View Full Version : Rebel, 8 year old mix with Cushings - Rebel has been released

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10-02-2010, 12:05 AM
Love the birthday video.
Rebel still has a lot of spunk and looks like a little someone else was trying to ham in.
Happy Birthday Rebel.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

10-02-2010, 08:27 AM
Great video!!!! I too love the little nubbie tail. . . .

More birthday wishes for you Rebel . . . . http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2570


Casey's Mom
10-02-2010, 10:56 AM
He looks great! Thanks for the video.:D:D

10-02-2010, 08:53 PM
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. He had a great day and weekend. Yeah his sister was trying to make her presence known too. And I love his little tail too. Sometimes he gets to moving it so fast I think he's gonna take off!! Looking forward to many more birthdays for him.

11-04-2010, 06:12 PM
Rebel had a Stim test today. Should have the results by early next week. All in all he is doing really well!

Squirt's Mom
11-04-2010, 06:16 PM
Hi Melissa,

Good to hear from you and especially good to hear that Rebel is doing so well! I hope the stim is just "perfect"! Let us know what you find out!

Leslie and the girls :D - always

11-05-2010, 06:55 AM
I am glad to hear he is doing good! Post those results when you get them.


11-05-2010, 07:12 AM
Hi Melissa,
Here's hoping for some great numbers. Waiting on results here as well on Princess. Xo J

11-08-2010, 11:45 AM
Well the vet called Saturday to let me know they messed up the bloodwork. SO we go back tomorrow to have it done again. Pooe Rebel hates it there now, but it's gotta be done. So here's to more waiting.

11-10-2010, 04:20 PM
I got Rebel's stim numbers back. Pre was 0.9 and post was 2.3. the vet was happy with his numbers. He said we might have to be a little careful with high stress situations since his pre las lower than 1, but with his symptoms being under control and with a happy dog he was fine with the number. Rebel does tend to get quite a bit upset at the vets now, so now he gets his pre draw and shot, then I take him with me for lunch and go back in an hour for the post draw. I won't leave him and this seems to help with his numbers.

For reference his numbers in May were Pre 3.1 and post 3.2. Which seems odd to me, but hey nothing has been normal with him.

After speaking with the doc we have decided not to change anything and stay on the 60 mg trilostane split twice a day. I'm not going to change to the compounded drug at the moment, I don't want to switch anything up with him. The doc was ok with me opening the pills and putting it in some can food for him. I know some of you have issues with this, but it works for us and Rebel is having great results with it. I sprinkle the trilo into a small amount of can food and then cover it with a little more can food. So it should not be affecting his throat at all. The vet agreed that keeping him on the same system we have in place is the best course for him. We will re-evaluate if anything changes with him.

Rebel is great and and seems to be loving life again. With some of the bad news on the forum lately I thought it would be nice to have a happy story.

Hope all is well with your furr babies.

Lots of love.

Casey's Mom
11-10-2010, 04:32 PM
Thanks for the great news Melissa - glad he is a happy boy. :D:D I also learned from here to take Casey away from the vets in between blood draws and got better results.


Squirt's Mom
11-10-2010, 05:02 PM
Hi Melissa,

So sorry Rebel had to go through two draws but glad the results were worth it! :D I hope you continue to see improvement and he feels great for years to come!

Leslie and the girls :D - always

11-10-2010, 05:10 PM
Thanks Ellen & Leslie. I was sorry he had to go through 2 also, but it was well worth it to know how he ws doing numbers wise. It has been such a blessing to see the change in him. My mom saw him Sunday for the first time in months and she couldn't get over the change in him!

To think that 10 months ago my previous vet, who I'll call Voldemort (lol), told me he had liver disease and probably wouldn't last much longer! We showed him!

I'll just have to keep an eye and make sure he doesn't show any signs of dropping too low.

I'm just gonna live in the moment and be happy that for now we are good and he is wonderful!

11-12-2010, 02:17 PM
Rebel is great and and seems to be loving life again. With some of the bad news on the forum lately I thought it would be nice to have a happy story.

Hi Melissa!

Sorry that I'm "tardy to the party" as far as your update on Rebel! :p

But what great news to hear that he is doing so well. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Because you're absolutely right -- a happy story like this makes us all smile. :) :)

I see that his recent ACTH results were .9 and 2.3. Although these are somwhat lower than his results in May, I think your vet's observations make sense: as long as Rebel is outwardly doing so well, you are especially watching him carefully during high-stress situations and otherwise staying the course. I know that you always monitor him very closely, so if anything changes that would indicate that he's dropping too low -- you'll be on top of things. In the meantime, thanks so much for checking in with us. And enjoy every precious moment with your precious boy! ;)


11-12-2010, 02:22 PM
Thanks for your input Marianne. I was a little shocked by the .9 but with his stress level at the vet it made a little sense. Sometimes I feel like I hover over him too much and annoy him! lol He seems to take it all in stride though and is doing so well that it's hard not to ask myself how long will it last? I know I shouldn't think like that, but I'm sure everyone here does the same thing.

Right now I'm just trying to enjoy every moment that he gives me. Which lately is a lot. He is so playful and full of life!

Thanks again for your input.

12-09-2010, 12:38 PM
Just checking in. Rebel is doing really well and I added a few pictures to his album. I also added an album of his sister Sadie, she is having her own issues at the moment.

Lots of hugs and belly rubs from us.

12-23-2010, 09:45 PM
Just wanted to post a quick update on Rebel. I measured his belly again tonight for the first time in about 5 months and it was down an inch!! He is doing really well! I hope everyone has a merry Christmas and happy new year!

Oh and I cut my hair off! I cut over 10" and donated it to locks of love. It was at the bottom of my shoulder blades and now it's around my chin! I'm loving it.

12-24-2010, 10:15 AM
Hi Melissa,
So glad to hear from you and even happier the little Rebel is doing so well. hopefully we will get a good health report on Sadie as well in the new year. Thank you for your holiday well wishes. Sending them right back at ya, Rebel and Sadie. I know there will be lots of gifts to open tomorrow. Take lots of pics for us. Oh and glad you like your new do--lol. luv ya bunches, tight hugs and belly rubs. Xo Jeanette and the Princess

12-27-2010, 09:42 AM
I hope everyone had a great Christmas! We sure did and I uploaded a few pictures to show you. Love you all have a Great New Year.

12-27-2010, 09:48 AM
Hi Melissa.

Just checked out all of the great pictures you posted and I love them!! Rebel and Sadie look like they had a great time and enjoyed their presents and I'm sure you had a great time watching them. Thanks so much or sharing.


03-14-2011, 05:32 PM
Just checking in. I haven't posted in awhile. All is well on our end. Rebel is doing great still and will be having a stim test soon to check his numbers. Saving some money so Sadie can go in for surgery on her knee. But she is still the happy goofy puppy she's always been. Posted a new album of them 2 laying in the sun. Weather is finally warm again here and they are loving it.

Hugs from us.

03-14-2011, 05:59 PM
Hi Melissa,

It's great to hear from you! I've missed Rebel with the stuffed animal on his head for far too long. That picture always gets to me and makes me giggle. So dang cute! I love good reports so your post made my day. Fingers and paws are staying crossed for a good outcome on Sadie's knee surgery. Please be sure to let us know how that goes and of course, post the copies of Rebel's next acth stim test.


03-14-2011, 06:12 PM
I will keep you all updated, trying to save money for it right now. Along with trying to put back money for when I go back to school this year. Sometimes life throws you curve balls, but I've been learning to throw them back! :)

Hope all is well with you Glynda.

PS.. One of my vendors had some stray pups show up at there doorstep and I tried desperately for 2 days to find them homes. Unfortunately animal control got to them. I contacted a local rescue group and they were going to see if they could get them since they were young. I haven't been back in contact with them, I'm scared of possible bad news. :( I would have brought them home myself if it had been my place but since I rent and already have 2 at home wasn't possible. Just sad to think that they might never find a home, they were very sweet dogs.

10-14-2011, 03:16 PM
Been a long time since I have posted anything.. We are all fine for the most part. Rebel is doing pretty awesome (knock on wood). I'm still trying to save money for Sadie, but she is still doing ok. I started school this past fall and it is killing me. I hope everyone is doing well.

I posted some new pics of Rebel from a photoshoot this past August. Enjoy.


10-14-2011, 03:27 PM
Hi Melissa.

I've been waiting for an update from you and woohoo, here your are. I'm delighted that Rebel is doing so well...the pictures you just posted tell the story. He looks happy and handsome. You two take great pictures together. You've done a great job!

We'll be keeping fingers and paws crossed that Sadies surgery goes well. Don't be a stranger.


10-14-2011, 03:43 PM
I'll try not to be a stranger, but between work and school I'm exhausted. I never thought at 32 I would be back in school!!

He did awesome with all the pictures (she took 97)!!

11-08-2011, 02:47 AM
Hey everyone. I guess I never should have posted that Rebel was doing great. He is now making me eat my words. About 4 am on Saturday he had me up getting sick. It was a very small amount but it scared me some. Held his trilo that next day even though when we got up he seemed fine. He drank, ate, played with Sadie. By the end of the day his water intake was up and I was thinking maybe it was just a fluke or something just upset his tummy. Back on his trilo on Sunday. He has been fine up until 30 mins ago (it's after 1 am now), he woke me up getting sick again. Again he seems to be acting normally though. His stool has been normal he's not lethargic. He has actually been more upbeat. Any ideas? Money has been so tight lately since I started school, but I don't want him to hurt. Should I be rushing him to vet in the morning?

11-08-2011, 07:42 AM
Hi Melissa!

How long has it been since you had an ACTH for Rebel? If it was fairly recently and the results were good, then I would doubt that it is the trilostane that is causing the problem. If it has been a long time since an ACTH, it's probably time to bite that bullet and see where Rebel's cortisol level is. Here's a link that you might want to show your vet in order to try to save some money with the ACTH testing:


As an alternative, since he's done so well on trilostane for so long and if finances are really tight, you and your vet might consider just checking Rebel's electrolyes and resting baseline cortisol level today (without the cost of the stimulation). As long as his "lytes" are OK and his resting cortisol is safely above 1.45 ug/dl, it would seem less likely that low cortisol is triggering the vomiting.

Since Rebel is otherwise acting fine, whatever is causing the vomiting is probably not an emergency. But if it is out of the ordinary for him and since he is a Cushpup on medication, I would still want him to be checked out if he were mine.


11-08-2011, 08:29 AM
It has been awhile and I know he needs to be stimmed. The weird thing is that the last week I have been thinking that his cortisol is going up. His water intake has increased a lot and his pee is all diluted again. It doesn't make since to me. I was thinking I would get his electrolytes tested and see what those say. Would that include his pancreas stuff? He is normal this morning so far.

11-08-2011, 08:38 AM
He is eating and drinking this morning. I'm going to call the vet and try to get him in for blood work.

11-08-2011, 09:24 AM
Those of you that give your pups pepcid can you tell me why and what it does for them? Could he have acid reflux and can that make him sick? He is getting sick 6-8 hours after he has eaten. I don't know if that makes any difference or not. He has an appt with vet at 10 this morning. Maybe we can get some answers. I did look at his gums this morning and they are pale but he is drinking a lot.

11-08-2011, 01:33 PM
Took Rebel to vet at 10 this morning. His gums were back to normal by then and he was still acting just fine. Vet doesn't think that it is his Cortisol dropping nor does he thinks in pancreatitis (sp). He was not sensitive in his stomach area, solid poo, eating and drinking fine.. We are still going to do bloodwork but he wants him to fast for 12 hours. So I take him back in the morning at 9 to do the bloodwork. He thinks that it is acid reflux and he wants me to have him eat more but smaller meals and we are starting him on pepcid tonight. I will post again once we have his bloodwork back.

Squirt's Mom
11-08-2011, 03:00 PM
Hi Melissa,

Squirt used to have some digestive upsets from time to time, usually nausea, and we used Pepcid AC (Famotidine) for a while. But after a bit, it didn't work as well any more so we switched to Tagamet (Cimetidine). Since putting her on home cooked, she rarely has tummy upsets but when she does, I use the Tagamet, and she gets 1/2 pill on her Lyso days.

Not telling you this because I prefer one over the other but to let you know there are other options out there if you ever need to switch. ;) Lots of folks here use Pepcid. Be sure to get Pepcid AC only tho. :)

Smaller, more frequent meals can help a great deal, too.

Leslie and the gang

11-08-2011, 04:06 PM
Thanks for the info Leslie. I did buy the pepcid AC. He said to give him 1 10mg twice a day an hour before meds. Does that mean he needs to wait an hour to eat also? And it sounds like he wants him to stay on it daily. Does anyone know if there is any harm in this? I was thinking maybe to keep him from getting used to one over the other I would switch it back and forth.. Any issues with that?

I am going to try and do more smaller meals. It is just hard with my work and school schedule. I work 30 mins from home so I can't run home for lunch. Guess I will figure it out. Anything for the spoiled brat :)

Squirt's Mom
11-08-2011, 05:37 PM
He said to give him 1 10 twice a day an hour before meds. Does that mean he needs to wait an hour to eat also?

Yes, the Pepcid needs time to work before he eats.

And it sounds like he wants him to stay on it daily. Does anyone know if there is any harm in this?

Anytime meds like Pepsid are used long-term, there is risk of an imbalance in the flora of the digestive system. But the damage possible with reflux is a concern that needs to be addressed.

I was thinking maybe to keep him from getting used to one over the other I would switch it back and forth.. Any issues with that?

Can't help you here...hopefully someone else will have some input for you.

Leslie and the gang

11-08-2011, 05:44 PM
Thanks Leslie for all your help. I feel like a newbie again..lol

So should how do I know if he should be taking it everyday or only when needed? If only when needed is that when he starts throwing up again? I'm sorry I'm not familiar with the flora, but maybe I will ask my anatomy professor tonight about it!

11-08-2011, 08:51 PM
Well, I'll chime in my situation so far. Started Zoe on 5mgs once a day of Pepicd- the generic because I had to cut the brand name into such little piece.:(:( When I gave it to her before her Trilostane and food, she did not feel good. Then I switched to giving it about 3:00pm. She eats dinner at 5:30 ish. That went well for 21 days. On the 21st day she threw up in the middle of the night, not a lot, just a bit. Zoe NEVER throws up. So withheld the pepcid for 4-5 days, she was fine and I started again once a day every other day for 16 days.She had pepcid yesterday and again threw up a tiny bit in the middle of the night.

Need to discuss with IMS- maybe she needs it BID, not sure but I think I may stop it for now.

Hope I did not bum you out!!!!:confused::confused::confused:


11-08-2011, 10:14 PM
Wow Addy I thought that the Pepcid was to help their upset stomach. I hope rebel takes to it well. I need some sleep! Lol makes me wonder if I should only do once a day.

Harley PoMMom
11-08-2011, 10:20 PM
When Harley started to feel icky on the pepcid ac I switched him to slippery elm bark. Just love that SEB!!

11-08-2011, 10:34 PM
Melissa - Your pictures are great!!!!!!!! what kind of dog is Rebel - adorable!!!!!!! My Penny is now 77 lbs - she takes pepcid ac now twice a day - she does well with it - but I know every dog is different -- my new IMS said twice a day and I am speaking with her tomorrow and I am going to ask if long term is ok and how it effects them - Let you know xo

11-08-2011, 10:54 PM
When Harley started to feel icky on the pepcid ac I switched him to slippery elm bark. Just love that SEB!!

I will look into that thank you!:)

11-08-2011, 10:56 PM
Cindy thank you so much, we did a little photoshoot back in August. He is a blue heeler mix.

Rebel is only 30 lbs so now I'm wondering if twice a day is too much for him.

11-08-2011, 10:59 PM
OMG love Rebel - wow what a good looking dog - looks like he was good at the photoshoot --- I will ask vet - I think twice a day is alot for Rebels weight but I am writing it down and I will see what she says -- I was concerned also cause Penny was 85 lbs and now 77 lbs - let you know what the outcome is xo

Squirt's Mom
11-09-2011, 10:20 AM
duh...didn't even think about the SEB and I use it frequently with Trink's colitis and my own IBS. It's so nice we have a collective brain around here, huh? :p

Slippery Elm Bark info -

11-09-2011, 11:15 AM
Thank you Cindy, he certainly knows he is a good looking dog too! HAHA

I asked again, when I took him in this morning for the blood work, about the dose of pepcid. That is what they want him on so for now I will keep him there unless he has other issues come up. Knock on wood he has handled everything pretty well! (probably just jinxed myself)..

Regarding the SEB, is that something you would use in place of the pepcid? Or something to use with?

Thanks for all your help and I will post his blood work results when they fax them to me today. He had done the CBC, electrolytes and something called Comprehensive profile.

Squirt's Mom
11-09-2011, 11:47 AM
Regarding the SEB, is that something you would use in place of the pepcid? Or something to use with?

I wouldn't mix the two. The SEB will make absorption of any other med taken with it difficult if not impossible. Using the Pepcid as your vet recommends is fine. IF there is a problem with it, then you can look at some other options.

You're doing a good job, Mom!
Leslie and the gang

11-09-2011, 12:31 PM
hi Melissa,

How is the little guy today?

All this talk over pepcid ac is making me wonder now if perhaps Princess's recent issue may have been due to the pepcid?

In reading Addys last post here, I have noticed that the times Princess threw up were those when I had given her the pepcid the night before??? i never gave to her on daily basis, but only once in a while so it is interesting that Zoe also experienced similar issue.

I hope you get to the bottom of it, and hope the pepcid works. I think I will try the slippery elm. Can anyone comment if we need a prescription for SEB and who has the best price?

Warm regards and much love.

Xo Jeanette

Squirt's Mom
11-09-2011, 12:52 PM
Hi, Jeanette - hijacking here a bit, Melissa! :D

SEB can be purchased without a prescription. I get mine online, probably via Lucky Vitamins or VitaCost, and use the NOW Foods brand but there are many others available. If you have a Whole Foods near by or some other organic, Holistic food store in your area, they will likely carry it. GNC may have it, not sure. SEB is inexpensive and since it expands in water, you don't have to use a whole lot of it.

Be sure to talk to your vet before trying SEB. It should not be given within two hours of any other medication as it will interfere with absorption.

I have been thoroughly impressed with this little herb since Lori introduced me to it. ;)

Hope this helps!

11-09-2011, 02:03 PM
He is doing good today. He got his first dose of pepcid last night and his second this morning after his blood work. Knock on wood all his food has stayed down. He is currently napping under my desk with the occasional look of take me home woman on his face!.. lol

11-09-2011, 04:03 PM
Waiting on the fax of his blood work but his vet called and told me all his numbers look great. Everything is within normal ranges! Guess I can breathe a little now.. lol

Mom just needs a good nights sleep now!

11-09-2011, 05:41 PM
Here are the copies of Rebel's blood work.




11-10-2011, 09:34 PM
Hi just spoke to vet finally she said 2 pepcid ac is fine for a 30 lb dog or a 77 lb dog - she said she sees very good results from it - she says to just give it to the dog just beore you feed them - every dr is different some say half hr before some say hr before she said just before you give them the food - if i have trouble giving it to penny I just pop it in her food and she is doing pretty good with it - I saw you posted results - I know the experts will be along to go over them--so Rebel is doing ok with the eating - thats good to hear!!! Will be back to check in --- hugsssssss

Squirt's Mom
11-11-2011, 09:03 AM
Hi Melissa,

I have looked at the results...but my old eyes don't see well any more and I am not sure I am seeing them correctly so I haven't said anything about them. When I zoom them, the print gets too fuzzy. :p:o:D Hopefully, someone with younger eyes than mine can give you some feedback.

Leslie and the gang

11-11-2011, 10:19 AM
Thanks Cindy, he seems to be doing ok on the 10mg twice a day. Right now he gets it at least 30 mins before eating.

Leslie, sorry the pages are small. to sum it up though everything is in normal range, except his WBC. It shows it being 4.6 with normal 6-17. The vet didn't have a problem with it. Should I be concerned at all? But on a positive note all the rest of him numbers were in normal ranges!! Even his liver numbers are great I couldn't believe it when I saw it!

11-11-2011, 01:09 PM
So glad Rebel is doing good on it - Penny is doing good to -- fingers and paws crossed it continues!!!!:)

Squirt's Mom
11-11-2011, 02:07 PM
Tho I don't know what the implications of low white blood cells could be, if your vet isn't concerned and everything else is within range, then I wouldn't worry either. ;) GREAT that the liver values were normal! :)

Leslie and the gang

11-11-2011, 02:26 PM
Glad Penny is doing well Cindy, I'm hoping it stays that way also!

I spoke with vet again today just to make sure she was ok with his numbers and she said it was fine and she is not worried at all about them. So I guess I won't worry either. :)

Squirt's Mom
11-11-2011, 03:34 PM
WOOPEE! No worries in your cush house today! I just LOVE those days! :D

11-15-2011, 02:15 PM
Rebel has been taking the pepcid for almost a week now and knock on wood he is doing well with it and the split feedings! Yay.

Hope all your cush babes are doing well. I added some more pictures today, enjoy.

Hugs and rubs from us!

11-15-2011, 02:18 PM
I am so happy to hear about Rebel.



11-15-2011, 02:26 PM
Melissa I am so happy that the pepcid is working - Penny is doing so well with it - enjoy the happy days!!!! Saw the pics - they both are so beautiful!!!!!!!:)

11-15-2011, 02:31 PM
Thanks Cindy they are my world. Sadie is quite a handful most of the time but she is also my cuddlebug (well 100lb cuddle bug) haha..

11-18-2011, 08:43 PM
Wow I feel like I have so much to say. First I realized that I didn't post up Rebel's last bloodwork to show how much better he is!!

Here they are, these are the ones that were high before we got him regulated..

ALP: 48 (20-150)
ALT: 86 (10-118)
Glu: 107 (60-110)

Those are the ones that I concentrated on. Warms my heart to see Rebel kicking cushing's @ss!!

I also had a bit of nostalgia today and went back and read through my thread. It was amazing to go back and read through all the kind words that you all said to me. I was such a basket case and re-reading my words and the replies brought tears to my eyes. I'm so lucky to have found all of you and I'm grateful. Thank you for lifting me up and supporting me thorough his beginning stages of this horrible disease. I'm so lucky that (knock on wood) he has responded well to treatment..

On that note I have come across some interesting and astonishing info, that most of you probably know. I am in school now and I'm taking anatomy & physiology at the moment. We had to dissect a sheep brain 2 weeks ago and I got to see the pituitary gland.. I spoke with my instructor and asked what a dogs brains size was in respective of the sheep brain, (specifically a 30lb dog). He said Rebel's brain is smaller (although he is a genius) so the pituitary gland would be smaller.. OMG is all I can say, the pituitary gland on the sheep was so tiny like dime size or smaller.. I could not believe that on that tiny little thing my boy has something growing on it! It was interesting and a little scary to think about. I am loving school and so glad I decided to go back. I am studying to be an Occupational Therapy Assistant.

Hope all is well with your babies and I hope you got a chance to check out the new pics I posted cause I just can't get enough of those precious faces.

Love you all..

11-18-2011, 08:49 PM
WOW Melissa nice results on Rebel :D -- I dont have time to go back and read right now but what is Rebel on for meds now?? And what are you going to school for? You are taking the same classes my son is taking - hes going for PT

11-18-2011, 08:51 PM
He is on 30mg twice a day.

I'm going for Occupational Therapy Assistant.

11-18-2011, 08:53 PM
Thats great !!! How are you finding the classes? he has organic chem next semester - hes freaking!!!

11-18-2011, 09:16 PM
I love it, I have a great Instructor.. I have to take A&P 2 and Introductory to healthcare next semester.

11-18-2011, 09:43 PM
Good for you - that is wonderful!!! :) Hope my son follows through its a 7 yr program - kind of long:eek:

11-18-2011, 10:34 PM
Yeah that is long mine is only 2 years.. I'm too old for a 7 year program..lol

11-19-2011, 04:16 AM
WHOOTWHOOT get it Rebel and Melissa!!!!!!! your both ROCKSTARS!

11-19-2011, 06:04 AM
HI...I'm replying to the liver enzyme question. My dog Elfie was diagnosed with Cushings 5 years ago and her liver enzymes are just now returning to normal. She is 15 and has been treated with trilostane since diagnosis.

11-20-2011, 07:43 PM
Rebel was diagnosed March of 2010 and his liver enzymes are now normal. It's such a relief.

12-05-2011, 06:31 PM
Ok so much I need to say but this is where I will start. Rebel is still having off and on bouts with nausea. It seems to always be in the weeee hours of the morning. After he threw up early Thursday morning I decided to stop his Trilo until we figured out the issue. I was sick as all get out last week so I was home with him all day Thursday so was able to monitor him. He was picky eating that day but I just let him eat as he wanted. Of course by the end of the day some of his Cushings symptoms were roaring there ugly head. He was drinking lots of water and having to pee a lot. Still decided to keep him off through the weekend to see how his stomach reacted. On Friday he had 3 accidents in the house while I was at work and drank probably about a half a gallon of water. Needless to say I really don't think it's Trilo causing his issues. So on Saturday I started with 5mg of Trilo in the morning and 5 at night. I want to bring him up slower. Here is my questions he has gotten extremely picky with his food and I now have to put like a quarter of a teaspoon of wet food an mix it well with his dry and then he will eat (spoiled brat). When I mixed up his food Saturday night I noticed it was a little more than I would normally give him, but I didn't think he would eat it all. Well I look over and of course it's all gone! Plus we had done our Christmas card pics that evening and to get my pups to cooperate we had treats. I just knew when I went o bed that he was gonna end up sick that night.. Low and behold at about 5:30 that morning he woke me up getting sick. I have lowered the amount of his food and he is now up to 10mg Trilo morning and 10mg at night. Still drinking tons and peeing a lot. Can anyone tell me if acid reflux could be doing this to him? He is still taking pepcid an hour before each meal (twice a day). I had him on 3 times a day but he seemed to get sick more often and threw up more food when he was eating that much. He has lost some weight and that concerns me. He has now gone a couple nights without getting sick so I'm hoping maybe it's starting to get under control, but I'm at a loss as to what is causing it. He doesn't eat a lot, at least not what I think is a lot. And I would like to get a couple of pounds back on him. If he gets sick again the vet wants to just start with some anti nausea meds and see if that helps. She says the list could be long as to what could be causing it. And it would just be ruling things out from here. Any suggestions and maybe reasons why this only seems to happen in the early mornings??

Also on a side note I learned today that excess cortisol in the body can cause osteoporosis in humans.. Does it do this in dogs also? Could this be why some of our pups have weakened joints etc?

Harley PoMMom
12-05-2011, 07:52 PM
Although uncommon, Pepcid can cause nausea in dogs, in fact this same thing happened with my boy, Harley. I started using slippery elm bark instead of the Pepcid and it really helped Harley.

Is Rebel experiencing any diarrhea?

12-05-2011, 10:04 PM

I have had to experiment with the timing of pepcid with my Zoe whom also has IBD. On my IBD forum some suggested I try Pepcid 30 min before AM meal and again 12 hours later, 30 minutes away from other foods and/or meds). I had never tried giving it at night after a meal so thought I might give it a try. But I do agree wit Lori, some dogs can't take Pepcid. You could ask your vet about trying Zantac or some even give Prilosec. I am giving the name brands.

Also, the IBD forum told me that throwing up in the "wee hours" can be empty stomach syndrome and to try a good sized snack before bed. Would that help? I have to give my Koko a small bed time snack. Zoe too. Actually, Zoe never threw up in the middle of the night until I started her pepcid:confused::confused: Go figure:rolleyes::rolleyes:


12-05-2011, 10:22 PM
Like Addy I also give Penny little snack before bed and it also seems to help - she does good with the pepcid but I know it doesnt work in all dogs - thinking of you and Rebel ---- Hugsssssssss xo

12-05-2011, 10:28 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions. I don't think I can blame the pepcid since this started before and its' the reason he went on it. Unless it's still the same problem and he just doesn't do well with pepcid. The vet did say we might try prilosec. I was feeding him before bed but all that seemed to do was make him throw up more food. Right now if he gets sick its only a little bit of what is not digested. When I was feeding him some before bed he would get sick and it would just be more food. Those of you giving bedtime snacks are you giving another pepcid also? I was told twice a day an hour before a meal. I was wondering if by the early mornings his pepcid has worn off maybe??

12-06-2011, 03:07 AM
checking in on you and your furbaby...seeing how things are going and how Rebel is feeling.
I also was very interested in a question you had asked about cortisal causing osteoporosis in our dogs....did you ever hear anything about that?
as so many are having rear quarters issues........thought that was a great questions.
take care.
love and hugs from me and my girls

12-06-2011, 11:01 AM
Dear Melissa,

I'm so sorry Rebel has had a little setback. Princess too has issues with first morning vomiting (bile), so I started giving her an extra snack late night and it holds her out till breakfast time. As far as Pepcid, I have to reiterate that Princess didn't do well on it, and coincidentally each time Id give to her she would throw up. Again could be coincidence, but I think if and when she restarts her trilo I will consider using something else aside from Pepcid, perhaps slippery elm which Lori recommends.

Hope he feels better soon, and please let us know how he is doing.

take care of all of you.

tight hugs...xo Jeanette and Princess

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2011, 11:45 AM
Hi Melissa,

Frequent, long term use of meds like Pepcid can cause a bacterial over-growth in the digestive system. Certain bacteria are needed in that environment for it to work properly. So while the Pepcid and such can help when one type of bacteria is out of balance, they can also go the other way and cause more imbalance. Personally, I don't use things like this on a regular basis for this reason. The SEB (Slippery Elm Bark) helps without causing as much imbalance. I think it is worth looking into. Here is a link about it -


You want to give it 2 hours away from any other meds as it can affect the absorption of those meds. Also, if Struvite crystals/stones are an issue, SEB should be avoided.

Another thought I had was the feed she is eating. Is it by any chance one of the feeds that was recently bought out by P&G? If so, the formula may have changed - the formula may have changed with any brand but changes are expected since the buy-out by P&G. MOST mfgs. will tell you if you call them and ask if there have been any changes in the formula or ingredients.

Leslie and the gang

12-06-2011, 11:45 AM
What kind of snack are you guys feeding at night? Rebel is already in his own way telling me he wants a different food (chicken). He has been a stubborn eater lately and will only eat if I put in a little can food with the dry. How late are you giving the evening snack? I think I might try something other than the pepcid also. He got sick on me this morning after I gave him the pepcid and while I was in the shower he decided I guess he didn't like my shoes and got sick in the closet on a couple of pairs. His separation anxiety issues seem to be getting worse also. So I'm not sure if at this point he is playing me or not. This dog is way to smart for his own good sometimes..

Skye as far as the osteoporosis goes that is all I heard is that high levels of cortisol can cause it along with other things. I haven't had a chance to check more into it.

12-06-2011, 11:48 AM
Hey Leslie thanks for the info, I will look into getting the slippery elm bark. Can I buy that locally? He eats Acana food, think it is made by Orijen. I'm sorry I am not sure what Struvite crystals/stones are? Are they kidney stones? His last u/s had showed a couple small stones but she said he would probably pass those on his own, but he has never had any "issues" per say with them.

12-06-2011, 11:55 AM
Looking into getting the SEB do you use capsules or a liquid and how much do you give him?

12-06-2011, 12:06 PM
Has anyone ever heard of this stuff?

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2011, 12:26 PM
Hi Melissa,

SEB is fairly high in magnesium, which is one of the main ingredients in struvite crystals/stones - which are in the urinary system, bladder or kidneys. So it is important to know which type of stones he has/had before using SEB. Excess magnesium is one cause of this type crystal/stone (Struvite) so you wouldn't want to add this to his diet in that case.

I use the powder form myself - easier to adjust the dose as needed. ;) Here is the product I use - but clear up the stone question before using this! ;)


As for the product you listed, I have not heard of it or used it so don't really have any input other than since it contains SEB, the question of the type of stone he has/had are just as important before using this.

Hope this helps!
Leslie and the gang

12-06-2011, 12:34 PM
I called and left a message with the vet to call me back and discuss it. I'm not sure how we could find out what type of stones he had. He has never had any issues with urinating etc. Last Friday when I spoke with her she said maybe switching him to prilosec??

12-06-2011, 12:35 PM
I meant to add that he seems to make these lip smacking sounds a lot in the middle of the night pretty close to when he gets sick. It's almost like a dry mouth kinda smacking?? Any ideas?

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2011, 12:41 PM
That smacking and air licking are signs of nausea.

I'm glad you have a call in to your vet. It may be that Prilosec or Tagamet, etc would be a good change for him. I had to switch Squirt to Tagamet as the Pepcid stopped helping her. She still gets a 1/2 Tagamet on her Lyso days but that is usually the only time she gets it. I try to stick with the SEB whenever possible. But, she doesn't need something every day like Rebel either, and that can make a difference. ;)

Let us know what the vet says!
Leslie and the gang

12-06-2011, 12:45 PM
Thanks Leslie for your information and help. I feel so bad for him (except when he threw up on my shoes)!! I'm trying to do what I can for him, but money is so tight right now.. I will let you know what she says when she calls. What I find strange is that this really only happens in the evening. He goes just as long during the day without food. He usually eats in the morning between 7 and 8 and then eats at night around 7pm.

12-06-2011, 02:26 PM
Ok Melissa, first what is it with you and shoes? This reminds me of a year ago when you rescued the Husky on side of the road and your shoes got all muddy. I think this is a good time to add new shoes to your Christmas wish list--lol.:D

Now getting to Rebel, I usually give Princess a doggie biscuit at around 9pm, and she is good for the night. Princess has never thrown up in the middle of the night. It has always been first thing in the morning before she has eaten her breakfast or anything. I understand your frustration over Rebels pickiness with his food. Princess is finally eating all her dry kibble, but I highly believe it is because I have limited extra snacks throughout the day. I use to boil her chicken breast everyday, and she was even finicky with that. Right now she does get 2 slices in the morning and 2 slices for dinner of Boars head golden classic roasted chicken breast and it's low fat low sodium, gluten/nitrate/fillers/byproduct free. But I know what works for one doesn't necessarily for another.

I hope you get to the bottom of Rebels upset tummy soon and that you can find the right med for him.

Will be keeping an eye out.

hugs. Xo Jeanette

12-06-2011, 02:27 PM
Is the Acana wet or dry? My Koko would throw up in the middle of the night and since I switched him to a wet food with a wet food snack he is fine. Oh wait- I see you said dry with a bit of wet.

I am wondering if you tried just a wet food snack, no dry. If Rebel eats at seven and seven, what time does he go to bed? Maybe a wet food snack at 10 or 10:30? I give it to Koko 3 hours after dinner but we go to bed early.

Just a thought while we are brainstorming.;)


12-06-2011, 02:42 PM
Yeah I think I need some new shoes too Jeanette, but mommy just spends her money on school and puppies!!

While I was out to lunch I stopped at the health food store and they carry stuff for pets. I went ahead and picked up the Gas busters that has some SEB and parsley in it. Read a lot on it today and gonna give it a try and see if it helps him at all. I will also start giving him something before bed maybe just a treat or 2. Rebel would love me forever I think if I gave him "real" chicken everyday. I'm not gonna let him break me though...lol

I do feel bad for my little guy and I'm hoping to get to the bottom of it soon. It is just weird that he gets sick usually anywhere from 4-7 in the morning.

I also want to ask about anxiety, lately his seems to have gotten worse. Is there anything natural that I can give him that won't affect his Trilo? I saw some calming tablets at the health food store for pets, but wasn't sure if they even work if they would affect his trilo. Thought I would ask here and ask his vet when I speak with her. I don't really want to "drug" him, so if I can find something natural then that would be great.

12-06-2011, 02:45 PM
Hey Addy. Thanks for brainstorming with me. It is dry with just a little wet just to get him to eat it. We usually go to bed around 10 or so. I'm going to start giving him a little something before bed and see if that helps. I'm not sure about giving him all wet food because when I have before it makes his poop really soft. Not sure if that is an issue or if it's just me. He loves can food so maybe I'll try some of that before bed. How much do you think I should try?

12-06-2011, 03:11 PM

I hear ya loud and clear on how we save our pennies for our babies needs instead of ours. What can one do right.

As for anxiety, I know a lot of our members use the melatonin and it's natural too. Not sure the appropriate dose for Rebel but Im sure a few will stop in to share their stories. I do know their pups seem to be less stressed on it. Worth looking into with your vet as well.

Good luck. Xo Jeanette

Ps: Princess gets runny stools on wet food also so that's why I do the chicken and she will forever love me---haaaaaa:D

12-06-2011, 03:15 PM
I had him on melatonin awhile back after he was shaved for the u/s. I heard it was good for hair growth and it did help his hair grow back and it came back all nice and soft. Maybe I will put him back on it soon.

12-06-2011, 04:07 PM
If anyone is interested I added some Christmas pictures today. :)

12-06-2011, 08:18 PM
Well, I would try a small amount of food, if Rebel is 37 pounds still, I would try a heaping tablespoon of canned. I would also make some warm water not hot but fairly warm and put a tablespoon of water over the canned and mix. I started adding the warm water to take the chill off the food but then when I spoke with Honest Kitchen (the food I use) about transitioning my IBD/colitis Cushing Zoe, she suggested small amounts with extra water to start to try to not flare her poos.

That may be just enough for him. It works well for both my pups. Koko is 16 pounds, I give him a heaping teaspoon. Zoe is 18 pounds she gets a tablespoon but she never threw up in the middle of the night like Koko did until I used Pepcid. So that is why I'm thinking try a small amount with water first and see what happens.


12-06-2011, 09:03 PM
Thanks for the info Addy I will try that out tonight. Fingers and all my toes crossed!!

12-06-2011, 10:27 PM
Melissa - saw the xmas pics and left some comments:) they were great!!!!! Xo

12-06-2011, 11:08 PM
Saw the. Comments they were funny. Course I have some funny dogs! Lol.

Just gave Rebel (and of course Sadie) a can food snack. I started off with a heaping teaspoon and I did add the warm water. Cross your fingers for a full nights sleep for us well if you dont count the middle of the night pee breaks for rebel and my persistant cough from a cold I can't shake. Aye aye aye!!

12-07-2011, 02:01 AM
Melissa - penny use to vomit in the am - mostly bile -- she gets a dry cookie - at 9ish and then gets two tiny treats with her tramadol at 11 - she hasnt really vomited at all recently - the only time she does if she has one of those days where she drinks way to much - Penny has to have a little warm water - a little canned food and alittle chicken or roast beef or burger in her kibble - got very fussy with age - or is it the cushings????? Hope Rebels tummy feels better soon --- hugsssssssssss xo

12-07-2011, 10:27 AM
Ok here is our morning update. We didn't get to sleep all night because Rebel was restless and was making those smacking sounds like he was gonna be sick. I had given him a little bit of can food around 10 last night and when we got up at around 1 am I gave him a biscuit. He ate it but was still smacking through the rest of the night. Here is the kicker though, he never got sick... He ate his food this morning without any issues and went back to sleep with me for about an hour. Gave him his meds and a biscuit before I left. So honestly I just don't know. I kept thinking all night he was going to be sick and never was. Maybe he is turning the corner some??? Still nauseous but not enough to make him sick?? Any ideas?

12-07-2011, 10:49 AM
Wow Melissa,

been there and it's not a nice place to be with them. it is frustrating to say the least when you don't know the cause for his issues. Ok so here are my thoughts or like Leslie would say "my 2 cents worth"lol.

First, I know you had some blood work dome on him last month, but when was his last stim? How are his poops, any diarrhea? Any lethargy? Just asking, not to alarm you. What about his food? I know someone mentioned to contact maker to find out if they changed the formula? have you given him any new foods or treats? Has he always been on wet food? princess has thrown up with certain wet foods in the past--I don't give wet any longer. could he have gotten into anything inside or outside? now what about the slippery elm that Lori has suggested and forget all other supplements for now and give his tummy a little break and start out one thing at a time?

I am just reflecting on all the obvious things which have been imbedded in my mind from all the times Princess was dealing with same issue, and from all the advice given here.

Hope you get some answers soon.

We love you...xo Jeanette

Ps: which Acana is Rebel on? princess is on the wild prairie formula.

12-07-2011, 11:58 AM
Hey Jeanette, yes it's been frustrating mostly because it's not something frequent, seems to happen off and on. I know he needs to be stimmed, but last week we decided to pull him off his Trilo to make sure it wasn't that. Even though I'm 99% certain it's not. I started back on it after his drinking and peeing skyrocketed, but I started him on a lower dose and have been gradually increasing it. Starting to get back to normal now with that part. His poop is normal even with me adding the can food and he is not lethargic. He is on the Acana Wild Prairie also and I don't think they have changed anything. His treats are the same ones he always gets and the can food is also the same. He has not always been on can food but since his pickiness has started I started adding some to his dry food. I did stop the pepcid as of yesterday so maybe too early to tell with that. I started him on the Gas busters which has slippery elm in it, but it's not as much of a dose if I was just giving him just the SEB. The Gas busters is supposed to help with digestive issues but it's not an overnight fix. So I guess it might take a little time to see if it works. Other than his Trilo this is all he takes. Although I did give him a melatonin this morning in his food to see if that would help him relax while I'm gone. He did seem to like the food better when I added the teaspoon of warm water to it. I will update you guys tonight when I get home as to how he did while I was gone. Although he doesn't usually have any issues during the day, which is why I find all of this really strange. Why would his stomach only bother him at night?

12-07-2011, 12:05 PM
Duplicate post

12-07-2011, 12:54 PM
I know its frustrating for sure - Penny did the smacking of her lips when she felt sick to her stomach and also when she was in pain - I dont remember you saying Rebel had pain issues at all unless I missed it - the vet said Pennys pain was causing lip smacking ?? Is he just lip smacking or does he lick the air also?

12-07-2011, 01:38 PM
I have never seen him have any pain issues, but I have never seen him lick the air either. He is still rough and tumble with Sadie, until she annoys him.

12-07-2011, 03:41 PM
Thats good - Penny never licked the air neither just smacked her lips - so the IMS chalked it up to being sick to her stomach or feeling sick to her stomach when she was in pain - havent seen it in awhile - I hope Rebel feels better very soon!!!!!!!! xo

12-07-2011, 03:45 PM
Thanks Cindy, I'm hoping so also. Maybe a couple days into this new feeding schedule and the Gas Buster will help him.

12-07-2011, 03:48 PM
good point on the feed, i knew that happened with Hills as well.

Squirt's Mom
12-07-2011, 04:08 PM
Hi Melissa,

There have been some recent recalls on dog and cat feeds - specifically Iams, River Run, and Marksman. Until the notice today about River Run and Marksman, I just figured it was due to P&G cheapening the ingredients. After the most recent recalls, all for the same reason - aflatoxins (specifically, aflatoxin 3) - I have begun to wonder. I thought of Rebel so I did a bit of research on these toxins even tho Champion has not been listed.

These bacteria grow in moldy foods, especially kernel grains (like corn) and nuts. Here is a link about them which includes a bit about them and animal health -


If you haven't already, I think it would be wise to contact Champion and see if they think there is any possibility their feed could have some of these toxins in it. If the mfg's. are getting supplies from the same source, they could all be affect by this toxin - and as we learned in 2007, mfg's. often share a common supplier somewhere along the line.

Just wanted to pass this on! Mother Hen here, ya know! :o:)
Leslie and the gang

12-07-2011, 04:18 PM
Hi Melissa,

There have been some recent recalls on dog and cat feeds - specifically Iams, River Run, and Marksman. Until the notice today about River Run and Marksman, I just figured it was due to P&G cheapening the ingredients. After the most recent recalls, all for the same reason - aflatoxins (specifically, aflatoxin 3) - I have begun to wonder. I thought of Rebel so I did a bit of research on these toxins even tho Champion has not been listed.

These bacteria grow in moldy foods, especially kernel grains (like corn) and nuts. Here is a link about them which includes a bit about them and animal health -


If you haven't already, I think it would be wise to contact Champion and see if they think there is any possibility their feed could have some of these toxins in it. If the mfg's. are getting supplies from the same source, they could all be affect by this toxin - and as we learned in 2007, mfg's. often share a common supplier somewhere along the line.

Just wanted to pass this on! Mother Hen here, ya know! :o:)
Leslie and the gang

Thanks for the info Leslie, but to be honest I didn't understand what I was reading..lol

I'm guessing Champion is who makes Acana? I will find a number and call them. If it was the food though would it not be affecting Sadie also?

12-07-2011, 04:24 PM
I called champion and left a message since no one ansered. I'm also going to send an email.

Squirt's Mom
12-07-2011, 04:35 PM
Hi Melissa,

Yes, I would think Sadie would be showing some signs along with Rebel...but then he may be more susceptible than she. And there is every reason to think the food is ok....I just worry since two different mfgs. now have the same issue.

I'm glad you called and hope you hear back from them soon.

Leslie and the gang

12-07-2011, 08:42 PM
Well not so good news on this end... I got home and everything seemed fine, he didn't get sick during the day. Fixed up his dinner and he didn't want to eat about 40 mins later he got sick. Seemed like all it was was a little undigested food. I have no idea what is going on other than I did pull him off his pepcid. Maybe he still needs that until this other stuff starts to work?? At my wits end here, I have been sick since Thanksgiving, he is sick and I'm broke.. :(

12-07-2011, 08:51 PM
And now 20 mins later he wants to eat. I'm letting him, don't know what will happen later.

Harley PoMMom
12-07-2011, 09:10 PM
If he did not eat when you got home, I am wondering why he vomited undigested food when you were gone all day or is he free-feed?

12-07-2011, 09:20 PM
No he is not free fed. Last time he ate was at 6:30 this morning and had a dog biscuit at 8:30 before I left. It wasn't much very little food. The vomit was really wet like mostly water.

12-07-2011, 09:27 PM
Melissa, if Rebel is vomiting mostly fluid after having had an empty stomach for many hours, I do think that could be consistent with reflux gastritis. If so, as others have suggested, continuing with the stomach soothers and trying to feed more frequent small meals may be helpful:



12-07-2011, 09:32 PM
Thanks for the link Marianne. He won't eat if he's not hungry unlike Sadie who would eat till she's sick. So maybe I will leave him out some food during the day and that way he can eat if he gets hungry. Is prilosec or tagament easier on them than pepcid?

12-07-2011, 11:37 PM
on the toxins....i think it is mostly grain based affected. Although controversy on staying on total grain free diets, at this point, heads up to any feed that contains grains...specifically corn.........that is highest risk.
And good point made on with mfg getting from same suppliers,,,this could go much larger than we have any idea........heads up and watch for any signs at all.
This toxin seems to attack liver area.......which is commonly over sight at Vets.
hope your nite is going better.......and hope you are feeling better as well.

12-08-2011, 07:35 AM
Good morning Melissa,

Just wondering how Rebel made out last night after his last episode?

This is so mind boggling honestly. I don't know much on the reflux meds since I have never used on Princess. I do know that her early morning vomiting did subside once I started feeding her an extra treat around 9pm. But we can't know for sure if that is the case with Rebel.

Just another theory to throw out there, but I know last time Princess was doing this, a cPLI (?) test was suggested here by several to rule out pancreatitis. Don't know much on pancreatitis either, but Lori may be able to help with that. you may want to mention your concern over Rebel's sudden weight loss as well since I am not sure if that would be an indication of pancreatitis?

I'm sorry I seem to be pulling at straws here, but guess it's good to throw it out there for anyone to further comment.

Will continue to keep an eye out for your little boy.

Much love. jeanette

12-08-2011, 12:53 PM
Good morning all. Rebel ate dinner last night without any issues, but woke up at around midnight smacking his lips. I let him outside and then when he came in I decided to try a pepcid since he hadn't had any since 2 days. Gave him the pepcid and a dog biscuit. About 30 mins later he was sleeping. He then woke up at 5:30 smacking since we were an hour from feeding I gave him another pepcid and he fell back asleep soon and slept till 6:30. Got up and fixed there breakfast, gave him mostly can with just a few pieces of dry since I wasn't up for fighting with him. He ate and then got back in bed with me for another hour before I was up and getting ready for work. At 8:30 I gave him his trilo (cut it back some since he got sick last night) put some dry food and couple little pieces of dog biscuits in his bowl for him to have throughout the day. He was fine when I left so guess we will see how he is tonight. I have class tonight (semester is almost over!!) so my roommate will be with him after work.

Jeanette, when his blood work was done his pancreas numbers were all good so the vet said she was concerned about that at all.. I did ask her though. If I am missing something regarding that please let me know. Pull at straws all you want any suggestion is great.

I know giving him the pepcid at midnight might not have been the best idea but I didn't know what else to try and it did seem to help.

On another note I took myself to the dr today and I have bronchitis.. Yay so some antibiotics and prescription cough med will hopefully have me back to normal soon. Kicking myself now for not getting Rebel ins back when he was younger. Wish I could claim his as a dependent!!

12-08-2011, 01:04 PM
Melissa - take care of yourself - its that time of year for sure!! Everyone is getting sick!!!! Feel better soon - Maybe Rebel is getting better to - Maybe its the overnight acid it hes getting sick in the am - Penny always got sick in the am - but for her the pepcid is working - Hugsssssss xo

12-08-2011, 01:10 PM
Thanks Cindy, I'm hoping so also.. Guess time will tell.

12-08-2011, 01:43 PM
I missed the call back from Champion foods, but she left me a message. She said they are in no way part of the recall and there should be no problems with the food.

12-08-2011, 08:52 PM
Evening update on Rebel.. He did not get sick during the day and he at some point ate the dry food I left for him in his bowl.. Roommate gave him a pepcid when he got home and I got home bout an hour later and fixed his dinner. He ate it and is acting pretty normal.. Fingers crossed that we have figured this out and that hopefully both of us are on the mend. I will give him a snack before we go to bed and hopefully we get some sleep tonight cause I know I could use some.

12-09-2011, 10:30 AM
Rebel did pretty well again last night. He was up at midnight to go outside and while we were up I gave him a biscuit. Then at 5:30 this morning I gave him his pepcid and at 6:30 he ate without any issues. Left him some food again today, dare I say maybe we are moving through this??? Man I hope so, it was nice to sleep most of the night last night.

Squirt's Mom
12-09-2011, 11:12 AM
Sounds like improvement, Melissa! Maybe the little bit of food on his stomach at nite is helping.

I have IBS and can't tell you why, but I have a lot more stomach problems at nite than I do during the day. Eating some saltine crackers usually helps. ;)

Leslie and the gang

12-09-2011, 01:52 PM
Good job Melissa, and yayyyyy for Rebel and an even bigger YAYYYYYY for sleep--lol.:D

Tight hugs...Jeanette

12-09-2011, 02:19 PM
Thanks Jeanette, though I'm trying not to get too excited yet. I want to see him go quite few days before I celebrate getting through this.

12-09-2011, 11:15 PM
I listened to this video and thought of you.....


12-10-2011, 12:06 AM
Hope the late snack continues to work - its been good for Penny!!! hugsssssss xo

12-10-2011, 11:18 PM
Wow thanks for the video it was very interesting. Has anyone else looked into this and using the enzymes? I am pleased to report we are going into night 4 and he seems to be doing well and mom is feeling better also. Man it has been nice to sleep again :)

Love to you all and thank you for you suggestions and help. I managed to get our Christmas cards printed now if I could just find the motivation to address envelopes!! Hope all your furbabies are doing well.

12-12-2011, 10:47 AM
Almost 6 days later I am happy to report we are still doing ok. No vomiting, but he still seems to have moments of lip smacking. Maybe it's just normal for some dogs? Sadie seems to do it also, but not as much and she has tongue issues... (as in she has to lick you constantly..lol)

Sending love to all of you and your fur babies.

Squirt's Mom
12-12-2011, 11:16 AM
Hi Melissa,

Glad to hear that Rebel is doing better and I hope he continues to improve!

You're a good mom!
Leslie and the gang

12-12-2011, 12:04 PM
Great improvement!!!! :):):) hugsssss xo

12-13-2011, 03:42 AM
whootwhoot paws in the air whootwhoot get it rebel!!!!! great job pet mom!!!!

12-13-2011, 08:37 AM
HURRAY!!!!!!!!! Great news for Rebel!!!!!


12-14-2011, 09:00 PM
Ok I need some piece of mind from you smart people.. Little background.. When Rebel started having the nausea issues he was also back to drinking a lot of water and peeing a lot again. I was thinking that his cortisol was rising and we were gonna have to raise his meds. Well I waited on anything like that until we got his nausea under control. We since he wasn't liking the dry food much anymore I started adding the can food and putting warm water over it to soften and take the chill out. Well now that he seems better and is loving his food (mostly can now) he is not drinking as much water and he has normal pee moments. At least what I think is normal his pu/pd has never been back to normal I have just gotten used to the little extra water and longer pee breaks (not like it was before meds though). I know that can food has water in it and I add some water also so he is getting water that way and I checked his gums and they are still pink. So please put my mind at ease and tell me he is getting enough water and I don't have something else to worry about! He is also on a lower dose of trilo than before the nausea stuff he is now on 15ms twice a day so 30mg total instead of 30 BID so 60mg total. We wanted to see if he did ok on a lower dose and after the holidays I'm going to pull money out my butt and get him stimmed to see where he is at number wise with the lower dose. So far symptom wise he is doing well.

I also wanted to see about his weight loss, he is about 3lbs underweight at the moment and I'm guessing most of it happened when he was throwing up every night. I would like to put some weight back on him so he's getting more can food than what he used to get in dry food. Can someone tell me if say a 1/2 cup of dry is equivalent to 1/2 cup of can food?

Ok I hope I didn't ramble too much and you can understand what I'm asking..lol

12-14-2011, 11:27 PM
to help you with medical bills for rebel i would suggest doing a "chip in" through pay pal. That way all your friends, family, face book if you have one...can chip in....Just think........if every one even did $1 how much that would help.

Squirt's Mom
12-15-2011, 10:34 AM
Hi Melissa,

In order to compare dry and canned feeds, you have to take everything down to what is called dry matter basis (DMB) for calculation. The calculation removes the moisture content of the feeds so you can see how much protein, fat and fiber is in each one. Here is a link that explains it better than I ever could and tells you how to make the calculations -


Hope this helps!
Leslie and the gang

12-15-2011, 10:58 AM
Thanks for think link Leslie.. To make sure I am reading this right does that mean he would technically need less can food than what he was eating of the dry food?

And on the question of his water intake, you think he's ok??? lol

Am I just worrying too much?

Squirt's Mom
12-15-2011, 11:38 AM
You want to keep his calorie intake the same or close to what he has been eating unless you are trying to help him adjust his weight up or down. You will just have to watch and see if he is gaining or losing weight and adjust his feed accordingly. It doesn't always translate that more canned is needed or vice versa - the nutrient content will determine that. If the dry had 20% protein and the canned works out to 30% protein after the calculation, then less canned is needed to keep the protein content close to the same. Because the nutrient values (protein, fat, fiber) vary from feed to feed, the calculations will vary each time.

Typically, you see a dramatic change in water intake when switching from dry to canned or canned to dry. The kibble (dry) has so little moisture in it the pup has to drink quite a bit. But with canned they get a lot of moisture from the feed itself so they don't drink near as much...and it can be disconcerting to see. ;) I wouldn't worry too much about this right now.

Hope this helps! I'm not very good with math in any form! :o:rolleyes:

Leslie and the gang

12-15-2011, 11:43 AM
Thanks Leslie.. I'm trying to get him to put some weight back on he lost a few pounds with the whole throwing up issues etc.. He seems a little bony so I would feel better if he would put a little back on.. The Acana dry food has a lot of protein and he still gets a little mixed in with the can food so I guess I will be doing some calculating tonight.. lol

I'm not a math person either, and I have one more math class to take for my degree!!

On another note my last final of the semester is tonight! YAY!! So I will have a couple weeks of a break before I start back again.. AND I should finish this semester with a 4.0 if tonight goes well!!

Squirt's Mom
12-15-2011, 02:29 PM
4.0!?!?! That is wonderful, Melissa! :cool::cool::cool: I am so proud of you and hope you have the same feeling for yourself! Go out and celebrate, girl, you have earned it for sure!

12-15-2011, 02:42 PM
Thanks, I am pretty proud of myself. It took some time for me to start feeling that way even though I have been doing well all semester. But right now this is all I've got that is good (other than my pups) so I'm going to hang on to it and relish in it.. :)

12-15-2011, 03:17 PM
Yeah a 4.0 way to go girlfriend!!!!!!!! hugsssssssss xoxo

12-15-2011, 05:18 PM
Thanks Cindy, we can all use something positive now and again.

12-15-2011, 07:06 PM

WAY TO GO!!!!!!

Rebel will drink less water if eating more canned than dry. You can always check him for dehydration. His gums should be pink and feel wet not pale and feel sticky. If you pull his skin up at the back of the neck it should bounce back down quickly. Hsi skin on his back should not tent but bounce back down.

Cold food can give a pup a tummy ache.

sorry, it is so brief, gotta run, talk to you tomorrow,


12-15-2011, 07:36 PM
Speaking of dehydration, I learned something new the last time I took my mom's dog to the ER. She was diagnosed with pancreatitis and had been throwing up all day so I was concerned that she was dehydrated. I've always done the tent method to check hydration but Chloe is seriously fat and I simply could not tell. The ER vet told me that a dehydrated dog usually has dry, tacky gums and then she showed me how to check hydration status by checking the capillary refill time. In simple terms, you are checking how long it takes for the blood to return after pressing on the gums. All you do is press the gum, release and see how long the gum remains pale. It should only take a second for the color to come back but any longer than 1 or 2 seconds could be a sign that there is a problem. Chloe was definitely dehydrated when the vet pushed on her gums and she was still dehydrated after I pushed on her gums at least five more times to make sure I knew what I was doing. :D Now how many of you are going to go grab your dog, pry their mouth open and do a test? :D

Squirt's Mom
12-15-2011, 07:45 PM
That gum pressing is the same test the surgeon told me to use to check to see if Squirt was bleeding internally while we waited for her spleen surgery! I didn't know it could be used to check for dehydration, too! Cool. I wonder if she has forgotten me pressing on them every minute or so yet? :p

12-15-2011, 08:13 PM
Way to go Glynda,

I forgot about that test!!!!:):):) You are absolutely right.:D:D:D:D

I always check Koko. I'm going now to press his gums!!!!!!!

Thanks Girlfriend:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


12-15-2011, 10:20 PM
Addy, I have been adding warm water to Rebel's food to warm it up for him. My roommates thought I was just spoiling him more..lol

I checked his gums yesterday they were pink, but I'm gonna go poke on them now!!

12-16-2011, 01:04 PM
Got the pups a stocking full of toys for Christmas, but I got them something extra special that they probably could care less about but it means a lot to me....

Here is the link to it.. http://www.amazon.com/Northwest-Territorial-Mint-St-Francis/dp/B001T56PKO/ref=pd_bxgy_petsupplies_img_c

12-16-2011, 01:31 PM
not sure if you have been to Shysies facebook page.....but she got one of those prior to her surgery......gift from friend we have never met face to face.....many of the people on her facebook page follow things with her daily, and they have become very attached to her! She received the charm to wear that day forward.

these are on her page but here she has received her package and were opening it....i know i know go ahead and say it....aweeeeeeeeeeeee. lol

12-16-2011, 01:35 PM
Awww...I liked her page so I can follow along.. Can't wait to give them theirs.

12-16-2011, 01:50 PM
YES checking the gums is great, and texture of skin, make sure not spongey doughy feeling and the tent method.
I also will do tent method on top of head
gums is difficult if they are black. but you can still feel if its tacky or not.
Not sure anyone would be interested, but one thing I keep up on is Animal CPR and First Aide. I take 8 hour course every two years at least. Certfied alway up to date. I researched classes to see what all was offered, how much hands on, and this was the most indepth class i could find. HIGHLY recommend!!!
if you or anyone wants info let me know. (i do snout to tail checks every day on my clients at each and every visit, and yall know my babies get that and then some at home, lol)

12-16-2011, 08:14 PM

I have to tell you that my oldest learned about the story of St. Francis, Patron Saint of all animals, in her religion classes, and we both loved the story so much. In fact my daughter picked Francis as her confirmation name last year. We have been praying to him ever since Princess was diagnosed, and even before that.

Awesome gift you picked....

Much love and tight hugs to all.

Xo Jeanette

Ps: loved the Xmas card, were there any scooby snacks involved? Lol

12-19-2011, 12:55 PM
There was lots of bribery going on Jeanette to get that picture!!

On another note I have to share this.. Gave the pups a bath yesterday and it was Rebel's first in over a month.. Normally they get one every 2 weeks, but since Rebel hates them so much and gets stressed out I was waiting until we got past this whole nausea stuff and gave him a break.. Well that won't happen again!! He is just gonna have to suck it up and take it..lol...

Put him in the shower warm water and the hair, omg the hair, that came off of him he should be bald!! It was clump after clump of hair coming off! Was freaking me out a little, but with him being a terrier and the weather not knowing what it wants to do (hot, cold, hot cold) and not having a bath in a month I guess that is what just happens.. So after his bath I wrapped him in a towel and carried him outside (little cold but no choice) to use the hair dryer and slicker brush.. Wow brushing and brushing and brushing so much hair, I though he was going bald!! But he looks so cute a fluffy like he should and no bald spots.. Needless to say he will be getting a bath more regularly now so he can just suck it up..

12-23-2011, 04:49 PM
Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!

Lots of love to you all from The Spoiled Rotten Brat Rebel, Miss Priss Sadie and of course from there financially strapped, but grateful mom Melissa. :)

12-24-2011, 09:40 AM
Merry Christma Melissa!!!! I hope Rebel continues to be a spoiled brat in the New Year!!!!!


12-24-2011, 01:33 PM
Oh I'm sure he will Addy :)

12-30-2011, 04:03 PM
Leslie, I think I need your help again if you are out there.. I would like to try the SEB for Rebel. That other stuff I bought didn't seem to help at least I don't think it did. Question on the powder how do you give it? Knock on wood, Rebel has not thrown up since the last time I posted on here that he did, but I would like to put him on something other than the pepcid. Also he is still having issues at night with smacking. He never gets sick, but it keeps us both up for a bit, then he relaxes and goes to sleep.. He is an odd one I know. He gets a snack before bed and I give him another in the middle of the night when he wakes me up with that smacking. Here is the kicker Sadie is a smacker also!! She unfortunately makes lots of noises when she sleeps though from smacking to snoring! I would love to be able to sleep through the night again especially when the next semester starts.. Any input??

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2011, 04:16 PM
Hi Melissa,

The powder continues to absorb water for a while so it will get real thick fairly quickly. Most of the time, she and the others will take it from their bowl/plate as a thin paste, or gruel. But if she/they won't take it from their dishes, I will put it in a syringe and give it by mouth that way. I will use extra water in the syringe to keep it from getting too thick to move.

Hope it helps!
Leslie and the gang

12-30-2011, 04:21 PM
How much do you give? I think I asked once but I forget is there a reason to not use the liquid form?

Do you think his smacking is still nausea or could it be mental? lol

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2011, 04:37 PM
Hi Melissa,

Here are the guidelines I use -

To give internally, mix about 1/4 teaspoon of Slippery Elm bark
powder with cold water for every 10 pounds of body weight. For very
small dogs, it is fine to use the same 1/4 teaspoon dose. The bulk
powder may be very fluffy, so pack it down as much as possible to
measure it. Alternatively, use 1/2 capsule (per 10 pounds), opened
and the contents mixed with water. Slippery Elm powder will absorb
many times its own weight in water, so be sure to add enough to make
a moderately thick gruel. This gruel can be given before meals by
syringe or eyedropper, or added to baby food, canned food, or a
homemade diet. It has a slightly sweet taste and is usually well-
tolerated by cats and dogs when mixed with food. Give a dose 5
minutes before meals for sore throat, and before or with meals for
digestive tract problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease, until
symptoms resolve.


12-30-2011, 04:41 PM
Thanks Leslie, as always you are great.. Have you heard anything on the liquid SEB? Comes with a dropper inside seems like it would be easier to administer.

Could my dog be playing with me? He knows that I let him in the bed when I think he's feeling bad..

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2011, 05:55 PM
Sorry, Melissa, I don't know anything about the liquid form. I would want to know what it was dissolved/suspended in for sure, tho.

Could he be playing you? Oh, yeah. :p It depends on how trainable you are...I am very easily trained. :D Trink will loll in bed while I hand-feed her one kibble at a time. :rolleyes:

But since he does seem to be doing better with the changes you've made, I think it probably is physical. ;)

Leslie and the gang

12-30-2011, 07:21 PM
I have been told that he has me trained not the other way around. That is why I was wondering if maybe he is playing me.. I used to have to hand feed him each kibble at a time, but Mommy finally put a stop to that.. I gave in and gave him what he wanted... Can food! Lol

12-31-2011, 04:30 AM
i have found as you probably know by now....that kibble makes my little one feel ill. she has hard time with it.
there is the perscription med you can give called cerinea i think its called. but i know they shouldnt take it longer than 5 days. but it stops the sick tummy feeling. its amazing.
and i hand feed shysie most of time too! lol, though when its rice and chicken she wants to dive in and not wait for me to hand feed. I sorta miss that time.....lol

12-31-2011, 08:42 AM
I hope the SLB helps Rebel. I noticed since we started Zoe on Benadryl, her snoring and night time sounds have lessened considerably. Wish it would help with the feet chewing:rolleyes:

Just wondered, can Rebel get a drink of water durring the night if he needs it? Zoe does lip licking when her mouth is dry. It has gotten better since the snoring is better while sleeping. If she lays on her back, she starts a bit again.

Don't you wish they could talk?



01-02-2012, 11:26 AM
I haven't started the SLB yet. The last few days he seems to be doing a lot better for some reason.. (I stopped letting him on the bed also) He is only on 1 pepcid at the moment and that is in the evening before his meal. He does have access to water at night. I keep a bowl in my room for them. He has actually let me sleep through the night this whole weekend!! Maybe it was mental when I stopped giving in to him getting on the bed maybe he gave up???

Happy New Year to everyone here, hope its going great for you all.. :)

01-02-2012, 12:14 PM
We never know, do we, if it is a quirk or physical.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:D:D

I have spent the last 4 hours trying to keep my Zoe amused so she stops chewing her paws. I am running out of tricks and chicken. What the heck does she do when I am at work?:rolleyes::rolleyes::confused:

I am glad you got some much needed sleep. Have a wonderful day!!!


01-02-2012, 02:00 PM
Addy I stopped asking myself what they do when I'm gone.. I almost set up a live video feed at the house so I could watch them.. I'm not sure I would get any work done if I did that though!!

Hope Zoe can get some relief soon..

01-02-2012, 03:21 PM
LOL Melissa,

At times when we are all out, I call home and talk into the answering machine to Princess. Wish she could pick up the phone sometimes. haaaaaaa..

xo Jeanette

01-03-2012, 10:20 AM
Oh Jeanette, I 'm not even sure what to say about that..lol

But on another note, we are sleeping through the night!! Woop Woop, go Rebel!!

01-03-2012, 12:32 PM
Melissa so glad you two are sleeping through the night - Penny girl still cant through a night!!! Still goes out at 3 - 330 every morning!! Penny layed in the yard from 930 to 1130 this am - it was only 26 when I put her out now its 30 - she loves the cold - guess its the Akita in her:)

01-03-2012, 12:40 PM
It was 32 here this morning and Rebel got to wear his jacket :) Supposed to get a little colder tonight.. Keep wondering if I got transported out of Florida somehow!!

01-03-2012, 12:46 PM
I was looking on Mikes computer - he had up the Kingston weather for URI - so it was 24 when I put her out and it is 28 now -- says it feels like 20 - tonight going down to 6! What part of FL are you in? I tried to get a coat for Penny but she would just roll on her back to try to get it off:D But her coat thicken up a bit but her belly and chest are so think - so I put her bed outside so she doesnt have to lay on the cold grass or cement - Its like you are living here in New England!!!:)

01-03-2012, 01:02 PM
I don't think I could handle 6!! I am in central east coast FL. Daytona area.

Rebel loves his coat :)

01-03-2012, 03:03 PM
24 right now here in New York, but it feels like 6, specially while walking The Princess. I thought of purchasing a coat for her also, but like Penny, I know she will not feel comfortable in it and would also try to take it off somehow, like everything else we always try to put on her. My little one put one of her undies on her 2 years ago. Ummm, they barely fit....lol... Glad Rebel enjoys his cozy coat, stay warm everyone!

xo Jeanette

01-03-2012, 03:17 PM
Daytona - my son wants to be there for the NASCAR race!! lol nice FL - well hopefully your day got warmer for the little girl!! (little boy - sorry Rebel)

Jeanette - its now 28 here but feels like 18 - so I guess you are a bit colder than us her in RI but 6 tonight

Penny likes to stay out but I dont know how good that is for her arthritis??? I have to drag her in!! xo

01-03-2012, 03:34 PM
Are you calling me a little girl??? Lol I am a big baby about the cold..

01-03-2012, 07:02 PM
Cindy, I know the cold is not good the arthritis...mom's acting up right about this time of year...very painful...but dont know if it works the same with our pooches as it does in humans? guessing yes..arthritis bites right along with cushings...lol. and yes, im thinking since I'm up in the mountains, it does get a few degrees colder....brrrrrrrr.:eek:

And Melissa, you are a little girl, compared to us....haaaaaaa...thats a good thing....

xo Jeanette

01-03-2012, 11:41 PM

I meant to say hope it got warmer for thelittle boy!! lol lol Sorry Rebel I called you a girl:o I better stop typing today - I am having such a bad day - thats the second post I mixed up!!! Wow thought this day was bad now I know it really is! - Only and hour and a half left of this day! - hope 2moro is better and warmer!! It is 16 right now and the weather channel said it feels like 2!!!!! :eek::eek::eek: Penny is out again - she better hurry up - its cold and she wants to lay down in the yard - are your kidding me!! Shes got ten minutes then shes in or shes an ice cycle!:D:D

Hugsssssssssssssss xoxoxoxoxo

01-04-2012, 01:11 AM
Daytona!!!!!! I have been there, went to huge reptile expo there few years ago. Been awhile. but it was fun and walked along the beach, ate, had few (coughcough) drinks and i may have even ate a flower that was on my drink as they told me it eatable....dont recall enjoying that though, maybe i only nibbled on a petal....idk...to long ago. lol. its cold here in texas too! ugh! i am not fan of the cold at all. but its not as bad as kansas, we would get tons of ice and snow and be well below 0 into the negatives and thats not including wind chill. THAT i sure dont miss. the colder weather seems to always make the "kids" aches and pains much worse and the stiffness. put a towel in dryer right before they go out for potty, and then when they come in wrap them up in it that sometimes helps.

01-04-2012, 10:52 AM
It was 28 degrees this morning!!! That's it I'm packing up and moving to Florida! Wait oh man!! Haha

I don't envy you guys at all, I have a hard enough time dealing with the the cold we get here. Cindy I knew what you meant! Was just having some fun. Rebel doesn't like the cold either and he goes out (with jacket of course) does his business and is right back in! Sadie however loves it (she's not all that bright).

Skye, sounds like you were at Mai Tai's in Daytona. They have excellent food and (coughcough) drinks.. The flower is edible, but I have never had the nerve to try it.

Guess I should at least update on Rebel instead of complaining on how cold I am.. He is doing pretty good (knock on wood). Getting finances together so I can hopefully schedule Sadie's knee surgery soon. :(

Have a great day everyone.

01-04-2012, 10:07 PM
28 degrees in Florida? Are the oranges okay???:D:D:D:D:D

And what is all this talk about flower drinks? What exactly did I miss?

I like edible flowers and I could use a drink- sounds like the perfect combo:D:D:D:D:D

Glad to hear Rebel is okay.


01-04-2012, 10:34 PM
I lived in S Florida for 6 yrs and miss the weather! Funny thing is you talk about the weather in terms of the 'lows' when you say it was 28 this a.m. Up here we don't even talk about the lows (disgusting) but rather the highs for the day. For example we are very excited as this winter has been very mild and tomorrow it is supposed to almost hit 70. It could well be 35 in the a.m. but we don't care about that. :D 70 is unreal!

01-05-2012, 10:27 AM
Addy, far as I know the oranges are ok and bring your butt down and we will go get some drinks with flowers in them!!

Annie, we barely got above 50 the last couple of days for the high! It is starting to warm back up today and I think we might get close to 70 :)

And with this weather flipping back and forth I have managed to get sick again! :(

01-05-2012, 11:41 PM
Melissa, Rebel & Sadie
Sorry have never posted on your thread.
Thank you for all your encouragements.
Apollo and I are real wimps-70 degree in San Diego any thing colder we freeze.
Hope Rebel is doing okay.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

01-06-2012, 01:28 PM
No worries Sonja you have so much going on I wouldn't expect you to keep up with my weather issues. :) We are supposed to be above 70 though today! I'm a huge wimp in the cold weather.

Rebel is doing a lot better and he seems so happy lately.. (maybe because mom has other reasons to be happy now) :D

I am always praying for you and Apollo.

01-06-2012, 02:06 PM
Hope you are feeling better!!! Wish I could drag my butt to see you:D

I can picture it now, warm and balmy (anything over 35 would be considered warm and balmly to me;) edible flowers, tasty drink and good conversation.

That would be hard to beat!!!!:D:D

feel better

01-06-2012, 03:25 PM
Well we hit 75 today! YAY, it would be nice wouldn't it? I think we should plan a meet for some of us to get together with our pups sometime :)

I would love to meet some of you and your angels, even the vet killer Zoe!

Squirt's Mom
01-06-2012, 04:10 PM
There have been two meet-n-greets among group members; one in 2010 that was sort of an accident, and one this year, both in Show Low, AZ. I think it is a great idea and hope we can continue to meet here and there so more of us can put faces with names! :)


01-06-2012, 04:14 PM
Wow I missed that somehow.. Never been to Az, maybe I can make the next one although I would love to bring Rebel and that would be too far to drive. Maybe we can have an east coast meet sometime.. :D

01-06-2012, 05:20 PM
Heatwave! Its 46 here right now!!!!! lol Still a chill in the air - not much sun but Penny has been outside all day!!!!!!

01-06-2012, 11:02 PM
I'm willing to drive to the east coast, as Melissa....Oh, maybe cause I am on the east coast:D

Heat wave in New York today also Cindy, and the Princess got her nice walk in. Glad Penny is getting her fair share of Vitamin D--:D

xo Jeanette

01-07-2012, 01:52 AM
whew almost needed sunscreen here last couple of days!!!! whootwhoot!

01-07-2012, 08:56 AM
It was 42 at seven am yesterday. The pups did not want to come back in the house. We had so much fun hubby and I were late for work:D:D

Our bubble is to burst next week:eek::eek::eek::eek:


01-07-2012, 11:22 AM
73 here today and 77 by Monday, but it won't last :(

01-11-2012, 05:44 PM
I will take the 70s for a few days!! Wasnt to bad here today - its 39 now so it had to be about 44 earlier - Penny was happy - she took a nap outside

so how is Rebel doing ?? Good I hope:)

Hugssss xo

01-11-2012, 05:48 PM
Supposed to get cold again here starting tm. :(

Rebel is doing ok, he had a restless night last night, but I think it's because we went to bed early :)

01-11-2012, 06:49 PM
but I think it's because we went to bed early

Zoe is the same way if we go to bed early.

We are to get 4-8" of blowing snow tonight. OMG!!! I think I forgot how to drive in it:rolleyes::rolleyes: Zoe won't be doing much pooing tomorrow. She is not found of the white stuff.

I hope you are feeling better and did not get sick!!!


01-11-2012, 08:07 PM
I'm still fighting a cold off :(

01-11-2012, 10:44 PM
Melissa - Penny gets up one or twice every night - even when she didnt have a uti -- uggg Hope you feel better soon - soak up the warm weather while it is around!! hugssss xoxo

Squirt's Mom
01-12-2012, 10:26 AM
Hi Melissa,

Tip for a cold - take zinc, about 50mg/day until the symptoms are gone.

Leslie and the gang

01-12-2012, 10:55 AM
I'm trying to soak it up Cindy it's supposed to turn cold again tonight. Thanks for the tip Leslie. I have been dumping this nasty powder stuff into my water that has extra vitamin C and Zinc in it.. I just can't completely shake this, just when I start to feel better the weather changes again and I start all over. Well at least Rebel feels good, guess that's what matters right?? :)

Not to make anyone cry but this was shared with me on my facebook and I wanted to share with you all.


Squirt's Mom
01-12-2012, 11:28 AM
Oh, Melissa,

What a beautiful video. Bawling like a baby now. I shared on my page, too. Thanks for sharing this with us!

Leslie and the gang...and all our Angels

01-12-2012, 12:27 PM
Beautiful video - needed tissues to get thru it!!! Thanks for passing it along xoxo

01-12-2012, 02:37 PM
Well, I think maybe I can't watch it. I'm alone at work and don't want to have to answer the phone bawling like a baby:eek::rolleyes:

Maybe tonight.

I ran into an older man at the local gas station I used to stop at every morning. This was years ago. I had a horrible cold for 3 weeks. He told me to do the following:

go home make a bath with the water as hot as you can stand it.
make a really hot cup of tea
put a big shot of brandy in the tea
sit in the tub and slowly sip the tea until gone
once bathwater is cool get out and bundle up under the bed covers.

Honestly, I was cured the next day:D:D

I was a lot younger then , much younger than today:):) is that how the song goes?


01-12-2012, 05:07 PM
Lol I would love to and this is going to sound bad, but I can't take a bath in a tub I haven't just cleaned!! So that would mean I would have to go home and clean the tub!! I don't know if I'm up to that, but maybe I might give it a try.. At this point I'm ready to try anything just to get some kind of relief. My ears are all stopped up so I held my nose and tried blowing with my mouth closed (like you do on a plane to clear them) well I made my ears whistle and it didn't feel real good! Does it have to be brandy in the tea? lol

01-12-2012, 05:29 PM
I'm guessing whisky would do the same thing:D:D:D:D:D:D

Awwww feel better, no fun being that stuffed up.


01-13-2012, 12:44 AM
Melissa hope you feel better soon!!!!! I took Mike to the doctor (omg I almost said vet!) hahahahahahaha and he told him to use the saline nasal spray like 3 to 4 times a day - and he he game him sudafed and his nose ran like crazy and unstuffed him - dont know if you tried that -- home you can breath soon!!!!:)

hugsssss xo

01-13-2012, 03:59 PM
I tried sudafed, it worked for a few hours then made me cough so bad I was throwing up :(

Maybe I should start my own thread in the everything else section titled "Help Melissa get better" Hahaha, but actually I am feeling a little better today, I took this new med by alka selszer (sp) called severe allergy and congestion. Knock on wood it seems to have helped.. I really don't think it was a cold but my my rhinitis flaring up because of the temp changes.. Oh and dare I mention it just changed again today, back to being cold for a few days and then back to warm! Sigh

On a happy note Rebel has been spunky lately, playing and running around and nose diving under my bed! He is a big goof ball when he is feeling good, and it is so nice to see. Maybe he is just trying to make me feel better in his own way :)

Hope all is well with everyone here and you are all staying warm.

01-13-2012, 06:02 PM
Hi Melissa,

Sorry you are down in the dumps again. :(

First things first, I don't like to lay in my own dirty bath water either, so I know what you're saying:D Next, I say skip the tea and go right for the whisky/brandy:D

I also swear by Vics Vaporub. I use it on my girls when they have sore throats, stuffy noses and coughs, and it hasn't failed me yet. I also rub it on the soles of their feet and then put socks on.

Have you tried the Neti Pot for your sinuses? My husband uses it and it's a miracle gadget.

I guess last thing is teaspoon of honey with a dash of lemon, oh and some bf tlc may do the job altogether....haaaaaaaaaaa.:D

Feel better real soon.

We love ya, xo Jeanette

01-13-2012, 06:04 PM
Thanks Jeanette! I am feeling a little better today so I hope it's an upward trend. Yeah I have a net-pot and thought about using it until my roommate said "hey did you hear about that lady that got an infection from her neti-pot and it killed her?" I am throwing mine away :(

And the bf is coming up for the whole weekend to take care of me :)

01-14-2012, 10:41 AM
Hi Melissa,

Much better today Im sure now that you've got a house full of love! haaaaaaaaaa...:D

Wow! I have to go google the Neti Pot incident and let my husband know, and throw his away also...gotta get details first though, he would definitely kick my butt for doing that:D

Warm regards to all and much love.

xo Jeanette

Squirt's Mom
01-14-2012, 10:44 AM
Neti Pot infection link -


01-14-2012, 10:50 AM
LOL Leslie,

you beat me to it...I had just googled the article on the neti pot. We at least we knowthose incidents were related to infected tap water, and not the pot itself.

Thanks for the link.

Love to you and the babies.

xo Jeanette

01-14-2012, 07:52 PM
All I can say is if the water comes out of you like the lady in the video from Lori's link on my thread, well, I stand in awe of all Neti Pot users:D

head always above water addy

01-15-2012, 09:56 AM
Lol Addy you are too funny!! Yes Jeanette I have been getting lots of love this weekend!! I think I do feel better :)

On another note Rebel had one of those reverse sneeze/cough things this morning. At least I think that's what it was. It lasted longer than it normally does and it seemed like he couldn't catch a breath. Needless to say it scared me.

01-15-2012, 05:53 PM
Hey Melissa,

Glad you're feeling better, but sorry about Rebel. I'd be scared too. How is he making out the rest of today? Hope better.

Love ya,

xo Jeanette

01-15-2012, 08:41 PM
Hi Melissa,

Zoe has those scary bouts too of reverse sneezing. When Dr. Koko does not run to her rescue and bark at her, I usually blow in her nose a quick short breath and rub her throat, telling her to swallow. If that does not work I sometimes cover her nostrils for a few seconds and tell her to swallow. We have gone through it so much, she knows the word "swallow":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

The reverse sneezes sure are scary. I'll have to send Dr. Koko down; he is very good at getting Zoe to stop so maybe he could help Rebel:):):)


01-16-2012, 11:10 AM
Thanks Addy, I tried the covering of the nostrils thing but he was not happy with me.. Sadie was licking his head but I don't think that helped him..lol Maybe Dr. Koko needs to show her how to help. I didn't know about the other stuff, so I will try that if it happens again.

I am happy to report that (knock on wood) I am feeling better just in time to head back to school tomorrow. :) And I don't care what made the neti pot users sick, mine is in the trash! :D

01-17-2012, 02:09 AM
careful to not blow to much air in nose, their lungs are delicate and smaller. I had not heard of doing that, let me know if it works out for you, i know mine do that to, i usually tilt head slightly up and gently rub throat, and maybe even distract them with a squeak toy sound, or something, not to make them play but distraction....and that has helped as well.
this is how sad the whole neti pot thing is......you know....i guess i dont get out much at all........LOL i thought it was some sort of diaper for dogs or something, net...poti i dont know. good laugh anyways. lol

01-17-2012, 06:06 AM
Sorry if I speak out of turn, I'm only reading the last few posts here, but my first dog when living at home had this a lot. (She was the taco bell type of dog. The one I can't spell!) Most of her life she did this. It didn't hurt her in the least. It didn't get any worse and it never caused any related problems. But it was horrible to watch. You just want it to stop. Yup.. and that's what we did, held our hand over her nose to stop the gasping intake of breath. She hated it, but it always worked and very quickly. Just stopping one gasp was more often enough. We put the palm of our hand on the end of her nose. She knew we were helping her.

01-17-2012, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the advice, I will try it next time he has one of those spells. Thankfully it doesn't happen a lot.. He had a little bit of a restless night (we both did), he was smacking a lot which I think is my fault. I was not having a good night and we just went to bed, I forgot to give him his evening snack. So when he woke me up smacking I gave him one and he made it through the night without getting sick..

Can I just post this now cause I know you guys support me not only with Rebel but with every part of my life. :) My classes start today and I wasn't really nervous, but after looking at the syllabus' today I am FREAKING out!! Okay just needed to let that out!

Squirt's Mom
01-17-2012, 01:05 PM
Hi Melissa,

With the grace, determination, and balance you utilize in your approach to caring for your babies I have no doubt you will do GREAT in school this semester! :)

Leslie and the gang

01-17-2012, 02:18 PM
remind me again of your grade point average?:D;)

piece of cake, you'll do just fine!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:cool::cool:


01-17-2012, 05:00 PM
Thanks Leslie & Addy.. This new class is going to require some writing skills and I have none that is what has me nervous.

01-17-2012, 08:21 PM
writing skills and I have none that is what has me nervous.

Oh, my dear, but you DOOOOO:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

knock 'em dead!!!!

01-17-2012, 10:30 PM
Thanks Addy.. Wish I had your confidence :/

01-17-2012, 10:44 PM
My dogs have the reverse sneezing from time to time too. I hate watching and I know it stresses them out (but probably bothers me more!). :p

Anyway, I also put my palm on their nose just to stop the inhaling and it seems to really help. I have also tried rubbing the throat, but the palm over the nostrils seems to work best.

And, for what it's worth, from the limited reading I have done of what you've posted, you don't need to worry about your writing skills; you'll do great!:)

Take care,
Julie & Hannah

01-17-2012, 11:38 PM
Melissa - I get how you feel - I have the college kid her stressing over his Organic Chem Lecture and Lab he has this semester - I forgot but arent you taking alot of science classes also?? I couldnt find where you posted it -- but I know you will do fine - sending you support and strength and love and hugsssss xoxo

01-18-2012, 10:47 AM
Yes Cindy I am also taking Anatomy & Physiology 2 w/lab, which I am not as worried about I loved A&P 1 and did really well last semester. This new class is Intro to healthcare and looks like we will be discussing our healthcare system dating way back in time to the present. This is what I have to say about our healthcare system: It Sucks! Guess I need to come up with a little more though huh? lol :D

01-18-2012, 11:53 AM
Well I totally agree is sucksssssssss!!!! Wow you have your work cut out you to write about that!!!! Good Luck - but I know you will do fine ---- you did very good in the science classes - Mike needs at least a B- in Organic Chemistry to apply for graduate school - C is passing in the Sciences but Graduate school wants to see at least a B-. He got a C+ 79 in Phys and has to take it again cause of the one point - he went to extra help class and even asked for extra credit - nope - she gives three tests and thats it for your grade - no homework no written papers - so if you do bad on one test thats its!! He rather be down 10 points rather than 1 point - that hurts!:eek: Keep me posted on how you are doing:)

hugsssss xoxo

01-18-2012, 02:05 PM
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Melissa, I love your writing skills, straight to the point, but you only speak the truth...:D

Good luck in school...

xo Jeanette

01-18-2012, 03:04 PM
Yeah Cindy I need to maintain my 4.0 in order to have any shot at getting into my program this year, that is why I'm so nervous. This class with all the writing is not only going to kill me but it will take away some of my study time for A&P. :(

Fingers crossed I guess.. Thanks Jeanette, but somehow I'm not sure my instructor is going to like that..lol How do I get 400 words out of Our Healthcare system sucks! HAHA

01-19-2012, 10:32 AM
Hi everyone, I thought I would share a little bit about what we are doing in A&P 2 this semester.. We are getting ready to start endocrinology!! We started a little last Tuesday and will be getting more into it tonight. My instructor told me Tuesday night that Cushings will make a lot more sense after this class! Well as far as how it all work etc etc, it will never make sense why our babies are struck with it. I'm really looking forward to it and getting a more in depth (literally I will have to open up a cat) look in to how it all works. If I learn anything I knew I will certainly share :)

Squirt's Mom
01-19-2012, 12:00 PM
Oh, how exciting, Melissa! I loved biology and anatomy and all that sort of stuff! Dissection was something I really enjoyed and was surprised that I did!

We are going to rely on you to teach all about the endocrine system in a few months, ok? :p

01-19-2012, 12:03 PM
I was good with the brain and eye dissection last semester, and this semester we are doing a heart, kidney and then the cat.. I'm a little unsure about the cat, might make me cry. I was thinking of putting a paper towel over it's face and then maybe I can disassociate myself from it..lol

01-19-2012, 12:03 PM
Melissa, I know what you mean. Why must our innocent babies have to bear such pain. Guess it's all part of the bigger plan is how I deal with it really. Just gotta keep going full force. I can't wait for you to really get into the whole endocrinology aspect of your class, but ugh, the cat dissection:eek: I wouldn't have the guts to do it, no punn intended....haaaaaaa...:D Good luck with that. LOL.

Looking forward to picking your brain..:D

Luv to you and the babes...xo Jeanette

01-19-2012, 12:04 PM
Thanks Jeanette :)

01-19-2012, 05:52 PM
How interesting. I think we would all love to know what you learn. Who knows maybe someday you will be the one who discovers why this happens.

01-22-2012, 02:24 AM
ahhhhh the learning vs emotions.
i am so fond of your passion and compassion for animals, i know this will be difficult for you.
I do hope that your heart is strong and your mind keen and sharp to be able to receive the knowledge that could help so many!

01-22-2012, 09:42 AM
Sorry, I just looked at my thermostat and it reads 4 degrees. So scratch the 11....OMG......brrrrrrrr...:eek:


01-23-2012, 11:59 AM
Yeah you can have that weather, no thank you!

01-24-2012, 11:02 AM
Hi everyone, Hope all your pups are doing well. I uploaded some pics from this weekend at the beach. Rebel is doing well knock on wood. I swear there is another reason I was posting today, but after loading the pics I have completely forgotten! Wow I guess I will try and remember and post again! Think I might be losing it..lol