View Full Version : Ooops, I did it again...
02-18-2010, 08:21 PM
You know me....I am hopeless...I am always looking for trouble....I am just not able to learn..
I am getting another dog from a rescue!! It was totally and completely and utterly by accident. I was not looking, in fact I told myself NO WAY KEEP WALKING...and I did walk....and then I thought...and well, here I go again...and I will post under Bailey's thread bc I am still so not over where near over it...but something just pulled me...
I took Baby Pallie to Petsmart (aka Queen Sh*t) last weekend to get us both out of this house. I walked unwittingly right smack into pet adoption weekend. I tried to avoid that area...I did. But they were by the cat stuff and Allo needed supplies. So, I went over, let QS sniff around and see the doggies, and I tried very hard not to look...I swear I did. But...then these brown eyes looked at me, there seemed to be scars on his face and someone chopped his tail off...he was found alone and starving on the streets of Puerto Rico...a yellow lab mix...and he was snuggly and kissing everyone and very very sweet...and I finally dragged QS away from him and with a heavy heart headed home...
until yesertday..when something snapped in my brain, pretty sure my psychosis set in finally, and I filled out the application...and once again, before I knew what I was doing, I was approved.
So, his name right now is Jaret, although I will most likely change it and is still open for debate....and I am going to post his pic in the album as soon as I post this...
and why do you people leave me unsupervised??? I have this illness I am told is malignant...and I can't seem to stay away from animals who need homes...I am telling you my heart can't take this and yet I am left unsupervised!!!
Anyway, I am going to get him tomorrow night and bring him "home" more to the bunch!
And I will post in Bailey's thread in a second...
Love and many hugs, Beth
Harley PoMMom
02-18-2010, 08:30 PM
Oh Beth,
I am happy for you, you have a loving, BIG, heart. Who knows, maybe this was Bailey and Scooter talking to you, talking to your soul and heart. Can't wait to see the pics!!
With much love and big, big hugs my friend,
02-18-2010, 09:05 PM
I knew your heart needed another doggie and I was just wondering how long it would take.
Sometimes it is just meant to be and you can't stop fate. Not sure about a boy called Janet.:confused: Pics please.
PS My confession is after Buddy died I tried so hard not to look and then decided it would be safe to look online in another state then I couldn't possible do anything about it. I saw Luke's pic and Joey as his best friend, my heart thumped, and at the bottom it said will home interstate....DAMM
The rest is history.
Roxee's Dad
02-18-2010, 09:11 PM
That is wonderful Beth, I am sure Jaret will love his new and loving home. :):):) It's all part of that "how they rescue us"
ETA: just had a look and he is very handsome dude too!
02-18-2010, 09:26 PM
Thank you!!!
LOL, is JaRet, not JaNet, LOL!!! But I am changing his name...just not sure to what yet!
I don't know if I am ready...I still hurt so badly and miss Bailey just as much as I did...
but I left him in the store that day and have been haunted, thinking, this boy needs a home, look at him, you have a home and at least he can know what love is...and BP is so lost without her big maybe a companion for her too...
and then I emailed them yesterday just out of I don't know what and thought I could think about it...and here I am getting ready to bring him here tomorrow night...
I don't know how this happened...maybe my boys do want this..and I have to say this house is not the same without maybe they want a new chapter...I just need a new heart bc mine is still broken...but it can still love I guess...
I was reminded today to not anticipate the end, but focus on this beginning and this journey and not having to make that dreaded decision ever stay with what I have right I am trying...
in between the tears that still come so easily, in between the pain is this new boy who needs someone to love him...
how could I walk away???:o
Many thanks and much love, Beth
02-18-2010, 09:27 PM
Awwwww Bethy. I am so happy for you. I knew you had too much love stored up for just Allo and Pallie and I felt like it was just a matter of time. Your heart always knows and I'm sure the "bad boys" had this all planned to help mom cope better. They didn't want to see you so sad anymore.
Doing the happy dance!
Shelba and Suni
02-18-2010, 09:28 PM
Back in trouble again.:D
There was something there, Beth, something was drawing you to this pup. This was meant to be. He'll have such a wonderful home now, with a very loving and caring mom.
Congrats on your new addition.:)
02-18-2010, 09:30 PM
Whoops my bad...I speed read and make up words, so sorry JaRet.
Glad you got a laugh anyway.
02-18-2010, 09:31 PM
Thank you so much....but is this too soon? I am worried this is too soon? I still want Bailey back and have such a mix of emotions, but yes, something drew me to him...I just couldn't stop thinking, "he belongs here with us"...
maybe my Bad Boy angels are cooking up something would be so like them...:o
Love ya! Beth
02-18-2010, 09:42 PM
Good for you!!! He will help you heal.
02-18-2010, 09:43 PM
The right time is when you decide it is never too soon ro too long if it is something you want to do.
PS Buddy passed away on Jan 13 and my boys arrived on Feb 20. If you are wondering why it took so long it was getting their flights booked.:D:D:D
02-19-2010, 12:10 PM
Wow!! JaRet is one lucky pup -- he doesn't know it yet but he has found the best forever home he could hope for. I looked at his pics and he is a cutie. You are such a good person, Beth. Looking forward to hearing how Pallie and Allo take to their new brother!
02-19-2010, 12:16 PM
Thank you!!! I decided to change his name to "Cayden" means "fighter"...and we all know I need that in my life, to fight through it...
6 hours 45 minutes...
Love ya! Beth
02-19-2010, 01:28 PM
It's a hard decision to make, isn't it? And then once you make it you wonder why you felt that way to begin with. That no one would ever take the place of the pup you just lost, and helping another in need of a good home was exactly what you did before. The cycle continues.
I'm so happy for you and your new addition! They just walk into your heart, don't they?
I did the same thing right before Christmas (went into a petco that had a shelter showing animals). I gravatated to the back of the store. I would have come home with them all, when reason struck me upside the head.
But it put the bug in me. Bug's name is Teddy. I'm just sooooo happy for you.
I'm sorry for your loss, and sorry I missed being here to support you during that time. You were there for me and Coolidge.
Take care!
02-19-2010, 09:15 PM
Beth txt me and asked me to post an update.... and in total Beth style, she said her house is chaos! haha! She says it's a good chaos. Baby Pallie and Cayden are running around, rugs are flying, and they're rolling around and playing. Stay tuned....
02-19-2010, 09:52 PM
I like the name, Beth. I'm glad you have a good chaos in your house. It sounds like Baby Pallie and Cayden are having a great time.
Casey's Mom
02-19-2010, 10:43 PM
Wonderful news, I can just imagine Jaret and Baby Pallie running around together. Good for you Beth, you have given him a great home and you will be all the mom that he never had before.
Love and hugs,
02-19-2010, 11:55 PM
Welcome to the family Cayden, please don't ever tell him I called him Janet.:o
PS It's Feb 20 here and what a coincidence because today is the day Luke and Joey arrived into my home and heart. It's our 1st anniversary and we can share the date with Cayden.:D
02-20-2010, 07:01 AM
hi everyone i am new to this forum..been reading all about your pets.. so glad to here i am not the only one that treats my chihuahua / ebonie.. like part of the family.. eight days ago ebonie was diagnosed with cushings and was started on lysodren.. seem to be going ok.. vet has told me to only give her med once a week now.. was all a bit over whelming at first as she is 10yrs old and this is first problem i have had with her..brought her from 4 months old a very intelligent little i am on disability pension expenses are killing my budget..but hanging in their she is worth it !
Mod note: A new thread has been created for Ebonie in "Canine Cushing's Questions and Discussions" so that Ebonie can have her very own thread/topic :) and members can post directly to Ebonie's thread. :)
02-20-2010, 10:38 AM
We didn't get home until after 8. After much sniffing,there was a little showing of the teeth (him) to BP and growling. After that, TOTAL CHAOS!!! Much chasing, running, rugs flying, rolling around, kissing, tummy baring, things getting knocked over, cookies to share....followed by a fight over the bed!
Cayden likes to sleep on top of you...BP was stuck on the floor on the bed after much more teeth baring and growling.BP wanted the mommy, but so did not much sleep last night for anyone. Decision made no one gets the big bed but the mommy! I am having flashbacks and a huge amount of PTSD and was up at 4am w...ondering if this was such a good idea after the Bad Boys. I can't have BP eaten.
As I am coming to, I am thinking this is just the pack order establishing and it's OK. RIGHT?????? Food was shared this morning and many romps in the this will be OK, RIGHT?????????? Scoobie left me with doggie PTSD!!!
They just had a good wrestling session and I am about to finally take a shower!!! Jenny, I am so glad we share a date....hopefully this will be a good sign...and don't worry, our secret is safe, LOL.
Allo's "birthday" is Monday...and so we will have an even bigger party!
Cayden is going to go for his neutering on Thursday:( but I know it HAS to be done!!!! I just wish it wasn't me taking him and they had it done bc I am such a complete WUSS!!!
Bernie47, you couldn't have found a better place to be. I had two dogs treated with Lysodren and they did well for a long time...everything will be OK. I will try to get over to your thread that was made soon!! Right now I have some pups to wrangle up so I can at least get dressed!
CHAOS I TELL YOU...CHAOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love and hugs, Beth, the Bad Boys forever, Allo, BP and Cayden
02-21-2010, 05:06 PM
Hi Beth,
You are Cayden's security blanket. He feels very safe and comfortable with you. From the other posts I read, it sounds like they are getting along very well.
Just curious, did you get to sleep in your bed by yourself?:D:D:D
02-21-2010, 09:24 PM
Terri....No! LOL....last night Cayden took the end of the bed...and Baby Pallie slept between my boyfriend and I. And then I wondered why my back hurt this morning!!
I just posted some pics of them in the album.
So far, so good...
and let me just say that I have to say
We don't know when his "real" birthday is but it was one year ago I was blessed by bringing him home so we celebrate today! He should be about 4 years old....and a bundle of love he is!
Love and hugs! Beth
Roxee's Dad
02-21-2010, 09:29 PM
:D:D Happy Birthday Allo :D:D:D
02-22-2010, 08:01 AM
Happy Birthday Allo
I hope you have a wonderful day with lots of extra hugs and special treats.
02-22-2010, 02:59 PM
:D :) :D Have a Very Happy Birthday Allo!! :D :) :D
Hope you get some tasty puddy tat treats. The 6 Furballs and Munch send special birthday greetings just for you, big guy! May you have many happy years ahead.
02-22-2010, 03:05 PM
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Allo
Happy Birthday to you
Squirt's Mom
02-22-2010, 04:49 PM
Happy Birthday, Allo!
02-22-2010, 06:02 PM
Happy Birthday Allo!
Harley PoMMom
02-22-2010, 06:21 PM
Happy Birthday Allo!!
Love and hugs,
Lori, Harley, Bear, and Alex the bad cat!
02-22-2010, 07:04 PM
To sweet Allo:
02-24-2010, 04:58 AM
Hi Beth,
What wonderful news :D! Congratulations on your new addition, Cayden :):):)
Happy Birthday Allo! :)
Jane and Franklin xx
Carol G
02-24-2010, 12:32 PM
Happy Birthday to Allo!
I've been enjoying reading about your new addition. What a very nice tribute to your boys -- to give Cayden a wonderful home.
Carol & Atty Cat
BTW, it can't possibly have been a year since you brought Allo home -- your math must be off :D
02-25-2010, 12:29 PM
Thank you all so much!!! Allo barely had a birthday bc of all the ruckus in the house! I spent some private cuddle time with him, but poor guy....the crashing into the walls, tables, etc kept me running after the canines..but I will make it up to him!
Baby Pallie and Cayden are totally in love...and it is a good thing she is at least spayed!! But most of the time they are playing and wrestling and running and knocking things over and almost knocking me over...
Saskia is a lifesaver and I would like to especially thank her for always being here and for helping me so much during this's been a bittersweet time, a little (lotta) anxiety producing, and without her friendship and guidance and great advice I would be heavily sedated right now! She is, as she always has been, a huge huge asset to this board and I am so grateful for that!!!
So, thank you all so much...and once I can get some decent pics that aren't a blur of canine and feline fur running through the house, I will post some more!!:eek:
Much love, Beth
02-26-2010, 04:54 AM
Awww Beth, no need at all to thank me really, I'm glad I could be of some help but you are the one who did it all :) The credits all go to you! :D
Enjoy that crazy but oh so lovable bunch you have there ;)
Saskia and Yunah :)
03-07-2010, 02:17 PM
Just checking to see how things are going with you and yours :)
Saskia and Yunah :)
03-08-2010, 01:23 PM
We are doing OK at the moment...I think. One worry is that Cayden's eosinophil count is more than double what it should be. No other parasites. The other thing it could be is allergy/asthma! Do I need to go through the allergy thing again???? I guess I do!! This Friday he is going in for his neutering so I am asking the vet to do a chest x-ray. He does do this funny breathing thing sometimes, often after running after Baby Pallie, and I would just like to make certain that it is not asthma! :( I am also contemplating switching his food now to something hypoallergenic to nip any potential problems in the bud. Now I know FOR SURE that SCOOTER sent me Cayden!!:p
Cayden is fitting in beautifully. He is so very sweet. I am still working on him not hanging on me, literally....he likes to jump up and literally wrap his front legs around your neck and hang on. It breaks my heart bc I know he was so dependent on begging just to survive. But I am also holding the line that I am not his one and only.
He and Baby Pallie are just too funny....they literally run, jump over the furniture, stampede through the house for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours...we went to the park yesterday and she seemed more confident with him there...and of course as he was marking every light post with his "signature" she squirmed underneath him and um, oh, well, got "marked" on the top of her head! They cuddle together and play together and he is being very responsive to me.
He went to the vet with Allo last week. Allo's lungs sound good but we are on the alert with the change of season. He is starting to sneeze again quite a bit so I am watching him closely.
Cayden got the "all clear" from the vet, except the one lab numbers, and the vet couldn't believe how sweet he was. He really is this very sweet, gentle soul who thinks he is a lap dog and just wants to be loved on allllll the time. He responds very quickly to any training commands.
So, Friday will be his big day and I will be a big mess. I hate doing this although am a firm believer in it. The vet will also do a little work on his ears bc he has some scar tissue. He has scars all over him, battle wounds from hard street living all that time. It makes me sick to think of him out there fighting for his life when he is such a gentle thing. (Knock on wood, I don't want to curse myself here!)...but so far, other than the occasional but appropriate growl at BP, he has been super super sweet.
I don't know when a day will pass that I don't cry for was one month last Friday and feels like forever...but I am, at the same time, able to enjoy the love and bond that has been and is still forming between Cayden and BP...and even Allo has warmed up and given a few "head-butts" here and there.
Thank you so much for checking in on us!!! I hope all is well with you too!!
Lots of love and hugs! Beth
03-08-2010, 10:30 PM
Hi Sweet Pea,
I know how tough it has been for you. I am so glad you have all these wonderful babies to keep you busy and out of trouble. :o)
Lots of love,
Heidi, Marco, Sophie, Sasha (a/k/a Kimba the White Lion Flying Wallenda Pup) and her mom Maggie Poo (that I just had to adopt as well)
03-09-2010, 05:30 AM
Hi Beth :)
All in all that is a wonderful update :) I am sooo happy that Cailey is fitting in so well and that he and Pallie get along so great, makes me smiles a huge smile :D I hope the raised eos. count won't be anything too bothersome and that life can continue it's way without too many rollercoaster rides :)
If Cailey is focussed on you and only you, you could try and let someone else in your household feed him for a while. That will teach him that the other people in the house are also very important since the food comes from them :eek: :D And perhaps go for walks with someone other then yourself... You know, things that matter most to dogs ;) If they all come from you, then of course you are the number one person in the house :) Just a thought.
And I fully understand the mixed feelings at this time. Iremember vividly that after Boncuk died, I loved Sogno but wasn't as attached to him (yet). And same when Sogno died, I loved Yunah but the real, true, deep attachment, that took a while to form. And there were even days when I would look at Yunah and think, "I do love you but you are not Sogno". Thoughts I felt horrible about. But with time, and much more time then a month, I was just as crazy about Yunah as I was about Sogno and Cukie :) And till today, something may happen that brings back my tears over Cukie or Sogno...even after all these years. But that's the way it is and in a strange way, I wouldn't want it any other way :) For you it is still so fresh, still so short... Just give yourself that time and accept your feelings as normal and part of a process that will help you heal and at the same time will strengthen your bond with Pallie and Cayden :) You're truly doing great!
Will think of Cayden (and you) this coming friday...
Big hugs,
Saskia and Yunah :)
03-09-2010, 08:15 AM
Oh Beth,
I'll be thinking of you guys on Friday, as well! I know you'll be so relieved to have the procedure safely behind you. And I can only "second" what Saskia has said so beautifully.
It warms my heart to picture Cailey and Baby Pallie bonding with one another. But I realize that this is still a period of transition and adjustment for you all. And it is still a period of mourning for you. So the emotions remain so tender and so close to the surface.
Please give us an update on Friday as soon as it is convenient for you. In the meantime, postive thoughts continue to flow your way!
03-09-2010, 07:05 PM
Just got back and have not been on here forever, thought I would check in and see how things were going. I just wanted to comment on Caydens breathing. Dr Es assistant asked me about the flu shot for Kenai. I asked Dr E about it and he said that there have been outbreaks at a vet clinic close to here. He said that he has his done so he doesnt take it home to them if he is exposed and told me that if I didnt board Kenai he would not think that he needed it, but when I told him he boards at least 3 10 day periods he said then absolutely. He said the symptoms are vage but like the human H1N1 can manifest into breathing problems. he said can be hard to diagnose.
I am just bringing this up since Cayden was in a kennel with lots of other dogs so maybe ask the vet about the flu. You would think he would show more symptoms but I dont know enough about it. so just thinking out loud.
Good luck with the friday fixen, I am sure Cayden will do fine, it will be harder on you than on him.
hugs to you and your zoo.
Sharon, Kenai and always Nike
Harley PoMMom
03-09-2010, 08:10 PM
Hi Beth,
I really don't have anything else to add to all that was so beautifully written. I just wanted to let you know that you and your precious gang are in my thoughts and prayers...especially for Friday, which I am sure Cayden will breeze right thru.
Love and (((hugs)))
03-10-2010, 10:53 AM
Thank you all very much!!
When I got home last night, I received word that the pup behind me went to the Bridge yesterday morning.:( He was the one Scooter and Bailey ran the fence with so many times. I know they are all together now but really, it just struck me so hard.
Saskia, I will ask my son to start feeding Cayden and maybe my friends when they come over. He does tend to lay on anyone he can, LOL, so it isn't just me. But he does get up even if I am moving three steps just so he can stay by my side. Last night, he snapped at Allo, but Cayden was sound asleep and Allo has been on his nightly prowls through my room. I think he really was just started more than anything. I almost threw Allo against my closet bc he scared me! Luckily, I didn't! He is just so clingy (Cayden) that is with matter how many times I leave and come back. I don't know if this is something that just will take time bc of his past.
Marianne, thank you so is a mix of emotions now. Missing Bailey but smiling at the other two...missing Scoobie too. I was telling my neighbor that people will say, "Oh this will help ease things"...but it hasn't. Instead it has magnified things for me. They are soo different from the Bad Boys, which is not a bad thing per se, but it is so different I have to adjust...and I miss my little moaner-groaner Bailey always being there watching over me.
Sharon, thank you too!! Missed having you here and there!! I don't think it is the flu bc he wasn't in a shelter but in a foster home. There was only one other dog. Before that he was in another foster home. Maybe one of them was sick?? I wrote a note to the vet in case I don't see him personally Friday morning though and will mention that possibility as well since I don't know his history all that well. Thank you so much for the suggestion!!
Lori, thank you, my friend!! I am going to need more tranquilizers than Cayden for sure! Bailey had such a horrible experience I am DREADING this! With Bails, we got home, he started bleeding everywhere and hiding, back in the car, back to the vet at which point he began to vomit all over my suede coat! He was sooo swollen and they told me to use ice packs! Bailey? Ice packs on an incision??? Hahahahahahahaha! I respected my face back then too. So I am just hoping that although I know he won't be a happy guy that he just goes right through it without incident!
Love and hugs to all of you! Beth
03-10-2010, 08:33 PM
I didn't expect the arrival of Cailey to re-intensify my sadness over losing Maggie but it did. I cried and rememberered my sweet girl for a bit this weekend.
I'll be praying that Cayden's "procedure" goes well on Friday.
03-11-2010, 03:26 AM
Hi Beth :)
I have been giving the snapping/growling thing when Cayden is fast asleep some more thought and I can think of 2 reasons. The first, as I mentioned earlier, is that he might have some hearing problem. Not very severe but just enough to startle him when he is fast asleep and Pallie moving would startle him cause it's a bit unexpected. You mention he has some scartissue in/on his ears. So I still think that is a possible cause. The scartissue may diminish his hearing just enough to not bother him at all during the day when he's awake and playing but when he's asleep, the diminished hearing may just be enough to cause him to get startled.
If the vet tells you that his ears are hearing perfectly then I would guess his behaviour stems from his previous stray life. Imagine, being a stray, having found a (relative) safe place to sleep and all of a sudden you wake up because someone is trying to steal your place or trying to chase you away... If that has happened enough times, Cayden will have learned through experience that when some noise or movement wakes you up, it's a bad thing and thus you snap/growl at whatever or whoever makes the noise or moves close to you.
Though my bet would still be the actual hearing... I am pretty curious what the vet has to say and how much scartissue there is, especially in the earcanals. Chronic/untreated earmites and /or earinfections will cause the earcanals to "thicken" and this makes the hearing properly more difficult. The thicker the earcanals become, the worse the hearingproblems. For a stray it wouldn't be unusual to have suffered from earmites/infections for a longer time to create at least some thickening of the earcanals... Guess we will know more on Friday.
Wishing you and Cayden all the best for tomorrow,
Sas and Yunah :)
03-11-2010, 07:03 AM
Oh Bethy,
Sorry I have not posted sooner - I am so incredibly happy for sweetie Cayden. The transition time can be nerve wracking for everyone. Poor little guy ~ living on the streets and starving - he has no idea what a wonderful life that is in store for him with you and your gang :D.
I do know about getting a dog that has had to turn to instincts to survive (our Cailey) and it may take some time for Cayden to adjust and find his place. He is still very uncertain about his own fate and over time this will change.
Our Cailey went through stages (and still is). Firstly, it was okay what nice people, but I have to eat (grab all I can) and be on my way (bolt). For the first month she would eat very quickly and take her treats and chewies and "store" them under our computer table for later use and would panic if anyone came near it. (Does not do that anymore.) She would look at you like she was trying to understand what was happening and whether she should worry about it or not.
Good work about no one in the bed but Mom when the fussing starts - shows you are the one who makes the rules.
You have a heart of gold Bethy. And I know your bad boys are so very proud of you.
03-11-2010, 02:50 PM
Thank you all so much and I am glad I am not alone in going through this transition!! :)
Saskia, I will add the ears to my note about the x-ray. I will ask him to thoroughly take a peek at them...I do think, though, it is more likely the "living on the streets" thing.
Cayden seems to hear me at the slightest movement at night. He will open his eyes and look right at me. I was up with them last night and I thought about that same thing...that I wonder if he would sleep someplace he thought was safe and then get attacked? He does have many scars on his face and legs to prove life wasn't easy. :( So I know there have to be scars inside too that he needs to get over.
Terry, so you think he has a chance of once that trust happens to "get over" some of this...that maybe once he learns that no one wants to hurt him or take his place, he will settle in more? I hope so. He sure is a complete sweetheart except for this little snapping episodes.
And Allo is in big can I make him leave me alone at night??? He finally settled in and now for the last 3 nights has had me up almost all night long. I was so sick this morning and partly from not sleeping and being totally exhausted that I had to take half a day off! I am going to have to lock him out of my room totally but that's going to set off a hissy fit!
Virgina, I am so glad you understand...well, wait that doesn't sound right!! I hope you know what I mean...I felt so guilty feeling the way I do...missing the boys so much while I have been blessed with these furry ones...and yet enjoying these furballs while missing the about a circle!!!!
I am getting anxious and will be glad when the "deed" is done! Not good about being the mommy!!!!
Lots of love and hugs! Beth
03-11-2010, 03:29 PM
Terry, so you think he has a chance of once that trust happens to "get over" some of this...that maybe once he learns that no one wants to hurt him or take his place, he will settle in more? I hope so. He sure is a complete sweetheart except for this little snapping episodes.
My thoughts on this is that this is a survival type of thing going on and it will take time. I am wondering if maybe you can anticipate when he feels this uncomfortable and try a diversion type of thing with food. If you can catch it right at the moment right before maybe call his name or clap your hands and when he looks at you toss some food at him. Is he going into the "red zone" though?
Hugs back atcha, girl
03-11-2010, 04:04 PM
He does it when he is sound asleep...usually the middle of the night and so I am usually asleep too unless Allo is prowling on the top of my head! If Allo jumps on the bed or Baby Pallie goes to reposition herself, he starts growling and growling. Last night, she and Cayden were in this staredown. She wanted to move and was terrified and he was growling and growling at her....her cries woke me....and so I grabbed her in my delirium, told Cayden to knock it off and patted his head, and moved Baby Pallie myself. As soon as I did that, he went back to sleep and she finally settled down too. So, it's hard to catch with food or beforehand bc I am sleeping too. The funny thing is he will sometimes move later and be kissing her and loving on's just that momentary "do not move" standoff thing and it is only at night. They cuddle all day sometimes and she moves and he is quiet about it.
I'm going to put all three of them in a room and go rent a motel room is what I am going to do! :p
Love ya, Beth
03-11-2010, 06:06 PM
Just wanted to drop in to add my well wishes for Cayden when he has his neutering procedure tomorrow.
03-12-2010, 05:59 AM
My best for Cayden today.
03-12-2010, 11:21 AM
Hi everyone,
Just wanted you to know Cayden made it through his neutering. The ears look good, just a little waxy, no scar tissue inside, hearing seems fine. Chest x-ray was clear so it looks to be more of an allergy issue.
Now what gets me is this...they did find on the x-ray an air gun pellet lodged by the last rib! It isn't in any danger so it will be left as is...but it made me fuming mad that someone shot this poor dog at some point! He said it looks like it has been in place for some time. Still...throw him to the streets, fighting for his life and shoot him? I really dislike many people!!! (Present company excluded of course!) It is no wonder, and I hope I don't curse myself, that this poor boy even lets anyone near him.
So....I am going to pick him up after the dentist this afternoon and spoil him rotten....bacon for tomorrow so I don't make him sick from the meds tonight. Baby Pallie was howling and screaming when he had to leave...and I am going to have to figure out how to keep her off of him for a week. Not going to be easy!!!
Just wanted to give you an update and thank you all for your support!!!!
Love and hugs, Beth
03-12-2010, 11:27 AM
Oh thank goodness it's over and Cayden is fine!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
I'm SOOOOO relieved to read your update, Beth. And as for the gun pellet...most of the time, I truly try to give people the benefit of the doubt when I'm puzzled by their behavior. But not those who willfully abuse or injure animals -- I am sorry, I have no mercy whatsoever. Not one shred. Not one atom. :mad: :mad:
What a lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky little boy Cayden is to have found his way to your loving care...
Please give him some healing hugs for me, and big pats for Baby Pallie and Allo as well! :) :) :)
03-12-2010, 01:19 PM
I am sooo relieved to hear Cayden is through surgery and doing fine! :D Lot's of anxious minutes and hours over with!
I have a personal loathing of low-life idiot scum who abuse animals and have never been able to justify their space on our planet. God will avenge these little abused creatures, rest assured!
(((Big hugs to Bethy and Cayden)))
03-12-2010, 02:50 PM
So good to hear that the neutering went well and that Cayden's ears are well too :) So, it must be his past experiences...makes a lot of sense :) And Baby Pallie howling and screaming because Cayden had to leave, makes me smile big have such a lovely bunch there and they go together sooooo well! You deserve it :) Seems you and Cayden both need to be spoiled rotten tomorrow, reading that D(entist) word :eek:
Have a great weekend...
Saskia and Yunah :)
03-12-2010, 05:08 PM to both you and Cayden!
I know you are so relieved that Cayden's neutering and check-up had such a good outcome. I join everyone else in sending negative vibes to the creep with the pellet gun! :mad:
Harley PoMMom
03-12-2010, 05:18 PM
Hi Beth,
I am so happy that Cayden's neutering went well, give that sweet boy a big hug and kiss from Harley and me.
And I loathe the low-life scum suckin dirt bags that could ever harm any of Gods creatures. :mad::mad::mad: UGH!!!
Bacon in the morning...Yumyum!!
Love and hugs,
03-12-2010, 06:12 PM
YAY!!! I've been thinking positive thoughts for you today. :D
03-13-2010, 07:03 AM
That is so good to hear and that his ears are fine and in good health. It really makes my blood boil when I read that he had been shot sometime in his past. Really, the needs of dogs are so very few - to not go hungry, be safe and warm and be loved and humans who abuse them deserve much worse treatment than they give.
He is one lucky boy and I am sure all his wishes have come true to be in his forever home with you and your gang.
I can smell the bacon already....:D
03-13-2010, 01:45 PM
Thank you, everyone!! I have to say I hope my path never crosses whoever did that to him bc really, I couldn't guarantee I would be able to control myself!!
Cayden is doing fine....can't keep a good man down! Chop him and he was still trying to hump Baby Pallie this morning!:D:eek:
Love ya! Beth
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