View Full Version : Zoe By My Side- Our Journey with Cushings
03-22-2013, 05:44 AM
Hey Addy: Glad you did get a little information from the vet. Maybe Zoe is just still weak from the surgery. It takes a long time to get over surgery and all the medication they have to take. And the cold weather does not help. Poor little cold feet on her walks and you too. Cold weather is hard on these little pampered pets and moms. It is really cold in Nashville this morning. Maybe when you get her cortisol tested again, it will relieve your mind some. So sorry you feel something is wrong, but I am sure you and Zoe can handle whatever comes your way. Love, JoAnne
Thanks Skye- no they called us about the possible parlsey contamination, we switched her food to a new lot right away. I am not seeing anything like vomiting and loose stools. It is just her back legs and more frequent peeing and drinking. The pu/pd has slowed down now almost to where we were. Somedays it is great, some days it flares up again.
Thanks JoAnne, I hope Coco is okay. Zoe sprained her toe last October and was limping around for a while. Saying prayers for Coco to have a quick recovery.
Bailey's Mom
03-23-2013, 09:07 PM
Hi Addy and Zoe!:)
Do you remember when we were all going to do something together at the same time, on the same day?? I can't even remember what it was.....maybe a hug? Or jump up & down to shakeup the world? Well how about if we all blow real hard to the north,at the same time and blow this cold weather off the top of the earth?? Spring will be HERE!! Trees and flowers will be in bloom. There will be no allergies because it will have happened so fast and the grass will be that wonderful bright green and not yet need cutting!!! :D:D:D
Don't forget to get your palms tomorrow!
Still propping leg up with pillows and heat. Had a Doppler test to check for blood clots. None found on either leg. Heart guy next Thursday. Orthopedic surgeon following Tuesday. If still nothing, insane asylum after that!!!
03-23-2013, 11:39 PM
Hi Addy
Some surgery on people takes much longer to get over depending on the comorbidities involved, so our poor wee pups never have just an adrenal tumour or a nasty cyst to be removed they also have hypertension and cushings and god knows what else so no wonder it takes a bit longer for them to come right.
I think your plan of waiting until mid April is a good one, then do the acth and UPC etc. Gives her that much longer to stablise on her own rather than racing in with the med changes and possibly doing it unnecessarily. Surely her surgery must have upset the apple cart with Zoe's cortisol production.
In the meantime spring can just hurry up and arrive for you, I am sure the warmer weather will help with her mobility too! xx
Hi Addy,
Checking in to see how you and Zoe are doing. How is she getting along? And how are her back legs now? I read what Trish just posted, and that is exactly what I was thinking as far as Zoe's recovery time and it maybe taking a bit longer with all that she has going on.
I saw her UPC and went back to look at Jasper's numbers to compare. In October (10/22/12) his was 1.27. It was checked at that time because I think the dipstick was showing more protein than it had in the past. Jasper had shown a 1+ protein from time to time before, and I think this wasn't necessarily a worry because Cushings can cause some protein in the urine. If I remember right, it was 3+ on the October dipstick check, I think this was the first time it had shown this much protein. So the vet decided to check the UPC. It was the first I had heard of this test and I knew nothing about it at the time.
When we got the results, I remember her saying that it was elevated and beared watching, but that we wouldn't need to be concerned with treatment unless it was over 2.0. The plan then was to recheck in 3 months. Now in hindsight, I wish we would have checked it in a month like your Dr and Trish's are doing. Even though my vet said it would not have made a difference in Jasper's results, I will always wonder if we would have rechecked it sooner and it wasn't quite so high, if starting treatment earlier would have made any difference. It was rechecked on 1/14/13, and was 3.57. It had almost tripled. :eek: :eek: :mad: Not good.
She consulted with the IMS again and we started treatment, because it was felt that this was now related to a kidney issue, especially since his cortisol is no longer elevated, but the increased drinking and peeing had not improved all along.
It sounds like Zoe's drinking and peeing are normalizing, so that is great news Addy. Quite a different course than Jasper. Hopefully it will continue to stabilize, and she will get back to her old self. I think your plan of rechecking things in a month is a good one. I hope you both are having a good weekend.
Big hugs from me and Jasper
Sus- I am relieved to hear no blood clots, will post on your thread.
Thank you Trish and Tina, it is good to hear your thoughts. I wish I could give credit to my IMS about checking every month, but she did not come up with that plan or any plan yet.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I did not call the vet tech back. I was so angry with IMS that I could not trust myself so allowed a cooling off period and actually wanted to see if I ignored them would IMS herself call since I asked her to call me directly over a month ago with no call back.:mad::mad:
I scheduled Zoe's eye recheck for April 20th with hopes I could get her ACTH test done that week as well as the UA with needle draw and culture. I want to ask them if they can check the kidneys with the ultra sound while they use it to find her bladder and can they also check her bladder for stones, etc. I dont know for sure if they can do this but it was suggested in an article I read so it must be possible.:confused:
I was able to walk her down the hill this morning as temps were above 32. She had trouble in the beginning but was walking better coming back up. I will do the one day on and one day off walk if we dont get snow and cold this week.
I cut her melatonin down to 1.5 mgs and will try every other night for a week to see how her eyes do. Then if still a problem, will go back to 4 nights a week as before.
I dont regret the surgery, it had to be done to give her a chance, had the growth gotten any larger, it would not have been able to be removed, it was already deeper than they thought and they had to remove more tissue than originally thought to get clear margins.
Zoe's birthday is April 17th. Well we celebrate her birthday on that day as it is the day we adopted her, we dont really know when her birthday is or how old she is. They told us she was five years old and I always said, yeah, five going on nine!!!! She never acted like a five year old dog, she always acted like a nine year old dog. So she must be at a minimum 11 years old. Three years ago on her birthday, they told me they suspected Cushings. So every year, I get paranoid, will another shoe drop for her on her birthday.:rolleyes:
I dont think that is a good thing, I need an attitude adjustment:D
molly muffin
03-24-2013, 09:53 AM
Some warm weather and getting back on track and a schedule with the walks and melatonin, will probably make you and Zoe both feel better.
You know if the IMS and vet don't come up with a plan, then you can just come up with your own plan, like the testing in a month. Then let them know what the plan is :)
I really do hope though that this will be a calm period and everything will turn out just fine, with no kidney problems. :) I live on hope, so willing to share it around all over the place.
We're above freezing during the days here this week!!!!! I'm beyond thrilled. It's still below freezing at night, so need to get this snow melted and gone so we don't get any ice walkways from the snow melt, but it's still better than what we've had to deal with this year. Hope it's going to start being good weather your way too. No more of those Alberta clipper winter storms. We've had enough of that!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Lol Sharlene, the only time I did not come up with a plan was for her surgery, I loved the surgeon, she so listened to every concern I had and addressed it. Usually, it is my plan for Zoe and I dont know that is really a good thing, if I had to depend on IMS to come up with a plan, not sure where we would be right now:rolleyes::rolleyes::eek: I have not liked some of her plans when I did listen to her, like changing her dose right after her neck surgery, dang, the surgeon almost rolled her eyes at that one:rolleyes::rolleyes:
tentative plan right now is to do these rechecks and then depending on the results, follow through with gp vet in town for UA rechecks.
It all stems on what the rechecks results are in April. I was just concerned if waiting another month was bad for her UPC.
Hi Addy,
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and Zoe. I'm glad the walk went a little better today. I'm so sick of winter! My hubby and I are up at the North Shore. My girls are with mom and dad. It was hard for me to leave Hannah because I'm always worried something will happen. Try to remember to take it one day at a time.
Julie & Hannah
Addy, if I go by what my vet said about the UPC, waiting a month to have it rechecked should not be bad, as she recommended to recheck Jasper's in 3 months. When his turned out to be so high after 3 months, I specifically asked her if it would have made a difference if we rechecked it sooner.
She of course said that it wouldn't have made a difference, as the results likely wouldn't have been as definitive whether to treat or not. I guess I can accept that reasoning, but I still wish we would have rechecked it again in a month, knowing what I know now. I am paranoid and I know that right now I would feel better if we had checked it sooner, even though the vet said it wouldn't have made any difference. To me a month seems like a reasonable time frame for a recheck to monitor for any changes. (((Hugs)))
Morning All,
This is just bizarre and I dont know if it will last but the last two days, Zoe's water intake has decreased dramatically, less than what it was before the surgery.
I called the vet tech back, explained I was unhappy that IMS never returned by calls, vet tech is one I dont care for, she proceeded to try to tell me what she thought should be done so I than proceeded to tell her why I did not care for her plan and we had a bit of a power play on the phone:o
Zoe goes April 18th for her stim at 9:15, she tried to give me a 10am again, put a stop to that;)we wil do a needle draw, full UA, culture and recheck UPS, my plan not hers, she said IMS wants to know what my thoughts are. Not sure how to take that statment, who the heck is the doctor here? Can I send them a bill?:eek:
So that is our update and I am not sure how long it will all last. If it were not for her weak back legs, I would say she was doing great the last two days, alert, active and happy, pu/pd dramatic decrease.
Does elevated estradiol cause them to drink and pee more? Maybe the melatonin kicked in.:confused::confused::confused:
love you all
03-26-2013, 08:29 AM
Hey Addy
As long as she is drinking enough then it's a good thing, isnt it? :)
Can't answer re the hormones question as I have no clue as you well know ;)
Fisticuffs before dawn with vets is never good, sets the tone for the day, at least you persisted and got what you both needed
Just sending a big hug your way, hope your snow has thawed, it has been sent our way :eek:
Hi Addy-
Glad to hear the drinking and urinating has decreased. Not sure what to tell you about the vet....or the vet tech....but I'm glad you won! :) I also think you should send the vet a bill. :D It is strange. What do you have to do to talk to the vet?!?!?!?!
I'm glad Zoe is feeling good, even if her little back legs are not at their best. She's happy, and that's what's most important! :)
Julie & Hannah
03-29-2013, 12:33 AM
Hi Addy
I am proud of you, standing your ground.. yay for you!!!:D
Hope the less drinking/peeing is a sign of things to come now that Zoe is recovering nicely.
Have a nice long weekend if you have one!
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-29-2013, 03:38 AM
Hey Addy
Just wondering how you and sweet Zoe are?
How's the drinking?
Big hug
Hi Guys,
It has been a busy last few days. Mom's birthday is tomorrow (same day as my birthday, weird to share birthdays) so we have company coming over tonight and tomorrow, kids were here last nite, just nuts.:):):o:o
Zoe is good except for her back leg. The drinking and peeing is less than before surgery except on the days following no melatonin at bedtime but tramadol. Then it is like before surgery, slight increase. Maybe its the tramadol. IDK:confused::confused: But no where near what it was and this week it has been consistant.
She and Koko have spring fever, snow is melting and they just want to go outside and smell, smell, smell.
This morning I just let Zoe walk around in the front yard with her leash dragging while I put some winter stuff in the garage and tried to sweep up all the sand I had put down for her. She thought that was really great, you should have seen her face.:D:D:D:D:D
Everyone keeps asking what do I want for my birthday and I tell them I already got the best present I could have ever received, Zoe is drinking and peeing like she used to. No better present than that:D
love you all, thanks for checking on us
03-29-2013, 10:29 AM
Hi Addy,
Your birthday wish of better health for your Zoe brought really big tears to my eyes:) I am so glad that your baby is having such a better time. My girls are loving the spring melt here as well...I can hear them sniffing a mile away:p, and I love it.
Please let me be the first to wish you a very happy early birthday. I know that it will be special because of the wonderful gift you have already received:)
love and hugs Lynda and Nika
I hope Zoe's back leg feels some relief soon:(
molly muffin
03-29-2013, 11:18 AM
Sounds like the perfect birthday gift to me too Addy. I'm glad things are going well right now for Zoe. Hopefully with some time, the back leg too will get stronger. Now that the snow is going, one hopes for good, some short walks would help with strengthening muscles. I usually have to start molly out short and then go longer on her walks after winter. If I don't I'll find myself having to carry her home! She lays down under a tree and refuses to move till She feels like it. :)
Double party tomorrow!!! Happy Early Birthday just in case I miss it in the morning! :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
03-29-2013, 11:32 AM
So glad things are looking up and pray the trend continues! You and your family have a ball with the birthday celebrations. If it just so happens that lamp shades get involved, we require pics! ;):p:D
Leslie and the gang
03-29-2013, 05:48 PM
It's official, it is already tomorrow here in New Zealand so that means your birthday is UNDERWAY!!
Have a fantastic day with your family and friends... Happy happy birthday to your Mom too!! How fab you share your day :):):)
I bet you feel like celebrating now sweetie Zoe is feeling better, so pleased for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-29-2013, 05:50 PM
STINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where did my pretty colours go in your birthday message!!!
03-29-2013, 07:11 PM
Happy Birthday to you and your Mom. I know you were a wonderful birthday present for your Mom. So glad Zoe is doing better. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family. Love, JoAnne
Simba's Mom
03-29-2013, 08:57 PM
Sending out BIRTHDAY wishes!!!!
Happy Birthday Addy!!!:D :D :D :D:D
I love your Birthday wish, and it is the greatest gift indeed. So glad to read that Zoe is feeling better and I hope her leg continues to improve. Have a wonderful Birthday, and wishing your Mom Happy Birthday also!
Tina and Jasper
Squirt's Mom
03-30-2013, 10:18 AM
Happy Birthday, Addy!
And Happy Birthday, Addy's Mom!
We hope there is much laughter, love and peace in your home today and every day that follows!
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick and Sophie
03-30-2013, 11:06 AM
Oh Addy, "Happy Birthdays!!!" from me, too!!! :p :) :D :p :) :D
03-30-2013, 11:28 AM
wishing you a very happy,healthy,fun filled birthday addy !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox :)
molly muffin
03-30-2013, 11:58 AM
Have a wonderful, fun filled day. Dancing on tables with lampshades full encouraged. (with photos) :) :) :)
Bo's Mom
03-30-2013, 12:17 PM
Woohoo.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Ohhhh, you guys, I love you all, thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes.:):)
Zoe celebrated a bit tooo much Friday so she rested a lot yesterday which was good. Mom tuckered out early yesterday, the commotion was a bit much, I think for her, so we had an earlier day yesterday and now hubby and I had tons of deli left over that we had purchased for dinner. My guess is the kids will be over later to polish that all off;)
Hubby surprised me with a Sony audio docking station for my phone which I thought was totally cool so now the pups and I can really listen to golden oldies when I get home from work. They really love that station:D:D:D:D They get so excited and happy when I sing and dance around the kitchen.
I had mom and Zoe for another birthday, so that is a happy day indeed. It is hard to watch them both age. Mom turned 89 yesterday.
Thank you all again
molly muffin
03-31-2013, 10:45 AM
Happy Easter. So glad that you had a good birthday with Zoe and your mom.
I hope you also have a wonderful easter day.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Roxee's Dad
03-31-2013, 05:05 PM
:):):) Happy Birthday Addy and to your Mom too :):):)
I missed your birthday! I'm so sorry! I'm so happy it was a good day for you, your mom, and Zoe. I hope you rocked out to some tunes! :D:D:D
Happy belated birthday! :)
Julie & Hannah
04-01-2013, 03:56 PM
Hi Addy! Wishing you a wonderful belated birthday. I hope your year is filled with much Love, Peace, Joy and Good Health!
Sharon, Norman and Millie
Thank you, Sharlene, Julie, John, Sharon for the birthday wishes:):)
I did get a bad cold for my birthday along with my other presents:(
Zoe is pretty much back to drinking and peeing like she was prior to surgery. It may be wishful thinking on my part but her back legs seem a tiny bit better since we started our one day on one day off walking. Not sure why the surgery would make them worse, surgeon siad it should not. Could she have thown a blood clot to her leg? I read that possibility on someone elses thread and never thought of it. Maybe just more muscle wasting from not walking much for all those weeks.
At any rate, she did bark, bark hop pretty good last night and she remains a very happy dog despite all her issues.
I am almost dreading the upcoming vet visits.:o:o:o:o
04-03-2013, 02:50 PM
Dear Addy
Zoe is a fighter. Glad she is doing better.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
A belated happy Birthday.
Bailey's Mom
04-03-2013, 05:53 PM
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...................... ....-
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...................... ....-
Happy Birthday dear Addy.............................................. .................-
I wish that I knew!!
I've been MIA again. I am so glad to hear all the Mom's and Zoe's are doing well. I know you wondered not that long ago about finding a new vet. Is there any possibility of making that happen? Why is it that so many vets are so callous? Or is it indifference?
Well....we're still in the 50s but we are seeing some blue skies and when the wind dies down, it's bearable. I have planted a flat of pansies and have fed EVERYthing! Bob helped a LOT. Bailey even had the opportunity to run free out front and boy did she love that! More people are starting to come down and she seems to be adjusting to the increase in activity pretty well. Next Monday she has her 13th week surgery final follow up. I think she'll pass with flying colors.
Oops............I guess I should be updating on my thread.
Glad to hear about the happy birthdays. Looking forward to a recent picture of Zoe........and Addy!!
Boriss McCall
04-03-2013, 06:21 PM
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY ADDY! hope it was a good one.
molly muffin
04-03-2013, 06:36 PM
Yay! So glad to hear that Zoe is getting back to being herself. She just needed some time mom. :) Takes longer to heal, the older you get for all of us it seems. :)
I love Zoe's little chicken walk, hop hops. She must be feeling better. ;)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-04-2013, 06:29 AM
Happiest belated Birthday to you and your mom Addy.:);)
Sorry I missed it. Life surely does get busier and busier.
Nevertheless, always in my thoughts and heart.
Hope you, mom, hubby and Zoe and Koko had a very special and fun celebration.
Tight Hugs and love.
Xo Jeanette and my Princess
Oh Jeanette and Sonja,
I am so excited to hear from you both. I hope Princess is well and you are too Jeanette and Sonja, I sure hope you are sharing Sonja Super Sunday Specials again with Ariel, or do I have the wrong name?
Susan- I just want you better and the only reason I dread the upcoming appointments is because of all the stress for us not because of the IMS, I can tangle with the best of them (or worst of them?):D:D:D
Sharlene, she is feeling better, weird thing, she has those white calcinosis cutis bumps on her neck and back. I watch them carefully. Last spring when I upped her dose, they went away except for one or two stayed an got very tiny. IMS said that was very unusual. The white bumps were starting to get bigger and increase in quantity which was one reason I had wanted to change her dose in January. I just noticed that are almost gone again except for 2 which are again really tiny.:confused::confused:
The last time this happened within a few week of her cortisol going down under five. I wonder if it dropped?
I guess that would be too good to be true and I better not get my hopes up for her stim in 2 weeks.
I dont get it.
We had a good chicken walk today down the hill and back.
Harley PoMMom
04-04-2013, 04:11 PM
Oh crap, I can't believe I missed you and your Mom's birthdays. :eek::mad:
Happy Birthday to you both!!!!
LOL, Lori, I loved your "oh crap" and am still laughing so thank you so much for the belated birthday wishes:D:D:D
molly muffin
04-04-2013, 09:12 PM
Molly has one maybe two of those white bumps. It makes me wonder if I should be treating her or not. They aren't big though and I don't want them to get big either. I wouldn't even know they were there if they hadn't cut her so short last time at the groomer.
Hasn't Zoe's water intake gone down too? Maybe the cortisol has dropped. You know I was wondering also if maybe because it went up (the cortisol) when she had the lump and then the surgery and her body would have produced more, then when that was all over, if there would be a substantial drop or not. Would it then level out on it's own in relation to the vetoryl. It is such a confusing disease and so many variables appear to surround it.
I hope her back leg keeps getting stronger with the walks now. Love it the weather is finally making it more walkable outside.
Lori, you're a hoot! I laughed at the 'oh crap' too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Yea, who knows with the cortisol or the protein loss. I just dont want to keep putting her through so much. Her birthday is in two weeks. On that day it will be 3 years since I learned she had Cushings. The last year has been hard for her but she is no wear near ready to leave this world. She is still fighting. Sometimes, I dont know how to stop fighting for her. It is what I have done since I brought her home from animal control six years ago.
There’s a face at my door,
Long silky ears, honey colored and white
Large black eyes rimmed in black, like eye liner.
There’s a face at my door
Expectant look, waiting so patiently
Is she home yet? Is that her car I hear?
Beautiful face at my door
From a distance, failing body hid from view
Clock turned back in time to a day long past
Beautiful face at my door
Still so very real today
Not yet a ghost here then gone
Zoe at my door
Ever in my heart
Always at my door
04-05-2013, 11:04 AM
Oh Addy, that is so sweet and don't we all fear that we won't see that beautiful face when we step in the door. We are all hoping to have just a few more years with our furbabies. We probably were not fearing it so much until this terrible disease called Cushings crept into our life. My little CoCo still has a cone on so he will not lick the booboo on his foreskin, just won't seem to completely heal. It is on the side close to his body so stays moist. I did have a band on him, but was afraid that was how he hurt his foot trying to get the band off. He never complains of anything. I am glad Zoe is doing so well. It is hard to figure out what to do. I am afraid CoCo's cortisol may be going up, but trying not to aggravate him any more until the booboo and sore foot are healed. Take care and hang in just a day at the time. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
04-05-2013, 08:01 PM
That is beautiful Addy.
I sometimes don't think I could bear the day that molly is not at the door or looking out the window when I drive up. I think though that we all feel like that and I try not think of it, as in ever.
I figure that we'll fight for them as long as they want us to and when that day comes, then hopefully somehow we will be able to survive it through our broken hearts.
It's not here yet though!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-05-2013, 11:11 PM
how beautiful!
I have never cried so often as I do when I read the posts on this forum.
Bailey's Mom
04-06-2013, 01:32 AM
Addy, I just know you didn't make it through that without a box of Kleenex!! How warm and loving your words are.
We have always had full view storm doors....the ones where the glass goes all the way to the bottom. We have had three poodle mix doggies. Each one on their own has "taken the position" at the front door when the door is left open and sits and watches for Mommy when Mommy is outside. While they have all been different poodle mixes, they have looked similar in size and shape. What I remember different with Bailey is that when we first got her, she had to stand on her hind legs just to see out the window. Now she sits at the door and sees out just fine, thank you very much! And when you're outside and you look at the door and you see this face with her unique markings framed in this door, it just melts your heart, no matter how many times you've seen it before.
You might want to get a picture of that face at your door.:)
04-10-2013, 12:12 PM
Dear Addy
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Zoe will fight for you as long as she can. You do what you can. Apollo fought so hard for me. Even when he could hardly walk , he would try to for me. The love they have for us is so strong, it keeps them going. We fight with them. EVery moment becomes a gift. Enjoy the good days. LIke so many I thought we would have maybe two more years but that was not to be. I think about you both often, Molly and the others. How exhausting and cruel this disease is.
Love and Hugs Sonja, Angel Apollo and his little brother Arial( he is a new bag of surprises)
04-11-2013, 06:33 PM
Hey Addy
Just wanted to check in and see how you and Zoe are doing?
Haven't seen an update from you in a while so just wondering...?
Big hug
04-12-2013, 07:31 AM
Hey Addy: Hope everyone is ok. I have not seen you in awhile. Love, JoAnne
Hi Addy,
I just wanted to check on you guys too. Everything going okay?
Julie & Hannah
Hi Guys, thanks for checking on us.
I try to write an update, cant and give up.:o:o I think I am between a rock and a hard place with everything so have been feeling numb. Yesterday hubby said "quit trying to save her, you cant, just keep her comfortable for whtever days we have left". I felt like he kicked me in the stomach.
The melatonin helps her but hurts her eyes
The fluriprofen help and hurts her eyes
Her tummy cant handle higher dose of the metronidazole but I am too terrfied that the slippery elm bark will make her allergies worse and hurt her eyes.
The raw turkey is the only food her body can process correctly but has too much fat in it
When I try to cut back on the raw she starts losing mucsle and weight
She is eating the same amount of calories of Honest Kitchen as Koko plus her raw food. I tried for six weeks to cut back on the raw and amount of food, as I thought that she cant handle that much food with her IBD Her tummy was not as bloated and she was walking better but now her hip bones and spine bones are sticking out
She is pooping 4-5 times a day even though I increase her metronidazole and cut back on her food quantity.
Yet she is waiting to go on her chicken walk and trying to chase Koko this morning.
I thought maybe she should go back on ID as it is high digestible and perhaps she will process it better but worry she will start chewing her feet again which is waht happened last time and she pooped 4-5 times a day on that crap too. I think her IBD is just getting worse.
Sorry for all the dumping. Her birthday is next week, she sees the vet Thursday, eye doc Saturday. I am expecting bad news.
I am not the greatest company right now:o:o:o I've bargained with God so many times, I think perhaps my credit is no good any more with him.
Gotta run
molly muffin
04-12-2013, 09:21 AM
Addy sweetie, you do and have done everything possible to give Zoe the best life ever. I think it is has worked too. She has a good home, she loves to do the chicken walk, she'll chase Koko as long as she can and probably even past that.
She is happy. Sometimes that is all that is asked for . Can we save them? nope, they will always end up passing on well before we are ready for them too. Can we do the best we can for them to give them a happy, comfortable, safe life? You bet we can and you do. So don't kick yourself too much. Whatever comes at the vets and I know you are worried about that eye appointment, it's a one day at a time journey. Enjoy the good, work around whatever comes your way and know that no matter what You do, Zoe thinks you are the cats meow in her world. :)
And hey, we think you're pretty great too!!! zoe obviously is right!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-12-2013, 09:45 AM
Oh wow Addy. Sorry you are having a bad few days, but you know it will get better and you will figure out what to do about Zoe, you always do. We continue to try to help our furbabies live as well as they can. Look at all the things Zoe has gone through and you have pulled her through. Cushings is just a cruel disease, but you have managed to take everything Zoe has been hit with and helped her through it and she has come out the other side, a happy furbaby, still wagging her tail and chasing KoKo and that makes us smile and that seems to be all the thanks we need. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
04-12-2013, 10:24 AM
We can't stop trying, can we honey? It just isn't in our nature. As long as there are those moments when we know our babies are still fighting, we must continue to fight right along side them. Your sweet girl is FULL of fight as is her amazing mom so you tell your hubby to go squeeze a banana. ;)
Many hugs, dear lady,
Leslie and the gang
04-12-2013, 10:27 AM
also sending healing thoughts, prayers and xoxox patty(milo)meka xoxox
04-12-2013, 12:55 PM
Cushings sucks period. It has nothing to do with you bargaining and men just don't don't know how to communicate nicely sometimes. I'm sure that your husband is just tired of seeing you hurting and worried.
Please don't blame yourself.
I do think that Zoe isn't ready to give up since she's still walking.
Will something like Fortiflora help her with her IBD?
Honestly, I can't say enough good things about that stuff! Daisy has diarrhea for YEARS and she hasn't had a single incidence since being on it.
Crossing my fingers for you both!
Take care sweetie.
I just found out that our Nutritionist has also opened a business of her own as well as Gulf Coast position. If you would like to see her face book page its and her web page is still under the works. Maybe she could offer some advice?
04-13-2013, 08:47 AM
Dear Addy:
I know all the feeling you have going on inside you, as most of us do. I think it is just our nature when we love something as much as these babies to keep trying to save them. No one can fault you for that, as we would all be guilty of it. The viciousness of this disease just robs you of your soul, but serves to endear you more to your baby. I am astounded at the number of new cases popping up on here daily. Something has to be done about this disease. The suffering on all parties is too deep. I know the feeling when I get overwhelmed and the mountain seems to steep to climb. That all goes away though, when my sweet Tipper comes and gently licks my face in the morning. All of us are blessed with the time we have with our babies, but continue to want more. Men just don't get it, they don't understand the need and constant struggle with keeping these babies going. They wouldn't expect you to give up on a child, and this is no different. In many ways even more cruel, as these little ones cannot tell us what is bothering them. Addy just pray that God helps Zoe, and helps you to continue on. A lot of Tipper's issues I am putting in God's hands. Don't be afraid to ask God for Mercy, as he will answer you. God Bless You and Zoe.
Thank you for all the love and support, all the good suggestions too. I am feeling much better and will have the strength to face whatever Zoe and I need to face.
One good thing a day:
Yesterday while I was cleaning up in the kitchen after the pups finished their dinner, we had the front door open (we have a full view storm door) and Koko loves to watch out the door, I call it his "dog TV". He cant wait to see a critter or a person or a dog walking down the street. He runs to tell me about whatever event is happening and I go with him and sit down at the door with him to watch the action for a few mintes. He loves that.:):)
Anyway, Zoe went to the front door, saw a man and a dog walking down the road and barked and barked for Koko to come see, which he did. The two of them enjoyed some dog TV and it has been a long time since that happened. It was a goood thing to see.:)
molly muffin
04-13-2013, 09:50 AM
Awww, love the dog TV.
Molly's tv is out the front window, where she sits on the window seats and lets everyone in the world (even Across the street) Know that this is her domain for as far as she can see and they better, pick up any poop left behind, not make too much noise with that car engine, knock properly on the front door, cut the grass just right and the main thing...Come nowhere Near our front door at the risk of loss of limb. (she thinks she is so ferocious) Once a very scary incident, the front door was unlocked, I was having a nap, and a guy just opened my door and walked in. Molly Screamed! Never hear that sound out of a dog before, but she ran out the door and had him backed up against the wall of the house while I discussed proper protocol of Knocking on a door first, even if you think you know the people and then pointing him down the sidewalk to go about his business. Aren't the little ones hilarious!
I'm glad that Zoe and Koko shared a bit of Doggy TV again. Did you go sit with them and watch too? Do they want you to bark with them? I'm never really sure if we are suppose to join in or just admire their technique.
One good thing! :) Love it!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-13-2013, 11:04 AM
Doggy TV, love it! I've never thought of it that way either, and yet it is so true. Oz and Fraser have my front lounge room window with a view out to the whole street. It's the best part of my day when I pull into the driveway after work and see them standing there anxiously waiting for me to come home and go for a walk. Have to love that don't you?
As for credit running out? Not possible! Keep those prayers going. As long as Zoe is happy (which she obviously is if she is wanting to sit and bark with Koko) then she will keep fighting the good fight. And we will keep fighting it right alongside you both as well. Chin up and take one good day at a time.
Hi Addy,
So sorry to hear you're struggling a little bit, but I totally understand. Sometimes we just get overwhelmed because we feel like we can't win. I am feeling that way right now with all of the meds Hannah needs because everything can interact and cause other things not to work. It does stink to feel so stuck. But it is so good to hear Zoe is feeling pretty good and that she is enjoying watching "doggy t.v." That is such a cute story!
You have done such a wonderful job taking care of her, Addy, and so many times things have resolved and turned out so well. I know sometimes it feels like that just can't keep happening (I have the same thinking. I always prepare for and assume the worst, and then am thrilled if that's not the case), but think about how many times it has. You and Zoe have successfully navigated so many things. I am confident you can keep doing it!
I get stressed with check ups too, and always have a nagging worry, but usually it isn't as bad as I think. I know Hannah is getting very old and has a lot of stuff going on, so I also know it won't be shocking when something is actually VERY wrong. And I think that's why I always assume everything is going to be really bad. It's not good to do that to myself, I know, but at the same time, I'm not let down when it's better. Instead, I feel so grateful for a little more time with her. So maybe that thinking isn't all that bad...
Anyway, we're all here for you and will be here to "talk" after each appointment. Remember, Zoe is happy. She's enjoying her chicken walks and doggy t.v. That's what's most important right now.
Thinking of you always,
Julie & Hannah
04-14-2013, 08:14 AM
Love your idea of one good thing a day, sometimes we get so caught up with all the worry understandably so.
Dog TV sounds awesome and the picture of them both made me smile
Hoping for some more news of antics soon.
Big hug
Thank you for all the love and support, all the good suggestions too. I am feeling much better and will have the strength to face whatever Zoe and I need to face.
One good thing a day:
Yesterday while I was cleaning up in the kitchen after the pups finished their dinner, we had the front door open (we have a full view storm door) and Koko loves to watch out the door, I call it his "dog TV". He cant wait to see a critter or a person or a dog walking down the street. He runs to tell me about whatever event is happening and I go with him and sit down at the door with him to watch the action for a few mintes. He loves that.:):)
Anyway, Zoe went to the front door, saw a man and a dog walking down the road and barked and barked for Koko to come see, which he did. The two of them enjoyed some dog TV and it has been a long time since that happened. It was a goood thing to see.:)
04-14-2013, 08:23 AM
Hope today brings with it some new zest, and spark in Zoe. It is wonderful to think of the simple things as doggy t.v. that bring such pleasure and peace of mind. You have to take what you can get from these situations now. Just a glimmer of hope is enough light to get thru another day. God Bless you and Zoe.
I found this on my work computer. I wrote it before Zoe was diagnosed with Cushings. I wanted to share it in honor of her birthday Wednesday. Thank you for allowing the indulgence:)
Zoe’s Lesson
My dog, Zoe, taught me to hear today, or rather how to listen, really listen and the result totally blew me away. After months and months of working with Zoe, I finally get it. I finally understand and I can not contain my excitement. But first, a little background.
Zoe came to me from our local Animal Control. After arresting her owner, Animal Control had seized Zoe and would not allow her to be returned. I never knew why her previous owner was arrested. I didn’t want to know.
I figured it would be too much baggage for me to handle and would interfere with our relationship.
Needless to say, Zoe is reactive. She is also a Lhasa Apso; guard dog of the Buddhist temples, the lion dog, bred
to warn of intruders inside the temples. Now if you own a Lhasa that has not been properly socialized, you can appreciate the task I have in curbing wariness of strangers and sounding alarms. Add to the mix a Lhasa that has been seized by Animal Control and locked up in doggie jail, well, you KNOW I have my hands full!
But for me it is truly a labor of love. The day I brought Zoe home I made her a promise. I promised I would
never allow anything bad to happen to her again. My biggest fear was that she might bite someone so I knew
I had to work really hard. I spent the entire first summer having her tied to my waist. I patiently taught her to
allow me to touch her paws and her head by giving her countless massages before bed. I took her everywhere I possibly could to expose her to people, places and other dogs, not allowing anyone to come too close. Zoe is
beautiful so it was very hard to stop people from coming to close and reaching for her head.
The local library got used to me coming in and checking out arm loads of dog books. I read each one twice, some three times just in case I missed something. My own library was expanded to include all my favorite dog authors, Patricia McConnell, Jean Donaldson Ali Brown and Stanley Coren.
We became regulars at the humane society, enrolling in all the clicker training classes we could. She made progress, good progress. We both became more confident. When she gave me her first “Watch Me” after seeing
a dog across the street, without me even asking, well, I thought I would surely burst with pride.
But then Zoe got sick, first hurting her paw and then with colitis. We went to the vet at least once a month unable
to find permanent solutions to her problems. The lameness hurt Zoe the most as she became house bound. I had
to cut back to ten minute walks, only walking to the corner a few times a day. Anything more would cause her to start limping. Zoe spent the winter curled up next to the sofa. A few minutes of standing outside in the cold and snow was too much for her and she would just lie down, not wanting to stand. I would pick her up and bring her back into the house, carefully wiping her feet. She was sweet to her family, really sweet. When early spring arrived and the snow and ice had melted, Zoe was finally able to go outside again for longer walks. It was then I realized her reactivity had taken a down turn and she was far worse than ever before. Too much time next to the sofa had not been good for Zoe.
Devastated, I tried to cope with her barking and lunging at strangers, dogs, bicycles, even cars. All the patient
work and progress was gone, gone during a winter of cold, illness and isolation. How do I start over? How do I even find the energy to start over? Then I remembered how the good days had energized me even though the bad days had wiped me out. I remembered a promise, too. A promise I had made to Zoe about not letting anything
bad happen to her again. That was a really tall promise to fill.
We started over, one day at a time, one walk at a time. We went to a holistic vet who started Zoe on a raw meat diet, Shen Calmer and thyroid medication and we patiently practiced overcoming one fear at a time. We clicked
our way through our fear of bicycles. Spring blossomed into summer and before the colors of fall came, we had conquered that fear. Zoe was able to see a bicycle and not react but turn and “Watch Me”. We can now “Go To Our Place” when family members come by to visit and “Stay and Watch Me” as they walk in and out the front door.
We are finding it harder to relinquish our fear of strangers. We don’t come across many walking in our neighborhood. But we practice every chance we can.
This brings me to my hearing lesson of today. This morning Zoe and I calmly walk down our street. The leaves
are turning yellow and orange and there is a cold nip in the air. We get a later start as dawn doesn’t break until almost 7:00. We practice walking “By Me” and “Sit” whenever I stop. Her eyes are softer today and smaller. Those beautiful black rimmed eyes, large to begin with are not the size of saucers. She is focused on me because that means chicken and Zoe loves chicken. We see a neighbor putting out branches at the curb and as I see her
ears go up I tell her to “Bye Me” and Watch Me”. She eagerly complies and gets her reward. We continue down the street with a simple “Leave It” command keeping her from growling. She does not get chicken for that. Once we reach the round-about I allow Zoe time to smell. She reads her “Pee Mail” and we start toward home. I scan the street but do not see anything to be concerned about, no people, dogs, or cars. Zoe growls, low and
soft, a few moments later. It takes me by surprise. I had just checked and no one is around. I quickly scan the
street again, keeping the leash, loose, Zoe walking at my side. “Nothing there Zoe” I tell her but she growls again, that same low, soft growl, only a little louder now, looking at me then turning her head. At that moment, at that exact moment, I close my eyes for and listen, listen as hard as I can and concentrate. There it is, a noise, faint to me in the distance, a sound, what was that sound? It starts coming closer and I realize what it is. “Oh, I hear it now” I tell her. Zoe and I turn our heads at the exact same time to see the neighbor walking slowly from
his backyard, quite a distance away, pulling branches. The noise we hear is that of the branches, rubbing against the grass. In an instant I call Zoe to me and give her the “Leave It” command. She turns and gives once last look
to the “SOUND” and calmly comes to me, her eyes soft and knowing, mimicking my calm. She knows I hear it,
the scary sound. She knows she warned me and she believes me when I tell her it is okay. At that moment I realize the best way to help Zoe is to use more of my senses. I have to listen and see. Scanning the horizon is not enough.
I have to listen to our world as closely as I can so I can acknowledge her alarm, hear her warning and say, yes, I hear it too and it is okay, I have it under control, thank you. I need to allow her to give the warning not try to stop it. I get it Zoe, I finally get it and she seems to recognize that fact. She has a different look in her eyes now.
Thank you, Zoe, for teaching me another lesson. Thank you for the gift you give me every single day. My world
is so much more with you. I am so much more with you and as hard as it may be, I will try with all my might to keep my promise to you. And I will heed each lesson you teach me. For it really is a two way street. We teach them, they teach us.
molly muffin
04-15-2013, 05:53 PM
Oh Addy, thank you for sharing that. It just makes me get all teary. Zoe is a love. I find her totally precious.
Hugs Zoe and Addy
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-15-2013, 06:17 PM
Got me a bit teary too, what a sweet message to her for her birthday
They really are amazing animals and little Zoe obviously had been through so much before, the fact you have been able to get her to respond that way is clearly testament to the love you have for one another
Big hug for you and a kiss for your girlie
04-15-2013, 06:19 PM
Oh Addy you have me nearing the bottom of my kleenex box!! That was so sweet of you to share. Zoe is a blessing to you sent straight form God. She has a wonderful, caring, and loving mommy to always share things with. God Bless You Both
I've got the tears rolling too, Addy. Thanks so much for sharing this story. It makes me think of my little Izzy. She's so misunderstood and began her life much like I suspect Zoe must have.
It also reminded me that I need to work harder with her. We are only just beginning, but with so much going on with Hannah, there isn't always a lot of time and energy left for her. I know she wants to be sweet; she's just scared of so much. And unsure of everyone.
Zoe is one incredibly lucky girl. And you are wonderful for taking such excellent care of her. I know you're lucky to have her, too.
Julie & Hannah & Izzy
04-15-2013, 07:36 PM
Thanks for sharing Addy...Zoe is such a blessing and you to her as well.
Love and hugs,
Sharon, Norman and Millie
Harley PoMMom
04-15-2013, 07:46 PM
Oh Addy, that was so beautiful. And that promise you made to Zoe, You ARE utterly and completely fulfilling that promise to her, I hope you realize that because I know Zoe does.
Much love to you both, Lori
04-15-2013, 08:22 PM
Addy, I'm sorry to hear Zoe is having some problems. Hoping things get better. Thanks for sharing that story and I love the "doggie tv".
Big hugs to you and Zoe.
Simba's Mom
04-15-2013, 10:15 PM
Wow, what a beautiful story, your love for Zoe is so touching and very inspiring. Thank you for sharing that story, you are a great Mom to your precious Zoe, take care!
04-15-2013, 11:54 PM
Dear Addy
Our little girl is still here. Just for today. That is all we have. Try to focus on the moments. Thank you for sharing this wonderful posting. We are here for you.
Love Sonja and Angel Apollo
04-16-2013, 12:19 AM
Addy, I just loved your story of Zoe and all she means to you. Sounds like an extra special relationship. What people can do for dogs and what dogs can do for people never ceases to amaze. Thanks for sharing, your words about Zoe were so touching.
Bailey's Mom
04-16-2013, 02:45 AM
Hello dear friend....and I am so sorry it is so rough.............but in another day we'll have a big Birthday PAHTY!!!!!!!!:):) First I feel I must take care of some business.........did you get that camera out? Have you taken pictures of Zoe at the door? How about a picture of Zoe and Koko together? How about another one of the three of you watching doggie tv together? Also-it's time to be safe and save some of your thread to a file. You have written so many beautiful things over time and have so many beautiful will want to have them always.
How very wise of you not to pursue getting information about Zoe's background pre-adoption. You don't need that baggage. And how lucky is that little doggie? What a Mom!!! Can I come over and get some muscle rubs? You have always been so very patient with Zoe. Her days would not have numbered nearly as many had she not had you as her advocate. And stop all this silly talk about using up all your favors or whatever it was you called them. It doesn't work that way. You know the story about the two sets of footprints on the sand that then become one set of footprints? Sometimes we're just too close to what's happening to see that we are being helped, or the help looks "different" than what we are expecting. Just do the "next" thing, just as you have done so beautifully all along. Don't worry about something 4 or 5 days down the road....that robs you of joys that may be happening today.
Get your rest. Take some naps with Zoe. Take lots of chicken walks. Be sure she's getting lots of water. Smother her with kisses. Lots of kisses. She knows she is safe with you. You have kept your promise ten fold.
I am here with you.
04-16-2013, 05:14 AM
Addy that was just beautiful, and you write so well that I can just pictures those sights and sounds. You truly have a gift, the written kind but more importantly the gift of love which you have shared so freely with Zoe and everyone here. Thankyou so much for posting that.
Thanks guys, sometimes, I am just moved and words coming pouring out and I write them down, not really think about sentence structure or punctuation, I just have to write what is in my heart and get the words out.
I have spent six years watching and learning from Zoe, we are so intertwined, she feeds off of me, I feed off of her. Our beings are so meshed together.
Something is not right with Zoe. I'll take it one day at a time.
Squirt's Mom
04-16-2013, 09:54 AM
I have read this several times and end up crying my eyes out. It is beautiful, Addy, and a heart-felt tribute to the wonders our babies offer if we can only see and listen. Thank you for sharing.
04-16-2013, 11:48 AM
I am praying for you and Zoe. I know you said something was not right with Zoe and I pray to God it will be ok. Nobody knows these babies like their mommies. Prayers to you both.
Bailey's Mom
04-16-2013, 03:06 PM
Hi Addy-
Still here. On the right shoulder. Flapping my little wings. Watching over you and Zoe. Hugs aplenty.
04-16-2013, 03:32 PM
Sorry your instincts say something is off with your sweet girl. Sending you a big hug and a belly rub for Zoe
04-16-2013, 03:49 PM
Addy, I started reading your story about Zoe's lesson when you first wrote it. But I quickly stopped, because I knew I needed to wait to finish it until I was at a quiet time and at a quiet place. Right now was that time and place, and my eyes are full of tears for so many reasons. Bless Zoe, and bless you, and bless the life and love you share.
04-16-2013, 05:25 PM
Addy: The story you tell of Zoe is so beautiful. What a lucky little girl and what a lucky mama. May you have many more years to enjoy each other. I know we have to take whatever happiness and joy each day brings. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
04-16-2013, 05:31 PM
Addy sending you lots of hugs and belly rubs Zoe way.
If you say something if off with Zoe, then off it is. I know that you will figure out what it is, as you just always do. The two of your can read each other like a well loved book.
I hope it isn't something serious though.
You do write beautifully and it touches us all because we know that feeling, but maybe we just can't get it into words, so you write for us all and we honor you and Zoe's love for each other.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-16-2013, 06:42 PM
Hi Addy, love yr story! I love the connectedness (if that's a word!) between u two!
Just had to let u know, I found us a new girlie drink called Suicidal Mojita, it had absinthe and god knows what else in it.but I tell ya i I felt no pain after one of those :) So I will bring some duty free for our wagon!
04-16-2013, 10:11 PM
Write what is on your mind. Listen to your gut. You know Zoe more than anyone. Here for you warrior Sister.
Hugs Sonja, Angel Apollo.
Bailey's Mom
04-18-2013, 12:40 AM
Hi Addy....
I'm thinking of you and of Zoe. I hope all is well.:)
We are hanging in there, lots of flooding, we had some minor electrical issues but they are fixed now, rain is just really bad, yard is all flooded and it keeps raining, so far sump pumps have kept basement dry, not sure for how much longer. I need to pump out the pool, it is overflowing but have nowhere to go with all the water. Just a mess.:(
Zoe perked up a bit yesterday for her birthday in spite of being soaked all day. We are waiting to head for her IMS appointment this morning. I ended up giving her Vetoryl and it seemed like it was the right decision. Hard to keep up with her, one day she seems better, no house accidents, is walking a bit better and not so out of it and then the next day she seems a mess. I cut back on her food again as I really think her IBD cannot handle all this food. She needs the weight on her but she walks better when she does not have so much food. It is hard to explain.
I found some notes I had on when she was on the canned ID. Was not happy about what I had noted down.:( But that was 4 years ago. So maybe it would be different now.
Kate wants me to attend a banquette with her in May. She is to get a scholarship and an award from a local state group that supports and offers pre college programs she was involved with. She had the highest grade point average in the group amnd a winning essay. I am proud of her and honored she asked I attend. I will miss my little girl. Funny, I think she will always be my little girl no matter how old she gets:rolleyes: But she will always be my Kate. :D:D:D:D:D
Thats about it. Hoping the rain stops soon
04-18-2013, 09:39 AM
Addy, Hope the rain stops for you.
Happy Birthday to Zoe. Hope she has a good visit with the IMS and you both have a great day.
Squirt's Mom
04-18-2013, 10:01 AM
How did I miss Zoe's Birthday?! :eek:
Happy Birthday, sweet Zoe, and many more!
Harley PoMMom
04-18-2013, 10:58 AM
Happy Birthday, Zoe!!!
04-18-2013, 11:47 AM
Hugs and kisses to you and Zoe the birthday girl. Hope you both have a real good day together. Blessings
04-18-2013, 02:45 PM
Happy Birthday Zoe and congratulations to Kate!
04-18-2013, 04:44 PM
Happy birthday zoe and many more. Hope your im visit goes well. Love, joanne
04-18-2013, 04:59 PM
:D:D:D:D:DHappy, Happy Birthday, Zoe!:D:D:D:D
Jenny & Judi in MN
04-18-2013, 05:16 PM
Happy Birthday Zoe and congratulations to your brilliant girl!
04-18-2013, 05:27 PM
Happy Birthday sweet Zoe, hope you have an awesome day :D
Thank you all, Zoe woofs thank you too. We just got home from a very long day at the IMS clinic. I have not had time to eat yet today, considering what all went on the puppies were so good, Zoe was such a good girl. We had her stim done first. They then tried to do sterile urine draw, bladder small, no urine:confused: what? not like Zoe. So we had to wait another hour, still no urine, what the heck? They took blood pressure was 185. I told them no way, it is stress, I'll have it checked with eye vet Saturday, he knows how to handle her. They said well, we have to wait for another try at urine, we'll let her calm down and try again. Ims is trying to reassure me there are many reason to throw protein, not just kidney diease. I told her I know that but something is wrong and I am not so sure it is uncontrolled cortisol and she does not have high blood pressure. Long and short of the confrontation (hubby said I was confrontational but in my defense I went there with the mind set that I am not keeping quiet if I hear a bunch of bull doodle I know is not true.
So we did an ultra sound, still no urine, her little heart is pounding like crazy so I put a blanket on the floor in the room and turned out the light and laid down next to the blanket after I took of her harness and leash. Finally she lay down on the blanket next to me and went to sleeep. After an hour they came and tried blood presuure again and this time it was 152 (which was still stress as she freaked out when we woke her up and made her lay back down and then the cuff came off and strangers were putting cold goop on her paws so I help my hand to her chest and played with her ears so she finally put her head back down.
Waited another hour for verbal results of ultra sound. I dont have the report yet and by then my head was pounding and my blood sugar low and trying to stay calm and strong and not cry for my baby girl laying in my arms.
Cysts in kidneys mean kidney disease, she said, a nodule on left side of liver, they are not sure what it is, could be a mass, could be benign, could be malignant, would have to biopsy, I said no. Sludgh in gall bladder but she said we typically see that in cush dogs. Evidence of past pancreatitis but is not active now. I need to get the report to read. She said adreanls are huge, I need to see the numbers for size.
Her cortisol is pre 5.8 post 4.1. We have not changed her dose. So it appears one of two things may be at work here, please give me your thoughts:
the growth was contributing to her higher cortisol
her kidneys are having trouble now processing the Vetoryl
Change to BID 30.20
August 31 2 weeks after first surgery
pre 2.4 post 6.1
October 4th acted very sstressed and odd at this stim
Pre 7.2 post 10.2
January 14th, 2013 found growth
Pre 8.5 post 7.3
growth removed- kidney disease
April 18th
Pre 5.8 post 4.1
what does this mean?
We talked about a lot of things. She and the surgeon think the hair coat and hind legs are from her intermediate hormones being out of wack. I did not want to bring up it could ber her estradiol though I did tell her I cant put her on melatonin and ligans because of her dry eye disease.
So right now we wait to see what we will have to do for her kidney disease. She talked about trying Lysodren, no load, a low dose to see how her IBD handles the drug. Still says she wont load her, I told Dr. Peterson said originally zip change of working for her.
We left it at that, hubby was late for work, I could not handle any more and she had other patients. I argued with her about the cooling of period between the two drugs and she handed me some poo doodle and I told her straight I believed that her information was wrong but I would check with Dechra.
She does not feel we are seeing any neuroligical signs from the metronidazole. I will trust her on this.
I am just typing whatever I can remember and it probably does not make sense. I dont know the severity of her kidney disease yet.
love you all, will let you know more when I can
molly muffin
04-18-2013, 06:05 PM
Zoe had a birthday!!! :)
Happy Birthday Beatiful!
This has been a hard day for you and Zoe and probably Hubby too.
Just take it easy, relax and hang with your girl!
That sounds like a lot of fun, going to the banquet with Kate. You'll have a blast I bet.
I'm going to think about and see what I can find on the net about the cysts, kidney disease, etc.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Addy,
Sounds like it was a tough day at the vet today, but I'm glad you spoke up. I'm sure it will help when you have eaten and get the reports and have some time to take it all in. It sounds like Zoe did very well on such a stressful trip. I don't have any answers for you, but I sure hope someone else will, and that you'll be able to make a good decision about where to go from here.
Thinking of you and Zoe and hope you have a relaxing night at home!
Julie & Hannah
Simba's Mom
04-18-2013, 07:18 PM
Happy birthday Zoe!!!!!
sending hugs
04-18-2013, 07:35 PM
Hey Addy: What a terrible day. Glad you spoke up. You know Zoe better than anyone. Try to eat and relax with your puppies and try to absorb everythng that went on today. You will figure it out. Stress causes lots of problems in humans and sweet puppies. Try to have a good night. Love, JoAnne
04-18-2013, 07:47 PM
Sorry to hear it was such a rough day at the IMS.
Hugs to you and Zoe.
04-18-2013, 07:50 PM
Happy birthday to wee superdog Zoe!!!
What a day for you, I can feel the protective pet Mom bubbling away just as it should be.
So now the cortisol is in good range? Yes? But they think the drug is affecting her kidneys, I guess you have to wait see what those latest results are. Seems a shame to mess with cushing drugs if they are good.. so hard to tell what exactly is making her kidneys go off a little. I guess you will know more once all results are in. As you know I am pretty clueless on the cush side. Flynn has had several biopsies, they do fine needle aspirate ones that are easy under ultrasound and did not bother him at all but they can sometimes miss the nodule. Sometimes they need a larger piece and have to anaesthetise and do it open, so that is definitely more invasive.
I remember the time back in Nov 2011 when he collapsed, they found the big liver mass on ultrasound. Initially vet said it was curtains for Flynn as it looked malignant and he was shocked after collapsing. I nearly had him put down then and there, she said very small chance of it being something treatable and she said she could biopsy the liver but was not hopeful. I took him home that night (on a drip as I could not bear to leave him at vets overnight) and deliberated about the biopsy. In the end I thought to heck with it, if that the only chance he got we going for it. So pleased I did, as it turned out it was not so nasty after all and he could have it removed, all one pound of it. Anyway just wanted to give you a successful biopsy story and let you know that it is not so invasive but a bit like bladder cystocentesis.
But I guess in weighing up what would a result mean, if it was a cancer, would you operate, then I guess if that answer is no then probably no need to proceed with biopsy. I have had this same dilemma and my vet wrote to IMS a couple of months back to ask about this and here is IMS reply...
"Liver enzymes – honestly this is so hard to know what to do with – when the dog is clinically well – when do you start chasing numbers??? I would recommend recheck ultrasounds every 6months if she wants to monitor the changes – also comes down to – would she do anything? We may need to re biopsy the liver at some stage –would she do this? if not then don’t monitor!!!!"
I need to get to hospital, will check in later xx
No they did not say the Vetoryl is bothering her kidneys. I am wondering if the reason her cortisol finally is under 5 is either because the growth is finally gone or is it because her kidneys now cant process the drug right? It is my question. IMS seemed to think it was the growth. She is talking about Lysodren because she thinks her intermediate hormones are why Zoe's hind legs are weak and I asked how Lysodren affects the kidneys in case I have to stop the Vetoryl.
I believed with all my heart that last October, I needed to leave Zoe's dose alone, that she was having pain and I could not trust that stim. I felt something wrong happened that day by the way Zoe behaved.
I was ready to change her dose in January until the growth was discovered. I was not sure how that would affect her cortisol. IMS seems to think it had an affect on it since now she is post 4. I just wondered if it could be because of her kidneys.
I know it is hard to follow me. I am so out of it tonight:o:o:o
Bailey's Mom
04-18-2013, 10:16 PM
Hi Addy-
This is where my head starts to swim. This gets to be overload for my RAM and I need to add more RAM, but there are no more slots!
Get your rest. Be sure to eat. Hug that gal of yours. Say a prayer. You will know what to do or not to do. My thoughts and hugs are with you, sweetie.
molly muffin
04-18-2013, 11:11 PM
Hi Addy, you always thought that Zoe did better when her cortisol was a little higher than post 5. Do you still think that? Do you think going back to the original dosage would be better for her?
I know it is just over whelming and too much information sometimes. It's hard to know what to do to fix things something.
I do always believe though that your instincts when it comes to Zoe have been spot on and that is what you should stick with.
For now, just take some time and enjoy your little girl and have some quality time with her.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
04-19-2013, 12:20 AM
Oh Addy, I am so sorry that you have issues with Zoe and that they are worrying you so....sending huge, loving and comforting hugs.
One thing I want to remind you is that we have seen the post number drop in dogs that are on the same dose over a period of time, ok?
I was wondering if you could look at Zoe's previous chemistry panels and see if her potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and especially her creatinine, have been trending upwards.
Keeping you and sweet Zoe in my thoughts and prayers, and sending more hugs and love, Lori
Lori, her bun has been creeping up and so has the sodium. I will have to go back and check the other two.
I know dogs can continue to drop on the same dose, but this is Zoe:)
We all know Zoe, the mighty dog who escaped control quickly. On the surface it appears that the change in twice day dosing was in fact going to control her cortisol but "extenuating circumstances" kept her cortisol higher. It was the end of October I thought her vulva looked odd and asked GP about it. Now out of nowhere, the melanoma is gone and her cortisol in under 5. On the surface it appears the growth was elevating her cortisol but I dont know if I should draw that conclusion.
I think this answers some questions for me, her IBD not being as well controlled, her right paw going out again from her arthritis. What I dont have answers to is the off balance thing but IMS and surgeon think that is cushings neuropathy.
Remember I had posted a few weeks ago, it was odd, she is having accidents in the house but her calcinosis cutis deposits were going away? The other night wondering if I should give her her Vetoryl? I never guessed she was now 4 ug/dl and if she was stressed at all as her pre is a bit over five, maybe her post is a bit lower some nights and her IBD is bothering her.
But these are just points I am speculating.
I did feel good that IMS said she loved us and love Zoe and would do whatever I wanted her to do and that she may have to ask a nutritionist to come up with a diet for Zoe as she will need high fat for her kidneys at some point but that will be a problem for her IBD and pancreas.
Hubby and I have agreed we will wait until we cannot use the Vetoryl anymore before we switch her to Lysodren. I understand what she is is telling me about the intermediate hormones causing her leg issues and coat, etc however I know it can also be from her elevated estradiol and Lysodren will not address that and I cant give her the doses of melatonin she needs for that.
I guess you can all help me with those plans when we get there because she still says she wont do a normal load with Zoe because of her IBD. We'll cross that bridge when we have to:):):)
I feel better this morning, I ate, headache is gone, I got some sleep and I know you will all help me figure this out.
Boriss McCall
04-19-2013, 01:02 PM
Sorry I missed it yesterday. Sounds like it was a hard day for you two. Don't worry we will always be here for you to help with plans & breathing thru them. ;) I know it is so difficult.
Hugs & love
I hope today you will get some good cuddles.
04-19-2013, 01:03 PM
I hate to hear your are troubled with things going on with Zoe. Oh to go back to the days before Cushings, I would give anything I have to return to that time. Hope all works out well. Blessings
Just stopping by to check on you. I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better. I'm sure getting some food and sleep helped.
It really is frustrating though when you feel like doing one thing causes another problem. You just end up feeling stuck. And it's never like there is a clear problem. We're always trying to solve a mystery! Hannah is a lot like Zoe in that she is special and never quite fits the mold. All the vets we've been seeing seem to say the same thing, "well, this is Hannah..." Like after the dental surgery when I was supposed to be prepared for constipation...but she got diarrhea! Totally Hannah. I feel like she and Zoe are very similar in that regard.
After reading Lori's question, I'm going to go back and look at Hannah's blood work too. I know her BUN has been elevated the last two times, creeping even higher this time, but her creatinine has been normal. I don't know about the other two.
Anyway, I know I don't have any good advice for you, but I'm always thinking of you and your little sweetie.
Julie & Hannah
Thanks Julie, I agree about Hannah and Zoe, I always think of you guys too. Glad to hear her UA was good.
Eye vet appointment showed her left eye further corneal degeneration and tear production is down from 21 to 15. So that is why it did not look right to me. We added another dose of Tacrilomus to that eye, so one eye will get that 3 times a day, the other eye 2 times a day, all other eye drops remain the same.
I had to shake my head a minute as her left eye is the worse of the two eyes and here we are with a post 4ug/dl and her tear production is down, shades of a repeat of last year:eek::eek: but he was happy, I remain suspicious and guarded.
Now I need to get rid of this oil and yeast on her back legs
Julie- how do I get rid of the yeast?
Addy,I used ketoconazole wipes. I got them from the vet. They weren't just ketoconazole, I don't think. But that was the main ingredient. They were like stridex pads. I used them twice a day. I also had ketochlor shampoo and used that a few times too. It worked for us. I'll dig around for the exact name.
Hannah gets Tacrolimus too! Not surprising, huh?
04-20-2013, 08:50 PM
Crikey, are Zoe and Hannah twinnies?? So many similarities, it's funny how that happens on here. Flynny has two twins (maybe they triplets haha)... Chey and Shysie :) and they are sweet little Valentines too :D:D
Have a good weekend Hannah and Addy! xx
Hi Addy,
I haven't been able to be on the forum as much as I would like and it looks like I missed Zoe's birthday. :o :o Happy belated Birthday to your sweet girl.
I am trying to get caught up on things. I read all the information from your stressful day at the IMS. So the verbal report of the ultrasound mentions that she has cysts on her kidneys? And does the vet think this is causing the increased protein? I am guessing you don't have the written US report yet, I don't see those results.
No they did not say the Vetoryl is bothering her kidneys. I am wondering if the reason her cortisol finally is under 5 is either because the growth is finally gone or is it because her kidneys now cant process the drug right? It is my question. IMS seemed to think it was the growth. She is talking about Lysodren because she thinks her intermediate hormones are why Zoe's hind legs are weak and I asked how Lysodren affects the kidneys in case I have to stop the Vetoryl.
I am thinking that if her kidneys weren't processing the Vetoryl properly, it would be the other way around. Less of the drug would be absorbed or processed and more excreted, so the cortisol wouldn't be as well controlled. Not sure if this is the correct way of thinking or not. And is there a test to check the intermediate hormones?
You will have to keep us posted regarding the nutritionist and diet for Zoe, I would be interested to learn about that from the kidney perspective. I know the prescription food that Jasper is on now is higher fat than his previous food, but I am not sure that it is considered high fat.
As far as the yeast on Zoe's legs, can you use an anti fungal cream for that? I am sure you have thought of that, but I just remember when my Lab had a yeast skin infection on her tummy and private area, the vet prescribed an antifungal/antibiotic cream, it worked well.
Tina and Jasper
04-21-2013, 07:01 AM
I am thinking that if her kidneys weren't processing the Vetoryl properly, it would be the other way around. Less of the drug would be absorbed or processed and more excreted, so the cortisol wouldn't be as well controlled. Not sure if this is the correct way of thinking or not. And is there a test to check the intermediate hormones?
Tina and Jasper
Hi Tina,
I'm leaping in to answer on Addy's behalf, but it's actually the reverse issue that arises in the face of significant renal impairment -- drugs are not properly filtered out of the bloodstream and so they build up in the body.
The kidneys remove excess fluid, minerals and waste from your blood. Where the liver metabolizes many drugs, the kidneys remove most drugs and their metabolites from the blood and pass them out of the body in the urine. If the kidneys begin to fail, then so does their ability to remove drugs and their metabolites from the blood. These substances can build up in the body, along with the other harmful substances the kidneys normally remove. The kidney failure itself along with the ever-higher levels of drugs in the blood will cause serious symptoms.
Drug Dosing in Renal Failure
Renal failure generally requires reduced dosages of most drugs. Renal failure occurs in degrees, from mild to severe. For most drugs, doctors adjust the dosage based on clinical measures of kidney function... In general, the more severe the renal failure, the lower the dose of the drug.
Although I don't know for certain, I am guessing that it is blood levels of creatinine and BUN that are the clinical measures that are most meaningful in terms of the need for dosage adjustment. Even though protein spillage into the urine indicates that something is going on, it does not mark the degree to which there may or may not be actual impairment to the kidneys' abilities to properly filter the bloodstream.
Also, the University of Tennessee in Knoxville has the one veterinary lab in the country that assesses all the intermediate hormones in addition to cortisol. Your vet performs an ACTH test in the normal fashion, but if the blood is sent to Knoxville, they will analyze all the adrenal hormones.
Thank you Tina and thank you Marianne, for clarifying; that was my understanding and I guess I wont know until we get the labs back. Her creatinine was normal in January. I did read that cysts can cause them to throw protein. IMS seemed to feel it was the growth causing the higher cortisol previously, but I want to ask her again.
From what I gather from this specialty clinic is that they have the most experience with Lysodren, they believe in Dr. Oliver's research, they use Trilostane but not to the same degree as Lysodren. At least it is what I have heard now from the eye vet, the surgeon and the IMS.
I guess it bothered me that first she said "You can tell just by looking at her she has uncontrolled Cushings" and then she came back with the stim results and that changed to "this is all from her intermediate hormones being out of whack".:confused::confused:
I am trying not to be worried about Zoe's ultra sound results as the IMS said most of what she saw was typical for a Cush pup, the evidence of pancreatitis, the gall bladder sludge, enlarged liver. The only concern was that mass area in her liver and I am not going there because if it would be malignant, I would not put Zoe through any more.
I need to find Zoe's original ultra sound from June 2010. I feel like it is game over now for her Cushings. I dont know how else to explain my feelings. I will keep my brave face on and love my little girl and laugh with her as much as I can. She will have as much joy in her life that I can possibly give her. My Koko too. It has been a long week and hard for all of us. The dogs are exhausted.
We will be fine. Hubby warned me before I went ahead with all the tests I had to be able to live with the knowledge. I told him, I simply have to know where we stand. The what if's I cannot deal with.
I'll try to get rid of the yeast with the most gentle products first and if I cant, I'll get the "big guns" from the GP. Julie is getting me the name of the wipes she used.
molly muffin
04-21-2013, 09:34 AM
It seems to me that with every vet visit, for every cushings dog, we are always in a state of reevaluating everything. Continue the medicine, increase or lower the medication, what else has changed since the last visit.
It is frankly, exhausting.
I think you need some recuperation time to just enjoy the days with Zoe.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I'm leaping in to answer on Addy's behalf, but it's actually the reverse issue that arises in the face of significant renal impairment -- drugs are not properly filtered out of the bloodstream and so they build up in
Marianne, when I was posting, I thought about that also. In all of the numerous articles and resources I have read recently about kidney disease, I remember reading somewhere that with protein loss some drugs may be over excreted also, but I am not sure where I read that. Thank you for correcting my faulty logic!
(((Hugs))) Addy, I know it has been a hard week for you all. I am like you, I always want to know the details and where we stand also. I don't understand a lot about the whole intermediate hormone thing, so I can't comment on that. But I understand your thoughts about the liver issue, completely.
Jasper has never had an ultrasound, it was not something my vet recommended during the Cushings diagnostic process, in fact I think it was only mentioned as possibly the next step if the LDDS test was not conclusive. I found this forum after Jasper had already started on Lysodren and got over suppressed during the load, so didn't even know that most dogs going through this have one. I have often wondered, especially recently, about whether or not I should ask if he should have one. I don't know. I know what you mean when you say that Zoe seems kind of off. I feel the same about Jasper, but can't identify any glaring things that seem wrong right now.
I hope you enjoy your day with your little ones, you need some recharge time after such a tough week.
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper
Hi Addy,
I found the wipes! They are PhytoVet CK wipes. It looks like they're distributed by Butler Schien. The ingredients are Chlorhexidine, Ketoconazole, and Phytosphingosine.
I'm pretty sure you can only get them from a vet. I searched online and didn't find them. They also recommended the ketoconazole shampoo.
Good luck!
Julie & Hannah
04-21-2013, 10:45 AM
They also recommended the ketoconazole shampoo.
Good luck!
Julie & Hannah
Among the may problems Scarlett dealt with in her 16 years of life, yeast infections of her skin were among them. Malaseb, KetoChlor, and Mal-A-Ket were all equally effective in keeping her free of this itchy probem, twice a week to start, then once a week for maintenance. Good luck with this and also Zoe's more serious issues.
04-21-2013, 12:39 PM
Hey Addy: You are right, love Zoe as much as you can and treat what you think you can without much aggravation to her or yourself, that is what I am doing with CoCo. He has long ears and they get dry and chewed up on the edges. I put antibiotic cream on vaseline or something to soften them up. I was putting cream on this morning and he evidently had a scab or something on it and I hit a vein I guess and blood just started pouring. I like to have never pinched off the vein. Thought I was going to have to take him to the ER. Guess I will leave his sore crooked toenail alone. Toenails bleed a lot, I would have to stick his foot in a tub of flour to stop the bleeding, hard to find the vein in a toenail. I take better care of my dog than I do myself, but he looks like one of those abused dogs with his spinal column showing and thin hair and I have to watch him constantly to keep him from falling with rugs everywhere and I open the door for him to go out and he flies down the ramp like nothing is wrong and we just cringe until he gets on solid ground. We are just hoping for the best with him and he is a happy, little arrogant dog and does not realize he is sick most of the time. Dachshunds just make you laugh and I know Zoe and KoKo do the same for you and your husband, just happy dogs. Take care. Love, JoAnne
little arrogant dog and does not realize he is sick most of the time JoAnne, this made me smile, eye vet said yesterday, well, she sure looks like a happy dog in spite of it all, so I know exactly where you are coming from:D:D
Malaseb, KetoChlor, and Mal-A-Ket were all equally effective in keeping her free of this itchy problem, twice a week to start, then once a week for maintenance
Scarlett's Dad, thank you so very much for this info, I really cant tell you how much I appreciate it.
found the wipes! They are PhytoVet CK wipes. It looks like they're distributed by Butler Schien
Julie, great news, now I have options that I know worked for others I can trust.
Tina, dont worry about not having an ultra sound done. Zoe had so few symptoms, mostly hair/coat issues, she looked more hypothyroid than Cushings when we started out journey. Every vet is different. I love hearing from you and thank you for that. Big hugs, sweetie.
I still have to make it through next week with IMS. Right now I have one really mad Lhasa who was totally ticked off about her bath. I did not use the Dawn blue soap, but another mild dog shampoo with no oatmeal in it and I rinsed her with diluted vinegar but she would not allow it on very long so not sure that did any good. She sure is ticked off right now and is into Baby Koju mod:rolleyes: I just have to laugh at that girl. She even snapped and growled at poor Koko she was ticked off about her bath:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I dont think I am getting any chores done this weekend and I dont care:D:D:D:D:D
I checked her ultra sound from 2010. Her adrenal glands have doubled in size:eek::eek::eek::eek:
I need some time to think about all this. How would IMS affect any gain with Lysodren without loading her ? I feel like I am back at square one only worse as we now have pancreas issues, kidney issues and diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease:(:(:(:(:( What the heck is she telling me again, it does not make any sense. Dr. Peterson originally said Zoe would not tolerate the higher doses to load her but that I could try a load at a smaller dose and even add in prednisone. I just found his original email email to answer may question those few years ago. When I had that telephone consult with him, he really did not like Lysodren for Zoe.
Okay, enough of that--- I'm going to find Baby Zoe to see if she still wants to bite me:D:D:D:D
LOL the spunk of that girl:D:D
Budsters Mom
04-21-2013, 02:41 PM
Hi Addy,:p
Your Little Zoe sounds like quite the character! Sending wellness thoughts and hugs your way.:)
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-21-2013, 02:56 PM
Funny Addy, just enjoy her spunkiness, CoCo snapped at my hand when I tried to stop the ear bleeding. Love, JoAnne
04-21-2013, 03:16 PM
Hey Addy
Sorry I haven't posted before, I missed the ultrasound info otherwise I would have been in to give you a big hug.
Hopefully the report will say they don't think it's anything to worry about. Your little one has been through so much it would really bloody suck if it wasn't. I get your decision completely. You have So much love for your girl
At least she is still her spunky self. Made me smile that poor Koko copped it cause she was unimpressed at having a bath, little minx
Hope you are ok, it's so tough asking these questions and getting some answers but usually more questions. I wish none of us had to deal with these issues.
Big hug and kisses for your babies
04-21-2013, 04:33 PM
Hi Addy, Just reading up a little bit. I am sorry your little Zoe is having so much difficulty. But she certainly has spunk and is so blessed to have such a loving Mom.
Thoughts and prayers are with her and you. I hope you get some good news and Addy responds well.
Hang in there...((((HUGS)))) and Love,
Sharon, Norman and Millie
Hi again Addy,
Just stopping by to tell you I think Hannah may have yeast again too. :( Her chin has been bothering her a lot lately. I took her to my groomer just to have her face trimmed today and her chin looks really irritated. She is miserable at times. I've put so many different things on there, and it finally occurred to me that it could likely be yeast. I used the wipes tonight, but I think I'm going to get her into the vet to see. Then, once again, our girls would have something in common.
Julie & Hannah
04-22-2013, 08:14 AM
Just popping in to check on Zoe this morning. Hope she is doing better. I am sorry you are going thru this, I know how hard it is and how much the worrying can affect you. God Bess you both.
Boriss McCall
04-22-2013, 10:52 AM
HI Addy,
Hope you & Zoe are feeling better today & enjoying each other to the fullest.
I almost did not give her the evening Vetoryl but delayed dinner and saw she was fine after finally waking up. She has had a stressful four days and she was just exhausted.
She happily went on her chicken walk this morning, stumbled and tripped once and went boom but looked embarassed, got back up and I held the leash shorter and she was fine.:)
She gets an iodine wipe down tonight and foot soak tonight. :):)
Thanks for checking on us.
That's so weird that Zoe isn't itchy. That really makes me think it isn't yeast. My regular vet and the derm vet say yeast is incredibly itchy. I don't necessarily think Hannah's yeast infection on her neck looked any different from when she had a bacterial infection. To find the yeast all they did was take tape (like packaging tape) and stick it to the area, then look at it under the microscope. One time they lightly pressed/scraped a slide on it (not hard enough to irritate it at all). It was really easy.
In fact, we're heading to the vet tomorrow AGAIN to see what's on Hannah's chin. Yes, we were just there for a blood test and UA. :eek: I decided I can't guess anymore and put a million different things on it. :confused:
We are supposed to get 6-10 inches of snow tonight. This is getting ridiculous!!!:eek::eek::eek:
I'm glad Zoe is happy and that she enjoyed her walk, despite a little trip.
Julie & Hannah
molly muffin
04-22-2013, 06:33 PM
Snow! Yikes. We're a bit warmer today and I'm good with that. The weekend was just a big too chilly, with snow flurries flying around.
Oh zoe is having a pedi evening. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
04-22-2013, 06:50 PM
Just checking in on you and Zoe, praying for normal days!
I cant even believe I am looking up the dermatologist:eek::eek:
groomer said it was skin oils and yeast, bath her in blue dishing washing soap.
I had not been able to give her a bath because of her surgery and she came home a stinking mess. Now that I knew her inside stitches were gone I can bathe her.
It is kind of brownish crusty stuff that flakes off.
I would get the ketoconazole shampoo if it is yeast. That is what they recommend for yeast and bacterial infections. I've used it for both. Again, Hannah is not typical, so I don't think her yeast looked like some yeast looks. I can tell you that her hair was oily/greasy and yucky and would get that way again in a matter of days after a bath, and one I got it under control it was way better. Good luck to you with whatever it is! At least you can bathe her now!
UGH. It's snowing heavily. They said we could get thunder snow tonight. Could have 6-10 inches tomorrow morning. I am sooooo sick of snow, and to top it off, Izzy will be a nervous wreck if it thunders. Fun times ahead...
Julie & Hannah
Thanks Julie,
I just wiped her down with warm Betadine iodine soaked wash cloth, she seemed to think it felt really good and was very good about it and had a happy look on her face. I soaked her feet in the same iodine footbath. Some of the crud is coming off but I dont like the way her skin looks now that all the built up oil is coming off. The iodine is supposed to kill bacteria and yeast while soothing the skin.
I read through some Dechra shampoos, can you believ they have products for fungus and yeast too?
Maybe it is bacteria infection. I hate to say this because I really cant afford it but I'm thinking were going to the derm vet. We have a new one in town, out of U.C. Davis and our Madison vet school. I just dont want the IMS to get to her before I do, I think IMS screwed up the last derm vet appointment beucase she was covering her butt. If we go to this one, I want her to look at Zoe with a fresh, new eye.
Does that make sense?
IMS is out until Thursday, all I know is her UPC is a bit higher and she is throwing more protein. I think she was dehydrated, we could not get any urine out of her for over 5 hours. Not normal for Zoe. Not sure how that affects the UA. Blood Creatinine is normal, BUN is higher at 39. I only have that info, cant get reports until IMS calls unless I can find that nice lady receptionist who will hit the send button for me like last month;)
Meanwhile, she is a happy girl, so Zoe had a good day today and that is all that matters to me.
04-23-2013, 05:09 AM
Glad you both had a good day. I hope for many many more
Big hug
Ps makes perfect sense about the dermatologist
04-25-2013, 11:30 AM
Thank you for the candle, Thursday through to Monday always seems tougher.
How are you and your little ones doing? Is Zoe's skin looking better?
Hoping the IMS has been in touch?
Big hug, kisses to the fur babies
Hi Sweetie,
Your are welcome.:) I know it is hard and I always want to write to you but worry about posting to your thread, I dont want you to feel bad.
Still no word from the MIAIMS- missing in action internal medicine specialist, ha:mad:
I asked them to send me the labs and booked an appointment for tomorrow (i have a furlough day) with the GP. I want to ask him if he can help me monitor all of Zoe's problems as I have no follow through with the IMS and I cant keeping functioning as the GP.
I do have some good news with mixed news:
Her ALKP is down from January to 579 so maybe we wont have to use Denmarin, it is on my list for questions to ask:) So I am hoping that may help us think that her liver mass is benign.:confused:
Also, her urine was concentrated this time 1.028 - normal lab range is 1.018-1.045 :D I was so happy about this as maybe I can continue the Vetoryl a bit longer.:):)
Turb marked as 1" so not sure why she has sediment again this was a sterile draw.
She is still throwing protein, had a bit of red blood cells in urine , UPC is up a bit 1.52 Random Urine creatinine normal, Random Protein urine normal, blood creatinine normal, bun up to 39 from 31, urea creatinine ratio blood is normal, sodium/potassium ratio normal.
Her skin is looking better with the iodine wipes and will ask GP for a medicated shampoo for sensitive skin that will adress oil build up, dandruff and bacteria/yeast. I think I am seeing like dandruff scales.
I still cannot figure out what these kidney cysts mean. Yesterday, I read pups can be born with them and they can go unnoticed until they start getting larger.:confused: Also read about polycystic kidney disease which they say is rare. I dont know what her kidney disease is classified as.
And I still have to address the pancreatitis.
I wish I could start with a change in diet if possible, one made up just for her issues, home cooked, to see if she could handle it.
Also bad eye is looking much better with the extra dose of tacrilomus.:D
Thanks, Mel, for stopping by.:D:D
04-25-2013, 02:09 PM
Hey Addy: Just saw you had posted on Zoe. Glad she is still happy. Also see that some of her testing was off. Maybe it will not amount to anything. I know you will be glad to discuss it with the vet. Seems like there is always something with these cushing pups. I am still just trying to treat things as it comes up. His sore on his foreskin is almost healed. I know he is tired of the cone 24-7, only off for eating and outside, but he does not complain. I could think his sleeplessness was the cone, but he was doing it before the cone. I think it is because I starting feeding him as soon as he got up and he loves to eat. Hope you find out about Zoe's testing. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
04-25-2013, 06:48 PM
Hi Addy,
It does seem that alot of Zoe's test results are pretty good, but I see what you mean about mixed, as some leave questions to be answered. I really hope that your GP can address some of those since your IMS is less than prompt about responding. Wish they would remember in vet school to remind them that the follow up us just as important as actually Doing the tests. sheezzz
Do they have a nutritionist at the vet or something that could give you an idea on home cooked food for this?
Although I am sure that Leslie and Lori and all have some good spots bookmarked for this very thing. The IBD makes any food issues for Zoe so much more difficult. Well, we all know Zoe is special. :p
Wishing you good luck tomorrow!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Thank you. Her ALKP was 787 January 14th, now it is 579 on 4/18.
I am praying that means her isoechoic left sided liver mass is not malignant. Ultra sound says may be a hepatoma or hepatocellular carcinoma. I am afraid to look either one up. I dont want to know.
It is all strange to me that we remove a growth, all of a sudden her ALKP is down, her cortisol is down, now her urine is concentrated but she has pancreatitis, a liver mass and cysts on her left kidney. Ultra sound makes no mention of her kidneys being small, just "left renal cortical cysts".
She does not know she is a sick little girl and she remains my chicken hawk, my best girl.
Weird, how you just know something is wrong, something is there, where it should not be before you know what it is or where. Like her vulva mass, I kept staring at her vulva and feeling strange and GP said it was normal and then2 1/2 months later she has a growth showing.
It is all so strange, how we know, we can almost feel it, when something is not right, not where it should be.
Simba's Mom
04-25-2013, 10:43 PM
Praying for you and Zoe! Sending hugs too!
Bailey's Mom
04-26-2013, 12:57 AM
I am just peeking in and it sounds like you're still holding things together on your end. We leave early tomorrow to catch the auto train. I am exhausted trying to get ready to go. I really have missed not having time to check in here. Will have lots of time to catch up on the train!
I'm off pain meds and think maybe one more month of pt is all I'll need. It's 46 here. I'm hearing weird music from somewhere. Eerie. Gotta go. Take care of yourself. I'm back on your shoulder. Hugs and kisses to you and yours'.
04-26-2013, 03:41 AM
HI Addy
We see a lot of benign renal cysts in people, they are relatively common and usually don't cause too many problems. We look for the shape of them, regular shape is better. Irregular shape or septations we monitor more closely. We do have occasional polycystic ones, they usually get dealt with in the renal service if they are causing problems with renal function. Benign ones usually do not affect general kidney function. We do not usually remove them unless they grow so big they cause problems like pain etc. Again I cannot only remember a handful of cases like that over the years. Cotical cysts are on the outside of the kidney. If you imagine a kidney chopped in half longitudinally the outside is darker and that is the cortex, the medulla is lighter in colour. On an ultrasound they often mention the differentiation between these two areas, it should be fairly clear when the kidneys are working well. The cortex is where Zoe's are located by the sound of it, so that is the outside. Hope that helps!
Glad to hear her skin and eye is looking better too!
Hugs for you and Zoekins!!
04-26-2013, 04:18 AM
Hope your appointment goes ok and that the gp can help you make sense of everything. Will be sending positive mojo all day
Good news that her eyes and skin seem better
Big hug, kisses for the fur babies
04-26-2013, 05:00 AM
Sending good thoughts for Zoe's appointment today. Hope everything will be benign and Zoe will be her happy sweet self at the vet. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
04-26-2013, 08:22 AM
Good luck today, sweetie! We are with you both today. Let us know what you learn when you can and keep the faith! ;)
Thanks guys,:):)
Trish=the report just goes on to say "There are small anechoic cyst like area in the left renal cortx. The right is unremarkable." I did read that cysts can throw protein and sediment.
IMS came in after the ultra sound and said "well, she has kidney disease" and started in on the blood pressure if we have to use an ace inhibitor ( Zoe's was sky high and I kept telling her she does not have high blood pressure, you are freaking her out. Then she went on about that she has a nutritionist if we have to change her diet because she wont be able to eat a regular commercial kidney diet as it will be too high in fat for her IBD so we will need to have a diet formulated for her but never said when and then went off on a different subject about the liver and then I got side tracked and we never got back to the kidneys. When the tech called me with her UPC all the tech said was IMS said to tell you not to worry and I have not heard a word since.:mad::mad::mad:
Eye vet confirmed he sees no evidence of high blood pressure in her eyes and he knows how stressed she got when he took it PLUS she had just had her cortisol spiked for her ACTH test. I knew the blood pressure results were wrong it was so glaringly obvious I just wanted to strangle someone that day.:mad::mad:
Boy, I just wrote a tangent, didn't I? All that pent up emotion still here smoldering a week later:rolleyes:
04-26-2013, 12:58 PM
Hi Addy,
Forgive me for not remembering what growth Zoe hd removed but was it a fatty tumor by chance? Did your vet specifically mention anything about the renal cortical tumor? I have one (found on an ultrasound) and so do 50% of people over the age of 50. Most are benign and never require treatment and I'm wondering if this is different in dogs.
I can sure understand your smoldering anger. Some pet owners don't ask questions or seem to worry about their dog....they just blindly follow recommendation. Can you imagine what that is like for a lot of dogs whose voice is never heard? :( It seems we have an epidemic of frustrating vets lately. :(:mad::( Thank goodness Zoe has a mom with a booming voice. I can just imagine you in the vet's office sounding like Vavoom on Felix the Cat. Remember Vavoom? I can't believe that just popped into my head. :D:D If you are too young to know Felix the Cat, just Google Vavoom and you'll find a bunch of youtube videos and pics.
Hey Glynda,
I do remember Felix the cat:D:D:D I probably was loud as
Hubby said I was extremely confrontational that day, maybe IMS fired me.:(
Zoe had a vulvar growth it was benign not malignant, not a fatty tumor, some type of melanoma but not the kind to spread but has to be monitored. They ending up rebuilding her vulva as it was deeper then they originally thought but they got clear margins. They also had to remove some of her clitoris as it was huge and would not fit in the new vulva -I guess is the easiest way to explain it- sorry for being graphic.:o:o
I had it removed because they could not tell me what it was when they asperated it- inconclusive- I thought it may be afffecting her cortisol as it seemed to bother her- apparently it was as she was post 4.1ug/dl when in January she was about 7 ug/dl, no change in dose. Or I worried maybe her kidneys were now not processing the drug right. I had to push them to give the UPC and UA tests. They kept telling me why was I worried about Zoe throwing protein, dogs do it all the time.:confused::confused: Zoe has never had protein in her urine until January.
She has a bacteria infection on her skin. GP was going to give her antibiotics but I had just read an article about trying medicated shampoo first because the antibiotics can just cause continuing cycle.
He said only problem is the shampoos can be drying. I asked could we try the shampoo first for a few weeks and he said absolutely.
Now I am wooried what if it dries out her skin to much it is already dry? He gave me Virbac Dermazole as it addresses the dandruff, bacteria and yeast.
He told me not to worry so much about the kidney issues right now but gave me a new probiotic to try which he said he uses for dogs with kidney issues.
He basically said I have to pick my battles right now, dont worry about the kidneys right now, dont think about the mass in her liver as her numbers have come down and dont worry about the pancreatitis. He basically agreed with IMS.
He said it was important to have trust with your doctor and it sounds like there is a communication breakdown which is not good. He suugested I see the IMS at the new facility across the street. This IMS studied at UC Davis and interned at Colorado State, residency in Georgia, I think. He said it is not good she does not call me back.
I dont know how I feel about any of this. :confused::confused:
04-26-2013, 06:41 PM
Addy: That sounds good that your vet talks to you about things and maybe the shampoo will work and not make her skin too dry. Hard to go to a new IM, but if you are not satisfied with the one you have, go to another. It is your dog and your money. Seems like your visit today was a good visit and if the shampoo makes her too dry, call the vet and I am sure he will give you something else. Hope Zoe is not too uncomfortable with the skin problems and it will be relieved soon. Love, JoAnne
04-26-2013, 07:31 PM
It's hard cause you want continuity of care but if she doesn't communicate that makes it tough. You need to be comfortable with what they are proposing and if you are not then maybe that new set of eyes you were after could be this IMS.
I would sleep on it a few nights and see what you think...
Hope little Zoe is doing ok after her trip. Am sure your minds boggled so sending you a bigger hug
molly muffin
04-26-2013, 10:32 PM
Poor baby Zoe. I hope the shampoo helps and doesn't try out the skin too.
I think it is the surgeon and their team that really has kept you going back to the clinic you have been using. I don't think it is the IMS who drives you up the wall and doesn't call or follow up with you. I completely get that. I don't go to my vets office because of my vet, I go for the support staff that loves molly and molly loves them. That makes it hard to change up. :(
However, maybe you could have a consult with the other IMS? That might give you a better idea if you want to make a change or not.
Your GP actually seemed to understand what your concerns were, even if he did agree with the IMS.
Do you feel that they think they are under the impression that they need to pick their battles with Zoe instead of addressing everything?
hugs, Sharlene and Molly Muffin
It was because I asked about Zoe's hind leg weakness was I seeing neuroligical signs, so IMS went off about we should swttch her to Lysodren and I kept trying to address Zoe's IBD since she told me a few months ago if it gets worse I'll have to use prednisone and I know she wont follow protocol and I argued with her that the chance of affecting her adrenal gland without loading is Zip according to Dr. Peterson and he said I cant stop and start the drug and I will need to. Then she was just going to switch and I said we have to wait 30 days and then we battled about that becuase she said no we can wait two weeks and do an ACTH test to see where she is and then I mentally shut down athat point, I had not eaten, I had such a headache. So then IMS said, maybe we cant make her perfect, we'll just try to keep her happy and comfortable. She did not tell me what to do about the kidneys, did not even explain it, she said she would call once she got the labs back and she never called. She said we should pick our battles becuase we did not jump on the Lysodren bandwagon but questioned her about it, she did not like that, I guess, but siad she would do whatever we wanted.
Zoe's is not bothered by her skin problem, she is not scratching, biting or itching, it is not bothering her. She does not do well on that skin antibiotic, she swells all up from it. The groomer thought a dandruff shampoo would take care of the problem so I thought a resonable approach would be to try the shampoo first and then if in 2 weeks she still has it, I'll put her on the antibiotic.
If she had open sores or seemed miserable, I would not have tried this first. But I read when the vets first reach for an antibiotic, sometimes they should try the shampoo first because the antibiotics start a yeast cycle that spirals out of control.
I always make a decision based on the severity of the symptoms. Maybe I can find a moisturizer to rub in to her skin.
Zoe is comfortablke at the clinic she nows everyone there, it will be hard to start over for her stress level thought the ride is much shorter.
I'll deal with the skin issue first. If I end up at the derm vet, well, that is the new clinic so it could be the decision will be made by her skin problems.:o
Thanks you guys, I need a hug
04-27-2013, 07:10 AM
Addy, Baytril worked wonders for Daisy's skin bacterial infection in conjunction with a special prescription shampoo. Omega 3 fish oil is also great for the skin. I can't believe that this person argues with you. How unprofessional and i would try the IMS across the street for Zoe's next visit. Good luck sweetheart.
Squirt's Mom
04-27-2013, 08:11 AM
If Zoe's system can take it, the fish oil Valerie suggested could help as could coconut oil. I watched a news clip on dandruff last nite and the suggestion by the doctor for cases that hadn't developed sores was mineral oil. Soak the area in the oil, let it sit a bit, then comb/brush and wash with a mild shampoo. Wouldn't that be fun with a hairy dog!? :p
04-27-2013, 08:39 AM
I know CeraVe that you can get in Walmart is an excellent moisturizer, as I use it. The dermatologist told me it has no bad ingriedients in it. It is 12.00 for a large jar, he said a lot of the dermatologists use it. Maybe you could try some on a small spot, I have used some on Tipper who is allergic to everything and she was ok with it. She had a dry patch I used it on. I am not sure what is going on with Zoe's kidneys, but I use a supplement on Tipper as her urine was coming up cloudy etc. With the supplement it had been clear and all other values were good. It is from Vetri Science on Amazon it is the Kidney Support one. I also use one for Tipper's heart which the cardio Dr. told me was very good to do. She said Royal Canin also makes a cardio support food, but I would never use it as they have had many recalls. I hope you get her issues under control, I know it is worrying you. I has a Jerk of an IMS yesterday, so I certainly know how it can be trying to get a point across to them. God Bless You and precious Zoe.
molly muffin
04-27-2013, 10:28 AM
Coconut oil is what one of our members has been using too for the Peety's skin. I think she said she thought it was helping.
Awwww, Addy. You've had a tough time with that IMS. I think she is frustrated and isn't sure what to do for Zoe, so avoids issues. Plus you don't just go with what she says when you know it is wrong. Some have a tough time with that. Most probably, since they are the "experts" they don't do well with us questioning. Lord knows my vet Hates it when I question anything she says. Wish that wasn't a prevalent attitude with vets and doctors in general sometimes.
I'd go with a topical over an antibiotic any time to try first. Especially as you don't have sores going on.
I really do hope this shampoo does the trick.
Sending you tons and tons of big HUGS Addy
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
You've had a tough time with that IMS. I think she is frustrated and isn't sure what to do for Zoe, so avoids issues. Plus you don't just go with what she says when you know it is wrong
Sharlene, I think you hit the nail right on the head:)
She was very good about her bath, we let the shampoo on for 10 minutes, it did nothing:( All the scales are still there.:(:( Maybe I should have ordered the Maleseb Scarlett's dad mentioned, it got good reviews, the one I have only had one review. It says it does not dry out there skin, the Maleseb shampoo. I think that is why he did not give me perscription strength shampoo, though, becuase of the dry skin issue.
I will try the new probiotic he gave me but I read some reviews on that (mainly found it for cats) and a few people said why spend that kind of money when you can just go buy a probiotic from the store so kind of feeling like I should not have spent $88 on a month and a half supply and hubby said I have to find a cheaper alternative.:rolleyes:
Oh well, that's another story. At least by him giving me this and telling me sometimes you have to change the probiotic after a year or two, maybe that is what is going on too with her IBD, maybe her probiotic is no longer working.
I think she got these scales after the operation, she was on that skin antibiotic again. She did not have this prior to surgery.:(
Well, the tree people are here about cutting down the tree runing the pool. Not sure what they will have to say about this, it is in a bad, hard to reach spot and the evergreen is HUGE:eek:
P.S. I just wanted IMS to give me a plan for what we would do with her IBD if it flared if we switched to Lysodren and she could not give me a good plan just some Lysodren dosing thing I knew had little chance of working
04-27-2013, 02:23 PM
Addy, rather than argue with that person, I would seriously go across the street. $88 is crazy!
04-29-2013, 12:41 PM
Hey Addy,
I think I have to agree with Daisy. Maybe you could try going across the street, meet the other IMS and see how Zoe reacts? It really does sound like the IMS you are dealing with is a bit of a cow! I mean, I know they get busy, and sometimes finding time to make a phone call is hard, but come ON! My IMS rang me back at 6.30pm on a saturday night after Fraser's last lot of blood results. And that was when they were only taken on the friday! (That was his last ACTH a couple of weeks back) Also, they are the only specialist practice this side of the city!
On a different note however, I have dealt with skin infections in Fraser for the better part of 10 years. I managed to get a handle on it years ago and maintained him with no recurrence until about 12 months ago (when the cushings diagnosis came in) but it was all through a bathing regime. I bath him in Pyohex shampoo (I tried but found malaseb too drying) and then use Epi-Soothe conditioner on him. It's a colloidal oatmeal conditioner, just puts some moisture back into the skin and coat, and smells beautiful! When his skin is breaking out, I then use a leave on chlorhexidine based lotion called Resi-Chlor. I have found that weekly baths with this regime has managed to hold off the infections. I stopped the resichlor for a bit a couple of months ago and got another brief spurt of skin infection, but once I got back on track, it's gone again now. When it got really bad last year, we did have to go a short burst of anti-b's, but I hadn't had the resichlor during that time either. His skin infection was little pustules that would then pop (like pimples), scab over a little but then peel in big circular areas. He had them all over his body - but we beat them! So that's just been my experience. I don't know what shampoo you tried, but I would say that it will have to be a steady progressive improvement if you went that route, it won't be immediate. Also, if you are looking for something to rub into her skin, black sesame oil works well. It is easily absorbed and washes out in water (if it gets on clothes or furniture). To be honest, I don't know if it reacts with anything though, so would need a bit of research first. I know my Mum used some on Fraser's tummy at one point, his skin was beautiful afterwards though. :D
So while I can't really offer you any advice on the IBD issue (or probiotics) maybe the shampoo info can help somewhat. I tell you what though, you are an amazing Mom and Zoe is one lucky girl, that's for sure! Just remember, One day, one smile, one cuddle and one kiss at a time.
thanks Naomi,
The groomer told me not to use anything with oatmeal because of the yeast but I will look at the Resi-Chlor lotion. I started the new probiotic once a day to see how she does before I go to twice a day.
We might have to add the antibiotic. I bathed her Saturday with the new shampoo and have been doing the Betadine iodine wipe down twice a day. She does not yet have any pustles, just her small white calcinois cutis bumps that got much smaller.
I have to wait to try any oil she would have to digest.
This morning I had to remind her "I'm the boss of u":D:rolleyes:
She finally agreed and saw it my way;)
It is good to know it could take a few weeks.:):)
hugs and thank you,
04-29-2013, 01:52 PM
Hey No worries. I didn't know about the oatmeal yeast connection so that's my education for the day.
Wouldn't it be nice though if we could all have a week, or better yet a month, when everything just ran smoothly? Dreaming, I know, but I'm ever the optimist these days. :p
Must be off now, it's 2am. Haven't been up on the board this late since Fraser was diagnosed! :eek:
Budsters Mom
04-29-2013, 02:58 PM
Hi Addy,:)
Just a thought....Have you tried spraying Zoe's tender sores with Chamomile tea?
Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties and is very cooling and soothing. I brew a cup, let it cool, then refrigerate in a small spray bottle. It relieves itching and allows the skin to heal. Buddy had horrible skin issues due to allergies a few years ago. Due to so many allergies, there wasn't much that I could put on the sores. Chamomile tea and a change in diet cleared it all up!
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
Thanks Cathy,
She does not have sores, just this scaly looking stuff on her skin, maybe I can take a picture. Groomer said it was oil build up, dandruff and yeast but she does not smell or itch??????????? Gp said it was a skin infection. he did not do a scrape or say what kind
Budsters Mom
04-29-2013, 05:44 PM
Hi Addy,:)
I would think if it was yeast it should smell??? I did have a dog several years ago that had a yeast infection on his skin. It did smell like the yeast smell when you soak it in warm water to make bread. There was an obvious odor! Is it possible that your vet doesn't know what it is either?:confused: Posting a photo, if you can get Zoe to cooperate is a great idea. Maybe we can all take a look and come up with something? If it is some kind of build-up, Dawn dishwashing liquid (Original-blue)removes it really well. Use a mild dog shampoo or baby shampoo and
add a couple squirts of Dawn. it not only removes build-up, it also kills fleas, a bonus! Do not use Dawn full strength, it can be drying to tender skin. That's why it is better to add it to a gentle shampoo. Dawn is what is used to clean up the wildlife affected by oil spills. Buddy has many allergies. I always add a little dawn to his shampoo when I bathe him. He has never had a problem with it.
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
04-29-2013, 06:17 PM
I just love that we always learn something on this forum. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
she wont cooperate at all:p:o
I'll keep trying, maybe when she takes a nap, she is all worked up now with her Kong and dinner.
it kind of looks like this brown stuff in this ear photo but her skin is not red like this ear is. I found this picture on line under pictures of yeast on a dog:o;):D
Kathy, Dawn blue is exactly what the groomer told me to use or selsan blue shampoo. I am glad you told me to squirt just a bit in, I'lll try it that way now thank you so much:):)
right now, she just smells like iodine:rolleyes::rolleyes:
04-29-2013, 08:46 PM
Yeast would smell. Daisy smelled nasty even after a bath when she had a bacterial skin infection. I remember the vet mentioning yeast.
Her coat was dull and very dry and brittle too.
Bailey's Mom
04-30-2013, 11:42 AM
:(:confused::mad:I wrote you yesterday......:(:confused::mad::(:eek:
Where did it go???
I sent you a BIG hug and reminded you I was on your right shoulder as always. I also wondered if you even needed me anymore as you seem to be getting bushels of advice, encouragement and love from some of the best supporters in the world!
I'll update my trip over on my site. I vote to try the vet nearer you. You deserve someone who will support you and respect you. You've locked horns with this IMS and it may be too late to repair that situation. You deserve much better. After all......You are ADDY!!!
Sus, you are back,
I always need you (hugs)))))
I am going to read your thread so I can hear all about your train ride.
My lap top finally died last night. I am reading your post on my cell phone and popping in from work to write this.
Will write more when I can.
04-30-2013, 04:38 PM
Wish I lived round the corner as I have a bottle of Malaseb which I used only twice you could have.
Tia was against water as well, I know it's tough, cause you want to help them and they act like you are being the worst person. Tia could sulk for England!
How is her skin looking today? How you doing?
Big hug, kisses to the fur babies
04-30-2013, 06:08 PM
Hello sweet Addy,
Long time not here. My Princess and I are hanging in there and Vetoryl free for almost a year now....:eek: Incredible! So sorry to read all that is going on with our Zoe. On the yeast issue, I have a friend who swears by Witchhazel for yeast issues. Not sure how to go about it or prepare for Zoe's issues, but Im sure there must be something on the i-net that can guide you. In my book, anything is worth a shot. Hey, I was skeptical about the SEB until I finally tried it and now it's a life saver for my girl--thank you Lori/Leslie/Cindy/everyone :)
I hope Zoe gets some well deserved relief very soon, so mommy can relax too.
Thinking of you always. In fact thinking of everyone here more than you know.
Love to all and of course my tightest hugs ever as always.
xo Jeanette and my Princess
I cant tell you how excited I am to hear from you. Princess off Trilostane for a whole year:D:D How could it be that long? Seems like only yesterday we were all here discussing everything.
I hope you are doing well. Are you okay dear friend?
I am afraid to try the SEB becuase of Zoe's allergies, I have a bottle and after I get the probiotic switch, I may give it a go if I can figure out a time for it not to interfere with her other meds, which may be hard since I am still at work all day:(:(:(
I am glad it is working for Princess. Give that sweet bug a boo girl a kiss on the head for me!!!!!
Have you spoken to Cindy? How is she doing and the new puppy?
Miss you dear friend.
I am so happy you stopped to say hello.:D:D:D:D:D:D
05-01-2013, 07:11 AM
HI Addy
Just popping in for a quick HI and too wish you and Zoe a happy day! Hope all is going well and you are getting on top of her skin condition. :) xx
Bailey's Mom
05-01-2013, 01:50 PM
Just stoppin' by to drop off my daily tight hug. Still hangin' on your right shoulder. I hope little Zoe gets her chicken walk today. Did you ever get some pictures taken at the front door? Last night I awakened and was sure Bailey had her chin on my ankle. She always sleeps under the sheets.
It's raining.....pouring! I can use a day to chill. Maybe a movie? Maybe catch up on magazines? Nice to have choices.:)
Her skin looks pinker, the brown stuff is lighter but still on her feet and back legs though some is gone. I called to get price for consult with new IMS, hubby says maybe this one will know something about skin, ;);) I think she will need antibiotic. Will up the probiotic to full dose Friday and hope for an appointment a week or two later so her tummy can handle the new probiotic and antibiotic.
I reread her ultra sound and I dont feel so good. She has a mass on her liver and on her spleen. IMS said nothing about the spleen.
Isoechoic splenic mass and geriatric changes in the spleen,
Above that in the non impression part of the US it is noted :
isoechic mass like area 1.7cm in the spleen.
The liver mass says maybe be hepaoma or hepatocellular carcinoma. It does not say that about the mass in the spleen.
I just remember IMS saying, "we see this all the time, it is not unusual". But she never answered what it means for my Zoe.
and the left cotical cysts
maybe I should stop treating her Cushings. How is this all affectng her cortisol? I dont know if anyone can answer that. I sure cant.
I have a lot of work to do, trying to gather all the info from the last 3 years. Not sure how far to go back.
I might not be around much for the next few weeks. Sorry.
Budsters Mom
05-01-2013, 09:14 PM
Sending many healing hugs and lots of love to you Zoe. We will miss you for the next few weeks, but definitely understand. Take care of yourself too! Check in with us when you can.:o
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-01-2013, 09:19 PM
Hi Addy
Just wanted to say hi and thanks for all your support these last few wks.I have alot of catching up to do with you and your sweet girl Zoe but wanted to say hello and know that you and Zoe are in my thoughts.Give your girl a big hug!Praying that everything turns out okay for her.
molly muffin
05-01-2013, 09:58 PM
Oh Addy, you need a great big hug and I wish I was there to give it to you for real.
Isn't it an awful pain trying to consolidate years worth of information. It could be at this point, that you might consider only treating any symptoms that is going to make Zoe the most uncomfortable. What about letting her cortisol go up a bit and see if she feels better that way? She always did pretty good at a higher level you said.
As always we will miss you when you aren't around, but we also completely understand that you have to do this and need the time to do so and to consider options and I'm guessing, also a bunch of research.
So try to take some moments where you don't do that and just enjoy the day and evenings. The light is lasting longer, the air is getting warmer. There are many more chicken walks to be taken.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
05-02-2013, 12:09 AM
I might not be around much for the next few weeks. Sorry.
Sweetie, you take all the time you need, no apology is needed. Sending you and Zoe huge and loving hugs, Lori
05-02-2013, 03:50 AM
We get it, don't worry. You need to focus on you and Zoe.
As for the ultrasound, Fraser's said exactly the same re the mass on the liver, only his is huge. The key would be where it is located and just how big Zoe's is. That's a good question re how it affects the cushing's though, I will have to ask my IMS that myself. For now we are continuing to treat, but he is on such a tiny dose I wonder if he even needs it now?
Just remember hon, if you need an ear, an outlet or even a sounding board, we are always here. Take care.
05-02-2013, 06:27 AM
Hey Addy: Hope you find what you need quickly and we see you back real quick with good news for Zoe. You know whatever you decide will be the right decision for Zoe because you love her and know her best. Love, JoAnne
05-02-2013, 06:48 AM
I remember looking at Flynny's ultrasound report before his surgery, its in the first few pages our his thread. What a train wreck it was, he also had spleen nodule, couple of liver nodules, kidney problems, lymph nodes up, bilateral adrenal nodules, vena cava thrombus. Totally freaked me out, but a lot of these older dogs, (as well as us older people) have odd lumps and bumps internally. I hope your IMS was onto it when she said they were nothing to worry about. But as she has gone out of contact I can see how concerning this all is for you. I guess I have a little reassurange since surgeon eyeballed all those nodules during surgery and he thought they were due to aging but you never get 100% certainty without biopsing them. I did go back and read his ultrasound and there was something about swelling in his intestine too... gawd now wondering if that is causing his tummy issues... ?!?! Who knows, but I am taking today as a good day and Keep Calm and Carry On!!!
Trish and Flynny
*packs up Addy a care package for her sojourn... you know there is girlie drinks in there don't you... so don't forget to pop in and share one with me sometime soon!! Take Care Miss... lots of doggy kisses for Zoe and Koko xx
Squirt's Mom
05-02-2013, 09:33 AM
Dear, sweet Addy,
Take whatever time you need to put this picture together in your mind. We need you always but Zoe needs you more so that is where you should focus your energies. Know our prayers are with you always, that you both are held in our hearts.
Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang
05-02-2013, 12:38 PM
if I can be of any practical help looking anything up or researching sensible info for you to review please let me know
Thinking of you all
Big hug
Just want you to know I'm thinking of you and Zoe. I sure hope you can find what you need and get some answers. You're a wonderful mom to Zoe, so if anyone can figure things out, it will be you!
My girl isn't doing well either. New issues with her back legs not working sometimes. Like at all. It's been the last two mornings. Vet doesn't know the root cause. She got laser yesterday and acupuncture today. Just have to play it by ear...
Julie & Hannah
Thank you all so much. :)
Luckily, I had put together a good history for the derm vet last year so I only have to compile the last year. I spent last night sorting through the mounds of papers I have. I found everything I think I need except the pathology report from her endoscopy diagnosing her IBD.:)
I also spent time creating a stim history, easy to reference and read. I put notes on all the test pages with dates so I can quickly scan through them to find whatever I need. I did not include all the eye reports, just the really bad occurrence and the last recheck. The receipts were insane, has to be more than fifteen thousand the last 3 years, probably closer to 20 grand. :eek:
My coworker urged me to call the old IMS today. He told me to ask only to speak to her, no, I will not speak to a tech, no, I will not leave a message and to tell them I expect to speak to her today. He said I paid for that phone call and should demand nothing else. So I did what he asked, she was “doing a procedure” and could not come to the phone but they promised she would call me.
I do need a clearer picture and I need to know Zoe’s prognosis as it stands today. Funny, when I asked Gp to explain the ulra sound comments regard her pancreatitis, he agreed with IMS that it just mean that one of the times she was acting sick and did not want to eat and was vomiting, she had pancreatitis. I just looked at him and said “But that never happened, she just gets loose stools.” He looked puzzled and said “you mean that never happened?” I said no. He went back and reviewed the tests , saying “ these last two stims, look really good. I said I know and she is concentrating her urine now and her alkp came down. Then he again urged me to see a new IMS.
molly muffin
05-02-2013, 06:34 PM
You are an amazing record keeper! Good job, I'm super impressed!
Wow, Zoe just baffles every vet she comes across doesn't she. I think that is the root cause of all them running for the hills when they see you coming, or hear you're on the phone. They don't have a clue as to what to tell you. You probably have as good of an idea as they do about what is going on with her.
So, having said that, maybe a new pair of eyes, reviewing everything, checking her out, will give you a new perspective on everything. I certainly hope so. If this one tries to escape out the back door, bring lasso and reel them back in. hehehe (I can so see you doing that, "oh no you don't, you're going to answer this now")
Okay, now that I got my tickle box turned over as dad liked to say. I hope that you are having a good day.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-02-2013, 06:42 PM
Did the IMS you pay for now call back?
I hate people who avoid. Would have more respect for them if she was honest and then consulted someone else
Hope you are both doing ok
05-02-2013, 07:55 PM
Hi Addy, Just stopping in to say I am thinking of you and Zoe. I am impressed by your record keeping. Just another way that indicates your love and great care for Zoe. Wishing her the best and I hope you get the answers and Zoe get the care she deserves...Good for you for insisting on speaking with the Vet specially if you are being charged for the call.
Big (((HUGS))) and love! Zoe is so lucky to have you for a mom.
Sharon, Norman and Millie
How much Tramadol does Zoe get? And how much does she weigh? Hannah is supposed to get 1/4 of a 50 mg tablet (but it says it can go to 1/2) and she weighs 12 lbs. Does that sound right? I've never used it before and I'm a little worried.
Julie & Hannah
05-03-2013, 01:33 AM
Hi Julie, I started Tramadol on Flynn for his arthritis aches just last night, he has been put on 12.5mg twice a day. He weighs 13.8kg which is about 30 pounds. Vet only wanted him on a tiny dose to judge effect before putting it up any higher. First dose was last night, he is perky today so will see how he goes over the next few days.
I was googling doses and it works out for Hannah she should be having 5.4-21.6mg every 8-12hours and for Flynn at heavier weight 13.5-54mg every 8-12 hours. So I think they are reasonable doses.
Hope that helps.
Trish xx
marie adams
05-03-2013, 03:17 PM
Mom got mad at me being lost so I thought I would check in.:)
I hope you are well and Miss Zoe and Koko are having fun with better weather. My phone says it's 84 but I know its not that hot at my house so far.
I even posted on Ella's thread--pretty good since I have been gone and I guess I missed the train to Florida with everyone--you probably had a window seat....:D:):p
Sorry for missing you so much!!! XOXOXO ((((HUGS))))
Dang Marie, you have this knack for showing up when I need to hear from you the most:D:D:D:D
I have to go read about our Miss Ella. Mom is in Florida buying us a condo for the winter:D:D:D
I was just about to go on a rant about incompetent vets and here you are to stop me:D;)
hugs and love Marie
05-03-2013, 05:13 PM
Just checking in on you and Zoe.
Listen to your heart and to Zoe.
Love, Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
05-03-2013, 07:24 PM
Hi Addy, are you glad the working week is over? I am! :D:D First load of about 5 of laundry is on, I just had bacon and eggs for brekky, sun is shining and its warm so roll on the weekend of relaxation. I gave Flynny a tiny bit of his most favourite food (bacon) of all time to celebrate his good results this week :D:D
Write in your vet rant, I find it always helps to get it out! Hope you Zoe and Koko manage to find some sunshine and fun this weekend too xxxxx
05-03-2013, 08:12 PM
Hi Addy
Was just checking in to say hello to you and Zoe.
Hope you have a good wknd and hugs to your girl!
05-05-2013, 12:43 PM
Hey Addy
Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and your sweet girl. Hope you are all well
Big hug, kisses to the fur babies
awww, thanks, you should like this-
hubby yells "there are deer right out in the front yard"
I yell back "chase them away, they have ticks"
hubby goes outside and meanwhile Koko sees the deer and go nuts barking at the door and you will never guess who was standing at the door next to him barking to scare the deer away:D:D:D
I live for moments like these with my Zoe:D:D
with everything wrong with her, I dont know how she does it:rolleyes::confused:
deer are gone now and she is here wanting chicken for her hard work.
05-05-2013, 01:09 PM
Too right intruders in our yard Mom!!!
She now thinks she deserves chicken for her guard duty efforts. So pleased she is spunky as ever :D
Budsters Mom
05-05-2013, 02:56 PM
I love it!:D I really needed a happy story today!:D
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
05-05-2013, 06:42 PM
Oh Zoe! :) This is important stuff mom, deer! in the yard! deer in the yard!! Get it!! Get it!!! She has a lot to say and can't let Koko get the last word :)
Oh saw you got the IMS, Ultrasound report finally, weeks later! Timeliness is not a strong suite I guess.
Hope you had a good weekend
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-05-2013, 08:57 PM
That is so funny Addy, I can just see the two of them trying to scare the deer away and deers are mean, at least the bucks are. I hope hubby was careful. Glad you and the babies were not out there. Take care. Love, JoAnne
Such a great story, Addy! I want to click "Like." :D Such a good girl, getting those deer (with ticks) out of her yard! :)
Julie & Hannah
Bailey's Mom
05-05-2013, 09:36 PM
Do you think Zoe could scare off the crocodiles????
This time next week, Bailey and I will be snuggling!!
Simba's Mom
05-06-2013, 01:04 AM
Loved the story, thanks for sharing, your Zoe is a character.....
05-06-2013, 06:53 AM
Dear Lord, deer in the bark yard!!! That is dinner on the hoof for Flynn, he loves his venison :D:D:D
Don't tell me you have snakes and bears too, or I am never coming to visit!!
Bailey's Mom
05-06-2013, 12:36 PM
Good Monday morning and hope all is well. Just sittin' here on your shoulder wonderin' what's for lunch today? I have 1/2 a left over focaccia steak sandwich from Outback if you don't have a better offer.
Sunny but only 73 here.....but only 50 in BB!
Slept sooooo well last night. Ahhhhh.
molly muffin
05-06-2013, 05:53 PM
ohhhh, did someone say focaccia! Love that stuff. Everything is better on focaccia. I just like saying it. ROFL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-07-2013, 06:32 AM
Hope all is settled in the Zoe household, no wildlife visits? I am imagining your house is in the countryside and absolutely beautiful! Hope work is treating you well and your Flynn customer is continuing to get service with a smile! xx
Yesterday was the big to do, they came to cut down the giant evergreen at the back of the pool, It was dieing and dropping huge amouint of needles in the pool and burnt out our pool pump last year.
Zoe spent all afternoon barking at the tree guys, I thought she would sleep in this morning. I gave her a tramadol as I figured she would be hurting after all the activity but she was up at 4:50 this morning.
We go for consult Thursday. Hubby dropped off records and said he did not get good vibes:( New IMS did some of his research on Cushings and blood clots in dogs and did his DVM at U.C. Davis,
We'll see how it goes.
Crazy week here, I have banquet with my granddaughter, mom has to go to the doctor, finish dealing with the tree mess, IMS visit, crazy.
Neighbor cam over to check out the tree. She is so sad as to how bad Zoe looks but after she saw Zoe barking at her and doing hop, bark bark for her dinner, she turned to me and said, "why, for all that is wrong with her, she is doing really good." She has not seen Zoe all winter as my neighbor winters in Florida.
We'll see how it goes.
Trish- old IMS has diagnosed progressive kidney disease based on the cysts on her left kidney. Does that sound right?
05-07-2013, 07:19 AM
Yikes, I feel tired reading all of that! Or maybe it is because it is 11.15pm here! What a week you have Addy, I really hope it goes well on Thursday, you need some good luck in vet department.
I need to go back check Zoe's ultrasound but seem to have in my head the cysts were on one side?? If so, even if there were causing problems in that kidney the other should still be working?? Be interesting to hear what the new guy has to say... xx
Yup, only on one kidney, good memory:D:D:D:D
05-07-2013, 02:55 PM
Just posting to say hey, know you are not on as much as usual but wanted you to know I am thinking of you and sweet Zoe
Hoping you get some answers this week too, will be with you in spirit on Thursday, sending lots of positive mojo
Boriss McCall
05-07-2013, 05:57 PM
Good luck on Thursday. I hope it goes really good. Little Zoe needs a break & so do her mom & dad.;)
Thank you Mel and thank you Amy,
I try to check in when I can but I need to keep my head clear right now and Zoe keeps me really busy before and after work now. Last night they both finally konked out in the living room so I thought I could sneak away for a hot soak.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I swear they both have radar as I know sooner sunk into the hot water when I heard a commotion at the bathroom door. I decided to ignore them. Finally after five minutes it seemed too quiet and I couldn't take it any more so came sneaking out dripping water.
Koko had gone into our bedroom and was stretched out, good boy Koko, and Zoe was standing in front of that bathroom door (which was closed) pacing back and forth as she thought that was where I was:rolleyes::rolleyes: end of spa night for Addy:rolleyes:;)
Well, drop time and foot soak for Zoe plus they both have to go out again, dinner is over.
Mel, thank you for always looking after me.:):):)
05-07-2013, 09:49 PM
Just wanted to say hi and good luck to Zoe on Thursday!Your "spa night" made me laugh-they are like little children!The minute I get on the phone,Gracie barks because she wants my attention!:D.It's all about them!:).
05-08-2013, 05:06 PM
Hey there
You started the looking after first. I will never forget your kind words that Thursday night
I will be thinking of you all tomorrow with lots of postive mojo so hoping you get a clear idea for your peace of mind.
Hoping she is chicken walking and waiting at the door today
Big hug, kisses to the fur kids
Just want you to know I'm thinking of you and Zoe and hope everything goes well tomorrow. Hannah will be going for another round of acupuncture and a checkup on her back they're both heading to the vet on the same day. I'll check in on you guys tomorrow.
Julie & Hannah
Simba's Mom
05-09-2013, 12:07 AM
Praying that Zoe has good results tomorrow, actually when I tan I pray for all the cush pups and the moms and dads too....take care
05-09-2013, 12:37 AM
Sending good vibes your way for tomorrow!
Budsters Mom
05-09-2013, 01:19 AM
Hi Addy,:)
Thinking of you and sending love and wellness hugs for tomorrow. I hope your new Doc knows what the heck he's supposed to know!:D
Love and Hugs,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-09-2013, 07:05 AM
I think it's thursday now over there, so good luck with the appointment, will be awaiting your report eagerly. Hope all goes well.
Addy, thinking of you and Zoe today and hoping the appt goes well and that you get some answers. I'll check in later.
Hugs from me and Jasper :)
05-09-2013, 08:39 AM
Hoping all goes well for you and Zoe. Blessings
05-09-2013, 09:32 AM
sending lots of support,love,light and healing thoughts !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
Boriss McCall
05-09-2013, 10:24 AM
Good luck today Addy. We will all be here waiting.
Squirt's Mom
05-09-2013, 10:36 AM
You are surrounded by loving arms today. Looking forward to hearing from you later with good news!
molly muffin
05-09-2013, 04:38 PM
Hi Addy, how did things go today? Thinking of you and Zoe.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
05-09-2013, 05:30 PM
Hi did it go with the new doc? Are things looking up?
Hugs, love and still on that shoulder,
Hey Addy,
Just checking in on you guys...hope it went well today.
Julie & Hannah
Hi and I sure do feel the love so thank you.
Not sure how it went today, I will wait for his written report to summarize it all and then think about all we discussed. He is very green, a bit wet behind the ears, I think they say, lacking in experience and of course, he does not have the history of Zoe on his side. He really does not know her.
Zoe was very stressed in the room, panting and running to the door, how she used to act actually, years ago, yet he took off her muzzle and held her and she was fine with him. Such a flirt, my girl, always was partial to a male doctor and not big with the women who are intimidated by her and she knows it.
Some of his knowledge is good, some statements were concerning to me, like taking her cortisol down to a post 1 ug/dl if we had to:eek::eek: and that he was not concerned about her kidneys as she had not lost all her muscle mass and size to which we said yes she has, she used to be the same size as Koko, she is shrinking.
Dr. Feldman trained him. He did not care that I had a lot of questions, he said they were well thought out and knowedgeable and after all, Zoe has a lot going on, so he would expect that.
I found his bedside manner reassuring to me, he understood my concern about the metronidazole He said we could try Tylan. He is not yet ready to give up on the Trilostane, he thinks we should up her dose and try for a tighter control, keeping her down post stim down (though his comment of 1-2 ug/dl freaked me out and I told him that and why). He seemed to feel that we should try that first before throwing in the towel but I need to read his summary.
He thought perhaps I should try a novel protein prescription diet to see if that would help her IBD, it seems he thought we could make improvements there and get her off the raw food and lower her fat intake which would help her pancreas and IBD. I asked how would that affect her kidneys and he said it would not. (Old IMS said she needs high fat for her kidneys)
He did mention he did not understand why her pre stim number has been high the last 3-4 stims and then dismissed it which for some reason was a red flag to me.
So not sure if I have good news or not. He did not want me to freak out about the nodules in the liver and spleen. He said without biopsy we dont know what it means for Zoe but he felt we should not worry about it now.
Long story short, I was so stressed today, I forgot to change after the vet visit and went to work in my jeans and old tennis shoes. Bosses's wife seemd bothered by that:rolleyes: What's a girl to do.
Let us wait for the written report. Hopefully it will not take 3 weeks.
He did skin scrape and did not find anything unusual, thinks it is all related to her Cushings but wants me to continue to try to get rid of the crud. I came home with Ketechlor shampoo, I told him she turned so pink from the other stuff, he said only allow this on for a few minutes first to see if she has a reaction. I told him the more I try to get the crud off, the more her hair falls out. He said that is her alopecia but I should continue to get the crud off becuase he agrees it can cause her more problems if we dont.
Hi Addy,
I think waiting for the written report and taking time to digest everything sounds like a good plan. It does sound like there was a lot covered, and a lot to think about.
I do think it is wonderful that Zoe liked him, that he had a good bedside manner, and that he was totally open to answering all of your questions and never got mad or irritated with you. I think that is excellent, and so different from your other experiences. He also seemed to have some suggestions to possibly help Zoe (trying new food, new med, etc.) but didn't force it on you.
Hannah is on a prescription diet to see if that helps her itching. It's a hydrolyzed protein diet, so the dog's body cannot possibly recognize it. She's on Royal Canin HP. At first she loved it, but lately she doesn't seem too keen on it; however, she goes in phases with eating and right now prefers to eat about 9:00 p.m.
We've also used the ketochlor shampoo many, many times, and it does seem to help Hannah. Maybe you could also try the wipes with the ketoconazole? Not sure what he would say about that...maybe you could ask? Then you don't have to do the shampooing all the time.
At any rate, I'd call it a pretty successful visit. Zoe liked the doctor, he was respectful, he was receptive to your questions, and he offered suggestions without being too pushy. It's always so hard to know what to do and who is right when you get different advice, but I know you will consider everything before you make a decision.
Julie & Hannah
05-10-2013, 07:17 AM
so much to take in addy,but you are right on top of things and i am so sure that your baby will be feeling better soon....although i have been out of town for these last 3 wks i am checking in from time to time on all of our furbabies here....sending xoxo patty(milo)meka xoxox
05-10-2013, 07:58 AM
Hi Addy,
I have to say, green behind the ears or not, he sounds like he could be a keeper! If he had Zoe flirting with him without the muzzle, and a good beside manner, that is a huge factor. Over time her stress will dissipate - it was probably the new smells and new people that did it, but if she likes him, that will be a big bonus. And if he considered your questions, didn't mind being questioned and considered them well thought out, then BIG BONUS! Someone who will listen and not brush you off is a must I think.
As for the post numbers down to 1-2, if he is Feldman trained, that makes sense to me. There are two ranges to follow, Dechra, (which is favoured here) is 40-150 nmol/L which is 1.4- 5.4 ug, or the original Nelson/Feldman range which is 27-60 nmol/L or 1-2.2ug. My IMS prefers to use the Nelson Feldman range herself, and described Fraser as textbook perfect at one point when he came back at 50 nmol/L (1.8ug) (pity he didn't stay that way :o) but if the IMS you saw is Feldman trained, he is probably more comfortable with that range. (sorry, I'm used to the nmol numbers, which is why I put them in that order)
As for the pre stim numbers being higher, did Zoe show any stress (well, more than usual) on those tests? Of the 3 tests I have had done on Fraser, 2 of the pre's were higher than the posts, but each time he was obviously stressed before hand. Again, the IMS wasn't particularly worried about it except for the fact that the post number is a little bit then lower than it otherwise could have been as the body had already dumped a whole pile of cortisol before the ACTH was administered.
Overall, from what you have written there, it sounds like it went pretty well, as long as you feel comfortable with the outcome. As you say, wait for the report and take it from there. And as for the boss's wife eyeing your clothes? Ehh, get over it lady! :D
Looking forward to that report right along with you :D
05-10-2013, 08:20 AM
You sound like you are in the same boat as Tipper and I. A newer IMS without a lot of experience giving you conflicting information to what you know to be true. It is a lot to take in and think about. It all comes down to a trust issue. Can you trust what this new person is telling you?? I have a real problem doing that. Do you think the change in diet will give Zoe any problems? I pray you can get this all straightened out, and that Zoe gets her skin issues under control. God Bless You Both
05-10-2013, 08:20 AM
Hey Addy: The new vet seems pretty good, at least you can talk to him. He does not know you or Zoe yet, but seems to take your suggestions and listens to you. That seems to be a plus. You will know whether or not he is good since you know Zoe so well and know the right thing to do. My vets are GPs, and have known CoCo since he was six weeks old and are not so knowledgable about Cushings, but always check things out if they are concerned so I hope I am doing the right thing for CoCo. Take care. Love, JoAnne
Bailey's Mom
05-10-2013, 11:53 AM
I LIKE what I hear! Zoe has found a friend and ally!
Tell the work lady this was casual Thursday, did she not get the memo?
Is the pool open yet? It's Friday....sounds like time to warm up that water, grab that favorite drink, (does Zoe like the pool?), get in and soak til you're all wrinkly.
05-10-2013, 07:39 PM
Hmmm it must be hard to pick up a patient with such a complicated history and Zoe sure is a tricky little Miss!!
Good to see he has a good bedside manner and Zoe likes him, I like that!!
Good to try something new for skin, hopefully it does not irritate her like the last stuff. Same for IBD, at least he is coming up with some new ideas there.
Few unaswered bits though, like the Trilostane, the renal suff - I do not think that is good just commenting on muscle mass??!
I think it is fair enough not worrying about liver/spleen if surgey is not going to be an option.
So I am with you Addy, wait for written report and see what his plan will be going ahead. Experience does count for a lot I feel.
Hugs for you and Zoe and Koko too! xx
I too am stopping by, sorry been mia, have been reading and following along, and wanted to let you know, you know what....i am damn proud of you. really really am.
it is sooooooooo difficult to see new doctors, and you did it, you are staying opened minded and not climbing over the tables grabbing doctors labs coats appearing a stressed out pet parent....(coughcough, i dont know WHO would EVER feel like a stressed out cough cough pet, me....looking all around noticing amazing detail in the ceiling especially when your being told conflicting information on what you have previously learned. I would want to know source of information and proof of studies if he leads to far in opposite direction of current knowledge. Of course waiting for the report will provide what direction he is leading. awesome sign baby likes him, that is so often comforting sign. Being listened to is awesome but being listened to, considered and having answers is even more awesome. So hope all goes well and will be excited to hear how things go. AND happy mothers day to a very beautiful pet mom.
05-11-2013, 09:30 AM
I added a pic of Tia so you can see her little face....
How are you all doing? Everything ok?
Big hug, kisses to the fur kids
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