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12-16-2012, 07:18 AM
Hey Addy: Bless your and Zoe's heart. Poor baby, but you took care of it and she was not hurt, something to be thankful for and she is still playing. It is so wonderful when they play. I have rugs down everywhere on the hardwood floors also and I even wash the runners one and a time in my washer, I just kind of push them around so they will be clean when they come out, but not the rubber backed. I have the resolve mop thing with a brush and just use it for the ones I cannot clean in the washer and my husband uses the big carpet cleaner for the rest. I just buy the cheap rugs at Walmart to keep the dog from slipping on the hardwood. I work for the dog I think, just bought artificial tears for his eyes and Selsun Blue to get rid of the flaking on his skin, as vet suggested, who knows if it will work. I am starting another 10 mg the day after Christmas so he can have the ACTH the same day as another thyroid test. Hard to keep up with all this stuff. Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
12-16-2012, 10:10 PM
Oh my gosh! What a weekend you had. Poor Zoe! She must have been soooooo embarrassed at the time.
Seems to be back under full steam now though! Run KoKo Run!

Hope you are doing okay. I'm betting it was traumatic for you too!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-18-2012, 01:39 PM
Thank you for all the good tips. I think I will also pick up a Resolve mop, I saw them advertised on TV.

well, while we are still picking up rugs now they are saying some horrible storm is coming:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Ice, snow, high winds:eek::eek::eek::eek:

I think hubby found a sling harness for Zoe today. We are not sure it will fit and it is the only one the store has. I am thinking a sling harness will work to help her walk outside in the storm.

Anyone tried one?

12-18-2012, 04:15 PM

I have been looking for a sling harness myself for my girl...She can't go up stairs since her injury also. My friend, who also has a lab, got one for hers when she had acl surgery for her recovery, and says it helped tremendously. I've been sick myself and too weak to do much, but I have to look into getting one soon because trying to lift a 70lb furbaby is putting a strain on my back for sure...:eek: What I really need is one of those electric escalators we see at the mall, and I'd be the happiest, and Princess too. LOL. I told hubby, he looked at me this way...:rolleyes: Oh well, I tried.

Hope Zoe feels better soon and let me know if you get the sling for her.

Love ya girl.

xo Jeanette

12-18-2012, 05:07 PM
I just got caught up on Zoe. Sorry she had a rough weekend. Poor baby. I hope you have recovered from the incident as well. It just breaks your heart when they have bad days.


Ro and Chey

12-18-2012, 07:23 PM
I recovered, I am just paranoid now. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Hubby brought home this minature sling which looks like it would work but the handles are so short I would have to walk bent over. I'm trying to figure out how to alter it to make longer handles.:confused::confused:

And why do I live in Wisconsin??????:eek::eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:

snow, it is a dirty word:p:p:p:p:p

12-19-2012, 02:06 AM
Dear Addy
So sorry to hear what happened to Zoe. You pick yourself up and just go forward. Zoe will do the best she can. I dd physical therapy with Apollo when his legs started getting weak. EAch day give Zoe treats to make her walk a little. I'll see what I kind find about slings.
We do what we have to do for as long as we can.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo.

12-19-2012, 02:43 AM
Addy, I am just getting caught up on a few threads and am so sorry to read about what happened to Zoe. I'm glad she wasn't hurt. Years ago after my precious angel lab had her 2nd ACL repair, she struggled on hard floors. Like Kim, I bought rubber backed rugs to go in front of her bowls, and strategically placed in the kitchen so she could have a path to walk. Fortunately most of my house is carpeted, and being a big dog, she took bigger steps, so I didn't need to cover all of the bare floors completely, just enough so she had a path. Once her legs went out from under her on the bare floor, she was absolutely unable to get up. The rugs made all the difference.

I also needed to get a sling harness to help her up and down the stairs in the house, and especially the deck stairs, and around the yard in the ice and snow. I ordered one that worked great through Drs Foster and Smith. It had adjustable handles so you could lengthen them for a dog that is lower to the ground like Zoe. You might want to check there. You definitely need one with long handles so you don't hurt your back.

It looks like you are in the line of the storm also. I normally don't fret too much over the weather, but Jasper has an appt Wed at 6:30 pm for his Percorten injection. It sounds like it is supposed to be near blizzard conditions here by then, so I am a little anxious that I might have to reschedule. It couldn't have been due today, could it?! Of course not. :rolleyes:


Tina and Jasper

12-19-2012, 01:20 PM
Once her legs went out from under her on the bare floor, she was absolutely unable to get up.

That is exactly what happens to Zoe yet she still tries to wrestle and play with Koko and does her hop, hop bark thing like crazy. Yesterday I was so scared about the ice and snow but we got it worked out with the sling and her leash. I was so relieved it worked and gave me a reprieve until I could find a better one. Last night, after work, I went outside to shovel and came back in the house about 20 minutes later and Koko and Zoe had the rugs in every direction, their beds flipped over and had been fooling around the entire time I was outside:rolleyes::D

I just stood there and look at her, amazed and this morning all she wanted was her walk and eat chicken, which we could not do, the road was all ice. She is so dang stubborn, I think that is why she fights so hard to keep going.


molly muffin
12-19-2012, 05:38 PM
Zoe is just precious. So much personality in such a little package. LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-19-2012, 07:06 PM
Hey Addy: We don't get near as much snow in Nashville as you do, but my dog's legs are so short he cannot walk in it at all and won't go out in the rain, so I just walk him on the carport or covered patio. Not a very long walk, but better than walking in the rain. Glad Zoe is still playing. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
12-19-2012, 09:23 PM
uck, winter storms, snow and ice. bah humbug. Hate that stuff. (I know, I know, I live in Canada. ROFL still Hate it!) It is impossible to try and walk a dog on ice! Snow I can at least handle, but ice...no way. Molly goes sliding, I go sliding.
I think you're onto something there JoAnne. We need big carport covered driveways all the way to the street! Just for our dogs!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-19-2012, 09:48 PM
I thought of trying to clean out a spot in the garage but Zoe wont go on cement and we have too much junk:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Her sling thing works okay. She seems to like it too. I am hoping the blizzard tomorrow is just wind and rain.

I got each pup one of those puzzle games, they just arrived today. I cant wait for Christmas Eve to play with them:D:D:D I have to get each of them a treat to chew on. Can you believe I am still shopping and have nothing wrapped? Well, I wrapped my bosse's present, that was it.:rolleyes:

I gave up my diet Mountain Dew. Have not had any for 5 days. Last night I had the worst leg cramps. I never get leg cramps. I wonder if there is a conncection.

Night, night

12-19-2012, 09:52 PM
addy have you increased your water intake since getting off the dew.if you haven't you may be just a wee bit dehydrated....so go fill up your water bottle and hydrate my girl...patty and meka ps i responded to your post to me but it may have landed on another wall............cheers

12-21-2012, 08:54 AM
One good thing-only got 2.5 inches of snow and ice so Zoe can go outside and poo and pee with her sling:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Okay, guys, I want to hear your one good thing;);):):):):)

oh wait, second good thing- Zoe slept until 5am:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

oh and another one good thing: I made it home to my pups safe and sound last night

Happy, Happy!!!!!!

12-21-2012, 09:38 AM
Hi Addy,

Sorry I've been out of touch. I've been fighting sickness (had 12 out of 20 of my students at school on Wed.)!:eek: We have influenza AND stomach flu AND strep throat going around. UGH. I've also had what almost feels like another part time job taking care of Hannah. I've been either emailing or talking to one or more vets each day. Hannah's itching is still pretty bad, so we are adding betamethasone cream to her paws to help the itching. They want me to wait until the second Revolution treatment (which will be the 29th) before we think about oral meds for the yeast. So, for now I use the keto wipes twice a day, and will add the betamethasone cream (also twice a day), and I washed only her paws in ketochlor shampoo. We also had to go up a size in the e-collar because she figured out how to get her foot in the cone one night when I was gone and it was soaking wet and raw when I got home.

I will share something good though, as you asked. ;) Hannah is also doing okay going potty outside, but I've noticed she pretty much rests her weight on her back feet (like all the way to the first joint). We've also been able to do our short walks, but today is reeeaaalllly cold, so we will probably skip it.

I'm on winter break as of 3:00 today, so I hope to be checking in more often.
I'm glad to hear things are going okay with Zoe.

Take care!

Julie & Hannah

molly muffin
12-21-2012, 06:04 PM
Yay only 2.5 inches of snow! and Julie on winter break!

good thing here...it's the weekend and molly is running around the house like a crazy thing with toys thrown out of her basket everywhere. It's fun to watch!

glad you made it home okay. Looks like our wet roads and walkways will freeze to ice over night with snow on top of it :( not too thrilling at all. Ice scares the bejeebes out of me, neither molly nor I can walk on it!

hugs all,
Sharlene and molly muffin

marie adams
12-21-2012, 06:10 PM
I wanted to make sure I wished you the Merriest Christmas. Believe in the magic of Christmas.

My good thing would be it won't be as hectic this Christmas as long as I get our presents all wrapped. I still have the weekend!!!:D:D


Bailey's Mom
12-21-2012, 06:31 PM
My one good thing.............
there are no more PLANNED surgeries for me.

12-21-2012, 07:19 PM
Wow, guys you did really well with one good thing.:D:D:D:D:D:D

Sharlene,ice scares me to death too, especially driving:eek::eek:

Sus- you cant have any more surgeries we cant have a bionic mom;)

Marie-LOVE YOU, miss you and Merry Christmas!!!!

Dear Julie, it is another job when they are sick, I know. Zoe is walking and standing just like Hannah. You have winter break and I am off for 11 days starting tomorrow. OMG, I have not had 11 days off in 4 years:D:D:D:D:D Get well sweetie:):):):) You can get Hannah a sling, it works pretty darn good, I am so thankful we found one for Zoe.


12-22-2012, 06:02 AM
Hi Addy
Glad to hear Zoe is doing good despite the ice and snow, gawd that sounds miserable. You can have half our heat and I will take half your snow so we can finally have a white Christmas!

I have lots of good things to report, Flynny home from hospital, he's hungry and happy despite being a but sore. Best of all he seems to be improving :) PLUS the Christmas shopping is done, plus the groceries and just the baking to do!

Have a great weekend with your babies and those you love!
Trish xx

12-23-2012, 08:43 AM
Hi Addy,

I am so happy to hear that Zoe has stopped her paw licking!!! You know, my Barkis finally stopped licking his paws once we got his cortisol under control with the trilostane. Before that, he licked his paws incessantly (and also licked our bare skin whenever he could). I've wondered whether maybe he was licking our skin because he needed the salt when his Cushing's was full-blown. But I don't know about his paws and nobody could ever give me an explanation and maybe it wasn't really connected to the cortisol at all. But it was like day and night, absolutely no more licking just as soon as his cortisol came down. So I'm hoping that one good thing for you and Zoe today is that her lack of licking may mean her cortisol level is finally right in her "sweet spot!" :o :)

Sending holiday hugs your way,

12-23-2012, 12:57 PM
Oh Marianne, thank you, it is one good thing for Zoe everyday she does not lick her paws especially compared to last year.:D:D:D:D

I have been giving her a melatonin 4-5 nights a week. Maybe that helped:o:o along with the twice day dosing.

One good thing today- I got my hair cut and it turned out really nice:D:D

Second good thing- only one more day until the pups get their puzzles and we can play puzzle for real not with tennis balls and muffin tins:D:rolleyes:

Oh and third one good thing-


12-24-2012, 02:00 AM
Wishing you a blessed holiday season
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

Bailey's Mom
12-24-2012, 07:54 AM
Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years!!!!!!!
May all of your Christmas wishes come true...
May we all stay away from any and all cliffs,
Peace and Joy to all!

Boriss McCall
12-24-2012, 02:24 PM
Merry Christmas Addy & Zoe!!

marie adams
12-24-2012, 08:53 PM
11 DAYS OFF IN A ROW!!!!! YAY!!!!!:D:D:D:):):):p:p:p;););)



(((((MERRY HUGS!!!!))))

molly muffin
12-24-2012, 09:55 PM
Merry Christmas Addy to you and hubby and Zoe and Koko and family!

Have a safe and wonderful Holiday!!!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-25-2012, 10:04 AM
Merry Christmas to you, Zoe and Koko. I hope you have a wonderful day with your family.

Love and hugs,

Tina, Jasper and Shelby

12-25-2012, 02:08 PM
Merry Christmas Addy and babies! I never did get that baking done, when I finally got the food processor out I broke it and it would not crush the biscuits... oh well we had far too much to eat anyway! Hope you had better luck than me! Have a fabulous day xx

12-26-2012, 08:40 AM
Thank you for the holiday cheer. I did have a few melancholy moments yesterday when I allowed my mind to drift forward to worries about who in our family may not be here next year but worked very hard to get back into the moment.;):)

Puzzle day finally arrived. The puzzle is a three tier spinner that a dog needs to turn with his/her nose to uncover the treat compartments. Both my pups have short noses. Koko went first and gently tried so hard to push to make the toy spin but needed my help.

The it was Zoe's turn. Zoe solved the puzzle problem pretty quickly. She tried for 5 seconds to spin it, grabbed an edge to pick up the toy with her mouth (it is about 12" star shaped and 5" inches high) and smashed it against the floor a few times until treats fell out. She picked it again threw it in the air and it smashed against the floor again and treats came out.:eek::rolleyes::rolleyes::p:p:p

Not quite how she was suppossed to solve the puzzle, but hey, that's my girl:D:D:D:D:D

Jenny & Judi in MN
12-26-2012, 09:09 AM
lol, she is no dummy! :)

molly muffin
12-26-2012, 11:03 AM
ROFL! Zoe is a hoot! Such a funny, smart little girl.
Only way to live with the what if's is to stay in the here and now. Anything else will drive you up back to bed with the covers pulled over your head. (not that it is a idea some days, but more because you wake up to snow and ice and winter weather than a "what if") :) :)

Cheers for treat puzzles! I've never seen one and loved reading your description of how it works. So cool!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-26-2012, 05:05 PM
Yay for Zoe, she found out how to get the treats. Way to go Zoe. That is my girl, if it does not work one way, try another. Merry Christmas. Love, JoAnne

12-28-2012, 05:42 AM
Puzzle treats sound fun! Flynn wants one :D Zoe is a smart girl! I love the pick it up and drop it approach :)
Trish xx

12-29-2012, 02:01 PM
dear Addy
glad you had a wonderful Christmas. It can be a joyful and sad time .
Try to enjoy the moments when you have them.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

12-30-2012, 10:45 AM
Thank you, guys. Hard to belive it is almost 2013. I am trying to work out Zoe' stim so that I can use a furlough day. I know next week is out for they are always swamped after a holiday so hoping for mid month appointment. I am thinking her numbers are higher, this last week she is going to the water bowl a bit more, has not needed a Tramadol since Christmas Eve and today, in the frigid cold, went sauntering down our driveway to the road, wanting to go for a walk on the ice and snow and salt:eek::eek::eek::eek: WITHOUT her sling:eek::rolleyes::D

A caclium deposit bump on her tail that she has had forever looks worse to me too. So we will make an appointment and bump to 60mgs BID unless her numbers are too high for that modest increase. If so, we will have to do 40 am and 30pm.

Thanks for listening to my thinking outloud:D:D:o:o:o

happy new year

molly muffin
12-30-2012, 11:59 AM
Hey Addy, gosh 2013. Time seems to fly by sometimes.

Sounds to me like you Have a plan. A good one too. It's so hard with the cushings and CC to get it all just right, that perfect balance, but you my dear are doing an excellent job. :) Yay for thinking out loud. I'm sure that it will help many more who are going through the same thing and wondering what to do and what to try.

Happy New Year to you and your gang too!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2012, 12:16 PM
I was rolling on the floor howling with images of Zoe and her puzzle toy! :D:p:D:p Thanks for that...I really needed it about then! ;)

12-30-2012, 12:41 PM
yup, you should see her, she does it every time, she is going to kill than thing until it spits out food, take that, bang, smash!!!!! bash it on the floor a few times. No nose pushing for this girl unless it is to open a door to get to me:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Glad it made you laugh, Leslie!!!

molly muffin
12-30-2012, 06:00 PM
It was hilarious Leslie! I agree. At dinner the other night we had friends over who brought their dog and I was describing how you said Zoe went after that puzzle, bang bang, we decided collective that obviously Zoe was quite brilliant and that would be our choice for getting treats out too. Koko has a great deal of patience. LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Boriss McCall
12-30-2012, 09:18 PM
Happy New Year!! We got our Bulldog Pearl a treat puzzle. She loves it. She goes nuts when we pull it out to play with.

12-31-2012, 05:12 PM
Happy New Year Addy, Zoe and Koko!! Hope you are having a fun night to celebrate the arrival of 2013! xx

12-31-2012, 06:28 PM
Hubby is in the kitchen making a special dinner for us, Zoe had a bath today ($40 at the pet store picking out shampoos, brushes, LOL, I cant go to the pet store alone:rolleyes:) We put the last of six runners and another rug in the kitchen, I think we are all ready for 2013:D:D:D:D


May we all have a new song to sing for 2013, a song of hope and love and peace.

marie adams
01-01-2013, 01:03 AM
Happy New Year Sister Addy, Miss Zoe and Koko, hubby too, and the rest of the family!!!!


molly muffin
01-01-2013, 09:51 AM
Happy New Year Addy, Zoe, Koko and hubby!

I hope this is going to be a good year! No more increases needed, CC under control and many healthy, happy days ahead. (and many fun trips to the pet store!!)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-01-2013, 01:52 PM
Wishing you all a blessed new year filled with hope,faith,joy and health. Hug your fur balls, give them a hug from me and Angel Apollo
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

01-01-2013, 06:22 PM
Happy New Year to you, Zoe, Koko, and your family! Wishing you many blessings, health and happiness in the coming year.


Tina and Jasper

01-04-2013, 03:15 AM
Hi Addy
Just checking in to see how you are all doing! I will come to the pet store with you, I love them. Ours is only quite small here so when I go to the big cities I head in to check out what they have... I am so going to be on the lookout for a puzzle for Flynn!

Hope all good with you guys :P
Trish xx

01-04-2013, 05:24 AM
Addy: Happy New Year to you and your family. Maybe 2013 will be the best year ever for you and your Zoe and KoKo. Love, JoAnne

01-07-2013, 01:27 PM
Hi Guys,

We are fine. Zoe has been sleeping later and it has been so nice not to wake up at 4:30am. However, yesterday I noticed her right eye looked dull, not as moist, a bit dry, so I will be stopping the melatonin at bedtime as I need to know if it is causing issues with her dry eye disease. From what I have reads it could be a possibility but not sure if I can trust the sources.

I am trying to cordinate my work schedule with a morning off for her stim. It has been hard because there is so much going on at work. I had hoped to take her in next week but it might have to be the following week. from the way she is trying to plow through the snow I am thinking her cortisol is higher as her back legs seem better.

It is hard to say. It is almost like you can see the hormones fluctuate as some weeks she seems better, some weeks worse.

We soldier on taking one day at a time, loving each other. She is getting thin. I know our time together is limited. I am thankful for each day she barks at me for chicken.:D:D

Boriss McCall
01-07-2013, 04:11 PM
Oh no.. I hope that her eye is going to be okay. If the melatonin is bothering it sounds like you are on top of it & caught it on time.

I see a fluctuation in Boriss as well. Some weeks he is awesome.. no symptoms at all. Then the next week he is extra hungry again... Then the next week it goes away. So hard to keep up with all of this sometimes.

Glad she still loves her chicken. :D

molly muffin
01-07-2013, 06:09 PM
Oh no. Hope Zoe's eye will be okay. I really hate it when the eyes get dullish looking, scares the bejeebees out of a person.
Crossing fingers that you can coordinate something for the stim test.
Awww, Zoe..what a sweetie and tell me, who wouldn't bark for chicken. Really mom!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-07-2013, 06:28 PM
Noooooo, not the eyes, anything but the eyes. ugh, I am very particular and paranoid with eye issues as I've had corneal abrasions 3 times in the same eye and all caused by my little ones through the years, so I hate to hear about eye issues on anyone, specially our furbabies. Hope it heals quickly Zoe, mommys on it, no worries.

WE love ya much.

Xo Jeanette and Princess

01-07-2013, 07:27 PM
EYES- yup ugh:(:(:(:(

Well, I stopped at the pet pharmacy on my way home, I saw the light was still on. Jeff looked through his book for me and said it did not say anything about melatonin affecting excretions and he said it could be just not enough known about it but he did not think it was the melatonin. I think I will stop it for a few weeks anyway. I was able to schedule a stim for Monday 1/14. I sure hope stopping the melatonin a week before does not affect her numbers:confused: You know me, everything always has to be perfect before a stim:eek::rolleyes: The last three months have been so nice not worrying about numbers, just enjoying my dog. I can feel the knots starting in my neck already:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

In the mean time I get home and take Zoe and Koko out to piddle and the little miss buggler is running around outside trying to walk on ice to eat bunny poop:eek::eek:
And tonight her eye looks better:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Go figure:rolleyes::rolleyes:

She is trying to rip apart a black Kong at the moment, funny how her legs are just fine when she is trying to shred a Kong:rolleyes:

I need a case of Chocovino please.

01-07-2013, 09:18 PM
My girls would kill for bunny poop. WTH is up with that? I figured they must have eaten berries or something that made them taste better. :D For real.

01-07-2013, 09:25 PM
They think they are cocktail peanuts, Kim:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Bailey's Mom
01-07-2013, 09:35 PM
Nightly, Bailey goes zooming into the back yard looking for those cute bunnies.....the heck with their poop...although she seems to partake of that from time to time. A couple of weeks ago she was trying to eat her own, cold vomit. Maybe she figured if she ate it I would never know. :confused:

I think she has somehow figured out tomorrow is doc day. She's been resting up all day. Oh how I wish I could fix this so she would not have to go through this. :(

I guess I'd better head to bed. We have to LEAVE @5AM.:eek:

Keep her in your prayers, please.


molly muffin
01-07-2013, 09:46 PM
Hey Molly does a beeline for bunny poop too. She'll go digging through the snow for it, try to make herself small enough to get under the fence to get to it in the neighbors yard even. (thank god that doesn't work!)

I'm glad Zoe was better when you get home. No pressure. It'll be fine for the test, everything is perfect.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

marie adams
01-08-2013, 12:24 AM
I am glad Miss Zoe is better!!!!:)

I love my iPhone and will someday get the new one. I haven't ever bought iTunes but there is always another day to do that.


I saw my first bottle of chocovine if that is what it is last week and it put a little smile on my face thinking of you and the rest of the gang!!!:D:D:D

01-08-2013, 06:00 AM
Hey all: We have lots of squirrels and CoCo digs around for the squirrel poop and bunny poop. I take a little switch around with me and threaten him with it, but of course he is real fast finding stuff to eat. He runs when he thinks he has found food and barely walks if he needs to go out for anything else. I am always asking him if he can walk any slower. I am sure it is the nuts, two pecan trees and a walnut tree at the bottom of the lot and the squirrels get all the nuts. It is amazing to see them running with the nut in their mouth trying to find a place to hide them. We find pecans everywhere in flower beds and flower pots. They have really been working hard this year, figure they know we are going to have as bad Winter in Nashville. Hugs, JoAnne

01-08-2013, 06:22 AM
I wonder if they have bunny poo in the city?:D:D:D:D I used to love this ole little house on the prairie but we are all getting older and I think I would enjoy being a city girl again.;);) I bet the pups would like sidewalks too:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Sure wish our local econmony would improve so a girl could sell a house if she wanted:(:(:(:( Zoe and I want the bright lights:D:D:D
Starbucks on every corner, parks, ahhhh, BIG SIGH ICON

Roxee's Dad
01-08-2013, 11:57 AM
Hi Addy,

So glad Zoe is doing better :) .... Sorry, I don't mean to jump in here but I can't remember what Zoe's eye problems stemmed from. Was it allergies? Did she have eye ulcers?

What meds, I remember there were many :( were you giving her? We are currently using Sodium Chloride Opthalmic solution and Tobramycin drops to stave infection, (anything with mycin in it scares the bejezus out of me) and metacam for pain relief.

If Zoe had eye ulcers, were you using the same meds or something different? I guess I will have a few more questions.

Thanks Addy :)

01-08-2013, 01:27 PM
Hi John,

Zoe has the following eye issues which were found when she had an eye ulcer which took 3 months to heal:eek:. The KCS is thought to be from allergies, the crystalline keratopathy is thought to be from her Cushings. She also has dry eye disease.
Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS) (OU - stable / controlled); Cataract (Incipient OU); OU crystalline keratopathy and corneal degeneration
with OS stromal hemorrhage.

At the worst of it she was getting 12 different meds trying to save her eyes. She had a few different antibiotics all at once. The opthalmologist had to be very agressive. I will find the list and post it.

I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with eye issues. Hopefully you will have smoother sailing. I'll go look for the list.

01-08-2013, 01:36 PM

original diagnosis and meds- the glaucoma was really a bad thing

Corneal ulcer ; Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS) OU crystalline keratopathy; Uveitis (OD); Cataract
(Incipient OU); OD glaucoma - currently controlled; suspect secondary

BOTH eye:
1. Tacrolimus 0.02% solution: Administer 1 drop to both eyes every 12 hours until recheck for dry eye disease
2. Genteal Gel for severe dry eye disease: Administer 1 drop to both eyes every 6 hours until recheck exam
3. Flurbiprofen: Administer 1 drop to both eyes every 8 hours until recheck exam. This is a
non-steroidal antiinflammatory.
4. EDTA 1% solution: Administer 1 drop to both eyes every 6 hours until recheck. May cause
transient irritation on administration. This is an anticollagenase and chelator.
RIGHT eye:
1. Trusopt (=dorzolamide): Administer 1 drop to the right eye every 8 hours until recheck
exam. This is to reduce intraocular pressure.
2. Tropicamide: Administer 1 drop to the right eye every 8 hours until recheck exam. May
cause pupil dilation. This is to dilate pupil and help reduce discomfort.
3. Cefazolin: Administer 1 drop to the right eye every 6 hours until recheck exam. Keep
refrigerated. Good for 14 days.
4. Ofloxacin: Administer 1 drop to the right eye every 6 hours until recheck exam.
5. Serum: Administer 1 drop to the right eye every 6 hours until recheck exam. Keep
refrigerated. Good for 5 days.
LEFT eye:
1. Cyclosporine 2% solution: Administer 1 drop to the left eye every 8 hours until recheck
2. NeoPolyGram: Administer 1 drop to the left eye every 12 hours until recheck exam.

I believe the antibiotics were the neopoly,cefazolin and the Ofoxacin. The serum helped ALOT :)

Roxee's Dad
01-08-2013, 10:47 PM
Thanks Addy

All I can say is wow, so many meds and poor Zoe !!
Rozee's specialist says she has age related eye ulcers. The one just healed up about 90% and now a big one on her other eye.

01-09-2013, 07:40 AM
John, does she have dry eye disease? Keeping the eyes moist seems to help with ulcers. Are you using something like Genteal Gel? It is over the counter and helps keep the eyes moist.

Those dang eye ulcers are so painful for them but the glaucoma was really painful for Zoe.

Im glad you have a specialist. We need one when it comes to their eyes. Ours does not really cost that much more then a regular vet but boy when I asked for a quote for their doggie dentist and teeth cleaning for Koko I almost passsed out at the cost:eek::eek:

Some of Zoe's issues are age related but most are from her Cushings and allergies (he thinks , I dont agree on that one)

Jenny & Judi in MN
01-09-2013, 07:55 AM
but boy when I asked for a quote for their doggie dentist and teeth cleaning for Koko I almost passsed out at the cost:eek::eek:

Jenny's cushings vet is in Fargo, ND and their basic charge for a teeth cleaning is $800, yikes. We wound up going with her original vet in a smaller town who started at around $400. They yanked a bunch of teeth which were extra but yes, the teeth cleaning bills can be huge!

01-09-2013, 08:51 AM
John (Roxee's Dad)-What did you mean that anything with mycin scares the bejezus out of you? My Scoop is currently dealing with a corneal ulcer. It started in the middle of Nov. He is now down to using Sodium Chloride Hypertonicity Ophthalmic Ointment and Tobramycin Ophthalmic Solution. Two weeks ago when he last saw the eye doctor he was on those 2 and Ofloxacin. She said he only needed to be on the ointment and one of the others so she said use the Tobramycin since I had a full bottle of that and not much of the Ofloxacin. Now you scared me with your comment. What is wrong with mycin? Maybe she should have said to use the Ofloxacin. Is that one OK?

Squirt's Mom
01-09-2013, 09:30 AM
Hi Vickie,

Not John but I know what he is talking about. Any of the mycin family of drugs, whether topical or oral, has the potential to be ototoxic, meaning they can cause deafness. For blind or babies with compromised vision, some of us try to steer away from meds that have this potential...mycin drugs are not the only ones. You can google ototoxic drugs and learn a great deal.

This isn't something that happens with every one who uses these drugs, but it does happen on occasion.

Leslie and the gang

Squirt's Mom
01-09-2013, 09:31 AM
Hi Vickie,

Not John but I know what he is talking about. Any of the mycin family of drugs, whether topical or oral, has the potential to be ototoxic, meaning they can cause deafness. For blind or babies with compromised vision, some of us try to steer away from meds that have this potential...mycin drugs are not the only ones. You can google ototoxic drugs and learn a great deal.

This isn't something that happens with every one who uses these drugs, but it does happen on occasion.

We have to look at the risk factor of using the drug compared to the risk factors of alternatives or not treating. Sometimes we are really left with no good choices in our efforts to help. ;)

Leslie and the gang

01-09-2013, 09:51 AM
Leslie-Thanks. I will be googling ototoxic. Scoop's been on that drop for awhile. Can't remember if from the beginning of his ulcer. The eye he gets the drops in is the left one. That is the same side he had his ear canal removed so he can't hear out of that ear. Could it affect the other side?

Roxee's Dad
01-09-2013, 03:48 PM
No dry eye, no glaucoma, Specialist only said age related ulcers so only the 2 meds plus the Metacam, but her eyes are very greyish now. Poor baby, keeping house shades closed and keep her face covered when carrying her outside to keep the sun from her eyes until we reach a shady area. Any brightness really bothers her, and of course we live in AZ where the sun shines brightly everyday LOL. Seems weird, some days she can see a bit better than others but no where as near as well as a few months ago.

Mentioning dental... her last dental about a year ago was over 2K Yikes, but in fairness, we had to go to a specialist because we were concerned about putting her under anesthesia at her age.

Vickie, I see Leslie replied to you about the Mycin. Rozee was givien this for an ear infection and went deaf very shortly thereafter. Not saying it causes her deafness but.... long story short, he didn't believe me about side effects and was giving it to the local police dogs. He went and looked it up, came back, apologized, gave me new meds, and no longer gives it to the police dogs. Can't imagine a deaf police dog would be able to do his or her job.

Thanks again Addy, and sorry for the short hijack :o :) :D

01-09-2013, 07:25 PM
Dang John, you can hijack my thread anytime:D:D:D:D

I would ask your specialist if it would help at all to give her the Genteal Gel to try to help keep her eyes moist. It supposedly helps with the ulcers and maybe just once a day would be enough for some extra tears.

Koko's dental estimate was a grand and that was without pulling any teeth:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I am waiting for our regular vet to have a dental special. Koko is only five so it should not be a problem for him. Zoe has us tapped out this last year. They told us we spent enough money at the specialty clinic to buy a really nice car:eek::eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:

01-10-2013, 12:00 AM
Back in July when Scoop's troubles started he had infection in both ears and both eyes. I can't remember what meds he was given but soon after he started I swear he couldn't hear. I thought it was because of the infection. I wonder if it was the meds. I have to see if I can find what he was on. He eventually did get hearing back. That was just the start of a lot bigger problem.

01-12-2013, 08:16 AM
I cant believe it is the weekend!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Lots of one good things:

Well, I cant tell if the melatonin was making Zoe's dry eye disease worse because all the snow melted, the grass is fairly green and I have lilies coming up:eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes: It may be she cannot have the melatonin every night or if every night a smaller dose is needed. I gave it last night, 3mgs, and her eyes are good this morning but out of the last seven days, she only had it twice.

We put six carpet runnners and a smaller rug in the kitchen and so far so good for Zoe except the other day hubby came home from work and some of them were turned over and a mess. Zoe starts it, she wants to play with Koko.;):D Yesterday I was late for work because I had to keep telling her go to her place and leave Koko alone. Koko loves the runners and his favorite place now is laying on a runner while someone cooks.

She goes for her stim Monday. I am truly amazed at her but she is a stubborn, bossy little girl and that must help her a lot.:p She has her ups and downs but she is happy, still loves to try to do doggie things and that's most important.:D:D:D:D:D:D

Zoe and I are off for our chicken walk. I hope you all say healthy and avoid the flu bug, they said this morning it is an epidemic.:eek::eek:

molly muffin
01-12-2013, 09:10 AM
Yay Zoe. She is something isn't she. Just a little go getter and a real fighter. Some dogs just really seem to be flooded with personality. Zoe is certainly one of those.

Interesting about the melatonin and her eyes. So maybe a bit less is better in her case?

My sister just wrote me and said that she'd heard that only 3 states hadn't had this flu epidemic, Calif, Hawaii and Mississippi, but now heard that Pasadena might have a case. I know that British Columbia up here has been really battling a bad case of it.
Everyone stay safe and healthy!!
Hope Zoe has a good stim next week.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-12-2013, 05:19 PM
I read about your flu epidemic here in the news, you better all pack your bags and head down here... but leave all your boogers behind please :D:D:D Hope your all keeping well though and wash those hands++++++++++++++


01-12-2013, 07:46 PM
Yup, we are washing up good.;););););) I finally got a flu shot last week, I guess better late then never, as the saying goes.;)

The entire state of Wisconsin is watching the Green Bay Packers play against the San Francisco 49ers tonight. Not much in the mood for football tonight. Last time our football team went to the Super Bowl I gained 7 pounds from all the parties.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Im hanging out here with a Seltzer water instead:D:D:p:p:p

Our neighbor got a gas grill for Christmas and he is out in his garage making burgers. I took the dogs out for a potty break and the three of us stood in the driveway drooling from the smell.

01-12-2013, 08:12 PM
Hey Addy: Guess Zoe and CoCo will both be having the stim Monday. Hope they both come out good. Poor little doggies, but they don't know how lucky they are that we try everything to keep them healthy and don't regret it at all. Happy Sunday to you and your family and furbabies. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
01-12-2013, 08:22 PM
I think Borris is having his stim on Monday too!! 3 for monday!

Stim Monday it is then! Now when do results come back? We'll have to call it Happy Dancing Wednesday?
Happy Dancing cause no off results need apply. hahahaha

What burgers, in the drive and didn't invite you 3 over. On Football night?! Shocking!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-12-2013, 09:52 PM
Wow Monday is a three for special:D:D:D:D:D I hope we all have good news!!!!!!!!

I know, Sharlene, can you believe the manners?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Oh well, would have ruined my calorie count any way:o:o:o:o

Boriss McCall
01-13-2013, 09:35 AM
Good luck tomorrow! I hope everything runs smooth for you & Zoe. Try not to stress too much. ;)

01-13-2013, 11:37 AM
Im not stressing now except for practicing putting on the muzzle. She has not had hers on in a while and the brat keeps snapping at me when I try to put it on to tighten it up:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Our old vet tech is no longer at the clinic and she had her own muzzle for Zoe and knew exactly how to get it on. The replacement tec, not so much, doesnt even want to try. Cant say that I blame her, I guess but I do miss Nelly.:(:(:( She was wonderful.

I already am happy that I'll save $50 a month switching to 30/30 so not a big deal unless she comes back sky high, then I will freak.

01-13-2013, 12:41 PM
Why does she have to have a muzzle on? Does she nip at them? Don't blame her! :)

01-13-2013, 02:57 PM
nip isnt the word, Trish:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

she BITES them, :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Thats my girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-13-2013, 06:43 PM
Hi Addy, thank you so much for your kind words and posts of support on Jasper's thread, it means more than I can say.

I posted on our thread that Jasper isn't getting a stim test tomorrow, but will be seeing the vet and getting an injection in a show of solidarity for Zoe, Boriss and Coco's stim tests tomorrow. :D I will be thinking about you guys and hoping for good results.

Hey, what the heck happened to the Packers last night?! I didn't end up watching the game, but was sure disappointed to see the score and highlights this morning. I am a life long Vikings fan, but have always also liked the Packers (unless they are playing my Vikes ;) ), so was sure hoping they would make it to the NFC championship game.

Hugs from me and Jasper

PS I noticed that your title says Moderator, is that new? I noticed it for Sharlene also, did you guys get promotions? Not sure yours is new, but I don't remember it for Sharlene.

Harley PoMMom
01-13-2013, 07:03 PM
Addy, have you ever tried putting a bit of chicken in her muzzle? Maybe Zoe would smell the chicken and not pay so much attention to you putting the muzzle on...just a thought;):)

01-13-2013, 07:34 PM
The Packers, well, it just was not their night. We have quite a few cheeseheads not happy today. I hope Jasper gets some nose ointment tomorrow or you find out what the heck is going on.

Lori- we play a game with the muzzle with chicken and Koko and then she is fine. I just was not expecting her to give me a hard time this morning, she has been so good with it but has not had it on much lately, thank goodness, it felt so good not to have to go to the doctor and just let her be a dog. I always have to try to out think Zoe and watch her cues closely. I just did not see it coming this morning:rolleyes::rolleyes: She was really bratty:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Sweet thing one minute, Kujo the next:eek::eek::eek:

01-14-2013, 08:23 AM
Addy, good luck today with Zoe's stim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is really a big testing day for our family, that's for sure! All fingers and paws will be crossed around our house for everybody who's headed in to the vet! ;)

And yes, Tina, you are definitely seeing correctly -- both Addy and Sharlene are now Moderators. They are already doing a fabulous job and we are SOOOOO glad that they agreed to help us out in this way! :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)


Boriss McCall
01-14-2013, 03:05 PM
I hope you are not stressing out & today is going good. :)

01-14-2013, 03:26 PM
Well, we are back, Zoe was a totally different dog from the last stim when she hid in the corner. Not sure what that will mean with her numbers. She was a very good girl, no muzzle problems.:D:D:D:D:D

So that is my one good thing, Zoe being fairly upbeat at the her stim.

The downside is vet found a small mass on the end of her vulva and aspirated it. It could be a fatty tumor, inflamation, cancer, infection, wont know for 2-3 days and they may have to biopsy, IMS was not sure if she got enough cells. I thought her vulva looked weird back at the end of October and had local vet check it when she sprained her toe. He said it was fine. This seems more swollen and I had noticed it last week but since she is so bald there, I was not sure what I was even looking at.:o I think I better have a lesson in what a dogs private parts should look like:rolleyes::o:o

So even if we get her stim results back, everything is on hold.:(:(
It does not seem to bother her, she does not lick it.

Is it possible for elevated sex hormones from the Trilostane to cause a problem with her vulva? I have been trying to google that.

Zoe would not let the vet do a vaginal examination, we would have to sedate her for that.:(:(:(:(

Always something. Well it was a nice calm few months so I am up for it.

01-14-2013, 03:57 PM
Oh Addy, I am so sorry Zoe and you are going through all of this. Dealing with just the cushings is difficult enough. I am of know help with suggestions...just keeping you and Zoe in thought and prayer.

Keep us informed as we all learn from each other. (((hugs))).

Sharon and the family

01-14-2013, 04:12 PM
Ohhhhhhh, phooey! :( :( :( :(

Waiting has never been my strong suit, but I'll do my best to be patient right along with you, Addy. And I'm thinking glass half full today :o. Addy was a very good girl, and I'll bet this turns out to be a false alarm.

Squirt's Mom
01-14-2013, 04:15 PM
It's going to be just fine. A little irritation, maybe an infection, something in her diet, a splinter, she and Koko have been playing doctor while you're at work....something simple. Don't worry just yet; you know I have the HAMMIE market cornered so you can't worry. :rolleyes::p

Leslie and the gang

01-14-2013, 05:01 PM
Thanks guys, I am determined to stay calm and happy, no upsetting my Zoe with hysteria. She will see only a happy mom no matter what. It is what she deserves and no less no matter what the future holds.:):):):):):) She has fought for too long and too hard.

She was such a good girl and so calm. She had a bit of shaking at first in her back legs but she was 100% better then the last stim. I feel really good about that.:D:D:D:D

I'm fine, really.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

01-14-2013, 05:04 PM
she and Koko have been playing doctor while you're at work....

wait, I just reread this, dang Leslie, I cant stop laughing, that's twice you helped me today;););)

molly muffin
01-14-2013, 05:31 PM
ROFL, Leslie's remark cracked me up too. I was like.."ohhhh, so thats what they do while you are at work!" :eek::eek: Well, we always knew that Zoe was the adventurous one in the group.:D

Nah, I'm sure it's nothing. A bit of irritation or something maybe. Besides, maybe Zoe didn't get the word but we're all about bums right now on here, two anal glands in treatment, no room for any other private parts. That would be next months agenda. *note to send all our pups the private parts memo.

See you now have a full month to read up on doggie vulva's. :)

We do aspire to be helpful here you know.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-14-2013, 06:20 PM
really rolling on the floor now Sharlene:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Come on, my tummy hurts from laughing so hard!!!!!!!!!

molly muffin
01-14-2013, 06:57 PM
really rolling on the floor now Sharlene:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Come on, my tummy hurts from laughing so hard!!!!!!!!!

Zoe probably has a bottle of Pepcid AC you can take for that if you want to explain to her why your tummy hurts and ask to borrow some. ;):p

Now I can't stop laughing and molly won't share her Pepcid. BRAT! :D

01-14-2013, 07:59 PM
Oh Addy: You are right, it is always something and that is a part that we hardly ever see. I only noticed the booboo on CoCo because he was rolling on the floor. Probably nothing to worry about. Just one or two things at a time please. It seems like we find something every month. but these little dogs just keep clicking along as if nothing is wrong and Leslie is so funny, who knows what these dogs do when we are not looking. I told the vet my CoCo probably hurt himself hunching on this little black cloth dog which he does every night as he is biting and throwing him out of his bed. He has slept with this toy for 11 years. The vet's face turned red, guess he never expected a woman to say that. Love, JoAnne

01-14-2013, 08:05 PM
you guys are killing me here, I cant laugh any more, JoAnne that is too funny about Coco's cloth dog:D:D:D:D I can just imagine the look on the vet's face:D LOL

I know what you mean though, the IMS was all serious telling me what it might be and Zoe's doing bark, bark hop for her chicken because I had to take her drops along and had just finished putting them in when the IMS came in the room:rolleyes::rolleyes: Like, what, nothing wrong here with me mom:D:D:D:D

LOL crazy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-14-2013, 08:16 PM
That is so funny Addy, the vet usually gives CoCo a treat but he turns his nose up at it and heads for my purse since he knows I bring him a treat if he is a good boy and they don't have to muzzle him and they don't now since he has to go so much. Are these dogs spoiled or what. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
01-14-2013, 08:17 PM
Well gee JoAnne, you'd expect a Vet to understand. Sheezzz. A dog has got to do what a dog has got to do. :cool:

Gee Addy, how Could he be serious with Zoe in the room, hoping around for chicken! Maybe he just thought she was excited to see him ;)

hehehe (laughing fits)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-14-2013, 09:54 PM
Good to read about some fun times. You hang in there Zoe, you show them.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

01-15-2013, 03:34 AM
I am putting my money on a cyst :D She sounds like she was a super good girl at the vet and not nippy at all:D:D Give that girl a big hug from me and Flynn... everything crossed for good results. xxxxxxxxxxxx

01-15-2013, 04:26 AM
OMG you guys, I am laughing my butt off here. :D :D Up to let Jasper out and just read all of this. He is looking at me with a puzzled look on his face because I am laughing so hard. Quite the contrast to my usual zombie like demeanor when are up for middle of the night potty breaks. Keeping my fingers crossed here too that it is something minor for Zoe, and for good stim test results. Still cracking up and must go back to bed now! :D Hugs...

Bailey's Mom
01-15-2013, 04:57 AM
Chee! Miss a day and a whole book has been written!! :D
Addy-for Bailey's surgery, this time, they shaved off the entire bottom third of her body. First time around they just shaved the legs. So she has this nice fluffy black hair and then this very bare, nude gray skin. She sits off to the side, because of her knee surgery.....that will go back to normal as she gets better. But seeing her sit with her bald butt in my face, it looks funny/weird to me also. She has this little pouch......maybe it's her beer belly. I had a female dog before and this just looks different. Do you think doggie models have changed in the past decade or two.....like cars. New fenders or something?:rolleyes:

I'm eagerly awaiting results reporting. I hope all the testees pass with flying colors.


Bailey's Mom
01-15-2013, 05:20 AM
PS-as I've mentioned before, Palmer had a stuffed duck.....big yellow one with a bright orange beak. It was just as long as Palmer-about 12 - 14 inches and had a squeaker inside. It was something Palmer would play with and it was something Palmer went to like a security blanket when he felt unsure. It was ALSO something Palmer would hump. He'd work at it, get himself all stimulated and when he was done, he would stretch out with the duck with the hip part in his mouth and just sit there like that for awhile. We used to kid about how all he needed was a cigarette. (you know-like it used to be in the movies after couples did it.) If it was just us around, I would let it go. If Bob was in the room, he usually tried to stop it. I thought it was great that Palmer was tending to his needs/desires. I still have two of those ducks. One with his DNA all over it and one I had as a spare. Even with washing after awhile they started to look kind of ratty so I had purchased 4 or 5 at one point, just in case they stopped making them.

Can you tell I'm up in the middle of the night because of knee pain? I finally broke down and took a pain pill. I'm trying to work with over the counter stuff and this just was too much.

Anyway-I thought some might get a kick out of Palmer's toy duckie.


01-15-2013, 08:02 AM
LOL Sus, so that was what Palmer liked about his duck on steriods:D:D

I actually had to wake Zoe up this morning so I am running late with everything:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I cant believe my furball alarm clock overslept:D:D:D:D

molly muffin
01-15-2013, 01:58 PM
ahahah Susan, loved the stuff duck story. That little guy knew what he liked, you have to give him that. :D
What a good mommy to make sure that he would always have his duckee. Not sure I'll ever look at a stuffed duck the same way though. :p

Zoe a sleepyhead?! Zoe meet Molly! LOL She is either up and ready to go, or I'm yelling up the stairs "molly get down here for walkies, I have to get to work" There is no in between.

Tina! hahahah Jasper thinks you are losing it with the rolling fits of laughter I bet. Hope you were able to get to sleep while giggling! :D

Hugs, all
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Boriss McCall
01-15-2013, 03:29 PM
Addy I hope the good test results come today!

01-15-2013, 07:27 PM
hey there addy i just wanted to drop you a quick hello and keeping my eyes on your zoe and yourself !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox :) !!!

01-15-2013, 07:45 PM
Wow had lots of good stuff while I was toiling at work today:D:D:D

Hi you guys, hi Patty:D:D:D

We wont have any news until Friday. Our IMS always calls me on Friday at work:(:(:(

I came home tonight and:

HUBBY HAS THE FLU:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

and he has germed up every room in the house:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

man oh man, I am so doomed:(:(:(:(:(:(

can I rent out a sick husband? Maybe find him a foster home for awhile like until he doesnt have the flu anymore?

why do they germ up every room? I am going to disinfect a closet and go hide in it until he's well. AND he wont even call the doctor for some Tamaflu:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

man, I am soooooooo dooooomed:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

01-15-2013, 07:57 PM
oh no addy so sorry hubby is sick.get the lysol,purell and a mask !!! get some fluids into him and try to take good care of yourself while you try to get him well.i hope it doesn't last too long...poor guy :( ... ps don't ever touch your face either...

molly muffin
01-15-2013, 09:44 PM
Oh no! Not the horrid flu thing! Run! Hide! I hear New Zealand is lovely this time of year. :)

Should we send chicken soup???? Not to sure there would be any chicken in it if Molly were helping to make it. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-15-2013, 10:00 PM
Change to BID 30.20

August 31 (two weeks after surgery)
pre 2.4 post 6.1

October 4th (still limping after surgery, did not act right at stim)
Pre 7.2 post 10.2

January 14th, 2013 No change in dose
Pre 8.5 post 7.3

besides stress, what else would cause her pre to be high? Could her vulva issues have a bearing on it? I admit readily, I dont know much about the pre numbers.

I need to get the rest of the labs reports, may have that tomorrow according to the vet tech before I will know if we should change to 30/30.

molly muffin
01-15-2013, 10:06 PM
hmm, I don't know much about that Pre either, but doesn't it usually signify something other than the whole cushings issue. So, if she has any kind of infection and the vulva thing could be that, or a cyst or something that might cause the pre number to be high.
That second number is looking pretty decent for Zoe though. Heading back towards August numbers, which would be nice to see.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

01-15-2013, 10:30 PM
It could just be the stress. Does Zoe like the vet or like visiting (some do, weird as that is to me). It may be just that she saw were she was and had an immediate stress reaction, before the first bloods were taken. A fight or flight style response.

I know Fraser did this on his first ever stim test. The vet even asked me to bring Oscar in and leave him with Fraser because she knew he would be stressed. Every time we pull up in the car park at the vets, he starts shaking he hates it that much. Our next stim was done with the specialist and their offices don't look, feel or smell like a vet so he has no issues there.

Other than that, no ideas here sorry, I remember asking you guys that same question too!

As for the flu issues, would offer to help, but am already overrun with doggy snot here! :p My advice, lock hubby in a room and tell him to stay there, while you do a run through the house with disinfectant spray - like an insect bomb type of thing. Kill every germ! :D

01-16-2013, 01:59 AM
Not being up on the cush stuff, I am no help either! But the post one does look better!

Ack that flu, it was on our news tonight that it is on its way down to us... I will get the flu injection when they come out soon. Yes, lock him up because as you know man-flu is much much worse that what we get :) and then you fly down here with the doggies :D:D:D

Waiting for the rest of results with everything crossed! Goooooooooo Zoooooooooe!

Trish and Flynn xx

Boriss McCall
01-16-2013, 09:46 AM
OH man.. hope your hubby feels better soon. Don't breath the air around him. :eek: This is a really bad one. I have had several friends have it already.

I believe Boriss had a stim test result awhile back where the Pre was higher than the post. Not really sure why that happens. But, the next stim test came back okay 30 days later.

Glad she is feeling good.. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything else turns out good. ;)

Jenny & Judi in MN
01-16-2013, 10:45 AM
add me to the yay her post # looks good, have no clue about the pre #! lol

01-16-2013, 10:46 AM
go to the dollar store get plastic spray bottle, mix half and half...water and clorex. Dont spray directly in same room at same time as your furbaby is though. Spray on all hard surfaces or on cloth and wipe surfaces. If you have steam mop mix it little less strong, then re steam mop (just quick over)
do not touch your face!!!!!!! and do not allow hubby to use your pillow. after house is all de germed......make HIM wear the mask. lol
my husband knows if he is sick he is to touch nothing and is confined to the back bathroom and if he walks near me at any moment he is to have shirt up over his face. LOL and i put i pocket size anti bac in his pocket to use. I am such a loving caring wife.....i would probably wear the body suits with the clean air jetted in through a mask if i could. All this and often times it still doesnt save me. I hope you stay safe of those evil germs.
on the pre being high.....was it same techs as before? just wondering if anything on clinic level was different to induce stress she might have felt causing the incline on that. Or if there was any issues with the syringe etc...that could have caused additional excitement.
the great news is though that she seems to be feeling so much better!!!! isnt this great!!! good lab reports coming in. whootwhoot......paws in the air.....whootwhoot

01-16-2013, 06:01 PM
Oh you guys, such great support, I love you all.

Well, it is definitely a growth on Zoe’s vulva. There were not enough cells to confirm diagnosis but the few cells they have lean toward a smooth benign growth, however without biopsy, there still could be a chance it is malignant. Since the growth is currently small and not bothering her it may be better to just remove it and send out for testing rather than biopsy. Either way, she would need to be put under anesthesia and I need an appointment with the surgeon to discuss and to give me an estimate. I am a bit worried about the money. Well, better to get an estimate first and have a discussion of the pros and cons of surgery for Zoe so I have all my facts in a row. More on other labs to follow, need to receive hard copy from IMS.

I'll check back when I get home, Im just leaving work.

molly muffin
01-16-2013, 06:33 PM
Ugh, it's always something with these babies of ours. Glad initial assessment is that it's benign though. Oh lord, molly is attacking her rug. Okay, back, distracted her with toys. I hope! I've been gone all afternoon and she's a terror now that I'm home.
So, hubby, how is he today. I heard on the car radio today that the cough with this flu thing can last normally 18 days and up to 3 weeks and that antibiotics can make it worse (side affects or something like that), unless an infection develops in lungs, you have to basically ride it out. Still spray, wipe, pray. ROFL
Don't forget to get any doorknobs, the refrigerator handle, etc. I hate the flu and sorry to all the guys who read this but I really dislike husbands with the flu. Mine goes from Mr. Icantakecareofanything to someone in kindergarten! Very frustrating as he lays on the couch and moans and groans that he is dying and can I bring him a drink, he needs soup, etc, etc. I get the flu and still have to walk the dog, do the laundry, cook dinner all those normal daily things that no one else is going to do if I don't. *sigh* Well, gee guess I vented didn't I. I love the man silly, but sick man is a different beast entirely. Even molly steers around carefully of him. (probably afraid he'll send Her to the kitchen for something too!!)

hugs Abby,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-16-2013, 06:38 PM
Hey Addy: The post seems pretty good and Zoe has been doing well. If the growth is small on her vulva, it is probably just a growth. CoCo's growth on his sheath seems a little smaller, hopefully it will disappear. Old dogs and old people seem to just get growths that don't amount to anything. I hope your husband does not have such a bad time with the flu. Hope you don't get it. The flu makes you feel so bad. Love, JoAnne

01-16-2013, 07:44 PM
Well, my only concern is like the growth on her neck that just ruptured. I wish I would have removed it when it was small 3 years ago but the vets all said, no, just wait till it causes a problem and then it was like ZOW, BIG PROBLEM NOW and it ruptured so off we went for emergency surgery. I just feel like maybe I should not wait.

And here is another weird thing. Zoe had high cholesterol when we adopted her. All the vets said- no problem it doesn't affect dogs like people. Well, when her cortisol was SKY HIGH but she was on melatonin and lignans it finally dropped to normal. Now we stopped the melatonin and lignans and started Vetoryl and her cholesterol is getting even higher even thou her cortisol is so much lower. Was 446 in early 2011, then later 2011 went to normal, then 2012 went to 441 and now is 527. (dog not fasted for blood test though)

Another weird thing: Zoe never had highly elevated ALP is was low 400's, not like a normal Cush pup. Dr. Peterson said did not matter when he reviewed her charts. That always kind of bothered me. Well out of nowhere last March she went up to 849. Now she is 787. IMS said all other liver values are ok so it is not the metronidazole, I asked twice. I asked could it be her IBD, she said no, maybe gallbladder or liver.

She said her free catch showed white blood cells so wants me to bring her in for a needle draw and culture. She said she may have urinary tract infection. She felt something strange in her vagina, had me feel it. Now she thinks it maybe be related to a urinary infection. I asked her on Monday when she felt it could it be related to bladder stones, etc and then she said no. Now she thinks it may be related to her urethra.

Zoe's bun is steadily increasing was 31, 30 being highest normal but she said creatinine was .7 ( normal going up to 2.0 so she is not worried about it)

Electrolytes normal.

Is suggesting thyroid panel because of her hair/skin (we did one a year ago, normal) and an ultra sound for the liver.

I am looking at it this way, she is not in therapeutic range of under 5 ug/dl so would that not explain these points? I don't see the value of a thyroid panel when even Devora said keep going if I wanted to improve those areas and bring her down under 5 ug/dl. So why is she suggesting another thyroid panel?

I need to budget our money for what will give me the best bang for my buck so to speak. I am no longer in a position to say the sky is the limit for Zoe. I have to be smart now.

Sorry to write a book but I needed to get that all out. I was getting tightly wound waiting for her phone call and then I hardly got to speak, she did most of the talking while one of my bosses kept pacing past my office:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Whew, that felt good:D:D:D:D

Sorry, have to go fetch sick hubby something and yes, Sharlene, hubby is just like your hubby, are you sure they are not twins?

01-17-2013, 03:56 AM
Yay, glad to hear the vulval thing is most likely benign, is the abnormality in vagina separate to that? I guess when surgeon has a look they will assess the lot so be good to get that done.

ALP while high is lower than last March, so that has to be good too :D:D The recommendation of ultrasound and other bloods like thyroid will be helpful. I hear ya with the vet bills though, keep working hard Addy :D:D:D xxxx

Bailey's Mom
01-17-2013, 04:06 AM
Wow had lots of good stuff while I was toiling at work today:D:D:D

Hi you guys, hi Patty:D:D:D

We wont have any news until Friday. Our IMS always calls me on Friday at work:(:(:(

I came home tonight and:

HUBBY HAS THE FLU:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

and he has germed up every room in the house:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

man oh man, I am so doomed:(:(:(:(:(:(

can I rent out a sick husband? Maybe find him a foster home for awhile like until he doesnt have the flu anymore?

why do they germ up every room? I am going to disinfect a closet and go hide in it until he's well. AND he wont even call the doctor for some Tamaflu:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

man, I am soooooooo dooooomed:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I am so sorry, but I am also so laughing!! Did you guys not get flu shots? I know you can still catch the flu, but it's usually a lesser flu. I think you should quarantine him to one room. He can pick. Then put Zoe at the door to guard. She'd be GREAT for that!!:D:D

You are NOT so doomed. That would not be fair if you got the flu, and we ALL KNOW the world is fair. right?:)


Bailey's Mom
01-17-2013, 04:08 AM
Oh no! Not the horrid flu thing! Run! Hide! I hear New Zealand is lovely this time of year. :)

Should we send chicken soup???? Not to sure there would be any chicken in it if Molly were helping to make it. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Of course send chicken soup.!!! We're talking about Zoe's house here,.......more chicken in the chicken soup please.............:)

Bailey's Mom
01-17-2013, 04:25 AM
Okay-I'm caught up now......
Poor Zoe. I don't like tumors. If there's a chance it's cancerous, out with it, I think. Poor Zoe. All these people sticking their fingers up her vagina. HOW RUDE!!!;)
Poor Zoe. Poor Zoe. I don't get the large jump in cholesterol. I wonder what could cause that?
I think....confine hubby to one bedroom, one bathroom. Make him wear a mask......although from what I understand, if you catch this you can be infecting other people for two days before you see symptoms yourself.
I would like to know how Koko is doing..........is Koko getting enough attention?:confused:
You had a nice ride for a few months Addy. You had a chance to recharge your battery and sharpen your knives, swords, etc. You're fit for battle and you will knock this one out of the park!!:D


01-17-2013, 07:40 AM
I am starting to cave in and told hubby he doesn't have to sleep on the broken down sleeper in the den any more. We did get flu shots but I think they are only 65% effective. Poor guy, but he doesn't really seem that sick compared to how he is stumbling around the house, kind of reminds me of the old Sandford and Son TV show:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I am going to make an appointment with the surgeon to discuss. If the surgery is not huge price wise and IMS said there is nothing to reconstruct so maybe it wont be over $2000, I have to see. It was a grand to get the piece of hot dog toy out of her tummy with the endoscope two years ago. I guess I just worry about how much stress anesthesia and surgery will put on Zoe since Cush pups have a hard time with stress. I will discuss with the surgeon. I was thinking of taking a picture for my records but Zoe isn't too happy about exposing her privates to the camera:rolleyes::rolleyes:;) Just to monitor it, I thought I should take pixes as it could be a few weeks to even see the surgeon. I wont get arrested for doggy porn will I?:eek::eek::eek:

I think I will email questions over to IMS about the rest of her labs. I really dont think another thyroid test is of any value right now and I dont think I am all that worked up,about her liver value. I just kept hearing ka ching, ka-ching of the cash register with IMS yesterday.

I dont think I want to change her dose until I see the surgeon. The problem with changing Zoe's dose is after I give her the Vetoryl in th am after 2 hours you can see soemthing is bothering her. She goes to lay on her bed and she squints her eys while holding her head up and her face looks peeked and then finally she puts her head down. Happens every morning. It almost seems like she gets a headache, but who knows. She finally totally stopped chewing her paws, her eyes are good, she is walking okay, could she be better? yes, but she is also pooing 4-5 times a day, poos are okay but if her IBD gets worse under 5, I will have to up her metronidazole and IMS said if we lose control, we may end up having to use steriods so maybe that bit of extra cortisol is helping her.

Such a balancing act with all her issues. I am really torn as I had planned on bumping her to 30/30 as her urine is not concentrated, which leads me to the next question, I thought when their urine was not concentrated, it was difficult to find a UTI so if that is true would I be better off not dong the needle draw and just starting her on an anitbiotic and hope it is the right one?

Dang, I wrote a book again:D:D:D:D What's up with that?:rolleyes::rolleyes

Happy Thursday, the week is almost over:D:D:D:D:D:D Have to go put Zoe's drops in.

molly muffin
01-17-2013, 10:47 AM
I think if they have dilute urine, then they actually have to send the urine for culturing to determine if there is a UTI. I hope I am remembering that correctly.

I wouldn't do any change as long as there is an issue that needs to be worked out with Zoe. This growth thing I mean. She is doing pretty good where she is right now and like you said, she is a delicate balancing act.

I'm going to have to watch Molly's cholesterol now too, it went up a bit on the last test, which it had never before been out of normal range, so I know what you mean, one more thing to think about.

Ka-ching, those vets love that sound don't they. I had a moment of pure envy when reading Tara's thread (the black lab) and he said, he pays a monthly fee and then a percentage due to age. *sigh*

I have the day off today!!! whoo hoooo! Couldn't be happier. Molly and me slept in. I'd forgotten that I'd banked a days worth of hours last year and HR sent me a notice that I had to use it up, so here I am!! :)

Hope hubby is feeling a bit better now. Allowed off the couch! whoo hooo. That's a big deal! LOL

Have a good day everyone,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-18-2013, 09:39 PM
Yikes, Addy. I didn't check in for a few days and there is so much going on with Zoe! I have no answers for you, unfortunately, but wanted to stop by to let you know I'm still here thinking of you guys and hoping for the best for you. Your thinking sounds very logical to me, but it sounds like kind of a mystery. It's hard to figure out the "right" thing to do. I think you are doing the right thing by keeping records and taking pics and gathering facts and all the info. you can to make an informed decision. I'll be checking in on you and your sweet little Zoe as much as I can.

Julie & Hannah

Harley PoMMom
01-18-2013, 09:45 PM
I think if they have dilute urine, then they actually have to send the urine for culturing to determine if there is a UTI. I hope I am remembering that correctly.

Yes you are remembering that correctly! :) When the urine is diluted and an UTI is suspected it is very important to have an urine culture and sensitivity test done.

01-18-2013, 10:58 PM
Hi Guys,

I talked to IMS on the phone last night, the free catch showed white blood cells which she said indicate infection but they were not sure if it was coming from her vulva or urine. I could not take off work again to take her back out there for a needle draw so IMS put her on 10 days of amoxicllin. I asked three times if it was okay to do it and she said that it was fine. So we started tonight. Not perfect solution but I did not want to wait two weeks until my next furlough day. I dont have many options with work right now:(:(

I am wracking my brains about her vulva. I remember asking the GP vet to check it when he saw her for the sprained toe and he said that it was fine. I remember thinking it looked odd when she came back from the groomer but I thought all the groomer did was trim her nails, her paw hair and clean up her face. That part is about the only part having hair on it:rolleyes::rolleyes:

We will get it worked out. Zoe acts just fine but she has been dribbling a bit outside. She always liked to pee 3-5 times when she goes out but seems a bit off so we'll see.

Hey Julie- is it feezing at your house? Our ice finally melted but we are heading for some below zero stuff or at least so they say;);)

01-19-2013, 08:38 PM
Addy, I just want to say how sorry I am for little Zoe's issues...it is hard enough for us to figure out when there are problems below and our pups cant describe what is going on. And so many at one time... You're an inspiration! :)

I am from Shebogyan, WI...I noticed you mentioned the ice melting. We had some terrible freezing snow late Sat it took until Tuesday to melt and then we had a bit more snow come in on Thursday. Where are you from?

You are a great mom and Zoe is so blessed to have you and Norman and I as well as so many others are fortunate for the great advice. I hope everyone in your family as well is on the mend soon.

By the way...I also love the quotes. :D Inpsiration is always good for the soul and healing.

Sharon and Norman

01-19-2013, 08:56 PM
Hi Sharon,

Sheboygan Brats:D:D:D:D We have had them. Im in suburban Milwaukee, not too far at all:):):):) You mean I am no longer the only Wisconsinite Cheesehead?;););)

This morning when I checked Zoe's vulva, she shivered in pain but she now has had her third dose of antibiotic and seems better, did not shiver when I put a warm compress on her vulva.:):) I wasnt sure why she had pain as she did not have any when the IMS was poking and squeezing it but that was before the IMS stuck it with a needle 3 times. :eek::eek: Ouch, that had to hurt!!! I've been through so much with my Zoe girl, this one seems doable:D:D:D. All I know is when she looked up at me today her eyes were clear and bright (pretty good for a girl with all those eyes issues). We pretty much take it day by day now, grateful for each one more day I have with my best girl. I thought she had reached the end of her journey more than once the last few years so each day is a special gift indeed.

01-19-2013, 09:09 PM
Hello Addy,
Yes we are only about 50 minutes away. and Sheboygan is know for our brats - Good news ...Sheboygan has made the news in so many negative ways....our Brats are great...just watch out how often you eat them . Not the best for heart health, cholsterol and the weight.

Your poor little Zoe. Wishing her comfort, healing, relief, and peace...I guess I wish that for all of our pups and us...but your little girl has been through so much in so many areas...I am happy her eyes gave you glimmer of joy and that she seems to be doing a bit better. Yes, every day/moment is a blessing.

My new vet is on Hwy 23 in Sheb Falls all realtively new young Vets - Healthy Paws.

Take care,

Sharon and Norman

01-19-2013, 09:24 PM
Thanks Sharon, I hope Norman feels better soon as well.:)

I was poking around DVM360 and found this in an interactive diagnose this dog. I know what you guys are thinking, doesn't Addy have anything better to do on a Saturday night then read some interactive vet site:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Anyway, I asked IMS (who still had not emailed me copies of the lab reports:mad:) if Zoe's increased ALP could be from her IBD and she said no

ALP activity can increase for a variety of reasons in dogs. It is highly sensitive but not very specific, so it can be very confusing, not to mention frustrating, when it's elevated in a dog that appears otherwise healthy. Here are some of the common causes of ALP elevation to consider.1

• Age (immature dogs)
• Drugs—glucocorticoids (endogenous and exogenous), anticonvulsants
• Breed-related elevations—Scottish terriers
• Endocrine disease—hyperadrenocorticism, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism
• Hepatic nodular hyperplasia
• Hepatic neoplasia—primary or metastatic
• GI disease

01-20-2013, 06:39 AM
Well, that seems strange that the vet said "No" regarding Zoe's IBD increasing her ALKP when the write-up lists GI disease as a possible culprit! :cool:

01-20-2013, 07:09 AM
and Sheboygan is know for our brats - Good news ...Sheboygan has made the news in so many negative ways....our Brats are great...just watch out how often you eat them . Not the best for heart health, cholsterol and the weight.

Ok, I'm hoping this is an example of terminology barrier. WHAT is a brat? To me it is a somewhat annoying mischeivious person, usually of a young age. I'm guessing Wisconsin isn't into cannabalism? :eek::p:p

Sorry, have to ask!

As for the online diagnosis, well they are always good for a laugh :rolleyes:

01-20-2013, 07:10 AM
I know, she seems to be trying to zero in on hypothyroidism as part of the reason along with Zoe's skin/coat issues. I am more inclined to feel it is from her Cushings and GI issues at the moment. She was distracted that day, perhaps she just did not think of it at that moment.

I am going to put it on the backburner for now and put my focus on this growth problem. IMS told me the growth was not bothering her but she clearly had pain yesterday morning. Zoe does not lick at it or bother it in anyway. I'll run the course of antibiotics and see where I am and then go see the surgeon.

01-20-2013, 08:58 AM
Ok, I'm hoping this is an example of terminology barrier. WHAT is a brat? To me it is a somewhat annoying mischeivious person, usually of a young age. I'm guessing Wisconsin isn't into cannabalism? :eek::p:p

Sorry, have to ask!

Hey I can share some info .... on the Brat
Here is part of a description written for what had made Sheboygan famous in a positive light - it's Meat the Brat "A brat -- the name rhymes with pot, not with pat -- is a pork or pork-and-beef sausage, spicier and stubbier than a hot dog."

"A few old-fashioned butchers and markets in and near Sheboygan make their own brats. Most add salt, pepper and nutmeg to the ground meat that is stuffed into natural casings to form sausages; some use mace, garlic, sage or ginger. But the little guys have been eclipsed in volume, if not quality, by Johnsonville Foods, now partly owned by Sara Lee. The enormous Johnsonville factory, rising from the farmland west of here like an auto assembly plant, cranks out millions of brats a year and sells them nationwide.

Once cooked, a Sheboygan brat must be served on a split hard roll called a semmel, which is rugged enough to hang together under attack from the torrents of savory juice released when you bite into it."

Shebogyan County :cool: - Johnsonville is famous for them, We have a parade and festival all to honor the Brat. They are pretty good but not for weekly basis (along with other unhealthy foods) as my bf did hense the heart attack.

So there you go! :D hey I feel useful, sorry I am still learning as i go along with the cushings Too much to decifer when going through it at first. Sharon

molly muffin
01-20-2013, 10:31 AM
It is amazing the things you learn on this forum! :D

Brat's, who would have thought. Learn something new every day.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
01-20-2013, 11:11 AM
I love Johnsonville Brats! My brother grills them and they are wonderful! (now we need a drooling icon! :D)

01-20-2013, 12:18 PM
That is too funny, I never thought of someone thinking that it was brat rhymes with pat.:o LOL cannibals indeed, I cant stop laughing.

Now I am totally hungry for a Johnsonville Brat:D:D:D:D:D

Sharon, I did not know Sara Lee bought Johnsonville, I thought it was still a home grown Wisconsin company. Wow bubble burst.

I love Sheboygan, we used to take the pups for rides on Zoe Day; walked the river walk with them. More than a few times we left the pups at home and went ourselves for an outing. (in the days when I could leave Zoe for more than 3 hours and did not have to worry about eye drop schedules). There is an English bar on that river walk and it serves mushy peas. I LOVE mushy peas:D:D:D I sure hope it is still there.

01-20-2013, 07:47 PM
Whew, well that's a relief! Sorry to have hijacked the thread.

As you were. :D

01-20-2013, 09:08 PM
That is too funny, I never thought of someone thinking that it was brat rhymes with pat.:o LOL cannibals indeed, I cant stop laughing.

Now I am totally hungry for a Johnsonville Brat:D:D:D:D:D

Sharon, I did not know Sara Lee bought Johnsonville, I thought it was still a home grown Wisconsin company. Wow bubble burst.

I love Sheboygan, we used to take the pups for rides on Zoe Day; walked the river walk with them. More than a few times we left the pups at home and went ourselves for an outing. (in the days when I could leave Zoe for more than 3 hours and did not have to worry about eye drop schedules). There is an English bar on that river walk and it serves mushy peas. I LOVE mushy peas:D:D:D I sure hope it is still there.

Duke of Devon owned by someone who is a member at my church. the own several other restaurants Illtrovo, stephano's - about 5 restauarnts all well run good whole foods - EXPensive though. Nice family. - don't know them real well other side of the tracks.

01-20-2013, 09:11 PM
That is too funny, I never thought of someone thinking that it was brat rhymes with pat.:o LOL cannibals indeed, I cant stop laughing.

Now I am totally hungry for a Johnsonville Brat:D:D:D:D:D

Sharon, I did not know Sara Lee bought Johnsonville, I thought it was still a home grown Wisconsin company. Wow bubble burst.

I love Sheboygan, we used to take the pups for rides on Zoe Day; walked the river walk with them. More than a few times we left the pups at home and went ourselves for an outing. (in the days when I could leave Zoe for more than 3 hours and did not have to worry about eye drop schedules). There is an English bar on that river walk and it serves mushy peas. I LOVE mushy peas:D:D:D I sure hope it is still there.

I didnt know Johnsonville was bought out by sara lee either...SAD :( I like the local owned company feeling.

Anyone else on here from WI?

01-20-2013, 09:17 PM
Hi Addy, just thinking about you and Zoe and wondering how she is doing today, and also how your husband is feeling. Hope he is on the mend and you are managing to avoid all the germs and stay well. It is freezing here, and of course I was too tired to poop scoop the yard yesterday when it was 46 degrees! :rolleyes:

Tins and Jasper

01-21-2013, 08:25 AM
Hi Tina,

Her owie is looking better and when I touch it no more shivering. Seems like just one small sore spot left. I have been putting warm compresses on it. Must of been the 3 jabs IMS did to asperate it.

Zoe was a tab upset because I said no to her chicken walk. It is about 16 degrees with a wind chill below zero so I only took her out for about 7 minutes and let her smell around and mark She seems very happy, waiting to share my oatmeal. It is the only time I allow the pups to lick a bowl and they LOVE it;);););) More about my indulgence then theirs. Zoe's eye gets sooo big and they get so excited about licking the bowl that I laugh and laugh. Best way to start my day:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

How is Jasper?

So far no flu for me and hubby is back to normal.

Have a great Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Squirt's Mom
01-21-2013, 08:37 AM
HA! Squirt gets those eyes anytime she hears the word "plate"! That is her cue there are fried egg leftovers for her to clean up! :D And it is a wonderful sight to see!

01-22-2013, 04:24 AM
Glad to hear Zoe's owie is feeling better :D Probably took a while to settle after all that prodding and poking poor girlie.

When I drop Flynn off at his grandparents each morning, he does the rounds all possible plates. First his own bowl to see if any crumbs remain, Elle the cat's plate next as she often leaves a little bit, then he goes to check if Mum and Dad have had their cereal yet as they ALWAYS let him have the plate.. oh well they all go in the super hot dishwasher :D:D I am a bit stricter in that regard, he only sits by me if we are eating if he has exhausted all other options of people who he knows will give him a tidbit.

01-22-2013, 10:27 PM

So glad to hear Zoe and your hubby are feeling better, and that you're flu-free too! :)

It is suuuuuper cold here the last few days--not even above ZERO today! Brrrrr. We haven't taken a walk in several days. It's not fun to even take them out to go potty. We're hoping for a tad warmer weather early next week.

I can just picture the oatmeal sharing. So cute! My favorite Hannah story of the day is every morning after I give her the Cosequin (which she loves) because that's when I put her Tacrolimus drops in her eyes. She knows the routine and even though she doesn't resist when I put them in, she runs away immediately after the Cosequin because she knows what's coming. She's still got the e-collar on, so that thing is swaying from side to side as she trots down the hall and back to the bedroom to see if I'll give up. She makes me laugh out loud every morning. :D

Hope everyone continues to feel good in your house! Take care!

Julie & Hannah

01-22-2013, 10:50 PM
They are funny the way they learn these little tricks/habits aren't they? Both Oscar and Fraser after eating a meal, come and stare at me, and if that doesn't get a response, nudge me with their nose or even jump on me! Why? Cause it's time for a bit of ham or cheese of course mummy! :D:D Fraser still hasn't worked out there's a pill in the ham! Cheese he is a bit more suspicious of these days, because the antibiotics tasted yucky, but I never have to worry about remembering! They do it for me :D Pavlov really was onto something!

01-23-2013, 07:39 AM
They train us well. Koko knows that if I take Zoe outside his Dad will give him a coveted blueberry. Zoe cant have them so he only gets one when she is not around or is preoccupied. So he has taken to hiding behind his Dad when I get Zoe ready to go outside. He thinks if he hides behind Dad, I wont make him come along and he will get his blueberry.

They are so funny, our puppies, aren't they? I laugh and laugh at my two at home and then I go to work and big dogs crack me up all day at work:D:D:D

I love all the stories of the silly things our dogs do.

Last night I thought I found a swelling on Zoe's behind but it must have been some weird thing because it was not there this morning. Whew, I do admit I had to go vegetate after that scare last night. Pushed me over the edge for awhile:eek::eek::eek::eek:

molly muffin
01-23-2013, 03:19 PM
ROFL! Addy you must have been hanging out with Leslie!

Koko is a smart cookie. Why is it that Zoe can't have blueberries?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-24-2013, 09:43 AM
It is 6 degrees outside and I just spilled window washing fluid containing antifreeze on my drive way. I cant flush with water or my driveway will be a scating rink of ice.

I scrubbed it with t shirts and doused it with vinegar and poured sand over the large spot and will keep the dogs away.

Any ideas how to get rid of it so I dont have to worry about my pups?

Squirt's Mom
01-24-2013, 09:57 AM



Cat litter, vinegar, and scrubbing seem to be the answer in the above links...however, didn't read anything pertaining to the freeze following rinsing! :D

01-24-2013, 10:50 AM
Thank you so very much Leslie, I googled it but I think I was too upset to see anything but "use a pressure washer":rolleyes: The spill is right where the pups have to walk to go outside.

Looks like my first instincts were right for now until the weather warms up.

Have to love that vinegar:D:D

Hugs again (((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))

01-25-2013, 05:17 AM
Yes, why can't Zoe have blueberries. I have fresh ones in my fridge to go on my morning cereal (healthy eating continuing!) so when I read that I gave one to Flynn... he spat it out and gave me a look like what the heck was that, think he was expecting chicken :D:D

Are results in from the owie biopsy yet? Fingers crossed for good news from Miss Zoe

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-25-2013, 05:58 AM
Yus guys are funny,

She cant have blueberries because of her IBD, she has dehydrated fruit in her dog food but she cant tolerate fresh fruit.

Whenever Zoe is on antibiotics she gets up early:eek: So here I am at 4:30 and she is chewing on a Kong:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I want her top finish the antibiotics and then we meet with the surgeon. IMS felt that since the have to put her under either way, maybe tey should ust remove the growth. I check it every day and something is just odd. In the morning after she smells around and poos and pees alot it looks redder and her vulva is more open, Then later int the day the growth is not red but grayer and her vulva is not open. I keep wondering if all of this has to do with her increased estradiol or other hormones. I dont know, why would it change?

Something just seems odd and IMS is away, her son is ill.

01-25-2013, 06:26 AM
Early for you but late here, nearly 12.30am Sat morning! Yay the weekend :)

That sounds weird that it changes like that through the day, I bet it is something like her hormones. You would think it was something nasty that it would stay looking bad all day :confused: Well I guess we will get the answers soon when the surgeon is back on board. Hope you get back to bed soon ADdy! LIke the think of Zoe calmly playing with the Kong while you all bleary eyed, at least she having fun and you have me to talk to in the middle of the night haha

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxx

01-25-2013, 08:20 AM
and you have me to talk to in the middle of the night haha

Thank goodness for that:):):):):) that way I get some chuckles in:)

I'm trying really hard not to start that needless worry but something just does not seem right, like it is more than just this growth, wondering if there are more inside and then I go back to the hormones and keep trying to research that aspect. Not that you can tell by Zoe, she is trying to chase Koko around the house at the moment because she wants to wrestle, LOL that girl. Im glad some of us are perky after getting up in the middle of the night. I'll go to work and Little Miss will go take a nap:rolleyes::rolleyes: Where is the justice in that? LOL:rolleyes:;)

Koko spit out the first blueberry I ever gave him too, now he is addicted to them:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

01-25-2013, 01:43 PM
consultation with surgeon next Tuesday at 3pm. I switched my furlough day, thank goodness for my boss:)

feel kind of sick to my tummy.:(:o I dont think it is hubby's flu:p

molly muffin
01-25-2013, 03:39 PM
Nerves will do that! You'll be okay, Zoe will be okay. It'll all be fine. :)
chocovino anyone? :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-28-2013, 06:14 AM
I bet Tuesday can't come soon enough for you Addy, hoping it all goes well. I was reading somewhere that hormones can make the vulval area look big, so hoping it is something as simple as that! Will be waiting with baited breath to hear all is well with Zoe girl.

I am off to bed, no wonder I am tired during the day when I am up past midnight!!

Have a good day
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-28-2013, 06:19 AM
Oh yes, and I forgot to tell you I almost had heart failure when I was checking the group on my phone app the other day and it gives the first little bit of a post as a sort of preview and read the below..... :eek::eek:

[QUOTE=addy;92218]Thank you so very much Leslie, I googled it but I think I was too upset to see [QUOTE]

..... you have no idea how relieved I was when I read the rest of your post to see it was some spill on your drive hahah .. that was a big .. thank gawd for that@!! haha I had imagined some terrible result for Zoe... so please make the first sentence a positive one Addy to save my BP!!


01-28-2013, 07:57 AM
aww did not mean to give you heart failure!!!

Hope you are sleeping now:) Sweet dreams of walks on the beach with Flynn.

What you mentioned though about the hormones enlarging the vulva is what I had read as well and is one of my first questions to ask the surgeon. I think hubby and I will feel better once we have more information right now we are so in the dark.

I have been trying to compile a list of questions for the surgeon without seemingly being all over the place since I have so many:o I am afraid in my detailed mind I will put her in overload and miss the obvious.:o

I read through your questions you asked your surgeon and made a note of them so thanks!!!!:):):):)

Bailey's Mom
01-28-2013, 12:00 PM
Hey there Addy!

What....you worry????;)
I'd be worried too. I can deal with really bad stuff okay, but put me in limbo and I don't do well at all. I don't like those....no answers right now ....periods.

Well, I am getting ready to head out for a massage. I will think hard while on the table and maybe you can get some of the benefits too.:D They offer this deal in December where you pay for 3 and get 4. I did it for 3 last year. This year I did it for nine...that gives me a whole 12 months of massages! And they don't expire, so I don't have to worry about that.

35 here now......wow! Heat wave!!

BIG HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-28-2013, 05:06 PM
glad to see you try to take care of yourself and relax with massage...one of the best gifts which we all need to indulge in more ...patty(milo)meka xoxox i massage my pups daily :)

01-28-2013, 08:31 PM
Hey Addy, just want to wish you guys good luck tomorrow when you meet with the surgeon. I'll be SOOOO anxious to find out what he says!


01-28-2013, 08:34 PM
Massage? Did you say massage? Like, is there room on the table for me? Awwww, I can feel it now, yup, that kneading in my neck, squeezing the shoulders, oooooooweeeeeeeeee, yes, massssaaaaggge:D:D:D:D

Okay, day dream is over, it is just me the chaise and a dang heating pad:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

And of course the stupid tension headache finally went away in time for work and then reared its ugly head at 4pm while I was still at work.:eek:

Yesterday was the ice pack, tonight it is the heating pad. I thought the headaches were better since I gave up soda and my coveted Mountain Dew (replaced with Prince Edwards Tea which a kindly Brit at the grocery turned me on to) I am guessing it is in anticipation of tomorrow, which is only a night away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I keep telling myself 82% of vulva tumors are benign. Yup 82% are benign. Still cant figure how they are taking it off, major OWIE and I have to ask if it will make her incontinent. Well, tomorrow is just a consultation, fact finding mission.:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

We're cool:cool::cool::cool:

I noticed Zoe is shrinking, she used to be as tall as Koko, not any more.
Like my mom. If I shrink I'll be 4 feet tall:rolleyes:

50??? girls, oh, let me tell, 50 is a great age. I loved 50, heck I loved 57 too. 61 coming up in March, not so much. I complained to my boss about my picture for our new website. I asked him why we could not use a photo of me from 3 years ago, I thought I looked really good. He responded "You think you look good in a 3 year old photo?" I said YES!!! He said "Well in 3 years, you'll think this photo from today looks good.":eek::eek::eek: What the heck kind of boss is that anyway!!! :rolleyes:

molly muffin
01-28-2013, 09:34 PM
Pffftttt. Boss men. hmmmph even too.

I use a picture from 2 years ago at the zoo for my work photo. Shows up on every email I post into the system. (I post a lot for work too) ROFL, my avatar I guess it is, dark sunglasses and hair flying in the wind. I think I'll keep it for the next 5 years!! ROFL

My friend is turning 60 this year, so her, her hubby and another couple have rented a villa in Jamaica for the week. I'm jealous! I said i should fly down and celebrate with them. Her 60 sounds a lot more fun than my 50. hahahaha

Tomorrow is question day!! whooo hoooo Save the anxiety for something else. This is going to go just fine. I can feel it. It's in the air, good day Tuesday.

Hugs all!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-29-2013, 02:48 AM
82% benign, sounds pretty good odds to me! Will be rushing home from work tomorrow to read all about it. GOOD LUCK MISS ZOE, don't nip the surgeon you hear!! Ohhhh ok, maybe just a wee one :D:D Calming thoughts coming your way Addy, we will all be in the room with you ready to cheer!
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-29-2013, 04:26 AM
Hi Addy,

Just want to wish you the best with Zoe's appt also. I know it will go well. Like Trish said, I like the odds. I hope you are getting some sleep tonight, that would certainly help with the headache. I get them too when I am worried, so know all too well. I will be right by your side in the room as well. Can't wait to hear the good news! :D

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper

01-29-2013, 06:01 AM
Thank you all for coming along:) the minx is up early, so here we are, no matter, I couldnt sleep anyway.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

It will be a bit of a wait, appointment is not until 3pm. Ill let you know what she says. I picked that clinic almost 3 years ago because it has a full staff, IMS, surgeons, oncologist, opthalmologist and an ER. The specialists are all there for whatever Zoe may need and everyone knows her plus her records are all there. Prety soon her records will need their own file cabinet.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::eek::eek:

Thanks guys, means a lot. sniff sniff

molly muffin
01-29-2013, 07:09 AM
I'm up and checking in to wish you only good things today at the consult! Zoe, you behave yourself for your momma today!
She isn't going to like anyone poking and prodding down there and can't really say I blame her either.


Bailey's Mom
01-29-2013, 07:50 AM
Well! Good morning Addy and Sharlene! We could have had a cup of something together. I had another can't sleep night and have been here playing a stupid game for a couple of hours.

The massage was woooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnddddddderrrrrrrrrrrrrfullll lllllllll! She seems to give me extra time if no one is right after me.:D:)

Addy-3pm is so far off. Are you going to work first? What is the website name? I wanna see, I wanna see!

Okay all you young 'uns.........this is how the increasing numbers work...Once you hit 61 (Listen to this Addy!) They are just numbers. They mean absolutely nothing....except for one thing. You know those questionnaires where they ask general stuff and one of them is you select the group your age is in? Well, the second to the last group, and even sometimes it's the last group, goes to 64. I hit 64 last May and everytime I check one of those boxes, I feel smug since I'm not past it yet....and Bob is. He hit 65 last month. So once you get to 65, they really aren't interested in what you have to say and they leave you alone, except for all this stupid Medicare mail that starts coming.

My cardiologist is a charming man. On my last visit, near the end, he was reviewing my chart out loud.....and he said....and you're age is.....NO! You can't be 55!!!! I thanked him for his kindness. IT was really sweet. And it wasn't in a sleazy way at all, thank goodness.

Well.two things on my agenda today. Always two things on Tuesdays. I guess I'll add in a third thing............trying to take a nap!

Good luck Addy. Oh.....about the vulva......since Bailey was totally shaved from the waist down for her surgery, her little hiney just seems to stick out there. I notice it seems to be bulging some. Now-being in the poodle family, she has a sack that drains periodically. I don't know if it is the sack I am seeing or if it is something else. I'll will ask the surgeon when we go back in two weeks.

Did I tell you all about the woman who owns a Labrador and gets it clipped like a lion? It's a tan one and she has it cut so there is a mane and even a bare tail with a fluffy section at the end. I'm not sure where this is....it maybe in VA. Anyway, the police have had calls about a small lion roaming around!!:eek::D:p I saw a picture on tv and it looked pretty good. I'm thinking about trying that with Bailey next time. (not really.)

I'll check back later for the report....I know it will be a good one.


01-29-2013, 08:16 AM
Addy: Good luck with the vet today. I know Zoe will be fine, probably just a little benign growth. If it was large inside, she would have trouble peeing I would think. CoCo's little growth on his prepuce covering the penis is almost gone, I just used OTC antibiotic cream, figured I would try that first before having it taken off. Old dogs have benign growths just like old broads. The not knowing is much worse than the actual diagnosis. I am sending good thoughts to you and Hubby and Zoe. Those areas seem to heal quickly also after surgery, urine has a healing effect I guess. Maybe the surgeon will just take a tiny piece and diagnose it from that and not have to go any further. Love, JoAnne

01-29-2013, 08:20 AM
Sus, Had to google the lion dog after reading that. How bizarre! The dog is a lab/poodle cross in Norfolk Virginia; called Charles. Just wrong.

Anyway, just wanted to say good luck Addy, we are all with you and cheering Zoe on.

01-29-2013, 08:30 AM
Thanks guys for checking in, Sus I am laughing so hard at your lab/lion story:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I did read about a tumor that they can get that cant be removed. It is transmitted from saliva and started with a v I think. I'll have to go find the sheet I printed.

I wonder if the tumor has anything to do with her cortisol bouncing around?if she has pain from it. The only part that has me worried is the IMS said she felt something else inside her that should not be there but then said it could be her urethra from a UTI. I did read that a vulva tumor can cause an increase in urinating. I think the tumor looked smaller yesterday but it seems to change which is odd.

Well, hopefully we will soon have some answers.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!!! We are having 60 degrees and thunderstorms:eek::eek::eek: and then it will drop down to zero Thursday night:eek:

01-29-2013, 08:43 AM
Addy-Hope all goes well at the vet's today for Zoe. Will be thinking of the two of you today. Will be anxious to hear the good report when you get back.

Hugs to you and Zoe

Squirt's Mom
01-29-2013, 09:11 AM
Thinking of you and Zoe and hoping the answer is nothing major, easily corrected. Let us hear from you when you can.

Leslie and the gang

Boriss McCall
01-29-2013, 10:20 AM
Good luck today!

molly muffin
01-29-2013, 06:27 PM
Well I started off with envy of Susan's massage. Okay, I'm still there. Daughter had one today for her birthday, 80 minutes, she said she is mush now. LOL Then tried to imagine Bailey with a lion haircut..hmm...yea..I don't think so. Poor Bailey, a shinny hiney in the midst of winter. Good thing we are getting a warm up.

Then of course, just like Naomi, so curious I couldn't stand it, off to find the labadoodle haircut, Charles has his own facebook page it turns out. http://www.facebook.com/CharlestheMonarch

We have a few of these crosses in our neighborhood, but no one so far has thought to go the lion cut route. I hope they don't see this, but bet they will!! LOL Just waiting for spring to see if any lions spring up in the neighborhood.

Addy did you REALLY find the one tumor is a gajillion that could not be removed by surgery and decide that is the one to worry about? Girl,I am in awe of your investigative skills (Yea I truly am)

My sister was thrilled when she got seniors status at Ross. Now she only shops there on Tuesdays. I think it is a matter of principle. She is 67 and thinks she is now the cats meow. I always got the listen to your elders speech, now she throws in a senior for like punctuation or something!!

Anxiously awaiting updates on Zoe's booboo.

We're getting your weather a day later Addy. Tomorrow Warm, then tomorrow night, brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-29-2013, 07:39 PM
Were back, driving through fog and thunderstorms and rush hour, poor Zoe had to pee so bad, I told her to just pee in my lap but she held it til we got home

Surgery is February 14th. They will probably do a spinal block so they can use less anesthesia. She will be there for 12-24 hours. Surgeon considers it low risk surgery but becuase of her Cushings, we dont know if we may push her over the edge on something we dont know she is borderline with, like kidneys problems for example.

She is not sure what the mass inside is as it can move around. She feels it could be a cyst or polyp or another tumor. She will look at it and decide if to remove it. Neither mass should involve her uretha so incontinence should not be a concern. The mass on the tip of her vulva has a blood supply which is why I kept seeing it change depending if she was excited or not. It is better to come off now because it could spread and then be a problem with her uretha. She said if this were my dog, I would take it off. She does not feel it will regrow. We will do a chest xray to make sure heart and lungs look good. She does not know what the mass is but says lets take it off, it should come off cleanly.

We will probably give her prednisone the day of the surgery. The stitches will be left in for 3 weeks, not 2. She should be up and feeling pretty good in a week after surgery. We need to be concerned about infection and slow healing because of the Cushings.

I feel very comfortable with the surgeon. I liked her a lot and she was great at explaining things and even drew pictures for me. If we end up needing an oncologist, there is one on staff.

I feel I need to know what the mass is or I cant know how to proceed with treating Zoe's Cushings. I understand there is a risk of pushing her over the edge but I feel this is Zoe's best chance so we scheduled surgery. Our old vet tech rearranged her schedule and will be there that day to take car of Zoe. I am truly greatful for that. It was such a God thing for her to be there and able to do this for us.

Zoe was such a good girl while the surgeon poked around her private parts. Mommy was so proud of her good girl.

I asked, please try not to shave too much because it never grows back and she will be walking around with a bald butt after surgery. Hubby says who cares what she looks like, she will always be beautiful, she is our little girl.

I have had total control of my emotions all this time and feel like I just may go take a walk in the rain and let some tears flow. It has been a strain.


01-29-2013, 07:58 PM
Let some tears flow? What about a good old fashioned "bawl your eyes out"? Always good for a bit of stress relief, and when hidden by rain, all the better. :o

The fact that the polyp (I refuse to consider a tumour) can move around is probably a good thing. Means it hasn't adhered to anything and should come out all the easier. Then they just have to cauterise the blood supply and get rid of it for good! Sounds like quite a positive consult overall. Glad that you were happy with the surgeon, makes such a difference to how you approach things, and what an amazing med tech! To rearrange her schedule to be there for Zoe :) What a sweetheart! (Actually, Hubby sounds like a sweetheart too! "Who cares what she looks like, she is still our girl!") Anyone else want to say "Awwwwwww"?

Well two more weeks of anticipation, then your plan will be this - make sure you tell Zoe too - "Onward and Upward! No more lumps, bumps, defiant organs or what not. Life is to be lived and enjoyed, so no more trouble missy!" Oh yes, and stubbornness in resisting that plan is not an option. :D

Squirt's Mom
01-29-2013, 08:42 PM
Naomi hit the nail on the head and I second every word!

Leslie and the gang

01-29-2013, 09:16 PM
Addy I'm sorry you are going thru this but it sounds like you have a solid plan and the report sounds positive. Focus the next couple weeks on having some fun with our babe and we'll be with you throughout the day of surgery and during the healing process. Zoe's a fighter and in great hands with you as a mommy. Sending love, Kim

molly muffin
01-29-2013, 10:11 PM
Oh Addy! You are just like Zoe, brave and strong. Now it's time to just let it out. Hey if it's lightening though, go take a shower and cry your eyes out! Can't risk you out in a thunderstorm! Isn't this crazy weather!

I think this sounds like just an excellent consult. Everything sounds very positive, no urthea involved, should come out easily, take the mass out too. Zoe hasn't had any overt kidney problems has she? Maybe that won't even be an issue for her. She is a little trooper you know. :)

I'll second an Awwwwww for your hubby too. He is just right there always with you and Zoe and Koko and very supportive!

I'm glad you are all home safe and sound and Zoe could finally pee. What a good girl she was.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Harley PoMMom
01-29-2013, 10:27 PM
I am glad, too, that you are comfortable with the surgeon. We all will be sending our healing hugs, love, and prayers when Zoe's surgery day is here.

Give sweet Zoe some hugs and kisses from me for being such a good girl, or if she would rather have something else, say chicken, that is fine too! :)

Love and hugs,

01-30-2013, 03:16 AM
HI Addy

Pretty good news in all that. I am glad you are going ahead with removing it. The spinal anaesthetic will put much less stress on her little body. Good news the other mass is mobile, when they are fixed it is much more of a worry. Mobile means they have not stuck themselves to any other organ. YAY!

She is going to be fine, our little Valentines Day surgery pup!! How can it go wrong, its the day of loooooooooooove!! I want one of your hubby too, he sounds very sweet, so don't forget to give him some choccy that day!

Please do not go cry outside, all the horrible weather I keep hearing about from your country freaks me out... the tears will probably freeze on your cheeks and you will get frostbite and need a cheekectomy :eek: I like the shower idea, you can sob in there and no one can hear you, but I am hoping there are tears of relief in there too now that you have a plan. I have a good feeling about this Addy, with your report from the surgeon! She sounds a keeper :)

Trish and Flynn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-30-2013, 06:12 AM
Poor Zoe and Addy, but I have great Faith my friend in that our sweet Zoe and you will do great with all of this, after all you've got each other to see it through. We will be saying extra loving and healing prayers for "The Zoe" and her precious family.

We love you Zoe and Addy..:p:)

Tight hugs..xo Jeanette and "The Princess"

01-30-2013, 06:20 AM
Addy: So glad you got a good surgeon that will take care of Zoe. Sending healing love and thoughts to Zoe and your family. She is a strong girl and you'll take such good care of her. Love, JoAnne

01-30-2013, 08:27 AM
Thanks guys, well, so far the clinic removed a toy piece from her tummy in 2011, took off the ruptured growth on her neck in emergency surgery 2012 and now this.

So far they have always pulled her through, last go round they even designed a special bandage for her so I do have great faith in the team and her IMS will be right there with the surgeon that day and Zoe knows the vet tec and Nelly loves her so she will care for Zoe like one of her own.

The surgeon gives you straight talk and honesty. She knows how stressed Zoe gets so she is hoping she can allow her to come home that night for she feels she will do better but she may have to keep her there for a day. She said the anesthesiologist is out of Colorado State and totally wonderful. I don't know if it is better for her to stay overnight or come home and I will discuss the blot clot issues with her. They told me to call whenever I have a question; they don't care how many times I call.

I feel badly because Zoe is so happy right now and I cant explain to her what is going to happen to her. I am finding that to be the hard part right now.

Trish- cheeks still round, no frostbite, LOL I laughed at your post.

Not sure how I'm telling work I am going to be missing some days again. I think they don't believe anyone would keep missing this much work for a pup. I may have to fib a bit, which, I don't want to do, may give me bad karma.:eek::eek::eek::(:(:(

01-30-2013, 08:42 AM
Addy-Sounds like Zoe has a fantastic, caring group of people who will take great care of her for her surgery. Then she has a wonderful, loving mom who will take great care of her at home.
Bigs hugs to you and Zoe

Squirt's Mom
01-30-2013, 09:24 AM
It is great that she has such a wonderful medical team behind her who goes that extra mile but the true power behind Zoe is you, Addy. Your love and devotion, your determination, your courage are what has held this baby above the fray, giving her the energy she has needed to fight the things she has faced so far...and the magic of your love will continue to provide the most important and potent medicine of all. I have complete faith she will sail over this hurdle just as she has all the others thrown in her path - she has one totally amazing mom at her side! ;)

Standing with you all the way, wrapping you all in positive thoughts, healing white light and prayer.
Leslie and the gang

Boriss McCall
01-30-2013, 10:02 AM
I am so sorry Zoe is having to go thru this. Hopefully you will get her all fixed up & this will be the last surgery for you girl.

01-30-2013, 07:52 PM
Thank you for the thoughts Vickie and Amy and Leslie, your words brought tears to my eyes, sweet friend.

I think I will go look for a Valentine sweater for Zoe to wear to the clinic the day of her surgery. Wont she look cute? Red is her color:D

Really though, I dont know how I am not feeding her that morning. She is going to be a snapping alligator.:eek: She works her self up into a hissy fit when she wants her breakfast. :rolleyes: She will even start reverse sneezing and there is no way those eye drops are all going in without chicken. I'll be missing some fingers for sure:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Well, I wont think about that now, I'll think about that tomorrow. Addy Scarlett's motto!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

01-30-2013, 08:05 PM
just catching up on you addy,i somehow missed the surgery for zoe that is scheduled,i had to go back and read it.crap.so sorry that u guys are going through this...:( ...but she is one tough cookie !!! i will be watching and praying...watch your fingers miss !!! :) patty(milo)meka xoxox

molly muffin
01-30-2013, 08:26 PM
I like the sweater idea. How adorable she'll look. All prancy in her valentine sweater. I can see it now. I want pics in fact!
oh my..no chicken at breakfast!!! I am with you, tomorrow is another day. LOL Go Scarlet!

I'm going to be away on Valentines Day, but have checked to see that I'll have internet ability. I'll want to keep up with whats going on with Zoe for sure.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-31-2013, 03:32 AM
Haha never do today what can be put off till tomorrow.. Ha, I would never get anything done if I went by that motto!

I want to see the Valentine sweater pics too, that sounds super cute. Maybe pin an alligator on the back to warn everyone not to get their fingers too close! She is going to be fine. It does not sound like they have to do major surgery to get these bumps off our sweet girl, bit of a nip and a tuck.. lord knows I could do with some of that :D:D

01-31-2013, 07:59 AM
The outside mass is nip and tuck, she said 10 minutes to remove. She does not know about the one inside. She said she has to be careful not to go to close to the uretha and some muscle (incontinence). She is hoping she could grab it from an incision in her tummy rather then going in through her vulva. She thought maximum time for Zoe to be out was an hour, hopefully less.

Crazy weather, one day thunderstorms and 60 degrees, then yesterday snow and ice and now it is going down to zero tonight. The dogs cant figure out what to do, one day there is grass, next day, snow, then ice. They dont even want to go outside today.

Yesterday, I was 10 minutes late getting home from work because I had to scrape the ice off my car and the dogs were already worried wondering where was Mommy and Zoe had to pee.:rolleyes:

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!

01-31-2013, 08:14 AM
Addy-I know what you mean about not feeding Zoe that morning. I would dread days when I couldn't give Scoop his breakfast. They don't understand why you aren't giving them their food. Then I would feel bad about feeding Raleigh. So I would wait a while and try to sneek Raleigh's food to him so Scoop wouldn't know. If it would be the other way around I don't think it would bother Raleigh too much but Scoop has ALWAYS been the foodie. Now even more so. Hope you have a wonderful day too.

01-31-2013, 10:13 AM
Wow, I think I almost envy you guys with kids that demand food in the morning! My two are such fussy eaters they wont touch it if it's not something amazing - to them! They've never been breakfast eaters - that's 13 years to conquer and re-train, so trying to get them to eat in the morning is a challenge! I now have to bribe them :o

Addy, I have a suggestion for the next jumper (sweater) you buy too - after the valentines one that is - My sister had one for her dog a few years back. It was red with diamonties on the back that spelled out the phrase "High Maintenance". It was very pretty, and yet so true. :p Mind you it sounds like there could be a few qualifiers for that one here :D

molly muffin
01-31-2013, 10:36 AM
Molly lives for her breakfast. She might not want to eat it all but she darn sure wants it in her bowl. Test days are not a good one for her if she can't have her breakfast. I think she gets anxiety if she doesn't get breakfast! :)

I know, same weather here Addy, today was SCARY. Walking down the sidewalk and a car hit hits breaks, there was ice and I don't know if he just turned the wheel, probably or what, but ended up going up into a driveway right in front of us. Luckily I had pulled Molly back and we stopped and waited for me to stop shaking. Molly didn't seem overly bothered. It wasn't within inches, more like feet, but still if I hadn't pulled her up and backwards, I don't want to even think about it. The guy was going way to fast for a 3 way stop on icy roads and other cars about. Jerk. Had his wife and kids in the car too it looked like.

Oh that sweater sounds perfect for quite a few of us, Naomi! :D:D

Everyone have a good day

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-31-2013, 07:52 PM
Hi Addy,

Sorry I've been "absent" for a few days....and a lot has happened! It does sound like you have a good plan and a good doctor. I am glad you feel confident. That means you are doing the right thing! The surgeon sounds very confident and dedicated. That's very sweet of the vet tech to rearrange things to be there to take care of Zoe. We will all be here to support you that day, even through the eye drops with no chicken! :D

Izzy has tried to take off a few fingers from me in the past couple of weeks. I have four wounds on my hands! Luckily they are small.

Life hasn't quite gotten back to normal for us. Hannah has been fine and is transitioned back to her regular diet, but Izzy had another bout of diarrhea and then some terrible itching again last night. They aren't sure if it is her food or what. She is back on metronidazole for a few days and then I have to figure out where to go from there.

We can relate to the cold. It is horrible here! It's supposed to feel like -35 tonight!!! My 3rd graders haven't gone out for recess this week. The dogs don't want to go out today either, and the stupid snow is more like ice because we got freezing rain twice. Poor Hannah can't poop because she can't seem to maintain a squat. She just drops a piece here and there. Ugh. :eek: Why do I live here again?

Anyway, I'm glad Zoe is happy for now, and that you are feeling good about your decision and your plan. Hope you guys stay warm through this crappy weather!

Julie & Hannah & Izzy

02-01-2013, 04:07 AM
Hi Addy,
I haven't been posting for the past couple of days, but have been reading along when I can. I am so relieved to hear what a wonderful surgeon and team you have. If I were you, I would want the darn things out also. I am impressed with how calm you were throughout the appt, great job Mom!! We will all be with you and Zoe. It sounds like you have a solid plan in place.

Tina and Jasper

02-02-2013, 10:11 PM

I was just checking up on your thread and Zoe. Sorry to hear she has to have surgery, but it sounds like a good plan, with a good doctor. I hope it is completely uneventful and that Zoe makes a fast recovery and feels better because of it. These little fur balls are usually tougher than we are! Although, I am very proud of how strong you are being!

Isn't it awful to feel like you can't say why you need to take off work?! Some people just don't understand that our dogs are family and we have to take care of them.

02-02-2013, 11:52 PM
Mary Beth I love your avatar, what a cutie! Yes we should get sick dependent leave for our babies, I tried that but no go! Hi Addy, hope your weekend is going smoother and Chewy is feeling better too :)

02-03-2013, 02:16 AM
Hi Addy,
Sorry to hear about Zoe. You are one strong and super mom for her. It sounds like you have a great team and surgeon.
Can you feed Addy a bit more the nigt before?? I know it wouldn't make a difference with Norman, Millie doesn't eat much she wouldnt be a problem, but each dog is different. Maybe a litlle more te night before will help. What time is she scheduled for?
Certainly will be saying extra prayers for her and you. Surrounding Addy, you and her entire team so the surgeries go smootly and she has a speedy recovery. Sending (((HUGS))) your way.

Hear I am complaining about Norman waking me up and now I can't sleep, but this gives me time to check up on the other pupps and members. I have to clear my mind. Sending LOVE and strength to all of you.

Peace, Sharon

02-03-2013, 07:03 AM
Hi Guys,

Our pups should fall under dependant leave:):):):) I know my boss thinks I go over board with Zoe. Im not too worried about him, but am about the second in command:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I left Chewys thread open all night, Trish you must have thought I pulled an all nighter with my constant green light.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

The clock just chimed six and Zoe is still sound asleep in her bed. Not sure if I should be happy or worried:confused::confused:

The only thing bothering me is for Zoe's surgery is her having to wear a cone so I am going to find another soft one on line. I remember seeing some options last year before I bought her comfy cone. That one is kind of heavy for my wee girl. I should have bought the smaller size.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday.

02-03-2013, 09:43 AM
How big is Zoe? When Millie was a pup (little bigger than a beanie baby - literally) she had to wear a cone after some tearduct surgery, she was so tiny back then the vet had to make a special one for her, I rented it, but later she had anal gland issues and had to wear the cone almost all the time, (purchased one - it was bigger than her, she is only 6 pound now) she became addicted to it :p, scratching at the door to have er cone put on...even to sleep...for some reason after about 4 years she is fine witout it on and has not urged for it to be on...she could do steps (down) with it on. And the good news te anal gland licking addiction also gone. When on a walk it was taken off....but now I can't take her for walks anymore, Joe used to take the dogs but not since the break-up/ move out.
Our little pupps are like children at times - very resilent, good luck with finding a clothe one.
What day is her surgery?

Love and hugs, Sharon

02-03-2013, 08:35 PM
Will be praying all goes well with Zoe's surgery. She is one strong little girl.
HUgs Sonja and Angel Apollo

02-04-2013, 03:10 AM
It is weird with those cones, I remember once Flynny had staples in his leg after some minor surgery. Not being too dog experienced in his early life as he's is my first ever dog I did not put a cone on him and was horrified when he nibbled the staples out and I had to take him back to get restapled. He has had a cone ever since with surgery EXCEPT for his liver op, adrenalectomy, swab removal and he never even once looked like he was going to bother his wound. I put a tshirt on him to stop him getting at the wound and it had a dressing on initally too, but he left it alone.

Maybe you could put some wee pants on her Addy, might work without having the collar, only problem would be peeing/pooping.. hmm on second thoughts I do not think my idea is very practical :D Ohh a nappy??? no, probable not haha

I did see your green light on late last night, was going to send you a msg but ended up in bed fairly early myself for once :)

Hope you had a good day xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

molly muffin
02-04-2013, 05:33 PM
I had to blink for just a second as the only thing I saw on Trish's post was
Maybe you could put some wee pants on her Addy It made sense once I read the whole thing of course, but for a moment, I just keep rereading that one sentence and was thinking..Zoe wee pants Zoe wee pant Zoe wee pants
Funny how the brain works sometimes (or doesn't in this case)! Hope you guys are all having a good day.

Goodness! Did I just read 3 weeks of the stitches in for Zoe!! Yowser!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-04-2013, 07:26 PM
Yup that is the plan 3 weeks. I did think of diapers (nappies:D:D?) for her, take off when she goes out but then I remembered that New Years Eve when Koko first came to us and wore a belly band, which one of the rescue groups suggested (Koko had issues when we got him). we finally went out that night for a few hours, we had been home every night with Koko for four months. When we came back, he had chewed off his belly band and he and Zoe had eaten most of the pad (Zoe had never chewed up anything). They were both vomiting and had diarrhea and I pulled Kotex pad out of Zoe's butt for a week:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

So I guess I would rather do the cone or take off work for 3 weeks and not leave the house:D:D:D:D:D

02-05-2013, 04:00 AM
hmmmn, I was even thinking a shirt? like a collar but worn backwards and around the waist? :D. bet she would look really pretty in a skirt collar. :D

molly muffin
02-06-2013, 09:31 PM
Sorry Addy, but I really did try, afraid it's another one of those dratted Alberta clippers that probably hit you guys today. :( It's headed our way for tomorrow. I basically just see what it did at your house today to know what it's going to be doing at my house tomorrow. :) :) love you!! Don't hate me because I'm Canadian.:D:D:D:D (sorry, can't stop laughing) tomorrow I'll cry as I''m out shoveling the white stuff. (hubby is very conviently flying tomorrow, so I can do it or hmmm..I could wait for him and the snow blower to get into the action, might go that route) :p

Stay warm!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-07-2013, 02:38 AM
And just what is an Alberta clipper? it sounds like a boat but I am thinking it is some sort of weather system? Another one of these things that get lost in translation :D Our weather has turned cold, but even what we have is probably like a tropical blast to your snow and icicles!

Keep warm ladies! Just think how thin you are going to be after all this snow shovelling!


02-07-2013, 07:40 AM
Alberta Clipper is a weather system that comes down from Alberta Canada. They call it a clipper because it is usually fast moving and it brings cold and or snow.

This next go round today is coming up from the plains I think, not Canada so it will be warmer, wet heavy snow, slow moving all day into the night:eek::eek::eek: Means two bad commutes:(:(:(

So the surgeon and the IMS had a meeting about Zoe and both have decided against giving her morning Vetoryl dose. We are doing the spinal block so we can use less anesthesia. The plan was to try to send her home that night as they are concerned about how stressed she gets with them. At first I was all for that but now wonder if she should stay if I have to be worried about her throwing a blood clot or is that just a worry for higher risk surgery?

We cant even find a dang Valentine sweater for her:(:( Hubby went to 3 different stores.

Got things squared away with all bosses so I can leave work early for 3 weeks so Zoe is never alone. Apparently, vulva growths have a sympathy factor as it evoked "yikes, ouch, poor girl, do whatever you need to do". I am very appreciative.:):):)

I have been easily distracting myself with my new Iphone. I listen to Pandora Oldies but Goodies station when I get home from work and am making them their dinner. We sing and dance around the kitchen, the pups think I'm nuts but enjoy the todo and we all stay happy. Hard to cry when you are listening to all those good old dance songs:D

molly muffin
02-07-2013, 01:45 PM
I am all for dancing around the kitchen to oldies!!!

Awwww, well yea, it better get some sympathy for Zoe . What is the point of having to go through it otherwise. :P :P

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
02-07-2013, 02:15 PM
Now just what are ya'll calling "oldies but goodies"? It might be interesting to see what that means to folks...not to mention a tad bit telling! :D

02-07-2013, 07:06 PM
It plays everything, hits from the 40's 50's, 60's, 70's I don't know if I have heard more than that though:):):):):confused:

And even if I dance badly, the pups don't care:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Sharlene, cant you see the pups in pink doggles and bikinis walking around the beach? Zoe would be doing the bull, kicking sand in someone's face and Koko would have to rescue her:D:D:D:D:D I can so picture this.:D:D Wow, I must really need a vacation, I think I am losing it:o:o:o:o:o:o

Seriously, do you think I should leave Zoe there overnight instead of bringing her home? I think I know what to watch for in case of a blood clot.

Bailey's Mom
02-10-2013, 01:01 AM
Hi Addy-
It's been a busy week and I am just now catching up on everyone's postings.

My vote would be to leave Zoe there overnight, unless they just can't get her to settle down. The surgeon(s) here let you call 24 hrs/day to check on your pet. I've called at 3AM. They always encourage me to call back whenever. That way you'd be sure she was right there to get any care she might need. You might even sleep a little yourself.

Did you get much of this snow? We got some flakes, but that was all. I'd LOVE to have 2 - 3 feet of snow. Fire in the fireplace all day long, soup and/or stew for dinner, hot cocoa with those tiny little marshmallows all over the top.

Bob is away overnight. Bailey and I are having a pj party. All are welcome!


02-10-2013, 06:49 AM
I'm gonna play devil's advocate and suggest the opposite :o. If it were me, I think I'd bring Zoe home. I don't think the vets would suggest it unless they really think it would be best for Zoe based on their past experience with her. Is there a reason why you are especially worried about a clot? Have they told you that there is a higher risk with the procedure they will be doing? Clots can happen, but they are not common. And in honesty, I'm willing to bet you'll be watching Zoe more vigilantly than even the techs overnight at the hospital.

Susan is definitely right that unfortunately, it probably will mean a pretty restless night for you. But you'll know that you've got Zoe home where she feels safe and calm.

If something occurs during the course of surgery that makes the vet think she needs to be monitored overnight, I'm sure she'll say so and they'll end up keeping her. But if all goes smoothly and they feel it's safe to release her, I think I'd bring her home with me. So now you've got two different opinions and you're still stuck right in the middle having to decide! ;)


02-10-2013, 07:46 AM
Hey Addy: I am with Marianne, I always want my dog with me. I feel like I watch him more than anyone else. I have one to watch and they have several at the hospital. If you are like me you would be awake all night regardless of where he is, hospital or home and the vets don't think it is likely she will have a blood clot. Love, JoAnne

02-10-2013, 08:31 AM
Thank you guys for the input. :):) I discussed it with hubby too and we decided if she is able to come home that night, I am bringing her home. I dont care if I am up all night with her. The IMS already told the surgeon they have a very hard time handling her as she gets so stressed. They are going to have to muzzle her whenever they handle her, I have to be worried if she bites someone with no rabies shot, I have her food issues, they said they would just feed her canned ID and I dont want that. I think the pros outweight the cons when I list them on paper. She is not an easy dog for them and I just feel Zoe needs to be home with me where she is comfortable and feels safe. We've been through enough scary times that I think I can stay calm.

And I have all of you:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Squirt's Mom
02-10-2013, 08:40 AM
Unless there is a medical reason, I think they heal better at home with their loved ones and familiar smells and sounds and sights. ;)

02-10-2013, 08:44 AM
I think I was second guessing myself because I initially pushed the surgeon for early release but the IMS backed me up which is why we are doing the spinal block. Of course I pushed the IMS originally.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Truthfully, I guess I just pushed everyone to get what I thought was best for Zoe and then doubted myself.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

02-10-2013, 09:21 AM
Home, definitely Home! that's my vote too. If she gets so stressed that they have to muzzle her, then she would be far better off with you. Not to mention, as Marianne said, you will watch her more diligently, but you also know her better and will know what is unusual behaviour for her, so if something does go amiss, you would probably be likely to spot it sooner than they would. So that's my vote too. HOME! :D:D

Jenny & Judi in MN
02-10-2013, 09:35 AM
I think you will all be more relaxed to have her at home.

02-10-2013, 12:59 PM
Hi Addy

I definitely think she will do better at home to with your loving care! The only caution I can think of is with the spinal block. I do not have any experience of that in dogs, but I do in people. The good thing with that type of anaesthetic is less strain on cardiovascluar/breathing but postop they are numb, like paralysed below the level of the block, similar to a paraplegic. It takes time to reverse.

So I would want that resolved and have her mobile before taking her home. Also, the numbness can delay bladder function so definitely make sure she is able to pee first. You would not want her bladder filling up and Zoe not able to feel it and be unable to pee, especially with her surgery being in the area hers is as it would not be good to have a full bladder pressing on her surgical site especially the cyst that is more internal. Some people need a catheter until they have full feeling back. But it should only take a few hours until feeling returns. So if all of that checks out, take her home baby!!!


02-10-2013, 03:06 PM
Thanks Trish, I have been thinking about the spinal block, I can relate to it for women having babies but absolutely want that to be worn off and having her able to urinate on her own. The surgeon said she might leak urine a bit until it is totally worn off. I should have asked how long it would take to wear off. I guess that was part of my point in pushing them for her and they came up with the idea of the spinal block. They thought it was a good option for her rather then using so much anesthesia. I also had read an article that epidural can be used as post op analgesic for the dog's pelvic area so it seemed the right thing to do.:confused::confused::confused: Just rehasing it I guess.

02-10-2013, 06:57 PM
Hi Addy,

Im so sorry I have not been around lately to catch up on you and Zoe. Feeling a lot stronger now than 3 weeks ago, got 4 more weeks for full recovery. I'll get there. Please tell me when is Zoe having her surgery? Ugh ugh, but she will just fine and fixed up, and that's the main focus. I think I would agree bringing Zoe home with mom would be best because "there's no place like home" (geez where did I hear that), haa. Haaaa. I am praying for a smooth procedure and fast healing.

We love you both.

Tight hugs and rubs...Jeanette & Princess. <3

molly muffin
02-10-2013, 10:07 PM
Hi Addy,

It's going to be okay. Will you be able to talk to the surgeon before the surgery is done? That would definitely make you feel better. They just need to know what the plan is for recovery, walk and pee, then home. Sounds like you have it all in order. Zoe couldn't have a better mum and dad. :)

Have a good week. I'll try to check in when I can.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-10-2013, 10:27 PM
hey addy just gonna throw my 2 cents in here,i think after her procedure and time given to check her vitals etc....i also would want my baby home with me because we have the eagle eye and know when our babies are not themselves..will be watching out for you and your litl princess....patty(milo)meka xoxox wishing a speedy recovery for your most precious zoe xoxox

Roxee's Dad
02-10-2013, 11:55 PM
There is no place like "Home" Nobody knows your baby better than you, and home is her comfort zone. So it's unanimous :)

And we will be here for a group hug ;)

02-11-2013, 10:20 AM
Group hug, I'm in.:D:D:D:D:D:D

I feel better this morning, cough is not as bad and you all perked me right up so thank all of you so much.

Rumor is true we have a new derm vet in town:D:D:D

Casey T. Stepnik, DVM, DACVD
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Dermatology
Residency: University of California at Davis
DVM: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Special Areas of Interest: Diagnosis and long term management of canine & feline allergic skin disease, immune-mediated diseases of the skin, and methicillin-resistant skin infections.
Dr. Stepnik’s interest in Dermatology began during her final year of veterinary school and became stronger during her four years as a general practitioner at a multi-specialty and emergency referral hospital in Northern California. As a general practitioner and emergency clinician, she saw many dermatologic diseases on a daily basis and realized that this discipline was her passion.

I cant believe it!!!!! I'm so pumped up!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

02-11-2013, 01:57 PM
Group hug, I'm in.:D:D:D:D:D:D

I feel better this morning, cough is not as bad and you all perked me right up so thank all of you so much.

Rumor is true we have a new derm vet in town:D:D:D

Casey T. Stepnik, DVM, DACVD
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Dermatology
Residency: University of California at Davis
DVM: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Special Areas of Interest: Diagnosis and long term management of canine & feline allergic skin disease, immune-mediated diseases of the skin, and methicillin-resistant skin infections.
Dr. Stepnik’s interest in Dermatology began during her final year of veterinary school and became stronger during her four years as a general practitioner at a multi-specialty and emergency referral hospital in Northern California. As a general practitioner and emergency clinician, she saw many dermatologic diseases on a daily basis and realized that this discipline was her passion.

I cant believe it!!!!! I'm so pumped up!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

Joyful news Addy, so happy little Zoe will have teh opportunity to get another expert to assist in her healing. :D

Love, Sharon and Norman

marie adams
02-11-2013, 03:58 PM
Guess who???????

I have no excuse for being gone. The iPad works just fine in fact too fine for shopping online.

I am still not working and there in lies a problem--there is always a tomorrow to get things done.

I haven't read back to see what's been going on with you and Miss Zoe but will make a great effort to do so!!!!

So sorry I have been MIA!!!!!

molly muffin
02-11-2013, 06:13 PM
Yay Group Hugs!! Love those!

Glad the cough is better.

How fabulous! A new derm specialist! go get'em tiger~!:p

Good luck with the surgery!! I'll be thinking of you and Zoe.
Really I swear!!!:D:D:D

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-11-2013, 07:15 PM
Thank you Sharon, I'm always hoping for something when it comes to Zoe. She just has quite a few issues:o:o

Sharlene, you just go have fun, I have a plan now, Zoe is to wake up, walk, pee, come home,:):):):):) Thank goddness you and Trish told me about that!!!:D:D:):)

Sister Marie Irene- you are out spending your allowance and probably my allowance as well shopping on your ipad?:D:D:D:D
Dang, Marie, how the heck are you? I cant tell you how excited I am that you popped in to say hi:D:D:D:D:D:D GIrlfriend, I have truly missed you.

Bailey's Mom
02-12-2013, 12:03 AM
Ahem, I would like to clarify/explain how I arrived at my suggestion. You mentioned the blood clot. I was placing importance on-what if there is a blood clot.....she needs to be closest to medical help. I don't know why you are thinking blood clot and I don't know how you would tell one was there.....other than the absolute worst and we just won't go there!!! So, if she is alert, able to walk and pee and the blood clot is not a main focus, she certainly should be at home, with Mom and Dad.

I just know this is all going to go very well.


02-12-2013, 07:49 AM
Sus, I was worried about a blood clot but it seems they are rare so I am not to be worried about it. We just had two member's dogs throw a clot otherwise I probably would not have even thought about it.:o:o:confused: Maybe the difference is that Zoe's surgery is considered a low risk surgery that makes the odds of a clot less?:confused:

I understood your answer and value your opinion sweetie.:)

Bailey's Mom
02-12-2013, 09:54 PM
Awwwwwwwww.............Addy. You're so cool.
When is the surgery?
By the way-I saw the knee surgeon today. I came up "limp" yesterday. He is calling it tendonitis. Regardless of what it is/was, it is much better and he encouraged me to get a massage, when I asked!

02-13-2013, 08:53 AM
Sorry to hear that Sus, we need you walking in time for gardening:)

Zoe's surgery is tomorrow. I am packing up all her meds with labels and printed her eye chart for her eye meds.

I hate giving control of my girl to someone else. HATE IT:(:(:(

She does not see or hear well, her back legs dont do well on slippery surfaces, if she goes splat she cant get up, she needs her warm sweater to go outside and they are predicting snow tomorrow. :eek: I dont want them taking her out in the snow.:eek:

Can I tell them that?

As you can see I am not a happy camper but I told hubby we MUST remain happy and positive so I came her to vent ;);););)

02-13-2013, 09:56 AM
Vent away Addy, we have to sometimes. We try to help these little dogs so many ways and something else crops up, usually daily, at least that is what it seems like. I read on line that NuVet Plus vitamins would help Cushing dogs so I ordered them, $55.00 for 90 vitamins, take twice a day, lots higher than the vitamins I usually buy at the Pet store, but worth it if it helps somewhat. I only give once a day until I see if there is any problem with them. I know you hate to leave Zoe at the Vet's even for surgery. I stay at the vet's with CoCo when he has the Cushing test and and then we take him for a ride in the van and take him back for the rest of the test. The vet probably thinks I am nutty, but does not bother me. He has taken care of CoCo for 11 years and he understands I guess. Love, JoAnne