View Full Version : Lulu 11 y.o. Pom has gone over the Rainbow Bridge to meet Jojo
01-17-2010, 06:31 PM
Now that I have a few minutes to myself, I thought I’d take the time to start a new thread and introduce my two cushdogs to those of you that may not know them. I was fortunate enough to have found a complete cached version of Lulu and Jojo’s thread right after was taken offline. It doesn’t seem possible that I became part of the family over two years ago. Lest I ever forget how phenomenal the members were that welcomed me, supported me, educated me and adopted me and my two furbabies as part of the family, I only have to go as far as my hard drive. If I think about the early days too much, I get teary eyed and I downright sob if I actually go back and reread all of the wonderful posts. Here’s my very first post and a few others that will give you a good idea of who Lulu and Jojo are.
09-19-2007, 11:43 PM
Hello All. I'm brand new to the forum and wanted to take a few minutes to say high and tell you all that I can relate. I have a six year old Pom that was diagnosed with Cushings three years ago. It took a good year and half and three vets to diagnose her. By that time, she had already been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and had had two surgeries for bladder stones, was sucking up water like a Hoover, peeing like a racehorse, panting like a freight train and eating like a 400 lb Sumo Wrestler. Bad hair days, or lack thereof, was an every day thing. That was an awful lot of stuff going on for a tiny little girl and it eventually broke my bank but it never broke her spirit. The doctor gave me the details on Lysodren which scared the heck out of me but it was the drug of choice so we moved forward with the loading phase. Lulu got through it just fine and after testing went onto her maintenance dose twice a week. Because Lulu is barely 5 lbs, I got her Lysodren through a compounding pharmacy. It was that pharmacy that recommended that I talk to my vet about switching Lulu to Trilostane which has less side affects than Lysodren. I brought it up with my vet and he agreed. Lulu has been on Trilostane for almost a year now and is doing great. Because Cushings is normally an older dog disease, Lulu was a stumper for two out of the three vets because of her young age. Lulu will never get her gorgeous coat back but she's the most adorable Pom in the world with her cute little buzz cut. My husband and I are fostering our first rescue baby, an 8 or 9 year old Pom mix. Now what are the chances that our first foster would be diagnosed with Cushings? Well he was and since we fell in love with him immediately, we are paying the medical bills for his meds and testing. I could not imagine his rescue group footing the bills when so many other babies need to be rescued. His name is JoJo and he is on his fifth day of Lysodren and doing fine so far. JoJo was a train wreck when we got him. He had Kennel Cough, horrible, horrible conjunctivitus, both ears infected, was newly neutered and had dental with numerous extractions. On top of that he was drinking water like crazy and peeing everywhere. I go through piddle pads like crazy. He's been through such an absolutely horrible time and we hope to get him stabilized and shower him with love for the rest of his life. When you already have three dogs and four cats; love animals as much as we do; fall in love with fosters in a matter of days, perhaps we should reconsider fostering. ;-) I should have thought of that before I picked up that adorable kitten and Italian Greyhound last night. Oh well, they say it's cheaper by the dozen. We can only hope so. Night all.
Jojo was such a mess and had every symptom in the book so I thought I'd include all of his test results.
09-21-2007, 11:41 AM
Hello Again.
Just wanted to update you on Jojo and give you his diagnostic info as promised. He was tested and diagnosed on 8/21. As I mentioned, Jojo was rescued from our local shelter. He was cowering in the corner of the kennel, shaking like a leaf. It's so loud and horrible and most of these little guys are just terrified. His coat was matted so badly that he had to have been in terrible pain. They shaved him down and obviously, their groomer is not a cosmetologist...if you know what I mean. But at least he got some relief. One of our local "little" dog rescues saved him and immediately took him to a teaching veterinarian hospital. They neutered him, extracted some teeth and cleaned the rest. That was on 8/2. Pre-exam notes: Increased Water Consumption and Urination Frequency. I don't know what some of these tests are but here are the ones that did not come back normal on his initial exam.
ALKP = 261.00 (normal range 23-212) Suspect Endocrine vs Metabolic disorder
ALT = 220 (normal range 10-100) Suspect Endocrine vs Metabolic disorder
WBC = 28.6 (normal range 6-17) Chronic inflammation could be a source of either otitis externa vs severe dental disease
Segs, Neutrophil,% = 79.00 (normal range 60-77) Chronic inflammation from otitis externa vs severe dental disease
Eosinophil,% = 1.00 (normal range 2-10) Absolute elevated at .286 culd be indicative of Atopy or another alergic reaction
Urine Bacteria = Positive Small clusters of cocci bacteria seen on microscopic exam.
Radiographs: VD and Lat Abdominal Radiographs obtained. On the lateral view, the liver extends beyond the last rip with rounded borders. The urinary bladder is enlarged and full of urine taking up most of the abdominal cavity. It is difficult to appreciate the kidneys as the contrast is insufficient. On the VD view, the boarders of the liver are difficult to evaluate. The spleen appears to have sharp boarders. The bladder is occupying the majority of the abdominal cavity. Th small intestines are distended with gas and fluid. The stomach is full of fluid.
Diagnosis: Hepatomegaly could be caused by Cushings disease or other Metabolic or endocrine disorder.
On 8/8, Jojo was taken back to the hospital with Kennel Cough. Abnormality in water consumption and urination noted. Overall condition on that date were:
1. Coat & Skin = Alopecia Dorsal Lumbar & Thoracic Midline, Left Dorsal Thoracic, left Ventral Thoracic, Right Dorsal Lumbar and Ventral Abdominal Midline
2. Ocular = Conjunctiva/3rd Eyelid infected inflammation Right and Left Ears
3. Otic = Brown Exudate, right and left ear
4. Oral/Nasal = Undershot Jaw - Nasal discharge found
5. Abdominal - Distended bladder found
Radiograph results were abnormal. On the VD view the cardiac silhouette appeared larger than normal. The lung patters shows calcified bronchioles. On the lateral view, the VHS 11.7 which is larger than the previous measurement 8/2 at 10.1. Lund patterns consistent with age as bronchial calcification. No evidence of pulmonary edema or pleural effusion present. Vessels appear wnl on lateral view. The trachea appears wnl with no evidence of collapse. Diagnosis - Cardiac Enlargement
Test results that were abnormal are:
WBC = 27.3 (normal range6 - 17) Chronic inflammation. R/O secondary to previous dental disease/cleaning vs. other
MCHC = 33.80 (normal range 34-38) Not of concern - no indication of anemia
Segs, Neutrophil, % = 84.000 (normal 60-77) Chronic inflammation
Lymphocyte, % = 5.000 (normal 12-30) Absolute 1365 wnl
Easinophil, % = 5.000 (normal 2-10) Absolute elevated at 1365. R/O allergic reaction vs other
Interpretation of Ultrasound: Cardiac US: Thickened anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. Mitral regurgitation confirmed with pulse wave dopler. All other me
ABD: Enormous bladder. Prostatic urethra dilated. Mild dilation of renal pelvi. Otherwise wnl. Unable to examine adrenals, kidneys, LN and liver due to patient behavior (another way of saying the Jojo's an enormous puss).
Assessment - tentative diagnosis is Alopecia, Endocrine; Conjunctivitis; Sinusitis; Alopecia, Endocrine; Canine Castration; Metabolic Disorder; Otitis Externa; Periodontal Disease Grade 3.
Exam Note: Presented with excessive productive cough. Multiple areas of alopecia worsening since last visit; Clear nasal discharge found on nares. PU/PD R/O Cushings vs. Hypothyroidism; Conjunctivitis R/O infectious vs sinusitis vs other; Cough R/O collapsing trachea vs secondary to cardiac disease vs infectious (Bordetella) vs inflammatory (secondary to intubation on 8/3) vs other.
And now the exam that we were waiting for done on 8/20
Urine Specific Gravity = 1.006 (normal range 1.016-1.08)
Cortisol, Baseline = 7.8 (normal range 1-6)
Cortisol, 4 hr post Hi Dexm = 3.000 (normal range (0.1-0.9) 50% below baseline therefore suppressed which is consistent with PDH
Cortisol, 8 hr post Hi Dexm = 2.8 (normal range 1.499-1.5) PDH confirmed
Prescribed Ketoconazole 200mg tablets which was declined by owner. Vet discussed with owner that Trilostane is not FDA approved and recommended treatment with anipryl or ketoconazole.
You all know Jojo's recent medical history better than anyone else. There's a bit more to the story about how we ended up on Lysodren but will have to finish later. JoJo tried to bury his food this morning instead of diving in head first like he usually does. I need to get him in for testing today so gotta run for now. Hopefully, we are on our way to maintenance. Keep your fingers crossed.
A lot has happened since then but I am happy to say that both kids are well controlled and have had consistently great stim tests for the last nine months. Jojo’s last stim test was three months ago and his results were pre 3.0 and post 3.4. Jojo’s pu/pd never resolved with either Lysodren or Trilostane. We tried the DDAVP (desmopressin) eye drops twice, hoping that we could finally diagnose him with central diabetes insipidus but the drops did nothing. We keep plenty of water down at all times as well as hospital water proof pads. Since becoming a member Lulu has had emergency dental surgery, dislocated her hip requiring surgery and has had at least two scarey but relatively short seizures. I’m hoping that she stays seizure free for the rest of her life. She lost what little coat she had gained with the Lysodren treatment while on Trilostane treatment. She’s been back on Lysodren for, I believe a year now, and still no sign that she’s going to grow feathers again. Lulu has PDH with elevation of “all” adrenal steroids/hormones. Her last stim test was the day after Christmas and her results were pre 2.1 and post 2.8. YAY!!! She also had her little tiny teeth cleaned a week ago and came home like nothing ever happened. Everybody at the vet’s office loves her and she very rarely spends any time in a cage when she’s there. She barks and they jump. A vet tech told me the last time we were there that she had one of the surgeons wrapped around her finger. It seems that every time he passed her cage, she’d bark and spin around until he picked her up. The tech said he couldn’t stand it and had to pick her up. Glad to see that I’m not the only one that has made her into the monster she is today.
I’ll try to keep ya’ll updated on Jojo and Lulu and I’m hoping that it may be a good long time before I have anything to report. I am finally getting comfortable with letting them go six or nine months before their next stims so unless something happens in the meantime, my bank account gets a break.
Glynda, mom to cushdogs, Lulu and Jojo; noncushdogs, Jasper and Buster; kitties, Mimi, Moki, Maggie & Izzy; and forever mom to foster babies at the bridge, Otis, Mabel (cushdog) and Baquita.
Squirt's Mom
01-17-2010, 07:35 PM
Hey Glynda,
It is so good to see Lulu and Jojo here again! I have missed hearing about them and all your babies.
How wonderful those stims are for both of them! :D Perhaps Jojo has decided to at least pretend to play by the rules. :p That is just great news all around regardless!
Hugs to you, and belly rubs to the babies,
Leslie and the girls - always
01-17-2010, 09:15 PM
Hi Glynda,
I'm so glad that you were able to find your posts, and that your furbabies are doing good.
Even though LuLu hasn't gotten her coat back, she is still so very cute and precious.
I didn't know about Jojo before. I hope all goes well for both of them.
You are a very special person. You are always there to help everyone.
Give Lulu and Jojo a big hug from me and kisses from Corky.
I know that I joined the group early last year, but I have never been able to retrieve my posts.
I'm wishing you and your babies the best .
07-03-2010, 10:11 AM
Wow, it's been a long time since I posted anything about my two cushdogs so thought I'd update everybody. Both are overdue for a stim and because both have always loved food, Lulu has always been bald with bad skin and Jojo continues to drink and pee buckets, who the heck knows if they are still loaded. :D Both are still on a Lyso maintenance of 60 mg three times a week.
I discovered that an animal hospital within walking distance of me actually has an IMS on staff and their acth stims are $200 as opposed to the $268 our current IMS (50 miles away) charges. I plan on talking to them about using 5mg/kg of cortrosyn to maybe get the price down a bit more. After all, I should at least get a volume discount. :D We have a meet and greet this morning at 10:00 and I suspect that I'll be asking as many questions as the IMS. If I like what I hear, we'll schedule a blood chemistry, stim test and most likely a teeth cleaning. I'll let ya'll know how things go.
07-03-2010, 10:18 AM
Glynda, it's been WAYYYYYYYYYY too long since we had gotten an update on your kids!!! So thanks for letting us know what's going on, and good luck with your vet visit today! :) ;) :) ;)
Roxee's Dad
07-03-2010, 10:37 AM
Hi Glynda,
Good to hear about the little ones, hope you and they like the "new" IMS in the neighborhood. :D
Still just love your avatar of Lulu :D:D:D:D are you sure that's not just picture of a toy? ;):)
Harley PoMMom
07-03-2010, 10:52 AM
Hi Glynda,
Wishing you the best of luck with your vet visit today. Your Lulu and Jojo are both so precious.
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
07-03-2010, 12:39 PM
Hey Glynda,
Love hearing about your babies...always! Of course, I don't expect any of them to follow the book so there is every possibility they are still loaded and just being the little turds they are! ;):p
I hope the new vet is perfect and it all works out just great for you all!
Love you!
Leslie and the girls - always
07-03-2010, 02:02 PM
Brings back lots'a memories. I always love hearing about Lulu and Jojo. I remember when I first saw a picture of little Lulu. I thought she was just the cutest little bear I had ever seen! :D Still is. And Jojo has the sweetest little face. Adorable kids!!
07-04-2010, 12:48 AM
It's nice to know that Jojo and Lulu have been missed. :D The appointment today was disappointing but it wasn't a total loss because Jojo got some meds for his conjunctivitis. We didn't see an IMS like I requested, they use a gel instead of cortrosyn, they haven't adopted the new vaccine guidelines, they charge almost $400 for teeth cleaning and that doesn't include bloodwork. :eek: I didn't get the sense that they've treated many cushdogs so I came straight home, called our trusty IMS at VCA and we have an appointment tomorrow at noon for stim tests. Nice try but no banana.
07-04-2010, 10:14 AM
Good to get an update on Lulu and Jojo!! Too bad about the new clinic but they're close if you're in an emergency situation. Will be waiting to hear about the results from the stim tests.
Harley PoMMom
07-04-2010, 11:11 AM
Dang! I was so hoping for you that this new clinic, since it was close, would be "cushing's savy." Will be checking back for Lulu's and Jojo's stim results.
Love and hugs,
07-04-2010, 11:58 AM
Glynda - always good to hear from you. Sorry the new vet didn't work out but you at least tried. You've been missed around here. Hugs to you and the furry ones. Kim
07-05-2010, 02:06 AM
Hey Glynda,
Good luck for the kid's stims tomorrow, will be waiting with paws crossed :). Sorry the new vet didn't work out as planned.
Cuddles to the kids, and hugs to you,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
07-19-2010, 11:36 AM
I was pleasantly surprised to get good acth stim results for both Lulu and Jojo. It is very difficult for me to determine if either one is still loaded. Both would eat the arse off a horse if I let them, Lulu will never have good skin or hair again and Jojo still drinks and pees buckets. How the heck do you know??? :D:D:D
Jojo's results were pre 2.3 and post 2.7 and Lulu was pre 2.7 and post 4.6. That is the highest post number Lulu has had in two years. I withheld two of her maintenance doses in the last six months so I think this may have something to do with it. I'm just glad we're still in the ballpark.
Buster, one of my Maltese boys, had what we think was a seizure yesterday morning that scared Gil half to death. He got up with kids yesterday and let me sleep in but came bursting into the bedroom with Buster in his arms about 10 minutes later. I didn't know who was panting more, Gil or Buster. He said Buster ran over to his pillow then yelped and ran across the room and collapsed. Gil said he was like a limp noodle when he picked him up and his eyes were fixed and looked like they were slightly rolled back. He thought he was dead but as he stroked him, he started coming around. He put him on his pillow and Buster managed to get his front legs to work but the rear legs were not working, plus he was panting really hard. I kept him in bed with me for 1/2 hour then took him downstairs, fed him, he ate like nothing happened and was perfectly fine. He's been running around all morning so he's no worse for the wear. Let's hope we don't have any more of those episodes.
Squirt's Mom
07-19-2010, 11:56 AM
EEK :eek: EEK :eek: EEK :eek:
Poor Buster! Poor Gil! Oh I hope this never happens again! And of course calm, level-headed Mom saves them both. ;) I do hope this was a one time thing. Please keep me informed. He is such a sweetie!
Great news on Lulu and Jojo! I, for one, didn't expect anything to be textbook with either of those babies! :p They look for ways to confound the issues! :p:p
Thanks for the update and DO keep us informed on Buster...and Gil! ;)
Love and hugs,
Leslie and the girls - always
07-19-2010, 03:09 PM
Hi Glynda,
I'm so sorry that Buster had a seizure. They can really scare you. Hopefully he doesn't have another one. Corky's seem to have stopped. He hasn't had one now for over 18 months.
The stim test results were good for both Jojo and Lulu, even though Lulu's post was higher than before. I'm glad that they were in the normal range.
07-19-2010, 05:47 PM
Oh Glynda,
Your poor little Buster. That would have scared the pants off of me frankly. I have never experienced a seizure with a fur baby, but it must be real scary, and mind boggling that they just come very randomly. Ugh, Ugh. I hope he is better by now and that it does not repeat itself. Keep us posted, and I'm glad to see you around more as well. Take care of you....Luv ya bunches, xo Jeanette
Casey's Mom
07-19-2010, 09:09 PM
Wow that sounds terrifying. If it was my little one or even my bigger one (Casey) I think I would have a fit. You are so calm. Hopefully everything is okay and congrats on the perfect stims!!
Love and many hugs,
07-19-2010, 11:10 PM
Hi Glynda,
Those stim results are good news! What a relief!
As to Buster's "seizure"... I read your post over 3 times and it sounds like a back spasm. Lady had 2 of them, 1 year apart, the first one was mild compared to the second one. Both times she collapsed instantly. The first time she let out 2 big crys for help (I was inside the house and heard her) but the second time we were together and there wasn't a sound. It took at least 5 minutes for her to come around the first time and maybe 10 minutes the second time.
I thought that she had had a mild seizure but read Natalie's (k9diabetes) report of a back spasm that Chris had had and it described perfectly what Lady had gone through. Both times I thought Lady was dying and when she was through the spasm she was back to normal. The second time she seemed a little tired but it had lasted longer than the first one.
Before this I had seen Lady have 2 grand mal seizures when she first became diabetic. She was groggy after the second one but not after the first one.
Hope Buster doesn't have any more episodes....they're scary for dogs and their humans!
07-20-2010, 03:46 AM
Love those stim numbers.
Sorry to hear about Buster. I was thinking along the same lines as Jo-Ann. It reminds me of a couple of episodes Phoebe had a few years ago, hers were neck spasms. She would let out the most blood curdling screams and then collapse, I assume with the pain, and pant which I think is a dogs way of getting through pain.
Phoebe was put on an every other day dose of metacam and the in between days a little valium. It really was such a small amount of meds but it did the trick, never had another episode and after about 6 months we stopped the metacam and only did the valium occasionally. I hope the solution is as easy for Buster.
07-20-2010, 10:28 AM
Jenny and Jo-Ann, is it possible for a vet to determine if Buster had a neck or back spasm by doing an x-ray or other imaging?
07-20-2010, 08:21 PM
Just trying to remember.
The local vet referred us to a specialist and it was his diagnosis. He did bloods and it was only that Phoebe was a little uncomfortable moving her head with his manipulations that he said he thought it was some sort of neck problem causing spasms.
X rays would be no good he believed because it was like a nerve pinch and that would not show up, he ruled out ultrasound too. A special type of MRI at another place was an expensive option and at 16 (I think she was) Phoebe would not be having any more surgery or invasive treatment so we ended up doing the lets try the meds and see what happened.
We were lucky. How is Buster today, any signs of the episode?
07-20-2010, 08:30 PM
Thanks for the response, Jen. Buster seems to be a little off today but we've seen no other episodes like Gil witnessed on Sunday. For the last couple of weeks he has been clearing his throat and doing that gacking thing. He had a piece of a rawhide stuck in his esophagus several years ago which required emergency scoping to remove it. The vet told me that it could form scar tissue which could cause problems down the road. As I recall, that was about seven years ago so I would think he would have had a problem by now but what do I know. If he is not 100% by Friday, I'll take him to the IMS on Saturday or Sunday. He's due for a senior panel so I might as well have that done too.
07-20-2010, 08:58 PM
Glynda, I sure hope Buster is alright by Friday, and never has another episode like that! I know it must have scared the bjeebies out of Gil.
Great stim numbers on Jojo and Lulu! That's what having a fantastic mom does for them! :D
Shelba and Suni~~
07-20-2010, 11:33 PM
Hi again,
I didn't take Lady to the the time I thought it was a small seizure and she seemed fine afterwards....Natalie's description of Chris' back spasm fit exactly what happened to Lady. So when she recovered from the second one there didn't seem to be much point in putting her through the long trip to do any testing. The second one was just a few months before she died. :(
07-21-2010, 05:40 AM
Hi Glynda,
I hope that Buster is soon back to his normal self. It's so hard to know what is going on with them when they can't tell us what's wrong. Sending positive thoughts that everything will be O.K.
07-22-2010, 11:20 PM
Hi Glynda,
Congrats on the perfect stims! Great work! Hoping Buster (and Gil) are doing well, with no more scary seizures.
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
10-10-2010, 11:04 PM
Time for a short update. Lulu has lost a lot of hair above her nose and the skin is black as coal. She has also lost hair on the back of her head and it's as smooth and as pink as a baby's bottom. She and Jojo are both acting like their cortisol is high so we went in for a stim today and the IMS did a skin scraping on Lulu. I am hoping it's something easy to treat like demodex cuz I don't want her to end up looking like Telly Savales. Will report the results of everything when I get it. Thank goodness for Care Credit. OY!
Harley PoMMom
10-10-2010, 11:18 PM
So sorry to hear this, and will be keeping everything crossed that Lulu's condition is easily treatable.
Sending hugs to both of those sweet pups, Lulu and Jojo.
10-11-2010, 07:12 AM
Also keeping everything crossed that whatever is going on with both Lulu and Jojo is easy to figure out and treat.
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
10-11-2010, 12:52 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Lulu and Jojo, Glynda. Corky and I are also keeping everything crossed that it is only something minor and can be treated very easily.
Give them both hugs from me.
Hi Glynda,
I am sorry to hear about Lulu and Jojo. I was just going to ask you how Lulu's symptoms were since she has been on Lysodren. Hopefully it will be easy to fix.
I had been reading back through your thread because I thought Lulu was similar to my Zoe with high estradiol and other intermediates as well as cortisol. I keep wondering about high estradiol in our pups.
Hoping for good news!!!!
P.S. Loved the photos of you with Leslie, Trinket and Squirt!!!!
Squirt's Mom
10-11-2010, 04:12 PM
Hi Glynda,
I hope it is nothing major for Lulu and that we don't have to tack "Savales" onto her name! ;) If necessary, we can take up a collection for a tiny wig for Lulu. :D
It will be interesting to see their stims, as always! I hope the numbers are good and they are just bucking the rule book again. :p
Love ya!
Leslie and the girls :D - always
10-12-2010, 02:59 PM
Hi Baby Doll,
Glad to get an update on the "fur butts". Was hoping for a good one on them, but I have deep faith in you, your knowledge and great heart and know they will be just fine. give them some rubs from me, will ya and take a tight hug for yourself. Will be keeping an eye for more updates. luv ya tons. Jeanette
11-02-2010, 04:27 PM
I just got the last piece of news on the testing that was done on Jojo and Lulu from the IM. Cortisol has been creeping up for both and results are Jojo - Pre 2.6, post 4.3 and Lulu 4.5 and 5.0. They were stabilized in the mid 2's for a very long time so I can't was a good run. The IM wants to increase the actual mg capsule rather than increasing maintenance with an additional 60mg a week but I just refilled both prescriptions so the IM approved my idea of adding a fourth dose for Jojo for two weeks and a fourth dose for Lulu for three to four weeks and then stim again. If we accomplish our goal and we get the post stim down in the 2's and 3's, we'll get a new prescription for an increased dose. I'll let the IM decide how much is enough.
Lulu is still a mystery in more ways than one but the biggest mystery is the unexplained hair loss around her nose and mouth. The last time all the tests were negative and the hair grew back and this time is no different. The skin scrape was negative and I received the culture results today, also negative. Ha, most of the hair around her nose has already grown back in. Sure glad I spent that money. :D The top of her head, just below the crown, remains bald. This was my last ditch effort to try to figure out what in the heck is going on with her hair, or lack thereof. I officially throw in the towel after five years and have decided to take Dr. Bruyette's advice and buy her another sweater. :D She's still cute and Jojo is still a grumpy old peebucket.
11-02-2010, 06:45 PM
Hi Glynda,
I hope the additional dosing works well and that their cortisol levels get back to where they were.
Lulu is still a little cutie, even if she never got her hair back. :)
Hi Glynda,
Zoe too has lost hair on her noseand the skin is coal black. If I look at pictures from a year ago I can really see the difference. She also is losing all her caramel colored spots. The are turning white.
Hope Lulu and Jojo get back in control. Lulu is cute without hair!!!
I checked out the Etsy sight and plan to order a couple sweaters too, so thank you for that lead.
Do you still have the pups on Primal?
11-03-2010, 09:08 PM
Hi there Glynda,
Funny how I was thinking of you and Lulu today while I was at my IMS for Princess's stim and saw the cutest pomerenian being carried in my his mommy--4 months old. Princess looked like Godzilla next to him--lol. On another note, sorry to hear both your babies are having issues--yikes! How on earth do you find the energy to digest all this cushings business with both of them? I reckon the man upstairs created you with a bigger picture in mind--lol. Healing prayers going your way for some better results next time around, and here come some tight hugs as well. Luv ya darling, Jeanette and Princess
Casey's Mom
11-03-2010, 09:58 PM
Casey lost the hair on her nose about two years ago - pre cushings diagnosis and grew it back a year later - weird.
Love and hugs,
11-05-2010, 08:13 AM
Hi Glynda,
Everything crossed over this side of the pond for the desired results for the kids, and sending positive thoughts your way :)
Hugs and love,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
marie adams
11-05-2010, 10:02 AM
Hi Glynda,
I cannot image having to go thru this Cushings journey with two little ones, but like they say with having multiple kids in many activities you deal with it--work it out.:)
I am glad nothing major came back in the results. Hair/fur loss is still a mystery to me. Maddie's coat is like a bear rug--thick, long, and colors it wasn't before or coloring that stayed under her black fur.:o
I will be following your advice to go see the IM's--maybe I will see you there one day....:D
Thanks and take care!!!
11-05-2010, 12:10 PM
Hi Marie,
I travel to OC a lot for adoption clinics so if I know you're taking Maddie to VCA on a weekend, let me know and if I'm in the area, I'll drop by and say hi. Would love to meet both of you and run my fingers through Maddie's hair. :D
12-30-2010, 03:32 PM
So I found a gp vet nearby who has several cushing's patients. Because I talked to him about splitting the cortrosyn and because I do rescue work, he gave me a twofer on the stims. Jojo was perfect at 3 pre and 3.5 post. Lulu was still a bit high at 5 pre and 5.7 post. I'm going to increase her maintenance by 60mg a week for a while and see if that brings her back down into the 2 to 3 range. She and Jojo have always done much better in this range.
Lulu has been acting like her normal self but she is looking worse. She has lost weight and more muscle. Her head is looking skeleton like and despite her recent dental, she is sneezing violently again. She also had a pretty bad seizure last night. I got home later than normal because my train broke down on the way home. Gil had already eaten so I picked up a burger and fries on the way home. I just sat down on the sofa to watch my soap opera and eat my dinner surrounded by all the beggers when I looked to my left and noticed Lulu was in distress. I picked her up and her left paw was rigid behind her ear and as I picked her up, her other paw went behind her other ear. Her face was scarey looking and her eyes were bulging. She was as stiff as a board for about a minute and then she started coming out of it. Within five minutes she was spinning in circles again, begging for french fries like nothing happened.
I hate seizures...they are so incredibly scarey and I'm not sure my blood pressure and heart rate have returned to normal yet. I'm glad I'm home for the next three days so I can keep a close eye on her. I have her on another bout of antibiotics and if the sneezing doesn't stop and/or she has another seizure, she's going directly to see Dr. Moore or Dr. Mourning at VCA.
On yet another crappy note, the new vet called in the refill for Lulu and Jojo's Mitotane. They had it shipped to their office and marked it up by $42. Of course I reminded the vet that all I asked them to do was call in the refill and I refused to pay any more than what I've paid for the last two years so. I told him he could keep the drugs and I'd have the IM call in another refill for me. He started stuttering and finallly agreed to give it to me for cost but said he does charge $10 to write a script. I'll be sure to remember that and use him for stims and teeth cleaning only. I was thrilled to get dentals done for $75 each. Four dentals for the price of can't beat that with a stick.
Squirt's Mom
12-30-2010, 03:43 PM
Hi Glynda,
Heavens! Another seizure! :eek: Bless your heart! :( I can only imagine how scary those are but I can also imagine your loving voice and gentle touch help Lulu as much as anything when they happen. She is lucky to have you....heck, they ALL are!
You did get a good deal on the dentals and the stims for them with the new guy! That is great! I told Dr B today that I would work for him reeaalll cheap - work for vetting for my girls! He actually told me to bring in a resume' and he would think about it! That would be such a huge relief!
I can just see you "explaining" the prescription issue to them! :p
Those are pretty good numbers for your guys, tho, so I am happy to see that. I hope Lulu won't have any more seizures and that she spins her little heart out for french fries for years to come!
Leslie and the girls - always
12-30-2010, 09:26 PM
Hi Glynda,
I know Its been quite a while since Ive posted, but I have been keeping an eye out and noticed your latest post. I'm so sorry to read about Lulu's seizure. Gosh that truly does sound scary. I probably would have panicked considering I have never experienced a seizure with a fur butt or human. Why does Lulu get these seizures? Is there medication that helps? Well just the same it stinks to witness an episode. On the bright side, glad her appetite was not affected by it after the episode passed, and well who can pass up begging for burger and fries anyway--lol. I wish I could be more helpful here, as you know it's always you helping me with this stuff, but I offer you my thoughts, prayers for better post nos. For the babes and a happy and very healthy 2011 for you and all our babies. Luv ya and Happy New Year. Xo Jeanette and Princess
12-30-2010, 09:31 PM
Heh Wildwoman... glad to hear the update on your dear ones although the seizure sure sounded scary... so much for vegging n watching the soap huh? Hope things are better today. Hugs to you and all the furry ones in your life.... Kim and Annie
12-30-2010, 10:10 PM
Thanks for checking in ladies. Lulu is doing fine nothing happened and eating like the little piglet she is. I on the other hand am falling apart. Been sick for almost three weeks with sinus, bronchitis, dyshidrotic eczema on my hands and feet and today was told that I probably have an autoimmune problem that is causing the blisters and burning sensation in my mouth. Apparently hormonal imbalances can cause this so my periodontist thinks I need to see an endocrinologist. There are some people that look like their dogs on the outside and then there are people like me who have metabolic problems like their dogs. Thank goodness I'm not bald yet like Lulu. :D
Jeanette, to answer your question, the vet doesn't know why Lulu has infrequent seizures. That's not unusual as finding the root cause of seizures is not easy...usually it's a process of elimination. Unless she continues to seize, the vet will not put her on medication. She's only had four in the last couple of years and I'm hoping that they quit entirely or remain few and far between.
Casey's Mom
12-30-2010, 10:15 PM
My mom's little dog had about 3 or 4 seizures in her lifetime, then stopped entirely. Poor you though, I know how scary it is to see them go through an episode.
Time to take care of yourself now girl!:):)
Love and hugs,
Harley PoMMom
12-30-2010, 10:24 PM
I am glad to hear that Lulu is doing great and I will be praying that her recent seizure episode is her last.
You, my dear friend, take care of yourself.
With much love and big hugs,
12-31-2010, 01:06 AM
Hi Glynda,
Glad to hear that Lulu seems fine today :). Also glad to hear that you're not going bald and still have a lush furry tail :p
Hugs and good wishes,
Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx
12-31-2010, 11:52 AM
Hi Glynda,
Again with this bit about Drs. charging to write a script. Glad you called him on it but sorry you had to. Fingers crossed here for a seizure free 2011.
12-31-2010, 12:15 PM
Oh Glynda, I hate seizures...I recognized the first ones that Lady had as grand mal seizures but the next two were so strange and could only be back spasms....they happened just like the ones that Natalie described to her Chris.
Hope everything goes smoothly for you and your health issues and that there are no more seizures for Lulu!
Take care,
Zoe, Koko and I are hoping no more seizures!!!!!!! My daughter had one when she was two and it was the worst expereince. Never want to do that again.
I was just reading about stress and how it raises cortisol and affects our immune system. Some of what you have been going through physically reminds me of me!!!! Hope you are feeling better soon.:) It is no fun. We can't have our number one positive motivator under the weather.:D
Wishing you a healthier New Year and hope things calm down at your house.:)
12-31-2010, 07:06 PM
Hi Glynda,
I'm just catching up. I'm glad Lulu is doing better. Corky had several seizures, but we didn't know what caused them. There was one seizure that he had, which was the last one he had almost two years ago, which was the result of his taking Clavamox twice in a very short period of time. I hope Lulu doesn't have any more.
I also hope that you're feeling better.
Take care.
02-25-2011, 02:00 PM
I've been around longer than most and have outlived many of my furbabies. One was never easier than the other to say goodbye to. Having senior babies of my own and senior and special needs fosters, I am reminded daily of how frail they are and how quickly their health can deteriorate. Whether I shared my life with them for a day or 18 years, it was never easy to remain selfless and not let my emotions cloud my better judgment.
While I have never met her in person, I was introduced to a wonderful woman last year who left a lasting impression on me. If anybody is deserving of wings, it is Susan Marino, the founder of Angel's Gate Hospice for Animals. Susan is about as close as you can get to an expert on knowing when to say goodbye. For those of us who may need help or maybe just a refresher, she wrote the Animal Hospice Guidelines below. I think I need a refresher as I am not so certain that my Jojo has such a great quality of life any more.
1. Be present and be in the moment with me. In the moment of now we will write the final chapter of my life. Your presence is everything. Listen to me with your heart.
2. I have a right to compassionate, considerate, respectful care. Choose for me a veterinarian who will honor me physically, emotionally and spiritually. One who will listen to you because you are my advocate and no one loves me as you do. Choose a veterinarian who will offer her or his wisdom so that you can make informed decisions regarding my care.
3. Keep me free from pain and symptoms so that I may enjoy my day and the precious time I have left with you. Seek to understand the different types of pain I may have. Look for enthusiasm in my eyes as a gauge. Celebrate my life with me till the very end!
4. Keep me well nourished so that my body will have the fortitude that it needs to fight disease and energy to function. Offer me my favorite foods to entice me to eat but honor my decision, should I choose not to eat.
5. Keep me well hydrated; for this will keep me in balance with the universe.
6. Keep me warm and comfortable. I will need to be bathed more frequently-maybe several times a day. My favorite bed and blanket gives me security and lets me feel safe. I want to smell fresh air and to feel the warmth of the sun on my face. I want to hear the softness of your voice reassuring me of my importance in your life.
7. Let me stay active and continue to be a part of the family I love so dearly. I want to go for rides in the car, and long walks on the beach, and snuggle with you on the couch while we watch TV. Keep fun in our day.
8. Touch me. Your loving hands have fed me, played with me, comforted me and now give me strength. Linger just a little longer as you scratch my ear. Your touch lets me know you are there and gives me assurance that you care.
9. Give me permission to leave- I need to hear those words from you- I need to know you will be OK. Let me go. Know it is my time even if it seems like it is too soon. Support me as I take my final breath.
10. If there comes a time when you know that I am suffering please euthanize me. I trust that you will always make the right decision for me for I am the blood of your heart. Be with me- I want you to be my last vision.
11. As there has been great joy in our life together now let there be joy in my passing. Cherish and be thankful for our happy moments together. Promise to keep my memory alive in all you do every day.
02-25-2011, 04:40 PM
I'm sorry to hear that you are at a point of worrying about Jojo's quality of life...
Harley PoMMom
02-25-2011, 04:54 PM
Oh Glynda,
I am so sorry too...sending huge hugs.
Love and more hugs,
02-25-2011, 05:07 PM
I'm also sorry to hear this Glynda. I'm sending positve thoughts and prayers.
Roxee's Dad
02-25-2011, 05:24 PM
With a sad heart I am Sending big (((HUGS))) and a special and loving back scratchy to JoJo.
02-25-2011, 05:29 PM
Hugs to you and Jojo
02-25-2011, 05:55 PM
The "guidelines" are so moving. I am sorry you are in this place at the moment with Jojo but I know and trust your decisions. I do hope it is just a little hurdle and you will have much more time to show Jojo how loving this world can be.
Dear Gylnda,
Today is a very sad day for all of us when we hear Jojo is not doing well and what you may decide.
My heart and prayers are with you and for you.
02-26-2011, 06:16 AM
My heart is with you, Glynda.
02-26-2011, 08:54 AM
Ah dear sweet Glynda I send you my heart and every bit of strength I have. Hugs to both you and dearest Jojo. Kim
02-26-2011, 10:13 AM
Hi Glynda: I have just read through the thread about your little ones from the day of your joining the forum. I must say that I got as far as the "angel hospice" guidelines and just lost it. Number one just started the tears flowing. I feel so much for the heart and soul of my dogs, as do you--I see this so clearly now. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication not only to your own dogs but to the dogs of so many others. Because of my faith in your expertise I really duked it out with my vet yesterday about the timing of the stim test, and insisting we go 48 hours from stopping to get an accurate reading. He did agree but only because I came across with great decisiveness and a bit of humor ("You'll have someone to blame," I quipped, "if something goes wrong.") I will be posting more about our plan for toby's loading which is to start 2nd week of march based on vets I most trust at our local clinic being on-call, covering weekends, etc.. I so thank you, and all the other forum members, for the insights and love felt through the posts. I thank you all for the light. We have exhausted our local specialist possibilities and I am committed to working this through locally....I believe God has a plan for my journey with Toby, and that from start to finish (which of course I hope is far off) it is in his hands. This is how the core, the soul of me feels--the personality worries and frets constantly about somehow being an agent of anything harmful to this beautiful little dog he has allowed me to care for. Blessings to all from Linda and Toby.
Sabre's Mum
02-26-2011, 01:18 PM
Oh Glynda ... sending hugs to you and Jojo.
Angela and Flynn
02-26-2011, 01:23 PM
:( Jo-Jo trusts you completely. Sue
02-27-2011, 12:14 PM
Thank you everyone for your beautiful and kind words. I don't believe Jojo is in continuous pain but then, he can't tell me where it hurts. I watch him closely these days and find myself in tears a lot. In the last several months, despite having cortisol under control, his behavior has taken a turn for the worst. Gil will no longer pick him up for fear of being bitten. If I don't baby talk him and pick him up with perfect placement of my hands behind his front legs, he will bite me. He has never liked to be picked up around his abdomen but it's worse now. I've had two vets check him out for stomach, liver and any other problem that could cause him pain in this area and they were unable to find anything. He's always been a grump but he's much worse now. If any of the dogs go near him he snarls and snaps at them. He's not as tough as he thinks he is because he went after Lola and she fought back and cornered him. He was screaming like a girl. :D His gait is stiffer and he rarely holds his tail up anymore. I've asked the IMS about his head bobbing and he thinks it's because he's missing so many teeth, he's trying to keep his tongue in his mouth. He also has TMJ which is painful for him so he has to have very soft food at all times. He's been doing the head bobbing for a very long time but it is becoming more exaggerated and a constant thing. The only way to get him to quit is to pick him up and love on him. It breaks my heart to watch him. At least once a day, he'll be walking across the room and will let out a yelp and run away with his tail between his legs. I've had him checked for luxated patellas and his knees are fine. I think it's his arthritis flaring up. I have just started him back on metacam so we'll see if there is any change. He is becoming more withdrawn and rarely asks to be held anymore. Despite a great diet, good control of cushing's and omega fatty acid supplements, his coat is really brittle and very dull. His eyes are also bad again.
If he weren't so darn happy to see me fixing meals and if he didn't get so excited with momentary bursts of energy and excitement when we are going bye bye in the car, I'd not be so torn. He is due for another stim next month so I'm going to have a full senior panel and thyroid panel done to rule out any other underlying issues. If we can't find anything there, I'm going to discuss the possibility of checking just his estradiol levels. I don't believe I need a stimulated specimen so I can just have the blood draw done and sent to UTK. I think I'm going to have all of this done at my local gp vet, as the cost will be a fraction of what the IMS would charge. I will then gather all the results and make an appointment to see the IMS. I'm not ready to give up on my baby boy until I've done everything possible for him and have talked to the gp vet and his specialist about his quality of life.
02-27-2011, 02:16 PM
Dear Glynda!
Many hugs from us too. I know this is probably the worst place to be and my heart goes out to you. It sounds as if JoJo is still giving you moments of pleasure to you and you to him. Each one of those moments are precious and memories onto themselves. We are waiting anxiously for your test results. In the meantime, please feel the white light, energy and prayers we are sending your way.
02-27-2011, 03:36 PM
Dear Glynda,
Every day you have with Jojo is special, try not to let those tears start. I do understand it is a bittersweet time because those loving moments are just so special. I hope you can get some answers as to what is going on and that there are many more days to love on him.
Hi Glynda,
I will go out on a limb here and share this with you. ;);) It may be of help with Jojo, I was not sure where his intermediate hormones stood.
After I had Zoe's UTK adrenal panel run in January I emailed Dr. Oliver. I wondered why a maintenance dose of lysodren would be a treatment option when her cortisol was higher. During the emails back and forth, I asked him, if I had to pick the worse of two evils, high cortisol or high estradiol and other intermediates, which should I control? He said according to his research "they seem to do the same thing" in his studies.
We then discussed Zoe's symptoms and her improvement in mood. He attributed that to her decrease in estradiol and the fact her other intermediates had also come down, and though three were still not normal, they were not as elevated as in May. The estradiol and some of the other intermediates, I have to refer back to his email to see which ones, can cause behavior problems, moodiness, etc.
Now I realize, all of this is theory and I do take that into account. What I know is that Zoe's mood is different now, different than even last October when her colitis was not an issue. Today, for example, we went for a brief walk. We saw strangers and strangers with dogs and we did not react. She gave me watch me without me asking, she gave me leave it without objecting and she was calm. I have not seen that behavior in quite awhile. Keep in mind, I have studied her behavior for over three years. I know all her signals, I know everything about her behavior as I have studied it every day, how she signals to play, how she warns other dogs and strangers, her calming signals. I watch and observe constantly because I had to.
For whatever reason, Zoe is not as aggressive, moody, crabby, whatever you want to call it. I see a marked change in her personality in the last month. At this point in time, I will attribute it to her reduced elevation in her hormones. I otherwise, cannot explain it. She had only been on melatonin and lignans at the right dose for barely 3 months. It can't be a coincidence. And yet her cortisol is higher. Even Shen Calmer did not give me this behavior.
My theory, sorry I wrote a book. Just want to share.:) I wondered if high estradiol and perhaps progesterone was a possibility for Jojo.
Love ya,
02-27-2011, 07:37 PM
Addy, thanks so much for sharing that information. As you probably saw in my last post, I have thought about the possibility that estradiol could be a factor. Considering all of his issues, I really hope that's what we are dealing with. I quit giving Lulu melatonin and lignans as it did absolutely nothing for her. I checked the expiration dates and they are still good so I'm thinking about starting him on both in the morning to see if that makes a difference.
Casey's Mom
02-27-2011, 09:11 PM
Glynda I just read through your posts about Jojo - my heart and prayers are with you.
Love and hugs,
02-27-2011, 10:27 PM
Thinking of you and hoping so much that Jojo feels better soon. Sending you my thoughts, prayers and hugs.
With love and hugs,
Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey
02-27-2011, 10:48 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Jojo is having problems.
I'm hoping that the thyroid panel shows something - that's what I have my fingers crossed for.
07-07-2011, 03:52 PM
It's been a while since I've posted about my own kids so thought I'd let ya'll know how things are going. Jojo and Lulu had stims three months ago that were excellent. Lulu's post was 4.6 ug/dl which was better than her 5 point something prior to that. She still looks like a hyena from time to time as the random sprigs of hair grow here and there from her little black torso. She really is the most pathetic example of a Pom you've ever seen but she still draws a crowd with that cute face of heres whenever we go out.
Lulu has always been a food hound and she goes crazy whenever I pull the treats out of the reefer. When I pulled the treats out last week and sat down on the sofa, I looked over and she was having a seizure. I think we can safely say that her excitement about food, special treats in particular, has been the trigger for her seizures. We have to be very careful in the future to make sure the suspense does not build too much for her or she will seize up. It is really scarey!
I am going to rename Jojo, Yoyo because he is all over the place. His last post stim was 3.7 ug/dl and he seemed to be feeling pretty good that day. One month prior to that, he was feeling off, had vomited and had a little soft stool. I took him in for a senior panel and by the time the results came back, he was bouncing all over the place and eating like a pig again. When I went over the results of the bloodwork with the vet, the vet was gravely concerned because Jojo's ALT was 2001! More values than not were elevated so the vet wanted to do a bunch of testing. Since Jojo was acting fine, I told him I'd bring him in should he act sick again. Jojo's quality of life is off and on. One week I am looking at saying good bye and the next week he's running around with his tail held high, jumping up on me looking for loving and always ready for the next meal. He is still a grumpy old turd and does not tolerate anybody. The groomer will no longer groom him, Gil will no longer pick him up and I'm very careful when I pick him up. If I don't put my hands directly behind his front legs and lift, he will turn around and bite the living crap out of me. He doesn't have many teeth left but the ones he has will break the skin. So, we take it one day at a time with him and figure he'll let us know when it's time to cross the bridge.
My little Maltese Jasper was coughing a lot and I thought he may have a collapsing trachea but after tests and imaging, he was diagnosed with a grade four heart murmur and a huge heart. He is now on enacard and Lasix. My other Maltese Buster has an appointment to check his heart because he is coughing now. We did his bloodwork a few months back and the specialist wasn't concerned about a few mild elevatations. I am convinced that he is either hypothyroid or has cushing's. His T4 was low normal so I think I will have a full thyroid panel done. If that comes back normal, then I'll do a UC:CR. So it looks like none of my babies are healthy and my counter is even more cluttered with drugs.
My little rescue Lola has been battling a bacterial infection for three months. After four rounds of clavamox, two rounds of cephalexen and orbax and two bottles of malesab shampoo, she is finally turning the corner. My other little senior rescue, Gracie Mae, is on three meds for the rest of her life but thankfully, I have a wonderful fostermom who takes care of her. She has just agreed to foster Lola too. Between them, they have six teeth....Gracie Mae has two teeth and Lola has four. I just had a dental done on Lola and I got a big discount. :D Every rescuer should have a foster like mine. The only thing I have to do is provide the medicine and pay any vet bills. She feeds them, takes them to the groomers and has their six teeth cleaned every month.
The kitties are all okay but our male, Mokie, managed to get out of the house and of course, got into a fight. The other cat bit the crap out of his tail and it got really infected. Gil took him to the vet and came home with three medications in addition to the antibiotic injection. After one day, the cat had our number and there was no way we were going to get the meds into him. Thank goodness for the injection because that's the only thing that healed the infection. Everything you've heard about medding a cat is true. They are freaking crazy!
So that's the latest and I'm happy to report that I still have a few hairs on my head. Oh and today is my and Gil's 4th wedding anniversary and we still like each other.
Squirt's Mom
07-07-2011, 04:41 PM
:D:D:D Happy 4th Anniversary to you and Gil!! :D:D:D
We love ya both!
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, and Brick
PS. Trink sends a special head rub and tail wag to her Daddy Gil. ;)
Cindy Thoman
07-07-2011, 05:49 PM
Happy Anniversary!! Thanks for the update, I was wondering about all your little ones.
Cindy, Alex and Bear
07-07-2011, 06:16 PM
Happy Anniversary my friend. I hope you have many years of happiness together.
You really have your hands full with your furbabies. I admire you so much for everything you do, not only for them, but for others as well.
Our very best wishes for a wonderful anniversary.:D:D:D:D
Have we told you lately that we love you? And we love all you do.
I would be in the nearest mental health complex if I had to juggle everything you do.
You are amazing and we are so lucky to have you and your kittens and pups are very lucky too. I won't throw Gil in the mix, he might feel bad.
We will say you are lucky to have each other.;););)
07-07-2011, 07:45 PM
Thank you guys. I love you too.
Here's are pics of my two old lady rescue babies:
620 This is Lola the day I pulled her from the shelter. She was a shelter favorite and the shelter workers shed a lot a tears the night I walked out with her. They were so afraid she would be euthanized because she is a senior with horrible ulcerations on both eyes. Since this pic was taken, Lola has had two eye surgeries, 10 follow up appointment and all but four teeth pulled. Her tongue now hangs out of the left side of her mouth but I think it makes her look cuter.
621 This is Gracie Mae. She only has two teeth but manages to keep her tongue in her mouth. She has horrible arthritis and a bad heart murmur and she was emaciated when I rescued her. Her meds have worked wonders for her. She's been with her foster mom for three months and with a lot of tlc, Gracie has blossomed into a self assured more mature lady. :D
Roxee's Dad
07-07-2011, 09:56 PM
Awww they are cuties :D:D:D
Thanks for the updates on all the fur kids. Keeping everything crossed that Jojo has many more good days.
And Happy Anniversary !!!!
07-07-2011, 10:34 PM
Really enjoyed the update Glynda. Keep on loving them as only you and Gil can. Glad they are all still kicking. Hugs, Kim
07-08-2011, 08:22 AM
Glynda, when I think about all that you do, I am downright ashamed of myself for feeling whiney about my girls' issues and their few meds. I truly do not know how you and Gil shoulder it all. Best wishes for a very happy anniversary, and many hugs to all your precious teenies!!!
logans mom
07-08-2011, 03:00 PM
You are amazing!! Taking care of all those babies and also devoting your time and knowledge in helping so many of us here. I have used the words "Glynda from the forum says" to my vet on a couple of occasions. Thanks for being here.
Happy Anniversary
07-08-2011, 03:33 PM
Thank you all so much for the kind words. Gil and I aren't special, were just crazy in the head and don't mind living in a kennel. :D Seriously, I am blessed to be loved by a man like Gil because I couldn't do this without him. We are both blessed to have 10 loving furbutts who return our love threefold. Aren't we all lucky to share our lives with such exquisite, loving creatures? I can't imagine my life without them.
Congratulations and thank you for all you do for us here.
...............are u sure Gill is not an alian??? :D
Rene & Snoopster
Harley PoMMom
07-08-2011, 07:27 PM
Wishing two very special people a Happy Anniversary!!
Love and hugs,
marie adams
07-10-2011, 01:42 AM
Hi Glynda,
Happy Anniversary!!!
The girls are really so cute. You couldn't tell they have any problems from the pictures. :)
You are very special and I am so glad I got to talk to you before Maddie died. You have a wonderful heart helping all those less fortunate fur babies find homes and take care of them. :)
Thank you for your kind words about Maddie's picture. I know I stressed about what the new puppy would look like because Maddie seemed so beautiful with her even markings, but little Miss Ella sure is beautiful in her own right. I think that is why we decided to get a different color this time around. Who knows, as the breeder said this won't be our last dog and we might get another black tri.
Take care--you are the BEST!!! :D
07-19-2011, 05:44 PM
Thanks everybody for the kind words. Lulu has had a few seizures since I posted last so we are keeping a close eye on her. If she continues to have them, I'll take her to the specialist and they will most likely put her on meds. I'm hoping and praying that that won't be necessary. No more seizures, no more seizures, no more seizures.
Jasper seemed to do well on the heart meds for a few weeks and then he started coughing again. Gil took him to the vet this morning and as usual, once the vet started explaining things, he called me and handed the phone to the vet. :) The xray shows the heart compressing the trachea so we've added a med to try to relax the trachea, plus we're increasing the Lasix. He will now get double the dose of Lasix. Keeping fingers crossed that this works.
Jojo is hanging in there and Buster has an appointment with the vet on Friday. I'm going to try to get a urine specimen that morning for a UC:CR to rule out cushing's. If ratio is normal, we'll move on to the thyroid panel.
All of the kitties are fine...YAY!!!
P.S. Marie, if you are reading this, I want you to know that Miss Ella is gorgeous. I think all Aussie's are spectacular but I will always be partial to the merles. I had a blue merle toy aussie named Inkie and a red tri named Rusty. Inky had one blue and one brown eye. Both were Texans, born on a cattle ranch, and they could herd like nobody's business. The big boys had nothing on these little pip squeaks. :D
Crossing fingers with you and saying a few prayers as well that all your babies are okay.
Also sending you some really, really big hugs because you are busy taking care of all of them and all of us I think you should have some hugs just for you.
Love ya,
Bailey's Mom
07-20-2011, 04:36 AM
Count me in!!! I give really good hugs.
It's nice to hear from you Glynda. It sounds like you have everything under control there. There is bound to be a special place in heaven for you for all the dogie Mommying you do.:D
It's nice to see that there really are dogs like LuLu who last more than the 2-1/2 years you do often read about cushings. Your sharing gives many people hope.:)
Squirt's Mom
07-20-2011, 09:19 AM
Hugs Hugs Hugs!!!!
along with many prayers and much love!
Leslie and the gang
logans mom
07-20-2011, 09:37 AM
HUGS HERE TOO!!! And Prayers for no more seizures. Your babies are so lucky to have a mom like you. I'm wondering if you ever get any sleep.
Harley PoMMom
07-20-2011, 09:54 AM
Many prayers being said and sent, tons of hugs too!
With much love and more hugs,
07-20-2011, 12:43 PM
Aaaaahhhh {sigh of relief}, I needed that group hug. Thank you so much.
Us too.........((((((((glynda))))))))))
Cindy Thoman
07-20-2011, 03:45 PM
Big hugs from Cindy, Alex, and Bear!!
07-20-2011, 05:35 PM
Love ya. Xo
a hug tsunami, gotta love it:D:D:D:D:D
I feel the earth move;););) Feel the love:D:D:D:D
Love, addy
07-20-2011, 07:30 PM
How sweet! Group hugs for all the furry critters in your house. Love ya friend. Kim
07-22-2011, 12:14 AM
Thanks for the huge group hug. I need it right now. Gracie's foster mom called me and said that she her heart condition was getting worse and she was having great difficulty breathing. She stopped eating, started drinking tons of water, was vomiting bile and shaking in pain. I think she was in kidney failure and her little body was just worn out. I met them at the er and said goodbye to Gracie Mae for the last time. I rescued her in February and she's spent these last months with a wonderful foster mom who adored her. Brenda talked lovingly to her until her last breath. She loved her so much and paid for Gracie's ashes. We both cried our eyes out and used up a box kleenex tonight. :(
Godspeed sweet little Gracie Mae.
07-22-2011, 12:19 AM
Oh no, how very sad:(. I'm sorry Glynda. Losing any of them is never easy, whether they are yours or someone else's. Poor Gracie.
My thoughts and sympathies are with you.
Tight ones. Xo J.
Casey's Mom
07-22-2011, 12:27 AM
Glynda your heart must break every day so for these little critters you help rescue - you are an angel on earth. ((((((GROUP HUG)))))))
Oh Glynda, I am so sorry to hear about Gracie Mae.
I am so grateful to you that she was loved and cared for in her last months and she was secure in knowing comfort, love and care durring her final days.
God, please take good care of little Gracie Mae now.
Bailey's Mom
07-22-2011, 02:05 PM
Hi Glynda-
I'm sorry to learn about Gracie Mae. How sad the end was so very rough for her. How wonderful she had someone speaking soothing thoughts to her to help her make her way.
Squirt's Mom
07-22-2011, 02:40 PM
Dear Glynda,
I am so sorry to hear about sweet Gracie Mae. :( One thing is for sure, thanks to you and Brenda this precious little girl knew love and security without bounds. When her time came, you were both with her sending her off with such tenderness that I know her little soul was singing with joy as it flew to The Bridge. When she reached the other side, I have no doubt that Otis, Baquita, and all your other babies were there to greet her...just as they will be there for you, too, dear Angel.
I have added Gracie Mae's name to the In Loving Memory list for 2011. We would love to add a pic to album when you and Brenda are ready.
Our deepest sympathies and continuing love,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal
07-22-2011, 04:08 PM
Leslie, thank you so much for honoring Gracie Mae by adding her to the ILM forum and thank you all for being there for me. You are a huge comfort to me and I consider you all to be my family. Isn't it strange how much you can love somebody that you've never met and I do love you all.
I met Gracie's foster mom, Brenda, on the train. We started talking dogs (what a shock) and was surprised to learn that she had a cushdog. Her name was Yoshi and unfortunately, she passed away right before Brenda took Gracie into her home and heart. Brenda is an exceptional human being and I am smiling through my sadness today because I confirmed this morning that Brenda is now Lola's forever mom. I have no idea why I didn't do this before but I have asked her to join us and tell us about Yoshi and Gracie Mae. Let's keep our fingers crossed that she accepts the invitation.
Roxee's Dad
07-22-2011, 04:19 PM
Oh Glynda, I am so very sorry. Gracie Mae had the wonderful experience of feeling loved in the end.
Rest in Peace sweet girl, You are now our newest and brightest star in the sky.
Squirt's Mom
07-22-2011, 04:19 PM
Oh, what a blessing for Lola and for Brenda! I know you are happy with this outcome, too. Hopefully, Brenda will be talking with us soon!
Leslie and the gang...which you helped make perfect!
Dearest Glenda,
Im so sorry you are feeling loss and grief. You do so much for all of us here and we feel rather protective of you. When you do not feel good it hits us like it does when our fur babies do not feel well. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better and recover faster from your grief. (((((Glenda)))))
With Love,
Rene & Snoopie
PS...How is LuLu and Jasper?
logans mom
07-23-2011, 02:45 PM
I am so sorry Glynda for the loss of your precious Gracie Mae.
My heart goes out to you and Brenda.
Rest in peace sweet girl.
Debbie & Logan
07-23-2011, 08:33 PM
So so sad to hear Gracie May has passed. She went with the knowledge that this earth can be full of love.
The only way to avoid heartache is not to love and wouldn't this world be a hell of a place to be if that was the case.
Wishing Brenda peace, she is obviously another of the special people.
I just read about Gracie Mae. I'm so sorry for your loss, but what a wonderful foster mom she had! I'm glad you were able to say goodbye, and that you two could share your memories and grieve together. Gracie Mae is now happily playing at the Rainbow Bridge.
-Julie & Hannah
08-20-2011, 02:38 PM
I just now read about Gracie Mae and I am so very sorry to hear of your loss.
Hugs to you,
08-20-2011, 03:08 PM
Thank you, Lauri, and everyone else for your kind words. I rescued Gracie Mae from a Los Angeles shelter and my friend, Brenda, was her foster mom. Gracie spent the last months of her life being loved and pampered. I picked up her ashes, which are in a beautiful wood box, with a gold plate with her name engraved on it. The crematorium included a certificate and Gracie's cute little paw print in clay. She now has her picture on top of her ashes displayed in Brenda's living room. I miss her but her forever mom, Brenda, is grief stricken and her sister, Delilah, is still looking for her. :(
Squirt's Mom
08-20-2011, 03:18 PM
Hi Glynda,
Please make sure Brenda knows she was included in every word written about Gracie Mae. It is amazing how deeply and quickly we can fall in love.
Leslie and the gang
Gracie Mae is home now. Please let Brenda know we all send love to her and hugs in her time of grief as well as to you, dear Glynda.
Bailey's Mom
08-21-2011, 04:13 PM
Oh how I wish none of us ever had to inform our friends of this kind of news.
The box, engraving and paw print all sound so very nice.
Best wishes to you and to Brenda.
08-21-2011, 04:54 PM
Glynda - sending lots of love and positive vibes your way friend. Kim
12-10-2011, 02:44 PM
Okay, so where do I start? :confused:
About a month after moving into our new home, Lulu and Jojo were not eating with their usual vim and vigor and just not acting right so I put them on a Lysodren holiday. They've been off for quite a while now and still not eating like an uncontrolled cushdog. I took them in for a stim test and blood glucose test on Wednesday. Glucose was good and Lulu's stim results were pre 2.2 and post 9.2 and Jojo is 2.4 and 8.4.
I had my rescue vet do the stims because it's half the price of the specialist. Unfortunately and despite the fact he claims to treat cushdogs, he is clueless as to how to monitor treatment. He told me it was not necessary to restart the Lysodren and to have another stim done in six months. I tried to explain that the normal lab reference ranges are irrelevant in monitoring treatment but he didn't get it. :D I gave up but plan on giving him some reading material because if he is treating cushdogs, he needs to get with the program and follow protocol. Actually, I think he needs to take some major continuing education on endocrine disorders.
I'm going to call the IMS and ask for direction because neither dog is eating with enough unbridled passion for me to feel comfortable with doing a mini load or restart maintenance at an increased dose. I'm also not sure that despite having been off of Lysodren for almost two months that Trilostane would be a good idea either. My concern was if I didn't get their post cortisol under control, diabetes could rear its ugly head so was happy to hear that blood glucose was good. I delayed doing senior panels until I got the results of the stim tests because if post stim levels were high enough (in the 20's), the usual blood and urine abnormalities would be evident. I'm thinking that I'll take them to the IMS and have that done in the next week or two.
I took the two Maltese boys on Wednesday too to have senior panels and xrays to check their hearts. Both were worse which I already knew as both have been coughing more. Jasper is the worst and despite adding more and more meds, the heart has gotten larger and the trachea is being compressed (trachea stenosis). There was a marked difference in the size of the heart and the changes in the trachea when comparing imaging done in June to the new xray so I am worried. He's on enalapril, theophyllin, lasix and have just added Pimobendin. Buster's heart condition has worsened and we've put him on full blown heart meds now. Both boys had a UTI with crystals so both are on antibiotics.
That's it for now except that as soon as I got home from the vet's office, I couldn't find Jasper, who had been barking at the neighbors big dog behind us. I've never been inside the maze of foliage on the back fence so I was unaware that there are vines everywhere. I was concerned that he had found a hole in the fence and had gotten out but I found him still on our side of the fence with vines wrapped around his neck strangulating him. Had I found him minutes later, I have no doubt he would have been dead. The adrenalin kicked in and I have no idea how I managed to rip the vines off of his neck but when all was said and done, my knees gave out and I couldn't stop shaking. I had major oral surgery on Monday, was taking some pretty stiff drugs and was told to not do stuff that required that I drop my head down. My head was definitely down and I found out why I should keep my head up. To say I was woozy would be an understatement and the congestion after that was very painful. Jasper was very quiet for about ten minutes and then came back to life. The poor guy has already had problems breathing and I'm hoping the vines didn't do more damage. I thank God that I found my boy in time.
Squirt's Mom
12-10-2011, 03:09 PM
Oh, Glynda! How scary for you and Jasper! :eek: Bless his heart, bet he had no idea what had gotten hold of him and was scared to pieces! I am so glad you got home and found him when you did. Is he showing any increased distress with his breathing since this happened? That couldn't have been good on the trachea!
I had a cat once who got his head stuck in one of the little diamonds formed by chain-link fencing. He must have been running from something and run smack dab into the fence and couldn't get back out. He had spun around and around so much trying to get loose his neck was bleeding. I will never forget seeing the bushes there moving in such an odd manner and then seeing Apple.
Good thing you know more than the vet you saw tho it is sad that is the case. Odd you aren't seeing more signs, tho. Looking forward to seeing what the IMS thinks...I would be lost as a goose!
I hope the new meds help the boys start feeling better and that Lulu and Jojo start eating better. I'm sure you've tried all the stinky tricks so I won't bore you. :D
Hugs and love,
Leslie and the gang
OMG Thank God you found him:eek::eek: Funny how that protective mother instinct just takes over and we react without thinking. Good thing we have it.
I worry about diabetes too. I am glad their blood glucose checked out okay.
Take care of yourself.
12-10-2011, 06:22 PM
Wow... always something heh? No doubt maternal instincts took over and you could have lifted a car if need be. Glad you saved Jasper! Don't blame you for holdling off on lysodren.. surprised the cortisol isn't higher. Weird that they BOTH are experiencing the same issues.
The story about the vines on the fence reminds me of my two little 'chits' when i lived in Florida - chain link fence on both sides with HEAVY foliage that was ten feet high. I found out the two were escaping daily while I was at work (there was a doggie door so they could go out) and hitting up the local construction sites/crew for food... which they got every day. Then the crew brought them home to my yard but I didn't know this was happening!
Anyway... once I figured it out one Friday night my brother and I decided to trick the suckers ... we acted like we were leaving the house.. we each grabbed a beer and one of us stood on each side of the house. Before long the two of them were OUTSIDE so we knew which side the issue was on but not where.
So we took them inside and repeated this , this time watching from the neighbors yard. We were shocked to find out that these mini schnauzers were escaping thru a 4 inch hole that was almost 2 feet off the ground. :D End of lunches with the construction crew.
Give all the babes big hugs from me Glynda. I don't know how you keep up. But I"m glad you do! Hope you are healing up ok. Kim
Jenny & Judi in MN
12-10-2011, 06:32 PM
Glynda that is so scary. I'm so glad you and Jasper are ok. Judi
12-10-2011, 08:26 PM
Lucky you found him so quick. It is a bit scary how much trouble these little ones can get into with things you would think were safe. Sorry you had to find out that the docs were right saying to keep your head elevated.:(
12-11-2011, 01:20 AM
- thank God Jasper is ok!!! - I feel so bad for you - I hope you will feel better soon!!!! love and big hugs to you and the pups!!! xoxo
Hi Glynda-
I'm so glad to hear Jasper is okay! That is really scary... I hope you're feeling better, as well. I don't have advice for you about your Cush dogs, but it does sound like the vet needs to read up a little!
Take care,
Julie & Hannah
12-11-2011, 10:18 AM
Thank you all for your kind words. Jasper and I are doing okay. He got groomed yesterday and looks fabulous. I did as best I could with my grooming but as of yesterday, people were still staring. I look like something out of a freak show. The right side of my face looks human and the left like a black masked English Mastiff, with the biggest hanging jowl you've ever seen. It's very weird that the surgery was on my upper jaw yet the major bruising and swelling is in the lower jaw. I think that's because my face started falling a number of years ago and the bruising and swelling has taken a week to hit bottom. :D
we each grabbed a beer and one of us stood on each side of the house. Before long the two of them were OUTSIDE so we knew which side the issue was on but not where.
Thank goodness for beer and it's clue enhancing abilities. Without it, you and your brother could have stood out there for days on end without getting a clue. :D:p:D By the way, are the little imps in this story our very own sweet, innocent Annie and Haley?
12-11-2011, 10:22 AM
Thank you all for your kind words. Jasper and I are doing okay. He got groomed yesterday and looks fabulous. I did as best I could with my grooming but as of yesterday, people were still staring. I look like something out of a freak show. The right side of my face looks human and the left like a black masked English Mastiff, with the biggest hanging jowl you've ever seen. It's very weird that the surgery was on my upper jaw yet the major bruising and swelling is in the lower jaw. I think that's because my face started falling a number of years ago and the bruising and swelling has taken a week to hit bottom. :D
Thank goodness for beer and it's clue enhancing abilities. Without it, you and your brother could have stood out there for days on end without getting a clue. :D:p:D By the way, are the little imps in this story our very own sweet, innocent Annie and Haley?
Yep. :D
Glynda your jaw sounds so painful. Maybe you need some beer or wine to help medicate? Don't worry how it looks.. people no doubt will assume your husband beats you. :D
12-11-2011, 09:03 PM
Glynda to Jasper's rescue! What a close call, glad the Little guy pulled through that one, and you as well. You are one tough crazy cookie Glynda. I think had it been my jaw, it would have not only dropped, but fallen out of its socket.:D. You still manage to crack me up, even when you're in pain, really!
Take care of you and that jaw...and the babes.
Xo Jeanette
Bailey's Mom
12-12-2011, 12:34 AM
Boy you sure have your hands full. I was wondering today what it would have been like and how Palmer would have felt, if we had two pups. I don't think I could do it.....I have my hands full with Bailey.
what a hoot about the dogs and the workmen! I'm not sure of the relevance of the beers.....was that just so you'd be refreshed while you waited? I'm glad they were friendly construction guys.
12-12-2011, 06:08 AM
Wow, just saw this Glynda - what a scare. Poor little doggie. I am sure he was very scared too. I am glad he is okay.
12-12-2011, 07:04 AM
I found this quite by accident but I'm sure glad I did. I swear I felt a flash of terror myself just reading this. Thank god everyone is ok. What a horrible thing to go through on all counts. It's not fair when too many things happen at once. Prayers and hugs. Hang in there.
12-12-2011, 06:28 PM
Wow Glynda... what a nightmare with Jasper! And I'm terribly sorry that your surgery is having so unpleasant side effects!
Maybe you could make up a good story to regale people with involving you taking on a burglar or a dog abuser and coming out the victor and far less beat up than the bad person! Bruises like that should have a story to go with them!
checking in on you......and jasper.........everyone doing okay????
you know...reminds me of that movie that Mark Wahlberg was in...folage or something i dont know....silly movie but hey mark wahblerg was in it. take care. (((((hugs))))
12-13-2011, 03:54 AM
Jasper is okay as long as I can keep him from getting excited. When I get home from work, he gets really excited, runs all over the backyard and starts coughing. Everybody should be that happy to see me coming. :D I went to work today and most folks were respectful and didn't stare too much.
Nat, the drugs have dulled my senses and I have not been that fast on my feet. I wish I would have thought about spinning a self serving yarn that would have made me look like a hero rather than a freak with deteriorating jaw bones. :D
Who is Mark Wahlberg? What can I say? I don't get out much.
12-24-2011, 02:29 PM
Thinking of you-
Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas love and hugs xoxo
12-24-2011, 04:47 PM
Thanks, Cindy! Merry Christmas and lots of love and huge hugs to you and yours too.
02-17-2012, 04:42 AM
Been a long time since you posted here. Is everything ok? Is Jasper ok?
02-17-2012, 02:49 PM
Janis, I wish I could say yes to your question but very few things are okay around here. Jasper has gotten so bad that I can no longer rescue dogs and foster them here because we have to keep him very calm. He's still a very happy guy but when he gets the least bit excited, he starts to hack, cough and wheeze. Between the enlarged heart and the collapsing trachea he has a tough time doing more than a leisurely walk around the yard and a few barks to let the neighbor dogs know he's still here. I've shed many tears holding him and wondering how long we have left together.
Lulu and Jojo have been off of Lysodren for about four months. The last stim showed cortisol a bit high and the specialist suggested we wait until the next stim and see where we are before starting treatment again. Jojo is actually perkier because the high cortisol medicates his arthritis. His tail is up and he actually bounces down the driveway to meet me when I come home. I realize that won't last and will have to get him back on treatment but I'm going to wait until I really need to.
Lulu is eating like a pig again and drinking more water so I think it's time she get back on treatment, after I can scrape up the money for a stim test. Otherwise, she's doing good and is the same little trooper she's always been.
I've been convinced for several months now that Buster has cushing's but because he wasn't drinking anymore than usual, I put off testing for it. Sadly, he is now guzzling water, peeing buckets and begging for food all the time. His coat and skin are still okay but we have had a recent UTI and some yeast problems. I hope to get a urine specimen to the vet for a UC:CR in the next week or so.
As for us humans, we ain't doing too good either. Gil hurt his back last Friday lifting boxes in the garage and was moaning and groaning for a few days. My back went out shortly after that and got so bad that Gil had to help me out of bed Wednesday morning. He had to stay home from work to take me to the doctor. I've been hobbling around like a 100 year old woman since then but I did get some really great pain meds that help. The one good thing about being home these few days is I was able to let the plumbers in to fix the plumbing after our kithen sinks backed up. Most people get a $49 rooter job but not us. Our new, old historical home needed the entire waste drainage system replaced. The sinks and our bank account drained perfectly after repairs costing $3000. So much for acth stimulation tests.
Now aren't you glad you asked, Janis? :D:p:D
02-17-2012, 06:32 PM
I am indeed as superizing as that may seem. Gives us a chance to say we care, give you those badly needed hugs and wish for you better days soon.
Closing my eyes and wishing!
(((((((((hugs))))))))) for all of you!
02-17-2012, 09:37 PM
Hi Glynda....have been wondering how you guys are doing so am glad Janis asked....but I'm sorry to hear about how things are going!Will put these things on my prayer list....strength will be near the top.
(((HUGS))) for all of you....
Harley PoMMom
02-17-2012, 11:50 PM
Our Dear and Sweet Glynda,
I am so terribly sorry to hear this news. You and Gil are such wonderful and loving people and I do so hope things turn around for you both.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending huge and loving hugs,
02-18-2012, 12:40 AM
So sorry things with the pups, you and Gil haven't been going well. You are always there for us so I am here for you .... Sending you lots of feel better wishes, support, strength, prayers and big tight hugs....
Squirt's Mom
02-18-2012, 09:16 AM
Ok, ya'll have had your "comes in threes" now so things are gonna start looking up. ;)
You do so much for others all the time, Glynda, you and Gil both. A new house is always stressful and even tho it is usually a positive stress, it's still stress and takes its toll. So taking a break from the rescue and fostering is a good thing; being able to shower your amazing love on Jasper as well as your other babies during this time will also be healing for you.
There is no doubt in my mind that Jasper, Lulu, Jojo, and Buster know what you have done for them; they know they still walk this beautiful planet solely because of you. They know they will always find love, comfort and safety in yours and Gil's arms and hearts. They know they will never lack for anything. They know they have the best home in the world because of you. And,they return the love ya'll give them ten-fold. These are the things little Jasper is reminding you of when he comes down that drive wagging his tail in joy to see you.
If I could, I'd join Jasper on his daily driveway tail wagging greeting because you have brought so much light and joy into my life on this beautiful planet, too.
Many hugs and much love, dear friend,
Leslie and the gang (Thank you for my gang!)
Hi Glynda,
I am so sorry to hear things are not going very well for you or your fur babies. That certainly sounds like a lot to be going through! You have always been so helpful, concerned, and compassionate whenever I have needed you, and you always respond so quickly, no matter what is going on in your life. You do the same for so many other members, not to mention all you have done for animals! You are a saint!
Please know that we are here for you, even if it's just to be supportive, when you are struggling. I really hope that things will be looking up for you now after all you've been dealing with.
I'm sending positive vibes, prayers, and well-wishes your way...
Julie & Hannah
Bailey's Mom
02-18-2012, 08:05 PM
Hi Glynda-
I am really sorry to hear life is being so rough on you and your family. When it rains, it pours and I think you are way overdue for some sunshine!!:)
I just want you to know I am among the ones that are here for you. I've known you since way back when and cherish your help and care.
Please try to take care of yourself. You are very special to all of us.
02-18-2012, 09:55 PM
Thank you my dear friends. Ya'll are wonderful, even if you did make me cry. :) Whenever life gets me down I can always count on my k9c family to lift me up. No wonder members like it here. :D Have I mentioned how much I love you all and how proud I am of each and every one of you? If I haven't, I do and I am.
02-20-2012, 10:33 PM
You are a big part of what makes this place great. How could we not wish you well. Like a well oiled clock the angels work seems to blend so well together. Each filling in every hole that might have been forgotten. It is an amazing place. And I thank you and all the angels from the bottom of my heart for everythjng you have done for me and so many others.
well said Janis, and I second that.
02-21-2012, 07:42 AM
I third that!!! Nice Janis!!:)
love and hugs to you Glynda:)
Dearest Glynda,
I have not had much time to post but cannot let time go by without telling you how much you mean to all of us and how sorry I am things are not going in a happier direction for you.
Thinking about you and Gil and the pups and hoping things get better.
Hugs to Jasper and Lulu and JoJo and Buster.
I hope rays of sun shine come your way.
Jenny & Judi in MN
02-21-2012, 08:11 AM
ditto what everyone else has said. You go out of your way to help everyone else so much. You deserve something good. hugs, Judi
02-21-2012, 08:12 AM
And I am here, too, sending healing hugs to you, Gil, and the teenies.
In addition to all the help that you give our members in your forum replies, we staffers also know how much you do behind the scenes that is never known publicly. Your dedication to our home and family here is an enormous gift to all us humans. But most importantly, to the countless dogs whose spirits you have saved, both here and in your own home and heart. They cannot say thank you, but we surely can on their behalf!
With my best wishes, always ~
02-21-2012, 02:32 PM
Oh my goodness. I don't remember many times in my life that I've been so touched by so many loving friends. After reading posts up to and including Jenny's post, there were a lot of tears but then came Marianne and BOOM major water works! She does that to me every time. :D I told everybody at home how much you all care and Gil wanted me to let you all know how much he appreciates it. I'm not sure the dogs and cats understood but I gave them all an extra hug from their special Aunties.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love ya tons,
Glynda, Gil, Jojo, Jasper, Buster, Lulu, and the kitties, Moki, Mimi, Maggie and Izzie
02-24-2012, 09:39 AM
Janis said it perfectly!!!:D
02-24-2012, 01:26 PM
Glynda - and Marianne was spot on too. You are a God send. Know we are all with you in your time of pain. Love, Kim
02-26-2012, 09:10 AM
"Glynda, Gil, Jojo, Jasper, Buster, Lulu, and the kitties, Moki, Mimi, Maggie and Izzie"
Some how I get the feeling you are surrounded by love... Lol. Tis quite a list.
Casey's Mom
02-26-2012, 10:12 PM
Glynda you are an angel here on earth. You do so much for those who cannot speak for themselves that it makes me so glad our world has you in it!!
Love and hugs,
02-27-2012, 07:33 PM
Just a quick note to let you know that all of you and yours have been on my mind and that I'm hollering our "Be Well" wishes loudly enough that your furries should be able to hear me even though you're at the other end of the state.
It is hard enough with one ailing friend...
hey.............your being thought of. warm gentle loving thoughts. checking in on you.
Cindy Thoman
02-28-2012, 03:33 PM
Glynda, you are such a special person. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Cindy, Alex and Bear
03-02-2012, 02:10 PM
Since Jasper is not a cushdog, I have moved all of our recent posts to his own thread "Jasper - Pancreatitis" in the Everything Else section.
06-27-2012, 08:11 PM
Gil and I went to Las Vegas for our 5th wedding anniversary. We left Saturday morning and as we were leaving for the airport this morning to come home, my sister in law called to tell me that Jojo got very sick last night and passed away this morning. My Jojo is gone and I didn't have a chance to say goodbye. Godspeed my sweet baby boy.
Oh Glynda,
I am so very sorry and so sad. How devastating. You are in my thoughts....
Julie & Hannah
06-27-2012, 08:38 PM
Dear friend, I can't even think of a single thing to say because I really want to take away all the pain you are feeling. Jojo was blessed to have you as his mommy. You might not have been there but Jojo knows you were always there in sickness and health. He saved you from having to make that tough decision and I am summoning my two girls to go hook up with him at the bridge and show him the ropes.
Run wild and free from pain dear sweet Jojo and know you were loved by us all. Thank you Glynda for sharing him with us. Love you. Kim
marie adams
06-27-2012, 09:17 PM
Dearest Glynda,
I am so sorry for your loss of Jojo.
Kim was so right about what she said...
You might not have been there but Jojo knows you were always there in sickness and health. He saved you from having to make that tough decision
Maddie will be there too to help him along the way.
Sabre's Mum
06-27-2012, 09:20 PM
Oh no Glynda ... I am truly sorry to hear of JoJo's passing. RIP lil JoJo.
Take care ... hugs from me to you and Gil
Angela and Flynn
Bo's Mom
06-27-2012, 09:47 PM
Oh my gosh, Glynda....I am so sorry to hear of Jojo's passing. Your baby is now an angel with others free of pain and illness. Love and hugs sent from Texas.
I am shocked, oh dear, Glynda, I am so very sorry to hear this.
I am speechless.
Fly free dearest Jojo.
Harley PoMMom
06-27-2012, 11:31 PM
Dear Glynda,
I am so terribly sorry to hear this and my heart and love go out to you and Gil during this painful time.
We are here for you, dear friend, remember that.
Godspeed sweet Jojo
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
06-27-2012, 11:42 PM
Oh Glynda, words cannot tell you how sorry I am. Please know that I am holding you in my heart, and that I am lighting a candle to honor your precious little boy.
Sending so many hugs across the miles to you and Gil,
Roxee's Dad
06-28-2012, 12:48 AM
Dear Glynda,
I am so very sorry. Keeping you very close to my heart.
Jojo knows he was loved.
Rest in Peace sweet Jojo, you are our newest and brightest star in the sky.
06-28-2012, 01:32 AM
Be careful with regreats and shock, they can eat you alive. You're the best mom ever. You drive along way to see that your babies get the best care. My gosh not many people care as much as you. Things happen. This is so unfair. I'm so very sorry. The person who was watching your dogs must feel dreadful. This is so sad.
((((BIG HUGS))))
06-28-2012, 02:02 AM
Dear Glynda,
I am so sorry to hear about Jojo. He was loved and safe maybe for the first time in his life. No matter how long they are with us it's never long enough. Sending such big hugs.
Jenny & Judi in MN
06-28-2012, 06:26 AM
Glynda I am so sorry. hugs, Judi
06-28-2012, 08:21 AM
It's always hard to lose the ones we love and care for, but doubly hard when we don't get to say good-bye. We all know that Jojo had the best of care in a great dog home.
Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann
06-28-2012, 08:43 AM
Oh Glynda, I too am so so sorry to read about Jojo's passing. And I can understand that you weren't there makes it all that much more difficult. But you know what, things happen, for no reason....there's no guilt and no blame... Cry, yell, scream, be depressed, sad, heartbroken...I know I was and felt all that and more...but do not feel guilty for not being there. That's one emotion you should not add to the already long enough list of emotions that will come your way... And add instead the love, care and support you will receive from all of us, for as long as needed.
All my best and big consoling hugs,
Saskia and Mhina.
Casey's Mom
06-28-2012, 08:53 AM
Glynda I am so very sorry to hear about Jojo, my heart goes out to you and Gil. Huge hugs to you my friend.
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
06-28-2012, 09:33 AM
Dearest Glynda,
Words are so inadequate but since I can't wrap my arms around you in person, words are all I have to offer.
It occurred to me that Jojo may have wanted to leave you with more pleasant memories than the ones you would have had if you were there to watch him struggle. Perhaps this was his final gift to you.
I know your heart is crushed and I would do anything in the world to ease your pain. Jojo was the luckiest little guy around to have been wrapped in your loving arms and cherished in that humongous heart of yours. There is not one doubt in my mind that he is ever so grateful for every little thing you did on his behalf. I know that today he is looking down on you with so much love.
I want to share something Jeanne, Kiska's mom said - "On this side of The Bridge, time is painful, but it gives me a chance to live and love on." You will live and love on, bringing safety, joy, and love to many others with Jojo's spirit beside you always.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Tasha, and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal
May you know that absence is full
Of tender presence and that
Nothing is ever lost or forgotten.
May the absences in your life be full of eternal echo.
May you sense around you the secret
Elsewhere which holds the presences
That have left your life.
May you be generous in your embrace of loss.
May the sore of your grief turn into a well
Of seamless presence.
May your compassion reach out to the ones
We never hear from and may you have
The courage to speak out for the excluded ones.
May you become the gracious
And passionate subject of your own life.
May you not disrespect your mystery
Through brittle words or false belonging.
May you be embraced by God in whom
Dawn and twilight are one and may
Your longing inhabit its deepest dreams
Within the shelter of the Great Belonging.
From John O’Donohue’s Eternal Echoes-Exploring our Hunger to Belong
06-28-2012, 10:01 AM
Glynda: So sorry for your loss of JoJo, a very beloved and well taken care of furbaby. So devastating for you and Gil. You are such a source of information for all that read the forums here and you are such a caring and loving person. I send my loving thoughts to you. JoAnne
06-28-2012, 10:12 AM
I am so sorry Glynda. I just read about this on FB.
My heart goes out to you. You have been here for so many of us. I wish there was something I could do to help ease your pain. I'm sending you lots of love and huge hugs my dear friend.
06-28-2012, 12:52 PM
I am so very sorry for your heart hurts for you so and hugs being sent to you at this very difficult Lynda
06-28-2012, 03:36 PM
Oh Glynda.... I'm so sorry!! I didn't see this until this afternoon.
The only thing worse than losing a beloved friend is for it to happen suddenly while you are away. It's just not fair.
I know how deeply you loved Jojo and so know how terribly you will miss him.
06-28-2012, 03:55 PM
Glynda, I am brand new to your site and to cushings. You have my sincere condolences. I read your first post since I am trying to get up to speed. As the owner of 2 rescue dogs - and I have a feeling you too have rescued more than your share - every single day you gave JoJo was a gift. He knows it and although your heart is breaking, your heart knows too.
06-28-2012, 05:37 PM
06-28-2012, 06:12 PM
I know in my broken heart that the overwhelming grief I feel today is being replayed by many of you, who have deeply loved and lost your precious pup(s). We have a lot more in common than a canine disease and I know, without a doubt, that the beautiful words you've shared with me comes from your heart. I so appreciate the comfort I've found here with my k9c family and I'd like to thank you so, so much for being here for me, for my precious Jojo and for my other babies.
I received a beautiful PM from a fb friend whom I've never had any personal contact with, and I'd like to share it with you all. Just when I thought I was done crying......
From Jojo:
I'm not gone...not really.
I haven't gone away...I've only gotten bigger.
My eyes, so bright, now shine among the stars.
My voice sings with the wind in winter, as I leap
And dance among the tree tops.
I stalk the blown leaves in autumn, and brush the
Flowers gently in the spring.
I come to you in dreaming, on feet grown dreamtime soft,
And lay my cheek against yours, and whisper:
"Peace be with you."
Someday we will play again together, you and I, among the stars.
'Til then, fear not to love, for your love gave my life meaning.
And I return that love to you...a hundredfold...a thousandfold...
(((Big Appreciative Hugs)))
Carol G
06-28-2012, 07:05 PM
I'm so sorry. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
Glynda that was so beautiful, the words so touching and true.
It is so darn hard.
Just wanted to send you more hugs, Gil too.
06-29-2012, 03:48 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Jojo. My thoughts are with you.
06-29-2012, 05:37 AM
My ((((hugs)))) to you! I am so very sorry your little boy has passed. I remember the first photos you posted of this little guy. You made him whole again.
06-29-2012, 08:19 AM
I am so so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope that the memories of your time with Jojo bring you comfort in these sad times.
I do hope his fellow newbie in doggy heaven isn't leading him astray - our Saoirse was quite the party girl in her time!
Love to you and yours,
Laura x
06-29-2012, 06:47 PM
Hello Glynda and Gil....I'm so sorry to hear this news and that you weren't able to be there at the end....that would make it all so much more upsetting.
I just read through all of this thread to refresh my memory of little Jojo's life with you....he was so loved and cared for. And I know all too well how the ones that are hardest for others to love can get such a grip on our hearts.
Please take good care of yourselves at this time.....
Bailey's Mom
06-30-2012, 12:30 AM
Hi Glynda -
I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to comprehend this loss that occurred while you were away. You sound like you are doing unusually well considering all of it.
From my experience, I have found that the best way (for me) is to go with the emotions as they wash over you. This is a great loss for you and Gil. Know that the great pain you are feeling comes from having a wonderful experience, sharing & caring for one of God's most beautiful creatures.
Some people I have met have expressed the timing of one's death, be it human or four legged, often occurs with the absence of that person. Others have said that it seemed like the departing one held on in order to feel that they were free to go (on.). Perhaps JoJo knew it was time to go and he wanted to spare you the pain it takes to "help"them move on.
I am with you to help you with your loss.
07-03-2012, 03:25 PM
I want to bring everyone up to date on my Lulu but before I do I'd like to extend my heartfelt thanks again to everyone for your beautiful sentiments. We miss Jojo very much. The tears still fall and I still put four bowls on the counter at feeding time but things are getting better.
I suspected Lulu had a urinary tract infection so I decided to try a new gp vet who has quite a few cushdogs as patients. I preferred to see the owner, who I spoke to regarding one of our rescues. The pet owner had relinquished a tiny toy poodle with broken front legs to us and he had seen the dog. I loved this guy so I requested him but he isn't in on Saturdays so I saw one of the other vets, a younger woman who I really clicked with. She got her degree from UC Davis, loves Dr. Feldman and I liked what she had to say. I was pretty excited that perhaps I had finally found a knowledgable vet who wasn't an hours drive away.
Lulu has been off cushing's medication for quite a while and in the last month has turned into a Hoover vacuum again. It's time to get her back on meds so I decided to have a full senior panel done. I talked to the vet yesterday and her bloodwork was incredible considering the length of time she's been off meds. Everything was normal except for a mild elevation in globulin and protein which can be explained by the UTI that was confirmed. I suspect that since Lulu's liver values are normal, she is one of the very few dogs who is missing the genetic marker responsible for the ALP isoenzyme that is steroid induced.
The urine culture results are not in but we're starting her on Clavamox anyway.
The new vet is waiting for records from the IMS but we discussed treatment and I asked if she wanted to do a fresh stim to establish a baseline before starting treatment. And then it happened! She told me that she prefers to do a low dose dex to ascertain a baseline cortisol and asked me when I could drop Lulu off for an 8 hour stay. What I wanted to say is when hell freezes over but instead, I told her let's wait until she gets all of Lulu's records before we decide. They use cortrosyn and charge by weight so they apparently know about using a much smaller amount of cortrosyn. The charge for Lulu would be $169. That's as good as it gets around here so I'll have to gently tell the vet that I would prefer a stim test over an LDDS and take it from there. Oy!
I'll keep you all posted as Lulu's World Turns.
07-04-2012, 06:18 AM
Glynda.... You really must start naming your pets differantly. I got Jojo & Lulu mixed up! Really... Kira & Mira is a much better way to go! <giggle> ummm ... while your at it, maybe the spelling of your name too! Sheesh. I don't even know how to pronounce it. Glen-de-a or Glin-da or Gl-end-a. I'm pathitic I know. LOL
Ja-nis or Jan-is or Jan-us :eek:
07-04-2012, 03:04 PM
Sorry to read about Jojo's passing. My thoughts are with you. It isn't how long you knew the dog but the quality of the relationship.
Shari and Bree
molly muffin
07-06-2012, 11:07 PM
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. :( I'm sure jojo will always be with you in your heart.
I''m just learning about this disease, but is there a reason not to having the LDDS and instead go with ACTH results?
07-07-2012, 01:28 AM
Oh Glynda,
I'm so very sorry for your loss. My heartfelt condolences to you and Gil.
Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx
08-02-2012, 11:27 AM
I'm sorry for not visiting my own thread in the weeks since Jojo passed but it was very difficult for me to get passed the guilt of not being with my baby when he died. I've spent the last several weeks trying to make sense of it all and even had a session with an animal communicator. I've questioned my sister in law and my mom about the evening prior to and morning of Jojo's death so much that they were getting very tired of me. I had my suspicions about the cause of death and they will remain just that but after doing a lot of research and my session with my now best friend animal and human whisperer, all indications point to something called pituitary macroadenoma apoplexy. In laypersons' terms, a macroadenoma hemorrhage.
I never noticed any neurological symptoms but apparently this can come out of nowhere and cause death within 24 to 48 hours. 48 hours before Jojo died, his appetite waned and the next day he refused to eat entirely. He started pacing constantly, whining as if in pain and constantly pushing his head into his blanket over and over. The morning of his death, my mom said he declined rapidly and was just laying there, motionless but still breathing. She was panicked because she couldn't do anything for him and was anxiously awaiting my sister in law to get home to take him to the vet. Jojo took his last breath shortly before my sister in law got home.
After pouring through everything I could find on macro tumors, the sudden onset, the behavior, and a probable stroke fit with pituitary macroadenoma apoplexy. Now comes the weird part and hopefully ya'll won't think I'm crazy but a human and animal psychic cinched it for me. It was a jaw dropping hour and a half experience with this woman who told me things she couldn't possibly have known about my dad and my dogs, both past and present. This woman was introduced to me by an acquaintance because she was certain her senior dog has cushing's and wanted to talk to me about it. When I found out she was an animal communicator, I thought what the heck and went for it. I sent her pictures of Jojo, Buster, Jasper, Lulu and my dad. There is no way this woman could have known anything about my dogs or my dad, who passed 27 years ago, and to say that I was stunned by the things she told me would be an understatement.
She told me things about my dad that only he and I would know. Everybody who knew my dad would tell you that he was a very strong personality and didn't take crap from anybody and he tought me to the be the same. The first thing out of her mouth was "your dad has an overwhelming aura and he says he doesn't take s**t from anybody and then she giggled, just like I used to do when my dad used to say that to me. I used the word crap but my dad always used the word s**t. lol What followed was even more jaw dropping but I need to move on to Jojo. The first thing she said when we switched to the dogs is I feel a lot of digestive issues with more than one. At this point, my eyes are blinking rapidly, my mouth is agape and I'm thinking what the could she know about spending so much time and money recently in er's withr Jasper and Buster's pancreatitis and my anxiety over their continued off an on eating habits. Then she tells me that she is most worried about Jasper because he has what feels like acid reflux or something going on with his esophagus and he's telling her that it hurts for him to eat sometimes. Jasper has a severely enlarged heart and collapsing trachea which I know causes him discomfort so another jaw dropping revelation.
Now for Jojo which really blew me away. She asked me if he had trouble with his eyes because she is feeling like he isn't seeing well and is experiencing a great deal of pain behind his eyes, like the worst migraine you could possibly imagine. She said Jojo crossed over before his heart stopped beating, like a stroke and he wanted me to know that he felt no pain for quite a while before his body gave up. This is exactly as my sister in law and mother describe him so I am overwhelmed by the eeriest of feelings at this point and it was to get even eerier.
She asked me if keeping Jojo groomed was high maintenance for me because he's telling her that he wants me know that he regrets that he was such a problem. A week before Jojo died, I'm looking at the top of his head with one ear bald and the other untouched and telling him that I didn't know what I was going to do with him. The second groomer had pretty much washed her hands of him on that day and apologized for no longer being able to control him. He had so much hair on his butt and least once a week I had to cut poop out of his hair, which was a huge ordeal. Even wrapped up like a mummy he was out of control and trying to bite the crap out of me. Yes, he was high maintenance.
I could go on and on about the incredible things she told me about all of my dogs. She nailed them and she nailed my dad. I have listened the recording twice since then and picked up even more spot on information that I missed during our session. I'm not surprised that I missed pieces because I was in a state of shock during most of our one and half hours together. With this person's help, I think I am finally at peace with Jojo's death. I still feel a bit guilty but I know that my boy loved me and he knows I loved him.
Now you can all tell me how crazy I am. :D
Jenny & Judi in MN
08-02-2012, 11:37 AM
I am so glad she helped you find some answers. A facebook friend of mine from Northern California has a Cat Whisperer she swears by. They found out their cat was having dental issues through her.
I am nuts right along with you. I wish you more peace and I'm still sorry about Jojo
hugs, Judi
Roxee's Dad
08-02-2012, 11:49 AM
Oh Glynda,
I am so sad, yet happy that you founds some answers. You might remember how I think dogs communicate through mental pictures. Sometimes we just have to open up our minds to things we just don't fully understand.
You are crazy ........................ like a fox.
08-02-2012, 11:54 AM
Oh wow is all I can say. I'm glad you found this woman and she was able to give you the closure that any of us would need. That is just unreal... and I believe her btw! Hugs, Kim
Squirt's Mom
08-02-2012, 12:00 PM
Oh, Glynda,
What an experience that had to be! I am so, so glad she was able to give you a bit of peace concerning sweet Jojo. How wonderful!
Do I think you're crazy? You really want to ask me that??? :p I know you are and that is just one of the many reasons I love you so.
Leslie and the gang
PS. I would love to talk with this woman myself! ;)
WOW! That is amazing! I am so glad you were able to have that experience!
I am in awe as well, and I would love to do something like that. I'm sure it helped to give you some peace. Thanks so much for sharing with us!
Julie & Hannah
marie adams
08-02-2012, 02:19 PM
Oh Glynda,
I think it is wonderful you got to talk to her and hear from Jojo how he felt.
Do I think you are crazy for doing this--heck no, I was thinking it would be wonderful to talk to her myself--even though my husband would think I was crazy--who cares. I still carry the quilt I wasn't there with Maddie.
Take care!! ((((HUGS))))
08-02-2012, 03:38 PM
All I have is one question. What's this person's name and phone number? Okay so that's two questions but seriously I do want it! My dad just died you know. Just yesterday I was thinking about my mother's friend who we both believed was psychic but now she's gone. Who knows I may come up with a similar story to yours and that might make you feel even a little better still. Let me know.
08-02-2012, 04:09 PM
For those interested, her name is Melissa Sehgal and she is a very interesting young woman. She said she has communicated with both humans and pets who have passed, as well as with animals still living, since she was a child. She is a huge animal lover so it was that love that made her decide that she wanted to help people communicate with their pets so most of her clients are pet owners.
She is a huge and dedicated animal advocate/activist, traveling to Taijii Japan every year to protest the slaughter of dolphins. Her fees, which are quite reasonable, help subsidize her trip to Taijii. She doesn't rush you, gives you ample opportunity to ask questions as you go, and if you go over your time, like I did, she's cool with that. She said most sessions do go over with her.
When I went into this, I already knew that I was going to be pretty quiet on my end as I didn't want to give her any leading information. It went as planned but a good part of my silence was because I was speechless. :D Like I said, I was a skeptic but not anymore, at least not where Melissa is concerned.
I haven't had time to follow up on her little Shih Tzu's vet appointment so I don't know if they are proceeding with full blown cushing's diagnostics. If any of you decide to contact Melissa, please be sure to give her some reassurance. Hmmm? If you are a psychic, do you really need to do diagnostics or would you just know if your dog has cushing's. :p
08-02-2012, 04:36 PM
Wow Glynda,
That's so awesome. I to am happy your session with this woman worked to your advantage and you have found comfort and feel at peace. Now at your next session can you ask her when you and I will hit the lottery winnings so we can pay for the babes vet bills. LOL.
Thnaks for sharing. I'm wondering if she does telephone readings? I lost my big brother in a tragic way 20 yrs ago when he was only 30, and it still haunts me to this day. I miss him an eternity.
Take care of you and I love ya.
Xo Jeanette
08-02-2012, 05:02 PM
I'm wondering if she does telephone readings? I lost my big brother in a tragic way 20 yrs ago when he was only 30, and it still haunts me to this day. I miss him an eternity.
Xo Jeanette
Jeanette, I'm so sorry to hear about the tragic loss of our brother. I hope Melissa can help you. She lives in Massachusetts so our session was by phone. I stayed at the office so I could use a good quality speaker phone to record the session. I ran out of tape so I don't have it all. Dang it! If you do end up doing this, my advice is to write down any questions you want to ask and make sure they aren't leading questions. I'm sorry I didn't write down the questions I thought about after the fact. It was pretty overwhelming so a lot of questions flew right out the window. I'll save those questions, along with when you and I are going to hit lottery, for next time. :)
She does phone readings?! Can I ask how much you paid and how long it was? You just had to send her pictures, first? I'm definitely interested now.
08-02-2012, 06:40 PM
Before I post this next bit of information for Julie, I want to make it perfectly clear that sharing my experience does not constitute spamming and my opinions are my own and are not shared or approved by the collective owners and staff members of this site. Also, I should add a disclaimer that results may vary.
Melissa's rates are $65 for an hour session, $40 for thirty minutes and $100 for multiple readings. You can request an appointment on her website or use the email addy I provided. She'll contact you and ask for pictures and a time that's good for you receive her call.
08-02-2012, 07:16 PM
Before I post this next bit of information for Julie, I want to make it perfectly clear that sharing my experience does not constitute spamming and my opinions are my own and are not shared or approved by the collective owners and staff members of this site. Also, I should add a disclaimer that results may vary.
Melissa's rates are $65 for an hour session, $40 for thirty minutes and $100 for multiple readings. You can request an appointment on her website or use the email addy I provided. She'll contact you and ask for pictures and a time that's good for you receive her call.
So did you send photos taken while healthy or current? I'm debating whether I want to know what Annie was thinking and feeling... you know how her look changed... just curious. It's exciting and scary isn't it?
08-02-2012, 07:41 PM
Kim, the pictures of Jasper and Buster was before they were diagnosed with heart problems. Jojo and Lulu's pictures were taken after cushing's diagnosis. Aside from Lulu's lack of hair, everybody looked healthy and Melissa didn't know otherwise. The only picture of my dad that wasn't in storage is one of him in the Navy at 19 years old. Melissa said it didn't matter how old or new the picture is.
I have to tell you that I felt creeped out or weird or something for a day or two after our session. Speaking of pictures, Melissa told me that my dad was showing her a table, like a coffee table and asked if he spent a lot of time in a room with a coffee table. I told her he had a favorite room that he spent most of his time in. It was a bedroom that had been converted to a den but there wasn't a coffee table but he always had a tv tray in front of him or off to the side. She said no, this table is in a living or family room and it may not be in your mom's house....I think it may be your house. Huh? My dad died in 1985 and we bought our house last year so he'd never been to our house. She said he was showing her hardwood floors....I stuttered and said yes, then she saw a round or oval heart skipped a beat and I said yes, then she asked if the room had a lot of wooden furniture. My eyes were like saucers at this point and then she asked if this is the room his picture is in. YES, YES, YES! Everything she described is exactly what my dad's picture would see if pictures could see. It was unbelievable and I'm still trying to absorb it all. Apparently he loves my living room and is there a lot. I think I'm going to spend more time in my living room. :D
molly muffin
08-02-2012, 08:04 PM
What an awesome experience. You know that saying "there are more things in heave and earth" well, that's how I feel. I don't know everything that's possible or not possible, therefore, nothing is impossible. I think that it is a fabulous thing for you to have had this kind of an experience and hope that it has provided some peace for you.
hmm, would she know it was cushings if she is psychic. Probably not unless her dog knows that it is cushings. :) Just a thought. She might have a strong or light sense that it may be, but I bet she is just like all of us and would get every test possible to make sure.
You give so much help to so many here on this forum and through your life. This I know from just the short time that I've been here. I just hope you know how much you are appreciated and I know that jojo felt exactly the same way. Love unlimited.
08-02-2012, 08:16 PM
Oh Sharlene, thank you so much. You have been here for just a short while but don't think I haven't noticed that you've rolled up your sleeves and pitched in to bring comfort and understanding to many members. Thank you for that. It means a lot to all of us.
molly muffin
08-02-2012, 08:31 PM
Awww, thanks. I hope it doesn't seem pushy. I just know how finding this place was like a life line, and just knowing that others know and are going through the same thing, well, it means a lot. I can't believe how many tears I've shed since joining here. Someones baby isn't doing well, I start bawling. It could and might be me in that spot. So, saying hello and knowing how important it is for someone scared to death to know that they are heard and understood, seems important. If that makes any sense.
I really do appreciate everyone here and all the experience and willingness to share their knowledge. You are all fabulous!
Dear Glynda,
I am so sorry it has been so hard on you, not being there when Jojo passed and I am glad you were able to get some closure. It doesnt matter what anyone thinks about your experience as long as it helped you and we all obviously support it 100%. So dont allow non dog people tell you otherwise:D:D
You give us all so very much, I wish we could take away the pain for you but I guess only God and time can do that. But we can all tell you how much we love you and care about you and thank you for sharing your experience with us all.
It has been really hard the last few months, we have lost so many.
Hang in there.
Bailey's Mom
08-03-2012, 10:02 AM
Hi Glynda-
I too am glad you have found a piece of peace. I've always been there when my two prior dogs passed, holding them. While that is excruciating enough, not being there would be unbearable or seemingly so.
I believe life, our souls, continue on. When my
Mom died in '86 from a 5 year battle w/ cancer, I had a really rough time with it. I just wanted to know she was all right. Soon thereafter I asked to please give me a sign. Not long after that street lights would go off as I passed underneath them. She & Ryan had a special thing about lights & flashlights. As I'd get further down the road I'd look back and often the light came back on. One evening I took a walk near my house. As I walked under the street light, it went off. I had becom accustomed to saying "Hi, Mom.". So I did. I walked about fifty feet further and turned around and looked and the knight was still off. I said out loud..."o.k. If you,re really Mom, turn the light back on when I walk under it.". Dang if the light didn't come back on right at the moment I was directly beneath it. To this day, while not as often and usually when I am stressed out, lights will go out overhead. I choose to believe that's Mom letting me know she's still there for me.
One last thing.....I said I kept asking for a sign...the street sign at the end of our street had been missing for a couple of years. One night, returning home from work, lo and behold, there was a brand new street sign. I laughed and thought someone up there has a really good sense of humor.
With warm, big hugs,
Susan :):):)
08-03-2012, 03:26 PM
Hi Glynda-I've never posted to you before, but I follow everyone's threads on here and I'm sorry for the loss of your baby. I hope you don't mind I post this.
Anyway, as soon as I read your post yesterday, my interest was peaked! I've wanted to speak to someone about my Casey and Nibbles to see if Nibbles was mad at me and find out what was really going on with them both. I looked up Melissa and sent a message asking for pricing (before you posted it). This is the messages that transpired:
I wrote:
I would love to schedule a phone session and have been wanting to contact a pet psychic for some time, but don;t have a lot of money. How much do your phone sessions run in price?
Melissa wrote:
Hi Debbie
I did a phone reading for Glynda.
I live in Massachusetts. I provide phone and skype readings worldwide. They are just as descriptive and detailed as in person. I ask for an emailed photo if you have it, name and relation. No details are needed.
All info that I receive will be validated during reading. I take all readings seriously and want you to know that all messages received are directly from animal/ human we are contacting.
All Readings are confidential, unless otherwise stated by you
$65 1hour reading
$49 30 min reading
Allow extra time for multiple people/animals and additional fee may apply.
Messages are direct from animal or human. Facts, images and conversations.
Let me know if you have additional questions.
Now, this could be nothing, and I just love reading into things and believing, but HOW WOULD SHE KNOW I KNOW OF YOU, GLYNDA. Unless she just tells everyone she did a phone consult with you, but how would they know who you are. I didn't mention anyone referring me.
Jenny & Judi in MN
08-03-2012, 04:17 PM
Debbie I think this woman sounds awesome and can't wait to hear what you find out but if you clicked Glynda's link I think website owners can track back where visitors to their site came from
08-03-2012, 04:29 PM
Hi Debbie,
Because so many of us have lost our precious cushdogs, I did mention to Melissa that I planned to share my experience with my friends here on the forum; however, since you didn't mention my name or cushing's, I have no idea how she knew you and I are connected. :confused: If you decide to go through with a reading, I'd love to hear what Casey and Nibbles had to say.
08-03-2012, 04:32 PM
Hey judi-didn't know that, but I didn't click the I typed her name in google. She can't track my history can she?
08-03-2012, 04:37 PM
Thanks glynda
Either way, i think I'd do it. I've been telling my boyfriend I wanted this since march. I'd be very curios to see what she says. I'll definitely let you know what she says. I'm not telling anyone about this, it'll be between just us so keep my secret okay (lol).
Jenny & Judi in MN
08-03-2012, 04:38 PM
Hey judi-didn't know that, but I didn't click the I typed her name in google. She can't track my history can she?
I don't know, I don't think so. I know they can see what words people searched to find them. wow!
I know losing Nibbles bothered you a lot, I'd love for you to find some peace
08-05-2012, 05:12 AM
Hi Glynda-I've never posted to you before, but I follow everyone's threads on here and I'm sorry for the loss of your baby. I hope you don't mind I post this.
Anyway, as soon as I read your post yesterday, my interest was peaked! I've wanted to speak to someone about my Casey and Nibbles to see if Nibbles was mad at me and find out what was really going on with them both. I looked up Melissa and sent a message asking for pricing (before you posted it). This is the messages that transpired:
I wrote:
I would love to schedule a phone session and have been wanting to contact a pet psychic for some time, but don;t have a lot of money. How much do your phone sessions run in price?
Melissa wrote:
Hi Debbie
I did a phone reading for Glynda.
I live in Massachusetts. I provide phone and skype readings worldwide. They are just as descriptive and detailed as in person. I ask for an emailed photo if you have it, name and relation. No details are needed.
All info that I receive will be validated during reading. I take all readings seriously and want you to know that all messages received are directly from animal/ human we are contacting.
All Readings are confidential, unless otherwise stated by you
$65 1hour reading
$49 30 min reading
Allow extra time for multiple people/animals and additional fee may apply.
Messages are direct from animal or human. Facts, images and conversations.
Let me know if you have additional questions.
Now, this could be nothing, and I just love reading into things and believing, but HOW WOULD SHE KNOW I KNOW OF YOU, GLYNDA. Unless she just tells everyone she did a phone consult with you, but how would they know who you are. I didn't mention anyone referring me.
I got the exact same response from her. Word for word... However I did mention Glynda's name. Then I got to thinking... I've said pretty much anything anyone would like to know on this forum. I didn't leave anything for her to guess! I have no secrets... sheesh
08-15-2012, 09:32 AM
So sorry to read about Lulu's passing. I know how difficult this is, and hope your happy memories of her help you through it all.
08-15-2012, 09:38 AM
Lulu is still with us and full of animated life. I still miss Jojo terribly but the ache in my heart is lessening and the sweet memories are coming into focus.
08-15-2012, 12:39 PM
Hi friend, Omg, I almost had a hear attack when I was reading through your last posts and read Lulu had passed. Then realize they meant your Jojo. Whoosh thank God for that, now let me go take my blood pressure meds cause it is through the roof:eek: LOL.
Hope everything else is status quo. My girl is doing alright for now, still of Vetoryl.
Take care of you and love to all.
Xo Jeanette
08-15-2012, 03:31 PM
Glad you are feeling better.
Someone told me on Fridays we do group hugs on your thread
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))
Roxee's Dad
08-17-2012, 07:22 PM
Groups hugs on Friday's :D
08-17-2012, 08:01 PM
I need those hugs folks. Keep em coming and I'll give as good as I get!
molly muffin
08-17-2012, 09:37 PM
Oh yea, hugs are a Good thing!!
(((((((((((((((((((((((( HUGGIES ))))))))))))))))))))))))
08-18-2012, 07:29 AM
Damn, I thought it was on Saturday's!
((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) )
Squirt's Mom
08-18-2012, 07:45 AM
I have to join Janis on the Saturday hugs...missed Friday's. :(
((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))) ))
Bo's Mom
08-18-2012, 08:46 AM
Sorry for being so late to join the group hugs.....but here it goes!!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))) )))))
08-18-2012, 03:11 PM
A big hug from me to. I am so late in wishing you peace with JoJo's
passing. You have always been there for the rest of us.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
10-23-2012, 07:32 PM
Hi All,
It's been a while but you haven't missed much. Lulu is unquestionably symptomatic so we'll be getting a stim test done on Saturday and will know whether we will be restarting treatment after my discussion with the vet on Monday. We had a little seizure a few weeks ago, which is always unnerving. She hadn't had a seizure in several months and I was so wishing we'd seen the last of them. Thankfully they are not frequent nor severe enough to worry about chasing a diagnosis and instituting treatment.
My reports are much shorter now that Jojo is at peace. It's been almost four months and not a day goes by that I don't think of my little man with a "tude".
molly muffin
10-23-2012, 08:39 PM
Awww, well hope that LuLu's stim is decent and not outrageously high. Good luck!
Harley PoMMom
10-23-2012, 11:43 PM
Wishing you and Lulu the best of luck with the vet visit, Lulu is in the best of hands, that we sure do know.
Thinking of you and Jojo and sending tons of loving hugs...forever they remain in our hearts.
Love and more hugs,
Hi Glynda,
I hope everything works out with Lulu and I am glad the pain is easing a bit for Jojo.
I think we need another K9 Cushings group hug on your thread.
I'll start:
Squirt's Mom
10-24-2012, 09:49 AM
Hi Glynda,
Jojo is so proud of you, just as always. He is watching over you just like you did him with so much love and gratitude. Let's just hope he's not sending Lulu secret messages about the rules, ya know? ;)
Let us know what you find out Sat. and what the game plan is.
Love ya,
Leslie and the gang
Roxee's Dad
10-24-2012, 11:05 AM
Somebody say group hugs??? I'm in.
Glynda.. you are an angel and I just know Jojo is watching over you with a loving heart, and very happy that you gave him such a loving life.
Boriss McCall
10-24-2012, 12:37 PM
hope little lulu is feeling good today & the vet visit runs smooth.
molly muffin
10-24-2012, 02:05 PM
Totally in with the Group Hug!
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
10-26-2012, 06:45 AM
:) Can we make those
Bo's Mom
11-11-2012, 10:17 PM
Thinking about you and sending you (((((HUGS)))).
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