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08-02-2013, 07:44 AM
I am so happy for you and Zoe that she has good urine results. Keep up the good work, and take care of yourself with all the running you are doing it is easy to get run down yourself. Hope you have good news on your mom also. We are all praying for you and your mom. Blessings

08-02-2013, 05:46 PM
aww—I fell asleep for my own party and missed the celebration.:o

I was so sure that they were going to call and tell me her UPC was 3 that when they called right away the same day (unprecedented) I was so frightened something was wrong and then went into shock I think.:o:(

It is blowing my mind.

Budsters Mom
08-02-2013, 05:52 PM
AWESOME!! I missed the party too!
My invitation must have gotten lost somewhere.;):D great job mom!:)

08-02-2013, 08:57 PM
Great news on Zoe's test!! Nice to have some relief! Hoping the full test results are just as good or better!! ;) Glad your mom is settled in rehab..hope all goes well.


08-05-2013, 03:23 AM
Addy, I missed the party completely but am celebrating now. What wonderful UPC results! It is almost in the normal range. So happy for you and Zoe!!! Keep it up little girl! :D :) :D :) I told Jasper how good her results are because I am thinking we will be rechecking his UPC soon and he needs to hear this good news.

I am sorry to read about your Mom and hope she is continuing to improve. That is so stressful when they are in the hospital. Juggling work and hospital visits is totally exhausting, not to mention the emotional stress. I hope things are settling for her now that she is in rehab. And I hope you are taking care of yourself also. Big hugs Addy.

I will be looking forward to good results for the rest of Zoe's labs. Jasper had a chem panel and electrolytes drawn Saturday, so I should have his results back tomorrow also (well, later today now). Praying for good results for both of our babies. ;)

Big hugs from me and Jasper

08-05-2013, 07:20 AM
So glad Zoe's UPC was good and your mom is getting settled into rehab. I so appreciate your information concerning CoCo and the Lysodren. Really gave me something to think about. Love, JoAnne

08-05-2013, 08:20 AM
I hope you mom is adjusting to rehab, and continues to progress. That was great news about Zoe's urine test, I bet you are vey happy with the results. Blessings

molly muffin
08-05-2013, 09:20 PM
Yay!!! Great number for Zoe! :) I love a good news day. Hope all the numbers continue to improve like that. :)
Hope mom is doing better too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-05-2013, 10:16 PM
Zoe , I am so glad about your news.
Love always
Sonja and Angel Apollo

Bailey's Mom
08-06-2013, 04:06 PM
Hallo Addy!!!:D
How great are those results??!!! :cool: Yay Zoe!!!!!!!!!! :D Hard work and dedication really do pay off! :):)

I am sorry to hear about more fractures. :( I could send you some of the pink bubble wrap....I've not needed any in awhile.:rolleyes:

Bob & I have decided on the paint colors for the condo. We're still waiting for estimates on enclosing the porch. I'm hoping to fly down this fall to check things out. I'd like to do it once the porch is finished.

I found out the name of the hydrangea that I lost in the flood is Tardiva. Now I have to try to find one.

Sounds like it was a great museum trip. Sounds like a very special relationship.


Budsters Mom
08-07-2013, 05:51 PM
Thank you so much for the sweet note on Buddy's thread. The one about knowing right where Buddy is. He is in all of our hearts. That means so much!:):p

I have been unable to log on for a few days due to some glitch or another. Thankfully it is fixed now.:D

I am glad to hear that both your fur babies are doing well. That Zoe is one tough cookie!

Big hugs to you and special prayers for your mom. Please take care of you too. We all need and love you Addy. Xxxxxxxxx

Simba's Mom
08-07-2013, 10:04 PM
Yay Zoe, keep up the good work!! Take care of you!!

08-08-2013, 08:36 AM
Zoe says woof, woof thank you for all the encouragement:):)

We have our eye recheck Saturday, I think that will be ok maybe a bit of her allergic conjunctivitis flaring but not bad.

And Sunday is bath day.:D:D:D

Hoping I can take mom back to her apartment next week.

Kathy, you are very welcome and Susan, any new pixes of our FL retreat?

I am so behind at work form taking off for mom, been a crazy week.
Gotta run, just wanted to thank you all for your well wishes.

08-08-2013, 01:44 PM
Hey you

Sorry to read about your mom, I hope she is improving. I have been reading but had so little time with work recently, major incidents and I am covering another project this week.

Just wanted to nip in to give you a hug and kisses for the fur kids


08-08-2013, 08:06 PM
Addy, Glad to hear Zoe is doing well and your mom might get to go back to her apartment next week.

08-09-2013, 08:34 AM
Mel glad to hear from you, figured you were wrapped up at work. Vicki and Lettie, love and hugs. Hugs too for our Kathy. Hi to all.:)

Moving Mom back Tuesday.:):) I made all the arrangements yesterday. The Head nurse will go over everything with the staff to make sure Mom does not get up alone and has more help and supervision. She will also get physical therapy as well. Not sure how we can keep here from trying to get up by herself. My brother said we should take away her walker:confused: She had been doing so well prior to the fall, it was amazing how far she had come in two years. I guess this will be Chapter Two now.

Zoe still goes for her chicken walk, but she is having trouble with her left hind leg; when she gets up it is very stiff until she gets moving around for awhile. Her back legs seem worse when she puts her head down to eat or sniff something on the ground. If I straighten them out for her then she stands fine when her head is up. It is hard to believe we have been dealing with Cushings for a bit over three years now. Since I cut back on the Tramadol, her balance is better.

Kate invited me to come to her college for open house the week after she moves in for a tour and a farewell luncheon. I am hoping hubby will babysit for me again:) It is bittersweet saying goodbye to my human baby girl as we also start the next chapter in her life.

Late for work, gotta run, have a great weekend everyone

08-09-2013, 09:40 AM
Glad everything has worked out for your Mom. Mine isn't here anymore and I sure miss her even though the last year of her life was horrendous trying to get her stabilized and self sufficient.

You mentioned cutting back on Tramadol made Zoe's balance better. Is that because it was too strong? I don't dose Keesh twice... only once a day.

08-09-2013, 11:36 AM
I was glad to hear the good news that your mom will go home soon. Does she live close enough for you to check on her? I think home is the best place for her spirits. It isn't easy taking care of your mom a sick dog, and working. Hope you get some relaxation time in. Blessings

Bailey's Mom
08-09-2013, 09:00 PM
Susan, any new pixes of our FL retreat?

I like that...."our" FL retreat!:D
I don't remember if I posted a link before, but here's a link to a video that was done the day before we settled, since we were not there to walk through. It's not a legal walk-through, but it's the best we could do.


Bob has been down and cleaned and taken care of some chores and we have now selected all the paint colors. We haven't made a final decision about whether there will be a trip before January or not. It's looking like it would be helpful. We'd like to get our bikes down there. Our property is right along a nature trail.

We've hit a bump about enclosing the lanai because all of the windows will be custom sized. Add that to the fact that hurricane proofed glass is horribly expensive and it's getting near outrageous. Not sure where we'll wind up with that. There was another unit we looked at that was more expensive but had everything already done. I think maybe we rushed this a bit too much. 20-20 hindsight.

I hope you're able to catch up on some rest this weekend. We're supposed to get some flooding, but I'm not feeling it yet. Take care, Addy.:)


08-10-2013, 02:26 PM
Sus, I posted on your thread:)

Well, just back from seeing the eye vet, Zoe had her best eye recheck ever and we dont have to go back for six months. Her bad eye had tear production on the low end of normal in April so we added a mid day dose of Tacrilomus and now both eyes are in the 20's, the chance of ulcers has been greatly reduced as her eyes are really well lubricated, the EDTA has smoothed out the divets and her pressure in both eyes is great. It was the best eye check up she has had in over a year.:):):):)

He could not believe her hair:D:D:D It was the first thing he said when he saw her:D:D:D:D

He does not want me to wash her head, he is too worried soap may get in her eyes. He told me to try a wash cloth instead.

I am so happy, I had to share the good news; her eyes have been such a labor of love for us for so long and we have given up so much to make sure those drops get in everyday.

Happy Saturday!!!!!!

08-10-2013, 02:37 PM
So happy for you Addy. Good news always makes us happy. You have took such good care of Zoe. So glad your Mom will be back home. It is so hard to have a loved one incapacitated. Hope she asks for help when she has to get up. She has made a quick recovery to be back home. Love, JoAnne

08-10-2013, 05:51 PM
Well Zoe has been our little star this week!! :D:D So pleased her eyes are sparkling with just enough tears to keep any nasty eye problems away.

You have enough to worry about with your Mom at the moment so pleased to hear her eyes and kidneys are doing A-OK!!! Hope your Mom has settled in with no problems Addy, so tricky preventing falls so I hope she always uses her frame when mobilising :) xx

08-10-2013, 06:30 PM
That is wonderful news that Zoe had a great eye check up. Also good about the tear production. That is one worry off the check list! Sounds like you have a great eye Dr. too. Have a good weekend. Blessings

08-10-2013, 07:02 PM
Oh Addy, I just remembered I wanted to ask you a question:

Would you keep the probiotic going even when poops are ok, like do you consider it a lifelong supplement? Or just use it when going through a bad period. His poops have been good must be six weeks or more, just very occasionally see some mucous on the outside which my vet said normal dogs get sometimes. That is perhaps once or twice a week and on formed poops too. I am keeping him on the Metamucil for extra fibre, but have run out of probiotic and was thinking of holding it off for a while.

Thanks for any advice, or if anyone else has opinion on probiotic use I would be very happy to hear it :D:D

Budsters Mom
08-10-2013, 10:27 PM
What a wonderful report Addy! A furry, bright eyed little body. What could be better! :D I am thrilled for you!:):D

I hope your mom is doing better.:p xxxxxx

Simba's Mom
08-11-2013, 11:33 AM
Yay Zoe, great checkup, we need some good news on here!!!!!

molly muffin
08-11-2013, 08:24 PM
So glad to hear that Zoe had a good eye checkup! What a journey this has been for all of you. :)

Sharlene and MollyMuffin

08-12-2013, 08:59 AM
Yup, the last year was really hard, always something cropping up with Zoe. It feels good to actually have two positive check ups. We dont get that very often:rolleyes:

I'm going to start reducing the raw again by 1/4 per meal. Her weight held steady at 17.5. We will see what happens. If I think about it and compare her weight to Koko- he is supposed to be about 16-17 pounds and she is a bit smaller so if we go down to 17 pounds, I think she will be okay.

Budsters Mom
08-12-2013, 11:19 AM
Hi Addy,
I loaded a new Rosie Photo just for you! Enjoy! Xxxxx

Budsters Mom
08-16-2013, 08:21 PM
Hi Addy,
How is Zoe doing with her food adjustment. Any problem reducing the raw food?

Hugs for you and belly rubs for the kids. Koko can smell my hair anytime!:) xxxx

08-16-2013, 09:31 PM
Somehow I missed the post with all the good news from the eye check from a few days ago. So happy to read that Zoe is doing so well!! Keep up the good work!! :D
Glad that your mother is better too!


08-17-2013, 08:14 AM
As always your encouragement helps me get thru Tipper's problems. You are a kind and wonderful soul and I thank you. I am glad Zoe continues to do well. Blessings

08-17-2013, 08:53 AM
Patti, Barbara, Kathy -

Thank you all for checking on us. Kathy I loved Rosie's pixes and thank you for adding on for me- I loved looking through her album.:)

Patti- I know only to well how overwhelming things can feel at times, especially when it is constant worrisome news so always sending you hugs and love.

Barbara- Thank you for your kind comments. I was so happy Zoe had a good eye exam and cannot believe we have no recheck for SIX months:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:

I made the mistake of cutting her raw patty from 2/3 to 1/2 patty both breakfast and dinner while adding more Zeal and I should know better than that:o:o:o So we are now cutting back breakfast to 1/2 patty and adding more Zeal for 3 weeks, then I will cut back dinner.

Her system is so dang touchy and it is always baby steps to change anything regarding her food. Her IBD seems well controlled now and I believe contributed to her good UPC so I sure dont want to stir that kettle up too much:eek::eek:

She got her nails trimmed yesterday and her groomer said if her coat keeps improving the way it has been she will have to do a sanitary trim next time. Never thought I would be happy about a sanitary trim:rolleyes:

I ordered some Humilac to rub into her belly skin as it is still dry and we are shampooing once every three weeks with a quick wipe in between.

She has been sleeping later so I have less time to come on the forum in the morning before work.

Mom has another eight weeks of PT and OT. Her dementia seems worse since the fall. Her assisted living has her on every two hour check and she can call for help whenever she needs it but she refuses to do it. I spoke with PT yesterday and they said no way should she be toileting on her own but she wont call for help. Very stressful.

Happy weekend!!!

Bailey's Mom
08-17-2013, 11:04 PM
Hi Addy-
It has been many decades now, but my Dad's mom was in a nursing home for 13 years. I was of driving age for some of that time and I would go down on Sundays and visit her. She had suffered a stroke. Her health improved up to a point and her spirits were pretty good. I even did volunteer work at the facility for one summer. It was a real education for me.

I know the stress you are feeling. I know how frustrated your Mom must feel. I know how embarrassing a situation that is in which to find yourself. (your Mom) Just as we wish for our pets, we all wish we could remain healthy, able and willing and then one night, turn in to a really good nights' sleep, never to awaken, having lived a very happy, full life. But we don't get to write the final chapter. We don't know when it's the final chapter. We just awaken each day thankful for another chance to bring a smile to someone's face, give some lift to their heart, make their day a little brighter and be someone's advocate.

You are like the Energizer Bunny......you just keep going and keep going. I don't know how many burners you have on your stove, but you seem to keep all of those pots stirred no matter what happens.:cool: I've never seen a pan get burned.:eek: I've never known a crepe to flop!:) I've not seen a souffle fall.;) Zoe needs a little alignment and right there you are! Maybe it's time to contact Pres. Obama and have him bestow some kind of humanitarian award on you!!!:D:D:D


Budsters Mom
08-18-2013, 12:08 AM
Hi Addy,
Dealing with seniors is much harder than handling children. Sending you love, strength and energy to handle whatever lies ahead. You mom is very blessed to have you, even though she may not always realize it. Many hugs my dear,

08-18-2013, 07:36 AM
Thanks guys, it has been a challenege with mom and last night I hugged my Kate and said goodby as she leaves for college today. Hubby keeps saying "you can talk on the phone, text, you will see her next Saturday", he doesnt get it, that is not why I feel so bittersweetly sad. My daughter is not handling her leaving at all.

We took her to the Apple store, she had saved some money and we "loaned";);) her the rest to purchase her new laptop. She was so happy carrying her "pretty box". My human baby girl:):

08-18-2013, 07:57 AM
You have so many things going on at once. I know it has to be hard with your mother. I have gone thru all that too, and I know it is not easy. You daughter going away is a life changing event, and I can understand her feelings and yours. Men just don't seem to get things like women do. So sweet about her getting her laptop, made me smile as I could visualize her happiness. Blessings

molly muffin
08-18-2013, 08:53 AM
Oh Addy, the time seemed to fly by this summer and suddenly here it is time for school to start. You got to do some great things though before she left. They do grow up so fast don't they.
I had a heck of a time with my dad, he wouldn't call for help no matter what! It was super frustrating as he wasn't suppose to be getting up and down by himself and if he didn't "see" the walker, then he'd try to go it alone. We encouraged a wheel chair as a better option but he didn't want to do that either. I know he hated to give up his mobility and with the Alzheimer's he would forget that he wasn't a spring chicken any longer. You just do the best you can with each day.

Zoe needing a sanitary cut! Wow, that is a real step forward for her. I'm glad she is doing so well and her reports lately have all been so good, all in the right direction.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-18-2013, 12:00 PM
Feeling your pain as the empty nest syndrome comes about. Glad to hear Zoe is doing well.

08-18-2013, 02:27 PM
Dear Addy
Thinking about you. Men feel uncomfortable when you show your feelings because they think they need to fix it,when all you want is an ear to listen and to held and just to say it will be alright. Know only to well. the circle of life is a challenge-our parents aging, children growing up seeking their own life, our own aging, losses, joys and regrets . We do the best that we can,no rule books, no maps.
I am so glad Zoe is doing better-one tough girl. MY heart goes out to you about your mother, going through it myself.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

08-18-2013, 03:47 PM
Oh Sonja, you sure hit that nail squarely on the head:):)

I feel better this afternoon and am again excited for my girl. For it is just that, the circle of life. We have to make the most of each day.

We had hoped to use the pool as it finally warmed up but after hubby fished out two dead mice floating in it, I decided I better shock it this afternoon instead. Kind of took the wanting to take a dip right of out of me seeing them floating around in the water:eek::eek::eek:

OMG- always something around Little House in the Woods:D:D

Bailey's Mom
08-18-2013, 06:32 PM
Eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....................!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

08-18-2013, 06:55 PM
double ewwwwwwwwwww:D:D:D:D:D

triple ewwwwwwwwwwww:D:D:D:D:D

molly muffin
08-18-2013, 07:28 PM
ROFL, the same thing happened to us Addy! Dead mouse and instantly no desire to go swimming at all! Hubs said the pool was fine I was like no it isn't, fix it, dead thing was in there. I didn't go in till the next week after treatment and time for the mind to forget the sight. :)
Definitely recommend shocking. :)

Glad you are feeling better today.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
08-18-2013, 10:28 PM
We had a dead lizard in the pool. Same scenario! I wasn't going to fish that thing out!:D Our pool water temperature is running about 85 to 90° now. It is nicest in the evening after the sun has set. We have solar on the pool so I have to watch to make sure it doesn't get too hot. Sometimes it's as hot as a Jacuzzi! This is Southern California after all!:o

It was so nice to help Kate out with the laptop. We all know that that was no loan!;) I know that it's emotional when she has to return to school.:o You certainly have a lot on your plate right now. Big hugs to you.:p xxxxxxx

08-19-2013, 06:06 AM
Stupid mice, natural selection at it's finest... they must have been thirsty, or blind I guess or they got blown in by the wind. Still better in the pool than your kitchen cupboards nibbling on the crackers. But yep with you there, on the pool clean before the dip!! :D:D Hope the weekend has lovely sunny weather so you can enjoy your swim! If you get a chance I put a link on Flynn's thread for you to read xxx

08-21-2013, 01:47 AM
Hello!!! I read on Trishes thread that you got great news on the UPC decreasing!!! horray! what did they do to have that happen?

08-29-2013, 07:42 PM
Hi Guys,

I realized I have not updated in awhile, a lot going on here:)

Despite all her issues, Zoe continues to defy them all. She is getting fuzzier and fuzzier, her back legs and paws are completely covered in hair again after being bald, the hair on her sides is getting thicker and I cant see the black speckles of her skin anymore on either side. She still has a"reverse Mohegan" down her back but that is even filling in.

She sleeps a lot and walks slowly, her back legs are weak but she can get up when she slips and falls on the hardwood - we have throw rugs everywhere we can but it is not the same as wall to wall carpet.

She misses her Kong and I miss her playing with it. She tries to steal Koko's soft toys but she shreds them so I have to take them away.

We have had a pretty good heat wave going for a week or more and she has struggled with the heat. It is to cool down next week.

We still take our chicken walk every morning, not as far but we go and we walk more slowly. She still does hop, hop bark for breakfast and dinner and I laugh and laugh. Hubby tries to scold her for barking and I give hubby the QUIET command;););)

Everyday we feel blessed she is still here with us and every day I kiss her head and tell her how much I love her. I know she knows that.

So Happy Labor Day everyone stateside and Happy Unlabor Day to all of our dear members in other countries.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Love u all

P.S. we easily did three weeks and maybe can do 4 weeks until bath time

molly muffin
08-29-2013, 08:50 PM
:) We have Labor Day here in Canada too. :) whoo hooo long weekend.

Zoe is a real trooper, she just continues to over come so much. I love the hop, hop, bark that is so cute. Who could deny her that!! Not me for sure.

I read what you wrote on Patti's thread. It just makes me so much prouder of your Zoe. How about all that fuzz coming back! whoot whoot Her skin must be doing much better now, which is just great.

You are an awesome mom to Zoe and Koko Addy. It's really inspiring how you have stayed on top of so many different variables.

Enjoy the long weekend!
Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
08-29-2013, 08:55 PM
Hi Addy,
Love to hear about Fuzzy, wuzzy, Zoe.:)
I get the barking thing at dinner when your hubby tries to hush Zoe up. Buddy was vocal. He always had a lot to say about everything! He would yap at the birds and chase them out of the yard. He yapped at the parrot who teased him whenever he went out to pee. He would also yap at any critter within his range of site from the window and the motorcycle starting across the Cul-de-sac. I miss Buddy's excitement. He was a little dog with a big dog bark. His whole front end would lift up with the force of his bark. I miss hearing that bark that was so Buddy. Rosie is not a yapper. It is quiet now.:o

So Addy, keep hushing your hubby when Zoe gets noisy and delight in every second that you are blessed enough to hear your spunky little girl. ;):) Xxxxx

08-29-2013, 10:08 PM
Addy, you posted such great news about Zoe!! All that luxurious fur growing in just in time for the change of seasons!! By the time it's cold out she will be all set. :D
She sounds like she's doing great- in good spirits and still going for her chicken walk. yay Zoe!! :D


08-30-2013, 05:16 AM
Addy: So glad Zoe is doing so good now. It is amazing that her hair is growing. Hope everything else is improving also. Love, JoAnne

08-30-2013, 07:35 AM
I am so glad to hear your sweet Zoe is doing well. I wonder what's up with all the fur? Maybe she is signaling an early winter! Hope she continues to improve. Blessings

08-30-2013, 08:36 AM
Hi Addy, I have been off for some time, I was wondering how Zoe was doing??? Happy to hear she is showing improvement. :D:D

Take care,


08-30-2013, 08:57 AM
LOL- it may be a bad winter coming up! Thank goodness she wont have bare paws:) She wont have a bare tummy this year either:)

Seriously though, I think the miracle is this forum. This forum taught me to read, question and think and to aspire to be the best advocate I could be. This forum gave me support in my dark hours when I thought I could not do it anymore.

I wanted to post Zoe's update so that people reading will know, often things do not appear as they seem with our pups. Often vets wont see past Cushings without prodding from us.

Every year I lose more of Zoe to another complication from this disease. I still fight the battle only now I fight it without the urgency and panic. I have learned to carefully pick my battles. I dont know what her ultra sound readings will mean for her, much of it makes no sense to me. Only God knows.

Most importantly, I want all of you to know there there can be light when it seems so dark, if we look for it, we never give up hope but we learn acceptance.

My girl is smiling at me and barking her head off wanting her piece of English muffin with peanut butter. She loves warm, melted peanut butter.

I dont know how many days are left of our life together but I will make sure she has peanut butter and chicken until she tells me no more:):):):):):):)

08-30-2013, 09:39 AM
I'd bark too for an english muffin with warm peanut butter. So good to hear that she's interested in all the goodies coming her way.

I have to agree with you about this forum. I still have no answers but at least I know enough to ask the right questions now to the vets.

Have a great day with your baby.. sounds like it's starting out perfectly.

08-30-2013, 04:53 PM
It's funny when I read stories of food on here I immediately want it too!! Unfortunately I have no muffins so toast and PB for breakfast it is!! Flynn likes it too, makes me laugh watching him trying to get the sticky peanut butter off his teeth!!

I do like your point about picking your battles Addy, I have had to make myself do that as well. Flynn's latest scan also shows nodule in remaining adrenal, liver nodules amongst other things. Older dogs, as most of ours are... have these things, heck probably if you scanned all of us (those in the 'older' age bracket anyway) you would find all manner of cysts, lumps, bumps on various organs that are likely benign and not causing us any problems.

The trick is finding the ones that can potentially do harm and end life prematurely and then manage them appropriately. Otherwise the stress of it will do more harm to us than the "lump" will do to our precious pups!! For the time being, I don't believe we have to do anything if quality of life is not being adversely affected. For Flynn it's not and by the sound of it Miss Zoe is doing pretty well herself!! So maybe these nodules are just there and not doing any harm, that's what I tell myself anyway and we will just keep on monitoring him and if anything goes awry that is when we will look at other options.

We are visiting the vet this afternoon to get results and talk about that article, I will ask him about your BP question in relation to starting an ace in a dog that has normal blood pressure.

Talk soon xxxx

09-03-2013, 01:20 AM
Oh Addy, I am so happy to read such good news about Zoe. Her hair is growing and she is doing so well. You are an amazing Mom, and it shows. I enjoy hearing about all the little things she does and her chicken walks.

Most importantly, I want all of you to know there there can be light when it seems so dark, if we look for it, we never give up hope but we learn acceptance.

I love this Addy, it's so true. I just wish I was better at following it. :o

Thank you as always for your support about Jasper, it means a lot.

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper

09-03-2013, 05:44 AM
I love that quote too, hope is everything with our babies as we care for them in their senior years! You rock Addy! :D:D

09-03-2013, 08:23 AM
Hi All,

I havnt been around much the last three days, been getting daily phone calls about mom and having to run out there. Will update and catch up with all of you as soon as I can.

Im looking for a new home for my brother and sister-in-law, hopefully on another continenet. Let me know if anyone needs a brother.:p:p:p:p:p

Talk to you soon:):):):)

09-03-2013, 08:37 AM
Well when you find the home for your brother... can you take my 3 with them?

09-03-2013, 06:25 PM
Still a sense of humor. Good for you. And great to hear about Zoe.
Hope your mother is doing better. My dear friend.
Sonja and Angel Apollo

09-04-2013, 12:15 AM
gaaa!! What is it with brothers lately?!! haha...I won't even get into that part of my life!! Sounds like you and I do indeed have a lot in common!! Guess you have to keep the sense of humor with all this stuff going on right??? :D


09-04-2013, 06:43 AM
My one can go to the brother farm too!!

09-04-2013, 08:40 AM
A brother farm, I LOVE THAT:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Interesting tidbit with Zoe. Her legs have been pretty weak. The other night I decided to not give her evening dose of vetoryl and give her tramadol instead as an experiment.

That night, she did pant more but it was hot out but she walked outside and totally went up and down the step to the house and up into the house with no problem and the next day was walking much better reported by hubby because I had to leave to my mom's. That night I gave her the evening dose of Vetoryl and no tramadaol and the next day she was not walking as well again reported by hubby.

I think I will repeat experiment when I can be home with her to observe. Vets told me her hind leg weakness was her Cushings but I have been thinking there is something else besides going on there and once again they cannot see past the diagnosis.

Hopefully I can get it worked out.:):):):):):)

09-04-2013, 01:25 PM
So you think the leg weakness is not related to Cushings or Vetoryl...can Zoe take both Vetoryl and Tramadol on the same day to take care of the leg weakness?

The brother farm...well, well, I have a candidate for that place...but a disclaimer: if things have to get accomplished on the farm then my brother will not be able to board there!!! ;)


09-04-2013, 03:19 PM
Addy: CoCo is walking better since he is off the Vetoryl also. He has been off 18 days and I do not see any more Cushings with him than before. In fact he seems better. Poops are better. He looks bad because or his hair loss, but that could be thyroid problems. Have to have a full thyroid panel next week I guess I will just wait until he has worst symptoms to start back on Cushings medicine, but who knows what it is doing to his organs. What do you think? Glad Zoe is holding her own and growing hair. Hope you get your Mom settled. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
09-04-2013, 09:14 PM
Brother Farm! That's a good one. :)

Sounds like Zoe is having some pain in her rear legs. Arthritis? If the tramadol is helping, very interesting. Good experimentation there. Sleuth Addy!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-04-2013, 09:25 PM
I think it could be something that simple as arthritis. It has been since her surgery which is also when cortisol went lower so I kept asking about it as it just seemed more going on than weakness from Cushings.

We tried the tramadol for awhile after surgery, her legs would get better after about four nights of it but then she started having her balance affected from the tramadol so I had to cut back. Her balance got better when I cut back the tramadol but her legs got really stiff, especially her one back leg.

I read so much about leg weakness and Cushings for a good month, so many articles and it seemed that it was as the vets would say but then why would she have been better that night? I can only think of her cortisol going up and helping the arthritis or whatever it may be in that back leg and the tramadol taking away the pain better without the evening dose of Vetoryl. If you give her tramadol with the evening dose of Vetoryl, I dont see that type of improvement as I did the other night.

But all of this is speculation on my part and I have to check this out more. Could have just been a fluke as well. I try to notice what happens when she puts her head up,do her legs shake or does she lose balance.... I need to study her more.;);)

molly muffin
09-04-2013, 10:27 PM
It sure does sound like this could be the key and I bet your "sleuthing" will conclude that every other day tramadol with no vetroyl might be a good for Zoe. You'll just have to figure out how this will work with her, as any kind of change, tends to send Zoe off into the twilight zone of what will happen. I don't envy you trying to figure that one out! LOL I know if anyone can though it is you. You know Zoe like the back of your hand. LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-05-2013, 08:22 AM
This disease sure brings a lot of mysteries along with it that we are constantly having to solve. I know it just drives me crazy sometimes trying to figure things out with Tipper. It could be the arthritis and the cortisol going up and down. I am confident with your knowledge you will get it worked out. Hope Zoe is feeling better in no time. Blessings

09-05-2013, 01:24 PM
Thanks, she feels fine her back legs just give out here and there and her front paw has always been trouble since the day we brought Koko home. I just want to be sure she is comfortable and hate to mess around with her Vetoryl as her IBD, her eyes, her UPC, her hair- Miss Wooly, who would ever have believed it:confused::confused::confused: no licking stuff like crazy, no paw chewing, though she is still looking for crabapples to eat outside,
I swear she is getting an undercoat- it is crazy this hair thing she was almost bald in May.:eek: If her tail grows hair I will really flip out.:D

That is why I think it is arthritis or something else besides the Cushings because the lower cortisol helped everything else but made her legs worse.

Simba's Mom
09-05-2013, 11:38 PM
Sending hugs and prayers!!

Budsters Mom
09-06-2013, 12:48 AM
It does make sense Addy. Cortisol is known to act as a bandaid for other conditions such as arthritis and allergies. It is self medicating. Buddy's extreme allergies had practically disappeared before his cortisol level was brought down with Trilostane. Then they came flooding back as if a dam had burst! It is quite possible that allowing Zoe's cortisol to rise in the evening (no Vetroyl) may be helping to manage her pain, with or without the Tramadol.

Rosie sends ear nibbles back to you. Xxxxx

09-06-2013, 08:46 AM
Yeah- if I do the test to turn her back paws knuckle down, she rights them back to normal right away. I dont think it is neurological.

We'll figure it out:):):):):):):):) If I had a crystal ball- I would put her back to 40mgs am with maybe 10mgs at night but not sure that will keep her cortisol where needs to be for everything else. I have been thinking about putting her back to once day dosing but not sure I will have good results with it. She is 30/20.

I sure hate to mess her all up again though.

09-06-2013, 10:08 AM
Hey Addy: Zoe sounds so good at the present. Keep doing what you are doing. CoCo seems better off of everything except his hair, wish I had some of your expertise on that, but he does not notice it is gone. Just makes him look worse than he is. So happy foir you. Have a good weekend. Love, JoAnne

09-06-2013, 05:44 PM
Hmmm I would be loathe to swap about too much either, especially as the other things like fur and tummy are good. I just learnt that lesson, will not with cush drugs it does not pay to fiddle too much if overall things are going ok.

I wish we were going to Sharlene's party today Addy, we would have a blast :) :)

09-07-2013, 10:42 AM
Hey Addy, glad to hear that things seem to be going right with Zoe, hair growth! Wow! :eek: Hope you manage to work out that leg issue though, poor girl, never easy is it?

09-07-2013, 03:09 PM
No it sure never is. Out of nowhere she had really bad poos last night. Gave her extra metronidazole, withheld her Vetroyl, she finally pooed just now perfect poo. Dang, scared the cr###p out of me, I have not seen this from her in a long time.

Koko threw up earlier in the week. All of our neighbors spray their yards with weed killer. We have no sidewalks so walk in the road and all the dogs like to smell in the culverts. I always watch for the insecticide signs but sometimes they dont put them up. I wonder if they walked in a culvert that had residue spray?:confused:

It came out of nowhere and for Zoe- it is usually 1 day reaction so that would mean she got into something Thursday.

Hope it does not come back:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

09-07-2013, 03:24 PM
Honestly, this is going beyond the pale with all the pups getting poopy butt at the same time. :mad::mad: I am starting to think change of season is not a good thing :mad::mad: Zoe does not need this right now (or ever) Fingers crossed it is a oncer! xxxx

Squirt's Mom
09-07-2013, 03:45 PM
Ok....I think we all need to give our screens and keyboards a good sanitizing. We seem to be passing this mess around lately! :D

09-07-2013, 03:55 PM
That made me laugh Leslie :D I don't remember it sweeping through quite like this before, so I have my Dettol bottle at the ready and anyone that posts is going to get a good old spray so hold your breath if you come into Flynny's, Squirts, Molly, Jasper, Zoe, Trixie threads or any of our other pups going down with this plague at the moment!

09-07-2013, 07:40 PM
I know I thought the same thing- we must have cyberspace germs:p

Tonight one poo after dinner not as good as this afternoon but accceptable. I'll try not giving her metronidazole tonight and see what happens before I start her back on her Vetoryl.

Last night I just stood there dumbfounded - Et Tu Zoe?:eek::eek:

09-07-2013, 07:41 PM
Oh no...bad poops for Zoe too!? :eek: What's going on with all our pups!? Maybe the change of seasons?? Glad that she's fine already though. We had some kinda soft stuff yesterday so before it could get worse I also gave a metronidazole and as usual it helps pretty much immediately for Trixie. This morning she was back to normal, thank goodness!!
I think we all see the dreaded bad poops and get a panic attack!
Hope all stays well with Zoe. :p


Budsters Mom
09-07-2013, 07:48 PM
This bad poop stuff is getting pretty scary. :eek: You have enough on your plate than having to worry about that too! Am glad that Zoe seems better today. I hope it continues.

How is you mom doing? I hope she is starting to settle down some. Xxxx

09-08-2013, 05:15 AM
yay a one off we can handle!! Hopefully all good without the Metronidazole.

Hope your Mom is straightened out on her meds soon, they can so mess with their systems, the poor thing. We do what we gotta do though don't we, I bet you get her systematically sorted just like you do with Miss Zoe!! xx

09-08-2013, 05:54 AM
Oh gosh, not Zoe too!! I am also hoping that it was a one off and she continues to be well.

I echo Trish's thoughts about your Mom. I hope things there get straightened out also. It is not easy. Big hugs Addy.

09-08-2013, 06:16 AM
Up here in Canada they removed most of the bad stuff from insecticides, only professional lawn care people can carry the heavy duty stuff now. You buy a weed killer at a retail store now and it doesn't do anything much. Sheer waste of money, and what you do buy is usually safe for pets.

Think we should have a seperate thread for poop patrol? What a shame all these pups are having the same issues.

Sure hope it doesn't last and Zoe is doing better today.

09-08-2013, 08:01 AM
These bad poops must be something going around thru the postings! I agree with Leslie we should all sanitize the keyboards!! Hope Zoe is better today. I know there is nothing quite as bad on the pups and the people walking them as the runs. Lots of sore bums on here this week! Hope Zoe is on the mend soon. Blessings

09-08-2013, 09:28 AM
Well, the blood and straining are gone even though no metorindazole also night and we are back to just the icky smell poo like when she eats bunny poo. She had a perfect poo when she got up and the smelly poo after breakfast. I gave her morning dose of Vetoryl and her regular metronidazole dose and I'll see how it goes today. If it gets worse, my plan is hold Vetoryl tonight and give evening dose of metronidazole. In all these years of IBD, Zoe has never once had visible blood in her stool so I was pretty worried.

I think though I have my "Seasons Change" answer:D:D:D

Wednesday-Friday morning I had to use a flashlight, it was so dark when I took her out when she awoke. She insists on walking all the way down to the mail box and I allow her as I want her to do the walk, its about 500 yards.

This morning Koko and I scoured the area around our mail box and if we go toward the neighbor's property, we find plenty of crabapple well hidden by the grass. You would think I would have seen her chewing, unless she swallowed them whole:rolleyes::rolleyes:

So I am pretty sure it is crabapple season and I will have issues as between the pesticide and crab apples and bunny poo, I dont have many places to let her sniff:(:(

She had her bath, hubby said no and I said oh yes she is having her bath, she will be fine and now she is barking to lick my oatmeal bowl.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
So that is our poo report and I am off to read all the other poo reports:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

molly muffin
09-08-2013, 02:48 PM
Oh my, Zoe too. *sigh* Hope Zoe's straightens up soon. Good grief, so she is eating the crabapples?! drat. Has she been hanging out with Rosie? :)

My vet was saying when they get the runs like that, the blood is normally from straining, they just feel like they have to go, go, go and over strain. That is if the blood is at the end. However, enough of that! Zoe is doing so well right now.

Have a good poop day!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-08-2013, 07:54 PM
yup, she has always loved crab apples:rolleyes::rolleyes:

what can I say, she has always loved fruit but cant really have much of it anymore. both my babies are fruitaholics:D:D:D

We saw a praying mantis today, must have been about five inches long. I have never seen one in person.

Budsters Mom
09-08-2013, 07:55 PM
Hi Addy,
Leave it to Zoe to eat the crab apples. We have to watch them every minute, it seems. I'm glad you figured it out and that her poops are better.

You are so right about picking your battles and enjoying the moment. I remember you giving me that same advice when Buddy was so ill. Zoe and Koko are blessed to have you and so are we. Xxxxxx

molly muffin
09-08-2013, 08:48 PM
ohhh, I have never seen a praying mantis either. How interesting that would be.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-08-2013, 09:40 PM
:D Well come on over ladies because the praying mantis' are very active these days here. My girls loved to munch on the crab apples as well.. silly girls. Sending you and Zoe love, Kim

09-09-2013, 05:07 AM
Just checking in to get the poop report. So glad to hear things are getting better.

I noticed when Keesh was on Trilo, I could tell where he pooped from around the corner as the smell wafted towards the backyard. Wonder if it's something in the meds that cause the odor.

Oh well, happy to hear it's a healthy odor.

09-09-2013, 06:02 AM
Ewwwww we get loads of praying mantis's (what is plural for a mantis?!?!) here. Is it bad to say that I squash them, or spray them.. because I do. Horrible things, flying too :eek::eek::eek: they make my skin crawl, like big green cockroaches although I have never seen one that big, ours would be 3" tops. Their praying does not fool me, they are just planning their next attack on how to get in my hair, plus they eat the baby butterflies which is another reason not to like them! :eek::eek::eek:

Squirt's Mom
09-09-2013, 06:18 AM
:eek::eek::eek: O.M.G. They FLY?! :eek::eek::eek:

***thud*** (old lady hits floor in dead faint)

09-09-2013, 08:13 AM
Me too Leslie OMG they fly and get in your hair?:eek::eek::eek::eek:

I was about two feet away looking at it trying to take pictures and it just walked around the top of the car and then I stuck my camera right up to:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

so much for me thinking it was some cool exotic insect:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I should have known you cant trust a bug:p:p:p:p:p

09-09-2013, 01:12 PM
My goodness if a Praying Mantis flew into my hair I don't know if I would ever recover!!
I never cared for the Praying Mantis...was way too big for an insect in my opinion!! We used to see them all the time in the neighborhood I grew up in...guess back then just about every home had flower and/or vegetable gardens so there were many insects. When I was a kid everyone used to say it was against the law to kill a Praying Mantis!! Not that I would have ever gotten close enough to do it any harm. I think they are beneficial and eat the bad bugs....not surprising as they are bigger than all the others!! I just don't like that long body they have...yikes gives me the creeps to think of one getting in my hair!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

So Zoe is a crabapple fan? Today in Central Park along one path were a bunch of them that had gotten all squashed from bring stepped on...I'm surprised Trixie didn't even sniff one because she likes fruit too. I don't give it to her much anymore...I'm so afraid to give anything that has sugar. Fats and sugar always seem like they might cause issues with Trixie. I used to give her carrots and then one day she got sick..don't know if it was the carrots or that she just happened to get sick on the day she ate some. So now I avoid them.
So many treats that are low fat have fruits, carrots or sweet potato added..some have blackstrap molasses or maple syrup in them. They are all high quality treats but the sugars-which are not listed in the percentages-make me nervous. Yet, I love giving her a variety of foods and different treats..ever since Cushings I don't want to press my luck with food though! Poor girl, she loves getting bites of apple or banana...I feel badly to not indulge her very often anymore.


molly muffin
09-09-2013, 10:13 PM
Don't praying mantis also bite the heads off the male after they mate?

Not my kind of insect at all. I might still want to see one, just not get close and no flying into the hair!!!!!! Faint, scream, carrying on like a raving banshee, all are fair game if one of those things got on me.

There is a horror book that I read once that the premise was HUGE praying mantis. EEEEK

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-11-2013, 06:43 AM
That is one of the reasons I hate horror movies or books Sharlene! I could never watch a bug one, bit of a wuss like that :eek::eek:

Hope work is going well for you Addy and Zoe and Koko are having a good week, has her tummy stayed settled? Wish Flynn liked fruit, he hates them all and has always spat them out if I try him, much prefers meat the little carnivore :D Bedtime for me, might see you on the weekend! xx

09-11-2013, 08:39 AM
Zoe did really well then Sunday night hubby took her out before bedtime and she pooed a big poo. He' s not as well versed in poop talk so I could not decifer what it really looked like;) So I did not give her extra metronidazole and Monday morning really soft, weird light green with mucus:eek::eek::eek: Poos later that day reported by hubby were ok, when I was home she pooed half yucky haf good so gave her small dose metronidazole again and yesterday she was perfect until I got home then part perfect part soft but no mucus.

I have her 100% back on her Vetoryl as it appears this is her IBD flare. I may have to do 2 doses metronidazole every other day for a week or two to make her right. I try to use the smallest dose as possible to control her.

I'm not worried, we've been doing this for so long already:):) If I made her skip a meal it would help her but she just has such a hard time these days with that when we are here with her.

Storms are rolling in today and the heat will break finally. Poo Zoe, I have kept her walking in the driveway only (safe place) for 2 days now, she has no pee mail to read:(:(:(

Update on Kate- she is LOVING college:D:D:D:D:D

09-11-2013, 12:06 PM
Hey Addy: I am a nut, I sent you and Leslie a note on my own thread, but I was just talking, so concerned about CoCo. Then I get on yours and Zoe has bad poops, so sorry and got on Leslie and Squirt had a bad night. So sorry just thinking about myself and just putting my thoughts in print. Hope Zoe is ok today. Thanks for your caring. Love, JoAnne

09-11-2013, 12:41 PM
Glad Kate is loving college, that is wonderful to hear. We are going to have to get your hubby on here while we discuss pooh issues and get him up to speed!! Just kidding I think he is doing just fine and willing to help out too that is great. Hope Zoe stays good with the poohs. Blessings

09-11-2013, 12:41 PM
Awww..Zoe's got the off and on softies, but it sounds like she's doing okay though. Yes...walking where there is no pee mail...they just have to get desperate enough to finally go even though they get no inspiration!!!
Hope things continue to even out for her.
Glad your human baby is loving school!! :D
My older is adjusting to not being in college after 4 years (it went by so quickly!)...at least she was lucky enough to get a good job, but she misses school badly!! I don't blame her...school is much better than the real world! My younger is enjoying her sophomore year in college and super happy too!! Yay. :D


molly muffin
09-11-2013, 07:00 PM
Oh fooey, sorry to hear that Zoe is having a flare up. :( Hopefully this will be under control in the next day or so. So worrying when they continue too long. The weight just drops off them.
College is a good time of life, I'm sure Kate will continue to enjoy it. There is always so many new adventures and things to do.

Your hubs is doing good. You can always give him Johns Poop chart! LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-11-2013, 07:25 PM
my co worker told me to have him take pictures of her poo to send to me:p I think he would draw the line at that, he already thinks Im obsessive. I havent seen anymore straining or blood and we have been through a lot worse than this so, we are good. She is happy and barking at me for potato and gave me a good greeting when I got home. We take it one day at a time with the flare, it is up and down until we get control back.

Sure did give me pause though, I think sometimes things happen for a reason. I think Zoe is telling me, forget the Lysodren mom, what would you do right now? Glad I stayed the course I did.:)

Tomorrow is another day:):):) Today my girl is barking for potato and smiling at me. If her poos are bad after dinnner, well, 1/8 tablet of metronidazole coming right up:):)

09-12-2013, 02:52 PM
Yep..one day at a time..deal with whatever poops up..oops I mean pops up. :D :D
In the meantime if Zoe is barking for potato, happy and hungry then things sound good. Yay! :D


09-12-2013, 03:43 PM
I think I should start a chart of "Poop Patrol" or a completely other thread.

Sure glad to hear about the potato barking. Music to our ears at times.

09-13-2013, 09:05 AM
That is too funny about taking a picture of the pooh. I often say if a stranger happens on this site and reads all this they will think what a bunch of nut cases!!. Glad you stayed the course and hoping this is just a little hitch in the road. Blessings

09-13-2013, 10:20 AM
You guys are so funny:D:D:D:D:D:D

What a difference the weather makes for our pups. The heat and humidty are gone; it is cool and clear. Yesterday I had to miss work to take mom to the doctor and I stopped at home before going back to work and found hubby was so upset and near tears that Zoe would not settle and just kept panting and he kept thinking she had to poo and she did not so he was carrying her in and out every hour:eek:;):rolleyes: He was so distraught, poor guy, telling me he knows there is something wrong inside her.

Today is my furlough day so I am home with my girl, she is fine, perfect poo, no panting, no standing in the kitchen waiting for food, legs stiff again though:( but she is putting her little face into the wind like Lhasa's love to do. She took her chicken walk and her eyes smiled at me so. Her cortsiol must be back down after all the missed doses.:):):)

I think I may have gotten used to the roller coaster after all these years.

We are cleaning and listening to Golden Oldies, life is good today.:)

09-13-2013, 01:27 PM
I agree about the weather Addy. It makes all the difference. Supposed to be quite cool here tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. Trixie is much happier and settled after a walk in a nice cool breeze. It's been awful weather here the last couple days.
Hope Zoe continues to feel good! :p


09-13-2013, 06:18 PM
Awww your hubby is sweet Addy, I always think it shows the measure of a man how they interact with animals :D

Pleased to hear all is good today though, I love it when they lift their head up to smell the breeze, sniffing away to see if they can figure out what is on the horizon! Have a good weekend, it has turned into a nice long one for you which is excellent!! x

molly muffin
09-13-2013, 07:22 PM
It's currently 52F here and suppose to get down to 41F over night.

Molly just wants to run and sniff when it goes from hot to chilly like that.

Makes a Huge difference!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Simba's Mom
09-13-2013, 10:18 PM
Chicken walk and eyes smiling, sounds like life is good, happy for you!

Budsters Mom
09-14-2013, 12:46 AM
What a great guy your hubby is to be so worried about Zoe.:)

I am glad to hear that she's so much better today. Face in the wind, smiling eyes and the chicken walk. It sounds like a really good day! :) xxxxxx

09-14-2013, 07:45 AM
You can tell your hubby really cares about Zoe and loves her. That is so sweet and very touching. I am hoping Zoe keeps going upward now and is finally rid of the runs. I bet she loves the fresh cool air blowing in her face. Hope you all have a good weekend. Blessings

09-18-2013, 05:44 AM
Dear Friends,

I have another family emergency, I wont be around much.

Thinking of you all. Love to you and the pups.

09-18-2013, 05:51 AM
Oh no !! Sure hope everything is ok.... will be thinking about you.

09-18-2013, 06:28 AM
Oh no Addy: Praying for you and thinking of you. We all love you and your whole family. Love, JoAnne

09-20-2013, 08:24 AM
I am saying a special prayer for you and your mom. I surely hope all turns out well. You have had so much to deal with lately. God Bless You All

Budsters Mom
09-21-2013, 11:05 AM
Dearest Addy,
Thinking if you and sending tons of love, strength and many hugs your way. I lit a candle for you and your family. Xxxxxx

09-21-2013, 06:17 PM
Dear Addy
I will be praying for you and your family. We are sister's in arms.
Dealing with my husband's health issues now. Will be praying for you and your mother and family.
Love Sonja and Angel Apollo.

09-21-2013, 09:31 PM
I have been told (and have read) that the excess cortisol circulating has properties similar to a prednisone insomuch as treating the discomfort like an anti-inflammatory would. It would make sense that the pain is better when Vetoryl is not blocking the overproduction of cortisol. I am going through the same thing now looking for relief for the hind leg weakness. I wish you well! Please share what you come to find.

09-22-2013, 02:15 AM
Hi Addy

So sorry to read your Mum has had surgery, hope she hasn't had a fall and broken anything. Whatever it is I am sending my very best wishes that you can deal to it. Big hugs for you at this hard time, wish I was there to make you an extra special girlie drink as it sounds like you need one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and a hug for Miss Zoe too who I hope is behaving x

09-22-2013, 08:23 AM
Sending you love and hugs through this trying time. I hope all is working out with your dear mom. Blessings

Simba's Mom
09-22-2013, 11:40 PM
Sending hugs and prayers!

09-23-2013, 12:10 AM
Addy, Sorry to hear about the emergency. Hope everything works out.

09-24-2013, 01:07 AM
Oh Addy!
Family emergencies are so frightening! Praying that all is well soon!

09-24-2013, 07:52 AM
just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and your mom and praying for a good outcome. Blessings

Boriss McCall
09-24-2013, 11:48 AM
Addy.. you & your family are in my prayers.

09-25-2013, 08:33 AM
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Mom is still in the hospital and I am running on empty but hanging in there.:o:o:o

I forgot to give Zoe her Vetoryl this morning:rolleyes: I have never done that. My auto pilot needs a tune up I think;) Other than that, Zoe seems fine, getting furrier day by day. She has a cracked paw pad. I was going to put vaseline on it at night before bed. She was barking away at the pool people when we closed the pool. I told her good guarding, Babe! She was very pleased with herself.

I have to stay in the now or I get too overwhelmed with everything, start worrying about all the bad possibilities with Zoe and Mom. My gut keeps telling me Im going to lose them both at the same time.:(

Well, have to run to work now. I have a mountain of work that just keeps getting taller from missing so much time. Wish I could clone myself!!:D:D:D But then again, maybe not, two Addys may not be a good thing:p:p:p:p

Thank you all again for your support and prayers.

Squirt's Mom
09-25-2013, 08:53 AM
Hang in there, sweetie. I remember when Tash was here and I knew her time was so limited; I, too, felt that when she left, it was going to start a cascade - Tash, Brick and Squirt one after the other. Brick and Squirt are still here, still tough, still fighting, still going strong. So don't let your fears get a grip - it's just our minds playing mean tricks on us. ;)

09-25-2013, 09:22 AM
Sorry you have so much going on, but know we are all pulling for you. Keeping you in our prayers. Blessings

Bailey's Mom
09-25-2013, 04:13 PM
:confused::);):DIf you clone an Addy, can one of them come to the condo and stay all winter??:confused::);):D
My feeling is that my job is to row. Madly row. I am not in charge of steering, I am just to row. I am not in charge. Row, Addy, row! I'm right here with you!:)

molly muffin
09-25-2013, 06:53 PM
Sending you big Hugs Addy.

The world could do with a few more Addy's in it :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
09-25-2013, 08:46 PM
Is this where I place my order for Addys. I heard you were cloning yourself. I would like to order 3 please and want the group rate. 2 for work and one for home. ;):D

Sending you tons of love, strength and healing energy for what lies ahead. You'll know what to do when the time comes. In the meantime, continue to share your love. That is what you do best. Xxxxx

09-28-2013, 06:07 PM
My dear Friend.
My heart goes out to you. Try to take a little quiet time for yourself so you can be strong for your family. Take care of yourself, even if it is something as little as sitting down and having a coffee and taking a nap. I pray for you, your mother , Zoe and family. Remember what you told me " put the Cushing's and worries in the drawer and close it for a day"
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

09-28-2013, 06:37 PM
Thinking of you Addy, hope your Mom is doing okay. I am sure your husband is taking care of your furbabies. Take care. Love, JoAnne

Budsters Mom
09-28-2013, 09:41 PM
Dropping in with more hugs Addy. I will be forever grateful to you for staying with me through my darkest hours. Rosie's sends many ear nibbles. She has been saving them up for you. :)xxxx

09-29-2013, 04:27 AM
Addy, prayers coming for you and your family! Quiet time for yourself is very important.

09-30-2013, 09:41 AM
Thank you so much for checking in on us and for your thoughts and prayers. Mom will most likely be transferred to a sub acute care facility late this week or next. We are in the process of cleaning out her apartment as she must move to a facility that can offer more care.

Zoe has good days and bad days, her hair is filling in like crazy and if it keeps up she will look like she did in 2011 except her brown spots are back now. Her back legs are pretty stiff, but we still do short walks in the mornings and she wants to go down the driveway when I get home from work. When she has to spend a lot of time locked up in the kitchen on the weekends when we are trying to take care of things for my mom, she has a hard time so I am grateful when the work week starts so she can be with hubby and be taken care of the way she needs to be. It is a hard balance sometimes.

I tried to upload photos of Zoe now and in April when she was so sick but my computer is not cooperating. I'll keep working on it:)

Love to you all, keep the faith, we fight on till they tell us no more.

Squirt's Mom
09-30-2013, 09:44 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you all, Addy. I know how difficult all this is with your mom.

Leslie and the gang

09-30-2013, 09:54 AM
Thinking of you and your mom, and praying things turn out for the best. Hoping it all gets settled for your sake and for Zoe. God Bless you all.

09-30-2013, 12:43 PM
Hoping things are going okay for you with all your have on your plate. I can relate completely!! Hoping you have found a good place for your mom. There is a serious lack of good places for the elderly who need more care than assisted living can give.
I know that feeling of being pulled in every direction :eek:...I hope things calm down for you soon!! :p


molly muffin
09-30-2013, 07:38 PM
Sending you tons of love and hugs Addy.

Many of us have been in this spot and it isn't easy at all. You want the best for your mom, and your mom, if she is like my parents were, wanted her independence for as long as possible. Plus you just want a good, safe place for them to live and to have a good quality of life and not have to worry every second that you'll get a call something has happened. :(

This will get better and then you'll be able to spend more time with Zoe. Hopefully the walks will keep her legs from getting too stiff. I have to give molly's rear joints a good massage sometimes when she gets up, then once they are warmed up, she takes off like crazy. Do massages help Zoe's joints to loosen up?
I have to admit, that they are kind of nice for me too, I love the way Molly just grooves to having a massage. LOL

Hoping things get better and settled, real soon and your lives can get back into a more regular routine.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-01-2013, 05:32 AM
Hi Addy

Just stopping by with the girlie drinks refill, Margaritas tonight! I hope your days are settling somewhat and you are getting more time to spend with Zoe, thinking of you and hope your Mom is settling xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Budsters Mom
10-01-2013, 10:18 PM
Rosie has been saving up her ear nibbles just for you!:D Tons of love and support from me too! Xxxx

10-01-2013, 10:30 PM
Addy, Love and strength being sent from me as well. Hug dear Zoe for me. Kim

10-01-2013, 10:36 PM
Addy, Hugs and prayers

10-02-2013, 04:05 AM
Hi Addy, been thinking about you lately. I've been where you are now, and it's exhausting mentally and physically at times.

I'm hoping things will settle down for you soon, and some semblance of normalcy will be routine for a long time.

Hugs to you and Zoe.

10-02-2013, 12:08 PM
Know you and your mother are in my thought and prayers. Blessings

10-02-2013, 01:44 PM
Thank you all, it has been very hard with mom, such a roller coaster.

We have had so much sadness here on our forum lately. We have lost so many dear pups.

I want to show you all something, especially our new members.



The first picture is in early April, when Zoe was almost bald and got so sick after her surgery in February. They told me she needed Lysodren.

The second picture is from early September. Her hair is filled in even more now, a month later. We did not switch to Lysodren.

Never give up hope.

10-02-2013, 02:09 PM
Oh Addy: That is so wonderful. I am so happy for you. It just was not to be for CoCo. We are still so heartbroken. It will be two weeks tomorrow since he died. I know you give a lot of the new people hope when they see Zoe. Everyone on this forum helped me so much. CoCo was just so sick and had so many things wrong. I even thought the last day that I could save him, but he had other ideas and slipped away from me and went to his bed to die and we still tried to save him. Hope your Mom is doing better. Zoe just looks wonderful. You have done such a great job. Love, JoAnne

10-02-2013, 02:11 PM
How nice of you to give some positive inspiration to everyone Addy! Especially when you yourself are facing difficult and trying times with your mother's situation.
How great that Zoe continues to make such good progress with her beautifully growing coat! :p So happy that she is doing so well.

Hope things with your Mom are improving. I'm going through the same, it's very tough on so many levels.

;) Thanks for reminding all of us to be optimistic!!


10-02-2013, 02:45 PM
JoAnne, I hope I did not make you feel badly. Zoe too has many things wrong with her other than Cushings and we take it one day at a time. I just wanted new members to realize sometimes when things look really bad, there may still be light.

10-02-2013, 02:58 PM
She is gorgeous and so fluffy!! Xxxxxx

Budsters Mom
10-02-2013, 03:34 PM
I just wanted new members to realize sometimes when things look really bad, there may still be light.

Yes Addy, bless you! There is always a loving light as long as we are blessed enough to have our babies with us.:p:) xxxxx

10-02-2013, 03:50 PM
Oh no Addy you were so good to tell me things to do with CoCo, but he was just too sick and we lost him. I think it is so wonderful that you have given the new people optimism and hope. CoCo just continued to go down from the time he was diagnosed. He just continued to lose weight and I know the vets did not think it was worms, but I think the worms took his nutrients and he was just too weak to get over the Cushings and everything he had. I do not know why the worm medication did not work unless they were in the soil and he continued to infect himself. Our property used to be a big farm and we have so many animals still roaming around. I am so proud that Zoe is doing well and so thankful to you and everyone that helped me. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
10-02-2013, 04:08 PM
I love the new avatar, Zoe is looking wonderful :)

Hoping things start to even out with your mom too. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

10-02-2013, 04:55 PM
Thank you Sharlene and Trish. I decided my avatar should reflect my Zoe now not some years ago. She is still beautiful to me now and it is who we are. It was hard for me to post the picture of her in April. I found it very difficult but wanted to do it.

Squirt's Mom
10-02-2013, 05:02 PM
She's come a loooong way, thanks to her exceptional mom.

Simba's Mom
10-02-2013, 11:54 PM
Love the new picture!

10-03-2013, 07:48 AM
That is a really cute photo of Zoe. Take care of yourself, we are all thinking of you. Blessings

10-03-2013, 09:14 AM
Great picture.... glad things are going well.

10-04-2013, 08:02 AM
Thinking and praying for you and your mom. Blessings

10-04-2013, 03:04 PM
Dear Addy
praying for you and your Mom. Zoe is still and always will be beautiful. To the end Apollo was beautiful to me and always will be.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

Budsters Mom
10-04-2013, 03:22 PM
Zoe's beautiful flowing hair is a miracle. :p:) xxxxx

10-04-2013, 09:21 PM
So I was just reading around the forum, trying to do a bit of catch up and saw a post by you addy, with a new avatar (new to me anyway) and thought to myself "Is that Zoe?" So I had to stop in and check and Woooaaaa! It is! She's looking really great! Hope everything else is able to turn and develop as well as those flowing locks of hers. Take care.

Bailey's Mom
10-08-2013, 01:16 AM
Look at that sassy, sexy looking lady! Fluff galore! How wonderful!!:D:D:D
Did you say your name was Florence Nightingale?:)
I hope your Mom settles in nicely. I understand your stress. See me there on the right shoulder? Need a hug? It's yours any time you want it, as often as you want it.


10-08-2013, 09:48 AM
Praying for you and your mom. Blessings

10-09-2013, 05:35 AM
Is it the night for our girlie drinks?? Hmm maybe not, only mid week, but we must have something to look forward to!! Hope your week is going well with no new surprises and you, your Mom, furry Zoe and Koko are just fine. xxxx

10-09-2013, 11:59 AM
Oh thank you all I have not checked in, it has been a whirlwind here, and to see you all here with me means so much.

Mom is being discharged from the hospital today. My brother and I have worked night and day to clean out her Frail and Elderly wing apartment, find a new facility, make all the arrangements, some of the phone calls have not been pleasant from me to the old facility because they did not follow proper protocol which added to our stress. Long story short, somehow we pulled it all off and found a wonderful hospital bed to boot which was a four hour ride on Sunday hauling a trailer but gave me, my brother and spouses good family time together.

Zoe- my sister in law has not seen here for a few months, came to the house last night to help move a chair I purchased for mom. She could not believe Zoe's coat and of course, Zoe stood guard at the door, growling and barking as if the clock had been turned back two years.

She missed her monthly bath this weekend and I had to lock her up in the kitchen Sunday for over five hours while we went to get the bed. I was so scared to come home but she was perfectly find and did not even have an accident. I thanked God over a hundred times for that gift as I was near tears.

So, thank you all, a few more hard weeks as Mom adjusts to the new facility and then hopefully we will find our new routine.

I miss you all and think of you all everyday. Hope to catch up on all of you soon and am looking forward to those girlie drinks.:):):)

molly muffin
10-09-2013, 07:19 PM
Oh Addy hugs! You know we all "get it" and want all the best for your mom, you and your family. Getting her settled is most important and not an easy task at all. I hope she likes her new place just fine. :)
Zoe just seems to be doing so well. I knock wood every time I type that out. LOL
Get your mom settled, spend some make up time with Zoe and Koko and life will eventually be a more settled calmer one I hope. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Bailey's Mom
10-09-2013, 08:09 PM
I ditto Sharlene!

10-09-2013, 10:39 PM
Hi Addy, Hope everything works out just fine for your mom.

10-12-2013, 05:31 PM
Hi Addy

Hopefully your Mom is liking her new place and is all settled in. Gosh you have been super busy getting that all organised. So nice to hear the positive comments from your SIL re Zoe!! That little fur monster is doing great even behaving on her own... you go girl!!

I sure hope your life settled back down now, it has been a pretty stressful time for you, so you better be taking care of yourself too Missy!! xxx

10-14-2013, 02:34 AM
Addy, I imagine you are exhausted from making all the arrangements for a new facility for your Mom, and moving her things out of her apartment. I remember when we had to move my grandmother to assisted living and clean out her house where she had lived for over 60 years, it is so stressful. I hope your Mom is adjusting to her new place. I'm so glad to read that Zoe is doing well, what a blessing. Thinking of you, and keeping you and your Mom in my prayers.

Tina and Jasper

10-14-2013, 08:28 AM
I am sure you are worn out from all you are doing. Remember to take time to take care of yourself. Hope Zoe is doing well. Blessings

10-14-2013, 08:37 AM
I can feel the love:):):)

Things are still a bit stressful and I think it will take some time for my body to get rid of the extra cortisol it has been making from all the stress. Many hard decisions to make for mom.:( I have to take off work again today to take her to the new doctor to establish care. I have missed so much work and although they try to be understanding, they want it to stop. It is hard to make up the work and is just added stress. I keep trying to tell everyone I cannot keep taking off work every week. I put my foot down with the physical therapist and had her fax me the papers to sign.

I think Zoe had a mini seizure the other night. I cut back her Vetoryl in the evening. Koko has a weird growth on his neck that came from nowhere and does not look good and hubby is not well.

I managed to sleep the other night, sleep has been hard to come by.
I lost mom's medicare card and will have to replace it. It says since I am her agent, I have to go there in person, so that will be another day of work missed and I want to get Zoe in for her stim.

As you can see from all my complaints, I am overwhelmed, mentally exhausted and the other night I had a major melt down.

I told hubby when I would have a major meltdown over Zoe I could always turn to my forum for support. I feel so alone trying to navigate through all of this.

Sorry for whining, I think I am not quite over my meltdown:o:o

molly muffin
10-14-2013, 09:21 AM
Oh Addy sweetie, if you can't whine to us, then who can you whine to. ;) Not that you are, because it sounds like your plate is full and you have stress coming at you from all sides currently.

Oh dear, Koko, Zoe and Hubby too. You have a house full of stress right now, in addition to your mom and work. I just can't imagine how hard this must be for everything to be happening at the same time.

You just do what you need to do and feel free to come on here and vent it out whenever you need to. I'd have at Least a month long meltdown once this is all settled.

So, what are the chances that once you have things sorted, and Zoe and Koko and mom and hubs all set to rights that someone could come stay the weekend with Zoe and Koko and you and hubs could get away for just a couple days, maybe leave Friday and come back Sunday night. Just a mini escape. It sounds like you both need that sort of thing right now.

Wish I lived closer, I'd certainly lend you hand. *sigh* The problem with forums and the internet is that we are all so scattered across the world. Makes it hard when you want to just jump in the car, and say, no worries, I'll be right over to help. grrrr

Big hugs Addy. It will get better, even if you can't see that light at the end of the tunnel just yet.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-14-2013, 09:43 AM
Can't you go online and print one out from the SS site there? I know you can do many things on there. Sorry to hear you have even more things to deal with, hope your hubby is ok. Has Zoe ever had a seizure before? Maybe the growth is just a fatty benign tumor hopefully. God Bless you as you have a hard road to travel right now.

10-14-2013, 09:47 AM
It will get better, hang in there. As the saying goes, "It never rains but it pours". Sounds like everyone is feeling the pressure in your house but it will get better. As for work, you just do the best you can, there are times in everyones life where family has to come first, and a meltdown is more than entitled. We all get it, hell we all have them! So don't worry about it, if you can't whinge here, where can you?

Sounds like time for a bath and a nice glass of wine or hot chocolate and put your feet up for a bit. Take a breather, it will all hold for an hour while you take some time out for yourself. And while an hour is not long enough, if you can shut your mind off for that long and relax, things might just look a little easier afterwards.

Take care and big hugs.

Squirt's Mom
10-14-2013, 10:13 AM
Oh, honey. You have so much on your shoulders right now. :( I know your mom is ever so grateful to have you as her daughter and that she is very proud of the woman her baby girl has grown into. I'm glad, too, that your brother is helping with all of this....don't be ashamed to let him carry the full load from time to time. You need time to recharge during all of this. When he is reaching his limit, you can return the favor.

I agree with Naomi - it's time for a hot bubble bath, glass of chilled Chocovine, and a good book. Please take time to be good to yourself every now and then.

Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang

Roxee's Dad
10-14-2013, 11:17 AM
Dear Addy, I am so sorry, I know I don't post much here, but you and the family are always in my thoughts and prayers... I am always checking in to see how ya'll are doing.

Please vent as much as you need. We have to relieve the stress pressure cooker.


10-14-2013, 12:38 PM
So sorry Addy. I am always thinking of you and looking to see if you have posted on the forum and hoping everything is ok. Maybe it will settle down after this week and you can get back to just taking care of Zoe and KoKo and hubby and your usual jobs. Try to take care of yourself during this stressful time. Everyone on this forum will be thinking of you and waiting for things to settle down for you. Love, JoAnne

Harley PoMMom
10-14-2013, 02:32 PM

Budsters Mom
10-14-2013, 02:49 PM
Oh Addy. Vent as much as you need to. I have both my folks, so I understand completely. It does get nuts sometimes. You are being pulled in far too many directions. Sending you love, strength and healing energy to get you through. xxxxx

10-14-2013, 07:00 PM
just got back from the doctor, they said mom is at a point in her life where she is declining. they want to know if they should have a do not ressitate order on her. i have the papers to sign. I sat at her feet when we got back to her room, and we talked about how nice she looks in red.

I will give Zoe only 10 mgs of Vetoryl again tonight, she seems better. Koko cant get in to see the vet until the 26th, since I cant ask off again for work.

hubby is going to see his doctor tomorrow. hopefully it is a pinched nerve.

i love you all and thank you so much.

Im heading for that hot bath and some chocolate now:)

Budsters Mom
10-14-2013, 07:27 PM
Yes dear Addy,
Right to the bath and the chocolate. :p Lots of it!!

You are a superwoman Addy. You are going to get through all of these challenges because you are extremely capable. We will all be by your side every step of the way to offer support. Well maybe not in that bathtub, that would just be plain creepy!:D Did I bring a smile to your face? I hope so.

With much love,

10-14-2013, 09:22 PM
Bath tub and chocolate....the perfect combination for relaxation and an increase of endorphins :)

molly muffin
10-14-2013, 11:03 PM
I'm glad you found time for a bath and some chocolate. Just unwinding sure can help a lot.

Sending you tons of love to fortify your strength. I know this probably wasn't an easy day to have to have talk with the doctors.

Have you seen photographer Tom Hussey's series called Relections? It completely touched my heart, and I thought of you and your mom when I saw it online. It is the elderly looking into a mirror and the reflection is how how they still think of themselves, see themselves as they were younger. This was one was striking, but actually everyone of them is good. Valerie might like it too.


Thinking of you, Zoe, Koko, hubby and mom!
Hugs Addy,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-14-2013, 11:43 PM
I looked at the pictures. How beautifully people dressed back then! Not the ripped jeans and sleezy fashions today.

I still see my mother this way as we have several pictures of her when she was younger.

Hugs to you Addy Make sure that you say all that you want to your mother now. I've heard and this was the case with my mother, she became very lucid and was able to say full sentences near the end which had not been the case because of the stroke. I have no doubt that she knew exactly what was happening.

At one point, after they started morphine, I told her that we would take care of my father and that we knew that she was tired so it was ok for her to go and go without worry. She passed right after that and I will never forget that moment as difficult as it was.

Omg. Two years have passed and I still cry thinking about it all.

My advice to you Addy, is to say all that you ever wanted to say to her and let people be here for you. Whether you know it or not, you will need them.

I have no regrets as to how things were handled during mom's final week because I knew exactly what she did and didn't want and I made sure that everyone followed, no exceptions. These were the final things that I could do for mom after all.


10-15-2013, 04:09 AM
Hi sweet
Just popping in to give you a big old hug and a shoulder to lean on if you need it... pleased to hear that Zoe has perked up. Hope that turn was nothing serious and Koko's lump is just a lipoma that we see loads of here. Honestly Addy, I wish I could take some of your worry about but I really hope things in your household gets back on an even keel quick smart and you might need a few of those chocolate + bath each day to keep yourself centred. Take Care Addy, you know we are always here if you need to talk xx

10-15-2013, 05:57 AM
Thinking of you this morning Addy and I know you will handle everything with kindness and love as you usually do. Glad Zoe is doing weill and KoKo will be fine. Hope hubby finds some help. Love, JoAnne

10-15-2013, 11:34 AM
I'm sorry to hear you are having such a time at present. I remember when they told me that my mother had at best 6 weeks. They were right on the money with that. I also had to sign a DNR however in the end they actually did it anyway on the way from the nursing home to the hospital by ambulance.

I certainly empathize and sympathize with the meltdown, and the more tired I got the easier they came.

Try to keep up your strength and we are here to listen anytime you need to just let it all go.

Hugs !!

10-15-2013, 12:35 PM
So many hugs to you Addy, I just want you to know we care and are praying for you and your mom. Blessings

10-15-2013, 01:29 PM
Well I did have good news. The weird lump on Koko was an engorged tick:eek::eek:

In all my years of having critters none of them have ever had a tick. This morning I took Koko outside to get a better look at the "thing" in the natural light. Something in that mental filing cabinet clicked and I ran to the house and called emergency clinic 15 minutes from my house. They are a small division of the specialty clinic we go to. I told them who I was and that I needed to know if this was a tick and how to remove it. They said bring that little boy right up here, we are not busy. So I raced up there in the car and it was a huge engorged tick and those were scabs all a round it So he showed me how to kill it first with Vaseline and then he pulled it out when it died and cleaned up the scabs and the blood.


how stupid am I:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hubby had tears in his eyes when we got home, he was so relieved.

So hopefully now he wont get some tick born illness from it.:(:(

First tick ever for Addy's house.

Harley PoMMom
10-15-2013, 02:45 PM
So glad to hear that Koko's lump turned out to be nothing serious and was a tick instead. :eek: Those are nasty parasites :mad::eek::mad:
On a brighter note, that was so kind of the clinic to not charge you...wow!!

10-15-2013, 03:32 PM
Dear Addy
Make yourself a Vienna ice caffee-dark coffee, scoop of vanilla ice cream(optional) top off with whip cream and top of with a chocolate cookie, then breath.
We are hear for you. I went through the same with my Mom, the doctors, etc. kept looking at me for all the appointments, etc., when I got mad and said I still work. I was running to rehab everyday and working late at night. One day a nurse pulled me over, said Sonja you look exhausted, take a day off and we will watch over your mom. I pray your mother is doing better. Listen to your gut. When my father was dying of pancreatic cancer, I decided to visit him despite his wife telling me not to. I whispered in German that he could let go and we all loved him, gave him a kiss and a hug. He died that night. It is just too much for you know with everything. Try to take a little bit of quiet time to rest if you can.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

Budsters Mom
10-15-2013, 06:21 PM
Whew, I glad it was just a tick. Nasty little buggers! :D xxx

Simba's Mom
10-15-2013, 08:06 PM
Sending hugs and prayers Addy..

molly muffin
10-15-2013, 08:47 PM
A Tick! That is a relief and nope, no way, not getting any ticky illness from it either.
Now Zoe is going to continue to do well, Hubby is going to get something for inflamation of a pinched nerve, your mom is going to carry on just fine thank you. You aren't going to miss any more work days (that you don't WANT to miss) and the sun is going to shine after it rains.

There, I think I covered it all and put the order in, paid extra postage for fast delivery. :)

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Roxee's Dad
10-15-2013, 10:01 PM
I hate ticks!!! As a retired groomer, I have seen more than I even want to think about. Little suckers used to jump on me....:eek:

When I came home after doing a tick infested dog, I would strip down in the mud room, throw my clothes in the washer... with bleach and then jump straight into the shower and scrub my skin off.

Then I would go into my grooming van and set off a bomb and have to clean and sanitize it.

I hate Ticks !!! ....... and Fleas !!!!

10-16-2013, 12:18 AM
Wow! A tick!
Easily removed and no charge.
One stressor off your plate Addy:-)

10-16-2013, 03:57 AM
Jeepers a tick :eek::eek: another bug we do not have here in NZ! Phew glad that is one worry ticked (get my little joke?!) off the list :D:D Hopefully tomorrow brings another problem solved for you guys xxxx

10-16-2013, 07:44 AM
I am so glad you found that tick. I hate those little blood suckers. Tipper picked one up as a puppy, on her face so I was able to see it right away and get rid of it. Glad your hubby is getting help. I hope you are trying to rest and take care of you. Blessings

10-16-2013, 08:42 AM
The tick was gross -so engorged with his blood it was huge and Koko had scabs around it from his own blood they said:(:(:( He received many extra cuddles last night, my little tick boy.

They ruled out heart issues with hubby, they think he has frozen shoulder, he is in much pain.

They turned on mom's phone yesterday, I called her and let her hear Zoe barking and told her about Tick Boy. She liked that. I was glad she laughed and answered her phone. There will be good days and bad days same as Zoe.

Zoe seems better on her lower dose of Vetoryl, problem is this morning when she awoke, she went to the kitchen to drink some water. That means her cortisol is higher that it should be. I need to strike the right balance for her. Her right front leg (her bad leg prior to Cushings) had been trembling at night.

Love ya

10-16-2013, 09:01 AM
Addy: Glad things are settling down for you. Sorry hubby is in pain. Sounds like your mom is settling in to her surroundings. Zoe and KoKo seem to be doing ok. Maybe you will have no emergencies for awhile and you can just enjoy the quiet for awhile. I hope for no more emergencies for you, just fair weather and many happy days wiith all your family. You so deserve it. Love, JoAnne

10-16-2013, 03:19 PM
Dearest Addy,

I'm thinking of you, mom, Zoe and the entire family with much love and well wishes for a better tomorrow. Gosh, you surely are in desperate need of it.

God loves you, and so do I.

Tight hugs.

Xo Jeanette

10-17-2013, 04:42 AM
Big hugs Addy, I'm so sorry you are going through all of this with your Mom. It is so difficult. I am going through some of it with my grandmother right now, but it's not the same. She is not my Mom.

That tick sounds nasty, I am terrified of them. :eek: So glad you were able to get Koko to the vet right away to have it removed. I think I would have had a panic attack.

I hope your husband is on the mend and feeling better. Hang in there Addy, you have so much on your plate right now. And I certainly understand the pressure and stress related to work, that sure doesn't help. We are all here for you. Take care of yourself.

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper

10-17-2013, 08:34 AM
Thinking of you and your family, and of course Zoe. Blessings

Bailey's Mom
10-18-2013, 12:17 AM
Hi Addy-

Just a quick hello and a big hug. Yuk on the tick. Kudos to the free treatment. You're overdue for some of those.

I'm so sorry about your Mom. I remember all too well the stress of that situation. I thought I was keeping it mostly together and found out after the fact that I hadn't been as "together" as I thought.

Bob, Bailey and I are heading to the condo next Wednesday for something like ten days. It will be Bailey's first trip there. We still have room for one more, if you can pack your bag and swim suit.:D We hope to get rid of the furniture we don't want and get the carpet installed that we do want, plus a few other odds n ends chores and hang some pictures. We will accomplish as much as we can. I just hope Bailey cooperates in the car on the ride down. I'm not going to hold her on my chest for 18 hours!!!:mad:

Going to shut down the hot tub this winter. Only second time we've done that. I've begun "winterizing" the yard.....trimming, etc. The town had flooding with the weekend storm, but we didn't get too much, fortunately.

Take care of yourself when you can. I love you.


10-18-2013, 04:47 AM
What a relief it was a tick... way to go for the mental filing cabinet, I wouldn't have thought of that at all, and even better when it was free.

10-19-2013, 05:27 PM
HI Addy
Hope you got through the last of the week without committing murder mate!! Wishing a nice calm relaxing weekend with no medical emergencies either human or canine!!! xxxxxx

10-20-2013, 08:55 AM
Yuk, found another tick on Koko. Called the groomer. She thinks he found a nest and is getting into it and the ticks and fleas are really bad this fall. She gave him a bath in some natural citrus replellant and checked him over, did not find any more so Tick Boy is only now allowed only to walk in the middle of the road or stop to smell post s surrounded by short grass only. I have to go look for a natural citrus spray and if this doesnt do the trick I will have to resort to Bio Spot I guess.

Zoe got her nails clipped and her paw hair trimmed between her pads. True to form she shook her head and tried to bite our groomer and me. We just laughed at her. I commented "wouldn't you think she would be over these hissy fits by now?" Our groomer said "She is a fighter which is why you still have her!"

We are having a birthday party for my brother today in mom's room and we will all watch the Packer game. Kate is home from college for semester break but not sure if I will have time to see her.:(

Hubby has more tests and PT starts next week. Hopefully all his issues will be resolved. I would love to take the train to Chicago and meet Kate for the day but he needs to be better before he can spend the day caring for Zoe.

Happy Sunday and Happy Monday to Trish and Naomi!

10-20-2013, 09:17 AM
What a wonderful idea to have a birthday party in you mom's room. That sounds like something she will enjoy. Hope you hubby gets better, and glad to hear your Kate is home, you will enjoy that immensely. Hope no more ticks, that is yucky. Blessings

molly muffin
10-20-2013, 12:05 PM
That is a wonderful idea! Great that your mom can be included in the festivities this way. I'm sure you'll have a great time. Hope it's a good game.
Bummer if you don't get to visit with Kate though :(
I hope your hubby's shoulder gets better. My hubby has been dealing with a bad shoulder on one side and a bad wrist on the other side now for the longest time. Wrist is hurt from racquetball, back in the winter this year, slowly getting better. Lots of inflammation, but the mri showed it wasn't broke or a torn tendon, maybe a bad pull. The shoulder was from playing on the monkey bars with our grandson. Men! What a 2 year old can do, grandpa should Not be doing. LOL Again, they said it is inflammation and probably has a pinch added in. joy joy I do hope both our guys shoulders will get better soon.

Zoe is a fighter! We all know that. I swear the personalities seem to match the owners, you are a fighter too Addy. :)

Koko!! Stay away from tick nests already! Ugh. What does a tick nest even look like?! Sounds horrid.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-20-2013, 03:36 PM
Hi Addy

It is a happy Monday because I am not at work woooo hoooooo!! GO THE PACKERS (whoever they are, what sport is it?) But I am on your side :D:D and Happy Birthday to your brother :)

Is Kate staying in Chicago for her break? Hope you get the chance to catch up with her. Those shoulder injuries are painful aren't they, poor hubby hope the PT helps the pain and regains movement and Sharlenes hubby too.. swinging on the monkey bars LOL, go him!

Does the citrus oil repel the ticks? Hope it does the trick for Koko and his little tick problem. How annoying these bugs are, I am waiting for a decent hour to ring Mum and Dad as they had a pest guy in last year how did a good job. I have a few citrus trees tangerine, lemon, lime, mandarin, kumquat and they are all in blossom at the moment, the smell is divine especially in the evenings. Wish those citrus would get rid of the fleas!!

Miss Feisty eh! Little Nipper! She is a fighter for sure that girl, no wonder she needs a trim on her paws with the rate that fur is growing!!

Have a lovely day with your family Addy, hope your Mom enjoys it too... time and love is the best thing we can give our families and your Mom is getting it in spades!! xxxx

10-20-2013, 07:32 PM
It was really a nice party. I dropped off balloons and a cookie platter last night and today we put mom's chair out in the lounge near the sofa and large TV instead of staying in her room and we passed around cookies to the aides and other residents and then I had pizza delivered and we sang Happy Birthday to by brother and I told mom she she was throwing him a nice party and she was really happy;):)

and of course I spilled pizza all over my pants:rolleyes::rolleyes::o

Citrus is supposed to repel fleas and ticks, supposedly lavender does as well. I hate to have to bring out the big guns as the pups under 20 pounds can seem to have issues with them. My neighbor thinks the other tick was on him with the first tick and we just did not see it because he is so furry. I hope she is right. I took a tick picture tutorial and I know what they look like now in all the stages so I will be ever watchful.

It is to get below freezing for the next 3-4 nights so hopefully that hard frost will nip off the buggers.:(:(:(

Oh Trish, have a wonderful Monday and Tuesday and well, 10 whole days of wonderful!!!!

Bailey's Mom
10-21-2013, 01:48 AM
"Welcome Back" Addy. It's good to hear you sounding so upbeat.
Love and hugs,:)

10-21-2013, 07:44 AM
It sound like the party was a hit with your mother. It was nice you included the staff. That will certainly lift your moms spirits. I think once we get a couple hard freezes those ticks will be history. Blessings

10-21-2013, 08:45 AM
It was a nice party and one of the aides helped mom call me last night so that was a good suprise too.

Now if we can only get hubby straight:):):)

I sprayed Koko with his Furfume bug spray. It did not smell too awful and then ran my hands through his hair when we got back. His coat is so thick, I would not be able to see a poppy seed size bug.:(:(

Off to work now

10-21-2013, 05:20 PM
That does sound a lovely party Addy, hope you were not wearing white pants!! Those ticks are going to be history now your weather is changing, not wishing you to have snow but that will smother the little blighters.... I could handle a one-off snowstorm to get rid of our flea problem. His vet this morning said the problem is that there has not been enough frost to get them this year with our mild winter which is why we are seeing so many. He also blames that damn cat from next door who wanders over all the time. The cheeky shite walked straight in the front door two nights ago, she turned saw Flynn doing an Olympic sized long jump off the couch in her direction and I swear she leapt 6ft straight up in the air and took off!! Hopefully that scared her off for good :) Poor you at work, hope it goes fast!!

molly muffin
10-21-2013, 05:42 PM
What a really great day! The party sounds lovely, and I'm sure your mom, family and the staff all had a great time. That is one of those "warm the soul" moments in time. :)

Nice surprise that she called you! How lovely. My dad never called once he moved to a nursing home. I always called him and then one of the staff had to go and get him. That was a hard one to deal with. So I can just imagine how thrilled a call would be.

Koko, the tick magnet. Hate those bloody things. Hope there are no more to be found and that a freeze will kill them off!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-27-2013, 05:08 PM
Page 3 will not do for our Zoe!! 6 days without a Zoe update is much too long!! How is our little Miss doing and you too! No recurrence of any ticks to bother Koko hopefully. Thinking of you this lovely sunny morning and hope all is going well with your Mum and hubby's shoulder is feeling better too :) xxxx

10-27-2013, 06:30 PM
Aww, thanks for checking in on us. :):):):) Little Miss has good days and bad days. Today was a good day for her. I"m going to have to give her trim, her hair is almost down to the floor:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I scheduled her stim and UPC for November 14th.

Koko has been having a sick tummy for three days so last night I gave him a pepcid and he was fine today so I will continue that for a few days. He ripped apart his bed, chewed up the zipper and then shredded another bed. I wish I could blame the ticks for his naughty behavior:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: No wonder he has an icky tummy. Havent seen any more ticks.:):):):)

I'm waiting for daughter and little granddaughter to pick me up for Fright Night. Today was Trick or Treat and we only had 3 kids:(:(:(
I guess no one here goes out any more they just go to the Village party tonight. Our neightbor is 2 and he had a stuffed dinosaur costume on so the front of him looked like a stuff animal that Koko was determined to try to get to. I think Koko scared the poor little guy. I gave him some extra candy bars.

Hubby's should is still very painful and I thinking of investing in ear plugs. :o:o That sounds mean doesnt it?

Gotta go, the kids are here

molly muffin
10-27-2013, 11:11 PM
Great to hear from you Addy. Wow, Zoe's hair is almost to the floor! It's really growing out well then it sounds like.

Oh dear, Koko seems to have had a good time and is now paying the piper. That pepcid can be wonderful stuff.

Hope you had a good time at Fright Night!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin
We have trick or treating here Thursday night. I notice that every year we seem to get less and less kids. I guess they are just all growing up and not doing the door to door so much any more. We still get quite a few, but nothing like say 10 years ago. I bet we get around 30 or so a year now, compared to twice that. The older ones tend to go to halloween parties on the weekend, while on the actual day, parents still bring out some of the younger ones.

Molly goes nuts, not in a good way, when they come to the door. I think she barks nonstop from about 6 - 8pm. Reminds me I should go pick up candy too.

I don't know, I've thought about ear plugs a couple times when my hubs was sick. Haven't done it, but the thought has crossed my mind. hahahaha

Hope you have a good time

10-28-2013, 08:43 AM
Glad to hear Zoe's hair has gotten so nice and needs a trim already. Hope you have a good fright night, we don't get too many kids here anymore. Wonder what is up with Koko ripping up the beds? Blessings

10-28-2013, 01:33 PM
Yeah, poor Koko, I think he was acting out from not enough exercise and attention, too much time locked up in the kitchen. Poor little boy. Hopefully I can play with him more now and he wont be locked up so much.

Zoe's coat is really long and getting thicker every day. I'm seeing slight head tremors here and there since what I thought was a mini seizure.

We'll see where her numbers are. She now seems better with her tramadol. Hopefully, it wont affect her balance again. My little girl. Funny, I cant think of her as a senior dog or an old dog, just as "my little girl".

Have a great week!:)

marie adams
10-28-2013, 03:39 PM
Hi Sister Addy,

I do not know how the time goes and why the heck i don't visit much any more....:confused:

I am so glad Miss Zoe has grown out her hair/fur again!!! :)

We are doing well, Miss Ella is still a wild child sometimes :eek:, but over all doing a good job at 2 1/2 yrs. old. We have done 3 trials now and getting better each time or at least one of us does. It is harder than it looks--mentally and physically for me-haha--it's no exercise on my part.

Take care and I will try my best to keep in touch!

Hugs and Kisses Always!!!:D

molly muffin
10-28-2013, 05:28 PM
Do you remember the first time they said that Zoe should get a senior profile done for her blood work? I remember with molly, it was quite a shock, I remember asking them why I'd do that and they said, because, she is getting older now. Knock me over with a feather, but it just didn't seem like she was that old to me.

:( head tremors. Well, hope it isn't much of anything and the numbers are good for her. Less adjustments always mean a happier, Zoe and Mom.

I am sure Koko is letting you know that he needs some play time with you. They do have their ways of getting the point across don't they. hahaha Hopefully you can get some nice walks in with him before the weather starts getting back. You know how it is once winter comes. Lucky to get to the bottom of the driveway sometimes.

hugs Addy, hope you are relaxing more yourself too
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-29-2013, 08:14 AM
I am praying that the head tremors that Zoe is having are really nothing, but that is a worry I know. It is so hard to figure out what is causing what with these Cush dogs as they have so many issues going on at once. Hoping it is nothing to worry about. Blessings

10-29-2013, 04:55 PM
Hey you

Sorry I have been MIA, hope you are doing ok, I have been reading just not posting

Hope your Mom and everyone else in the family are doing well?

Nice to hear miss Zoe's hair is still growing. Could the tremors be a vetoryl side affect? I think Tia had some of those.

Did you have some fun on fright night?

Sending you a massive hugs and kisses to the fur kids


Boriss McCall
10-29-2013, 05:51 PM
HI Addy.. I am crossing my fingers for good numbers next month for Zoe.

Sharlene funny you mention the senior testing. My husband & I took my min pin that passed away last year to the vet when she was about 8 i think. The vet came in & called her a senior. I started crying right then & there. I did NOT expect to here that. Kinda like when the vet pretty much called Boriss old & fat last month. I won't be seeing that particular doctor again. ;)

10-29-2013, 07:10 PM
OMG I have been double M'd:D:D:D

Marie and Mel:D:D:D:D It is so good to hear from both of you, I cant stop smiling.:D:D

And Amy too:D:D I was going to her stim early December but with the tremors and all I thought I better not. Hopefully she wont be up at 4am that day with the time change:eek::eek::eek: I had not thought of that.

Yup, Sharlene they said that about my little boy Koko this year, my heart stopped:rolleyes::rolleyes::o:eek:

Patti, I am hoping the tremors are just the vetoryl but that may be wishful thinking on my part.

I sent a fax to the vet so they are prepared for us.;)

Meanwhile, she seems ok otherwise, tried to take on the neighbors golden when he was running loose and trying to say hi to her.
OMG she had a fit and she is still trying to guard the front door.

One day at a time

10-30-2013, 02:24 AM
Hi Addy!! M&M's mmmmmmmMMmmmmm

I just wanted to say that I notice Flynn's tremours can affect his ears, like I see them vibrating softly sometimes. I swear that has lessened since I stopped the Tramadol 3 days back. Dunno if others have noticed it with Tramadol, just a thought. :D

I remember a vet trip when Flynn was 6 and they used the "senior" word and I nearly flipped out too!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, he is a baby!! Still is too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Budsters Mom
10-30-2013, 03:16 AM
Buddy's head tremors were found to be caused by episodic hypoglycemia. His blood sugar always tested normally. A little shot of Karo syrup stopped them in a matter of minutes. According to the neurosurgeon overseeing Buddy's treatment, Hypoglycemia is common in small dogs (less than 20 pounds) with advanced Cushings. His tremors scared me until I learned how to manage them. Buddy had a suspected macro also, which added to the tremors. Maybe Zoe is having some blood sugar fluctuations. Just a thought....

I hope your Hubby is doing better or is at least a little more quiet about it.;) Thinking of you and your mom my dear. Hugs to you and the kids. Xxxx

molly muffin
11-02-2013, 10:07 PM
I had to pop in and tell you, good chance my husbands shoulder is frozen too. He is trying to do exercises to stretch it, which results in much carrying on because of the pain involved. Thinking maybe we can batch order those ear plugs??!!!!
Hope Zoe and Koko and mom are all doing fine and that you are finding a quiet place for some peace occasionally. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
11-02-2013, 10:46 PM
Auntie Addy,
My mom posted some new photos today. She thinks I like to pose. SHE IS WRONG, but cookies make everything better.:p She still cries and calls me Buddy sometimes. I don't let her cry for long cuz I'm so dang adorable and I will jump all over her. She can't help but smile.:) Sending you many gentle ear nibbles. I have most of adult teeth in now, but I still love to nibble ears! :eek: xxxxx Rosie

Sending more love to you and the kids. I hope your hubby feels better soon or some noise canceling ear phones arrive in the mail.;) :D

Has Zoe had any more head tremors. How long do they last? Do they scare her? Does she act as if she is in pain? Do they stop on their own? Xxxxxx

Bailey's Mom
11-03-2013, 01:58 AM
Hi Addy-just poppin' in to send along a hug. How's Zoe? How' s Mom? How's that boss of yours? :)
I'm sorry to hear of the tremors. I know that's frightening. :eek::(
The Murphy bed will be in place on 1/9/14.....so plan your visit now!:D The guest room will be all ready for guests that evening!! Bring your suntan lotion!:D


11-03-2013, 07:10 AM
Love the pixes of Rosie and hey Sus, how is life in Florida these days?

Zoe's head tremors only last a minute or less, they dont seem to bother her . I read about tremors and next time she has one I will give her some food to see if it stops.

She is now growing hair on her tail, her neck area that was shaved for surgery back in 2012 is completely filled in and I think she gained weight. I'll take a new pix of her, it is hard to believe and is truly a miracle. If I could fix her front leg it would help her back legs.

Mom is better since taken off Vesicare but now I have to solve her issues of not being able to sleep , they wake her up every two hours through the night to use the bathroom and then call me that she is not sleeping:rolleyes::rolleyes: Hello? How could she sleep? Arent they they experts? I cant tell you how most of the time I just want to scream at people that lack common sense.

Leslie- seems there are issues with lots of incontinence drugs:mad:
You cant believe what Vesicare did to my mom and how 5 doctors did not catch it:mad::mad:

Hubby is slowly getting better and I did not have to purchase ear plugs:D

Koko is fine, tummy is better and no more ticks.

Work- well, lets not talk about that pressure:rolleyes:

Over 3 years on this forum and I just realized if you hover over the emotion icons they tell you the emotion:roll eyes::roll eyes:

Daaaa Addy::o:o:o:o

Happy Sunday

11-04-2013, 04:25 AM
Addy, get them to check she is actually emptying her bladder OK (your Mom not Zoe!), they should have a bladder scanner to do this easy test. Amongst the side effects for Vesicare is it can make them retain urine which exacerbates everything, still that drug should be out of her system by now. A lot of elderly ladies don't empty well and it can present as ongoing incontinence when in fact they are sitting with a high residual which makes them void often plus leak and it is often worse overnight, especially if they are prone to oedema in the lower legs as a lot of will diurese more fluid overnight when their legs are elevated and the fluid gets reabsorbed then excreted. It can be a vicious cycle but it won't matter how many times they wake her up to toilet if there is a problem like that and her bladder is not emptying properly plus she just ends up exhausted from interrupted sleep which is no good for her as you know. They can also be prone to UTI with a poorly emptying bladder which she does not need right now.

I think it would be worth checking out. If she is puffy in the ankles and I bet she is with the surgery then elevate her legs as much as you can through the day to stop fluid accumulating and limit evening fluids. Some will benefit from a very small dose of diuretic in the day to shift the fluid during more sociable hours and help them get a better sleep.

Just a few thoughts on the night time problems, hope it helps xxx

11-04-2013, 06:08 AM
Thanks Trish, they just started elevating her legs a bit during the day as well as durring the night, previously the therapist wanted her sitting with feet flat on the floor as he did not want her hip flexed. I spoke with the aid and she thought mom could be checked every four hours so I will save what you have written here as well to discuss. Her one ankle is puffy, the surgical side. You know you stuff:)

Thanks :):):):):)

Funny thing, I asked them if they could do an epidural and use less anesthesia like Zoe had. The surgeon Pooh pooed me but said he would speak with the anesthesiologist. Then my sister in law scolded me that mom was not a dog. Well came to find out that was exactly what the anesteseologist did and mom came though surgery brilliantly just as Zoe did. Mom most likely will end up on hospis the new doctor said but we take it one day at a time.

11-04-2013, 07:24 AM
Thinking of you and hoping for the best. That is something about the epidural, I am glad it all worked out. Blessings

Harley PoMMom
11-04-2013, 04:09 PM
Funny thing, I asked them if they could do an epidural and use less anesthesia like Zoe had. The surgeon Pooh pooed me but said he would speak with the anesthesiologist. Then my sister in law scolded me that mom was not a dog. Well came to find out that was exactly what the anesteseologist did and mom came though surgery brilliantly just as Zoe did. Mom most likely will end up on hospis the new doctor said but we take it one day at a time.

Oh Addy, I am so very proud of you!!! You go girl!!!

Hoping your Mom will be feeling better real soon.

Hugs, Lori

11-04-2013, 11:29 PM
Hi Addy,
Been trying to catch up on everyone's posts. Glad that Koko only had a couple ticks and nothing more serious. Good they were found and removed. :D How great that Zoe's fur continues to fill in! Hope those tremors just go away..whatever they are.

Hope things are going okay with your mom..I surely understand what you're going through. We also had some bad stuff with Vesicare...caused all kinds of issues, not good stuff in my opinion. We took my mother off of it too and things much better without it.
It's so hard when it's one issue after another...
Hope you can catch a breath here and there...I know it's not easy!
;) Barbara

11-05-2013, 01:28 AM
Addy, it sounds like things are turning around for you. I'm glad that mom's surgery went well!

11-05-2013, 02:58 AM
Addy, I had to meet today with the medical director of our Emergency Dept and Acute Assessment Unit. After we finished discussing what was on our agenda, I casually slipped in a question! I asked if they saw many cases of reactions to Vesicare, he said no only remembering one a couple of years back. So I do think what happened to your Mom was a bit of a rarity, but I see Barbara reports problems with her Mom too. Just shows that the elderly can react so badly to some meds, but I have to say it does not appear to be common. Maybe your Mom is joining our doggie friends in the 2-5% club who have rare conditions or complications!! Hope she is doing well! xx