View Full Version : Abbie - MORE SURGERY!!!!
04-18-2010, 03:03 PM
Hi, all! It's been a little over a year since I had to let my beagle, Maggie, go and it is time to have a new beagle in my life. When I saw Abbie, there wasn't any hesitation. She is estimated to be about 7 years old and was pulled from a high-kill shelter in central Florida on her last day. I met her as she arrived at a Tampa Bay Beagle Rescue (TBBR) adoption event after she had ridden for two hours and she was happy as could be! Abbie is a tiny girl -- only 17 lbs. -- and well-proportioned -- just petite. She obviously had spent time in a home - her teeth look vet-cleaned, her coat is beautiful, she is calm and affectionate. She was picked up on the street by an animal control officer but no one came forward to claim her.
She had surgery to remove what was thought to be a mammary tumor but it turned out to be just a lipoma. Abbie is heart-worm positive and will undergo treatment this Tuesday/Wednesday. Her foster mom from TBBR is a friend of mine so I am very confident that Abbie is getting quite spoiled! She will stay in her foster home for probably 10-days to two weeks after her HW treatment and, assuming that is going smoothly, will then come to my home!
I posted two pictures of Abbie in her own album -- please keep your fingers crossed that her HW treatment proceeds without incident. She has no other known health issues which will be quite a change! :)
04-18-2010, 04:21 PM
Oh Judy,
I am smiling ear to ear reading this - I am very happy for you and sweet Abbie!!!!
I know your Maggie is smiling too.
I am off to see those photos!
Terry :)
Roxee's Dad
04-18-2010, 04:27 PM
Hi Judy,
Awesome! Love the pics and will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to hear more about Abbie after you get her home and settled. :)
04-18-2010, 05:02 PM
She looks so sweet. I'm sure one of the reasons you waited was that you were waiting for Abbie.:D
04-18-2010, 05:24 PM
Great news Judy,
Hugs and prayers that the heartworm treatment does the trick.
How much excitement:D a new one:D
I just know Maggie is proud and happy.
04-18-2010, 05:56 PM
Congratulations on the new addition!:)
Too many homeless, forgotten hounds in shelters and pounds - good for you.
One of my all time favourit foster dogs was Nelle - a Beagle/Basset girl that was HW + and traveled all the way from a rural Kentucky pound to Ontario. Even so she was in rough shape (used as a breeder and her mouth looked like the bottom of a bird cage - so much neglect :(), she had no problems with the HW treatment, I put her on a fresh diet and supplements as soon as she arrived and she looked just beautiful after nine months at which time she moved on to her new home.
I wish I could have kept her but it just was not possible on a permanent basis - I often think about her.
Very happy for your little girl,:D
04-18-2010, 06:58 PM
So happy for you. :D
I always called my Maggie my pocket beagle because she was about the size of your Abbie.
04-18-2010, 10:36 PM
What an adorable little girl! You can see and feel the love radiating from her!
Congratulations Judy, she is a precious little thing.
((((BIG HUGS)))) to you both!
Shelba and Suni
Harley PoMMom
04-20-2010, 08:53 PM
Oh Judy, Congratulations!!!! Abbie is so precious!!! Tons of prayers being said and sent your way that the HW treatment works.
So very happy for you both!!!
Love and hugs,
04-21-2010, 07:14 AM
Judy, I am late in coming on board, but I am also so happy and excited for you and little Abbie!!! We'll be keeping alll fingers and paws crossed at my house that the HW treatment goes just as planned, and that Abbie will soon be joining you in her forever home. :o :)
Can hardly wait for more updates!
Many hugs,
Marianne, Peg and Luna
04-21-2010, 12:58 PM
Just getting to you now, but I was so happy for you and Abbie when I saw your post!!! I have to go see the pictures but wanted to post first. I am wishing you so many wonderful years together and am praying that the heartworm treatment goes without a hitch.
Please let us know how things are going!!!
Lots of love and hugs, Beth
04-22-2010, 12:25 PM
Folks: Thanks to all of you for the good wishes -- Abbie made it through her two-day heartworm treatment. Her foster mom said that Abbie wagged her little tail when she saw her and the vet said that was the first sign of enthusiasm they had seen. She is not interested in food but that is to be expected -- I expect arsenic is a bit harsh on the stomach!
I am hoping to pick her up on May 1st -- can't wait to post new pics!
Casey's Mom
04-28-2010, 02:31 PM
Congratulations Judy, what a great mom to give a home to a rescue. I am sure Abbie will have a happy and loving home. Lucky girl!!
Love and hugs,
Harley PoMMom
04-28-2010, 04:31 PM
Oh Judy,
So happy to hear the HW treatments went as planned and I am sure Abbie will regain her appetite very soon.
Just can't wait to see more pictures!!!!
Love and hugs,
04-28-2010, 05:45 PM
I'm afraid the pics will have to wait ... I got a call this past Sunday night from Abbie's foster mom, Julie. The vet who did the HW treatment found a small lump on one of Abbie's shoulders. She did an aspiration and found "more atypical cells than there should have been". My first thought was a mast cell tumor but, after talking with Maggie's wonderful vet, I know that there are lots of other possibilities, including an inflammation from one of her many recent injections which were given by different vets so the current vet does not know all the injection sites.
After a couple of days of deliberation by both me and the rescue's board, it has been decided that Abbie will stay with Julie and will be scheduled for surgery at the end of next week. The vet wants to wait a bit to give Abbie's heart a bit more time to recover from the HW treatment (although she has bounced back from that really quickly which I think is a very good sign) as she plans on using general anesthesia. She wants to do a slice biopsy, have pathology review right away and then take out the growth.
Part of me wants to have Abbie with me now, particularly to allow my vet to do the surgery but reality has set in -- this past year has just been too tough for me to take on a dog that might have aggressive cancer. That said, it is very hard to step back and let the rescue do their thing -- I have so many questions about the procedure (does this vet have a veterinary pathologist on staff? wouldn't the growth have to go to a pathologist afterwards to make sure that there are clean margins?, etc., etc.). But "step back" I must. Of course, that doesn't prevent me from reading a lot on the internet ...
So -- say lots of prayers that the lump is something minor and Abbie will be able to join me!!
Harley PoMMom
04-28-2010, 06:10 PM
Oh Judy,
I am so sorry to read this news about Abbie and I truly understand and agree with you about "stepping back." Although she is in the most capable hands right now, I know you are still very worried so tons of prayers are being said and sent for Abbie that this is just a minor thing and she will be in your arms soon.
Keeping you and Abbie in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and (((hugs)))
Roxee's Dad
04-28-2010, 08:56 PM
Hi Judy,
So -- say lots of prayers that the lump is something minor and Abbie will be able to join me!!
We are!
04-28-2010, 10:16 PM
Prayers from my home to yours. Hugs, Kim
04-28-2010, 11:16 PM
Oh Judy,
I'm so sorry to hear this, especially when you were so close to having her in your home! Lots of prayers coming for Abbie that this is just a little hiccup in her recovery and journey to your house.
The stepping back is a smart move for yourself and will be better in the long run for Abbie right now. ;)
Will be watching for your updates,
04-29-2010, 03:43 AM
Hoping this is another little hurdle that Abbie sails over.
Fingers crossed.
04-29-2010, 11:43 AM
:( I'm so sorry Abbie can't come home....but I will add...YET...bc I am praying my #&* off that it will be something that will send her to you as soon as possible!!!
Lots of love and hugs, Beth
04-29-2010, 06:19 PM
Judy - Here's hoping for a positive outcome on all fronts - that the surgery will be the end of it and that Abbie will soon be joining you! Sue
05-08-2010, 08:05 PM
Hi, all! The lump was not only minor but it disappeared! :) When she was scanned for her microchip, it turned out that she already had one in from Animal Control and the lump had been in the exact spot where the chip had been inserted. Whew ...
So ... Abbie is now home with me! I picked her up yesterday after work. She was like velcro, including while trying to sleep. Not only would she not sleep in the dog bed on the floor, she wouldn't lie down on my bed without physical contact. Maggie always slept in my bed, but on her own pillows. This is something I definitely have to work on with Abbie. Today is a bit better in that Abbie laid down on the floor near me a couple of times and is sleeping on a dog bed next to my computer chair at the moment. I do love the fact that she enjoys physical contact!
I posted a couple of pictures I took today. Her first visit with my vet is set for this coming Friday -- it seems so odd to have a healthy dog (she has recovered very quickly from the heartworm treatment). I expect the vet will want to do a full chem panel for a baseline but expect everything to be okay.
Thanks to everyone for your support -- I really appreciate it!
Harley PoMMom
05-08-2010, 08:21 PM
Welcome Home Abbie!!
This is such great news, Judy!! I am so, so happy for both of you!!
I think, once Abbie realizes that you are not going "anywhere," then she will begin to relax. She is so beautiful...please keep us updated. :)
Love and hugs,
05-08-2010, 09:10 PM
Judy, Abbie is precious and a lucky girl. Glad you were able to bring her home and that lump disappeared. Whew. Do keep us posted on how its going! Kim
Roxee's Dad
05-08-2010, 09:33 PM
I am so happy for both you and Abbie. Makes my heart feel good.
05-08-2010, 10:57 PM
Abbie is so beautiful. She is one lucky, lucky pup.
But then, you are gonna be one lucky lady too. She has to be a bit confused, with all the treatments, moving from place to place, but she does have such a sweet face, with love to give in the heart.
I can hardly wait for all the updates. It is gonna be a great journey.
Tons of Luv & Hugs for you both.
~ Mary Ann
05-08-2010, 11:01 PM
Abbie just has so much love to give. When she works out that she is with you forever she may not try to give you all of it in one session.
05-09-2010, 07:05 AM
I am very happy to read Abbie is finally home. I think she was a bit unsure about things and probably saying, okay this is my final home so I am not moving. :D
She has a very sweet beagle face and those beagle eyes....who could resist.
Glad she is over her health problems and home.
big smoochies to your Abbie...and I do want to see many more photos. :)
05-14-2010, 04:23 PM
Hi, folks! Today was Abbie's first visit with my vet and it did not go as well as hoped. He found several more lumps around her nipples and she needs to have a bilateral mastectomy. It is really, really too bad that the vet who removed a "fatty tumor" and one nipple decided it wasn't necessary to send off for pathology. Now it is a wait and see as to whether anything is malignant. Surgery is scheduled for June 3rd. If all goes well, she can go home that evening but she will have long, multiple incision sites.
I had thought one of her teeth was broken and, indeed, it is basically rotten. The vet will remove that one during her surgery and may also have to remove other back teeth as well as doing some serious tissue cleaning.
On the good side, Abbie's heart and lungs are strong so no signs of any negative effects of the heartworm treatment. She did have very full anal glands so I expect that part of her is feeling much better! She only weighs 16 lbs. but the vet said it is a perfect weight for her frame and the goal is to keep her there. The vet thinks Abbie is a bit older than 7 -- she does have a cataract starting in one eye.
The vet did a total body plus blood profile -- I am thinking that, if all looks good from a chemistry perspective, then there is more hope that her lumps are benign?
Has anyone on the board gone through the bilateral mastectomy with their pup? This is a totally new area for me. Abbie has only been with me a week but there is no way I would give her back to the rescue -- not only have we bonded but I doubt she would get the surgery she needs.
05-14-2010, 06:45 PM
Hopefully the surgery will be behind you soon and you can get on with the cuddling and mutual adoration :D.
Sorry you are off to such a rocky start.
05-24-2010, 10:04 AM
Hi Judy,
Just checking on you and Abbie as her surgery on the 3rd draws closer. It must be so nerve-wracking to have that date just "sitting" there on the calendar!! I'm crossing my fingers that all will go well, and that it will be such a relief to have it behind you.
Other than having that cloud hanging over your heads :o, how is our little girl doing? :)
05-24-2010, 11:43 AM
Judy, I am also thinking bout you and sweet Abbie. :)
Shelba and Suni
05-24-2010, 12:23 PM
Hi! I really appreciate you guys checking in with us. :) Abbie is doing great. There is no way anyone could tell that she has a health issue. Her full blood profile had a few highs/lows which might point to some kind of infection but my friend's husband who is an MD said that there is nothing there that points to cancer so keeping fingers and toes crossed that he is right!
Abbie is super smart and has caught on to my routines really quickly. She now stays home alone while I am at work and, although she is extremely happy to see me when I get home, there are no signs that she is distraught during the day -- not even the two area rugs in the kitchen where she is confined are disturbed. She has met several of my friends and they all want to steal her! Yesterday a co-worker/friend came over with her two daughters -- the daughters desperately want a dog but my friend does not so they are going to "adopt" Abbie. It's great for me as they will come over and take her for walks -- it is so horribly hot and humid here right now that any help in that regard will be appreciated. I believe Abbie spent her evenings out in the foster mom's yard so she now wants to go out all evening long and sniff and eat dead worms and frogs! :eek:
There is a dog park down the street from my house and we are going to check it out this coming weekend. She doesn't mind being around other dogs but has no interest, so far, in playing with them but she will love a whole new area to sniff!
I borrowed a crate from a neighbor and am working on getting Abbie used to it. She is not afraid of it which is good. I moved her kitchen bed into it and so far am just putting treats in it which she grabs and eats outside the crate. Will move up to closing the door while she is eating the treat. Abbie now takes flying leaps onto "our" bed and, after surgery, I can't take that chance.
I have a few new pics and will post some later -- Abbie isn't thrilled with the camera so hard to get good ones.
06-06-2010, 02:02 PM
Hi, all! Abbie had her bilateral mastectomy and tooth extraction (3) on 6/3/10 and is home recovering. In spite of preparation by the vet for how she would look, I was still shocked. Her entire abdomen is stapled. The vet removed five tumors and the lower lymph nodes. A pre-surgery lung x-ray did not show any tumors (only some mineralization from heartworm) so surgery proceeded as planned. Abbie was able to come home the night of surgery.
We had a little set-back as it turns out she is a contortionist -- she managed to remove four staples so it was back to the vet yesterday to get re-stapled. She is such a good girl that, with lots of encouragement from the vet, she never let out a peep! She is on Torbutrol, Deramaxx and Clavamox so sleeping is her primary mode. Staples are scheduled to be removed on 6/14 and, until then, only outside to pee/poop.
I have to go back to work tomorrow but a pet-sitter will be in each day this coming week at noon to check on her. I'm exhausted but need to work to pay for the surgery!! :D
I posted a pic of my "cone head" -- I have some pics of her stapled abdomen but didn't want to gross anyone out ...
P.S. I thought my changing the title of my post would change the title of the thread but it doesn't. Can someone tell me how to do that?
Harley PoMMom
06-06-2010, 02:30 PM
Hi Judy,
I changed your Thread title to reflect Abbie's surgery update. ;):) Bilateral mastectomy and 3 teeth removed...WOW! Poor Abbie! :( So happy to hear she's doing well...little rascal removing her staples! :eek::) She is such a little cutie-pie!
Love and hugs,
06-06-2010, 02:55 PM
Judy, what wonderful news about Abbie! Thanks for the update. I pray her recovery is quick and complete with no more setbacks.
Many ((((HUGS)))) to both of you!
Shelba and Suni
06-06-2010, 07:55 PM
Judy, that's great news about Abbie! As for removing staples....that doesn't surprise me as I think Lady did that after knee surgery. I could have sworn there was 12 when I counted right after the surgery but there was only 11 when the staples were coming out! :confused:
Hope the rest of the recovery goes smoothly and she can enjoy her new life with you,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel & Victoria :)
06-07-2010, 12:29 AM
What great news! And what a wonderful way to honor Maggie by opening your heart to another canine-in-need. Lucky mom & lucky pup.
Bless you both. Here's to many happy years of those beagle howls!
Carrol & Chloe
06-10-2010, 04:22 PM
Hi, all! Got great news today from Abbie's vet -- the tumors that were removed were pre-cancerous adenomas! :D The pathologist said that she is at high risk for mammary cancer so I am very glad that we had the mastectomy done. Plan for future is careful monitoring. When Abbie goes in on Monday to have her staples removed, the vet is going to do another thorough body check and mark down all of Abbie's lumps, bumps, skin tags, etc.
I asked the vet if he would need to use anesthesia to remove the staples since there are so many but he said "no" as the staples that he used are on the surface and will not catch her skin when removed. He also said that, since Abbie is such a good girl, it will go smoothly.
She is desperate to get her collar off so am certain she will be a happy beagle Monday night!
06-10-2010, 04:39 PM
Great news! :D :D :D
One of my dogs had orthopedic surgery and when the time came for staple removal, a vet tech removed the staples in just a few minutes - there was no anaesthesia needed at all.
06-10-2010, 04:41 PM
Oh Judy, what a great update!!!! :) :) :)
And not only will Abbie be a happy beagle come Monday, I know you'll be a very happy mom, too!!!! :D :D :D
06-10-2010, 10:12 PM
That's great news about Abbie!
An emergency room nurse took out Lady's staples after her knee surgery as the vet wasn't in town when they had to come out. (I'm a little queasy about removing staples....stitches are not a problem for me.) I kept Lady busy with a chewy bone and out they came with a tool that looked just like a desk staple remover, only made of plastic.
Should be a great night at your place on Monday....:)
06-10-2010, 10:17 PM
Yay for the benign biopsy result!:) :):)
I had staples with a c-section and removal was totally painless (about the only thing that was at the time!) - and a great relief if I remember rightly. I'm sure it will go very smoothly, especially with Abbie being such a good girl.
06-10-2010, 11:25 PM
YEA for Abbie! Wonderful news!!
07-02-2010, 12:46 PM
Hi, all! Just when you think everything is going along fine ... As some of you know from Abbie's history, she had one mammary gland removed before she came to the Tampa Bay Beagle Rescue. The vet who did that surgery did no pathology. My vet removed all the rest as well as the lower lymph nodes. Because there was quite a bit of scar tissue around her previous surgery site, my vet did not want to reopen it as there was a risk that it could not be closed correctly. We just needed to keep an eye on that area in the future.
Her recovery has been excellent until yesterday ... where there was just scar tissue in the previous site, there is now a large, hard lump. It happened very swiftly as it was fine on Wednesday. Although Abbie was back to jumping without any pain, she will now not jump up or down and screams out in pain if she moves quickly.
I will be taking her into the vet first thing Monday morning (no sooner due to holiday weekend). Just in case she needs more surgery, no food or water prior to visit. I am going to give her Tramadol this weekend to try and make her more comfortable.
Think good thoughts for us!
Harley PoMMom
07-02-2010, 01:24 PM
Oh Judy,
So sorry to hear this. :( Wondering if this lump is scar tissue forming inside. Tons of positive thoughts flowing from my home to yours. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers too. Please keep us updated.
Love and hugs,
07-02-2010, 02:19 PM
Oh Judy, I don't have a clue about this, either. But since it has come up so fast, hopefully it isn't anything "bad" and can be easily remedied or dealt with. Healing thoughts being beamed from my house, too!!
07-02-2010, 03:13 PM
Oh Judy, I am not quite sure either what could be causing, especially the yelps of pain associated with it. Is there any other inflammation involved from what you can see - like it is infected?
I am wondering if something "foreign" is making its way up and through that had gotten in during the surgeries (piece of something small). I had a pretty big incision and thought it was healing just fine and then a hard lump appeared and turned out to be an undissolved inner stitch that was forcing its way out and my body was trying to contain it. It finally went away, and it was pretty hard and it was painful.
Please let us know what the vet says.
Roxee's Dad
07-02-2010, 04:33 PM
Dear Judy,
Think good thoughts for us!
Good thoughts and prayers for you and Abbie.
07-02-2010, 05:58 PM
Thanks, all, for your good thoughts! I got home from work a little early, hoping to find the lump gone as quickly as it came up but, unfortunately, it is still there. Abbie is really not feeling well -- she is very, very quiet -- no howls, just whimpers. I am leaning towards an infection -- area looks red to me but it is so distorted from the way it was looking that it is hard to know if the red areas were there before or not. Never thought about an inner stitch causing problems but will mention that at the vet's on Monday. I have given Abbie a dose of Tramadol and she is resting. She did eat her dinner which is always a positive sign.
This will be a long-g-g weekend -- I thought I was just going to have to deal with fireworks ...
07-02-2010, 06:41 PM
Judy, after doing some reading, I'm wondering if Abbie might have developed an incisional hernia. Here's a description of the human version:
An incisional hernia is a hernia that forms at the scar site of abdominal surgery. Post-surgery, the abdominal wall fails to heal and leaves a gap in the wall. This gap allows for parts of the intestinal tract or other digestive organs to push through into subcutaneous layers of the abdomen.
If the hernia can be pushed back into place, this is a reducible form of hernia and not serious. If it cannot be pushed back, it means a piece of the organ has become trapped outside the abdominal wall. This is an incarcerated incisional hernia and will include symptoms such as extreme pain... This type of incisional hernia is very serious and should be treated to by a physician immediately.
I don't know whether the time frame would be appropriate for what Abbie is experiencing. But if she did possibly develop a hernia amidst the scar tissue, here's a similar description of canine hernias that sounds equally alarming and kind of similar to the progression of symptoms that you've described seeing with Abbie:
In the strangulated [version]... there are serious and defined symptoms of general disorder. The animal has fever, and the breathing is fast, laborious and the face expresses anxiety. The swelling is tense and painful when touched. In the beginning it can be red and inflamed, but if it isn't urgently attended, it can turn blue, and after 2 or 14 hours gangrene can install in that part of the organ. Then, the swelling goes down and it is not painful when touching it; the temperature falls below normal and the animal weakens alarmingly...[The dog] must be attended by a professional.
As I say, this is just a stab in the dark. But upon reading it, I felt worried enough to bring it to your attention. Because if this could possibly be Abbie's issue, it will not wait until Monday...:(
07-02-2010, 07:32 PM
Marianne -- I really appreciate your research but you are scaring me! I posted a picture of the "lump" in Abbie's folder (not sure if possible to post it here). Note that the dark red mark was there before the swelling.
I am going to call the vet's office tomorrow -- at the least, I think she needs to be on antibiotics. My vet is not there tomorrow but the other vet is. She has never seen Abbie but could at least take her temp, decide if this is an emergency and prescribe antibiotics. The lump hasn't changed in appearance since yesterday which I am thinking is a good thing. Abbie is going out to pee/poop and even tried to eat a dead worm which, for her, is a positive sign!
07-02-2010, 07:38 PM
The lump hasn't changed in appearance since yesterday which I am thinking is a good thing. Abbie is going out to pee/poop and even tried to eat a dead worm which, for her, is a positive sign!
Yes, that all sounds good to me, too! I do apologize for scaring you. And I surely realized (and hoped!) that I could be totally off-base in what I was posting. But after reading what I did, I just couldn't ignore it and not at least mention it to you... :o
07-04-2010, 08:59 PM
Hi, all! Abbie is much improved -- still going to keep her vet appointment for tomorrow though. The primary swelling has gone down dramatically but it appears to have migrated down her surgery line on that side. I'm glad I took a picture the first night so I can show it to the vet tomorrow as it would be hard to describe how nasty it looked. She is much more comfortable today and was able to limit pain meds today to just a morning dose. Will be interested to know what the vet thinks caused the swelling --
Thanks for all your suggestions/kind thoughts!
Roxee's Dad
07-04-2010, 11:41 PM
Good to hear she is improving, hope it continues.
07-05-2010, 10:36 AM
Hi, folks! We are back from the vet -- diagnosis: inflammation from the internal stitches. The swollen area (which was actually below the original surgery site) was really hard and the inflammation was evident for about two inches below that area. Shot of dexamethasone and antibiotics for 14 days -- she has been scratching her ears quite a bit and, indeed, they were both red deep inside so they were cleaned out and treated and I will start the treatment and flushing for a week. The vet wants to see her again in 10 days before the antibiotics are finished. Abbie was a good girl and made friends with all the folks and pets (including an absolutely adorable 8-week-old daschund) in the waiting room!
07-05-2010, 10:49 AM
Glad you now have an answer! And you can certainly handle that dx huh? ;):D Thanks for the update! Hugs to Abbie. Kim
07-05-2010, 12:08 PM
Thanks so much for the update, Judy! And I'm so relieved re: the diagnosis. MUCH better than what I was fretting over!!!!
Please give Abbie some hugs for me, OK?
07-05-2010, 12:31 PM
Judy, so glad to hear things are looking up for sweet little Abbie. :) Thanks for keeping us posted on her progress.
Shelba and Suni~~~
07-05-2010, 12:36 PM
I am so glad to hear this Judy!!!!!
07-05-2010, 11:39 PM
What good news....hope it clears up quickly for Abbie! She sounds like a real sweetie...
07-22-2010, 08:55 AM
Hi, all -- yes, my Abbie is going back under the knife! She finished the antibiotics Sunday night, Monday night lump completely gone, Tuesday night ... lump back again. I got more antibiotics last night and Abbie is scheduled for surgery on Monday to debride the area and remove all inner stitches still there. She does have to have anesthesia but I was advised that the procedure will be a short one. I don't think Abbie can reach that spot so am really hoping there won't be a need for a collar. She will again be restricted from jumping so it is back to the kitchen when she is alone -- she will hate that after having had the freedom of the house and ability to sleep on the bed during the day. I will have the petsitter come in next week at noon each day to check on her and provide her with some company.
Good news: the vet is not going to charge me for the surgery, just the meds! I was quite surprised -- I guess they feel sorry for me ...
So please direct your healing thoughts Abbie's way!
Squirt's Mom
07-22-2010, 09:03 AM
Bless her heart! and yours too!
Healing white light, prayers, and strength coming your way!
07-22-2010, 11:04 AM
Hi Judy,
I'm sending positive, healing thoughts and prayers that everything goes well for Abbie, and that the healing process will be a very quick one.
07-22-2010, 08:52 PM
All our healing prayers, light and energy for you both.
Hugs to our Abbie:)
Carrol & Chloe
Roxee's Dad
07-22-2010, 10:07 PM
So please direct your healing thoughts Abbie's way!
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Abbie, you are one tough girl...get better soon.
07-26-2010, 12:57 PM
Hi, folks! I just got a call from the vet's office and Abbie is waking up from the anesthesia. :D The surgery ended up being a bit more involved than expected -- in addition to the original infected site, two more red areas showed up Sunday night below that spot so all three areas were debrided. Then, as I may have mentioned before, all along the scar lines were little "pin pricks" of sutures sticking up. In order to make certain that none of those areas got infected, the vet removed all of them. Thank goodness this was a free surgery!
I was debating using the cone but now there will be no choice. I expect her belly will be all shaved again -- just when the fur was starting to grow back!
Roxee's Dad
07-26-2010, 01:04 PM
Hi Judy,
Good to hear Abbie's update. :) Now keeping fingers and paws crossed that the healing goes by quickly without any more complications.
Looking forward to your post that Abbie is running around and being a happy dog again :D
08-30-2010, 06:50 AM
Hey Judy,
How is little Abbie doing?
08-30-2010, 12:14 PM
Terry -- thanks for checking on Abbie - she is doing just fantastic! :D Healthwise, her scars are barely visible and no more suture reactions although you can feel some of them just below the skin. She is on a diet, though! I made so sure that all of her treats were grain-fee and "healthy" but completely forgot to consider the calorie count. She gained 1 1/2 lbs. which, on her tiny frame, is too much. I have cut back drastically and, of course, Abbie thinks she is starving. :mad: I portion her food out in three servings so she doesn't inhale it (and it is a good way to get in extra "stay" practices). Will take her back to the vet on Saturday for a "weigh-in"!
She definitely has some rescue "baggage" -- is still startled by heavy rain, doesn't like my umbrella, scared of the hair dryer noise but she is very smart -- I am adding to her commands and she has mastered the puzzles I got for her very quickly. One of my neighbors asked if she was a jack russell -- the more I have thought about it, I think she may have some in her -- her tiny size, small ears (for a beagle), black back and very high energy for a senior pup seem to support that.
Whatever she is, I love her and treasure every day she is with me!
Roxee's Dad
08-30-2010, 12:33 PM
Hi Judy,
Happy to hear the good news :D:D:D What a joy she must be, glad you are having a good time with her, and she's probably very happy too. ;):):D
Belly rubs to Abbie. :)
08-30-2010, 01:22 PM
Glad to hear that Abbie is doing great and keeping you very busy! Thanks for the update,
10-11-2010, 05:41 PM
Folks: I really don't believe this is happening ... after Abbie started urinating blood last Thursday, the vet put her on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. He said her bladdder wall was thickened and sent urine off for a culture. After four days on treatment there was no improvement in symptoms and Abbie was obviously not feeling well so I took her in to the vet this afternoon for x-rays. She has a large bladder stone and is scheduled for surgery tomorrow! I saw the stone myself so hard to be in denial and Abbie is obviously not feeling well. The vet said that the stone is too large to try and dissolve it. I have never dealt with this before so will have to do some reading -- the vet did give me some details but I wasn't absorbing everything. She will need to be on a prescription food for the rest of her life which, hopefully, will prevent a reoccurence. The other thing I remember is that there is a slim possibility that she has a tumor but he did stress "slim". Since the stone is large, there is a probability that there are others in her bladder but everything will be flushed out.
Because I cannot take time off from work this week and my petsitter is on her honeymoon, the vet kindly offered to keep Abbie through Thursday. I will be lonely without her but she will be safe and well cared for. She would have to stay at least one night anyway as she has to be on IVs for 24 hours to flush her system. One of my neighbors said she can look in on her on Friday. She will have three layers of stitches so no jumping and the dreaded cone for at least 10 days.
I think I'll buy even more lotto tickets this week ... think good thoughts for my baby!
10-11-2010, 06:00 PM
Oh Judy, this is SOOOO not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely, little Abbie will receive all my prayers and well wishes tomorrow. She has been through so much (as have you!! :( :(). All fingers and toes crossed that all will go well tomorrow and that this will be the absolutely last procedure that she will ever have to endure!!
Please keep us updated as soon as you know anything tomorrow...:o
Giant (((hugs))), Marianne
Squirt's Mom
10-11-2010, 06:17 PM
Hi Judy,
Man, this is just unfair! Poor Abbie. :( I know she is miserable with the stones but should feel much better once they are removed. Be sure to note which kind of stones they are - struvite, oxalate, ect. - as the diet will vary according to the type.
When Crys developed struvite crystals, I was amazed at the shapes of the various types of stones they can have. Some are definitely wicked looking! :eek: Thankfully, her crystals never developed into stones and diet along with antibiotics worked for her.
Sending lots of healing white light and positive thoughts along with prayers for Abbie.
Leslie and the girls :D - always
Roxee's Dad
10-11-2010, 06:51 PM
Dear Judy,
I'm so sorry to read about Abbie latest episode. Will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. I had a foster (Bailee) that had to go through this surgery. He was an old guy but came through it fine.
Keeping everything crossed for a quick recovery, and bring an old shirt (blouse) or something with your scent on it. It may give Abbie some extra comfort to be able to sleep with it.
Carol G
10-11-2010, 08:05 PM
I'm echoing everyone else in that this isn't fair.
But, I thought you might feel a little better knowing that I've had two dogs that had bladder stones removed and both did very well.
You will be in my thoughts.
10-11-2010, 08:28 PM
Haley had this also... when she was about 9. She sailed thru with flying colors. I had her on the rx diet for a long time but I took her off because her teeth were awful and her energy was down... wasn't impressed with SD's nutrition in the food. I switched to a regular holistic food and she did great. So while I can see why the vet might want her to start off on the new diet... it really isn't necessary to stay on it forever. I wish I could remember what it is in dog food that causes the stones. You buy food without it and you are safe - no more stones. At least that is my understanding and Haley never had another one.
Anyway - I am sure our girl Abbie will be just fine. Hugs to her and to you. Kim
10-11-2010, 11:45 PM
Hi Judy....this is so unfair for poor Abbie. I hope everything goes smoothly for her tomorrow and the next few days. I second the suggestion to bring something of yours from home for her to be close to while she's at the vet's.
Will check back tomorrow to see how it all goes,
Harley PoMMom
10-12-2010, 02:35 AM
Hi Judy,
Poor Abbie!! :( My Bear has had 2 operations for stone removal. The last operation was in May and the one before that was 5 years ago. Bear's stones are of an oxalate content so I had a diet formulated for him to, hopefully, prevent these stones from forming again. I've included Bear's stone analysis just in-case you're interested.
Keeping you and Abbie in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
10-12-2010, 06:41 AM
Oh Judy this stinks. I am so sorry for little Abbie.
Of course both of you are in my thoughts. Please keep us updated.
Terry xxxxxxx
10-12-2010, 08:01 AM
Hi Judy,
I'm keeping you and Abbie in my thoughts and prayers that the surgery goes well and that Abbie will have a speedy recovery.
Squirt's Mom
10-12-2010, 10:22 AM
Hi Judy,
Any word on Abbie this morning?
Keeping you both in my thoughts!
Leslie and the girls :D - always
10-12-2010, 12:22 PM
Folks -- thanks to everyone for your continuing good vibes! No word yet so keep 'em coming.
Lori -- thanks so much for providing me with Bear's results. The vet is going to start Abbie on Royal Canin SO while she is at the vet's. I'm wondering if that makes sense to do before the type of stones is determined ... maybe it can't hurt. She is now on California Natural Grain-Free Lamb and wondering if it just had too much protein for her. The urinalysis done in May after she came to live with me was 100% normal, no crystals, etc. She has been on the grain-free lamb for about three months -- prior had been on lamb and rice.
I know second-guessing doesn't help ...
Thanks again!
10-12-2010, 12:34 PM
POSITIVE HEALING VIBES continuing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Harley PoMMom
10-12-2010, 12:53 PM
Healing thoughts, positive vibes and prayers being sent for sweet Abbie!
10-12-2010, 01:06 PM
Will be praying for your sweet Abbie.
Healing thoughts and prayers.
Not Fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
10-12-2010, 01:53 PM
Folks: Well, first things first ... Abbie has come through her surgery without any problems. She is on the equivalent of doggie morphine so is feeling no pain. Now for the strange twist -- Abbie was in heat. She had never been spayed, contrary to what the beagle rescue told me, and her ovaries were swollen, inflamed and bleeding. She did not have any bladder stones -- what was seen on the x-ray was most likely mineralization outside of her bladder, probably caused by irritation from her ovaries. Abbie is now spayed! She does not have to go on a special diet and, hopefully, will not have any urinary issues from the state her ovaries were in.
I am very thankful that she is okay but am just flabbergasted at the facts. She could have easily been spayed at the time of her surgery in May and not developed any infections, etc. I have a call into the rescue -- in my mind, they should be paying for this surgery!
I will bring Abbie home tomorrow night and then take her back to spend the day at the vet on Thursday. He said she will probably be bleeding for the next two-three days. The preliminary urine culture came back as a strep infection; final should be in by Thursday.
Thanks again for all your well wishes!
Harley PoMMom
10-12-2010, 02:00 PM
OMG!!! Judy! I am so thankful and happy, as you are, that she came through the surgery so well but like you mentioned I am in TOTAL shock that they missed this...they should pay for this surgery.
Healing thoughts and prayers continuing....
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
10-12-2010, 02:16 PM
Hi Judy,
What an unexpected turn of events! :eek::confused: Tho the outcome is great! No stones, no ucky diet, and no puppies! ;):p wow!
If the rescue claimed they had her spayed, then you may have something. However, it may be that she came to them with the understanding that she was spayed, as in an owner surrender. All sorts of things can happen in shelters and rescues, so don't get mad at the group just yet. ;) They may full well have been speaking the truth as they knew it. Two or three different vets looked at Trinket trying to see if she was spayed and could not tell. The last one shaved her belly and a tiny scar is visible so we think she has been. I hope it has been a big mix-up and nothing intentionally meant to deceive.
I hope Abbie will be home for good and back on her feet very soon! She has got to feel better getting all that out.
Prayers, thought, and hugs continue,
Leslie and the girls :D:D - always
Casey's Mom
10-14-2010, 11:06 AM
Wow just read about Abbie's ordeal - quite shocking!! You guys have been through a lot so am sending healing vibes and warm wishes.
Love and hugs,
10-14-2010, 11:46 AM does that happen!??#?$?? It must be like Leslie said - the original owner LIED. Still, you'd think the rescue group' and their vet would have caught that. If nothing else, checked for the scar and then questioned why there wasn't one. I'd still ask them to cover at least part of the cost of the surgery 'cause, clearly, somebody dropped the ball.
In any case, glad to hear that Abbie's all fixed up and on the mend. And it sounds like it's a good thing they caught it before the ovaries got any worse. Hugs to Abbie and speedy recovery. Sue
I have been reading along too and could not believe the turn of events!!!!
Thankfully, it sound like Abbie will be fine. That is the most important thing:)
Carol G
10-14-2010, 02:17 PM
There was something similar with a dog on another forum. The dog was a senior and there was a scar (probably from a c-section). The dog in this instance was having problems with incontinence and then had to have emergency surgery.
I will continue to hold Abbie in my thoughts. I'm sure she will be feeling much better having gotten this taken care of.
10-14-2010, 06:39 PM
My new pup, Cailey, received a small tattoo on her tummy after being spayed so there will never be a question about her surgery. It would be nice if all the clinics and vets would do this.
Hopefully Abbie will be feeling better soon!
10-14-2010, 07:28 PM
Sue -- Abbie was a stray picked up by Animal Control and then placed in a high-kill shelter. Her record of being spayed came from that shelter. She was pulled from the shelter on her last day :eek: by a couple on behalf of the beagle rescue. They then took her to their vet and then she moved on to my city and the beagle rescue. The beagle rescue's vet saw Abbie on several occasions and never questioned the record of her spaying -- the same vet was worried about a lump on her shoulder and scheduled her for surgery -- it was actually her microchip site! This same vet missed five mammary tumors ... Kind of a horror show all along the way, if you ask me.
I am putting together an accounting for the beagle rescue and I expect they will come through with reimbursement for the spaying itself. Doubt they will cover anything else.
Abbie is sleeping peacefully next to me as I type -- she is quite energetic and wants to go on walks (she is on very restricted activity for several days). Pooping, peeing and eating like normal -- absolutely no bleeding. She is really an amazing dog, especially since she is thought to be 8 years old! :D
Thank you all for your good wishes!
10-15-2010, 09:32 AM
Hi Judy,
I read this late on Wednesday between watching the Chilean miners being rescued...and couldn't find the right words to post. What an amazing turn of events but I gather that can happen when dealing with a rescued dog. I'm so glad there are no stones and follow-up care for that issue. I'm glad she's FINALLY spade and home feeling so good!! Guess she must know what a lucky, lucky dog she is!!!
Hope the rescue group will reimburse you and hope to be reading updates that Abbie is able to enjoy life for a long time with just regular trips to the vet. ;)
10-16-2010, 06:52 AM
Gentle ((((hugs))))) to both you and little Abbie!
10-16-2010, 02:25 PM
Hi, all! A little set-back as Abbie has been having difficulty urinating -- straining and straining. I felt so bad for her. Back to the vet who did a very thorough internal exam -- Abbie was really a trooper.
Thankfully, no obstruction but the vet said that her bladder wall is still very thick, i.e., inflamed. She got a shot of dexamethasone which should help along with the Deramaxx. Five more days of Torbutrol also and then two more weeks of antibiotics. Staples due to be taken out next Saturday.
Am posting a pic from this morning -- Abbie tried to help me change the sheets this morning but decided it was just easier to rest on them instead!
Squirt's Mom
10-19-2010, 01:04 PM
Hi Judy,
How is Abbie doing today? I hope she is feeling much, much better!
Leslie and the girls :D - always
10-19-2010, 05:21 PM
Hi, Leslie! Thanks for checking on Miss Abbie. Energy-wise, she is much, much better. She is still straining when urinating although the number of times she tries to urinate has lessened. Still on schedule to get staples out on Saturday -- we will both be glad to have collar off. My legs are getting bruised from her bumps ... her incision looks great -- very dry and no swelling.
I think full recovery will just take some time and expect the two more weeks of antibiotics will help.
10-20-2010, 01:01 PM
Hi Judy,
Just came for a few minutes and was catching up with you and Abbie and all I can say is
What an ordeal you have been through!!! To say the least...
I will say a special prayer that this is the end of it and only sunny, peaceful and lovely days are ahead!!!!
Much love and hugs, Beth
10-20-2010, 01:39 PM
Hi Judy,
I'm glad Abbie's surgery went well. I hope she is having less problems urinating today.
Hopefully within the next couple of days there will be a marked improvement.
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