View Full Version : Zoe By My Side- Our Journey with Cushings
Squirt's Mom
02-13-2013, 10:14 AM
Just take a little binder broken into two sections - green for "Please DO these things", red for "Do NOT do these things." Plain, clear-cut, to the point. What could be simpler? You can add the binder to her luggage with coats, boots, toys, blankets, and goodies. Be sure to pin the home phone # to her collar and she should be just fine. could do like me and just take your blanket and pillow and PJs to the clinic then claim a spot on the floor by her cage. Be sure to take your Zena Princess Warrior suit, tho, just in case. Those light saber swords can come in handy, too.
I will send some Harpies to stand guard during the times you need to rest and drink lots of Chocovine on your behalf, 'k?
See? This is gonna be a snap! ;)
I know JoAnne, it is always something!!!
LOL Leslie, would they really let me stay overnight with her if she has to stay? I would totally do that.:) They told me this morning that if they cannot control her pain with oral meds she will have to spend the night.:( I have not spent a night without Zoe in 5 or 6 years.:o
I told them the plan was wake up, walk, pee and come home. The vet tech wasnt buying into that.:(
I dont worry so about Koko as he loves humans so much he would never be a worry to anyone. Baby Kujo (aka Zoe)has so many issues.:o
Oh I know, I am worry about something that will not happen so I am wasting lots of energy. Last night I had a soup dinner party with the kids and my daughter. I brought home spicy spinach totilla soup from the Mexican Restaurant near work. We all had a great time including the dogs:):)
I just printed up "How to take care of Zoe" instructions. I'll make up her food tonight and pack up everything so she does not see it tomorrow am. Soon, this will all be just a memory.:)
02-13-2013, 06:01 PM
Addy, I will be thinking of you guys all day tomorrow! I know tonight will probably be a very restless one for you. But by this time tomorrow, the surgery will be behind you and Zoe will already be healing. Tomorrow evening can't come soon enough for any of us!!
Sending tons of hugs your way,
Harley PoMMom
02-13-2013, 06:14 PM
I will be keeping you and Zoe in my thoughts and prayers. As you already know, we are worry warts, so please do try to keep us updated. Sending huge and loving hugs, Lori
02-13-2013, 07:22 PM
Woke up this morning (thursday has already dawned here) and thought of you and Zoe. Will be looking forward to the all clear reports at the end of the day and hearing that she is home and resting comfortably. Take care, there's enough people sending good vibes your way so you don't have to do any worrying!
Thank you guys. I took a break from packing up all her stuff and labeling it. I decided I better send along her bottled water, I dont want them giving her well water. I dont give our well water. I just finished shredding up her chicken for treats, I still have to make her food.
I have plans to go to the office from 10-2. They are doing an xray of her heart and lungs before surgery so that would be the only thing that could change the plans, if they would find something.
The last two procedures, I was left hanging all day until late in the afternoon but as soon as I hear anything I'll let you all know.
We drop her off between 7:30 and 8:00 am, it will be snowing durring rush hour so we will have to leave by 7am.
I am not worried about the surgery , more about them having to handle her and afraid she will bite someone and she has no rabies shot. That is always my biggest fear for Zoe.
They were so reasurring this morning, about how everyone on staff knows her so well. (she's a great money machine, ya know;) )
I am fine. I am pretty calm all in all. Shes sitting her barking for chicken because I am at the diing table typing so I better go get her some and the pups still have to poo. We are running late tonight:rolleyes:
love you all
I'll be thinking of you and saying lots of prayers for little Zoe. I like the plan of wake up, pee, go home too! :D
I sure hope everything goes exactly as planned. You guys will be in my thoughts all day!
Julie & Hannah
Hi Addy,
It sounds like you have everything under control, good job Mom! I will be thinking of you and Zoe tomorrow and sending tons of prayers your way also. She is going to do just fine, and she will be home with you before you know it! I am not able to post from work, but will be checking frequently for updates throughout the day. Try to get some rest tonight, and know that we will all be by your side tomorrow.
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper
Bailey's Mom
02-14-2013, 12:35 AM
Hellllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooo Addy!!!!!!!!! :D:D
Hellllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooo Zoe and of course, Koko, also. :D:D
Oh boy, do we have a fun day planned today. :) We get to go for a ride in the car! We get to see that white stuff in the air. Koko gets to stand guard at home......and try so hard not to get into anything! And then there's the drugs!! Wooo whoooo! Zoe can dream of big dog bones and fields and fields to run in. She will have temporary immunity from all allergies and issues. And in the fields, there will be lots of pieces of chicken hidden and tucked EVERYwhere. :)
Then before you know it, almost, it will be Friday. By Friday everyone will be home and cuddling. And eating little pieces of chicken. Edith Ann says.................and that's the truth!!!
I'm with you every second of the day. I'm sitting on your right shoulder. I don't weigh much (don't I wish) so you'll hardly know I'm here/there but, you bet your bippy, I'll be right there. Then another "ankle biter" can be checked off your very long list of accomplishments and achievements. Zoe will have her warranty extended, once again.
HUGE hug, sweetie.
02-14-2013, 05:22 AM
Thinking of you and Zoe this morning and sending healing thoughts to you. I am sure Zoe will be fine and back home tonight. Take care. Love, JoAnne
02-14-2013, 06:30 AM
Hi Addy
All the best to Zoe and you today, I have supreme confidence in your vets, from all you have said they have planned this out carefully and she is going to fly through it.
I will be sneaking peeks on my phone at work tomorrow waiting patiently for any news!
Eat chocolate is my suggestion to pass the time!
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tears of gratitude are flowing now for all of you and your kindness and caring
We have avoided barkfest by not turning on any lights and not sitting down anywhere. She is calm but confused.
We are off to the clinic now, I'll post when I know something
Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 09:43 AM
Right beside you, sweetie, right beside you all the way. A candle is burning for Zoe, prayers offered, and healing white light flying her way.
Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang
02-14-2013, 09:57 AM
Addy, Thinking of Zoe and you today. Hope everything goes nice and smooth. Will be waiting to hear the good news.
Big hugs
Thinking of you guys and waiting for the good news! Sending lots of love to you and little Zoe!
Julie & Hannah
She was very calm though she did poop in the waiting area just to let them know what she thinks of the place;)
I cant belive how calm she was this morning especially with no breakfast, such a good girl with her eye drops, I have all my fingers, I must have done something right.:):) She went off with Nelly, no freaking out, amazed at how good she was.:confused:
I am off to work now and the hard waiting game begins. My Koko has been a good boy to as he just had breakfast now though he got to lick the oatmeal bowl all by himself:):):)
The house is so empty without her. Nelly said the goal is to get her home tonight, so the plan is still in effect, wake up, walk, pee, come home to me.
Hubby will babysit for Koko til I get back.
I sure hope I get to tell you all good news soon.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
02-14-2013, 10:42 AM
Addy, thanks so much for this first report! It sounds as though the day actually started out as well as it possibly could, and we're all counting on it ending that way, too!!!!!!!!
Staying tuned for the next update!
she is in recovery, surgery went well will post more when i can leave work
02-14-2013, 12:13 PM
happy to read this addy :) patty xoxox
Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 12:34 PM
~~whew~~ First hurdle over! YAY! That didn't take very long, did it? I'm sure it seemed like DAYS tho! We are still right by your side....breath, breath, breath. ;) Fill us in when you can but focus on that sweet girl first and foremost.
Leslie and the gang
02-14-2013, 12:37 PM
Double whew!!!!!! ;) ;) :) :)
Boriss McCall
02-14-2013, 01:00 PM
What a relief.. surgery is over!! :):)
Can't wait to hear that she is doing well & you get to take her home with you. ;)
YAY! Phase 1 is over. Now she just needs to walk, pee, and go home!!! :D
02-14-2013, 01:04 PM
Triple phew! Doing the happy dance! Go Zoe, go Zoe!!
02-14-2013, 01:34 PM
Woot, woot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am to call at 2pm for an update and to hopefully make arrangements for her to come home.
Please Zoe, walk and pee for Mommy:):):):):)
They said the spinal block worked so great because they used light anesthesia. Surgeon was positive.
I have a lot to post about the tumor and her female parts but cant at work - will explain when i get home. They reconstructed her clitoris:eek: I had a phone call from surgeon while dirving to work and freaked out, I thought they found something on her x ray. My heart did not stop pounding from that scare for an hour and half:eek::eek: Xray showed nothing bad:D:D consistant with an older dog, no masses or tumors.
No growth was inside her- they even had oncologist there along with IMS checking her over once she was knocked out. Ouside mass more extensive then they thought, they kinda rebuilt her vulva to some degree:eek::eek::eek:
Sending all out for biopsy including part of her clitoris:eek:
I just dont think it is cancer, I think this is from increase sex hormones and they seem to agree.
Gotta run will be back when I can
also update on Chewy- he is doing well and needs the rest of his teeth out, my two troopers:):):):):)
Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 02:07 PM
Sounds good, Addy! Really good! :cool::cool::cool:
02-14-2013, 02:31 PM
OMG Addy,
Definitely an all around heart pounding matter. Did your heart slow down now? But on the bright side, how happy this phase is over and they did not suspect any malignancy. Yayyyy Zoeeeee! Now get her home and love her up for all of us please.
Fast healing Zoe. We love you and mommy and family.
Tight hugs.
xo Jeanette and my Princess
02-14-2013, 03:23 PM
Keep on hanging in there. Will be praying all is well. Zoe is a fighter.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
Boriss McCall
02-14-2013, 05:17 PM
yay Addy!! I know this day has probably been a ball of stress for you. :eek: You are on the upswing now...;)
I hope your little baby isn't too sore & she gets to come home with you tonight.
Someone is home barking at me for chicken
Gosh, I am exhausted but relieved. She is a bit wobbly but she is trying really hard to do hop, hop, bark:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Surgeon is very pleased with outcome. Surgeon said Zoe did beautifully under the spinal block and light anesthesia. Mass had some invasive margins, so she took more just incase and rebuilt her vulva. She also removed some clitoris tissue I cant remember why but will get the report. She does not think there was cancer involved with her clitoris. I didnt even know a dog had one:o:o:o:o
She needs to stay calm, no running, playing, walking only to relieve herself. recheck in 10 days, stitches out in 3 weeks.
Started antibiotics tonight, got her evening dose of Trilostane. She has some shaking in her back leg and her bad front leg gave out for a bit. I need to be careful with the tramadol. She was allowed 1/2 of her supper tonight. I am to not let her gulp water, she has had fluids but surgeon said they get so excited to be home they gulp a lot of water and then vomit. So allow some water then pick it and take away and offer again in 10 minutes.
She didnt even try to bite anyone:):):):):):)
Trish, they seemed brilliant and careful and so well planned and even consulted with the staff oncologist and had him examine Zoe. And the bill came in at the low estimate:):):):)
:)I cant begin to thank you all for your support and love and prayers today. Knowing you were all here waiting for me and Zoe meant so much to me.
So now the hard part is over and we begin recovery and wait for the results of the biopsies. I dont feel worried about it though there was a glimmer of doubt for me when the surgeon discussed invasive margins, etc. She left clean margins.
Awww, she just fell asleep. I didnt even get her eye drops in. That;s okay, we'll do it later.
I love you all and thank you so much.
Harley PoMMom
02-14-2013, 07:02 PM
Oh Addy,
So relieved to hear that sweet Zoe's surgery is now behind you and that it was with no complications, although it does sound a bit ouchy. :(
Sending huge, loving, and healing hugs to you both, Lori
02-14-2013, 07:08 PM
Wow, I'm so relieved and happy, too!!! :) :D
Happy Valentine's Day, mom, now that you've got your little valentine safely home!! ;) :p
Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 07:19 PM
Thank goodness she is home and barking! :D:cool::D That is wonderful, Addy! It sounds like she did great all the way. I hope her recovery is the same.
Hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang
Sounds to me like she's feeling pretty darn good considering that procedure. Yikes! Glad to hear everything went as well as it could and that your sweetie is home and sleeping comfortably!
Julie & Hannah
02-14-2013, 07:48 PM
So happy Zoe did so well. Already barking for food. Such a happy Valentine's day for you and your family. I know you will sleep better tonight with your sweet girl home. Love, JoAnne
Thank you all so much.
My girl is snoring away and I keep pinching myself to make sure it is not all a dream but that she really did have surgery today. Her discharge papers indeed say "major surgery".
I still cannot believe how smoothly it all went. I keep wondering if and when the other shoe will drop, so to speak. It seems too good to be true.
I am absolutely amazed by this day and by my Zoe. We'll take it one day at a time, live in the now and be happy for it tonight:D:D
Bailey's Mom
02-14-2013, 10:13 PM
OUCH!!!! Wow...ow, ow, ow!!!
What a couple of troopers!! It never ceases to amaze me how well doggies do with surgery. They have no idea what's ahead and yet when they find out it's kind of like......HoHum. If someone performed that procedure on me, I would be one very unhappy camper!!
Rest well, tonight, both of you. You've accomplished a lot today. Now it's time to recharge your batteries!!
Addy, I was following the updates all day from work and am so happy and relieved that everything went so well for Zoe. And she is home! How wonderful for you both. I hope it is a restful night for both of you.
Lots of love and hugs for you and Zoe,
Tina and Jasper
02-14-2013, 11:37 PM
Thats such good news Addy, what a relief for all of us :D:D:D Clear margins are good, so that is great! So thankful she has come through it all ok what a smart girl and she did not nip anyone either :D:D:D
Have a good sleep Zoe (and Addy!) you have both deserved it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
02-15-2013, 12:21 AM
Addy-So glad Zoe is home and it sounds like everything went great. Hope her recovery goes well also. Big hugs.
Good morning Addy,
Just wanted to check in before work to see how Zoe is doing this morning. I hope you both had a restful night. Again, I am so relieved things went so well with her surgery. :)
Hugs from me and Jasper
02-15-2013, 08:30 AM
Hey Addy: Just thinking of your family and sweet Zoe this morning. Hope her ouchy is not so ouchy this morning and you'll rested last night. I have thought about the poor baby peeing and how it must hurt, but maybe dogs don't have the same pain that we do. It will heal quickly, I think urine is healing. Have a good day. Surgery is over, YAY. Love, JoAnne
I hope our little Zoe had a restful night (and Mom too!) and that today will be a good day for her. I'm so happy the "plan" went as planned! :D
Julie & Hannah
Squirt's Mom
02-15-2013, 08:53 AM
Hope Zoe had a good night and has a good day today.
Leslie and the gang
02-15-2013, 08:55 AM
So glad Zoe is home with you, and hopefully had a restful night. Poor baby, sounds like a real ouchy surgery! good luck trying to keep her quiet for the next 10 days - 3 weeks! :D:D:D
Aww, thanks for checking in. I did not sleep, I could feel all that stress flowing through my blood and I kept listening for Zoe. She woke a few times and did some licking on her bed. She usually does not do that on Tramadol. Maybe I needed to give her a bigger dose. But this morning we had Barkfest and she wanted to go on a chicken walk.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I told her no way, you are resting today. She was able to have her Trilostane this morning, so she usually gets tired from it. She did try to lick her potty but could not reach it standing up. I hope she cant reach it laying done. The surgeon and I want to avoid an ecollar if we can.
She was licking her paw today, the one on the leg that was shaved for the IV.:eek: I'm hoping she forgets it as she has not bothered her paws for months now.
I am home today with her and hope to get her to rest.
Her little butt and inside back legs are all bare and she has a bald spot now near her tail at the base of her spine from the spinal block. She looks a mess but as long as she feels good, I dont care. I told hubby maybe we should just shave off all her hair and she can look like a hairless chi:D:D:D
My Tinker cat lived to be 21 years old. Her vet said she lived so long because she was so mean and ornery. Tinker was always very sweet to us, but not to other animals or people. Maybe the Baby Kujo side of Zoe serves her well:confused::confused:;);)
hugs for checking on us
02-15-2013, 09:13 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about the licking of the IV site, I think that's pretty normal. It's usually a bit of irritation from the tape holding it, but also the newly shaved and blunt hairs in the skin too. I know my boys always lick for a day or two whenever they get shaved like that (blood testes etc).
otherwise, here's to being mean and ornery! If it elongates life, I'll start teaching Frasey to be more grumpy :D:D:D
Jenny & Judi in MN
02-15-2013, 09:24 AM
glad you are home today Addy. Fingers crossed no e-collar or cone of shame!
Boriss McCall
02-15-2013, 02:47 PM
Glad Zoe is feeling good today. I will keep my fingers crossed she doesn't get the lick habit. ;)
02-15-2013, 04:27 PM
Hello Addy! I am happy Zoe is managing well after her surgery. I am sure she enjoys having you home today.:D
Keep us posted as she continues to heal. Rest up and enjoy the weekend.
Hi Guys, thanks for thinking of us.
Today was like Zoe never had surgery. I even gave her a tiny piece of Tramadol but she really did not sleep much and insisted on walking down the driveway tonight so she could poo. I need to keep her quiet but I wanted to clean so everything was fresh and clean for her and she is always more active when I am.
The weird thing is and maybe it is just my imagination but her urine flow seems better, stronger and she pees once or twice and does not keep walking around to squat and dribble. Maybe because she had fluids yesterday. I guess I'll just keep observing and see if it is different tomorrow. The surgeon said that her uretha was pretty far in from where she worked to remove the vulvar mass.
Well, signing off, I think for the night. Hopefully we will all sleep good tonight. She has not tried to lick her potty since this morning.:):)
I have not seen any more leg shivering either so if that was pain yesterday or from not having her Vetoryl, I dont know. Usually her leg shivered like that when i would touch the mass so I thought it was pain.:confused::confused::confused:
It isnt even 7 o'clock but I think I am heading for a hot bath and pj time:D:D:D:D
Night all:):)
02-15-2013, 09:34 PM
pleasant dreams girls !!! xoxox see you in the morning ...patty (milo)meka xoxox
02-15-2013, 10:10 PM
Sounds like you need a good sleep Addy after your restless night, hope you can relax and have a good snooze tonight as Zoe is being such a model patient. I was wondering if the leg twitching yesterday could also have been the final effects of the spinal block. Hopefully it has settled down. Phew what a relief this is all over. You guys have been in my thoughts alot the last couple of days! Sweet dreams!
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
02-16-2013, 10:06 AM
Great to hear more positive results for little Zoe...I am sure you can rest a bit better now. Happy, Happy dance...:D:D
Sharon and Norman
I am happy to report everyone got a really good night's sleep last night and this morning Zoe's post op swelling has decreased by almost 70%.:):)
I remain totally amazed at this little dog.:):):):):):):):)
I plan to make sure she rests today more than she did yesterday. Hubby is in charge of guarding her nap time:):):):):)
Thanks for your well wishes:D:D:D:D:D:D
02-16-2013, 06:10 PM
so happy to read this addy...yeah zoe !!! xoxoxo patty(milo)meka
02-16-2013, 06:44 PM
Wow that is awesome, both on the sleep front and also the swelling going down. That has to make her feel more comfortable!
Interesting that she is voiding better, do you still notice that now? Maybe the pressure of the mass was impacting on her urethra or base of bladder, even if not directly next to those structures. Or you could be quite right that the IV fluids during surgery had her so well hydrated she was putting out more. Still, I do like to hear of a good flow rate :D:D:D
Yup, she is still voiding better today. Among my list of reasons for removing the mass was that the surgeon thought it could impact her ability to urinate if it got any bigger. I wonder since the mass had more invasive margins than originally thought, if that was starting to already happen:confused:
Another reason was I had to know if it was benign or cancer to know how to proceed with treating her Cushings.
She looks like a bald bottom little monkey but she seems to feel better. I know the growth bothered her. Im really glad we went ahead with the surgery and I am so grateful to her team as they really listened to my concerns for Zoe and came up with a plan that really worked well for her. I am lucky to have all those specialists under one roof and able to consult with each other with Zoe right there. I really feel it made a huge difference which is why I selected that clinic 3 years ago in case Zoe would have to face something like this.
Trish, I must have thought I needed a plan for potential problems;)
One of the reasons I stuck it out there I guess.:):):) So I guess having a plan is a good thing;););)
02-16-2013, 09:54 PM
Here's to a good plan! <chink glasses>
Glad to hear she is doing so well, but good luck trying to keep her quiet. I get the impression that will be the struggle :D
02-16-2013, 10:19 PM
Addy-So glad to hear Zoe is doing great!
Oh Addy, I am so happy to read how well Zoe is doing!! Such a huge relief. I'm sure you can rest a little easier now. Such a little trooper she is. ;)
Tina and Jasper
marie adams
02-16-2013, 11:46 PM
Dearest Sister Addy,
I am so happy Zoe came through the surgery with flying colors!!!! I guess I was a lucky charm; at least I hope I was one of the reasons for such a wonderful out come!!!:D:D
You are the best mom ever for all your children!!!:):)
Have a great weekend!! I shouldn't tell you it has been beautiful here these past 2 days with temps in the middle 70's. Yesterday Catalina Island looked like you could reach out and touch it since it was so clear.
Love You!!!!:):p;)
Bailey's Mom
02-17-2013, 02:45 AM
Great news all around, Addy! When will you get the biopsy report? Have a wonderful weekend with your family.
Sus, are you being a night owl again?;)
Hi to all of you, :D:D:D
Naomi- she was already picking a play fight with Koko this morning.:rolleyes:
Hopefully this week I will have the report but I got the impression from the surgeon that if it was cancer, she got it all. Still dont understand about the marble they felt inside her. Something about it was part of the base of something they think was enlarged because of her sex hormones:confused: I am grateful it turned out not to be the growth they thought it was. I am hoping the vulvar growth was benign and also from her sex hormones. Hope to clarify all of that this coming week.
Koko and I just got back from visiting my mom. He had to say hi to all the residents and ask for a belly rub:D:D:D
molly muffin
02-17-2013, 10:54 PM
I didn't end up being able to check my email while I was away, so playing catch up now. I'm so glad to hear that everything went so well with Zoe's surgery. What a trooper! She went, she conquered, she came home. :) Sounds perfect!
And you survived too Mom!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-18-2013, 12:54 AM
Yay your back! How was the trip? You were missed as always! How was Molly, pleased to see you guys home I bet!
02-18-2013, 05:01 AM
Thought I was in Sharlene's thread haha so I am back to wish you and Zoe a good night, fingers crossed for good results this week!! Now Naomi, you weren't dissing the planning queen a few posts back were you???????????????????
Boriss McCall
02-18-2013, 10:17 AM
Zoe is such a little trooper. Glad things are healing nice for her. ;)
Bailey's Mom
02-18-2013, 11:29 PM
Yes....sad to say sleep issues again. Med doc thinks it is all related to knee recovery/pain. 57 days and I will be on the Gulf coast of FL.!!! Sun and warmth for TWO WEEKS!!!
Addy, I did major pruning of a pine bush Saturday. Spring is on the way! I see all kinds of bright green growth everywhere! I also ordered a couple of new hostas. I may survive another winter!!
Hugs to the crew.
02-19-2013, 03:57 AM
Glad to hear zoe is doing well. It often amazes me how quickly they bounce back. It's us owners who take longer!
molly muffin
02-19-2013, 07:38 AM
How is little Zoe doing today? It's amazing how quickly she has recovered from this surgery. She's like the little engine that could, chugachugga.
Susan says spring is on the way so I'm going to just roll with that and ignore the snow, ice, sleet that is outside the window right now. la la la la la la
There is hope!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Yesterday we had rain and 42 degrees, a tree hit our power line and knocked out our power last night. First they said it not would not be restored until today but hubby went out and pleaded with the guy for the dogs' sake and he fixed it in an hour so we were only without power for a total of 2 hours. It was quite a drama.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Now today it is freezing and all the rain and melted snow turned to ice again. We just got rid of all that ice:( Zoe cant walk down the driveway. Sharlene, I think we need to visit Trish:):):)
Or hitch hike along with Susan to Florida.
I made recheck appointment for next Tuesday. Her surgery site looks good to my untrained eye and she is no longer walking bow legged or veering off to the left with her back leg. She does not appear to be in any pain. Paw chewing stopped. It is like she never had surgery. We had more issues with the growth removal on her neck , which was not major surgery but maybe that was because we had also changed her dose at the same time, which I was not happy about. I am glad her numbers are 7.3 right now (if they still are:p:p) Who the heck knows, its Zoe, LOL:D:D:D All I know is this time I was careful and the plan worked and I am so grateful.
I know one day something will happen that I wont be able to pull her through but we are just enjoying today and I am thankful she has done so well with this surgery.
Gosh, did not mean to write a book this morning, sorry for rambling on.
Love you all!
02-19-2013, 08:38 AM
Addy-So glad to hear Zoe is feeling and doing great! Keep up the good work.
Being without power is a nightmare. We were without it for 6 days with hurricane Sandy in the fall. We were not prepared. It is difficult to feed, give insulin shot and meds to a dog by flashlight. And to stay warm.
Big hugs
Bo's Mom
02-19-2013, 10:58 PM
Glad to hear good news about Zoe!!!
02-20-2013, 06:12 AM
Yayyyyyyyyy Zoeeeeeeeeeeee:)
"we knew you could, we knew you could" choo choooo.
Tight ones
xo Jeanette and Princess
02-20-2013, 07:53 AM
Way to go Zoe and super-Mom. Love, JoAnne
Thank you guys, :)
Though I am not really super mom, more like paranoid mom trying to learn from past mistakes:o:o:o:o
Thank you for all the well wishes for my choo choo Zoe:D:D
02-20-2013, 06:51 PM
Ya for Zoe. Enjoy every moment with her.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
molly muffin
02-20-2013, 08:23 PM
Hope you guys got rid of your ice Addy! It was the most horrendous walk this morning with Molly. I swear it was 2 inches thick in some spots from the rain and melt then flash freeze yesterday. I don't blame you for not taking Zoe and Koko on a walk with it like that. Molly was given me the evil eye for sure.
Where is that spring that Susan was talking about?
:) :) :)
sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-20-2013, 11:50 PM
Don't pay any attention to me. I just returned home from my mini-trip and my knee is swollen by more than an inch and I've been forced to get out the walker. I have NO idea why! And I saw snow today. Harrumph.:mad::confused::(:(:confused::mad:
02-21-2013, 02:57 AM
HI ZOe and Addy, have not checked in for a while but see you are doing great, just as we expected :D:D:D I bet she is playing with her puzzle by now!
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dang Sus, you forgot to take the bubble wrap to Baltimore!!!!
Trish- can you believe it has been a week? I sure cant. She's getting used to me being home and not having to be locked in the kitchen when Hubby leaves for work. It is hard going in early and working straight through with no break but it is nice when I get home early.
Recheck is right around the corner. :):):)
Just stopping by to say I'm so glad things are going so well!
Julie & Hannah
Hi Julie and Trish,
Well, I tried not giving her Tramadol last night, I thought we could start every other night and the off nights start her melatonin again. She is not real perky today :(:( but we did have all that snow and Koko has been at the groomers all morning. Maybe she still needs her pain pill at night. She will get one tonight.
She is also drinking more water the last few days. We go through this, though so I am not getting worked up unless is stays this way for awhile.
I think I am going house nuts, I've been locked up in the house so much.:o:o:rolleyes: It is kind feeling like ground hog day, get up, go to work, come home.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::eek:
And it didnt really help for hubby this morning to come in and show off how he can now fit into pants that he hasnt worn for 3 years:mad: He's lost 17 pounds, I lost 3:eek::eek::eek:
Dang, where did he hide those cookies:p:p:p:p:p:p I just know he has some secret stash of ice cream some where:p:p:p
02-23-2013, 08:15 PM
Oh well Addy, just remember, weight loss is more permanent when done slowly. I lost equivalent of 14 pounds pre christmas last year, unfortunately over christmas they found me again and bought friends. :o
Glad to hear Zoe still doing well, though the water increase may be that she is flushing the anaesthetic from her system still. it can take a while to go sometimes.
02-24-2013, 12:28 AM
Thinking of both of you...
Xo Jeanette and Princess
Ps to soggy doggy -- LOL on your last post. Haaaa
02-24-2013, 08:40 AM
Morning Addy!
Delighted to hear Zoe is recovering so well. :D:D:D She is a little trooper!;)
I am ready for spring in Sheboygan as well, that is for sure...the ice is gone here and I see we have more snow heading our way....those Low fronts affect my pain levels terribly. :(:(:(
I still love Wisconsin and it's four seasons...I just do so much better on warmer days. :D
We didn't have the major ice Milwaukee experienced...I hope if you have any left it melts before more snow arrives.
Take care and keep up the good work with little Zoe.
Peace and blessings,
Sharon, Norman and Millie ;)
molly muffin
02-24-2013, 09:08 AM
Hey Addy, are you guys suppose to be getting more snow on Monday? We're set to get a bunch on Tuesday if the pattern holds, so thought you guys might get the day before.
Don't you just hate it how the guys can just lose a few pounds while us women seem to really struggle with even 1. Sheeezz. My husband does the same thing. I told him it's not always nice to point it out so blatantly.
Zoe Is a trooper. Is this her recheck week? How does that spot look now?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Guys,
Zoe got her pain pill last night so is better today but she has been having pee accidents in the house the last 3 days and yesterday I took her out I think every two hours, thought sometimes she did not want to go but I made her go. Her back legs were very stiff yesterday.
The surgeon said she may urinate more in the beginning because of the sensation of the stitches but I expected that to be better by now and instead it seems to be getting worse. Her antibiotics were done Wednesday morning.
Otherwise she is good. There is still some swelling in her vulva but not alot. She did so well with the surgery and the time right after maybe I am expecting too much for the post op recovery.
Her schedule is completely changed since either hubby and I have been home with her constantly, maybe that is part of the problem too.
I guess I am trying not to worry but I am starting to be concerned. You know how that nagging little voice starts blabbering in your head even though you tell it to shut up:rolleyes::rolleyes::o:D
Snow not due until later Tuesday which is good since we go to the clinic Tuesday morning.
Who's watching the Oscars? We rented Argo last night but we turned it off half way through to finish watching it today. It was getting close to bedtime and I was so tense from the movie I knew I would never go to sleep:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
molly muffin
02-24-2013, 10:04 AM
Hi Addy,
Lets see how Zoe does on her recheck and what the vet says. I wouldn't at this stage worry too much. Maybe they should also check and see if she got a UTI too. All that messing around down there, stitches, etc, anything is possible.
I wasn't really thinking I would watch the Oscars, however my friend said she is going to make me because Danna has been nominated for two oscars. Her husband is actually the one who introduced Danna to Atom Egoyan. Anyway, Danna wrote his first score for my friends mini Documentary. I think they all went to film school together if memory serves. Anyway, he's up for best score and best song for Life of Pi. So I guess I will watch in support of. :) One of our local boys makes good stories. :)
Argo was a wonderful movie. Even when you know how it turned out, it kept you tense since we didn't know the back story. I really do hope that Afleck wins something for it.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I'm thinking she may be drinking all this water and peeing it out too because I cut back her food. I made hubby cut back her chicken treats by 1/2 and I also cut back her raw turkey by 1/3 per meal. So right now she is standing in the kitchen wanting her 10:30 snack and she gets frustrated because I wont give it to her so she goes and drinks water.
I think I will continue the decreased snacks but reinstate her raw turkey for now and wait to decrease her food until she is on her regular schedule and all if this is over.
Local boy makes good is always a great thing to support. :):):):)
Hi Addy,
My first thought, like Sharlene, is that Zoe may have a UTI with all the activity that has gone on down there. But it sounds like she is drinking more than usual also? That of course would definitely make a difference. Glad your re-check is coming soon, they can check a UA then. So glad she is doing well otherwise!
We are supposed to get more snow later today and into tomorrow, so that is probably heading your way, and yours too Sharlene.
I will be watching the Oscars also, I haven't seen any of the movies, but love Daniel Day Lewis so will be pulling for him. :)
Tina and Jasper
Not sure what the increased water is. It is not a huge increase but an increase nonetheless as prior to surgery she really was not drinking much, she cetainly has had this much water before and never urinated this frequently. I feel so badly for her.
Hubby finally had time to go to the pet store to replace Koko's stuffed squeaky Budda bone. he is so happy running around the house squeaking. He has been kind of down, maybe he was missing his favorite toy.
The Honest Kitchen was so nice to me. They recalled Zoe's Zeal voluntarily as they thought the parsley in it could have been contaminated. Our supplier was not getting a new batch in until the end of next week. I emailed THK and they offered to call stores nearby to find a non recalled box for me or expedite shipping of a new box. They really went the extra mile.
Awww, she is snoring away with her full tummy. I hope it helps that I added back in her regular amount of rawfood to her Zeal. Too much to make her go through all at once. I should not have done that to her. I forgot the Zoe mantra- baby steps.
Wish I wasnt so worried about it, it is just I grilled the suregon about her becoming incontinent over and over so I am rattled by the last two days.
Oh well, wish the easy part would haver lasted longer, it felt so good for everything to be going right for a change. But hey, she's a cush pup first and foremost.
Hi Addy,
I know how the worrying goes! It's hard not to, but it sure makes us appreciate life when there isn't anything to worry about! :D
I sure hope there is an easy explanation for Zoe's drinking and peeing issues. I'm glad your recheck is only about 36 hours away. At least you won't have to wait long. I'll be thinking of you and hoping that everything is okay.
Try to stay calm until Tues.
Julie & Hannah
Bailey's Mom
02-25-2013, 11:47 PM
Hi sweetie!
I'm thinking of you and yours'. I hope the recheck goes well.
Did you get snow? We're supposed to get more rain. Pooey!
02-26-2013, 12:03 AM
Waiting is so difficult, I pray the Vet finds answers for Zoe, cushings sure is a rollercoaster ride with everything that goes along with it.
Sending healing hugs to Zoe and peace and love to your entire family. Keep us posted.
Norman's Mom
02-26-2013, 12:25 AM
We have a saying here in Aus - "She'll be right mate!" It applies to everything.
Have faith. Zoe being Zoe, it may even just be that she is enjoying the "freedom of flow" so to speak :D But if she is still sore, she may not be wanting to hold on for fear of pain. Also, if the muscles have been weakened by the surgery or anaesthetic, they could just take a little longer to get back up to scratch.
02-26-2013, 05:35 AM
Good luck with Zoe's recheck today. She did so well after the surgery, it will probably be great or the vet would have already called if he found anything on the mass. Now just need to know that it is healing the way it is supposed to and her frequent urinating is probably from residual soreness. Fingers crossed for you. Love, JoAnne
02-26-2013, 05:42 AM
Good luck! Thinking of you both today, with everything crossed! Xxxxxxxxx
02-26-2013, 06:37 AM
Good luck for your appointment today
Mel and Tia xx
Boriss McCall
02-26-2013, 08:04 AM
Good luck Addy & Zoe! we will be hearing waiting for the news.
Thank you guys,
Not sure what will happen today as I received a call yesterday that her surgeon was injured and not expected in this week. My choices were to have another surgeon do recheck or reschedule for next week and have recheck and stitches out at the same time.
First I rescheduled then changed my mind and rebooked today with substitute surgeon just in case she would need antibiotics. I dont think we can do a free catch UA because I could get contamination from her vulva or clitoris and dont want some new vet involved so I will keep questions brief and save them up for next week.
Of course today is vet day and she is doing very well:rolleyes::rolleyes: I put her back on her regular amount of food, continued halving her treats, we managed to find some grass yesterday along the road and she peed and marked up a storm yesterday and today. No accidents since Sunday, no peeing less than an hour after going out. Now Koko is slurping extra water, I wonder if it is too dry in the house? Maybe the April Air is not working.
Maybe missing that pain pill and cutting back her food was too much for her. :confused::confused:
You know you are not in a good state of mind when every drink of water they take is cause for concern:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Tomorrow hubby and I go back to our regular schedule work day. I sure hope she can hold it until I get home. 3 1/2 hours were never a problem before. Not sure what tomorrow will bring, I guess we will soon find out.
Good morning Addy,
I am thinking about you and Zoe and will be waiting to hear also. I hope everything goes well. So glad to hear she hasn't had anymore accidents for a couple of days, that is good news.
Oh, I can so relate to worrying about every drink of water they take. I could write the book on that, and I don't mean for that to be a good thing. I can hear if Jasper is drinking from the other side of the house with the TV up loud. :rolleyes:
Good luck today!!
Tina and Jasper
Well, we couldnt even talk to substitute surgeon, only the vet tech. They did not charge us for the visit. Substitute surgeon said surgery site "looks perfect", confused: They think because of where the stitches are, she does not want to hold it sometimes and that once the stitches are out and the stitches inside disolve, it wont be a problem.:confused: They said she is one strong little dog and seemed amazed at how well she did and dont really think the extra peeing means anything right now. Maybe I am overreacting to the water intake because I keep thinking about her urine test.:o and because of all the peeing.
Hubby thinks she needs to go back to her regular schedule. He thinks she's just all messed up with her schedule because ours has been so crazy running back and forth, taking turns so she is not alone.
So I guess I will see how she does until next Thursday and if she gets worse again, I'll call the IMS. Maybe I am putting my head in the sand, not sure.:confused:
Snow is here, right on time, that will make it harder for her too. I dont dare check her cortisol right now. I guess I need to give it all time so she can heal properly and look at the next step, which will be to talk to IMS.
I sure wish I could shake this feeling I have had since the weekend. I should be so happy, she did so well, she didnt need to wear a cone, surgery site is healing well, she just needs time. I should be so happy right now.
I dont know. Sorry.
molly muffin
02-26-2013, 06:28 PM
Hi Addy, Worrying is sort of what we do. :)
Okay, so when do the stitches come out? When will the ones inside be dissolved?
How is her water intake and peeing today? Can you monitor it daily and keep a journal? Compare it to before surgery and after surgery I'm thinking? Then before stitches out/dissolve and after. You can probably guesstimate what it was before surgery, and maybe even have it in the thread here somewhere.
Yep, we're suppose to get it tonight, right on schedule too. Looks pretty messy.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-26-2013, 07:36 PM
Hi Addy, I was thinking of Zoe and you today. Sounds like she is doing well today. :D
Are you bringing her in again next week?? One day at a time...Be happy Zoe did great and is doing well today, each day a blessing.
It is messy hear I think we are suppose to get 4-6 inches.:(:(:(
However, we still are one day closer to spring.:D:D:D:D
Take care, drive safe, and give Zoe kisses from Norman and me.:p
Sharon, Norman and Millie
Hi Addy,
I thought about you and Zoe all day. I'm glad they didn't charge you for the appointment, and that the doctor thought things looked good and that they weren't concerned about anything. That is very good news! I'm also glad she did well; however, I totally understand the worrying. It's just hard to shake those feelings sometimes. Your husband might have be onto something with the whole schedule change. You just never know. At this point, I would take one day and one thing at a time. She is doing well, and maybe those stitches are irritating. It sure makes sense to me! :)
We are all here to support you and help you through the worry. You're so good at helping me and reminding me to stay calm and think about the good things. Try to do that for a day to give yourself some rest. I know how worrying about every drink of water goes, and it's no good! ;)
Sorry I'm so late checking in. I was making sure I'm well prepared for my reading lesson tomorrow because there is a superintendent, three principals, and two teachers from another district coming to watch. :eek: Yeah, like that doesn't cause any anxiety!!!
Take care and hopefully you all survive the snow!
Julie & Hannah
Bailey's Mom
02-26-2013, 08:41 PM
Hi Addy-
Sometimes life zigs instead of zagging and we don't quite know what to do with it. I think hubby is right and routine, routine, routine is what is needed now. I finally figured out, after all these knee surgeries, that knee surgery and the anesthesia and the pain meds make it necessary for me to wear "Sam's pants" - (Sam's Club) to bed at night for a number of weeks. I either don't get enough warning or it just goes too quickly from warning to action and it is OK. There's nothing wrong with me. I am not reverting to babyhood. I am just affected by the combo of the surgery/medication/anesthesia. It happened enough times that I finally figured it out.
I think the best thing Mom can do is relax and just enjoy her little Zoe. Give this just a little bit of time. Why waste time worrying when there may be nothing to worry about? Zoe came through this beautifully. She is doing beautifully. In time you will get your answers, so for now just sit back, take deep breaths and hug the Zoemeister.
02-26-2013, 09:35 PM
Addy-Glad to hear Zoe had a good check up and the surgery site looks good. Sorry to hear that you can't shake that feeling. Take care and big hugs to you and Zoe.
02-26-2013, 10:10 PM
just popping in to check on zoe and yourself.....hope tomorrow is a bright,sunny and peaceful day for all of you ...patty(milo)meka xoxox
02-27-2013, 03:51 AM
Hi Addy
Hope you have shook that feeling today :) and that Zoe's drinking has levelled out
Mel and Tia xxx
02-27-2013, 04:28 AM
HI Addy
I hate that feeling, I have it at the moment for Flynn to so totally know where you are coming from. Everyone here is helping to rationalise it all, good and sensible replies they are too. I could tell you the same things too, heck you probably told yourself all of that too :D:D:D. I remember thinking after Flynn's surgery that everything was going so well initially and I wondered when something was going to bite us in the butt... and bite it did. But as you know that is not always the case, but I think with our complicated little babies it is hard to ever totally relax. We keep waiting for the axe to fall and I so wish I did not have to watch his every poop or step in case I see a stumble. I hate it, I just want to go back to enjoying him and not worrying as I am sure you do with Zoe.
Jeez, I came here to cheer you up but think I am just going to join you in the Pity Party on the Worry Wagon and have several drinks and loads of chocolate then we will both feel better in the morning!
Lots of hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you guys for trying to cheer me up. She gets her stitches out next week and they thought the inside stitches may take another month to disolve. I keep trying the "this too shall pass" line as with her other surgery when she could not walk half the time and kept falling on her face.
Trish, I'm more than happy to have company on the pity wagon as we are dealing with a lot of snow and although Zoe did well Monday and Tuesday she already has had two accidents this morning.:(
So yup, come on board the wagon. I will call tomorrow to see if we can do a urine culture next week when she is there for her stitch removal. I will call the IMS tomorrow, she is not in on Wednesdays to try to schedule.
02-27-2013, 08:46 AM
Addy, Sorry to hear Zoe had two accidents this morning. Hopefully things will get better as the day goes on.
Lots of love and big hugs to you and Zoe.
Jenny & Judi in MN
02-27-2013, 08:47 AM
I hope it passes quickly. And I hope you get the 30 degree weather we've been having soon! hugs, Judi
02-27-2013, 07:44 PM
Dear Addy
Don't know how you do it. Zoe is a trooper. I am trying to send you some of our San Diego sunshine up your way. Feel the warmth, feel the sun just melting the winter away. :)
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
P.s Thank you for being there for me and so many others, love your comments on Arial's pictures.
02-27-2013, 11:42 PM
How are you and Zoe doing??
02-28-2013, 01:52 AM
Jeepers, I am hopping right off the pity wagon if it involves shovelling snow!! I was more imagining a trip through the sunny countryside sipping drinks, sharing tissues and having a good old whinge!! Hope the day ended well :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Day ended ok, exhausted from the snow shoveling, today went ok, she spent two hours with Koko in the kitchen this am and 1.5 hrs this afternoon, so schedule slowly getting back to normal. She did have one accident again today, again about 30 minutes after taking her out for her chicken walk, which does not mean much of a walk lately, just up and down the driveway, though she did pee 3 times and poo so I dont get it. Not as many trips to the water bowel for a sip.
IMS never returned my call, fighting with my insurance company over a prescription they changed on me and I am really ticked about it. How can they do that without even asking me if I want this different drug? Wait, I better not start the rant, I'll never stop:rolleyes::mad:
anyway, just a lot going on, need to find a new doctor for my mom, she is losing weight, hubby dealing with doctors, too much doctor stuff:(:(:(:(:(
I so need a break. Trish I will imagine us on that wagon, riding off into the countyy sipping fruity girlie drinks with umbrellas or flowers, sun shining down, soft, warm breezes, yup, I can so close my eyes and picture that:):):):):):)
Off again, been helping little one with her reading assignments and helping with more essays for the big one, man I thought we were done with that:rolleyes: Hubby told her she is going to have to go to a college across the street or take me with her:rolleyes:
lol you and trish are making me smile....came here to make YOU smile. I can just you going along in this wagon and here comes trish and jumps on, then hears about where the wagon is going and she is like oh noooooo i bailing. LOL
so i will tell you funny story about what happened to me this evening....I was at a clients house....(i am pet sitter) they live very rural area, very forresty area....its like a scene from a scary movie at nite out there all by myself (except of course for all the babies!!!) house is up on posts so when anything touches the wrap around porch it can startle you, all the curtains are sheer in the house. i was getting ready to go, tuck all the babies in for nite, was telling the out door babies nite and giving treat, and an owl hoots so LOUD nearly came outta my skin....then i look out towards barn and OF COURSE i think i see something....trying to walk my car, hit my key fob to get lights on, and the front window roll half way down!!!!!!!!!!! OMG owl behind me, shadows at barn and the car windows roll down......i could have never made it up the steps into the house let alone get doors unlocked, and i know myself well enough i would flip every light switch on in the place trying to make myself feel better and then sneak (like i couldnt been seen with all the lights on up to a window with sheer curtain!) to a window, all the while getting all the inside babies excited. We would have all had our noses at the window sill. AND my cell phone gets no towers out there. LONG LONG drive way to a road that is hills and narrow and DARK to turn and travel down another road that is DARK to turn down another narrow dark curvey road. I was so glad to make to it home. Tell my husband...he goes to google...hmmm what do you know....kind of car i have, few know the feature exsits, hit unlock, hit it again and hold it, makes car windows roll down. I told him i was going to go change my pants and he could finish reading the article to me. LOL (hope you smiled) sending you hugs. many many hugs.
molly muffin
02-28-2013, 11:19 PM
Wow, you are all full of adventures tonight. Addy's battling doctors and insurance companies, Skye battling barn owls and scary sounds, Trish just wants off the darn wagon. LOL It's a riot!
I was thinking about Zoe and the peeing, and wondering if when she goes for a walk if she has to pee lots and lots of times? And you mentioned 3. Well, mornings or afternoon walks, 3 wouldn't do it for molly. She is all alpha and sometimes needs 5 or even more to get it all out and mark her territory, let the other dogs know she's been by. Those dogs, they don't get rid of all their urine in one go, so they hold it and hold it and if they don't get it out, then yep, accidents in the house. Molly same way and it's a bugger when we have bad weather. Had an accident in our house today, first time in a very long time, and I know it's because she doesn't get good walks and potty spots like she does at other times. (and now we have black or shiny thin ice so we don't try to go far).
Just a thought, but combine that with a surgery and it could be part of the reason at least.
Yes , Skye you did make me smile:) Quite an adventure:) We have a owl sits in our trees sometimes in the far back yard and has scared me half to death late at night with his noise.:o
Sharlene, yes that could be part of it, toally agree, Zoe is just like Molly in the lots of smelling and peeing, but why more frequent trips to take sips of water? She did not do that before the surgery.
IMS is not in today and I have to go sit a motor vehicle dpet to renew my drivers license. In Milwaukee, that can take half a day:(
03-01-2013, 06:15 AM
These vets seem to have a knack of not being there when we could do with talking to them
Queuing for things will no doubt make you feel tons better, not!!!
I do not know a lot about the medical side of everything but from reading through Zoe has been through a lot could it just be her systems way of cleaning itself out?
Thanks for the hug on Tia's thread, sending you one back and a sloppy kiss for Zoe
Mel and Tia xxx
molly muffin
03-01-2013, 09:03 AM
Hey ya Addy,
Is KoKo drinking a bit more too? In the winter, in a house with the heater running, the air feels drier and can make them more thirsty. Have you ever noticed this?
Ugh, license renewing and wait, wait, wait, not a fun way to spend the day.
Maybe call the IMS tomorrow?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I know, I just want a needle draw next week set up to recheck for ua and protein. If no one calls me back, I'll just insist on it Thursday when we are there and I don't care if they don't have time, they will have to make time.
I'm on a roll, just told insurance company I will not be forced to take a drug I have side effects from and I will not accept what they are doing. They subsequently back peddled this morning and approved my Beconase Nasal spray. I told them they have a lot of nerve anyway, I have such a high deductible, I pay for it, they don't. Anyway I can go get it today finally after a week of fooling around and then all this sinus pain will go away:D:D:D All this drama over an allergy medication, I cant believe it. You would think it was some
$50,000 cancer drug.
I feel better already:D:D:D:p:p
Lesson to be learned- don't take no @@##@ firm ANYONE:D:D:
03-01-2013, 09:50 AM
Good to hear you won the battle!!
Sometimes little things can empower us. Hope Zoe is having a good accident free day today
whoot whoot!!! you get'em girl!!!! dont people know not to mess with a pet momma that is stressed. We mean business and do not stand in the way of a pet momma who is concerned about her baby. Nothing to big or small will get in our way!!!! ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))
with me....I shoot from the hip as the saying goes. lol. No one ever has to wonder what is on my mind or what I am thinking or what i think of situation. lol. sometimes that isnt so good but what way is always good?
your being have concern, with good reason, and you need answers. Their the doctors! the ones figure out the answers. You would think they would be calling us and knocking on our doors making sure all is well. Stand strong beautiful.........sending you hugs.
People should definetely not mess with a stressed out pet mama, Skye, I cracked up over that but it is true:D:D:D:D
I ran out today so Zoe would have her usual down time in the kitchen with Koko - to keep their routine even though I am off work today- found two cute pet beds on sale so they are both cuddling on their new beds, awwwww:D:D:D:D
Now I am off to DMV for my drivers license, hope I pass the vision test:eek::eek::rolleyes:;)
03-01-2013, 03:23 PM
Haha yep don't mess with the Mama!! I hope noone at the DVS takes you on today, give that girl her license... PRONTO :D:D:D
Sharlene has some very good points about the marking/weather, also its probably feeling quite prickly down there with all the healing going on. I remember when Flynn was recovering from surgery I noted a few episodes when he would leak a bit. He would have been for a walk, peed a bit but I think it was really a bit too much effort for him on some of those days so he did not empty out as much as he would usually and as Sharlene said they do like to hold onto a bit in case something important needs marking so with all that combined, especially with the location of Zoe's surgery it is probably not too much of a concern at this stage having a few accidents!! I guess it is kind of hard to meaure her water with Koko about, so cool to hear about them playing and messing about though!!
Might see you on later today, it's Saturday morning here now and my project I have been procrastinating over for weeks MUST be in final draft stage by work Monday!! So I will be at computer most of weekend lucky I have a quiet one planned... dreaming of the wagon though :D
03-01-2013, 03:27 PM
Oh and Skye, I would have had to change my knickers after all that creepy noises, on a dark night, in a lonely place with noone around, owls hooting, windows rolling down on their own business!! Scary movie indeed!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I bet your hubby cracked up laughing though :D:D:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
03-01-2013, 05:58 PM
Oh Addy, you go gf! Give'em what for! (my dad said it I think it was so he wouldn't cuss in front of me when I was a kid and make my mom mad) :)
Hey do we get pictures of the new beds with the babies in them??? Huh, huh, huh
Did you get your license? Can you see?
~roll'in roll'in roll'in, get those doggies roll'in, RAWWWWW HIIIIDEEEEE~~
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Addy,
Just thinking about you guys and wondering how Zoe is doing. Hope things are going better for the little one!
Tina and Jasper
Today was our first normal day and Zoe did well. I could almost be lulled into thinking everything was just like before her surgery. I stopped the Tramadol. Last dose was Friday night. She had a bit of pain but we overcame it without the drug. She is still walking stiffly and a bit bow legged but better. I was concerned about her hind leg weakness. Same thing happened when she was on Tramadol last surgery. She can have it a few nights a week but not every night.
I upped her metronidazole the day after her surgery a bit and will keep it there for now. I dont think she is ready to go lower yet. Trying to keep her out of trouble.;)
Stitches out Thursday.:):):):):) and I hope her urine draw to double check for UTI and recheck her protein if the vet tells me the stitches and healing inside will not give me a false positive.
Thanks for checking on us Tina and I hope Jasper is doing well and has adjusted to his food.:):)
03-04-2013, 07:51 PM
Hope that nagging feeling has left you now....
Good to hear that she is doing well, she sounds like a tough cookie from what I have read
molly muffin
03-04-2013, 08:26 PM
Yay for a normal day. I have to admit, I'd be walking a bit bow legged too if I just went through what Zoe went through. She's probably a better patient than I would be in fact. :) :)
I'm sure everything will go fine on thursday. :) Hopefully the stitiches won't cause a false positive but if there is any doubt, better to wait don't ya think?
Sharlene and Molly muffin
03-05-2013, 12:15 AM
Yay for normal days! I love them, worry evaporates away. No wonder she's a bit week considering what they did to her poor foo foo! Looking forward to hearing about a good week :D
Double yay for a normal day!! They are to be treasured. Glad to hear the good news Addy. It sounds like she is hanging in there. I hope you can get the urine check done on Thursday, the sooner the better.
The abstract that you said you were reading on proteinurea, was it a research study? I wonder if I might have seen it when I was doing all my research. I have a bunch of stuff that I printed, I will check when I get a chance to see what I have and post later with more specifics.
Tina and Jasper
Normal days are happy days, :D:D:D We started walking up and down the hill in front of the house yesterday, not all the way, yet, we'll do one day walk, one day rest, it has helped her build up back leg strength before, hoping it will help again.
this second one is old, 2004/2005 but I felt it was a good starting point for me.
I just want the doctors to reasuure me that retesting her now wont give me any false positives; from what I have read so far, the protein can also come from inflammation. It could also be from her IBS or because she had a possible UTI when they ran the urinaylsis. There were white blood cells in the urine specimen. I upped her metronidazole to cover the surgery. IMS and I thought maybe she needs a bigger dose to control things better. I always try the less is better route if I can;);) I had her down to 1/8 of a tablet, appx 40mgs once a day I think.
Less is better has always been the best way to go for ZoZo except when it comes to Vetoryl:rolleyes::rolleyes: Go figure:D:D:D:D
Boriss McCall
03-05-2013, 03:58 PM
yay Zoe.. Addy it sounds like she is healing up well. Good luck with the stitches coming out on Thursday.
molly muffin
03-05-2013, 07:33 PM
Zoe dances to her own tune. :) I do think though that you know what works best for her after all this time though. So whatever your instincts say she might need is probably going to be right. Less or more metronidazole.
Did the snow storm miss you guys today? I heard Chicago was getting hit hard this morning. It can all just go on by me. Not interested, nothing to see here, move on. hahahaha
I'm going to drive the car to see that groundhog too!! Count me in.
I was grumbling yesterday and hubs asked me if I was mad at him and I said, no but Addy has me thinking and I'm seriously pissed at that groundhog. I thought he was going to bust something laughing so hard. Hmppphhhh!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
She is not 100% by any means but I know she will feel better with the outside stitches out and the inside stitches should dissolve in another 3 weeks. Hard to come up with a plan because I need for her to recover and that will be another month I think.
Cant get needle urine draw done so I will bring first catch in sterile container from home Thursday. Vet tech to remove stitches, I pleaded with vet tech for UA to be done Thursday and will get the results and follow up with IMS for a plan.
There is just nothing really there, all her ua stuff was normal except the turb and white blood cells, her Urea.Creat Ratio was normal. I reallly think this is due to the tumor and infection. I think I have checked her tests 1000 times.:rolleyes:
Thank you for the well wishes. We did dodge the bullet most of the day, snow is falling on anad off, I think the original forecast for 10 or more inches was downgraded. HURRAH!!!:D:D
Gotta run
03-06-2013, 04:21 AM
It's hard to be patient while she recovers from her surgey, I know that feeling. I am constantly surprised by how things that really worry me can right themselves with a bit of time. I have been frustrated in the past with vets not doing stuff IMMEDIATELY only for them to be proven right and a bit of time was what was needed :D:D Funnily enough, I am not known for my patience :eek: but slowly learning that it does pay to sit tight sometimes. Lets see how she is in another couple of weeks and go from there with the planning :):) She is going to feel sooo much better with her stitches out, is she licking at them or leaving them alone, hope she still not got the cone of shame on :eek:
Fruity umbrella drink for you .. or do you think a nice warm hot chocolate in your storm? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
No Trish, she has not bothered the stitches at all, no butt scooting or licking. Was funny though, she keeps taking Koko;s soft toys and I have to take them away so she doesnt shred them. Koko gets so upset she has his toys so last night when she wasnt looking he took her Kong and ran to the new bed and was holding it with his paws licking out the rest of the food, she could not find it and didnt realize he had it. I laughed so hard but then felt badly because when she was 100% he would never dare take her Kong.:rolleyes:
Opps, breakfast time, Zoe is calling me. She has a new dance routine for the Protein Pup Band, she does hop, hop, bark, twirl.:D
She added the twirl, rather cute I'd say!!!
have a great day, though it must be almost over for you. not sure if your green light is still on.
03-06-2013, 06:55 AM
That is him getting his own back for all that shredding she has done, the girls always rule the roost :D
molly muffin
03-06-2013, 09:10 PM
I am sure our Zoe will make up for any down time and Koko won't get a chance at that kong when she feeling full of herself again. :) I love twirl. Zoe just has her own little way of making sure you and everyone else knows exactly how she feels about things. Got to love that about her.
Will be thinking of you both tomorrow
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
you need to get video of the dance!!!! how cute is that!!!!! shysie stomps her little front feet, one then the other really fast and ohhhhhhh the booty wiggle. lol
03-07-2013, 05:03 AM
Awww let her shred the toys... buy Koko new ones :D:D:D OR get two of each so plenty to go around :D:D:D
Now Miss Zoe, if you can stop your dancing long enough (we are impressed with your moves by the way... only dancing Flynn can do is bouncing up and down, up and down in one spot boing boing boing.. he a punk rocker haha) remember to keep nice and still while the stitches come out and NO NIPPING, ok maybe just a little one to remind them you are there but NO DRAWING BLOOD!! haha :):) I am sure it will go well today but we will be wanting a full report tomorrow night!! So many vet trips today for everyone, I am off to a meeting tomorrow in a city 4 hrs drive each way but will be checking on my phone if I can during the day to see what is happening with everyone... if I don't reply I will tomorrow night when I get home. GOOD LUCK :D:Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-07-2013, 06:14 AM
Good luck today, hope everything goes well, will be thinking of you both
03-07-2013, 06:29 AM
Addy: I know Zoe will be glad to get those stitches out. She is such a good girl and funny. I know she gives you and hubby so many joyful days with her funny little dances. I know we laugh at things sometimes when we should be reprimanding CoCo. He walks up behind me sometimes and barks one bark real loud, like I should know he has to go out and I nearly jump out of my skin. Funny little dogs, but we love everything they do. Good luck today. Love, JoAnne
Yup, they love to make us laugh.:D:D Yesterday hubby was texting me how happy he was cuddling with Zoe. I told him well, I had the Mastiff sleeping under my desk taking up most of the floor space and the rotty/lab mix trying to crawl into my lap to cuddle. Life with dogs:D It was a nice work break.;)
Stitches out day and I have a good first catch of urine in a sterile container. Hurrah!!!
I told hubby I was upset because I dont have a plan, IMS never gave me a plan. He said she never gives you a plan, you give her the plan.:o I guess he is right. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad with these vets. Some things she is great with, other things not so much.:o:o:o
Talk to you all later.:):):)
03-07-2013, 07:34 AM
Good luck, Addy!!!
I'm glad you got the urine with no problem. Good start to the day!
I get you on the no plan thing. I would totally say something similar and my husband would also say, "What are you talking about? You make the plan!"
Thanks for thinking of us this morning, and for picking up the Starbucks. I'll need it later, but I can't put anything in my mouth right now or I'll probably throw up. I'll post later to let you know what I've heard.
I sure hope everything goes well on your visit too!
Julie & Hannah
Good luck with everything today Addy, I hope all goes well. I will be thinking about you both, along with the others that have vet visits today.
Tina and Jasper
Where to start, we saw the surgeon and we had a long talk
1-the growth was cancer - a low grade, soft tissue mesenchymal neoplasm most consistent with an amelanotic, benign dermal melanocytoma and metastatic disease is unlikely so will need to be monitored. I asked how can you have benign cancer? She said that just means it is not the kind to spread but it can come back. She has healthy tissue and clear margins but there could have been a cell left (i think that is standard cancer growth removal disclaimer;)).
2-She had a LOT of stitches removed, surgeon said she basically rebuilt her vulva. She thinks we will see an improvement now within the next week or two. It continues to heal "beautifully and sugery site looks really good.
3-No to needle draw today unless the free catch gives us reason to do one, she does not want to poke her bladder unless she has to.
4-Thinks it is possible all the stress of the surgery, anesthesia and change in routine and vet visits threw her cortsiol for a loop and we are seeing increase in symptoms from a loss of control of her cortisol. She thinks we should give it 3-4 weeks for things to calm down, no recheck ACTH or dose change now (now that's my kind of vet:):):)) She said it would be a mistake to test or change things now in regard to her Cushings (she got a big hug from me on that remark since that were exactly my thoughts and she said it first)
5-she will run full ua and recheck urea creat ratio and protein in urine but she was not very worked up about it and said she sees dogs throw transient protein a lot and I should not be worried because her other values were normal but good idea to recheck it today and continue to monitor.
6-no to culture as it was not a sterile urine sample, she said no point to doing a culture on a free catch.
7- she will discuss with IMS all of the above.
so surgeon and I made a short term plan:):):):)
I cried half most of the way home. I think they were tears of relief of finally being able to discuss in person with the surgeon and tears of even greater relief that thank God I had the damn thing removed, it was cancer and 86% of those damn growths are usually benign non cancerous tumors. Three weeks of worry, concern, wondering, second guessing myself just opened up the flood gates.
Thank you all for putting up with me during this difficult time and thank you all for providing the support I needed to find the courage to see this through:):):)
I cant belive I have to go to work now:eek::(:(
I'm so glad to hear all of that good news! How wonderful it is that you and the vet were on the same page and that everything is healing beautifully! I'm glad you also have a plan, and you can rest easily knowing you did the right thing for Zoe! :) It sounds like you had a good, well-deserved, cry! :) So glad everything went well!
Julie & Hannah
Squirt's Mom
03-07-2013, 01:13 PM
Aw, Addy,
Sometimes we need to let those gates fling wide open. You've been holding so much together so tightly, it was time. ;)
Sounds like a good report overall and what a great surgeon! It means so much when they simply take the time to talk and listen...and it's REALLY nice when they fall inline with our own thinking and understanding. And the next time you talk to her you can let her know that Zoe has 100's of folks allll over the world who absolutely believe with all their hearts and souls that she is in that 86%.
Many hugs dear lady and belly rubs to our Zoe,
Leslie and the gang
03-07-2013, 02:45 PM
So you hopefully you both get a break from the vets for a while and that should appease your boss ;)
Fingers crossed you have an easy day today @ work
03-07-2013, 03:56 PM
WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :)
molly muffin
03-07-2013, 05:46 PM
Wow, what a lot to take in. Good news, love it, hope this is a good news day and I'm with Leslie. Zoe is in that 86%!
You can breathe now. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I wish she was in the 86%;):o
her growth was cancerous but it was not malignant cancer.
The word benign means not malignant, and that the chances for recovery are favorable. It may also be used to describe a neoplasm that is not likely to spread to other parts of the body
So the growth was a low grade benign cancer not likely to spread with a smalll chance of coming back. I am so glad I took it off.:D:D:D
molly muffin
03-07-2013, 07:54 PM
I am so glad you did too!!! Go with your gut instinct it usually will do right for you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
03-07-2013, 08:13 PM
So happy they were able to get clean margins. Zoe is one lucky little girl to have such a devoted, loving, and knowledgeable mom that makes sure she gets the best of everything....GREAT JOB, Addy!!!!
Roxee's Dad
03-07-2013, 09:39 PM
Good news Addy.... time for that group hug....
and very gentle belly rubs for Zoe :)
feels good to breathe doesnt it (((((((((((hugs)))))))))
03-08-2013, 04:49 AM
WOOOP WOOOOP!!!! :D:D:D:D:D (sorry did I wake you up!) ;)
What fantastic news, clear margins... hooray!! I just did a little googling and put what I found below, this is from a website for dogs too. I liked the last bit the best so I made it big!
Ohhh Addy it does make my heart feel good to see all these neatly typed out plans :D:D:D Hope the vets of the world are not hating on me haha. I am imagining how much better wee Zoe feels with those nasty stitches gone. I bet we will see improvement now with her other problems. Your vet sounds great, really on to it. So did Julies, so caring with Hannah and letting her know through the day how she was doing. I read somewhere about how the vet has the animal as the patient but just as much of their work goes into the owner, now ain't that the truth! I read about that transient proteinuria too, so I will all have our fingers crossed when she does go on for her next texting. Glad you had a good bawl, cleanses the mind! See you tomorrow, its nearly Saturday here!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
This is a benign tumor arising from the melanocytes in the epidermis, dermis, or adnexa (appendages of an organ), but primarily originates from the external root sheath of the hair follicle. Dogs which are below 1 year of age have a propensity to develop the disease. But it is difficult to establish whether these are congenital lesions or not. Dogs between 5-11 years of age have a higher incidence. The breeds at increased risk include Vizsla, Miniature Schnauzer, Doberman Pinscher, Airedale Terrier, Bay Retriever etc. No sex predilection has been noted. Predilection sites for melanocytes in dogs are the eyelids. They vary in their appearance. The smallest lesions are small, pigmented macules, while the largest tumors may be 5 cm or more in diameter. The color varies from black to shades of brown, gray and red. Tumors that originate from the haired region are non-malignant. But lesions that develop on the mucocutaneous junctions are cancerous.
Surgery is the treatment of choice for melanocytomas.
Since the lesions are benign, surgical excision is completely curative
You are funny. The pathology report said there is a small chance it can come back as they cant be sure a cell was not left but the prognosis is good but a small nerve sheath tumor cannot be ruled out. Im not worried about it coming back, by the time that happens my girl will most likely be running free at the Rainbow bridge. At least that was what the surgeon thought. The tissue from her clitoris was fine.
Seems like I spend a lot of time on wait and hold for her Cushings though. It felt good to hear her validate my last decision after her neck surgery when I felt the ACTH test was wrong. She said no way do I test her or change anything because she could easily come back in to control after all this stress wears off and the symptoms I see could abate again.
All in all, it was a good visit. I wish the surgeon could be my vet. I adore her.
03-08-2013, 06:25 AM
Addy: I am so happy for your famly and Zoe. You are right to not worry, she is doing great. She is such a lucky girl to have her family to love her so much. Now you can breath and just love and laugh at her cute ways. Sweet Zoe is such a strong girl and her mama and poppy also. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
03-08-2013, 08:49 AM
Let me share something with you that I was told by one of my docs. I have had three benign cancers removed and when I told my endocrinologist this she said, "No, you didn't."
She said that they now consider anything that isn't malignant as NOT cancer. There is no such thing as benign cancer any longer. It either is, or it is not. Now whether the veterinary world has this same view now or not, I don't know. But if the thinking for humans is along these lines, it seems logical to me the same would follow for dogs. ;)
So, YES! She is in that 86%! and don't you doubt it for one second! :)
molly muffin
03-08-2013, 02:27 PM
Okay, once again, I'm going to roll with Leslie. :) LOL
Trish, that was a great review and I especially like the last part, you know, in really BIG letters. hehehehe
Zoe is just a doll and small, sometimes nippy, full of personality doll!
hugs Addy, you have some time to just breath for awhile and enjoy
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
wow, I must of totally got it wrong then, because I even said to her “since we did not hear from you we assumed the pathology report was fine and the growth was some benign, non cancerous growth”. She said no, that was not the case and went to get the pathology report then came back and prefaced her remarks by saying “I wish I had better news for you” and that Zoe would have to be monitored but she had clear margins with healthy tissue around the growth and although it was deeper than she had thought originally which is why she had to do so much reconstruction to her vulva, she thought she got it all but we could never be 100% sure which is why she has to be monitored. She referred to it as a type of melanoma.
I don’t think it matters, I’m just glad it is gone.
I;ll go with Leslie too:D
Boriss McCall
03-08-2013, 05:23 PM
yay Zoe! she has been thru so much & comes out on top every time.:D
Glad you are her mama.
there is a shot that is available to help the body fight further invading melanoma cells. Hopefully she has information she can offer you on that. That is one mean sneaky cancer for certain and can appear externally nearly anywhere, but at same time be adhering anywhere internally. so if you can get some information on that shot that would help keep her safe.
so glad margins are all clear. that is great news.
03-09-2013, 03:54 AM
I think Zoe's is different to typical malaenoma though, so hopefully this will be the end of it! :D:D Yes it will!! Because we say so :D:D
03-09-2013, 08:40 AM
Ditto what Trish said. :D:D No more, that's the end. BECAUSE WE SAID SO! That's why! :D:D
I am more concerned about her protein in her urine then I am about the tumor coming back. They called and the UA shows everything normal but she still has the same amount of protein in her urine and her spec gravity was one under normal range. No white blood cells.
Vet tech said they could still do a UPC urine test, they had enough urine. I told her I was worried that urine was old, she said it was in the frig. I wont get the results until next week. She will have IMS call me.:(:(
The last time I talked to IMS she wanted to do an ultra sound to check her liver, test her thyroid, have the growth biopsied and or removed, have Zoe go back to the derm vet, the list was so long I had to stop her and tell her sorry, no can do all of that we are not the Chase Manhatten Bank. My eyes glazed over:(:(
Surgeon said leave her be for a month, she has had too much stress.
She needs eyes rechecked early April. I had wanted to tweak her Vetoryl to 30/30 but surgeon said to wait.
I'm feeling overwhelmed again. I just want to enjoy my dog and not spend every dang day worrying about another problem, then another, then another, there is no end to the problems. I fix one problem and the next problem is always there waiting around the corner.
Sorry for the rant.
I think I need some time to regroup.
03-09-2013, 09:00 AM
oh the stress doesn't seem to be any better for you kids....geez....sending you wishes for a peaceful,sunny weekend addy...patty(milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
03-09-2013, 09:42 AM
I think the plan to give Zoe some recovery time is a good one. Your surgeon is a smart vet. Sure they can suggest everything and the moon. You pick and choose what you think is of the most benefit over all and within the budget.
Is Zoe having skin problems?
Has Zoe had any T4 abnormal tests on her regular senior profile blood work?
When you say still has some protein? Is this just a trace now? Has it gone lower?
Remember that you just had a growth removed and I don't know that anything you did right now would give you accurate results compared to after she has recuperated from this. If it were me, I'd probably wait, so I knew that what I was paying for was giving as accurate a return as possible.
I hope you're having a good day there. :) I see sunshine! Now if this lousy snow would just completely melt! We're suppose to be above freezing day time temps this weekend! YIPEEEE
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-09-2013, 09:56 AM
You are perfectly entitled to rant, you guys have been through a lot. From the bits I have read you have done everything and more to help Zoe
It's so unfair she continues to have issues that bother you, I can relate to getting lost in the worry rather than enjoying the moment with them which is also unfair
I wish I had the words or means or power to make things better for Zoe and all our little ones, if Love alone was enough we would have fixed them ten times over
Hang in there, big hug from me
03-09-2013, 03:56 PM
Back up the wagon Addy, we all need to get back on and go for a little ride with those girlie drinks again!! I am with you all the way my friend! We need to beat back the demons that haunt our thoughts and live in the day. (if you figure out how to do that let me know won't you!:p) Meanwhile we will go off trotting through the countryside to clear our minds, pups trotting along beside us... but there better be no fighting!! Hugs are in order for you today Addy so here's a whole bunch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Addy,
First let me say that I am so happy to read all of the information from the surgeon report, that is such great news. Yes, so glad you decided to have the growth removed!! :D :D
Now, about the protein in Zoe's urine - you mentioned that the UA still showed the same amount of protein in her urine as before. Was this the result of a dipstick test? And what was it, 1+, 2+? Glad you are having the UPC done, that will tell you a lot more. I might have missed this, but was a UPC done previously?
I am going back to what you posted that the surgeon said -
5-she will run full ua and recheck urea creat ratio and protein in urine but she was not very worked up about it and said she sees dogs throw transient protein a lot and I should not be worried because her other values were normal but good idea to recheck it today and continue to monitor.
Because the protein in the most recent UA was the same as before, did this give more cause for worry than what the surgeon was referring to?
I hope what I am going to say isn't meaningless, because we all know how Jasper's own proteinuria situation has gone, unfortunately.
I know you can't help but worry, but I am remembering all your kind words, support, advice and hand holding that you provided for me when I was going through this and was so scared I couldn't think straight. I remember you said that no matter what happens I would not be facing it alone, and that we would cross the kidney issues if and when we came to them. And then when we came to them, there you were, along with others to help me begin to figure it all out, and to hold me up when I felt I would collapse out of fear.
Well, I am saying the same thing to you, and I will be here for you, and we will deal with the proteinuria; and if they occur, cross the kidney issues if we have to for Zoe.
I know this is so scary Addy, and you and Zoe have been through so much. I am so hoping for the UPC to show good results. We will figure it out as it comes.
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper
Hi Addy,
I'm so sorry to hear you're having a rough time. I can 100% relate to how you are feeling. I say the same thing to myself all the time. Why can't I just enjoy Hannah and not always have to be worrying about something? It is so rare to rest easily because there is always something new wrong or to watch and worry about. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better. :( You always give me such good advice. Try to stay calm, breathe deeply, and take one day at a time. Don't think about everything all at once. It's too much. You are such a wonderful mom to Zoe and you always do the right thing and get her the best care possible. Zoe has been through a lot. Just try to give it a little time and wait and see what happens. I'm sending huge hugs to you and lots of support. You are not alone. I'll be thinking of you lots.
Julie & Hannah
Harley PoMMom
03-09-2013, 09:15 PM
Cushing's is one of those diseases that can cause proteinuria. Even when the excess cortisol is under control the proteinuria will sometimes still exist.
I think you need to give yourself a break, YOU are doing a wonderful job.
Here is a link to Dr Peterson's blog regarding proteinuria and hypertension: Hypertension and Proteinuria: Frequent Complications of Cushing's Disease in Dogs (
Sending calming, soothing, and loving hugs, Lori
oh this sounds a bit familiar....seems to be a rash of this proteinura going round and yes it is HORRIBLY stressful.
Shysie has that as well now. First they did urine testing with upc week later another test, then ims did another about week later, with ultra sound and blood pressure check and renal blood. So, we know she is losing protein in her urine not blood. that is about all i really know at this point. Have they done two UPC's? and a bp check? course with her eyes.....they are likely monitoring her bp closely with pressure and such in her eyes. Helpful link my ims doctor gave that to me to review.
you know shysie has her paw outreached to you as i have my hand reached out to you as well. We will all hold on together. Positive thoughts, warm hugs
like i need to tell you how stressful this have been right there with me and shysie.
Thank you all for the support. I am not really afraid, just tired from the never ending stress and confused.
I'll wait to see the UPC results. My team does not seem to be doing what your vets are doing and I dont know why. Surgeon said she was not worried about, Ims was not originally worried about it.
If Zoe has kidney disease I thought I could not give Vetoryl. Am I wrong in that thinking?
I'm not sure how I will be able to switch her food because of her IBD. It will be a huge, prolonged drama. She could not tolerate most canned foods.
I dont know how I am going to keep taking off work and running out to the clinic for even more tests now. I thought I had a decent GP here in town but when I asked him to check her vulva last October he said it was normal.:eek::eek:
I'm not fearful, just have a zillion details I dont understand and exhausted from it all.
I dont know how good IMS will be with this situation. She is good with some issues, others not so much. She is just not up to speed with Trilostane use at all. Why are my vets not reacting the same way Tina, Skye and Trish's vets are reacting? We had Zoe's blood pressure checked last Novemeber, it was not high. I dont know if they checked it durring her surgery stay.
Lori- Thank you for the link, I had read it awhile ago. Unless something has changed since November, Zoe did not have hypertension. I was going to have eye vet recheck her blood pressure at her April visit because he was good at it and figured I could trust the results.
Why did the surgeon scare me half to death about Zoe's growth? I dont understand why she said what she said to us. Why was the pathology report not "better news?".
The vet tech called here Thursday night. I was in the middle of making Zoe dinner and she would not stop bark fest because I had to stop amking her food. It was hard to talk and I dont have the lab report from her. Our last lab report does not say protein 1+ or 2+ it just says protein 30 and gives no normal range and is marked abnormal. That sounds really bad compared to everyone else if you alll have 1+ or 2+, s o why am I the only one worried and her team of vets are not? Why do I have to push for a UPC? Was I wrong to do that?
03-10-2013, 08:56 AM
addy so sorry for all the stress you are having with that cuty zoe....sending you some positive energy,hope today is better for you two...patty(milo)meka xoxox
03-10-2013, 09:01 AM
Hey Addy
Skye posted some links on her thread, I clicked on one as my Tara's kidneys ( my pup before Miss Tia) started to fail and also because of everyone's issues here, this is the link:
It says a UPC is advised but at the bottom it also says IBD can cause protein in the urine
No idea re the surgeon, some people are more pessimistic than others and it could just be a language thing, cancer is not good news, clear margins however are.
I think you are absolutely right with how you are pushing and I am only sorry you have to fight so hard with these vets
I don't know about the vetoryl and kidney issues but could you call dechra and ask them as I know you guys can talk to them.
You shouldn't have to be doing all that you are, this is why we pay them but when they arent being proactive it kinda leaves us no choice
Hoping you get a break through soon
molly muffin
03-10-2013, 10:01 AM
Addy, super big hugs! You are never wrong to push for something that you think needs to be done. It seems that sometimes a vet or even a team, get an idea in their head and then just seem to really hold onto that idea for all they are worth. That makes them I think, not as open to any other possibilities. That makes it really hard when you are just trying to do the best thing you can for your baby.
Different labs use different ranges and I wonder if that is why yours says protein 30. I cannot imagine that they would Not be very concerned if Zoe's protein was super high. Even at 3+ I'd think that they would be looking at the kidney's closer than they are. They seem to be acting like it's a trace or low amount.
Good catch by Mel about the IBD possibility too.
You are so awesome with Zoe and staying on top of everything that is going on with her. You've all had a rough few years and I really wish that there could be break when you didn't have to worry for awhile.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
03-10-2013, 11:17 AM
Sweetheart, I think it's time for you to put that drawer to use for the day. Just put all these worries and questions in the drawer and shut it tight for just one day. Take some time to breath freely, to hug that sweet girl every time she comes in view, to do somethings that makes her smile and lightens your heart. You have been through so much over the last year, not just recent events but over a long period one after the other, and you need a break for just a minute. Don't look at reports or read links or anything along those lines. Find some way to step back from all that and breath. Then you can come back to it later with a fresher, calmer mind. ;) We all need to do this from time to time and I think your time has come. :)
So grab that bottle of Chocovine and enjoy the day! :D
Leslie and the gang
I love you all, you are all so special to me. I have read every word written and thank you for being there for us.
I need to take a few days to regroup and just focus on my Zoe, just us with no thoughts or worries just being happy which is actually hard to do today unless you are a duck.:) It has been raining and our yard is so flooded I dont know where to take the dogs any more to poo or pee, the driveway has water and 1" deep and we have a river in the front yard with still much more snow to melt.
Daughter came over with the kids and spoke her daughter common sense to me that only she can do. Daughters can come in handy, especially when you need them for emotional support.
I am sorry I have not been keeping up with my moderator duties. I promise I will catch up on all the threads and all of you later this week.
heart hugs to you all and Zoe says woof. We'll make it through this just like we have made it through evyerthing else. We get by with a lot of help from our friends----you:):):):):)
much love
Harley PoMMom
03-10-2013, 07:54 PM
If Zoe has kidney disease I thought I could not give Vetoryl. Am I wrong in that thinking?
When a dog has kidney issues, I believe Vetoryl needs to be used with caution...having a renal panel done regularly etc...
Our last lab report does not say protein 1+ or 2+ it just says protein 30 and gives no normal range and is marked abnormal. That sounds really bad compared to everyone else if you alll have 1+ or 2+, s o why am I the only one worried and her team of vets are not? Why do I have to push for a UPC? Was I wrong to do that?
Addy, is the protein level of 30 coming from Zoe's chemistry blood panel (total protein) and not from her urinalysis?
Love and hugs to you and Zoe.
molly muffin
03-10-2013, 08:28 PM
That is a good catch Lori! I bet that is it blood protein, which can be caused by dehydration at the time of the test, maybe that is why the vet hasn't been overly concerned about it? I think if it is protein in the blood then if there was also a more serious problem would you be seeing high BUN and/or Albumin?
Addy, take whatever time you need to regroup and get some zen back in your daily life. We all need that sometimes. We'll still be here whenever you are ready to come back. We will miss you and Zoe of course. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I'm glad you're going to take time to regroup and enjoy your precious little girl.
We are suffering with going outside too, but it is still cold so my yard is really icy. I just spent 30 min. shoveling other snow back onto the area I previously shoveled out for the dogs. I'm sure my neighbors think I'm crazy, but it is slippery and I know that all it takes is one slip for Hannah to hurt her back again. Pretty soon we'll be dealing with the water too. Spring cannot come soon enough!
Just want you to know I'm still thinking of you and sending lots of hugs your way.
Julie & Hannah
it is in her urine -her bun is normal, Urea N blood is 31 (high normal is 30), albumin, creatinine, calcium, sodium, phosphate in blood are all normal
all I could find at Marshfield Lab website is the following
Test Directory - Specific Test Listings
Test Description: Urinalysis w/Reflex Protein/Creatinine Ratio "Add On" to any Profile/Panel on original order
Synonyms: None
Test Code: VRUARAD
Test Components: Dipstick Chemistries & Microscopic Analysis with Reflex Protein/Creatinine Ratio when Protein is > 100 mg/dL
Specimen: 5.0 mL urine in a leak-proof container. Do not use a Vacutainer gray top tube.
Minimum: 2.0 mL urine
Storage: Refrigerate
Information: In the event abnormal appearing cells are found during a routine screening microscopic exam, Do not submit for urinalysis. We recommend you submit smears prepared from fresh urine for Cytology.
Available: Daily
gotta run love ya
03-11-2013, 08:23 AM
Hi Addy, here's an excerpt from IDEXX's website that explains why no lab "normals" are given for urinary protein levels:
What are the reference ranges for the individual urine chemistries—urine protein and urine creatinine?
We do not have reference ranges for urine protein and urine creatinine. The individual urine protein and urine creatinine results should not be evaluated on their own since the individual measurements (UPRO and UCRE) can change significantly within a short time frame, and are sensitive to urine volume and concentration. The benefit of the urine protein:creatinine ratio is that it automatically corrects for variations in urine volume and concentration.
Since you've gone ahead and requested the UPC, that is the value that should give you the accurate assessment of genuine protein loss. Do bear in mind, though, that some component of protein loss is common for Cushpups. So some protein loss, per se, is not a contraindication to treating with trilostane. I believe it only becomes an issue if testing indicates there is renal impairment of the magnitude to actually interfere with the proper metabolism and excretion of the drug. When you have a chance, do take a look at that link to Dr. Peterson's blog that Lori gave you. Even after starting successful trilostane treatment, protein loss can still occur in Cushpups. It can just be one of the effects of the disease.
Here's a link to the IDEXX UPC page if you want to read more about the test. And yes, the UPC does give you much more accurate information than does a dipstick test (which provides those 1+, 2+ type readings). The dipstick test can be skewed by several variables that are controlled for on the UPC.
Thank you for the links Marianne,
The idex link was easy to read and understand and since Zoe has both Cushings and IBD both of which can cause her to lose protein, I think I am glad I pushed for the UPC.
Dr. Peterson’s blog, I reread, I had read it a month ago. That blog confuses me as it seems to indicate the dogs were already losing protein prior to treatment and it did not resolve with treatment. Zoe has never had protein in her urine but all the ua tests she had at the IMS for the last 3 years were draws done by needle. These two draws were free catch. I am probably over reacting, but it is just with Zoe, every little thing becomes a BIG thing quite quickly. Thank you for reassuring me about Vetoryl and kidney disease. That was my number one concern so I feel much better about that.
I don’t want Zoe’s last days with me to be filled with stressful, constant vet visits and poking and prodding and more tests and more tests. While I want to keep her going, there has to be a happy medium or what is the point if she has to stop being a dog? She is still drinking more water and having accidents and I don’t think this is from her surgery. I can accept the explanation about irritation from her surgery but why would that affect her water intake? So hopefully, it is a temporary cortisol increase and nothing more.
This morning we laughed and played games before I went to work. I need to take that time with her right now for both our sakes.
Thank you again for the links :)
03-11-2013, 04:39 PM
Hi Addy! Take all the time you need with Zoe....we will be praying for you. Zoe needs to come first, she needs you and you need the time with her...We will miss you...but please do take the time for yourself and little Zoe.
Love and Peace, Sharon, Norman and Millie
Bailey's Mom
03-11-2013, 10:54 PM
Hi-my name is Sus.....I have been MIA, or so some may have thought.:confused: I have been peeking in here from time to time, but have left nary a footprint. :p My life and Bailey's life are in a bit of a turmoil and we just decided to.........DUCK!!!!!!!......INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!!... ......... and have been trying to avoid all enemy fire.:eek::eek:
Addy, I can't believe all the stress you are dealing with but more importantly how proud I am of you and how well you are doing with it all. :):D:cool: You really have your priorities in line. :D Zoe is such a fortunate are you.:) Someone said it exactly have had one rough year plus. (How is your Mom?)
I am so glad you are going to stop the world and get off for a little while and devote some time to yourself and to Zoe. :) Your battery must need recharging. ;):D
We've just had our fifth hundred year flood since 2000. I'm not seeing any hostas yet, but the day-lilies and jonquils are marching forward full blast as are the sedum flowering plants.:D:D:D:):):) Hurricane Sandy may have caused losses which we won't know until June.:mad: So far, it's not looking horrible.
Don't forget to wear green on Sunday......Zoe and Koko too.
03-12-2013, 04:41 PM
Just popping in to say hope you and Zoe are enjoying your time, thinking of you both
03-14-2013, 02:31 PM
Good to hear you are hanging in there, hope you are making sweet memories with Zoe
I am ok, 3 weeks tomorrow, seems like forever.
Sorry the IMS hasn't got back to you yet, I do wonder if they realise the additional stress they cause. Hope you hear something soon
We're hanging in there. She'll call next week or I'll call her. Daylight saving time has my pups filled with all kinds of new found happiness.
OMG mommy comes home from work and it is LIGHT OUT:D:D
we get to go for a mini walk and smell and smell and pee and pee, then we eat dinner and Zoe tries to play with Koko. We are now able to walk all the way down the hill and back up. She is still stumbling sideways when she has her nose to the ground. She has been back on her melatonin for a week, no tramadol. Water intake and peeing -some days better some days the same.
For all her problems she is a happy girl. We are back to play time before work. She cant do as many tricks as she used to, but she can still do come, stay and watch me. I dont have the heart to make her sit or down so Koko does it for her.
House has a happy vibe this week. It is a good thing:):):):):)
03-14-2013, 09:21 PM
woohoo !!! that just put a skip in my heart to read this addy !!! hoping to read more tomorrow..good night...patty (milo)meka xoxox
Roxee's Dad
03-14-2013, 11:06 PM
Great news Addy :):):)
Simba's Mom
03-15-2013, 12:55 AM
Doing the happy dance, love to hear good news!
so wish you could see my the happy vibe house.........least i think i!!!!! you know what i mean.....all to well i am sure.
WHAT is the deal with IMS delays!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr seriously did they miss the memo on awarness of pet mommas being stressed???? your handling better than i got them angel wings and that adds alot of grace compared to my nostril flaring foaming mouth whirl wind of spinning entrance. lol
03-15-2013, 06:43 AM
Hey Addy: So happy to see you back on this forum and puppies and everyone is doing well. Enjoy the happy time. I love daylight saving time also, except CoCo gets up at 3:30 or 4:00 which is ok, we are used to it. Just live for the dogs and they make us happy. Love, JoA
molly muffin
03-15-2013, 05:09 PM
Addy, welcome back. Hope things are going okay with the family and Zoe/Koko.
I love the extra light in the evening, but wow, having a heck of a time waking up in the mornings. LOL
Good days are wonderful. Just keep enjoying them. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Boriss McCall
03-15-2013, 05:16 PM
Hi Addy,
Glad things are going better this week at your house. Cheers to a happy fun weekend.
I love daylight savings time as well. It makes me very happy! :D
Thanks guys, hubby said when he got home at noon today Zoe and Koko were playing in the kitchen. Not sure if that is good or bad as I dont want her to get hurt but I do want her to be a dog.:):):)
I am trying to go away for the day tomorrow. I will take the train with Kate to Chicago for the day. Hubby promised to learn how to feed the dogs dinner and is babysitting for the day. We leave at 8am and will be home about 8pm.
It has been so long since I have been anywhere for that long (except work) that I think I am having a panic attack:rolleyes::rolleyes:
My life has been go to work, go home, go see mom, go shopping for a few hours or have family here at the house and that is about it for the last year or more. It feels very strange and I hope hubby can handle things without me. He has not fed the dogs since Zoe started Vetoryl and I switched her food.
wish us luck:):):)
Simba's Mom
03-15-2013, 06:27 PM
Awesome, get away and have some fun, you need you time too!
03-15-2013, 06:48 PM
Hi Addy
Sorry have not been on much, my wireless has gone bung!! Just figured out how to run the iPad via the phone via hotspot thingamy! Ohhh Chicago sounds good for bit of retail therapy! Glad to read Zoe is being a dog :) !, Flynny ok, bit quiet nothing from our IMS yet either. Cannot shake that thought of pheochromocytoma being back, I guess scan in couple months will answer that one but for meantime he good! BUT we are going with one of my best friends and her 3yo daughter to their beach house up the coast for couple days tomorrow!! It is called Mahia if you want to google! Packing his food, snacks, bed, blankies, meds, toys, shampoo and towels in case he rolls in dead things and needs a shower!! His bag bigger than mine! My friend and I have the girlie drinks sorted :) and I will have one for you and Zoe, wish u could come for a chill out with me but for sure u will be with us in my thoughts. :) I am going out to buy a new wireless connector thing today then I can post on everyone else threads tonight, but thinking of you all and you can allllll come to the beach, I will put up a huge K9 Cushing tent!!! xxxxxxxxxx
molly muffin
03-15-2013, 07:37 PM
Oh what fun! A trip to Chicago for Addy and a beach house trip for Trish and Flynn. Awesome you two! Addy, I think this is exactly what you need. Just a little break. I'm sure hubby will be fine. Just leave the instruction booklet for him
Have fun ladies!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
So glad you're going to get away! I know the feeling, but I am sure your hubby will do fine, and it will be so good for you to get some time to enjoy yourself. It's only for a day! Have fun! :)
Julie & Hannah
LOL, I left an eighteen point instruction list on how to feed the pups dinner:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
We will take the train to Chicago, go to the Art Institutue to see the Picasso Exhibit, watch them dye the Chicago River green, see the St. Patrick's Day parade, go to the Palmer House Hilton for tea in the historic lobby, wow did I have to smooze for those reservations:rolleyes:, stop at Macy's for some shopping and then take the train home.
My panic attack is over, Kate said she is so excited she will never sleep and I probably wont either. it is a nice remebrance for us before she leaves for college next August.
Harley PoMMom
03-15-2013, 10:52 PM
Oh Addy, have a ball!! You so deserve it.
03-16-2013, 03:10 AM
go enjoy yourself addy i am so sure everything will be just fine with zoe (sure you will make a few phone calls from chicago :) )...always wanted to see them color the river green...cheers my dear and happy st.patricks'day !!! slainte !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
03-16-2013, 03:22 AM
Hi Addy
Your update re playing and having a happy house this week made my heart smile, I am glad you are all having fun together
18 point dinner plan and I thought I was bad ;)
Enjoy the st Patrick's celebrations and have fun! Eat cake for all of us at the Hilton :D
03-16-2013, 07:12 AM
You are going to have such fun and your granddaughter will remember this forever. Love, JoAnne
Hey Addy!
Just stopping by to see how Chicago was, and of course, how things went at home. I hope you had a wonderful time!
Julie & Hannah
molly muffin
03-17-2013, 10:26 AM
Hi Addy,
How was the trip? We want to know everything, what did you think of the Picasso Exhibit? We went to his house in Barcelona. Interesting, but I'm convinced there is something in the water in that area, it turned out some strange architecture and paintings there for awhile.
Did you see the Parade? Was it huge? I bet that was fun watching the river turn green.
Ahhh, tea at the Hilton. Divine? I love afternoon high tea. Everyone should indulge sometimes! :)
I hope you had a fabulous time.
How did things go at home? Hubby follow the booklet or venture out on his own?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Sharlene,
ran out to see my mom this morning, she seemed a bit more willing to eat today.
Trip was wonderful, so many people lined up along the river but we did get to see it and the crowd was exciting, Picasso exhibit was good but too many drawings and not enough paintings,and his drawings from the war period in Spain were disturbing but since it was the war period they should be so he did portray that emotion in his work quite well. I could not get Kate out of there, she was so into it, we never even saw the parade, she would not leave the art museum, we went to see the miniature rooms and then ran out of time, she nixed shopping at Macy's for more time at the museum:rolleyes::confused: Not that I minded, weather was cold and wet so I was happy to be in a warm spot.:):)
Tea at the Palmer House was fun. We had a 90 minute tea party in the lobby and giggled the whole time. Wer almost missed the train home, and it all went so fast but was just fun. The train ride was really great, very convenient and fast. I love trains and wished we had more of them in Milwaukee. We have poor mass transit here, mostly some badly scheduled buses.
It felt good to be in a big city again, so vibrant and pulsing, it was great!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
Hubby did an excellent job with the dogs, he did not even text me any questions. He said Koko sat at the front door for awhile crying but then settled down. Zoe took a 3 hour afternoon nap with him:)
It was a great day and hubby is willing to babysit again.:D:D:D:D
Simba's Mom
03-17-2013, 03:12 PM
Yay for your hubby, glad you got away for awhile!
03-17-2013, 04:30 PM
Good news re hubby babysitting, the 18 point plan never put him off then :D
That trip was probably exactly what you needed to charge your batteries after everything that has been going on
Bet Zoe loved that nap, sometimes it so nice to take time out of the day for that
Did we get good cakes at Palmer house? I am partial to cake and desserts as you can probably tell :)
we did Mel, we had devonshire cream, plum jam and different scones, we had cookies and fruit bread, watercress and cucumber sandwiches, little egg salad and chicken salad sandwiches, smoked salmon, the most delicious banana mouse dusted with cocoa and a piece of dark chocolate- you LOVED that, it was the best thing there!!
little squares of cheese cake, some upside down things that were yummy and mini whoopie pies:D:D:D
probably would not compete with a cream tea in your neck of the woods;););)
but we did have a good tea!!!!
hubby said he threw out the 18 point list and fed the dogs hormel chili and they were just fine
what a kidder!!!
03-17-2013, 07:20 PM
No wonder I feel so stuffed :eek:
Sounds like a fun weekend, I think it's easy to forget ourselves sometimes so I am really pleased you both had a great time and you spoilt yourself
03-18-2013, 07:53 AM
Hi Addy, Glad to hear you had a nice little get away.
Big hugs.
molly muffin
03-18-2013, 06:29 PM
Oh my gosh, That tea sounds divine! As in Swoooooning here! LOL
Pffffttt, you would have known right away if he'd fed them chilli I bet. Can you imagine the gas fumes when you opened the door?!!!:eek:
My dad use to feed his cat that and boy could he clear a room.
That cat lived to be 24 years old. One of the oldest cats the vet said he'd ever seen. He also ate ice cream all the time and whatever else dad was eating. Maybe there is something in that chili after all.
Oh Yea, hubby is willing to do it all over again. hmmm...where can you go next. :D
snow and big winds here today. I didn't even feel like going into the office this morning. Just wanted to curl up and go back to sleep. Molly was in agreement and not getting up either. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I know.... Im SHOVELING AGAIN:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
will this winter ever end? YUK a MUCK:rolleyes::rolleyes: And it is muck, that wet, sloppy stuff that is going to turn to ice tonight when it drops down to 10 degrees.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
i think i feel a sick day coming on, yup, i am pretty sure I do:p:p:p:p
03-19-2013, 05:25 AM
Oh no, it must be due to end soon!! That shovelling sounds absolutely miserable. I can hear your cough from here Addy, *cough cough* you want us to write you a sick note? :D:D:D fingers crossed for the big thaw soon. I guess that comes with its own trouble too. Hope Zoe and Koko are behaving themselves!
Hi Addy,
Just getting caught up here. Your day in Chicago sounds like it was wonderful, I am so glad you were able to get away. That tea sounds absolutely incredible, yummy! Lol about your 18 point list, sounds exactly like what I would do. I laughed even harder at the hormel chili comment, your hubby is too funny!! So glad it all worked out Addy. You deserved to have some time away. How is Zoe doing? And how was the UPC, did I miss the results?
I am with you, so sick of winter. I normally enjoy all the seasons, but am so ready to be done with winter this year. Sick of shoveling here too. I went to our St Patricks day parade on Saturday, it was cloudy, 32 degrees and 20 mph winds. We froze our butts off but stayed for the whole thing. It is always one of my favorite things to do. I can't even imagine how fun it would be someplace like Chicago, NY or Boston!
Thank you for checking in on me and Jasper and the birthday wishes. I think he has had a pretty good day, considering I haven't fed him anything special. I don't want to give him anything out of the ordinary with all he has going on.
Tina and Jasper :)
Bailey's Mom
03-19-2013, 08:42 PM
"Palmer Hyatt House???" Was Palmer there???? Did you give him a huge hug from me????? I didn't know he'd managed his investments well enough to get a house.
Trip sounds wonderful. While you were gone I was not sleeping. I was relating my symptoms to someone else today and she said how eerie it was because just last Saturday someone else was saying the exact same thing to her, same symptoms and all, and it turned out to be a vascular issue. The woman is now scheduled for some kind of surgery. Oh GREAT! Well, at least it is something else to rule out. Same swelling of the knee, same bruising, same pain, etc. Knee checked out fine, and she'd had the same surgery as I have had. I made an appt with the heart doc and Bob asked if he would be the one to see or if I should see a specialist. I'll call back tomorrow and check. Still no pink bubble wrap in sight.
Bailey got trimmed. She now has all her hair the same length, but it's a little shorter than we will want, long term. She has a "pom-pom cut" on her tail and it looks real perky. Except for the eyebrows being too short, the head is just right. It's only taken us 2 years to figure out the right cut for her!
We made it to 59 today. I can live with that. Plus blue skies. I got my daily vitamin D. More please.
I did think of Palmer, Sus, indeed I did.:) Bailey's new do sounds cute.
I know what you mean about housing values, we had planned on selling a few years ago but had to change course too. I dont like the sound of "heart doctor":(
Tina- believe it or not I am still playing telephone tag with the IMS and hubby is treatening to go there and create a scene soon.:eek::eek:
Trish- I wont even tell you how cold it is today, our first day of spring
I think this morning it was 11 degrees with a wind chill of minus 5:eek::rolleyes:
Well, guys, another work crisis so have to sign off
Specific gravity 1.017 normal range is 1.018-1.45
Blood- trace
Protein 30
RBC- 3-5 abnormal
UPC ratio 1.393
Random creatinine normal
Random protein normal
I finally found someone to email the test results. I just read through a round table discussion on IDEXX. If I am understanding it right, the red blood cells could indicate prerenal proteinurina or inflammation
so with her UPC at 1.393 we are to consider monitoring and investigating other causes. I have no idea what her IMS thinks since I CANT TALK TO HER:mad::mad::mad:
It has been five weeks since her surgery. Today was the first time she did not sit at the water bowl taking sips a bunch of times. Today was the first time I could say her water intake was almost like before her surgery.
So now what?
I think the next step would be to wait a few more weeks and then do a needle draw and another ua with UPC?
Then she has to go back for her ACTH test, I cant do both at the same time unless they do the needle draw after her second ACTH draw. Maybe they could do that. They use the ultra sound to find her bladder, maybe they could look at her kidneys quick?
03-20-2013, 09:04 PM
Hey Addy: Sorry you have this worry again. You would think if it was a bad report the vet would have called you. Maybe you will be able to talk to the vet tomorrow and she will explain everything to you. Zoe seems to be doing so well and came through the surgery like a trouper. It can't be anything bad. Zoe is such a perfect girl. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
03-20-2013, 10:08 PM
grrrrrrrr, hate chasing after vets and IMS to get any kind of feedback. How very frustrating. Tempting to let hubs loose I bet.
So, this could be inflammation? I guess with the water level going back to normal, it is a wait and see. Maybe taking some time to just enjoy Zoe not having to go to the vet would be worthwhile. Then look into other tests. Remember, it's always baby steps and one at time. I'd keep trying to get that IMS though to give you some feedback on the test results. Hate when they seem to disappear just when you're dying to talk to them.
Hang in there Addy,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-20-2013, 11:06 PM
ok addy we are all here just cheering on that zoe of sharlene said hang in there...we are all supporting,loving and sending healing thoughts and prayers your way !!!patty(milo)meka xoxox
03-21-2013, 04:50 AM
How did they take the urine? The blood could be from a cystocentesis or else it could also be postop if it was a free catch running past her surgery site, she only has a teeny bit there and not many RBC either, if that result was in a human we would not test further as we only investigate if RBC>10 (but this would depend on the reference range too, I am not so sure in dogs). So I would want a repeat urine to check up on that. Plus I would not be surprised in her postop condition if she managed to pick up a few bugs in her urine, did the test not mention WBC or sediment?
Anyway, I agree with you to recheck after her acth blood draws, it does pay to have a cystocentesis with female dogs as it is quite hard to get a good mid stream collection from the girlies from what i have read. Blood in urine can also be postrenal Addy, ie the blood enters the urine after it exits the renal tubules from either stone, uti etc. So I think important to allow some time for all to settle down.
It seems there is some concensus with the experts to test UPC monthly initially, to get a handle on transient changes, and get any potential underlying problems treated eg UTI/stones/BP. This is what I am doing with Flynn, trying to get BP under control and we have already seen some improvement. From what I have read and also what my vets tell me there is no rush to treat with UPC <2.0. I read the Idexx roundtable too and found it helpful along with this book excerpt from 2011..
03-21-2013, 06:03 AM
Save your sick days for summer like many others do. "Oh these allergies are killing me. " LOL
aaaaww thanks guys,:):) Thank you for cheering Zoe on.
Trish, free catch, no wbc this time, last time turb was abnormal, this time clear
Question is the small amount of red blood cells- can it affect the UPC?
One of the problems I have is her food. She is on 3/4 cup of Honest kitchen Zeal per day and to that I add about 3 ounces Nature's Menu raw turkey. If I increase her Zeal any more than I have, her IBD cant handle it. Her Zeal is fish and sweet potatoes and other veggies and fruit and white potatoes. So that is lower fat but still higher protein feed.
Heck, have to run to work. I'm thinking of pulling her from the clinic. It is getting harder and harder for her to make the ride out there. If she has to be monitored monthly, it wont work. I need to stay nearby. Hate to do it, they have pulled her through her surgeries. I need better follow through now.
03-21-2013, 09:37 AM
Addy, have you generally been happy with the Zeal? I'm thinking about adding some to Peg's kibble in order to increase her protein intake. She needs to stay lowfat, and it looks like Zeal's profile is also really good in that respect.
Boriss McCall
03-21-2013, 11:11 AM
Addy I hope the cold yucky days end for you soon. Our weather is great right now in Texas.. BUT, soon enough you will hear me crying about the 115 degree hot summers. :eek:
I hope Zoe is doing okay today & the worries can stop for you. I know that is never fun.
Marianne- I am happy with the Zeal. It is pricey but it is the only food Zoe was ever able to tolerate and she loves it. Koko loves it too, he gets some as a bedtime snack. I am happy with The Honest Kitchen. They are very helpful, will send you free samples if you call or email them. All of their food is made in a human grade food facotry and is taste tested by humans. They are very responsive to their customers. Hubby does not like the smell of the Zeal but I think it smells good. Of course I also have sinus issues:D:D:rolleyes:
Oh Amy, please send some of that warm weather up this way!!! How is Boriss? Last I read you thought he may need a dose increase.
Oh, guess what? a vet tech called me today from the IMS, wants me to call her back:rolleyes::rolleyes: Must have been that last message I left and then calling for them to email me the test results.
They are probably worried the bank roll is ending:p:p I received a nonsensical message at work that Zoe's "mildly elevated UPC" could be from her Cushings or early renal disease and IMS wondered if I was still planning on changing her Vetoryl dose.
In hindsight, when I switched to twice day dosing, I wish I would have done like Amy did, kept Zoe at 40mgs in the am and added 10 at night. I was going to do 30/30 but may rethink that to 40/20 then 40/30. Just thinking out loud I guess. I want to wait a few more weeks before we even venture back there and then do the follow up and see where Zoe is. I really dont want her back there before mid April, it will then be 2 months since her surgery.
She is not the same as she was before her surgery. She did well but she is not the same dog.
Boriss McCall
03-21-2013, 04:58 PM
I wish I could send the warm weather your way. I know you are so tired of the snow. I would be too..
Boriss is showing signs of possibly needing to change his meds up. I hope to have him tested next week. It has been really nice these last couple of months having a vet break.
I hate to read that Zoe is not the same doggie..:( maybe she just needs more time to heal & feel better.
03-21-2013, 05:39 PM
Hey Addy
Just wanted to send you a big hug
I feel for you when I read little Zoe isn't the same dog, hopefully it's because they have been playing around with her fu fu (don't think we would be that comfy after that surgery :eek:) and she will feel like herself in no time. That's the worse thing about all of this is the waiting and wondering what they are feeling
Did you manage to speak to the IMS?
molly muffin
03-21-2013, 06:28 PM
Big Hugs Addy.
We can always tell with our babies when something is different or off. No one knows them like we do. That is why you have been spot on any time that you've pushed to get her in because you didn't feel right about something with her.
You know the most popular saying on here, is you need a plan. I think that is the truth in Zoe's case too. You just need to figure out what is the best plan to figure out what is going on with Zoe, monitor, treat, maintain, whatever it is to be, you just have to feel good about it going forward.
I hope Zoe will perk up and be more herself. It's sad to think of our solid little chicken walking Zoe being not herself.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Her back legs just are not the same. After her neck surgery, she could no longer roll on her back, just could not do it and no one knew why. She has spirit and is sitting here with her Zoe eyes barking for her chicken but her back legs are just weaker since the surgery, they just are not the same and when we are outside walking, if she looks up at me, sometimes her back end goes sideways and she stumbles.
reminds me of the drunken sailor walk she had when she was so sick and on that high dose of metronidazole a few years ago. I put her back on a daily dose of melatonin for 3 weeks now, I think but her eye is getting red so I have to back off. I am going to try to go abck to our 2 mights of tramadol, 3-4 nights of melatonin 1-2 nights off and see what I get.
Maybe I just lost control of her cortisol like the surgeon said and her cortisol is sky high.
I wish I knew.:confused::confused:
this freezing cold is not helping, I can walk her in the bitter cold with her bare butt and back legs from being shaved for surgery.
thanks guys, ((hugs)))))
molly muffin
03-21-2013, 07:43 PM
what is that sling walk that others have mentioned on here? You sort of have like a halter under her belly and if her back end starts to go off in another direction then you can get some control over it and keep her where she should be. Of course with the cold weather, it's not going to do much good when you can't walk her very far anyhow, but when it warms up, this might come in handy until you can figure out what is going on.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
after her neck surgery, she kept falling on her chin, her right front leg would give out. It finally went away about 2 months after surgery. I had read Tramadol can sometimes affect their spine and give them trouble walking so I stopped the tramadol for 3 weeks now, no improvement so it was not the tramadol this time.
This was major surgery compared to her neck, but neck was a harder spot to heal. Maybe it just needs more time.
I dont know if this is anything or not....but Honest Kitchen did have a food recall not to long ago. Could that be anything? I think its 9th down
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