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Budsters Mom
12-18-2013, 10:22 PM
Hi Addy,

I have always been told that we are never given more than we can handle. Sometimes I wonder about that. :rolleyes:This is one of those times. Your plate is overflowing as it is, then this injury happened. I hate to think that you are trapped inside during such horrible weather with an injury at Christmas. I wish that I could do something tangible to help you out. All I can really do us send healing energy and prayers your way and I'll keep them coming. Know that you are loved and we'll all await news along side of you. :p

On the upside, Zoe's update is wonderful and she looks terrific!:) xxxxx

12-18-2013, 10:37 PM
So happy to hear how well Zoe is doing! :) All good news!! As for your shoulder..I am hoping that you have not fractured it. I know saying "take it easy" is a little silly a week before Christmas...but try your best!! You don't want to make it any worse!! :rolleyes:


12-18-2013, 11:49 PM
Addy, do you have your arm in a sling? This would help in the meantime I think.

12-19-2013, 03:55 AM
That is very stink you have to wait so long with a possible fracture. Why the heck can't they xray it now in case you need urgent treatment. That sounds very wrong to me :mad: it could potentially be healing wrong if it is out of alignment. Can you not ring and make a fuss and get at least the xray done sooner?? I do not like to think of you in pain and having to put up with it Addy :mad::mad::mad: Hope you got some good pain relief, will anti inflammatories help you? xxxx

12-19-2013, 06:36 PM
Thank you all. I cant get in to see a surgeon until after Christmas , so one more week. Therapist is worried and hoping I also don't have a fracture:(:rolleyes: I am trying to be careful with my arm but you know, life has to go on and I have to work and take care of the house, hubby mom and zoe so--------

Speaking of Zoe- she is more active, more alert and continuing to walk better. She does not drink more water, this morning she slept until six am, I had to wake her up. I have been watching her skin and hair closely and she is back to rubbing her face like she always did except when she felt so icky at 1.9 ug/dl. She had stopped doing that. She stopped withdrawing to the bedroom and stays with me. She has no tremors, no head bobbing like Parkinson's, I am holding my breath and saying a thank you prayer every morning.

Hubby wants to know why I don't take care of myself as well as I take care of her:rolleyes::rolleyes: I told him I'm working on that:p

It hurts like heck to type so have not been doing a lot of that.

Ho Ho Ho

Hi Addy,

You can be using cold compression in the meantime before you get to see your doctor, this will take down the swelling and inflammation reducing your pain and increasing your mobility. It will also allow your blood to start flowing again which brings oxygen and nutrients to the tendons and ligaments to heal the damaged soft tissue. If it is a soft tissue injury you are dealing with than look into a blood flow stimulator (BFST) this will speed up that natural healing process and help to prevent re-aggravations in the future.

Hope this helps!



12-19-2013, 09:21 PM
Dear Addy
Praying you will heal soon. So glad to hear about Zoe. God is watching over you. Your husband is right. Mine says the same I take better care of my fur ball and family then I do of myself.
Heal soon.
Love Sonja and Angel Apollo

Bailey's Mom
12-20-2013, 12:18 AM
YIKES!!! I take a quick little trip to VA and come back to find you've torn your rotator cuff. :confused::(:( At least you went to see the doc.:cool: Do those medical folks in WI know that Christmas isn't until next week?? :rolleyes: Haven't they heard about emergencies???!!! :mad::mad::mad: Would soaking in the hot tub help? Or a heating pad...or a moist heating pad?:confused::confused::(:( I know what will help.....a trip to Florida and 70 - 80 degrees!! Come on down!! Room will be ready for you on 1/9/14!!
I'm really sorry Addy. I hope you'll take care of yourself. Treat yourself gently. Stop swinging those hammers around!!! Cuddle up with your pups and watch movies. Here's a big, gentle hug....and I'll sit right beside you until your shoulder heals and then I can sit back on up there.

12-21-2013, 05:05 AM
Hi Addy
Just checking in on my friend with the injured wing :D:D How are you managing everything? Busy enough this time of year without nursing an injury and trying to get everything done. Hope your managing some rest and relaxation. xx

12-21-2013, 05:33 AM
Hello you

Hoping you are resting up and doing ok? Haven't seen you update for a couple of days, hope all is ok?

Sending you a big hug and kisses to the fur kids


12-21-2013, 08:41 AM
Hanging in there, thanks for checking. Another bad snow storm is due in tonight after the ice storm we had the other night. We just keep throwing bags of ice melt down and we still have ice.:(:(:(

Zoe was doing great until the fourth day of 20/10 so now I cut her back to 10/10 for the weekend to see what I get. She was obviously distressed on that fourth day and in pain as she would not even want us to put her eye drops in and started hiding in the bedroom again to sleep, had so much trouble walking, her back end started giving out. Pretty much how she was on the 50mgs and 40 when she was 1.9 post

The one thing I have not seen is the Parkinson's head bobbing and falling over since we stopped the 50mgs and no head bobble for even 3 seconds since we stopped the 40.

We are off to try to finish our Christmas shopping before the blizzard blows in. Hubby and Koko helped me wrap Kate's presents last night.
:):) Kate made the Dean's list, I get to brag:o;):D

My shoulder, well, only one more week to see the surgeon. He is a shoulder specialist and highly recommended so I have faith he will set it all on road to recovery.

I will report all of Zoe's log in to her doctor once she is back and the holidays are over.

Ho, Ho Ho

12-21-2013, 09:03 AM
I am glad to hear you will see the surgeon soon as that has to be painful. Be careful no one runs into you while shopping. Would it help to put your arm in a sling as it would take the weight off your shoulder? Our ice is all melted form the rain, but there is so much water on the ground now if it freezes it is going to be a skating rink out there. Sorry to hear Zoe is having an off period again. I know you will get this solved Addy. Blessings

molly muffin
12-21-2013, 01:46 PM
Isn't that great about Kate making Deans List! Whoo Hooooo!!!!

Aww fooey for little Zoe. Well, she is an up and a down one, any little thing can affect her it seems. So, hope the lowering the dosage works and she is back to herself in no time :)

Glad to hear that hubby and Koko are helping with the wrapping! Oh good, glad to hear you are going to a highly recommended surgeon. Take care of yourself.

sharlene and molly muffin

12-21-2013, 03:47 PM
Awwww your Kate obviously gets her brains from her Mom!! Congratulations to her, that is a fantastic achievement! :D

Gosh some dogs seem so sensitive to dose changes, that cortisol lowering again must have made her feel a bit sore again. You will hit the magic dose soon Addy :)

Sounds like everyone is shopping in stink weather, sorry about that, dear lord do not slip on anything else!! xxxx

12-22-2013, 01:36 PM
Stink weather, I LOVE that expression.:D:D

Managed to shop till my arm dropped:rolleyes: mission accomplished, presents wrapped, eight more inches of snow last night.:(:(:(

Mel- have a wonderful trip and keep the penquin inside, we dont want him to end up in Iceland:eek:

Rest- me? I dont have time for that, my dad called me "Nails" when I was a wee lass.;););)

molly muffin
12-22-2013, 01:45 PM
oh my gosh, you go presents wrapped already and with a bad arm!!!!!
uh oh, feeling inadequate, have to get busy on that wrapping! ahahahhahaa

I'd take snow, we are in the midst of an ice storm. I'm trying to remember if I have ever seen anything like this. I think once back when I was a kid and we were without power for a couple days. Bloody cold it was, but I do have a new appreciation for simple snow now. :)

Stay warm and safe
sharlene and molly muffin

12-22-2013, 02:07 PM
Yay hope you do not have to go out again Addy! Tough as "nails" sounds about right when speaking of you! x

12-22-2013, 02:32 PM

I'm not going out in that, dont worry;)

Bailey's Mom
12-22-2013, 02:54 PM
Beyootiful pictures of your yard, Addy! I'll never see anything like that here. I think I'll skip the trip to study poop. :p At the moment there is plenty in the backyard for me to observe.:D:o

Take care of that shoulder!!


12-23-2013, 12:48 AM
Hoping that 10/10 has Zoe feeling fine in time for Santa!! :p
You have snow and more snow and we have 70 degrees-ugh!! 3 days ago we had snow on the ground and today I couldn't figure out what to wear outside. Shorts in December? I don't think so!
Send some of that cold down this way, I hope we get at least a flurry on Christmas Eve...tomorrow is the high 60's, then comes the drop-I hope! It's just too warm for December.
Hope you shoulder is not causing you too much pain.


12-23-2013, 04:15 AM
I am on my way over, your backyard is just a winter wonderland.. so beautiful!!

12-23-2013, 04:20 AM
Ohhh I meant to post this on your thread but got all distracted by the scenery :D:D:D I think it is a bit mean to the penguins but it was on our news the other night and I know how you and Mel like your penguins so thought I should find it and post it for you!


molly muffin
12-23-2013, 08:16 AM
Oh Addy that is soooo pretty. I wouldn't go out in it but I'd be willing to look at it from inside for quite awhile. Especially for Christmas. :)

Sharlene and Molly muffin

12-23-2013, 08:19 AM
I am hoping that you and Zoe have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season together as it should be. I pray your shoulder gets better, and that you do not have to have surgery. Stay safe and warm in this crazy up and down weather. Congratulations to your daughter on making the Dean's list. Blessings

12-23-2013, 08:25 AM
OMG I LOVE the penquin parade. I'm going to watch it all day at work:D:D:D:D:D

12-24-2013, 09:41 AM
Stay well and have a great holiday with Zoe, keep warm and enjoy your family. Blessings

12-24-2013, 02:14 PM
Merry Christmas Addy!

molly muffin
12-26-2013, 06:09 PM
Hope you had a lovely Christmas Addy and the kidlets (Zoe and Koko) are doing good and you too. Didn't over do it right? :)

Tomorrow is the big day and we're all hoping for good news for you.

Sharlene and molly muffin

12-27-2013, 08:09 AM
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, and that you were not in pain from that shoulder. It won't be long now before you see the surgeon. I hope Zoe did well with all the company. We are supposed to get in the 40's this weekend so I hope Tipper's leg can hold up to walk a little as she is really bored. Blessings

12-27-2013, 12:58 PM
Good news we hope. The surgeon sees a fracture where the tendon attaches to the bone so he is not so sure it is a tear. He thinks all this pain is coming from the fracture. He can not say 100% the tendon is not torn but wants me to to start with physical therapy for 4 weeks and then come back for a recheck. Problem is with my switching insurance and the new heath care, I still have not heard back from the new insurance so will have to wait two weeks to start therapy.

He said this would be good news for me. So we are hopeful it is the fracture. :)

Now if I could just straighten out my Zozo.:(

Budsters Mom
12-27-2013, 01:14 PM
AWWW Addy, I am so sorry you are still in pain, but also glad you finally got in to see the surgeon. Praying for a speedy recovery. Yes, this new health care stuff is quite a mess. :mad::( I hope you are able to get it sorted out soon, so therapy can get started.

Zoe has you Addy. That's all she needs or wants. :p xxxxx

12-27-2013, 02:28 PM
A fracture is better than surgery! Let's hope for that and better health for you and Zoe.

12-27-2013, 03:52 PM
Wow you must have given that one heck of a whack to fracture it. Hope the PT sorts it out and the next xray shows it has healed Addy.

What is Zoe up to, symptoms still not settling? x

molly muffin
12-27-2013, 05:32 PM
Zoe not doing well? Hoped she had settled at the dosage change. Drat anyhow. grrrr

I do hope that PT can solve everything and surgery not be needed. That Would be good news. What do they say? 6 weeks to heal a fracture usually? I don't know if that holds true for shoulders or not, but that is what it was for my ankle.

Crossing fingers!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Bailey's Mom
12-27-2013, 09:14 PM
More penguins....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtCXH4CKH5A

I think a fracture is better than a tear......even if it's unsure for now. I think seeing someone in the know helps anyway. It does me. Has it been two weeks already? You're almost half way there already!!:D

Spend a restful weekend. Get some hot chocolate in and get some of those tiny marshmallows. You can fit about 12 of those on the top of a cup of hot chocolate!!! We had peppermint hot chocolate the other night. Pretty tasty.

I'm still sittin' right here on the side ready to give a big, gentle hug.:)


12-28-2013, 09:33 AM
I am hopeful. I can even get my arm up now to brush my teeth, a feat impossible last week.

Zoe- not sure what to do with my girl. The 10/10 she felt better, her front leg was so much better but two days ago she started having to pee every hour, small amounnts not huge amounts. I put her back on the 20/10 and that seems to have stopped now but she is having a harder time again with her front leg. The snow and ice are not helping her, she has such a hard time walking outside, she comes in exhuasted from it. The panting and being tired is from all the exhertion in trying to walk. I almost want the holidays to be over only so I can have Zoe on a normal schedule for a month without all the to do so I can better evaluate what is going on. I wonder how much of the extra peeing was from not being able to cope with the stress of Christmas Eve.

I am looking forward to physical therapy - I think the deep heat treatments will be a big help and I decided this whole drama just might be a blessing in disquise because maybe we can also figure out what the heck is wrong with my neck;):)

The orthoepedic dr specializes in shoulders - so I do believe I am in good hands. And apparently so do a lot of other people because his waiting room was jam packed:D:D:D

Sun is shining it is to be warm today before the sub zero sets in:mad:
It is a good weekend all in all when I can finally brush my teeth with my right hand!!!! hair is next:p:p:p:p

Positive spin required:D:D;)

molly muffin
12-28-2013, 12:34 PM
Whoo hooo! brushing teeth is a good thing. Hair and makeup can only be just around the corner. :)

Now Zoe...she has an off spell after Thanksgiving too. I wonder if it's all too much for her. You're right, you need some stable non holiday times to see how she does.

We've warmed up too, but then at night all that run off is freezing. Horrible ice when that happens, and the thing stuff you can't see, so be careful out in that!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-28-2013, 01:15 PM
dear Addy
My sister in arms, always something. Physical therapy really helps. It can be hard but it is worth it. Sounds like you have the right specialist. Hope Zoey is doing better and your Mom. Take care.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

12-29-2013, 07:46 AM
I am hopeful that after the 1st you can get Zoe back to her regular schedule and that will help get her straightened out. That is so sad her struggling outside on the ice. It is treacherous with all this melting and refreezing again. I am shocked we have not lost power here. The utility companies here are so antiquated that they cannot handle anything, as soon as the wind blows the power is out. Thank God I have a generator. Be careful if you go out to celebrate the New Year! Blessings

12-29-2013, 08:49 AM
Everything is ice now since we had 40 degrees yesterday and now the temps are plumeting. It is dangerous out there, ice everywhere and below zero temps arriving:mad::mad:

I have her sling for her back legs and harness for her front legs but how do we walk on ice?

I wish there was another pain pill I could give her in the day time. The tramadol knocks her out, I hate to give it to her durring the day. When I take her off Vetoryl after a few days she can walk pretty well on it. It got worse after Thanksgiving too. When she is walking too much and hopping and barking too much, it just gets sore and lame.:(
But then when she lays on it too much, it is not good either. Like my arm;);)

molly muffin
12-29-2013, 09:29 AM
You're a pair Addy, you and Zoe. :) Too much and it's not good, not enough and it's not good.

Crud, about the dropping temperatures and the ice melt. We're to get the same thing here. Today it will be above freezing and by later tonight, we'll be down to well below freezing and stay there it looks like for awhile. Tricky walking in that, even if at all possible. Our plan right now is to put down enough pet safe de-icer to get an area down the driveway that molly can walk. So, de-ice and then use whatever, steel tip shovel, etc to get the ice off, repeat the de-ice and hope that will be enough for her to have a safe area as needed. Snow coming our way again midweek. You'll probably get it before us again.

I also thought about keeping an area of the deck clear of snow and ice and putting down pee pads and hoping she would use those. It is an option and not sure you have an area that might work like that. Why do we like living in cold winter areas again???

sharlene and molly muffin

12-29-2013, 10:30 AM
I sure know what you are saying about this darn ice. I have been chipping away at it for days to keep a path for Tipper to walk on. That's all I need is for her to slide on this leg. I am hoping you get some relief from the ice and get a spot where Zoe can go. The only problem with clearing a spot is Tipper only goes there once, then she wants a new spot!! Blessings

molly muffin
12-29-2013, 11:40 AM
43F this afternoon dropping to 10F this evening, and staying in that range for the next week or two with a snow, periodically heavy during that time. Can I say bloody h&^%%. :(

What a mess this is going to be.
Sharlene and Molly muffin

Budsters Mom
12-29-2013, 12:28 PM
Oh ladies it is NOT FAIR! It was 85 degrees here on Christmas Day! I am so sorry and grateful it's not me. If it's 65 degrees, I am freezing to death. I don't know how you do it year after year. :o Be very careful if you need to venture out. We don't want any more broken angels.;) xxxxx

12-29-2013, 12:29 PM
We have the same forecast:( I have a spot on the driveway clear, she will sometimes piddle there but not poo.

It is going to be a long winter:rolleyes:

molly muffin
12-29-2013, 12:31 PM
It is going to be a long winter:rolleyes:

Couldn't agree more. :(

Sharlene and molly muffin

12-30-2013, 12:13 AM
Zoe is absolutely gorgeous in the new avatar pic. (I know it is not that new, but this is the first chance I have had to post). Her fur is beautiful! I sure hope you can get her Vetoryl dose settled. So sorry to read about your shoulder, and glad it is feeling a bit better. I hope it will heal and you don't need surgery.

Yesterday it was 59 degrees here, today 9 degrees with minus 15-20 wind chill. :eek: It is probably heading your and Sharlene's way.

How is your Mom doing? I hope you and your family had a nice Christmas. Thank you for checking in on me and Jasper and for your kind words about my Nana.

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

12-30-2013, 04:13 AM
Sounds just awful, you need a big heater blower thing at the door to blast and melt that snow and ice so the doggies have a clear spot to do their business, do they have those? I cannot imagine how awful all this snow and ice is... honestly I would swap my summer to give you guys a break!! xxx

12-30-2013, 08:17 AM
They use sand around here as I am within yards of a massive lake and there is no salt allowed because of runoff. It does make for a mess being tracked into the house though. Hope weather conditions improve for you. Stay safe and warm Addy. Blessings

12-31-2013, 03:58 PM
Good Morning Addy! :) I don't think you will be up to much partying with your broken arm!! Don't want to hear any PFO stories tomorrow and more injuries!! :D:D Seriously hope your feeling better and Zoe is doing good sweet. Have fun tonight xxxxxx

Happy New Year Eve to Addy and Zoe!!

12-31-2013, 05:45 PM
Wishing you a Happy New Year , to you, Zoe, and your family
love Sonja and Angel Apollo

01-01-2014, 06:20 AM
Thank you for the well wishes. My Zoe is not doing well right now. I am very worried about her and could not bring myself to come here to her thread to talk about it all.

She has become more and more lethargic and hesitates to walk, her front leg seems to give her a lot of trouble. She pants so hard when she tries to walk. I give her tramadol every night now and wonder if I should give it to her durring the day.

She stimmed at 1.8mg after her decreased dose on the 10th. Vet said I could try to skip 3 days of vetoryl and see how she does. So I did and Zoe seemed better. We then started the 20/10 and she was fine the first day but the third day she was having trouble again with her right front leg, and withdrawing to the bedroom to sleep. We did that dose for 5 days then I dropped her down to 10/10. She perked up, was still sleeing a lot but it was more resting, she was aware of what was going on and would lift her head, she was active Christmas Eve but she was starting to have accidents and had to get up one night to urinate. She never does that. I restarted the 20/10 after Christmas Eve so because of all the stress. It has been down hill since then. She does barkfest for her meals but she walks a few steps, then stops, pants so hard, trys to bite us when we put in her drops. She is much worse than she was when I took her on the 10th for her stim and she was lethargic then and not acting right with the tremors and bobbles.

I dont know what to do nor where to take her. I dont want to keep changing her dose without a stim but she wont be ale to do the 40 minute car ride and that vet knows nothing about
legs". I dont know if I should make an appointment with neurologist here in town for an exam for her or if she hurt herelf on the ice.

We have not seeen any Parksinson head bobbing since we lowered her dose.

I am at my wits end trying to figure out what to do and cannot trust the vets to help me. They sent home the wrong rescue dose of prednisone. Thank God I caught it.

Sorry for dumping. Last night she had trouble. She laid there on her side just panting. I had to help her up, she was afraid to walk. We have been carrying her in and out in this bitter cold with the ice and now we even carry her from room to room and she takes a few steps then stops and pants.

I dont know how to help her and she just keeps getting worse and the speed of the progression of the worse startles me.

01-01-2014, 06:27 AM
Addy, I am here with you this morning. I will think hard today to see if I can come up with a suggestion. But for right now, I just want you to know I am here with a heart that shares your worry.

Many, many hugs from across the miles.

01-01-2014, 06:32 AM
Thank you Marriane. I feel I am losing my most precious girl.

01-01-2014, 06:54 AM
If it were me, I would be frantic with worry right now. :o :(

Although I do not believe I would be capable of this myself, I am hoping you can close your eyes and breathe deeply and find a place of calm buried somewhere deep within your spirit. No matter what the next hours or days may bring, you have your precious girl in your arms right at this moment. You are surrounding her with your love which protects her spirit no matter what struggles her body is facing.

I know you are so afraid, though. I am so sorry. I wish I could have been a calm comfort for my Barkis when he was struggling, but I could not do that for him. But I can do that now for you and Zoe. And so I am sending you both peace and strength straight from my heart.

01-01-2014, 07:30 AM
Me too Addy with Kira. But not yet quite as bad. Vets. They are worthless. You go for a second opinion and you get an interly differant Diagnosis worse then the first. My brother who is a human doctor says vets are just so far behind in medicine. There is no true help for us. Like it or not we have to go here. I was going to ask you if you might suggest a vet around here. But I think we are just on our own. Me crying too.

01-01-2014, 08:47 AM
I am staying as calm as I can, I try to smile and not let her see me cry. I break down when I come here and have to discuss it. :o

I watched video after video and examined dog anatomy pictures. :I told hubby I fixed her how many times when it looked like she could not be fixed. I will figure out a way to fix her again. I told Zoe last night, dont worry, mommy will fix you just like always.

I just need to know if I made things worse by changing around her dose so much since the 10th of December.

It seems like her front leg is giving her pain and stopping her from walking. If it was internal, nothing showed up on her blood work, her bun went down from 50 to 40.

I believe her back legs are myeopathy with some arthritis. Her stance is wide and she sometimes ends up in almost a sit position. Sometimes when she stands now, her legs tuck under her too. I was able to lower her feed bowl for awhile and but think I have to raise it again. her front leg seems to be cuasing her pain and I think she has pain when she tries to lift her head for her eye drops. They did not find anything on a physical exam twice but I cant trust them, they dont have a clue.

We do not have an orthopedic vet here. We have been carrying her in case it is an injury, that she hurt something . I think the panting is from pain when she moves or tries to get up.

I just need to talk it out with someone and I need to figure out a plan. I need a plan.

01-01-2014, 09:22 AM
Addy, if you are able to handle urination issues if they arise, I think I'd be inclined to go back down to the 10/10 again since, overall, it sounds as though she was doing better on that dose. Especially if Zoe is stressed, allowing her cortisol to run higher may enhance her energy level and responsiveness. At this point, I would not worry about bouncing between trilo doses based on her behavior as opposed to stim testing. Quality of life is paramount for you all right now.

I'll try to think some more about the mobility issues...

molly muffin
01-01-2014, 10:44 AM
Oh Addy. :( I wish I could help fix it for you and Zoe too. :(

I think I agree with Marianne about the 10/10 dose, whatever it is that makes her Feel good.

Xrays I think will show arthritis and joint issues. It could be that just a slip on the ice, not a full out go down to the ground slip even, with her joints already being tender, would cause her extra pain now.

Have you done the adequan shots with Zoe to see if they will help her?

The panting very well could be pain if her legs hurt her. Does she stop after a step or trying to stand and then when it hurts lays down and pants till it passes?

This is a possibility, the legs. What you will need to determine is if you think that it is her legs bothering her that is causing the pain. Back maybe?

I'm so sorry that things have changed so much so quickly and not for the better. :(

You know that we will brain storm with you till the cows come home if it helps.

Big Hugs Addy,

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
01-01-2014, 10:56 AM
Oh Addy,
I am so sorry. I can't help you with any of it because I just don't know. I am all so aware of that feeling of helplessness when our babies are so ill and don't know how(or if) we can help. So instead of facts, I'm sending you mass hugs, healing energy, prayers and tons of love. I am here too. We are surrounding you with our circle of angels. So wish I could do more. xxxxxx

01-01-2014, 11:13 AM
Hi Addy,

You, my dear, have performed the longest and most successful balancing act with Zoe in the history of this site. I have often had visions of you with a willy nilly stack of books on your head, trying to keep them from toppling over.

802 << Addy today

I do agree with Marianne that quality of life is paramount at this point and it does sound as though Zoe seems to feel better at the 10mg BID dose. I am sorry to hear that you have no orthopedic specialists in your area because that's what I was going to suggest. Xrays don't usually show inflammation and suspect Zoe has a lot of it in the leg that is painful for her. I know that Zoe has chronic irritable bowel problems so an NSAID may scare you but it may be something you may want to consider given her current quality of life. NSAID's, like all drugs, come with a risk but for most, like my old girl, Sophie, they can make a difference between life and death. Sophie has a fused disc, severe arthritis and chronic colitis. I finally found a food that sits well with her and if she eats anything other than that food, all hell breaks loose and I have a real mess to clean up, as she has little control over her bowels as it is. Her life was miserable and I only had two choices...let her go or try Metacam. Actually I only had one option and that was Metacam. Let me tell you, I was a wreck for the first week, waiting for the shoe to drop but it never did. I always make sure she eats half her food before I dose her and then she gets the other half. We've had zero stomach upset (knock on wood) and her quality of life has improved by leaps and bounds....and so has her incontinence. I'm amazed every day when she has short spurts of playfulness and darts around the back yard like a much younger dog. She has also gained some much needed weight as she is eating more now that she feels better. Sophie will need to be on Metacam for the rest of her life but Zoe may just need it long enough to address the inflammation. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

01-01-2014, 11:19 AM
The mobility issues were starting already back in mid October. They have gotten much worse since her stim in December and I started playing with her doses.

I fell carrying her on December 8th. She did not appear to be hurt then. She wont limp around at the vets. She tenses up when they try to examine her and walks better than she does at home. Could she have gotten bruised or hurt when we fell? Or maybe jumping around so much Christmas Eve, she hurt herself.

I just cant get past why it would get this bad this fast if it was just her Cushings. She seems worse at night but it has been so bitter cold, she always had trouble waking in the bitter cold, her paws would freeze and she would lay down and stop walking.

How do they determine a disc injury? What type of vet knows about that?

Budsters Mom
01-01-2014, 11:52 AM
My friend's dog was having mobility issues. She took him to a neurologist/neurosurgeon. A herniated disk was discovered.

The neuro team (neurosurgeon and two neurologists) who examined Buddy to see if he was stable enough for Cushings Treatment due to his mobility issues, thought he might have had a disc problem. They did the necessary tests and spinal X-rays only to rule it out. I would think a neurologist is who you would need to see. Maybe someone else knows for sure. Xxxxxx

Jenny & Judi in MN
01-01-2014, 11:55 AM
I'm so sorry to see Zoe is just not feeling well. I think it is encouraging that she did feel better at the 10 dose. Always thinking of you guys. And I'm sure this cold weather is not helping her either!

hugs, Judi

01-01-2014, 02:26 PM
Oh, Addy.

I stopped by to leave an update on Alivia and then came to check on you and Zoe. I was hoping for better news. I can sympathize with you completely. For what it's worth, I also agree with Marianne concerning the dosing and that at this point comfort is the most important thing. Funny that I am also giving Ali Tramadol before bed. It is definitely giving her a more sound night of sleep. I would not hesitate to try it during the day, if you think she is exhibiting any symptoms of pain. How old is Zoe now? I have come to the realization that their time on this earth is way too short and, as much as we would like to, we cannot fix everything for them. Zoe could not ask for anything more than she has found with you. You need to ease up on yourself, dear friend.

Sending love and hugs to you and Zoe.

01-01-2014, 03:47 PM
Hi Addy

It does sound like she was better on the lower doses, sounds like she is one of those dogs who does better with a little more cortisol circulating. Such a balancing act and I am in no position to recommend anything as you are so in tune with your girl. My concern with the NSAID would be not just the IBD but her renal issues but it sounds like that is pretty under control right now, I think you said her tests were good in that area? So it could be worth a shot. It is so hard finding the balance of what is right, trying to help one thing upsets another... lifes a b***h sometimes. You know we are here with you sweet for whatever you decide xxxx

Bailey's Mom
01-01-2014, 06:15 PM
Oh Addy, I am so sorry at this turn of events. You do sound so very desperate and I hate to think of you in that place.....I wish there was a way to make this all better for you.....just as you wish there was a way to make it all better for Zoe.

You're in a situation similar to the one I found myself in with Palmer.....lots of questions, followed by more questions and no matter what we tried, we never seemed to get answers. I know how frustrating that is. I know how unreasonable that feels. And it's compounded by the fact that we can't talk to our furbabies. We can't have them tell us exactly what hurts. We can't tell them what we are doing to try to help them.....not so that they understand.

As so many others are.....I am right here with you. I am sitting on your good shoulder ready to give you a BIG hug and a hearty squeeze of your hand. And if you need a shoulder, I've got two of those.....and lots of kleenex. You are not alone.

01-01-2014, 06:24 PM
Addy, I am sending my thoughts for you and Zoe right now. I read through the last few pages worth in your thread, and I can only imagine how worried you must be.

I think everyone has given wonderful advice, so I will just add my support and prayers for you and your girl.


01-01-2014, 06:38 PM
i'm sorry about your zoe too. i do read this topic because i could use those tips about the mobility issues too. i recognise a lot in your stories about zoe. vetoryl makes the arthritis worse. i saw it with my dog flynn. it got worse fast. my other cushdog ian lamed with one foreleg again too today. a few weeks ago the vet thought about a herniated disc in his neck. his neck is pretty stiff again today.
i hope they can find a solution for zoe's problems, but it is difficult with an elderly dog with cushing on vetoryl to maintain mobile, when they are suffering from arthritis.

01-01-2014, 07:51 PM
Addy, I just read the latest on Zoe. I am so sorry that things are so scary right now. I understand completely how worried you are. Like others have said, it does seem like she did better on the lower Vetoryl dose. Also after reading everything about her legs, I was wondering about giving her a low dose of the prednisone you have on hand. If she is having pain in her legs or back which is due to inflammation, I am wondering if you could try a small dose to see if it would help her feel any better.

I know that it is complicated giving this in a dog with Cushings, but I just thought I would throw it out there if hadn't already occurred to you. I don't really feel qualified to make a recommendation, but this is the only thing I could think of to offer that hasn't already been mentioned. :o Other than offering my love and support. I'm so sorry she is having such a hard time right now.

Big ((((hugs))))
Tina and Jasper

01-01-2014, 11:50 PM
Addy, I wonder if Zoe has injured herself? Like you said, the quickness of the change is alarming.

01-02-2014, 01:16 AM
I am so sorry to read that Zoe has not been doing well recently. I wonder if she got hurt when you both fell on the ice? I'm sure that's a possibility.
I hope she's doing okay today. I know how worried you must feel. I'll be hoping that she's doing better when you next post.


Bailey's Mom
01-02-2014, 03:29 AM
Thinking of you, sweetie.:)

01-02-2014, 08:06 AM
Thinking of you on this very cold and blustery morning. Stay safe and warm Addy, and hug Zoe for Tipper and I. Blessings

01-02-2014, 08:31 AM
She slept most of the day yesterday but it was a peaceful sleep, no panting and she got herself up on her own a few times. She also had a few accidents in the house. She asked for her dinner and breakfast. She was up panting a few times at night. I helped her turn over and she stopped. She pants so and she never panted before unless her IBD was bad. Her poos do not indicate that is a problem. She cannot stand for very long though she did eat breakfast with me.

To come so far with her, have her hair all filled in, her UPC normal, bloodwork normal, she was doing so well until the Parksinson like symptoms started. We have been on a downward spiral since.:(

Nt knowing how old she really is does not help either but I guess in the grand scheme of things, it doesnt really matter.

The weather is to get worse and we will have -9 for a high on Monday -14 at night. I dont think I will even try to take her out in that.

I think I will continue the 20/10 for now. Constantly changing things confuses the picture for me.

Tina- I have thought about giving her the pred. Her doctor even mentioned that I could give her a dose and see if she perks up. It is just too many changes, I cant gauge things.

We have felt truly blessed to have Zoe as long as we have. We have tried so hard to stay in the now with her. I will never be ready to let her go, but I know the day will come when we have to say goodbye.

One day at a time.

Susan- Since I only have one shoulder, I do need one of yours;) Thanks, Sus.:):)

01-02-2014, 11:37 AM
You can have my shoulder anytime, Tipper may be on it though! We are getting slammed with snow right now. I put some food out for the birds and as soon as I put it out it is covered in snow. Hoping for some resolution for both our babies. Blessings

01-02-2014, 11:38 AM
Sending love Addy. I know it is hard to see them grow old. Just enjoy every minute you have with her. Take lots of photos and videos. Love, Kim

Budsters Mom
01-02-2014, 01:00 PM
lots more (((((((((HUGS)))))))))) I so wish they could all stay healthy and strong until it's our time to cross over. Then we'd all go together and no one would be left behind.:o

Budsters Mom
01-02-2014, 01:59 PM
Addy, This is hard for me but I'm going to get through it. In Buddy's case, adding the prednisone while continuing Vetoryl did do what it was intended to do. It reduced the swelling which allowed Buddy to be mobile and comfortable longer. He had lost most of his mobility before starting the Prednisone. Within a few days, he was happily running, barking, chasing birds and catching lizards once again. He was doing what he loved. He remained mobile until the tumor finally took over. I paid a hefty price for giving Buddy that gift. I knew I would have to let him go sooner. Even still, it was worth it. It was always about what was best for Buddy. He had done so much for me and I owed him that.

Sobbing hysterically once again. :o if someone else needs to hear this, please copy it for me. I can't do this again. Thanks! :o

01-02-2014, 03:05 PM
I'm so sorry that you're going through this with Zoe.
This disease needs to be eradicated.

01-02-2014, 08:19 PM
Flynn is the same with the panting and IBD Addy, it can even come on when his tummy is brewing something.

This sucks, when the numbers are all good but she is off with mobility. This weather has a lot to answer for, with the difficulty getting out and then the danger associated with a simple pee is just not fair.

Do you think Zoe has a macro, was just wondering about the Prednisone post from Kathy?

Anyway hopefully today was better for you both xxx

Bailey's Mom
01-02-2014, 08:38 PM
Still here, still thinking of you (and Zoe, of course.) Shoulder is all yours! :D
Hand at the ready to squeeze for strength.

We leave early AM tomorrow for FL. Car is bursting at the seams so I'm not sure what's going to get left behind.....something is going to have to give.
I know! Bailey & I will fly down and then Bob can use my seat to pack the rest of the stuff.....yeah, that's the answer!!!:):rolleyes::D:cool:
You must get out of the non-basement-they're calling for some flooding. I think we're leaving none too soon.

You sound better today....I hope you feel better today. I'll be checking up on you as I head south. I'll try to send some warmth north, if I find some. Did I tell you I put down some grass seed yesterday?!:eek::):D

Take care, sweetie.


Budsters Mom
01-02-2014, 10:34 PM
Trish, I'm not thinking that Zoe has a Macro. I mentioned the prednisone because it reduced swelling which brought back Buddy's mobility. If Zoe has inflammation that is causing her trouble with mobility, I was thinking that maybe Prednisone might help her move better. That is the reason why I brought it up.

01-03-2014, 08:51 AM
She could have a macro, a brain tumor, who knows? The Parkinson stuff started when her cortisol went down to 2. We never saw it before. Seems like we uncovered something or something new developed.

I keep thinking she is hurt. I read back through my thread and saw how I described her standing, back legs close together, one not touching the ground at first. She is standing differently now. More splayed out with butt tucked down and that right front leg she has always had trouble with is really lame and makes it harder for her to walk.

It is so bitter cold and keeps snowing. -6 this morning, her paws freeze outside, she cant walk, never could.

Her urine is dilute now, she is not drinkning more water but keeps having accidents in the house. Not sure if it is because it is so dang cold she cant go out and smell and pee 4-5 times. But her urine is like water now yet she is not drinking more water.

Her schedule was more normal last night.

I dont know what all went so wrong.:(:(:(

01-03-2014, 09:07 AM
The way you described her standing are you sure she has not hurt her ACL somehow when slipping or moving on the ice? Could she have musculoskeletal issues? I never looked back all the way on your thread, but has Zoe had an MRI on her pituitary? I am so hoping she gets better, I know how stressful this is and you are not well either. Please take care and know I am thinking of you. Blessings

01-03-2014, 10:27 AM

This thread made me cry.....gosh i am always crying lately. I am sorry you are going through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

elaine and bosher

01-03-2014, 04:07 PM
Trish, I'm not thinking that Zoe has a Macro. I mentioned the prednisone because it reduced swelling which brought back Buddy's mobility. If Zoe has inflammation that is causing her trouble with mobility, I was thinking that maybe Prednisone might help her move better. That is the reason why I brought it up.

Ahhh I see Kathy, sorry got a bit confused there and thought I had missed something. I had kinda of thought just lowering the vetoryl and allowing her natural cortisol to come back up would do the same thing?? or I guess other cushings symptoms would rear their ugly heads?? I am sorry I cannot help on this one Addy. But it does sound like mobility issues to me, plus the difficulties with the weather combined. Yuck I do not like you feeling so bad, hopefully you can come up with something... perhaps a little more Tramadol although didn't you think that was causing some of the head bobbing? Whatever you do you know there are big hugs waiting here whenever you pop in! xxxxx

Bailey's Mom
01-03-2014, 08:27 PM
Hi Addy-
Made it to Fayettville, NC and checking in on you is the first thing I've done. This is sounding to me like a physical injury. Does Zoe complain out loud if you go to pick her up? Are there any areas of her body that seem especially sensitive to the touch? When she lies still, is she quiet or whimpering? Do you think the panting is due to feeling hot or due to difficulty breathing?

It got all the way up to 28 down here. Of course it's going down now.

This was Bailey's first snow of any depth-we got 4". She didn't know what to make of it and then started acting like a crazy, wild dog! :cool: She would not poop in the snow....it wasn't until we drove out of the snow that she pooped.:eek: :rolleyes: I wouldn't stick my butt down in that white , frozen stuff either!!!:D
BIG hug, love,

molly muffin
01-03-2014, 11:35 PM
Susan, you always can make me laugh!! oh my god, poor Bailey, certainly didn't sign up for frozen bum mom!! :)

Addy, there has to be a clue in your diary, as to when the leg stuff happened. If it got worse after the fall then I think there is a chance that there might have been some injury there. Not sure what though, so I'm thinking, what about an xray, just to get everything checked out, joints, ribs, etc.

You know Zoe better than anyone, so I am pretty sure that if anyone could figure this out, it will be you.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-04-2014, 03:24 AM
Hey Addy

So sorry to read that Zoe isn't doing as well as she has been. I know you must be really worried, I have arthritis in my wrist and the colder it gets the worse it feels so could the weather be the biggest contributory factor as the panting could be a sign of pain. Could you give her something other than the tramadol to try and control it?

The peeing could be tied to the weather as it must be brutal on their little bodies so low to the ground so she probably thinks sod going out there. Would she use mats indoors for a bit while you have the worst of it to avoid taking her out there?

I know it's hard when you don't trust the vet, I hope you can get to the bottom of it soon.

How is your shoulder doing? Hope that's getting better.

Sending you a massive hug and kisses to the fur kids


01-04-2014, 07:19 AM
Just checking in to see how you and Zoe are this morning. Very frigid temperatures here right now. I am praying for resolution to Zoe's dilemma. I understand how worried you are. Stay warm and safe with dear Zoe. Blessings

01-04-2014, 07:56 AM
Lol Susan, I would not want a frozen bum either, thank you for that laugh. You guys sure help keep up my spirits, thank you for that.

Would allowing her cortisol to go too high make her leg weaknesses worse?

The panting is when she tries to get up by herself or walk. Sometimes she can get up on her own and sometimes we have to help her. It seems to get worse at night, maybe the floor is colder? She cant climb into or on her beds anymore. The bedroom is thick carpet and pad, maybe it is more comfortable for her so she goes there to sleep. Whever we try to lift her head for her eye drops she tries to bite us so we have to muzzle her each time. That indicates pain to me.

I watched a video on diagnosing lameness. When the head bobs it is front leg lamness- her bad front leg which I constantly write about how bad it is or it was having tremors. Since her back legs are so stiff she cant really throw her wait to the back legs very well. So she starts out stepping ok, then stops, then if she has to walk farther, the head starts bobing, she limps badly with that front leg and pants and pants and then lies down.

Since I kept changing her dose every week it is hard to know what is happening. I wrote when she was off Vetoryl for 3 days by the third day that front leg was better so is it not an injury but bad arthritis and this bitter cold making it worse? Mel- hubby has had arthritis and he said his wrists are really bad. I also read when they are lame and lay around a lot it makes them even stiffer and they have a harder time getting up.

I wrote a history for the specialist but since she admits now she does not know "legs" similar to how she did not know "skin":mad::mad: I am unwilling to allow her again to examine Zoe's legs. If she cannot direct me to a vet that can examine Zoe and do an acth test, we will see the Feldman IMS here in town but that will be a different kind of battle as he wants free rein which I will never give.

Monday and Tuesday the high will be -9 and it will be -15 at night. Zoe wont poo in the house.:(:(

She is eating well, she wants her food. I need to control her pain without drugging her all up, which the tramadol does.

A doctor needs to look past the Cushings for a moment and check her for injuries. Maybe when she was feeling better on no Vetoryl, she further injured a leg. She was doing a lot of hop, hop bark Thanksgiving it was after Thanksgiving she started going to the bedroom and being so lethargic. Maybe she hurt an already weak leg then and it got worse when I allowed her cortisol to rise and she used that leg more. Christmas Eve, maybe she tore something or sprained something. I dont think it is a cracked rib.

I dont want her in pain.:(:(:(

01-04-2014, 08:01 AM
I know Addy,
You do need to have someone that you have confidence with look at her for injuries. If that means the vet who wants free reign, you're paying him and what you say goes.

I'm so sorry that you're going through this.

molly muffin
01-04-2014, 10:44 AM
I can only imagine who awful it hurts you to see her in any kind of pain, when your naturally instinct is to "fix" it, whatever it may be.

Okay, so, yes if it is arthritis, then I'm sure that it is hurting alot more right now, with these cold temps. Molly is stiff legged when she gets up right now and it takes a bit of movement for her to loosen up, till then she almost walks sideways sometimes, and I know that is from arthritis.

I don't think allowing the cortisol to come up would necessarily make her not feel it at all, but it's possible she overdid it.

If she is nipping though when you raise her head, then that sounds like a pulled muscle, maybe in neck, maybe disc. Didn't Julie's Hannah, have some disc problems? I wonder how she is doing, but didn't acupuncture help Hannah? Although I don't think I would recommend a chiropractor as I'm having nerves over Kaibo involving that.

Oh Addy, that IMS, has Nothing on you gf! Of course you won't give control over, what dog mummy would for petes sake. pffftttt...he's going to need to grow up a tad if he wants a successful practice with loyal furowners. Young whiper snappers. (Don't tell me he is in his 60's?)

Hang in there!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-04-2014, 10:48 AM
hi addy, that sounds exactly what was going on with flynn's frontlegs. on vetoryl it got 100x as bad as it was before. i had to quit the vetoryl because of his severe arthritis, which he was not showing before.
it went downhill very fast. without the vetoryl he could not handle the infections in his joints anymore. the wrists were already deformed.
the decision wether or not to use vetoryl with dogs suffering from arthritis is very complicated. i am very sorry for you and zoe.

01-04-2014, 10:57 AM
Hi, Addy.

Remind me again how old Zoe is? Could it possibly be something as simple as arthritis? The cold weather can make the pain come on with a vengeance. I know for Ali, that has gotten to be her worst problem. She walks a bit stiff legged and has trouble with stairs. It is always worse when she first gets up from lying down...just like me. Did you see Glynda's post about Metacam? I read the reviews on 1800Petmeds and people rave about it. I am going to talk to Ali's vet about it for her.

I hope your shoulder is improving. Stay warm!

Budsters Mom
01-04-2014, 11:14 AM
Hi Sweetie,

The pain issue will get us every time. :o We try so hard to fix everything and when we can't it's heartbreaking. Zoe has the best mommy ever and she knows it. You'll figure out what needs to be done and do it because you love her so much. If that means taking her to a doc that wants control, so be it. That doesn't mean he's going to get what he wants.;)

I am so sorry that the plummeting temps are making everything so impossible. Poor little thing. Poor Mom.

Is you shoulder feeling any better? (((((HUGS)))))

01-04-2014, 11:40 AM
Hi Addy,

I'm not sure you saw my last post so am providing a link to it below. I know that with Zoe's chronic gi issues, you have been performing the longest standing balancing act in the history k9c but given Zoe's compromised quality of life, I didn't want you to automatically exclude Metacam as a possible means to greatly improve her current quality of life. It has made all the difference in the world for my old girl, Sophie and after switching her dose from morning to evening, I no longer have to put a diaper on her at night. I failed to mention in my prior post that my brother and sister in law were contemplating euthanizing their precious 14 year old Aussie, as she was in a lot of pain and becoming more disabled every day. I asked them to make one last ditch effort to help her so they went to the vet, who put her on Metacam. To say the difference in her is amazing would be an understatement. Within days she was more active, standing up a lot easier and within two to three weeks she was actually loping through the backyard, playing with their much younger dog. My brother said their jaws dropped when they witnessed that for the first time. I truly believe that Sophie and Harriet are still here today because of Metacam.


01-04-2014, 01:13 PM
Oh Glynda, I did miss that post, I dont know how. The reason I did not want to go back to 10/10 was because how Zoe is now on 20/10 compared to how she was on 20/10 in early December is different and I thought maybe she got hurt, a disc in her back, something. She is incontinennt now even on the 20/10 so I am not sure even the 10/10 will help her and was worried what if her cortisol is sky high from even going down to 10/10 for five days and I screwed it all up and that is why she is how she is now and something worse would happen to her if I did.:eek::eek::eek:

You do know why I dropped her dose begin with, right? She was having some kind of side effects or I uncovered something. She would do Parkinson head bobbles and fall over and her head would shake. Her cortisol went from the pre always being elevated to her pre and post just about the same and she was 2ug/dl pre and post 1.9. We never changed her dose. Then we lowered her dose and she dropped a tad more:confused::confused:

So I went from finally having my beautiful fluffy dog with caramel spots back with normal blood work, normal UPC to a dog having what looked like mini seizures and was falling over.:eek::eek:

Would I give her the metcam at night instead of the tramadol? When I cut back her metronidazol to every other day her bun went up and the IMS mentioned it could be from her GI tract. I put her back on metronidazole very day and her bun went down.

How would Metcam affect her chronic pancreatitis?

Thank you so much for writing to me.:):):)

Budsters Mom
01-04-2014, 07:44 PM
Sending more loving, gentle hugs. The kind that don't injure shoulders.;) ((((((HUGS))))))

01-04-2014, 09:05 PM
Addy - you amaze me! You are a wonderful mom to Zoe. I am sure you can deal with the IMS too. I've had to stand up to a vet or two as well, so I know what that's like.

01-04-2014, 11:44 PM
Hi Addy,

I figured you must have missed my post because you usually acknowledge me. I was starting to feel slighted. :D:p:D Your thread is a flurry of activity at times and as I recall, I was right smack dab in the middle of a posting flurry.

As long as Zoe's cortisol is not high, Metacam should be okay, and you can give Tramadol with Metacam, if Zoe needs it. I have both for Sophie but she seems to do fine with just the Metacam. Just make sure you sandwich her dose between one meal. I let Sophie eat half of her food, then dose her, then let her finish. It doesn't matter whether you dose her in the morning or evening. I chose to change Sophie to evening because she isn't always hungry in the morning. It worked out well because her incontinence while sleeping has improved greatly. Metacam's half life is 15 to 20 hours so it makes sense that she would be feeling the pain at some point in the middle of the night.

Metacam is a COX 2 NSAID and my dogs' internal medicine specialist said it is easier on the stomach than the other NSAID's. I found an abstract of a Canadian case study of a dog with pancreatitis and they administered Metacam to address the inflammation. I've included a link to that abstract below. You'll have to talk to your vet or specialist anyway to get the prescription so discuss it with them to see what they think. I would also suggest that if Zoe is not on joint support, you might consider adding that to her regimen. I like Cosequin and was thrilled when Walmart started carrying it.


With respect to Zoe's incontinence, if her urine isn't dilute and she isn't drinking buckets, it's probably not related to high cortisol. If she is only incontinent at rest, it could be that she is one of many senior females whose sphincter muscle weakens with age. I found one Vetoryl study that listed incontinence as a side effect in a group of dogs in a long term follow-up. The problem with listed side effects is that clinicians conducting the studies are required to list every symptom and/or condition noted during the study, but it doesn't necessarily mean the drug caused the side effect. If you want to do some investigating, you can always call Dechra and quiz them.

Is Zoe still having the the head bobbles and tremors? When she has these episodes is she alert and able to respond to you or is it more like a seizure where here eyes glaze over and nobody is home?

01-05-2014, 06:12 AM
As long as Zoe's cortisol is not high

could her behavior now be because her cortisol is too high? She seems to get worse at night after I give her the 10 mgs. I worry if I keep fooling around with her dose I wont get an acurate stim. She has been back on 20/10 since the 26th. If her cortisol is too high and I give her a rescue dose of pred, what would that do to her? Could it harm her?

Her urine is dilute, Monday it looked like water though has a bit more color since now, she is not drinking buckets but then she never did. She will be sleeping and then wake up and has to pee right away.

Zoe would not have her eye glaze over, she was alert when she had the episodes.

01-05-2014, 07:30 AM
I am sorry Zoe's condition is still a mystery. I just wish 2 things. That these babies could talk, and that they lived as long as we do. It would solve a lot o f heart ache and problems. I pray Zoe comes around and feel better. I know you will figure this out Addy, you and Zoe are joined at the hip like Tipper and I. Blessings

Budsters Mom
01-05-2014, 10:39 PM
ADDY, PLEASE DON'T GO TO WORK TOMMORROW! You are injured. It is dangerous! Stay home, stay warm and stay safe PLEASE! Too many mother hens. We worry! xxxxxx

01-06-2014, 12:37 AM
Hi Addy
I have no idea about the ups and downs of cortisol and dosage changes so will leave that up the experts here.

I do remember like Glynda said about the NSAIDs, when I was so concerned about Flynn having them with his liver and kidney issues the vet said the Cox-2's of which Previcox is one too... is safer to use than some of the older versions. The IMS had backed this up and said Flynn could have them, I think if it was a real quality of life issue I would use them on him. When we did use it, it never seemed to upset his IBD either but I was very careful to make sure he had it with food.

Hope your not too frozen over there, hugs for you and Zoe xxxxxx

01-06-2014, 08:16 AM
-12 with 30 mph wind gust so feels like -24. I let Zoe pee in the house when she woke up, she slept until six, then made her wait ten minutes, bundled her up took her out next to the giant evergreen so we had a wind breaker, she pooed right away, thank God. In and out in 3 minutes.:):)

Kathy- plan is hubby will drive me with the newer car, my 10 year old car will never start sitting out for 9 hours in this . I have to go in, I have shipments that must be booked for a major catalogue company.

Trish- I wonder if I should compare Previcox to Metcam?

Budsters Mom
01-06-2014, 08:41 PM
Just checking in with you to make sure to got home safe. You were on my mind all day! Butt scratches to Zoe and Koko and tons of love for you. xxxxx

01-06-2014, 10:36 PM
OMG I cant even tell you what this feels like. Hubby just took the pups out for he last time, the wind is blowing about 30 mpg, the temp is -13 wind chill is -34:eek:

We will start Zoe on Metacam tomorrow, cut her back to 20mgs once per day, keep this going for 4 days and then assess. She will see the owner of the clinic hopefully next week, he specializes in soft tissue injuries but can advise on disc issues, tears, ets. Neurologist will be in the building if he needs to confer. He will examine Zoe and do xrays. Our goal is to improve her quality of life and reduce her pain.

I am nervous about the Metacam.:o:o:o:o

Sweetie, thanks for checking, how was your first day back to school? Are you feeling better?

01-06-2014, 10:48 PM
I'll be waiting for your updates on any improvements in Zoe after a few days on Metacam. I'm praying that she starts sprinting through the house by Friday. :D

Budsters Mom
01-06-2014, 11:05 PM
Today was professional development day. No students. I had to re-certify for first aid. It was a three hour class that I've had many times. I practically did nothing and was totally wiped out. I came home afterward and took a nap. I am feeling tons better, but still have no energy. My cough is just about gone during the day, but nights are still horrible. I can't sleep propped up, but lying down is out of the question, because the coughing takes over. I'm not getting much sleep. I have pills to take for the cough, which works on the brain to stop the spasms. They work, but headaches are side effects, so I try not to take them. I have enough trouble with migraines as it is. On the upside, I am recovering much faster than the average with no secondary infections. The docs think it's due to starting the antibiotics early and the fact that I had a booster in 2010. Either way, I'm very thankful. Whooping cough can continues for months and months. I am much better than I really should be right now. Thanks for asking.

I did everything I could to improve Buddy's quality of life for as long as possible. Zoe is blessed to have you to do that for her. It is not easy. It is about putting their needs and comfort ahead of everything else, even when your brain is yelling, NO! I will be right beside you every step of the way. Big hugs my dear. xxxx

01-07-2014, 03:02 AM

Hi Addy

Good luck with the Metacam, I hope Zoe gets the spring back in her step using it. I did a quick google about the different NSAIDs and this article from dvm360 covers pain relief for arthritis in dogs that might be useful to you.

Jeepers that weather sounds hideous and I feel quite guilty at night when I walk Flynn in the fields in my tshirt! I will blow some warm air right up to you guys tonight!!

Hope it helps xx

01-07-2014, 04:56 AM
Hi Addy,
I am up with Jasper for a pit stop, and have been thinking about you and Zoe in this heinous cold. We have had about the same here, -34 wind chill yesterday and last night. I was just out and it is -2 currently with -18 wind chill so that is better. Who would ever think that would be "better", yikes! Temps are supposed to "moderate" some later today, so hopefully this is heading your way. I cannot remember ever feeling this cold, but I didn't have to be out at all hours with Jasper before either.

When you say you are cutting Zoe back to 20 mg once a day, you are referring to the Vetoryl, right? I guess my worry there would be changing something while you are starting the new med so that you can accurately gauge any improvements, but I am sure you have considered that. Just thinking out loud. :) I am hoping for the best with the metacam, I understand your apprehension. I am praying that this works for Zoe and that she is feeling better soon.

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

01-07-2014, 07:50 AM
I know Tina, I dont know that I like the cutting her Vetoryl back. I am not comfortable with it in my gut. She was just readjusting to the 20/10 and I could see her behavior pattern. I skipped it Sunday night because she was just so bad at night and when in doubt withhold the pill. Then she was better yesterday all day and when I came home last night. She was much more alert.

Now this morning she got up early, was up a few times at night but did not whimper. But after an hour of standing and walking, she had to go lay down and she is sleeping again. She did exactly this on the 20/10. It is so up and down. But she walked more in the frigid cold this morning maybe that is why.

I cant even begin to figure it out anymore, her symptoms are all over the place, they change daily but then I have had her dose all over the place which is why I told hubby, no more dose changes but he is so worried she is crashing from the Vetoryl and he is so upset about her. She was peeing all over the house on the 10/10 then I put her back on the 20/10 and it stopped for a few days then she started again and was worse, I thought she was incontinnent it was that bad. Yesterday she had no accidents in the house, held it all night.:confused::confused:

My brain is fried from trying to understand it all.

01-07-2014, 08:21 AM
I can only imagine the torment this is putting you and your hubby thru. What a confusing dilemma to try and piece together. If anyone on here can get this straightened out, you can Addy. I am so sorry your sweet Zoe is having these troubles. Where is that magic wand when you need it?? Blessings

01-07-2014, 12:55 PM
dear addy,
You have enough on your plate dealing with your arm and now Zoe's issues on top of it. I would have to go back on my notes about the Vetroyl. I am so sorry about what is going on with Zoe. Have you looked at Zoe's history from the past to figure out? Email DEchra maybe,or talk to the doctor. I think you said her last blood readings where good.
wish I could help.
Love Sonja and Angel Apollo

Bailey's Mom
01-07-2014, 01:19 PM
Hi sweetie-just stopping by to remind you the shoulder is at the ready, as is the hug, as is the hand squeeze! How is your shoulder coming along? Any improvement? Any news? ;)

Any hope for a thaw any time soon?

I'm hoping the vet visit proves fruitful.

01-07-2014, 07:22 PM
I did not give her the Metacam. When I came home she looked like she should go to emergency. It is the worst she has ever looked. Zoe has never looked like this when I come home from work. She finally got up and is eating. She thought she wanted some water but then decided she could not after a few sips. I dont like the look on her face.

Last night she was barking and alert and full of energy for at least an hour. Tonight she looks awful. If I give her the Metacam, I cant give her prednisone.

I think she need a doctor before I do anything else.

molly muffin
01-07-2014, 07:28 PM
I agree Addy, something is wrong. Are you taking her to emergency tonight or are you taking her in tomorrow morning? If she can't drink I'd be concerned enough to try to get her in somewhere tonight. :(

I'm so sorry, Zoe just changes so fast sometimes, it must be awful trying to figure out what is going on.

We're right here and will be waiting with you.

sending you lots of love and strength,

Budsters Mom
01-07-2014, 08:02 PM
How scary!!!:eek::eek: I'm thinking it could be some kind of poisoning? If her tongue is swelled up, it would be difficult for her to drink. Yes, I'd take her in to see a vet ASAP, even if that means emergency. I am here with you Addy, always. xxxxx

Sharlene, you'd better break out the chocolate. It looks like a long night ahead. ;)

Harley PoMMom
01-07-2014, 08:04 PM
I'm here too, and sending positive thoughts and love.

Hugs, Lori

01-07-2014, 08:08 PM
Me too!


Budsters Mom
01-07-2014, 08:14 PM

I just sent you a PM as you were posting. Please disregard it. Thanks.


molly muffin
01-07-2014, 08:17 PM
Chocolate is available! :)

01-07-2014, 08:37 PM
She got up. I carried her to the kitchen and she drank some water.
she is limping badly to the rug near my feet to lay down. She laid down again. The night shift at emergency stinks. Her IMS is off tomorrow if I take her to emergency tomorrow in Pewaukee.

Hubby is trying to come home. He said she has been having trouble all day. I dont know what that means. Her doctor kept asking me yesterday if I thought she was overdosed. I said no, I think she is hurt. Now I dont know what to think.

She is not breathing hard when she is on her side. I dont understand this constant up and down. I think I have her all screwed up. I keep thinking about Cindy and Penny.

I honestly do not understand what is wrong with her.:(

Budsters Mom
01-07-2014, 08:48 PM

01-07-2014, 09:03 PM
Sorry to hear what is going on with Zoe.
Sending you love and hugs.

Roxee's Dad
01-07-2014, 09:18 PM
Oh Dear Addy,

I am here too, sending prayers and positive thoughts and energy. Stay strong Zoe!!!


01-07-2014, 09:24 PM
Oh Addy, I'm so sorry that Zoe is feeling so poorly. It sounds like she is in a lot of pain as opposed to being sick. That leg could be causing her real problems. I know you don't feel comfortable with giving her Metacam but do you have any other pain meds in the house that agrees with her? Tramadol would be good.

I'm with you, kiddo, along with the rest of your k9c family. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Huge Hugs,

01-07-2014, 09:33 PM
I havew been giving her Tramadol every night 1/4 tablet. I was just worried it said I could not give Metacam with Prednisone and I dont know what is wrong.

Hubby is home now. We think we will wait til morning and take her to emergency.

Budsters Mom
01-07-2014, 09:34 PM
He said she has been having trouble all day. I dont know what that means.

Addy, Would you ask your hubby what he meant by this when he gets home and let us know. What kind of trouble was she having all day? Thanks my dear. xxxx

molly muffin
01-07-2014, 10:05 PM
No from what I've read you don't want to give Metacam with higher cortisol levels and prednisone mimics higher cortisol. Don't give prednisone with any of these Rimadyl, Deramaxx, Metacam, or Previcox. That should never be done.

You could give her a bit of prednisone and see if that helps and still give her the tramadol. (just verfied that these are safe to give together). See if that helps her leg. You might have a better idea of what to tell the emergency tomorrow too.

Hang in there! We'll all racking our brains too. :)

01-07-2014, 10:06 PM
He said she was having trouble walking and had no energy. Then she perked up late morning and that she was very tired before he went to work and had no energy.

I cut a bigger piece of Tramadol for her a bit more than 1/4 tablet.
Hubby just carried her out and she pooed a big poo. He said it was fine. She ate her snack and took her Azodyl then she limped to the bedroom and now is laying down again on her side. I just dont see how she is crashing from low cortisol but that was sure what it looked like when I got home from work.

It has to be pain. I hope it is not internal.

I have not been this scared since the eye incident in 2012 when I came home and she could not open her eyes.

01-07-2014, 10:07 PM
Addy, is the Tramadol 50mg? Sophie is 16 lbs and I was giving her 1/2 pill twice a day. Depending on how much Zoe weighs, 1/4 pill may not be enough to do anything for her pain.

Budsters Mom
01-07-2014, 10:18 PM
Buddy was 16 pounds also. I was having to give him 1/2 of a 50mg. Tablet at bedtime. We started with 1/4 tab., but it wasn't enough. I was told that 1/2 tab. was a safe dosage for his weight. xxxxx

Bailey's Mom
01-08-2014, 12:51 AM
Oh Addy, I am so very sorry. I know for me I have the most trouble dealing with the unknowns. I can deal better with bad news than I do with unknown news. I understand how helpless you feel. I wish I could take some of that away from you.

I am here with you also. I will pray for you, Zoe and your hubby. You are not alone.

Budsters Mom
01-08-2014, 01:31 AM
It's almost 10:30 PM. I have been monitoring the posts all evening, staying by your side. Since you are a couple of hours ahead of me, I hope that you are peacefully snoozing away right now. I made myself sick on Sharlene's chocolate. Next time Sharlene, I want the good stuff, not your leftover Halloween stash! LOL :D

Anyway Addy, I need to sigh off for tonight, but will check on you first thing in the morning. I am still recovering from Whooping Cough and have to work tomorrow, so I need my rest.

Big loving hugs my dear. I hope Zoe is able to sleep, so you can rest too. Xxxxx

01-08-2014, 03:02 AM
Hi Addy

I so hate to hear the worry in your posts, I hope you get into see someone tomorrow so they can sort whether this is pain from arthritis or something else and also to make sure Zoe has good pain relief.

Good to hear she is eating and popping OK, so hopefully the tummy stays good. :) Reading this objectively I to think it is pain response, she is limping so that is leg/hip pain usually. If cortisol was too low then surely poop and appetite would have gone off, mind you this is Zoe we are talking about :D she also has the ability to confound us, but now she is also confounding you!!

Maybe a good sleep with the Tramadol on board will help. Get better our little furry Zoe xxxxxx

01-08-2014, 04:38 AM
She is sleeping, she pants every once in awhile, I have just been laying in the room with her since 9:00 when I gave her the tramadol. it knocked her out.

she never lays on her side with her head down when I make dinner. I did not think she would eat dinner, then she finally got up.

the tramadol knocks her out, 1/2 is a lot for her, she will just sleep. she pants every once in awhile, I helped her up earlier to turn and she has been just sleeping since.

I'll see what happens in the morning. she just keeps getting worse and worse.

I just want to know where is her cortisol now and what is wrong with her back leg and front leg. Where is the pain coming from? what is causing it. Can emergency tell me that? Can emergency do a stim or would they just check her electolytes?

every week she gets worse. I'll see what the morning brings.

01-08-2014, 04:46 AM
You know some things may have got worse recently, but others have got better like her beautiful coat of fur!

I am pleased she is pretty knocked out, at least she gets the healing benefits of a good sleep.

I would take her in the morning too, to a place that knows her and you. I just checked my weather app, 3.43am for you and -20 Celsius, jeez louise that is cold. I do not think I have ever been in that cold temps, even when skiing. Brrrrrr

They can examine her and try and localise the spot that is painful, take xrays to see if it is bony in nature. I do not know about ER doing stim tests, but they can certainly do electrolytes. Do you think she is getting worse now, even while she is sleeping?

01-08-2014, 05:02 AM
Hope you get a bit of sleep before the morning Addy. I have just boiled the kettle and having a cup of tea so be here a bit longer if you want to talk. Big hugs for you, Zoe and hubby xxxxxxxx

01-08-2014, 05:10 AM
I'm going back in the bedroom with her, thanks Trish. enjoy your spot of tea. I dont like that she falls over.

01-08-2014, 05:18 AM
No, that is not nice to see but imagine if your sore shoulder was your leg, you would probably be falling over too :o

The morning will be here real soon Addy, so get a few hours shut eye so you are ready for tomorrow. Hopefully you don't have to go to work either. Feel better Addy and Zoe, your both got sore bits right now and I just want you both on the improve. Hope your taking enough meds for your shoulder sweet... will be checking in tomorrow xxxxxxx SLEEEEEEEEEEPING HUGS! x

01-08-2014, 06:07 AM
Hey Babe

Just catching up, so sorry to read you are both doing it so tough. I do genuinely think that the cold spell you are having is probably affecting Zoe esp with her arthritis which is why you are seeing more incidents. If it can freeze a person in minutes must go straight to the little ones bones. My wrist has given me gip for weeks and we are no where near as cold as you guys.

Do hope that you are both resting now and I will be lurking around to see how you are later

Gentle hugs to you as I guess your shoulder probably hurts and big kisses to the fur babies


01-08-2014, 06:34 AM
U.S morning crew also reporting in...!

Addy, how does Zoe seem this morning?

01-08-2014, 06:49 AM
Don't know whether you're wanting to read anything scholarly this morning :o, but here's a 2011 article I had found that gives a pretty thorough discussion as to what is currently known and not known about increased GI risks to dogs associated with combining steroids and NSAIDS. It may better arm you, though, for discussing pain control with the vets. While the combination is clearly not ideal, it sounds as though there may be times when the benefits may offset the risk, especially on a time-limited basis, as long as the owner is vigilant about monitoring side effects, which of course you would be.


01-08-2014, 06:58 AM
And one other thought: even if the emergency vet is not equipped for an ACTH, you can still ask them to draw blood for a resting cortisol. I've read in multiple places that as long as the baseline is higher than around 2.0 and the electrolytes are OK, you can rest pretty easy that a dog has not gone truly Addisonian.

01-08-2014, 07:22 AM
Thanks Marianne,

I was in the living room and did not hear her get up so she peed a huge amount in the bedroom. She came in the kitchen and laid down and did that squinty eye thing, last night I thought I saw her third eye lid for a few minutes. I always have to be concerned about her eyes.

I helped her up she barked for her breakfast a rather weak bark but barked and is eating and poo was good this morning.

If we do know where her cortisol is how do I give the Metacam if it could be high?

It is -6 right now. My shoulder hurts like all heck so I can see where she may be hurt. Last night for a few minutes when she stood at the water bowl and wanted to drink but just couldnt bring herself to do it, I thought maybe she was having a pancreatitis attack.

Hubby and I have been up all night and my lap top wireless connection does not work in my bedroom. If I dont stay in there with her, I dont know what is happenening.

Be back

01-08-2014, 07:32 AM
I think the question would be, are the potential benefits of the NSAID outweighed by the risk, even if Zoe's cortisol *is* running higher. I think this is a decision you would need to first discuss with the vets, though, and would be based upon identifying the specific source and nature of her pain.

I am just so sorry she is doing so poorly. And on such a crappy cold morning, too. :( :(

01-08-2014, 07:40 AM
I just spoke with the person I know at emergency. I told her what is going on. She said bring her in even though her IMS is not there today. She said emergency can handle it.

we will wait for rush hour traffic to ease up a bit. Not sure how she is going to handle 40 minute ride. She bit me 4 times the last time and she is not as strong now.

4 weeks ago Zoe barked for me to get up. Six weeks ago she barked for me to give her potatoes for her eye drops. Chrsitmas eve she was trotting around the house.

Now she mostly just lays on her side and hides in the bedroom. I hope it is just a matter of controling her pain.

Gotta go again

01-08-2014, 07:41 AM
Will be right there with you in spirit holding your hand. Sending lots if positive mojo from the UK...

Paws up Miss Zoe, feel better soon baby girl


01-08-2014, 07:42 AM
I think it is wise to go ahead and take her in. We will be waiting on pins and needles right along with you. :o

01-08-2014, 08:08 AM
Awwww, I hope that they find the cause and fix it.

molly muffin
01-08-2014, 08:17 AM
Checking in with the morning crew. I'm working but I will be checking in as I can.
Sending lots of love to you, zoe and hubs

01-08-2014, 08:44 AM
It is not knowing what is wrong that is driving me crazy. I cant even lift her head to clean her eye goop, she wont let me tilt her head up without trying to bit me which is why we cant get her drops in.

Her face is filthy and she wont allow me to clean her up. Maybe I am overeacting but you reach a point where you just want some stinking answers.

01-08-2014, 09:10 AM
In conjunction with her not wanting to bend over to drink water, maybe this is signaling damage in her neck or upper spine? So maybe it can be a diagnostic hint for the vets? I sure hope so.

Budsters Mom
01-08-2014, 09:57 AM
I'm with you in spirit today too. I will keep tabs on you at work. xxxxx

01-08-2014, 11:00 AM
I agree with Marianne about a neck or spine issue. A herniated disk in the neck can cause the limp as well as pain if she tries to raise her head. I researched this when my maltese boy, Buster, had sudden onset of symptoms and it was obvious he was in pain. He was perfectly fine the night before and I woke to a really sick dog, who I knew was in a lot of pain. He was trembling, hunched over, could not lift his head and would not eat. The vet put him on a muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory. It took three days to see an improvement but he was back to his old self by the end of the week. This happened twice, the last time only last month.

Here's a few excerpts from a site that I thought might be informative.

Small dogs, especially those with faulty development of the cartilage, termed chondrodystrophy, are prone to sudden disk ruptures and to a rapid onset of symptoms. Large dogs are much more likely to have gradual disk protrusions with slowly progressive pain and weakness, although they can also experience rapid herniations. Dogs with symptoms of disk herniation should be evaluated immediately by a veterinarian.

A dog with intervertebral disk degeneration, and resulting herniation, may have general symptoms including reluctance to move, decreased appetite, and crying out in pain, or hiding from others. The affected dog may stumble when attempting to walk, or be unable to rise.

When the disk herniation occurs in the neck, or cervical spine, the animal may also show symptoms of stiff neck and muscle spasms, with occasional lameness and pain in one front limb. The dog may hold its head low. Infrequently, paralysis of all four limbs may occur.

You can read the entire article here: http://www.vetmedclinic.com/?p=245

01-08-2014, 11:07 AM
I just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and Zoe. I am saying prayers for you both. For what it is worth, Tipper has a dip in her backbone since Cushings. It is from all the weight pulling down on her back and not muscle support. Could Zoe be having an issue like this and it is hurting something in her back, and then going to her neck. Big Hugs to you and you baby. We are thinking of you. Blessings

01-08-2014, 12:04 PM
Hello again

Just nipping in with some more hugs and positive mojo, hope you got there ok without her getting to stressed

Thinking of you

Bailey's Mom
01-08-2014, 12:10 PM
Hi Addy,
I'm here following along. Hopefully you're on your way back home from the vets with miraculous answers by now. :D. This too sounds to me like neck pain. I also echo the arthritis thinkers. Cold, damp is our enemy. That was one of the big reasons for deciding on the FL condo. My arthritis gets worse each winter. I felt like I was getting carpal tunnel and then I realized it was just worsened arthritis. I have seen heated pads for doggies beds...ever consider that? Of course if Zoe is panting,she may not want the additional heat.

A heating pad would help your shoulder as well. This bitter cold just cuts down the blood flow and you need to get it running around in there.

When you transport Zoe, do you have her on a big cushioned surface? Like a huge overstuffed pillow? I'm just thinking of preventing bumps from jarring her. I know you'll get this too late for this time, but wanted to bring it up.

I'll wait for your updates. I'm right beside you. :)

molly muffin
01-08-2014, 12:43 PM
Just popping in to see how things are going. Hoping for some good news!

01-08-2014, 01:41 PM
She slept all the way home in the car, first time in 4 years not sure if that is a:) or a:(

Xray of elbow-clincial change of bone could be inflammation, infection or soft tissue process. ( they had exay from her surgery kast year that showed her elbow to compare to. Orthoepdic exam shows no neck or spinal pain. Does not believe it is neurological.

Could do biopsy of elbow but not sure they could get a good sample. Recheck with x ray one month, Increase tramadol to 1/2 tab and/or increase to every 8-12 hours. Consider starting Metacam as well.

Continue Vetoryl, IMS was called at home:o feels her cortisol has been bouncing around all over the place and feels as long as Zoe is eating and drinking with normal poo, leave it for now.

Have to run to work now. Sorry did not want to leave you hanging.

molly muffin
01-08-2014, 01:59 PM
She is probably just exhausted from pain, not resting well, etc. Hopefully the increase of the tramadol will help her. Did they do a resting cortisol to verify that it would be save to give the metacam?

What a long couple days you guys have had. Hope Zoe starts to improve. That girl is fairly resilient and bounces back when least expected, so hoping that happens again.

01-08-2014, 02:26 PM
Haven't been here in a few days and so sorry to read all that's been happening with Zoe. Wish you had some answers. Those long nights of worry are so awful. Maybe the elbow got injured in the fall and just really hurts her? Is that even a possibility? Had anything been off prior to the fall you guys had?
Hoping all will be okay.


Roxee's Dad
01-08-2014, 02:45 PM
Thanks for the update Addy, waiting on pins and needles :o

Maybe it is just the cold weather getting to her, I remember our Mickee would have a very difficult time when we lived in TN and it would get cold. We purchased a doggy bed warmer (electric) and put it under his cushion. He seemed to do better after a nap in his warm bed.

Also remember the air around the floor level is much cooler than the air in the upper levels of the room. Cold air sinks and it can be pretty chilly on the floor where our pups hang out.

Positive thoughts and prayers still coming your way...

Budsters Mom
01-08-2014, 02:58 PM
Thank you for the update Addy. So glad you have a plan of action and know how to proceed. Are they treating Zoe's elbow for possibe infection with antibiotics? xxxxx

01-08-2014, 03:15 PM
So we have to monitor for a while. Fingers crossed the increase in tramadol makes a difference.

Hope you are doing ok.

Big hug


01-08-2014, 04:39 PM
I asked if it is bone cancer, they don’t know, they do know that in her elbow, it is not arthritis nor calcium deposits, they do not think it is Cushings related.
No antibiotics, can give the Metacam with higher cortisol but it will increase the chance of gastro upset. Just cant give it with a steroid.
Hoping the increase in Tramadol helps. Hubby wants me to wait on the Metacam, I think he is afraid to be home alone with her.
Not totally satisfied with the vet visit but then I never am. We can ask for consultation appointment with the surgeon who did the orthopedic exam and took the xrays.
And of course the diva would not to the bad limp, she tries so hard to not show pain at the vets. She was so stressed, she was panting so hard with her tongue hanging so far down, I thought she would have a hard attack, never so her so worked up.
She is gonna be in bad shape by the time I get home tonight. Wont be able to walk. Oh well.

That has always been her bad leg, she hurt it the day Koko came to us. has always been a problem, don't know why, but this they said, is something new.

01-08-2014, 05:10 PM
She will probably be extremely tired after that stressful vet visit. Hoping the night goes okay...and that the meds help her pain without causing any gastro upset. Keeping fingers crossed and sending positive thoughts that she feels better soon.

Budsters Mom
01-08-2014, 05:26 PM
Tramadol won't help with inflammation, but could help Zoe manage her pain. Metacam could help with inflammation and pain, but you risk gastro upset. It's so hard to know what to do. Hopefully the increase in Tramadol will help Zoe be more comfortable so she can rest better, so you and hubby can get some rest too. I remember those sleepiness nights with Buddy very well. xxxxx

01-08-2014, 05:55 PM
I know, Kathy. I have to check the prescription. I think she was to only have it 4 days. Maybe I could start her on a Thursday so hubby is only home alone the first day. He is just tired, we both are. We need a break because we are awake with her at night. We don’t sleep and then I am awake because of my shoulder pain.

But they don't even know if it is inflammation for sure.:(

Bailey's Mom
01-08-2014, 06:10 PM
Thank you for keeping us current. Wish we could do more.
Sus. :)

01-08-2014, 06:34 PM
Awesome Addy,
I know how it feels to lay awake with worry. I feel so badly for you both. Hugs.

01-09-2014, 02:22 AM
Hi Addy

I really hope you are having a better night sleep tonight, inflammation or soft tissue injury could have everything to do with that fall! Imagine that blardy weather has done your shoulder and her little elbow :mad: So lets hope the Tramadol keeps her comfy and resting for a few days and it can start to settle down. It is so horrible to see them in pain and I can totally relate to your distress seeing her like that. I am here for a couple of hours at least if you are up in the night xxxxxx

Ohhh your 1deg warmer than last night :rolleyes: bring on the thaw!

01-09-2014, 05:42 AM
I cant sleep because I fianlly find a place to sleep myself and then she starts panting and I know she hurts and needs to turn so I help her up. She cant seem to get up herself when she lays on her one side. I know the panting means she hurts. I gave he 1/2 tramadol last night. I knew she would have a hard time after her day at the vets.

She was standing when I got home but then laid down. I;m tryint to believe this will get better but I dont think it will.

Sorry I missed you Trish.

01-09-2014, 08:16 AM
Praying for a miracle for you and Zoe. God Bless you both.

01-09-2014, 08:22 AM
Sending strength and positive thoughts your way. Love ya, Kim

01-09-2014, 08:26 AM
Thinking of you and Zoe this morning. Hope both of you got some sleep. This cold weather does not help either of you. My husband has arthritis and he uses a heating pad some, but I guess the pain medication helps more. Maybe both of you just need a little more time for healing. Hoping and praying for you this cold morning. Love, JoAnne

01-09-2014, 08:49 AM
Thanks guys, they seemed to offer the Metacam as pain reliever more than anything else. We will try the tramadol through the weekend and reasess. I told hubby if the Metacam is her only chance, we have to use it if the tramadol does not work.

I know they told me with my mother, you need to build up the pain medication in your blood stream rather then wait for it to get so bad and then treat. So we will do twice a day tramadol even if it knocks her out for 4 days. Emergency vet said I could even do 1/4 tab every eight hours but I did that with her eyes and she was a zombie. She said most of the vets she knows agree tramadol only lasts about eight hours on their dogs.

I dont do well when I am sleep deprived, as you can see:o:o
I cry a lot.

01-09-2014, 12:32 PM
dear Addy
Only words of comfort,and prayers for your healing and Zoe's. I hope you both get better. As long as Zoe is eating and enjoying life!that is all that matters? I hope her pain lessens. The cold weather for both of you is not good. Wish I could send you some San Diego warmth and sunshine.
Love Sonja And Angel Apollo

01-09-2014, 01:15 PM
Oh Sonja,

I don't know how much she is enjoying life right now, there was no Barkfest last night and the kitchen was so quiet it broke my heart.:(

She seemed so alert and happy when we finally got home from the vets yesterday, like sleeping in the car made her feel better and then she is always so happy to be home. Evan after the horrid surgery last February, she ran around the house like nothing had happened when I brought her home.

When I give her the Vetoryl in the morning, it gives her a headache again.

I don't think there are any more rabbits in the hat.

I just am starting to think there is something else going on. for her to go downhill this fast.

01-09-2014, 01:41 PM
Addy, Hoping something does turn around for Zoe. It's the worst not knowing what's causing her to have pain...feeling so worried and helpless as well as sleep deprived, just a bad combo for anyone.
I'm sorry for what you're going through, its agonizing.
I'm still sending positive thoughts that Zoe will feel better soon...maybe with the help of one of the medications things will be better today/tonight.


Budsters Mom
01-09-2014, 02:32 PM
I am so sorry Addy. I know how emotionally hard this is for both you and your hubby. It does break your heart.:o ((((((HUGS))))))

01-09-2014, 03:18 PM
I'm so sorry that you're all going through this.
I hope that they can give you some answers soon and something that will work for Zoe's headaches.

Maybe Vetoryl isn't the right med for her? It certainly sounds that way.

01-09-2014, 04:10 PM
Hey Addy, just want you to know I'm here. I'm at a loss, too, and can guess how you're feeling. It is so hard. If hoping could help, Zoe would surely be cured, because you have all the hopes of your whole K9C family riding with you and your girl.

Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.

molly muffin
01-09-2014, 04:27 PM
Ditto what Marianne said. I wish I knew the answers. :( It's so tough to try and figure this one out because none of the normal things seem to fit into a recognizable pattern with Zoe.

It does appear to be pain related as the primary reason for all of this occurring, we just don't know why. Is there anything that the vets can do that is noninvasive to determine cause?

How about getting a baseline cortisol? just to give you an idea on that issue.

That along with seeing how the tramadol does over the weekend... well, it's a plan anyway. You know we all like plans.

Sending you love and strength Addy.

Bailey's Mom
01-09-2014, 08:34 PM
Hi Addy-Pain control-now that's something I know VOLUMES about. You can never play catchup with pain medication. People often have a hard time getting that through their heads. They have been so scared about over medicating that many seem to undermedicate. If you wait until you feel the pain, you've waited too long. Also, I know you said more often makes her a zombie, but perhaps just for the weekend that might be an acceptable tradeoff just so she could get some sleep, rest and healing. Or even just for 24 - 36 hours. Just more food for thought.
Please be sure you're eating and trying to get some rest. :)

Bailey's Mom
01-10-2014, 02:37 AM
Is that snoring I hear?????????????? :D:D:D
:):):) ;););)

01-10-2014, 07:19 AM
I am hoping you got some much needed rest. I am praying for you and sweet Zoe. Blessings

01-10-2014, 08:43 AM
We both managed a bit more sleep so yes Sus, you did hear snoring.

She tried to do a weak bark for her oatmeal bowl lick just now.:):)

She is breed with a head shape that cant acomodate a larger tumor. I read a question and answer on Dr. Peterson's website about a dog treated for 20 months, then became lethargic, then quit eating. It was a macro. They said the signs can sometimes be vague.

The headache from the Vetoryl, the lethargy, I dont know. May be a fit, maybe it is something else entirely. She has so many things wrong with her.

We are running late for work, love you all

01-10-2014, 08:49 AM
I know how you are feeling. Tipper started out not too bad on this journey and then things just started to mount up. When you get so many little things you start to worry how much more they can tolerate. It is amazing what these little babies have been through, I don't think a lot of humans could endure the things they have. I am hoping that for your sake this is temporary and that it will go away, it may remain a mystery, but hope it goes away soon. Blessings

Budsters Mom
01-10-2014, 09:56 AM
I am here too Sweetie. Waiting, hoping and praying too. It's the feeling of helplessness that is so hard because we have a need to fix everything for our pups. We are all at a loss right now. Xxxxxx

Bailey's Mom
01-10-2014, 11:58 AM
[QUOTE=addy;We are running late for work[/QUOTE]
At last it is Friday and for two days you will not have to go to work! I hope you three can just enjoy one anothers company and try to relax a bit. Maybe eat Smores? Do a chicken walk in the kitchen? Cuddle up with a funny movie?

Whatever you do, all of us will be at the ready, day and night, whenever you need us. Hugs and tissues of an unending supply await you. Please give Zoe a gentle hug from me and a kiss on her cute little noggin.:)

01-10-2014, 12:39 PM
Dear Addy
You know Zoe best. No one can tell you what to do. I know it is expensive, but for Apollo, I knew something was wrong with the stomach/intentional issues so I requested an ultrasound which revealed lesions through out his intestines which the month before he did not have possible cancer. I question why so many of our babies get cancer on the cocktail mix of medications they are given,especially over use of antibiotics. For Apollo I feel the combination of Ivermetician,antibiotics, and the Vertroyl damaged his little body. We feel so helpless in protecting them. Know you are doing the best for Zoe, she is still here and has fought along with you. Wish I could reach into the phone and surround you with all our hugs and love. You are not alone.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

01-10-2014, 04:24 PM
Good morning, popping in to see what is up in Addyland. Hope the last couple of days of increased pain meds has helped Zoe feel more comfortable, is she still knocked out with the Tramadol dose?

I forget where we are with your shoulder? Is a review coming up?

Hoping the snoring meant a good sleep for you all.... ohhhh and its the WEEKEND here, so not far away for you either xxxxxx

01-10-2014, 06:58 PM
If she can have 1/2 50 mgs twice a day ot 1/4 tablet 3 x a day.

I have been giving her larger 1/4 tablet at 10:30 am and 1/2 table 9:30pm.

HUbby does not get home until 11am on Fridays so she had 1/4 tablet at 11:30 am. Can I only give her 1/4 tablet now at 9:30?

She was a bit sick to her tummy this morning after her Vetory, probably from the increased tramadol.

01-10-2014, 07:01 PM
I think she could have the half tablet at night, as you have only given her a quarter in the morning and she is allowed the total of one whole pill a day. So I would give a half. How is she otherwise?

Bailey's Mom
01-10-2014, 07:23 PM
Hi-still here at the ready. Just reporting in. Hope it's pretty quiet, relatively speaking. Snoring is allowed!:D

01-10-2014, 07:23 PM
she just walked from our kitchen all the way into the living room to the small table which is about 20-30 feet. She has not done that since Christmas Eve.

this morning she looked so sick after I gave her the vetoryl. she barely licked my oatmeal bowl and her head was hung down. she did a mini bark fest for supper with a weak voice but she did it and gobbled down dinner. I am afraid to even type that has it is such a roller coaster with her, she is better, no she is worse, no she is better:eek::eek::eek: It is driving me start raving mad:rolleyes::(

hubby has been taking really good care of her while I am at work. she is only alone for 3 hours after he leaves for work and i get home. I give him credit, he has really stepped up to the plate for his little baby girl instead of complaining he has to take care of the dogs.

01-10-2014, 07:39 PM
Well once that sore elbow is under control hopefully the good days will start stringing together. Sometimes when he have thought things were going good with our babies it bites us on the butt, so I am like you if I say things are good then it blardy well jinxes it :eek::eek: Great about the longer walk just now, wheeeeeeeeeeeee go Zoe!!

molly muffin
01-10-2014, 08:00 PM
Well I'm thrilled that Zoe is having her moments of good. It may not be every moment, but we take what we can get for now. :)

Yay to hubby! They usually do step up when it's the babies eh. :) :) I remember that list you left him, and he did so well.


01-10-2014, 08:15 PM
Great news! I hope improvement continues and of course hubby stepped up, Zoe is his baby too.

Jenny & Judi in MN
01-10-2014, 08:33 PM
I'm glad today was a good day for zoe. I hope the warming up helps too. Judi

01-10-2014, 08:36 PM
Addy, It does sound like improvement! I hope tonight brings good sleep to all of you! Maybe tomorrow will be even better! :)


01-10-2014, 08:56 PM
i can understand, the up and down thing makes you crazy. no time to relax......hope she will continue to improve.

Budsters Mom
01-10-2014, 09:21 PM
I am so glad Zoe had a better day. We will take will take it! :p xxxxx

Roxee's Dad
01-10-2014, 09:48 PM
Yay for those good moments... It just warms the heart.

Bailey's Mom
01-11-2014, 12:03 AM
FANTASTIC!!!!! You go girl!!!!:D:D:D:):):)

01-11-2014, 07:41 AM
That is great that Zoe is having some good times. Each one is a blessing.

Squirt's Mom
01-11-2014, 09:45 AM
Dear Addy,

My heart goes out to you in complete empathy. Watching one we love so very dearly slowly wind down is extremely difficult and gut wrenching. For nearly 16 years, any time something came up with Squirt we could fix it but those days are over. There are no more "fixes" in the remaining pages of her Book of Life. That was a crushing realization...and one I still find myself fighting.

But there has been a compensation of sorts - our moments together are so much sweeter and more meaningful. Every good moment is cause for a national holiday in my book. ;) We find many things to celebrate each day, even the really bad ones, if it's nothing more than one more day together. Oh, I cry, every day I cry, but through it all I know how incredibly blessed we have been and continue to be. I work hard to give her as much joy as possible each day and seeing that light in her eyes is all the payment I need, all the payment I will ever need.

As you struggle to help your sweet girl, don't forget to give her reasons to have that light in her eyes and don't forget to be grateful; don't forget to enjoy her as much as possible. When your mind is in a tizzy from research, stop and lay on the floor with your babies for a little while. Let them, and you, release for a bit and just be. For a time, I forgot about the importance of things like that in my efforts to find a way to help Squirt - I forgot that the things I hoped to learn that may help her also took my time away from her...and my time is what she needs above all else. And those moments of intense connection with her is what I need above all else. ;) Those times offer more healing than any drug ever could - for us both.

Sending many hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

01-11-2014, 04:16 PM
Thinking of you and praying for your whole family and Zoe. Love, JoAnne

01-11-2014, 05:54 PM
Hi Addy

Sunday morning hug heading your way!! Hope you and Zoe are catching up on some much needed rest and have had loads of **SNUGGLETIME** xxxxx

01-11-2014, 06:43 PM
We ha d a bit of a rough nite. we cant catch a break in the weather. we had freezing rain and the temps dropped, our entire yard is a skating rink, we kept putting de icer down and it melted away and did nothing. Finally I went out our back door and shoeveled some snow away off the brick walkway and made a small spot for Zoe to poo. I think we both paid a price for that as we both had a bit harder night and morning today even with our pain pills. What a pair we are.

This afternoon hubby and I went to the movies. We have not been away from Zoe much except for work since Christmas. I wanted to see Inside Llewyn Davis. It was not exactly what I was expecting. I think I should have seen a comedy. :rolleyes:

I just keep telling Zoe what a good job she is doing and her eyes shine. Her safe haven now is our bedroom, my laptop does not work well in there, the modem is a bit far away, I think. I stay with her when she in in the bedroom. She knows if I leave the room.

She is panting more today and having a harder time walking but I still tell her she is doing a great job.

Arm hurts to type so sorry for all the errors

molly muffin
01-11-2014, 06:51 PM
Oh Addy, poor you and poor Zoe. Can you make Zoe a bed by your feet, for when you aren't in the bedroom? Molly has a rug near my computer that she hangs out on when I am on here. It seems to work for her, it's sort of behind a chair, so she Thinks it's a private space except for her and I.

Yikes, freezing rain, absolutely is awful!!

We got a melt here today and then you know it will freeze, turn to ice, in fact, it was ice this morning, so Molly and me go down to take a walk, and yowser. I had to use the handles on the jeep to sort of pull myself up the drive, to get back to the door. I hate Winter!

You be careful out there. Neither you nor Zoe, nor Koko or hubby need any slips and falls!

Budsters Mom
01-11-2014, 07:00 PM
You are doing such a wonderful job Addy. I'm so sorry that you're still hurting. That just makes everything so much harder.:o I used to tell Buddy he was doing a great job and his eyes would shine too. I would even tell him that when he couldn't get up out if his bed and I would lie on the floor beside him. Telling Zoe that means everything to her. She still wants to please you because she loves you so much. Remember, you are not doing this alone. We are all fluttering around you to give you strength. Xxxxx

01-11-2014, 10:55 PM

ice is such a pain! Please be careful. Some people use cat litter to absorb and melt the ice. Not sure if that would help.

I'm sure that the cold is making you and Zoe sore.
Hope you both feel better soon!

Shiny eyes is a great sign in my book! I can just picture it.

01-11-2014, 11:23 PM
I liked Llewyn Davis but it is most definitely on the gloomy side, but glad you and your husband got out for a bit anyway...

Glad Zoe is cozy and feels safe in your bedroom. Hope you all have a comfortable and quiet night.


Bailey's Mom
01-11-2014, 11:30 PM
I'm here and I'm sorry it's so hard. I'm fluttering the best I can. :)

01-12-2014, 04:45 AM
Hey you

Sorry you both had a bad day, I can imagine it must be so frustrating for you with your shoulder feeling restricted physically with all you have going on with Zoe. I do sure hope for a good day today and some warmer weather for you both.

Thinking of you, sending a tight hug to you and kisses to the fur kids


01-12-2014, 02:26 PM
My own fault, I should not have shoveled:o

I am going to start catching videos of Zoe so vet can see what the heck I am talking about. IF her front leg is like my shoulder, the least bit of the wrong motion or jarring sets off the pain. I wonder if that is not what happens to her front leg, especially with her either dealing with frigid temps or ice.

Right now it looks like we may end up on Metacam. Her poos were not so hot after the stressful vet visit, they are getting better though today she had a really good one and then a bit of mucus.

She is pretty spaced out from the tramadol. She sleeps so nicely in the afternoon, but not so good at night. She probably would do best on 1/4 tablet 3 x a day but I cannot figure out the timing of that because the Vetoryl knocks her out and seems to bother her. I hate to give her tramadol right after the Vetoryl.

Budsters Mom
01-12-2014, 03:09 PM
Still fluttering right by your side. Do not swat us, we aren't flies!:D xxxx

01-12-2014, 06:53 PM
Well, I may have to delete that last post as we went to visit my mom and came home, Zoe woke up and I helped her up, hubby took her out, carrying her and she just came back into the kitchen trying to trot and then did a pretty strong version of hop, hop, bark for at least 8 minutes.:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Budsters Mom
01-12-2014, 07:11 PM
she just came back into the kitchen trying to trot and then did a pretty strong version of hop, hop, bark for at least 8 minutes.

You go girl! Our Diva can still surprise us! What a wonderful gift! :D:D:D xxxxx

molly muffin
01-12-2014, 07:48 PM
Did you leave your computer open while you were gone? Zoe might have read what you wrote on her thread and decided, no way are you videoing her for the vet!!! LOL

I'm glad she found her mojo tonight :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-13-2014, 04:28 AM
Awesome! You go Zoe! I wanted to pop in and tell you it is Autumn here in about six weeks... so that means your Spring is just around the corner!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee you are going to be entering the warmth and light soon, so hang on in there you guys!! xxx

01-13-2014, 11:03 AM
That is such a wonderful thing about Zoe. I am so glad she is rebounding to a better place. I hope your shoulder is doing better also. Blessings

molly muffin
01-13-2014, 05:13 PM
Did someone say warmth? light? soon?

ehhhhh, they're pulling our leg right....LOL

hope today continued for doing better Zoe :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-13-2014, 05:59 PM
Hello you

Touched my heart to read she had a hop and a bark. You go Zoe.

Hoping your shoulder is not so sore and that you are both having a good day today.

Big hugs, kisses to the fur kids


01-13-2014, 07:45 PM
She'll be the death of me yet. Hubby begged me to only give her 1/4 tablet Tramadol at bedtime, he was so worried about how sedated she had been all night.

When I left the is morning. I thought not a good idea but tonight what???

I took her out and she pooed and peed - did not have to stand on ice ( only muddy grass):rolleyes: Then I took Koko out and he took forever to poo because there is part of a dead rabbit under our spruce tree:eek::eek::eek:

She was waiting at the door and by the time we got done she was gone. My heart sank because I thought she hobbled into the bedroom and was laying on her side again but I raced into the dark room, flipped on the light and found Miss Zoe, rubbing her face on all the cushions I stacked against out entertainement unit so she could not rub her eye on the wood. She had knocked all the pillows down and was looking quite pleased with herself.

I dont know whether to laugh or cry. I just carried her into the kitchen and she had a good dinner did a bit of hop, hop bark and has now been up and around for over an hour.

I know she will crash. Gotta run and get her drops in before she does

01-13-2014, 07:56 PM
Good for you Zoe. You got your Mom on her toes always.:)
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

molly muffin
01-13-2014, 07:58 PM
That Zoe! She is just too adorable. I'm so glad she knocked all the pillows down and was pleased as punch with herself. There is nothing so adorable as when they are feeling good enough to be little scamps.
Long may it continue.
Maybe she will crash later on, then again, maybe she'll crash tonight and then have another great day tomorrow. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-15-2014, 04:01 PM
Hey Addy

Just nipping in to see how you both are?

Hoping Zoe is getting up to her old tricks still and that you are not so sore with your shoulder?

Big hug, kisses to the fur kids


Bailey's Mom
01-15-2014, 05:45 PM
Hallooooo Addy-:D
Where are you hiding? How is Zoe and how is Koko? How is Mom? How is the shoulder? :)
How is the ice?:(
Do you get President's day off?
Pier 1 is having a 75% off all Christmas stuff sale-you might be able to find a pickle for about a buck!

01-15-2014, 08:18 PM
Not hiding, thanks for looking for me though:) Zoe- it is up and down with that girl. She was starting to get really sedated from the tramadol so we had to cut her dose down for a few days. She did a pretty good bark fest tonite but she is just not the same dog she was even a month ago. I have my videos I want to send to the vet. I want her back leg xrayed.

I would kill to find a decent, good GP vet here in town.

My shoulder is as up and down as Zoe so maybe I can understand why one day she is better, one day worse. Hubby said, if we could just get her through the winter. It is bitter cold again after 4-6 inch snow fall last nite.

Her new trick is let's knock over my water bowl:rolleyes: She seems to get a kick out of that one:D:D:D

One day I am crying my eyes out, the next day I am shaking my head. I hate this roller coaster ride and we have had our fair share of them. This is the worst one yet.

But tonight I get to hold her and bury my face in her soft fur of which she has HAIR everywhere and it is thick.:):):)

Hubby thinks she has cancer inside. I dont want to think at all.:(:o

I just want to be with her. I admit though to having some major meltdowns but I keep smiling and telling Zoe she is doing great.

molly muffin
01-15-2014, 08:49 PM
Addy, that is all you can do is just keep telling how great she is and cute and furry.
I absolutely understand not wanting to go down that path in your thoughts. I wouldn't want to either and sometimes, a little denial can go along way. It's all about getting through each day and doing the best we can and sharing that with them.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
01-15-2014, 09:21 PM
But tonight I get to hold her and bury my face in her soft fur of which she has HAIR everywhere and it is thick.:):):)

Yes, We live for these moments! Breathe her in, feel it all, capture the moments to last a lifetime. I'm with you Addy and totally understand. Xxxxx

01-15-2014, 10:05 PM
Awww Addy,
I'm glad that Zoe is having some good days. We all understand the melt downs. It's good to get those emotions out.

A few weeks ago, I fell down the stairs backwards. My neck and shoulder have been progressively getting worse which does nothing to help my insomnia.
Chris treated us to hour long professional massages this past weekend and let me tell you how much it helped!
Maybe this is something that might help you Addy? They don't need to touch your shoulder, just work on the surrounding muscles and tissues. Many injuries are occompanied by muscle strain from nearby body parts.
It's a thought.


01-15-2014, 10:24 PM
Dear Addy
Be in the moment. Try to be up for Zoe, just hold,kiss, love her. What you are going through is normal. If we didn't fight so hard for them, we would have lost the moments we have now. Talk to her, spoil her, be in the moment. Keep writing us about all the feelings you are having, let us be here for you. Relish the moments with Zoe. My warrior sister.
hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Believe in the little miracles.

Bailey's Mom
01-16-2014, 12:33 AM
That's a great idea about massages. I used to regularly fall down....stairs, walking along, while bowling....you name it......down I went. Fortunately I seem to have cut that out a good bit. In the process I learned that getting massages can save you and/or relieve a lot of pain and soreness. A fall like you had makes one tense up even without knowing it and the surrounding areas get really stressed out. A good, gentle massage can do wonders, as can a nice hot bath.....as can a cute little puppy doggie walking along your back, if you can make that happen! :D
The waterworks are necessary too....your eyes need lubricating. And if you didn't let some of the pressure out along the way, there would be this huge explosion somewhere along the way that we would all read about one morning or see on CNN Headline News. I did the same thing with Palmer. We used to have talks where I told him I knew he wasn't going to be able to make it to 15 like I had hoped.....never mind the 17 I had wished for in the beginning. But there are some pictures Ryan took near the end when Palmer was reluctant to go up the steps to the upstairs. He had started to slide on them and we had started carrying him up and down. I had gone upstairs and Palmer was standing at the bottom of the steps barking for me to come down. I can't stand that picture. I can't stand that I spent that time away from him.
So cuddle with Zoe and enjoy every single second you can. Snatch pictures as often as you can on those rare moments when she is playful and silly. Keep the camera handy. Even take a picture of her sleeping. Live in the moment, just as you have been.:)

01-16-2014, 01:22 PM
dang Sus, you always make me laugh even when I am in the middle of a melt down.:):)

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Zoe's birthday is in April. They told me she had Cushings on her birthday in 2010. I wish I could keep her going until Spring. I wish I knew how old she really is, maybe it would not hurt so bad.:o:o:o

This time last year they found her vuvla tumor. I hate Januarys.

Bailey's Mom
01-16-2014, 03:14 PM
Hey! January is half gone!! And February is a short month....even shorter than some February's. And YOU, you lucky girl, you and your little girl have TODAY!! :D:):cool: AND!!!Your work day is over 1/2 over!! WHAT MORE could you want??? (without being greedy?)
And the sun is out here if FL so I am going to step outside, even though it's chilly and blow with all my might and try to send some north. Waaaaaay far north westerly......to try to get some luke warm temperatures your way. It's only 56 here....but I expect you'd welcome that.:)
Stop wasting all that energy on what it might be and when it might be. Whatever it is or isn't does not matter. You are doing all you can and you have to let some of this go. What you are after is to make Zoe feel loved and comfortable and you are succeeding at that. It's a day to day thing. One foot in front of the other. And you have so many angels fluttering around you I'm having trouble catching my breath here!!:DTake a deep breath and enjoy that husband of yours and that little girl. And don't forget about Koko.
Big warm, gentle hug and lots of love,

01-16-2014, 08:09 PM
Haven't been on for a few days but I'm so happy to see that Zoe's has been doing well!! I know it's up and down but seems like the last few posts are positive and Zoe eve up to a little mischief knocking down a pillow pile!! Hope that the barking hop-fest continues and Zoe has only good days ahead!!


Bailey's Mom
01-16-2014, 11:25 PM
I think I overdid it. It's 41 here. Please send some of the sun back!:(

01-17-2014, 08:29 AM
It is becoming clearer that the 1/4 tab and the 1/2 tab of Tramadol every day is too much for her. The other night she kept falling over when I came home from work and was panting and panting. Hubby had given the 1/4 tab at 11am. It was 5:30pm.

I went back to read through Hannah and Julie's thread back in the summer of 2012, I remember Zoe was on Tramadol after her surgery and Hannah was having back problems. The gabapenten was making Hannah's back legs give out and Julie thought she was getting worse and her vet advised stopping the drug for 3 days.

She has walked around the house this morning more than she has in a long time. Granted she is now in the kitchen exhausted. Anything more than an hour on her feet is too much for her.

I have to find a balance for her and I need somehow to be able to take off work to consult with the surgeon who did the orthopedic exam. I did not get to speak with him, he squeezed her in while she was in emergency. I thought maybe I could send an email along with the videos Kayla and I took. I would tell him I would pay for a consultation if we could do a consult without Zoe and just my info in th email and him watching the videos. Just until I can figure out how to take off work. The videos paint a very different picture of the dog he saw in emergency who refused to show pain.

01-17-2014, 08:43 AM
Addy, I think the videos are a great idea and I hope the surgeon will be willing to consult with you in this way. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to get them to diagnose an intermittent problem that isn't being exhibited during a vet visit (my blinkin' car does the same thing at the repair shop :rolleyes:).

Good luck and we will anxiously await further news!

01-17-2014, 09:33 AM
I know, it was like that one October, she had sprained her toe and was limping at home. As soon as we got to the GP's office she refused to limp. As soon as I brought her back home, she started limping again:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Her stools are green off and on again, not sure if she is eating bunny poo outside in the only spot we can take her (the bunnies like that spot too) or if the Tramadol is bothering her GI tract.

I f I put diapers on her, how do you keep her fur clean? Her coast is so thick and dense, I wipe her off right now with baby wipes. Maybe she needs a sanitary cut. Hasn't had one of those in 2 years or more.

She is peeing every time she wakes up but holds it all night. I just cant always get her out fast enough in the morning. It takes so long to get all our gear on.

Maybe I can take off work and get her in to IMS and surgeon consult on the same day though I think it will be too much for her. The ER visit just wiped her out for a few days.

01-17-2014, 11:46 AM
I am so sorry you have not figured out Zoe's problem yet. I think the consult sounds like your best bet, but will probably wipe her out. 12 hours at the hospital really got to Tipper Wednesday too. I sure hope you can get some kind of resolution to this. Blessings

01-17-2014, 12:46 PM
No Patti- my shoulder must be affecting my brain
Addy’s number one Zoe rule- never do two things at once so what do I do?
I decrease her Vetoryl and increase her tramadol

01-17-2014, 02:57 PM
Hi Addy

I always feel compelled to drop into your thread to celebrate the weekend :D:D:D Saturday morning here and I am popping in for a catchup.

Sounds like Zoe is walking better, that's a win! Very pleased to hear that. I am wondering if it is the Tramadol treating the pain or whether if it was an injury it is healing itself slowly. Hopefully a bit of both, but I too think it is a great idea to take a video on and see the ortho specialist. I know it is real hard splitting pills more than quarters, could you looking at getting the tramadol drops where it is easier to give the smaller doses. Wish I could send you Flynny's bottle as he is off it totally now. Good think to have in my doggy pharmacy though :)

What's with the green poop from bunnies, :eek: now that is something I have not had to deal with... but these IBD pups get their tummies upset so easily it would not surprise me. Is she messing herself with the poop? Maybe she is if you are considering the sanitary cut, or maybe it's just sticking when she goes poop outside now she has her extra furry fur coat grown in :D (shite sticking to a blanket is coming to mind!) ;)

Stink, your January is like our November.... wow amazing nearly a year since her surgery. She is such a fighter, I cannot believe how our pups keep on going despite all these glitches that keep popping up to confound us. Be gone evil January, you suck! Honestly I think if we removed the nasty months, I know Tina hates September and there must be other dogs with their nemesis months we could just do December and have Christmas every week :eek:

Hope your weekend is warmer and that snow and ice starts to melt away. I am very sure some warmer weather is going to help her too, ease those joints. Your shoulder included, hopefully that is starting to improve?

Good luck with getting the specialist sorted Addy and know I am thinking of your guys all the time :) xxxxxxx

01-18-2014, 12:35 PM
Stinking IBD flare - I saw it coming for 3 days now and it is here:mad:

Hope I can nip it in the bud. I gave her biiger pice of metronidazole last two days, I may have to give her a small piece tonight. No her pee is what is messing up her hair not her poo.

Trish it is probalby already your Sunday. My Saturday is ok since it means no going to work:D:D:D:D:D:D:D