View Full Version : What is the best grass for multidog lawn?
03-03-2010, 08:17 AM
I wanted to get input to see what others are using for their lawn.
I have come across several that are hearty enough to withstand most of the "traffic" of a multi dog household (zoysia, buffalo, couch), but am not sure what really works effectively.
I have no problems with urine spots (I water it down afterwards to dilute it). And I do not relish using fertilizers.
Roxee's Dad
03-03-2010, 08:44 AM
Hi Terry,
Depends where you live. Rye is the least durable as bare spots have to be res-eeded. Bermuda seemed to work pretty good when I lived in Arizona. As bermuda spreads to cover the bare spots. This is probably a good question for Scott :)
Besides the fenced in back yard, which they use frequently, I also built a doggy yard with a doggy door which is about 15 feet X 30 feet and I installed "Astro Turf" works great, no fertilizers, no lawnmower, no mud and stays green all year round. :D:D:D I had to install it on a 6 inch base of porus stone/sand. It is very porus and if it doesn't rain, I water it down once in a while to keep it clean. I also installed a few sun shades so they have their choice of laying in the sun or shade. :)
Installed about 3-1/2 years ago for about a total of 800 dollars. Plus the cost of the 6 foot privacy fence.
03-03-2010, 09:23 AM
Hi Terry,
I agree with John that probably Scott may be a good resource for you. The grasses that are commonly used here in Atlanta probably wouldn't be suitable for you up further north. But, in general, I would also "second" what John has said: "creeping" sodded grasses work better than those that require reseeding. We have Bermuda (a creeper) in our frontyard, and fescue (needs reseeding) in our backyard. Since it is the backyard that is fenced, the dogs spend all their time in the fescue -- or I should say, what is left of the fescue...:( :(
The combination of several years of extreme drought and now torrential rains, in combination with the dogs tearing around in the yard, have left us with a yard that is half-dirt, half-grass. Even though we overseed religiously every fall, the fescue is no match for the dogs. Every single "divet" that they take out is bare until it is reseeded in the fall. On the other hand, the Bermuda seems to be much better able to withstand the wear. And any bare patches automatically get filled back up with the creeping grass.
Traditionally, Bermuda requires lots of sun and our backyard is very shady -- that's why our options have been limited back there. But the University of Georgia has been developing a shade-tolerant Bermuda that is supposedly going on the market this season. We may look into it, and if it really seems to be an option, I think we'd bite the bullet have the backyard sodded with the new Bermuda. I cannot tell you how tired I am of muddy paws on the carpet!!!!!!!!
marie adams
03-03-2010, 10:06 AM
Hi Terry,
Living in Southern California we get lots of sun, lately a lot of rain--the grass loves it--soooo green right now. I have hybrid bermuda and it holds up very nicely. It does take a little more fertilizer, not as green in the winter months, but it comes back nicely. Occasionally you have to de-thatch and airrate it (spelling), but we like it. Oh, it is also nicer to pick up after the dog--haha:p
I am glad to know there will be a shade version for the parts of the yard that do not get as much sun.
Good Luck!!
Squirt's Mom
03-03-2010, 11:05 AM
Hi Terry,
We have Bermuda here...along with the TN weeds! :p Bermuda holds up quite well to all kinds of traffic, etc. and spreads to cover bare spots nicely. Rarely requires fertilizer but does need to be watered when rain is scarce. That makes up the majority of our front yard while the back was seeded with Ryes and Fescues...which hasn't survived well at all. But the Bermuda is holding up and spreading nicely even with the dogs.
I hate it.
I will not stay where you want it to be...if you have flower beds, it WILL take over. It will grow across the sidewalks, driveways, stone paths and up through any cracks in the fore mentioned.
But it does do well with dogs. ;)
marie adams
03-03-2010, 01:23 PM
Leslie you are so funny!!! Yes it , bermuda, will grow anywhere.
We find you have to have sometype of edging to make a barrier. I did see somewhere if you make a "v" groove in the dirt in your planters it is suppose to help with growing into it or over. Otherwise edging each week or in some people's cases the gardeners will weed wack it to death works. There are always going to be pros and cons--haha.
It is pretty hard to kill and like Leslie said you do need to water it when there isn't any rain--maybe a couple times a week if the temps are in the 70's; more if it is hotter.
03-03-2010, 02:51 PM
In the midwest we mostly have Kentucky Bluegrass - however there has been a switch over the last few years. I had to have my front yard entirely redone a couple years ago and the guy planted a combination of the new stuff and KY Bluegrass so that it matched the rest of the yard.
The difference is night and day. WAY better product. Fewer bugs, fewer dry spots and it is soft and thick. I will have to look up the name of it though. LOL (I am at work)
And everything will depend upon the area/soil.
03-03-2010, 03:51 PM
Oh how I long for a lawn again, I'd be happy with any type of green grass.
Our water restrictions mean we cannot do any lawn watering and we have just come through summer so I have dirt.:(
03-03-2010, 04:30 PM
Thanks so much for all your replies!!!! This helps me.
Since the entire yard is fenced in I am looking at "mud" now (grass is gone) where the snow has melted and the girls are already bringing it in so I hear you Marianne about muddy paws everywhere.
It is really hard because half of our yard is sloped - almost 45 degree angle. Maybe just add in a bunch of levels with the grass.
I will see about the types of Bermuda - do not mind creeping at all, I have a huge bamboo stand already and I do not do well with flower gardens. :o Kim, when you get the chance, let me know what the other grass is.
I may experiment with several too as ya'll suggested -
I need a landscaper for dogs - :D
Thanks again.
03-04-2010, 07:17 AM
T, I went to my files and it was not written in his scope of work. I went to the internet and found great sites for regional grasses. It is either zoysiagrass or a tall rye fescue. I am clueless. But I know he said it is what everyone is using these days here. I hadn't realised there had been "progress" in this...hadn't given it any thought. I can only tell you that if you have to mow, water and fertilize it is worth talking to a local expert. The improvement is truly amazing. If I could afford to dig up the rest of my grass and replace it I would. ha.
Scott probably either knows OR has ideas as to the best resources for finding out about your area. Soils are so different, even within a state.
I don't envy you the mud. Makes for a long spring so get it planted early. ;)
03-04-2010, 07:47 AM
For anybody who's interested, here's a link about the new, shade-tolerant Bermuda:
It is definitely a very new product, and it looks like its current availability is limited to the southeast and Texas. And once again, you may be too far north to even consider Bermuda at all, Terry. But I'm thinking that zoysia is another creeper? People do put down zoysia here in the southeast, although I think that Bermuda is more popular for sodded lawns in this area.
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