View Full Version : Zoe By My Side- Our Journey with Cushings
05-12-2013, 09:18 AM
That is one of my favourite photos. I think I will get it made up into a canvas in the future. She was such a soulful little dog, that picture is so real like she is looking straight at you. It took me a while to locate it on the computer which is why I hadn't posted one before. I knew I wanted you all to see that one :)
You didn't t post how you and Zoe and Koko are doing, hope you are all ok?
Big hug back to you and kisses to the fur kids
Mel you really should make it into a canvas, the photo is just beautiful and captures her so well.
Okay, ready?
Diagnosis that finally came in from old IMS
1-Cushings:Zoe continues to have the appearance of a patient with Cushings disease despite the ACTH stimulation test showing good results for cortisol control. As we have discussed many times before, there is concern that the Trilostane treatment is shifting hormone production toward the sex hormones which show many of the same symptoms of Cushings disease. Since Zoe initially had been receiving
treatment with Melatonin and Flaxseed hulls without successful control of symptoms, the only other alternative for treatment is Lysodren therapy which would treat both cortisol and sex hormone excess. The primary concern for using Lysodren is the potential or GI side effects which is a concern given Zoe’s past history of colitis.
2-Proteinuria-The proteinuria was a repeated finding but is still mild. The urine culture was negative confirming infection is not the underlying cause. The proteinuria could be related to the uncontrolled hormonal disease, chronic renal disease, or borderline hypertension. Given the findings on AUS of small cortical renal cysts, there likely is some mild progressive renal disease. The blood pressure was upper end of normal and this could be secondary to hormonal disease, secondary to renal disease, or primary. The BUN is mildly increased on
laboratory tests and supports progressive renal disease. Changing diet therapy to benefit proteinuria and early renal disease may be a
problem given her delicately controlled GI condition.
3-Liver & Spleen: The ultrasound revealed some aging related changes, but also showed some lesions in the liver and spleen which may be benign or could be malignant. Samples could be collected to investigate them further, however since this option is declined, routine ultrasound monitoring should be considered instead. We discussed that if these lesions could be malignancies it could explain the struggles to maintain her weight and body condition rather than the presumed muscle atrophy associated with the Cushings disease.
4- Pancreatitis- Zoe has possible pancreatitis based on ultrasound, though likely chronic since no current symptoms consistent with it. This too may impact the tolerance of recommended diet.
5- Hind Leg weakness- Zoe has an abnormal gait but this is likely weakness related due to the endocrinopathy and muscle loss. Although the owner has concerns for possible metronidazole toxicity, this is not the typical presentation for this condition. Given that the metronidazole is so necessary to maintain control of the colitis and she is on such a low dose, I would not recommend discontinuing it at this time.
Conclusion: The family must weigh out the risks of trying to change the therapy for Cushings disease to Lysodren and the potential impact this may have on the colitis vs continuing to manage her condition with the best balance we can.
We may also submit a nutrition consultation to see if we can balance the many issues she has with a homemade diet.
I'll post tomorrow new IMS thoughts.
She had her first bath with KetaChlor so far no pink skin but new IMS said only leave on 2-3 minutes and build up from there.
Budsters Mom
05-12-2013, 04:11 PM
Are you happy with Zoe's new IMS? The report seems to be pretty thorough. It is a mystery that she appears to have Cushings, but her Cortisol remains controlled, according to The ACTH. :confused: There is always more to think about isn't there?
I am anxious to hear if the KetaChlor is effective in restoring Zoe's pink skin. Is that an RX, or can it be purchased over the counter or on-line?
Love and hugs,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-12-2013, 04:44 PM
Ok. I read through. So much to think about, hope the new IMS doesn't contradict this one!
Point 1, do you think the increase in her sex hormones is causing her some issues now? Tough to change medicines cause of the washout time which in itself could be a challenge.
Point 2, changing her diet would be tricky with her issues, i would ask if there is any other kidney support supplement, herb, oil whatever she could have with her current diet or look into the home made but that's a transition and possible problems which you wouldn't want to cause her. So could you monitor that via pee every few months?
Point 3, we choose to believe its cushings. Weight could also be attributed to her stomach issues
Point 5 supports my comment to point 3 in my opinion
Look forward to hearing what the new guy says. Hope she didn't give you too much stinky eye for her treatment.
Big hug, kisses to the fur kids
She was good girl for her bath. Not sure what I think. I found a report stating 65% of dogs have resolution of skin.coat issues with Vetoryl. That leaves 35% that dont, she could be one of those since it was her main complaint from day one, she never had the other raging symptoms or bad blood work, just mild elevations, bad hair and weak hind legs.
The hind legs problems got worse after her vulva surgery and have never gotten better. Her skin and hair loss got worse after surgery too, IMS thought that looked better in January.
Her water intake has really lessened, not that she ever drank buckets, and her accidents are on and off, they come in spurts then stop but she has always held her urine from 9:15pm until 5:15am with no problem, no panting unless her tummy hurts from her colitis.
With lysodren, if I follow that theory, her estradiol can cause hair/loss and skin issues and lysodren wont treat that and she cant have melatonin and lignans.
And we dont know how the masses in her spleen and liver are affecting her cortisol or her body.
Somehow it all seems like I am just running in circles. I'll post new Ims's thoughts tomorrow.
Thanks for reading it :):):)
Harley PoMMom
05-12-2013, 09:42 PM
When a dog has chronic pancreatitis I am always worried when Lysodren is going to be the treatment, Lysodren did elevate Harley's spec cPL numbers, but then I have to remember that all dogs are different and can react differently. :confused:;):)
05-13-2013, 04:41 AM
That's a pretty thorough report Addy. I think it shows she does have a good understanding of all the underlying issues and identifies potential problems with any changes, ie effect on colitis. Do you think the nutritional input would help, it is such a tightrope Zoe walks with fixing one thing and another can potentially go into overdrive. I agree with the others, see what the new guy recommends and then make decisions from there. xx
new guy:
We did cytology and skin
scraping of her skin - there was mild yeast and no significant infection, but we are trying a comprehensive prescription
shampoo to see if we can break down the seborrhea and mild yeast to better improve her dermatologic health. For
clarity, I will break down each of her issues into bullet points. At this time, I do not want you to make any changes in
her medications, etc. until you have decided who will be making long term decisions regarding Zoe's management.
• Cushing's disease: It seems that Zoe still has clinical signs of Cushing's based on her current level of control, so I
think we need to push the level of adrenal suppression further. This would either be by gradually increasing her
Vetoryl dose or by switching to mitotane (Lysodren) if trilostane fails to give us acceptable results.
• Skin issues: At this time, I think Zoe's skin issues are primarily due to persistent elevations in circulating steroid
hormones, so improvement will ultimately come from better control of her Cushing's disease. We are treating with a
prescription shampoo to cover our bases, but I think the primary issue is Cushing's. We can consider consultation
with a dermatologist if necessary in the future.
• Inflammatory bowel/colitis: The three general approaches available are diet, antibiotic/probiotic, and antiinflammatory.
We certainly don't want to use systemic steroids in Zoe's case, but we could consider budesonide,
which is an oral steroid that isn't well absorbed into the blood. Diet would involve a change to a hypoallergenic diet -
either a novel antigen or a hydrolyzed protein. I would personally prefer to see her off of the raw diet with her medical
situation. Antibiotic options include switching from the current metronidazole to tylosin, which does not carry the risk
of neurotoxicity that you reported previously.
• Proteinuria: The UP:C ration is elevated but only mildly at 1.5. It is reasonable to treat with an ACE inhibitor as
protein passing through the renal tubule can contribute to degeneration of renal function. With a very normal
creatinine value, I suspect the elevated BUN is not necessarily indicative of renal failure, as it also may be associated
with high protein diet or gastric erosions/ulcers. We could consider a GFR study if we really wanted to know more
about Zoe's renal function.
• Reported liver/spleen nodules on abdominal ultrasound: Nodules do not necessarily represent malignancy or a
specific diagnosis/prognosis, as they can develop as a result of metabolic conditions such as Cushing's, or as part of
the lymphoid system, etc. If we wanted more information about these, we would need to perform fine needle
aspiration, or to track them via ultrasound over time.
05-13-2013, 06:52 AM
They are pretty similar aren't they re kidneys, liver, spleen. So I guess the big decision is what to do with cushings meds. Stick to what you have as per new guy and aim for tighter control or swap to Lysodren and risk flare of colitis. Both talking nutrition changes too. I think it is quite reassuring they are kinda in the same ball park with most of their points. Both wanting better cushings control being the main aim to improve her other problems. Sooooo... now you need to choose? So pleased you finally have the reports in and can start moving forward again. There is good news in there too, so was pleased to see that!!
05-13-2013, 07:29 AM
Hmmnn, much to consider but basically the same or very similar. I'm wondering if the posts are word for word from the reports? The first/old IMS report sounds very blunt and a bit condescending to me, the second sounds very relaxed and more willing to discuss options rather than just present a fate accompli. I must admit I like the sound of this new guy, but then experience and full background history vs wet behind the ears. It's a tough one for sure.
I dunno Addy, I'll just give you a big hug instead.
yup, word for word, I copied and pasted their words. The written report from old IMS was detailed because of a heated debate we had previously over unreturned phone calls. A lot of it parrots my talking points to her.
This is why I have not been on the forum much, so much to think about. At least new guy addressed her skin isssues. The old IMS always tells me, Im not good with skin go see a dermatologist. The new guy at least addressed it rather than ignored it. I even asked the old one if Zoe had yeast, she said no, nothing wrong with Zoe, never noticed the build up of crud on her feet and legs durring her exam. :(:(:(:(
Thank you all for reading and your input.
love you.
Squirt's Mom
05-13-2013, 09:39 AM
FWIW, the new guy gets my vote. ;) And you get another HUG
I only have a minute, but wanted to weigh in on the BUN thing. Hannah's BUN has been elevated the last two blood tests, and it is higher than Zoe's. Her creatinine has always been normal. My vet said the same thing about the BUN being elevated for other reasons other than kidney issues. She said she believes it is due to the suspected ulcer. We are going to recheck it in a week or so to see if it is lower (after she finishes the treatment for the ulcer). FYI, other than darker stool, Hannah had no symptoms of an ulcer, so who knows how long it could have been an issue. Of course, we don't even know if she does have an ulcer, but the stool is now normal again.
Julie & Hannah
05-13-2013, 10:55 AM
Hi Addy,
I apologize that I haven't had the chance to be of support to you in the midst of all you've had going on. But FWIW, I do think the similarities between the two reports are far more numerous than the differences. So hopefully that, in itself, is somewhat comforting -- that nothing glaring has been overlooked or unaccounted for. I am perhaps "odd girl out" in that I really didn't feel a preference for one IMS or the other based on the wording of the reports. I thought they were both very professional and very thorough.
Which leads me to dumping the decision back into your lap :o, insofar as I'd say it really comes down to your decision as to which vet feels more accessible to you and easy to communicate/negotiate with. Of course you don't have a track record with the new guy, so you have less info in that regard. But hopefully you gained enough of a "feel" through this first consultation upon which to base a choice. And just remember, no decision is irrevocable, after all.
Roxee's Dad
05-13-2013, 12:16 PM
Dearest Addy,
You and Zoe have been through so much. Such a loving mom you are. Being a bit OCD I can only comment that I would take each item of concern and break them down. List them in order of importance and comfort for Zoe and which of the comfort items that can be addressed and how to address them. Don't try to do it all at one time, but leave the list close by to write down any ideas or concerns that pop in your head. I wish I could be of more help.
You know how I feel about group hugs...
(((HUGS))) and Belly rubs to Zoe.
Thank you all:):)
Ultimately, I know it is my decision and I think the reason I posted the two reports is not so much for input as to which vet should I continue seeing thought it does help to hear opinions, but more importantly it is me wanting to compare their recommendations for my Zoe so I can decide which battles to pick to fight.
I, like Lori, am uncomfortable with both recommendations about using Lysodren on Zoe. If I was worried before because of her IBD, now with chronic pancreatitis, I am even more unwilling to try it.
It does not matter which vet I pick, I have to decide what treatment options to put in place and that is where I am hoping for experienced feed back.
Do I hold off on treating her kidney disease and continue to monitor it only? I have to be concerned about using Ace inhibitors with the Vetoryl .
Do I try to change her diet or leave it as is waiting to see if the new probiotic helps her IBD? I have seen some improvement and also need improvement with her yeast issue. I’m not sure there is a prescription diet that foots the bill for all her conditions.
Do I give her Vetoryl more time now that she is finally down under 5 and try to keep her post as low as possible as some symptoms have improved? New Ims said take her down to 1-2 post ug/dl on her Vetoryl. With her elevated pre stims, that concerns me and I told him why.
New Ims wants to change her Vetoryl dose to 30/30, change her to Tylan and slowing introduce a new prescription food. He is not worried right now about starting an ace inhibitor, only if I am worried about it.
I don’t really know what the old IMS wants except leave her Vetoryl dose as is, leave her metronidazole as is and maybe look into a home made diet and maybe start an ace inhibitor.
These are the things I am weighing. I probably did not explain it well.
05-13-2013, 12:34 PM
Wow! That is so much to weigh in on.
I won't ever use Lysodren because I and Daisy's IMS don't believe in destroying healthy tissue.
Here is my take, for what it's worth. Treat life threatening issues first, then I would go after things that can be completely rersolved, cured, or that would inhibit the positive affects of whatever you decide top use for the Cushings, then the Cushings itself.
Daisy is on the Fortiflora and it's done wonders for her. Some days, her stools aren't as firm as we'd like, but no accidents inside, we can sleep through the night, so that's good enough for me!
Good luck!
Squirt's Mom
05-13-2013, 01:04 PM
You already know my thoughts on Lyso VS Trilo...and my thoughts on raw feeding, especially with a pup who is already ill. ;) In your shoes I would want to know if there was anything I could be doing now other than drugs that would help the kidneys stay as strong as possible for as long as possible. Other than that, I don't have much else to offer except another HUG and to tell you that I have the utmost faith in your ability to make the right decisions for Zoe.
05-13-2013, 01:26 PM
I'm confused about chronic pancreatitis being a contraindication to the use of Lysodren. I'm not familiar with any linkage there. Is there some reasearch or specific drug warning about that?
05-13-2013, 02:37 PM
Lysodren can induce pancreatitis from what I am reading. I would explore other options first. It is not a nice drug.
Budsters Mom
05-13-2013, 02:52 PM
sending lots of love and hugs!
Sorry I can't help more. You have some very tough decisions to make. I know you will make the right choice for Zoe. With you on her side, everything is possible!
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-13-2013, 03:57 PM
hi Addy! Super big hugs. This is a lot to consider. They are very similar aren't they. One thing that bothers me is her not noticing the crud and didn't the new guy say there is yeast (skin) problem? Not catching that, even if skin isn't her thing, would bother me. The new guy, being the new guy might be worrisome a bit, depending on whether or not he is at all flexible in his "ideas" and just willing to work with you for what is best for Zoe.
I think that like Marianne said, this is the key, which one do you feel will work with you to do what is best for Zoe.
We love you and Zoe!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-13-2013, 04:01 PM
Hey you
So like everyone has mentioned at least the reports are consistent.
I looked back to see her last result before I made comment on increasing her dose and I can understand your reluctance considering it was 4.1.
If it were me, I would do a combination of what they are suggesting. I wouldn't increase her vetoryl for now but do another stim if her skin isn't any better by June to consider increasing it then, that way you have given the things you are trying 6 weeks.
I would monitor her kidneys also for now as both state it's mild. And I would look at getting the homemade diet/ nutritionalist to see if that improves everything overall.
Feel free to ignore me just wanted to support you :)
Big hug to you and kisses to the fur kids
I would never ignore you, Mel. EVER:)
05-13-2013, 05:01 PM
Lysodren can induce pancreatitis from what I am reading. I would explore other options first. It is not a nice drug.
Hi Valerie,
Can you give me a citation for the info you're reading re: Lysodren inducing pancreatitis? I'd really like to be knowledgeable about any possible relationship. We've had any number of folks through the years who have used Lysodren with great success for their Cushpups, but I've never before heard of any effect whereby Lysodren causes pancreatitis.
It is definitely true that dogs with uncontrolled high levels of cortisol are more vulnerable to pancreatitis, and that is one of the many reasons why Cushing's treatment, either with trilostane or Lysodren, can be such a benefit. But while both of those drugs have the potential to affect the tissue of the adrenal glands, I have never heard that either drug promotes pancreatitis. So this is information that I'm anxious to learn more about.
molly muffin
05-13-2013, 05:07 PM
I like Mel's ideas! They make sense to me.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
05-13-2013, 05:14 PM
I'm confused about chronic pancreatitis being a contraindication to the use of Lysodren. I'm not familiar with any linkage there. Is there some reasearch or specific drug warning about that?
I haven't come across any literature that says that Lysodren causes pancreatitis or any contraindication with Lysodren and pancreatitis. I do know that Lysodren did make Harley's pancreatitis worse and I have seen that happen with other dogs on the forum but not every dog. I do think that the owner should be aware that this might happen not that it will happen.
Marianne, I dont believe we are saying there are studies that link Mitotane to pancreatitis. What we are saying is it is possible it can have a negative affect on it depending on the dog, as in Lori's Harley as one example that comes to mind.
After reading the round table discussion on pancreatitis on the IDEXX site, there were thoughts by the vets participating about various drugs that can cause pancreatitis with mention of some chemo therapy drugs, various antibiotics, seizure medication but no exact mention of Mitotane.
Chronic pancreatitis from what I have read, can also be sub clinical and a result of IBD. Since Zoe has never shown any symptoms of pancreatitis, I have no way of knowing why it is showing up on her ultra sound. I can count maybe two times she has thrown up or seemed sick to her tummy and not wanting to eat in six years and it just never happened since her original ultra sound in 2010 and this one.
What I do know, however, is that my dog has inflammatory bowel disease and I would venture to hypothesize that if she indeed has problems with her pancreas it is from her IBD not high circulating cortisol.
Since I have read of Lysodren causing gastric problems for dogs here on the forum as well as it appearing as a prominent side effect, I am just simply stating, now, with the finding of pancreatitis on Zoe's ultra sound, I really don't want to go down the Lysodren road except as a very last resort. That and Dr. Peterson telling me her gastric system wont be able to handle the high doses required to load her after he reviewed her records which included her endoscopy.
Since I believe that some of these other problems of Zoe's can be contributed to her higher estradiol (her vulva growth, her enlarged clitoris) and Lysodren is not going to touch that, I would need to factor that in as well to any decision I make.
At least these are my thoughts today, I will continue to research what I can find about her kidney issues.
And if the masses on her spleen and liver are affecting her pancreas, that is a whole other discussion, unfortunately.
But thank you for the input.:):):)
05-13-2013, 08:24 PM
Dear Addy,
Thank you so much for taking the time to write out such a thorough reply to my question. Given Zoe's situation, I have a much better understanding as to your reservations about her treatment options, and my heart goes out to you as you sift through the possibilities that will offer Zoe the very best quality of life.
My question really arose out of a general concern that members following this thread might fear that any history of pancreatic abnormality whatsoever would rule out Lysodren as a treatment option for Cushing's (or that Lysodren will cause pancreatitis in a dog who otherwise has no pancreatic issues). And if that were the case, then historically many dogs here in the U.S. would have been denied effective Cushing's treatment since a vulnerability to pancreatitis is a common consequence of the disease. However, as you have made clear, the specifics of each dog's individual situation needs to be taken into account when deciding upon the most safe and effective drug protocol.
As always, sending many hugs to you and your girl.
Hi Addy,
I too am glad that two reports had a lot of similarities. I like that the new IMS addressed the skin issue also, especially since it is a big concern. I understand your reservations with the new guy since he is so green, but the other IMS has such a history of poor communication, and I know how unhappy you were with that. The new guy seems more receptive to your thoughts and concerns.
I don't feel that I have enough knowledge to comment on the Trilostane vs Lysodren question, it is very complex. As far as the proteinuria, I know that the fish oil that Jasper has been getting is a big part of the treatment for his kidney issues and protein loss, and it isn't a drug. I am wondering if this is something that could be helpful for Zoe, especially since her UPC only shows mild elevation, or would it be contraindicated due to her IBD? Just a thought, I didn't see that anyone had mentioned it.
It is so much to think about, but like everyone else, I know you will do what is best for your precious girl. You always do. You have all my support Addy. I just wish I could be of more help. :o Huge ((((hugs))))
Tina and Jasper
Harley PoMMom
05-14-2013, 12:15 AM
Dear Addy,
My question really arose out of a general concern that members following this thread might fear that any history of pancreatic abnormality whatsoever would rule out Lysodren as a treatment option for Cushing's (or that Lysodren will cause pancreatitis in a dog who otherwise has no pancreatic issues). And if that were the case, then historically many dogs here in the U.S. would have been denied effective Cushing's treatment since a vulnerability to pancreatitis is a common consequence of the disease. However, as you have made clear, the specifics of each dog's individual situation needs to be taken into account when deciding upon the most safe and effective drug protocol.
As always, sending many hugs to you and your girl.
I totally agree with you, Marianne, I do hope that I have not made any one on the forum afraid of using Lysodren as their choice of treatment. Both Lysodren and Trilostane are life saving drugs for dogs with Cushing's, and proper protocols need to be followed for both medicines.
Sorry for the hijack, Addy. :o
05-14-2013, 06:39 AM
So true Lori, these meds are truly "life saving", but yes, must be very watchful of side effects and do those acth tests.
Warm regards...xo Jeanette
ps: Hi Addy/Zoe/all
I did not mean to imply that Lysodren was a horrible drug.
Zoe had a horrible IBD flare up in the winter of 2010 when she was only on melatonin and lignans for her Cushings. She was very sick and I was not sure she would pull through, I was very worried she would end up needing steroids. It took me three months to bring her back to normal and have her regain her weight, she had lost so much.
When I started her on only 10 mgs of Trilostane, she flared for 3 weeks.
I have held her IBD at bay for all this time without Zoe having another serious flare up Recently, I have felt I was starting to see her IBD crop up again, bit by bit, not being as well controlled and I have been having a harder time keeping weight on her.
My heart tells me she cannot afford another serious flare up, specialists talk about not following protocol if I decide to use Lysodren. There is no doubt in my mind about her flaring if I switch drugs. I know she will.
These are the reasons I stated I don't want to use Lysodren, not because it is a horrible drug, it is just not the best option for my dog.
05-14-2013, 09:49 AM
I really can't add anything further here to help, so I'll just go with the HUGS again. And while I'm doing that Fraser is giving you a big sloppy kiss and Ozzie is nibbling your earlobes while whispering sweet nothings.
Can't you just feel the love :p
PS, my Hug was only one armed, my other hand is busy scratching Zoe's tummy. :D
Bailey's Mom
05-15-2013, 01:32 AM
Whew! It's way past my bed time but I just knew I had to catch up on Zoe and Addy. Now I'm doubly exhausted. I did not go back all the way for what I've missed while I was away, but I got most of it and will catch the rest at another time. The question in my mind at the moment is how much experience does the new IMS have? How long has he been in practice? How long has he dealt with Cushings' patients? I know of the "disagreement" with the lady IMS, was "peace" ever arrived at after that mishap? How easy will it be to work with her after this? Have you/can you and she meet on common ground somehow? Is it worth putting up with the stress of dealing with her?
I always say get a pad of paper and put a line down the middle. On the top on one side write "Pros." On the other side write "Cons." Then as you think of things jot them'd need a separate page for each doc. And you'd only need to jot down just a few words that would jog your memory as to what your reference was. If you do this over a day or two, it usually becomes pretty clear as to what your choice is. We did this with Ryan when he was choosing between colleges. He had three he was deciding between. We were going away for a weekend and he was staying home. I told him I wanted him to do this experiment over the weekend. Half way through the weekend I checked to see how it was going and he had been working on it. For one of the colleges all he could come up with were "cons." He could not come up with any "pros." It worked really well, made his decision a lot easier to make and worked out fantastic in the end.
I'm going to start sitting on your left shoulder for awhile now. I don't want to make you lopsided. I want to squeeze in here with a hug as well. You must be as exhausted as I feel, Addy. When I die, I want to come back as your doggie! You are doing one heckuva job there, lady!
05-15-2013, 02:00 AM
Just wanted to wish you a belated Mother's Day.I was just catching up on your thread about Zoe-sounds like you have alot on your plate with alot of decisions to make!Sorry I can't offer any advice regarding Cushings but just wanted to send you and Zoe hugs.
05-15-2013, 06:19 AM
Hi Addy: Hope you figure which way to turn with Zoe. It is such a problem deciding what to do. CoCo had a terrible flareup of diarrhea this past week and yesterday. Vet gave him Metronidazole, he did sleep all night, but I am just waiting this morning for a flareup again. He is so little that many flareups like this past week would kill him. I have been trying to go back and see what you do for Zoe. Going to try a small amount of chicken. Afraid of the rice since it is a grain. He has not had a firm stool in so long, but he has truly had diarrhea this past week a couple of times. He is such a hungry little dog. I am thinking of Zoe and know you will find the best for her. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
05-15-2013, 03:54 PM
Hi Addy, just checking in on you and Zoe. Thinking of you both
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-15-2013, 05:09 PM
Me too, hope you are all ok....
Big hug, kisses to the fur kids
Simba's Mom
05-16-2013, 01:40 AM
Checking in here too, praying for nice normal days..
We are hanging in there, I only have a few minutes before I have to run to work. I have been trying to walk Koko further each morning has he has put on a lot of weight benefiting from Zoe's eye drop treats:rolleyes: I need to take a pound off him.
Zoe's Ketochlor has not given her that sunburned look so I think it will be okay. We are to slowly increase time. She did five minutes yesterday and I can see it starting to break up some of the crud on her feet. It is hard to know how much to use since she does not have a lot of hair to create a rich lather. How do you create a rich lather on skin?:confused:
Her water intake and peeing is bizarre as this week she is completely as she was in 2010. We had that rash of accidents two weeks ago and now she is the best she has been in a long time.
Yesterday, after her bath she tried to chase koko down the hallway, maybe it soothes her skin and she feels better.
Her poos were improving until the other day she gnawed a hole in a plastic bag. For some reason her poos are better when she gets her 1/4 tablet of Tramadol at night. I know it can cause constipation but her poos are brown then, not green, so strange as I cannot figure out the connection.
She is a happy girl, took her her chicken walk and smelled her posts and mail boxes to her hearts content. Thta makes mom pretty happy too.
No decisions on the vet front until I speak again with old IMS.
Hubby said I can spend the money on one more six week supply of her probiotic but I have to find a replacement. It has 3 different probiotics that seem to help her and I can find another one with those three. I read you can purchase it ober the counter in France. Maybe we need to move to France:):):) Nice looks good!!!
gotta run,
love ya
05-16-2013, 02:15 PM
I am glad to hear Zoe is hanging in there. Remember to take care of yourself. Enjoy your precious Zoe.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Hi, Addy.
Haven't been here forever and I haven't read your posts to catch up on Zoe, but I hope you and she are doing well. I read something today on dogfoodadvisor. com and wanted to pass it along to you while I was thinking of it. Have you ever heard of: montmorillonite clay? It is an ingredient in some dog foods that is "a naturally occurring compound rich in many trace minerals. Montmorillonite has been approved for use in USDA Organic Certified products. Reported benefits include the binding of certain mold-based toxins and even controlling diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)." If you search their site for it, a list of the foods that contain it will come up.
Just wanted to share that with you.
Squirt's Mom
05-16-2013, 04:14 PM
Be sure the feed states that the clay has been tested for dioxins - unless they have changed policy, the FDA required all montmorillonite clay be tested for dioxins. Apparently Nature's Variety refused to declare if the clay in their feed had been tested or not and I didn't keep up with it - that was a couple of years ago.
05-16-2013, 05:14 PM
Hey you
Glad to see you are hanging in there...
Good to hear the ketochlor is doing something for her.
Poor Koko is probably copping it cause she is unimpressed with you for bathing her! I think it does sent them a bit nuts as both Tia and Boyce would scamp off when wet and play fight :)
Plastic bags, strange thing for her to eat... Is there codine in tramadol as I think I heard that can be the cause of constipation. One of our resident nurses may step in and correct me :D
So pleased she is a happy girlie. That's all that really matters. Pm me the name and I will see if it's cheaper over here for you if you like :)
Big hug, kisses to the fur kids
molly muffin
05-16-2013, 05:44 PM
A Happy Zoe, is a happy momma :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Yup, happy momma. She is actualy growing hair on her bald vulva. I could not believe it. This morning I had to do a double take. What the heck is that? OMG hair:D:D:D:D
She is in the bedroom barking at the empty chaise again. :rolleyes:
Out of nowhere, she totally stopped her extra pee break after dinner. Two nights in a row now. It has been almost a year I think since that has happened.:confused::confused:
That's my girl, always keeps her momma guessing. I'm beginning to think the new IMS may have a point, keeping her cortisol lower before throwing in the towel. We'll see. If she finally is controlled now, where she needs to be, maybe the rest willl improve now---- or not. Who knows, at least today we are very happy and she is good.
Harley PoMMom
05-16-2013, 09:17 PM
I am so happy that our Zoe is having a good day, both she and her mommy so deserve it. Sending huge and loving hugs to you both.
05-17-2013, 06:50 AM
Hooray, go Zoe!! These good days are what we live for :) so pleased to hear she is doing good! She is a sweet pea! xx
molly muffin
05-17-2013, 09:24 AM
Yay Addy!! Go Zoe!!! She is a real trooper isn't she. I love it when they are all happy and barking at something and just in general giving attitude. Something that Zoe has plenty of. Koko is going to have to put on his running shoes if Zoe is back in fine form.
Hair! Lordy, lordy! The girl has hair again. That must have shocked you. Sort of reminded me of Leslie finding the boobies. hehehehehe (sorry leslie but I will NEVER forget that story and still giggle about it)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
05-17-2013, 09:44 AM
Boobies and hair! WOOHOO! These girls gotta keep their mamas on our toes!
I am so glad to hear that you are both having some good times and hope they continue - even if we do stay confused about why or how or when or what with this gal! :p
05-21-2013, 01:34 PM
Hello you
Just checking in to see how you both are?
Big hug, kisses to the
Your timing is perfect, dear Mel,
I was feeling pretty down today and doing some serious soul searching about my Zoe, doubting myself, doubting all I have done, feeling like I let her down these last 3 years.
Last summer, Zoe had a growth rupture on the back of her neck, near her shoulders and had emergency surgery to remove it. Since that surgery, she has not been able to roll onto her back and she used to love sleeping on her back or doing back rolls when I came home from work. She has not been able to do it since that surgery.
Tonight, I came home, fighting back tears and my Zoe greeted me and ran to the living room. The next thing I knew, she had flipped on her back and was rolling and kicking her little stiff legs just as happy as can be. Of course I had to help her get up, she kind got a bit stuck.
I am dumb struck because she just showed me the way. She just showed me clearly the path to take.
So now, I am fighting back tears of happiness and gratitude to my little girl.
Sorry it is a long answer to your question and I guess we better go check out the waiting room with Trish. Do they have any good snacks?:D:D:D:D
05-21-2013, 07:32 PM
Don't you let that what if monster in. You and me and everyone make the right decisions for the right reasons at the time.
Love her little heart, she was obviously showing you she is doing ok. I am so pleased she did that for you. I know it's frustrating with all these IMS Opinions but you do your best and a bit more besides she couldn't ask for a better mom
Have munched the crisps and drunk the chocovine. I am the worst at waiting. Still have some chocolate if you fancy it xxx
I do fancy that Mel, pass me that chocolate, girlfriend, I could eat an entire bar:D:D:D
I left my cell phone in my office today. Im debating going back to work to get it but I think it will be okay if I dont.:rolleyes:
Shows ya where my mind was all day- not in my head for sure:eek::D:p
No more what if monsters, Mel, no more:D:D:D:D
Budsters Mom
05-21-2013, 07:54 PM
Yes, we are all still in the waiting room with Trish. In meantime dear Addy, I love the rolling over story! Just as we start to second guess ourselves, our fur babies come through for us every time!:D;) We all have moments when we wonder if we have done, or are doing the right things for our babies. You are not alone in this. You are a wonderful mommy and Zoe is very lucky to have you! It is obvious that she adores you!:)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-21-2013, 08:01 PM
Just wanted to say night it's 1am here so better try for some sleep
Keep hanging in there, forget the phone :)
Big hug
05-22-2013, 04:56 AM
Hey Addy: Glad Zoe showed you she could still roll on her back. It is so hard to know what to do. CoCo still has diarrhea. Got up at 2:30 this morn. I was afraid he would be gone, but he is his same hungry self. I know you rested better last night since the little girl showed you she could roll. Maybe you want have another emergency for awhile. I know you can take care of it whatever comes your way. Zoe is a miracle dog and just keeps on kicking with her mama's help. Love, JoAnne
05-22-2013, 05:21 AM
Hi sweet
Aren't they funny, when the going gets tough for us sometimes they just keep on doing their little doggy things without a care in thew world and showing us they have the good life still in them! :D You do not have to second guess yourself Addy, just look at that girl of yours for all the guidance you need!
You roll and play little Zoe, kick those wee legs up and do the upside down chicken dance to give your Mom a smile!!!
Thanks to you too Addy for all the love you share around here.. now hand over the chocolate, I need some!
05-22-2013, 09:20 AM
awww addy so happy to read that your litl zoe is keeping you amused !!! sending you both lots of happy healing thoughts and prayers..... keeping watch on you two ...patty(milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
05-22-2013, 03:28 PM
That is great that Zoe rolled over on her back! That is one of those happy moves that I am sure she missed doing.
Way to go Zoe!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Simba's Mom
05-23-2013, 01:10 AM
Yay Zoe, way to make your Mamma happy by rolling on your back, it sure is the simple things that makes us happy these day, keep on keeping on!!!
05-23-2013, 01:59 AM
Hi Addy,
Just read about you coming home from work to see Zoe roll over and kick up her little legs!It sounds like it was just what you needed to see!:).They are amazing that way-they know just what their mommies need to see to let us know they are okay.So happy for you both!Hugs to you and Zoe.
05-23-2013, 01:43 PM
Hope you have a great weekend and that little Zoe continues to surprise you
Will try and check in if I can while I am away, will be back Tuesday morning your time.
Big hug, kisses to the furlets
05-24-2013, 10:43 AM
Just saw your post and comment-don't ya just love all those doggies hanging out together!!:D.I loved that pic too and glad it made you smile this morning!
Speaking of pics-I haven't been all that good at looking at the pics listed here but just pulled some of yours up-OMG-I know it's a bit old,but the one of your two babies after grooming is hysterical!Not only do they look beautiful(of course)but the expression on both their faces is priceless!:D.
Just wanted to say hi and hope Zoe is continuing to surprise you when you walk in the door from work.Hugs to you and your babies and thanks for your support.
05-24-2013, 11:26 AM
Ya Zoe! You show them.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
05-24-2013, 05:30 PM
Hi Addy
Re your question on Flynny's thread... my vet told me to give him half the adult dose. He also said it is just about impossible to overdose on probiotic. Mine is a powder and has to be kept chilled in the fridge.
Saturday morning here................. COLD too, first frost of the year, which means it will be a lovely sunny day when I do venture out!
Have a good weekend xxx
05-25-2013, 03:20 AM
Hi Addy,
Just trying to do a quick catch up and one of the first things I read in your thread was Leslie's post with "boobies and hair". Had to do a double take. :D
But it sounds like things are going well. I know what you mean about the second guessing. I start to think Fraser is a bit flat and then he jumps up on the bed (which he hasn't done for years) and drags a slobbery toy into my face squeaking it for all he is worth. They just know, they pick up on our moods and show us "I'm good mummy, see?". So it sounds like Zoe is doing well if she is bringing back behaviours you haven't sen for a while, and as for hair regrowth? :eek: Woot!!! :D:D:D
Keep it up and keep smiling. Your doing an amazing job with her.
Hi Addy,
Checking in on you and Zoe, and I have to say I am so happy to read that she is feeling well and up to some of her old tricks. My Mom's shih tzu does that rolling on her back and kicking her little legs. It is so cute! :D
I understand about the doubting yourself part, boy do I understand. :rolleyes: You are the best Mom ever and you have done and are continuing to do an absolutely wonderful job with her. She is one lucky little girl to have you for her Momma! Hope you and the pups are having a good weekend.
Tina and Jasper
Thank you all for checking in on us and saying hi. Zoe's skin is starting to look better and is not so pink, the oily deposits are starting to break up and she seems to feel better. Her hair is growing back on her shaved little vulva and at the base of her tail but getting worse on her back.
Her poos are much better and usually brown not the weird green they had been and are firmer most poos.
Her right back leg seems stiffer but when it involves food she will still do hop, hop bark and trot pretty fast from the kitchen to the dining room.
Her water intake is like it used to be 3 years ago, pretty much like Koko. Her urine seems more concentrated with the less water intake.
Her tummy is still pretty round, always has been but seems bigger.
We have been through a lot the last year but she is still here doing hop, hop bark so I'm taking that as a good thing and that I must have done something right.
I decided to try to add Honest Kitchen Keen to her diet to try to get rid of the rest of her raw turkey. I just have to replace 137 calories and that will lower her protein intake, I believe it is OK for her fat and phosphorus, a bit higher on the fat side but the low fat Zeal should balance that out. I think it should be an easier transition for her as she is already eating their food. I hope I am right. It will take me probably a good month or more to transition her to 1/4 cup. We have to go one teaspoon at a time.
I'll retest her in July or August with old IMS for her stim so I don't have to factor in a new IMS for that.
So that's my plan for now but we all know Cush pups dont always follow our plans!!!
Happy Memorial Day!
molly muffin
05-27-2013, 03:35 PM
Hi Addy,
Whether they follow them or not, it always makes us feel better to have one of those plan dohickey's :)
I think you're doing really well with Zoe. It is amazing how much you can learn when it is one of our little ones that needs help. You'd been fantastic about that. That is probably the real issue with the vets, you just end up knowing as much as them and by doing so, have opinions on the treatment. Well, they'll just have to suck it up.
Zoe after all, tells the real tale of how things are going and hop hop, bark is a pretty good indicator. That and hair regrowth and rolling around on her back, says she is feeling pretty good about the whole situation.
Have a lovely Memorial day.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
05-27-2013, 05:27 PM
All in all it's a great report! I love the hop, hop, bark, dance!:D Way to go Zoe and Mom! Keep it up! :)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Addy, I am so happy to read the latest report on Zoe. It sounds like she is feeling pretty good overall, and I am so glad to see that her skin is improving!! :)
I asked a while back on your thread about adding fish oil in with her diet to help with the proteinuria, but I am not sure if this would cause problems with her IBD? I know it is a critical part of Jasper's treatment plan for his kidney issues, and it is not a drug. I understand your concern with ace inhibitors and Trilostane. Just a thought.
Hugs from me and Jasper
Hi Addy,
Just wanted to stop by and say hello and let you know I'm thinking of you and Zoe. I'm glad she's happy-after all, that's really all we want for them. Hope her skin continues to improve.
Julie & Hannah
Simba's Mom
05-28-2013, 12:25 AM
Hey Addy, just popped in to say hi, hope Zoe continues to improve, sending prayers and hugs.....
05-28-2013, 04:40 AM
No, the little rascals often disobey the plan!!! But I guess they didn't write them either :D:D I will be watching this diet change with interest Addy, I am sure it will go well as you are an old hand at these diet changes. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GO Zoe, Go Zoe!!! xxxxxxx and a pat!
05-28-2013, 08:04 AM
I hope your dear Zoe continues to improve, and that the diet change works. Blessings
05-28-2013, 01:25 PM
Hey you
Am back, had a good break and Boyce was a good boy when he was left on his own. He wasn't as keen on the beach as usual but I think it was still a bit cold as it was very windy there..
Glad to hear you and Zoe are doing good and you have a plan...
Big hug, kisses to the fur kids
Hey Mel, missed you!!! Hi Guys,
Well, we replaced all chicken treats for Zoe's eye drops with white boiled potato pieces, it has been two weeks and her stool is good and firm and BROWN:D:D I guess I will keep the Azodyl a few more times if this continues.
She started her 1 teaspoon of Keen today- that might not go as well or as fast:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Her vulva is almost completely covered in hair with little long tufts coming out. I never thought I would see that day and I don't quite understand it.
Third week of baths and the crud is really going away, I can brush it off her feet and back legs with a soft puppy brush I purchased. This morning I had her for a chicken walk and I have been hyper observant about any evidence of skin irritation from the Ketochlor . Well, I noticed a very strange pink spot on her right back leg. I immediately freaked out, my mind stared racing to plan B- then realized I don't have plan B:eek::eek:
Turned out to be a pink petal all wet stuck to her leg:rolleyes::rolleyes: Ok, I can breathe again and will not vomit:o
then decided plan B is to go back to new IMS and their derm vet at any sign of a sore or irritated skin. so far her skin is healthier looking. After her surgery, it go really bad, but then everything got really bad.
Zoe, on the other hand, just wanted to know where the heck was her piece of chicken because she still likes that better than a dang potato. My Spunky Baby girl- true grit I think considering all she has been through and is going through. So now she stands in the kitchen sink waiting for the timer to go off to signal rinse time and hubby feeds her pieces of potato- then she is all happy when she is done, so funny:D:D:D:D Thank goodness I put an extra big sink in the kitchen:p:p
And then I was late for work:rolleyes::rolleyes::)
Happy Wednesday!! Continue to look for one good thing a day!
Budsters Mom
05-29-2013, 02:17 PM
Great report Addy,:)
I'm with Zoe. I wouldn't want a dang potato either! Im glad that her skin is clearing up and who wouldn't want a hairy vulva?:cool::D:D
molly muffin
05-29-2013, 02:50 PM
That cracked me up Kathy!
Im glad that her skin is clearing up and who wouldn't want a hairy vulva?
Potato vs chicken, yep, chicken wins every time. Have you smelled chicken cook?!! Potatoes boiling?! Zoe is no dummy . However, since potatoes it is, might as well learn how this whole timer thing in the kitchen works. :) Good job Zoe!
Glad you found plan B. Makes it easier if you need to go to a B-. LOL
Hope you had a good day!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I probably need plan C,D,E, and F:D:D
05-29-2013, 06:48 PM
Sounds great Addy. Every good thing that happens with these pups makes us smile. Keep up the good work Zoe and Addy. Love, JoAnne
Simba's Mom
05-29-2013, 10:24 PM
What a little character your Zoe is, I love hearing stories about their personalities, etc.. also I love it when you said find one good thing a day, thats a great motto to have, I'm going to do that too, thanku for the idea...Zoe is a lucky pup to get tators, I bet they are good for her tummy too, take care Addy and Zoe too....
Bailey's Mom
05-30-2013, 04:20 AM
What a hoot! I'm not sure which one(s) is the crazy one in that household!! I was ALWAYS 8 minutes late for work. ALWAYS. I always stayed at least 8 minutes late as well. I just don't get going well in the AM. I guess that's because I'm up at all kinds of weird hours sometimes.'s to hairy vulvas and dogs who can figure out timers. What a smart little lady you have there! Have a great day!!
YAY! So glad the skin is continuing to get better. The ketochlor has helped Hannah a lot, especially when she's had a bacterial infection. I hate the waiting part, too, but Hannah wants no treats during those dang baths. She just wants to be done! :)
We are SO MUCH alike. I am hyper-vigilant about everything dealing with Hannah, and I'm always thinking about Plan B, Plan C, etc. I have the same feelings of panic, my stomach dropping, and wanting to vomit. So glad it turned out to be a flower petal! :p
Julie & Hannah
05-31-2013, 05:22 AM
Nothing wrong with backup plans girls!!
So pleased to hear all is going well for Zoe, they sure have their ups and downs to keep us on our toes!! Hope she keeps doing well with the food changes, sounds like she likes her potato. Could you bake some to make them crispy? Not with oil or anything but put some thin slices in the oven, might be quite a tasty little treat for her? I know I love chips :D:D:D hers will be just minus the fat and salt :)
Thats a good idea, Trish, I'll try it, the Keen is not going well. One half tablespoon twice a day and her poos are already bad. She just cant eat any kind of grain, it has oats in it as the second ingriedient. I really thought it would be ok. I'll back off wait a week and try it again, but I think I'll get the same results. I just cant get her off that last bit of raw.
Oh well, Julie, on to plan H:p:p:p:p:p:p:p Why does the panic have to hit our tummies so?
Have a great weekend!
05-31-2013, 06:26 AM
Hey Addy: CoCo is the same way, no grains. I look on line all the time for something to help him. Going to try to start the Tylan, but don't know how much to give a 10-11 pound dog. I have read 1/8th to 1/16th teaspoon and have also read it raises the ALT, although the Metronidazole is neurotoxic. Don't know which is worse, diarrhea, Tylan or Metronidazole. Just trial and error with these pups. Glad Zoe's hair is doing better. I have not found anything to help CoCo in that department. I just keep looking for information. Love, JoAnne
06-04-2013, 07:47 AM
Hey Addy: Hope you have found something to help Zoe. CoCo got worse with the Tylan. Now is worse with the Metronidazole this morning. Trying to wait out the loose poops and try the Metronidazole at a lower dose, think it is too much antibiotic this time or who knows what. I think we only have maybe a day when we are not working on something for these poor furbabies. I even have to watch that CoCo does not eat grass so I know a difference in food will throw them over the edge. Maybe Zoe is better this morning. I hope so. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
06-04-2013, 08:14 AM
Oh poor Coco and poor you. Poop patrol can be exhausting. I know that one well. :) It is so hard to know exactly what to do and look for and when. *sigh*
How is the Zoe doing? Everything still going well?
Hugs, and hang in there.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-04-2013, 08:19 AM
Hi Addy
Just checking in to see how you and Zoe are.Hope she is tolerating her food and her poops are getting better.And yah!!a hairy vulva-that cracked me up!:D.The things that make us happy!Hugs to you and Zoe.
She is fine. I stopped the Keen and her poops were fine so she will not be able to eat the Keen. I am going to try to increase her Zeal and am looking at Love as it is beef which she has done well on and sweet potatos and potaotos the fourth ingredient is flax which she does not do well with but maybe because it is fourth it will be okay. Or maybe God is trying to tell me something about her raw:confused:;)
Her right back leg is really stiff and she needs her piece of Tramadol at night. I skipped it for two nights and her right back leg was so stiff.
I was sidetracked with my Koko as he was limping and licking his paw this weekend.:( I had him on restricted activity and I think we can start walking again tomorrow.
That and granddaughter had a pre college melt down because she got a letter from her adviser giving her summer homework for college (she is upset because she said I'm not even out of high school yet). She has to pick 3 courses and take a math assessment on line so now she is crying because she said she is going to fail college registration:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: How someone could fail that I have no idea but she is on a major college meltdown.:rolleyes:
JoAnne, I am so sorry to hear the Tylan did not work, how long did you try it? Perhaps you could have started at a smaller dose of Tylan and started weaning him off the metronidazole while increasing the Tylan? Giving both at the same time for a while while you wean him off the Tylan? I know some dogs take both.
Bailey's Mom
06-04-2013, 06:30 PM
Hey Addy--or anyone else who can help-Bailey has been licking her right paw....and her left paw some, ever since we picked her up when we returned from Florida. It seems to be decreasing now but it seems to me there is something that can be used to either spray on the pads or soak the pads in to help give them some relief. She is really going after the right if there isn't a problem there already, there soon will be one. I don't want to put on anything that will make matters worse, of course. Thanks!
Budsters Mom
06-04-2013, 06:59 PM
Do you know if Bailey has allergies? Licking and chewing on paws is common for allergic dogs. Just a thought.....
06-04-2013, 07:25 PM
Hey Addy: I am glad Zoe is fine today. I know you have to watch everything she eats. CoCo still does not have a firm stool. Just gave him a little Metronidazole today, but has not worked. Cut down on his food, but he is so thin, I cannot cut down much. Just taking it a day at the time. Hard to know what to do and vets seem to only know so much about this disease. At least Zoe had a good day. Hope KoKo and your granddaughter feel better tomorrow. My granddaughter is pretty down, has not got a teaching job yet. My grandson did find a nursing job, only works 3 nights a week and loves it so far. Love JoAnne
I only have a minute, but does anyone near you do laser treatment? I have a feeling that could really help Zoe's legs. It's great because it's painless (I think it even feels good!) and it only takes about 3-5 min. The vet techs do it at the office I go to and it is only $35 per treatment. As you know, Hannah is very nervous, but she has become so tolerant of the laser. Lately she just lies there in my lap and lets them do it. (She is way more calm than a usual vet trip; I think she has decided it feels pretty good). :)
Julie & Hannah
06-06-2013, 09:52 AM
I agree with the Laser treatment as Tipper is still going and it has really helped her. It is completely painless. I do however take a pillow for Tipper to lay on instead of a hard table, as she has lost a lot of muscle etc. and is boney. We did 5 sessions once every few days, then after the initial sessions you only have to go one time every 3-4 weeks to keep the benefits up. It will make Zoe tired though, as it gets the cells activated and working to help the damage done by arthritis etc. She will just have a really good sleep that night. It only takes Tipper 20 minutes- she gets all legs and back done. Since you are paying for it my only advise it to use it to it's fullest potential, and do other parts of her body like I do with Tipper as it can only help her. Tipper's was like 30.00 a session. Good Luck. Blessings
Simba's Mom
06-06-2013, 11:18 AM
Sorry to hear little Zoe is having some stiff legs, it's so sad seeing our little ones suffer and we feel so helpless to do anything not knowing what will help....sending hugs and prayers!!
Thanks guys,
Right now I just found gunk in her ears, something she never has had as well as a bit of a doggy ear smell so we will see GP vet tomorrow to make sure no ear infection before I use an ear wash on her. I cleaned them a bit last night with vinegar and distilled water but did not flush. I must have watched 10 videos on how to clean and flush a dog's ears. I have never had to do it.
Not sure about the laser treatments (if we have anyone doing them) but I want to continue the Azadoyl right now and Koko must go for his annual so, she will have to deal with using tramadol for now. She is much better when she has that the night before. I just cant skip two nights. I need to pick my battles and right now I have to focus on her stool, skin and now ears:rolleyes: She has so much wrong with her. I cant fix it all at once.
I wonder if these gunky ears are not allergies.. Last summer she had the allergy eye issues when her cortisol was lower.
She still is a happy girl and we go on our chicken walk every day, one day a short walk, one day a longer walk.
Koko's paw is much better now. Granddaughter came over the other night and she is feeling better about registration. Sure am going to miss the girl. My Zoe and my Kate are everything to me.
I probably should not say that as I do love Koko and my youngest granddaughter too- you know what I mean:):)
Budsters Mom
06-06-2013, 01:43 PM
Fluid in the ears is common in dogs with allergies. If her ears smell yeasty at all, it s probably an infection. What color is the gunk? Is it think or thin?
So glad to hear that Koko's paw is doing better?
Good news, no ear infection, okay to continue to clean off the crud with vinegar and water or any ear cleaner I chose.
GP thinks Zoe's skin and hair ( what little she has of it) look better:):)
GP says Zoe' labs are not that bad and he thinks we should stay the course as per new IMS. He does not agree with old IMS.
BAD NEWS- GP is leaving end of July. Major bummer. Not that I relied on him all that much but I knew he was there for me and I checked in with him every 4-6 months.:(:(
I'll think about that tomorrow;)
Right now, I am so happy no ear infection. I also bought another bottle of Azodyl - hubby extremely grumpy about that one:o
AND------- you will never guess what:p:p:p:p:p
Zoe used to have a honey colored spot on her rump and base of her tail. It went away way back in 2010, she only had white hair. They shaved the spot when they did her spinal block. She has had a bald spot there since her surgery.
Today I can see a few brown fuzzies poking through the skin.:D:D:D
It is a good day indeed:):):):)
I also scheduled Koko's yearly check up as well as his dental for the end of June:):):):):):)
06-07-2013, 06:57 PM
That sounds great Addy a good report for a change. And hair regrowth is a miracle. Her cortisol must be just right. So happy for you. This will be a good weekend for all of you. Yahoo. Love, JoAnne
Roxee's Dad
06-07-2013, 08:00 PM
Well Addy, Some good news for sure !!! :D:D:D
Today I can see a few brown fuzzies poking through the skin.
Now that is reason for a little celebration :D
molly muffin
06-07-2013, 08:24 PM
Wow, this is all great news Addy. :) I couldn't be happier for all of you.
Drat about the GP, but hey, that is for tomorrow. :) Today we are doing happy dances and chicken walks and celebrating Hair!! whoo hoooooo
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-07-2013, 08:36 PM
Hey Addy, great news there! Nice to hear Zoe has some fur growing back in, that has to be a great feeling for you!
Bummer about the GP, maybe before he goes you can ask him for a recommendation to another GP that he respects and trusts? Amongst themselves, they usually know who is really good. Nothing says you have to stay in the same practice, so cant hurt to ask at all. Glad to that he has reinforced the new IMS ideas, sounds like Zoe is getting on the right track. Woot!
06-08-2013, 01:44 AM
YAY a GOOD NEWS DAY!!! I like numbers Addy, how about posting some for those of us that are numerically inclined :D:D:D Renal ones good too? UPC done??
Stink about the vet leaving, how dare he!! Where's he going? Can you move?? Ha, we do get attached to the trusted ones don't we!
Aww a wee bit of honey fur reappearing, thats sweet and shows things are going well, the skin is the biggest organ of the body (I learnt that in trivial pursuit!) so if the skin and hair is going well that has to be a good sign. Glad the ear problem was nothing too concerning, I so love hear good news about Zoe :D:D:D:D:D:D xxxxx
Thanks for helping me celebrate. No numbers, it wasnt that kind of visit, we recheck renal, stim, etc August.
It was just good to go to any vet and have it be positive.:):) That does not happen very often.
I ordered her ear wash on line and should have it mid week. I'm still looking fo a spray or rinse for her dry skin that doesnt have oatmeal in it. From what I am reading the Ketcochlor can flush out the hair follicles. Her hair got so bad and was falling out when I started treating her skin and IMS said that is becuase old hairs fall out and there are no new hairs to replace it. Maybe flushing out the follicles will help as now we have a hairy vulva too.:D:D:D
I know they seem like very small things but I need to celebrate every victory no matter how small.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
06-08-2013, 11:31 AM
Hey, hair is no trivial thing! Ask any balding man out there! :D:D Lots to celebrate :D
molly muffin
06-08-2013, 12:41 PM
We are k9cushings! We celebrate hair! :) rofl!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
LOL and good poos too, we celebrate them all the time on the forum:D:D:D
The GP was refering back to her labs from April. I've cut way more than 10% of protein out of her diet, we'll see what her UPC ends up being. If she ends up losing weight, not sure what else to do but if she goes down to 16 pounds, she has been there before so maybe that is not so bad. Have to try to find a balance to it all, a compromise I guess. A bit thinner but less protein.:)
molly muffin
06-08-2013, 03:19 PM
OMG, How could I have forgotten the poo celebrations!!!!:eek::D:D
06-10-2013, 01:25 AM
Hey Addy... Is Vinegar a good ear cleaner for normal use too?
Yes, it sure can. Mix 1 to 1 ratio with white vinegar and distilled water. GP said can be used for routine cleaning, no problem. Let a few drops go in ear to help change Ph for mild yeast too. Just make sure not too cold.:):):)
06-10-2013, 01:12 PM
Hey you
Just nipping into say hello,
Was chuffed to read little miss has hair growing back and seems well overall apart for those ear and skin issues. Fingers crossed your perseverance with that will pay off
Hoping you are doing ok..?
Lots of love
molly muffin
06-10-2013, 05:55 PM
Okay this was funny. Read what you wrote Mel
Was chuffed to read little miss has hair growing back immediate thought was, why is Mel unhappy with the hair growing back.:D:D Reread, hmm, chuffed is obviously a good/happy thing. :o :p
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Sharlene, dont you love Mel's expressions? I luv the expressions Mel uses.:):):):):)
reminds me of when we had our trip to London and Maidstone and we thought we could not go out for New Years because we did not have "fancy dress" thinking that meant formal attire;):D
LOL Mel, Little Miss is putting her head over Koko's shoulders:rolleyes::rolleyes: She just has to start something;);)
Good thing Koko is such a good sport.:D:D:D:D:D
06-10-2013, 08:15 PM
Hi Addy
Just checking in to say hello and see how your Zoe girl as doing.Hope she is having a good day-when they have a good day,our day is that much better.Thinking of you and Zoe.
molly muffin
06-10-2013, 08:22 PM
I DO love Mel's expressions and Naomi's and Trish's. It's great!
Wait, what is fancy dress again? Costume? (guessing)
Zoe! Trouuuubbble! Watch out Koko, that girl's got your number!
huggers, Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-11-2013, 05:25 AM
Ha, of course fancy dress is a costume party!!
Chuffed, we say that here too :D:D Meaning very happy, delighted etc! I am wondering what you wore to fancy dress on New Year's??
I am very chuffed to hear that Zoe's heiny is growing hair again and that she is playing (annoying) Koko :D:D:D
Lol, we did not go to any of the establishments. We had a quiet dinner in a small pub, then later in the evening walked around the town. When we saw people dressed in costumes, walking about, we realized our error:D:o
I think it is so fabulous that we can get to know people in other parts of the world here on our forum. Heck, I even got to know someone in Turkey thanks to Glynda's tip about sweaters for girl dogs on Etsy!!! The shopkeeper even named a sweater after Zoe:):)
I just love our family. Sniff, sniff. So now, Trish, I have to go read about the history of New Zealand. I am loving Australia and New Zealand. A new part of the world for me. I'm chuffed:)
06-12-2013, 07:19 AM
I love our family here too Addy!!! I love history, didn't at school but I do now and love hearing about where everyone come's from.
Has there ever been a K9C get together? When I first got into the internet in the late 90's I got addicted to a trivia game, after a year or so all the regulars decided to meet and we got together in California, what a blast it was to meet all those people I had been chatting with for ages! My family thought I was mad and and would be killed by an axe murderer for sure.... but off I went and had the best time, everyone was just like I imagined and we had a fabulous time meeting up. I am in still in contact with a couple of them all these years later :D
06-12-2013, 09:35 AM
Chuffed is string here too, then again, I work in an environment where all but one of our administration staff are English, so it's no wonder. We have a large English contingent in Perth, with an ever growing Irish group too (as close as my neighbours). The words I get, sometimes it's the thick accents i stumble on, of course with the written words here, that isn't an issue :D
So yes, Chuffed is definitely a good thing, as is stoked. And fancy dress to me is costume, whereas we just go straight for Formal if we want people to dress their best. Of course, these days Formal now pretty much means black tie event.
I love the language barrier thing, though half the time I find myself here writing "mom" not "mum". We use the later, not the former.:p
But yes, I too am stoked that Zoe is doing so well.
I am absolutely holding my breath because I am so worried this wont be but Zoe is down to 1/2 raw turkey patty per day, increased Zeal to 1 cup per day, poos are pretty good most of the time, usually brown unless she eats something outside. She gets a bigger 1/4 piece of metronidazole very other day, a smaller piece in between. I'm going to go pick up some Honest Kitchen LOVE since the Keen did not work. I only need to replace 70 calories to finish getting rid of the last of the raw food. It is so such a slow go with the diet but always has been.
But most importantly and this is what I am holding my breath about- she is growing hair on her neck where her growth was removed last summer, there is a tuft of hair coming from the scar. Her shoulder blades have been bare for a while now but hair is starting to slowly fill in. She is trying so hard to grow new hair but she has so much to grow.
After all of this and the old IMS saying it was her intermediate hormones causing her hair loss, she is now trying to grow hair. When I started treating her skin, her hair got really bad and she was almost bald but now hair is trying to grow. Do I dare even hope?
She never chews her paws any more, stopped last October, even when they are wet, she does not chew them, I thought she might start again in Spring but she did not.
Some days I think I wish I would have waited to treat her, her blood work and symptoms were not that bad when we started this journey but it seemed like every four months or so, I would see another symptom get worse. I waited a year as it was. I was so worried she would end up with diabetes or Sards.
Just musing, I guess. well, no more arm chair quarter back. It just has been a very long two years. She loves having her ears cleaned.:D:D:D I laugh at the look on her face. The other day, I was looking through an old journal for a writing about Kate to share with her on her graduation day. I found an entry I wrote in 2010 to Zoe.
Every book I read, I read for you
Every battle I fight, I fight for you.
Because I love you so.
That's my girl and as hard as this has been, it has made our bond even stronger.
It is graduation weekend, signing off for now.:):) I look forward to celebrating with my other "little girl".;)
molly muffin
06-15-2013, 09:21 AM
Oh have a wonderful weekend Addy. Congratulations to Kate. I think that is a wonderful writing.
Wow, Zoe, that is amazing Addy. All that hair trying to come back in, is just fabulous. I'll hold my breath with you. Diet good, check, hair coming back, check, tried to roll around on her back, check, bugging Koko, check. That is an awful lot of checks for Zoe and all on the good side.
Enjoy your weekend, I'm sure it will be quite wonderful.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-15-2013, 12:01 PM
Oh Addy: That is so wonderful. You make me cry. We love these little dogs so much. Congratulations Kate, what a wonderful loving grandmother you have. Here is to a great weekend, enjoy every minute. Love, JoAnne
Simba's Mom
06-15-2013, 12:33 PM
So glad to hear all the good things going on with Zoe, yay happy dance!
Budsters Mom
06-15-2013, 04:55 PM
I love your journal entry. That definitely sums it up!;):) thrilled to hear that Zoe is doing so well. Love that hair growth!:)
SOOOO excited to hear Zoe is doing well and her hair is growing back!!! I'm holding my breath with you. I sure hope the good news continues.
Enjoy time with your granddaughter this weekend!
Julie & Hannah
06-16-2013, 01:19 AM
Hi Addy
Hope the graduation went well, I bet you had a tear in your eye watching her all grown up and graduating, what a special day for you all. Congratulations to Kate!! :D
OH and all the stars must be aligning if little Zoe is behaving as well... so you can go off and relax for a bit!!! How fantastic her fur is growing back in AND good poops for the main part!! I LOVE to hear good news and have my fingers crossed here for the last bit of diet transition :D:D You are quite the poet!!
Have a glass of bubbles for all of us while you are celebrating!!
Bailey's Mom
06-16-2013, 12:29 PM
WOW!! Talk about many reasons to PAHTEE!!!!! Zoe is a real fighter, just like her Mom. I bet that new hair fuzz is really soft as well. And how did Kate do? Was she the brightest star to cross the stage? Did she moon the audience? Did she win an award for best paper ever, ever? Huh, did she?
I hope there's gonna be a pool party. I'm on my way. I'm bringing Bailey and hats for everybody and noisemakers and balloons. Helium balloons. Then we can all make funny voices. Who's bringing the cake and ice cream?
I hope your weather is at least half as nice as ours is today. That way you'll have a gorgeous day. Stop your worrying for one entire day and enjoy all that you have. Life is good.
06-17-2013, 08:04 AM
So pleased to hear that your sweet Zoe is doing so well, I hope she continues to improve. Blessings
Thank you all, graduation was wonderful. Saturday night was the first time I left Zoe after dinner since last September. She did just fine, no problems. Hubby teased Kate she isthe only one I put before the dogs. There is truth to that:o Yes, Susan she wore her white cord for her high grade point, ,Trish- I shed more than a tear when the orchestra was playing,
Zoe's skin and hair remind me of a Dechra case study Lori received as it seems improving her skin is helping her try to regrow hair. She does not have much hair as she lost so much after surgery and then when we started treating her skin but the fact her brown spots are trying to come back I take as a good thing. I think arthritis is an issue too with her back legs as when she has her tramadol at night, she does better the next morning. She is not the dog she was last year, much slower, stiffer but then so am I and hubby. I think we all aged about 10 years this past year.
Happy Monday everyone!!!
molly muffin
06-17-2013, 05:50 PM
Glad graduation went so well. I'm sure it was a heck of a great day. :)
That Zoe, she is just full of surprises. I know we've talked about it many times, but controlling the cortisol at a good level does seem to help with the hair regrowth, eventually.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
But the dog in the case study was at post 7ug/dl if I remember correctly. It was not until they treated his skin issues that he started to regrow hair. Zoe was post 7 in January and her hair got worse, post 4 in April and her hair continued to get worse until now since we have been treating her skin issues. Maybe she dropped lower now than 4. The point of the article was that a dog did not necessarily have to be under 5 to grow hair I think:):):)
She got her Kong stuck on her lower jaw after supper. In six years of chewing that medium size Kong she has never done that:eek:
I thought we were headed to ER:rolleyes::rolleyes:
molly muffin
06-17-2013, 08:59 PM
Oh good lord Abby! This is the kind of ER visits I end up doing. LOL Glad that one was averted. A stuck Kong. I don't think I've ever heard that one before.
That is very strange about the 7ug number. Maybe it is like everything else with cushings. You have guidelines, but every dog reacts differently to what is optimal for them. Didn't one vet write you and say under 5ug post was best for cc and hair regrowth? I know we have talked about this before, but again, nothing seems to be written in stone.
Everything just seems so hard with this disease. The good thing is that people who end up here are more than likely going to be the ones who persevere and Will find the answers for their pup because they don't give up, they just move on and try something else, or tweak, tweak, tweak, until it comes up right for their furbaby. I think that this forum enables them to do that because we all support each other and we banter ideas back and forth like a tennis tournament. Got to love that about this forum. It's too easy to become discouraged without anyone to stand with you shoulder to shoulder and give that much needed support.
I have to think that it is Zoe's cortisol, combined with your diligence in keeping an eye on what is going on with her and Knowing her so well, that the least little change you catch it right away, that has had the biggest benefit of all.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-18-2013, 06:49 AM
I know I shouldn't but that Kong story made me laugh... :D:D:D I really am not evil and I so hope Zoe was not traumatised but it sounds so funny :eek::eek:. You should have got hubby to take a photo while you got it off and I am pretty sure it would have made photo of the week!! No really, I hope she is ok hehehehe. She is so cute!
06-18-2013, 08:44 AM
I'm with Trish and I'm not evil either!:D.I thought,how the heck did she manage that?Glad that it was able to be removed-no trips to the dreaded ED please!
Just catching up on your thread-sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and went out and enjoyed yourself at the graduation.And I'm glad you're able to see some improvement with Zoe with the hair regrowth.She's lucky to have you as her mom and your hard work and diligence shows!Keep up the good work!
06-18-2013, 08:47 AM
Hi Addy:
Just wanted to let you know Tipper got a kong ball that had a hole in it stuck on her lower jaw too. At first it looked funny, but it really made Tipper angry and she was running her head into things in a effort to get it off. They are so hard, and heavy it was tuff to manipulate it off of her. I hope Zoe continues to do well. Blessings
You are not evil, I laughed at first too because she looked really funny and was making these weird sucking sounds and she seemed really happy.:rolleyes:
Then I realized it was stuck:eek::eek: For a dog with so many issues, she sure manages to get into her share of trouble:rolleyes:
She is so nuts with the Kongs. Koko holds his calmy, licks everything out nicely. Zoe attacks hers, chews on it, throws it in the air and carrys on like you would not believe. I have to replace hers every three months:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Zoe is something else. Koko is this gentle, sweet soul who loves everyone, cries if he has to have a shot, they are so opposite personality wise. Miss Spunky in your face girl.;)
Budsters Mom
06-18-2013, 11:58 AM
Our kids are always completely different, whether human or the fur baby variety. That's the way it always is! Yes, Koko would be easier, but Zoe is full of unending entertainment!;) A stuck Kong is hilarious! ;):DYou should have videotaped it, before rescuing her. Mean, yet funny!;)
Simba's Mom
06-19-2013, 12:13 AM
oh Zoe, you are a character, sounds like you get into trouble with kongs all by urself, so glad to hear that you are both enjoying life!!!
06-21-2013, 05:25 AM
HI Addy, Zoe and Koko!! How are things going with you guys, still trucking along? Hope you have a nice weekend! :D
06-22-2013, 08:34 AM
Hey Addy
Also nipping in to see how you all are?
I have been keeping up and pleased to see her hair is still growing and she is still full of her spunkiness :)
I did laugh imagining her with that stuck kong :eek:
Bug hug, kisses to the fur kids
Hey Mel and Trish,
She is still growing hair, her caramel colored spots on her side are coming back now, one is about two inches wide already, I had to call old IMS for a refill on her metronidazole and told the tech to pass along the message that Zoe was growing hair. She said "it is a miracle".:):):) I'm thinking the miracle is thank God the groomer told me to do something and what it was on her skin because her doctors sure didnt.:rolleyes:
Koko had his annual yesterday, I am nervously awaiting his blood work results, his dental is next Friday. He is such a drama queen, he cries when they draw blood or give him a shot, not sure how he will be after his dental. I took a week off to be home with him just in case:)
Thanks for checking in and I hope your weekend is wonderful:D:D
Hugs and love and come back and tell me what is going on in your neck of the woods.
06-22-2013, 06:34 PM
Awww poor Koko, he should bounce back real quick and you can spend the rest of the week chilling out :):)
So pleased to hear about the ongoing fur growing!!! I tried to dye my hair a carmamel colour so now I will match Zoe!! :D:D
Budsters Mom
06-22-2013, 09:58 PM
Hi Addy,
I hope Koko's Bloodwork comes back great and he flies through his dental work with no complications. I love Zoe's report! She's a tough little diva who will continue to stump us all. Her hair growth is a "miracle".:) The miracle just happened to float to you from your groomer, and not the doctors.;) I'm glad that you got the week off. It is very difficult to go to work when we have our babies on our minds and know they need us. We need to be with them too, during those times.Hugs to all,
Hi Addy,
I am absolutely thrilled to read the latest on Zoe and that she is growing hair! So happy to read all the good news about her, you both deserve it. How are things going with her food?
Congratulations to Kate, it sounds like you had a great graduation weekend. I hope Koko's bloodwork is all ok and that he sails through his dental appt. Glad you will have some time off to spend with him.
Hugs from me and Jasper
Simba's Mom
06-23-2013, 05:40 AM
Yay Zoe, hair growing back, way to make Mamma happy! We love those little miracles, and sending vibes for good test results and dental work for hearing your stories about your drama queen:):):)
06-23-2013, 07:23 AM
Hey Addy: Everything seems to be coming up roses or "hair" and that is wonderful. So happy for you. Poor baby KoKo, he will be fine, such a good boy. So glad you have a week off with the babies. Love, JoAnne
Thanks to all of you for your support, I still hold by breath about her kidneys, and the protein in her urine, try not to think about her liver and spleen and be happy for small successes. Her front leg is giving her problems again, it has off and on for five years now, since the day we brough Koko home.
We get to try to cut back on baths to once every two weeks for a month and then see where we are. Food, is good, I had to stop where we were to allow her to get used to her new ratio. Biggest problem I have is I forget how slow I have to go with her to allow her body to adjust. She has not lost any more weight that I can tell from feeling her, I usually go by how she feels.
She went from Miss Kujo about being picked up and carried to now she wants me to pick her up and carry her. I can kiss her head, her neck, hug her, she doesn't care. The other morning I was carrying her and a stranger came by to say hello. She barked at her while I was carrying her and I had to laugh as she always used to bark at strangers until I counter conditioned her to stop. So here she is, in my arms and barking at the stranger, I just laughed and laughed at that, she cant help herself sometimes.:rolleyes::D
We take it one day at a time and rejoice at every small success and try not to think of the bad things.
molly muffin
06-23-2013, 09:51 AM
Hi Addy,
It's those small successes that just make our day sometimes :) It sounds like she is doing really well over all. Nice if you can get the baths cut back and her hair and skin still doing good.
Ahh, once they figure out that they can still be their ferocious little selves from your arms, you're doomed. :D Molly does the same thing. I have to caution people that just because she is in my arms and looks cute does not mean that they can come up and pet her. She still doesn't know them and doesn't want to be touched or have them near her. :o
Hope those test results come back good for Koko. Poor Little guy would be traumatized if he had to go through what Zoe's been through. Can you imagine the howls and the looks of disgust he'd throw off. :eek::D
Hope you are having a nice sunny weekend. We had rain here all day yesterday. :( Hoping for sun today.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-28-2013, 01:40 PM
Dear Addy
Like you said take each day as it comes. That is all any of us have.
Love always Sonja and Angel Apollo
Budsters Mom
06-28-2013, 03:43 PM
I love the way she wanted to be picked up and carried.:D It's the little joys that make us so happy.:D Have a wonderful weekend filled with puppy love,
Oh Kathy, it is the little joys that keep us going, you are so right.
I took Zoe over to our groomer so she could trim her paw hair and cut her nails. She was amazed at how much hair has regrown, she is trying to grow back her undercoat which she lost three years ago.
I dont care if she ever gets back all of her hair but I celebrate each little tuft of hair I find. I hope we can go two weeks now before another bath. We'll see, I watch her skin closely and have her puppy brush that I try to use every day even though she gets really mad and tries to bite me.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
It is 3 years since we started this journey and I count this last year as a true blessing, I'm just greatful for each morning she is still here.
Budsters Mom
06-28-2013, 07:34 PM
I'm just greatful for each morning she is still here.
Yes Addy, I totally get it!!! You couldn't have put it any better!:)
Big Hugs,
molly muffin
06-28-2013, 10:12 PM
Zoe isn't into giving up. She'll fight for every morning with you. I know it!
They are just great that way. There is nothing that makes them happier than waking up and having their whole pack around them.
I can hear the happiness in your writing and it just makes me smile, really, really big grins.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-28-2013, 10:18 PM
So happy to hear that Zoe's coat is growing! yay!! :D
I hope your Koko gets a good report and that he sails through the dental work. :)
06-29-2013, 03:44 AM
Yep all sounds good in Zoeland! Cool the groomer commented on the new fur too Addy! I love hearing good news about your girl, so funny to hear about the barking from the safety of Mom's arms, you kick butt girl :) xxxx
Simba's Mom
06-29-2013, 03:59 PM
Sending hugs and prayer to you and your precious furbabies, one day at a time is all we can do!! Take care of you too!!!
06-30-2013, 04:35 AM
Hey you
Just nipping in to say hi
I know this is Zoe's thread but just wanted to ask how Koko was getting on?
Little miss getting back more hair is great and spunky as ever all awesome news. Long may that continue.
Not long till I go on hols, getting ready and work will be a right mare next week, will be working till at least 10 Friday to hand stuff over but I don't care. Am way more organised than I normally am so that's something!
Hope all the family are well.
Big hug, kisses to the fur kids
Hi Mel,
I know you have been busy at work and I hope your two weeks off is wonderful.
Koko is funny, thank you for asking; this morning he tried the feed me by hand routine again:rolleyes:. I gave him about three fingers full, and told him firmly, you want the rest, go eat it.;) He did:D:D
Cant blame the little boy for trying though. Did I tell you yesterday Miss Spunk decided he had enough time to recouperate and tried to pick a fight time with him, he showed his teeth:p:p They were clean:p:p
Never a dull moment.:D:D
Hi, Addy.
Just stopped by to say "hello". I posted an update on Ali's thread, but wanted to catch up on Zoe. Sounds like she is doing pretty good overall!!! ...except for the Kong incident! :eek: Hope the remainder of your summer is uneventful!!
OMG, Mary Beth, where, where is the update on Ali, I dont see a new post on her thread. I am so excited to hear from you.:D:D:D:D:D:D
06-30-2013, 04:59 PM
Koko the little player! Pleased to hear he is doing good
Picking a fight, sounds like good times at your house. This makes my heart smile for you
Big hug, kisses to the fur kids
Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 09:27 PM
Good for Koko. You can't blame a guy for trying to keep that TLC going. :D At least his teeth were clean when he scolded Zoe. A guy can only take so much!:p Big Hugs,
Hi Addy,
Just stopping by to say I'm glad to hear things are going well with Zoe and Koko. I sure hope that continues!
Julie & Hannah
Mal A Ket wipes and Zymox ear cleanser has totally gotten rid of all the yeast gunk in Zoe's ears. I cleaned them today- no gunk:):)
Small victory, but a victory nonetheless.:):):):)
I hope it continues.
Recently, I read a dermatology paper on yeast. It mentioned that shaving down the hair (for surgery as an example) can cause yeast or make it worse. I wonder if that is what happened to Zoe as it got so bad after her surgery in February but then everything got so bad after her surgery.:(:confused:
Her toes on her back feet are almost recovered in hair. It all fell out when I started treating her skin. We only made it to 10 days, not two weeks. I'll see if we can do another 10 days. I did read certain yeasts need twice a week for six weeks. I dont think she needs that. I just keep checking her skin and keep close tabs on it and hold my breath. For the first time since her ultra sound in May 2010, she is growing hair on her tummy, not the whole tummy yet, but half of it.
Happy Friday after the Fourth!!!
07-05-2013, 11:28 AM
In this Cushings world we are forced to live in several small victories are as good as one big one! Have a good 4th weekend with your Zoe. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-05-2013, 01:44 PM
Clean ears and tummy hair! That's about as good as it gets!:D You are an awesome mom Addy. I am thrilled for you!:D Big hugs,
Roxee's Dad
07-05-2013, 03:00 PM
I swear by the Zymox !!! Best stuff I have ever used.
You mentioned shaved hair promoting yeast which kind of rang a bell. I wanted to mention that I also do not pluck the hair out of the ears. I have never plucked Rozee's ears but once when she had a dental, they did a complimentary ear plucking and nail trimming ( Like a groomers dog needs nail trimming :rolleyes: ) It was the first time in her life she ever had an ear infection. That's when that dang Gentamycin came into play :(
My theory and what i have read is that many times when plucking a dogs inner ear area, we leave these very small open wounds for lack of a better term. It's very dark and moist in most dogs ears and I figure when you mix dark, moist, and an open hair follicle = a great breeding place for infections and yeast. I believe the longer hair in the ears is a way to draw or wick out moisture. I will cut them short, and I do use ear cleaner to keep it all clean.
I know it seems all yucky in there sometimes, but most of the time the yuck is on the end of the ear hair and it seems the hair is doing the job of wicking out the moisture, wax and other gunk. Our vets always mention that all my dogs have about the best ears they have ever seen. They may be hairy, but they are trimmed and clean, no infections, yeast or waxy build up ;):)
Last time Rozee had a dental, I made sure to tell the vet, no complimentary ear plucking !!! and nails don't need trimmed!!
07-05-2013, 06:43 PM
Hey Addy: Little victories are all we can ask for. Hair growing back is a miracle and clean ears and no castrophes today. That is great. Have a good weekend. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
07-05-2013, 07:38 PM
I think 10 days is pretty good from where you were. That's a victory and the hair coming back in is really nice too. Sounds like things are going better for sassy frass Zoe. :) Koko better watch out if she gets back up to full power. hahahaha
Sharlene and Molly muffin
07-05-2013, 08:19 PM
Good for Zoe!
Just a quick post to say see you when I get back, hope she continues to improve
Big hug and kisses to the kids
07-05-2013, 08:55 PM
Yippeekiay!! Haha good news again :D:D Love it! How is the week off going, is Koko back to full strength after his dental work?? Hope your getting to enjoy some summertime with your babies!! xx
07-06-2013, 12:18 AM
Hi Addy
Just wanted to pop in and say hello.Sounds like you are enjoying your time off with Koko and Zoe and that they are doing well.For some reason lately,I find it difficult sometimes to come here but wanted to tell you that you and your babies are always in my thoughts.Hope you enjoyed your 4th.Hugs to you and your gang.
Hi Guys and thank you.
Trish-we actually got some pool time in yesterday and hope to again today.
Kathy, Patty, Pattie, JoAnne you are all so great and supportive, what wouldn I do without you all? You have lifted my spirits on many sad, worrisome days.
Mel- Have the best vacation ever!!!!:):):):)
John- I am so glad to hear you also had good results with the Zymox cleaner, it was hard to know which one to try. Zoe has never had gunk in her ears until now. Thank you for the tip on the ear hair too:) Makes sense.
Julie- Zoe's GP has a cold lazer and can do treatments. He did not think she would do well with acupuncture.
Only have a minute- hubby wants to go running around somewhere:rolleyes
Simba's Mom
07-06-2013, 01:53 PM
Have a great weekend with your hubby and fur babies, sending hugs for all your help to others and myself.....thanks so much
Have fun swimming!
molly muffin
07-06-2013, 02:28 PM
Pool time!!! yay, summer is here. :)
Molly doesn't get in the pool but she travels the sides when someone is in there. She likes to lay there and watch you but don't get too close, or you might get her precious self wet and that of course won't do. LOL
How are Zoe and Koko with the pool?
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, No Rain!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Belly fur is a good thing!!! On a dog anyway! :D
I use Zymox shampoo on Ali and it is the best I have ever tried and I have been through a bazillion kinds - well, maybe not quite that many, but a lot!
Every little improvement is a big step in the right direction! Way to go ZOE!!! And, you too, Addy!!
Hi Mary Beth,
I use their ear drops and it works great. I'll look at their shampoo.:) What I can't find is a moisturizer which does not contain oatmeal or anything that could grow yeast. The Ketochlor feels like it leaves residue on the skin, so maybe I should not try the moisturizer yet.:confused:
Maybe when we get down to once a month, if we do:)
Dechra told my IMS Zoe may need to have her dose lowered, which I already knew. It is a new problem for us, I have never really had to worry about her cortisol dropping to low. Zoe is such a fighter, I worry it would have to get really bad before I knew.:(:(
Sun shining today and only two more days of work, HURRAH:D:D:D
07-11-2013, 08:58 AM
I hope an pray for your sake and for Zoe's that it never gets to that point, that is a very scary situation to me, and I hope one I never have to have Tipper go thru. Blessings
molly muffin
07-11-2013, 05:03 PM
Oh geezz, something new to think about. (lowering dosage) :(
Hope you have some good weather for the weekend over your way.
Hang tough, you're doing a good job and I bet you would feel something was off if her cortisol started to get too low. You can read that little miss like a book. Always have, always will.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
07-11-2013, 08:38 PM
Hi Mary Beth,
I use their ear drops and it works great. I'll look at their shampoo.:) What I can't find is a moisturizer which does not contain oatmeal or anything that could grow yeast. The Ketochlor feels like it leaves residue on the skin, so maybe I should not try the moisturizer yet.:confused:
Addy, what about Vitamin E as a moisturizer?
Budsters Mom
07-11-2013, 09:32 PM
Hi Addy,
Lowering the dosage. I am sure glad you're such a good mama and on top of things! :D What a great mom you are! Big hugs to you and your furlets.:D
Simba's Mom
07-11-2013, 10:47 PM
Sending hugs Addy, praying too that little Zoë gets back on track with the dosing....
07-12-2013, 06:22 AM
Hey Addy, did I miss a stim test or something? Has something happened that is prompting a new dosage change now?
07-12-2013, 06:37 AM
Hmmm yes, what's happening with Zoe? Think I must have missed something too... although I do seem to be having increasing number of senior moments :eek:
Marianne, I think there is a misunderstanding. They are not telling me now to change her dose. Zoe goes for her stim August 1st. In the middle of May, Dechra told my old IMS that because Zoe has kept dropping on the same dose, I need to watch her as we may have to lower her dose; which is why when the new IMS wanted to put her on 30/30, Dechra said no. The discharge instructions said to watch Zoe closely for any changes and when I called in for her metronidazole, they again told me to watch her closely when I told them she is growing hair. :confused: I did not think too much of it until I reread May's discharge instructions when I was filing her papers. I still want to change her to 30/30 so she doesnt pogo up as she always previously did. Maybe it is because of her stim history, they are mentioning this or the IMS is not relaying the info to me correctly:confused:
I would be happy if she dropped down to 2 on the same dose, but for some reason it seems Dechra thinks when they start dropping on the same dose, it can indicate a lower dose change may be needed in the future which is why I think they just want me to keep an eye on her. None has ever told me that, we have never had to really worry about it.
I just dont want her cortisol going up at all so I feel like I am on the page looking for her to need an increase and they want me to watch for signs she needs a decrease and I am worried I wont know that.
Her allergies are bothering her, her bad eye is getting red.:(:(:( so her cortisol cant be too high:confused:
Lori- I love your vitamin E idea. Would I just purchase capsuls and open them up and rub them into her skin? That could work.:):)
So sorry, I did not explain it better the first time around.:o:o:o
07-12-2013, 01:05 PM
Addy...I hope Zoe holds steady until you get to the August 1 planned stim test. That's not too long haven't noticed anything so far that indicated she was too low, right?
So, since middle of May she's been holding okay, without any symptoms of going low. You have an eagle eye so watching closely is not a problem for you, and you know what you're looking for. I suspect your gut feeling on her level will be the judge. I bet if she started going too low you would pick up on it right away.
I think we can sense cortisol creeping up right away too!
07-12-2013, 01:20 PM
I sure hope Zoe does well until August 1st. I know you will be anxious to see those numbers. It is so scary thinking of your baby going too low. That is always in the back of my mind with Tipper. God willing she will stay where she is until the 1st of the month. Blessings
Thanks Patti,
I don't think I have, but who knows? It's Zoe:rolleyes:
She is an odd Cush pup. We were just talking about her intermediates bothering her in April and now she is growing hair. :confused: She is hard to figure out, my Zoe. Her pre has been elevated the last 4 stims. I think it is stress and her other non-adrenal illnesses; she always has something going on and now if her allergies are inflaming her eye, her numbers will be off again from that. So it is hard for me to go by her numbers alone, I have to see the whole picture for her. I also have to worry about the protein in her urine which we will recheck with her UPC. So with possible kidney issues, that may facter in to all of this as well as far as her dose goes. Maybe Dechra is taking all of that into consideration. The one thing that bothers me is that they test her blood pressure after she has been injected with the stim agent for her ACTH test. I would think that could lead to a false elevation along with her white coat syndrome. I think I will tell them no BP check and I will have the derm vet check it the following week at her eye appointment.
Thanks for listening to my muttering.:o:o:o
Budsters Mom
07-12-2013, 02:25 PM
Hey Addy,
I am happy to listen to your muttering anytime, but I can't always be of much help. I keep thinking about Zoe's little tufts of hair growing. She has to be doing well for that to occur, right? There is always so many variables.:o You are so on top of things that I'm sure nothing will sneak by;) Zoe's next stim test should help fill in a few parts of the Zoe puzzle. There are so many parts!;) Many hugs for you and you little furlets.:)
Simba's Mom
07-12-2013, 03:02 PM
Sending hugs and prayers for you and Zoe!
Boriss McCall
07-12-2013, 04:31 PM
Addy that is stressful. I sure hope Boriss handles his new 30/30 split well. I am with you on lowering the dose. Boriss was a lot like Zoe in the beginning with trying to find his happy place with the meds. It was such a tedious process.
I hope everything is okay with Zoe & you don't have to do any major changes.
Thanks guys, she has just been different some how that last few weeks, maybe since the weather got warmer or maybe because I was home with her for 10 days, I noticed more.:confused::confused:
I'll put my thinking cap on.;)
07-12-2013, 08:35 PM
HI Addy
I agree with the no BP during stim testing, that just does not make sense at all. I am confused :confused: (does not take much) but why is the derm vet checking her eye? Hope that is doing better and not so red. Is the weekend here for you yet, or are you still at work... hope your home! Weather sucks here, Flynn keeps looking forlornly out the door to see if it is time for a walk yet, might just have to put my raincoat on and try nip out between showers! xx
Harley PoMMom
07-12-2013, 09:32 PM
Lori- I love your vitamin E idea. Would I just purchase capsuls and open them up and rub them into her skin? That could work.:):)
Yep, from what I've read that is exactly what to do. :)
When Harley had to have his BP checked, I would try to schedule his appt. in the early morning, and this was the only test they would perform.
Sending you both huge loving hugs, Lori
07-12-2013, 10:20 PM
Addy, I've noticed that the fur and pot belly are the last to improve with Daisy so I'm taking this as a good sign for Zoe!
Bailey's Mom
07-13-2013, 12:23 AM
Hi Addy, Zoe and Koko....!!:D
I have just finished catching up on all the threads I follow, finally. I am so happy to hear how well Zoe continues to do and that Koko is maintaining his presence/authority and shiny white smile. :)
Do I understand correctly that you chose to actually leave the former IMS? You've chosen to go with the new guy? Is that going well?
As always, you're amazing. Keep up the good work. :cool:
Hi, Addy,
I am assuming Zoe is bothered by dry skin and that is why you are looking for a moisturizer? I'm looking at the Zymox Enzymatic Shampoo bottle(yellow label) that I use for Alivia. Just now noticed that it says "For Veterinary use Only" on the bottle, but I bought it online - Amazon, I believe. It also says, "Gentle on skin yet tough on bacterial and fungal infections" and also states that it is gentle and non-drying and that you can follow with "Zymox Rinse", which I have not used but looking at it online it is supposed to help with dry skin. Also, good to know, is that neither of these products interfere with "systemic medications". Anyway, I have had good luck with this shampoo for Alivia and it doesn't seem to be at all drying.
Vitamin E could help, too, but sometimes oil can make me itchy. Also, I would be concerned about absorption through the skin if you are applying it all over and how much vitamin E is too much? Just my thoughts, but, I could be totally off base on that! ;)
07-13-2013, 07:16 PM
Just dropping in to send you my love.
Sonja and Angel Apollo
Mary Beth- I did look at the Zymox products but I am not sure it will keep Zoe's Seborrah at bay:confused: I toally understand the worry about systemic issues which is why I have avoided so many products to moisturize her skin. We are past 10 days this time without a bath so I am hoping for Zoe to last 2.5 weeks now until her next Ketochlor shampoo. I am not sure if I should use the Zymox rinse with the Ketochlor.:confused:
The one spot I am having a hard time getting the crud off of is the lower half of her rat tail. I even have wiped it with the wipes but it is the one stubborn spot and of course she hates me fooling with her tail:rolleyes:
Thanks for all your input.
Hi Sonja, Hi Sus, Hi Val, hope I did not miss anyone
Trish- I'm a dah:) I meant eye vet not derm vet.
Gosh, it is getting really dark, storm coming, better Koko out to poo
Hi Addy,
I have been reading along and am happy to read how well Zoe is doing. Her skin sounds much better overall, I hope you can get that last spot on her tail taken care of. I wanted to make sure I told you about the vitamin E oil I used for Jasper when his nose was so crusty. He is having another problem with gunk in his nose now, but the dry crusty nose improved significantly when I started putting vit E oil on it.
I bought a small bottle at one of our health food/nutrition stores. It is pure vit E oil. You have to be careful with that, the brands they have at Walgreens and other drug stores all had primarily canola oil with a small amt of vit E oil mixed in. Just make sure it is pure vitamin E. It is much easier to use than the capsules, and it was very inexpensive. But it would definitely be greasy if on a large area.
Hugs from me and Jasper
07-16-2013, 07:48 AM
Just a thought , but have you ever tried Manuka Honey on Zoe's skin? It has extreme healing properties, and is used on burn victims. I am guessing it could only be some where they could not lick, as they would want to eat it. Blessings
07-19-2013, 04:47 PM
Hi Addy
I have a question for you! I am feeling a bad Mum denying Flynny his soft toys to rip to shreds, but he is a clever wee thing and is liking his kong stuffed with biscuits and rolls it around for ages. I need to get him some more toys to stimulate his little mind! I was thinking of getting him a puzzle toy like Zoe has, I have never seen them here so am off on a google mission to order him one, what are they called??
Hope you Zoe and Koko are in status quo and are ready for a nice relaxing weekend! xxx
Dang girl, you can order one from me, I told you I have an extra one I am happy to give our Flynn. I can send it in the mail.
Nina Ottosson made the first puzzle toys out of wood. They were a bit pricey. Then others got on the band wagon. They are just called
Puzzle Toys for Dogs, I think or maybe google interactive toys
You can google Nina Ottosson or
07-19-2013, 07:10 PM
I know, your so good to us!! I did not want to put you out, stupid I know :p
Crikey, should have waited for this post, these are WAY cheaper than what I just paid :( oh well, let that be a lesson to me haha
Maybe the one you ordered is bigger or nicer or freight is cheaper;)
You are up late, aren't you? I hope you have a good Saturday. I am off to Chicago Saturday. My baby turned eighteen Tuesday:(:)
We are taking the train to the Art Museum to see "Impressionists and Fashion".
So in honor of the show also being about fashion, I just went shopping and purchased a shorter, tight, coral colored skirt. Totally out of character for me.:o But if felt soooooo good:p:p:p I usually wear longer skirts, black mostly.
Hubby is babysitting the pups all day:D:D:D
07-19-2013, 07:50 PM
Your upside down Addy... it is 11.50am Saturday morning!! So best I wait till at least after lunch for my nana nap hahaha.. not that I usually have one.
That show sounds fab!! I am thinking of booking to go to a Cirque de Soliel (sp?) show on Michael Jackson, it is on October up in Auckland, would love to see that. Bet your skirt looks fab! Nice to have a bit of colour for the summer, I bet you look very tres chic!! :D:D
molly muffin
07-19-2013, 08:06 PM
Ohhh, what fun Addy!! Love the coral, the color of the season. You'll be very fashionable I'm sure. Love the impressionist. I'm sure it will be great fun!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I am upside down, I forgot to press my world clock to see what time it is in your neck of the woods. :o Circle de Soleil or however you spell it is wonderful, you should go. It came to Milw once pre recession, my boss took us all. Those were the good old days;)
Sharlene, not sure how tres chic I look but I feel "art museumie" when I put it on:p:p:p:p Should be a good show; my sister-in-law saw it at the Met in NYC, she went three times:):) She said there is so much to take in. I am just happy to get away and Kate is over the top happy and excited to go. Always willing to be my side kick, that girl:)
07-20-2013, 05:41 AM
WooWoo Addy, short skirt. Hope you have a fabulous day with your granddaughter. My daughter and son and families just got back from New York. They went to all the museums and where they film food network. They had a wonderful time except for the heat in New York. Enjoy your time with your granddaughter. So glad Zoe is doing so well. You have done an amazing job. Love, JoAnne
07-20-2013, 10:16 AM
Have a great time you deserve it! Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-20-2013, 08:18 PM
So nice of your hubby to babysit the fur babies while you have a day out. I hope you and Kate had a happy, happy, day together.:D you deserve it! Big hugs,
What a great day away. The art exhibition was beyond good. They would have an Impressionist painting and then have a similar dress on display as shown in the painting. They even had a vintage House of Worth ball gown and a hat collection that was amazing. Most of the painting were either from the Met or Musee De Orsey, some were from private collections and there were panels done by Monet but never shown in the U.S.
All in all, it was incredible, the day was perfect and I felt pretty in my coral skirt.:):)
Hubby did a perfect job with Zoe's meds and food and Koko greeted me like he had not seen me in a month.:D:D:D
It felt so good to get away. Chicago is a great time for us. We love the commotion.
Budsters Mom
07-20-2013, 10:21 PM
I am thrilled that you had a great time today!:) Cheers for your hubby for stepping up and being such a great dad to his fur babies. It is wonderful being greeted so lovingly by our babies. Rosie does that when I leave the room for 5 minutes!:D Big hugs my dear,
07-21-2013, 08:20 AM
So glad you had a wonderful day, and that hubby stepped up to the plate and handled everything like a pro. I love Monet I have some prints in my house. I had a very wealthy friend years ago that had so many beautiful pieces in her home from great artists. I used to like to just walk along the halls in her castle and look at all of them. It was a castle for real too I am not joking. I lost contact with her a few years back, and wonder if she still lives there. It actually has a moat type swimming pool all the way around the back of the house. Her father was an inventor in Hungry, and the Nazis took his factories etc. so they fled to the US with nothing, and someone hid paintings etc. for them. Sounds like the day was a winner all the way around. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-21-2013, 08:40 AM
When I was in college, I went to Chicago to spend a couple of weeks with my Aunt Mary. While she worked, I roamed up and down Michigan Ave. The art museum had Monet on display while I was there and I went every day to look at his work. That was the first and only art museum experience I have had and it remains a clear, treasured memory to this day.
What wonderful memories for you, Leslie and Patti. We too love to stroll up and down Michigan Avenue and Millinium Park and of course State Street too. Patti that sounds like the most incredible castle. Maybe you could find your friend again if you google her.
I wish I had purchased the special book because most of the paintings I will never see again in my lifetime.
Leslie, the first time I saw a real Monet painting, I cried because I could not believe I was actually seeing one in person.
They had all of the Impressionists and we rented headsets and they told the most interesting facts about the paintings and clothes. Kate and I spent two and half hours looking through the exhibit and I feel like I wish I could see it again because I probably missed things.
Maybe I can order the book on line. We are truly blessed we can go to Chicago to such a fine Museum for these special shows. Years ago, hubby and I would go often. I think Kate had a wonderful eighteenth birthday. She did not stop smiling the whole day.
molly muffin
07-21-2013, 09:32 AM
That sounds wonderful! I love the idea of the painting paired with the vintage clothing. What a great concept. That would definitely be worth seeing.
We go to the AGO here in Toronto and they have some wonderful exhibits sometimes. One of my favorites was the Tate Museum impressionists tour.
It is cool to get to see some of those wonderful paintings.
That sounds like a lovely day Addy and a great way to spend Kate's 18th Birthday. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
07-21-2013, 09:59 AM
Are the lion statues still at the entrance to the museum? I was sitting on one of those lions on one of my visits to the museum when a mounted officer came riding up. We got to chatting and he allowed me to pet his horse. More chatting and he let me ride his horse! The officer's name was "Pete" and he seemed to find me often as I roamed and was very kind - one of the very few folks in Chicago who weren't totally freaked out by my Southern friendliness! :p I had a blast waving at folks on the sidewalks then watching their reactions. LOL
Toward the end of my visit there, a gentleman came up to me and handed me a manila envelope. Inside were about 100 photos of me in various places. He was a professional photographer and had seen me just about my first day roaming and was taken with my "innocence". He had pics of me swinging around street light poles, on the museum lions, on the horse, in stores, in $3000 blouses I tried on in Sacs....just about everywhere I had been, he had been there taking pics and I never noticed him. He wanted me to work for him as a model. My aunt was horrified and scared to pieces - I was flattered and enchanted.....and VERY naive. I still have some of those photos somewhere. hummmmmm
Leslie, I love your memory. Yes, the lions are still there, they added on a new modern wing to the back of the building, built a beautiful park a block or so away, the police are still on horseback but I doubt these days they would allow a ride.
The innocence of youth is pretty inspiring.:):)
07-22-2013, 05:06 PM
Hey you
How are you all doing? Miss Zoe and Koko ok??
I saw palm trees ;). It was a stunning place. So relaxing we stayed Saturday night too so I didn't get back till late yesterday.
I saw a chocolate lamb so took a photo just for you will post up some at the weekend when I have some more time
I had shed loads of crap from work today which is why I haven't been on sooner. Hope all is ok with you
Lots of love
you are back:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Oh I do hope you saw many palm trees and I cant wait to see my black lamb picture.
we are all just fine and so happy you are back:D:D:D:D:D
07-29-2013, 07:38 PM
addy, Just wanted to say I'm sorry to hear about your mom having those fractures. Hope she heals quickly.
Budsters Mom
07-29-2013, 07:43 PM
My dear Addy,
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Sending healing energy and prayers your way. Big hugs,
07-30-2013, 08:47 AM
I too am so sorry to hear of you mom's problems. I hope everything turns out well for her. I will pray for you both. Blessings
Simba's Mom
07-30-2013, 08:51 AM
Sending hugs to you and prayers for your Mom...
07-30-2013, 03:33 PM
HI Addy
Have I missed something about your Mom? Cannot see where you posted any details?? Crikey, I hope she is ok as someone said fractures :eek: Hoping Zoe and Koko and YOU are doing ok, many hugs xxx
Thank you all. I have not come on and explained our situation because I have been running back and forth to the hospital trying to figure out what will be best for my Mom. She is 89 and has had some falls, even a broken pelvic two years ago. So I knew this was trouble when they gave us a surgeon in Er last week after she fell and broke a few ribs and fractured her back.
I'm just mentally and physically fried. The hospital staff is very nice but they are not good with follow through so I am always there forcing them to follow through and being a thorn in their side:rolleyes:
Anyway, I just got home, been going since five this morning and have not yet eaten except for some popcorn and mountain dew all day.
I'll let you know more when I can. Zoe is fine, goes for her three month stim Thursday. She is sitting her barking for her potatoes; we replaced most of her chicken snacks with potatoes. I had to take her Kong away as she keeps getting it stuck on her lower jaw and I can't deal with it any more, one day I wont get it off without breaking her jaw.
Koko has made a full recovery from his dental and is a happy boy.
Kate leaves for college in 2.5 weeks:(:(:(
Thanks for checking on us:):)
Harley PoMMom
07-30-2013, 07:35 PM
07-30-2013, 11:22 PM
So sorry about your Mom. Having an elderly parent in the hospital is so difficult. I know what you're going through and it's really hard, very stressful and leaves you totally exhausted! The hospitals are so under staffed and they are not attentive enough to the needs of the least in my experience this was the case.
Glad your pups are doing well though. :) Hope your mother improves and has a successful recovery.
So sorry to hear about your Mom. I went through quite a bit when my Mom was 89 and I know exactly how you feel when the exhaustion sets in. I could deal with the physical tiredness, but the mental exhaustion wiped me out almost totally.
Keep up your strength, you are going to need it, popcorn and mountain dew won't cut it.
Glad to hear the babies are ok.... now you be ok too. I'll be thinking about you.
07-31-2013, 07:25 AM
Addy, Sending you love and strength. Kim
07-31-2013, 07:31 AM
You go girl, your the best advocate for your Mom so glad you are there by her side. Poor her, so awful when they fall and hurt themselves, but she sounds like a tough old thing. Fractured ribs are painful enough without having a sore back too.
Our hospital has done a project on falls prevention lately for the elderly. I went home and told Mum she has to get rid of loose mats or they could trip... would she listen, no siree!! Stubborn thing, she likes her mats thanks very much! :p:p
Very pleased to hear the good Zoe and Koko update, least they are behaving themselves at this time of stress with your Mom
Thinking of you tons Addy and sending big hugs to you, the doggies and the family too... plus and extra special one for your Mom xxxxx
Simba's Mom
07-31-2013, 04:09 PM
Sending hugs and prayers!
Jenny & Judi in MN
07-31-2013, 04:47 PM
I'm so sorry about your Mom. She is lucky to have you but please take care of yourself too!
Boriss McCall
07-31-2013, 05:02 PM
Hugs to you Addy.. Please don't forget to eat. ;)
08-01-2013, 10:08 AM
I hope you mom gets better as soon as possible. It is wonderful that you can go and be her advocate. Take care of yourself too as you have added responsibility and stress now. God Bless you and Your Mom.
Thank you all for your support, it means a lot. Now if I could only clone myself or quit my day job, right? It has been hard running in to work early, back and forth to the hospital etc.
We went to see old IMS today to ask for stim for Zoe so I could compare apples to apples rather than a new team administering the test. Zoe was very stressed in the car, panted the whole way because she could not get comfortable.
I brought a urine speciman from home to avoid the needle draw. They will run UPC and kidney values, urine and plasma.
They were totally amazed at her hair and skin and her caramal colored butt.:):):):)
We wont get results until next week. I will then decide which vet will continue treatment for Zoe.
Off to see mom now, thanks again for all of your support.
08-01-2013, 05:05 PM
I hope your mom heals fast and feels better real soon.
Thanks Vicki, she is a bit better today.:)
I have only one lab result right now, I need to ask for full lab work to be faxed to me tomorrow.
UPC in April was 1.542
UPC now 0.802
I guess I will be super happy at the bit of good news and hope the rest is not bad news on Monday:):):):):)
Good grief, I feel like I can breathe again, I am taking in big gulps of air.
Harley PoMMom
08-01-2013, 07:41 PM
UPC in April was 1.542
UPC now 0.802
I guess I will be super happy at the bit of good news and hope the rest is not bad news on Monday:):):):):)
Good grief, I feel like I can breathe again, I am taking in big gulps of air.
Great drop in that UPC!!! Good job, Addy!!!!!
08-02-2013, 02:35 AM
I am here with my rsvp to the UPC celebration with bells on!!!! OMG where's the partaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:);):rolleyes::D It's Friday night here and I just got home so I'm well and truly ready for a girlie drink!!! :D:D:D:D:D
Addy, I am absolutely thrilled with Zoe's UPC result!! I am afraid Miss Zoe is going to have to resign from the "Protein Pups" band if she keeps this up!!! I told Flynn but he just snored and rolled over.. stink dog :D:D:D:D
It just goes to show that when the general health of the pup is off like Zoe earlier in the year, Jasper too and Flynn with his high BP, then when we gain control we can hopefully see improved renal function like they have all done :D:D:D:D That is such a great improvement, nearly into the normal range the smart girl :D You celebrate girl, this is a great win :) Makes sense though with all the fur growing in etc... kidneys better too! :D:D The rest of the test results are going to be good too, will be looking out for them on Monday :D
Hope today was a good one for your Mom too xxxxx :)
08-02-2013, 07:00 AM
:D Good job Addy and Zoe. Kim
08-02-2013, 07:04 AM
YAY!!!!!!!!!! :p :) :p :) :p :) :p :) :p :)
Squirt's Mom
08-02-2013, 07:22 AM
Woohoo!!! :cool::cool::cool: Way to go Mom and Zoe! :cool::cool::cool:
I hope Mon.'s report is just as good and that your mom is doing a bit better.
Leslie and the gang
08-02-2013, 07:41 AM
Glad your mom and Zoe are some better Addy. Hope Monday is a really good report. Seems like Zoe is so much better. Love, JoAnne
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