View Full Version : Rio, our almost 9yr old Boxer (treatment with Vetoryl) Rio has passed

04-28-2010, 03:27 PM
Hi everbody. We have two dogs. Almost 9 years old boxer, Rio, and 8-9 month old "girl". We found her on January 3rd this year, about midnigth, hungry, dirty, tired little dog. And took her home. Our boxer was very happy to have a little sister to play with her. After few weeks he was less happy, more tired, drinking a lot, left wet his bed several nights. At the first time we thought it was his reaction - he was not only pet in the home. But, before 10 days, after blood test, ACTH stimulation etc. his vet said - Cushing. So the story began.

We live in Zagreb, Croatia, and the prescribed medicine for him (Vetoryl - trilostane) is not registered in Croatia. We have several option - order this medicine by mail (our vet wrote international prescription), order in special store for foreign drugs (1 box with 30 tbl a 60 mg is 120 euros) or travel abroad and buy. We ordered by mail, from UK but we are still waiting (we suppose our custom is slow), but in the meantime my brother who lives in Germany bought 2 packages (we sent him prescription), gave this to the driver of the bus which travel to Croatia and tomorrow morning Vetoryl will be here. Of course, we are reading everting about Cushing so we found this web and the story about Ben here (also a Boxer). Wonderful news for us. No side effects, good improvement. Ben, we send you a lot of kisses and wish you luck. We are step behind Ben, so we will read his diary every day and hope our Rio will be the same luck. Sorry for my bad English, but thanks you (everybody on this forum) for being here and support us.

__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

*admin note:

This post was copied from another topic (about another Boxer named Ben) to create a topic here for Rio, where Rio's people can post about Rio and where we can reply about Rio

04-28-2010, 04:12 PM
Hi Sanja, I wanted to welcome you, Rio and his little sister from Jeanette and my lab, Princess. Princess was diagnosed with PDH (pituitary) cushings 7 months ago and is currently being treated with Vetoryl also. I have to be honest with you in saying, I am NO expert with all this cushings business, and as the day progresses I'm sure you will be hearing from those "experts" here on the forum. BTW, they are also very caring, loving and wonderful individuals, so you can't go wrong here. In the meantime, I just wanted to give you a bit of advanced notice on certain questions you will be asked when the others come in. They will want to know all your pup's unusual symptoms? the results of his ACTH stim that lead your dr. to point out cushings? did he mention whether it was adrenal dependent or pituitary? did Rio have an abdominal ultrasound to look at his adrenal glands? was an LDDS test done? I know these a lot of questions, but again, everyone here will want to know so they can better educate and guide you. From what I've learned here is that cushings is a slowly progressing condition, so please before you are quick to start your Rio on his medication, try to at least get a bit more informed on this condition, tests and treatments before you start, and if you decide to go ahead with treatment, hopefully your vet/IMS has instructed you on monitoring your pup while he's on this medication, and not to scare you, but it does have potential side effects if you are not aware of what to watch out for. For now, I am wishing/praying for smooth sailing with his treatment and looking forward to getting some positive news on Rio. Good luck and stay on board here, this will be your most valuable asset during the course of Rio's treatment. All the best. xo, hugs, Jeanette and Princess

04-28-2010, 04:18 PM
PS TO SANJA: How much does Rio weigh and what dose of Vetoryl did your vet recommend? Did he give you prednisone in the event Rio's cortisol levels drop too low while he's on treatment?

Hi Sanja, I wanted to welcome you, Rio and his little sister from Jeanette and my lab, Princess. Princess was diagnosed with PDH (pituitary) cushings 7 months ago and is currently being treated with Vetoryl also. I have to be honest with you in saying, I am NO expert with all this cushings business, and as the day progresses I'm sure you will be hearing from those "experts" here on the forum. BTW, they are also very caring, loving and wonderful individuals, so you can't go wrong here. In the meantime, I just wanted to give you a bit of advanced notice on certain questions you will be asked when the others come in. They will want to know all your pup's unusual symptoms? the results of his ACTH stim that lead your dr. to point out cushings? did he mention whether it was adrenal dependent or pituitary? did Rio have an abdominal ultrasound to look at his adrenal glands? was an LDDS test done? I know these a lot of questions, but again, everyone here will want to know so they can better educate and guide you. From what I've learned here is that cushings is a slowly progressing condition, so please before you are quick to start your Rio on his medication, try to at least get a bit more informed on this condition, tests and treatments before you start, and if you decide to go ahead with treatment, hopefully your vet/IMS has instructed you on monitoring your pup while he's on this medication, and not to scare you, but it does have potential side effects if you are not aware of what to watch out for. For now, I am wishing/praying for smooth sailing with his treatment and looking forward to getting some positive news on Rio. Good luck and stay on board here, this will be your most valuable asset during the course of Rio's treatment. All the best. xo, hugs, Jeanette and Princess

04-28-2010, 04:42 PM
Hi Sanja!

Welcome from me, too. I am so glad that you have found us :). And your English is excellent -- there is NO need at all to apologize! I wish I could write even half as well in a language that is not my own. Please be sure to let us know if we are not explaining things in a way that makes sense to you. Sometimes medical language does not translate easily. And some of the testing that is done in Croatia may be different from the testing done here in the U.S. But I see that Rio had an ACTH test done, and that is one of the same tests that we use here to diagnose Cushing's. So hopefully there will be more things that are the same than are different.

I know that others will soon be by to welcome you, as well. Once again, I'm so glad you are here and I look forward to hearing more about Rio and also his little sister. ;)

Best wishes,

04-28-2010, 05:00 PM
Sanja, I'm so sorry, Marianne made an excellent point. I think I may have overwhelmed you with too much information and questions in my earlier post. I'm sorry if some of that made any sense to you. I did want to get the ball rolling for everyone. Nevertheless, as I said, they will soon chime in. Take care....xo Jeanette
ps: Marianne, thanks for pointing that out....xo

Hi Sanja!

Welcome from me, too. I am so glad that you have found us :). And your English is excellent -- there is NO need at all to apologize! I wish I could write even half as well in a language that is not my own. Please be sure to let us know if we are not explaining things in a way that makes sense to you. Sometimes medical language does not translate easily. And some of the testing that is done in Croatia may be different from the testing done here in the U.S. But I see that Rio had an ACTH test done, and that is one of the same tests that we use here to diagnose Cushing's. So hopefully there will be more things that are the same than are different.

I know that others will soon be by to welcome you, as well. Once again, I'm so glad you are here and I look forward to hearing more about Rio and also his little sister. ;)

Best wishes,

04-29-2010, 02:29 AM
Good morning (it is 8 a.m. in Croatia),

Our Vetoryl arrived today morning. We will give Rio the first two tablets tomorrow morning with his regular meal (Hills, lamb and rice, senior).

Rio is in very good condition, he did not lost his hair (coat), he had only two little places with less hair on the left leg but we thought I was "master piece" of Mala (younger dog, her name Mala means Little, in Croatian, but she is not little - she was little when we found her, today she is beautiful young lady sort "almost doberman").

So, this winter we noticed Rio does not enjoy his walks as before, he went out, do what he must to do and want to go back home. He was drinking more than usual, sometimes incontince. We went to vet, he thought it is all because of the age. But all these symptoms persist so we went to the Faculty Veterinary Medicine (University of Zagreb), they have a lot of specialised clinics. First of all, we check glucose (we was afraid he has diabetes), everything is OK, than thyroid - everything OK, and than ACTH stimulation. I do not know the values, vet at the Faculty takes care about it (we live 15 min. walk from Faculty) and the nearest vet to our home (300 m - 330 yards) is treating a few dogs with Cushing, he is very kind and offer his help if we need some.

Rio is about 40 kg and his vet prescribed him 2 x 60 mg once a day, in the morning, with his meal. Also, his vet made a "protocol" for treating Rio, I know we must repeat ACTH stimulation and we settled to do it od Tuesday (May, 11st), 4-5 hours after morning meal (our dogs usually eat about 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.). Then, we must control the situation every day and every change in his attitude, status etc. report to vet. He is stand by for Rio 0 - 24 for Rio. Also, the nearest vet.

Rio is with some of us during the whole day, our son is student, the husband works, and I am working with our dogs behind my feet or behind my back, on sofa. We will look after him carefully and call vet is something strange will happen (I hope that will not be necessary).
I hope it is enough information.

Tomorrow - Vetoryl at 7 a.m. wishing all be good with no side-effects.

Best wishes for all Cushing dogs and their owners, from sunny Croatia,

04-29-2010, 03:16 AM
Hi Sanja,

Welcome from us too.

Sounds like your vet is quite experienced and knows what he's doing which is good for you and Rio. Hopefully you will soon see some improvements and have your old dog back.

Linda and Spicey

09-14-2010, 07:55 AM
Hi everybody,
We did not wrote because we were busy with our two dogs - Rio and Mala. She is now 1 year old and very active. And Rio is very good. His treatment with Vetoryl is so far so good. From the beggining he takes 120 mg per day, makes control (now every 3 - 4 months) with ACTH stimulation, and all controlled values (cortisol, electrolites etc.) is good. We were at the seaside 2 months and he enjoyed swimming and watching all around from our terrace. At the seaside he celebrated 9 years in June, 19th. No side effects of Vetoryl. Thanks to Masters in UK and specially Julie Emms we buy Vetoryl online and she send it to Croatia so quickly we can not believe (4 - 5 days)! So, we are very happy that Vetoryl "works" and our beautiful and wonderfull older pet is doing well!
Best wishes to all owners and their pets who "fight" with Cushing.

Squirt's Mom
09-14-2010, 12:10 PM
Hi Sanja!

First, a belated welcome to you and Rio! :)

It sounds like you all had a great time at your seaside trip, especially Rio! That is good news and I am sure his improvements made it that much more fun for you.

I am glad Rio is doing so well on the Vetoryl and that you are able to get it so easily from Masters. It is a wonderful thing to see your baby acting more like his old self, huh?

I think you are our first member from Croatia and I am very happy to have you with us! :)

Keep up the good work and stay in touch!
Leslie and the girls :D - always

09-14-2010, 12:21 PM
Dear Sanja,

Thanks so much for your update! I, too, am SOOOO glad to hear how well Rio is doing. I'm also so glad to hear that Julie Emms is still working with Masters Marketing. She was also very helpful to me back several years ago when I was ordering trilostane for my Cushpup from Masters (this was long before Vetoryl was approved for direct sale in the U.S.).

As Leslie says, please do continue to keep us updated. :)

09-14-2010, 06:24 PM
Ditto - so happy to hear how well Rio is doing. I know it isn't always easy getting those meds in some countries. Thank God for Julie Emms at Masters' marketing. She was there for us when my Zoe first started on her cushings journey . . . before we could get trilostane here in the US. And good job on your part too!!! :):):) Sue

09-14-2010, 11:42 PM
Hi Sanja,
So glad to hear Rio is doing well.:D:D Do keep posting his progress.

09-18-2010, 12:13 PM
Good afternoon, USA,
Rainy greetings from Croatia. Thank you for support.
Only problem that persist is drinking - Rio still drinks a lot and in combination with his incontinence (treated by Propalin, Vetoquinol) we have a lot of walking every day - during the day we take him in a walk every 2 - 3 hours, and during the night every 4 -5 hours. His last walk is about 1 a.m. and then the first in the morning between 5 or 6 a.m. Sometimes in 4 a.m. But, never mind. That is three of us (husband, son and me) available and ready to walk. Fortunatelly, his apetite is very good and he did not refused the meal. So, we expect more happy years with him.
I will try to change avatar - if I will do it well, you can se Rio and Mala this June, in caffe, on the beach.
Best wishes to everyone,

Roxee's Dad
09-18-2010, 12:42 PM
Hi Sanja,
Glad to hear Rio is doing well, Would love to see pictures of Rio. Did you know you can make an album for Rio? Go to User CP and click on Pictures and Albums under NETWORK.

09-18-2010, 05:39 PM
Welcome Sanja
keep on posting .
Hugs from Sonja and Apollo-on vetoryl since June.

09-20-2010, 08:07 AM
Hi everybody,
I just made an album with 3 photos. I had some problem with photos, because our photos are bigger than required for an album, so with a help from our "software-guru" we made an album.
The photo 2006 is taken on our terrace at the seaside resort, the other one shows Rio with his toy on the grass in Zagreb (the capital of Croatia, where we live) and the third one is my favourite photo - Rio and Mala, rest after a walk near by the sea, we were drinking a juice and they are watching around.
Thank everyone for thinking on us and supporting.

06-17-2011, 08:26 AM
Hi everybody,
On Sunday, June 19th, Rio will be 10 yrs! Now he is on Vetoryl 1 year and 2 months. He started with 120 mg, and for one year it was OK dose, last month - after control with ACTH stimulation, of course - his vet said that now we will continue with 60 mg. So far so good. Rio drinks a lot, a lot a lot.... and in the combination with his incontinence (treated by Propalin, Vetoquinol) it is very hard sometimes, because he must go to walk every two hours. Only in the night we have "free" from 1 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. But, we are still the most proud and happy boxer owner!
Best wishes to all Cushing dogs and their owners from sunny Croatia.

06-17-2011, 08:31 AM
Hi Sanja,

I'm glad things are going well for Rio. Can you please post the results of the last two or three acth stim tests? It is known that a small number of dogs being treated with Vetoryl continue to drink and pee a lot. Is Rio getting his Vetoryl once or twice a day?


06-17-2011, 08:49 AM
Hi Sanja,

I'm glad things are going well for Rio. Can you please post the results of the last two or three acth stim tests? It is known that a small number of dogs being treated with Vetoryl continue to drink and pee a lot. Is Rio getting his Vetoryl once or twice a day?


In December, 14th, cortisol was 53,5 before and 114,6 after ACTH stimulation. Vetoryl 120 mg. On April, 14th, cortisol was 18, 8 and 36,6 so we interrupted the treatment for 7 days and than started with Vetoryl 60 mg. First control after new "seanse" with 60 mg was on May, 11st, and cortisol was still low - 45,9 and 47,6. We continued with 60 mg and the second control, on June, 10th, shows the values of 62,2 and 107,3. All values for cortisol are in mmol/L.

06-17-2011, 08:51 AM
Rio gets Vetory once a day, in the morning, after the breakfast.

06-17-2011, 09:12 AM
Thank you. I have to get ready for work but will be back later with a few comments.

06-17-2011, 12:46 PM
Hi again,

First let me say that I just viewed the pictures of Rio and Mala and they are gorgeous babies. If we didn't know that Rio has cushing's, I don't think anybody could tell because he looks terrific. Good job!

Here in the states, we're used to seeing acth stim results in ug/dl, so I've converted the acth stim results below:

12/14/10 (120mg Vetoryl) Pre 1.92 Post 4.15
04/14/11 (120mg Vetoryl) Pre .68 Post 1.33
Off Meds for 7 days and then started at lower dose
05/11/11 (60mg Vetoryl) Pre 1.66 Post 1.73
06/10/11 (60mg Vetoryl) Pre 2.25 Post 3.89

The last stim tests results look terrific but I do note that the pre and post have increased in the last 30 days and it's possible that it will continue to increase. When is the next acth stim test going to be done?

I notice that you mention that Rio drinks a lot and is incontinent. Is your vet sure that Rio's problem is not the normal polyuria and polydipsia that is a symptom of cushing's rather than incontinence? Has a urinalysis been done lately to check the urine specific gravity? Has your vet also thought about the possibility that with Vetoryl having such a short half life, Rio's cortisol may not be controlled adequately in the later part of the day. If this were to be the case, Rio's cortisol may be getting high enough in the evening hours to prevent a total resolution of his drinking and peeing problem. Twice daily dosing is normally the solution to this problem.

You can do one or two things to determine if Rio may be a good candidate for twice daily dosing. You can have an acth stimulation test done later in the day, 8 to 10 hours after the morning dose or a less expensive test would be a urine cortisol creatinine ratio. You would need to collect a urine specimen from Rio, preferrably the first pee of the day before his meds and meals and get it to your vet within an hour or two. If you can't get it to the vet within that time, keep it refrigerated. If the ratio is high, it is possible that this is why you are not seeing any improvements in Rios drinking and peeing and twice daily dosing could help.

I know how frustrating it is to have a dog who no longer drinks and pees like a normal dog. I have a cushdog who unfortunately has a form of diabetes insipidus which does not respond to treatment. I wish it were only a matter of twice daily dosing and if I thought it was, I'd want to rule out that possibility.


09-10-2011, 01:12 PM
Hi everybody,
Very sad I inform everyone that Rio died today afternoon. He did not want to eat for a week, and today he can not go to pi-pi. Thanks for support, and we all wish luck to all cushing dogs and their owners.

09-10-2011, 02:00 PM
Oh dear, it is with a heavy heart I read your post. God speed Rio. Run free dear pup.

I am so very sorry for your loss.


Squirt's Mom
09-10-2011, 03:28 PM
Dear Sanja,

I am so sorry to hear about sweet Rio. You worked as hard as possible to give him the best available chance and I know he never doubted your love for him. Ria carried that love with him as he crossed The Bridge and will carry it in his heart for all eternity. Rio will always watch over you with the same love and devotion you always gave him.

His suffering is ended and today he is pain-free at last, strong and whole as he was meant to be. Rio was met at The Bridge by all our babies who have gone before. They are romping and playing in the Rainbow fields with hearts full of joy because they know this separation is only temporary; they know that one day we will be reunited, never to be parted again.

Rio's name has been added to our Remembering list for 2011.


When you feel up to it, we would be proud to share in honoring his life with you through your memories and stories. Please feel free to start a memorial, or tribute, thread for Rio in the In Loving Memory section whenever you wish. His life will always be honored and his memory cherished by his family here at K9C.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal

A Special Gift

They're a very special gift, to be cherished and loved;
You're chosen for each other by God Himself above.
It's a match made in heaven so it can't be wrong;
You're tied together by a bond that's oh so strong.

All they'll ever ask from you is to be loved and fed,
And at night make sure they have fresh water and a bed.
In return, for so little, the rewards are so great!
You'll get a companion for life with some very special traits.

When you are lost and the end seems so far away
They'll walk by your side, they'll help you find your way.
When life gets you down they can put a smile on your face
As they run you in circles with their fast pace.

You'll share the good with the bad, you'll be happy and sad;
And through it all you have a friend, the best you ever had.
You're time together will be special and unique;
It will be as priceless to you as a rare antique.

Then, before you know it, the day will arrive
When suddenly your life takes a steep dive.
The furry friend who's been with you for all of these years
Has now passed on and left you in tears.

As you sit and wonder what did I do?
Why is this all happening to you?
Into each of our lives a little rain must fall,
And you must be strong to answer the call.

Your little one's spirit has flown home on the wings of a dove,
To a special place that awaits them in heaven above.
St. Francis will meet them; when they get home
He will take them to a meadow where they're free to roam.

There in the meadows, down by the pond,
Your furry friend will remember his loving bond.
He'll look into the water, then you appear;
He can see you're frightened, he can feel your fear.

He'll look into the water, then you appear;
He can see you're frightened, he can feel your fear
Through the bond that still ties you from heaven above
He looks down upon you, he sends you his love.

Through the bond that still ties you from heaven above
He looks down upon you, he sends you his love.
Because you loved him and because you care
Whenever you need him, he'll always be there.

There, in the meadows, they patiently wait for the day
When you will celebrate your life together, each and every day.
Waiting for that day; when you come walking back home
When together for an eternity through the meadows you'll roam.

Author Unknown

Roxee's Dad
09-10-2011, 05:00 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss.

Rest in Peace Sweet Rio, You are now our newest and brightest star in the sky.

Jenny & Judi in MN
09-10-2011, 05:23 PM
I'm so very sorry for your loss. He was one beautiful boy.


09-10-2011, 07:25 PM
Oh Sanja,
how very sad to open up to this terribly sad news. I am so sorry you lost your precious Rio so soon. This never seems fair, but they say there is always "a reason for everything". I certainly hope you realize Rios purpose in your life, and that you soon remember all the wonderful memories of him.

God bless you and your sweet boy.

Tight hugs, Jeanette and Princess

09-10-2011, 08:04 PM
I am so very sorry to learn of Rio's passing.... He was such a handsome dog and obviously very much loved.


09-11-2011, 06:47 AM
I too am very sorry for your loss. I know Rio lived a wonderful life with you.

Healing thoughts and prayers to you and please stay with us.

John II
09-11-2011, 09:54 AM
Dear Sanja,

I am so very sorry for your loss.
It's especially sad when such a young boy is lost.
But you did everything you could to help him,
and I hope that knowledge gives you some comfort.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. :(

09-11-2011, 12:48 PM
Thanks, thanks, thanks....
After year and half walking every two hours, it is so unusual go out with dog (Mala, our younger dog, 2 yrs, female) four times in a day! She is looking for Rio in every room in the flat, on terracce, in bathroom.... everywhere. It is so sad and empty...
We really appreciate your support and wish we keep you in our lives, but never more because of Cushing.

09-12-2011, 01:43 PM
very sorry to hear of this; he was a beautiful boy.


09-12-2011, 09:12 PM
So sorry to hear about Rio - but remember he had a wonderful life with you - that is something you can always hold on to - thoughts and prayers are with you -

Casey's Mom
09-12-2011, 11:22 PM
So very sorry to hear about your loss of Rio. He had a wonderful life with you.

Healing hugs to you,