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Boriss McCall
08-31-2012, 03:42 PM
So it really IS a happy Friday for you & Zoe. ;)

Bailey's Mom
08-31-2012, 08:49 PM
Yippee!!!!! Yahoo!!!!! Hooray!!!!!Yay!~!!!


Bailey & Co.

molly muffin
09-01-2012, 08:33 PM
Yiippeee kai yay! It's chicken walks and cha chas all over the place. ROFL!!

So glad that Zoe's numbers weren't that bad after all. Worry wart!!

You are the tweeking Queen! (more ROFL)

So happy to have some good news!


09-01-2012, 09:57 PM

09-02-2012, 08:08 AM
I am sitting here, hands still shaking. Koko and I took an early morning walk while our subdivision was all still asleep. We do this every morning but with it being a holiday weekend, many neighbors are gone so it was especially quiet.

A few blocks from our house, we picked up a young coyote following us. At first he was weaving back and forth from yard to yard but I soon realized he stopped that behavior and was trailing us, getting closer and closer, trotting faster towards us.

I scanned the yards but could not see any kind of stick and the dang thing was coming faster at us. I did not want to start yelling and wake up the entire subdivision at 6am.

So I picked up Koko, clutching him to my chest and turned around, made eye contact with the coyote and showed him my teeth and started growling and snapping and heading right at him. I wasn't sure if they have the same body language as dogs do but he cowered, put his ears sideways, tail between his legs and ran away behind two houses.

So I decided I better get home as fast as I can but as soon as I put Koko down and my back is showing, the dang thing comes BACK:eek: The longer I had my back to him, the faster he would trot towards us.
So again, I pick up Koko and repeat the same behavior and he runs off.
SO now he is keeping a hefty distance from us but is still following us whenever I turn my back. When I would stop and face him and growl and show my teeth and snap, he practiced avoidance and would look away and stop and not make eye contact with me. So I kept checking his body language response to my insane behavior.

Koko and I finally made it home safely but I sure dont want a repeat performance of this morning anytime soon.

I think I may have read "How To Speak Dog" one too many times:o and would not recommend this behavior for scaring off coyotes but at least it worked today:rolleyes::eek::o:o

Squirt's Mom
09-02-2012, 08:51 AM
Oh, wow, Addy! What an adventure that was! :eek: I am so glad you and Koko made it home safely. And I am glad you didn't have both pups with you!

We never knew you could speak Coyote! :D If the neighbors happened to see you, they may be calling you the Coyote Whisperer! :p Now, if that had been me - I would have taken Koko inside then gone back and tried to pet the Coyote. :rolleyes: He might be a stray, ya know? :o:D

Chug some Chocovine - it will help the shakes, ya know. ;):p

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
09-02-2012, 10:11 AM
Holy Cow! Talk about nerve Wrecking. Addy you are my hero! I'm going to remember this as we have coyotes in our area too. I haven't met any and I hope I never do while walking Molly, but they are in the park near our house and the ravine area. You never know. I've had a friend who met one while walking his JR and he picked her (her name is Addy btw) up and he stared the coyote down.

Have a good day, don't play with coyotes.

Boriss McCall
09-02-2012, 10:14 AM
SCARY!! glad you made it home safely..

09-02-2012, 10:22 AM
Oh my gosh Addy!! So glad you and Koko are home safe! You did great, I am not sure if I would have had the presence of mind to do what you did, I would have been so scared. :eek:

Again, thankful you are all home safe. Now, no more excitement for this weekend!


Tina and Jasper

09-02-2012, 11:54 AM
We have had trouble with coyotes attacking little dogs that are out in their yards. My girlfriend's little Bichon was beaten up pretty badly and another dog was dragged out of their yard and killed:eek::eek:

Yesterday we went into the city for an Art Fair and I was admiring the condos and all the dogs walking around on sidewalks.:):) With Street lights too.

Then I come home to dead mice parts in the yard, strange poops from gosh only knows what kind of animal, coyote tag alongs, wild turkeys, deer. We used to think this was cool when we didn't have little dogs that get into things and then get sick or worry about them being attacked.

Now I am kind of tired of Little House in the Prairie:rolleyes::rolleyes:

That seventh floor condo with a balcony looks mightly appealing, though Zoe barking for food at 5:30am would not be a big hit with the neighbors:rolleyes::rolleyes::D

Happy Labor Day!!!!

09-02-2012, 12:23 PM
Yea wild life is pretty and all but NOT when it can harm our babies! I had a scary moment a few years back when I used to let my dogs out in the back yard. We live backed up to a protected pond/wetland, not very big but it still attracts all kinds of wild life. I was out on the deck and all of a sudden something blocked out the sun! It was a giant hawk, swooping down to grab my Sunshine!! OMG!!!! Lucky she decided to walk along the paving bricks I have around my bushes and the hawk missed!
Well within a few hours my back yard looked like a war zone! I went and put up crime scene yellow tape from tree to tree with bright orange flags tied every foot!! No way was any flying fool gonna get at my babies! Wish I would have taken a picture of this! My neighbor was like what the *&^%(@^&* that?:eek::eek::eek: And when are you going to take all that down! It stayed up for about a week and I took them out on leashes until I built an enclosed dog walk and pen area. I still go out every day with them but I think they are pretty safe from most critters now! :)

Shannon & Sunshine

Bailey's Mom
09-03-2012, 09:25 AM
Don't go walking without some sort of blunt instrument, please. We don't want to lose Koko or you!

I like the 7t floor condo idea because there would be no lawn maintenance, no feeding plants, no spraying for diseases or insects. I think I would grow only African Violets, I seem to be able to keep them around for awhile.

Happy day off!!


09-03-2012, 09:45 AM
Hi Addy,

I'm so glad Zoe is doing so well! I still check in on you two all the time. :)

That's scary about the wildlife. I can totally relate. We have a creek nearby, and although I am in the middle of the 'burbs, we have TONS of wildlife. We regularly have raccoons, but it has gotten so much better since I had our mulberry tree cut down (only because of them, mind you). We also have Cooper's hawks that live in the neighborhood and nested in our tree for two years. We've seen foxes, coyotes, deer, opossum, etc. It is crazy!!!

I was so excited when we bought our house to have a fenced in yard so I could let the dogs out. Well, they are never, ever out alone. For a long time I kept them on leashes because of the hawks. I called the raptor center and he told me that the Cooper's hawk was not big enough to pick up Hannah or Izzy, but that we should watch them because they would be very protective of their babies. We actually all coexisted really well, but we did have lots of random animal parts left in the yard. I hated that part.

There have been quite a few coyote/dog issues in suburbs around us, so I always watch for them. We only saw one once, but it was lying under a bush IN OUR BACK YARD!!! In the middle of the day!!! And it hopped the fence with no problem. So, yes, please watch your babies carefully. We don't need any other issues!

Hope you have a nice weekend! Thanks for checking on us. I so appreciate knowing that we're being thought of.

Julie & Hannah

Jenny & Judi in MN
09-03-2012, 09:49 AM
oh my gosh how scary. I bought my husband some pepper spray for when he runs. Would you be afraid it would accidentally blow towards Koko?

So glad you guys are ok

Jenny & Judi in MN
09-03-2012, 09:52 AM
we live high above a lake and have eagles and osprey in the neighborhood. When Jenny was a puppy she was chasing her yellow whiffle ball all over the yard with me throwing it when I saw a huge shadow between me & her. I turned around and one of the eagles was gliding in towards her. When I turned it turned but I shook for a long time.

I didn't turn my yard into a war zone but my neighbors would call and give me eagle alerts! you are creative!

Yea wild life is pretty and all but NOT when it can harm our babies! I had a scary moment a few years back when I used to let my dogs out in the back yard. We live backed up to a protected pond/wetland, not very big but it still attracts all kinds of wild life. I was out on the deck and all of a sudden something blocked out the sun! It was a giant hawk, swooping down to grab my Sunshine!! OMG!!!! Lucky she decided to walk along the paving bricks I have around my bushes and the hawk missed!
Well within a few hours my back yard looked like a war zone! I went and put up crime scene yellow tape from tree to tree with bright orange flags tied every foot!! No way was any flying fool gonna get at my babies! Wish I would have taken a picture of this! My neighbor was like what the *&^%(@^&* that?:eek::eek::eek: And when are you going to take all that down! It stayed up for about a week and I took them out on leashes until I built an enclosed dog walk and pen area. I still go out every day with them but I think they are pretty safe from most critters now! :)

Shannon & Sunshine

09-03-2012, 09:56 AM
Hi Addy,

One more thought: I do know the coyotes are scared of loud noises. Yelling (which I understand you didn't want to do so early, although I probably would have) is good. I also read that you can have a can with rocks in it and shake it and/or throw it at them. Maybe you can carry a can of rocks (with a lid-maybe a lid for canned dog food) the next time you walk??? I would have freaked out and probably just gone up to a stranger's door. Good for you for showing dominance.

Julie & Hannah

09-03-2012, 10:53 AM
Addy, so glad to hear you and Koko are okay after your scare. What would really concern me is from what I've heard coyotes are not aggressive towards humans and the fact that this one seemed so persistant would make me wonder about rabies.

On the lighter side...I had a vision of you growling and baring your teeth at it...that must have been QUITE a sight! Maybe it continued to follow you for the entertainment value. :rolleyes:

I cannot believe the holiday weekend is almost over. :( Why does time off go by so quickly??? Enjoy the remainder.

09-04-2012, 01:13 PM
LOL- maybe my snarls and growls meant "Come on along" in coyote instead of "Get the heck away from me" in dog:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

What do they say? Lost in translation;););):p:p

Now I am going to be worried about hawks and owls and birds of prey, we have those too:rolleyes::rolleyes::eek::mad:

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. It was good to hear from you. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Bailey's Mom
09-04-2012, 11:17 PM
Add to that list the 4' - 5' snake that sauntered through our garden a couple of weeks ago. YIKES!!!!!

molly muffin
09-04-2012, 11:18 PM
ROFL! Inviting the coyotes over for tea are we now hehehehehe

Bet it was the last grrrrrrr.grr.gr.gr that did it

Sharlene :) :) :) :)

09-05-2012, 10:24 AM
Hey Addy: That is amazing that you scared the coyote off. I think I would have fainted. We have hawks flying over and one was sitting on my fence looking at CoCo one day, but I shot him with a BB gun, and now I really watch when I walk him and never leave him out alone. I am afraid or other dogs, so I cannot imagine seeing a coyote, maybe you need a loud whistle, I have heard that scares bears, although your growling did the trick. Just got back from Tunica, lots of fun except for the storms, but we got through them ok. CoCo loves the big box (RV) and the RV park at Hollywood. I won a jackpot so that is always a plus to bring back more money than you left with. So glad Zoe and KoKo are doing well. Take care, JoAnne

09-06-2012, 03:09 AM
Hi Addy

:eek: I'm so glad that you and Koko escaped unharmed from your coyote experience. So funny you were kind enough not to wake the neighbours at 6 am. :) I would have thought an involuntary scream would have been acceptable under the circumstances though :o

Love and hugs from us xx

09-06-2012, 09:26 PM
Dear Addy
Glad to hear Zoe is doing better and Koko escaped the coyoto.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

marie adams
09-08-2012, 08:04 PM
Oh Sister Addy.....coyotes!!!!

We have them too!:eek::eek: Maddie would chase them to protect us. Most of the time there was a chain link fence in between thank goodness. Ella starts barking when you say "Coyotes", but not sure what she would do if face to face with them. I am not taking that chance--we could have one morning, but I turned around and started picking up rocks just in case. It tried to follow us on the sidewalk once we came off the dirt berm where we usually walk in the wetlands.

You have to make yourself big looking with your arms up. A small air horn works too--maybe pepper spray. :D:p;)

We have the hawks too and when Ella was little one kept flying over.:eek::eek:

I hope you are enjoying the weekend and doing some CHA CHA CHAing......:D:D


09-09-2012, 12:48 PM
Well, no wild critters this weekend:D:D;);)

We were to cut back Zoe's flurbiprofen eye drops from 3 x a day to twice a day. I started last week and was really nervous because the last time we tried this, she ended up with the eye ulcer:eek::eek:By last Thursday, the corners of her eyes were getting redder and my twitcher started in. Yesterday they were red and she started squinting so I freaked out and put her back on 3 x a day yesterday and stayed home all afternoon with her. I was so afraid to leave. I thought I would come back and find her the way I did when she had the ulcer and I did not think I could handle that again.

Right now, her eyes look much better so I will do 3x a day again today and then try to cut back again on Monday. She sees eye vet Saturday so I can have her checked out.

Not sure where we are going with this. I was a nervous nelly since Thursday, worried sick. Now that her eyes look good again I feel better. I just dont know how long she can stay on the flurbiprofen.
She sure was not feeling good yesterday.:(:(:confused:

Today, I went to finally get my hair cut, I have not been able to get away. I realized while I watched the stylist cut off my long hair that the reason we have such a hard time with our dogs getting old is because children dont get old. So we dont think of it as old, we just think of it that our babies are sick. I think maybe, that is how we see it.

09-09-2012, 02:55 PM
Just a hello.
You probably look beautiful.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

09-09-2012, 04:53 PM
not as beautiful as you dearest Sonja.

09-09-2012, 07:33 PM
Dear friends
I am crying inside. Today at 1p.m. my sweet Apollo died in my arms. I felt something was wrong with Apollo this morning, his body was getting cold. I drove over to my mother's Mom held Apollo for awhile, and I just had this need to hold him. Apollo looked at me , signed and died into my arms.
Hugs Sonja and my angel Apollo

09-09-2012, 09:11 PM
I know in my heart, my dearest Sonja, that I will never meet as gentle a soul as your Apollo nor a braver sister than you. I think your Apollo's gentle soul mirrored yours. Your tears are my tears, your pain is mine, it belongs actually, to all of us here who are priviledged to know you and love you and know and love Apollo.

For this moment, I cry, but yet, I see him in his red stroller, our Apollo and he is young again and has no pain and his eyes shine brightly for he is our newest star in the sky.

09-11-2012, 06:57 AM
Hope your puppies are okay this sad 9/11 day. So much sadness on this forum this morning. Have a good day. Love, JoAnne

09-11-2012, 07:59 AM
I know JoAnne, it is a very sad day. While we mourn those we have lost, we also need strength to keep moving forward.

In times like these, I like to think of one good thing a day. Maybe we should all post one good thing today. I don't think it would be disrespectful to our beloved members that are in such pain. We need to be there for those left behind but we also need to be there for those starting a journey or in the middle of it.

So, I will go first. :) One good thing today:

The sky was amazing when I took Zoe for her chicken walk. It was pink and blue and looked like a painting. The air was not too warm, but a gentle cool breeze.

I think God painted the sky this morning in such beautiful colors to remind us of love and hope

It was one good thing that was absolutely beautiful.:):):);)

09-11-2012, 10:34 AM
You are right Addy, it is beautiful in Nashville this morning also. The sky is so blue reminding us that the world keeps moving on. My good thing this morning is my granddaughter got a great grade on her presentation for her school teacher course. Hope all cushpups had a good night. Love JoAnne

Boriss McCall
09-11-2012, 11:07 AM
Thanks Addy for making a happy post. ;)

today is a gorgeous day here in Texas as well. I am grateful for getting to cuddle up with my 2 pups all night long again last night & the pretty morning walk.

09-11-2012, 12:12 PM
Yes it is beautiful day also in good old Illinois! I think I will take Sunshine fishing today, two of us sitting on a beautiful lake enjoying the day.....Sounds amazing!!!!

Jenny & Judi in MN
09-11-2012, 12:41 PM
When I was reading about all the sweet dogs who have passed on recently and on FB some of my friends were following Liam Lyon, a little boy who died from a bad heart and never got to live outside of a hospital, I thought of all those animals and children up in my idealized view of heaven, playing and laughing together and decided that that is what is happening.

It made me feel better

marie adams
09-12-2012, 01:35 PM
Dear Sister Addy,

Sending ((((HUGS))))!!!!:):p:D;)

09-12-2012, 09:05 PM
It was a beautiful day here in Pittsburgh, as well. Maybe little Apollo is sending us all blue skies. If anyone could it would be that little guy! I am sure he is looking over Sonja and hoping she now takes as good of care of herself as she did of him.

09-15-2012, 09:51 AM

From the lack of posts here, can I assume life with our little Zoe is currently uneventful? If so, that is AWESOME! You both deserve a break!

09-15-2012, 11:13 AM
Actually, we just got back from her six week eye recheck. Considering everything wrong with her eyes, she is maintaining well. Her tear production is normal, inflamation held at bay, we still need to be concerned about the crystal deposits but no recheck for 3 months:D:D

As for the Cushings, I am not so sure. She has been having more accidents in the house, just weird stuff. I wonder if we are not the cause of them. I plan to do her stim first or second week in October. My gut feeling on this is we are going to 30/30 but we will wait and see.

Her surgery site has healed well, the final scab is coming off, looks really good. Not sure if the hair will ever grow back but, that's okay.

We have been through so much the last 3 months it is hard for me to know what her "normal" is. The other night an old friend stopped by and Zoe was so excited to see her, I could not believe how excited Zoe became. She even tried to jump on the couch ( could not) be wanted to:D

I am just thankful for every day and have been trying to make every day count with her.

Zoe's new thing is going outside and grabbing the large banana shaped seed pods in the grass ( not sure which tree makes those, I think our neighbors) and she brings them in the house. I have to trade her chicken for them. She's no dummy:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
She trained me well.

Happy weekend!!!!!

Boriss McCall
09-15-2012, 11:23 AM
ha.. Addy.. Zoe is so funny! She has learned how to barter with you for her chicken. Glad things are getting better for her.

09-15-2012, 11:33 AM
Hey Addy: So glad Zoe has no new problems and seems to be feeling ok. CoCo is the same, hair looks bad, but that is all except not being able to jump like he used to. I am still contemplating additional Trilostane since his numbers are still not low enough, but he seems to be doing ok so far. I have to watch his eating to make sure he does not get diarrhea, but guess that will be a forever thing now. I was so stressed to hear about Apollo, but sometimes things are just out of our control and he was such a lucky dog to have Sonja for a dog mama. She will handle his death with grace like she has everything. Her poem about him was so beautiful. This forum helps so many people. I am sure Zoe would try to eat the seed pods, but probably prefers chicken. Hope you have an uneventful weekend and week. Love, JoAnne

Bailey's Mom
09-15-2012, 11:20 PM
Oh you silly Mom you..........seed pods in exchange for chicken? :D:)

I love how you are trying to enjoy "now." I think that's so important.

Squirt's Mom
09-16-2012, 07:28 AM
Great report on Zoe, Addy! :) You have done a wonderful job over these last three months of caring for her and pulling her through to this point. And I know Zoe is appreciative.

Who knew seed pods could be exchanged for chicken? That's a really good program! :p

Leslie and the gang

09-16-2012, 08:07 AM
Funny thing is, my boss had not yet noticed I haven't switched my hours back:p:p:p:p:p

I think he just started to notice Friday. I was hoping for a few more weeks:D:D:D:D:D

I have to give a lot of credit to her team of vets. Zoe's GP said they are really good and IMS is so much better since she confers with the opthalmalogist as well. I am glad they are all under one roof. I just wish they would add a derm vet back on staff.

I am very greatful these days. Each extra day is a blessing for back in July, I did not think she would still be here today and after the surgery, I had my doubts of her pulling through, with all the falling down, bleeding, etc.

We never know what tomorrow may bring so I give her extra loving every day.

Yesterday, riding home from the vet, I was sitting in the backseat with both Zoe and Koko. They were cuddled together half on my lap, the two of them. It was such a special moment, I did not want the ride to end.:):):):):):)

Bailey's Mom
09-16-2012, 04:38 PM
Hi Addy-
How wonderful and what a beautiful image I have of the three of you!

09-16-2012, 04:46 PM
Hi Addy,

Just stopping by quickly to say hi. So glad to hear Zoe's eyes are doing so well and that she is feeling so good. That is wonderful news, and like you, I try to take each day as it comes because things can change so quickly.

I had a similar car ride in the back seat with Hannah and Izzy on the way to the groomer today (my husband always teases me when I sit in the back with them while he drives) and they both just curled up to rest. It was so nice.

Always thinking of you and your pups...

Julie & Hannah

09-16-2012, 08:37 PM
Thanks for checking up on us, Addy. You are very sweet. Thanks for sharing your appreciation for teachers. It means a lot. Most of us work our butts off to do anything and everything we can for our kids, and most of that work takes place outside of the time we are actually paid. In fact, my husband thinks he comes third on my list during the school year...after the dogs and work. :p

Of course, just like any profession, there are always a few who don't do their best. Unfortunately, it seems that the media and many people out there believe that is the norm and all we hear is negative stuff...over... and over... and over. There are many more of us who go way above and beyond because we care so much about what we do, and know parents trust us to do our best for their precious children. I appreciate your support very much. I consider it a great responsibility and privilege to do what I do every day, and I take it very seriously.

Also, it helps to know you can relate to all of the ups and downs I've been going through. I just want to get off the roller coaster and be on flat ground already! But, that doesn't seem to be an option, so I have to forge ahead and do my best with whatever comes at us. I know I've given Hannah an amazingly wonderful life, and she has brought me more love and happiness than I can describe. I know it will be incredibly difficult to say goodbye to her one day, especially if I have to make the decision about when, but I know that it will be the right thing for HER. I try to keep that in the back of my mind, along with that saying "worrying will never change the the outcome."

Again, thanks for always checking on us, for your nice words, and also for making me laugh. It means a lot to know you're out there, even though we've never met. :)

Julie & Hannah

09-18-2012, 10:20 AM
That's great news, and an even better mental image of your babies snuggling up with you :)

molly muffin
09-18-2012, 06:47 PM
Yay for good news with Zoe. Sounds like she is in fine form and keeping you on your toes. hahahaha


09-20-2012, 02:39 AM
Glad to hear sweet Zoe is doing fine.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

Bailey's Mom
09-22-2012, 12:50 AM
Halllloooo Addy!:):):D
It's the weekend!! :D:D The weather is gorgeous. :D:D:) The Nats are in the playoffs. :cool::DThe Redskins are 4W 2L.(that's including pre-season games.) (I just know you have been waiting to hear all this good news!!:))
Monday, Bailey goes to camp for a two nighter....during which she will once again be groomed. Why does their fur grow so fast??:eek::confused: Then Bob, Ryan and I are going to the Nats ballgame on Monday afternoon. GO NATS!!:cool::D:)
I've been reading posts this week and you have certainly had some wonderfully positive things to say to some of our sufferers. You are a bright star!:):):)
Have a great weekend, gal.:D

09-22-2012, 07:32 AM
Hey Sus,

Thank you. :) I have had a hard time typing, my left wrist and elbow are a mess:mad::mad::mad::mad: It feels like carpel tunnel and tennis elbow:eek::eek:

What a fun weekend you are having. We had some neat activities going on today but now a hail storm and torrential rains are coming, we can already here the lightning, so maybe it will be the movies instead;);););)

I think it is wonderful Bailey can go to camp. I always wanted Zoe to go. Now that she is sick, I am afraid to leave her anywhere. I dont think she could handle the stress. Oh well, I guess that means separate vacations:rolleyes::rolleyes::(

We closed the pool yesterday. It seems so final. It is so longer until I see the sparkling water again.:(:(:( I wish winter was not on the horizon:p:p:p

Zoe's accidents seem to have abated. Not sure what that was all about. Weird huh?

Have fun!!!

09-22-2012, 08:00 AM
Awwwww Addy,

what a sweat moment on that car ride with the Zoe and Koko. Been a while for me here, and finally starting to catch up on my personal life. so happy to hear sweet Zoe is doing so much better today. And gosh, you are so right, we dont know what tomorrow brings with anything, so we must live for today. On another happy note, my Princess is doing wonderfully as well. No Vetoryl still, no limping and happier than a pig in a blanket lately:D:D. Enjoying this break too--wish it would last.

Sorry for your crummy weather, but a movie, popcorn sounds like a dream right now. hope its a chic flic. right now all i watch is Disney and Nick with my 8 year old, but those shows are darn funny sometimes--lol::p

Take care of you and the babes my friend, and Mom too. Hope she is also doing well these days. We worry about our mommies so much--they too are soo. special.

Love you much girl. Tight hugs


09-22-2012, 08:31 AM
Hey Jeanette!!!!!

Glad to hear Princess is doing well.:D:D:D:D:D Does my heart good!!
The movie will have to be a chick flick or Disney show. Otherwise I spend the time with my turtlenck pulled up over my eyes:rolleyes:

I'm such a wimp:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Mom is doing remarkably well. Thank you for asking. She can get out of my car by herself most of the time. Hard to belive this time last year we thought she was not going to pull through. Most women her age with that type of injury do not recover. She is sad about selling her condo, that is hard, but her apartment in assisted living is nice and she has friends and twenty four hour care available for whenever she needs it. I love the place. Wish I could move there when I am old.:):) I took her to the doctor yesterday and she wanted to go out for lunch!!!!!!! I told her I did not think we could pull that one of yet. Have to work on it.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D And to think this time last year we were looking at nusing homes. Another case of following your heart. I followed mine on this one. I am so thankful it turned out the way it did. It could very well not have.

Have a wonderful weekend, Jeanette, give Cindy my love.

Squirt's Mom
09-22-2012, 08:49 AM
Oh, Addy!

What wonderful news on your mom! :):cool::) I am so so happy to hear this report and know you are just ecstatic that she is adjusting and healing so well.

Leslie and the gang

09-22-2012, 09:10 AM
Thank you Leslie, I am happy. It is like Zoe, I dont know what tomorrow will bring for my Mom but I know she has a good quality of life right now. Had I listened to others, that would not have been true. I am so thankful.

Remember last year you all were looking for ramps for me and trying to figure out how to bring her home for Thanskgiving? She could not walk more than a few steps or get out of a chair. God willing, she'll walk into my home this year with her walker and the wheel chair will stay at home. And Zoe will lay at her feet. Zoe has always loved my mom.

Maybe I should not count my chickens, turkey day is two months away, a lot could change.

But that is what happened Labor Day and I am grateful for that day.

Happy Saturday!

09-22-2012, 11:37 AM
Hi Addy,

I am getting caught up on the forum and am so glad to read that Zoe's eyes are doing so well and that she is feeling good. You have been through a lot and have taken such wonderful care of her. I honestly don't know how you managed all of the eye drops! And you are so right, we never know what tomorrow will bring. A lot of times I have difficulty enjoying the moment at hand, I tend to be a worrier and it is hard for me to take one day at a time. I have been really working on that since this last scare with Jasper. I am appreciating every little thing.

Sorry your weather isn't great today. We have a beautiful sunny day here, but it is chilly. Autumn is definitely in the air! Hope you and your pups have a great weekend!

Tina and Jasper

molly muffin
09-22-2012, 02:49 PM
Hey Addy, so glad that everything seems to be looking up for your mom and of course Zoe too. :) I mean lets be honest, Zoe rules! ROFL That is rather sweet about Zoe laying at your mom's feet.
Have a good weekend and enjoy the movies. We watched The Jane Austin Book Club last night and liked it. Kind of quirky.


09-22-2012, 07:07 PM
Glad to hear things are going well with your mom and Zoe. Those assisted living places for seniors can be awesome! Much safer while still maintaining some independence.

I hope your life continues to be uneventful through the holidays! (Where did the summer go??)

Bailey's Mom
09-24-2012, 02:11 AM
Addy, what great news about your Mom! Wow-what a difference a year makes, eh?:)


09-24-2012, 07:53 AM
Hi Everyone and thank you Tina, Susan, Mary Beth and Sharlene for stopping by.

Yesterday we had quite the commotion as we celebrated my daughter's birthday. Usually, when we have company for dinner, Zoe ends up having an accident as her whole schedule gets thrown out the window and she spends a lot of time running from the kitchen to the dining room:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Yesterday was the first time in a long while she did not have an accident with everyone here. It seems she is drinking less water.

I will be anxious to see her stim results. It looks like next week or the following week for her appointment, depending on IMS schedule. She was not as strick about bringing her back this time. She has had so many stims.

Happy Monday!!

09-24-2012, 03:25 PM
Great news!!! Keep up the good work Mom:D:D:D

Shannon & Sunshine

molly muffin
09-24-2012, 04:29 PM
Whooo hooooo! no accident. I know that one too, it's the "oh my gawd, people and fun and excitement and Food!" pee. Molly does it sometimes too. I didn't even begin to attribute that to anything other than the excitement and attention, element.
So glad that Zoe is doing so well now!


09-28-2012, 01:50 PM
Hi All,

Zoe has her ACTH test scheduled for Thursday, October 4th. It will be 34 days since her last stim and 48 days since starting her new dose. We waited an extra few weeks because of all the stims she has gone through in the last year or so.

I am not sure where she is. Her eye vet wants me to get tabs on her cortisol, he does not want it going any higher than her last test of
pre 2.4 post 6.1. IMS said to leave it be then.

She is fully recovered from her surgery, her eyes are okay, her colitis is under control. Her hair looks worse, she is sleeping more in the evening again but she is drinking less water and has not had an accident for a few weeks. Zoe is in good spirits and still enjoys her chicken walks and smelling of every post we can find. She has not lost any more weight, I usually go by how she feels and she feels like she gained a bit which is fine, I started adding an extra teaspoon of Zeal each meal.

If her hair and tail did not look so bad, she would appear to everyone as an older dog with a bit of stiffness, hearing and sight issues. It is tough getting old.:):) I feel the same way as she does!!;):confused:

I guess we will have some answers next week or the following week, whenver her results come back after her test.

Give all your pups hugs and belly rubs from me.

marie adams
09-28-2012, 02:26 PM
Mom came back for you???? :D:D:D

I am so happy Zoe is doing better. Her fur could still come back since she seems to be regulating or maintaining good levels. That is when Maddie started to get her's back once she got on a good dose. You are getting there.

Yes it does suck to get older, but we are as old as we let ourselves be...:):p

Miss Ella says thanks for the hugs and belly rub!!!:D:p:)

Have a wonderful weekend!!! I hope it won't be really hot there!!!


Bailey's Mom
09-28-2012, 02:41 PM
Marie-you just keep flitting from one thread to another. ;) No wonder I could not find you in time to take you to the game/over-nighter. :eek:
Did you like the cotton candy we brought back for you? I know you like pink and it was the loveliest shade of pink!:D

How is Ella doing? I've not heard you say much about Ella.

Wishing you both wonderous weekends. I think I have finally finished with all the docs and all the blood giving and have been approved for Monday. Now I just need to finish up with paperwork. I even got the room I am in here shampooed.

Next phase........pretty damn good knee upcoming which will address all the wrong issues and get everything right, once and for all!
Sus, Susan, Mom & Bailey

molly muffin
09-28-2012, 03:05 PM
Hi Addy,

Hope Zoes next ACTH test has good results. Sound like other things have cleared up. Just the coat now.
I know how Zoe feels some days, all stiff and cranky. LOL

Have a good weekend,

Sharlene and Molly muffin

09-29-2012, 04:10 AM
Glad Zoe is doing better!!! Keep up the good work mom:D:D

Shannon & Sunshine

10-05-2012, 08:23 AM
Hi, Addy.

Did Zoe have her ACTH yesterday? Hope it went well. How long does it usually take for you to get results?

10-05-2012, 08:24 AM
Hi All,

Quick update, I have been sick and it sems to be getting worse.:(
I had to work all week except for yesterday so that is not helping. Have to work today, will spend the rest of the time in bed I think.

Zoe went for ACTH test and renal panel yesterday. Wont have results until next week.

Love to you all

Boriss McCall
10-05-2012, 10:00 AM
I hope you start feeling better Addy. I know it is NO fun to work & be sick at the same time.

molly muffin
10-05-2012, 12:05 PM
Oh Addy, hope you feel better soon. Sucks to be so sick and still have to go to work. uck.

Take care of yourself.


10-05-2012, 04:42 PM
I know I am sick but I just want to cry. Zoe is down to 17 pounds. She is not drinking as much water, the accidents have stopped, she is sleeping more.

She has been on 30 mgs am 20 mgs pm for about 45 days.

yesterday’s stim
is 7.2 pre
10.2 post

The longest she has been under 5 is for two weeks when we first started 40 mgs. IMS thinks we have been very conservative with her so not to upset apple cart and that may be why she is never controlled
I asked could something else be causing her uncontrolled cortisol?

do I have the wrong drug? she originally wanted zoe on lysodren, I said no after talking to dr.petersen.

she wants to do 40/40 and thought that would shock her system. 10 mgs changes don’t do anything.

This is my fault, I started so low, but she flared, what choice did I have? I have been fooling around for 15 months. My poor dog. This is my fault.

I just cant stop crying.

molly muffin
10-05-2012, 04:59 PM
No Addy, this is not your fault, not at all. You know better. Everyone knows how well you have taken care of Zoe. I too would be doing low dosage, that is what all the best specialists have recommended.

Maybe Zoe just adjusts to each increase and goes right on producing, like a work around. You would think thought though that with the symptoms getting better (less accidents and drinking) that maybe she would have better cortisol numbers too. They don't think anything else is going on with her do they?

NO one knows of the eye saga could Every think of you as a bad mommy, and that includes Zoe!
See what you think and feel when you yourself are feeling better. Everything is worse when you are sick.

Now here is a box of kleenex. Get some rest!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-05-2012, 05:22 PM
Hi Addy,

Dry your eyes and know that this isn't your fault and that Zoe is fine. Sharlene is right, you have been a great mom to her and every decision you have made for her came from your heart and the knowledge that you know Zoe best. If Lulu wasn't harmed by outrageously high cortisol for almost two years, while I placed blind faith in her stupid vet, I seriously doubt the lack of complete control you've seen with Zoe is a serious problem for her. Her current numbers aren't that high and you should be seeing that light at the end of the tunnel now. Low and slow is much better than the risk of really making our dogs sick.

Rather than continuing the misguided beating you're giving yourself for loving Zoe enough to put her welfare above all else, try to focus on your next plan of action. If you are comfortable with 40mg BID, then do it. If you see any signs that she isn't handling it well, stop dosing and talk to your vet. If you are not comfortable with that, then continue to go slow and steady by adding 10mg at a time. Unless we have a crystal ball, we have to wing it and become tweekmasters along the way. There's not many petowners who have that claim to fame. :D


P.S. Tell Zoe congratulation on her weight loss. What's her secret?

Boriss McCall
10-05-2012, 05:30 PM
Hi Addy,

You are such a good mama. I know you are worried about your little Zoe. It is so hard to figure this all out. But, you have done everything right.

If only we could all turn our tears into gold. We would all be RICH. I know we have all shed many tears for our babies. Sometimes after a good sob I feel better & can snap back into action. So, release all the stress you need to in tears & get ready for a good day tomorrow.


10-05-2012, 05:44 PM
Oh nooo! Sweet Addy sick, thats not acceptable.:(

Feel better real soon dear friend. I can only imagine precious Zoe at mommys side, and now her turn to take care of mommy.

We love you--please rest.

Tightest hugs. xo Jeanette and the Princess

10-05-2012, 07:28 PM
Thank you guys, now my nose is really stuffed:o:o:o

Hubby and I do not feel good about 40/40. I considered it for about 10 minutes, hubby flat out refused it.

The thing is if she had had raging symptoms from the beginning it would have been different and I would probably not been so conservative. But when when they told me what her tummy and valve looked like when they had to retrieve that toy last year, it was not good news.

Why would she be drinking less water and having less accidents but her cortisol is higher?

I was worried about reducing the am dose from 40 to 30.
I think she needs the 40 in the am, I've thought that all along.

What about 40/30? I just dont know, I really feel she needs 40 in the am.

I think IMS is a bit worried about her 40/40 because she told me not to start it until a Sunday night because she is in on Mondays.

I cant think when I am sick.

10-05-2012, 08:56 PM
Hi again Addy,

Boy, this is really confusing. So let me get this straight now, Zoe's cortisol was high on stim but yet she is not drinking too much or having any accidents. What about appetite? That is certainly mind boggling:confused::eek:

As for her Vetoryl, geez, I kinda have to go with Glynda's suggestion in always starting lower (10mg) and increasing by 10's. Based on Princess's history, that is the way I will go if and when we cross that bridge once again, but what do I know really..:rolleyes:

Take care of you and I know you will sort this out. It will come to you...

Love ya stuffy nose..:D


Harley PoMMom
10-05-2012, 09:39 PM
I have always believed that one can not chase the "numbers." How a dog is feeling and if cushing symptoms are controlled should always be taken in consideration.

Dechra even claims that 9.1 ug/dl is ok as long as clinical symptoms are controlled.

Since all dogs are different, that post of 10.2 ug/dl might just be where Zoe is comfortable at especially since she is not displaying obvious signs of high cortisol.

Addy, YOU are doing an amazing job with sweet Zoe, so STOP beating yourself up, instead you really deserve a pat on the back with huge and loving hugs!

Love and hugs,

10-05-2012, 10:27 PM
Lori took the words out of my mouth.... don't focus on the number. If Zoe isn't drinking and exhibiting signs of cushings why not just leave her where she is? If it ain't broke...

Quit beating up on yourself! You have done everything you could and then some. Zoe has had way more than cushings and trust me.. I know how much work just giving those eye drops is - it never ends.

I'd just keep an eye out for symptoms and leave her on the current dose. I know... just what you needed - another opinion. :D

Go put your feet up, curl up with your girl and sip on some wino. Cheers baby! Kim

10-06-2012, 08:44 AM
I value all opinions so I can think things through:):):):)

If I analyze my reaction to Zoe’s stim it was because I was so disappointed and my hopes were crushed as I really believed the twice day dosing would stop her pogo issues. It was also concern about how much Vetoryl I will have to keep giving her, I never thought we would reach these levels and I worry about it.

80mgs is almost 5mg per pound. IMS keeps telling me that her Vetoryl experience has been that she has to keep using larger and larger doses because the adrenals just keep getting bigger. When I asked her what is the maximum dose per pound, she said there wasn’t any. How can that be?

So then my concern turned to fear that something else is keeping her cortisol pogoing back up. So I asked her has she had this problems with any other dogs and she said she has not had any other dog like Zoe but she also then said she usually starts at higher doses then we did with Zoe and makes bigger adjustments but we were trying to keep Zoe from having issues which we have done. She has had no bad side effects that we can outwardly see.

Perhaps because her tummy is so filled with scar tissue it will be an absorption problem with any drug.
If that is the case then I don’t want to chase numbers but go by her symptoms.

Her hair and coat keep getting worse, but Glynda, you had the same problem with LuLu and she was controlled, right?

I asked hubby, if Zoe had hair and had her current other symptoms, would you accept the way she is now and leave her be? He said yes.
The other night she was wrestling with Koko, then the next day slept most of the day. She gets up very early is active from 4:45 until almost 8:00am and then she lays on her bed and cant keep her eyes open and then crashes down to sleep. She does the same thing in late afternoon for dinner.

There were times during the last 45 days I thought she was too high and days I thought she was going to low. She had an accident in the house for 2 weeks then stopped drinking as much water and stopped the accidents these last two weeks.

I will have to make a decision because I will need a script called in, I don’t have that many pills left because I figured I would be changing her dose the last time they called in the script.

Her eye doctor will not want me to keep her where she is and the derm vet will say the same thing.
I feel like I am between a rock and a hard place. Boom, she just konked out and is snoring at me side.

10-06-2012, 11:00 AM
Addy: So sorry you are sick, everything seems worse when we are sick. I know I should probably give my CoCo more Trilostane since his cortisol certainly was not controlled, but I am trying to go by his symptoms and he only has the hair loss and weakness and I figure an 11 year old dog is going to slow down any way. I am like you I have noticed that he does sleep more and is not as active so don't know if that is the Cushings or age. Like someone said we do not have a crystal ball and we all try to do the best for our furbabies. No one could be a better mom than you. You have taken such wonderful care of Zoe and she seems like a happy dog and seems to be doing remarkably well since her eyes have healed. You seem to have a good vet and I know you and your husband will make the right decision for Zoe. Love, JoAnne

Jenny & Judi in MN
10-06-2012, 11:11 AM
she is your dog. If she is happy and content that is all that a dog wants.

hang in there, Judi

10-06-2012, 12:48 PM
Good morning Addy,

I am probably the odd person out when it comes to chasing numbers because I believe therapeutic ranges are set for a reason. If Zoe were my dog, I would not settle for those stim results, especially since she is still having symptoms. It is well known through the various trilostane trials that some dogs ultimately require a whopping dose before seeing total resolution of symptoms and cortisol levels within range. When Lulu was being treated with Vetoryl, she was on 30mg once a day which is approximately 7.5mg per pound. Zoe is still a piker compared to Lulu. :D Once stabilized, her pre and post cortisol were consistently in the 2's for two years and other than being bald, she did very well on it. Right now we can't compare Zoe to Lulu because Zoe's cortisol is still too high.

I switched Lulu to Trilostane after at least a year on Lysodren because my pharmacist told me about the new drug, Trilostane, and it's safety compared to Lysodren. He suggested I talk to my vet about it. We talked and we decided to give it a try. I read the studies on alopecia x that showed trilostane grew hair in most of the subject poodles and pomeranians so I was hoping that Lulu would grow some hair. But no, she always has to be the exception and not only did she not grow hair, she lost what little fuzz she acquired while taking Lysodren.

The only reason I switched her back to Lysodren is I got caught up in the UTK theory on sex hormones and was worried since her sex hormones were elevated before treatment. I've learned a lot since then and don't subscribe to the notion that dogs with elevated sex hormones should not be treated with trilostane. Virtually every dog with typical cushing's has one or more sex hormones that are elevated.

I'm sorry you are once again feeling like you are caught between a rock and a hard place. We cushparents often put ourselves in those position because as long as we are there, we don't have to make a decision. You've been in that same spot over and over again since you put Zoe on Trilostane. It could very well be that Zoe is a dog that is not going to do well on Trilostane but you won't really know that until you've exhausted all options. Right now those options are 1) go with your specialist's recommendation or 2) start increasing the am and pm doses by 10mg. For what it's worth, I personally would go with the 40/40 but Zoe is your girl and she talks to you, not me. So how do you feel about a compromise, say 40mg in am and 30mg pm for a week and see how Zoe does?

10-06-2012, 01:01 PM
I'm copying and pasting below an excerpt from the studies conducted by Dechra and provided the FDA for approval. As you can see there were some might hefty doses of trilostane being given.

A. Dosage Characterization

The first large study to support the use of trilostane in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism was a study in the United Kingdom (UK) with 78 dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (Neiger et al, 2002). The mean starting dose was 5.9 ± 3.0 mg/kg once daily or once every other day, with a range from 1.8 to 20 mg/kg. The range in starting doses was due to the availability of only one capsule size containing 60 mg of trilostane. Based on this study, approximately 6.0 mg/kg/day became a standard starting dose.

The trilostane dose varies between dogs and for an individual dog over time, due to differences in physiological state and progression of disease. Therefore, the starting dose is adjusted based on changes in clinical signs, results of the biochemical testing adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test and adverse reactions.

The final dose reported in literature often exceeded 15 mg/kg/day, as shown in Table 1. Although the use of these high doses may have been due to veterinarian preference of the degree of adrenocortical suppression, the availability of only one capsule size resulted in small dogs receiving high doses. To improve dosing accuracy and flexibility, a 30 mg capsule was introduced. With a selection of capsule sizes, the dose could be more accurately titrated to the dog’s size and response, thus lowering the recommended starting dose range to 2.2 to 6.7 mg/kg/day. Several studies in dogs with either pituitary- or adrenal-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (Sieber-Ruckstuhl et al, 2006; Eastwood et al, 2003; Benchekroun et al, 2007) supported the effectiveness and safety of this lower dose range. Thus, 2.2 to 6.7 mg/kg/day was selected as the starting dose for the US field study.

If you want to read summaries of all the studies submitted by Dechra, you can find them at http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/Products/ApprovedAnimalDrugProducts/FOIADrugSummaries/ucm049823.htm

10-06-2012, 01:40 PM
MY dear sweet Addie, I wish I could give some input. I hate what this disease has done to our babies. You fill on hole than another one pops up. You never what what the next thing is going to be. All I can say you have been doing a great job in taking care of Zoe. Listen to your gut, think it over and get input.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo.

10-06-2012, 07:06 PM
Thank you Glynda, for giving me that information about the larger doses. I do remember a dog on Peterson's website, looked about the size of Zoe with no hair;) He started the dog on 30 mgs twice a day. So her starting dose was 60mgs.

I guess it is all relative in the long wrong. I was wooried there was a maximum dose limit. I was worried how would I know if Zoe was one of those dogs that dont respond to Trilostane since there is a small group of dogs that do not and when would I decide that?

I should have my brother (statistical engineer) figure out Zoe's stim statistics:rolleyes:;):D then he could tell me how much to increase.

Glynda, if I increase her to 40am for a few days, then increase her to 30mgs in the pm, wait 14 days and test her, would I then take the risk of having to increase to more than 80mgs? If that did not work?

10-06-2012, 08:11 PM
Addy, I'm not sure I understand your question but it sound like you are concerned that your vet thinks the 10mg incremental increases are working against Zoe. I've never read any studies that indicate dogs whose dose is slowly increased by 10mg or smaller dose make a dog resistant to the drug over time. I've also never read any reference material that indicated that a prescribed dose should correlate with the size of the adrenal glands. I do know that dogs with big fatty adrenals are more sensitive to Lysodren but it's mode of action is completely different than Trilostane.

I personally think it is best if the morning and evening doses are equal but I also think your plan is fine. It may be that you'll have to do another increase but we won't know that until the results of the next stim test are in.

Bailey's Mom
10-06-2012, 09:10 PM
Hi All,

Quick update, I have been sick and it sems to be getting worse.:(
I had to work all week except for yesterday so that is not helping. Have to work today, will spend the rest of the time in bed I think.

Zoe went for ACTH test and renal panel yesterday. Wont have results until next week.

Love to you all
Addy I'm sorry to hear you are not well. Have you had a doc visit yet? I tend to put those off thinking I'll get over something before I can get in to see my doc, but that's not how it should be done.

I've not seen you say much about Koko........how are things with the pups? ((((((((((((((((((HHHUUUUUGGG)))))))))))))))))


Bailey's Mom
10-07-2012, 01:53 AM
Hi Addy- In the wee hours of this morning, it appears to me that my post is way out of order with how life is going for you. I don't know what caused the mix up, but I do know you are hurting, as is your husband. Cushing's is such a frustrating, complex disease. In my experience, I often felt like I was so out of control and unable to make sense out of much of anything. For an accountant, that does NOT compute!

You really think things through and have done just wonders for Zoe. I am inclined to go with the slower incremental changes. I do however think the total Trilostane dosage is somewhat irrelevant. It takes what it takes. If the tests indicate she needs more to get a measure of control, so be it.

Don't waste your time or tears looking to place blame. There is none to be placed. We just keep trying the next best thing hoping that those changes are what is needed.

I am so very sorry this is so hard for you. Here's my hug, here's my hand-all of us will walk with you through this. Know you are not alone and that we are all hoping that things get better soon.


Squirt's Mom
10-07-2012, 08:10 AM
Mornin' Addy,

Hope you are feeling a bit better this morning, physically and mentally. Things have been hard enough to handle without being sick yourself so I hope you are getting over your bug.

I had so hoped the Trilo would work very well for Zoe and you wouldn't have the issues with dosing that seems so common with this drug. But I am also sure you and your vets will work this out for Zoe. You work so hard to make sure you are doing the very best for her and are so devoted to that sweet girl, I know this is going to get better. Remember the best things about Trilo - it is sooo easy to stop and start, sooo easy to adjust doses, and it leaves the system sooo quickly. IF there is a problem with the dose increase, you can easily change it without losing ground like we do with Lyso. You are a PRO with colitis now so if that flared, you know what to do about that also. You watch for everything so if her skin or eyes worsened, you would notice right off. In other words, you have always been and I KNOW you always will be on top of things. ;)

When I read your post with the ACTH results, my thoughts were to leave it be for now since her signs are improved - but I am not a Trilo user so I leave that to others to guide you.

Leslie and the gang

10-07-2012, 08:32 AM
Perhaps I misunderstood IMS, she always call me at work and it is awkward to talk for so long. Yes, I felt like because I had been giving these small incremental increases that Zoe is now more resistant to the drug and I have hurt her over the long run. Maybe that is not how she meant it but that was the end thought for me, thus the blame.

I have never heard of this either and even Dr. Behrend said dogs may need increases at first but usually will reach at plateau. IMS said her experience is they just keep needing more and more, dont plateau. She even said that maybe by shocking her system with a 60% increase it would buy me a few months before having to increase it again.:confused::confused: I dont understand what she is saying and I dont like it. She keeps saying that we will keeping have to increase her dose all the time. How can that be? Maybe I am back to needing a new IMS?:confused::confused::confused:

I need to control Zoe's cortisol better for her eyes, I need not too tight of control for her allergies and I cant just zap her with huge increase because of her IBD/colitis.

I have brought her this far with minimal side effects except in the beginning. I have brought her through horrible colitis/IBD, her allergies, her eyes, her surgery, I cant quit now but I cant throw all caution to the wind either.

If I do not have to be concerned that I hurt her with the small doses by making her drug resistant, and if 5 mgs per pound still allows me room for increases then I am not as totally freaked out. These were all questions in my mind.

I agree that ideal is 40/40 but I also know the IMS was even worried about doing it.

I increased her from 20 to 30 slowly with a stop in the middle at 25 for a week. That was an end increase of 50% that brought her down but not enough so increased her 40% to 40 mgs which then did the job but did not hold.

Going to 40/40 is a 60% increase. Does the percentage of the increase matter when the dose is higher? Cant I do it a few days at a time or is that bad not to do it all at once?

I have controlled her colitis/IBD well now for almost 2 years. I cant lose that control again, she wont recover from it this time. She does not have the extra weight as a buffer.

I am glad, Glynda, that you feel I have room to go with the Trilostane as that was my other worry and you have put the fear to rest as well. I thank you, really for all of the input as it has so greatly helped me.

molly muffin
10-07-2012, 09:35 AM
Hi Addy,

I'm no expert since I haven't even got a diagnosis that I feel good with yet, so not Trilostane, however, it seems to me looking at a ton of other threads on here. That many if not most or all, do increase only in small inclement and they all seem to level out at some point. So I would think that over the span of years that if there was going to be some drug resistance going on that everyone on here would be quite aware of that as a factor. Not to mention, the experts like Dr. Peterson, who have been studying this drug for a long time. They haven't mentioned this either.
This idea might be something, a conclusion that your IMS, has come to, but you should probably clarify that this is what has been meant, on a day when you are feeling better and have the time.

I think from what others have said, since the goal is a control of symptoms and yes, nice if those cortisol numbers would come into a nice range that everyone is happy with, however, if symptoms are controlled enough and if everything else is controlled enough. Then just be aware that Zoe is not going to fall into some sort of normal, or accepted numeric range, or that she might eventually but not right now.

You know Zoe, you know you and your doctors, and that is what in the end is going to help you decide what to do. Okay, you might have to go bigger with dosage,but I don't think I'd worry about small increases, when that hasn't seemed to be a problem for others on the medicine.

I don't remember, are you doing compounding or vetroyl?

Darlin', you have 260 pages of Zoe thread. There is no doubt whatsoever that you have taken the time, in every instance, to thoroughly research your options and make the best decisions possible. I don't doubt that you will continue to do so either.

How do we find other threads to check and remind ourselves of what was the ultimate satisfactory dosages on other hard to control cortisol levels with cushings pups? I know they are here and I read them, then lose them. I usually find them as I am browsing through past threads.

Hang in there Addy and get to feeling better yourself.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-07-2012, 12:04 PM
Dear dear Addy,

While I cannot offer any technical advice regarding the medication, I can certainly offer some emotional support. This is so not your fault. You are the most amazing Mom ever. All I have to do is think back to reading about how you healed Zoe's eyes and managed all those eye drops, or how you took such amazing care of her after the most recent surgery. I remember many times thinking that I don't know how I could have managed all of that, and you did it so well.

Not to minimize anything that you are feeling about the latest stim results, but I am sure that your reaction and your fears are intensified due to being sick and not feeling well yourself. (I am speaking from my own experience and my most recent meltdown due to being exhausted). It is so much more difficult to handle anything when you are sick. I am so sorry you are going through this.

Someone posted something about not chasing numbers and going by the symptoms. I remember way back my own vet saying that exact thing related to Jasper at one time before he got toxic (or whatever happened) on the Lysodren. She is big on symptom control rather than having the numbers be perfect. I know you have many other things to think about with Zoe due to her eyes, IBD, etc. but I just remembered my vet saying that, so could relate to that.

I know you will do what is best for your baby girl. I am praying for you both, and hope you are feeling better.

Many hugs to you and Zoe,

Tina and Jasper

Bailey's Mom
10-07-2012, 09:03 PM
I'm here, sweetie. Just wanted to remind you of that and that my hand is holding strong for support for you.

10-08-2012, 07:15 AM
Addy: You are a wonderful furmom and just think of all the things you have brought Zoe through. You know her best and you know even if you increase her Trilostane you watch her and will know when to stop it and if you don't increase it, you will know when you should since you watch her so closely. She is your dog and you know more about her than anyone and she seems by your posts to be doing really good now without any severe problems. Like someone said it is just numbers, of course I am afraid of medication, since i have worked in the human medical profession for 40 years. Medicine is wonderful, but also scary. You will make the right decision whatever you do and you seem to have time to think about it since Zoe is doing so well now. Love and prayer for you and yours. JoAnne

10-08-2012, 01:15 PM
Thank you guys, you are all so great, I love you.

I am compiling a list of questions for the IMS. As I was typing I was wondering about Zoe not drinking as much water and not having an accident every day. Her urine stills seems dilute, not concentrated.

So then I thought could it be that although her cortisol is still 10.2 post ( i think it was) perhaps with the twice day dosing it is not as high for as long?

Also, Zoe was very strange when the new vet tech brought her back after her injection and draw to wait for the hour. Her tail was tucked between her legs almost the whole time and she hid in the corner at my feet. I remember I even said to the new tech, she usually does not act like this when she has her stim.

I just remembered that part. How weird she acted compared to how she usually is. Her pre number was up as well.

Just thinking out loud, I guess.

Thank you all for your encouragement. I could not do it without you.

10-08-2012, 07:15 PM
Hi Addy,

I am so sorry that I have been kind of missing in action over the last few days, but I've been away from home and trying to check in when I can. I still can't write as much as I'd like (you know how I tend to go on and on...:o), but want to just say this.

The thing about Zoe that has me puzzled is how quickly she seems to escape control at any given dose of trilostane. It's not the dosage, per se, that has me scratching my head (because I know there can be wide variability in metabolism rates, etc.). So it wouldn't concern me all that much if it just ended up taking a higher dose to stabilize her -- if she would just stay stable for a while. But it's this pattern of quick rebound that seems somewhat unusual to me. Yes, we are very familiar with dogs needing dosage tweaks, but Zoe's pattern seems more extreme than most.

I don't say this to alarm you, because I don't know there is actually any cause for alarm. But if it were me, given Zoe's pattern, I don't think I'd want to just keep on increasing the trilo endlessly with all the associated stim testing. I've totally forgotten how things were left with Dr. Peterson. Would there be any way to consult with him once again, just to see what his input would be given her complete dosage/testing history?


marie adams
10-08-2012, 07:43 PM
Oh Sister Addy,

You must have given me this sickness because I was down for the count last week and the coughing continues. I never get sick so it threw me for a loop. I really blame my hubby.

I wish I could be there to hug you and hold your hand. It is a blaming game and you are good at playing it. You have done nothing but good for Zoe and I don't blame you for being cautious.

I have no answers to help you through this decision time. I know you will think and research it so it makes sense--I admire you for this.

Please get better and put a smile on your face because Zoe is still here giving you love and kisses. Hey, we all need more sleep when we are older and that is just what she is doing.


10-08-2012, 08:03 PM
It's not the dosage, per se, that has me scratching my head (because I know there can be wide variability in metabolism rates, etc.). So it wouldn't concern me all that much if it just ended up taking a higher dose to stabilize her -- if she would just stay stable for a while. But it's this pattern of quick rebound that seems somewhat unusual to me. Yes, we are very familiar with dogs needing dosage tweaks, but Zoe's pattern seems more extreme than most.

Marianne, I know, that is why I asked the IMS if it could be something else spiking her cortisol. I also asked if these repeated stim would harm her, she said no and her blood work in May did not have anything unusual or suspicious. She thinks the doses have been conservative and she needs a bigger adjustment which is why she wants me to increase from 30/20 to 40/40. Also, when she is at 5 or 6, we let ir ride, maybe we should have knocked her with another increase to take her well below 5 right away. Or maybe she just cant do it and needs to be higher because there is something else going on that we dont know about yet.

You are not alarming me, I keep wondering the same thing. Maybe I should have her call Dechra. Dr. Allen had told me a long time ago that a dog will do that until you find the right dose (the sweet spot) so to speak, but I agree, Zoe is extreme. That is also why I wondered if it is not the drug for her, maybe she cannot absorb it with all the scar tissue in her tummy. She has a lot of scar tissue in her stomach.

I am not going to rush into anything. I need to think for a few days.

Is there a specific question I should add to my list?

March: 20 mgs 6.5 pre 12.7 post - increase dose IMS -SID no BID

April: 30 mgs 3.7 pre 7.3 post - increase dose (IMS - SID no BID started eye issues)

May: 40 mgs 2.3 pre 3.9 post - no change in dose

two weeks later
pre 5.1 post 5.8 - no change in dose, eye issues not controlled IMS said come back in 3 months

August 3 months later
pre 5.5 post 9.9

Change to BID 30.20
August 31

pre 2.4 post 6.1

October 4th
Pre 7.2 post 10.2

Last year when we first started, I left her at about 11 post in September 2011 on 20mgs, Mom fell, etc. She drifted down to 9 with no dose change, then drifted back up to about 11. I cant locate those stims from 2011.

10-10-2012, 06:11 AM
marianne- I asked vet your question. she did not think zoe is extreme but she was missing one of her stims:rolleyes: she will ask her collegues (at my insistance). conversation with her did not go well i am afraid. we are on hold for a week.

who has been successful contacting dechra and what number did you call and whom did you ask for?

Bailey's Mom
10-10-2012, 08:36 PM
I can't help you out there. Being on hold for a week does not mean it did not go well. It just means you will stay where you are comfortable and will revisit the issue in one week.

WHO ARE THESE PERSONS MOTHERS" ANYWAY??? Why did they not teach them proper manners and courtesy? Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


10-11-2012, 01:37 AM
addy-I contacted Dechra. This past Saturday I sent them on email. They have a place on their website I went through. I didn't expect to hear from them with it being Sat. If I did hear from them I thought it would be an email in a few days. On Monday morning I got a phone call from a registered vet tech from Dechra. She was really nice and very helpful. She asked me some questions about Scoop and answered all questions I had. She gave me a case number and said if I need to contact them again I should give that number.
Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom

10-11-2012, 10:03 AM
addy-I forgot to tell you, the lady from Dechra, her name is Dosha. She's the one that called me. Hope that's of some help to you.

Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom

10-11-2012, 10:09 AM
Hi Addy, I contacted Dechra by e.mail a few months back. There is an e.mail address on their web page.. maybe you need to click on a 'contact us' at the top of the page. I can't remember, but it's definitely there somewhere! I didn't think they would, but they got back to me the very next day-I couldn't believe it!
Hope you get things with little Zoe sorted out soon. I know it's worrying, but you are doing a fantastic job!

Hugs from Leah and Maya

10-11-2012, 01:28 PM
Thank you all so much. I saw th email contact page but thought no one would bother to get back to me.

I am happy to hear that is not the case.

Love you all

molly muffin
10-11-2012, 06:27 PM
Hi Addy, checking in on you and Zoe. I don't think waiting and thinking and revisiting is that bad of a deal. If it makes you feel better to take time to make decisions, then that is exactly what you should do.
Here, we'll link arms and take a stand. :)


10-11-2012, 07:16 PM
Thanks Sharlene, it has been a bad day for me so have not been on the forum much today.

I will love to link arms with you, hope Molly's ears are better.:)

molly muffin
10-11-2012, 07:36 PM
Oh I am sorry to hear that you are having a bad day. :( We'll have a hug and then link arms :)

big, big hugs,

10-11-2012, 11:00 PM
Hi Addy,

I have no answers for you and no advice to offer, but it has been so long and I just want to stop by to let you know I am still here and still thinking of you and Zoe every single day. I am so sorry I have been MIA for so long. I feel terrible and I hate it. I miss checking in on everyone and "chatting" with you. I hope things will calm down for me soon. It has been insane. I'm sorry you're struggling right now. I'm sending lots of hugs your way. Know that I am always thinking of you guys...

Julie & Hannah

10-12-2012, 01:05 AM
Dear Addy
Thinking and praying for you and Zoe.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

Bailey's Mom
10-12-2012, 04:28 AM
Good morning Addy!!!!! It is FRIDAY!!!!!!!! You are almost at the BEGINNING OF the weekend!:D

That Nationals are still in the playoffs!!!!! GO NATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):cool::cool:

HERE IT COMES.........................................ONE HUGE HUG AND TWO LARGE HAND SQUEEZES!!!:)


10-12-2012, 06:04 AM

10-13-2012, 06:09 AM
Dear Friends,

I am having some health issues, dont worry, I just might not be able to post much. I may to leave Zoe as is for a month. I ned to address these issues so I can take care of her.

I know you all understand.

10-13-2012, 06:43 AM
Oh Addy, do take care of yourself and know that we are here for you in any way that we can help, even if it is only to listen. We are really good listeners. :o

Sending many healing hugs your way, today and everyday!

10-13-2012, 07:54 AM
Oh no! Yes, sweet Addy, we completely understand your much needed time away, therefore you are granted a leave--lol. I want to say "dont rush", but hurry back--we will surely miss ya:(

Take care of you, and be well.

We love you soooo much..

Tight ones. xo Jeanette and the Princess

Squirt's Mom
10-13-2012, 08:07 AM
Oh, Addy, please know we are here for you...do not worry about the site. Take care of yourself first always. If we can help in any way, please let us know.

Sending prayers, healing white light and positive energy your way along with -
Hugs, hugs, hugs,
Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
10-13-2012, 10:10 AM
Dearesr Addy. Of course we understand. Get Yourself healthy. We'll hold the fort for you. :-)
our arms are still linked in solidarity!

Big Hugs

Boriss McCall
10-13-2012, 10:29 AM
Addy I hope you start feeling better soon. Zoe's turn to help take care of you. ;)

marie adams
10-15-2012, 12:42 PM
Dearest Sister Addy,

Take good care of yourself!!! Get better soon!!:) Now you get to be taken care of and please let the family do so....!!!

I will get all of Mom's attention now--oh darn no I won't she will be taking care of you!!!:( I guess I will get the top bunk and ride shotgun while you lay in the back seat. :D

I hope Zoe and Koko are in good spirits for you!!!!

Love Ya!!! ((((HUGSSSS))))

10-15-2012, 01:24 PM
Thank you all, I miss you and love you and your support mean so much.

Harley PoMMom
10-15-2012, 03:29 PM
Hope you are feeling much better soon, sending tons of healing and loving hugs.

10-15-2012, 05:19 PM
Dear Addy, Hope you feel better soon. Please look after yourself, o.k!
Hugs from Leah and Maya

molly muffin
10-15-2012, 06:14 PM
We miss you too! Now get better! :) :) :) :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-16-2012, 02:02 AM
Hey there!! Just stopping by to send our good wishes to you and your baby! I hope you are feeling better soon!! I have been sick for 3 weeks now! this is awful!
Sending our positive vibes and thoughts your way!!!

Shannon & Sunshine

We really should get together soon:D:D:D:D:D

10-16-2012, 05:20 AM
Thinking of you Addy. Get well soon. Hugs and healing thoughts and prayers for you. Love JoAnne

Bailey's Mom
10-16-2012, 03:37 PM
Hi Addy!
Just stoppin' by to let you know I'm thinking of you (again!)
It's 65 here, sunny, not a cloud in the sky and low humidity. Thanks for sending this to us.

Roxee's Dad
10-16-2012, 08:01 PM
Get Well soon Addy.

10-16-2012, 10:09 PM
THinking of you and hoping you will feel well soon.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

10-17-2012, 05:30 PM
Dear Addy -

I hope you are feeling better soon and that this is nothing too serious. I hope Zoe will be on her best behavior health-wise (as Ali was for me!) while you take care of yourself for awhile!

molly muffin
10-17-2012, 06:01 PM
Hope you are on the road to kicking this virus's butt Addy!
Thinking of you and Zoe.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-17-2012, 07:46 PM
Joining the gang in sending love and best wishes friend. Get well soon! Kim

Bailey's Mom
10-18-2012, 06:57 AM
Hi there, Miss Addy!
I hope Thursday finds you much improved from earlier in the week.

We've had a definite turn to the cooler and I think Bailey and I will be watching a DVD today. Wanna come on over? I have popcorn. We could heat up some hot chocolate. I am sure we can find some of those teeny, tiny marshmallows to float on the top! Maybe we can even throw logs in the fireplace

PT starts Monday, 3 days/week for 4 weeks. I plan to try out for the Redskins kicking team after pt is finished!! :eek:;):D


10-18-2012, 09:27 AM
Hello Addy,
Just wanted to say I hope you are feeling better soon.
Take care.
Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom

10-18-2012, 09:33 AM
Dearest Family,

Thank you for your well wishes. I have finally found a doctor who accepts my insurance and have an appointment next week. Hopefully, we will get this all sorted out.

Zoe is not doing well. She is limping badly on a front leg. Her vulva does not look right to me either. I will call the GP tomorrow and see about getting her in to see him. IMS has not gotten back to me. She was to contact some collegues about Zoe's pogoing.

Love you all

Jenny & Judi in MN
10-18-2012, 10:19 AM
I hope you and Zoe both heal.

The dogs & I will be driving through your state this weekend. Picture us waving and trying to avoid your state cops and your very large deer.

hugs, Judi

Squirt's Mom
10-18-2012, 10:37 AM
Hi Addy,

GOOD to "hear" your voice again! :) I am glad the ins is worked out and you have a doc to see who I sincerely hope will be able to get you back in full form soon.

Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang

PS. You are dearly missed and thought of every minute.

10-18-2012, 01:10 PM
We just wanted to say how much we love you Sweet Addy and Zoe and family.

We pray for all of you to feel well real soon.

Tight ones. xo Jeanette & my girl Princess

10-18-2012, 06:43 PM
Hi Addy,
My hubby and I are up north in Two Harbors for the weekend. Just checked in quickly. Sorry to hear Zoe is not doing so well. I hope you will both get things figured out soon. I always have you and Zoe in my thoughts. Please keep us updated.

Julie & Hannah

10-18-2012, 07:37 PM
Little Miss Zoe must not have gotten the memo...she was supposed to give you a break until you were feeling better yourself! Hope things turn around soon for both of you!

10-18-2012, 08:51 PM
Thanks for the update! Sending prayers and love to both you and sweet Zoe. Kim

10-19-2012, 07:32 AM
Addy, I am sending healing wishes to you and Zoe, too. I am just so sorry that you both are ailing right now. It puts added stress and pressure on you since you are forced to do the worrying for you both. :o :(

You have so many of us standing alongside you, though. I hope you will feel our strength and comfort, because we are here and we will never leave your side!! ;) :)

Sending tons of hugs,

10-19-2012, 03:58 PM
I do feel your strength and am feeling better already. I believe it has been a bad reaction to a new drug a new doctor prescribed.

I have followed my heart and not listened to the new doctor and am already feeling better after eight days. I have an appointment with a new specialist and a follow up with a new intern. It has been hard finding someone as I am in a high risk insurance pool because of my asthma.

Hubby is my rock.:):):) Good thing no one wanted him when I tried to find him a new home:p

Always follow your heart and be true to yourself. Your inner voice must be heard for in that is where we find our strength and resolve.

I am not remembering who said "To thine own self be true" but it will now be my motto forever.

molly muffin
10-19-2012, 06:38 PM
You know that other saying that goes right along with "To thinke own self be true" (shakespear wasn't it) is the one that says "no one knows you better than you yourself" Kudos for you for listening to "you". :)


10-19-2012, 07:04 PM
So sorry you are feeling bad Addy and Zoe also. My husband has asthma and COPD, so I know the struggles you go through. He has tried all inhalers, but now uses Advair and feels like it is a miracle inhaler. Also has a rescue Albuterol inhaler, which helps throughout the day. Breathing is important. Maybe both of you will be feeling better this week. Here are some healing thoughts and prayers flying your way. Love, JoAnne

10-20-2012, 11:52 AM
Dear Addy,

I am finally getting caught up on the forum and am sorry to read that you and Zoe have not been feeling well, and glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better now. Prayers to you both that you will be up to speed soon. How is Zoe doing?

Hugs from me and Jasper.

Bailey's Mom
10-20-2012, 12:45 PM
Hi Addy-
Bailey, my newly discovered ankle, and I are here on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon.:) We have all been sitting by a sliding door taking in the sun.:) We are all very glad to hear how much brighter this Saturday looks than last Saturday did, for you.:D

Just because they are "MDs" does not preclude that they weren't last in their graduating class! :eek::confused: I find it is so very important, once you find a gem, that you network from that person whenever possible. Not always possible, but definitely preferred.

Enjoy your weekend.;)

10-21-2012, 07:20 PM

Glad you are feeling a bit better and that your husband is such a help for you. Good thing you didn't give him away because good ones can be pretty scarce!

I have COPD (and a few other things!) and it can be hard being on any medication. Sometimes the med can be harder on us than the disease it is supposed to treat. Same for our little fur babies. :p

Take care of yourself and give Zoe some extra snuggles!

10-22-2012, 04:31 PM
Awwww Addy,

Such great news on this beautiful autumn day here in New York State, NY. Mom, the girls, the Princess and I were just basking in the sun with thw wind blowing and all colorful leaves falling from the sky--awesome!

All our love to you, Zoe, Koko, awesome "scarce" hubby and mom.

Tight ones. xo Jeanette

10-22-2012, 07:50 PM
Thank you dearest friends for checking up on the Addy household.:)

It appears Zoe might have sprained her second toe on her right front leg. She has been on 1/4 Tramadol before bed and restricted walking and is improving. Her limping is much better and so are her spirits.

She has been on the small dose of Tramdol for five nights. Does anyone know how long she can have it? The GP thought she would be better in few more days.

Here is the weird thing though- she has not slept on her back since her surgery. Today, for the first time since August, she rolled on her back with hubby and slept on her back and was very happy.

Why dont our puppies come with instruction manuals?

I am not changing her dose yet. I am waiting to hear from Dechra.
Something was not quite right with her last stim. I just dont trust it right now. It may turn out to be accurate but my gut has to feel better about it.

Baby steps for Zoe and me. At least we can take care of each other, to some degree. Sometimes it is so hard to get up at 5am with her but I know I have to and then we eat breakfast toegther and I can laugh at the pups and it is so worth it.

I love breakfast with my pups!!!! It should be a commercial. Two more days until the doctor. I feel much stronger.

Thank you all for that:):):):):)

10-22-2012, 09:30 PM
Hi Addy,
So glad you are feeling better and that your appointment is coming up soon. Also, I'm glad to hear Zoe is doing better, and that she is back to happily sleeping on her back. If you ever find that instruction manual, please let me know where it's located! I would give anything to know what the "right" decisions are and to know how they are feeling. I don't have an answer about the tramadol, but I believe there are people who give it daily for several weeks, so I would think a few more days are okay, but I have no idea. I've never used it.

I'll keep you and Zoe both in my thoughts and prayers as always. Please keep us updated on how you're both doing.

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
10-23-2012, 07:13 AM
Mornin' Addy,

I was glad to read your update last nite! :) I hope the appointment is positive and they have a lasting solution so you don't have to face this fear again.

Breakfast with the pups....how wonderful! At our house, that could be hazardous as I have three who firmly believe if it goes in my mouth, it should also go into theirs - immediately! :p Maybe if I had an elevated area to eat from, like a diving platform or some such..... :D

Never doubt you are surrounded by your family here, honey. We are with you all the way, every step.

Leslie and the gang

10-23-2012, 07:03 PM
Thank you Leslie and Julie,

I just got home and have an email from Dechra. I am to call technical support and Zoe has a case number:):):)

Thank you guys for letting me know about this.

Zoe and I are going to be just fine:D:D:D:D:D

Our angels have a lot of pull;);););) Good God connections:):):)

molly muffin
10-23-2012, 08:40 PM
ohhh yay, case number! That's right up there with poops and peeing.


Sharlene and Molly muffin

Boriss McCall
10-24-2012, 09:17 AM
Morning Addy.. I hope you & Zoe are feeling good today. ;)

10-24-2012, 10:54 AM
I just finished a 25 minute discussion with Dechra. The end result- Zoe's dose should not be changed until her physical symptoms warrant it. Becuase of her eye ulcer and her surgery and everything else she has had going on this summer, they do not want me to increase her dose at this time.

They did confirm my feelings of incorrect info from the IMS.

So whether they are right or wrong, I am not sure and I am sure there are arguments both ways but I will follow my heart for my Zoe.

Thanks for listening!!!!!:):):):):):)

Battle 1 down, one more to go:D:D:D:D

10-24-2012, 12:35 PM
Addy, I'm really glad you had the chance to talk things through with Dechra and are feeling at peace about your decision! :) :)

And don't forget -- we've got your back, girlfriend! So you've got a whole army backing you up for Battle 2...;)


Boriss McCall
10-24-2012, 12:38 PM
yay! 1 battle down now get ready to concur the next. ;)

molly muffin
10-24-2012, 02:17 PM
Always follow that gut feeling!

The things you've been through with Zoe, no one knows her better.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

10-24-2012, 02:43 PM
There some definite right and wrongs when you are dealing with cushing's but in Zoe's case, I don't think there is. If she is doing well, then I can understand Dechra's opinion; however, I'm confused because I thought Zoe still had some unresolved symptoms. :confused: Have all of her cushing's related symptoms resolved? Sorry if I missed that somewhere.

Did Dechra mention why a past surgery and eye condition has a bearing on an increase in dosing or was their opinion based solely on symptoms or the fact that perhaps Zoe has not fully recovered from her surgery and her eye problem is not yet resolved.

Did you like the person you spoke with at Dechra. I thought Dr. Tim Allen was amazing and it's a bummer that he retired. Unfortunately it seems the calibre of vets Dechra has hired is woeful in comparison; however, if this Dechra vet agreed with your concerns about your vet's opinions, perhaps things are improving. We've had conflicting opinion from their vet's, some of which were pretty elementary. Some members were told that they would talk only to their vets but now it seems they have an open door policy once again for pet owners. That's a good thing for petowners, especially those who have questions about their own vet's competency.

Can I assume the concerns you had about your vet's opinion was her off the wall comment about the bigger the adrenal becomes, the more Vetoryl it will take? Or was it her weird comment about shocking the adrenals? In my opinion, both comments were very strange and not supported by anything I've read over the years.

I'm glad that the information from the proverbial horse's mouth (Dechra) could bring you enough clarity and understanding of Zoe's situation to allow you to make a decision without the usual worry and second guessing yourself.

10-24-2012, 10:59 PM
Dear Addy
As usual you are on top of things. You are doing great for Zoe. Just remember to take care of yourself.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

10-26-2012, 09:01 AM
Okay, battle two is a work in progress but so far I think I can say checkmate:):)

Battle one seems to be resurfacing, IMS left a message she is calling today:rolleyes::(:( I hate it when I have to speak with her from work.

Glynda- I love your support, you are so good to me. It was not just those two ideas you so accurately guessed, it was the whole conversation with my IMS. I just felt uncomfortable with many of her opinions that day a weeks ago. I love that you always push me to calm down and think. Thank you for that.:D:D:D I listen to you and I hear you.

Here is the thing, guys, clinically Zoe is taking longer to eat her meals, she is trying to play with Koko again, her legs are not shaking, she is drinking less water- I monitor that, fewer accidents in the house, she is happy. The tramadol has really made a difference these last few weeks. Zoe goes up and down though every few weeks.

The bad things are: pot belly has not improved, hair/coat tail is not improved. She was losing weight and she has been doing bark, bark, hop, hop at the bed and chaise, thinking I am there and I am not. At first I thought it was her vision, but when I come into the room,she sees me.

Her colitis is so great control, I am going to try to cut back the metronidazole a bit more, her eyes look really good and I just was able to cut back on another eye drop. She is not chewing her paws as badly as last year at this time. I have increased her raw food a bit. The high fiber Honet Kitchen has her pooing 4-5 times a day:eek:

So my concern is keeping her feeling good. I was never happy changing and monitoring her dose right after her surgery. I believe she continued to have pain. She could barely walk after surgery and had so many issues. Her pre number was up, she did not act right durring the stim and I am firm in my stand right now. Until I see worsening symptoms, there will be no dose change now.

I love you all and thank you for caring and listening.

10-26-2012, 12:35 PM
Addy: I am glad to read your post about not changing Zoe's Trilostane. I have been concerned that CoCo is only taking 10 mg and the vet wanted to go higher, but CoCo does not seem to have many symptoms, mostly only his hair and that is looking better. I guess it is better to treat the present symptoms like you are doing and go higher if they show other symptoms. I am glad Zoe is doing so well and lets hope she continues to improve or at least holds her own. Love JoAnne

10-28-2012, 01:46 PM
Addy always the loving Mom. Like I used to say just listen to your gut. You know Zoe better than anyone else.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

marie adams
10-28-2012, 08:44 PM
Dear Sister Addy,

I hope you are doing better yourself!!! It sounds like Zoe is doing better. I think it will always be a watching game because I even do it with Miss Ella and she doesn't really have too many issues. We are all concerned Moms and it is just our nature.

You are the best and greatest!!!!:):D:p;)

Sending lots of ((((HUGS))))!!!!

10-30-2012, 12:35 AM
Dido to that.
Hope you are not affected by the storm.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

10-30-2012, 08:47 AM
Hi Dear Friends, thanks for checking on us:):)

Not too much to update. Ims is calling Dechra to speak with a vet on staff and we will compare notes with the info I received from the Vet tech.

IMS understands now her "theory" is faulty regarding the adrenal glands:):) She agrees with me we are on wait and hold at the moment.

I am totally convinced Zoe is having pain. On the days following her 1/4 tablet at bedtime of tramadol, she is active and happy. She is not drinking much water at all and her only accidents are if I miss her que. I wonder if the pain is coming from her right front leg which she had problems with before Trilostane and Cushings. The only other possibility is her gastro track.

I have cut her metronidazole down to 1/8 of a tablet from 1/4. She seems to handle that okay stool wise.

We'll keep going. I believe something else is adding a few points to her numbers. I may well be wrong on this but I am working on that theory right now.

Next dose change will be to 30/30 when it is the right time.

Love you all, stay safe.

10-30-2012, 09:16 AM
Hi Addy, I am just wondering why you are decreasing the metronidazole at a time when Zoe seemed to be doing so well from a GI standpoint. In other words, why rock the boat? Especially if she seems to be having increasing discomfort of some sort that could perhaps be GI in origin...


10-30-2012, 01:22 PM
Hi Marianne,

I am trying to see if she is having neurological problems from the metronidazole. I am not sure where the pain is coming. I had the same result with the tramadol and the larger dose of metronidazole. The tramadol makes her a bit constipated so I dont want to over control her poos and keep the metronidazole the same dose if I dont have to. Hard to explain. Mostly trial and error, I guess to figure it out. If I had to put money on it at the moment, based on her history and behavior after the surgery, I would say the pain is stemming from her right front paw and or right shoulder.

Ill keep watching her and taking notes.:D:D:D:D

Bailey's Mom
11-02-2012, 05:16 AM
Hi Addy-just popping in to say "Hey!" over here. I see you're back making like Columbo again. I've appreciated your comments on my thread and just have not had a chance to respond. I hope things are calming down with regard to work and that your doctor issues are looking brighter.


11-02-2012, 05:59 PM
Addy Columbo:D:D:D When we took Koko to ER, we ran into our IMS so had a long conversation in the lobby as she filled me in with the info she received from Dechra vet.

He does not consider Zoe a treatment failure.
He does not think her pogoing odd:confused:
He confirmed Glynda's info that there is no limit on the maintenance dose but their experience is most dogs are controlled at 1-3 mgs per pound.
He said that if the only symptom giving us concern is her hair/coat we could continue upping her dose otherwise he felt it is perfectly fine to leave her be where she is.

I expect to change her to 30/30 but not right now. Koko's bill yesterday almost $400. My new doctor visit $350. Hubby's car repair bill $500:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: and I have 10% paycut back with mandatory furlough. OUCH:rolleyes::)

My heart goes out to those affected by Sandy. Hubby is to fly to NYC in early December for a visit to his sister and family. He is saddened by the photos. He grew up in NY and spent summers on Long Beach.

molly muffin
11-02-2012, 09:38 PM
Oh ouch indeed. I feel for ya. Molly keeps me going into the office. I swear it's true. I am working for her. LOL
My husband always says you can't take a car in for anything and walk out for less than $500. It's like the magic number. Change your sparkplug, you bet, $500. Oh you need a tune up and new tires. $500. please.
LOL It's crazy!

Well, if everyone is on the same page in regards to Zoe, that is awesome. Doesn't happen all that often.
At least you know you can listen to your own feelings on what to do and have some wiggle room.

Take care, have a good weekend.


Bailey's Mom
11-03-2012, 12:25 AM
Hi Addy Columbo-
I am really sorry to read of the bills, the cutback and the furlough. I know that hurts in many pockets.

From what I read and what I write myself on this forum, I feel like we should all yell "INCOMING" and then "DUCK!!!!" It seems to have been an especially rough year, all around.

Roll clocks backward Saturday night!

11-03-2012, 07:34 AM
Oh Sus, this is perfect:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

INCOMING" and then "DUCK!!!!"

Let's start using that one, :):):):):)

We cant lose our sense of humor, we have to think positive thoughts.

I love "incoming and duck":D:D:D:D:D

It has been a bad year for so many. Things will get better. I know things will get better for all of us. I especially hope things get better for our Cindy. I want so much to read her happy post about the wedding in spring. She is in such a battle right now. My problems are very, very small indeed.

11-03-2012, 02:01 PM
Dear Addy
so right need to see some humor. It has been a tough year for many.
there is a saying. "God didn't get this far to get you down."
there is always someone who has it worse off. sometimes all we can do is appreciate the small stuff.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

11-03-2012, 09:24 PM
Today I went to a rally with my college bound granddaughter and all I can say is after waiting for 2 hours in the freezing cold and then sitting on the floor waiting for the event to start for another 2 hours...
well, I haven't had this much fun since I saw the Rolling Stones for my 30th birthday!!:D:D:D

I forgot what fun was like these last few years. I'm glad I found it again. It makes me a better mom to my pups.

I told my granddaughter " never lose the power to smell roses in the winter and never forget what fun is".

It was the most beautiful day.

molly muffin
11-03-2012, 09:56 PM
It's fun to some crazy stuff sometimes. Hubs and I have definitely been known to act like we are teenagers every once in awhile. Just so we don't end up forgetting somewhere along the line what it is like. Of course there is the fact that we probably will spend the next couple days :rolleyes:recuperating too. :D
Good for you Addy! I think that's wonderful.


11-03-2012, 10:55 PM
Good for you, Addy! It sounds like things are going pretty well for you right now, and I am so glad to hear it! I'll try to post an update on my little sweets soon. She will have blood work again on Thurs. I'll post after I get the results.

Julie & Hannah

11-09-2012, 07:08 AM
LOL, after all this time of fighting with Zoe to wash her face, I cannot believe it.

If I take her in to the bathroom, where she gets her eye drops and tilt her head up with my hand under her chin, like I was going to put her drops in and take a really wet wash cloth and start at her chin and DONT put my other hand anywhere near her face, she will hold still and let me wash her face without biting me:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Of course, she gets a jackpot afterward.

Now if we can only conquor combing the face:p:p:p

I just had to share that. Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!

love ya all

11-09-2012, 07:13 AM
Classic! That is hysterical. Better late than never huh? :D

Bailey's Mom
11-09-2012, 06:05 PM
Perseverance pays off!

molly muffin
11-09-2012, 07:35 PM
Wow, Impressive! Awesome Friday, Zoe lets her face be washed!! hahahaha

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-10-2012, 06:58 PM
Zoe went with Koko for her 3 month eye check. I knew she would get a good report and she did. Although she has multiple eye issues, they are all stable at the moment and no recheck for 4 months.

The only scare was there was a broken blood vessel in her left eye so they decided to check her blood pressure. It has never been checked. Zoe got so freaked when they cuffed her and lay her down on the table that her blood pressure was sky high:eek::eek::eek: I thought I could not breathe and had to remember to breath in and out while they rechecked her pressure on her back leg while the eye vet rubbed Zoe's head. Those few minutes seemed like hours to me but the end result was her blood pressure is normal:D:D

Which made me think back to that last stim where her pre was up and her post was 10 and how strange she acted that day and the fact she had new people handling her as she did today.

And I am so glad I did not increase her dose to 80mgs that week.

We get to cut back the EDTA to twice a day, no three times a day!!!:)

I think my heart rate is finally back to normal too. I got so scared when they took her blood pressure and they were taking forever and were so quiet. I thought I was calmer about things, guess it aint true:rolleyes:

11-11-2012, 09:33 AM
Hi Addy,

Just getting caught up on some threads finally and I am so glad to read that Zoe is doing so well and that her eyes are stable. What great news!! :D :D

You know, Jasper freaked out the first couple of times he got his blood pressure checked also. I feel like it was because they were trying to have him lay down. The last time we were in, they checked it with him just standing quietly on the table. He didn't hardly seem to mind at all. They always check 3 readings to get an average, and I could tell he was nervous, but I just stayed right there with him and he stood quietly the whole time. What a relief that Zoe's pressure is normal. It is my understanding that Cushings can cause it to be high, so I wonder if it shouldn't be something that is checked on all our pups. My vet had done it a couple of times before, but most recently checked it since Jasper has some protein in his urine now.

Hope you all are having a good weekend.


Tina and Jasper

11-11-2012, 10:59 AM
Hi Addy,

I can totally relate to that feeling of having to remind yourself to breathe! Last month when Hannah had her blood work done it seemed like it was taking forever when they had her in the back room. We've been doing this monthly for the past 6 months or so and it is usually about 1-2 min. total and they bring her back and put her in my arms. That time I sat while 5 min. passed, then 10...then my mind started going to bad places and my heart started beating faster and the breaths were a little more shallow. Finally, the receptionist came out to tell me they had a difficult time getting blood but finally got it so she would be right out. My poor girl was poked three times. So that made me extra anxious about this last draw last week. Luckily they got it the first time.

We just love them so much and have such a tough time with all the ups and downs, you know? We just want to have an appointment where EVERYTHING is good. And in the end, you did!!! I'm so glad things were okay and that you feel so good about your decision not to increase her dose.

Also, so glad you finally figured out the answer to the face wash! Zoe sounds like my little Izzy. She can be the sweetest thing one minute, giving kisses and cuddles, and she can be Cujo, ready to take my hand off the next! She likes to call the shots and we have to work around her ways. She has gotten much better over the years, as she has learned to trust us (I know she couldn't have come from a good situation because she is scared of everything and definitely had not been socialized), but she still lets us know when she doesn't want to be touched.

Your patience and determination with Zoe is amazing! I have used many of your tips with Izzy (giving lots of little treats and moving very slowly to attempt a procedure she isn't interested in) so thank you for that! I will never forget the one time Izzy hurt her eye and had to get eye drops. My husband had to hold her and I wore a winter glove that went up to my elbow to hold her head because she was ready to take off my arm. I have to remind myself the gains we have made since then, because sometimes she still frustrates me. She is so opposite of Hannah, who will only politely struggle to let me know she doesn't like something (by turning her head away or squirming). She would never think of biting or growling at anyone.

Anyway, glad things are going well on your end. Thanks for reminding me to take things one day at a time over here. I am actually doing very well with it right now. I also continue to remind myself that "worrying will never change the outcome" (that's of course after I remind myself to breathe!!!). :D:

Julie & Hannah (& Izzy) :)

11-11-2012, 12:45 PM
We are obsessive worry warts, Julie:):) I readily admit to it and cant seem to consistently controll it. You are so much like me, I always want to prepare for the worst too. Now, I try to tell myself, you are obsessive worrying again, Addy:o Leslie diagosed it as HAMS.:D:D:D

Thank you for the kind words. Now if I could only translate my skill of patient determination wih dogs and watching and understanding their cues into that same people skill.:o

I hope you have a wonderful birthday and Turkey Day!!!! It is almost here:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

11-11-2012, 06:41 PM
Just read your posts Addy. You are so good with your puppies. So glad they are doing so well. Maybe it will continue and you will not have to give Zoe a larger dose. Maybe she will not have any symptoms that require a higher dose of medicine, but I am sure you can handle it if she does. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
11-11-2012, 07:58 PM
Yipppeeee Kai Yai! Zoe had a good doctors day!

hahahahah, really glad that Zoe's eye is stable and getting better. Awesome!!!


11-13-2012, 08:15 AM
Question: the bleeding in Zoe's eye, according to he written report is refered to as a corneal stromal hemmorrage. I thought Flurbiprofen should not be used because it can increase the chance of bleeding.

Opthalmologist did not seem concerned about either one.
Should I call and ask why we are not discontinuing the fluriprofen or am I being a worrywart again?

Today, in the left cornea and associated with degeneration, corneal stromal hemorrhage was noted. The cause for this is unknown.
However, potential causes may include systemic hypertension (high blood pressure), increased blood vessel fragility (consider high
circulating corticosteroid / Cushings), trauma, coagulopathy, other. In many cases, this is found in older animals. Blood pressure was
evaluated today – initially the value was high, however after she relaxed, blood pressure was in the normal range. It would be
reasonable to repeat this with the IM service / Dr. Brinson at next exam. This hemorrhage does not appear to be causing her a problem
(as is typical) and thus no specific treatment is indicated.

11-13-2012, 08:18 AM
Addy, if this is worrying you, I'd go ahead and call. Otherwise, if you're like me, it's going to nag away at you no matter what. :o

It sounds like a very reasonable question to me.


Bailey's Mom
11-13-2012, 03:19 PM
Sounds like a legitimate question to me. I don't think there's cause for worry, but might as well make sure.

11-13-2012, 06:16 PM
Well you know my answer....;):p:D OF COURSE CALL!!!

Julie & Hannah

molly muffin
11-13-2012, 06:33 PM
ring a ding ding. I assume you are already on the phone! LOLOLOL


11-14-2012, 08:22 AM
He said we are giving such a small dose it should not matter and she needs it to control inflammation:confused::confused:

Last night I ran home from work, fed the pups, took them out and had to put them in the kitchen becuase little Kayla wanted me to come to her school concert. I was gone an hour but was a tad uncomfortable as the dogs were feeling their oats and they are not used to being locked up right after me arriving home and freeing them from the kitchen.

They must have been playing, Zoe keeps trying to chase Koko and she was on the wood floor, her right paw under a quilt. I have blankets in the kitchen for them as she has trouble walking on the wood floors. She could not get up and had this goofy look on her face:eek::eek:

OMG I thought she broke her leg. I knocked down the gate blocking the back entrance to the kitchen and ran to her and picked her up, my heart in my throat and held her to my chest totally freaked out.
Long story short, I finally put her down and she walked just fine:rolleyes:

She was fine the rest of the night. I gave her a pain pill before bed.
I'm not going to check out the 500 new gray hairs I probably have:rolleyes:

I think hubby and I are uber hyper right now because all year we just kept think if we could only have Zoe for one more Christmas. If we could just keep her going a bit longer.

Anyhow, that was my weekly excitment and I sure hope all of you have had a much calmer week.

Happy Wednesday

Squirt's Mom
11-14-2012, 08:44 AM
Man! These little things can really do a number on us, huh? I came in yesterday to find Tasha laying in the LR floor in an odd way and thought...well, you can imagine what I thought. I rushed over to pick her up and I guess she saw me, as she can't hear, because she rolled over to expose one of the tiny toy babies she was hiding from Cappi. :rolleyes: If there had been a baby gate or other obstacle in my way, an ambulance would have been involved before it was all over - coordination isn't something I was graced with. :p

I'm glad Zoe is ok and hope they don't add to the gray population today in any way!
Leslie and the gang

11-14-2012, 08:55 AM
Ahhhh, ladies, I can soooo relate! You both made me lol (only after I saw that everything was okay with both of your pups, of course) because I am the same way! Immediately my heart starts pounding and I am racing over to them to help. Pretty sure it wouldn't matter what obstacle was in my way; it wouldn't stop me!

A couple of weeks ago Hannah was rubbing her face on the floor, shaking, and making strange noises. When I looked at her, her expression was really weird and I almost thought she was seizing. Luckily there were no obstacles in my way, but I dropped whatever I was doing at the kitchen sink and ran over to her yelling for Matt (my hubby). It turns out she had a burr (probably in her mouth initially) that ended up stuck between her little lip and her tiny little nose. She was licking frantically and we couldn't get it free. It was the biggest burr I've ever seen and hurt me to touch it at all. We both tried to grab it but every time she would wince because it was poking her. After a few minutes I was practically in tears and grabbed the phone to call the vet to say we were coming in because we couldn't get it (they were about to close so I wanted to get there). Matt told me to calm down and hang up and that I was making Hannah more frantic. We finally got a tweezers and he was able to grab it. It was about a 15 minute process because she was not cooperating and was in pain and panicking, but we did it. Matt was my hero that night, that's for sure!

It's true though, once they have problems we are hyper-sensitive to ANYTHING that looks strange. My mind always goes there first. So frustrating!

Anyway, I'm glad both Zoe and Tasha were okay and were just giving their moms a scare!

Julie & Hannah

11-14-2012, 09:07 AM
I am so glad we have lots of company and members in the HAM club:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I dont feel so silly when I read others experiences and reactions.

Maybe it comes with age.:o:o:o:o:o I dont remember being hyper about my daughter and the grandkids like this. I cheered Kate off the diving board while her mom could not watch.:D

love ya

marie adams
11-14-2012, 12:40 PM
Oh the stories we can all tell about the PANIC MOMENTS!!!! :D:p:eek:

I just wanted to check in to say HI!!! I wish Mom would find that pink bubble wrap!!!!:D:D

I so know the feeling of Christmas--say with us!!! You will all be fine there isn't going to be any sad moments for you!!! Keep the Faith!!!

Miss Ella continues to be a boooger!!!:eek::eek: Good moments and then the little devil emerges--should of gotten devil horns headband for her for Halloween....:D

Give Zoe and Koko hugs from Ella!!! Give yourself a hug from me!!:p:D


11-14-2012, 05:51 PM
Maybe it comes with age.:o:o:o:o:o

I wish I could say that was true for me....but I've been this way my whole life and I'm only in my 30's! I'm just wired that way. I do pretty well managing most worries, but it's tough when it comes to my pups. We are planning to have kids soon and I cannot imagine what a worrier I will be then! :eek:

Julie & Hannah

Tundra's Mom
11-14-2012, 07:20 PM
OH! I know that one all too well! The Worry Monster, that comes to play, throwing me into a panic!

Even though Tundra is not diagnosed for certain yet, I still worry.

When he is in a deep sleep, sometimes his breathing is so shallow that I have to put my hand on him ...to make sure ...well, you know.

Sometimes he talks in his sleep, a funny "yip yip ...yipyipyip" sound ...lately I jump up, to make sure it isn't a seizure.

The other day I kept hearing a very high wincing/whining kind of sound -- you know, that extremely high-pitched barely audible 'whistle' sound they make when they're sad or hurt?? Well, after checking him, listening, checking him, and listening some more, I finally realized that it was me making the sound (hahaha!) because I have a cold, and well, embarrassing, but I guess it was my own nose making those high supersonic barely-audible whistling sounds. hahahahah!

Addy, trust your instincts, I say. I am glad that you called and asked. If you hadn't, you would always wonder. I hope you can remind me to do the same if and when I have a similar dilemma. ;):o:D:D:D

We know our furry friends better than anyone, and if something is bugging you, even if you think it is ridiculous, I believe you should bring it up with your vet/specialist. (Again, you may have to remind me of this when it is my turn to do so, lol).

-- annie (Tundra's Mom)

Bailey's Mom
11-14-2012, 07:32 PM
OK-I have two cents worth.............the other night I heard that really high whistling sound. I bolted up looking for Bailey. Bailey has only yelped three times in her life. I was using some long handled yard shears last Saturday and she was hanging with me and she suddenly grunted a little then scooted away. I think she got squeezed between my arms when I went to make a snip with the shears. She just never complains. Anyway-back to the whistle....I was worrying that she had buried her nose in the sheets and was struggling to breath or that one of us had rolled onto part of her. Turns out it was hubby's nose! It took about 25 seconds for me to figure that out, but it was funny when I finally did.

marie adams
11-14-2012, 07:44 PM

I have done all that you guys have said. I stop and look to make sure everyone is breathing and that includes the hubby. I so remember watching and feeling Maddie to make sure she was still breathing and
have done it a couple of times with Ella---I am crazy, but glad it is a Crazy Club we all belong to.

Julie I remember I wasn't that much of a worrier with my daughter until the first time someone else drove her to play practice and it got later and later--the husband kind of yelled at me why I didn't drive her, etc. etc. She made it home just fine, but you will worry--I almost drove the route she took to go back to college one weekend, but she finally called me 4 hours :eek::eek: after she was to have been back to her apartment---KIDS & PUPS!!!!:D:D

Addy as I used to tell my mother in law--she was the gold medal winner of worrying....:)

Tundra's Mom
11-14-2012, 07:44 PM
Ha! Oh, that's just tooooo funny, Susan!! That's just how that Worry Monster plays with us. lol :D

Marie, yep, I agree, it's a Crazy Club we all belong too! lol. Sooo funny the things we do :)

I also believe it's maybe better to worry and check things out to be sure than to do nothing. So congrats, Addy!!! :)

--annie (Tundra's Mom)

molly muffin
11-14-2012, 07:45 PM
You guys are killing me, I'm laughing so hard!!! Now I don't feel nearly so bad about getting up to check molly in the middle of the night because of some noise I Think she made and I'd say at Least 50% of the time, was something I was dreaming about and I don't realize it until I'm about 1/2 way to her bed from mine. Then it's like, oh duh, never mind. Sorry if I woke anyone, hubs, molly. :o


11-18-2012, 08:48 AM
Little Miss Zoe is holding her own. I give her 1/4 tablet of Tramadol 2-3 times a week before bed and the following days are her best days. On the nights of no Tramadol I give her 3mgs melatonin. We made the time change without last year's drama,hurrah, it took only a week.

She went to the groomer and had her nails trimmed, her facial hair trimmed. No one lost a finger and she even ate 2 liver treats at the groomer without getting poop issues;););)

She is still doing hop, hop bark and asking to go on her chicken walk. She seems to be drifting to the left sometimes when she walks. Not sure if it is her eyes or neurological. She is still barking at the empty chaise:confused: IMS thought she may see a shadow and think I am there or she now knows I will come get her and give her chicken when she does it. IMS did not seemed concerned. I get upset when she does it.

I cant see the eye bleeding, her eyes look really good and she barely chews her paws. Her urine looks dilute and I will go to 30/30 on the next go round.

Still seems odd to me all the eye trouble started when I dropped her cortisol to under 5 ug/dl. Eye vet said her allergic conjunctivitis is resolved so he believes firmly it was from allergies. I pointed out to him that last December, she was licking her potty and chewing her paws like an insane pup and she had no eye issues then. Could it be she was self medicating with higher cortisol and the uvetis was not from allergies which is what I have maintained from day one.

He looked sheepishly at me and did a half grin;)

Hopefully we will not have a repeat of last December!!!!!!!!

When she stops doing hop, hop, bark for chicken I will be plenty worried about my girl. Her hair is getting worse by the day but what hair she has is shiny and soft.

Koko says woof too, he is doing much better and seems to be over his bug. Now, I have to figure out his eye thing.

Happy Thanksgiving. I love you all!!!

molly muffin
11-18-2012, 09:50 AM
Oh Zoe, she does like to baffle the vets! Molly sometimes barks at silly thinks. Like a lounger, or the staircase, when there is nothing there. Sometimes a blender or something new on the counter will get her going. It could be that she has just learned that this is something that will get her a treat response. They are smart!!!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week Addy!!!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-18-2012, 02:03 PM
Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family and your sweet furballs.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo.

11-19-2012, 06:17 AM
Addy: So glad Zoe and KoKo have no more bad issues and are holding their own. It would be great if our furbabies could have a good rest of the year and start out the new year as healthy as possible. That is what I am wishing for. Seems this has been a bad year for some of us, sweet furbabies and humans as well. I am praying that the New York and New Jersey folks get their life's back in order before the really cold weather hits. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Love, JoAnne

Bo's Mom
11-19-2012, 07:32 AM
Happy Thanksgiving, Addy and to all your fur babies!!!

11-19-2012, 07:34 PM
Awww- thank you JoAnne and Belinda and Sonja,

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and all of us here at K9 Cushings.

I am so thankful for all of you and though our road gets hard and there are so many ups and downs, I am so thankful and so greatful to have you all in my life. You all get it. Not many people do. Every last one of you is so special and I am so glad to know that there are still thoughtful, kind, courageous people in this world because at times it does not seem likely. But then I know I can come here and count on the very best people I could ever find anywhere.

So this Thanksgiving, I really do thank all of you for everything you do and for just being there. That is the most important, just knowing that you are here.

So now Im getting all sentimental and teary eyed and wish I could send a personal Happy Thanksgiving and thank you to each and everyone one of you by name and thread.

Since I cant- just know I wish you all the best of holidays and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Zoe and Koko say "woof thank you too"

molly muffin
11-19-2012, 08:32 PM
That is a beautiful sentiment Addy. Now you're going to go and get me all teary too. You know it doesn't take much!

Happy Thanksgiving and I second Addy's sentiments, no way could I have said it any better than she has.

hugs to all,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Jenny & Judi in MN
11-20-2012, 04:34 PM
Happy Thanksgiving Addy!

Bailey's Mom
11-21-2012, 03:38 AM
Happy, happy Thanksgiving to you and your clan. You are one crazy, lovable, wonderful woman!!:D:cool:

11-21-2012, 06:31 AM
Addy: I second what they all said. Hope your whole family and furbabies have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Love JoAnne

Boriss McCall
11-21-2012, 06:07 PM
Happy Thanksgiving sweet Addy!

11-21-2012, 06:50 PM
Happy Thanksgiving, Addy! One of the things I'm most thankful for these past couple of years is this forum. Another is you. Not sure how I'd make it without either. I hope you, your family, and your fur babies have a wonderful, healthy Thanksgiving.

Julie & Hannah

11-21-2012, 10:27 PM
Dear Sweet Addy,

You are so right, a lot are completely oblivious and DO NOT understand why we come here day in and day out, year after year. We came here with a purpose--to help our babies because we love them so, and to help each other because we love each other. We have an inseparable bond.

Happy Thanksgiving to one sweet friend I am blessed to know, hubby, the Zoe, Koko, mom and your family.

Tight hugs to all.

Xo Jeanette and the birthday girl--lolll

11-22-2012, 06:13 AM
We have an inseparable bond.

OMG, Jeanette you are so right. We all do have a bond with each other. That bond is so very strong and runs through so many people.


Zoe had so much fun "helping" the girls and me cook yesterday afternnoon, I gave her a pain pill before bed, she was on her feet in the kitchen for hours and every time we would open a cupboard she would stick her head in it and check it out. LOL, Zoe! I thought she would sleep late but here we are at 5am:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


11-22-2012, 09:03 AM
Happy Thanksgiving Addy! I have to second what Julie and others have said. I am so thankful for this forum and for you and the others who so selflessly give of their time to check in on me and Jasper, offer advice and support, and hand holding when necessary. I wish I could post on everyone's threads to let each know how thankful I am for them!

I checked with my vet yesterday just to make sure that Jasper can have some turkey today (normally I wouldn't have given it a second thought), and she said that white meat was fine. Yay!! And this is my baby Shelby's first Thanksgiving, so we have much to be thankful for. :D :D

I hope you, Zoe, Koko, and the rest of your family have a wonderful day.

Love and hugs,

Tina and Jasper

11-25-2012, 07:38 PM
Happy belated Thanksgiving, Addy. I hope you had a wonderful one. I think we all are thankful for every holiday we get to spend with our fur babies!

11-26-2012, 08:36 AM
Oh MB, you are so right, we are so thankful Zoe was here for another Thanksgiving.

LOL this morning, I took Zoe out to pee at 5am. Koko got up about 20 minutes later so I put his coat on and he and I went out the door. HUbby has the storm door set to close slowly ( a bit too slowly) so as not to slam on the pups.

Well, here it is pitch black and KoKo stops to smell the grapevine dog I moved to a new spot yesterday so I wasnt paying attention to much of anything else. We go to the driveway and I here the pitter patter of little feet behind us. Mind you, I always take my pups out on a leash, we have way too many wild animals, especially coyotoes.
Well, I turn around and here comes Zoe in a fast trot, no leash, no harness, no coat , no hair :p and the temp is about 28.:eek::eek::eek: Yesterday her arthritis was really bad so how she was trotting today I dont even know:rolleyes::rolleyes: So I know I have to stay calm so I dont freak her out and her vision and hearing are not so good so I just stand there calmly, praying she does not start down the driveway to the mailbox she loves to smell and the street.:eek::eek::eek:

She runs over to the grass next to Koko and pees, looks at me, runs across the driveway, sniffs, poos, and then looks at me again. I point to the house and tell her "house" a command she knows and LOL off she goes toward the house, stops one more time to pee in the middle of the driveway:rolleyes::rolleyes: and then trots back to the door to wait for me and KoKo;)

I wasnt sure if I should laugh or cry from relief:o:confused::D:rolleyes:;);)

This girl of mine has such a strong spirit and even at this point in her illnesses, her spirit is still larger then life. She nevers stops amazing me.:):):):) Gosh, I love her so.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I got a really good Black Friday deal on a new wireless printer and I did not even have to stand in line and I bought it on Saturday. I think the store forgot to take the sign down and there was one printer left. I still cant belive how cheap it was, online was even more money AND I actually installed it myself and I am so not computer geeky AT ALL:D:D:p

Love and hugs

Boriss McCall
11-26-2012, 01:40 PM
Ha.. She did NOT want to be left behind mama! Your girl cracks me up. Glad she did head for the mailbox. burr...

molly muffin
11-26-2012, 05:29 PM
Hey when a girls got to go, a girls got to go, ya know what I mean mom. hahahahahaha
KoKo was probably thinking, this is soooo unfair, she doesn't have a coat Or a leash on. sheeezzz

She is adorable Addy, just adorable, they both are.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-26-2012, 09:22 PM
How funny, Addy! Sounds like she REALLY had to go and thought it was all a perfectly logical thing to do. You were already out there after all!

Congrats on the printer deal and NOT waiting in line is an added bonus! :)

11-27-2012, 05:20 AM
How funny is that Addy to hear click, click behind you and here comes Zoe. Surprise Mom, I came out by myself. I am so glad you are not having any bad problems at this time and had a good Thanksgiving. Any time our furbabies are doing okay is a good day. Lets hope it continues. I know about the no hair, my CoCo is looking pretty bad and I am always looking for something to help him, but he does not seem to know his hair is thin and tears up any t-shirt or anything we try to put on him. You are such a good furbaby Mama and take such good care of the babies. Have a good week. Love, JoAnne

12-03-2012, 02:04 AM
DEar Addy
JUst dropped by to see how things are. Zoe is a trooper, fighting with all her might,pride and love for you.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

12-03-2012, 08:35 AM
Thank you all. LoL, I think Zoe is like my little Tinkerbell cat. Her vet said she lived so long because she was so mean and fiesty..... we always said Zoe did things that reminded us of our beloved cat and that she was Tinker reincarnated and come back to us as a dog:)

Since we really dont know how old Zoe really is we just take it one day at a time now. I always said when we adopted her she was five going on nine because that is how old she seemed to me but maybe that was because she was sick with Cushings.

Yesterday was the first time we left the pups for 4 hours since that day in July when we came home to find Zoe in the kitchen not able to open her eyes. We went to visit our granddaughter's college in Illinois. Of course I worried the entire time we were gone but it still did us both good to get out. The closer we got to home the more apprehensive I got. We found Zoe fast asleep on her blankie, she was just fine.:):)

My point in relating the story is for all of you struggling with anticipatory grief and going to work and coming right back home, afraid to leave them. It is a rut we all get into and it is not healthy. Force yourselves to go out and get away even for an hour to start, even if you feel you did not enjoy it the first time because you worried. We have to do these things because it helps us be strong and happy for our pups. They are affected by how we feel.

I know first hand how hard it is so start with baby steps. Otherwise I will have to deem myself the "going out police" and stop by all your threads to remind you, "did you go out today?":D:D;)

12-03-2012, 12:50 PM
Hi Addy, such good advice that is. I am glad you had nice day out, Zoe is super cute!! Trish xx

marie adams
12-04-2012, 12:49 PM
Good Morning Sister Addy,

Happy belated Thanksgiving!!!

That Miss Zoe is a wonderful little sole!!! I love being amazed just when you think there isn't any amazement left!! :):) I am so happy!!!!

Your advise is good to still get out and trust what will be will be....!

I am so sorry for abandoning you--Miss Ella had a house guest the week of Thanksgiving and they are both high energy dogs!!! (He has Cattle dog and shepherd in him):eek::eek: The hubby was home for 2 WHOLE WEEKS :eek::eek:; and I just couldn't make the time to get to the computer without him having to use it.

After Kenya left Miss Ella decided she was going to have the runs again; and I thought things were getting better. So took her to the vet last Friday and he feels it is colitis (I thought it might be also)--now we have medicine to fix this. Then the stool stamp came back with she also has giardia--medicine for that too!! :eek: So we have to change food again to kangaroo or rabbit--I choose kangaroo with rabbit treats. Will this never stop......

How great you got to visit the college your granddaughter will be attending. At least it isn't on the the other side of the country and you can go visit easily.

Happy Tuesday!!! ((((HUGS))))

12-06-2012, 10:42 PM
After all the sadness on the forum the last few weeks, I was afraid to put up Zoe's tree, afraid I would jinx her somehow. It will be the third year for her tree.

But after reading the news of Lulu and no cancer I went for it and Zoe's tree is up covered with her beautiful birds. Hubby added some cute squirrels, a deer a raccoon, a fox and a skunk. Too bad they did not have a coyote in that woodsy ornament collection. We would have had all of Knollwood's critters on the tree.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I am a single mom for the weekend while hubby visits family in NYC.

Zoe was wrestling with Koko earlier:rolleyes: I am always afraid now that he will accidently poke her in the eye and hurt her:eek:
She always starts it too. Go figure. Her good days are such keepers

Signing off for awhile. Love ya all

molly muffin
12-06-2012, 11:06 PM
Laters Addy. I think it was good to put up Zoe's tree. Every year is special with them. We are just the ones who Know that. :) Enjoy!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-06-2012, 11:31 PM
good night..and just wanna say thanks for keeping me focused...sweet dreams....

Boriss McCall
12-07-2012, 10:34 AM
Yay! Zoe's tree is shining.. :D

12-07-2012, 01:03 PM
Awww Addy,

So glad you got into the spirit, and put up the Zoe's tree this year. It's such an adorable tree, and please take some pics of the babies around the tree, for us to see. Can't wait!

Happy "single" weekend with the babies, poor you, I'm sure you will be so heartbroken having the entire house to yourselves.....haaaaaaaa....:D

Tight hugs and love always,

Jeanette and the Princess

12-07-2012, 02:17 PM
Yup, heartbroken is the word. My car is parked in the middle of the garage, the puppies have been following me everwhere, Zoe finally passed out for nap time, I have solid gold oldies blasting on the cable music station since 9am dancing with the dogs, singing along and have my whole house cleaned, wash done, the rest of the weekend is MINE:):):):):):)

Think Im going to the movies for good chick flick:D:D:D

Love you hubby, have fun in NYC:p:p:D:D:D:cool::cool:

molly muffin
12-07-2012, 07:25 PM
Sounds like a winner of a weekend to me. :)
Have fun Addy


Bailey's Mom
12-08-2012, 01:02 AM
Ahhhhhhh for those single weekends! You made me smile with the comments about music and dancing. How GREAT that you got the chores out of the way and now you can truly enjoy your "me" time!

12-08-2012, 01:50 AM
Yay party at Addy's!!! Wouldn't that be fun :D

12-08-2012, 03:09 AM
Love it. Party hardy, how about we all go to the same movie, take over the place and bring our furballs with us. And the angel furballs fly overhead to enjoy the movie with us. What a crowded theater that would be. Lots of fun, treats, and some good food and the Vienna ice caffe with whip cream.:p
Can't hurt to dream.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

12-13-2012, 04:21 AM
Hope you got the place cleared up before the hubby came back!! Hope all going well with you lot!
Trish and Flynn xx

12-13-2012, 11:22 AM
It was a weird weekend. Zoe would not settle Friday night. I think she was confused about where hubby was, she was up most of the night. I finally knocked her out at midnight with a melatonin. She slept for a few hours. She had been in such a good mood all day, wanting to play with KoKo, no nap, just being a dog. I left them in the kitchen Saturday while I ran some errands. She has been having trouble walking on our hardwood floors, I have quilts down in the kitchen but they don’t cover the whole floor. Long story short, I came home and she had pooed and slipped and fell and was splayed out on the hardwood, could not get up, her back legs, numb and she had fallenl on some of her poo. She never poos in the house. She was exhausted from the whole ordeal and Zoe just wanted to sleep and I did not leave the house for the rest of the weekend.
So we are out trying to find washable rugs that are bigger in size and meanwhile Zoe has been fine, only problem is now every time hubby tries to put Zoe and KoKo in the kitchen , Zoe tries playing with Koko and won’t stop going after him. We are so afraid she will slip and fall again. Hubby has been late for work every day this week, waiting for her to stop wanting to wrestle with Koko. I don’t know what has gotten in to her, she is just happy now and wanting to play but her back legs are weak especially on the hardwood floors. I am really worried she won’t be able to walk in the snow and ice. We had to stop our night time walk because it is just too dark to walk in the street by the time I get home from work and she is not getting enough exercise to help with the muscle wasting. But no chewing on her paws AT ALL, which is another weird thing since we are having the same December as last year??????????
So my single weekend met some bumps in the road!!! Hopefully we will get it figured out. Any suggestions are welcome!!!!!!!!

12-13-2012, 02:49 PM
Oh nooo Addy, how awful for sweet Zoe.

I'm feeling you all the way up north honey. Princess recently slipped on the driveway while fetching with my little one, and is limping and can't use the stairs. She doesn't do well on the hardwood/tiled floors either, so Ive had to rearranged her feeding bowls to carpetted area, etc. Been giving her Rimadyl, which completely frightens me, but I don't have another choice right now then to get her stable. Is Zoe walking with a limp as well, what about stairs? She's a much smaller dog, so maybe stairs are not a problem for her, but for my big sweet horsie, different story. She's not licking you said, which is a good sign I have heard. Princess is licking her leg, so guessing in pain. Are you giving her any pain meds, tramadol, or anti inflammatory? Always something sweet Addy. I'm sorry for Zoe's injury and hope its nothing serious, as I wish the same for my girl.

Hang in there and let us know how she gets on please.

Love you and the Zoe lots.

xo Jeanette

12-13-2012, 03:08 PM
Awww poor Zoe, she was probably really embarrassed about the poo too. Love how she is so keen on playing and wrestling though, she got the spirit there for sure!! Flynn gets skittery on the tiles in my kitchen and bathroom, plus wooden floors and even lino!! I wonder if she just slipped then to scared too get back up if she felt like she couldn't get a good grip so just waited for Mom to rescue her especially if she was a bit sore... poor wee girl, hopefully just a one off though. Sounds like she has recovered well with her wrestling a favourite hobby! :D

12-14-2012, 08:34 PM

I'm so sorry to hear Zoe had a tough weekend. I totally know your worry, especially with the winter weather. I don't have any great suggestions for you, but someone said you can buy fake grass somewhere-like turf or something. For now I basically have to create a "new" area every few days so it doesn't get too smashed down and frozen. It isn't fun. I hope she will be feeling better soon. I'll check in on you tomorrow.

Julie & Hannah

Bailey's Mom
12-15-2012, 05:45 PM
Hi Addy-I'm sorry to hear of Zoe's unfortunate experience. I think she was embarrassed, as well.

How big of a floor area are you talking about?
Do you have Bed, Bath & Beyond near you? They have these nice rugs-they come in semicircular and rectangular shapes. Of course put two together and you have a circle!!;) They have a backing which makes them pretty much stick where you put them. They are machine washable and not very expensive. If you go to the area where they have kitchen & bath rugs, you'll find them. Sometimes their stock gets low, so once I see a design I like, I usually pick up 4 or 5.......so I have backups for when they get nasty looking..........which takes forever.

I'm having a heck of a time with my computer and its USB ports. They work sometimes and sometimes they don't. It's tough because it requires me getting down on the floor (on my knees) to test this connection and that connection. It's making me nervous thinking the whole computer may be ready to go on a vacation......not at my convenience! :eek::eek::mad::mad:

I've started wrapping. I think the shopping is all done. I should have a week that's pretty calm and that's never happened before the week before Christmas!

Bailey says "woof, woof!!!"


12-15-2012, 06:25 PM
Addy your story was deja vu for me from a year ago. My vet told me to put rugs down every where... I bought inexpensive washable runners for long areas and then smaller rugs for the rest. I had up to 30 rugs down between my kitchen and the patio room where Annie spent the days while I was at work. Better safe than sorry. If you were closer I'd let you use them! I have bags of them in the basement.

I too was worried about the ice and snow but it was a mild winter and I lucked out. Hopefully global warming will give you a retrieve as well. Sending love,Kim

12-15-2012, 10:32 PM
Thanks guys, I'll try Bed Bath and Beyond and JC Penny's. I am so far behind in my holiday stuff I cant even think about it.:eek::eek::eek:
I have never been this late.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Kim, I thought of you and all your rugs. Do you think I could fit a 4 x6 in a washer? I have all my good quilts on the floor in the kitchen, even my prized Martha Stewart yellow reversible quilt that I waited 2 years to buy:eek::eek: Dang, what I dont give to that dog;):o:rolleyes:

Love you all, sorry I am awol.

12-15-2012, 10:38 PM
My vet told me to only use the rugs with rubber backing. I cheated and used some that didn't have it for a while but as time went on I had to invest in them.. so the blankets may work now but she can still slide or trip. I think the largest my washer will hold is a 3 x 4. I can put more than one in a load but anything larger than that - depends on the thickness of the rug.

I seriously bought really thin , but with rubber backing tan ugly runners and had them everywhere. :D Annie did run right along on them though. Save your hard earned blanket and buy some ugly cheap rugs like i did. Hugs friend, Kim

12-16-2012, 06:58 AM
Addy, I also have to put down rubber-backed runners and rugs on my hardwood to keep the girls from sliding, and I've had the best luck finding them at Home Depot, Lowe's, Target, and Walmart. It's been surprising to me, but the hardware stores have often actually had the better selection at lower prices.
