View Full Version : Bear's going in for surgery
Harley PoMMom
05-01-2010, 09:17 PM
Hi Everyone,
Bear, my 10 y/o black Pomeranian is going in Monday (5/3) to have surgery. It was shown on an ultrasound that he has stones in his bladder that have to be removed. Please keep Bear in your thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.
Thanks so very much.
Love and hugs,
Lori and Harley
05-01-2010, 09:29 PM
Big bear hugs and prayers sent your way. Haley had that surgery and she recovered very quickly. I know it is scary though. You and your entire clan will be in our thoughts. Kim
05-01-2010, 09:46 PM
Hi Lori,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Bear. Corky and I are both hoping that everything goes well, and that Bear has a very speedy recovery.
Take care my dear friend.
Lots of special hugs to all of you.
05-01-2010, 10:04 PM
Positive thoughts and prayers for you and Bear from me.
05-01-2010, 10:11 PM
Bear will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. Chances for a positive outcome are way, way, way in his favor.
Casey's Mom
05-01-2010, 11:19 PM
Best wishes from us to you little Bear. Love and hugs to you dear Lori, try not to worry and we are keeping fingers and paws crossed for you.
05-02-2010, 03:38 AM
Hi Lori,
Sending my best wishes for Bear and hoping for a speedy recovery.
Linda and Spicey
05-02-2010, 04:48 AM
Wishing for a successful surgery and a quick recovery for Bear.
05-02-2010, 09:10 AM
Hi Lori,
Jenny said it best....will be thinking of you and waiting to hear an update on Bear....
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
05-02-2010, 09:58 AM
Lori, you've got all the fingers and paws crossed at my house, too! Please update us as soon as you are able tomorrow.
Big hugs to you and little Bear,
05-02-2010, 11:12 AM
Yikes - I almost missed your post. Sometimes the board does funky things .. msg I looked at show up as new and new ones don't show as unread ..
Anyhow - good luck with the surgery - I am sure all will go well.
A few years ago I picked up a ShiTzu boy and a Peke girl from the pound within the same month - both peeing buddles of blood and being in pain.
They both recuperated so quickly - within a day they looked and felt better already.
Keeping you and your Bear in my thoughts.
Harley PoMMom
05-02-2010, 11:16 AM
Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and various body parts being crossed :) for my boy. Bear has a slight heart murmur and a collapsed trachea so I am bit worried but Dr Owings has assured me that she will take the best care of him, she is doing the surgery, she is also Harley's vet and I do trust her. She promised to call me as soon as the surgery is done and I will post an update with good news...I pray! ;):)
Love you all,
Lori, Harley and Bear.
Photo of Bear:
05-02-2010, 11:20 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...what an absolute love-bug!
More big hugs being sent Bear's way...:o :o :o :o
Roxee's Dad
05-02-2010, 12:18 PM
Hi Lori,
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. All fingers and paws crossed here.
Our Bailey had this surgery about 10 years ago, removed some 30+ stones. He came through it okay for an old guy. (he was one of my rescue's so don't know his history)
Are they doing anything special for the trachea? I'm wondering because Rozee has trachea damage and will be going in for a dental soon but I have an appoint with the vet to discuss on Tuesday.
Harley PoMMom
05-02-2010, 12:51 PM
Bear's trachea is not completely collapsed but he definitely has some minor difficulties...he has not worn a collar around his neck since this dx. When he gets really, really excited he starts to cough...sounds like a goose...poor Bear. Dr Owings just assured me that she would take extra special care of him bc of his slight heart murmur and trachea problem.
When I talk to her I'll ask specifically what she is doing for his trach. Much love, good thoughts and prayers being sent your way for Rozee...they do keep us on our toes. :eek::p:)
Love and hugs,
05-02-2010, 01:27 PM
Will keep you and Bear in my thoughts and prayers -- looking forward to your post-surgery update!
05-02-2010, 01:29 PM
Oh Lori,
I'm wishing and praying Bear's surgery will go smoothly tomorrow. Thinking of you and looking forward to Bear's quick recovery. We love you dearly. xo Jeanette and Princess ps: licks for Harley as well.
05-02-2010, 09:38 PM
kind thoughts from ebonie and myself..will be thinking of you and your companion ...cath of west / australia
05-02-2010, 09:59 PM
More warm thoughts and best wishes from Kim, Haley and Annie
05-03-2010, 07:09 AM
Oh Lori,
Somehow I missed this too. My double prayers for your sweetie pie and everything is crossed here. Bear's photo is so adorable, thank you for posting this.
Squirt's Mom
05-03-2010, 11:33 AM
With you and Bear, too, Lori!
Love and hugs,
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
05-03-2010, 01:11 PM
Bear's cystotomy went well, Dr Owings retrieved 2 stones from his bladder. She sent one out to be analyzed and gave the other one to me for safe-keeping...sometimes things do get lost in the mail. :eek: She said it could take up to 3-4 weeks to get the report.
While he was under, with my approval, she did a dental cleaning on him and said his teeth looked very good. :D
John, I asked her if she did do anything specific or special for Bear bc of his trachea and she said no, just monitored him very, very close.
Bear is sleeping on the couch...he had a shot of morphine and is resting very peacefully with no hacking, coughing or goose honking.
Thank you all, my very dear friends for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers, and keeping all the various body parts crossed, for without all of you I do not know what I would do...God Bless you all.
With much love and hugs,
Lori, Harley and Bear.
Roxee's Dad
05-03-2010, 03:05 PM
Hi Lori,
So happy that all went well, we know there is always a risk and I am sure you feel so much better. I'm sure Bear will feel better too.
05-03-2010, 05:46 PM
I also missed it Lori, very sorry.
Glad it went well.
Hugs and prayers.
05-03-2010, 05:56 PM
Way to go Bear!!! Big Bear hugs to you and mom! Kim
05-03-2010, 06:22 PM
Great news! You must be so relieved.:D
05-03-2010, 07:08 PM
Glad to hear Bear's surgery went well today and that he is back home, in his comfy surroundings. Sue
Squirt's Mom
05-03-2010, 11:39 PM
Hi Lori,
So glad to hear that Bear is home and resting peacefully. And mom got a souvenir! :p
Keeping you close in my thought,
Leslie and the girls - always
05-04-2010, 08:21 AM
What awesome news Lori! I just love the feeling of having them home again after being under anaesthetic....back under MY care. :p
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
05-04-2010, 09:57 AM
Lori, I'm so glad to hear that all went well yesterday. And I'll be hoping that Bear will be feeling even much better today. :)
05-04-2010, 11:21 AM
Lori -
I'm so glad that Bear did so well, and home :)
Hopefully, feeling even better today?
Lynne, Clyde & Bailey
05-04-2010, 06:49 PM
Lori, so glad to hear Bear's surgery is over, and is home relaxing, as it should be. I'm sure he is being taken care of extra specially, as it should be. Sending him lots of wet licks from the Princess and some tight hugs for you too. You know, you are always here encouraging others, including myself, and telling us what great mommies we are, but has anyone told you lately, SO ARE YOU? Yes you are. That Harley and Bear do know the true meaning of life and love because of you. You are an inspiration to all of us here. xo Luv ya bunches. Jeanette
05-05-2010, 02:42 AM
Hi Lori,
So pleased to hear that Bear's surgery went well and he is back home recovering.
Linda and Spicey
05-06-2010, 02:10 PM
How is Bear doing today? Thinking of him...xo Jeanette
Casey's Mom
05-06-2010, 10:19 PM
So glad for you and Bear that everything went well. Do you have pictures of Bear on your profile page? I am going to look now,
Love and best of hugs from me,
Roxee's Dad
05-06-2010, 10:46 PM
How is Bear doing these days? Inquiring and caring minds want to know.
Harley PoMMom
05-07-2010, 04:47 PM
Thanks so much for asking!
Bear is back to his ole self! The incision looks great, he's eating and drinking normally and lifting his leg to pee on EVERYTHING outside. ;):D
During the day when I'm at work he sleeps under my bed, why, I don't know. But at night he wants on the bed with me or at least he wants to start the night with me bc during the night he gets down and scurries underneath the bed again. So I had to gather about 8 king-size pillows and lay them on the floor beside the bed, stack them like steps, so when he would jump down during the night he would have a soft landing. I have the actual "pet steps" for the bed but he will not use little Bear!
Thank you all again for keeping Bear in your thoughts and prayers, they worked!!!
Love and hugs,
Lori, Harley and Bear.
05-07-2010, 05:05 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D: :D
Pillows make better steps anyway.....:D
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
05-08-2010, 08:56 AM
Hi Lori,
I'm so happy that Bear got through his surgery with flying colours and is feeling better :D Fingers and paws crossed that he continues to improve quickly
So I had to gather about 8 king-size pillows and lay them on the floor beside the bed, stack them like steps, so when he would jump down during the night he would have a soft landing. I have the actual "pet steps" for the bed but he will not use little Bear!
Love and hugs,
Lori, Harley and Bear.
So cute :), Franklin doesn't trust those pet steps either. Please give both Bear and Harley some cuddles from us here. And I completely agree with Jeanette's comment, you are a wonderful mum to your babies.
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
05-09-2010, 07:12 AM
I am so very glad to hear Bear is one on the mend just fine. What a sweetie pie. They do the oddest things...I love the stacked pillows. I think I would like them better than steps too:D
05-29-2010, 10:11 PM
Atta boy, Bear!!
I use the pillows for Chloe, too.
Harley PoMMom
12-07-2011, 04:34 PM
I took Bear to the vets yesterday, it seems a growth has suddenly appeared on his front leg on the side of his elbow.
His vet did a needle aspiration and under the scope she identified spindle cells. She has sent the sample to a pathologist to try to determine the type of tumor Bear has, a diagnosis should be back Friday.
The tumor does not seem to be bothering him one bit but I am giving him a small dose of tramadol just in-case it is painful and he is not showing any signs.
From what I am reading spindle cell tumors are very bad and I am asking you all to keep my sweet boy in your thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
Bear and Lori
12-07-2011, 05:05 PM
Oh Lori, I am so sorry about Bear's tumor, and I will be keeping everything crossed in hopes that the pathology report comes back with something that can be easily managed. I know how hard it is to wait for these results. You both have my thoughts and prayers winging their way to you even as I type.
Squirt's Mom
12-07-2011, 05:34 PM
Dear Lori,
Sending prayers, healing white light, and positive thoughts your way. I know Bear is in the best possible hands.
Many hugs,
12-07-2011, 05:53 PM
Dearest Lori,
You can count on me for plenty of prayers and positive thoughts for your precious Bear.
((((Huge Hugs)))
12-07-2011, 06:52 PM
I am very sorry Lori and know I am keeping both of you in my thoughts.
This will be just fine, Lori, we are sending a tidal wave of prayers to heaven, God cannot ignore that many.
Bear will be just fine, sweatheart, the most positive vibes coming at you from my house.
love and hugs (((((((BIG HUGS)))))))
((((MORE BIG HUGS)))))))
((((((smooches for Bear)))))))
12-07-2011, 07:50 PM
Of course you and your precious Bear will be in our prayers for as long as it takes. We are here by your side pulling for both of you.
For now Im sending you all our love and friendship and some very tight hugs, as always.
XO Jeanette and Princess
12-07-2011, 09:03 PM
Dear Lori,
Loads of prayers and white light from our house to yours. I have no doubt that Bear will be okay with the strength of all of us behind him and the wonderful Mom he has. The great thing is that you had it looked at right away. You are in our thoughts and we will be waiting anxiously to hear any news.
Carrol & Chloe
12-07-2011, 09:24 PM
Dear Lori - of course the cush angels will be out in full force with you and Bear. Sending tons of love and positive vibes your way. xoxo Kim and Annie
12-07-2011, 09:52 PM
Thoughts and prayers coming from across the way.
Casey's Mom
12-07-2011, 10:51 PM
Dear Lori, prayers and healing white light coming from me and my pups. Best of all wishes for Bear.
Love and many hugs,
12-07-2011, 11:19 PM
Lori - I will be saying special prayers for Bear - sending you tons of love support strength and hugssssssss xoxoxo
12-08-2011, 12:01 AM
You know this old timer is going to be sending mega prayers your way, even though everything will be just fine. :o)
Lots of hugs,
Heidi and the gang
Kisses for BEAR!!!
12-08-2011, 03:46 AM
Thinking of you and Bear and sending best wishes.
Jenny & Judi in MN
12-08-2011, 08:38 AM
Hope everything goes smoothly for Bear. Judi
12-08-2011, 08:44 AM
Thinking of you and Bear,
Squirt's Mom
12-09-2011, 10:16 AM
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know what the vet says when you can.
Many, many hugs,
12-09-2011, 11:31 AM
Me too!!!!
Hi Lori,
Kisses and hugs to you and Bear
12-09-2011, 01:38 PM
Lots of love and wishes for good news.
Carrol & Chloe
Roxee's Dad
12-11-2011, 11:23 AM
Dear Lori,
I am also keeping you and Bear in my thoughts and prayers for the best possible outcome.
Give Bear a belly rub from me.
Harley PoMMom
12-12-2011, 01:53 PM
Thanks so much for all of the caring words and moral support as they are both very much appreciated.
Bear's surgery is scheduled for 12/19, hopefully his vet will be able to get all of the tumor with clean margins. Our next step will be determined by the diagnosis from the pathologist.
Please keep sweet Bear in your thoughts and prayers...Thanks!
Love and hugs,
Bear and Lori
12-12-2011, 06:29 PM
Wishing Bear a speedy and complete recovery!!
12-12-2011, 09:22 PM
Bear will definitely be in our thoughts and prayers. BTW, what what an auspicious day to have his surgery. If all goes well, our Joshua will arrive at LAX on Dec. 19 at 12 noon after flying MEDEVAC in Iraq for 6 months. It will be a good day for Bear and Josh and all of us ! :)
Loads of love,
12-12-2011, 09:31 PM
Lori Bear is still in my prayers - he will do fine:) xo
Carol was a great present!!!!! Having Joshua come home:D:D:D:D xo
Sending love and hugs. I will hold your hand and wait with you until december 19th. Then we will all go with you for Bear's surgery:) Now that waiting room might get a little crowded, but I think your Cush family will all fit thought a bit snuggly;);)
Prayers and sending love and strength.
12-19-2011, 02:16 PM
Dearest Lori,
I am sure you are having a very emotional day today with your Bear and are spending every possible moment right by his side.
If and when you feel up to it, please let us know how your boy made out.
Get well real soon little Bear. We are sending you and mom lots of hugs and licks.
Xo Jeanette and cousin Princess
12-19-2011, 02:17 PM
Ps: well I meant hugs for mom and licks for Bear and mom from Princess--lol... :)
12-19-2011, 02:48 PM
Dear Lori,
I know that today will be as positive for you and Bear as it is for us - Joshua lands at LAX in 15 minutes after 6 months in Iraq!
All our thoughts and prayers are now focused on Bear. We will be waiting anxiously to hear....
Love Carrol & Chloe
Harley PoMMom
12-19-2011, 03:33 PM
Thank you all for the encouraging words and moral support as they are very much appreciated and needed.
Bear's vet did a chest x-ray before surgery and unfortunately something was found in his lung, more than likely a mass, so surgery to remove the lump on his leg was postponed. Tomorrow Bear has an appt. with an IMS in Maryland for an ultrasound to be done of his lungs and hopefully after that we will know more.
His vet did manage to get a better biopsy from the lump on his leg and has sent it the pathologist, we expedited the report.
Love and hugs,
12-19-2011, 09:49 PM
Sending love and prayers. YOu know we are with you and Bear in spirit and are here to give you strength and anything else you need. Take care friend and get a good night's rest. Hugs to both you and Bear. KIm
12-20-2011, 01:01 AM
Lori -- thinking of you and Bear is in my prayers -- right there with you!!!!! Sending lots of strength support love and hugssssss xoxoxo
12-20-2011, 12:18 PM
Thinking of you and Bear, Lori. You know we are sending all our love and white light energy to you. Please keep us posted.
Dear Lori,
I am sending love and support for you and Bear. I hope everything turns out well. I will continue to think positively.
love and hugs,
Harley PoMMom
12-20-2011, 05:33 PM
Thank you all for the caring words and support, so very appreciated!
The IMS does not think that there is a mass in his lung, he suspects that Bear's lung had collapsed when the x-ray was taken but the only way to be 100% sure that it is not a mass is to do a CT scan.
We decided not to do a CT scan because of his lung issue, we are trying a broncular medicine to help him breathe easier. We will do another set of x-rays of his lungs, probably next week, and then hopefully that lump on his leg can come off.
Dr Petrus (IMS) will confer with Bear's GP vet, Dr Owings, and then depending on the outcome of Bear's pathology results, our next step will be decided.
Whew!! So happy no mass was seen in his lungs, spleen, and no bladder stones were present either!!
Love and hugs,
Lori and Bear
12-20-2011, 05:49 PM
Been checking all day for any update, and although I know you still have the lump to contend with, todays results is certainly a reason to let out a big sigh of relief, ahhhhhhhh! One day at a time with all this huh?
We will continue to remain positive in the days to come leading up to his surgery and after for some more wonderful news.
Hope you are home relaxing and enjoying each other, if Alex the kitty
We luv ya...xo Jeanette and my sweet girl
Jenny & Judi in MN
12-20-2011, 06:04 PM
another dog with good news! whew. I hope the meds do the trick! yay
Squirt's Mom
12-20-2011, 06:08 PM
Oh my word, Lori! What a roller coaster! I am so glad Bear doesn't have a mass after all! ~~whew~~ :D:D:D
Many hugs,
12-20-2011, 06:20 PM
Hi Lori,
If I'm this relieved to hear Bear doesn't have a mass, I can only imagine the huge weight that's been lifted from your shoulders. I say drink the whole bottle of wine tonight. :D
My Jasper is on a broncodilator. The vet started him on Aminophylline but it made him quit eating. We switched to Theophylline and while decreased or no appetite is also a side effect in this drug, he seemed to tolerate it much better. Go figure. Just wanted to give you a heads up in case Bear stops eating. If Bear is on either of these, make sure you give him the pill an hour before food or two hours after. I discovered that little tidbit recently and I could kick myself for not doing adequate research. Vets are famous for not counseling clients on how to administer a drug and what side effects to look for so shame on me for losing sight of that.
Harley PoMMom
12-20-2011, 06:28 PM
The room that we were in had animal prints on the wall by Ron Burns. On his prints he has the name of the dog/cat. One of prints was of a cat and the cat's name was....Squirt! It was comforting to me to see that name, Squirt, and it reminded me that my cush angels were there. :)
Here is an link to the print:
12-20-2011, 07:11 PM
Lori I thought of you the whole way driving home and was so hoping you too had great news. Whew. Drinks for everyone! Hugs! Kim
Squirt's Mom
12-21-2011, 10:29 AM sweet that the two Squirt's could help you feel a tab bit better! Thanks for sharing!
12-24-2011, 02:15 PM
Lori - Hope all is going well - so glad it was not a mass -
Merry Christmas to you your family and Bear! xoxo
12-29-2011, 08:03 AM
Hi Lori,
Just checking in on you and your Bear...When did you say he goes back for more testing?
If we don't talk before New Year's, I certainly am wishing both of you a healthier and better new year.
With much love always and tight hugs.
xo Jeanette and Princess
Harley PoMMom
12-29-2011, 08:55 AM
Hi Jeanette,
Thanks so much for checking in on us! Bear is scheduled next week for another lung x-ray. On Jan. 9th, I meet with a board certified surgeon in Maryland for a consultation and to discuss Bear's surgery. I am hoping that after the consultation is complete that the surgeon, Dr Anders, will perform the surgery on that lump the next day.
Please keep sweet Bear in your thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
Hi Lori,
Continuing to say extra prayers for your sweet Bear.
Hugs and love,
marie adams
12-29-2011, 11:59 AM
Hi Lori,
Prayers and hugs!!!!
01-04-2012, 02:23 PM
Hi Lori,
A quick hello my friend to check on your Bear and you...Did he have his lung xray yet?
Please let us know, we worry about your boy and you and wish this would be over soonest.
Love ya...xo Jeanette and Princess
Harley PoMMom
01-04-2012, 03:07 PM
Hi Jeanette!
Yes, Bear did have his lungs x-rayed yesterday and everything is good!!! Both of his lungs were inflated and looked/sounded as they should.
Thanks so much for asking, my dear friend.
Love and hugs,
01-04-2012, 05:26 PM
That's just wonderful to hear Lori. So glad I asked.
Keeping the faith for you and your boy always.
Luv ya, xo Jeanette
Checking in for news and read about the xray!!!!!
Way to go Bear.
Hugs and love,
Squirt's Mom
01-05-2012, 09:08 AM
Oh, Lori,
I am so relieved to hear about Bear's lungs! ~~whew~~ I got chills when I read you post that they were clear so I can only imagine how you must have felt.
What a wonderful way to start the day - good news about Bear! YAY!!!
Harley PoMMom
01-09-2012, 02:50 PM
Took Bear for the consultation with the surgeon. The surgeon, Dr. Anders, wanted the cardiologist to evaluate Bear's heart because of the heart murmur.
Although Bear does have some mild heart disease, the cardiologist did ok his surgery.
Dr. Anders and I decided to go with an amputation of his leg, which will be done tom. I agonized with all the options that the surgeon had given me. If we were to go with the surgery and radiation, I did not think Bear's heart, lungs, or his collapsed trachea would handle the frequent anesthesia that radiation would require. The other option was to have aggressive surgery on the lump, meaning clean margins, which would more than likely leave his leg useless and if it did not heal correctly an amputation would be required.
Please keep sweet Bear in your thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
Bear and Lori
01-09-2012, 03:22 PM
Oh Lori, I can imagine how difficult a decision this was to make. But I do think it is the wisest course. At any rate, I think it is what I would have decided, too :o.
I will be holding you both in my heart tomorrow, and anxiously awaiting word.
Giant hugs to you, and gentle healing hugs to little Bear ~
01-09-2012, 03:36 PM
You know in your heart what is right for Bear - I know how hard this is for you
I will be checking in to hear from you - I know waiting is the hardest part - I know all of us Cush Angels will be right there wtih you!
Sending you lots and lots of strength - support - love - hope - faith - prayers and huge hugsssssssssss xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Squirt's Mom
01-09-2012, 06:02 PM
Dear Lori,
What a terrible time you must have had making this decision. I can only imagine the number of times you wished you didn't have to. :(
FWIW, in your shoes, I would have made the same one. It seems to offer Bear the best chance at complete removal of the cancer and full recovery with minimal follow-up procedures.
Please let us know how things go as soon as you can...and you know we will be here the whole time if you need to talk. We will be surrounding you tomorrow in spirit.
Prayers and healing white light for all,
01-09-2012, 08:09 PM
Hi Lori,
FWIW, I would have made the same decision. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
01-09-2012, 09:28 PM
Lori, I'm sorry you had to make such a tough decision but am sure you are doing what is truly best for our Bear. I will be joining the other cush angels in flittering around you both tonight and all of tomorrow. Keep us posted. We love you. Kim
Squirt's Mom
01-10-2012, 08:35 AM
Wrapping you in my arms this morning, Lori. Sending prayers for the surgeons, nurses, you, your honey, and Bear.
01-10-2012, 08:42 AM
Just wanted you to know that you and Bear have been on my mind since the moment I awoke this morning. Praying that all goes well for Bear.
01-10-2012, 09:38 AM
Thinking of you both today...xoxo
01-10-2012, 09:42 AM
Sending you and your sweet Bear tons of loving thoughts, love and friendship during this time and beyond.
Don't forget the tight hugs too.
Love ya, xo Jeanette and Princess
I'm here to Lori.
Sending love and prayers.
Lady's mom
01-10-2012, 10:45 AM
I'm so sorry you're having to go through this, but I'm sure it's what's best for Bear. Keeping you in my thoughts today.
marie adams
01-10-2012, 01:34 PM
Dear Lori,
My prayers are with you and Bear. You made the right decision for Bear.
01-10-2012, 02:05 PM
Sending huge BEAR hugs to you both. :D xoxo Kim
Harley PoMMom
01-10-2012, 02:13 PM
Thank you all very much, my dear friends, for all the loving support. I just talked to Dr. Anders and he said that although Bear did have a coughing episode while coming out of the anesthesia, the surgery went well.
Bear will stay there tonight and probably tomorrow too and Dr. Anders will call me if any problems arise. He said I can come visit Bear tomorrow...can't wait to see my sweet boy.
Thank you all again, as your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated and have worked. :)
With much love and hugs,
Bear and Lori
01-10-2012, 02:22 PM
Awww poor, poor little Bear will miss his sweet mommy so much and mommy misses him too. All worth the wait. I can just visualize your reunion tomorrow:)
So glad you are both doing well...
xo J.
Squirt's Mom
01-10-2012, 02:31 PM
Hi Lori,
I am so glad to hear that the surgery is past and that all went well. I know you are relieved the first hurdle is behind ya'll.
Prayers for a swift and uneventful recovery, and healing white light continue your way, sweetie.
Jenny & Judi in MN
01-10-2012, 04:11 PM
I'm glad the surgery went well and am sorry it was needed. Dogs are so resilient though, I hope Bear is up and around soon. hugs, Judi
01-10-2012, 04:15 PM
Oh thank goodness to hear this news about the surgery!!!!!!!!!!
I surely hope you can get some rest tonight, Lori, even though you will be missing your little boy so much. Please give him a hug for us all tomorrow.
Love, Marianne
Roxee's Dad
01-10-2012, 05:19 PM
Very happy to hear the good news. Can't wait till he gets home.
01-10-2012, 05:20 PM
Sending healing thoughts to Bear.
Hope you can get some rest so that you are on full power when he gets home.
Can't wait to say "welcome home BEAR":):):)
Casey's Mom
01-11-2012, 07:00 AM
Glad the surgery went well Lori, come home soon little Bear :)
Harley PoMMom
01-11-2012, 10:26 AM
Dr Anders called me around midnight last night to inform me that the attending Dr had called him to let him know that Bear was having a difficult time, mainly with breathing.
Dr Anders wanted my permission to have Bear placed with the attending Dr (Dr Johnson) in ICU. Dr Johnson called me after I hung up with Dr Anders and told me Bear was doing much, much better but still would have to be in poor Bear. :(
Early this morning Dr Anders called me and said that Bear was resting fine and that they did have him out to potty and Bear was walking!!!!
We decided to hold off my visitation today because we do not want Bear to become upset when I would leave him there and have difficulty in breathing. They told me I could call at any time.
I miss my sweet boy and can not wait to see him...hopefully tomorrow when I bring him home.
Squirt's Mom
01-11-2012, 11:27 AM
Hi Lori,
Sorry to hear about Bear's difficult night but I am so glad someone was there to get him the help he needed and that he seems to be doing much better today.
I so hope he gets to come home tomorrow!
Sending all good things your way!
Oh Lori,
I hope Bear gets out of ICU soon. What a scary phone call to get at midnight. I would have been bawling before I even answered the phone:o:o Thank goodness he is better now.
All my love and hugs and prayers for Bear to come home to you all better.
01-11-2012, 02:33 PM
Continued hugs, prayers and strength sent to you and dear BEAR. GLad the docs were on top of things. Amazing he is walking already. That is a great sign. Hang in there and know we are with you. Kim
Squirt's Mom
01-12-2012, 09:16 AM
Mornin' Lori,
Sending you many hugs this morning with hopes that you can at the very least have a visit with sweet Bear today....but really hoping that he can come home to your loving arms.
Harley PoMMom
01-12-2012, 10:34 AM
I talked to the attending doctor 4 times yesterday and she said Bear was doing well.
This morning they called and said Bear was having a rough morning, apparently he spiked a fever because he is panting so hard which causes his breathing to be labored. They think the breathing episodes are due to stress from him being there and when he can not breathe properly he pants really hard which causes the fever.
They said as soon as his fever comes down and he is breathing alright I can come get him and bring him home.
They assured me that the panting/labored breathing is not due to pain and the fever is not because on an infection as I was worried about both of these.
Poor sweet Bear. :( Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Squirt's Mom
01-12-2012, 10:56 AM
Bless his little heart. :( So much laid on his plate all at once and he has to be without his mom for a few days to boot. :( I bet once he is in your arms once again and smells all his wonderful scents that mean home to him, he will bounce back very strong.
Continuing to hold you all...
01-12-2012, 11:24 AM
I hope Bear can come home with you soon
He will be so happy to be with mom
Praying for a quick and healthy recovery
love strenght support prayers and lots of hugssssssssss xoxoxo
marie adams
01-12-2012, 12:26 PM
Oh Lori,
The worry our little furballs can give us.:o Please take good care of yourself so you can give your all to Bear so he can get better and more comfortable faster!!! :)
Many (((((HUGS)))))!!!!
Roxee's Dad
01-12-2012, 12:33 PM
Dear Lori,
I can only imagine what you are going through right now... I am keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers and very close to my heart until he is home safe with you.
Oh Bear, poo bear, do you call him that?
I know he will be better home in your arms. I hope you can bring him home today or tonight.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs )))))))))))))))))))))))
01-12-2012, 02:33 PM
I knew as soon as I read your comments that what Bear needed is YOU. Without a doubt - get our cuddly one home and in your loving arms. He'll settle right down. Sending continued love, Kim
Harley PoMMom
01-12-2012, 03:04 PM
I don't know what I'd do without all of you! Your support means so much to me!
Sweet poo Bear is home!!! And yes, Addy, I do call him that! :)
He has pooped, drank some water and even ate a little bit for me. It sure feels wonderful to have him home as I have missed him terribly.
My sweet poo Bear!!!!
Squirt's Mom
01-12-2012, 03:12 PM
Oh, honey! I am sooooo glad to hear that Bear is home! :D Pet him and hug him and squeeze him and love him over and over and over...once for each of us! :D
Prayers, etc. continue...
Oh Happy Day:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Love him up for all of us.
zoe and koko too
01-13-2012, 01:12 PM
YAY!!!!! I'm so glad to hear that your precious Bear is back where he belongs. I know this has been a gut wrenching ordeal for you and I hope you know that you and Bear have been a constant presence in my mind and my prayers for you both have been abundant. I've been waiting anxiously with the rest of your k9c family for this great news and oh, what a wonderful way for all of us to start our weekend. Gil and I will be raising our glasses in your and Bear's honor tonight. I'll be sure to have an extra drink for both of you. :D
(((Huge Happy Hugs)))
01-13-2012, 01:14 PM
So happy you two are together!!!:)
Feel alittle better each day!!!!!
hugssssss xoxo
Squirt's Mom
01-13-2012, 01:24 PM
Hi Lori,
How are ya'll doing today? Seems like those first few days back at home after a major surgery are both so happy and so trying at the same time. I'm sure you have your hands full of things that must be done and your head full of thoughts...just know we are all with you.
01-13-2012, 01:30 PM
Healing thoughts are still coming from me, too!!!
Harley PoMMom
01-13-2012, 01:39 PM
We are doing really good, I am so surprised at how well adapted Bear has become without his leg...he is such a strong, sweet boy.
I have mastered how to pick him up without causing him discomfort and he has not had any breathing episodes. He does get a little anxious while walking so I don't let him walk around that much.
His appetite is a bit off but he is eating, drinking, and going potty. Alex the bad cat is being very nice towards him and while I thought Alex would be acting strange because of seeing Bear walking and looking different, Alex is not.
Thank you all for your continued support, prayers, and healing thoughts.
With much love and hugs,
Bear and Lori
Squirt's Mom
01-13-2012, 01:54 PM
My brother has a big dog, Moe, that we think is probably Swiss Mtn Dog or a X at the least. He is intact and very territorial, especially with males. I was very concerned about his reaction to Brick when I brought him home and knew I would have to stay on my toes.
But the facts have turned out to be quite different than my thoughts....
Moe has never shown the least little bit of aggression toward Brick...and Brick will dance around him barking his little head off! Moe just looks at him and usually takes off at a trot - with Brick right behind him. Brick loves Moe and wants to be with him. Against everything any of us have ever seen out of him, Moe tolerates Brick. He doesn't share Brick's desire to spend time together but he never treats Brick badly. I have come to believe that Moe realizes there is something different about Brick and treats him accordingly.
I think your bad kitty :D also knows something about Bear has changed and is giving him time. But once Bear is confident again - the games are ON! :p
01-13-2012, 02:20 PM
Lori so glad all is going well
Bear is a tropper for sure!!! and so is MOM!!!!:)
sending lots of love and hugsssss xoxoxoxoxo
01-14-2012, 09:44 AM
Hi friend,
So glad your Bear is home and recovering. Please give him some very tight hugs from me and take some for yourself.
We love ya both, and of course Alex the bad cat too!:D
xo Jeanette and my sweet girl
I think they know, even cats and dogs know when each of them are not up to speed. My friend had a blind cat. She watched Zoe for me some years ago and Zoe was so sweet and nice to the cat. They slept together every night because the cat liked Zoe's bed:D:D I am amazed that Zoe shared it with the cat but she did. She just knew it was the right thing to do. (Zoe is not good about sharing usually:rolleyes:)
So bad kitty is pretty darn smart and sweet, I think. And as Leslie says, just biding time:D:D:D:D:D
Love to you and Poo Bear:D
P.S. I watched your nasal wash video and when I saw all the water coming out of the lady, I FREAKED!!!!!:D:D:D
01-15-2012, 03:22 AM
So pleased to hear that Bear is recovering well. It amazes me how dogs adapt. Sending best wishes.
Harley PoMMom
01-18-2012, 07:40 PM
Bear is doing excellent! He can even navigate the step which leads to the garage where the back door is to go outside. I am just in amazement over my sweet boy, he is so strong.
I've uploaded some pics of him in an album but they're not very good.
Love and hugs,
Bear and Lori
01-18-2012, 09:01 PM
even though they are blurry you can still see it
Wow what a little tropper he is
You go Bear!:D:D
hugssss xoxo
Casey's Mom
01-18-2012, 09:07 PM
Awesome news Lori - he is a little sweetheart!!
01-18-2012, 09:09 PM
It looks nice and clean and appears to be healing well. Dogs are amazing animals, they lose a leg and don't think oh no I have lost a leg they think oh wow I have three legs.
Continues wishes for bear in his recovery.
01-18-2012, 09:21 PM
Hi Lori,
I think Bear's story is typical of canine amputees. We've had a lot of tripawds in rescue and I am always amazed by how quickly they adapt to their circumstances. My last rescue, Abby, was tied to a railroad track and had her left front leg and most of the toes on her remaining front foot severed. She spent one night after surgery with the vet and when I brought her home, nothing could keep her down. She acted like she'd only had three legs all of her life. Our furry friends are truly remarkable beings and I'm so glad you have your little remarkable guy home with you again.
Squirt's Mom
01-19-2012, 11:09 AM
Aren't they just amazing little souls?! As humans, we could learn so much from our animal friends.
I am so glad Bear is doing well and finding his footing already. I can only imagine how your heart felt seeing him navigate that step! :) And there is no doubt in my mind that Bear is so happy to be home, back in your arms where he belongs.
Okay now I am crying tears of joy that Poo Bear can navigate steps!!!!! :o:o Good thing I'm alone at work on my "extended" lunch hour.:):)
Lori what wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!! Our dogs never cease to amaze me with their courage and determination AND heart.
I have to go look at pictures.
01-19-2012, 02:16 PM
Roxee's Dad
01-19-2012, 05:24 PM
Really great news :) how they adapt so quickly, I would be in bed whining, like a typical guy with a cold :o
01-19-2012, 07:59 PM
Amazing. So happy for you and Bear. You made the right decision. Hugs, Kim
01-20-2012, 11:21 AM
Hi Lori,
So happy to read your update on your boy. :):) Who would ever imagine, but it is a blessing indeed.
Have a great weekend and much love to all of you.
xo Jeanette and Princess
01-27-2012, 06:46 AM
Hi Lori,
Thinking of you and your boy, and was wondering how he is healing from his surgery? Awwww, poor little Bear, must be loving him even more, as it should be.:)
Love you both dearly.
xo Jeanett
Roxee's Dad
02-01-2012, 12:10 AM
Been thinking about you and Bear... and hope he is doing well.
Harley PoMMom
02-01-2012, 12:37 AM
Awww, Thanks so much for thinking of us, you guys are the best!
Bear is doing excellent, he had his stitches taken out last Tuesday and his vet said his incision looked great.
In 6 months Bear has to go back and see the cardiologist for a recheck and we have to keep an eye on his UPC. All in all, with everything he has been through he is doing amazingly well! :)
Love and hugs,
Bear and Lori
02-01-2012, 02:08 AM
Hi Lori.
Was just checking in on Bear. So happy he is doing good!! He is a little trooper for sure!!!:D:D. Give him big hugs and kisses from me and Penny! Xoxo
Roxee's Dad
02-01-2012, 04:38 PM
That is great news... I assume he is getting around alright. Give that little bugger a scratch behind the ear from me.
Harley PoMMom
02-01-2012, 04:43 PM
That is great news... I assume he is getting around alright. Give that little bugger a scratch behind the ear from me.
He gets around very well, now, I will not let him up on the bed or couch for fear that he would fall but I've bought him a very comfy floor bed and he likes that.
Bear will definitely appreciate your ear scratches as he just loves attention!
Squirt's Mom
02-01-2012, 05:08 PM
What a great report, Lori! :) Bear is lucky he is with you - if he were mine, his poor little feet would probably still not be touching the ground. :rolleyes: I'd be carrying him everywhere - I'm such a wuss. :o
I am so glad he is doing so well and I know you are just ecstatic!
Hugs and belly rubs,
Hi Lori,
Have we had an update on Bear? Maybe I missed it:confused::)
Thinking of you and your little one. Hope things are going well for Poo Bear.
Harley PoMMom
03-10-2012, 10:11 AM
Poo Bear is doing great! Thanks so much for asking. He continues to amaze me. Bear is now jumping up on the couch with ease which scared the heck out of me at first. :eek::)
In June he will see the cardiologist for a check-up and hopefully nothing has changed with his heart. Bear seems to be coughing a lot less than before his amputation so I am hoping that this is a really good sign that his heart is ok and his lungs are still clear.
Sending huge and loving hugs to you and sweet Zoe...Lori
marie adams
03-10-2012, 10:58 PM
That is so wonderful that Bear has no fear of jumping up on the couch.
I am so glad he seems healthy and the coughing is so bad any more.
Take care!!!
03-11-2012, 12:39 AM
I am so glad addy asked for an update on nice to hear he is doing good:D
Hugs xoxo
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