View Full Version : Rebel, 8 year old mix with Cushings - Rebel has been released
01-24-2012, 01:07 PM
Ok 2 hours later I finally remembered what I was also going to say earlier!!
I am part of a Soldiers Angels program and today is tell a stranger day. So I would like to tell all you guys about it (even though you are not strangers to me)..
Here is a link to the site
On this site you can donate to the program, sign up to write letters or cards to our deployed soldiers or even adopt one or two or many.. I currently have 1 soldier that I have adopted. His name is SPC Daniel Avant, he is currently deployed in Afghanistan and left behind a wife and 2 boys ages 4 and 5 months. The only commitment it asked of me was to write him a letter a week and 2 care packages a month. I thought this was the least I could do for someone defending our freedom and making sure me and my pups are safe. :D
If you get a chance take a look and maybe some of you will have time to also help if you can.
Love you guys.
01-24-2012, 01:23 PM
Love the new pics!! Omg beach tee shirts shorts! So nice!!!!!
01-25-2012, 10:35 AM
Thanks Cindy, it was a nice day although the water was cold the pups didn't seem to mind.
I have a few things to share regarding my class and what we have been discussing. We just started talking about hormones in the body and what they do and what stimulates them etc.. Bare with me as I am still trying to piece them all together all the while trying to learn them all. Most of this you probably all know. The hypothalamus actually controls the pituitary gland and sends a hormone called (crap can't remember name, I'll get back to you on that) that hormone then tells the pituitary to release ACTH to the adrenal cortex (outside of adrenals) which then tells the adrenal cortex to release cortisol. The adrenal glands have an inside and outisde the outside being the cortex which is where the cortisol is, it is basically for "normal" stress stuff. The inside is called the adrenal medulla and releases epinephrine and norepinephrine, which is your fight or flight high stress stuff. Some explination anyway, even though I'm sure most of you knew that. I will try to get as much as I can to share with you.
The one thing I'm not sure everyone knows and I know is a big fear for us parents of PDH Cushings pups, is tumor growth. The first sign that the tumor could be enlarging is the loss of peripheal vision. If the tumore starts to grow one of the first places it will start to push on is the optis chiasim. If it starts pushing on that the pup will start to have trouble with periphery(sp).. So I have started everyone once in awhile checking Rebel's. I have him looking at me and my roommate is behid him and starts bringing his hand around and we see how soon he can see it.
I hope some of what I said made sense, if you have anyquestions that I can ask my instructors about feel free to let me know. Let me tell you this hormaone stuff is crazy!!
01-25-2012, 01:09 PM
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for the quick crash course. My conclusion:
Keep learning...
Love ya, xo Jeanette
01-25-2012, 01:27 PM
Thanks for the info:)
Ditto to what Jeanette said:D
hugsss xoxo
01-25-2012, 02:25 PM
Forgot to add that he also explained diabetes insepidus(sp) it is when your body either stops or doesn't produce enough of the hormone ADH. I really am trying to absorb all tis, still trying to get my brain back in school mode so bear with me as I remember things off and
And yes hormaones and cortisol suck I agree. But what I am learning is that hormones run everything!
01-25-2012, 02:41 PM
Really! Hormones run everything that goes on with our body? Wow, now that really, really sucks even more. LOL.
And Diabetes Insipidus hits a sore spot with me when my IMS used my sweet Princess as a guinea pig with those desmopressin injections. I'm still holding a grudge here, sorry. But, wow Melissa, this is all very interesting, and so sweet of you to share with us. Thanks again.
Hugs to all. xo J.
01-25-2012, 03:06 PM
Yeah it was real interesting when we were studying the brain last semester and thinking how cool we are. Now learning about the endocrine system and hormones this semester it is amazing to know that hormones pretty have a hand it just about everything going on in our body.
01-27-2012, 09:22 AM
I have more to share with you guys soon. I just need to be sitting with my notes in front of me so I will try to do that this weekend in between studying for my 1st quiz! :eek:
In lecture last night we got to the adrenal hormones and my instructor spoke a little about cushings. Try to update soon. Hope all is well with everyone!
02-12-2012, 12:14 AM
Hi. Just checking in on you. Everything ok? I know you have your hands full with work and school. Just wanted to make sure all is good:)
Love and hugs xo
02-12-2012, 05:28 PM
We are good here, just been really busy. Sadie has an appointment with the surgeon for her knee tm and Rebel is doing well. Thanks for checking in, sorry I haven't been able to keep up. I'm a little behind on my school work.
02-12-2012, 08:21 PM
Yup school takes alot of time and that comes first!!:D thats what I tell my son. just wanted to make sure you and the babies were ok. let me know how the appt goes. Take care:)
Love and hugs xo
02-14-2012, 04:46 PM
Sorry I haven't been around much lately, school is taking a lot out of me this semester and I still feel like I'm not putting in enough effort. I hope all your babies are doing well.
This is what we are dealing with now. Yesterday I took Sadie in for a consultation with the surgeon and he said yes her ACL is completely ruptured now. :( So they worked up and estimate for the surgery and it will be $2276 for the procedure. :eek: They are doing it with a firetape repair, don't ask me what that means other than screws rods and some stringy stuff.. lol It was the cheaper of the 3 options thank God and he thinks it will be the most effective for her. Now to find a way to keep her calm for 4 weeks afterwards. It is not scheduled yet, waiting on a loan check to come in. I will let you know when it is, cause I'm sure I will be a nervous wreck...
Rebel on the other hand is doing pretty well. I will have him stimmed soon also (again check please come).. He decided to show me his displeasure yesterday for taking Sadie instead of him by not eating his snack during the day and by not eating that night.. I just waited him out while he gave me the stink eye, guess he got hungry cause then he ate. But in between bites he glared at me, no lie this dog has a I'm mad at you face! :rolleyes: Well I will show him, next time I have to Sadie in (surgery time) he can go and get poked!! That will teach him.. hehehe
Hope you all have a great Valentines day, I got a beautiful flower arrangement sent to me at work today which made my day. :D
02-15-2012, 01:21 PM
Hi Melissa,
I'm sorry to hear that Sadie has a ruptured ACL. I think the procedure you are talking about is called a tightrope and they use "fiber" tape instead of sutures to stabilize the knee joint. Here are a few links with information:
I'm glad to hear that Rebel is doing well and we'll be looking forward to your posting the results of his acth stim test.
P.S. Congratulations on getting flowers delivered to your workplace. That's really special.
02-15-2012, 01:29 PM
Thanks Glynda, that is what she is having done. I will be a nervous wreck I'm sure. That gave me a lot of good info, more than the vet did. The one doing the surgery is not one I have normally dealt with and didn't seem like he was very interested in explaining what is going on with her.. :( Sadie also didn't care too much for him, she is a happy love everyone dog and she growled and barked at him.. Which of course embarrasses mom :rolleyes:
02-15-2012, 01:39 PM
Hey Melissa, dogs are usually a good judge of character and like human doctors, not all exude a friendly aura or a good bedside manner. The good news is that usually isn't an indication of their competence. As a matter of fact, some of the grouchiest, bum rushing doctor's I've treated with were some of the best in their field. It's a good thing Sadie will be under anesthesia because doing that surgery would be difficult if she barked and growled the entire time. :D
Squirt's Mom
02-15-2012, 01:52 PM
Hi Melissa,
Sorry to hear about Sadie but I bet this surgery will fix her right up! The recovery period can be challenging but I know you and Sadie will get things worked out together. I had to keep Crys (a Pit mix) fairly restricted at times so we hooked two medium size wire crates together to make her enough room to stand, turn, and stretch out in but not enough room to get active. We lucked into some crates that were being thrown out for some reason - they were perfectly good until we dismantled/remantled. And it still works well.
I hope your studies are going well! Keep in touch and let us know how Rebel's stim and Sadie's surgery turn out!
Leslie and the gang
02-15-2012, 02:25 PM
Well then, if dogs are such good judge of characters, I better have Princess really checked out cause she should be growling, barking and BITING a certain dr. we all
Glad the ball in starting to roll for Sadie's surgery, but I hear ya on being a nervous wreck:eek: I would be too, but chin up cause before you know it, it will all be water under the bridge, and she will be back to tip top shape. I do think however you're gonna have to get that Sadie some valium for post op, cause she seems to be a high strung lab:D. LOL. You will both be fine. And the fee for surgery, YIKES:eek: think you're gonna need the money tree and not just the check. haaa...
Rebel is just the funniest little character. Boy he really is attached to you it seems. It's sweet though. Does Sadie get jealous of Rebel too? He is a ham.
Hope all works out for you, and we will obviously be here with you before, during and after Sadie's surgery.
We love you dearly...tight hugs...xo Jeanette and Princess
02-15-2012, 04:03 PM
I don't know what they called penny's procedures when she had her ACLs one thing is for sure after those two knee operations they are like bionic knees. That's one of the only things shes not having an issue with!! She has many issues as we no. Penny had an awesome orthopedic!! Dr. Sweet and was he sweet!! Nice to like your doctor! Too bad they all couldn't be like him! Prayers love and hugs
Love ya xoxo
02-15-2012, 04:39 PM
Will be praying all goes well.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
Squirt's Mom
02-15-2012, 04:51 PM
I was just thinking about Squirt's last surgery on her knee...I'm really glad I looked Dr. Dew up online and saw his pic before walking into the hospital. I might not have stayed!
Dr. Dew looks like Grizzly Adams on speed. :eek: He has long curly hair and a long, long beard, a little over 6' tall, and he is about as big around as my pinky finger. In surgery, he typically wears a bright tie-dyed outfit, sometimes topped off with a bright rainbow colored clown wig. :p
He is apparently among the best because people come from all over the place, not just ARK, to have him operate on their dogs. He is so gentle and compassionate to boot. I hope Sadie has a doc that is just as great as Dr. Dew...but look up his/her pic first just in case. :D
02-15-2012, 05:35 PM
This doc looks like he just walked in off the street! :eek: I was surprised when he walked into the room, all the other vets are so professional and clean cut, but he had this straggly beard and sort of a wanna be comb over! Guess Sadie didn't like the beard or whatever. He is supposed to be real great with these type of surgeries according to her normal vet. I'm sure she is in good hands but he looks like an old hippy.. He is also a chicken, he waited until the vet techs sedated her to go in and examine her.. He never made any kind of move to put her at ease while he was speaking to me. I told him just get a treat she will love you forever. I said the word treat and she stopped looked up at me a tilted her head.. His suggestion was maybe I will have to muzzle her!! She has never ever ever needed a muzzle with any other vet before!
Yeah Jeanette, I'm not looking forward to forking over $2200 but for her it's worth it. I can't wait for her to be back to normal.. Yes she is very jealous of Rebel, normally he can barely get love cause she bullies him out of the way. :rolleyes:
She is crated during the day when I'm not home, so that shouldn't be an issue with recovery. He said he doesn't really want to sedate her but given her "spunk" we might for just the first week. I'm going to pick up all the toys and put them away so she is not tempted. He said he does want her walking on it just no running or jumping.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes and prayers they are greatly appreciated. I will keep you updated when it all happens.
02-15-2012, 08:32 PM
Sorry you were not crazy about the vet. It means a lot to like the vet. Is he an orthopedic? It rots he's probably very good just has a sucky personality!! Let's us know when you get the date.
Hugs xoxo
02-16-2012, 05:16 AM
Sorry I haven't been around much lately, school is taking a lot out of me this semester and I still feel like I'm not putting in enough effort. I hope all your babies are doing well.
This is what we are dealing with now. Yesterday I took Sadie in for a consultation with the surgeon and he said yes her ACL is completely ruptured now. :( So they worked up and estimate for the surgery and it will be $2276 for the procedure. :eek: They are doing it with a firetape repair, don't ask me what that means other than screws rods and some stringy stuff.. lol It was the cheaper of the 3 options thank God and he thinks it will be the most effective for her. Now to find a way to keep her calm for 4 weeks afterwards. It is not scheduled yet, waiting on a loan check to come in. I will let you know when it is, cause I'm sure I will be a nervous wreck...
Rebel on the other hand is doing pretty well. I will have him stimmed soon also (again check please come).. He decided to show me his displeasure yesterday for taking Sadie instead of him by not eating his snack during the day and by not eating that night.. I just waited him out while he gave me the stink eye, guess he got hungry cause then he ate. But in between bites he glared at me, no lie this dog has a I'm mad at you face! :rolleyes: Well I will show him, next time I have to Sadie in (surgery time) he can go and get poked!! That will teach him.. hehehe
Hope you all have a great Valentines day, I got a beautiful flower arrangement sent to me at work today which made my day. :D
My Kira had a torn ACL too. Actually she had both knees fixed. She had TTA surgery.
Kira has lots of orthopedic problems but she's got great knees. Bionic for sure. It cost around $3,500. But i used a very expensive doctor. I know this probably isn't any help becasue of the cost. But I just thought I'd mention it. This correction works well.
02-17-2012, 11:01 AM
Thanks Janis he spoke to me about the TTA also, but he thinks this other will be just fine for her.. Hopefully I will the loan soon and get her scheduled..
I have some not so great news to share now, my life is now changing so much that I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. The company I have worked for for the last 8 1/2 years laid me off Wednesday evening. The good news is that I am getting a little bit of a severance to help for a little bit. Can you guys keep us in your thoughts and prayers to make it through this new part of my life. I have not been happy there is several years so it could be a blessing in disguise. That is the only way I can look at this right now.
Things are going really well in my personal life however and we are talking about getting a place together so he can help while I get through school. We have also talked some about wedding bells, it has all happened so fast but it doesn't feel wrong. He has been a rock for me and I have never had someone treat me like he does, not sure what I would do without him right now. The past couple of days have been pure hell with my emotions, and all I have been able to think about is how will I take care of the pups. Will they be able to eat, can I still get Rebels meds, etc etc etc.. I know we will make it through this though and come out better on the other side.
Thanks for reading my vent.. This to shall pass as they say..
Love all you guys.
Harley PoMMom
02-17-2012, 11:16 AM
Dear Melissa,
So sorry to hear this news with your job. I know how overwhelming that can be, even if one does not like their job it has been something that was steady in one's life, so I completely understand. Will definitely be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Wedding bells!!! Congratulations!!!
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
02-17-2012, 12:17 PM
Hi Melissa,
I am so sorry about the negative stress you are under - and so excited about the positive stress you are under! :D
You gotta look at the big picture here - everything happens for a reason. ;) I see a very nice possible reason - your fella is going to get a second job and work his butt off to take care of you and your babies while you concentrate on your studies. You tell him I can see this clearly as his current purpose in life so it has to be true. :p
Keep your chin up, sweetie. I understand all too well the financial stresses we often face. But understand one thing - your love is something that requires no money and is unlimited. When that day comes when you are feeling like a terrible mom because you don't have money for a vet visit, remember that you are supplying the one thing, the very best thing, your babies need more than anything else - your amazing love.
I saw a pic the other day that was so poignant and powerful. It was a pic of a homeless lady sitting on a sidewalk in a pile of blankets, surrounded by her precious possessions she carried with her as she walked her path. This homeless lady was sharing her meager food with a crowd of scrawny street dogs. They were laying all around her and her things, everyone of them looking at her with adoration. This is what being a good mom is, Melissa. Sharing what we have with our babies, no matter how little that may be, and showering them with love.
You are a great mom, Melissa, and nothing will change that regardless of your situation - this I also see clearly. ;)
Leslie and the gang
02-17-2012, 06:59 PM
Oh sob... Yeah everything Leslie said! And yes you are in our thoughts and prayers. There is good in all things. I'm so happy that yours is love!!!
02-18-2012, 03:22 PM
Thanks Leslie for making me laugh and cry all at once.. James is sitting here with me and I read your post to him.. He thought it was funny, we both did. He works for the railroad and works a lot so a second job would be out of the question. We are looking through our options this weekend and I think I will be just looking for a part time job while I finish school. We are also going to go look at places this weekend and after Sadie gets through her surgery we will start our next phase and combine households.. It's exciting and scary all at the same time..
Thank you all for your love and support..
hey....just checking in on are the babies? how are things going for you? hope we hear from you
02-28-2012, 10:29 PM
Thanks for checking in on me.. Things are about the same here as far as pups are concerned.. I'm fighting with my 401K people who completely messed mine all up to get it fixed.. Was getting a loan from that for Sadie's surgery, but until they fix it I can't... School has me stressed out at the moment, this semester is so much harder. It might be a good thing that I don't have a job at the moment, because if I did I might be failing a class!! On a positive note, I got my application turned in for the Occupational Therapy Assistant program yesterday. So now I just have to wait until late May to find out if I got in or not..
I'm so sorry I haven't been on in awhile and kept up with all your babies.. It's not shaping up to be a good month as I read and catch up.. I am heartbroken over the pups we have lost and the ones not doing so well.. Please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers, and everyone of you are just an extended part of my family. Know that when you are in pain and sad that I am right there with you sharing you pain and tears. If anyone needs anything please message me or call..
Love you all..
Hi Melissa,
You have a lot on your plate too. I know you will ace your semester. We are all so proud of you. Sorry to hear about the 401k mix up.
When you finish your Occupational Therapy Program (because of course you will get in:)) you can send me advice for sitting at my desk all day;);););)
Give the pups some lovin' from me,
love and hugs,
03-29-2012, 08:43 PM
How are you doing Melissa?
Good job for asking, Janis, I was wondering the exact same thing.
How is our number one ace student?
03-30-2012, 11:54 AM
I'm ok thanks for checking in.. This semester is harder and it is keeping me busy. I'm holding onto a low A in both my classes but it has been tough. I have a little over a month left and this semester will be over. I should find out at the end of May if I make it into the program. Still having issues with the 401 hopefully it will be fixed soon. Seems like I keep saying that. Things are well here though weather is nice and the pups have been enjoying it. Hope all is well with everyone here, sorry I haven't been on in awhile.
04-07-2012, 08:30 PM
Need some guidance here. Put rebels veteroyl in a little can food tonight and turned my back for a sec and I'm pretty sure Sadie got it. I don't know for sure but if so will it affect her bad? It is 15mg and she is 86lbs. Any help is appreciated.
Harley PoMMom
04-07-2012, 09:20 PM
I am pretty sure that this one time incident will not harm her and Sadie will be fine.
3. My client accidentally gave a dose of VetorylR to the other dog in the household. What should she do?
Based on laboratory toxicity studies, a single dose of up to 6.7 mg/kg should be safely tolerated
by a health dog. This question was asked and that was Dr. Mark Peterson's reply.
04-07-2012, 09:54 PM
Thank you for the info. :)
04-18-2012, 10:32 PM
Hi everyone I thought I would drop in and check in. Things are really busy and hectic here. James and I are doing really well, but received some not so great news on his 18 month old daughter. She has a chromosome 15 deletion. We don't have specifics on it yet because more blood work has to be done, but we know that it will probably cause her some delays. Until we have more info and until she starts developing more we won't know how much. :confused: She is still an angel and we love her all the same. I'm adding some more pics of her and the pups so take a look at our growing family...
Speaking of growing family we have moved James' snake in with us, she was staying with his mom while he worked down south then she thought she wanted her, but we took her back because she wasn't taking care of her properly. My first ever snake and she is a ball python and very docile. I just can't watch her eat!! Had to take her to the vet today because we thought she might have a respiratory infection, but I got her tank heat right the last 2 days (picked her up Monday night) and got her turned around.. :o Go me!
Well since this is a thread on Rebel I suppose I should update on him also! He has been doing really good. He plays and acts like a young dog. The only thing I've noticed with him is that sometimes if he is laying on his left front leg too long he has some issues walking right after he gets up. I don't know if he has some arthritis in it or if it's something else. I can tell you that if he sees a squirrel he suddenly has no problem with it and runs like he's a pup! :rolleyes:
Still waiting on funds for Sadie's surgery. I'm going to pull out my 401K from my job once my severance is over which will be end of May. Other than that she is still a 4 year old that acts like she is 6 months old still...
School is going well I just had my 4th test in lecture Tuesday night and I'm waiting on the grade. Think I did pretty well though and so far I am holding A's still. I have final in all 3 classes in the next couple of weeks so the stress level is high, but I do find out at the end of May if I made it into the program... :D
Sorry this is so long but it has been awhile and I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything.. Hope everyone is doing well and all your furbabies are great.:o
04-18-2012, 10:53 PM
And pictures added, thanks to all who sat through and read that long post!
04-18-2012, 11:08 PM
Busy busy busy... Goodness. I just wanted to mention that Stormee (aka: skye) and her husband are EXPERTS with snakes. They have a whole herd of them!!! lol! Beautiful things. If you need any pointers I bet you could get great advise from them. Zack has videos of them on YouTube. Cheers!
04-18-2012, 11:23 PM
Thanks for the info Janis, I will definitely keep that in mind.
Melissa, what great photos:D:D:D:D
and now we can add snake charmer to your list of accomplishments:);) you are very brave!!!!:):)
I am so glad you stopped by with an update and to give us a peak at your happy growing family!!!!
04-19-2012, 02:32 PM
Just saw the pics and posted:):)
glad all is well:)
so glad school is going chem killed mike:(
hugs xoxo
04-19-2012, 03:30 PM
Sorry to hear that Cindy, I have heard horror stories from others taking chem about how horrible it is. Thanks everyone for the comments and checking out our growing and wonderful family.. :)
04-22-2012, 03:06 PM
Dear Melissa
Nice to hear things are doing well for you,Rebel and your family. It is nice to hear about the good stuff.
hugs Sonja and Apoll
05-07-2012, 12:10 PM
Hi everyone just thought I would drop in and tell you we are all still alive and well. In fact Rebel had a stim test last week (finally I know, money is tight) His numbers look good to me, but let me know what you guys think.
Pre - 1.5
Post - 3.4
He was pretty stressed out being there cause I had to leave him to run errands. I don't know how that would affect the numbers whether they are higher or lower than they would be if he wasn't stressed. He has become even more of a momma's boy (hard to believe he could get worse) and is more stressed when I leave now. Which is not often since I'm not working and home a lot. Maybe that is why he is more attached he has gotten used to having me here all the time. If you are curious on how much trilo he takes he is on 15mg BID.
Hi Melissa,
Those numbers look pretty good to me!!!! How is Rebel doing, are his symptoms controlled?
The pups are loving having you home!!!!!! I hope school is going well.
Zoe had her stim this morning. I think I am looking at again increasing. It is driving me nuts!!!!
Hoping you are having sunny days and pretty drinks with flowers in them:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
05-07-2012, 09:03 PM
He is doing well, poop is normal and he is still a picky eater but he's always been. As long as I feed him what he wants and promise I won't leave he will eat!
Sorry to hear about Zoe, hope you get it figured out soon.
Been raining here today but we needed it, no drinks with flowers yet gonna wait until school is done. Last final is tm night and I will be done till fall!
Harley PoMMom
05-08-2012, 12:06 AM
Hi everyone just thought I would drop in and tell you we are all still alive and well. In fact Rebel had a stim test last week (finally I know, money is tight) His numbers look good to me, but let me know what you guys think.
Pre - 1.5
Post - 3.4
These numbers look perfect to me, Congrats!
06-04-2012, 01:00 PM
Hi everyone, I hope all is well out there. I haven't been around much lately and there are some big reasons for that but not at a point to in my heart to share. I come to ask if you guys can keep Sadie in your thoughts and prayers on Wednesday she is finally having her ACL surgery. I would also like to ask to keep me in them as my life has been turned upside down in a matter of days. Rebel is doing well still and I am great full for that.
Love you all and thank you for everything.
06-04-2012, 02:21 PM
Hi Melissa,
I'll be checking for your updates on Sadie's recovery and in the meantime, my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
(((Huge Hugs)))
06-04-2012, 03:35 PM
Melissa, I am here, too! Sending you all many, many hugs from across the miles.
Harley PoMMom
06-04-2012, 04:11 PM
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers...Sending huge and loving hugs.
Squirt's Mom
06-04-2012, 05:34 PM
Hi Melissa,
Holding you all in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how Sadie does...and how you are, sweetie.
Leslie and the gang
Thinking of you and Sadie. I hope everything goes well for her and that you're okay too.
Julie & Hannah
We are all here for you and Sadie, we will say prayers and hope things turn out well for both of you.
When your heart is ready, we are hear to listen.
Please take care of yourself.
06-05-2012, 08:50 PM
Melissa you and Sadie are in my thoughts and prayers each day - Sadie will do fine - Its a big operation - my girl had 2 knees done - its alot but she got thru it - shes a mess now with all her other problems but her knees held out great!!!
Love and prayers xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
06-06-2012, 06:47 PM
I meant to get on here yesterday to update. The vets office decided to change her surgery to this past Tues and not inform me. So needless to say we missed the appointment. :( She is now scheduled for next Tuesday unless they can get her in sooner. (hopefully they will call this time)
Thank you all for your kind words and support and of course your prayers for all of us. I know you all have a lot going on in your own world and I apologize I haven't been keeping up here. When I can get through a few more things and get my heart healed I will share what has been going on.
Love you all,
06-09-2012, 03:28 AM
Wonderful...:mad: just what you needed a miscomunication on the surgery date. Please take care of yourself. I hope your heart finds it's way to us soon. Best of wishes to you on all fronts Melissa.
06-12-2012, 01:15 PM
I wanted to update you all to let you know that Sadie made it through surgery fine and is in recovery now. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
Melissa this is such good news!!!!!!
Squirt's Mom
06-12-2012, 02:36 PM
Wonderful news, Melissa! :D
06-12-2012, 05:18 PM
Yay Sadie, thank God that's over Melissa, and glad she was finally able to get this taken care of.
Kiss her nose for us please, and some hugs for you and Rebel too.
Luv ya, xo Jeanette and Princess
06-13-2012, 12:55 AM
Cool! Much relieved!
06-13-2012, 12:45 PM
Sadie had to stay overnight so she could be on pain meds, but they have started weaning her off this morning and I can pick her up after 2 this afternoon. I am really glad that is over and it is one thing we can put behind us and move forward.
I think I can make it through this to let you all know what is going on here. James decided that he didn't want a relationship (or something like that, there were so many excuses from him) so he packed all his stuff and moved out. He came back twice saying he wanted to work it out then the third time he left I told him to make sure this is what he wanted cause he wasn't coming back.. Well needless to say he is officially gone and I just found out that he has been seeing someone else before we were actually split up. This devastated me as I had changed my plans and my life to bring him and his daughter into it. Not too mention how much I loved and still love him and his little girl. Because we had taken on the responsibility of the house I was renting a room in it left me with the rent and utilities by myself with no job and no car because we had sold mine since I wasn't driving it anymore. I don't know if I told you all but at the same time I had found out that I had made it into the OTA program. With everything that was going on it took away any excitement I might have had.
This left me with a lot of decisions to make. What I decided was that since I needed to look for another car a job and a place to live, that I could do that back home with my family around to support me at least emotionally. So my Mother and I are packing up and on the 28th of this month will be leaving Florida and moving back home to Mississippi. She has been wanting to go back for awhile and I have tossed it around before also. But this did mean I had to give up the spot I had gotten in the program, the biggest con in all of this. I went up there for a week and I can apply to the program up there next year so it will put me a year behind my original schedule but I can still get it done. I hope you all understand why it took me so long to update you, while this has been going on for a few weeks we have only technically been split up for almost 2 weeks. I'm not sure I have ever been more hurt by anyone before and I have been an emotional wreck. He did a complete 180 on me and this all seemed to come out of nowhere. Thank you all for your support on prayers. If you could continue to keep us all in your prayers for healing and for a safe journey of over 700 miles to start a new life I would greatly appreciate it. I think my biggest concern for us other than adjusting is finding a vet that has been as great as my one here. I am excited to get started and to move forward, cause I just can't stay here anymore with the memories.
Sorry for writing a book. Hope all is well with everyone here.
Squirt's Mom
06-13-2012, 01:28 PM
Oh, Melissa,
I found myself in similar straits two years ago when my fiance' called it quits out of the blue. It took quite a while for me to find my feet under me again but today I am stronger than ever and believe he actually did me a great favor by being an asshole! :D
James is an idiot is all I can say. One day he will look back and realize just how much he lost. I am so sorry he treated you this way - you deserve so much better than that.
You, your mom, and your babies are all in my prayers for a safe journey and wonderful new life in MISS. BTW, MISS is one of my favorite places in the country. My mom was raised in northern MISS and my most cherished memories are from the farm there. I hope you find the same happiness in MISS I always have.
Leslie and the gang
Sweet Melissa,
You certainly do deserve much better treatment than you received and it is James's loss. I understand the pain and hurt when you gave so much and then to be left holding the bag, so to speak, is even more unnerving for you.
I hold you close and send you so much love and for Sadie and Rebel too. I know you will come through this stronger and better and I also know you will end up in a good place with someone deserving of you.
Cry your heart out and then get mad as he@@@ll;):)
Twenty years ago I had to start over and I had my daughter. Back then, my old boss would tell me "one day it will all be beautiful" and one day it was. So now, I say that to you "One day, it will all be beautiful, Melissa.
06-13-2012, 07:33 PM
I suspected it might be something like this. What else could be so diffucult to talk about? Not to much hurts more then a thing like this. Ranks right up there with lossing a cherished doggy. Damn I'm so sorry you had to go through such heart brake.
I'm glad though, that your mom was around and able to be there for you and that the two of you want to start out a new life somewhere else. And that Sadie is doing good. I pray that you find that this was all a blessing, that something much better awaits you. Have faith.
Thank you for telling us.
06-13-2012, 09:50 PM
I'm sorry you have had so much on your plate... it always pours at once doesn't it? You must know that for whatever reason this was the way it was supposed to be and much much rosier days are ahead for you, Rebel, your mom. And we will always be here for you. Sending strength and love, Kim
06-13-2012, 09:57 PM
Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. It has been very painful and I cry everyday which just pisses me I am trying to pick myself and keep moving forward it's all I can really do now.
Leslie, northern Miss is where I'm going! I was born in New Albany and my mom was born in Tupelo. We will be living in Ashland which is about 40 mins from Memphis, Tn.
Sadie is doing ok this evening, she is whining some but she has had her pain meds and she is eating and having normal poops. :D
Harley PoMMom
06-14-2012, 01:26 AM
Oh Melissa, So sorry to hear this can be idiots! :mad::eek: Please know we are always here for you, no matter what, ok?
Sending you huge and loving hugs, Lori
Squirt's Mom
06-14-2012, 10:29 AM
HA! My mom's family is from Tyro, just outside Senatobia. Ya Thyatira, Looxahoma, New Town..... :p Don't blink or you'll miss the whole place! :D The farm is about 20 mins from Lake Sardis.
Hang in there, sweetie. Like Addy said, something beautiful will come of this.
Leslie and the gang
06-14-2012, 01:07 PM
I know where Sardis is! :)
Update on Sadie she is doing well, she has some trouble getting comfortable and was up a few times last night. She keeps sitting or laying on that leg and you can tell it hurts her. I get her to roll over or move off of it and she can sleep why she can't do this on her own. She has never been the smartest pup but I love her anyway. :D
Thank you all for your kind words and words of encouragement. It has been really tough but I do know that I can get through it. I wish I could erase him from my memory but I'm not made that way. Who knows maybe once I heal I will meet a sweet cowboy who will take me for a ride on his big green tractor!
06-18-2012, 09:49 AM
Hi everyone,
Poor Melissa asked me to update for her. Last night Rebel was attacked by another dog, 130 lbs., none other. Awful! He has 1 puncture wound on his neck and 1 on his foot, but she said his collar saved his life, thank God for that. Melissa ended up at the ER all evening as she was bitten several times trying to get the dog off him. She is fine and nothing is broken, but is really bruised and has a few punctures as well, and is in pain. She is at the vet's this morning with Rebel for antibiotics. She says he seems in pain as well.
Wow! Melissa certainly hasn't had the best of luck lately on all levels. Dear friends, let's please say some prayers for her and her babies for their full recovery, physically and emotionally, and that their new start in her home State will be blessed with joy.
Warmest regards.
xo Jeanette
Squirt's Mom
06-18-2012, 10:11 AM
OMG!!! :eek: How awful for you all, Melissa. Please let us know as soon as you can how you and Rebel are. I am so sorry this happened period but especially on top of everything else you are having to deal with right now.
Wrapping you in loving hugs,
Leslie and the gang
Oh Melissa, I hope you and Rebel are okay. How frightening!!!
Love and hugs and all my prayers that your new life will bring better things.
06-18-2012, 02:52 PM
OMG! Thanks for letting us know... Huge huge prayers being sent your way. Poor Rebel. Poor Melissa. Hang in there and let us know if we can help you!!! Kim
06-18-2012, 03:00 PM
Melissa, what a scarey ordeal for you both. I can't imagine how much adrenaline was pumping through your body. I'm sure you didn't hesitate to put yourself in harms way to save Rebel. and save him you did! I'm so proud of you and I hope and pray for a speedy recovery for you both.
06-18-2012, 06:27 PM
Where the hell is that green tractor!!!? :mad:
I'm going after my shot gun! Next person or animal (including K9) that tries to hurt our Melissa, or anything near her, is going to get it! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
06-19-2012, 12:31 AM
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers it has been a tough few weeks for sure. Yes Janis I agree anyone who means me any harm should stay out of my way.. Rebel is doing a little better he is eating some but hasn't pooped since yesterday evening before the fight. Hoping he will soon or we might be headed back to the vet. He has 2 punctures on his neck but vet said they are ok, his neck and throat are sore from the collar choking him but thank God that it helped protect him. I took most of the bites, but Rebel took a beating. We are both on antibiotics and both on Tramadol. Which sucks just so you know it seems to do nothing for the pain in my arm. I have 2 stitches on one wound and around 7 other punctures. I don't have much use of my left arm at the moment cause of the swelling and bruising so this post has taken me awhile to write. I will leave it at this for now. Thanks again I will post again when i can type a little better.
06-19-2012, 04:59 AM
I'm just sitting here picturing what you and Rebel must look like. All tore up and hurting. I feel just sick. Maybe if you feel up to it, you might tell us what happened. And what happened to the other dog?
I'm out walking my two huskies all by myself almost every day. I guess it isn't all that safe. I should carry some protection.
06-19-2012, 11:06 PM
Long story short I was out with Sadie walking her in my yard. I didn't realize that I hadn't closed my back door all the way. Sadie saw the dog and they barked at each other. Rebel heard the barking and pushed the door open so he could get out and was past me quick. He has gotten really protective of us. He ran up to the dog and the big dog grabbed him and put him on the ground. I dove right in no hesitation. I wasn't gonna just stand and watch. In the process some neighbors came to help. The dog got me and rebel both. That's pretty much the short story. I feel guilty as hell not making sure the door was shut all the way.
But you know when it rains it poors as they say. A layer showed up at my door tonight. Apparently they are going to try and sue me cause she scraped her knee!!! I had to go to the er rebel had to go to the vet and he's traumatized!! I know I made a mistake but really!! I have a witness that puts her dogs mouth on my arm! Sorry to vent I just don't want to even ask what next?
06-20-2012, 12:00 AM
Wait a minute ... if this happened in your yard that means the "big dog" was in your yard. On your property.. Crap... your yard probably isn't fenced in huh? But Rebal didn't bite anyone.. Crap... but he did pervoke the attack. I'm asumming the big dog is a niegbor. A skinned knee? That's pretty petty considering all the damage their dog did! . The only reason I can think they would do that, is to sue you before you sue them! Or stop you from suing them. It sounds to me that that dog should not be alowed to roam free! And maybe they are afraid you will take action on that.
Was it a legal paper you got or just a threat to sue you? I'm thinking they are bluffing you. It sounds like their dog didn't bite you by mistake but was outright attacking you. If he doesn't have a mark on him then it sure makes it look like thier dog is pretty vicious and you certainly have more then a scrapped knee! Their dog was not defending himself when he bit you! Maybe if you had one bite you could understand that but mulitple bites is an attack!
You must have died a thousand deaths when you saw Rebel come running. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's not like you didn't have a thousand things on your mind as it was. Shit happens no matter how careful you are.
We were camping and a little Yorkie dog off the leash ran into our space at our dogs, who were tied up under our motorhome. Our 50 pound Kodi grabbed it. He could have killed it but he didn't. We think the owner came over and tried to get the dog out of his mouth. In doing so the Yorkies eye got tore up! If he had just waited two seconds I'm certain I could have freed the dog no problem. I doubt I would have waited either. We felt just sick about it. The dog lost his eye, the women was screaming and all covered with blood. They wanted us to pay the vet bill. It was the same sort of thing... the yorkie got out by mistake.
I am so very sorry about everything you are going through. I can't even imagine. My Hannah was hurt when another dog picked her up by her sweater and shook her last Feb. Her sweater saved her any puncture wounds but he really hurt her back. She is 12 lbs. and a black lab picked her up. She was with my mom so I didn't have to see it, but we were all traumatized. I can't even imagine if she was wounded as well as my mom. You are both really lucky, but I still feel terrible that you had to go through it at all. Please don't beat yourself up. I don't understand why anyone would sue you. That sounds ridiculous.
It sounds like you have a really good attitude and outlook about your other major life change, but I'm sure it is hard when so many other bad things happen. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you are all doing better soon!
Julie & Hannah
Squirt's Mom
06-21-2012, 12:04 PM
Good grief! How in the world do they see you as the responsible party??? :confused::mad::confused::rolleyes: geez.....
I so hope this just blows over and you are soon in your new home with a beautiful new life and all of this far behind you.
Leslie and the gang
06-21-2012, 01:42 PM
Oh Melissa, my heart aches for all you're having to go through!! It is SOOOO not fair. :( :(
As far as the dogfight, though, was the big dog on a leash and being walked on the sidewalk or street? If so, that's probably the basis for the owner's threat to sue. If Rebel charged an on-leash dog on the sidewalk, then it could be argued that Rebel provoked the attack and the big dog was only protecting himself and his owner. Now, given the severity of yours and Rebel's injuries, it seems absolutely ludicrous to think that the owner would actually take the issue to court. But as Janis said above, she may just be wanting to get the jump on things to scare you off from ever trying to sue her for the damage her dog inflicted. Like everyone else, I sincerely hope that the whole thing just blows over and you can get on with your life!
Sending tons of healing hugs to all three of you. I am so, so sorry.
06-21-2012, 02:51 PM
Hi Melissa.
You are absolutely right, when it rains, it pours; however, looking on the bright side, you and Rebel are okay. Now that I understand the circumstances a bit better, I'd say that Rebel is aptly named. :D I agree with the others that this seems like a scare tactic.... I mean really, how much is a boo-boo on the knee worth? In California, I have never heard of an attorney making house calls. They use representation letters through the mail or bypass that all together and serve you a summons.
I work with hard core claim adjusters, who deal with catastrophic claims so they are experts at assessing liability and damages. Plus, the majority of my good train buddies are legal secretaries, court reporters, paralegals and human resources reps in law firms. I work in the financial district in Los Angeles and there are a whole lot more insurance companies and lawfirms here than financial institutions. I don't mind asking for opinions and/or advice for you so let me know if I can help in any way. Us cushdog parents gotta stick together ya know. :D
06-21-2012, 02:59 PM
Hi all, Jeanette here again updating for Melissa,
Matters just continue to escalate for Melissa. She is now on her way to the vet with Sadie with a swollen leg (the one she had surgery on). Ughhhhhhhhh! Poor Melissa feels she is at the end of her rope with everything else going wrong in her life. I am trying to make her see this too shall pass, and that soon she will get her life back on track.
I am sure she will update later after Sadie's appointment.
Praying for all of you Melissa. You will get through this! We are here for you.
xo Jeanette
06-21-2012, 03:02 PM
Atta girl Glynda!
All will pass and out of all this I just know something beautiful will happen if we all believe.
06-21-2012, 10:32 PM
Update on Sadie. Vet thinks that she has just irritated or sprained her soft tissue in her lower leg. The swelling is mostly below the knee incisions. She can't bare any weight right now. They put her back on rimadyl and I have to do warm moist compresses several times a day. If it gets better then we should be in the clear if not then we might have other issues. He said no sign of infection and said the joint seems pretty stable.
Rebel is doing better. He's moving better and is dating better, think he is suffering a little PTSD. But I think we all are. Rebel and Sadie have been pretty much inseparable, even sleeping back to back.
I feel a little better. Still don't have good use back of my left arm but it's getting better. My stitches come out Monday and Sadie's come out Tuesday. They will make a decision on her leg then based on the swelling. I pick up our rental truck Wednesday and we hit the road early Thursday morning.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. You're all in mine every night. No othe word from that lawyer. Far as I'm concerned he can kiss it!
Love you all,
06-22-2012, 03:36 AM
Ill be glad when you are the hell away from there and starting your new life. I pray that things start falling in place for you very soon. Yeah, to hell with them. Don't let the law suit threat bother you. Just pack up and go! Glynda's got your back!!!!
Yes Addy, I believe...
You have help packing I hope!
Squirt's Mom
06-22-2012, 08:46 AM
Rebel is doing better. He's moving better and is dating better,...
It pleases me no end to hear that Rebel's dating life is improving. I'm not clear on what the problem was there but better dating is always a good thing! :p:D:p:D:p
I'm so glad Sadie's leg was nothing worse. I think you all three need a hot bubble bath then a snuggle under the blankets with a good movie. Spoil yourself a little bit, Melissa - you deserve it and it might help relieve some of the stress you must be carrying.
Leslie and the gang
06-22-2012, 09:08 AM
Lol I didn't even see the dating part. I meant he is doing better! He's not allowed to date since he can't seem to play well with others! I am happy to report that my boy wagged his tail at me this morning. It's been awhile since I've seen that little nub move and it melted my heart. He also ate really well this morning and I've been adding dry food to the wet food. His throat must be feeling better. He is also able to shake a little harder now.
I'm hoping that I can get the swelling down in Sadie's leg and that there are no more complications. I'm not sure I can handle anymore at this moment. Someone told James about rebels incident and he asked if he should call and check on me. Now why would I want him to do that?! They at least told him not too.
Yes Janis I'm quite ready to get out of here also. I wasn't sure at first if this was the right move but now I'm sure it's time to go. We all need a fresh start. A bubble bath would be great right now and maybe I will after my stitches come out on Monday. What I would love is a fruity drink with a flower in it but noooo I'm still on these damn horse pill antibiotics for 3 more days!!
06-22-2012, 03:09 PM
And yes Janis I have help packing my mom has been coming down on her days off to help. I am mostly packed up with the few things I'm using.
06-22-2012, 06:26 PM
So nice to hear from you and your upbeat aditude is certainly a plus for you and us as well. Wags are always something I cherish to from my dogs too. So glad you are weathering the storm and all. Now no more fiascos ok? May your departure be uneventful. Just be sure to let us know when you are leaving because I asume it may be awhile before you can reconnect with us again. And we will worry about you all of course.
She departed Florida late in the evening, sure of the promise of the green tractor. Downing one last fruity drink with a flower in it, she tossed the glass out the window and she never looked back.
06-22-2012, 08:36 PM
I'm smiling with great hope! I believe! thank you Addy.
06-22-2012, 08:46 PM
Lol oh Lord Addy!! Bout fell on the floor laughing. Since I'll be leaving around 5 am Thursday morning don't think I'll be having that drink then but I'll be clear the night before!!
On a plus note I have measuring Sadie's ankle. It was almost 7.5" earlier today and this evening it is down to 7"! So maybe we will be ok. Just gonna have to be careful getting her in and out of my moms suv.
06-22-2012, 09:35 PM
But of course she decided to pull out 2 of her stitches!! Oh well rest come out Tuesday and she's healing well.
06-24-2012, 07:01 AM
Addy was kidding? You haven't left yet right? Thursday... June 28th right? I'm going to be damned disappointed if the glass doesn't get tossed out the window though!! Umm no Wait... On second thought! With our luck you'd be arrested for littering. Best just go quitely... LOL :p
06-25-2012, 06:03 PM
Hi everyone, I just wanted to drop in and give a quick update. Yes Janis we are pulling out around 5 am on the 28th. I have so much to do that I am not sure I will be back on before we take off.
I had my stitches removed today and they think my arm is healing well. Still have some pain and still have a hard time doing some things but it is better. I did manage too go out this weekend and spend some time with friends which was nice but goodbyes are really hard. :( I am going tomorrow night to my little place that has the frozen drinks with flowers as a garnish. I am taking a mason jar and gonna walk out to the beach and get some sand and shells to take with me. :) We have a damn storm sitting right off our coast and its literally just sitting. So it might make a last beach walk hard not to mention loading up a truck! Oh well, Florida is definitely telling me to leave!
Rebel is doing well, he is off all the pain meds and anti-inflammatories. I think he does have some lingering PTSD but maybe the move will help that. He is back to eating normally and if I ignore him when I put down his dry food he will eventually eat it. He thinks he should still be getting wet food! He also got a new collar and tags since his others were a little chewed up. But I am happy to say that his St Francis tag was pulled off but I found it on the ground. Maybe the other dog shipped his tooth! I know thats awful :(
Sadie's leg is better now, the swelling has gone down a lot. She however is still a big baby and refuses to put her foot back down, the is still doing the 3 leg hop. I hoping with a little more time she will realize that it is ok and start using it again. Her stitches come out tomorrow.
So I guess this is my goodbye from Fl and I will say hello when I'm in Ms. I think some missed my reference for the big green tractor comment. It is a song and here is a link to the video. :D
Jason Aldean! I think I'm in love! lol
Take care and I will post when I get settled.
06-26-2012, 06:57 AM
God Speed Melissa.... The angels will be fluttering right behind you to see you there safely.
07-01-2012, 03:54 PM
Hi everyone just a quick update to let you know we made it safely. Pups are trying to settle in as well as me. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Now it's time to keep moving forward.
Squirt's Mom
07-01-2012, 05:05 PM
So glad ya'll made it safe and sound! Now the fun really begins! We can share moving and unpacking adventures! :D
I hope you are all as happy in your new home as me and mine are in ours.
Leslie and the gang
07-02-2012, 04:04 AM
Oh I really needed a smile today. Im loosing my dad. Been rather tearful today. Thank you for taking the time to tell us. So happy about your safe arrival!
07-02-2012, 04:08 PM
07-20-2012, 01:36 AM
Thought I would pop in and give a quick update. We are hanging in and it's been great to be back home after 27 years. My brother and I spend a lot of time together and I get to see my niece a lot. Downside is I just had another Aunt pass today from cancer. :( She is no longer suffering and is resting in Gods arms.
Rebel is adjusting well and has even started playing with toys again. I think he finally realizes this is home. I can't say the same for Sadie though :( Although she is finally eating normally I haven't seen her come around all the way yet. She misses my former roommates and our other home I can see it in her face. More bad news is that she still won't put her foot down after her little jump up on it before we left. She has lost so much muscle and I'm worried she messed up the "fix". I have however found a lake she can swim in and we went for the first time today. She swam with me holding her and after a bit she started kicking that leg also. I'm hoping that maybe she's just been scared of using it plus has gotten too used to not using it. Maybe this will help but it is time for me to buckle down and look for a vet who can handle my problem children. :D
Hope all is well on your end. I'm still looking for a job here but one thing at a time I guess.
Love to you all
07-20-2012, 04:55 AM
Ha... You have a brother there too. Brothers can be pretty cool. Sadie is swimming wonderful! Great for her legs and her heart. Even better then walks. I was here just the other day checking to see if you stopped in. Good luck vet hunting. Ack... I have yet to find one I trust. Stay safe friend...
I am so glad you are settled in. So sorry to hear of your aunt. That is hard.
Swimming should be good for Sadie, easier exercise for the joints and fun for you:D:D:D
I have a brother too, mine is 5 years older but I'll keep him;);)
Thinking of you and sending hugs
07-20-2012, 06:18 PM
My brother is 5 years younger and a real big redneck but I'll keep him! I have lots of family around now most of my family is within an hour from me.
I wish I had the money for a pool big enough I could put her in daily. Oh well take what I can get for now.
07-21-2012, 09:12 PM
Hi Melissa,
I'm deeply sorry to hear of your aunt's passing:(. That is always saddening. I hope your mom is hanging in there, and glad at least the family is now together to help through these difficult moments.
On a much lighter note, glad you and your Reddneck bro are bonding:D. Brother/sister relationships are awesome cause sisters are all rivalry about one thing or another..:eek:
Glad Rebel is finally accepting the new arrangement, and hope he has a nice fenced in yard for his liking so he and Sadie can chase and play with each other. Ugh, ugh, about Sadie's leg though, grrrrrrr..:mad: I do so pray she will heal soon and starts putting some pressure on it.
Thanks for updating us, and don't worry Im sure a job will turn up soon enough, and life will be back to some normalcy for all of you.
For now, stay in touch please, stay well and we love ya.
Tight hugs all around, xo Jeanette
08-13-2012, 12:37 AM
Ugh ugh ugh is all I can say right now. Rebel is fine and I really should be sleeping cause I start my new job in the morning. But it's Sadie's leg. It would be a lot to type and I will update as soon as I can. But in the meantime can someone who is up and had dealt with acl surgeries or ortho issues call me?? (phone number removed for your safety) Thanks to anyone who can shed some light
Squirt's Mom
08-13-2012, 08:30 AM
Hi Melissa,
I removed your phone number because it is possible for non-members to read the threads in this forum and not everyone is as nice as we are. ;) I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you 'cause some creep traced you via the phone number. :(
My Squirt has had both knees done - her right leg was basically cut off and reset due to a deformity and that is the leg that had to be redone summer before last when the pin came out. Is Sadie having further issues? I know there are several members who's pups have had the ACL repair done, too. Using the "search" feature you should be able to find those threads/members.
Let us know how she is doing.
Leslie and the gang
Hi Melissa,
I cant help you with Sadie's leg except to say I'll say special prayers for her. I am so glad Rebel is doing well and I am excited that you are starting a new job.:D:D:D:D
AND I have not forgotten about the promise of the Green Tractor so, girlfriend, I sure am a hoping you still believe because we all sure do.:)
Knock em dead at your new job!!!!! And if anyone gives you a hard time, tell them " Dont mess with me, I used to down drinks with flowers in 'em":cool::cool::cool::cool:
11-17-2012, 05:52 PM
Dear friends,
It breaks my heart to post here on behalf of Melissa, but she is too distraught and overwhelmed right now to post. Sadly, sweet Rebel has taken a turn for the worst, and she may release him on Monday. His cortisol dropped within the last week, and he was severely dehydrated. They kept him overnight on fluids and pred and tests. Melissa said vet said his bloodwork seemed normal, and that they could start looking for masses. Melissa took him home and within a day she saw him shaking and trembling a lot and he is falling over to the ground. She said he is not interested in eating and has only eaten a few bites in the last week. She is devastated, but she cannot stand seeing him this way, and why she wants to spend the weekend with him, hoping for a miracle before she lets him go. :(
Melissa thought you would all want to know what is going on.
Prayers are deeply appreciated as always.
love and tight hugs.
Oh dear, my heart is breaking as I read this news.
Melissa, we are here for you.
I willl say prayers for a miracle. Oh, Melissa, I am so very sorry.
Please, Jeanette, keep us posted.
hugs and much love,
11-17-2012, 06:45 PM
Oh Jeanette, this is horrible news!! It is not my place to second-guess the vets, but Rebel sounds like a dog who has not fully recovered from an Addisonian episode. I hope they sent prednisone home for Melissa to give orally. She really has nothing to lose at this point, and who knows, the prednisone might make a genuine difference in terms of Rebel's appetite and behavior...:o
Squirt's Mom
11-17-2012, 07:27 PM
I second Marianne's suggestion. Sure worth a shot!
Sending hugs, prayers, and healing white light.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
11-17-2012, 09:04 PM
I absolutely agree with Marianne and Leslie too. It sounds exactly what so many others on here have described and with some prednisone, some fluids, it is possible that maybe Rebel can come though this. If it's a last ditch effort, there is nothing to lose as the others said.
This is soooo heart breaking though. Our thoughts and heats are with Melissa and Rebel tonight. This weekend.
Thanks for letting us know Jeanette.
11-17-2012, 10:31 PM
Hi again everyone,
I have been texting most of the night with Melissa, and as Marianne and the others suggested, I too am in agreement with giving the pred at this point. She said he licked his food and then walked away and tried drinking a little bit of water. I did mention the
Possibility of Addison's but she said his post no was in the 5's and he has been in the 3's before without a problem, so she is hesitant to believe it is an Addison's crisis. She is terrified of the other issues he is having (trembling) and thinks could be neuro from perhaps a growing pit tumor? My question, is trembling a symptom of a macrotumor?
Melissa has decided to go ahead with the pred, and is trying to get it in him somehow. I will keep you all updated as soon as I hear more.
Xo Jeanette
11-17-2012, 10:56 PM
hi again,
does anyone knowledgable with pred dosing know how much pred melissa should be giving. she has 20mg tablets but i guess vet did not give her instructions as to how often and how long to give.
please anyone if you have the appropriate dose, let us know asap.
11-17-2012, 11:00 PM
Jeanette, you are being an angel by conveying our messages. I hate to put you on the spot by asking more questions of Melissa, but I'm confused and hoping to sort things out. If Rebel was hospitalized within this past week for low cortisol, when was the ACTH testing performed with the result of 5? If it was within 24-48 hours of the inpatient prednisone treatment, the test would have been artificially elevated. Once the effects of the IVs waned, his cortisol level may have bottomed out again. Also, even though his electrolytes were OK while in the hospital, they may also be out of whack again now that he is not eating nor drinking properly. What led up to the hospitalization, and was he OK when he was first discharged??
I don't believe that a macrotumor typically produces such dramatic symptoms and changes within a period of just a few days, but imbalances in electrolytes and cortisol definitely can. That's why I'm so stuck on my worry that an overnight stay was insufficient for treating Rebel's issues if low cortisol/aldosterone was/is the cause.
11-17-2012, 11:22 PM
He spent 2 days and nights at the hospital. Received iv fluids because of severe dehydration. The ACTH test was performed Tuesday morning. I had thought he might be having a crisis that sat evening before so I have him a quarter of a pill of pred. So that's why they waited till Tuesday for the test. He now has not eaten since last Friday morning. He had only eaten a few bites of food there. He seems to be having a lot of neuro issues. Tremors, uncontrollable shaking. He paces around in circles and doesn't seem to know where he's at. At some points he looks like he's having small seizures. My baby boy doesn't seem to be in there anymore and it's killing me.
11-17-2012, 11:40 PM
Hi Melissa, I'm so terribly sorry about what's going on!!!
So just to make sure I understand, you don't know for certain whether Rebel's cortisol ever dropped too low? He was just dehydrated from not eating or drinking, and you were suspecting he may have dropped too low?
Has he still been receiving his trilostane?
For what it's worth, from searching some other threads here, I believe the rescue dose for prednisone is 0.25 mg. per kg. So you'd take the weight in pounds, divide by 2.2, and then multiply by 0.25. So as an example for a 50 pound dog, the dose would be approx. 5 mg. once daily. But from what you're saying, I'm now less certain it will help, though. Was he exhibiting these extreme neuro symptoms while in the hospital?
11-17-2012, 11:56 PM
He hasn't had any trilo and I noticed him favoring his head before I took him in. Holding it to the right. I thought it was his ear giving him issues. But they looked and said it was fine. No we don't know for certain that it was too low. At this point I don't think the pred is helping I gave him a quarter of a tab about 5mg a couple hours ago. He hasn't changed. He's just been sleeping which is the only time I see him in peace. I just don't wanna see him suffer anymore. He's had only a couple bites of food in a week. Very little water since we have been home. They called in a scrip for some liquid nausea meds so I've been giving him that every 8 hours to see if that gives him some comfort.
11-18-2012, 12:10 AM
He weighs about 23 pounds now. He's lost around 7 pounds
11-18-2012, 12:15 AM
Melissa, thank you so much for writing while you're in the midst of your own suffering right now. All I have to do is close my eyes and remember how frantic and desperate I felt when my beloved Barkis stopped eating and drinking, too. I will never, ever forget it. It does sound as though something has gone terribly wrong for Rebel such as an expanding tumor. You've done all the right things -- took him to the hospital to be seen, stopped the trilostane, and now he's been given the prednisone. So I, too, am stumped and am so sorry for both you and your sweet Rebel. I will be here, hoping that something will shift or change over the course of the weekend. Above all, I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending my hugs and hopes to you,
11-18-2012, 12:24 AM
Sending love and prayers to dear Rebel and you! Kim
11-18-2012, 12:37 AM
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Just trying to give him as much love as I can right now
molly muffin
11-18-2012, 02:06 AM
What about a pancreatic attack? Did they check for that? What about electrolytes? Are those good? If he isn't drinking they could be off too. Try giving him water in a syringe too, to get some fluids into him. Even chicken broth would work. I had to give molly Pedialyte once for a bit, when she wouldn't drink and it was throwing her electrolytes off.
I'm really racking my brain trying to figure anything out that might help poor Rebel to feel better. I know it does sound like there is something going on neurologically with the head tilt. But if there is any other option.. well you know. :(
My heart is just breaking for you right now and we all know how very scary it is when things take a sudden turn. Whatever happens, we're here for you.
11-18-2012, 02:10 AM
He had bloodwork done also. All his numbers were good. Pancreas electrolytes. All of them
11-18-2012, 03:53 AM
Melissa, is there any chance that this could be "old dog idiopathic vestibular syndrome"? That would account for the head tilt to the right and falling over and pacing around in circles and nausea and loss of appetite too. Although the cause is usually unknown, it can happen due to an inflammation of some kind in the nerves connecting the inner ear to the cerebellum (which controls balance and spatial orientation). It usually comes on pretty suddenly and it can be very scary for an owner to watch happening to their dog. An abnormal, rapid, side-to-side movement of the eyes might also be seen, called nystagmus and sometimes, vestibular syndrome can even be mistaken for a stroke.
Dogs often feel pretty dizzy and nauseated with vestibular syndrome and so they will often refuse to eat. Most dogs who have the condition may also only eat or drink if they are hand fed or given water by hand because they have a hard time with the fine motor movements necessary to eat or drink from a bowl. Not sure what you are feeding, but homecooked, tasty foods that can be fed by hand in small amounts (like cooked chicken or cooked ground chicken or beef, potatoes, etc) may be easier to get him to eat than dog food, if that's what he usually eats.
Improvements are sometimes seen within a few days, but it usually takes a few weeks for dogs to recover. The thing is that they *do usually recover (if it is indeed vestibular syndrome). Time and whatever supportive therapy they may need while they are recovering (help eating or walking, IV fluids if they become dehydrated, anti-nausea meds if they are nauseous, for example) is all that is usually done in the way of "treatment". I think that sometimes pred is given as a treatment, but I'm not sure why.
Maybe I'm just grasping at straws here, but it just sounds to me like vestibular syndrome is what could be happening with Rebel.
11-18-2012, 04:41 AM
Thinking of you and hoping and praying for a miracle for Rebel.
vestibular syndrome"
this was my first thought as well when I read your post. I know others have been through it and it comes on suddenly.
does anyone know how it is diagnosed?
we are here with you, praying fo a miacle.
11-18-2012, 07:47 AM
Oh Cushy, good thought!!!!
Melissa, if you Google this, you will come up with lots of info. Here's just one example:
But everybody agrees that the symptoms come on rapidly and can look horribly severe before they also spontaneously resolve, usually within a couple of weeks. A neurologist could give a better idea as to what is going on. But I think the proof of the pudding will largely just be whether or not Rebel soon starts to show even a bit of improvement. All fingers and toes crossed that Cushy has nailed this!!!
Squirt's Mom
11-18-2012, 09:01 AM
Hi Melissa,
Good thought from Cushy and one certainly worth pursuing further. If you can talk to his vet today, I would ask about this for sure.
How is Rebel acting today? Any changes one way or the other?
We are here with you, sweetie, always with you.
Hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang
Bo's Mom
11-18-2012, 09:04 AM
We are all here praying for you and Rebel now. Sending ((((HUGS)))) and comforting/healing thoughts that you find an answer and Rebel is on the mend.
11-18-2012, 09:21 AM
Melissa, I see we've started a new page here. Please be sure to go back and read the info Cushy wrote about idiopathic vestibular syndrome, OK? This may be exactly what's going with Rebel.
11-18-2012, 01:15 PM
Not much had changed today. He's pacing more than he was. He won't eat anything not boiled chicken out of my hand. I did read about that other thing. I will talk to the vet tm but this has now been going on a week. Should I have seen some improvement already?
11-18-2012, 01:16 PM
When I try to offer him food he just starts shaking. :(
11-18-2012, 01:28 PM
He also has the tremors can't think of another word to describe it. Not violent shaking but when he has them they throw him off balance for a few seconds. He's not favoring any side of his head anymore. That went away after they cleaned his ears.
11-18-2012, 01:34 PM
Melissa, As you probably remember I really struggled with getting Annie to eat and she too would shake. I could tell she was hungry but I had to try multiple types of food before she'd finally eat. I believe her tumor made her nauseous. There are drugs that can help that - perhaps another option.
Regarding the post from acushdogsmom - I'd definitely look into it. "Cushy" as we call her was one of the founders of this site and isn't around as much but her thoughts are always golden to us. Just an fyi.
I know it's so hard - keep the faith and know we are all here to help in any way that we can. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
11-18-2012, 01:52 PM
He is on nausea meds now. It's liquid form so I use a syringe which is easier than trying to shove a pill down his throat. I will talk to the vet about the disease mentioned tm when they open. I don't want to make a rash decision but I also don't wanna see him suffer. Very hard
molly muffin
11-18-2012, 02:15 PM
Hi Melissa. I know this is horrible for you to see. I don't know, the head thing not tilting as much after the ear cleaning, sort of make me wonder if cushy isn't onto something. Try using the syringe to get some water into him and maybe something like chicken broth. Just some sort of nourishment to get him through this maybe.
We are all just hoping that Rebel can make it through and come out on the other side back to his usual self.
Hang in there. Hugs,
11-18-2012, 02:21 PM
He was outside a little bit ago rolling in the leaves. It's the most life I've seen outta him in a week. I did give him another quarter of a tablet of pred about 5 mg. hoping to stimulate his eating and drinking. He has had a couple bm's but they are small of course and very dark in color.
11-18-2012, 02:53 PM
I'm so sorry you're going through this:(.
Both if my dogs has the vestibular disease hit them quick. Both if them woke up in the middle of the night with a head tilt, inability to walk, and eyes darting. My nibbles was throwing up and peed on his bed because he was so scared. Casey had it first, a few years prior to nibbles so we knew what it was when it hit again.
It really looks so bad and life threatening, but it isn't. Casey recovered in about 2 weeks with prednisone. She was always a difficult eater so she wouldn't touch anything. I mixed warm water with wet food and got a large medicine syringe and fed her that way. She fully recovered but the head tilt slightly stayed.
Nibbles recovered in a day without medical intervention. Vet said to give Dramamine for nausea.
Vet said one tell take sign is the nystagmus. When you look in there eyes, the eyes drift to on le side continuously, causing the vomiting.
I really hope this is what's wrong with rebel. I'll keep you guys in my prayers. Glad he's rolling in the leaves.
molly muffin
11-18-2012, 03:01 PM
Rolling in the leaves is a very good thing! Maybe it means he is starting to feel a little bit better now and then.
I hope so!
Melissa, I know you are scared, but try to keep the faith for a bit longer. I really think the vestibule problem could be what is wrong and if that is not the case, well, you bought him some time to roll in the leaves. Hoping the prednisone starts helping even more. Meat Baby food may spur him a bit to eat.
We are here with you, we wont go anywhere. Deep breaths, I know its hard. Take it one hour at a time, baby steps.
11-18-2012, 03:18 PM
Is pacing a sign also? He has been doing this a lot. Just going in circles
11-18-2012, 03:22 PM
I checked his eyes. He doesn't have a whole lot of back and forth movement. He just looks right at me. He's had a lot of junk in them though. Maybe I'm just grasping now? :(
Squirt's Mom
11-18-2012, 03:40 PM
Signs of vestibular disease include head tilting, loss of coordination, circling and stumbling, staggering, falling and rolling, as well as involuntary, rhythmic, jerking eye movements from side to side or up and down. The abnormal eye movement is called nystagmus.
Dizziness and loss of balance can cause excessive drooling, nausea and vomiting. If the disease affects only one ear, head tilting and circling will be in the direction of the affected ear. If only one side of the head is involved, only the eye on that side may develop nystagmus.
Hang in there, sweetie. We are all pulling for you both.
Leslie and the gang
11-18-2012, 04:06 PM
Hi again Melissa,
Re the nystagmus - while it's a common thing in dogs with vestibular syndrome, I don't think that it is *always present, and even when the dog does have nystagmus, it may be one of the signs that goes away first, even though the dog may still be feeling pretty "seasick" and dizzy. So he may have had it initially, but not now.
You asked how long before there would be improvements - I believe that the signs and symptoms of vestibular syndrome may start to get better within a few days, but it's quite common for it to take a couple of weeks or more, to really show noticeable improvements.
Since it's not an easy diagnosis to confirm (you can't run a test that will confirm vestibular syndrome), maybe the thing to do might be to try to keep Rebel as comfy as possible for a while longer, before making that very difficult "final decision" that can't be reversed. That way, you won't be left asking yourself "what if" or wondering if you maybe should have waited.
Maybe you should also continue with the anti-nausea meds, since it's likely that he does feel nauseous. As for getting some nutrition into him, you might have to try something other than boiled chicken. And maybe you can also try Nutri Cal, which is a high calorie dietary supplement (comes in a tube). Many dogs who won't eat may still be willing to lick the Nutri-cal off of your fingers. Your Vet may sell it, but I think it's also available at almost all pet stores, like Petsmart, Petco etc.
A friend of mine has a dog who is experiencing vestibular syndrome right now. He is getting a bit better, but he is still having trouble with his balance. And his appetite, although it has improved a bit, is still not great. The Vet says it makes sense that a dog who feels dizzy (many vets believe that what the dog is feeling is similar to sea-sickness) is not going to feel much like eating.
11-18-2012, 06:37 PM
I am going to wait before making this decision. He did eat a piece and a half of thin sandwich meat. Surprised me cause I didn't think he would I just offered it just to see. So I kept giving him small pieces till he decided he was done. I did give him the 5mg of pred around noon and he is getting his nausea meds every 8 hours. Should I only give the pred once a day for now? He has drank a little more today. He weighs 23 pounds right now
Dear Melissa, I'm sorry to hear that Rebel has not been's really hard to know what is wrong. It could well be vestibular disease, but it could also be neurological. Some of Rebels symptoms sound very familiar to me... also the fact that he seemed a little more active after you upped the prednisone could be another indicator. I have just read that he is now excepting food too!
I had known for a while that Maya had developed neurological problems, but they were ever so subtle and they happened every now and again. Then practically overnight they escalated into a full blown episode and I had to rush her to the vets, She was almost unconscious. We thought she'd had an addisons crisis, but the vet wasn't having any of it. He didn't really know what more he could do for her. I begged him to give me prednisone because I wasn't ready to let go and he did. After a week of taking a pretty high dose, Maya rebounded and was almost back to normal. Unfortunately, it kind of lulls you into a false sense of security, because after a while it stops working and you're back at square one. Maya never came off prednisone, but I managed to keep her 3 more precious months. If you feel you are at the end of the road and have no more options. Talk to your vet about giving Rebel a course of prednisone. I have written all the symptoms that Maya had in my thread(it's not that long) and in the macro-tumour thread. Have a read and see if you see any similarities...
Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers...
Hugs, Leah
11-18-2012, 07:14 PM
He is drinking more water but as far as food goes he's just really not wanting much. I would like to getter nutrition in him but living where I'm at there isn't anything close for me to just run out to until maybe tm when I head to work. I do have muscle milk in the fridge it's a high protein shake. You think a little of that through a syringe tonight would be ok for him?
I personally would try anything! Maya stopped eating dog food, so I'd make stews, with meat and veg, rice, wholegrain pasta. You know, tasty stuff. Don't know about protein shake... but, I'd give Maya frozen vanilla yogurt. she'd love that!
11-18-2012, 07:36 PM
Hi Melissa,
Do you have a petsmart or petco near you? They sell a doggy Ensure type shake that you could give. Just be careful if you need to syringe. Just squirt into the cheek so he doesn't choke on the liquid. How about some Nutrical. Not sure if that's ok to give.
11-18-2012, 07:45 PM
Not near no. Closest one is over an hour away. I live out in the country with just a small grocery store in town. Closest Walmart is 45 mins away :/
molly muffin
11-18-2012, 08:16 PM
Anything he eats meat, broth, etc, is probably a good thing right now. You can pick up any other things that you think might help tomorrow.
hugs, Sharlene
11-18-2012, 08:20 PM
Melissa, I know you are anxious to get some nutrition into Rebel, but I would not give the muscle milk. I just looked up the ingredients, and there's a whole bunch of additives that may or may not be OK for dogs. You know how some human sweeteners can be toxic for dogs -- that would be my same concern here. That some of these additives that are good for humans may not be so good for dogs, or at least not in the quantity that they're included in the muscle milk.
I think it's great that he's starting to drink more water. If he doesn't want to eat anything more tonight, I think I'd leave it at that and start in tomorrow again with some simple foods about which you're certain the ingredients are OK for a dog.
11-18-2012, 08:49 PM
Ok thanks I will hold off for now
11-19-2012, 12:03 AM
One thing you could try in the morning is some baby food that maybe Rebel would lick off your fingers. Even your local grocery will have that. Baby food is usually made out of pretty basic, pure ingredients. Just make sure the kind you pick doesn't contain onions. Once when Peg was really sick and turned up her nose to everything else, she would lick some baby food for me -- I think it was a chicken/pumpkin or turkey/pumpkin combo. That along with some scrambled egg finally got her eating again for me. Then she advanced to eating some shredded chicken mixed up in the baby food. Just a thought. :o
11-19-2012, 12:17 AM
I will pick some up in the morning. Thank you
11-19-2012, 12:24 AM
Yes, just be sure to check the ingredient list to ensure that the kind you pick is just pure meat or vegetable or rice or whatever and water -- no added salt, onion, or other stuff.
11-19-2012, 12:55 AM
Also, you had asked earlier about the prednisone. This is just my personal opinion, but at this point, I'd hold off on giving any more than just the once daily rescue dose. Prednisone can be hard on an empty stomach, so I wouldn't want to overdo it while Rebel isn't eating. Plus, while he remains off the trilostane, presumably his natural cortisol level should continue to rebound, especially if low cortisol was not part of the problem to begin with.
11-19-2012, 01:03 AM
Thank you for that info. I've only given him the 5mg yesterday and then today. I will look for the baby food tm at our grocery store. If I can't find a natural one ill leave early for work and go to petco and bring something home tm night. They have me on night shift now but my mom will be home during the day with him cause she works the overnight shift at her job.
11-19-2012, 01:09 AM
I think I just bought regular old Gerbers or Beechnut or something like that. As long as the label lists only pure ingredients, I think you should be OK with even a conventional product.
11-19-2012, 01:35 AM
Thanks for the info. All I can do now is pray he can get past this. I did upload a picture to the album Rebel of pretty much what we have done all weekend.
11-19-2012, 01:46 AM
Such a hard time for Rebel at the moment, I don't have any advice but just wanted to add my support and send hugs to you both
Trish xx
I hope you both made it through the night. Im praying for you.
Love you.
Bo's Mom
11-19-2012, 08:33 AM
Praying for Rebel.
Sending my thoughts and prayers also....
Tina and Jasper
11-19-2012, 01:35 PM
He didn't really like the baby food but I was able to put some in the syringe put in his cheek and get some in him. Not a lot. Didn't wanna make him sick. My mom is gonna try a little more later on
Thinking of you and Rebel......
11-19-2012, 06:53 PM
I'm so sorry that Rebel's appetite isn't improving. Are you still in contact with your vets this week? You might ask if they think ideopathic vestibular syndrome could possibly be Rebel's problem. There may be something about his condition of which we're unaware that makes this seem more or less likely to the vet, and that could influence your decisions moving forward. :o
In the meantime, fingers crossed that you'll soon see a glimmer of improvement.
Checking in Melissa, are you okay and how is Rebel?
Dang, Melissa, I sure wish I could make this all go away. You have had so much to deal with this year.
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) )))))))))
11-19-2012, 10:57 PM
My mom has had him this afternoon and evening. I won't get off for a few more hours. She said he are a few pieces of chicken lunchmeat some salami, she gave him more baby food by syringe and drank some of the cats milk. He was rolling in the leaves again and has been jumping up and down on the couch again which he had stopped doing. I was having to lift him. He's drinking more water but that could be the pred. His vet wasn't in today so I'm gonna speak with her tm. I don't wanna get my hopes to high but it's nice to see him a little more interested in food. I'm planning on trying to enjoy this thanksgiving with him even it's my last.
Wanting you to know i am thinking of you and your baby, and hope you are able to update us soon, hopefully the doctor will offer some advice, insight or help. (((((((((hugs))))))))) to both.
Rolling in the leaves is a good thing. Take fit or as long as you can sweetie!!!!!!!! Loving deli meat is not too bad;):) I love a piece of salami now and then myself:D:D:D
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) ))))))))))))
Squirt's Mom
11-20-2012, 08:51 AM
Hi Melissa,
I'm taking the leaf rolling and slight improvement in appetite as a good sign that Rebel is headed back to his old self, putting this episode, whatever it was, behind him. Yep, that's what's happening alright! :) But, you can go ahead and let us know what the vet says, 'k? ;):D Then, when you get a chance you can fill us in on your new life down in one of my mostest favorite states.
Leslie and the gang
:) leaf, are they not just soooooooooooo adorable!!!!!!! just makes me want to go roll around in leafs with them. lol....oh i have. lol
molly muffin
11-20-2012, 07:40 PM
Oh I think there might be more leaf rolling in Rebels future. It doesn't sound like he is down and out just yet.
Hugs, Melissa, now have a Happy Thanksgiving! And give Rebel a belly rub from us all.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-22-2012, 05:37 PM
Hi again, Melissa - sending you and Rebel some (((hugs))) on this Thanksgiving Day. So many of the signs and symptoms that you have been describing are exactly what is seen with vestibular syndrome and I hope very much that that's what this turns out to be. Recovery and improvements for dogs with this condition may be slow, but I'm hoping that given some more time, Rebel will recover.
I am thinking of you and your sweet Rebel. I'm so sorry he is struggling, but so hopeful after hearing he was rolling in the leaves. My thoughts are with you...
Julie & Hannah
11-23-2012, 02:54 AM
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers. I hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving. I will post more later when it's not so late. We are both hanging in for the moment though and have had a great day.
That's enough info for me,
geat day is the best news:D:D:D:D:D
Agreed, Addy. Will be waiting to hear more, Melissa, and hoping for more good news...
Julie & Hannah
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers. I hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving. I will post more later when it's not so late. We are both hanging in for the moment though and have had a great day.
Thank God for that!!:)
Hugs, Leah
molly muffin
11-23-2012, 05:17 PM
Yay!!! for good days!!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-23-2012, 08:46 PM
Rebel has a crusty yucky funky looking nose and I think it's affecting his smell. Just noticed it today. Any ideas? He has eaten some ham leftover from yesterday and I fed him more baby food through syringe and I picked up some dog sure today and have him some tonight through syringe. He's keeping everything down but only wants to be hand fed or syringe fed. :(
11-23-2012, 09:26 PM
Poor Rebel, is it a sore on his nose or a runny nose?? I have no idea other than giving it a nice warm wipe to get the crusties off.. hope it settles quick!
11-23-2012, 10:01 PM
My dog Haley had a condition when she was 16 where here nose got crusty - like the skin was cracked and awful looking. I was given an ointment to put on it. I cannot remember what the condition was called but it sounds like what you are talking about. Kim
11-23-2012, 10:44 PM
He has eaten some ham leftover from yesterday and I fed him more baby food through syringe and I picked up some dog sure today and have him some tonight through syringe. He's keeping everything down but only wants to be hand fed or syringe fed. :(
I don't know what the nose thing might be about, but regarding his eating, they say that dogs usually feel pretty dizzy and nauseated with vestibular syndrome and so they will often refuse to eat, especially at first. And that if/when they do start to eat, they may have a hard time with the fine motor movements necessary to eat or drink from a bowl, so they may only eat or drink if they are hand fed or given water by hand. Or they might not feel steady enough on their feet to eat from a bowl the way they usually would do. So his eating only when he is hand or syringe-fed does make sense. But at least he is eating and keeping it all down. And that sounds to me like a good sign. :)
11-24-2012, 12:14 AM
Listening to him breathe it almost sounds like he has a stuffy nose :/
Gosh Mel, I dont know, the only time I have seen that in one of my dogs is when Koko came to us with Bortetella.
Do pups get sinus infections? Sinus infections can do all kinds of weird things to me, affect my balance, make me not want to eat.
How are his teeth?
11-24-2012, 11:57 AM
His teeth look fine
Hi Melissa,
I don't have any answers for you, but I would talk to your vet about the crusty nose and the strange breathing. When we adopted our Bailey boy he came to us with kennel cough and he got a crusty nose every night. I had to clean his little boogers up every morning. He was also sneezing snot everywhere and his breathing was very loud and there were lots of snorts and a lot of snoring.
Like Kim mentioned, I nannied for a family that had a dog with a crusty nose problem, and they also had ointment for it. It seemed like it became a permanent condition and she just needed it for the rest of her life.
How is Rebel's mood? Do you feel like he still seems a little better, or is he still pretty lethargic?
Sending lots of positive thoughts and strength your way!!!
Julie & Hannah
11-24-2012, 07:09 PM
Melissa, I also think that you should probably ask your Vet about Rebel's crusty/stuffy nose. It could be something completely unrelated to his other recent symptoms, maybe a respiratory infection of some kind that might require antibiotics.
And how is he feeling otherwise? Is he still eating (hand fed or on his own), is he able to walk etc? Are you seeing any other improvements at all?
11-25-2012, 01:41 AM
Here's the thing mood wise there are moments when he seems a lot better. He wags his tail again occasionally. He barks outside, loves rolling in the leaves. He runs with Sadie if they see something. He's back to jumping on the couch and bed I don't have to lift him. He won't hardly eat anything except lunchmeat fed by hand and sometimes a little wet food when no one is around. I have no idea what to think :/
11-25-2012, 04:07 PM
Wow Melissa,
That's great that Rebel is more upbeat and doing so much compared to nothing, but the not eating part is really mind boggling:confused:
Will he eat a piece of steak if you throw it in his bowl? I know you have said he has always been a bit picky. How are his poos, solid, loose or probably not many since not eating too much? Do you think his teeth may be bothering him and why may not want to eat? Are you still giving anti nausea meds? Does he drool excessively? What about trying the slippery elm bark for his stomach? It did wonders on my girl couple of weeks ago. Don't know, trying to make sense of him not wanting food? What did vet say about it? Is there some type of appetite stimulating agent a pup can take? What do I know?
Hope he starts eating for you more than rolling in those leaves or both.
Love ya all. xo Jeanette
11-25-2012, 04:13 PM
Still getting nausea meds. Tried steak today cause I grilled out. He took it from my hand and chewed it then just dropped it. He acts like he wants to eat but just doesn't. He ate a jerky treat today and I fed him baby food and some dog sure. He's still getting 5mg pred a day which should be stimulating his appetite. I just don't know what to think. His vet has been closed all week and I'm not to thrilled with the one he saw.
11-25-2012, 04:44 PM
Have you tried the Nutrical stuff that was mentioned? It is a clear sugary gel and designed to stimulate appetite. People rave over it. Annie wouldn't eat it because she didn't like anything sweet. When she was really not eating I would force it into her mouth just for the calories. Is Rebel maintaining or losing weight? I know it is very hard as I lived with it for almost two years... threw away so much food it was silly.. but you do what you gotta do. The fact that she is playing is wonderful news! Keep the faith. Kim
11-25-2012, 04:57 PM
I have this gel/paste stuff called senior vite. It's supposed to be for extra calories. He doesn't like it but I put it on his gums and he will lick it then. He's so thin it's hard to tell if he's lost more or not
11-25-2012, 07:37 PM
Not sure if you ever checked my Annie's photos but I 'get' thin. :( It is very important that you at least maintain Rebel's weight. Your vet should be weighing him every time he visits. It really made me pay attention and get the extra calories in even when I thought it was impossible. I googled senior-vite and it looks more like a way to give vitamins than encourage eating. (maybe there's more than one variety)
Take care and give Rebel a hug. Kim
Hi Melissa,
Just checking in on you and Rebel. How are things going?
Julie & Hannah
checking in and seeing if he is eating any better for you? sending you warm hugs..........and to rebel gentle tummy rubs and kiss on snout.
Squirt's Mom
11-28-2012, 09:06 AM
Mornin' Melissa,
I pray the silence means you are too busy rolling in the leaves with Rebel to do anything else. ;) Seriously, I do pray that you and your sweet boy are doing much better. This past year has been a tough one for you in many ways and I am sure you are still not over all that has happened.
I continue to hold onto this being a vestibular episode and Rebel is going to rebound. Let us hear from you when you can and know you are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
Leslie and the gang
Hi Melissa,
Just checking back to let you know I'm still thinking of you and Rebel, and like Leslie, I hope Rebel is rebounding and will be doing better soon. Please know that I am thinking of you and hoping for the very best!
Julie & Hannah
11-28-2012, 11:42 PM
Love sent from here also! Kim
Hi Melissa,
Just a tad worried:o:o:o
hope we hear from you soon
12-05-2012, 03:28 AM
I'm sorry I'm still here and so is Rebel. I work a lot of hours and in just tired. He's about the same although he hasn't had any tremors in over a week. He still really won't eat anything except lunchmeat on his own. I'm still feeding him baby food. He still loves rolling in the leaves and was doing laps around my pond at full speed! It's those kinda if days that keep me hanging on but I still wonder if I'm holding on too much
12-05-2012, 04:16 AM
If Rebel is running laps around the pool, he ain't ready to go nowhere :) Hang in there, hope his appetite picks up soon xx
12-05-2012, 01:36 PM
Running the laps was this past weekend and I'm sorry to say that he has declined reap idly the past 2 days. I was hoping he was bouncing back but he stopped trying to eat anything yesterday and stopped drinking water. He lays and shakes and whines and I can't see him suffer anymore. My boy is trying so hard for me but I have to do what is right for him. I'm taking him in at 4 today to let him get his wings. This is by far one of my hardest decisions and I hope you all understand.
Oh sweetie...We do understand. I know that heartache all too well having gone through it myself almost a month ago. While this is a traumatic decision, it may also be the greatest act of love you can perform for Rebel...setting him free, peacefully from his tired sick little body. Know that we are all here for you, you are not alone in this. May God bless you and give you the strength you need to get through this. You are both in my thoughts and prayers....
Hugs, Leah
Sweet Melissa, we all understand and this is probably one of the hardest decisions you will ever make. We are here for you.
I am so very sorry, Mel.
Boriss McCall
12-05-2012, 02:33 PM
I am so sorry.. You and Rebel are in my thoughts today. :(
Squirt's Mom
12-05-2012, 02:51 PM
Dear Melissa,
We understand all too well, honey. I know exactly what your heart is feeling right now. Please know you are doing the right thing for your sweet boy...and I that we know how difficult it can be to do the right thing.
My thoughts, prayers, tears and healing white light is with you all.
Leslie and the gang
12-05-2012, 02:57 PM
I'm here too, Melissa, and sending you hugs of strength from across the miles. You have done everything possible to heal Rebel's body. Now you will be freeing his shining spirit. This is your final, greatest gift to your boy.
We are here for you, Melissa, and we will stay with you.
molly muffin
12-05-2012, 03:34 PM
Oh Melissa I'm so sorry. Only you know what is best for Rebel.
We support you no matter what.
This has been such a difficult year for you. I can only hope that next year will bring you much joy in your life.
12-05-2012, 04:02 PM
So sorry. I am thinking of you both today.
Linda x
12-05-2012, 06:09 PM
Dear friends,
It is with deep regret and a very heavy heart in saying our precious, sweet boy Rebel has just been released to that everlasting peace. I can't offer anymore than this right now as my tears are many. That boy left a huge print in my heart, as now it has mom, Sadie and the rest of us.
Prayers for strength for you Melissa to try to cope with this for the many many days, months to come.
God Bless you sweet Rebel. You will never be forgotten.
Jeanette and cousin Princess
molly muffin
12-05-2012, 06:15 PM
Good bye Rebel. Fly and play and have fun without any worries or pain.
12-05-2012, 06:23 PM
Fly high Rebel boy, how sad when your Mom tried her hardest to help you. And help you she did, always by your side and now she has helped you to reach the places you are now seeing and I'm sure it is fantastic at the rainbow bridge. Hugs to Melissa and all who cared about Rebel xx
Harley PoMMom
12-05-2012, 07:21 PM
Oh Melissa,
I am so sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you. We are here for you.
Godspeed sweet Rebel
Bo's Mom
12-05-2012, 07:58 PM
We are sending you strength and prayers across the miles. So sorry that you are dealing with this. Please know we are all here for you and we are all holding you in our thoughts. Rebel knows he had the best family who loved him and who would do anything for him; even if it was going to cause pain in our hearts.
He now has his wings and will forever be with you.
Oh Melissa, I am so, so sorry to hear this. Of course we understand. It is such a hard thing to do, but it is absolutely what we have to do for them. Please know that you are in my thoughts. I am glad Rebel is no longer suffering.
Julie & Hannah
12-05-2012, 09:10 PM
Oh man this hurts. Rebel run, run, run and play, play, play. Free of pain, smile on your face. Know just how much you were loved by your mom and how close we all felt to you as your mom shared your journey. Thanks for the honor. Run free little buddy. Run free. Kim
12-05-2012, 09:17 PM
Thank you for all your kind words and love. Rebel was my world for the last 10 years and I have a very heavy heart and I miss him tremendously. My mom and another dear friend were with me when he crossed over. My sweet brother let me bury him on his property and built him a casket with blankets inside. He is wrapped in his favorite blanket and with his jacket. I'm going to get some markers and flowers for it. It was fitting when we laid him to rest I looked up and in the setting sun was a line across the sky from an airliner. I felt it was my boy showing me he's flying free. My tears are constant but I know I did what was best for him and I will always put him and Sadie first.
12-05-2012, 11:48 PM
I am so sorry Melissa. You gave Rebel your all and then some and he gave you his all as well, but you gave him the gift of peace and it's a heavy gift to give. Run free Rebel!
12-06-2012, 11:19 PM
So sorry to see that Rebel passed. It is so hard to decide when the time is right. Never second guess your decision (I know in my case it was easier said than done). When a dog stops being happy, it is time. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Try to think only of your good memories.
12-07-2012, 09:23 AM
Melissa, so sorry to hear of Rebel's passing. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom
12-12-2012, 04:31 PM
Melissa..sorry I haven't posted's been hard...but Jeanette told me about he loss of Rebel and I am so sorry.....i have cried so many nites for ypur loss...I know how it feels....but we have to hold on to he fact hat we did ll we could for our furbabies....and they know that we loved them so much.... Rebel will be with you everyday and you have beautiful memories to hold on to forever......I know my girl was there to meet him and they are running free and most of all are pain free. Sending you love, strength, prayers and support and lots of hugs.....xoxo
Run free Angel Rebel...
12-12-2012, 10:40 PM
I am so sorry for your pain. I didn't travel the journey with you, but I just spent a couple of hours reading your thread. You have sure had your share of hurt.
I hope life gets better for you. You surely deserve some brighter days.
Sending hugs, prayers, and love your way.
12-13-2012, 04:23 AM
Cindy I know my boy and Penny are running and having a good time together. It's hard to say goodbye but I believe I'll see him again and I'm sure he's walking along side my dad keeping an eye out for me. Every night on my drive home from work I have lots of time to think (45mins) and of course my thoughts are on him. Every night I look up at the sky and I have seen a shooting star every night for the last week. I know it's my boy telling me its ok but I miss him terribly and I can't believe it's been a week since I've held him and loved him. Thank you all for your kind words and support.
05-23-2013, 04:01 PM
Posted an update on us in everything else section. Wanted to just check in and let you all know we are still kicking :)
05-23-2013, 04:09 PM
Oh Melissa, I am so sorry that you're going through this but at the same time commend you for making one of the most difficult choices ever for the sake of Rebel and his happiness.
Know that you did the best that was humanly possible for him.
Rest in peace sweet Rebel.
05-23-2013, 04:24 PM
Posted an update on us in everything else section. Wanted to just check in and let you all know we are still kicking :)
Just wanted to add a link to Melissa's new thread so that everybody can read her update and meet her new family member. :D ;)
05-23-2013, 04:40 PM
Thanks Marianne :)
10-01-2013, 09:23 AM
Today would have been Rebel's 11tg birthday. I still can't believe that my sweet feisty boy is gone. I miss him everyday. Happy birthday sweet boy. Momma loves you
Squirt's Mom
10-01-2013, 10:52 AM
awwww....Happy Birthday, Rebel! I'm sure there's a huge party at the Rainbow Fields today with lots of ham sandwich biscuits, Frisbee and girl chasing.
(((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSMOM)))))))))))))))))))) )))))
10-01-2013, 11:04 AM
Big Happy Birthday wishes to angel Rebel!!! I know Rebel is celebrating with all the pups at the Bridge. Look for a sign today as he is keeping an eye on Mom.
My (((hugs))) to you
Oh sweetie
Happy Birthday, Rebel. You will never be forgotten and will continue to live on in all of our hearts.
10-01-2013, 03:33 PM
HAppy birthday to rebel. I'm sure he's having a ball. He has good company.
molly muffin
10-01-2013, 09:22 PM
Happy Birthday Rebel! I know you miss him still Melissa, he was a darlin.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Roxee's Dad
10-01-2013, 09:31 PM
Happy Birthday Rebel, We know you are running free through the meadows and hanging our with all of our Cush Angels.
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