View Full Version : Lulu 11 y.o. Pom has gone over the Rainbow Bridge to meet Jojo

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11-11-2012, 11:21 PM
Thank you, Belinda Rose. Thanks for the hug and fyi, Lulu is fine but we lost our little rescue girl, Maxie on Friday. She was only with us for four months but it seemed like forever. She was very senior, blind, arthritic and had a very sad life. She settled in with us fairly quickly and after that we pretty much decided that we would let her live out the rest of her life with us. We just weren't expecting her life with us to be cut short. I'm pretty sure we were dealing with brain tumor. She had chronic congestion and no matter what we did, it never got better but it sure got worse in a hurry.

Gil took her to the vet again on Wednesday and the last option, short of head imaging was a teeth cleaning. I have all my dogs teeth cleaned without anesthesia monthly by a certified dental hygienist but it is always possible that there is a root abscess so hesitantly we agreed to have her anesthetized, for xrays and a comprehensive dental. We never made that appointment. Less than 48 hours later, she quit eating and started showing signs of severe distress. I was horrified as I watched her left eye swell up within minutes. She was in great pain and I couldn't get her to the er fast enough. The er vet agreed that it appeared that she had a brain tumor and that I was doing the right thing by letting her go. Our baby girl is finally at peace, running free, seeing everything around her with no pain in her legs and back. Rest in peace sweet Maxie.

molly muffin
11-11-2012, 11:56 PM
Glynda, so sorry that you lost little Maxie, but really am very happy that her last months was spent with you and Gil and the rest of the crew. It makes a difference somehow, that they know love and kindness in their lives. You give so much and are such a very special person. I know that with all the angels that you have made lives easier for will be right there waiting to welcome Maxie and you'll have one more watching over you.

11-12-2012, 12:36 AM
Sharlene, Gil said that same thing. That we are going to have a huge gang there to greet us, then we looked at each and said "if we make it there". :D Whenever we tell a little white lie....or a big whopper we always look at each other and say "we are so going to hell." :D

11-12-2012, 05:35 AM
Glynda: So sorry for your loss of little Maxie . So thankful for all the good info you give on this forum. Little Maxie had a few months of loving care which was wonderul for a shelter dog. I so appreciate your loving ways. Love, JoAnne

11-12-2012, 08:06 AM
Dearest Glynda, Gil and babies,

Im so sorry for the loss of your Maxie. It is never easy letting go, although we do it so selflessly.

God Bless you all and sweet Maxie.

Tight hugs, xo Jeanette

Squirt's Mom
11-12-2012, 08:39 AM
Ya know? I think there is a special place in Heaven just for you, Gil and all the babies you have loved, and have yet to love. Maxine was so lucky to have been found by you and to have the chance to spend her remaining days tucked safe in your arms and hearts. The physical time ya'll spent with her may have been limited but what ya'll gave to Maxie during that short time cannot be measured. You not only help mend the bodies of these little ones, you soothe their Souls, you heal their Hearts, you fill them with a love most never knew. They come to you bedraggled, torn in body and spirit, hearts full of fear and mistrust...but you see their individual beauty and strength then show them how to love. You are a gift to each and every one.

Many hugs, much love, and tears for yours and Gil's pain,
Leslie and the gang

From The Darkest Evening of the Year
By Dean Koontz

“Because God is never cruel, there is a reason for all things. We must know the pain of loss; because if we never knew it, we would have no compassion for others, and we would become monsters of self-regard, creatures of unalloyed self-interest. The terrible pain of loss teaches humility to our prideful kind, has the power to soften uncaring hearts, to make a better person of a good one.”

“Dog’s lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you’re going to lose a dog, and there’s going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with (them), never fail to share (their) joy or delight in (their) innocence, because you can’t support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There’s such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is a way we do penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and for the mistakes we make because of those illusions.”

11-12-2012, 09:21 AM

I, too, am so sorry to hear about Maxie, but I agree with Sharlene. She was so lucky to live her last few months in a wonderful, safe, caring, happy place. I can't imagine what comfort that brought her.

You really are a special person to rescue so many dogs. I'm sure you often keep the most "challenged" dogs as your own. My parents almost look for those dogs when they adopt-the ones who no one else will take because they are older with health problems (or younger with bigger health problems) because they want them to have a happy home too. I also always look for the "special needs" dogs when it comes time to adopt. They just have a special place in my heart...kind of like my students with special needs.

I'm glad you can rest knowing you gave Maxie a wonderful few months with you. I have no doubt she was one of the luckiest dogs on Earth!

You're in my thoughts...

Julie & Hannah

Boriss McCall
11-12-2012, 09:38 AM

I am so sorry to hear about Maxie. But, THANK YOU for making her last few months the best. You are a Saint!


11-12-2012, 10:36 AM
I think God will put you and Gil in charge of the doggie section of heaven.:) Someone will need to supervise all the babies.

I'm so sorry, Glynda, it is always hard no matter how long we have them and you have had a difficult time lately with "incoming" as Susan would say.

Sending much love and hugs

molly muffin
11-12-2012, 06:47 PM
ohhh, I think you and Gil can get away with quite a few little white lies. If there is a column, then you've more than made up for those.
There are several people here on this forum that are just absolutely darlings. Leslie...don't act like you don't take in everything too and foster or keep them. You're going to be right up there with them running around. LOL

Better have your play wings cleaned up. :)


11-12-2012, 09:33 PM
Dear Glynda,
I am so sorry to read about Maxie also. What a blessing that you found her and she was able to live her last months in the safety and comfort of your loving home. You and your family are in my prayers.


Tina and Jasper

11-12-2012, 10:54 PM
Thank you everyone for your kind words. It's been a difficult four days but today my tears went from tears of sadness to tears of joy. We're a small dog rescue but there are some big dogs who we can't turn our backs on and Waldo is one of them. Waldo is a 1 1/2 year old pit lab mix who has spent his entire life on a short chain in dirt. He was flea infested, underweight with open sores on his ears. The owner relinquished him to us and he went straight to the vet. We found a rescue in Washington state (Dogs Deserve Better) who has a loving family lined up for him. He'll be on acres to roam but will also live in the house with his family....he will never be on a chain again. I finally found transport for him (thanks to another rescue) and he will be leaving tomorrow for his forever home.

I networked this boy and his story was so sad, he had an army working to get him off of that chain and into a loving home. He is still a puppy and despite being neglected, he loves everybody. He was so excited to see anybody who came near. He'll definitely needs some training but right now, he is reluctantly getting used to his freedom and is in canine heaven with all the loving he is getting.



Waldo's first steps to freedom!

11-12-2012, 11:45 PM
Gulp. Wow. God bless you. Tears streaming. Thanks for saving this little guy. Run free buddy. Kim

11-13-2012, 05:59 AM
Glynda: You are such a wonderful person. Pits are such sweet dogs when treated well. Much praise to you and your rescue team for the good work you do. Love, JoAnne

Bo's Mom
11-13-2012, 06:36 AM
As stated before, you truly have wings waiting in Heaven. Thanks for saving Waldo's life and may he run free chasing squirrels or whatever lives in Washington. :D

molly muffin
11-13-2012, 07:04 AM
That is wonderful Glynda! How awesome that you found a good home for Waldo. I'm sure he will be a wonderful companion to his new family. You done good gf!


Boriss McCall
11-13-2012, 11:26 AM
awe.. what a GREAT story to read this morning. He looks like such a sweetheart.

Squirt's Mom
11-13-2012, 01:34 PM
WOOHOO! YAY for Waldo! I'm glad DDB stepped up for him and found him a good home. He is one of the lucky to have been seen by you, which started the roll to get him HOME! :D

11-13-2012, 06:20 PM

Thanks for sharing, Glynda! And thank you for what you do! It breaks my heart to think about what some of these poor dogs go through. I had to fight back tears reading about Waldo and looking at his pictures....but I am so happy to know he has a safe and loving home. I'm also glad to hear your tears of sadness have turned to tears of joy. Someday I hope to be more involved in rescue efforts. I used to volunteer for one several years ago but life got very busy...and we ended up with several dogs in my family! (Guess how that happened...;)). I definitely want to get involved again and someday maybe even foster. Thanks again for what you do!

Julie & Hannah

marie adams
11-14-2012, 12:55 PM
Glynda--YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!!!:D:):D:)

Many ((((HUGS)))) for your loss and then finding a home for the new guy!!!:)

Casey's Mom
11-14-2012, 10:33 PM
Glynda - you are an angel on earth. This makes me very happy :)

Bailey's Mom
11-15-2012, 07:37 AM
Glynda-I am so sorry to learn of your loss. I also want to salute you for doing even more rescue work. You are one of a kind.
Hooray for Waldo!!:D

Truffa's Mom
11-15-2012, 03:22 PM
God bless you and YEY for Waldo, sending Waldo more love. and to you too Glynda you are an angel.

12-05-2012, 02:31 PM
Lulu has been having problems for the last few months. She has been losing weight despite the increase in her serving portions and I noticed that in the last two days, she will not get out of her bed and literally pees and poops in it. I thought her luxated patella was probably getting worse and she may need surgery but it looks like it's not going to be that benign. I am waiting for the vet to call me with details. Gil is a simply unable to digest and understand anything a vet tells him, however, he didn't forget the word cancer. The vet thinks Lulu has liver cancer. She also has something wrong with her spine. I think Gil said two collapsed or ruptured discs which would explain the her unwillingness to leave her bed, but I'm not sure because I was still trying to wrap my head around Lulu has liver cancer. This cannot be happening to my little girl. :(

12-05-2012, 02:48 PM
OMG Glynda.. my heart just landed on the floor. I'm headed back to work but am reaching out to you and Gill with a big hug. I'll check back later. Love you!!! Kim

12-05-2012, 02:49 PM
Oh Glynda, I'm so sorry...:( :( :(

We'll be waiting so anxiously to hear what you find out!


molly muffin
12-05-2012, 03:05 PM
Oh No! I am so sorry Glynda. :( :( I so hope that is not what it is.
I'll be waiting with the rest of the gang. It just all seems so horribly unfair, this whole week has been rough for so many.
hugs to you and Gil and little LuLu

Harley PoMMom
12-05-2012, 03:17 PM
Oh Glynda, I am so sorry too, will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Sending my love and huge hugs, Lori

Boriss McCall
12-05-2012, 03:42 PM
I am so sorry to hear this about Lulu. I hope the vet comes back with better news. :(

12-05-2012, 03:58 PM
I'm here to, I'm at work hodling my breath.

Dang, Glynda

12-05-2012, 04:44 PM

Oh no. I do hope you get some better news when the vet calls. Fingers and toes crossed.


12-05-2012, 05:28 PM
Fingers and paws crossed here too for Lulu and you... praying for news you can work with xx

ps Flynn had liver cancer last year and had successful surgery, I am sure you know the options as you are so on to it and I guess it depends on what type etc so thoughts are with you xx

Bo's Mom
12-05-2012, 07:06 PM
Keeping everything crossed here too.

12-05-2012, 07:25 PM
I am so very sorry to hear about Lulu. My heart is breaking for you. I'm thinking of you and your sweet Lulu.

Julie & Hannah

Roxee's Dad
12-05-2012, 10:17 PM
I can find no words to suffice.... Just sending you big (((HUGS))) and hoping and praying for Little Lulu.

12-05-2012, 10:36 PM
I talked to the vet after four hours of having my stomach in knots and she said that she realizes the liver is probably enlarged due to cushing's but that it looked unusually round....whatever that means. She can't rule out cancer so we are having an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow and a full senior panel. Even if she doesn't have cancer, the news is still bad. She has severe spondylosis with two fused discs. Gil did not tell her that she had hip surgery and that the head of the femur was removed so she thought it had disintegrated. Even then, there was a great deal of inflammation. The other hip really is disintegrating and both knees are not great but they aren't causing her as much pain as her hips and back.

The xray showed that she is full of poop because it hurts to squat and strain. The vet said the feces is soft enough for her move it herself but it just hurts to do it. I know her post cortisol is upward of 12 ug/dl and symptomatic but if she is in this kind of pain with higher cortisol, I can't see initiating treatment again. She is high risk for surgery and there is just too much to fix. She is on Tramadol for pain and the vet would like to put her on Metacam but not until the bloodwork and u/s is done. I will be checking with Dr. Moore before we go down that road. She did manage to poop three decent sized tootsie rolls tonight but according to what I saw on the xray, she has a ways to go. Hopefully pumpkin will make it easier for her. Right now I just want to keep her as comfortable as I can. I should have more information on Friday.

Thank you all so much for being here for us and please keep Lulu in your prayers.

12-05-2012, 10:44 PM
You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Is laser treatment an option? Or acupuncture? Just to manage pain? I hope Lulu can get some more stool out, and that she will be a little more comfortable after some pain meds.

Hoping for the best tomorrow,
Julie & Hannah

molly muffin
12-05-2012, 10:55 PM
I wish there were a miracle solution that would little LuLu's pain.
Sending lots of love to you and your family and especially LuLu.

12-05-2012, 11:42 PM
Oh Glynda.....i bet your tummy is in knots....sending you warm hugs and gentle nuzzles to Lulu.
if you warm the pumpkin up for just few seconds sometimes that helps too. And not sure if you have seen the harness and leash to help support back end while poohing......they are very helpful. and i had asked about fused discs to the IMS once and he said it is a natural process for canines to have that happen as they age. (i hope that is encouraging....)
I have heard miracles about adaquinn injections, and there is a man who makes little carts, front and back support carts and gives them to babies in need. i dont know if that would help her as she tries to pooh, play, get around...also i have found massage therapy to help alot of the back and hip area many techniques to try to see which they like. You know I have even witnessed this myself....magnetic therapy, i mean my jaw hit the ground.....i was so amazed. Non human babies have no pre conceived notions on things and have open minds which helps the body receive things better.
hope you hear some good positive news soon.

12-06-2012, 08:27 AM
Oh Glynda, I am so sad to read all of this about Lulu. I am hoping for some good news with the ultrasound today. You and your baby are in my thoughts and prayers.


Tina and Jasper

Sabre's Mum
12-06-2012, 12:09 PM
Glynda ... I am so sorry to hear all this news of Lulu. Sending my thoughts and cyber hugs.

12-06-2012, 01:13 PM
Oh Glyda...poor little Lulu!:( Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers....
Big hugs, Leah

12-06-2012, 01:44 PM
Dearest Glynda,

Words escape me, I cant even tell you how badly I feel for you and Lulu.

But I do know having you in Lulus's corner gives her the best possible outcome.


much love also

12-06-2012, 01:50 PM
Dear Glynda,
I am so very sorry to hear what is happening with you and your Lulu:( I have you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers. My heart hurts for you.
Love and hugs Lynda and Nika

12-06-2012, 02:01 PM
Tipper and I are so sorry to hear about your Lulus' problems. Our hearts are heavy and we are praying for you.

Casey's Mom
12-06-2012, 02:34 PM
Dearest Glynda, my thoughts are with you and Gil at this time, please take care of yourself my dear. Jojo has no more pain now. ((((hugs))))

12-06-2012, 05:28 PM
Good news...no cancer. Blood work is not back yet but ultrasound was awesome. Spleen is slightly enlarged but not a concern. Liver looks mildly enlarged but not a concern. Gall bladder looks pretty full of sludge. If blood work dictates, will probably put her on medication. Now get this. Adrenal glands are normal size and shape. I asked her to repeat that. She said the ultrasonagrapher put her back on the table after she told him she had cushing's. Same thing. Perfectly normal. :confused::D:confused: Talk about dumbfounded.

Thank you all for your well wishes. I have to tell you that I was scared to death and I'm still concerned about her hip and spine problems but I'm hoping we can make her more comfortable with joint support and possibly Metacam. The Tramadol seems to be taking the edge off. She was starving by the time I got her home so she was served lunch straight away. She is now curled up in her clean bed. I can finally breath again.

Love you all,

Boriss McCall
12-06-2012, 05:51 PM
That is SUCH GOOD NEWS! I was so worried for you & cute little Lulu.
What a relief!

12-06-2012, 06:28 PM

Good news! So happy to hear that! All of our positive thoughts helped! I hope she is feeling better soon!

Julie & Hannah

Harley PoMMom
12-06-2012, 06:29 PM
Oh Glynda!!!!!!

That is fantastic news!!! Hoping Lulu feels much better soon. Huge loving hugs to you all.

molly muffin
12-06-2012, 06:37 PM
Wow Glynda!! That is excellent news!!!
What, normal! who would have thought. That is pretty excellent too. All together that isn't a bad day at all. :)
I'm really happy for you and Gil and LuLu.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-06-2012, 07:46 PM
Fantastic! You really just made my day. Give that little furry thing a kiss for me! Wonderful news. Bizarre about the adrenals.

12-06-2012, 07:50 PM
normal adrenals and no cancer, a double hitter:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Bailey's Mom
12-06-2012, 09:02 PM
How wonderful to get such a nice, positive surprise result! Wonderful news!


12-06-2012, 09:27 PM
Oh Glynda!!!..I just got in from work and quickly took care of my furkids and then rushed here to see how you and your Lulu are doing. I am SO happy to see this news :D..I just love it when I hear those words "no cancer!!!!!!!"
love and hugs to you and your family at this most happy time :)

Bo's Mom
12-06-2012, 09:49 PM
Doing the happy dance!!

Sabre's Mum
12-07-2012, 01:34 PM
Fabulous news Glynda !!!


12-08-2012, 01:36 PM
Cool! Great news!:D

12-08-2012, 02:56 PM
What a relief for you all... I am so happy to hear this :D Hope you get her back pain sorted for her!

12-12-2012, 10:02 AM
Now that's Faith kicking in for sure....:):):)

Way to go Lulu and Glynda!:):)

xo Jeanette & Princess:):p

12-18-2012, 11:12 AM
So happy to hear the good news about Lulu. Need to have hope and faith.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

01-03-2013, 10:30 PM
My precious Lulu crossed the bridge tonight. I love you, my sweet little girl.

Bo's Mom
01-03-2013, 10:32 PM
OMG...I am so terribly sorry to be reading of Lulu's passing. Our hearts are breaking for you. Sweet Lulu is now at peace and her memory will live on forever in the hearts of loved ones. RIP Sweet Lulu.

Roxee's Dad
01-03-2013, 11:03 PM
Oh Dearest Glynda,
I am so very sorry. She is so dearly loved, Rest in Peace Sweet Lulu, You are our Newest and Brightest star in the sky.


01-03-2013, 11:05 PM
Dearest Glynda,

I am stunned beyond words. Lulu was the energizer bunny. The Timex watch of cushings - took a licking, but kept on ticking......

My heart goes out to you. I wish I could take away the hurt and pain. You have done so much for everyone, I wish this was something I could do for you. The cost of love is steep, but worth the price as you well know.

Godspeed Lulu
Luv & Hugs ~ Mary Ann

01-03-2013, 11:10 PM
OMG, Glynda, I am so deeply sorry for both you & Gil! Words are really not of much use, but know that I am thinking of both you. Rest in peace, precious little girl.


01-03-2013, 11:11 PM
Glynda, OMG I am so sorry. My heart hurts for you - dear sweet Lulu has been like family to all of us. We feel your pain. Sending love and hugs. Run Lulu - run free of all that caused you pain. Know we all loved you dearly. Kim

01-03-2013, 11:56 PM
Dear Glynda

I was shocked and absolutely stunned to read that "our" Lulu had passed. I know the sadness I feel will be multiplied by thousands by yourself and Gil. I am just so sorry. Take care of each other.


Jenny & Judi in MN
01-03-2013, 11:58 PM
I am so so sorry. hugs.

01-04-2013, 12:22 AM
Oh Glynda, I can't believe what I am reading and I am so very sorry. Sending prayers and hugs to you and your family. My heart goes out to you.


01-04-2013, 01:18 AM
I'm so terribly sorry to hear this news, she sounded like a real little battler. Hugs from me and soggy kisses from Fraser.

01-04-2013, 02:16 AM
Dear Glynda
I am so sorry to hear about Lulu, I bet the reunion with Jojo was joyous! Sending love and hugs to you
Trish xx

01-04-2013, 04:22 AM
Dearest Glynda,

I am so very sorry to hear about Lulu. My heart is breaking for you. My tears are falling with yours. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Lulu was such a precious little girl. She will always be loved and remembered by so many of us whose hearts she touched.

I'm sending lots of love, hugs, and healing white light your way.

01-04-2013, 05:20 AM
Glynda: So sorry for your loss. I know your heart is breaking. May God be with you during this terrible time. Love JoAnne

01-04-2013, 06:14 AM
Oh Dearest Glynda,

I am so very sorry to hear this news. I just sank when I read the title. My heart is with you Glynda!!!! I know she is watching over you both and will be forever thankful you came into her life.

Always in Loving Memory of Lulu

Casey's Mom
01-04-2013, 07:06 AM
Dearest Glynda, I am so very sorry to hear about Lulu. My heart goes out to you and Gil. Huge hugs coming your way.

Bailey's Mom
01-04-2013, 07:15 AM
Glynda - I am so sorry for your loss. Peace be with you and Gil.

01-04-2013, 07:19 AM
Dearest Glynda,

The pain will go on as your heart breaks in two but I know you will one day be at peace. Lulu is loved by so many of us as are you. Words cannot be spoken to convey the sorrow I feel today.

We love you so dearly for you are a rock to us all and I hope we can help you in some way durring this time of such sadness and pain.

01-04-2013, 07:24 AM
lulu will be greeted by so many of our fur babies...so sorry for the pain your feeling...sending you prayers,love,light...patty(milo)meka xoxox

01-04-2013, 07:25 AM
Dear Glynda,

I remember so clearly your first post on this forum so many years ago -- the day that you and Lulu first entered our lives and our journeys together began. Since that time, you have tirelessly sought out info and your knowledge about Cushing's grew and grew, making you the true resident "guru" that you are today. Your greatest tribute to Lulu has been all the help you have selflessly given to others. We have laughed and cried together over so many babies, including all the angels lucky enough to be cared for by you and Gil. But always, there was Lulu, our little queen, who led off the first introductions and became a charter member of our k9cushings family. The tiny girl with the enormous spirit.

My tears are flowing this morning over your loss, and also our loss. Fare thee well on your new journey, little Lulu. You will always be loved and remembered, but we shall miss you dearly on this earth.

Glynda, I am so sorry.

01-04-2013, 08:11 AM
I'm so sorry that sweet, little Lulu has gone to the Bridge. I know how much she will be missed.

Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann

Cindy Thoman
01-04-2013, 08:56 AM
Glynda, I am so terribly sorry to hear about Lulu. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Cindy, Alex,Bear,Milo and Otis

Squirt's Mom
01-04-2013, 09:11 AM
Dearest Glynda and Gil,

The title change wouldn't register, it just wouldn't. I came to see what Bonnie had to say and her words were not right. So I looked back at some of the other posts. None of them were right. The words would not stick and couldn't be arranged in any order that made sense. Then I realized the front of my gown was wet....some part of me had understood but the rest did not want to believe.

You and Lulu are such a huge part of our own journey. Her's was the first face I recognized, our precious poster child. The things she taught not only you but to so many of us through you can't be counted. The challenges she faced and overcame with such spirit and determination gave us cause to rejoice and hold onto hope a little tighter. Your love for Lulu guided you to become who and what you are today. I have no doubt Lulu carries incredible pride and love in her Soul for you, her one-of-a-kind Mom. Lulu not only touched and expanded that huge heart of yours, she touched many of her family here and everywhere she went, leaving an indelible mark.

Lulu will never be forgotten.

All our love,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, and our Angels, Ruby, Crystal and Tasha

May you know that absence is full

Of tender presence and that

Nothing is ever lost or forgotten.

May the absences in your life be full of eternal echo.

May you sense around you the secret

Elsewhere which holds the presences

That have left your life.

May you be generous in your embrace of loss.

May the sore of your grief turn into a well

Of seamless presence.

May your compassion reach out to the ones

We never hear from and may you have

The courage to speak out for the excluded ones.

May you become the gracious

And passionate subject of your own life.

May you not disrespect your mystery

Through brittle words or false belonging.

May you be embraced by God in whom

Dawn and twilight are one and may

Your longing inhabit its deepest dreams

Within the shelter of the Great Belonging.

From John O’Donohue’s Eternal Echoes-Exploring our Hunger to Belong

01-04-2013, 09:28 AM
Precious, precious Lulu....may you rest in peace.....you were such a trooper. Have a great time with all the others, especially Jojo, who have gone before you....for Glynda and Gil....my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time....I'm so sorry for your loss.(((HUGS)))

Boriss McCall
01-04-2013, 10:29 AM
I am so so so sorry to read about little Lulu. I am shocked!! You help so many of us here on this board. I wish I could take your pain away. :(

Big Hugs to you & your family

Rest in Peace sweet Lulu

molly muffin
01-04-2013, 11:09 AM
Oh Glynda. :( I am so very sorry. Lulu and you have been so inspiring and have helped so many of us, words cannot express how deeply saddened I and so many others are at Lulu's passing. Please know that you and Gil are in my thoughts and prayers.

Good night sweet Lulu,

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
01-04-2013, 11:13 AM

You're giving me a special gift,
So sorrowfully endowed,
And through these last few cherished days,
Your courage makes me proud.

But really, love is knowing
When your best friend is in pain,
And understanding earthly acts
Will only be in vain.

So looking deep into your eyes,
Beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic, that will
Once more make me whole.

The strength that you possess,
Is why I look to you today,
To do this thing that must be done,
For it's the only way.

That strength is why I've followed you,
And chose you as my friend,
And why I've loved you all these years...
My partner 'til the end.

Please, understand just what this gift,
You're giving, means to me,
It gives me back the strength I've lost,
And all my dignity.

You take a stand on my behalf,
For that is what friends do.
And know that what you do is right,
For I believe it too.

So one last time, I breathe your scent,
And through your hand I feel,
The courage that's within you,
To now grant me this appeal.

Cut the leash that holds me here,
Dear friend, and let me run,
Once more a strong and steady dog,
My pain and struggle done.

And don't despair my passing,
For I won't be far away,
Forever here, within your heart,
And memory I'll stay.

I'll be there watching over you,
Your ever faithful friend,
And in your memories I'll run,
...a young dog once again.

by Karen Clouston

01-04-2013, 12:46 PM
So sorry to read of Lulu's passing. My thoughts are with you.


01-04-2013, 01:49 PM
My heart is breaking for you. I am so sorry to hear the news about your precious Lulu. You will be in our prayers tonight, may God give you strength to get thru this. Lulu is running and having fun with all the doggies who have crossed the bridge before her, she is free from this terrible disease now, God Bless her.

01-04-2013, 02:33 PM

So sorry to hear about Lulu. You are in my thoughts.


01-04-2013, 02:37 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Lulu... My heart goes out to you and I hope that sweet memories will forever live in your heart.
Dawn & Bogie

Harley PoMMom
01-04-2013, 02:59 PM
Dearest Glynda,

I am so, so sorry and my heart goes out to you and Gil at this most painful time. You are such an amazing person and I wish there were something that I could say or do to ease the pain you and Gil are feeling. Please know we are all here for you both.

Godspeed precious Lulu

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

01-04-2013, 07:47 PM
I am so very sorry to hear about Lulu. You are in my thoughts. I hope your happy memories with Lulu will bring you peace and comfort.


Sabre's Mum
01-04-2013, 10:26 PM
Dear Glynda ... I am saddened to hear about dear Lulu. Cyber hugs from me to you and Gil. You are both in my thoughts.


01-04-2013, 10:48 PM
Glynda-I am so, so sorry to hear of your sweet Lulu passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

01-05-2013, 02:30 AM
Oh Glynda,

I couldn't believe my eyes when I came here this morning, Lulu, another one of the icons of our k9c family gone... I am so very sorry. Know that my thoughts and heart are with you and yours and that this evening, when I will light a candle for my angels, I will light an extra one for dear Lulu.

Sas and Mhina.

01-05-2013, 12:36 PM
So very sorry to hear the sad news about Lulu. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

01-05-2013, 03:38 PM
I wanted you all to know how much I appreciate you being there for Gil and I. It means more than you will ever know. We are completely devastated that Lulu is gone. I love all my babies but Lulu was my true heart dog. She was the ever ready bunny but everything caught up with her. Gil called me on my way home from work Thursday night and said something was wrong with Lulu. She would not eat and her breathing was labored. Lulu has never turned down food since the day I brought her home so I knew something was terribly wrong. I had 45 minutes on that long train ride to think about how poor her quality of life had become and try to ready myself for making the most heart breaking decision yet again for another of my precious babies. I decided before I got of the train that I wasn't going to take extraordinary measures.

I met Gil at the ER. He told he me it was heart failure and that Lulu was on oxygen. I was stunned because less than 60 days before, her heart sounded good and ultrasound showed it to be a perfectly normal size. The ER vet said this can come on suddenly. He showed me her xrays and her heart was big with lots of fluid in the lungs. He also pointed out what I already knew. She had two fused discs which weren't causing her any serious problems but it was just a matter of time before she was completely debilitated. She had severe osteoporosis and her knees and hips were disintegrating. She was never free of pain, even with all the joint supplements and NSAID. She had started peeing in her bed because the pain was great; however, if you carried her to the grass orput her on the couch, you'd never know she was in pain. She'd twirl around on the sofa like nothing hurt and she still played with me. Her cushing's was in remission, her bloodwork was incredibly good and her abdominal ultrasound showed no organ abnormalities, even had normal adrenal glands that were working like a normal dog's. Unfortunately, her metabolic diseases destroyed her tiny bones that would no longer support her without a great deal of pain.

The ER vet was wonderful. He knew cushing's well as he had a dog he recently said goodbye to after six years of treatment for cushing's and diabetes. I asked him what he would do if Lulu were his dog. He said, "Veterinarians are very clinical and I can tell you that I've seen a lot worse heart conditions than Lulu and we can pull her out of it but I'm a quality of life guy so if Lulu were my dog, it's a no brainer....I'd let her go." I had already made the decision but wanted validation, and I got it.

They inserted the iv and brought Lulu to me swaddled in a towel and told me to spend as much time as I wanted with her and to let them know when I was ready. I was crushed that I couldn't spend the time I wanted with her because she was really struggling to breath. I couldn't be selfish and make her suffer one minute longer. She passed quietly in my arms and aside from the times she was anesthetized, it was the first time in her entire life that her little ratted tail was stilled. I kissed the top of her head over and over, telling her much I love her and how sorry I was that her life was so full of adversities. Her head was soaked with mommy's tears.

Lulu captured the hearts of everyone she met and despite the many hours she spent hospitalized, her little feet spent very little time on the floor. Vet techs, surgeons and internal medicine specialists carted her around in the crook of their arms because she demanded it of them and they could not resist that adorable face, those big eyes and larger than life personality.

My heart is broken into a million pieces and right now I can't imagine the huge emptiness I feel without my little girl getting any better. I love you my little Ludy Doo.

01-05-2013, 04:01 PM
Dear Glynda and Gil....My heart and tears are flowing with yours....thoughts and prayers are with you at this time, I am so sorry for your loss. Lulu was one lucky puppy to have such love in her life. Peace, (((hugs))) and <3 Sharon - Norman's Mom

01-05-2013, 04:25 PM
((((((hugs)))))))) Glynda!!!

01-05-2013, 04:34 PM
I am holding you all in my heart, Glynda, and sending you my hugs across the miles. I so wish I could do more.


Harley PoMMom
01-05-2013, 04:36 PM
Sending huge loving hugs to you and Gil.

01-05-2013, 04:37 PM
Glynda and Gil,

She truly was a poster child. An adorable loving little thing that captured all of our hearts. So we are all crying with you. I am sure your babies are together and playing as we speak. But oh how I know how your heart aches. Know we are here to help in anyway we can. Love, Kim

01-05-2013, 05:14 PM
I am so sorry to hear of LuLu's passing. Her little pic in your profile won me over when I first joined this board years ago. How lucky she was to have you as her mom. I hope many happy memories of her will help you through this devastating loss.

Sincere Condolences,

molly muffin
01-05-2013, 07:40 PM
Glynda and Gil


Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-05-2013, 07:59 PM
Oh Glynda, Lulu's life was not so full of adversities, because Lulu's life was overflowing with you. I am so sorry and cannot begin to imagine your pain. I am glad you told us what happened. It helps our pain to know. We are all feeling such a loss. I dont think it has really sunk in yet that she is gone. I still cant believe it.


Boriss McCall
01-05-2013, 09:26 PM
Hugs to you... My heart aches for you & your little Lulu.

01-05-2013, 09:58 PM
Hugs from me also Glynda. Thank you for sharing what happened. I agree with Addy, it does help our pain to know. Prayers of comfort to you and your husband.


Bailey's Mom
01-06-2013, 03:06 AM
Hi Glynda-

Thank you for sharing the details of how Lulu passed. I think it not only helps us here but that it is incredibly important for you to get those feelings down in writing. It was very brave of you to let her go when you did. What a wonderful Mom you are. I know that if each of us could shoulder some of your pain, we could still not carry it all for you.The depth of your pain is evidence of the depth of your love.

01-06-2013, 12:51 PM
Dear Glynda
You have been there for so many. Now it is time for us to be there for you and sweet angel Lulu. Words can not even comfort you in your time of grief. Sweet Lulu may you now be free to join Apollo and our other angels to be healthy once again. Wait for us. We all enfold you in our love and support.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

01-06-2013, 02:45 PM

Sonja is right. You are here for everyone all the time, doing whatever you can to help. Now it is time for you to grieve, and for us to be here for you.

Addy is also right; I know without a shred of doubt in my mind that Lulu was thrilled with her life because of you. I am so glad you shared what happened with us, so that we can try to understand what you are going through. I am crying almost as hard as I would be if I had lost my own dog. I know the bond you speak of with Lulu. That is what Hannah is to me, so I can imagine how broken your heart feels.

I, too, was won over immediately with your avatar picture of Lulu. It was the one you were using when I joined two years ago, and I was immediately drawn to her cuteness. I have no doubts that no one could resist giving her whatever she wanted.

As horribly difficult as it was for you to let her go, I am glad you did not have to question anything, and that your decision was validated by the vet. I'm so glad that vet was the one to be there on that day, to help you through it. I'm so sorry that it was sudden, and that you couldn't take more time to say goodbye to her, but I know Lulu was where she wanted to be when she passed-in her mom's loving arms.

Glynda, Lulu was one incredibly lucky little dog, and no one knows it more than her. Don't focus on the difficulties she faced in her life. You said yourself how happy she acted, despite her difficulties, and how much that little tail wagged. Think about the happiness and love you gave her and how much you enriched her life, as well as how much joy and love she brought you.

I am so very sorry your little girl is gone. You and Gil are in my thoughts.

Julie & Hannah

01-06-2013, 04:09 PM
Dearest Glynda, What sad news...I'm so sorry to hear of little Lulu's passing. May God comfort you and give you strength during this difficult time...
Hugs, Leah

Carol G
01-06-2013, 11:44 PM
I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you.


01-07-2013, 03:55 AM
I just now saw this .... I'm so very sorry.

BIG (((((((HUGS))))))) 8:::

Truffa's Mom
01-07-2013, 05:31 AM
Dear Glynda and Gil

I am terribly saddened by Lulu’s passing. As others have said is something hard to believe and accept. I read the thread several times and between the disbelief and the tears flowing down my cheeks, it finally sunk into my heart. I ran immediately towards my baby Nina and as my heart was braking in thousand pieces I started kissing her forehead telling her all the times sweet Lulu’s avatar- alias Glynda” was there for me and so many others, no matter what, no matter how many cush-parents were in trouble, no matter how big or how small the doubt was, Lulu’s avatar was always popping into our lives, with so much insight.

I wish words would ease the pain that you and Gil are feeling right now, but they all seem so hollow….I’m truly sorry. I just wanted to let you know that I and for sure all your Cushing’s family are grieving with you. Your sweet Lulu was and forever will be loved as one of our own furbabies.

Thank you for all the times you helped me, for all the times you read my long stories, for all the times you listened, for all the answers you gave me, all the guidance and all the laughter. Please take a time for yourself and let us listen to you. I just hope that all the love that I am sending your way plus all the love that all your friends here and at home can mitigate little by little the loss of adorable Lulu.

For me, you and Lulu were ONE HEART talking to me, so I know that although she no longer will be among us, every time that you’ll talk or guide any of us, Lulu will also be guiding us, because she’ll forever be embedded into your heart.
You and Gill will be in my thoughts. Special candles will be lit in Lulu’s memory. I’m sure Truffa, Jojo, and a lot of furry babies will be enjoying beautiful “soirees” and amazing times at the Rainbow Bridge. Fly whole and free sweet Lulu, and keep watching over your mommy.

“Warm light coming from far below,
Twinkling, sparkling is the candle's glow.
All is well up on the ridge,
The place we know as Rainbow Bridge.

Furbabies sleeping in heaven's light,
Tended by candles in the night.
Peaceful dreams be theirs to keep,
As they slumber in this night so deep.

Hearts on earth that miss them so,
Take comfort in the candle's glow.
Watching for them in skies above,
Bound eternally by a cord of love.”

"In the Candle's Glow" by Laura Hickman

01-07-2013, 07:21 AM
Marcella, you so beautifully wrote exactly how we are all feeling. Thank you for being our voice.

Glynda, thinking of you and sending love as you start the new week.

01-07-2013, 05:12 PM
I have only cried twice today, once after reading all of your beautiful words and once answering questions from coworkers about what happened to Lulu. Otherwise, I'm holding up much better than expected; however, I mustn't go back and read all of your wonderful posts or it's all over for me. I am bowled over by the depth of your compassion yet I shouldn't be surprised because I've seen it time and time again whenever one of our family is grieving or worried about their precious pup. It's just a lot more overwhelming when you are the recipient of all that love and compassion.

It's difficult for me to read such beautiful sentiments as it sets me off on a huge crying jag. If I had an ounce of sense, I would have stayed away but what am I supposed to do? This place is my home away from home and if the truth be known, I have more in common with my family here than my biological family.

It's still very difficult for me but you sure make it a lot easier, and oh my, that includes those of you who don't often post but took the time to acknowledge the loss of my Lulu. Thank you so, so very much for being here for me, Gil and all of our furbutts. I love you and I hope you all know that you and your precious pups own a piece of my heart and always will.


01-07-2013, 11:11 PM
glynda....xoxox is all i got to offer for now ....we will catch up shortly ...patty(milo)meka xoxox <3

marie adams
01-08-2013, 12:17 AM
Dearest Glynda,

I am so very sorry to hear Miss Lulu's passing. You have always been there to help us thru whatever comes our way so now it is our turn to help you thru you way at this time.

I know my Miss Maddie was there to welcome Lulu. They are all having a great time together telling each other their stories of their special Moms and how loving they were!!:)

Many ((((((HUGS TO YOU!!!!)))))

01-09-2013, 12:58 AM
Through the tears-sending you HUGS

01-09-2013, 08:20 AM
It's so hard to loose them.

01-09-2013, 05:15 PM
Glynda, I am SO sorry about Lulu. When I saw this, I was just floored. My heart broke for you, I didn't know what to say. I have to tell you, Max would LOVE Lulu. He just loved little dogs... It was quite a sight to see this massive, huge and powerful dog lay down and roll over to his back when a little dog play bows before him.

I hope that he and Lulu are enjoying a great steak while complaining about Cushings. The sight of this, recalling to you his love for little dogs (he was like this with little kids and anything little that he could protect) has given me the happiest moments I have had in days.

Thank you so very much for your kind words and your great heart. Not only did you take the time from your grieving to extend a kind word to someone else, but you made me smile and for this I cannot thank you enough.

Lulu was a lucky girl to have such an amazing mom. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss...

01-11-2013, 03:00 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Lulu :( There are no words that will ease your pain, only know that my heart goes out to you.....

Shannon & Sunshine

alan h
01-12-2013, 10:04 AM
I’m very sorry for you going thru the heartbreak of sending your baby to the Rainbow Bridge. Unfortunately we just found out. I’ve had to go thru that also with both my horses (Snowy was 26 yrs when she crossed over), Buddy our rescue cat(16yrs), Snoopy our first rescue dog(15yrs) who was Mini’s Alpha Mom and last year with my Mom’s dog that I inherited after she passed. They all passed while I was holding them close so they would know I was there with them and not alone. It’s just too heartbreaking to put into words. I know that they are all watching over us and waiting for us to take them for a walk or give them a good hug!

My condolences to you going thru this…my heart aches for you. At least we all have our happy memories that they have blessed us with!

Our heartsare with you & Lulu,

Jeanne & Al :(

Bailey's Mom
01-12-2013, 04:53 PM
Hi Glynda-

Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and Gil. Sending a large, strong hug your way to help you when you want it.


01-12-2013, 10:47 PM
Glynda, I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's so hard when they have to leave us. I hope you can take some comfort in knowing you will see your sweet Lulu again one day. You're in our thoughts.


~Jackie and Ugga

01-13-2013, 12:06 AM
Dear Glynda and Gil,

I very rarely visit here, but I came for another reason this evening, only to find your report of Lulu's passing. What a shock. I read a whole bunch of pages, catching up.

My heart goes out to you. Lulu could not have asked for a better family. I deeply trust that she and Jojo are joyfully re-united at the Bridge, where Kwali and Kumbi are showing them around and making sure Lulu doesn't get uncomfortably mobbed by the so very many dogs (and likely, cats) who love her dearly.

Lulu has become a Predecessor now. Her legacy to all dogs on Earth is all the wisdom she accumulated here, while so deeply loved and cared for.

All dogs on Earth still, then, are her beneficiaries, including my current rescue, Camellia (Havanese).

Camellia sends to Lulu, and to you and Gil here on Earth, lots of waves of her Magnificent Magic Wand, in her special way.

Though I haven't followed your threads (or any threads) here in detail, I've been fully aware of how very much you do for all on this forum, and sometimes over there at k9diabetes.com, which is a second home to me.

Thanks again for all you do, Glynda - it doesn't surprise me to read page after page after page of warmest condolences for you and blessings to Lulu on her flight. I did love the veterinarian's remarks on what his choice would have been for Lulu - same as yours, of course.

Massive love and hugs to you, and thanks from me, too, for all you do for everyone.

Sat, 12 Jan 2013 21:05:44 (PST)

01-14-2013, 12:19 AM

So sorry it has taken me this long to spot this thread. I am so sad to hear about your loss of lulu. Her pictures are so sweet. You are always so cheerful and supportive in your posts, and I had no idea that your little one was so sick. It's a testament to how much you are loved and appreciated that your condolences go on for pages and pages - I had to click many times to find your original announcement of Lulu's passing. If our thoughts and prayers were a tangible thing, they would coccoon your heart and ease the pain. You and Lulu are very loved and people the world over are mourning Lulu's passing.

01-14-2013, 06:55 AM
How are you?:o

01-21-2013, 07:08 PM
Thinking of you today and lots of other days too.....I don't know why it helps to hear of her last few hours but it did....(((HUGS)))

Bailey's Mom
02-10-2013, 01:25 AM
Hi Glynda....
I was wondering how you are doing?
Large hug heading your way!

02-12-2013, 09:00 AM
Glynda, Keeping you and Gill in thought and Prayer...Praying someone found Red and will see your flyers and bring her back home to you and Gil.

I send out Red's picture to my FB freinds in Calinfornia. They did forward the info and picture...Praying for Red to find his way back home.

Peace, Love and Hugs,

Sharon, Norman and Millie

Bailey's Mom
02-25-2013, 11:13 PM
Just stopping by to see if there is any news here. Take Care.


02-26-2013, 12:38 AM
Hi Susan,

Bless your heart for checking in on us. Red was found and returned to us. i posted it on another thread last week. After more than a week I had given up hope so I was beyond elated when I got the incredible call. See links below to see my posts.



02-26-2013, 06:11 AM
I did not know your Lulu too had passed last month. My wife and I send our condolences. I also caught the happy ending of Red. I assume that is another dog of yours, if so that is great news!

05-03-2013, 10:17 PM
I just wanted to thank you for all your kind words these past few weeks since I lost Fella.I've been trying to check in with all of you but this is taking me longer than I thought!:).There are so many of you!!And that's a good thing-just hope I don't forget anyone.This site and all of you are amazing and I'm so grateful for stumbling upon it.I just started reading your thread and realized that you lost your baby Lulu just recently as well.I'm so very sorry for your loss.We love them like they are our children and it's so difficult to let go.I'll have to go back but I think I read you fostered for a rescue as well.You are truly an angel-I think I would want to keep them all!
Thanks again and look forward to reading your thread and getting to know your Lulu.

05-04-2013, 12:14 PM
I'm so glad that Red has returned!!!

09-10-2014, 11:33 AM
I have been so taken with LuLu's picture that I went on a search last nite to find this little girl's story and found this thread. I had no idea you were involved in rescue and had helped so many. JoJo and LuLu and Maxie - their spirits live on.. You are an exceptional parent. Not many could, or would, do what you do. Thank you and bless you.

09-10-2014, 01:04 PM
Thank you, Suzie. I miss all my babies but Lulu was my true heart dog and though it's been one year and eight months since I lost her, my heart still hurts like crazy. The daily tears have dried but all it takes is a sweet memory or a picture that reminds me of her and I fall apart. It's been so long since I've visited my thread so thank you for bringing me here. A trip back in time reaffirms that my family here has gotten me through some very tough times and are always there if I need them. Their compassion is unequaled in my life's experience and reading their comforting words again has reduced me to tears. They are tears of love for each and every one of you.

molly muffin
09-11-2014, 07:12 PM
Sending you big hugs Glynda! You give and give to us here and we would be so lost without your words of wisdom and your extensive experience. Not just in cushings but in so many things. You are a treasure!

Sharlene and molly muffin

09-24-2014, 12:29 AM
Hi glynda
I am so very to read sweet lulu has passed onto rainbow bridge😪it's been a difficult year in our house with the loss of Zoe Claire in January then 6 weeks later our beloved Stewie passed only to discover after when his necropsy came back he had advancing and chronic hemolytic anemia. I had just called the university of Tennessee about sending his blood down for a full adrenal panel but Stewie decided he was done and rapidly passed😪. Lulu was a beautiful pup and I feel rich just knowing you and your fur babies. I'm sure all the K9 pups from this group are having one heck of a party on the bridge. I still can't come hear without crying but it is the spot I got so much support when I was battling with vets here to prove there was something wrong with our girl and I was going to do what ever was humanly possible then I found you all back at the old site and lost everyone when it closed then by the grace of the good guy upstairs I found you all again😊you were my strength when I needed and just knowing you were here to help me through the good times offer suggestions when Zoe was not feeling well or just to say hi. We are currently dealing with Toby who is 10 1/2 yr black lab our vet is suspecting addisons so I'm about to ask question here. We also have a beautiful yellow lab who is 8 months now and a really charmer I hope to get some pics up here soon. Well my friend I'm sending big hugs your way.

Take good care
Heather (Zoe Claire an angel on the bridge)

09-24-2014, 09:21 AM
Hi Heather,

I'm so glad to hear from you! I know how devastating it is to lose just one baby but when you lose two so close together, the pain in indescribable so just know that my heart goes out to you. I lost Jojo, who passed unexpectedly in June 2012 and I lost Lulu six months later. Time heals but it hasn't yet for me.

I'm looking forward to hearing about Toby and seeing pictures of him and your baby girl Labbie. Eight months old? She must be a hand full. :D

You're family, Heather, and we'll alway be here for you, whether it be to help you with some veterinary issues or just getting caught up with you. I'm sure some of the other long timers will also be very happy to hear from you again.

Big Hugs,

Squirt's Mom
09-24-2014, 09:32 AM
Happy to hear from Heather?! Oh YES! :cool::cool::cool:

09-25-2014, 01:28 PM
I am thinking of you, holding you as we remember your precious Lulu.

Love you baby doll, heart and soul.

Xo Jeanette

09-25-2014, 01:29 PM
I love you too, Jeanette!