View Full Version : Checking in for February 2010
02-07-2010, 07:38 PM
We suspect that we have a good number of folks here who read the messages regularly but who don't post very often. Maybe that's because their dogs are doing well and they don't have any questions to ask, or maybe they don't feel very comfortable about posting answers to other members' questions.
It's perfectly understandable and acceptable for folks to only post here once in a while, but when we don't hear from people, many of us find ourselves wondering what those folks have been up to recently and how their dogs are doing.
"Checking in" is a topic that we start on the first of each month, where folks can post a reply just to let everyone else know how they are doing. You may just want to say "Hi! We're still here and we're doing fine" or you may want to tell us more -- about a really good test result, or something funny that your dog did recently, or a camping trip that you went on ... that sort of thing.
We'd love to hear from you! :)
02-09-2010, 01:03 PM
Hello everyone,
I think I missed the January checking in, but I am here for February. Serena is well, but is still having issues with IBD. She had a bunch of tests done a couple of weeks ago. Her thyroid was low so her medication for that was increased. Also, her resting cortisol was low so if the digestive symptoms don't clear up she will have a stim test. The vet is always watchful for Addison's Disease. I guess this is something that can happen, even quite a while after radiation is completed. The good news is that her liver enzymes are down dramatically. Prednisone must stay in the body for a long time. She was off for a month and the enzymes were still quite high. Now off four months, they are down. She was on Flagyl for about 6 weeks, but when I told the vet I thought it was depressing her appetite so we weaned her off of it and put her on Tylan. Not sure if I have the name right, but it's a powder and she HATES it. She still gets Entocort too. She seems happy, so I am too. I just wish she could have normal stools and put on some weight.
Best wishes to everyone,
Kathy (Lulabelle)
02-24-2010, 12:27 PM
Hello All,
I'm thinking you may have thought you lost me, but it's just that some things seem to take a whole longer than I'd like. Anyway...Honey had her Ultrasound and Echo Cardiogram. The Echo showed nothing indicating CHF (very little leakage but the Cardiologist said he wouldn't recommend any murmur). The Ultrasound showed an assumed benign tumor in her gall bladder near the bile duct but not blocking it (yet) and a tumor on her right adrenal gland. So I wrote back to Jack Oliver at the U of TN with copies of EVERYTHING from the last couple of years and asked for input. Tonight, this is what I received from him:
"Hi Kathy,
I have just finished reviewing your historical documents regarding “Honey”. Honey does obviously have increased adrenal activity and elevated hormone levels that are likely coming from the adrenal tumor. Clinical and biochemical signs associated with hyperadrenocorticism in dogs include some of those that you listed, including: including the problem that has been ongoing with high blood pressure, which likely is also associated with the microalbuminuria. Getting the hormone levels down will undoubtedly improve controlling the blood pressure. Benazepril probably has minimal effect, if any, on the hormone levels. The high blood pressure problems over time could very well mean this tumor includes a pheochromocytoma component. If possible, and you would agree to this, I’d like to have a blood sample collected and have catecholamine levels run on “Honey”. This would confirm that a pheochromocytoma is, or is not, present. It does take a special preservative that must be in the blood draw tube that I would have to supply to your veterinarian. My theory has been that low aldosterone levels in dogs with a primary adrenal tumor have a pheochromocytoma component that secrete the catecholamines (epinephrine or adrenalin) that the cause the high blood pressure. The other hormones that are elevated come from a different part of the adrenal gland. One problem with pheo’s is that they can grow fairly rapidly, and also metasticize to other tissues such as the spleen and liver. If you thought you would like to maybe have this test run, I could talk to your veterinarian about doing it (I’d need the vet’s phone number). There would not be any charge associated with doing this, since the test has not been run. Actually, the only place that I know of in the U.S. that runs this is the hormone assay lab at Vanderbilt University that only supports their researchers. The lab director has agreed to run samples for me, but strictly as a research project. After a sample is collected, then treatment should begin. I’m not real clear about the best treatment, but maybe a combination of melatonin, lignan and ketoconazole. I could discuss that with your veterinarian as well.
Let me know what you think of what I’ve said above. Regards, Jack."
I spoke to Honey's vet this evening and he's willing to do the blood draw at no charge for this. As long as further testing doesn't case any harm to Honey (& I don't have to mortgage the house!), I believe I should progress plus, if Honey can help any further research, then that's a good thing as well. I do not want to simply increase the BP meds as I believe they will only cause possible damage to other organs. I certainly don't "want" to hear that she's got cancer but I "want" to "know" so I can do whatever possible to keep her comfy.
BTW... I had her to the vet (this was a different vet -- I use 2 different offices - 1 for the "routine" items and 1 for more serious stuff - the expense difference is mind boggling!) today for a torn toenail (she was lame yesterday and obviously in pain) so now she's on Clavamox...the toenail was pulled out and may or may not grow back but she's feeling better - no pain meds. I still have not started any supplements for the ATypical Cushing's but they're here, ready to use. I did have new blood work done today in preparation for changing BP meds (she's due to have it re-tested next week) and will recieve the results later this week.
It's been a while since I posted, but I believe this is enough "new news" and wanted to keep you up-dated and would love to hear any comments/thoughts. Honey is still acting like the happy puppy she is...still eating & drinking well....good activity level.
Thank you so much --- I need help in understanding all the "long words" so I'm off to "google" now. More background info is on thread "Kathy & Honey"...I hope I'm doing this properly...if not, somebody please let me know....THANK YOU bunches & bunches!
Kathy & my precious little Honey (15 yr old, spayed/female, 16 lbs Shih Tzu)
Casey's Mom
02-24-2010, 09:08 PM
Love the Avatar - Go CANADA!
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