!! xxxx
I wanted to put a pic in here for you but I cannot! it is in my album!
01-21-2014, 05:28 AM
Addy: I am thinking of you and sending healing thoughts to you and Zoe. She is such a strong little dog and always comes through everything. Hang in there for a little longer and I am sure they will find out what is wrong. Love, JoAnne
Her breathing is so labored when she tries to walk. She will be sleeping and then wakes up panting, she has been doing that since New Years Eve. I help her up and she turns, lays down and the panting stops. Her back leg sticks out straight, I have videos of it. It is either injured or is psuedomyetonia. Her right bad leg that they xrayed has to do so much extra work.
She started getting lethargic at the end of October when her cortisol shot down. I am worried I made things worse by lowering her Vetoryl dose. She seemed better for a bit last week but then got so sedated, I had to cut back the Tramadol. The ER vet only wanted me to give her 1/4 tab BID I had given her 1/2 tab at night and 1/4 during the day. But now she has been on the lower dose of Vetoryl longer so I dont know if that is making things worse. It would appear on the surface her cortisol is higher, she is going to the water bowl more often but not gulping huge amounts of water, she is peeing often, every time she gets up, she has to pee. She will hold it all night but then as soon as she gets up, she has to pee, she cant wait to be taken outside. Her bad eye got worse on the higher dose of Tramadol, it was very red, t seems better now. The mucus stool has stopped but it is still fairly green. IF I walk past her when she is eating, she is not looking up and around and dropping food all over.
She is more alert while she is laying down than she was on the 20/10 dose, but she was on that such a short time, it is hard to say.
We will see what this doctor says and then I will take her to IMS to run her bloods and stim.
I am very worried something else is going on here.
She will get up to do a mini bark fest for her meals but last week she could stand for almost an hour and walk to the bedroom, this week she cant stand for more than 30 minutes and wants me to carry her everywhere.
At Christmas, my dog could walk around the house. Now she cant do much of anything.
At every crisis, we have pulled her through. Hubby doesn't think we can pull it off again. Sorry, no sleep makes me a wreck.:o:o:o
01-21-2014, 08:01 AM
I really and truly know what you are going thru. When you love a dog so deeply this is the most heartbreaking and worrisome thing you can go thru. When your baby is off, your whole world is upside down. You have pulled Zoe thru everything so far. She is a tough little girl, so you can do it again Addy I know you can. I can never get my hands on that magic wand when someone is in dire need of it. God Bless you both Addy I am praying you can get Zoe past this.
01-21-2014, 12:12 PM
Dear Addy
Wish I could reach over to give you a hug? Maybe an ultra sound may reveal more. Zoe's leg may be locking up. Apollo's hind leg would lock up at the knee because of the muscle wasting. I wish I could wave a magic wand for you both? Not only are you dealing with your own health issues and recovery,but feeling helpless as to helping Zoe.
We are here for you.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Squirt's Mom
01-21-2014, 12:31 PM
By your side, Addy, right by your side.
Bailey's Mom
01-21-2014, 12:32 PM
Dear, dear Addy,
I am here for anything and everything I can do for you, Zoe and hubby. You are all in my prayers.
01-21-2014, 12:56 PM
Oh Addy!
I hope that they figure out what is going on!
It's obviously something more than Cushings. She has changed so quickly.
Hugs and prayers!
Jenny & Judi in MN
01-21-2014, 03:04 PM
thinking of you and Zoe
molly muffin
01-21-2014, 03:10 PM
:( I hate to think of Zoe having a hard time. I know when she has it rough, so do you and your hubby. It's impossible not to worry when you see things changing so much, so quickly.
I wish the answers were easy to figure out, but then none of this has been easy for you.
We'll be here, right by your side. I just hope that you can get some answers and I will never give up hope that you can pull her through once again.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
01-21-2014, 11:43 PM
Sending you tons of love. I know how hard this is. Surrounding you with the love of many, loving angels. (((((HUGS)))))
01-22-2014, 04:45 AM
I know what the easy part is.... loving Zoe!! :D Tomorrow will be here soon enough, then for the plan! Hope your day goes well today Addy, thinking of you guys lots xxxxx
01-22-2014, 05:10 AM
Holding you sweet Addy and your precious Zoe in my heart and keeping you in my prayers.
And of course some very tight hugs to let you know you and The Zoe are soooo loved.
Xo Jeanette
01-22-2014, 09:50 AM
I am saying prayers for you and sweet Zoe with my Lourdes Rosary and praying that all goes well.
Roxee's Dad
01-22-2014, 11:57 AM
I have no words of wisdom to offer but am sending tons of prayers and healing thoughts.
I feel like I am always pushing and pushing so hard for Zoe
but why can she have only such a limited diet
but why does she go lame on the front leg
but why does my dog’s eye look like this
but why is my dog’s wound having break through bleeding
but don’t you think her vulva looks odd
but why is she struggling so after her surgery
but what is wrong with my dog skin, shouldn’t we do a scraping
but why is her pre always elevated
but don’t you think we should care about protein in her urine
gee- shouldn’t we be a bit concerned how her numbers dropped and I am seeing side effects of something?
push, push, push, why, why, why, search, search, search for answers, I wont give up, I wont quit asking, I wont quit fighting only when Zoe tells me to stop, will I stop. Only when she tells me she needs me to stop.
Only then.
01-22-2014, 12:38 PM
It's so hard accepting that veterinary medicine is so very far behind our own medical advances. It seems that many vets, and people, dismiss our dogs medical concerns so easily.
You are doing good Addy. Keep the fight going!
01-22-2014, 12:45 PM
Every thing you say is right.
I would say to Apollo"we are not going to give up. We are not going to let this get is."
You know something else is going on. Keep insisting to address it.
I knew something was going on with Apollo's intestines, and it was me who asked for the ultrasound not the vet,to find out I was right.
Don't assume the vets are right. too often they want to give up even if there is still hope. too much text book learning, not enough of case by case observation. there is a saying," God didn't get you this far to let you down"
The immune system is weakened by this disease, so they have to fight even harder. This is a forum of people ,who fight and do not give up.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
I know, I think I am just reacting and upset because hubby keeps telling me he thinks I cant fix her this time. He may be right. But at the very least, I have to know what is really wrong with her, don't I?
I hate having to take her out again in the car, she was such a mess after the last ER visit and car ride but I need to do this for her even if it is hard.
if I email a video to you, can you tell me if it looks like Apollo's leg? What Zoe does with her right back leg? I would have to send it from a work computer, I cant email it from my home laptop. Could you pm me?
molly muffin
01-22-2014, 03:03 PM
Well hubs is just going to have to stop saying, maybe she can't be helped this time and jump on the we'll do whatever we can and see how it goes bandwagon. :) Right up there beside you.
Can hubs go with you, so you can hold her while going to the vet? What about melatonin in the morning or do you think she'll have blood test that might mess up?
Just throwing ideas out.
Whatever happens, we're with you and Zoe Addy, all the way.
I'd want to know too what is going on, even if it can't be fixed, you want to know what to do and expect for her comfort going forward.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-22-2014, 05:38 PM
No one knows anything for sure, you have to do what you think is right. I believe you will do everything you can to make this better and I so hope you can Addy xx
I will be sending positive thoughts and energy your way tomorrow and I hope she is ok on the journey and not too stressed
Big hugs, kisses to the fur kids
01-22-2014, 09:27 PM
hubby needs to stop and support you. When you find out what is going on then you can make an informed decision about what is best for Zoe.
Maybe it's a good idea to have him along for the ride to hold Zoe, or to drive while you hold her?
If the vets knew everything, there wouldn't be a need for this forum :)
01-22-2014, 10:43 PM
Dear Addy
trying to find the post where you had the links. You can't fix Zoe, but you can help her. You learn to adapt to the set backs, you adjust to the changes. I would ask for an ultrasound if you feel it is internal. As long as Zoe is eating and wagging her tail and licking you , you keep fighting. The weak bark could be muscle wasting, but please don't think the worst. Apollo was still here despite not being able to walk. Please try to enjoy her, hug her, hold her let her know you love her. That is what you focus on. I worry the stress is making you weak so that you can not heal yourself. Don't listen to the others, you and Zoe will fight for as long as you can and enjoy the moments you have together.
I am here for you.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
01-23-2014, 02:57 AM
I have been following Zoe's thread and know the feeling of helplessness so much. Up one minute, down the next, what medications should I be giving etc etc. One thing that Sonja said in the above post, which I must have missed before, was the weak bark. Brin has had a higher pitched and weaker bark for quite a few months now. Also before Christmas he kept kicking one of his back legs out straight on and off for a few hours. I researched this and found that it can be the late stages of degenerative myelopathy along with a higher pitched weak bark. He has been very weak on his back legs for a year or two often falling over and finds it hard to get up but once up he can walk around the house for a long while. I made an appt to see the vets as I was really worried that this was the end but then he stopped and has never done it again, he does these things to frighten me every now and again! I know he still has the myelopathy but he manages and I even took him to the vets on Tuesday thinking she would say it is time but she said he has a good quality of life. By the way, he is 17! This might be nothing like what Zoe does but I thought I would mention it. I know how hard it is when you don't know what is going on. Thinking of you both.
01-23-2014, 03:43 AM
Hi sweet, popping in to wish Zoe and you good luck at your appointment tomorrow. Hoping it is not too stressful for either of you, I know you leave no stone unturned Addy and I am suer hubs and the family will be supporting you the best way they can. Sometimes it is hard for people to say the right things all the time without causing upset at some stage but I know they have your best interests at heart but sometimes hard to see that when you are so emotionally involved. Hugs to you and I will be checking in tomorrow night to hear the news xxxxxx
Hi Addy,
I just want you to know that I am following along with you and Zoe even though I may not post much. I know how hard this is on you, and sometimes I just don't have the right words. I totally understand how you look at and ask about every little thing that may seem off, I am the same way. Sometimes I feel like I am driving my vet nuts with all my questions and concerns. But I have to ask, and I have to know. I agree with you, I would need to know what is wrong whether it was fixable or not. I would just have to know.
I hope that your hubby can accompany you to the vet so that maybe you can hold Zoe on the ride there and back. All the best for your appointment, I will be thinking about you both and hoping you get some answers. Sending lots of love and support.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper
01-23-2014, 08:45 AM
Just know I support you. I think you need to keep pushing until Zoe says no more mom. That is a good plan, as I know you need to keep trying to help her, you are like me you will go on not matter what ,as long as it benefits Zoe. I can find no fault in that, but find a lot of strength in it. You have done wonders with Zoe and I do believe in you that you will help her again. Blessings
Thank you all, dont know we have the resources left to unturn every stone, hubby may be losing his job at the end of the month. His income from that job has paid to keep Zoe going. We wll do the best we can.
I am trying to understand the difference between pysudeomyotonia and degenerative myeopathy. I understand denerative myeopathy can get bad quickly but when I look at the pictures, her legs are not like that. Her back leg was not doing this at Christmas. So she has an issue with her back leg which is related probably to her Cushings and an issue with her front leg which is not related to her Cushings.
So by allowing her cortsol to run higher may help her front leg but at what cost to her back leg?
Her stool is better now on the increased metronidazole.
Hubby does not want to see her suffer and cotinue being poked and prodded and stressed, she was so bad the last visit, we have never seen her like that in all these years.
It is hard for us because we continue to try to put drops in and it is getting harder and harder to administer them. So we keep getting more and more stressed and the weather doesnt help.
This week she seems weaker and not able to stand as long as last week so I dont know if it is because I cut back the Tramadol or becuase her cortisol is higher.
I think her bark is weaker becuase she gets very tired standing on her feet and when she tries to do hop, hop bark, t s too much for her.
We will see what happens today but look what I went through April after 3 different vet consultations.
And after all is said and done, we have to remember her last ultra sound. Problems with her liver, her spleen, chronic pancreatitis, etc.
She was doing well until her cortisol dropped down. I thought if I could let it run about post 5 ug/dl like last August, she felt good then. But perhaps it has nothing to do with lower cortisol.
I have to go to work this morning, problems there so have to work half day. My shoulder and no sleep exhausts me. My energy level is pretty low.
I have not been repsonding much to your threads, I do read them, I just am so tired, it is hard to write.
Love you all, sorry for the typos:o
molly muffin
01-23-2014, 09:09 AM
Addy don't worry about the threads . We got it and we all pitch in and help out each other.
You take care of you and Zoe and hubs. I'm sure he is just as stressed over Zoe as you are and he is probably worrying about you too and his job. Hopefully he won't be losing it or can find something else.
Will be thinking of all of you!
hugs and love
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-23-2014, 09:17 AM
I don't post on your thread but please know I am following it everyday.
Fingers crossed for you and Zoe today
01-23-2014, 11:13 AM
So sorry for all the terrible distress you are all going through. I think most of us would feel the same as you and want to know what's going on with Zoe. Christmas does not seem that long off and she was doing so well/
Just hoping today goes well and that you get some answers. So many worries all at once...seems that's always how it goes. Keeping Zoe in my thoughts and hoping the very best for her.
She just threw up her snack. My dog never throws up.
Bailey's Mom
01-23-2014, 12:30 PM
Hugs, best wishes and love,
molly muffin
01-23-2014, 12:41 PM
Oh dear, did she eat too fast? wondering if cortisol is going up, or ...tummy/gastro issues? She doesn't throw up when she has an IBD flare up?
Hang in there Addy. I am hoping that some answers will come your way today.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-23-2014, 01:02 PM
Dear Addy
It could be intestinal, or just an upset stomach. As we all know Cushing babies have very sensitive digestive tracts. Remember using slippery elm for upset stomach. I would have to look up the instructions. but don't go there yet. I also read a new member's , Barb's baby was diagnosed at 10 years old and lived to be 16. THE medication was selegline(L-Deprenyl) for know don't go there with your thoughts. Zoe is still here. If she continues to throw up, see the vet. we are here for you
LOve and prayers Sonja and Angel Apollo
Zoe does not throw up.
I can count on one hand how many times she has thrown up in the last seven years, even when her IBD was really bad, she did not throw up.
Maybe I should have them check her electrolytes while she is there.
I have a call in to IMS as well.
molly muffin
01-23-2014, 01:38 PM
You are taking her in today correct?
Was it just snack or was it bile and yes, hate to ask but did she then try to eat it right away? If they immediately try to eat it and keep it down, then I don't worry as much as I do if they leave it or if it has bile look in it. Although her not normally vomiting, it is probably more worrying.
Sending big hugs your way. Having one of those when it rains it pours moments or maybe when it snows it's a blizzard moments.
molly muffin
01-23-2014, 01:39 PM
Electrolytes and base line cortisol. (that would give you an idea if it has gone to low or not at least)
Sharlene and molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
01-23-2014, 03:21 PM
Oh Addy,
I am so sorry that sweet Zoe is having some issues, and I know how worried you must feel.
When a dog throws up the first thing that pops in my mind is pancreatitis.
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers, sending huge and loving hugs, Lori
Budsters Mom
01-23-2014, 03:27 PM
((((((HUGS)))))) You and love are the most precious gift you can give Zoe. That's all she really wants Addy. That's all Buddy wanted too.
01-23-2014, 03:34 PM
Awwww, poor little girl. Hoping that they can sort this out quickly.
Apply for the Care Credit vet card asap before hubby loses his job. They have great payment options and often run no interest specials.
Praying for all of you!
01-23-2014, 04:17 PM
Praying for you and Zoe on her appointment today. I would apply for the care credit too before hubs is not working. Hope all goes well. Blessings
I a so tired but will write a little now. He does not think it is degenerative myelopathy, she knwos where her back legs are, it is more of a nerve problem in that back leg whicvh could be from a spinal column disk issue or her Cushings and the bad front leg s putting more stress on her back legs as she is trying to compensate for the lame front leg by switching her wat back which is why her stance has changed. All of these problems are coming from the right front leg.
I made a nice cushy bed in the back seat and Zoe laid nicely on it. This clinic is only a ten minute drive on the freeway so much less stress for Zoe. The surgeon is also part owner of all three speciality clinics and he knows hs legs ( she needed a leg man;) )
We will do acth test and check elctrolytes next Wednesday at this clinic. If she vomits again or does not eat bring her back. Only bad thing is the IMS is not there to check her at this clinic but he did not think we should wait to get an appointment with her as it would be two weeks.
He said she is depressed and her front leg bothers her. It is not she cant get up on her own, she does not want to.
He wants to wait to radiograph her knees on her back legs.
We will see where her numbers are and then see if we can start Metacam for 4 days. But he wants to stim her before starting. If her numbers are too high, she could be depressed from that.
So we wait yet but at least he explained her back legs to me and I understand now about her throwing her wait to the back, making her back end rounded as she tries to get the wait off that front leg. It could be a partial ACL tear but he does not think so. When I asked, ok, if it is a partial tear or disk problem what do you do? He said you do nsaids, or then try steriods or then do surgery.
I think that front leg may do her in. It does not sound good.:(
So now, no more research, no more agonizing, just spend time loving my little girl.:):):)
I liked this doctor, he spent 90 minutes with us and charged us $53.00. He probably looked up how much money we have given him the last 4 years:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I am really tired now, I want to go lay down with my baby girl. She was so good and did not get stressed like at the ER. I feel good about that. So if we can have her acth tests done there, it is a relief all the stress of the 40 minute ride gone.
love you all, I am so tired.
01-23-2014, 07:12 PM
I'm happy to hear that Zoe was not so stressed like last time. Hope you have a good rest cuddled up next to sweet Zoe...that will surely make her happy. Sounds like you all need a good sleep...sweet dreams.
molly muffin
01-23-2014, 08:32 PM
A cuddle with Zoe sounds like just the thing you both need. That is excellent that she did well on the trip today. She was so stressed last time.
So, most of this sounds like it is all coming from that front leg and they don't know what the actual issue with that leg is correct? I do hope they figure it out and it is something that can be taken care of easily. (not a tear or anything else)
Sounds like it's going to be bitter cold this weekend, so hope you guys will be inside and just relaxing, with no problems. Crossing fingers!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-23-2014, 09:21 PM
sweet dreams Addy and Zoe, just cuddle up tonight and put the Cushing's in the drawer for you both.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
01-23-2014, 10:03 PM
I'm so glad that Zoe did well today and a closer ride is great!
Sounds like you have a plan and hopefully her leg will heal without surgery.
Get some rest.
Bailey's Mom
01-24-2014, 12:16 AM
Sweet dreams dear ones. At last some better news.:)
01-24-2014, 05:34 AM
Hi Sweet, its Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiday!!! Well it is here right now and it will be for you when you read this. Thank god its the weekend is all I can say! What a week, but now a chance to relax.
I understand the back legs giving her trouble as they are compensating for the lame front one, but what is causing the problem in the front leg if its not the ACL tear? Shame all that testing could not be done at the same appointment, but at least she was better in the car etc. That must have been a relief after your last visit to the ER when she got so stressed. So I guess you keeping her on the Tramadol and retest stim next week. Did she eat ok rest of day, hope that little vomit was a one-off. I know you said she does not usually vomit with the IBD, but Flynn does when his tummy is off not very often but he does on occasion, so it could her tummy upset.
I wish you all a relaxing weekend, and a pain free one for Zoe.. can't blame her for being a bit depressed when she is a bit sore. Little poppet.. Big Hugs for you xxxxx
01-24-2014, 07:59 AM
From what you are describing to me I am wondering about the torn ACL too, as Tipper does some of what you said and she has one. I am glad Zoe was not all worked up and that you only have a 10 minute drive. Hoping for good results from her ACTH testing. Blessings
Sorry I did not explain better, I only get a few hours sleep at night. I showed the surgeon the videos, I asked him to think outside the Cushing box and consider the possibilities. I showed him her stiff back leg which I thought may have a partial tear. I explained her problems when I lift her neck and asked him to consider a disk issue.
All of these things are possible but he feels that what is happening is her front leg is so a bad that it is causing her Cushings neuropathy to get worse becuase she throws her weight to those stiff back legs and they cant handle it. We also discussed by my allowing her cortisol to go higher which may help her front leg, may be making her back legs worse so it is a catch 22.
Something is surrounding the bone on the front leg. We dont know if it is inflammation, infection or cancer. Because it seemed to get better when I took her off Vetoryl for 3 days, he is leaning toward inflammation.
Treating inflammation in Zoe with her IBD and Cushings is going to be hard. He said it will get complicated.
The reason we did not do radio graphs of the spine and back legs is because of there is a disk problem or a back leg tear, treatment would be the same. So lets start at the beginning and see where we go.
Biopsy of the front leg would be very invasive and may not tell us anything, he does not suggest it.
He thinks the front leg is really bothering her and it gets worse at night. We have to try to control her pain to give her a quality of life.
I wont allow her to suffer in pain.
The last time Zoe threw up was 3 years ago when we gave her pepcid. My dog does not vomit. She ate well and has not had a repeat episode. She struggled last night and this morning, it is -10 and all the walking at the vets has hr really sore. We will give her a pain pill this morning.
He did not think she had to be weaned off the tramadol. he wants to try the nsaid without the tramadol first.
I hope I explained it better. Gotta run to work.
01-24-2014, 12:34 PM
Dear Zoe
here for you. Will look up Apollo's notes on his leg issues ,etc. for you to review.
hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Bailey's Mom
01-24-2014, 03:57 PM
Hi Addy-It's Almost the weekend!! We had sympathy vomitting down here in FL last night. Bailey is better today.
Junior's Mom
01-24-2014, 06:20 PM
I'm so sorry for all your troubles lately. I know you have been on the forum for some time, and could probably run circles around me with your knowledge, but have you tried giving Zoe omega 3 fish oil? It works great for inflammation.
01-25-2014, 07:59 AM
Sending you and Zoe hugs and love from Tipper and I. I pray this gets better for both of you. Blessings
At last she had a better night, we both slept until 6:30 this morning. She had no accidents while sleeping which I dont understand. She tried to walk around the house this morning but was very limited before that front leg started causing too much pain.
I found some notes from six years ago when she first hurt that leg, we never figured out how or why or what, x rays showed nothing, they figured it was soft tissue injury. I wrote she was house bound all winter and could not walk more than 1/4 block without starting to limp. Ten minutes was the most she could stand at any one time. Rimadyl made her fall over and she could not tolerate even low doses of it so the note was put in her file to never give her that again.
I had forgotten how long it took to heal that first time she injured it.
She is so up and down, one night she is so bad we think we cant
allow this to continue, she deserves better than this and then out of nowhere she has a good day as far as her spirits and alertness goes.
She gets really bad at night, vet says it may be stiffness from laying around so long. She gets bad with or without her evening vetoryl dose, there really is no change in her behavior except she pants more and pees more once a day dosing.
I kept waking up to see if she was breathing because she was not waking me up panting evvery two hours. At first I thought maybe she had died as I heard no snoring at all or breathing, she was so quietly sleeping. I only gave her 1/4 tab BID of tramadol but she had skipped a dose the day of her vet visit.
So one good thing today- we slept
Jenny & Judi in MN
01-25-2014, 11:17 AM
sleep is good. I check to see if Jenny is still breathing sometimes too when she is sleeping so hard.
these old gals can break our hearts.
enjoy every minute. hugs, Judi
molly muffin
01-25-2014, 04:00 PM
Yep, I'll take sleep too as a good thing. :)
I've done that with Molly. She snores almost continuously when she is sleeping, so when I hear nothing, I've been known to get up out of bed and go check her. She is always sleeping very soundly and quietly when I do, but I can't seem to Not check. So I understand that completely and you have so much going on with Zoe, that it is a very real worry.
I'm glad though that she slept soundly and you got some sleep too finally.
So, it does sound like from everything you have said and the vet things, a soft tissue injury that has incurred inflammation now and is causing the other problems. A re-injury at some point of the same one from last time. If it took all winter to fix it last time, then it might take through spring this time, who knows. At least it is something to go on, to have this idea of what is happening, and you have your notes of things that worked last time and didn't work. I'm thinking some imobilization to give the leg healing time. Not sure how you would do that though, but it's what they do for tears, so maybe if can get the inflammation to go down and her to stay off it, both the front and back would have time to heal.
I'm just throwing ideas out there. But it's my thoughts right now.
Have a good weekend
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-25-2014, 04:27 PM
Hello sleepy-heads, that is great you all got some decent sleep!! Pleased to hear she was snoozing quietly.
There's the benefit of keeping a journal right there! It really helps to look back and things you have forgotten in the passage of time can now stick out like a sore thumb, like Sharlene I hope all that is needed is a bit more recovery time to get our Zoe back to hop hop bark!
I like how you have resurrected the "one good thing" I remember when you got us all to write our "one good thing" down so we could all reflect on how it was not doom and gloom, I think we should start that again!! So mine for today (crikey its a bit early, I only been up an hour and a half :D) Flynny went outside and did another normal poop when I thought his tummy might be starting to act up again!!! So hurray for a good poop!!
xxxxxx HUGS xxxxxx
Budsters Mom
01-25-2014, 04:44 PM
So glad that both of you were able to rest at the same time. That is good news indeed!:p
Hope your shoulder coming along? Any improvement there?
Each day together us a blessing. A day that Zoe has her mom and you can love on that baby. Soak up every precious minute. :p xxxxxx
I soak up every minute I can with that girl.
Surgeon insists there is something surrounding the bone on that bad leg. He does not think this time it is a soft tissue injury. he speculated with me for 90 minutes, we went over a lot.
Let us see where her cortisol is, that will give us and him more information. Her dr is not happy I am having it done at this clinic but I told them flat out, then get us opening with you otherwise, the results will be sent to you from this clinic. The surgeon will oversee the stim.
He told me this is going to be a problem, balancing all of it. He said if her cortisol is too high now, that will also explain some of the problems but he worries that if it is high and I bring it back down, that front leg will get even worse.
I am trying so hard to grasp at any hope I can:):)
Thank you all for being there. My shoulder is still bad but I should have my new insurance card next week which means I can start PT. Too bad it is a month late.
I have to take little miss out to poo, she has refused to poo since early this morning.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
molly muffin
01-25-2014, 07:01 PM
You'll see on my thread Addy that Molly after 2 days almost of not pooping at all (too cold, wouldn't go if she had a coat on, etc), she finally went today. (Big dog poops) It's my One Good Thing of the Day that she went. hahahaha
Saw this today and it was pointed out to me that you and Mel might like it. (thanks Trish)
oh fooey. I was very much hoping for soft tissue again too. *sigh* Well, I'll be right there with you, grasping at hope all the way.
Oh yay for finally getting your new coverage and being able to get that shoulder taken care of.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-26-2014, 01:57 AM
I'm so glad that you both got some much needed sleep!
Surprising with your shoulder still bothering you.
So what does the vet think it could be? I had a muscle wrap around a nerve in my leg once. Could this be the same thing?
01-27-2014, 08:21 AM
I know what you mean about grasping onto hope. I guess that is all us cush moms have or else we would go totally nutso. I do hope whatever this is that it is fixable and that Zoe improves. Blessings
01-27-2014, 02:03 PM
Dear Addy
praying for you and Zoe.
I have attached a link to Tramueel, a natural anti-inflammatory, I take and also give Arial for his disk problems. Also will give you info on Cold laser therapy, I did do it on Apollo for awhile.
The Erchonia PLsooo and the Microlight ML830® are FDA approved, noninvasive, coherent light lasers, also
known as a "cold lasers." In contrast to surgical or cosmetic lasers that produce heat and thermo-destructive laser energy,
these produce no harm to cells or tissues. Cold lasers have been used in medicine for over 30 years with clinical studies
demonstrating medical efficacy and safety.
Cold laser treatments are painless - there is no vibration, pulsating shock, or heat. The only sensation felt is that of the
laser head as it comes in contact with the skin.
The nature of the laser light has several facets: wavelength, coherency, power and frequency. The light energy penetrates
into cells and reacts with receptors called chromophores. Different frequencies target different tissues and/or organs.
Research studies have noted that many acute & chronic conditions may be improved or eliminated with use of the laser.
Some examples are:
Musculoskeletal Injuries / Diseases
Arthritis / joint pain / elbow and hip dysplasia / herniated and bulging discs in neck or spine, muscle pain and spasms /
nerve root pain / partial cruciate ligament tear / muscle sprains / nerve damage / degenerative myelopathy / lameness /
facial nerve paralysis / spondylosis
Skin Issues I Diseases
Wound healing (post-op incisions) / hot spots / lick granulomas / reduction in size of lipomata (fatty tumors) / eczema /
dermatitis / pemphigus / alopecia (hair loss) / stomatitis / neurodermatitis
Endocrine Diseases
Cushings / Addisons / thyroid disorders / diabetes / pancreatic insufficiency
Internal Medicine Diseases
Liver disease / kidney disease / inflammatory bowel disease / epilepsy / megaesophagus / digestive issues / allergies /
pancreatitis / ear infections / vestibular disease / urinary issues / cardiac issues / gallstones
Cold laser therapy is an excellent alternative for pets who don't tolerate acupuncture or handling well.
The number of treatments depends upon the severity of the condition and its duration.
There are no known side effects from administration of cold laser therapy, though it is contraindicated for ophthalmology
and oncology.
Just some input , you don't have to follow. But like you said, you hold on to hope, etc. always go over with your vet before doing.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
01-28-2014, 05:42 AM
Hi Addy
How's it going, I think it's still a couple of days before the stim, I need to get my timing right to send good wishes for a Not too high - not too low result!!
Hope the poops are OK and not causing IBD problems anymore. So if he thinks is not soft tissue does that mean some bony injury or arthritic problem? I just hope the stim is OK and then you are happy to trial the NSAIDs and see if they help her.
Thinking of you Addy and Zoe and Koko! xxxxxx
Hi Guys,
He said it is not arthritis. I did read that a trauma soft tissue injury could then cause bone inflammation as Sharlene mentioned or a bacteria infection could as well or cancer. I have not found a lot on the condition, maybe becuase I dont want to know.:(:(
My car's check engine light came on and it is -16 so have to try to get it to a mechanic.
It just seems each week that goes by she gets worse. I keep blaming myself for this, I should have left her on the 20/10 but I did not understand why she was so lethargic or what was happening to her so vet thought lets lower the dose if she seems better. Now she is more alert, but the walking is a disaster.
Gott a run- hubby has to drive me to work.
01-28-2014, 08:42 AM
Hi Addy:
I just wanted to let you know Tipper and I are praying things come out well for Zoe. Blessings
Bailey's Mom
01-28-2014, 11:45 PM
Hi Addy-
Placing blame anywhere is wasted energy. You have ALWAYS done what your gut led you to do and it has always worked out for the best. To try and second guess yourself will drive you crazy. Know that you made your best decisions based on what information was available to you at the time. I understand how you feel and I understand why you are so very worried. I know how you feel. It's an awful place to be. Your troop of angels surround you and Zoe and the prayers continue. Try not to look back. Just try to appreciate what is here and now. I am right on your shoulder.
Budsters Mom
01-29-2014, 12:16 AM
Oh Sweetie,
It is human nature to second guess ourselves. I did it with Buddy and still look back and wonder what I could have done different. Would it have made any difference? Know in your heart that your sweet girl has been blessed with the best mom ever who always had Zoe's best interests first and foremost in her mind and heart. We all do the best we can. Zoe loves you for that. xxxxxx
01-29-2014, 02:52 AM
Zoe knows that you love her and are doing all that you can, they really do know.
I hope for a breakthrough soon!
01-29-2014, 07:42 AM
Praying all works out like it is supposed to. I am hoping Zoe once again turns the corner and feels better. Blessings
01-29-2014, 12:54 PM
Addy, You are not to blame at all. You guys are doing everything right! There's no evidence that this has anything to do with Cushings anyway. I'm sorry what's ailing her remains a mystery, at least if you knew what you were dealing with it might be easier to figure stuff out.
Really glad that you all got some sleep though, yay for that!
Hoping that somehow things will improve...that Zoe keeps showing her alertness and that she won't be in terrible pain, in any pain for that matter. Thinking of you and hoping for the best!
01-29-2014, 09:29 PM
Dear Addy, you are not to blame for anything. Zoe is here because you never gave up,fought for her. We know with Cushings, you never know what is in its bag of tricks. You just do the best you can.You adjust medications, add,subtract others,adapt. IT usual isn't the Cushing that will get,but something else, which too often with a weaken immune system can not be fought. But just for today Zoe is here.
hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
01-30-2014, 03:59 AM
A lot of us blame ourselves when things go wrong with our pups, so that is pretty standard around here... I have heard you many a time telling members it is not their fault Missy! The crux of the matter is that we cannot know everything and we have to deal with the hand we are dealt with and it's about time you got a straight royal flush!!
And what's up with the blardy car, man that's it... January is off the calendar.... permanently!
Hope Zoe is doing OK Addy, big hugs to you all xxxxxx
molly muffin
01-30-2014, 08:49 AM
Well lets see, January is off the calendar, I'm pretty sure November was nixed from the calendar already. Does that mean winter will be shorter? hmmm
Addy, I hope that you are surviving this awful cold spell. I saw it was really bad in your neck of the woods. :( Do take care, no more spills and just clear a spot as close to the house as possible for Zoe and Koko's potty breaks.
I tried to get molly to go on the snow on the deck, but she absolutely refused and I have to carry her for now too back and forth, so man, that kills your back. So, be careful!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I just lost it and had another Shirley Mclain moment, screaming in to the phone becuase I missed the vet tech's call and she went home.
I asked for Zoe's test results as I did not understand the message that was left and the girl refused to give them to me so I screamed into the phone I dont need a damn doctor to interpret them just give the damn numbers I WANT THEM NOW>
she is having an er doctor call me back. All I know is she still under 2 ug/dl pre and post.
what is happening? we cut her dose from 50 to 40 all the way down to 20 SID and she is still under 2.
something is wrong
molly muffin
01-30-2014, 07:09 PM
Worry will bring out the Shirley McClain in all of us! :) :)
Her numbers started to go down after the vulva surgery if I remember correctly. So, if I think out loud here for a moment. Tumor, cortisol high, tumor gone, on high dose of vetroyl but body not producing as Much cortisol anyhow, numbers dropping.. hmm do you think her adrenal glands might not be able to produce as much cortisol now? Would an ultrasound show that?
What happens when you with hold vetroyl? I'm thinking the peeing might not be so much cortisol raising related, as leg hurts don't want to move related.
Does that makes sense in the grand scheme of things?
Stay warm up in those frigid temps. Another snow storm here this weekend and then next week again. Can you imagine!!! gads
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
01-30-2014, 07:22 PM
Even even if the prednisone isn't having any effect on cortisol measurements, a post-ACTH stimulated cortisol value of 2.0 µg/dL is too low for me (1,2). I'd recommend that you decrease the trilostane (Vetoryl) dose down to 30 mg once a day, and repeat the ACTH stimulation test again in 2-4 weeks. If the post-ACTH serum cortisol value remains less than 2-2.5 µg/dl on the lowered Vetoryl dosage, I'd even stop the drug completely for 2 weeks to see if the cortisol concentrations will go back up (generally to above 10 µg/dL), as an untreated dog with Cushing's disease should do within a few hours to days.
In many dogs that I treat with Vetoryl, the dose can be decreased over time. In some of these dogs, the dose can even be permanently stopped, and their cortisol secretion remains "normal" and never goes up high enough again to cause signs of Cushing's disease (3,4). The aldosterone secretion is not affected in these dogs, and they never develop any serum electrolyte changes associated with hypoadrenocorticism. This "cure" presumably is the result of mild adrenal necrosis, but we don't know for certain. In any case, when it does happen it certainly is not a bad thing, and the owners are generally thrilled!
According to this- I should stop the Vetoryl and retest her in 2 weeks.
Harley PoMMom
01-30-2014, 07:46 PM
If her numbers are <2 than if this were me, I would stop the Vetoryl. It could be that the Vetoryl is having a cumulative effect on Zoe, so stopping the Vetoryl would help her feel better. This happened to Princess, right?
Loving hugs to you both, Lori
Bailey's Mom
01-30-2014, 08:51 PM
All I have to offer is my love and support and a hug.
01-30-2014, 09:40 PM
If it were me, I would stop the Vetoryl as well and test in two weeks. It is not uncommon for a dog on Vetoryl to go into remission and some never need treatment again. I think you'll get your answer in two weeks, if that's what you decide to do.
Er vet called pre is 1.5 post is 1.7 after lowering her dose by 1/2.
If I stop the Vetoryl, I cant try the Metacam. We had planned to try the Metacam for 4 days but I dont think any of us expected her to be lower.
molly muffin
01-30-2014, 11:40 PM
Wow, so even with the decrease in vetroyl, the cortisol levels is still dropping?
How risky would it be if you didn't give her the break from vetroyl?
You might want to look into what molly is currently taking for her spinal injury, which is Tolfedine. It does make a difference and is an anti-inflammatory. The thought being to treat inflammation and the pain will decrease and we do see that. There is an injection on the first day of treatment, then 4 days of tablets, then a break of 3 days, then another 4 days of tablets and reevaluate.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-31-2014, 07:02 AM
With her cortisol level this low now, I'm not sure what the risk would be of trying the Metacam for just four days even if you do halt the Vetoryl. Of course, your vets will know better, but bear in mind that the cortisol range for a "normal" dog goes clear up to the high teens with no contraindication to the Metacam. I find it hard to imagine that Zoe's cortisol would explode above that to uncontrolled levels so quickly when her adrenals seem to be so oversuppressed right now. Just a thought.
For what it's worth, if it becomes a choice between the two, I believe I would still opt for halting the trilo. Something is definitely going on with her adrenals for her to be this sensitive to continually lowered doses.
Thank you Marianne, that makes me feel better about the Metacam.:)
She has not handled the stress from the stim well at all.
I skipped her Vetoryl this am.
My sweet Ginger
01-31-2014, 08:40 AM
Hi Addy,
I was hesitant to offer my 2 cents as my experience in Cushings is so shallow especially when a vet has already given an instruction but I just have to.
How about you look into 'Adrenal Insufficiency'. That popped into my head as I was reading your post from last night regarding Zoe's what I'd call a 'Blunted ACTH numbers' and in your post this morning's which are pre & post of 1.5 & 1.7 where I don't really I see any increase in these two numbers.
Ginger's blunted ACTH test results of 2.9 pre & post were the first clue which made our 2nd IMS to suspect Ginger might have gone into Addison's and needs a daily prednisone therapy even though her electrolytes were in normal ranges and I see Zoe's numbers are even lower than 2.9. She said we have to go by their clinical signs and not only by the numbers.
Here's a part of my 1st IMS's latest assessment :
Adrenal Insufficiency is a well known phenomenon in human ICU patients and is gaining more and more acceptance in veterinary circles. With this syndrome, non adrenal illness decreases the ability of the adrenal gland to adequately respond to stress and prednisone therapy is needed often for short durations. Animals in which we suspect this often have blunted ACTH Stimulation tests but are not Addisonian, post- ACTH >2mg/dl.
I've been praying for Zoe's bounce back and am convinced that she will because her mom is going to make sure every stone gets turned around.
Last but not least, I don't know whether Zoe takes prednisone for something or not at the moment but if she isn't I'd talk to her vet about trying therapeutic dose of it to see if it makes any difference and I would hold on Vetoryl and restart it if needs to at a later date.
I'm pretty sure her peeing and drinking will increase along with prednisone as it did with Ginger but she's doing better as a whole.
I'm so sorry you and Zoe are having such a hard time these days.
Hugs & kisses. Ginger & Song.
01-31-2014, 09:56 AM
I was thinking that too, do you know if Zoe has had maybe a partial necrosis of her adrenal gland or glands? I know they said after using Vetoryl for an extended period of time this was a possibility. I can't remember you saying when her last US was?? I would think they could tell from that?? Hoping this all works out and Zoe is once again herself. Blessings
I’m sorry if I don’t address each of you individually, please know I read each response. It is just hard to write back sometimes. Thank you all for your input and support and caring.
It is hard because we know she has such a problem with that front leg and she is depressed from it. I too have been worried about her adrenals which is why I started decreasing her dose to begin with.
Perhaps something else is going on with Zoe as well.
01-31-2014, 12:05 PM
How old is Zoe? She is adorable, I am sorry she is struggling
My sweet Ginger
01-31-2014, 01:30 PM
Oh Addy, none of us wants you to worry about that especially when you are under a tremendous amount of stress with all that's going on with poor Zoe. We are just to trying to be helpful since that's all we can do because it's so heartbreaking to see how distressed you have been recently.
I don't know how it will work out for her with her on going other problems but what I meant to say was discontinuing the Vetoryl all together and give her low doses of prednisone daily and not just lowering the dosage of Vetoryl for now since her numbers look VERY low.
01-31-2014, 02:14 PM
No need to answer and I am not trying to add stress by any means just trying to throw stuff out that may click so do not worry about answering all of us. We just hate to see this going on as you are always so helpful to all of us when we need it. Big hugs and lots of love from Tipper and I. Blessings
Just spoke with her doctor. Continue no Trilostane and give rescue dose of prednisone for 3 days. Give her 1/2 of a 5mg tablet which may be a bit much for her, if drinking and peeing get out of control but she is doing better ok to cut back to 1/4 tablet.
I forgot to ask if I should continue the tramadol and she called me from home as she is not in on Fridays.
My sweet Ginger
01-31-2014, 05:25 PM
I'm really glad that you've spoken with your vet as we are going into the weekend so you won't have to just worry and worry until next wk.
Now you have a plan and we like plans, right? As everyone was telling me that when I was feeling lost.:rolleyes: I'm really praying hard that this plan works for Zoe.
You finally think you got your baby stabilized, trying to take a breather and then their demeanor changes.:eek: My Ginger's appetite has been suffering lately and today she just can't seem to eat anything and sleeps pretty much all day. She wouldn't take her seizure pill so I had to give her the liquid form with a syringe. My IMS is on vac and we are scheduled to see her next Tues. so hopefully she will hang in there. It seems like always something with these babies. :o
Take care.:)
02-01-2014, 05:11 AM
I'm late this week, but my excuse is I have been away and missed Friday on here. So Addy, it's Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatuuurday!! Another week gone by in the blink of an eye!
I don't see why you couldn't continue the Tramadol. Hope the Vetoryl holiday does the trick and Zoe perks up and that her legs stay ok... she got little cortisol circulating so that will escalate her discomfort too. When you trying the Metacam?
Jeepers so many balls in the air, lucky you are an expert juggler :D
02-01-2014, 07:43 AM
Tipper and I are praying for you and Zoe. I am hoping things turn around for her soon. Blessings
We felt with her latest stim, we had to rule out this is not just pain but her reaction to low cortisol. Her doctor is concerned too why she would become so sensitive to the drug. In our minds we need the question answered are these lethargacy and weaknessfrom pain or her reaction to low cortisol. She felt by giving her a controlled amount of prednisone she would then have a better gauge on that front. She felt since pred is a pretty strong antiinflamatory as well, we could also gauge her front leg problems.
So because of the results of this last stim, the metacam was shelved for now.
I think Zoe has cancer in that leg and I think we are approaching the end of her journey. It feels like all of this is a last ditch effort.
I have told her I love her and that it is ok to stop fighting, I will be ok.
I am sorry to sound so negative but I am here with her and I see her and I cant describe it here, the video of her at night trying to lay down tells the story and it breaks my heart to see her hurt so. In her mind she cant understand why she cant do these things she always did and tries so hard to do them and then I see her eyes and I see the look.
We will see what happens but I fell like it would have to be a miracle.
02-01-2014, 08:33 AM
I think the prednisone is a very reasonable move. I hope so much it will help.
You are stuck in such a hard place, dear Addy. I wish there was some peace for you, but I know there is none while your little girl is struggling so.
Keeping you both in my thoughts and in my heart.
Jenny & Judi in MN
02-01-2014, 08:53 AM
you and Zoe have been through a lot together. Just keep listening to her and your gut instinct. hugs, Judi
Budsters Mom
02-01-2014, 10:19 AM
Yes Addy, I know that look very well. It is etched into my brain forever. It is heartbreaking watching them struggle so. Prednisone could help and is definitely worth a try. It allowed Buddy to be himself and do what he loved a little longer.
Big, loving hugs,
02-01-2014, 10:32 AM
This is so sad and I am so sorry for you. God Bless You all
molly muffin
02-01-2014, 10:44 AM
Dearest Addy,
It is a possibility but not a definite. Unfortunately you may never actually know what the cause is, cancer or something else. However, if an anti-inflammatory helps, then you might have an idea if it cancer or something else.
It's hard when you have to see them in pain and it hurts you so much to see that. My heart breaks for you to see her ever day and know you are worrying so much. I would be too though. I don't see how you can't worry.
As Marianne said, you are in a very tough spot.
We love you and Zoe and know our hearts are with you. We'll pray for a miracle too. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I did not give her tramadol this morning. I will give it to her tonight though. I called the clinic and she can have it. I just thought perhaps if we are trying to see if she is not as lethargic, I should not give the tramadol. I wish I would have asked:o Never entered my mind, we discussed so much and I was at work and I knew our VP was counting the minutes I was on the phone.
She wanted to come into the living room just now. She seldom wants that anymore. I gave her the smaller of the half of 5mg pred as I can never get them to cut exactly.
love you all
My sweet Ginger
02-01-2014, 02:59 PM
Addy, I think it was a good idea to hold off on tramadol for the reason you that mentioned if Zoe can manage her pain without it until tonight. Don't you hate forgetting asking questions when you had a chance with them?:mad:
Ginger weighed 10.3 (she now weighs close to 11 because of her increased meal times due to her med schedule, 4meals now instead of 2 meals before:eek:) and my IMS said her rescue dose of pred is 1.25mg. So for Zoe who weighs 19-20lbs 2.5mg sounds just about right to me and I usually give her the bigger piece of the two of the 1mg tab.;) She gets 0.5mg in AM and 0.75mg in PM. She still has good days and not so good days.
I hope Zoe bounces back to her normal self with this pred therapy because she is way too young yet.
02-01-2014, 03:10 PM
Not that I know much about bones, but I have always thought bone cancer looks a little different to arthritis on xrays and they can usually give a fairly good idea of what the problem is. Although a wee bone biopsy usually needed to confirm. I hope it is not that Addy. I am still hoping the lameness is due to the cortisol fluctuations and hoping the Prednisone can be the miracle drug it can be....
Don't you hate those pills that do not split easily, Flynn's amlodipine gives me that problem as I have to 1/4 it. Pill cutter does not do it all that well either. Still sending you mega hugs and kisses for Zoe xxxxx
molly muffin
02-01-2014, 04:13 PM
Hoping for good results. Are you definitely giving the tramadol or are you going to wait and see how she is doing?
I'm hoping for positive results.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-01-2014, 04:51 PM
Dear Addy
I can only give you my experience, strength and hope.
I pray for you and Zoe.
Like Zoe, Apollo tried so hard to do what he no longer could, and for me I felt the Ivermectin, Advantage, and too many antibiotics, did him in. His little body could not take it anymore. The month before he died his intestines were fine, the next month when I knew something was wrong they found lesions through out his intestines, suggesting cancer. I am still baffled why?
Hold Zoe, love her , comfort her.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Zoe knows you have been there all the way to love, support, and care for her. Focus on that.
Zoe is 17 pounds so her rescue dose is about 2mgs. Her IMS wanted her to take 2.5 mgs once per day for 3 days but if that caused too much drinking and peeing back down to 1/4 tablet.
I think she will need the tramadol tonite to sleep so, I am giving it to her tonight. So far I can't say I see any improvement today except we went out for pizza and came home and she got got herself up and walked to the door. She has not done that for a week or more. She really isnt drinking a bunch of water from it.
They keep bringing up bone cancer which is why I think I cant get it out of my mind, Trish. They said it would be invasive and most likely inconclusive to biopsy it. They just know it is NOT arthritis. That they were exact about.
Not sure what plan B will be come Tuesday.
My sweet Ginger
02-01-2014, 07:42 PM
Addy, I will gladly take that as an improvement as I know Ginger wouldn't bother greeting me at the door if she doesn't feel good.
As far as drinking and peeing go due to prednisone, though both will definitely do increase they don't keep going up and up. They sort of go up and stay at a certain level as she isn't becoming back to Cushingoid overnight with her low cortisol right now. If she doesn't usually have accidents in the house you just have to take her out more frequently and maybe Zoe can use diapers during nights. Ginger pretty much wears diapers 24/7 as she seems to have forgotten to go outside to do her business anymore and there's no certain intervals and I know this problem is not related to Cushings.
She wears them to bed not because she goes during night but when she wakes up in the morning she can't make it to the door. You can check it out on her album and they really do stay on unlike all others I've tried. These diapers have lowered my level of frustration hugely.
I hope Zoe perks up.:)
My sweet Ginger
02-01-2014, 10:55 PM
Addy, can you please tell me when Zoe's ACTH stim test was done before this latest one? I went back as far as 12/21/13 ( my eyes are burning now) and I didn't see any results of stim tests unless I missed it and what I saw in Zoe could be a bad reaction to drug overdose though I know she has other issues.
I probably don't know what I'm talking about here and I don't know how to sugar coat things so I am going to flat out come out and going to say what what I'm going to say with my simple mind and shallow knowledge in cushings, you know they say courage ( ?) comes from ignorance. After reading your recent posts tonight I'm left wondering when not really knowing Zoe's stim results you were still trying to lower her cortisol along with other pain pills when in fact there was a chance they were already too low and she could have been functionally Addison's like my Ginger at some point. Lethargic, weak legs.. You said her electrolytes are good, right? Experiencing this with Ginger I think I see a similarity in both girls. From reading your posts I really think Zoe was responding to lower doses of Vetoryl as Ginger did to prednisone. I'm not saying Zoe has gone into Addison's but I don't think her adrenals are making enough reserves right now to deal with stress going by her latest ACTH test. I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud here because I just couldn't shake off this thinking the whole time I was reading tonight. Please, throw everything out of your mind if I'm so off the mark here. I mean all you guys on here are with all the experience and her symptoms can't be this easy enough for me to form an opinion I'm thinking.:o
02-02-2014, 07:50 AM
Praying for all of you to come thru this and for Zoe to get better. Song you are doing a great job trying to find ways to help, you are wonderful for helping others. Blessings
Song, thank you so much for trying to help. Zoe has been on Vetoryl since June 2010. She had been on the same dose for about 1.5 years. We knew we would most likely have to lower her dose which I started to do in November. It is a long story with almost 3 years of stims:o:)
There are multiple problems with Zoe. She has a lot going on, lots of balls to juggle as you can see from her mega paged thread.:o:o
Thank you and you keep posting away with ideas. After all, we are all here to learn from each other, that is what this forum is all about.:):)
My sweet Ginger
02-02-2014, 08:49 AM
Thank you Addy. My heart is aching for you and sweet Zoe and I'm just trying to help in any way possible by throwing ideas from my own experience with my baby. We are all praying for Zoe while holding our breath and waiting for a good news that she is doing better. I hope she is doing better today than yesterday. One day at a time. :)
One day at a time, lots of ups and downs, Song. I have followed Ginger' story. I know what you too are going through.
Last night Zoe definetly tried to walk around the house -more like she was before the trip to ER only problem is that leg is so bad, she pants and pants so. She struggles more at night when she does not have the tramadol during the day.
When I took her off Veotryl for 3 days in December, it took until the third day to see results with her front leg but her front leg was nowhere near as bad as it is now and she did not have that back leg issue then either.
I guess I am trying to gauge if it is inflamation in her spine affecting that back leg and her front leg, would I see a bit of improvement maybe today after her second dose of pred?
I think I read antii nflamatory dose is 1-3 mgs per pound divided twice a day so maybe this is dose is not enough for that though one would think I would see something.
My sweet Ginger
02-02-2014, 09:48 AM
I will pray you will figure out her leg problems soon enough. Zoe has suffered too long of a time now. I will be sooo happy when she is able to walk or run around the house flowing her long hair as she deserves to be. Hugs to you and sweet Zoe. Gotta get ready for work. ;)
02-02-2014, 01:52 PM
dear Addy
Just checking in on you and Zoe.
It is costly,but an MRI could reveal more on her leg. Also if her legs are getting skinner , it could be muscle wasting. I see Sharlene is trying cold laser therapy for Molly,which I also did for Apollo, and his leg issues did not relate to his spin. I use and also give Arial Tramueel in the drop form,sprinkle on his food,which is all natural, and may not interfer with other medications. I feel the combination of drugs did Apollo in. I do not know if Zoe is old enough to have arthritis if it is an old injury. For know, I do not what to mention the c word. And as you said,like Zoe, Apollo had other issues as his body got weaker. Praying for you and Zoe.
hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Thanks for checking, Sonja. I know she has muscle wasting in her back legs but shouldn't that be cumlative? I dont know that she would go from I can get in my bed to two weeks later I cant climb in my bed to I dont want to walk it hurts. I dont think it progresses that quickly.
I wish Zoe could do therapy but I dont see Zoe doing any therapy, she gets too stressed and she cannot handle the stress any more.
She is perkier than she has been for a week but she thas trouble now after the acth tests and she has not had tramadol BID for two days, so once again, more than one thing changed.
We have made the decision to stop the Vetoryl for now. It does not appear at this point that any miracle from the prednisone is going to happen.
We will continue to help her when she cant get up on her own. Sometimes she can do it herself, try to control her pain. I have pee pads down by the front door and lots of little throw rugs that can be washed when she piddles by accident. She still asks to go out but sometimes I cant get us dressed fast enough to make it outside and when it is so cold and slippery and she cant pee and mark then she has problems. She is still eating well and we had a mini bark fest last night, her bark sounded stronger.
One year ago on Valentine's Day she had her vulva surgery. She shocked everyone with her come back, nine months later normal labs, great skin and coat, even her UPC was normal. That is what makes this so dang hard for me, so dang hard. Looks like God had other plans for us.
Thank you for stopping by. I am having a Starbucks sea salt caramel hot chocolat. It does no compete with a Sonja Super Sunday Special.:);)
Give Ariel a belly rub from me, okay? Love you bunches.
02-02-2014, 09:07 PM
dear Addy
it was gradual for Apollo, it was within months that he could hardly stand. He tried very hard to stand on his own. remember I did small exercises with his legs! massaged them and bent to keep him limber.going for water therapy showed him we were still fighting, he did enjoy going. This was a dog who did not like baths. Maybe it gave him a purpose. Also we did the cold laser.
as long as Zoe eats and yes barks, doesn't matter what kind of bark, she is showing you that she is still alert and what's to be here. I did use doggie dippers with Apollo when he started to have accidents, put a lot of beds around the house for him and but his bed in a little wagon which I pulled around the house when I went through out the house ,because it was hard on my back and arms to keep picking him up. As long as he could be with me he was happy. I took him out a few times a day,and set a timer so that I would not forget,took him outside so he could smell the air. And I would do it again for those precious months I still had with him. When he was suffering, I held him said how I did not know how I could bare his lose, I asked if he wanted to go and that I loved him.
This is my story. Only you can decide what is best for you and Zoe. Apollo was off the Trilostane to increase his cortisone to fight the infections. But I feel the Ivermectin, strong dosage of Advantage Plus, plus numerous antibiotics affected his intestines and caused other complications and maybe cancer. All I know is they did not have cancer before starting all these other drugs. But,please realize each case is different, and Zoe is still here after 3 years. I feel Apollo
Started in 2008 with Cushings and lived with it for 5years. MY concern is to often vets start at higher dosages than needed.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
02-03-2014, 08:20 AM
Still praying for you and Zoe. Blessings
She is definitely feeling better without her Vetoryl today. She is alert, laying on her blanket but with her head up not on her side like she is so ill. Her tail has been up more not plastered between her legs. She has had tramadol only at night now for two days. It is obvious that front leg is still hurting her and she does not want to walk much. She tries to walk along a wall for some reason. Yesterday she slept most of the day and you could tell that leg hurt her last night. Yesterday she hardly drank any water at all and had no accidents but then last night she wanted to get up at midnight and drink and pee. The temperature had gone below zero again and the heat was on a lot. Not sure if she gets hot and then wants water. Yesterday morning she did not want water, this morning she drank water as soon as she got up and then two more times after breakfast which she did a mini barkfest for.
This is the last day of prednisone and I am tempted to give her the ¼ tablet of Tramadol at 11:0am just to see what happens. I am to call her vet tomorrow to tell her what happened.
I don’t think I want to continue the pred, I want to see how she does without it and I don’t know that the dose is high enough to affect the possible inflammation in her leg. She wont be restarting the Vetoryl for now.
Funny, but the pred has helped her IBD. I feel bad about that, that her poos could have been this much better.
02-03-2014, 12:27 PM
Hi Addy,
SO glad to read that Zoe is feeling better and you can notice some improvement. She even had her little barkfest which I'm sure made you feel relief!
Hope she continues to do well!
Bailey's Mom
02-03-2014, 01:09 PM
She is definitely feeling better without her Vetoryl today. She is alert, laying on her blanket but with her head up not on her side like she is so ill. Her tail has been up more not plastered between her legs.
I think the tail often can be a good barometer of how things are going in general.:) I think the alertness is great. :) I think the mini barkfest is wonderful. Three good things before lunchtime!!!:D:D:D
I think you are doing a wonderful job and are handling this like the champ we all know you to be. I'm also sure you are having your meltdowns and hard times and that is appropriate as well.:( This is a tough, tough place to be in. None of us wants to go through this. How lucky Zoe is to have you help her through this difficult time, to love her and to guide her. I am so sorry for all that is going on. I've been madly waving my magic wand, but perhaps it needs new batteries.:confused:
My sweet Ginger
02-03-2014, 01:11 PM
Addy, my 2nd IMS almost scolded me when I told her I held pred for one day to see how Ginger does without it and she said her clinical signs definitely shows she needs it to survive which was reflected in her ACTH test results. Zoe has more than one issue that need to be treated individually therefore regardless of Vetoryl if you stop prednisone therapy now that means you will not be treating her Addison's like symptom. No one wants to be dependent on prednisone but I think this is one of those times that she really needs it at least for now. I think she will tell you when you should stop it or not.
It could be she is feeling better not only no more Vetoryl but also because of prednisone in her body. I'd continue beyond 3 days and also give her low doses of tramadol for her leg pain even during the day if her vet oks it. For now tho I wouldn't even worry about restarting Vetoryl and would give her longer than a 3 day trial with prednisone since she seems to be doing better each day. Take a step back and try not to micro analyze her by every hour.
For me at this stage in Ginger's life I'm trying to focus on her eating and comfort level, mobility and pain free days. She's been on pred since 10/17/2013. I know but what can I do? She really needs it now more than ever. :( These are my thoughts for the day.
Her doctor told me to only try prednisone for 3 days and then we would evaluate her reaction. Her last stim does not indicate she is Addisons. Our thoughts were to see if her issues were due to her cortisol being to low for her not that she was necessarily Addisons. We just know something is going on with her adrenals that has made her sensitive to Vetoryl and she may not need it anymore. If I keep her on prednisone how would I retest her cortisol in two weeks?
I will try calling her doctor today rather than tomorrow. I just don't want to delay doing something about that front leg. She cannot have Metacam with Prednisone, the drug Sharlene is using has gastric upset as number one side effect so that is out for Zoe. Rimadyl has always been out for her and I don't think I am willing to increase her prednisone to the levels she would need to address the inflammation.
But then, that is today and always subject to changes:)
molly muffin
02-03-2014, 02:05 PM
Hmmm, does pepcid ac help with Zoe for gastric upset? Although with Zoe haveing IBD that might not work. The only gastric I have noticed so far with Molly, is her toots can clear a room and when she is on this meds, she toots. Her poops though have actually been the best in ages! No upset tummy when it comes to eating either, she's right there at dinner time and no vomiting.
I do understand though that Zou is more sensitive due to her gastric issues. Just thought I'd let you know what molly's side effects have been...horrendous toots! LOL
I'm glad that Zoe seems better and Susan is right, 3 good things for lunch if pretty awesome :) I hope this leg issue can be figured out pronto though.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
My sweet Ginger
02-03-2014, 03:22 PM
Addy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frustrate you any more than you already have been and that the last thing you need.
I was going with Zoe's recent demeanor and the ACTH test numbers where I didn't really see any increase in pre & post numbers which could mean she might be 'Functionally Addison's' per my IMS and not true Addison's.
Since Ginger and Zoe have been on different type of drugs I'm not even sure whether or not trilostane can even destroy adrenal cortex like lysdoren does so Zoe's case could well be temporary where as Ginger's looks more and more permanent.
According to both our IMSs in Ginger's case ( her ACTH numbers are 2.9 both pre & post which are even higher than Zoe's) her adrenals are not producing any cortisol to adequately respond to stress and prednisone therapy is needed.
Like Zoe we are planning on doing Ginger's ACTH stim test in a couple of wks and her IMS has mentioned that she will put Ginger on dexamethasone for a short time as she said this agent doesn't interfere with the test results where as prednisone does.
Nothing about this disease seems easy or simple and presents huge amount of worry and frustration to us parents because we love our babies so very much.
We are seeing her IMS tomorrow and get some blood work done to see where she is. I will make sure to ask some questions and post them regarding what it means to having these therapeutic but blunted ACTH numbers ( which is not considered being Addison's) and how to do the tests if your dog is on a prednisone therapy.
Let's hang in there as our babies need us to stay strong. Then again what other choice do we really have, right? :o Hugs. Song.
hope this leg issue can be figured out pronto though.
That has been a challenege since nobody including the surgeon cant say with any certainity what it is we are treating:)
I had planned to start Metacam until her IMS decided to run a "mini test" which I agreed to. She thought that even this low dose of pred may show some signs of the leg improving to confirm we are even dealing with inflamation. So far that is a no though she is walking tonight with her tail not tucked between her legs but that front leg is not good.
molly muffin
02-03-2014, 07:11 PM
There has been no change with the front leg since starting the prednisone?
What is the dosage of pred again that you are giving? When do you talk to the IMS again?
It seems that either the pred is having a good effect on Zoe (for the moment) but not necessarily in relation to her leg, but maybe making other areas feel better.
Can they xray? and tell if there is any difference between now and previous when they saw something they weren't sure what is?
I wish there was some way to know for sure what is going on. What about white blood cell count? Where is that at? Is there anything they can test for to know if it is cancer or not without doing a biopsy?
You must find this whole ordeal very frustrating when all you want to do is fix the problem and yet it is so difficult to discover what the problem is. :(
Sending you big hugs!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-04-2014, 03:10 AM
Big hug :)
02-04-2014, 07:44 AM
How frustrating. I hope that they figure this out soon.
02-04-2014, 09:39 AM
Just letting you know I am praying for you both. Hugs from Tipper and I.
02-04-2014, 12:14 PM
Dear Addy
an ultra sound showed the lesions in Apollo's intestines indicating cancer. MY vet discouraged me to do a biopsy because in his case it would have been too invasive,and he was so weak already. Only you can decide what you want to do. An ultrasound may show a mass on Zoe's leg? Maybe look up what test can be done to confirm bone cancer and what are the signs.
Because of the cushing's it is more difficult to decide what to do.
Unfortunately, it is still unknown what exactly causes bone cancer in dogs. However, there are several theories being postulated. Since this form of cancer heavily affects dogs on the larger side, early rapid growth may be a culprit. Because there is a history of it occurring in dogs with metal plates or pins used to repair fractured bones, chronic irritation may play a role, explains veterinarian Jeffrey Philbert, in an article for . Interestingly, a study on 3218 dogs demonstrated that dogs that were neutered before a year of age had significantly higher chances for developing bone cancer.
Symptoms of Bone Cancer in Dogs
When bone cancer affects the limbs, dogs may become lame and the affected limb may swell. The lameness may be intermittent at first, but as the cancer damages the bone, the dog may be limping continuously. Affected dogs are usually in pain, will appear to be less active, more likely to sleep and there may be loss of appetite. Often, the limb fractures with minimal trauma. Because this type of cancer tends to metastasize (spread) to the lungs, (secondary bone cancer) dogs may also start coughing and having breathing difficulties.
Other less common types of bone cancer may affect the pelvic bones, shoulder blades, vertebrae, skull and facial bones. In these cases, affected dogs may exhibit trouble chewing, trouble swallowing, facial swelling and nasal discharge if the cancer has developed in the skull or facial bones. Cancer in the ribs may be suspected when a hard lump is found on a rib.
If your dog develops any of these signs it is imperative to seek out veterinary care and rule out bone cancer by having x-rays done. Most forms of bone cancer can be diagnosed with x-rays, as the cancer leaves characteristic signs of the ''bone being eaten away''. A chest x-ray is also recommended to determine the presence of lung metastases.maybe this will help. Only you and your vet can decide what is right for Zoe,but Hope is that it is not cancer. Please do not overwhelm yourself with too much information overload.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
Bailey's Mom
02-05-2014, 07:09 AM
Good Morning Addy & Zoe! :):D
A big hug to start your day and hope that things are going well today.:cool:;)
02-05-2014, 08:36 AM
Hoping you and Zoe have a good day today. Praying for you both.
We are working toward our goal of improving that leg. The amount of pred she is currently on is not enough to treat inflammation, as I suspected. I have cut her dose of pred to 1/4 of a 5 mg tablet and told the vet that, she said that was fine. I need to see how she is off the pred - this was a trial not a necessity, I will do a taper off of it though I dont think it is really needed. Dose is too high for maintenance dose if she was Addisons and I dont believe we think that is the case, I have no proof of it anyway I wont keep her on 2.5 mgs of pred without a good reason.
Her tail is up more than the last two weeks, so that tells me she is feeling better even if that leg does not work well. The BID 1/4 piece of tramadol really knocks her out. Part of that improvement I saw with the pred was 3 days of SID tramadol which I suspected may be the case.
Last night she had a bad episode of standing and panting and not wanting to settle. I was glad I had already told the vet I was cutting the pred today after I saw that one.
We get an education quickly, dont we? I have a plan, it may be wrong but it is the best I can do as always, knowing my dog. I will proceed with it and pray and hope. I may not be able to help her but it is the only shot I have.
Thank you all for your input
Sus- tail up kiss Bailey for me, Sonja, we are ok, really.
02-05-2014, 12:53 PM
I like hearing the tail is up more's their way of communicating..and the ears too. Perking up the ears is another good sign.
Hopefully you will come up with the best plan for the meds to all work in conjunction to work for the leg. It's certainly hard when the underlying Cushings has to be dealt with but you're working it out the best you can.
Hoping you get a good balance to help Zoe feel better.
Thank you Barbara, :)
Paws up for Trixie
02-05-2014, 02:08 PM
Dear Addy
You know what is best for Zoe.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
02-05-2014, 03:55 PM
Hi Addy
It feels like Friday here so you are getting your Happy Weekend post a day early!!! Today is NZ Day so we have a public holiday, have taken tomorrow (Friday) off too to make it a 4 day weekend, I am taking Mum and a friend up to Auckland today for Mum's Christmas present - the Dolly Parton concert tomorrow night :D
Hope wee Zoe is going OK for now, and I hope you are too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
molly muffin
02-05-2014, 04:22 PM
Tails up Zoe :) hehehe I like that. Hope it continues.
Addy, no one knows Zoe like you do, so if you have a plan, then I am definitely hoping it works, tells you what you want to know or anything else that is in the game book. :)
Hope you are having a good day
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-05-2014, 05:00 PM
Kiss delivered, as instructed. Tail, what there is of it, wagged excitedly. ;) I like the plan. I like A plan. :D It gives one a sense of being in control of something even if only for one nano second. :)
Tail is up on this end as well.
Hugs and a kiss,
molly muffin
02-05-2014, 08:11 PM
Whooo hoooo! Tails up!!!
You go girl! rock that chicken walking, barkfest :)
(running out of cliques!! HELP!) LOL
Very happy she is having a good evening Addy.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
02-06-2014, 12:14 AM
YAYY FOR HAPPY TAILS!!:D Love you too Addy.:p
love you all, tail is up
02-06-2014, 02:42 AM
That's good news Addy!
02-06-2014, 07:44 AM
I am so glad to hear some good news on Zoe. God Bless you both.
02-07-2014, 12:03 PM
Zoe ,you go girl. Wag that tail. HAY!
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
02-07-2014, 01:10 PM
Tails up!! Good girl Zoe!! :p :p
She is enjoying her prednisone high which alas will be coming to an end.
We'll see how she does without it now. Amazing how that little bit perks her right up but then causes more drinking and panting and peeing.
I remember how I felt on pred when I had to take it for my asthma or pneumonia. They overdosed me on it a couple times until they realized I could only tolerate small doses of the crap.
Hoping her tail stays up;):)
Budsters Mom
02-07-2014, 01:41 PM
Love and prayers for you both. You keep your tail up too, Addy! :D xxxx
molly muffin
02-07-2014, 06:54 PM
You keep your tail up too, Addy! :D xxxx
:eek::D:D:D Well now that's a visual! Addy and Zoe tails up! hehehehe :p:p
sharlene and molly muffin (giggle fits)
02-08-2014, 03:40 PM
:D:):D:);) Yep, shake those tail feathers girls! ;):):D:):D
02-09-2014, 08:17 AM
Hoping Zoe is still doing ok and continuing to improve. I know what a long haul this has been for you this time around. Tipper is really not good, I am taking her Monday as she is having a lot of tracheal issues the last 2 weeks and I can tell her Adequan shot is due. Blessings
Dear Addy,
I have been following along about Zoe as I have been able, and today I am trying to do a major catch up on the forum. As I was reading along I was thinking, what if you gave Zoe a few days of rescue prednisone since her cortisol was on the low side, and then I came to the post where that was the plan. I was hoping that with a bit of prednisone on board it would help how she feels overall and help with the inflammation in her leg as well. And help with the depression too. I know Jasper seemed so depressed while we struggled getting the right steroid on board to control the Addison's.
I read most recently that she is feeling a bit better on the prednisone, but it is causing increased drinking, peeing and panting. We had a devil of a time getting Jasper stable on prednisone for the same reasons, and ended up needing to switch the steroid. He gets a small dose of dexamethasone every other day instead. He still has increased drinking and peeing, but it is much better than when he was on the pred. Plus some of that we think is due to his kidney issues also. It is not the recommended glucocorticoid for dogs with Addison's, but it has worked better for him. Just throwing that out there I case it might be helpful for Zoe. Is she continuing on the prednisone now?
My heart hurts reading all that you have been going through, and I am so sorry for all that is happening. Marianne said it so well, I know that feeling of not being at peace with anything when our precious babies are struggling. I am pleased that she seems to be doing better now, and hope it continues.
Please know that you and Zoe are always in my thoughts. Lots of love and strength being sent your way.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo
Thank you all for stopping by and Tina , you must have read my mind as I was thinking of stopping by your thread to pick your brain. I spent some time reading a blog Dr. Peterson wrote about Addisons, it was his non vet blog and there were about 70 comments so it was interesting to read the problems and answers about dosing Addison pups.
The plan was to stop the Prednisone for awhile and evaluate how Zoe does without it. She had a higher than needed rescue dose for 4 days but the dose was not high enough to treat inflammation. During the first 3 days she only had Tramadol at bed time. On the fourth day we introduced tramadol BID, on the fifth day we decreased her rescue dose to a higher maintenance dose of pred, continuing the tramadol BID. Her back legs started giving out again and continued to be a problem. This was a trial as I dont have actual evidence she needs supplementation with prednisone.
What bothered me was the episodes of heavy panting she experienced on the higher doses of pred. I can handle increased drinking and peeing but the heavy panting episodes were concerning. She did not seem to have those problems on the lower dose of maintenance pred which I tried twice.
So it has always been obvious to me that Zoe cannot handle tramadol BID without becoming sedated. If I continue the prednisone at a maintenance dose of 1 mg per day or even every other day, she cannot try the Metacam and we are not addressing the possible inflammation in her leg which we dont know for sure is inflammation and waht may be causing it.
The question in my mind is why did she improve on the 2.5 mgs of pred without the tramadol? To treat inflammation her pred dose would be 3.5 to 4 mgs of pred is what I was told. I would rather try the metacam before doing that because I can pretty much be assured of what that outcome is going to be with the heavy panting.
I had planned to wean her off the pred wait until the weekend and then try 4 days of metacam. I have not yet discussed that with her vet. I had sent a fax Thursday but they did not receive it.
So that is where we are. Today she will have no pred again, day 2 and only tramadol in the evening. I'll see how things go today.
Of course the weather is below zero again today and tomorrow which makes us both hurt pretty bad.
Is it a hard pill to swallow for us after having all her blood tests normal except her bun, her skin and coat beautiful again, to come so far and then have this handed to us, yes, it is a dang bitter pill to swallow and I cant stop being angry about it. So, no, I guess I will not yet be able to find any peace because alas, I am like a dog with a bone and cannot give it up without a fight.
On her good days, her eyes are bright and clear and she is still engaged mentally. ON her bad days, her eyes are tired.
I feel the same way, two months later and the pain in my shoulder is still here and I still dont sleep and every time I lift her I know I am hurting myself, but that is just how it is going to have to be right now.
Bailey's Mom
02-10-2014, 11:24 AM
Spoken like a devoted, loving Mother, protecting her "youngun." :) My arthritis has been talking to me and I've got at least 60 more degrees than you do right now. Plus I got a $50 electric bill from the beach-I've never had a January electric bill less than several hundred. Man, my poor house must be shivering!! I can only imagine what this is doing to your shoulder.
You are doing such a thorough job with Zoe, Addy. It is because of your thoroughness that she is still here with you and looks so MAHvahlous. She is still fighting to go on because you are still fighting to help her go on.
The bed is all made up. The sun is out. It's going to get into the 70s today and tomorrow. Bailey will share her food and toys and treats. COME ON DOWN!!!!:D:D (Thursday is prime rib night at the clubhouse!!)
Sus and Bailey
aww- my Sus, steadfast and always in my corner, love you and don’t know what I would do without you.
I have searched on line and not sure if the sources are reliable but have found an anti inflammatory dose can be .1 to .3 mgs per pound. When I asked vet tech to check with IMS, she came back and told me 3.5 mgs would be Zoe’s dose for inflammation, but I don’t know I can trust the IMS calculations made on the fly. If what I read is true, that would make the lowest anti-inflammatory dose would be 1.7mgs for Zoe which means when I gave her 2.5mgs for four days she perked up perhaps because she was feeling better from getting help with the inflammation. At least that is the gamble I think I am going to take.
Budsters Mom
02-10-2014, 12:29 PM
Hi Darlin,
I love to be able to help you out with this stuff, but I am totally useless when it comes to all of it. So today, I thought I would offer a different approach. For the next 10 messages to me you can yell and $&%>€<# at me as much as you want, to get that anger out. This offer is limited and can be revoked at anytime, so you better get started! ;)
Okay, I'm ready, let it fly!!!!
So wish I could wave a magic wand and heal both of you lovely ladies. I'd Also like to blow some warm air your way.
Sending love and healing energy to you both,
LOL Kathy, that made me laugh but I could never yell at you for you are too dear to me. Just writing on my thread how dang made I am is therapeutic for me.:o:o:o:o
I finally start PT tomorrow. I am hoping for a deep heat treatment with some kind of ultra sound heat treatment hubby had. I have 10 appointments set up so FINALLY maybe relief is in sight which will mellow my mood maybe. Probably not though knowing me.
Our Lake Michigan is frozen as far out as I can see. That means no warm weather for us anytime soon, we live less than a mile from the giant ice cube:(:rolleyes:
02-10-2014, 09:17 PM
Addy, I am the same way with the panting. I find it so disconcerting. To me it's seems like the way they show their pain or discomfort...but I don't really know if that's the case.
Last week before we went to the ER with Trixie she was panting like crazy...very shallow panting and it had me shaking like a leaf!!
I hope Zoe is not panting tonight and that she is comfortable and not having any pain!
That icy cold is certainly not helping Zoe or you with your shoulder! Hopefully the physical therapy will begin to give you some pain relief these next few weeks. :p
Budsters Mom
02-10-2014, 09:46 PM
Buddy did pant like crazy when he was in pain. Once his Tramadol dose kicked in, he was able to settle and the panting stopped, most of the time. It eventually stopped working altogether.:o
Problem is pred and Tramadaol can both cause panting from what I have read. Same old problem which comes first the chicken or the egg:confused:
Since we cut back the pred we have not had a severe panting episode.
02-11-2014, 08:12 AM
It is a wonder you are still sane with all you have going on?? I so hope you can get Zoe stabilized. This weather isn't helping any either. Praying for you both.
02-11-2014, 08:18 AM
We have 5 degree weather here today with another storm coming on Thursday to bring 6-12 more inches of snow!
Daisy pants when she gets too warm, but I have only seen it happen twice since we stated the Trilostane.
Squirt's Mom
02-11-2014, 08:34 AM
When those tears come, and I know they do, know my arms are around you and my tears fall in empathy with yours.
02-11-2014, 12:20 PM
Dear Addy
My prayers are with you and Zoe. It is hard enough going through
Your own health issues and then having Zoe go through this. Listen to your instincts. Too often the vets act and don't look at the whole picture and variables when dealing with all the interaction of medicines and complication our cushing babies have to deal with. I feel that was the case for my Apollo.
I hope you get some rest. I feel you are running on empty now. Just when you started to relax, Zoe gets another blow. You and Zoe are so brave and strong. Here for you my warrior sister.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo.
02-11-2014, 03:09 PM
Oh Addy: How well I know your feelings. I hope Zoe is better today and you and your husband find some relief. Love always, JoAnne
Thank you all. I must admit I laid down on the therapy table and a huge wave of relief flooded over me that FINALLY, after two months, finally I would get help and the therapist told me I will be ok.:):) I can't even describe the feeling that washed through my body.
Zoe- well, yes it is a roller coaster of emotions as you all know.
Leslie- I feel like when I read your thread I was writing some of it as we too spend our time in the bedroom and Zoe too walks and stops, walks and stops and is grateful when I pick her up so she doesn't have to do it alone and my little Kujo pup who would try to bite me when I picked her up a few years back, sighs now and melts into my arms and I kiss her head and breath in and out and tell she is safe and it is ok.
I cried for both of our pups and for both us of us today.
molly muffin
02-11-2014, 05:57 PM
That is so great that you were finally able to get some therapy and the word is that you'll be okay. I'd melt too. :) Did they use the laser on you?
It's true that you can tell how they feel by whether they want to be picked up and carried or not. When Molly's back hurts, she'll stop and let me pick her up. When it doesn't hurt her, she'll try to scamper around to evade the dreaded hands coming to pick her up. So I do completely understand that double edged sword of aww, I can cuddle and love on her vs I wish she'd just scamper away again, give a nip and the world would be right.
If only it could all be that easy and everything fixed :(
Sending you big hugs! and a belly rub to Zoe and Koko.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
My sweet Ginger
02-11-2014, 07:11 PM
Hi Addy, I have this rescue org. that I follow from time to time to see who's available and read their bio and progress report if they need medical help and today I thought about Zoe while I was reading it. This dog's front right leg was lame (she's 12 yrs old) and they took her to several specialists to no avail. She has inflammation in her elbow that was resistant to medications. With the right supplements to boost her immune system with a totally holistic vet, acupuncture, time and rest she is now all better and available for adoption. They said they surely would have had to amputate her leg had they not seen past the diagnosis and tried other things. Have you tried acupuncture on Zoe before? Is that something you might be interested in trying?
I've never tried it myself but I hear sometimes they work really well.
Then again it's probably hard on Zoe since she doesn't handle stress very well. I just wanted to put it out there anyway. I hope she gets better soon and good luck with your therapy and I hope it gives you much needed relief. Hang in there Addy, March is not that distant anymore and you know what comes behind that.
02-11-2014, 10:52 PM
I'll take the snuggles anytime. Daisy never passes up a chance to be held and snuggled.
The acupuncture might be worth a try.
02-12-2014, 12:24 AM
So glad you finally are getting your shoulder attended to Addy. It's hard enough worrying so about Zoe...having your own pain is just the double whammy!
Glad to hear the panting has subsided with the cut in prednisone. Guess that makes sense as that excess coritsol is what has our Cush pups panting away when not controlled. It's also good to know that maybe she wasn't panting from pain but just a bit too much steroid.
I hope Zoe is having a good night, no pain and enjoying some restful snuggling with you.
02-12-2014, 08:45 AM
I feel you have done an excellent job by trusting your own gut instinct. So many if these vets do everything by the book and never look outside the box.I am hoping that Zoe keeps showing improvement. This has to be terribly hard on you as you are not well right now either. Blessings
Bailey's Mom
02-12-2014, 02:24 PM
Hi Addy! I have the piece de resistance!!:D:D I asked the groomer here if she could recommend a vet, just in case we need one in the short time periods we are here, and she readily gave me the name of a DVM. I went online and looked him up and he's a doc who smoked for many years, developed a cancer that did not look promising at all and as a result of his own needs has become a holistic vet. His entire staff is made up of animal communicators, accupuncturists, etc. So now you simply must come down with Zoe and tomorrow is Prime Rib night!!!;);):D:D It's 73 now, which is average, and is forecast to be around that for the next week or so. You could even bring your pt person with you.:D:D:cool::cool: The temperature in the Gulf has come up about 5 degrees in the last week or so, so pretty soon we may be able to tip our toesies in there!!Whadya think, huh, huh, huh?????
Budsters Mom
02-13-2014, 10:14 PM
Sweet Addy,
I am so glad that your therapy has finally started and that you will be okay. That is such a relief for us worry warts. :p
I hope Zoe has had a good day. We hurt when they hurt. No one understands that better than me.
Sending you and Zoe many gentle, soothing hugs,
Sorry I have been absent, not a lot of time with therapy and the eercises and I have now had a migraine for 2 days:mad:
Hope it is not related to her working my neck during PT. I think though it may be sinus related.
Got a run be back when I can
Sus- oh wow that sounds heavenly, if only Zoe and I could:):)
Last summer her GP said Zoe was not a good candidate for acupuncture, too stressed. She has been off Vetoryl for 2 weeks, she has been off prednisone for five days.
She is not peeing as much as she was even before the pred.
molly muffin
02-14-2014, 03:36 PM
Hope you have a lovely weekend, happy valentines day!
I've had sinus headaches the last couple days too. They are sucky :(
Sounds like Zoe is doing well, off of everything. Wouldn't that be nice.
Sharlene and molly muffin
No, Sharlene, she is not doing well at all. She has a good day here and there. A year ago tonight, I carried her home in my arms after her surgery. We said we would be happy if we had her another year. She made it through that year but I want more and I am having a major meltdown tonight and am the first to admit it, the tears wont stop because I dont now how to help her anymore. Something is taking her from me and I dont know what it is or how to fight it anymore.
molly muffin
02-14-2014, 07:13 PM
Oh Addy, I'm sorry. :(
I thought she was doing better, not peeing as much while off everything :(
It must be very very hard when you don't know what is wrong so don't know how to fix it. I really am sorry Addy. I do wish there was something more that could be tried to figure this out, but I don't know what that would be.
Sending you big hugs, I'm sorry they are just virtual. If I was there I'd give you a great big one for real.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
02-14-2014, 07:26 PM
Loving hugs being sent from me as well.
02-14-2014, 07:32 PM
I am so sorry for your pain. It's one thing trying to figure out how to help her when you know what is wrong, but unfortunately you don't even have the advantage of knowing. I think my greatest fear has always been what happens when something is wrong with Tipper that I cannot fix. I know where you are coming from and just want you to know even though you have done all you can for Zoe, it will never seem like enough to you because you love her so deeply and you want to fix this.I am like that with Tipper, other people can see I have done everything I can, but to me it is never enough. It is scary to love something that much that you cannot stop trying, I know cause that is me. I pray your Zoe goes on to spend many happy times with her strong and wonderful mom who left no stone unturned to help her baby. Blessings
Budsters Mom
02-14-2014, 09:16 PM
Addy, I am sending you love from my heart to yours. I know where your at right now and that place sucks!:o
We all right here with you Sweet, sending love and healing energy your way. Zoe loves you so much. All she needs or wants is you. Xxxxx
02-14-2014, 09:54 PM
I'm so sorry you feel so sad and I wish I had the right words. Not being able to know what's wrong is so hard. I know that feeling of just wanting to fix what's's a strong feeling and it's very hard when you can't seem to make things right. Thinking of you and of Zoe. Hoping that headache goes away and that Zoe has good days over the weekend and the week to come.
02-14-2014, 10:44 PM
Addy, I'm so sorry to hear this about Zoe.
Big hugs.
02-15-2014, 12:14 AM
I also thought that Zoe was doing better. Sometimes a break from meds for awhile can help to reset your system. We misunderstood the good days as everyday apparently.
Zoe knows that you're trying to help and she loves you unconditionally.
02-15-2014, 01:14 PM
Oh Addy we all know what you are going through, i am sending loving and healing prayers to you both and just remember Zoe has pulled out of worse than this. She is a strong little dog and has a strong mama. Love, JoAnne
Thanks you all, I think it being the anniversary of her surgery and remembering how she was a year ago just got to me and then I came home from work and usually on Friday there would be a face at the door but there was none and I realized a face at the door will only be a memory now, for hubby had her in her safe spot, the bedroom.:(:(
She went to the groomers today and we used her sling and made a support for her (I thought of John) and I brought her mat and she had her nails cut and hair feet trimmed down for better traction, a sanitary cut and trimmed up the hair around her face as best we could with her muzzle on so it would not keep getting in her food. She handled that better than I thought she would. The sling worked great for support.
The only real change I see off the Vetoryl is that her tail is up more and not plastered down between her legs, the way it was since New Years Eve.
She sounds congested to me. We had asked about that in December and they said they did not hear anything in her lungs. I thnk the only reason she is drinking more water sometimes is because of the panting from standing and walking.
I will speak with her vet next week about starting the Metacam. I might just keep her off the Vetoryl now. I had planned on restimming her after two weeks but then she was on the pred for 8 days and I dont know if it is worth the stress she will have to go through to see her IMS for an acth test. I would rather try the Metacam first.
02-15-2014, 01:51 PM
dear Addy
Wish I could reach over and give you a big hug. No advice, you have done so much ,you and Zoe have fought so hard. Just for today, Zoe is here, just for today you can hold her,just for today, her tail wags. I know only to well how it feels. But little miracles can happen. Love always.
hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
02-15-2014, 03:43 PM
Happy Weekend Addy and Zoe, I seem to be getting later and later. Next I am going to be wishing you happy weekend on a Monday! I hope the Metacam helps her to feel a bit better, so sweet your hubby was sitting in her safe room with her when you got home.
Wow a year since her surgery, how is that area now? All healed or did I read something about bleeding? Hope all is well there. xxxxxx
02-16-2014, 07:55 AM
Thinking of you and Zoe. Hope you both have a good weekend together. Blessings
Bailey's Mom
02-16-2014, 12:24 PM
Hi Addy-we're off to the state Fair. I'll be on the lookout for the medicine man and any magical bottles of potion......;)
molly muffin
02-16-2014, 12:48 PM
I hope the metacam helps her. Would be lovely for her to be able to be the face at the door some day again.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-17-2014, 04:51 AM
Hoping to hear you have all had another Tail-Up day! Hugs to you xxxx
02-17-2014, 08:01 AM
I guess you too are bracing for the next winter storm coming. We are to get it tonite. Hope you and Zoe are doing well. Blessings
02-17-2014, 10:15 AM
Just nipping in to give you a tight squeeze. Sorry I haven't been about been reading though.
Hope you are both having a good day today..
Tail not up as often now and the right back leg the surgeon said I would have trouble balancing treatment with the right front leg is giving out, yesterday was bad for back leg, better for front leg, wonder if cortisol is going to high now. Not sure if the grooming nail clipping episode had anything to do with it. Was not a good leg day for her though she did really well in the peeing department. Hoping to hear from vet tonight or tomorrow night.
Mel- I was worried you are having such bad wind and rain. Hope you are all ok.
Sus- State Fair- how cool is that and it is January.
Trish- Hope dad gets better and good luck Wednesday- paws up Flynn
Sonja, all my love sweetie
Sharlene and Patti- hope this storm we are having today is not headed your way
JoAnne- hugs to you
Not sure if I missed some one, I hope not.
molly muffin
02-17-2014, 05:59 PM
Oh sorry to hear that Zoe's legs aren't balancing so well, front and back. :( That must make it really hard for her to move around at all. Nice that she had good peeing though.
I don't know if the drinking/peeing is stable, then would the back end still be reacting to high cortisol? It's all so flipping hard to get exactly right. If you do one thing to treat the front, then it's the back and if you do something for the back, it messes up the front and lord knows if you just leave it, something else might show up.
That has to be one of the hardest things to deal with. :(
Really sorry about all of this Addy. I wish there were some clear cut answers. Maybe the vet have an idea when they call.
Yea, we're suppose to get snow tonight I think. Joy joy. :) :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
There is no answer, they already warned me about it, how hard it would be to balance the legs.
Tonight I plowed home through 7" of snow, that old car hummed right through it all, so great since it got fixed, was a blessing in disguise it broke down, like I have a new car and LOL my girl is out walking around the kitchen, not walking well, but walking.:rolleyes: No two days the same at this house. She is standing here eating potato while I type LOL. She'll be the death of me yet.
I still think there is something else going on with that back leg, not just Cushing neuropathy. I'm hoping the metacam helps both legs. Too bad they are on the same side.
We'll see. Wont get call tonight from vet with this storm.
love ya
Bailey's Mom
02-17-2014, 11:44 PM
Eating potato as in a stick like in a french fry but not fried? How weird! I'd never have considered giving Bailey a raw potato. Why not, I guess. Bailey likes carrots and celery and cucumber. She doesn't like fig newtons. There isn't much she doesn't like.
Well, I'm sorry the tail isn't up. Maybe if you cut curly potatoes?:rolleyes: I guess that's a reach.:o I'm blowing 77 degrees, sunny north. :) I can't believe this winter. It's not one for sisies!!
02-18-2014, 12:33 AM
Awww...sorry there was not so much tail up going on with Zoe. I'm glad to read peeing was good though~! I'll be happy for whatever good stuff happens, no matter what it is!!
Hope the Metacam improves the legs and keeps Zoe from having any pain.
Snow due here 5am or so...maybe now they're backing off the higher totals they mentioned this morning. I like the fresh snow as it puts a white coat over the dirty ice boulders we have in the looks like The Flintstones set out on the streets here!!
02-18-2014, 03:38 AM
Raw potato? Nah, surely is cooked, I did not know you could eat it raw!! Funny, I am imagining Zoe crunching away! Mmmm I could go a curly fry about now!! Hope you hear from the vets soon and she can get on that Metacam trial xx
02-18-2014, 08:32 AM
You weren't kidding when you said watch the storm was coming this way. We really got nailed. The wind this morning is 40 mph and it is still snowing. When it rains and melts next week that should be real fun! Hope you and Zoe are well.
Jenny & Judi in MN
02-18-2014, 08:44 AM
glad you got through the snow. Decker from the diabetes forum had nail problems that affected his walking.
glad she got to enjoy a potato. It is so hard to watch them age. hugs, Judi
Boiled potatos, we had to switch out her chicken treats a while back- too much protein for her UPC and for some reason pieces of boiled potato don't bother her IBD.:):):)
Wish I was munching on some good curly fries right about now:D:D
Her tail may not be up as much as it was on the prednisone but she sure is more alert and trying to walk and stand more yesterday and today. I cut back the tramadol to a small piece every other morning and 1/4 tablet every night. Not sure if that is it or the warmer weather or higher cortisol.
02-18-2014, 03:34 PM
Alert and being active sounds really good Addy!! Zoe is a trooper that's for sure!! :p Dogs really persevere...keep moving forward and plugging away, no matter what! It's pretty amazing.
When I think 2 weeks ago when Trixie was sick and she didn't really want to walk outside so I was carrying her but I put her down to test her out...see if she would walk and you know, she did walk..not her usual, she was pretty tentative but she walked half a block to the door.
Hoping Zoe keeps surprising with her resolve!!
I never tried potato with Trixie...hmmm...I bet she would like them. I'll have to give boiled potatoes a try sometime.
molly muffin
02-18-2014, 06:39 PM
I'm almost afraid to say anything so I'll just whisper "goooo Zoe, come on girl, you can do it" shhhhh, you didn't hear that...
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
02-18-2014, 10:33 PM
Sending healing energy and strength for both of our precious girls. Xxxx
Squirt's Mom
02-19-2014, 09:14 AM
My hands and yours, Addy, together tightly, walking side by side toward the Light we know is just beyond our sight. The Light that will lift us and our precious girls up in sacred Hope and Promise.
02-19-2014, 12:16 PM
Dear Addy
Praying for you and Zoe. YOU both have been so strong and role models for so many.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
02-19-2014, 06:03 PM
Crikey, it feels like I have stumbled into church... and should whisper hehe
Maybe, I will just try a big HALLELUJAH!!!
02-19-2014, 06:15 PM
Thinking of you and Zoe and hoping that you have so much more time to enjoy her. Blessings
Oh Trish- you are crazy girl:D:D:D
It was a beautiful moment:):):)
Zozo had quite a good night's sleep last night and a good day today, hubby was beaming through every text he sent me while I was working, must be the warm weather.:):)
Alas, the ice storm is heading our way tonight.:mad::mad:
has anyone seen the esurance commercial with the senior ladies, I laughed so hard I cried. I have to find a link for it so you can see it.
ah hope this works
molly muffin
02-19-2014, 07:03 PM
hahahahaha that is funny!
Glad there was a good day for Zoe and you and hubby. It is the warmer weather. Tomorrow we get rain, then I don't know, maybe some freezing stuff, it's a mess. I'm dreading trying to figure out how to take molly out tonight with the snow melt that will be freezing. Arggghhhh oh the challenges we endure.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-19-2014, 11:29 PM
Susan & Bailey
02-19-2014, 11:59 PM
They're so tough :)
Daisy also perks up when it's warmer.
We had a warmer day today but the wonderful (insert sarcasm) governor has told the stores not to order salt since the state is running low. Our driveway is a solid, smooth sheet of it.
02-20-2014, 07:48 AM
So good to hear that you and precious Zoe had a good day. I 'll take as many of those as I can get! Blessings
02-20-2014, 12:11 PM
Ya for YOU and ZOE!!!!!
HUGS Sonja and Angel Apollo
Squirt's Mom
02-20-2014, 01:25 PM
YAY! for good days! :):cool::)
02-21-2014, 02:22 AM
Hey, keep it down in the front pew (Trish) :)
3 weeks off Vetoryl, almost 2 weeks since last dose of prednisone. Continue to cut back Tramadol to small ¼ tablet every other morning, larger ¼ tablet each night. No reply from IMS- I wont even start that rant.
The last three days Zoe has perked up and is not sleeping all the time. She was having trouble standing for all her drops after eating, she gets five drops after breakfast, minimum five minutes between eye drops so we were only doing maybe 2 drops this week and then I would put her in the bedroom to lay down and rest her legs before doing the rest of the drops. She still gets five eye drops 3-4 times a day This morning she stood for 3 drops and that back leg did not give out. This week she tottered twice to the bathroom to ask for her potato treats and drops.
This morning I put her on her blanket so I could leave for work and four times she got up and walked to the kitchen door. Finally, on the fifth try, she went and laid down on her blanket.
Her cortisol must be going higher resulting in the increased energy and maybe she is hungrier too, food is a pretty good motivator for Zoe and she is not looking around the kitchen dropping food all over when she eats, in true Cush pup style her mouth is buried in her bowl snorting away and eating though Koko still finishes first now.
Maybe the front leg does not hurt so bad so she is not throwing as much weight back onto her back legs and maybe that is why that right back leg is better.
Monday I will schedule an appointment to have her cortisol checked. I guess we will let things ride for now as I don’t want to introduce anything new with this change in her. It will muddy the waters.
Squirt's Mom
02-21-2014, 10:56 AM
WOOHOO!!! Way to go, Zoe!!! :cool::cool::cool: Oh, this makes my heart sing so I can only imagine what it does for yours! :):):)
A thought, rare these days, crossed my mind - white potatoes are part of the Nightshade family of plants and this family contains solanine, which can greatly aggravate arthritis and other inflammatory processes by interfering with enzymes in the muscles. I have learned, that for me, eating much at all of this family causes me more inflammation and therefore more pain. If Zoe likes sweet potatoes, you might try those as a treat instead as they work against inflammation.
Harley PoMMom
02-21-2014, 11:04 AM
So glad to read that Zoe is feeling better...Go Zoe!!!
God has other plans for my beloved.
Hubby came home 2 hours after I posted and found her splayed out on her blanket blood from her mouth. I drove 60 miles an hour home from work, she did not look good.
She was admitted to ER late this morning - they say she is critical.
Squirt's Mom
02-21-2014, 01:53 PM
Oh, Addy! :(:(:(:( We are surrounding you all with our love, prayers and hope.
02-21-2014, 02:31 PM
I am so sorry, hoping that Zoe will recover from this.
02-21-2014, 02:31 PM
Oh Addy, I'm sorry to hear this latest news. My prayers are with all of you and I'm sending as many positive thoughts as I can your way.
Huge Hugs,
Harley PoMMom
02-21-2014, 02:31 PM
Oh Addy, I am so sorry to hear this, my heart goes out to you and your husband. My prayers are with you all.
Budsters Mom
02-21-2014, 02:43 PM
OMG! I am so sorry. :o My thoughts and prayers are with you! Sending you tons love and strength. Waiting with you Addy.
02-21-2014, 02:52 PM
So sorry to read that. Sitting right on your shoulder sending you lots of love, hugs and positive vibes
02-21-2014, 03:34 PM
I just read this about Zoe and my heart dropped to the floor. I am going to go and say a special prayer for your baby. God Bless You all.
Just ran her chicken and potatoes up to ER along with all her eye drops. They did x rays and dont see anything unusual. She does not appear to have fluid in her abdomen, they put her on oxygen for awhile, she is panting heavily and continues to be non ambulatory. She is not bleeding anymore from her mouth.
They are wondering if she threw a clot. Her blood work came back with 3 liver values elevated. The tests in Nov and Dec were normal. I thought I read Tramadol can elevate liver values.:confused:
Looks like they will do an ultra sound tomorrow when the crticial care doctor is in. I asked about an adreanl rupture and the ER doctor had no idea what I was talking about. I printed out a sheet and took it up there for her. Scary huh? I'm not sure if they can have one when they are no longer on Vetoryl, she has been off of it for 3 weeks.
I think her electrolytes were ok unless that test did not come back yet.
Could she have had a stroke and bit her tongue? We asked about a tooth bleeding but they have to sedate her to look that good in her mouth but from what she can see she did not think so.
They are trying to contact her IMS but have not been able to reach her.
They dont know what is wrong with her.:eek::eek:
Harley PoMMom
02-21-2014, 04:11 PM
Oh Addy, you must be so worried. Do Zoe's fine motor skills seem to be alright, such as being able to follow your finger/or treat with her eyes, how about her hearing?
Sending huge and loving hugs.
02-21-2014, 04:14 PM
So scary babe. Hope they figure it out soon. That bloody IMS!!
Big hug xxx
Squirt's Mom
02-21-2014, 04:15 PM
She is right where she needs to be, honey. No fluid in the abdomen, which I would take to include blood, and that the bleeding has stopped is something I would hold fast to with all my might. Biting her tongue is certainly a possibility, especially if she seized and convulsed. That could also explain her inability to be mobile right now as well. It took Squirt months to regain her strength so don't give up hope just yet. I think most pain meds will have an effect on the liver but we have to do what we must to keep our precious girls as comfortable as possible. And you have gone above and beyond what many others would to ensure each moment is the best possible for our sweet girl.
Prayers and healing energies continue you way.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 04:29 PM
Oh my god Addy.
I'm just now catching up on what has been happening. How terrified you must be for your baby girl. I can't even imagine what might have gone wrong when she was doing so good this morning. Any blood coming out of them makes me just cringe in terror. I'm sure you were the same.
This is awful that they don't know what is wrong and can't reach the IMS. :(
You're such a good momma, running her potatoes and drops up to her in emergency. No speeding tickets and lord I pray that Zoe makes it through this and they can figure out what happened.
I worry about you too Addy, as I know this is very scary.
Sending love your way
Sharlene and Molly muffin
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