View Full Version : Brophy- Cushings, Thyroid, Heart murmmur, gallblader just removed
My dog Brophy is about 10 or 11 and two years ago got diagnosed with a heart murmmur, during his second year checkup, his liver, urine protein, etc. levels were high. He doesn't fit the typical Cushing's dog, so that was the last test, and he tested positive. Really, I didn't know anything was terribly wrong until the tests.
I have an awesome Dr. who started Brophy on Tilostane, he really started feeling more peppy, less drinking, less urination, etc. He seemed really near normal to say the least. I think we caught the Cushing's somewhat early.
He also has a thyroid issue in addition to the Cushing's and heart murmmur - though he's a happy, loving, playful dog - this whole thing has stressed me to the point of thinking of anti depressants. I guess when you're single and no kids and have a constant companion, depression can hit. Like a loved one getting sick really.
Brophy had to have his gallbladder removed 20 days ago and he's home and recovering. We had to stop the Trilostane during his sickness, surgery and recovery... he's gradually restarting his Trilostane and I pray that it works as it did before. His Dr. is SO confident in Brophy's health and spunk, that's what keeps me going. She seems confident that he will get back to his optimum with his Trilostane treatment.
I am realistic about his health but also will not stop doing what I can for him, until I know it's time. Reading about the success of some of the Cushing's dogs have given me hope to try and stay positive. I love him like a child, and though this has been hard on him and myself - I'm grateful to have him.
I joined this site to learn more about Cushing's and the moral support that you all have for each other. Sometimes I just feel lost and confused and so utterly stressed and fatigued.
Any input anyone has would be greatly appreciated.. Brophy had one small bought of throwing up since his surgery, and he's been okay since yesterday (though I am a nervous wreck).
He's got great doctor's, so I know I'm doing the best, but I'm in need of some encouragement.
Harley PoMMom
04-11-2010, 07:50 PM
Hi and welcome from me and my boy Harley! It sounds like you are doing an amazing job! Brophy (what a beautiful and unusual name!) is so lucky to have you as his mom.
I was wondering if you could tell us more about your boy...the tests done to confirm his cushings, whether he has PDH or ADH, what dose of Trilostane was he taking and was it once a day or twice. Was an ultrasound done?
You said Brophy has thyroid issues, was a Free T4 by ED test done to rule out euthyroid sick syndrome? My boy Harley's T4 is low, but I had a Free T4 by ED ran and his thyroid is fine.
We are here to help you in any way we can, and we are the best hand-holders that there are. ;):D You are family now, so you will never walk this journey alone, ok.
Love and hugs,
Hi Lori and Harley,
Thank you for your response. I appreciate your kindness. Harley is adorable; I'd love to post a photo of Brophy but I don't think I can at this point. This has been a rough rode for both of us. Being single, and alone - makes it worse. My friends help me but they aren't entirely familiar with Cushings.
Brophy's vet is an awesome Dr. who trained at UC Davis. He went through many tests to discover why his values were so off, only because he didn't fit the Cushing's profile. I hope that means we caught it early. I believe he has the petuitary (spelling ?) type of Cushing's. Yes, he's had ultrasounds for EVERYTHING, biopsies to rule other things out - Dr. has gone over all the numbers with me and they were horrible at first but after being on his Trilostane for a few months, he responded really well. He had his values done two weeks before the gallbladder - and she was VERY pleased, which made heart happy.
We are currently putting him gradually back on his 31mg twice a day and 15 mg once per day. I assume if things had continued, maybe we could've reduced a bit. She is very careful and we check his values regularly.
In January he had one episode of vomitting and acting uncomfortable, then an episode in Febuary and the last one on March 25th. After 3 visits to his primary vet on the 24th (not his Cushing's Dr.) he called Brophy's Cushing's/Heart Dr. in and she did an ultrasound.. long story short he needed emergency surgery, I guess in some instances they see some gallbladder detereoration with Cushing's - the valve gets gunky (sorry, don't have the proper terms) and it was ready to burst.
I THANK my intuition and my persistence to say it was something more, than a tummy upset. I was given a choice to let it rupture, put him down or do the surgery. I spoke honestly with his Dr. and I knew she wouldn't steer me wrong with his health, age, etc. She was so encouraging and felt confident he'd get back to where he was with his Cushing's management, I did the surgery (the cost of a car but worth it). I could NOT envision myself putting him down because he's not ready if his Cushing's can be controlled for a few years. In the vet his eyes looked deep into my depths, a look of "help me get better so I can go home" not "I'm ready to go". He's amazed all the doctor's with his recovery of the surger, had his stitches out yesterday. He's eating, drinking, pooping, tail wagging, all good signs. A bit tired but that may be while recovering and getting back to his meds. He's also taking Denamarin, Ursiodol, Benazepril (heart) and a thyroid med. He's done pretty darn well with all of them.
Sorry for the LONG post.. it's theraputic to type it. Hope all is steady and well with your Harley. I'll have to see if I can find your past posts. Once I get Brophy's new test values I will post them.
04-11-2010, 09:45 PM
Wow. All I can say is welcome and I am sure impressed! Brophy is one lucky dog. Gallbladder surgery in humans is serious stuff. I assume it is with dogs too. Brophy has a whole new fan club now. :D
Treating the cushings will be a breeze after all of this. Glad you found us. Kim
Casey's Mom
04-11-2010, 10:15 PM
Welcome to you and Brophy and glad you found our site. You will find you have a lot of knowledge and hand holding here so keep asking questions - we are here to help.
Love and hugs,
Thanks Kim and Ellen... Oh my gosh, if his Cushing's is a breeze after this; I'd be so happy. It's been hurricane the last six months. Especially the last 20 days.
Hard decisions to be made, the hospitalization, the cost, trying to get back on course with the Cushing's... WOW. I've sort of been on autopilot the last few weeks, holding out lots of hope.Yes, gallbladder stuff is serious I guess - I was so scared to have him go through surgery, he just had surgery on his rear end four months ago... lump under his tail (benign) thankfully. My little guy has been a fighter, and a good healer. I hope we get a break.. just to breathe, and rest. When their health is so fragile, not so much rest for us owners!
He had a nice dinner, went out and did his business, had all his meds (no throwing up! yay!) and now he's jumped on my bed and he's snuggly - I've cried so much the last few weeks, when I picked him up at the vet I wanted to cry for joy but I was dehydrated! Seeing him resting and happy makes it all worth while.
Thanks for the kind words!
Casey's Mom
04-11-2010, 10:23 PM
Have a great sleep,
Love and hugs,
Good morning,
Since Brophy has restarted his Trilostane, he's not terribly interested in water. I got him to drink some this morning... I don't know if I am being OVERLY concerned about every little thing or not. He also slept on the bed all night, which he rarely does. Though he did have major surgery 20 days or so ago .. anyone have any advice? I don't know what is normal anymore.. he was doing so well on his Trilostane before his surgery.. maybe I'm expecting too much too soon while he intergrates back into it? As you can tell, I'm a nervous wreck.
Casey's Mom
04-12-2010, 11:24 AM
I would be worried about Brophy's lack of interest in water. Sorry that I may have missed this but were his cortisol levels checked prior to restarting Trilostane?
I think they were.. I will check with his vet, who I'm waiting for a call from...
Well... Brophy's doctor said that he could be a tad lethargic because he needs to get back to his full dose of Trilostane or he did suffer heart failure during his gallbladder surgery, and it could be due to that - though he did just have an echocardiogram on on 4-2. Not fantastic results but not dire at this point.
I got so upset when we started discussing the heart, I forgot to ask about his Cushing's test. I'll put that on my notes for her call back this evening. I guess this is yet another hurdle - and hopefully it is due to the Cushing's and not his heart - I think...
Ah well.. I'll post any updates.
04-12-2010, 05:52 PM
Sounds like you've already made it over several big hurdles with Brophy. And you don't have to do it on your own anymore. You can come here for a big 'dose' of moral support whenever you need it!!!!!:p;):):D
Is Brophy eating well and not showing any other symptoms other than the lack of interest in drinking? How much has his drinking dropped off? If you're not sure, maybe measure it for a few days (and keep a written record.) Could the removal of the gall bladder be a reason? If he was having pain from it, and now isn't . . . . .???? Just grasping for an explanation, I guess. Sue
Harley PoMMom
04-12-2010, 06:12 PM
If you don't think Brophy is drinking the normal amount of water that he usually does, and YOU would know, then I would take some of his food and add some water to it. If he is eating kibble, let it soak in the water first, then give it to him. You can always add whatever you are feeding him with water, put it in a blender or food processor (puree it), and let him lap it up.
Hope this helps.
Love and hugs,
Hi Sue & Lori,
Thanks for the suggestions and support. Gosh, this is really, really a tough thing to go through.. constant stress.
He is eating great, which I see as a good sign but with Cushing's aren't they always hungry? I might just being OVERLY worried - stress does that. It seems when we get over one hurdle; we get slammed with something else.
He didn't drink much over the weekend.. with some coaxing yesterday and today, he drank some plain water.. I counted the laps of his drinking.. about 36 each day. He also drank a significant amount of water this afternoon after I put low sodium chicken broth in it (just a smidge).
Oh, as I'm typing this he's drinking some plain water from the cat bowl! Yipppppppppppppppeeeeeeeee. Breathing a sigh of relief..
Granted, he hasn't stopped drinking by any means but it's been less.. he's also getting a smidge of canned Merrick food which may have a higher water content? If this happens again I will blend his food with water.. awesome idea.
Brophy has been on his Trilo for almost 9 1/2 days now, gradually increasing to what he was on before.. my hope is that he gets more energetic. I know he was doing better before his surgery.. I think I lose sight of what it was and I don't have a good baseline for what should be, if that makes sense.
His tail wags, he eats, sniffs the cats, greets everyone, just went out his doggie door, etc. he's almost normal but a little lethargic - I can only hope he'll improve. It would be nice to take leaps forward and not backward with his heart issue.
I will measure his drinking over the next few days for sure.. the doctor didn't think the gallbladder removal would cause lack of water consumption.
Thanks again ladies for the support - sometimes I feel like I'm going bonkers with this.
04-12-2010, 09:28 PM
Hi there and welcome to you and Brophy
I don't know if I am being OVERLY concerned about every little thing or not.There is no such thing as being too concerned, where our babies are concerned :). You know him better than anyone on this world, ok?
Is it possible that Brophy has been drinking even more from the cat's water bowl when you weren't looking? I freak out when I check Franklin's inside bowls and he hasn't had much, then when I check the outside bowl I go "ah, that's where you've been drinking today".
So glad the gallbladder surgery was successful, tail wagging, sniffing and being the welcome wagon for anyone who comes around are all great signs :)
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
redheaded Webcams (
Thanks Jane - you are so right! I learned that first hand with his gallbladder issues.. took him to the vet 3 times in a day in a half - had I not, his gallbladder would've burst. Good lesson to myself, the vet and others.. we know our babies for sure!
No, he can't get the cats water, unfortunatley- but that was a great thought! Mr. Brophy is puppy gated out of the "cat area" because he enjoys eating cat poop from the litter box also! :)
Franklin and Bailey are adorable.. Franklin sort of looks like a mini Brophy! Three cutie pies.
Yes you are right, the majority of Brophy's behavior's are all good signs. I need to focus on the positive's and just be mindful of anything askew, AND I need to take a deep breath and hopefully get a good night's sleep.
Thanks for the perspective :)
Onalisa & Brophy
Hi all - Brophy is holding his own. I'm still worried about everything that's askew in his system.
Does anyone have a dog that also has two leaky heart valves? His murmmur is a 5 or 6 - from what I can remember. His heart issues took a backseat to his Cushing's but now after his surgery - he almost did not make it from being put under, thankfully he responded to the Lasik (spelling?). Now I'm so worried about his heart, he seems a bit more lethargic than normal (pre-surgery). He's on his benazapril, thyroid med, and Trilo.
I was just wondering if anyone else out there is dealing with a heart issue also; I'm so scared for him with this heart issue...
04-14-2010, 01:51 PM
Thanks for the updates! I used lysodren and not trilo but I know when my gal first started on it she was pretty tired. I think sometimes the body just needs to adjust. Those with trilo experience will chime in later. Untreated cushings can put pressure on the heart so treating it should help that as well. You are doing great! Kim
Thanks Kim, yes, may be his restart on Trilo also. I have been taking him to work, and that may actually tucker him out more than being home - so, tomorrow I'm leaving him home and working half day! I LOVE my boss for being so understanding! I've been working but it's SO hard to focus on anything with his health teetering.
His doc also said she'd like to re-check his thryroid count on Friday, also we he has one day on left on antibiotics and she said he's good to stop, as that sometimes makes them feel icky.
Thank for the encouragement! I wish I had more knowledge behind me to post on others sites but I'm too new - but my heart goes out to everyone, this is no easy task for any of us. I didn't know so many people loved their dogs as much as I love mine! :)
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