View Full Version : The new kid on the Block
02-18-2010, 12:03 PM
Well, we added to our fur family again. Tyler was so lonesome without Coolidge, that we just HAD to get a new addition.
Teddy came to us from a wonderful shelter. A 12-week old lab/bloodhound mix (La Hound, they call 'em).
God works in mysterious ways. Seems to put the ones that need help into the loving arms of people who can take care of them properly.
One week into having him in our lives he was diagnosed with bordatella pneumonia.:( And because he was given a distemper shot twice within 10 days, and had the bloodwork panel done to confirm the bordatella within 10 days of that, he has tested positive for distemper. :eek:It's now a wait and see situation.
Please keep little Teddy in your thoughts...
Thanks! Hope all is well with everyone.
02-18-2010, 01:37 PM
OMG, Becky, I am so sorry to hear that your new baby has been diagnosed with distemper. Working in rescue, I have become way too familiar with it and it's a frightening thing. It is not that easy to diagnose either so I am wondering what test the vet did to diagnose your baby?
God does work in mysterious ways and I too believe he picked you and your family for Teddy. Ya'll will be in my prayers and I'll be sending tons of positive thoughts your way.
02-18-2010, 04:37 PM
Hi Becky,
I went from YAY to NAY in 10 seconds. I am so happy to hear that Teddy has come to live with you but so unhappy to hear he isn't well. Keep us posted.
Harley PoMMom
02-18-2010, 05:02 PM
Hi Becky,
I am so sorry to hear about Teddy and you can count me in with the rest for keeping you and Teddy in my thoughts and prayers.
Please, dear friend, keep us posted.
Love and hugs,
02-18-2010, 05:18 PM
Thanks for all the kind wishes. The Panel work done was the "Canine respiratory PCR panel". It could very well be a false positive because the multiple vaccinations took place so close to the time of the blood draw (10 days). We have the highest hopes for Teddy.
I was serious about the shelter. They paid for his week long stay at the Animal ER and all the medical bills associated with his stay there. They have been most kind and gracious, and we will repay their kindness one day.
I've posted a photo of Teddy in my profile, in case anyone is interested in seeing the tyke. Have no idea how to create a link to it here.
Again, thanks for all your kind words. I hope to return here and post shortly, they finally got help for me at work!!!! Yippee!
Harley PoMMom
02-18-2010, 05:23 PM
Awww, Becky he is soooo cute!!!
Becky's Teddy!!
02-18-2010, 05:37 PM
Very Precious Becky,
He is young and big time antibiotics and prayers should do the trick.
So, here's for some prayers, you'll have to get the meds from a Dr.:)
02-18-2010, 05:38 PM
What in the heck was the shelter doing giving a puppy two distemper vaccines in 10 days? This kind of stuff drives me nuts but I must say your shelter has gone above and beyond what most would do. If the vaccines were modified-live canine distemper vaccine, then I would think that could definitely cause a false positive results. I'm going to keep that thought!!!
I checked out Teddy's picture and I'm in love. :D
02-19-2010, 07:49 AM
He was at a shelter in Illinois and was scheduled for euthanasia on January 14th. January 13th, a rescue in Racine went down and picked up 20 of the dogs. They received no paperwork. The vet practice working with the rescue decided that due to the fact that they came with no paperwork, they wouldn't take chances and gave them new shots. It wasn't until 4 days after that they received the paperwork from the original shelter and discovered the doubling up of shots.
The vet in Racine uses modified live virus shots. We are hoping that this is what the shelter in Illinois used as well. All their documentation shows is that they got shots.
Next puppy question:
Teddy has started a sideways body check to Tyler. And puts his butt in Tyler's face all the time. He body checks Tyler continually. Tyler gives as good as Teddy gives, but I can see he gets annoyed at times. Is this a puppy thing that I can train him NOT to do?
02-19-2010, 10:31 AM
Big time congratulations on your new dog, Teddy. He is young, strong and resilient and should make a full recovery.
I once was in a somewhat similar situation. We wanted to get a partner for our dog, Buff. We saw an ad in the paper and went to look at this "cockapoo" puppy. Turns out the place was a complete puppy mill....40-50 dogs in a small, muddy, nasty yard in a lousy part of town. We took the 11 week old "cockapoo" home but she was very, very listless and didn't act like a puppy should at all. We took Brandy to a well-respected vet and he said she had distemper, various kinds of worms, etc. etc. and said he would never recommend anyone taking a dog like this, said we need to take her back where we got her. He explained that we'd have to put a bunch of money into her and she'd probably die anyway. Well, of course we kept her and she got totally healthy and was a tremendous dog for us for well over 15 years. I wanted to name her "Comeback" but my girlfriend said she's going to have a pretty name....Brandy.
When Brandy finally left in 1995 I was devastated. I went to the Humane Society and the first dog I saw was Shiloh, a wild, out of control 7 month old puppy and the spitting image of Brandy. And the rest is history. I am confident Teddy will get completely healthy and be a huge blessing in your life for many years.
02-19-2010, 05:19 PM
Hi Becky,
We haven't interacted much but I do follow the threads. And whenever there is a "behavioral" question or problem, either I will notice it myself or someone else will call my attention to that post :)
Teddy doing body checks and putting his butt in Tyler's face is normal puppy behaviour. an ideal situation, Teddy would be taught by Tyler that it is not appreciated and certainly not Teddy's place to do so. When Tyler is not capable of telling Teddy off, it is your job to do so. (what breed and age is Tyler?)
Let me try and explain how a healthy and social skilled pupped should grow up. It's starts in the nest. The pups learn from their sibblings when too much is too much. When they play and one puppy is too harsh, the other pup will yelp and the "rough" pup will stop. Also, they learn from their moms when enough is enough, for example when the mother dog growls the puppies away from her nipples. Dogs that were taken from their mother too soon, will lack those skills and lessons. Or pups that were the only pup in a litter will also lack social skills and therefore don't
have the needed boundaries. I have no idea how Teddy's circumstances were, but since he came from a shelter at only 12 weeks old, you should assume he is lacking some social skills, lacking some knowledge of how to interact, play and behave around other dogs.
With pups that lack these skills to some extend, it is even more important to establish a good leader of the pack position. You will have to teach them what is appropriate and what is not. You can not actually train him not to show that behaviour but you can teach him what is acceptable. One important lesson Teddy will need to learn is that when he's too rough or too exited, he gets a time out. Don't scold, don't yell, don't say anything at all but just get him and put him in his crate or another room for example. When he's calmed down, you can let him come back again. Pups need their rest and calm time and that sometimes means you have to make sure they get it. Some pups are so hyper and exited, that they can't stop themselves, so you will have to stop him for him :)
He's likely to become a rather large dog and if I were you, I would start right now putting my foot down and show him the boundaries. Be strict and consequent and you will benefit hugely from it in a year from now :) Let him know the rules right now from the beginning. Do not give him food without asking a little something from him, sit, for example. If he doesn't know any command at this time, you will have to teach him at least one command right now that you will need to establish your leader position. Don't let him throug doors first, let him sit and wait till all humans and Tyler have gone through the door. Make him sit before you put the leash on him, make him sit (or something else) before you play with him, etc. He needs to understand that he is the last in line within your pack :) That will help prevent a lot of problems down the line. I know nothing about Teddy but he sounds a bit "persistent" and with dogs like that, you don't want to play tug of war games, unless you make sure that you win at all times. And you decide when to play it and when the game is over again. I would not let toys lay around when you already have an older dog and a new puppy. If it's character is a bit on the dominant side, that pup will use the toys to gain power over the other dog.
These are just general remarks. Without knowing the actual situation and circumstances, I can't be more detailed. But if you have a specific question, don't hesitate to ask. If possible I will try and help :)
Best of luck,
Saskia and Yunah.
ps Teddy is gorgeous :)
02-19-2010, 07:03 PM
With all due respect, IMO dogs don’t have a clue what time outs are nor does waiting at the door teach them respect. Isolation and punishment does not work. Puppy’s can be stressful yes, and sometimes it’s a good idea to simply remove oneself or the dog for a while before having a meltdown.;)
Your little guy went through so much in his short little life – he probably does not know if he is coming or going – give it a bit of time for him to get comfortable, to get to know you and for him to find his footing. Never mind the health issues he unnecessary has to deal with (pounds and rescues are notorious for over vaccinating/vaccinating immune compromised animals and that is one of several reason I no longer foster). My goal is to never, ever yell, correct or punish any of my own or previous foster dogs – a benevolent leader is calm, collected, fair and has realistic expectations. Sure I have lost it before and yelled at a dog – but all it did it got rid of some of my frustration and left a pup rather confused at such a stupid outburst. :o
Instead I try to set them up for success, ignore and mange the behaviors I don’t like, heavily reward what I do like, teach incompatible behaviors such as ‘get your toy’ (dog can’t bark at the door while fetching a toy or chase a jogger while jumping on a tree stump) changing the default behavior (offering the dog new behavioral options) and at the same time and making it FUN.
I have seen too many people getting stuck in that ‘must be leader of pack’ trap – dogs are quite smart – they know we aren’t dogs – that all the anticipated joy of having this new dog turns into a rather stressful and negative experience.
Shifting Shapes, Shifting Minds by Suzanne Clothier is an excellent read and check out her Free Articles found on her website
– you have to register but it is so worth it.
Ian Dunbar's book "AFTER You Get Your Puppy". Is available for free from
This site is full of great resources and articles
Well, I hope your new addition is feeling better and hopefully no lasting damage has been done.
02-19-2010, 07:48 PM
Oh dear, I must have been doing a poor job explaining what I meant :) I appologize for that. Never ever will I advocate to punish a dog or putting them in isolation. it's against everything I believe in. If my message sounded like I was advocating anything even close to punishment and/or isolation, then I sincerely do appologize...
02-19-2010, 08:03 PM
One thing that could help - if you can manage it - is to have somewhere where Tyler can be where Teddy can't bug him, just so he can have a break. Nothing worse than having a crazy kid jumping on you when you are trying to get some sleep!
We did this when we got Zac (a rambunctious not-particularly-well-socialized 4 1/2 mo and much larger than little Mia (35lbs v 9lbs)). It was easy because of the size difference in their case - we could set Mia's crate up so only she could get through the door so she had a "safe place" available at all times. Although Mia wasn't really able to discipline Zac in the normal doggy way because of the size difference (and her gentle personality), she would regally stalk off to her crate if he got too much. He learned very quickly that he lost his playmate for a while if the play got too rough and to tone it down with her. She also felt safe and never got resentful or terribly stressed by his presence. They went on to have a very happy and actually mutually-caring relationship as he matured.
02-19-2010, 08:35 PM
[QUOTE=SasAndYunah;25655]Oh dear, I must have been doing a poor job explaining what I meant :) I appologize for that. Never ever will I advocate to punish a dog or putting them in isolation. it's against everything I believe in. If my message sounded like I was advocating anything even close to punishment and/or isolation, then I sincerely do appologize...
Yikes, Saskia, I don't think there is any need to appologize. Hey, you are intiteled to your opionion. In my books a time out is isolation and punishment from a dogs perspective if the dog does get pleassure from being with with the person/dog it would be a "negative punishment". Don't get me wrong - I don't shelter my dogs from some negative consequenses eg. nipping while playing -> all play just stops for a moment.
I play tug of war with all the dogs - great confidence builder - teaching them take it and leave it at the same time.
Anyhow, every dog is different - what one individual persives as aversive could be another dogs reward.
02-21-2010, 12:57 PM
Hi Becky,
Congratulations on your new addition....Teddy is absolutely gorgeous! I hope his health issues get straightened out quickly and he doesn't suffer permanently from all these shots. I had no idea that this type of thing can happen but it all makes sense I guess.
Will be checking back to see how he makes out....
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
02-22-2010, 08:08 AM
Thanks for all your wonderful advice. Never had a pup this young before. Hopefully we can figure out something because he has now started to hump Tyler. Everywhere. I try to get him to play when I see him doing it (not yell or get angry). But the little tyke is a horny one. :eek:
Tyler is a very submissive lab/newfie mix. He just lays like a lump and lets him do it to him.
For the record, the humping isn't limited to species. Teddy humps the cats too. :o
Can't wait for him to get older... Past this "puppy" stage.
Squirt's Mom
02-22-2010, 11:59 AM
Hey Becky!
Congrats on the new baby! And thanks so much for the laughs this morning! A horny little tyke! :D
03-06-2010, 09:20 AM
Just an update. Things are going really well so far. Had a little setback yesterday when I got the newsletter from the shelter. On the front cover is Inky, the third and oldest of the puppies that Teddy's foster mom had gotten with Teddy. I was excited to read about his adoption, but that was not the case.
Instead it was an article about him and the shelter's focus on getting dogs healthy and adoptable no matter the cost.
In early February he came down with a horrid cough, by the middle of February all the neurological signs of distemper were there. And on February 24th, he went to the bridge.
So now my hopes that the 2nd set of shots were the cause for the positive reading on the distemper test are dashed to bits.
It truly is a waiting game now, as they are pretty sure that Teddy is positive for distemper and because we had him in early and for a long time at the Animal Hospital, perhaps, just perhaps his little immune system can fight it and he will only have a mild case of it.
Please keep your positive thoughts flowing for the little tyke.
Added for clarification:
The newsletter only mentioned his failing health. I called the vet office's manager and found out the time frame of his demise. I asked her when they were going to tell me, she said that they discussed it, and felt that there wasn't much that would be gained from that other than my freaking out. She had a point.
From what they know, the other puppy who is thought to be Teddy's brother is healthy and has no signs of anything. They are still cautiously optomistic about Teddy getting through this all.
03-06-2010, 10:02 AM
Hi Becky,
Sending positive thoughts and prayers for Teddy.
By the way, I don't think that they grow out of humping :p A friend has a 6 year old ShiZhu x Fox Terrier (spayed) and to this day, she enjoys humping the male cat :). At Franklin's puppy pre-school, all the pups were running around humping each other, constantly and the nurse checked a behaviour book, and that book said it is one way that pups establish pack order.
Please keep us posted
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Lovely Wendie (
03-06-2010, 10:13 AM
Add me to the list that will be sending warm thoughts and prayers for you. That must have been hard to read. I can only say that regardless of the outcome I believe that you were destined to be Teddy's caregiver. Teddy is truly loved and cared for in your hands. Again, we are rooting the little guy on. Big hugs and strength being sent your way. Kim
03-06-2010, 10:23 AM
Becky, I am sending tons of healing thoughts to Teddy, too! The waiting must be SOOOO difficult :( :(. What is the time frame for knowing whether or not you have dodged the bullet?
Harley PoMMom
03-06-2010, 10:44 AM
I am also sending tons of healing thoughts and prayers for Teddy. Please keep us updated.
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
03-06-2010, 12:41 PM
Oh Becky,
What a rough start for the little guy! But he is in the very best of hands and I know you will do everything possible to help him battle this. Know you both are in my thoughts and prayers. I am going now to light a candle for Teddy.
Leslie and the girls - always
03-06-2010, 02:09 PM
I'll be saying a prayer for you and Teddy too.
03-06-2010, 03:22 PM
Thank you everyone, for your kind thoughts, wishes, and prayers.
To answer at least one of the questions, the vet said it could be any time. When I asked to be more specific, she said there is no set rule, other than once one symptom starts it's usually 2-3 weeks until it's full blown. That the "one symptom" may appear 3-4, even 6 months after first being exposed. So if it was January, I will be feeling a lot better come Sept or Oct, and relaxed around say January 2015?
I strongly believe that the Lord puts all animals in the hands of those he knows will do their very best for them. Like all the people on this board. What better caretakers than the likes of you all!
Will remain upbeat through this all, a little freaked, but upbeat. Just like with Coolidge and all our furbabies, taking it one day at a time and appreciating every moment and thanking the Good Lord that I had one more day with him.
Roxee's Dad
03-06-2010, 06:58 PM
Hi Becky,
Just catching up on your thread. Please know that you and Teddy in my thoughts and prayers. Keep the faith, keep him happy and he should overcome.
03-07-2010, 10:58 AM
I, too, am just catching up...and I am so sorry you have this hanging over you! I am adding my prayers to all the others and I know how hard the waiting game can be, but I also know that you are the best thing that could have happened to Teddy...bc if anyone can do this, you can. I have faith in you and I have faith still in the belief that our furkids are watched over by a force stronger than any of us...Please keep us posted...
Lots of prayers and hugs...Beth
03-09-2010, 01:31 PM
A Wonderful Gift of Fruit
We decided, after a great deal of contemplation, that Tyler our 5 year old Newfie mix, needed a companion. He was lonely after losing his sister Coolidge (a shepherd/newfie mix) to complications from Cushings Disease. The contemplation was two-fold, did we really want to go through training yet another pup? And more importantly, after coming off major vet expenses over the past two years, did we really want to take a chance?
The “chance” came with the name Banana. Hound/Lab mix they called him, 10-12 weeks old. They told me that they had a lot of people put in applications for him, some from as far away as New York. The most they had ever had for one mixed breed puppy. They thought that perhaps, just perhaps they would start giving fruit names to all the dogs, if that would get them all as many prospective homes as Banana.
I would love to say that his new life on earth started as one of joy and pure puppydom, but I cannot. He was one of over 150 unwanted pets slated for euthanasia at a kill shelter in Illinois. Hope Safehouse, Racine’s Guardian Angel of Animals, was given the gut wrenching task of selecting those that would be lucky enough to be saved. How they can do this, knowing that for every one they rescued 4 would not be so lucky, is beyond me. But all in all, and regretfully, 1 in 5 is better than none at all.
I made an appointment to see Banana at his foster mom’s place. She had three pups from the rescue, two that appeared to be litter mates, and one perhaps a month older. I felt so guilty playing with them all, knowing that I’d be taking just one of the three home with me eventually, if I passed “muster” with the foster mom. It was heartbreaking.
The decision was made and Banana, now known as Teddy, came into our lives five days after being rescued. He came with his own collar, leash, squeaky toys, food, and regretfully a few intestinal parasites – a common malady that shelters share and one that could be easily remedied if they (the shelters) weren’t loaded with animals on any given day.
A few days later, Teddy started slowing down. Wasn’t being a typical puppy – one full of life and vigor. We didn’t worry at first, thinking perhaps it was the hound in him. But within a week he had a high fever. One week to the day of picking him up, we were racing him to the Animal ER in Racine. With the fever came isolation. I would go to visit him each night – coming and going through the back door - to calm him and assure him that we would be in his life forever. That this was just one setback we would get through together.
A few days into his stay, the diagnosis was in, Bordatella Pneumonia. Yet another side effect of being in an overcrowded shelter I was told. Regretfully, the ER doctor told me, he also tested positive for distemper. I was beside myself. The last time that I took an animal to the vet, she (Coolidge) did not come back. I was not going to allow this to happen, again. Could there be another reason for this? Could it be because he was immunized for distemper twice within 10 days? Sure, that could be one reason, but they explained that I still had to watch for the “signs”.
That was the end of January, we have made it through February and the beginning of March and so far, so good. I have been optimistic that all will be well. Surely he would have it by now, right? Each day that passed was a blessing, and a curse. I’d freak at every little twitch he made. Was it? Could it be? It was just because he had the two shots, I kept telling myself over and over again. I was getting used to the fact that it was just an anomaly. Things will be ok.
Then I get the Hope Safehouse Newsletter. The photo on the cover was Inky, the older of the three pups with Banana’s foster mom. Thinking it will be a story of his adoption, I started reading. Cough, lethargy, difficulty with balance, very very ill. My distemper alarm went off, but the article made no mention of it. Hope Safehouse was doing everything to get Inky well. But it really had no ending. Test results were pending. I needed answers, and I needed them now!
One phone call later, I had my ending and found out that Inky did have distemper and was gone. I asked when I was going to be notified. They said they had talked about it and thought I would freak. However, the person I talked to had no idea an article was going to be written about Inky. And you know what? The article deserved to be written, my freaking aside. A puppy came into this world without love and had at least one person loving it when he left the world. It wasn’t a silent, methodical goodbye; hearts were broken that day. Kudos to Hope Safehouse and the foster mom!
I realize that Teddy Banana isn’t out of the woods yet. We have a long way to go before they can say he will be all right. Each day is a new day and a new blessing we have received.
Harley PoMMom
03-09-2010, 01:47 PM
A Wonderful Gift of Fruit
Each day is a new day and a new blessing we have received.
This is beautiful, my dear friend Becky, brought tears to my eyes reading it. And yes, each day is a new day and a new blessing we have recieved.
God Bless You, Becky and Banana Teddy.
With much love and hugs,
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