View Full Version : Zoe By My Side- Our Journey with Cushings
Well of course Mom would be in the rare percentile, I would expect nothing else from a member of my family:D:D:D:D:D:D:rolleyes:
Ahh this girl of mine, she is trying to play with Koko, did not want to stop her chicken walk.
I dont like these tremors, not sure what is going on, her hair is growing like crazy and as I said her tail is growing hair - it seems like everyday her fur is thicker and longer like it is growing before our eyes but now we have these tremors.
I am trying to pay more attention to when and how, etc. I think I will start journaling.
Oh- guys- one thing I noticed- I usually cant give Zoe melatonin as it affects her dry eye disease but with the time change I have to resort to using it for a week. I have also now noticed that the melatonin makes her drink more water.
Just wanted to mention it in case anyone using melatonin and lignans still sees increased thirst- it could possibly be the melatonin as in Zoe's case.
Who knew a dog biscuit was worth more than cheese or chicken? I noticed when Koko comes with Zoe for her vet tests they have a jar of biscuits on the counter so if he sees a dog he gets worked up and excited I would pull one out of their jar and let him gnaw on it circumventing his brain wiring. So I bought a box of them and I carry some in my pocket when we walk so if we see a squirrel or a dog or any critter I use the biscuit for him to gnaw on and he forgets about the critter.
Well, now he is upset if we don't come across a critter so he stops at a house he knows is home to two dogs, refuses to move, smells the air for five minutes and then runs to me "Yup, Mom, I know their are dogs there, can I have my biscuit now?" Then he proceeds to give me his undivided attention while walking the rest of the way home.
I laughed so hard at the boy, I have never had him walk along next to me focused on only me the whole time- over a biscuit- who knew?
Zoe slept till six, I had to wake her up; either she adjusted to the time change or I screwed up and gave her melatonin twice:rolleyes:
Lol what a morning:):):) Always looking for that one good thing- today we had two already:D:D:D
11-07-2013, 08:56 AM
That is a cute story and show how fast these little ones catch onto something. Tipper hates dry dog bone treats, but if they give me one at the bank for her, she fights me over it. I have to throw them out the window for the critters to eat as I don't give Tipper anything that I do not know who made it and where it comes from. I have been wanting to try some melatonin for Tipper. What kind do you use, and how much do you give them? Do you put Zoe's in her food or what? Blessings
Patti- I posted about melatonin on your thread but forgot to tell you, I wrap the pill in some turkey or potato and she eats it.
I never bought Koko biscuits as I too am fussy about what he eats, maybe that is why he is so happy about them- they are like junk food:) Maybe it is the equivalent of potato chips or a candy bar after all his whole good, healthy, foods LOL
Budsters Mom
11-07-2013, 03:37 PM
Two good things in one day. You have hit the jackpot!:D I love the biscuit story. Such a smart little guy you have there.
Rosie hasn't figured out the time change. Buddy always knew! She now goes to bed and hour earlier and still wakes up after I'm up in the morning. :p
I hope your mom is doing better. xxxxx
11-08-2013, 12:04 AM
haha...:D love that story. Never under estimate the power of a dog biscuit!!! ;)
11-08-2013, 08:27 AM
Just wondering if you have snow on the ground? We do we had a small storm for Lake Michigan come down our way last nite. We have about an inch or so. Hope Zoe is enjoying the cooler weather. Blessings
Hi Barbara, Kathy, Patti,
Nope no snow yet but possibly Monday and Tuesday, hard frost though. I still have to cut down my peonies:o:o I have so much winterzing garden stuff that I never got to and I keep trying to hand trim Zoe's hair as she is going to get snow balls stuck in it if it stays this long.
Patti- my toes were frozen after our walks this am
11-08-2013, 09:33 AM
I love peonies and have white and red ones. You will have to break out the electric sox!! Blessings
molly muffin
11-08-2013, 01:14 PM
Snow! :( yikes, already. So not ready for that. We've had the frosts going, with the temperatures below freezing at night and some days mighty chilly too, but no snow yet. whew glad of that.
My yard is looking a bit um neglected. Funny you mentioned the longer fur, I just called and booked Molly in for next Wed to get her hair clipped and made all pretty. She is looking like a rag doll!
Guess we are all trying to adjust to shorter daylight hours, colder weather, and in general, hibernation till spring. (well that is what I'd like, just don't get to have) :)
hugs all, stay warm!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
11-08-2013, 02:21 PM
NO SNOW EVER HERE! It has often been 85° at Christmas time.:D xxxx
11-08-2013, 03:57 PM
Nice and cool here...last night they mentioned a Nor'easter would bring some snow here next week. Today they are backing off that report. Hope you get time to winterize your garden. Peonies are amazing flowers, I got married in June and we used tons of peonies (pink, white and fuschia) at the wedding (way back when).
Glad that Zoe's fur is growing so well that you need to trim for the snow! :p
I love peonies too and I have some breathing room- the snow is cancelled:D
Call me crazy but I am weaning Zoe off her metronidazole. I know I just got her stable and all with a good UPC but something is going on with my girl and that is the first place I am looking, rightly or wrongly. I have to pick my battles - so holding my breath, we have done one day on and one day off twice so far. If her liver is not good ( and we know there are suspicious spots on it) the metronidazole can build up in in the liver, the liver cant get rid of it as fast. So I dont want to cut the dose down daily but allow her to have days without so the toxins dont build up as much. At least this is my theory for now, from what I have read. I may be wrong but I wont know unless I try. If I'm wrong then at least I dont have to wonder and think about it anymore and I can move on.
They were wrong about her skin, her hair, her intemediate hormones, I think they are wrong about her legs too.
I'll let you know how I make out;)
TGIF and yes Sharlene, I wish Zoe could go with Molly for a spa day but I dont think she could handle it. We will have to do with my scissors job- she's a bit uneven but hey- no one will notice except Koko:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
11-09-2013, 06:28 PM
Scientist/researcher Addy is at work again!:D You'll be able to publish your own book! Bailey likes the biscuits from the drive thru window at the bank...but they're too big for her, so I have to break them for her......they don't taste too bad.....:p
Hooray for more hair! I'm in favor of hair. 82 here today. It's going to be a rude awakening on Friday.
Enjoy your weekend!
11-09-2013, 06:54 PM
You do what you think is right. Zoe is still here and it is because of your love and caring.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Thanks dearest Sonja, I figure nothing ventured, nothing gained, if it does not work out, well then I know and I dont wonder anymore. Unless her ACTH test is going to give me a surprise I am not prepared for.:confused::confused:
Sus- break out the flannels, you will be cold come next weekend!!!
I'll go check your weather report for BB.:D:D:D:D
11-09-2013, 08:07 PM
I just wanted to pop in and say hello to a sweet and missed friend. Well i miss everyone here altogether so hello family.
Dear Addy, hope Zoe, Koko, hubby and mom are feeling good. I think of you always.
Tightest hugs. Xo Jeanette
11-10-2013, 04:46 AM
Hey Addy
I think that's a very sensible approach for Miss Zoe, if she can handle having it intermittently rather than daily, that's got to be better for her system. You know her so well you will be able to tell if isn't working
Love the fact she has grown so much hair she needs a mom haircut special :D
Hope your mom is doing ok and they have figured out the medication.
Hugs to you and kisses to the fur babies
11-10-2013, 08:08 AM
I know how you feel after researching these things and finding out the consequences of using them. I know you will weigh the options and do what is best for Zoe. She has such a wonderful mom to look after her. We are having 60 mile and hour wind gusts, it is really blowing hard here, and the temperature is dropping rapidly. Blessings
Hey Jeanette, how is my sweet friend? How is your family doing?
Mel - so good to hear from you, I am worrried about these tremors she is having, not just her legs, so thought I would start there.
Patti- we had those awful winds yesterday and Friday, the only good thing about them was they blew most of the leaves down:)
Happy Sunday!!!
Squirt's Mom
11-10-2013, 09:25 AM
Leaves! The bane of my world right now! I have not one tree on my lot other than an immature Banaba (Crepe Myrtle) but my lot is covered in leaves! For a while I could step between the leaves to clean the yard but not now! Even raking yesterday, I woke up with the yard looking like it didn't even get touched! :rolleyes: The fun comes in when I'm poop scooping 'cause of two trees - the Sweet Gum whose leaves are the same color as Squirt's poop and the Hackberry whose leaves darken and curl, looking just like Soph's poop! So I often find I am deliberately stepping in poop to scoop a leaf! :eek::p Since I miss as often as I find, raking is loads of fun, too....thank goodness for long rubber gloves! :p
11-11-2013, 08:29 AM
Are you bracing for the first snow of the season? Hope you got to those peonies. How has Zoe been doing? Hope you two had a good weekend together. Blessings
it is sticking to the grass and my car:eek::eek: I will have to clean off my car when I leave work:mad::mad:
This is way too soon just on the heels of changing off daylight saving time!!!!
Plus, I think hubby forgot how to use Zoe's walking harness aid:eek::eek:
Zoe's poos have been fine with the metro every other day but she is panting more. It used to be that she panted when her IBD bothered her but maybe she is warm because of all this new thick hair, she is not used to having it.
Also, another problem came up, she is taking longer to eat her food so her Vetoryl is in the food longer and kind of melting. I noticed this last night so now I have to put it in a small dish with a small amount of food which works fine but she is scheduled for a stim Thursday and I am concerned she has not been getting the correct dose at night because of the melting Vetoryl capsuls:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Always something!:):):o:rolleyes:
11-11-2013, 01:29 PM
Hi Addy,
I wait for Trixie to finish her food and then I hand feed her one blob of food with the capsules...would this work for Zoe?
Then you don't have to worry that the pills are starting to melt.
So you are getting snow! :D They say snow showers here for tomorrow coming in with the very cold air. Today is fairly mild. Takes forever for anything to stick on the streets here too many hot pipes running under the pavement.
Hope you don't get too much this early in the season. ;)
Hi Barbara,
I was hand feeding her but then I have to give her more meat=protein and with potatoes and even the turkey, she was starting to spit out the pill and a few times Koko almost ate it -so I started putting it back in her food which used to not be a problem because she inhaled it in 30 seconds. Now she is taking longer and is very messy when she eats. This morning I fed her and then saved a bit on a small plate and dropped the pill on top and she ate it right away without spitting it out.
She never used to spit pills out. She is starting to do that more and more. I just am worried as I don’t know how this all may affect her stim.
The snow stopped:D:D
molly muffin
11-11-2013, 04:52 PM
Would you feel better if you postponed the stim for another week? Just to be sure she is getting the right dose or do you want to get this over and done with?
I hate it when it's 50/50 and hard to tell what is the best thing to do. I'd rather a good solid 80% one way or the other at lease. LOL
YUK sticking to the car!! :( Cry me some crocodile tears over that.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Sharlene,
I would have to postpone for more than that, I cant take off next week and I have to book 3 weeks ahead. I did not want to put it off that long with her tremors. I don't know what to do. I even cut her dose down at night for five days the end of October because I worried maybe she was a bit too low. Hard to gage sometimes.
Maybe I better keep this appointment but know the results could be off. I'm not sure how many times the pills started melting.
molly muffin
11-11-2013, 06:30 PM
Oh drat, the tremors are continuing even though you've changed the meta to every other day?
3 weeks, yes I can see that wouldn't actually work out if the tremors are continuing. Is she doing the tramadol every other day or as needed? Noticed that Trish said that Flynns twitching decreased or stopped once the tramadol was stopped. I know that isn't an option with Zoe, but wondered if it could have an affect on her, like tremors. Something to maybe think about.
yea, if you can't get off next week, then it would be way too long for any kind of peace of mind. It is and can be very frustrating trying to know what is best to try or do at any given moment. You really have done so wonderfully though with Zoe and knowing what will work best with her. Trial phases are Not a bad thing as you have shown time and again. It is sometimes the only way to really figure things out. Even as long as these vets have treated some pups, they still don't live with them and know them in that every day way.
hugs Addy
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
11-11-2013, 07:07 PM
Have you tried sealing the pill in a small piece of pill pocket, then putting into a small amount of her food. Once she's downed that, giving her the rest. Sealing the pill would keep it from dissolving much longer. Just a thought......
Buddy had head tremors. They made me feel helpless until we all figured out what was causing them. Thinking of you my dear and sending hugs and Rosie slurps.:D. Xxxx
It is so hard right now, most of September and October are a blur, I was eating in the car while driving from the hospital to work, I couldn't take care of Zoe like I usually do, my heart was breaking for my mom and my little girl whom needed me but I could not be there for her.
Zoe was growing thick, long hair, even her tail started growing hair, it was amazing how she looked no one could believe my Zoe but her back legs were getting stiffer and stiffer. I was alternating the tramadol after cutting back completely on it. She would only get a small nightly dsoe 2-3 times a week. Then her bad front leg started trembling terribly. Mostly after dinner, she would lie down for a while and then when she would get up her bad front leg would tremble so hard her head would shake from it.
Then her head started trembling without her front leg shaking, mostly at night when I would get home from work. One night she fell to her side, I thought she had had a seizure. I could not watch her closely so I was not sure what exactly happened. I cut her nightly vetoryl dose in half for five nights, she seemed better. I put her back on the full dose and then things slowly started getting bad again. With the time change, she went a full week with no tramadol, gave her only melatonin, she still had the head tremors and the front leg shaking.
I cut back the metronidazole and now she is panting more, poos are good and I dont see the head tremors as much but that front legs still shakes badly on and off, usually when she first wakes up from sleeping. So I gave her tramadol for the last two nights which helped her front leg.
She is not drinking much water, she waited at the door this morning for her chicken walk, she is much slower at eating but that could be her legs, I just raised her bowl again, she is standing better when eating but still did not inhale dinner tonight. Koko finishes long before she does, they used to finish at the same time. She sleep all night, no accidents, no issues, her reverse Mohegan is filling in, you cant believe the new growth on her tail.
If her cortisol is sky high why would she be growing hair on her tail and why is she not at the water bowl first thing in the morning. I always knew her cortisol was higher because she would get a drink first thing in the morning. So I thought maybe she has drifted too low for her.
Or it could be the spot on her liver is cancer and that is causing these problems.
Maybe I can call and see if I could get in next week. I dont want to take her the week of Thanksgiving, it will be a mess there unless it was Monday.
So, I cant know what to do for Zoe until I know more about where she is which means anlother round of doctor consults, listening to opinions, researching and making a decision. It has to start somewhere and I dont know how much time I have before everything blows up again with mom.
It is just hard right now.
Budsters Mom
11-11-2013, 08:04 PM
((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) I am so sorry Addy. Know that we're here for you, always!:p
I know that helpless feeling oh so well. It's so hard to watch them decline and not know how to help, or ever whether you can help. You have always been Zoe's best advocate, trust yourself. We do!
As for your Mom, that is all stressful in itself. She knows that you love her and are doing your best.
Sending you, love, strength and healing energy. xxxxx
molly muffin
11-11-2013, 08:11 PM
So, from what you are saying, I think I agree, her cortisol is Not too high, but might be a tad low for her. She did better when you cut the nightly vetroyl in half. There was no change in the shaking when the tramadol was taken away and it is helping her front let, so probably worth while to continue that and it isn't contributing to her tremors. She might have fallen over and if her front leg is bothering her that much, then could be a pain type of moment. Sounds like the metronidazole might be the contributor to the head tremors.
If the cortisol is lower than where Zoe needs it to be, it could be causing her to feel more of the problem in her front leg too. So maybe you Can go ahead with test now especially if you are looking to see if it is too low. Would be different if you suspected it of being too high.
Does all of that sound about right?
Bailey's Mom
11-11-2013, 11:06 PM
Hi Addy-
I don't have any words of wisdom. You seem to be where we were with Palmer.....lots of questions and only expensive ways to get any answers. And we did just what you are doing...try to eliminate one thing as a problem at a time. Be sure to journal every change you make, no matter how small. I kept Excel spreadsheets on Palmer. Once they got set up, it made it much easier.
When I die, I want to come back as Addy's puppy!!!:D
11-11-2013, 11:11 PM
I think you should get the stim test as planned because you will feel better once you know what the numbers are. I can't imagine the situation with the medication melting would change anything that drastically on the test as long as you can get her to take the pill/s properly the day of the test.
Sounds like you will feel less stressed if you know Zoe's level.
It's so hard to be pulled in many directions, you have a lot going on and I know for me if things with the dog are even a little off I feel the stress level escalate like crazy, especially when there are other people that need you. Take a deep breath...everything will be okay! :)
11-11-2013, 11:23 PM
Sending you big hugs!
11-11-2013, 11:46 PM
See what the numbers say. They might lead to some answers. Hugs.
11-12-2013, 08:10 AM
I think it will drive you crazy if you do not know Zoe's numbers. I think she will be ok if she get her pill the day of the test. Blessings
11-12-2013, 08:33 AM
Addy, when is the last time Zoe had a full senior panel? If not so recent, that's probably where I'd want to start.
last January, we will have one done Thursday because it looks like we are going Thursday as planned since we all voted :D:D
Thank you all for your input, it helps. She definitely got her meds now, she was happy this morning with bright eyes after 3 nights on Tramadol. No pain pills for Little Miss tonight. Then I can see tomorrow if her leg shakes and then pain pill Wednesday night so she can handle car ride and test. I will talk to them about making her stand on a table for blood draw and injection. Perhaps they can help her with that somehow, she will have trouble doing it.
We will get it sorted out. I need to put emotions aside so I can think clearly. You all help me to do that so thank you.:):)
After all, I am determined Little Miss will have her Zoe tree this year. I am not ready for her to leave us.
11-12-2013, 01:19 PM
Need to read more so I can catch up on the latest but sending a monster hug to you my friend xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)
molly muffin
11-12-2013, 07:07 PM
Would a towel on the table help her to stand? If so, and you don't know if they have them (they should) bring your own. That's what those great big purses, bags are for! ;)
Trish survived!! :D
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Great minds think alike, I just packed up her mat from clicker training class years ago:D:D:D
Hubby reports today no head or leg tremors, no falls. I told him thats because she saves all that up for me when I get home:rolleyes:
She has had her full dose for a few days now, her back legs seem worse to me again tonight. I had been thinking for awhile about switching to compounded not just to save $150 a month but because I could tailor her dose maybe do 35 in the am and 15 in the pm, just a little to tap that cortisol back down, not do an even split.
Budsters Mom
11-12-2013, 07:36 PM
Are Zoe's head shaking or vibrations like tremors? Buddy's head tremors felt like a cell phone vibrating. They felt really weird to me and scared Buddy. Does the shaking scare Zoe?
None of us will EVER be ready for Zoe to leave us! ;) xxxxx
11-13-2013, 04:21 AM
Gosh pleased to read she is better back on the Tramadol, did her appetite pick up at same time? Maybe when she was a bit picky it was because she was a bit sore. I am still seeing intermittent trembling and occasional jerky ones with Flynn when he is resting, worse at night. Not so convinced the Tramadol was the culprit as he has been off a good fortnight now. Sometimes notice little ear tremouring, but I think that is just because he is shaking lower down. I remember talking with my vet about his tremours ages ago, he said they stop when you distract him or put your hand on him so he was not concerned at all. Plus he has been a twitchy little terrier his whole life, he also mentioned white dog shaker syndrome or something like that.. so I think we should put Zoe down for that one too! Has she got much hair growth around her face that could be putting her off her food??
I also think your doing right checking her stim now in case she is a tad low and that is causing these little changes, also the full senior panel too look at her liver tests is a great idea but if she follows Flynn's example going high in that department she is going to get a good telling off :D:D Just kidding of course, I will only give that Zoe a load of snuggles when I get to meet her one day!!
I will be waiting on tenterhooks right alongside you until we get the results, then we can look at what needs doing for our little Miss!
Hope you are taking care of yourself Addy, you have had a real sucky couple of months and all that stress takes its toll... so back in the giant bath we go with our choccies and girlie drinks to recharge the batteries for the next round xxxx
Just catching up on your thread after being away. Seems you have your hands so full. I empathize with you.
Wishing you the best of luck with everything... and hoping those tests can resolve the issues or at least point you in the right direction.
I'll be waiting to see what the results are.
Your comment about the Zoe tree I relate too so much. I look at Keesh pretty much knowing this is his last Christmas-heartbreaking to say the least, but so thankful he made it this far.
She never went off her food, she is just eating more slowly but still relishing her food. I increased the height of her food dish a tad more and this morning she was eating breakfast and hubby walked by and she actually stopped to look at him. I said wow, if she was being loaded with Lysodren I would be stopping the drug right now.:rolleyes: That was a first but perhaps it was just her head was higher so he was more in eye range.
Kathy, her head would have a loose tremble more like bobbing and shaking almost, it only scared her if I got scared and when I would pet her head it would ease up which sounds like idopathic head tremors but I'm not sure. I have now not neen it. I have to check my thread to see when.
Shoot, I'm late, Little Miss slept till six:rolleyes:
11-13-2013, 11:11 AM
Tipper has so many tremors since starting on the Vetoryl. I notice her head shaking a bit when she is sitting still, I can see her ears moving and that is how I know she is shaking. She kind of does that all the time anymore. I think it may be the Vetoryl. Blessings
I don't know, Patti, she has been on it for 2.5 years and I have never seen this before and I haven't seen it since I switched the metronidazole to every other day. I think it is too soon to blame it on the metronidazole but it seems odd to me that I would first see this now after all this time but it could be.
Thank you for telling me though about Tipper as that input helps me to keep an open mind. Maybe some of these side effects show up later rather than sooner.:)
Simba's Mom
11-13-2013, 09:55 PM
Just saying hi, hope all is well...
11-14-2013, 08:47 AM
Tipper's shaking is more like a persons Parkinsons. Just the shaking of the head. But the legs are different, like tremors. It used to worry me so much I would wake her up to make her stop doing it. I hope you get to the bottom of it, as I know you are worried about sweet Zoe. Blessings
11-14-2013, 12:16 PM
Hi Addy,
As long as Zoe is eating well I don't think I would worry too much about the speed...maybe it's just a "senior" thing. Trixie still gobbles the food in a crazed someone is going to take it away if it's still there in 30 seconds! I imagine as she gets older she'll slow down...that would be normal I think. If anyone walks near her when she's eating she will stop, look and wait until no one is right around then she'll go back to the mad scarfing down. Maybe she thinks someone will step on her. I think dogs are quirky that way...where they eat, where they poop...all that stuff. The conditions have to be "just right" Goldilocks! ;)
11-14-2013, 01:53 PM
Hey you
I read that Koko slipped out of his harness that must have been scary, I got one for Boyce a Ruffwear webmaster it also has a handle on it so you can lift them up. Can get it on Amazon or maybe the website as I think it's an American product...
Not sure if it would work but thought I would mention it. Hope Miss Zoe is doing well and that your Mom is doing ok
Big hug
Mel- I will check that harness out, thank you:) scared the begeebers out of me:( Thank goodness he thinks I'm the best thing around right now because of biscuits:):)
Patti- Yes, that sounds like Zoe, what you describe from Tipper so maybe it is the Vetoryl after all this time.
Trixie- It was after I read John's post about Rozie not being able to see her water level in her bowl I realized that could be part of it with Zoe- she has trouble seeing up close.:confused:
Lettie- BIG hugs and Hi, so good to hear from you:D:D:D
I dont know who I am be leaving out but I dont mean to:o:o:o I;m just a bit stressed and did not look back on my thread all the way.
Car ride to vet impossibe- Zoe cried and panted the whole time, her pre will probably be 8:rolleyes:
asked for senior panel, UPC, electrolyte check and stim
physical exam revealed nothing, allowed vet to stretch and move her neck, legs, did not appear to be neurological, of course she did not fall down on her side, limp, slide her back legs out so far she is almost sitting, no, none of that from my girl in front of a doctor:rolleyes::(
Wow- she looks great, pot belly better, all that hair, look at her tail and all that caramel color, eyes clear, maintained her weight, WOW, we sure dont expect to see any problems with her tests:confused::confused::confused
I feel like a hypochrondriac about my dog:o:(:(:(
came home with more tramadol, Zoe went in the bedroom to bed, now we wait for test results, I did not go to work;) I call this mental health time:p:p:p
I know my dog like the back of my hand, something is not right with her.
Budsters Mom
11-14-2013, 03:19 PM
Yes, you do know Zoe. We always know when there is something not quite right with our babies, regardless of what anyone else says! So there!;):D
I'm glad you took a mental health day.:) xxxxx
11-14-2013, 06:04 PM
Don't feel like that I am always worried about every little thing with Tipper to. They become like children to us, and anything that happens with them, we pick up on right away with our mommy radar. When you live, eat ,and breathe this disease it is hard not to be concerned when you know something is off. I am so close to Tipper I can sense things when they are not right. Who ever thinks there is something wrong with that has a problem as far as I am concerned. There is so very much love, caring, and coddling of these babies that it should be expected for us to get rattled. This is by no means an easy road to travel. I think you are very caring observant, and educated and would never think of you as a hypochondriac over your dog. Blessings
molly muffin
11-14-2013, 06:19 PM
I agree with all the others. You know Zoe better than anyone and if something isn't right, then that's just a fact, not a supposition. So..pffft on them.
A mental health days sounds pretty darn good. I'd like to put my order in for every wed and fri to be a mental health day...yea, I think that would just about do it. 3 days work, 2 days mental health, 2 days weekend lazyness, I think I can live with it!
Well, lets see what those test results come back with. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
11-15-2013, 03:51 AM
Ohhh move over on the hypochondriac wagon... we will need tons of room to fit us all in :D Just kidding, we are not hypochondriacs we are INFORMED pet parents, because we make ourselves informed!! That's the way it is meant to be, gone are the days we blindly do what vets/health professionals say, we want to know the whys, hows, whens and anything else that will make our pups feel better, so do not feel bad about wanting the best for Zoe, they deserve the best care and so do we! *stepping down off my soapbox*
I am liking the sound of that physical exam Addy, that is great news that there was nothing obvious they picked up on. Hopefully results are in tomorrow, I so hate waiting for results. Will be checking tomorrow, that is the good thing about my timing, usually when I wake up results are in for you guys :) Big Hugs for you and Zoe and that escape artist Koko xxxxxxxx
11-15-2013, 12:23 PM
I have had so many dealing with Dechra that I do believe what you said is true that they wimp out in the event they are dealing with a power house vet. Things should just not be like that. Blessings
11-15-2013, 03:36 PM
I hate that feeling that something is off with the dog. I'm glad Zoe did so well at the vet, but I can understand your concerns.
I see Trixie seemingly doing great but then the liver numbers are still not good and she still drinks a bit more than she used I go thru telling myself she's fine, energetic, happy, doing well and then boom- I get doubtful. If I could afford it I would have Trixie get a check up and ultrasound once a month just to calm the doubts.
If she's lying there sleeping and I can't tell how she's feeling I'll start asking her quietly if she wants to play so I can see if she reacts normally--I end up waking up the poor dog just so I can see if she's okay, and then I don't really play with her!! :eek: Now that's a little crazy! :eek:
It's like the scene in "Terms of Endearment" when Shirley Maclaine jumps into her baby's crib while she's napping so she can better see if she's breathing okay :eek:...the baby wakes and cries and Shirley says "that's better".
I hope Zoe is doing fine...I hope nothing is off when you get your tests back. I think it's hard with this disease to let ourselves believe that everything is perfect..and usually it's not perfect, but things can be good, even if not perfect.
You know your dog best, and you are not a dog hypochondriac!! We are just so used to watching everything these dogs do and we have to continue doing that. :)
11-16-2013, 02:39 AM
Hmm nothing here either! Will be back in the morning with more hugs xxxxx
I completely understand your feelings about Zoe, I am the same with Jasper. I sense it when he is even a little bit off. I can tell when something is wrong just by looking at his face. And ditto to everything Barbara posted, I am exactly the same way.
I too am patiently waiting for Zoe's results. I think the physical exam is very encouraging, so I am hoping for good results for your baby girl.
Thank you for your support and kind words on our thread, it means a lot.
Tina and Jasper xo
11-16-2013, 08:19 AM
Hoping to hear some good results from Zoe. I know how this waiting keeps you on edge. Blessings
Thank you all for waiting with me but I have no news to report. It will be a long weekend.;) I will assume her numbers are not too low or that would have prompted a phone call to me so I am going with everything is fine as they thought since I would have heard bad news.
The vet really did not want to change anything if we can help it, since she is so much improved; ok to give metronidazole every other day if Zoe can handle it and maybe give the Tramadol every night. The thought was that with her lower cortisol (if it is) she has more aches and pains and having Tramadol on board through the night helps her with that pain so she just feels better when she wakes up. If I need to give it durring the day I can. I dont think I will. She just cant have it every night, it is too much for her.
I have not seen another incident of the bad head tremor and with Tramadol on board more frequently her front leg is better.
Maybe now if things stay calm with my Mom and Zoe can have her normal routine, I can better gauge things. She does feed off me.
I think I am seeing the start of neurological problems but maybe I am overreacting. I have thought that for a year so it could be me overeacting for sure. They did not seem to think so but I live with her and she shows no pain at the vets ever. Zoe does not sit anymore and when she does sleep, it usually is on her side with her legs out straight. Yet when they did the basic neurological tests on her legs, there was no eveidence of it. I dont know how reliable that is.
This morning she went in the bedroom now and went to sleep instead of staying with us in the living room. She used to do that when her IBD was bothering her.
That's about it guys. Thanks for thinking of us and wish I had something to tell.
11-16-2013, 09:35 AM
I have told a lot of people the same thing about Tipper. She never sits anymore. She lays down. I think the pressure added onto her back and the organs moving from fat redistribution etc. makes her very uncomfortable. When she lays down, her legs are straight out. Every once and a while she wakes up and lays on her belly with her head straight. Whatever bothers her must feel better when she lays this was. She was always used to sleeping on her side and it frustrates her that she has to keep getting up and moving around. Hope Zoe's results are in soon, and that everything is ok, I think they would have called you if not. Blessings
11-16-2013, 01:37 PM
dear Addy,
Just a little hello to you and Zoe.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sonja and Angel Apollo.
molly muffin
11-16-2013, 05:25 PM
Hi Addy,
Zoe might lay down though if her legs bother here and are painful. The tramadol you said was helping her legs, but it still might feel more comfortable to her to lay out than to sit or even lay flat on her stomach.
She might still feel off from the ACTH test the other day, but you'll have to watch I suppose to see if it affected her IBD at all.
It sure would be nice, if things would go well for your mom and Zoe for awhile, so things will be more calm and less hectic for all of you.
That is going to be my Xmas wish for you. :) That everyone be healthy and happy for a while and you can get to enjoy the simple things in life again, like just dancing around the house with the dogs.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Sweet Sonja, how are you today? How is Ariel?
Patti- I am glad you told me that Tipper does not want to sit anymore either, not that I am glad she wont sit, it just helps me put Zoe in perspective.
Sharlene- the tramadol helps her front bad leg, it does not tremble, it helps her back legs through the night and when she first gets up, then they get pretty stiff later in the day and she can have trouble getting up after laying down.
Tonight, you would not have thought too much was wrong the way she did hop, hop, bark for dinner and ran around the kitchen, but her back legs kick back like she is ice scating and some days are so stiff that when she is standing they slide way apart until she is almost in a sit.
She seems like she is so much older but then maybe she is. She has always seemed much older than they originally thought and told us.
I guess it is her diseases.
Of course, I cant believe how much I have aged in the last three years so I guess I should not talk:D:D:D:D:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
11-16-2013, 08:42 PM
Sweet Addy,
Im so sorry ive missed so much going on with Zoe lately. Please do not ever judge your instinct. Having a dog with cushings certainly puts every one of us on high alert at ALL times, and when the slightest thing seems off, we react and act, whether it turns out to be nothing. you are far from being that long word "hypo whatever". See i cant even say it or spell it (lol). You love the Zoe and do everything possible out of love. I am praying for some great results so mommy can breath. Ahhhhhhh. Gosh ive missed you and my entire family here, but i am glad to still come back once in a while and say hello. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Take care of you, remain faithful and know i love ya.
Xo Jeanette
I love you too dear Jeanette.:):):):) I am so happy to hear from you. I posted on your thread. I hope that is ok.
Patti- we are having the same crazy weather with tornado watch, thunder and lightening.
I just gave Zoe her 4 week bath and her pot belly is totally gone. I could see her shape once I had her soaking wet. The hair on her back legs is still not as dense and thick as the front but the front was never totally bald. I only left the ketochlor on for five minutes this time as I am trying to cut back becuase of her thin skin. She really did not need her bath yet but since it is warm out and expected to get colder I thought 4 weeks 5 minutes wait time of lather rather than six week with 10 minutes wait time for lather.
I guess I was shocked to see the difference in her belly since her bath 4 weeks ago. She has no more pot belly at all.
This is all so bizarre, this whole last year has me shaking my head.:confused: The vet said she could be a poster dog for Dechra.:rolleyes: Maybe that vulva tumor was causing problems before we even finally confirmed it. I thought something was wrong with her vulva last October.
Just thinking out loud, dont really expect a repsonse.;)
11-17-2013, 06:03 PM
Isn't it amazing how quickly they lose that belly? Daisy's went in less than 2 weeks.
But that is my point, she has been on Vetoryl for 2.5 years. It was not fast at all:rolleyes:
molly muffin
11-17-2013, 07:32 PM
It's really strange, that here it is 2.5 years later and suddenly the symptoms of loss hair, pot belly, etc, are gone or going away and the things that weren't only a niggling are now the main worries. Kidney, liver, etc, like that. Yet here Zoe is "looking" great.
If only there wasn't that current feeling that something is not right. Unfortunately that feeling is usually completely right and it just takes everyone else awhile to get caught up to what you already suspect. (like the vulva tumor problem)
I Hope that whatever it is that is causing that feeling in you, turns out to be something that can taken care of. I would say easily, but nothing is ever really easy on this journey.
Still stay safe, hope the horrid weather missed you.
I'm currently watching radar and trying to gauge when I can take molly out for her lost walk before the winds and rain get here. It's a fine line some time between making it dry or coming back drenched. LOL
sharlene and molly muffin
That is puzzling about her hair growing back so well now, and also no more pot belly now. But I am happy to hear it! :) I hope most of those horrible storms missed you, it looks like the Chicago area and Michigan got hammered. :( I hope you get the test results for Zoe today, will be waiting to hear. Fingers and paws still crossed here.
Tina and Jasper
Ok, now the top of her nose is filling in with hair too. :rolleyes:
She started walking funny after her surgery.
She had one bad episode last night after sleeping for a few hours where her bad front paw trembled terribly and it shook her head but as soon as I reached down and put my hands on her sides and stroked her, it stopped. So that was with Tramadol every night now.
But she is happy this morning so I decided I am going to put this all aside for now and just go back to enjoying her every day.
Thank you all for listening to me as I try to talk it all out.
11-18-2013, 10:57 AM
First thanks for the help with the melatonin. I am hoping you get Zoe's results today. I know when you say something is off that you are completely right. I am hoping it is something that can be fixed easily. I saw about the Zoe's leg trembling, Tipper does the same thing, I have to shake her or talk to her as it will not stop until she wakes up then it quits immediately. Blessings
Budsters Mom
11-18-2013, 03:36 PM
Zoe and Flynn are both medical mysteries, aren't they?:rolleyes: I'm glad they have the moms they do to help uncover the secrets within. ;):p Yes!!! Enjoy that baby Addy. Above all else, enjoy her!:p:) xxxxx
Bailey's Mom
11-18-2013, 05:32 PM
Hi Addy-Reading over the past 3-4 days posts on your thread brings back the heavy feeling I carried around when Palmer was with us. The very frustrating feeling of seemingly being unable to get answers to what I felt were pretty basic questions and of being at odds with the vet.:mad: I'd like to wave my magic wand and give you a "reprieve" through the holidays.:D It doesn't work that way, unfortunately.:( I'll wish for it anyway.:)
By all means enjoy Zoe (and Koko) now. Stop and smell those roses. All any of us has is this moment. As for me, I think I'll start taking Vetoryl if it gets rid of that pot belly!!!!:D:D:D:D
she is 2.1 pre 1.9 post
her alkp is normal, cholesterol went down and UPC is .5
even her nose is growing hair
I should be so happy but I am not.
Is it she just has to get used to this low cortisol?
she is just not the same dog she was in August.
Harley PoMMom
11-18-2013, 07:26 PM
Addy, you absolutely are in tune with your girl! Although Dechra states that a post of 1.45 ug/dl is fine, I feel that number may be too low, even Dr Peterson has mentioned in his blog that a dog's post should not be below 2 ug/dl.
I just wish it wasn't so tricky finding a dose that one's dog feels best on.
Sending loving hugs to you both, Lori
11-18-2013, 07:32 PM
Really good test results. :( You still have the feeling something is off? All the blood work numbers are in a good range though? You think she was just acting differently when her cortisol was higher?
I wish I had the answers.
I have the opposite issue...Trixie seems her normal self, seems in good health, yet her liver numbers say's distressing.
At least Zoe's numbers are good...but I understand how it gets to the nerves when your intuition is saying otherwise.
11-19-2013, 08:18 AM
It could be she has to adjust to the low cortisol. Tipper went thru that, acting really strange for a while just something was not right. Now she does it if her cortisol goes too high as she got used to it being low. You know best if something is just not right with Zoe. I am sure you will put your finger on it in the upcoming days. Blessings
11-19-2013, 08:45 AM
Hi Addy,
Boy, what a puzzle. But I totally "get it" that you are aware that something has shifted for Zoe.
You know, to this day I don't really know what to think about stim results when the "pre" is the higher of the two. Our beloved Dr. Allen didn't seem to be concerned about it just so long as both results are higher than 1.45. He told me that it could just be stress that was affecting the first draw. But still, doesn't that mean that there is less cortisol in reserve than you might like? It doesn't seem as though there is a clear answer in that regard. Some clinicians prefer a higher "post," and others don't seem to care.
I think Zoe has often had higher "pre's" than "posts." But her overall result is significantly lower than in August. And since you are noticing a change in Zoe, I wonder whether she *would* be better off if her cortisol is allowed to increase a little bit? You are currently doing 30/20 right? Maybe it would be worth backing off to 20/20 for a little while? (Although that means more expense if you stick with Vetoryl :o). I don't know. Just musing. But if she were mine, I think I might give that a try for just a little while...
11-19-2013, 11:47 AM
Hi Addy,
Trixie is on a total 28mg a day divided into 14mg am/pm. I'm using 10mg Vetoryl and 4mg Trilostane.
Hope that helps.
This is significantly low for Zoe, her pre is always elevated. Of course it is wonderful so many things are now normal on her tests and her hair and tummy are great but it seems there has to be a balance some how. Dechra kept telling us to watch her as she may drift too low. To me, this is quite a drop in 3 months, especially when her pills were melting for who knows how long?
Her alkp was never greatly increased, 800 something like that was the top mark for her and then came down, so it is not like it was super high and now normal.
I don't think I can swing another $60 (plus or minus) a month for her meds. I told her vet I would have to switch to compounded if I did 20/20. That evening dose has always seemed to bother her which is why I thought maybe I could try cutting back at that first. She has always seemed to struggle with her nightly dose.
I cant even believe I am saying this, that I am thinking of taking her off twice day dosing after all this time and energy. I was preparing for really bad news as we always seem to get that every six months or so. Here comes another crisis, me waiting for the shoe to drop.
Dang, I hate this. I have to think about it all.
Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 01:58 PM
Addy, if anyone can figure this out, it is you. But I think you've done enough figurin' for a minute. Take the rest of the day and tonight and, to borrow one of your own phrases, "put this in the drawer" for a little while.
Spend some time doing something relaxing, distracting, and fun. Talk hubby into taking you out for supper; meet a girlfriend for drinks after work; cook your favorite meal; something out of the routine and worry for a short while. Enjoy, try not to analyze but enjoy, Zoe and Koko for a bit - have fun.
When you do come back to this, use fresh eyes - look around outside the Cushing's box as well as inside. You may find that something you have looked at 50 times suddenly has new meaning. ;)
Just don't forget that Mom needs attention from time to time, too. ;)
Leslie and the gang
Adjusting the trilostane dose when ACTH-stimulated cortisol values fall too low
Even even if the prednisone isn't having any effect on cortisol measurements, a post-ACTH stimulated cortisol value of 2.0 µg/dL is too low for me (1,2). I'd recommend that you decrease the trilostane (Vetoryl) dose down to 30 mg once a day, and repeat the ACTH stimulation test again in 2-4 weeks. If the post-ACTH serum cortisol value remains less than 2-2.5 µg/dl on the lowered Vetoryl dosage, I'd even stop the drug completely for 2 weeks to see if the cortisol concentrations will go back up (generally to above 10 µg/dL), as an untreated dog with Cushing's disease should do within a few hours to days.
In many dogs that I treat with Vetoryl, the dose can be decreased over time. In some of these dogs, the dose can even be permanently stopped, and their cortisol secretion remains "normal" and never goes up high enough again to cause signs of Cushing's disease (3,4). The aldosterone secretion is not affected in these dogs, and they never develop any serum electrolyte changes associated with hypoadrenocorticism. This "cure" presumably is the result of mild adrenal necrosis, but we don't know for certain. In any case, when it does happen it certainly is not a bad thing, and the owners are generally thrilled!
Permanent adrenal necrosis, however, can result in life-threatening adrenal crisis (undetectably cortisol values with hyperkalemia and hyponatremia) if the dog is not properly monitored and the dose of the drug lowered or stopped as needed.
found here
in this case the dog's appetite was off but he isn't even discussing symptoms when he says he does not want them lower than 2 ug/dl.
Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 03:30 PM
You'll get it all figured out.;) I hope your dinner is a little better tonight. xxxxx
Boriss McCall
11-20-2013, 06:00 PM
Addy.. I know what you are going thru. It felt like I was never going to get the right dose for Boriss. Some days he is still off. I am just relying on the fact that most days he is good. What if you do a 30/10mg split? I was doing that with Boriss for awhile. It was going good until he started getting more hungry at night & having accidents. That is when we went up to 30/30.
Oh Amy, I thank you so much for posting as I have been racking my brains trying to remember who did 30/10. I thought it might be you.
She is just not right. I hate to give up all the good things that have happened to her but this is starting to concern me a lot, the way she was when I got home tonight. i am not even giving her an evening dose tonight.
The thing is, she has been on Vetoryl now for 2.5 years and to have such a drop on the same dose and now see these strange things I never saw before, I can really appreciate what Dr. Peterson is saying.
If she had not been on this drug for so long I may not be in such a panic.
So thank you, thank you, thank you for stopping by Amy:):):):)
molly muffin
11-20-2013, 07:28 PM
Addy, we know that it is possible that after dogs have been on vetroyl for awhile, that they will no longer need as large of a dose, so I don't see where dropping the dosage would do any harm and may not even change the good things that have happened. It could though prevent any further drops which would Not be good.
Remember before the test was doing, we were talking and suspected that her cortisol might be going low by the way she was acting.
I think a change of a decrease would actually be a good thing and Dr. Peterson mentions the possibility of lower dosage after awhile too.
I think you are on the right track. I'm just sort of talking it out with you, as I think you already know what you'll feel most comfortable with.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Thank you Sharlene,
It helps to talk it out. It was the week of October 15th, I cut her down to 30/10 for five days, after what I thought was a mini seizure, I still have no idea what it was, but she sure looked like she was going there again tonight.
When in doubt, withhold the pill and if was something else bothering her, i guess no harm done.
molly muffin
11-20-2013, 08:39 PM
Absolutely no harm to withhold and better to be safe anyway.
So, do you remember how she did on the 30/10 previously, when you she had that episode?
Wouldn't hurt to go there again.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
11-20-2013, 08:41 PM
I'm sorry I can't be helpful, but I'm right here by your side....or on your shoulder.:)
i just got her blood work emailed to me everything is normal except her cholesteral, which was 417 high normal 300. Even her GGT is normal, everything listed is N ALKP is NORMAL she has a stinking mass on her liver and it is all normal?
I feel like I am in the twilight zone:eek::eek: Is it me? The vet thinks I am nuts.
molly muffin
11-20-2013, 10:18 PM
No I don't think it is is you at all. I think you know Zoe and you have always known when something is wrong, even before there was medical confirmation of it.
So, in this case, if her cortisol is low and it is bothering her, or if it is something else, you can tell by the way she acts. Sometimes, diagnostic issues actually show up later, after you feel bad and then you think to yourself, oh okay, so this Is why I felt like crap all that time.
I just think that you feel it and know it because you know her so well. I think that is the case with all of us really.
Hang in there. Take a step back and look at her, see her, feel her, do you still feel something is off? If so, then proceed with that instinct.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 10:40 PM
You are not nuts Addy. I am a little nuts, but you are not nuts!:D if you say that something is not right with Zoe, that is a fact that cannot be disputed. You just don't happen to know what it is yet, so the investigation continues. You'll find it. I am sure of it.;) xxxxx
whatever was bothering her last night, she is better this morning.
I wanted to make a birthday card for hubby last night from an old photo of the Paris rooftops and Eiffel tower we took years ago.
Took me longer than I thought it would as I wanted special dreamy effects on it. Took my mind of my girl for a bit.
I swear between Zoe and my Mom- I sure get to be investigative caregiver:rolleyes: T:rolleyes:hank goodness they dont do it at the exact same time;)
11-21-2013, 08:24 AM
Sometime when you are least likely to be thinking about it you will get an epiphany and the light will come on. Just like Tipper and I with the lentils. I am very confident you will solve this mystery you are noticing with Zoe. It is a shame there are so many things involved with this disease. Sometimes you think you are going to go crazy trying to figure it all out. I will say a special prayer that you solve whatever is off with your baby. Blessings
Thank you Patti, I know you have had to do a lot of solving as well:)
Patti- when Tipper's pre was too low what were her pre and post and her dose and where is she now as far as dose and stim numbers?
11-21-2013, 09:03 AM
When Tipper went low she was on 30mg one time a day her numbers on 8/8/13 were pre-0.7 post-3.0 her last ACTH on 10/17/13 she was on 25mg- 20 Vetoryl morning 5 trilo evening her pre number was 1.5 and the post jumped to 8.3. She is now on 20ma vetoryl morning and 7mg trilo evening. I somehow feel her number is not right as she is drinking a lot and moving about the bed at nite. I am not sure if it is the new diet and she is hungry or the cortisol. I plan to test her in mid to late December as she has hasd way too many ACTH's and it is wearing on her nerves. Unless she continue to exhibit uncontrolled symptoms then it will be sooner. Hope some or any of this helps. Blessings
Just letting you know I'm thinking about you.... if it makes you feel any better, I still haven't figured Keesh out. Just today after so many weeks of not drinking much, he's drank a lake within the last 18hrs or so. I'm chalking it up to the meds for the ACTH test. He's such a mystery, hope you have better luck reading Zoe then I do Keesh.
Boriss McCall
11-21-2013, 01:33 PM
Boriss did really good on the 30/10 split for awhile. Then he needed more. When he first got regulated on the 30/30 split I was worried. I thought he was acting strange & couldn't handle the added dose even though his numbers were good. He just didn't seem like himself.
But, I went ahead & gave it a couple of months & he seemed to adjust to the lower number.
But, if Zoe's numbers keep dropping on the same dose I would be worried too. Hang in there.. You know how it goes. I bet you will find what works best for Zoe soon. ;)
I wish it were easier to figure out & not so expensive. :(
11-21-2013, 02:03 PM
Sweet Addy,
Your great anxiety over Zoe saddens me, and gosh I know what an awful place to be in. Not really knowing which way to go. Ugh! Hey I understand all babies are different, but since you are so concerned over her cortisol dropping even lower, have you entertained the idea of stopping the Vetoryl altogether? Yup, perhaps a trilo break for the Zoe, and see how far that takes her? Obviously, based on my own experience with my Princess, and her extended trilo vacations, I just needed to throw it out out there for you to consider. But I do understand your fears in making a drastic switch in dosing. In my case with my girl, it was a no brainier, and I welcomed those nice breaks when they came. I certainly wish that were the case with Zoe.
Things will fall into place somehow dear Addy. For now, take Leslie's great advice and let go and let God.
Prayers for strength and guidance.
I love ya. Xo Jeanette
Ps: Is today your hubby's bday? If it is, then he and the Princess share a very special day together. I'll be darned.
molly muffin
11-21-2013, 05:24 PM
The birthday card sounds wonderful and "dreamy" :) Love that. So glad that Zoe seems better this morning too. Hope that continues through tonight.
Are you guys going out for a special dinner or something to celebrate hubby's birthday? I hope so. It's just so stressful for you lately that some romance and fun sounds like just what the doctor would order for you both. (Dr. Sharlene that is hahahaha )
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I will take the prescription Dr. Sharlene:D:D We are going out Saturday night but having family over tonight.;)
Jeanette- I think we will stay the course but cut back for a week and see how she does. It is supposed to be about quality of life so- I will see how she does for the next five days on 30/10.
I just keep thinking about that post by Dr. Peterson, cant get it out of my mind.
Everyone thank you for your insight and support. Amy- is good to know how Boris reacted, Tipper as well.
I have to go with my gut as always.
11-21-2013, 09:03 PM
I have no suggestions on the dosing...just saying hi and I know how you feel!! This disease is so difficult and complicated. It stinks!! :mad::mad:
Definitely go with your gut, your instincts can be counted on!
11-22-2013, 08:22 AM
I hope you get some answers soon as I know what it is like to have something gnawing at you and you just can't put your finger on it. I am hoping you are able to enjoy a nice evening out for you hubby's birthday. I know when something is not right with Tipper I get it stuck inside my head and I will not let go of it until I get it figured out. That is not always a good thing! Like I have said several times on here, this disease has aged me 10 years. Praying for all to be resolved. Blessings
Thank you Barabra, I know you are worried about Trixie too and Patti, you are not alone in aging from this- I cant believe I how look compared to 2 years ago:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I did 30/10 last night and I will continue that for a week to assess how she is. I keep thinking about Dr. Peterson's statements about a dog at 2ug/dl that has been on the drug for a long time. Then I think about some member's vets talking about the adrenal glands and why they felt once day dosing was better. I need to find those threads to reread. Sharon and Norman was one and there was another study as well and a discussion about it.
Since I am seeing what I will assume are side effects from the drug as is sound like some of our other pups are having some of these issues unless she has a macro causing neuro problems my main goal is to keep Zoe with a quality of life, which has always been my goal.
Zoe has had a good quality of life all and all even through the dark days after her surgery when everything went to heck even though her numbers were 4 ug/dl. I gave up chasing numbers as her GP always advised me. I miss him, he was such a good sounding board when I would get overwhelmed. He trained at U.C. Davis and worked with Feldman too. Now I have no GP at all and two specialists with totally different approaches.
I have brought my baby this far and I pray I can keep making the right decisions for her.
Sorry, did not mean to get so serious, I have headache, too much Chinese food last night:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
11-22-2013, 08:54 AM
Are you saying that there was some evidence that once a day dosing is better for Adrenal tumors? If so please forward that to me when you find it as I am curious about that also as Tiper did do much better on the once a day dose, but it was the 30mg. I am sure I could do the 20+ 7 trilo together in the morning , I would just skip the 7mg trilo the nite before. It controlled her hunger so much better with one dose in the morning. I am fighting hunger issues now. Blessings
Patti, I dont think it was as it relates to adrenal tumors, I need to go back and find the study.
day two of 30/10 after skipping one evening dose- she investigated the closet (has not happened in more than a month, mini trot to the dining table ( has not happened in a month) for two days she was drinking water like crazy and panting- not today and hubby did not have to help her up off her bed today.
I wonder if I should keep the test going for a week before I try to put her back to 30/20.
Oh and she finished all her food without leaving some in the bowl and taking forever to eat it and spitting it out all over.
Now the worry is will her cortisol go too high?
October 15th, I cut her back to 30/10 for five days and it was not until 11/8 she got worse again with the head tremors and falling over.
Then she just kept getting slower and slower. I guess only time will tell but my spirited girl seems to have rebounded and her large personality is back:):) Not sure for how long but tonight I will take it.
Budsters Mom
11-22-2013, 07:52 PM
unless she has a macro causing neuro problems my main goal is to keep Zoe with a quality of life, which has always been my goal.
Hi Addy,
Saying the "M" word is taboo!:eek::eek: We don't want to even think about going there!! Yes, it's about quality of life.
I hope you mom has settled and is doing okay for now. xxxxx
11-23-2013, 02:32 AM
Hi Addy
I so hope the tweaking does the trick, it is such a fine line between the good and bad. Her Mom knows her best though! Must do your heart good to see her more perky! I wish I knew more about the intricacies of dosing but I do not, but I am thinking if you are seeing improvement you are doing something right so trust your gut, I have learnt to do that and it is usually right :)
Thank you for being there for me through this last traumatic week, you are a great friend to have Addy and I always feel you have our backs and for that I am very thankful I have met you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Addy... you know I can't help or give advice on anything, but wanted you to know Zoe and you are constantly on my mind.
With the gamut I've been through for months, I totally agree with you in regard to quality of life. That's all I can do right now for Keesh.
Each day they are feeling great to me is a blessing.. a day at a time.
Glad Zoe is enjoying each day.
11-23-2013, 07:18 AM
Addy, re: the studies comparing once vs. twice-daily dosing, here's some of the info you may be looking for. This is a 2012 retrospective comparison of the results of trilostane testing during 2001-2002 performed at the Royal Vet College in conjunction with the original licensing of Vetoryl in the U.K. by Arnolds (the company that ended up being bought by Dechra). The first study involved once daily dosing. The subsequent study involved twice daily dosing, and although it's always been known the twice-daily study was done, to my knowledge this is the first time the results have ever been published.
When we started Barkis on trilostane in 2003, there was some other preliminary research that suggested twice daily dosing might be preferable. I was so anxious to find out any recommendations from the U.K. study that I even tried to contact Dr. Neiger myself (but with no luck). At my urging, our IMS was willing to go ahead anyway and we dosed Barkis twice daily, although in retrospect I wish we had not, since the general thought at that time was to double the once daily dose rather than halve it. Anyway, after all these years, finally we see the original study results. And it seems to confirm what I'd eventually ended up suspecting -- that those original researchers did not find a significant advantage to dosing twice daily. And I presume that's why Arnolds/Dechra did not originally publish the data or alter their recommendation to begin with dosing only once daily.
I haven't had time to read through the article in any detail, but it does seem as though there are some interesting tidbits that mirror the results of other studies. For instance, dogs dosed twice daily seemed to achieve faster and more effective control than those dosed with the same amount once daily. However, in a departure from what Dr. Feldman has anticipated, dogs who were able to remain on once daily dosing (some dropped out of the study) did not exhibit any more unwanted ill effects than those dosed twice daily. But you need to read through the whole discussion to understand the various study limitations, and I do have remaining questions. For instance, I don't understand why Dechra recommends increasing the total daily dose when switching from once to twice-daily dosing, since that seems to run counter to the study results. But anyway, here's the bottom line:
Objective: This retrospective study describes the use of trilostane given once versus twice daily in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism (SID vs. BID group)in separate clinical trials. Material and methods: The groups were compared over a six month period using laboratory findings, dose required to suppress post-ACTH cortisol, and clinical scores from owner and clinician questionnaires. Results: Ninety-three dogs enrolled the trials but for analysis of the final visit results only 56 dogs filled the inclusion criteria: 30 dogs in the SID-group and 26 dogs in the BID group. Both treatment groups showed an improvement in clinical scores with time and no significant difference between them. In the BID-group post-ACTH cortisol concentrations went below 250 nmol/l sooner and in a higher proportion of dogs than in the SID-group. Twice-daily administration of trilostane also achieved a faster and more effective control for comparable daily doses. A higher individual tolerability (based on clinical scores) was found in the SID-group but there were no supporting laboratory findings. No dogs developed serious side-effects. Conclusion: This study reveals only small practical differences between once and twice daily trilostane administrations in treating hyperadrenocorticism. And the overall benefits of twice daily dosing have to be considered against the effect on the owners and their compliance with treatment.
Here's a link to the German veterinary journal in which the article is published (note that you can download the full study for free):
And then, for comparison purposes, here's the link to Dr. Feldman's 2012 twice-daily dosing study and the summary of the results and conclusions drawn by the Davis team:
And here's one more new comparison study that I just now located:
Thanks guys, there were a couple evenings last week when she was laying down, she tried to lift her head and could not, she just dropped it back down.:eek::eek:
and the food thing was like her mouth did not work right
this morning her bark is strong, she is active and curious, she seems more like she was in August and September. Even the hard panting has eased up.
I wont jump to any conclusions yet, I know each day can change and bring something new but she this morning she seems so much better and is walking so much better.
I would rather have her bald and walking then how she was. Last week we would go out for her chicken walk and she would just stand there and not walk, she would just take a few steps and stop and theat head thing and falling over freaks me out.
sorry guys, I am getting emotional now and starting to cry.
Have a great Saturday we are off to find a turkey
11-23-2013, 07:27 AM
Addy, it looks like we were posting at the same time. I just want to make sure you see those links re: the dosing studies I think you were wanting to revisit. ;)
11-23-2013, 08:10 AM
My heart just breaks reading your post. I hope you get some resolution to this soon as I know how you are feeling, and it is not good to be under so much stress, I know that all too well. It is a shame how this disease can make your life so unbearable at times. Blessings
What a life saver you are Marianne, thank you so much for finding the studies for me.
I have been printing and googling my heart out this week so thank you so much.:):):):)
Hubby has flashing lights in his eyes now so we have to find a opthalmologist and watch to make sure he does not develop signs of a retina tear.:eek::eek:
He is usually pretty patient about me bouncing things off him but right now he is worried about his eye so I need to bounce things off on my thread right now:):)
I did recheck pricing for 20/20 and hubby finally caved in if we decide that route. I just am not sure that is the right way to go yet.:confused:
molly muffin
11-23-2013, 09:06 AM
oh my gosh, your poor hubby, first the shoulder now his eyes. Well, I hope you can find a good ophamalogist and get him in today to get it checked out. Mine is currently at a physio appt for his shoulder. I swear if he doesn't get this shoulder thing fixed it is going to drive us both nuts.
I hope it isn't anything too serious causing the flashing lights. :(
Do you keep a journal on how Zoe reacted for each medication change? I'm wondering where she feels best at. I know you've made a few changes over the years, but I agree, it is heart breaking when she won't do the chicken walk, you know she doesn't feel good or right. The falling over would scare the bejeebes out of me too, so whatever it takes to get rid of that, would be worth it. I'm with you rather a balder zoe, but a happy zoe.
Now what is the thinking of going 20/20 vs 30/10? More evenly spread out? Do you notice the bad issues after the first dose of 30 rather than in the evening on the 10?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Well, Sharlene, I think this is harder for me to weigh since Zoe has been on the drug for so long. The twice day dosing was to benefit Zoe originally I hoped, as we went to higher doses it would be easier o her GI tract and keep her cortisol better controlled as she bounced around so.
We know Dechra has already told us to watch her closely as she may go too low and that we may have to lower her dose. That was what they worried about last April but the she bounced up a bit in August and was doing well. Now out of no where she drops all the way down to 1.9 and is having problems but also having great things happen.
If I read through Dr. Peterson's papers, it seems he would be lowering her dose now not waiting. One paper said 25-50% reuction, another said 50% reduction. Zoe has struggled with her evening dose, it just knocks her out sometimes and she would act like she had a headache.
Since the thought is we need a smaller total dose on twice day dosing, I am concerned the 30/10 will allow her cortisol to go to high.
I thought there were discussions and papers about their being a beneift to the adrenal glands with once day dosing. We know Trilostane enlarges the adrenal glands and we know that Dr. Church thinks they are filling up with fluid so I am wondering if it would be better for Zoe to allow her cortisol to rise higher at the end of the day instead of keeping it more evenly controlled throughout the day
I guess if I had a crystal ball I would know what to do.;) I dont expect her legs to be perfect, I just wish I could ger her back to how she was in late summer and early fall.
You know, the night she came home from her stim, she had been taking her evening nap and woke up for her snack. Her entire body was shaking. I have never seen that happen to her after a stim.
I guess I am thinking if she could be controlled on 30/10 without the side effects I would rather do that. If she becomes more symptomatic at night, I could switch to 20/20.
The vet wants me to keep her where she is 30/20, retest in 2-3 months and if she has an "episode" try giving her prednisone and see if she bounces back.
I dont think Dr. Peterson would tell me to do that.:(:(
Meanwhile her hair is still growing like crazy and then I wonder, well maybe it was the stim she got so bad again?
But she is just so much better today and I am home now sho I can juge. Durring the week I have to rely on hubby. He tries but he does not notice little things.
Geez I wrote a book again.
I am off to read Marianne papers. I have all three now, Dr. Peterson's peer review of Dr. Feldman's study, Dr. Feldmans and the German paper. Heavy reading tonight:):):):):)
11-23-2013, 01:12 PM
dear addy
Know that Zoe is fighting for you and her? she is still here because of the love and caring you have given her. so for know try to be in the moments with her,enjoy the moments of joy.
Apollo, even when he could no longer walk, still enjoyed life. Like Zoe he fought so hard.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Hi, Addy!
Just stopped in to say hello and Happy Thanksgiving! Hope all is well...or, at least okay! I'll post more of an update on my thread.
I see Sonja has been here today, too! Hi, Sonja!!!
11-24-2013, 08:07 AM
How is it in you neck of the woods this morning? We are frigid and in the single digits. The wind is still blowing really hard from yesterday. Hope Zoe is doing well. I read the links Marianne found for you. She is such a life saver. Tipper and I go to Pittsburgh at 5AM tomorrow so I am not doing much today. Blessings
Hey MB - I wnet to your thread to say howdy
Hi Patti- I sure hope it is not this cold when you drive tomorrow. We are at 10 degrees but clear. They are saying possible dusting of snow tomorrow when we wake up.
Zoe seems better this morning. She ate her breakfast as she used to do with no help from me, walked down to the mailbox in the freezing cold and just seems to be having an easier time of it walking, keeping her balance and getting up. She seems more normal to hubby too so I dont think it is me talking myself into something.:o Not sure what tomorrow will bring but we will take these improvements today! We are still on 30/10. My concern is will that dose allow her cortisol to go too high? I guess time will tell.
Enjoy your day!
11-24-2013, 07:32 PM
Hi Addy
Is it thanksgiving today?? If so I hope the turkey cooking is going well!!
I will have to make do with the left over BBQ chicken I bought yesterday.
Very pleased to hear Zoe ate brekky and went walking, I can hear the worry in your voice and I so hope that she settles and hopefully soon but if a wee tweak is then so be it... fingers crossed xx
Bailey's Mom
11-25-2013, 01:44 AM
Hubby has flashing lights in his eyes now so we have to find a opthalmologist and watch to make sure he does not develop signs of a retina tear.:eek:
What's with the frozen shoulders and the flashing lights? :confused: My husband asked me yesterday what it means when it feels like a bunch of needles are being stuck into the back of your knee cap. :eek: What's with these guys? :confused: Not getting enough attention??:eek::confused: Don't they know we're all handling more balls in the air than we can handle at one time already???:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Addy-has no one stepped in to attempt to fill Dr. Peterson's roll? Is his work not being continued by anyone?
I hope you had a relaxing Sunday.
Hubby goes for eye test this am, thank goodness, he has been so worried.
No Trish, Thanksgiving is Thursday, I just started wishing everyone well early because I have so much to do between now and then.
The replacement GP- well not super happy about the credentials.
Zoe had a slight head shake for about 7 seconds about an hour and 15 minutes after her 30mgs this am but it did not affect her balance and I dont see her ears shaking at all for 2 days.
Hubby thinks as well that she seems stronger, when we pick her up and set her down, she stands more solidly, we dont have to wait and hold her a minute so she does not fall over like we had been doing up until this dose change. All this started mid October. She was fine until mid October.
I was happy to be able to spend time with her for 2 days so I could observe her. Yesterday she went into her bed a few times in the bedroom she has not done that in a long time and she also asked to take her nap up on our bed which that stopped a few weeks before her stim. She could not get comfortable on our bed. She also is not so restless at night. She seems to be sleeping without moving around so. That started a few weeks too before her stim.
So far we have not seen anything negative with the dose change so hubby wants to give it a bit more time.
I cant believe it is snowing:(:(:(:(
11-25-2013, 12:38 PM
Hi Addy:
I hope everything turns out ok for your hubby's eye test. You certainly don't need any other problems. I am glad to hear that Zoe seems stronger, I am hoping this works its way out whatever it was. Blessings
Thank you Patti, he is back home and it seems as it is not a retina tear. I'll hear all about it later tonight.
Zoe is back to trying to bit me when I go to undo the Velcro on her coat under her neck.:D:rolleyes: Never thought I would be happy for her to bite me:p:p That is more like my girl:D:D
I will try to post a new pix I took of her yesterday. She was upset I woke her up for a picture.
molly muffin
11-25-2013, 05:38 PM
So, if a bit of a shake after the 30mg this morning, then it would be interesting to see if after she has been on 10mg at night for awhile, and the cortisol at night isn't going as low maybe as it was, then if the 30mg eventually wouldn't have that affect on her that it does if the cortisol is already pretty low. I hope that makes sense, and that is assuming that it is the med or combination of meds, caushing the shakes.
That is awesome that she seems stronger, that tells us a lot right there. She feels better with a tad higher cortisol in her.
Yay!!!! No retinal tear! That is very good.
hang in there!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
tentative plan is possibly keep her like this and restim in 4 weeks, I'm making up my own rules as I go along here, had thought about putting her back to 30/20 after 7 days to compare but that is Thanksgiving and a lot of stress, she will be wiped out, not fair comparison. I am only guessing Dr. P may have said stop all doses for a week and restim but since she has some good responses and things are not all bad I am going with his reduce the dose and retest in 2-4 weeks.;);)
of course, if she gets worse or something else comes up we will rethink it.
do you like the way I evaluate, ad lib and interpret Cushings papers?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
11-25-2013, 07:36 PM
I do, I think you are very smart! :D
molly muffin
11-25-2013, 08:18 PM
Hehehe, absolutely, interpretation is an important skill to have. :cool: There is a whole art form based on interpretative dance maybe there should be a category for interpretative medical paper diagnostics. :p
As long as Zoe is doing good, you're on a good path, if it makes a jog off that path, then do what you do best, adapt and over come. Change the plan and go in a different direction.
Of course you know this is coming from someone who can't get a diagnosis for their dog for 2 years now right?!!! :D:D:D They say yea, I say prove it, and we reset. So I'm bound to be all for Interpretation! ROFL! okay, cracked myself up there.
Trish is right. You is smart!
sharlene and molly muffin
11-26-2013, 12:05 AM
hi Addy,
So the 30/10 seems to be good for Zoe then? She's stronger, not restless and just acting like herself. That all sounds good!
I hope she continues to do this well and that this dose keeps her at a good level.
I'm a little jealous about your snow. ;) I wish we would get some but after my younger daughter gets home tomorrow. I don't think we'll end up with more than a couple snow showers here's going to get warm, change to rain and then back to cold again, with lots of wind. That wind may mess up the balloons in the Macy's parade which is too bad. :( All the kids here like to go on Wednesday night to watch them inflate the balloons but it's supposed to be stormy. Too bad!!
Budsters Mom
11-26-2013, 12:37 AM
Hi Addy,
Just dropping off a bunch of hugs and lots of love. I hope your mom is hanging in there okay. Zoe is loved and is in the best hands possible, regardless of how facts are interpreted. ;):p
Regarding snow.... I have NEVER had a white Christmas! It is nothing to be 80° at Christmas here. I went to six grade camp about five years ago. It is in our local mountains and we were snowed in. Other than driving 45 minutes to play in the snow for an hour or so, that is the extent of my snow experience. I am definitely a snow virgin. :D
Bailey's Mom
11-26-2013, 01:09 AM
It sounds to me like there is a lot to be thankful for at the Zoe Palace this Thanksgiving. It seems to be shaping up as a very good analysis. The eye news seems to be good news. You've not mentioned your Mom, so I'm hoping that is good news. You got your 21 lb. chicken/ you're in good shape. We close down the hot tub on Wednesday. First time we've done this officially since we've had it. We have to drain it tomorrow. So sad.
11-26-2013, 07:24 AM
Hi Addy:
I am hoping that Zoe is still doing well today. I know you are doing what is right for her, so she will be fine under your care. Hope your mom is well, and that your hubby has a good report on his eye. Blessings
Thanks guys, I think the challenge will be to keep her under 5 pre and post but over 2. I dont have a lot of confidence that this dose will do that long term but for now she is having a semi vetoryl break:)
I wanted to drop the evening dose to 15 mgs but there was a whole big discussion about would that compounded dose be consistently 15mgs or could it be more so I was talked out of it:(
All I know if this is about quality of life, she sure is sturdier and walking better, eating better, I even put her back on her metronidazole every day, just reduced the dose a bit. When I pick her up and I put her back down she stands all on her own, just fine without me having to steady her. Her legs are still stiff, but she is walking so much better. If she slides on the floor she can right herself.
I dont know know how much longer I will have her, she has a lot wrong with her but whatever time we have left together I will keep her comfortable and maybe if she ends up drinking a bit more water, it will be better for her kidneys anyway.
Oh my, wrote a book again, dang it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:o:o:o:o:o:o
11-26-2013, 08:46 AM
Addy, I think you are making a good call. I'm behind you 100%! :)
Thank you Marianne, now I am crying happy tears:o:)
11-26-2013, 08:56 AM
I think you are doing the right thing as I said. The quality of life becomes the central issue with these babies. I know that is what you want for Zoe. I am hoping her numbers cooperate this time. Blessings
11-26-2013, 10:18 AM
Sending you love and hugs.
11-26-2013, 10:43 AM
Addy, I just saw your message on Raleigh, Archie and Gus thread.
Thanks for thinking of us. I know you have a lot going on. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
molly muffin
11-26-2013, 07:40 PM
It's always about quality of life when it comes right down to it. At least I think so. I don't think any of us could stand to see our furbabies having a bad time of it, we do what we can to keep them with us as long as possible, as long as they are happy and healthy enough to enjoy that happiness. If that makes any sense.
If it comes to the point where you have to consider a dose that doesn't work with vetroyl, then you maybe could try a combination, part vetroyl part compounded. It is a possibility at least and might keep the dose steadier if you have to go down that road.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I came home from work and my darling was awake, wide eyed and standing waiting for me, trotted out of the kitchen to greet me and then proceeded to do eye doggie eye, rubbing her face on the fireplace cushion.:):):)
She has been great all night. It has been a while since I received that greeting. I'll take it with bells on.
My one good thing today.
Budsters Mom
11-26-2013, 09:10 PM
Bless you Addy for sharing your awesome greeting. It made my day! :p Something to be thankful for, just in time for Thanksgiving. It is the little things that mean soooo much! You go Zoe! Xxxx
molly muffin
11-26-2013, 10:22 PM
Oh that is super wonderful!! I'll just give you a great big virtual "victory" hug. :) Today is a good day. :)
I love to hear that Zoe is doing so well. When you get home tomorrow, you'll have to put some music on and dance around with Zoe and Koko, while puttering in the kitchen. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-27-2013, 07:31 AM
I knew you would get Zoe straightened out. Thank God for small miracles. That is so wonderful to hear about her greeting you, I bet it filled your heart with joy. I pray she continues to be like this and keeps improving. Yeahhhhhh Zoeeeeee! Blessings
11-28-2013, 01:06 AM
Awesome, that's awesome Addy! I hope that she continues to do well.
Happy Thanksgiving!
11-28-2013, 01:10 AM
Happy Thanksgiving
11-28-2013, 03:17 AM
Hope today is another good one, enjoy you day with the family. Hope you get your Mom home with no hiccups or slips in the snow. xxx
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Non Thanksgiving to all of you!!!
I will always be most grateful for having all of you in my corner and allowing me to write hundred of pages for almost 4 years of Zoe's journey.
She is a happy dog, walking so much better and can get up on her own, she is not falling over. No head bobbles. She "helped" cook yesterday with all of us in the kitchen. I am so grateful for having that moment and memory. I am not sure why mom and Zoe are still here but both have rebounded and I will take it and thank God for it every day.:):):):):)
Dearest Family, I am humbled my all of you, admire your courage, determination and strength and most of all your hearts and souls
Thank you so very much.
11-28-2013, 07:57 AM
You have Zoe and your Mom because that is the way it is supposed to be for now. I hope that they are here for many more Thanksgivings. Have a good holiday Addy and enjoy every second of the time you have earned with them both. Blessings
molly muffin
11-28-2013, 05:58 PM
Happy Thanksgiving Addy and Family. :)
You don't give yourself enough credit dearie. You have gone that extra mile to make sure that Zoe and your mom both have the best chance possible in this world. HUGS!
Sharlene and molly muffin
So glad to hear Zoe is a happy pup. It sure makes our day when they are having a good day.
Happy belated Thanksgiving to you.
11-30-2013, 08:39 AM
Hope all went well for your holiday and that Zoe is still improving thanks to her moms know how. Blessings
Thank you all. We all crashed last night, we were so exhausted, including the pups. Zoe slept until 6:20 this morning, a new record:rolleyes:
We got mom in and out of the car just fine though taking her back when she was so tired, my daughter came with me to help, Mom was not able to help us much so I had to basically lift her out of the car until my daughter could help grab her. I was scared I hurt her as her bones are so weak she can have a spontaneous fracture just from moving.:eek::eek: But she is fine and so happy that she was able to come for Thanksgiving and by doubting brother was amazed I pulled it off. Ha! I dont think he knows me very well:p:p Anyway, she never stopped smiling and she was here for six hours, even sat next to me at the dining table grinning from ear to ear and managed to eat 7 baby frank appetizers:D:D:D:D Plus a boat load of mini muffins and still ate turkey dinner.:D:D:D:D They need something to look forward to and boy she sure was excited about coming for turkey day.
Poor Zoe had a hard time with all the people eating everywhere and she was on her feet so much I was worried about her. I gave her Tramadol the last 3 nights and she was crying last night when she was try to settle in to go to sleep, but she slept late and seems good today, so hopefully 3 days of pain meds and now some rest will get her up to speed along with the warmer weather.
Hubby says we are getting to old for turkey day and next year we are going out to eat:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Zoe was standing looking out the door waiting for me to come back from walking Koko this morning so I feel much better about how she is feeling today.
I faxed an update to her vet yesterday to tell her where we were. I need to get my mom and Zoe back to their doctor, Mom needs a recheck and Zoe will need a stim. Hubby seems to be getting better and hopefully something else will not come up with him.;)
LOL- some day maybe I will be able to go the doctor:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:;);)
molly muffin
11-30-2013, 10:18 AM
LOL Addy, aren't we always the last ones to go. We always tell everyone to take care of themselves too, yet we are all the worst about doing so ourselves. I think it is the caretaker within each of us. That thing that makes us able to navigate the road of cushings in the first place and do the best we can for our babies. We just take care of them first, then ourselves. Really have to work on that, maybe a New Years resolution to do better with that. :)
That is so wonderful about your mom coming for Turkey day and how excited and happy she was. It made me smile it is such a beautiful image. Your brother doesn't know how determined you can be to make something happen YET? ROFL!
Hoping that Zoe continues to well and your mom too. Rest and relaxation for the weekend. Really. LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-30-2013, 11:31 AM
That was such a delightful picture you painted of you mom's visit. It made me teary eyed, but happy. That was so great to have her for Thanksgiving, I am sure it made her year!. Take care of yourself too Addy as you are the fine tuned machine that runs all this! Glad Zoe is well and I hope she gets good stim results. Blessings
Budsters Mom
11-30-2013, 02:58 PM
We are the ones that are blessed to have you!;):) It's terrific that your mom and Zoe are doing so much better! Love that!!!:D:D:D It is hard to take care of ourselves when we have others to care for. It's that nurturing thing, I suppose. We need you Addy. Steal a few minutes for yourself whenever you can manage it and don't look back!;)xxxxxx
11-30-2013, 03:31 PM
Hey you
Just wanted to nip in and say how happy I was for you to have your thanksgiving with your family and zoe, I know it's been a tough road recently so it was nice to read that it came together for you.
Does your neighbourhood go all out for xmas? I love the lights you see in the movies and I wish more people ore here would do it :D. Makes it feel Christmassy
Big hugs to you and kisses to the fur kids
11-30-2013, 03:39 PM
Love the happy story about Thanksgiving at Addy's, your Mum sounds precious how fantastic she had such a good day!!! :D:D Show that brother of yours how its done, where there's an Addy will there's an Addy way!! :D You go girl!!
Sounds like Zoe was circling for any dropped tidbits!! Smart girl, I am sure she was suitably spoiled :D
We need a GP in here to take care of all of us! Loved reading your post xxxxx
What a wonderful story about your Thanksgiving. It really brought back a lot of memories for me. Isn't it great that your Mom had such a good time. God bless her.
It's also true you need to have some relaxation as well. Sure hope you get some this weekend.
Roxee's Dad
11-30-2013, 10:08 PM
Aww Addy, what a wonderful day :) I am so happy you were able to pull it off and mom was so happy, just warmed my heart reading about your wonderful Thanksgiving.
11-30-2013, 11:14 PM
I am so glad that Thanksgiving went well and that you were able to manage mom without hurting yourself. My mother had Parkinson's and couldn't help us move her at all near the end. My back has never been the same but I would've done anything for her.
Zoe had a happy day too! Yeah :-)
Bailey's Mom
12-02-2013, 12:58 AM
Howdy Addy! Your description of your Thanksgiving day sounds like something off the Hallmark channel!! I hope someone was able to get some pictures. Your Mom sounds so cute. How neat that she was so excited and so able to be so present in the moment. How wonderful that it all went off without a hitch. You must have fallen asleep that night with a big, peaceful grin across your face. Kudos to you. You have earned all this and more.
12-04-2013, 04:31 AM
Where are you? Hope all going well in AddyLand! xxxxx
I am here in Addyland.:) Trying to regroup. Zoe has been sleeping so much I was starting to get worried. I knew the holiday zonked her out but I thought she should have regrouped by now. I have been following her around watching every hair on her body:o:rolleyes:
That first week after lowering her dose she seemed to rebound to a good place and now this second week, after 3 days of Thanksgiving commotion, she just seems so tired.
I cut back her pain pill two nights and that did nothing, so last night I gave her one again as her front leg was trembling a tiny bit.
Koko seems to be sleeping a lot to, maybe it is all the dark dreary days.:confused::confused::confused:
Anyway, so that is where I have been, following Zoe around and trying to play more with Koko. :):):) They have the blaaas:(
Hey Mel-
I found an online Uk site and you have such nice Christmas decorations. So much better than ours!!! I checked out the penguins and I even saw a swan:D:D
I have to go shopping at lunch!!! :D:D:D
12-04-2013, 10:01 AM
To tell you truthfully Tipper started with the tremors not long after being on Vetoryl. They were not as bad though and seemed to only involve her legs twitching and jumping. So she has had them thru all the dosage changes she has had. They have become worse in the last few months now involving eyebrow twitching really bad, and abdominal constrictions going in and out. It has to be something to do with the Vetoryl as if you read my other post today the IMS said basically she does not believe it is a pheo. In her legs and side it is more jerking and rippling of the skin. I know you are worried about Zoe doing this as I am with Tipper. Somehow I would like to get to the bottom of this and I am going to start researching it when I get more time. Who knows maybe I will find something hopefully. Blessings
12-04-2013, 05:43 PM
I noticed on Trish's thread that you had located your own penguin!! :D
My Xmas tree man confirmed he can get one for £40 so that's not bad really it's the cheapest, need to check its the largest one don't want it to be tiddly :D
It is hard to get pictures of lights I find but if I can't get some I will send you it
Am glad all is good in your world.
Hugs to you and kisses to the fur kids xxxx
yes, Mel light pixes:D:D:D would LOVE them:):):)
that is not a bad price for a penquin, I saw blue ones and white ones.
I have to see how tall they were though, you are right, would not want a wee bird;)
I think Trish should get one for her yard, or maybe a whole flock of them;););) for when we all come to visit;);) she will need a lot of batteries
I saw a bunny - it was SOOOOO cute along with some ducks that I thought were swans:p:p:p
seriously, your decorations are so cool compared to ours.:):):)
12-05-2013, 02:28 AM
At work they are putting up the Christmas decorations and the receptionist had brought in these fancy wooden Christmas models she had actually made herself by cutting out the shapes with a skillsaw then painting them. There were Santas and Reindeer and there was one on her desk and I said "ohhhh how clever you are, what a great penguin!!", her face dropped ever so slightly when she told me it was a snowman :eek::eek: OMG I felt stupid, but I swear it looks like the profile of an emperor penguin :D I was thinking of you and Mel when I spotted it sitting on the desk!! My friend came in to pick me up to go lunch, I whispered to ask her what she thought it was... she said penguin :D:D:D Honestly you could sling a few sparkly lights around its neck and it wold be perfect :D
I got batteries girls!! Bring it on :D
lol i cant stop laughing Trish and i am late for work:D:D:D
12-05-2013, 09:02 AM
I just wanted to check in and see how Zoe was doing. Is Zoe doing any of the tremors or shaking at nite when she is sleeping I forgot to ask you? Tipper really had a lot of tremors last nite and although she does not put her back legs out I though I wonder if these a mini seizures? As Buddys mom said his eye was twitching and that is what Tipper does at nite only. I hate that everything associated with this disease is so hard to figure out. Blessings
Hi Patty,
She does do it when she sleeps, it is when she wakes up and then gets up and starts to move around. Actually this morning before she had her breakfast and Vetoryl, she did the Parkinson's head bobbing for about 5 seconds but did not fall down.
I was not happy to see that as I had not seen it since the bad one on November 20th. Last night while eating dinner she paused again and looked around and she has been sleeping a lot. She does not snort anymore when she eats. I am sitting here wondering if I should cut the last 10 mgs at night and just put her on 30 mgs once a day.
I know how you feel Patti
12-05-2013, 05:03 PM
Hope you,your family and Zoe are doing okay.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
molly muffin
12-05-2013, 06:09 PM
You know what is really awful, I think, is that here everyone is, trying to figure it out for ourselves, what the dosage should be, what different symptoms mean, etc. It is very aggravating that still after all these years that there isn't better guidance from vets about these things. I just find it very frustrating.
Oh my god Trish, that is hilarious! Poor woman is going to be looking at that trying to figure out if it looks like a penguin or a snowman.
Okay now Addy, do tell, what is this penguin thing you have acquired? Link please. Mel did you find a penguin yet? I'll be wanting a link for that too. LOL And a poodle!!! *blink*
Addy I came across a link for an English food place, specialty I think and spend a good 20 minutes browsing and drooling. Whomever said English food was bland (my finicky nephew) never had those chocolate puddings I bet!!!
Addy, you can try the 30mg once a day. If it doesn't work you can go back to add in the evening dose. See what your feel is for how she is doing over all currently and then go from there. Your gut, so to speak, seems to know far better when Zoe is off than I think the mind does. The mind just tries to analyze and figure it out and logic it. Your gut instinct though, always seems to know.
hugs all,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-05-2013, 06:15 PM
I agree with everything Sharlene said. I for one am sick of paying my vet these outrageous fees and I am always the one to research this stuff and find out what to do. This is really backwards and should not be happening.
12-05-2013, 07:30 PM
Trish, I can just imagine the woman's face, all proud of her snowman only for you to say it was a penguin. That did make me smile :D
I just brought the penguin, can't sleep so decided to get it now to make sure it arrives in time.
I got it for £49.99 inc delivery which is a good price.
Link below as requested Sharlene x
Did you get the Poodle and Penguin you were eying up?
Hope Zoe is doing ok tonight
Hugs to you and kisses to the fur kids
I did not buy the penquin yet as it is on a UK site:(:(:( I liked the bunny too.;) I could have a zoo in the front yard:D:D:D with a big white poodle in the lead:p:p:p:p
I know, I sent the vet copies of Dr. Peterson's papers I had. I told her I figured she was cringing about that:rolleyes::rolleyes: Sometimes I wonder if we are just programed to expect so much from them because we want to know answers NOW and medicine is not an exact science and a dog sure cant talk so------:confused:
I will just watch her. I have been watching every hair on her head since I learned to do it from the dog training books. I wont rush to judgment and I like to do things when I am home to see. She did so well that first week, I dont quite get it what happened the second week and the stress from the holiday threw us a curve ball as well.
We will figure it out.:):):) Koko has been off too so?????
12-05-2013, 08:30 PM
I haven't seen a bunny! Or the poodle. It's 1:25 here so I should be sleeping but I might just do a quick google
It can be so frustrating at times as we want to be doing everything we can, in my opinion you are doing that and more and you are trying to engage with the right people to help you just don't always get any answers which adds to the frustration
I wish I had some actual helpful advice but I can imagine you have enough swimming around in your head right now so I will just send you a massive hug and some kisses to the fur kids
I will take the hugs and kisses, Little Miss Zoe did not sleep tonight and seemed much more like she was pre Thanksgiving. I am hoping her Thanksgiving hangover is over:D:D:D:D
She tried to challenge Koko for his football, she acts like a little bull dog, she is so funny.
One day at a time.
Mel- I'll find the link for the bunny and the ducks. I have to go see your penguin.
molly muffin
12-05-2013, 09:41 PM
Oh those are cool. (penguin, etc) I've never seen them before. The one you ordered is really cool Mel. I checked and see they have a couple here on, but nothing like that one, or much variety. We're very limited in Canada.
If Koko is off too, then maybe wait and see if they both come around before making any changes. The holidays sound like it did both of them in. (pup good time exhaustion?)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
molly muffin
12-05-2013, 10:17 PM
Sounds like Little Miss Zoe is already recovering from the holiday hang overs. (good terminology there!)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
12-05-2013, 11:41 PM
Man, it's been busy over here and I was just here yesterday!!:confused:
Now I looked at that penguin and I have to admit he's darn cute,:) but I'm a traditionalist. Can someone explain to me what a penguin has to do with Christmas? :confused: I never heard about Christmas penguins...???:eek: I have a hard enough time going along with Bob with the all white lights every other year. Ryan and I like the multi colored lights so to "keep the peace" we alternate.....odd years we go all white lights outside the house and even years, we bring on the color!!
What a hoot about the lady who made the "snowman." That's a real "oops" moment!:D
Addy-I've ordered stuff from Amazon UK and I've never had a problem. It arrives pretty promptly so long as you're ok with the price.
I'm wondering if it is the unusual early cold that's affecting the pups, plus the dark. The "bus" for FL leaves in 25 days. Start packin' their little bags!!:)
12-06-2013, 03:49 AM
Ohhh we are going to need a photo of your penguin all lit up on a dark night Mel, that will be gorgeous and Tia is not going to miss that :D
I think our senior pups can sure take a few days to bounce back Addy! Good to hear she has more bounce in her step tonight... guess what... it's FRIIIIIIIIIIIIDAY!!! No girly drinks for me though, still on antibiotics. I have a party to go to tomorrow night... my best friend's hubby's 60th (he is much older than us :D) I need to go shopping tomorrow for a pressie so I might tackle a few Christmas pressies at the same time. We did the Secret Santa draw yesterday at fish n chip night and I got Dad!! Ohhhh I never know what to get him, wish I got one of the girls!! I am going to have to get him two pressies... one Secret Santa and another as I always get something for Mum and Dad anyway! Hopefully your last day at work fly's and your home with your precious two for a weekend of relaxation!
Just when I thought we could not get any cuter than Mel's penquin, this has to take second place
TGIF- too bad it inlcuded work today:rolleyes::rolleyes:
molly muffin
12-06-2013, 03:21 PM
The penguin AND the seal!! Now wouldn't that be a hoot! All matching colors too. Very cute.
I told my husband about these lights and he just looked at me like I was nuts! "Say What?" ROFL!
So glad to hear that Zoe's continuing to be perky. :) Run Koko run!
I took the afternoon off work and I'm going to put up inside decorations. I think. I might take a nap, then put up decorations. My motivation is lost under a warm blanket on the couch I think, should go look for it. Molly agrees as she is already snuggled up there. :)
Stay warm, think our snow might hit on Sunday night.
sharlene and molly muffin
12-06-2013, 05:06 PM
Righto, you have all inspired me... I am off to hit the shops!! I just heard one niece Lauren is not coming now for Christmas she has just moved house and cannot make it :( Oh well, I have just informed everyone I am breaking the Secret Santa ranks and am buying for everyone as not many going to be home this year! I have started a list, this is progress!!! I do have cards (pic of dogs in a santa hat saying "Yappy Christmas") and Christmas lollies to tie on the pressies. Hmmm yes, I am onto it :D:D:D
12-07-2013, 01:18 PM
HI Addy
Just a friendly hello,hoping you, Zoe,Koko,your mother and family are well.
Hugs Sonja,Angel Apollo and Arial.
12-08-2013, 09:25 AM
I can see you running through the stores now. It makes me tired thinking of it! Please read my post as I ad a long talk with Glynda and got a lot of help with Tipper. Tell Zoe to wrap those presents while you are busy shopping! Blessings
Well I think it was one of those "Bridge At San Louie Rey" moments.
We had gone out to Target and it started snowing pretty hard. We took the xway home and slid down the off ramp, barley stopping but finally did without smashing into anything.
We then stopped at the grocery store and afterward came straight home as the weather worsened. When we got home the highway and off ramp we slid down now has a multiple car pile up and accidents and is now on the news:eek::eek:
There are multipe pile ups all over the city's freeways. :(:(:(
I was hoping to do some more shopping as we have our office Christmas party Friday and it is very hard for me to go out shopping after I get home from work. Guess, I will decorate the tree instead:rolleyes:
Koko is after all my stuffed Christmas bears and Zoe is napping with her Daddy.
Thank you all for stopping by:):)
Well I'm glad you are safe and weren't one of the cars in the pile up. You guys are getting hit pretty hard, much worse then what we have had to contend with..... so far.
Zoe has the right idea... napping in bad weather.
12-08-2013, 04:27 PM
I am glad you are home and you are both safe. My that is terrible about the pile up. Our roads are ice they look like glass, and I am seeing the cars not able to stop on it. You and Zoe can decorate inside and be safe. I hate to travel in weather like this, it is so dangerous not knowing what the other people will do. Blessings
12-08-2013, 04:56 PM
We had snow here also and it is icy. I skipped my niece's xmas concert and opted to stay warm and baked pumpkin bread. I hate ice - scares the bejesus out of me.
Oh and thanks for the book reference - that was a favorite of mine ions ago but I could never remember the name!
Glad you and yours are safely home. Now stay there! :D Kim
molly muffin
12-08-2013, 05:44 PM
Oh my gosh, that is scary sliding down the ramp like that. Glad you are safe.
There is nothing more scary than driving on ice.
Stay safe,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-08-2013, 11:17 PM
That is too scary sliding on the ice! I did that once and my tires finally caught traction in time to avoid the guardrail. Glad you home safe and warm.
Took Zoe in for her stim, she carried on in the car like a crazed dog, shaking, whining and bit my hand 4 times- good thing I had gloves on:p ha, ha, that biting wont scare mom away;)
I skipped her nite time dose Sunday, gave it to her Monday, did her stim Tuesday am an hour later than we normally do. Pre 1.9 post 1.8, so on the lower dose, she dropped a tiny bit that was all.
Symptoms- going to the bedroom to sleep all the time rather than sleeping out here, does not want to get up on her bed, has more trouble walking and is panting more. we did more extensive blood work, nothing there really, electrolytes are fine Bun went down to 40.
New plan: stop all doses for 2-3 days restart at 20/10 to see if we can get her feeling more like she was in September.
Never thought I would see this day coming after all the years of higher stims.
and I fell outside Sunday night and damaged my shoulder- cant lift my arm:rolleyes::rolleyes:
what IS a girl to do:D:D:D;););)
Ho, ho, ho
molly muffin
12-11-2013, 09:18 PM
Goodness that Zoe girl has just been all over the place with her stims this year.
You know, I was thinking that since that tumor was removed, she has been controlling much more. It could be that it was contributing outside of cushings to her producing more cortisol. I mean, I don't know if that is possible, but it sure seems to have something to do with how she has reacted since it's removal. She may just not need as much vertroyl now.
Addy, your arm still isn't any better? Did you go to the doctor? Get your hubby to help to some raise and lowers with it, you don't want it to freeze up.
Take care of yourself!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-12-2013, 04:29 AM
Well, that is a good new plan! She is low for her isn't she. Might be needing just a tad more cortisol to get her feeling better. This cortisol is such a damn tricky thing to control, but I have every faith in you that you will do what is best for your girl!!
BUT I do not have as much faith in you that you will do what is best for you Miss Addy!! You always have everyone else ahead of you in the "medical needs" department, so you get that arm seen to you clumsy clogs :eek: I so worry about you all in that icy snowy weather and now look you have given me good cause to worry! Ouchies ouch, wasn't it your hubby just recently AND Sharlenes hubby to with shoulder problems, it is turning into a blinkin epidemic. Can you take anti inflammatories? That might help, shoulders can take ages to come right sometimes... I hope you haven't broken anything so go get an xray if it is still sore what 4 days later now??? :rolleyes: Hmmm OK I will stop being so bossy now, its just because I care sweet... I hope its feeling much better xxxxx (oh and get some crampons!) :D
Squirt's Mom
12-12-2013, 08:21 AM
Ouch Addy! Please do see the doc or get some PT if the shoulder isn't much better today. That is miserable! A friend told me that if we put socks on the outside of our shoes when walking on ice, we won't slip and slide as much. She tried it going from her house to her car and said it worked great. So borrow some of hubby's socks when it's icy and slippery outside from now on. ;):p
I hope you are feeling much better soon.
Leslie and the gang
12-12-2013, 08:31 AM
That is terrible that you hurt yourself. I hope you get it looked at if it is not better soon. I have these things called Yak Trax you can buy them online. They slip over your shoes and you can walk all over ice and not fall. So you have to promise to use the socks or get Yak Trax ok? We all need you Addy you are a great source of help, information, and encouragement on this forum. Take care and stay warm inside. I wondered about the Kelly Clarkson album if it was nay good. I see you are giving her rave reviews for one song at least! Blessings
I tripped over a gutter extension that was buried in the snow. I was carrying Zoe so had to twist so not to fall on her so when I got closer to the ground I let her go and my shoulder took the brunt of the fall. The pain and inability to move my arm reminds me of when I had burstitis tendonitis ten years ago. I am in the middle of having to switch inusrance plans and I am at the end of my deductable year so was hoping I could put off PT until January. It is complicated:( and it HURTS:eek::rolleyes:
You should of seen me out there pounding in stakes around the gutter to mark it, pounding the heck out of the stakes into the frozen ground and yelling ouch with each pound. Yikes I have a bad temper some times. FInally hubby came out and pounded flags into the ground all around it. Looks stupid but at least I know where it is. And I had just said to him, we have to dig that out as I always trip over it each winter. But then he forgot and it snowed more----- oh well. At least we were not in that 40 car pile up. My arm will get better at some point
Zoe had been so lethargic again and I did not like that she was not staying out in the living room with us but going into the bedroom. The neurologist thought we should see if her walking gets any better off the Trilo for a few days. She was definetly NOT lethargic last night , more like her normal schedule, this morning as well. So I am trying to follow Dr. Peterson's advice with her to some degree. She has been on Trilo so long, I feel more comfortable following his protocal, but I do agree Sharlene, since the tumor came out and we treated her skin and better controlled her IBD, it changed the ball game.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Always did like a good ball game;)
It is so cold here I cant believe it.
molly muffin
12-12-2013, 04:32 PM
Who knew Zoe was a switch batter!!!!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-12-2013, 09:13 PM
Dear sweet Addy,
Im sorry to come here for a very brief moment and learn you hurt youself and are in pain. As if you dont have enough on your plate. I hope you are ok and get some relief soon. Praying for the best for all you
, mom included, of course.
Always in my heart sweet Addy,
Tight hugs...i know you're feeling them. Xo
Budsters Mom
12-12-2013, 10:20 PM
So sorry you fell and hurt yourself. :o sending love and healing energy you way for both you and our diva. Xxxx
Shoulder pain seems to be the worst at times, and it also seems to take forever to heal. I've been dealing with a bad shoulder now for over a year. No PT, just the swim with Keesh every week to try to heal it.
These ups and downs with the pups are worrisome, and I notice Keesh is sometimes very strange. I think it's neurological too, but I'm just putting up with it.
Glad to hear Zoe is acting a little more normal. Hopefully that will continue when restarting the meds.
Pretty cold here too, and I have to go out with Keesh as he freezes up at times. Gotta get my fresh air somehow I guess. :rolleyes:
12-13-2013, 07:46 AM
So sorry you hurt your shoulder Addy, sending healing love to you and your family. Glad Zoe is still well. It is a miracle and your loving care. Hope all have a great holiday season. Love, JoAnne
12-13-2013, 08:07 AM
I am hoping this finds you feeling better. It is a shame you had to have this happen before the holidays. I am hoping Zoe continues to doe well when you start back up on the Vetoryl. Blessings
Well day two of no Vetoryl, the only change this morning was she woke up earlier and is much more alert, her "aha mama moved" radar is back. :) She isnt drinking more water yet :confused:
She is more alert but that front leg is really still a problem.
Squirt's Mom
12-13-2013, 09:43 AM
Squirt has been off the Lyso for almost 7months now and she has no signs of Cushing's. Oh on rare occasion she will drink a bit more or act hungrier but that is very rare and doesn't last even through the day - just moments when I see Cushing's again. Weird....
12-14-2013, 03:58 AM
That is amazing Leslie, wouldn't it be fantastic if Zoe could have a break and keep doing good without it!! :confused:
12-14-2013, 10:01 AM
Wouldn't it be great if Zoe did not have to have the Vetoryl?? What a wonderful world it would be! I am so hoping that she can do well with a lesser amount. We have 6 inches of new snow and it is still coming down. Blessings
I am not ready to take her off completely just yet. We just wanted to take her off for 3 days, see if there was any improvement in her walking and then start her on 20/10. The 30/10 did not allow her cortisol to raise at all, it even went down a tad. Per Dr. Peterson, some dogs can develop minor adrenal narcosis (think that is the correct word) and may never need vetoryl again or will need a lower dose. Since she has been perkier and more alert the last two days, we will see what happens tomorrow when I start the 20/10.
She has had no head bobbing and falling over, her tremors are better. I really think there is something wrong with her back and front legs on the right side. The back leg when she stands after laying down on her side, she holds it in very close to her other leg and it does not quite touch the floor so she gets off balance. Thes when she waits a minute or two, she steps out with her back legs wide apart and kicking back like ice skating which I assume is the myeopathy. Her bad front leg I think gets sore from the extra work of her bad back legs so then she will walk ok but after a bit, will high step it like a Clydesdale horse.
My goal is to keep her comfortable as long as I can and just enjoy her each day. It feels like we are entering the twilight of her life now. I am so thankful she is all furry once again. The most beautiful dog I have ever seen:):):)
I will stop the Vetoryl when I need to.
12-14-2013, 12:00 PM
Dear Addy
Just enjoy Zoe. DEspite Apollo's set backs he still enjoyed life for as long as he could. So focus on the joy,the precious moments. muscle wasting can cause the joints to not have the support needed to walk. But just be in the moment with her.
Love Sonja and Angel Apollo
P.s. If you want a little laugh I did post Arial in antler horns.
I have to go see that photo:):)
The thing is why would it get so much worse since Thanksgiving, I would think it would have been more gradual. There is a marked difference since the week after turkey day.:confused:
12-14-2013, 05:39 PM
It's Saturday Addy, what did the Dr say about your shoulder?!?!
There is no better goal than keeping your girl comfortable, sounds like she has improved already this week :)
They cancelled the appointment because of the snowstorm. We are still waiting for the plow to come to plow out our driveway. Another lost day due to bad weather and Christmas is only a bit over a week away. I have no presents:o:(
I know only two words for this situation- Gift Cards:(:o
It is going to be a weird Christmas, I think in Addyland:rolleyes::rolleyes:
12-15-2013, 12:34 AM
So sorry you had a fall and now a very sore shoulder.:( That slide down the ramp sounded scary alright!!
Glad to hear Zoe is perky and less lethargic while she has the short vetoryl break. Hope the 20/10 dose keeps things just right for her. :):)
Budsters Mom
12-15-2013, 02:41 AM
Awwwww Addy,
I'm sure that it will be a beautiful Christmas in Addyland.:p It's all about the love and you have plenty of that!;)
I feel so guilty. You are snowed in and it was 79 degrees and sunny here today. It doesn't seem fair! I have NEVER had a white Christmas!
I hope Zoe's little Vetoryl break helps our little diva. Stay strong Zoe! xxxxxx
12-15-2013, 09:14 AM
I would not even worry about the presents. If your shoulder heals that is a great present, and having Zoe makes up for no present anytime. I hope she continues to do well, and I am more hopeful you can get to a Dr. and get your shoulder taken care of. That is not fun feeling bad for the holidays. We have about 9 inches here and it is still snowing. Blessings
Oh, I dont want presents. I want to GIVE presents to all my girls. Kate is coming home from college.:):):):)
Zoe does seem perkier and more alert but boy her urine looked like water in the snow when she went outside a minute ago:(
I need to trim her foot hair between her pads, it is so hairy and long she gets no traction. I just trimmed it all a month ago. Off I go to try to get a foot done while she sleeps. We have to do one foot a day.:rolleyes:
This is the best Christmas present ever
zoe last April
zoe now
way to go Zoe girl, you rock my darling:D:D
Squirt's Mom
12-15-2013, 01:08 PM
That is just astounding, Addy! What a difference! Yeah, that is the best present ever, I agree.
Harley PoMMom
12-15-2013, 02:29 PM
I agree, what a huge difference!! Great job, Addy!!!
And she has done really well today on her first twenty mgs of Vetoryl. She will get 10 tonite but she is doing really well today and even walking better. Her front paw has not been high stepping today and she has been like Zoe, awake and alert and bright eyed.:)
I pray and hope this 20/10 will be the right number for her now after her three day holiday.
What a difference since how she was last weekend.
12-15-2013, 05:50 PM
I knew it was not you that wanted presents!! I knew you wanted to get your family some things. Hope you get an opportunity to go out and find a few things at least. Don't get in any crowds with the pushing and shoving as I do not want to see you on the news for stomping on some shoppers foot for hitting your shoulder!! I am hopeful you can see a Dr. soon all kidding aside. I fell today in the bathroom I tripped and twisted my ankle, but I will live to do all this yet another day! I am hoping Tipper's problems are gone in the morning. I have emailed the nutritionist and hope to see what is going on on Monday morning. Blessings
molly muffin
12-15-2013, 11:45 PM
Zoe looks so beautiful, I love that picture as your new avatar. She's just awesome and look at all that hair!!! I think her eyes look pretty perky too. I always think the eyes give it away how they really feel.
Now we just have to get you back to 100% with that shoulder. :) :)
Blast if we didn't come home to a ton of snow and had to get the blower out before we could pull into the garage. That is After the youngest girl came over and did some shoveling too!!
You've done a good job Addy with Zoe and mostly by listening to that gut feeling of when something is off.
So Proud of you both.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-16-2013, 03:48 AM
Fanflippintastic!! She looks amazing Addy, such a difference. Love love love the new avatar pic too!! She is close to filling up that bed with her golden locks :D:D:D
"Your presence is present enough" :D:D:D:D Good little saying for Christmas time, when people cannot afford to buy gifts for everyone - like my family who do the secret santa thing!
Hmm. I can't see the pictures, but glad everything is going well so far.
Great job.
12-16-2013, 08:47 AM
Just checking in to see if Zoe is still doing well, and to see how you are feeling with that shoulder?? How much snow do you have? Blessings
torn rotator cuff injury- must see orthopedic surgeon:mad::eek:
Zoe is doing well:D:D
good with the bad:rolleyes::rolleyes::p
12-17-2013, 12:53 PM
Oh I love Zoe's new photo!! She looks beautiful, look at that fur coat-amazing!! :D
So sorry about your shoulder!! Hope you are not in too much pain! :(
Squirt's Mom
12-17-2013, 01:07 PM
OMG! No wonder you've had trouble using it! I hope they can help you without having to undergo surgery for it. Let us know how you are doing, sweetie!
12-17-2013, 02:37 PM
I am glad you got to the Dr. but am so sorry about the news you got. I hope you do not need surgery. I am praying for you that it gets better without surgery. Be careful Addy you are so vital to this forum, and I always value your advice. Hope Zoe is still doing well, and ready to enjoy her Christmas. Blessings
12-17-2013, 05:03 PM
Addy, I hope that you can avoid surgery. I'm guessing that they'll want you to do physical therapy?
I'm glad that you went to the doctor, leaving it untreated would make more damage.
Feel better soon!
molly muffin
12-17-2013, 06:44 PM
Well doesn't that just take the cake. A torn rotor cuff. My nephew has had a couple surgeries for that. Maybe it won't require surgery, lets see what the surgeon says.
Glad to hear that Zoe continues to be our little darling and doing well. Yay Zoe!
Take care of yourself. Get hubs to do LOTS of stuff for you! :) :) :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
12-17-2013, 08:39 PM
My sister tore her rotator cuff last year, physical therapy helped heal it so no surgery was needed. She was pulling weeds and a big wolf spider came out, she jerked her hand back so fast and hard that it tore her rotator cuff. She and I are both very frightened of spiders! :eek::eek: Hoping yours heals real fast.
Budsters Mom
12-17-2013, 09:58 PM
Oh my Addy! I am so sorry!:o No wonder it's been causing so much pain! I hope it's able to heal on it's own.
Great news about Zoe, though. Her new avatar is BEAUTIFUL!!:)
Sending you tons of love and healing energy. You are such a gift to us all. Xxxxxx
12-18-2013, 01:49 AM
Ahhh curumba!!! Torn rotator cuff, nasty and ouchies!! Hopefully a bit of physio will do the trick. Is hubby's shoulder all fixed now so he can do the heavy stuff? You could drape Zoe over your arm with all her fur she can be a heat pack :D:D Hope she is doing ok with the vetoryl restarted? Take Care Addy!!! Who is going to put the decorations on your tree? xx
Thank you all. I cant get in to see a surgeon until after Christmas , so one more week. Therapist is worried and hoping I also don't have a fracture:(:rolleyes: I am trying to be careful with my arm but you know, life has to go on and I have to work and take care of the house, hubby mom and zoe so--------
Speaking of Zoe- she is more active, more alert and continuing to walk better. She does not drink more water, this morning she slept until six am, I had to wake her up. I have been watching her skin and hair closely and she is back to rubbing her face like she always did except when she felt so icky at 1.9 ug/dl. She had stopped doing that. She stopped withdrawing to the bedroom and stays with me. She has no tremors, no head bobbing like Parkinson's, I am holding my breath and saying a thank you prayer every morning.
Hubby wants to know why I don't take care of myself as well as I take care of her:rolleyes::rolleyes: I told him I'm working on that:p
It hurts like heck to type so have not been doing a lot of that.
Ho Ho Ho
12-18-2013, 01:50 PM
Has it been xrayed to look for fracture Addy?
No, they will do that on December 27th. Physical Therapist is concerned I have so much pain and such little ability to move my arm up or sideways. If I bend at the elbow, I can move it, but that shoulder joint feels like the bone is being smashed. Reminds me of when I had bursitis tendinitis. I am hoping that maybe that is all it is besides the rotator tendon tear. She said I flunked that test twice.:(:(
The orthopedic surgeon's specialty is shoulders:):):) I think I am in good hands once I get to see him. Bad timing, all of this with the holidays and now my change in insurance and all. It was hard to get an appointment.
Always something, Trish. :rolleyes:
Now that Zoe is feeling and acting better... it's your turn for sure to look after yourself. I've had shoulder pain for over a year.. same thing, rotator cuff, but haven't done anything about it. Someday I might.
Seems we don't have time to take care of ourself, too many others to worry about, I know the feeling.
Hope it heals quickly for you.
12-18-2013, 02:17 PM
Yes your right, it IS always something. I just took Flynn for quick walk to make sure he had a poop before the vets. He was trotting along quite happily then a bit of uneven ground and it was like his right front leg went out and he slipped down on his shoulder he bounced straight back up, no limp... bit what the heck :confused::confused: Gotta dash, have a good day xx
12-18-2013, 05:38 PM
Sounds very painful so please take care. Does heat help it or ice? Hope some therapy will fix you good as new. Blessings
12-18-2013, 08:42 PM
Gutted that's what they think it is, fingers crossed for no surgery
Your little girl looks soo pretty in her new avatar picture, her coat looks awesome!
Even better news that she seems to be more like herself on the changed dose, you followed your instincts which would appear to have been spot on again!
We are always last on the list! That's moms for you :)
Can't sleep tonight for some reason, probably cause of the millions of things I have to do before I go on leave Friday!
Bug hug to you and kisses to the fur kids
molly muffin
12-18-2013, 09:47 PM
ohh nooo...hope there isn't a fracture, but it definitely needs to be ruled out.
Cruddy time during the holidays with so much going on and everyone on holidays too that you might need to see.
Glad Zoe is doing good. She has to take care of you now :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
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