View Full Version : My dog Cobre'

05-07-2010, 10:26 AM
I had a dog past away about 1 1/2 years ago, now I think her sister (litter mate) has cushings. I will be getting her tested next week. Does anyone know if it is common to have cushings run in the same litters?


05-07-2010, 10:56 AM
John, Cushing's really doesn't run in the same litter, but it's not impossible that 2 pups from the same litter may develop it. There are breeds that are more prone to develop it including Poodles, Yorkies, Boston terriers, Beagles, & Boxers.

Can you tell us what symptoms led you to take Cobre to the vet? Did Cobre have any general labwork done? We would be interested in seeing the actual results of any abnormal values including normal ranges & reporting units? Do you know what test is being done next week? When you get the results, make sure you get a copy from your vet so you can post the results for us? Sorry for all the questions, but we do ask for a lot of information from new members. The more information you can provide us just helps us to provide the most appropriate feedback from the group's collective experience.

One last, but very important thing, please check your e-mail for a confirmation letter that you must return, so one of the admins can approve your membership. If you don't find it, please check your spam folder. Until your membership is approved, you will see a delay in your posts appearing until they can be ok'd by one of the forum staff.

We are looking forward to hearing more about Cobre, & we are here to help in any way we can.


05-07-2010, 11:33 AM
I had a Senior Diagnosis blood work done, above normal Alk Phosphatase (liver) and kidney. I getting more blood work for cushing and liver on Tuesday. I know all the signs of cushings, Cobre doesn't seem to have them, but now I think I see the signs because of her brother (Tobak)
die from cushings


05-07-2010, 11:37 AM
I do I post Cobre's pic on my profile. Cobre is a shiba Inu. I also confirmed my membership.


05-07-2010, 11:58 AM
Hi John,

Welcome from me, too! Your membership has now been fully approved, so you should be able to go ahead now and add Cobre's picture to your profile page, and also as your avatar. Here's a link to our FAQs menu that can help answer your questions as to how to upload photos:


I'll be looking forward to seeing Cobre's picture!

05-07-2010, 04:59 PM
I have some numbers that were high on Cobre's labwork:
Alk Phosphatase 45
BUN 34
Triglyceride 304
Monocytes 1088