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Squirt's Mom
01-01-2010, 07:39 PM
Hi ya'll,
Figured I'd give an update on Goldie and Crystal.
Goldie is doing good. Her health remains strong and steady, thank goodness! She is responding to the Calming Signals quite well tho she still has quite a way to go before she gets over her attitude…if she ever does! LOL :rolleyes: She is still Jim’s little girl through and through but is becoming more and more affectionate with me. I keep telling him he needs to go away for about a month so Goldie and I can work things out but so far he hasn’t agreed to that arrangement.
Crys and I went back to the vet for a follow-up on her legs. They are worse than they were before. She has luxating patellas in both knees – one a grade 1 or 2, the other is rated higher but I’m not sure what it is. For now we are going to continue with a conservative and neutraceutical approach but Dr Oleson is talking to surgeons to find out costs, success rates, who’s the best for Crys, etc. just in case. Ugh….I still say I won’t put her through that surgery but I can’t let her suffer either. She doesn’t exhibit any indication of pain and she certainly hasn’t slowed down any!
I have started her on glucosamine/condroitin w/msm already and increased her salmon oil. I am looking into hyluronic acid for the next addition to her new regiment plus some other supplements and herbs. At some point we will add SAMe. What we are trying to do is strengthen the cartilage and increase synovial fluid while keeping inflammation down. Plus we will be walking more to help strengthen her muscles. Anyone that has any ideas for the cartilage, fluid or inflammation, please pass them on! :)
Crate rest is a joke with Crys. The other day I was in the kitchen and she was in her crate in the LR. I kept hearing this weird noise so I went to find out what it was. There was Crys in her crate, on her back and she had somehow managed to get her front toes hooked in the top of the crate while her back legs were pushing against the back of the crate, and she was swinging backward and forward on her back – just as happy as a lark! :eek::p At other times she is flipping and flopping around in there like a fish out of water or bucking like a bronc– it’s amazing the contortions she can pull off! So rather than dope her up to keep her calm which might lead to her really damaging her legs, she is off crate rest and we are restricting her activities.
We all miss Ruby but the girls have adjusted pretty well. In fact, they are more relaxed. I guess she ruled with such an iron fist there the last year or so, they were tense quite a bit. I have seen Squirt and Crys sniffing around the places where Ruby used to lay, gathering her scent, then they will go on about their business.
Will let ya’ll know how Crys is progressing.
Leslie and the girls - always
01-01-2010, 07:55 PM
I'm sorry I didn't know that Ruby passed away, I hope you are doing ok. You know time will make the sorrow lessen. However in the moment it is hard to believe. I hope your memories of Ruby are happy.
01-02-2010, 04:35 PM
Leslie, I honestly don't know whether this is available for canines, but I have had trouble with my right knee for a period of 5 years or so. My ortho doc did a series of 5 injections that were artificial joint fluid which I believe the brand name was something like Synvex.
01-02-2010, 08:50 PM
Leslie, I used AntiFlam ( Omega Alpha before and a friend of mine used it for her Airedale with great success – he used to yelp in pain when getting up due to some inflammation in the spinal area and she noticed a huge difference within 3-4 weeks. It is sold for horses but it was suggested by a vet and I checked also with Phillips vet and she said it is ok to give.
Dosage for a 70 lbs dog ¼ teaspoon 2X day directly on the tongue. Once he seemed 100% she bumped it down to ¼ tsp /day and then even got down to less than that.
Used to alleviate pains and body aches caused by inflammation.
Very effective in treating Navicular, Laminitis Founder and Ringbone.
Antiflam has strong analgesic properties without the stomach irritation commonly found in other pain relief products.
Often used in combination with Sinew-X, for more severe cases of suspensory and ligament problems
Angelica-pubescens Alleviates Rheumatic pains and body aches, especially in the back, joints, legs and feet. Can be used for chronic and acute cases.
Notopterygium-incisum Acts as an anti-inflammatory in muscles, feet and joints, also relieves pain.
Rehmannia-glutinosa Anti-inflammatory, encourages repair of damaged tissue
Piper futokadsura Anti-inflammatory for ligaments and joints.
Gentiana macrophylla Anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the capillaries to prevent swelling.
MSM(Methyl-Sulphonyl-Methane) Supplies sulphur to the body, important for many biochemical reactions in the body.
I am not sure if this would put too much strain on Crys’s knees but another friend of mine took her dog to physio after a ligament repair and they used a Wobble Board among other things to strengthen the leg.Maybe you could consult with a Physiotherapist so she could put a home excersise regiment together for you.
You may find this helpful …. Exercises to increase strength in the quadriceps region (
I hear you when you say you don’t want to go for the surgery – I am sure they turn out well a lot of times but I have seen some real butchered jobs that required a second surgery.
Your description of Crys having a party in the crate made me laugh. :D
My youngest boy Matthew would have a complete fit if I would try to restrict his exercise. He has this eggbeater walk where it looks like his hooks will give any moment. Nobody knows what is going on – I even had an x-ray taken and it showed nothing – go figure.
I wrote you a PM as well.
01-02-2010, 09:13 PM
Hi Leslie,
Corky did have the surgery on both of his hind legs. He had the first one in 1999 and the second one in 2000. He didn't have any problems with it. He walks fast and runs. When he runs he could stop on a dime. The only problem he has now is arthritis because of the pins in his legs.
It sounds like Crys was having fun. She sounds like a character.
Take care.
01-10-2010, 02:51 AM
Hi Leslie,
How are you, Crys and Goldie going? We're sending healing and positive thoughts and prayers to you all.
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Bondage sex (
Squirt's Mom
01-11-2010, 01:18 PM
Hi ya'll,
Jane, thanks for asking about us! :)
Just got off the phone with Dr. Oleson. She is recommending a Dr. Maxwell at MedVet for the surgery....IF that is what I decide to do. The cost will be around $2500 per knee plus radiographs, exam, etc. That is just not feasible at the moment even if this were my choice today.
Dr. O is calling in another inflammatory for her - Meloxicam (?) or something like that anyway. The Previcox worked just like it did on Ruby - good for a few days, then not so good. She is still on the gluco/condro w/msm and salmon oil; today we start the SAMe as well. There is a hyaluronic acid injection that I can try as well but they don't stock it at the clinic so they would have to get it for me...same for Adequan if the gluco pills aren't enough. We understand these things may help her and they may not, but they are worth a try and most definitely worth the benefits to her joints regardless.
Crys is doing ok for the most part. Her legs DO NOT slow her down! :p I do continue to make her rest much more than she would like, both in the crate (supervised! LOL) and on her lead. One disconcerting development tho....she has started limping on the opposite shoulder from the worse knee. :( Dr. O said this could be compensation stress or something new. It comes and goes and if it gets more consistent, we will be having that checked out as well.
I started working with her to use a step to get on the bed. Last nite she got the idea and then the whole thing tipped over! :eek: So, we are gonna have to reinforce the step for her and start over as I'm sure that didn't help her want to use a step! :rolleyes: She has gotten a bit better about letting me pick her up and down from our bed but she had much rather go flying off and tearing down the hall or stairs on her own! :p
She is soooo full of life it breaks my heart that she has to have these problems. :( Our play has changed from chasing things to finding things, from physical to mental as much as possible and she continually amazes me with her intelligence.
If any of you have had any luck with those money trees, please send a seed or cutting or root or something....we may need one of those things really bad real soon!
Leslie and the girls - always
01-11-2010, 02:56 PM
Hi Leslie,
I totally understand about the cost of vet bills.:eek: When Corky had his surgeries, the cost was about 4-5 hundred per knee. Costs have really gone up since then.
There is meloxicam and metacam, which my IMS told me were exactly the same thing. Corky can't take either one of them because they are steroids.
I hope you are able to find something that will give Crys more comfort. It is hard to slow them down. Corky was okay as long as nothing was popping out of joint.
01-11-2010, 03:39 PM
Hi Leslie,
My Lulu and Buster were diagnosed with grade 1 and 2 luxation two years ago and neither show any sign of discomfort today. I wouldn't have known there was any problem unless vet hadn't manipulated their knees. Having said that, there is a big difference between my two little couch potatoes and your very young and active girl, which is probably why your vet is doing the legwork on possible surgery. I'll be staying tuned for updates.
01-11-2010, 04:35 PM
Hi Leslie,
Thanks for the update. :) I'm so sorry Crys is still having problems :(, I think trying the Adequan and Hyaluronic Acid injections are worth a shot :D sorry, couldn't resist a bad pun :o.
With your supervising Crys's crate rest, does that mean watching her swing back and forth :eek:. I know she shouldn't be doing that, but oh Leslie, it really does sound funny :). It's great that Crys is enjoying her new play games :D
Wishing you lots of luck with the step idea, (especially as they fell :eek: )I bought Franklin a set of carpeted doggy steps a few years ago (just because he can't reach the bed) and he would only put his hands on them, although one time I ran off to get some more treats to bribe him with, came back and there he was. But wouldn't do it when I was there :o. These days he gets picked up, or uses an unused piece of exercise equipment as a ramp :)
I keep looking out for a money tree, but no joy yet. Hoping the msm/chondroitin/ glucosamine and salmon oil kicks in soon,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
My green heaven ministry hours (
Squirt's Mom
01-12-2010, 05:28 PM
Ok....I have been frantically researching, joined an ortho dog group and have been talking with them and listening to you, my loving family. I am heart-broken to realize surgery is about the only option she has. :( So Crys has an appt with Dr. Oleson Thurs. to get radiographs so we know exactly what we are dealing with - patellas only, ligamants only, or a combination. I have also looked into some braces for stifle joints but since I am still not sure of the grade of luxations, they may not be an option for her, and I may not can afford them anyway.
Then we will see probably see a Dr. Maxwell at MedVets, who is Board Certified for his input on the situation and go from there. Right now, knowledge is what I need most...other than that money tree! ;) Once we know more about what is going on in her legs, I will have something to work with. I am thinking about some of the teaching hospitals around here, like UTK or Miss State, to see if their costs will be any less. I am considering all options for her and will gladly sleep in my car for a week if that is what is needed to get her where she can be helped.
I am so terrified of this surgery for Crys. :(:eek::( But I now know that if it isn't taken care of, she will lose use of that one leg and more than likely cause harm to the other limbs as well. I have cried and cried over this for days now but it's time to take action. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Leslie and Crys', the wimpy gimp
01-12-2010, 06:07 PM
My dear Leslie,
Don't know what to say except I love you all and my prayers are going up as I type for Crys and her sweet family. I pray the news will be better than expected. Someone once said to me "I just don't understand why bad things happen to good people", but we just are not meant to understand everything in this life.
Keep the faith and we are right beside you for whatever consolation that might be.
Love and many (((hugs)))
Shelba and Suni
01-12-2010, 06:16 PM
I'm so sorry to hear what you and Crys are going through, Leslie. I know surgery is scary, but Corky had to have it done on both of his hind legs. Thank God, he is still really doing good, and that was done ten years ago. We were really concerned that he would have more problems because of the surgery, but he didn't. I know if we didn't have it done, he would be in so much pain right now and probably wouldn't even be able to walk. Even though he has arthritis right now, it is something that is easier to take care of with him.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Crys.
Harley PoMMom
01-12-2010, 06:18 PM
Most definitely will be keeping you and Crys in my thoughts and prayers, and you know that we know that you are doing everything humanely possible for her...You love her very deeply and that is very evident and I am positive you will find something to help her.
We love you and are here for you and Crys...always.
The best of luck with the appt. with Dr. Oleson on Thursday and I am sure you will let us know what is said.
Tons of hugs, soothing, calming and healing energy being sent your way.
Love and more hugs,
01-12-2010, 06:30 PM
Leslie, patella surgeries are a dime a dozen these days and most surgeons can do them with one hand tied behind their back. Okay, so maybe I exaggerate a little bit. :D:D I had two tiny, tiny toy babies (4 lbs or less) that had surgery on both knees. Both times the vet had to order special pins because the ones they used for kitties were way too big for them. That was in the late 80's and both dogs aced the surgery with absolutely no ill effects. And don't you remember Lulu and her hip surgery in 2008? Dry your eyes, girlfriend, and keep the faith. I predict that when it's all is said and done, you'll be wondering why you were so terrified of the surgery.
No matter what, you can always count on me for moral support and seriously positive thoughts and prayers.
Roxee's Dad
01-12-2010, 06:35 PM
Hey Leslie,
Keeping you and Crys in my thoughts and prayers.
01-12-2010, 06:58 PM
Me, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love and (((hugs))),
01-12-2010, 10:21 PM
You have my prayers.
Crys picked the best family in the world to live with so one day at a time and everything will fall into place. Surgery is no big deal anymore and a healthy young girl like Crys would hardly turn a hair and as for the money...well we do what ever we can.
01-13-2010, 09:53 AM
Keeping you and Crys is our thoughts and prayers,
Jane and the gang xxx
Squirt's Mom
01-13-2010, 11:05 AM
Thanks, ya'll!
It isn't the surgery itself or the recovery that scares's whether it will work or turn out like Squirt's did - putting her through this only to end up the same way but with metal and/or other foreign objects in the legs. :eek:
Just to keep things stirred up, Crys is now bleeding when she pees! :eek: She has not shown any signs of a UTI - no need to go out more often, stream steady, no straining, no accidents, and no strong smell tho the color is a bit darker. This morning she peed like always when she first went out, then a few steps later she squatted again, which IS unusual. No pee this second squat, only 6 drops of blood. :eek::eek: Of course, mom went bonkers! :rolleyes: When we see the vet tomorrow, they will check this out, too. Tried to get in today, but they are swamped with surgeries and appts. Crys doesn't show any signs of discomfort or fever, so unless the bleeding gets worse, she should be ok til tomorrow.
She has had a bowl of cranberries and Mandarin oranges floating in water since coming in, and LOVED it! I am concerned that with her restricted activity she may have developed some stones....geez that's all we need....2 surgeries! But that would be my luck! :rolleyes::) For today, I plan to flood her system as best I can...this ought to be fun! :p
She just went and peed again, but no blood drops! YEAH! Still no real odor or other indications of an infection...:confused:
Many thanks and much love to you all!
Leslie and Crys, the wimpy gimp with bloody pee
01-13-2010, 08:16 PM
Oh Leslie,
OMGosh, Crys peed blood?:eek: That's terrifying!!:eek::eek: No wonder you went bonkers! You said it was only the once, good luck flooding her system and so very much hoping it's not serious.
Thoughts and prayers heading your way, hoping whatever it is clears her system, and good luck for tomorrow.
Jane and the gang xxx
Lovely Wendie (
Casey's Mom
01-13-2010, 10:48 PM
Leslie you have been through so much lately, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your pups. Deep breath and have faith,
Love and hugs,
Harley PoMMom
01-13-2010, 11:11 PM
Crys is now bleeding when she pees!
OMGosh!! Now how in the heck did I miss your post??
Leslie, I'm thinking it was probably a small stone too. When I had my kidney stones I peed blood even after I knew I didn't have anymore to pass. They told me my kidney/bladder/tubes(ureters) was so agitated from them stones and that is why I was peeing blood and it wasn't alot of blood either.
Keeping you and Crys in my thoughts and prayers and sending healing and soothing energy your way.
Love and ((((hugs))))
01-14-2010, 09:04 AM
Leslie, I just now saw your post. Misty was peeing blood once and would also pee just droplets of blood. :eek: She was diagnosed with a nasty UTI. That was the only sign I saw. I was afraid she had some kind of blockage or stone. Anyhow, an antibiotic (don't remember what) cleared it right up. It did scare the heck out of me though until I found out for sure what it was. Hope that's all that is wrong with Crys, as if that's not enough!
Squirt's Mom
01-14-2010, 07:30 PM
Hi ya'll,
We are back from the vets.
Crys has crystals in her urine and a mild infection, but no stones showed up on the radiograph. She is on Amoxycillan and to come back in 2 weeks to check the crystals. If they are still there, we will try a prescription diet to dissolve possible struvite stones and then if the crystals are still there, an U/S to see what, if anything, is in the bladder. That is the good news.
If you want to see what poor nutrition can to do a developing puppy's skeletal system in just the first few weeks, then you need to see Crys' hips, thighs, and knees. Her hips did not form correctly so the joints don't ride like they should, which has already caused some damage, similar to what Ruby developed, thickening around the ball. There are supposed to be little valleys at the top of the femur where it joins the hip and hers are very shallow. Her femurs, or thigh bones, are bowed out quite a bit. The left knee patella was to the inside and above the joint on the x-ray, but the right one was in place. The grooves are shallow both where the patellas should rest and on the femurs and tibia's, or shin bones, where those two leg bones meet to form the knee joint. Her knee luxations are graded 3 on the left and 2 on the right. Thankfully, there was no obvious ligament damage on the radiograph, but they can't really know for sure until they get in there. My poor baby. :(
They are going to contact the Uni of Miss and a Dr. Doo (sp?), who is in ARK to see if they can do a bit better than MedVet quoted and they will let me know. Her left knee needs to be done as soon as I can manage it but the right can wait if need be. At this point, I think I would rather get them both done, but will wait til I can talk with a surgeon to make up my mind for sure. Since Crys is just 1, doing both is usually an option where it wouldn't be in an older dog.
Just to set the mood and get things started off, Crys bit a little boy in the waiting room. There were 3 unattended little guys in there when we entered and they just couldn't understand to move slow or give her some room. The receptionist asked me a question and while my head was turned, one of them reached out to her head and Crys nabbed him. She didn't break the skin anywhere - I checked it thoroughly as did Cindy, our tech. When their parents came out of the exam room, I apologized and they said no big deal. But it is to me. Crys was only acting naturally as I feel sure she felt threatened on top of already being nervous because of where she was. But I now know to keep her muzzled in public at all times just to be on the safe side. Things could have been sooooo much worse as Crys could have taken his hand off if she were so inclined. So she did show restraint.
Louise, I could sure use one of your concoctions about now....a real strong one! Maybe with some Valium thrown in just for fun?
Leslie and the messed up Crys :(
01-14-2010, 08:32 PM
Oh Leslie, it just makes me weep to think what you and Crystal are facing. I'll never forget your photos of her as a poor little starved puppy. And I remember that your vet didn't think that she would even make it. But with your loving care, she HAS made it. But now, to be facing these problems. Oh, I am SO ANGRY at those miserable excuses for human beings who left her to starve!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
I wish so much that there was some way that I could help. Please give Crys a huge hug for me. And know that I am sending huge cyber-hugs along for you, too!
01-14-2010, 08:40 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm so sorry for what you and Crys are going through right now.
I don't understand how people can neglect or abuse little ones. I hope you are able to find someone that will be able to do the surgery at a lower cost for you.
I'm happy to hear that she is on meds to help her. I hope this will work for her.
I'm sure you were very concerned about what happened with the little boy. Corky is terrified to be at the vet's, but he just pulls and tries to escape. He shakes terribly and pants. It's so hard for them, as they don't really understand what's going on.
Take care. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Crys.
Squirt's Mom
02-04-2010, 12:20 PM
Hi ya'll,
Crys had a follow-up Monday at the vet about the struvite crystals. They are still present tho the count is lower. Her PH is still too alkaline. So they gave her some Royal Caine Urinary SO14 kibble. She should have had about 22 cups as of this morning (4 1/2 per meal) but has only eaten about 4 cups total. So yesterday I went and got some canned SO hoping that would be a bit more palatable, but she is still not interested.
When I talked to the tech, one not normally at this clinic, her response was, "when she gets hungry, she will eat." My response to that - "Well, yes, that is true. However, the feed is part of the treatment so if she won't eat it, she's not getting the treatment she needs." duh..... Also, as her mom, I cannot take the thought of Crys losing weight, not after the beginning she had, not with the memories of that little bag of bones still fresh in my mind and heart....can't do it, won't let it happen. So I am now trying to figure out a diet that will encompass both the struvite crystals and the ortho problems. My little head is spinning to say the least!
When I took her in this time, she had on her new harness and her muzzle. Her muzzle is a metal basket with thick leather straps that go over her head between the eyes, up each cheek and wrap completely around the chin and head. It is evil looking but it is the only kind she hasn't been able to get off and eat! LOL So she went to the vets looking altogether like a thoroughly vicious dog. We decided she looks like Hannibal Lector in all that garb! :rolleyes:
On a lighter note, Crys has been very entertaining lately. She discovered mirrors the other day. We were laying on the bed and one of my feet was moving back and forth, which was reflected in my dresser mirror. Well, Crys caught that movement and was up in a flash, barking and growling like mad! It took me a minute to figure out what got her so upset then I died laughing. :D I played with her in the mirror for a while - waving a hand, sticking the foot under the cover then popping it back out, tapping my feet together, raising them up, grabbing my foot with a hand, and she was determined to tell those "things" to GO AWAY and leave her mom alone! Then I would sit up beside her so we both were in the mirror and she would start wagging and smiling at the reflection....until the foot moved again and off she'd go! :p Last nite when I took my bath, she found the bathroom mirror and it has a dog in it! :eek: Every time, that dog is there! So now she goes to the bathroom and checks to be sure that dog hasn't left the bathroom. She will talk to it, reach for it, growl at it, bark at it several times a day. She is such a clown!
Leslie and Crys
02-04-2010, 12:32 PM
Hi Leslie,
I was wondering if there might be a little something to put on top of her food that would entice her to eat, being something that she would be allowed to have.
I'm laughing about Crys and the mirror. I remember how Corky was the first time he saw himself in the mirror. Has Crys seen her shadow yet? We were walking around the block one night, and by our side wall there is a street light. Corky saw his shadow on the wall and started to chase after it. I kept telling him it was only his shadow. After a few times, he just ignored it.
02-04-2010, 07:18 PM
Hi Leslie,
Who can blame her - that kipple probably tastes like nothing she recognises as something a canine should eat - poor thing.
If you have not done so already, you may want to look into giving Crys Cranberry Extract.
Like your come back to the vet tech - you tell them!:D
02-04-2010, 07:43 PM
Would she go for the canned with a little parmesan mushed through it? If that won't wreck the diet (can't think that it would but check with the vet).
The world's greatest food is not much use if tastes disgusting.
Do they make an equivalent cat food that you could mix through?
PS: There is an equivalent cat food: - looks like it could be a lot more palatable (rather more meat based) and could make the dog food taste good enough if added to it.
Here's a link to the Merck article on stones:
Harley PoMMom
02-04-2010, 08:03 PM
Hi Leslie,
I remember Cheryl went thru the same thing with Barney when she was feeding him the w/d canned food. I don't know if the same idea will/can apply to the Royal Caine Urinary SO14 kibble or the canned. :confused:
Just thought of another idea. I also sliced the w/d in thin slices and baked until it was pretty crispy. It can be frozen and used as needed. That worked sometimes and also worked as a treat. You might want to give it a try if he refuses the regular canned. For a while, Misty did eat the kibble mixed really well, to get the chicken flavor absorbed into the kibble, with boiled (unseasoned and excess fat removed) chicken breast. I may have gone to extremes, but after the breast was fully cooked, I would wash it thoroughly to remove any remaining fat.
I feel for you and the challenge facing you. It ain't easy!
Shelba and Suni
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
02-04-2010, 08:08 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm with Nathalie, great comeback! Poor little Hannibal Lecter Crys :( Does she mind wearing the muzzle?
Keeping in mind I know nothing about diet/nutrition :o,would it be possible to mix her SO14 in with something she enjoys eating? Not a whole lot, but just a little to entice her, or would that stuff up the alkalinity/acidity balance?
Big hugs to you all,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Rhode Island Marijuana Dispensaries (
Squirt's Mom
02-05-2010, 11:07 AM
Hi ya'll,
Thanks for the suggestions! I had forgotten about Barney and his baked chips! I may have to try that for Crys. :) That would make good training treats if nothing else since she can't have the ones I have been using.
She is doing a bit better with the canned SO mixed in but still not eating as much as she should or as much as I would like for her to. She loves the dried cranberries and orange pieces so she will nose around in the bowl for them and get a mouthful of feed at the same time. I am a bit concerned about getting the PH too acidic then having oxalate crystals appear. :rolleyes: But since she isn't eating enough of the feed, the cranberries and oranges can't be doing much harm, if any, at this point.
I have been doing a lot of reading in my texts and talking with Cat about a this over the last several days and I think I can come up with an appropriate diet that she will find much more palatable. Not to mention more nutritious. The ingredients of the SO are awful! UCK! Plus is says it works for BOTH struvite and oxalate crystals which seems rather at odds to me...but what do I know? :rolleyes: I never have understood cough medicines that are both expectorants and suppressants either. :p
I will keep you informed of her progress as we go along. I really appreciate all your comments. You are all the very best!
Leslie and Crys
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2010, 01:45 PM
Hi ya'll,
Well, I am about to eat my words....yum....:rolleyes:
I have been talking with a surgeon in Russellville, AR about Crys' legs. His name is Dr. Terry Dew and ortho surgery is his specialty. He has a surgery clinic set up kinda like factory work....he does all LPs one day, all ligments one day, and so forth. He comes to Memphis every other Tues for consultations. If the dog and parent are ready, and he accesses surgery is the way to go, he takes the dog back to AR that day, does the operation on Wed, and brings them back on Thurs. Then a 16 week recovery period.
His cost is half what the surgeon here wanted and this clinic isn't set up like Dr. Dew's nor is it as up to date. I talked with his assistant yesterday about my concerns in relation to how this turned out for Squirt, and she assured me advances have been made in the procedure and things used, and that Dr. Dew has had very few problems with any of his patients. Of course, she would say that, but still, it did make me feel a tiny bit better.
With her hip dysplasia and femur deformity, I think I will have the consultation first and be sure Dr. Dew agrees the patellas are what needs to be addressed first and that the other issues won't mean the LP surgery will be less than satisfactory.
Now all I have to do is figure out how to pay for this. Dr. Dew does take CareCredit and once I have talked with him, I will apply there hoping I can get payments where I can afford them.
I have received offers from many of you to stay in your home, your family's homes, to take Crys' yourself til she is fixed, to put her in various rescues til the surgery is all know who you are. I cannot thank each of you enough for these incredibly, loving, caring offers. Each one has brought tears to my eyes and swelled my old heart with gratitude and love. I've said it before and say it are simply amazing folks and I love you each.
Leslie and Crys
02-10-2010, 06:00 PM
Hi Leslie,
This is good news. I know how tight finances can be. I wound up getting a reverse mortgage because of Corky's medical bills within the past year. I hope you are able to get affordable payments through CareCredit.
I'm glad you also feel better about Crys having the surgery done. I know when Corky had to have his legs done, Jay was really concerned about Corky not being able to walk. His vet/surgeon also asssured us that Corky would fine. He's still going strong after 10 years.
If you do have the surgery done, I hope everything will go as well for Crys as it has for Corky.
Hi Leslie,
I also have a dog with Struvite crystals. She has been on Hills Science Diet c/d for 2 years, and up until now, it has worked for Grace. I agree with you that the ingredients in these diets is junk, so I also looked into switching her to a better quality food. I spoke to my vet who was agreeable to putting Grace on a non-prescription food as long as I was dilligent about testing her urine and keeping detailed records of the pH so we can make adjustments and acidify as needed to make sure the crystals don't come back. Unfortunately, just as we were getting ready to make the food change, her crystals came back, and this was while still on the c/d. So we learned from this that putting her on a non-prescription food was not the right choice at this time and we decided to try the Royal Canin SO. While the ingredients are not great, they do seem to be better than the c/d. I have not yet received the SO, but hopefully that will solve the problem she is currently having.
Here are some things I did to figure out what is causing her to have the crystals (and you may already know these things, but just in case you haven't come across this info...):
First, I had the vet do a urine culture. I have learned that even though she was given an antibiotic as a precaution, some bacteria can rest in a location in the urinary system that doesn't get exposed to the antibiotic. If there is bacteria in the system, it can be the cause of the crystals. A culture will find out if there is any bacteria lingering in her system. In Grace's case, they could not grow anything in the culture.
Second, I had my water tested. About a year ago, Grace was having problems with crystals while on the c/d food, and also, my other dog Ginger suddenly got crystals. This clued me in that there had to be something environmental going on as Ginger has never had an issue with crystals. So I did some research and learned from Hills, the maker of the c/d food, that often times the water is the culprit. The magnesium, calcium, and phosperous in the water are great contributors to struvite crystal formation. So I called the water company to see if there were elevated levels of these minerals in the water at that time. What I learned is that in the winter months (it was winter at the time), they draw from a deeper well and that well does have elevated levels of calcuim and magnesium. However, I do have a water softner and an RO, and they said the calcium and magnesium would be removed by the water softner and RO. They recommended I have both of them tested, which I did and I found out BOTH were not working. So I had the water softner replaced, and the RO repaired and viola, no more crystals for either dog. Of course Grace had to remain on the c/d food because the water is not the only reason she had the crystals, but the water was the reason she had the crystals while on the c/d food. This time around the water is fine and therefore is not the reason she is currently having her problem with the crystals. So if you haven't done so already, you may want to have your water checked to see if it may be contributing or causing the crystals.
The other thing I am doing now is testing Grace's urine myself using test strips and documenting the results on a spreadsheet along with what she has eaten and when. Doing this will allow my vet to see how the pH is affected by what she eats, etc. Also, it will allow me to immediately see if the pH is off so I can let the vet know asap and we can figure out what needs to be done to adjust things.
Anyway, that's our situation with the crystals. I hope that is helpful. For Grace, at the moment we have not figured out what is causing the crystals other than her body simply producing them metabolically. Once we get her under control again, I may try to experiment with the food to see if I can improve the quality of it while keeping her pH at the correct level. But for now, the important thing is to get the crystals under control and the prescription food is the best way to do it. I did call Royal Canin and they did explain why the food works for both calcium oxylate and struvite crystals, but to be honest, I can't remember the explanation. It had something to do with maintaining the pH and the saturation of the urine.
Also, my dog Ginger has severe bilateral hip dysplasia with arthritis. For a while she was really suffering and a Total Hip Replacement was considered. It was decided she was not a candidate for THR at the time. The vet recommended that I give her GLC1000. It is a glucosamine condroitin supplement that gets sprinkled on the food in the morning and evening. It has been like a miracle. You would never know she had hip dysplasia. I have tried other glucosamine supplements and none work like this. I buy it directly from the manufacturer located in KY. Maybe it would be of help for your Crys. If you are interested in learning about it, just put GLC1000 in your browser and you should be able to go to their site and read about it.
Anyway, sorry for the long post. I hope this info helps you in some way. :)
Harley PoMMom
02-10-2010, 08:11 PM
Hi Leslie,
Being the wonderful, loving and devoted mom that you are, Dr. Terry Dew has to be a exceptional surgeon. I know how you are when it comes to your babies and I know you have quizzed this man!! I am so happy that you have found Dr. Dew.
When I used the CareCredit for Harley at his GP office visit last month they said that CareCredit was going to change their 3 month interest-free payment plan to a 6 month interest-free payment plan starting in Feb, I believe...I'll check their website and make sure.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
05-09-2010, 01:18 PM
Hi ya'll,
Been awhile, huh? Life has gotten in the way big time but we are doing ok. At present the only computer I have access to is, at best, unreliable and at worst, POSSESSED! So I am not able to be on as much as I would like for now.
The mutts are ok; it is just Squirt and Crystal with me now; Goldie is with Jim...long story. :( BUT! We now share our lives with my brother and his family, with includes my oldest grandson. :D:D
In addition, there are 2 horses and 5 dogs already in residence on the place! I am enjoying messing with horses again and being surrounded by furbabies. My grandson got an 8 week old beagle pup, female, last week! Never been around beagles before so something else new to learn about! :)
Crys is doing ok. Her surgery is off indefinitely for now - two reasons; cost and complications due to her deformities. Two surgeons have said they are not sure surgery will help for long unless her whole back-end is reconstructed. :(:(:( But she is happier than she has ever been out here in the country! I worry constantly about her and she still sleeps inside in her box (crate) at nite, but she cannot wait to get out that door in the morning. Chasing squirrels, birds, you name it! Boy! are there stories to tell but don't trust this whacky computer to give me time to tell them now. Just let me say she continues to be the biggest clown and do the craziest things, keeping me laughing. :p:D:p
Squirt is doing very well as usual, happy in the country herself. She spends most of her days either laying in the sun sleeping, in the shade sleeping or in the house sleeping. :p Her favorite times of day are meal times and bedtime when we have a little time to ourselves at last. She gets a bit playful then and loves having my full attention.
Well, I hear clacking and whirring and the screen in jumping so I better go for now; just wanted to let ya'll know we are still here, managing ok, and am keeping up as best I can with each of you and your babies.
Leslie and the girls - always
Harley PoMMom
05-09-2010, 02:24 PM
Hi Leslie,
My dear, sweet friend, we do understand how life can and will get in the way! Please know that we are here with you and for you always. You are such a loving and giving person, and I feel so blessed to know you.
So happy to hear that Squirt and Crys are doing well in their new surroundings...the country life, yea! So many adventures for Crys to see and find! Give both of them beautiful, sweet girls extra hugs and kisses from Harley and me.
Love and (((hugs)))
05-09-2010, 03:46 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm glad to hear that you and the girls are adjusting well to your new life, and that Squirt and Crys are enjoying themselves.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers. As Lori said, we are always here for you.
Keep in touch when you can. Take care my friend. Thank you for being here for Corky and me and for so many, many others. You are indeed a very special person.
Sending super big cyber hugs.
Casey's Mom
05-09-2010, 09:46 PM
Hi Leslie, glad to hear things are okay for you and the dogs are enjoying the country life. I miss being around horses myself, it can be a very calming experience especially the contentment of hearing them chomp on their hay or grass. Having family around is a blessing.
Love and big hugs,
05-09-2010, 09:51 PM
Heh Les - thanks for the update. Glad all is well. It all sounds great except the part about lack of access to a pc/internet. I would go crazy! ha. Keep us posted as best you can. Hugs to the furry ones and you too Kim
05-10-2010, 06:32 AM
Hey Leslie,
Been missing you around here. Glad to hear things are ok, glad to hear the girls are enjoying the country life.
05-10-2010, 06:44 AM
Thanks for letting us all know how you are doing. I do miss you being around much, but completely understand.
05-10-2010, 07:34 PM
Leslie - I just read your post. I echo what Lori said...
You are such a loving and giving person
You are always first in line to welcome people and open up your heart to them. You've always been so kind and so thoughtful. Not many people can open their arms like you do on here.... and I don't even see the half of it, I'm sure, since I'm not on the forums like I used to be!!!
I'm not sure what all you are going through, but it sounds like lots of changes and some of them a bit sad. I hope your babies can help remind you of the joys in life - especially in the simplicity of some things. :) Horses are wonderful therapy too. I had them for many years and miss them. I plan to have them again when I'm closer to retiring. Nothing like a quiet ride or even just a morning grooming....
Wishing you the best my friend. You are in my thoughts. Sending you many cyber hugs.
05-13-2010, 10:07 PM
Just catching up on stuff around here. So glad to read you are in the country. Nothing like some fresh air, sunshine, and a laid back country lifestyle! Sounds like you are all doing well.
Stay happy,
Squirt's Mom
05-24-2010, 02:57 PM
Well, Crys got 6 internal stitches and 3 staples in her head Fri. :( The Bermese Mtn. Dog on the place got her. Everyone beats up on my sweet golden girl. :( Of course, she is submissive to the point of total aggrevation! Lol :p Plus, Mo is intact and one of the females was in heat so things have been VERY tense in the pack lately. The females are fixed FINALLY and I hope to be able to persuade them to get the 2 boys done soon as well.
Of course, mom was more upset by the whole deal than she was! :rolleyes: :p Now she is back to chasing rabbits, squirrels, deer and horses (until she gets caught at that activity! :p ) and feeling fine. The staples will come out Wed.
When I can, I will post some new pics in my wouldn't believe how gently and playful Crys is with Shasta, the new beagle puppy. I swear she remembers when she was a puppy and no one would play with her! :p
Well, duty calls so gotta go for now!
Hugs to all!
Leslie and the gang!
Harley PoMMom
05-24-2010, 05:24 PM
Holy crap Leslie! Poor Crys! :eek::( I would of been frantic :eek::eek: So happy to hear she is back to chasing the little furry critters and the big ones too!! :p:D Crys has a gentle soul with in her, Bless her.
Can't wait to see the pics!
Love and big hugs,
Squirt's Mom
06-06-2010, 01:35 PM
I am going to do my best to get thru this...Crys deserves that much; she deserves so much more....when able I will honor her life, short as it was.
Yesterday afternoon Crys was hit by a car. Her right front leg was shattered from the shoulder down. A million thoughts went through my head....amputation, Glynda and Eddies Wheels among them. But that would have left her with one good leg. That would have been too much to ask of her. She loved life.
Crystal was sent to The Bridge yesterday and buried in the horse pen out back.
This is all I can do now....
My beautiful golden-eyed demon dog is an angel....
Mama misses you so much
Harley PoMMom
06-06-2010, 02:18 PM
Oh Leslie,
I am so very sorry about your loss, my dear friend, and my heart goes out to you at this most difficult and painful time.
You are the most loving and devoted mom to your furbabies and the decision you made for Crys was from that deep love and devotion. Now she is at the Bridge with four very strong legs running swiftly and still going after squirrels and rabbits. She is looking down at you with great love, adoration and gratefulness for releasing her from her earthly shattered body to go to the Bridge where she can be strong and healthy again.
We love you very much and are here for you, always.
Peace sweet Crys
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
06-06-2010, 02:48 PM
My dear sweet friend, how I wish I could wrap my arms around you and take some of the pain as my own. You have suffered much more than any one person should ever have to suffer. You are not alone in your grief Leslie. We are, and will continue to be, by your side in love and spirit. Please try to remember that as we grieve with you.
Fly away precious Crys into the waiting paws of all your sweet angel friends. We will forever love you and remember you.
With all my love and loads of comforting (((hugs))).
Shelba and Suni
06-06-2010, 02:59 PM
I'm so sorry Leslie..... I hope you are able to remember all the wonderful things you did for Crys int he time you were together. I'm sure she'll be forever grateful for your love and dedication in giving her the best life she never thought possible.
Sincerest condolences....
Bettina & Angel Niko
06-06-2010, 03:14 PM
Dear Leslie,
I have no words to describe the sadness in my heart at this moment. Please know that I will be holding you close in my heart and thoughts, wishing you all the strength and courage you may need to get through this.
With love,
Saskia and Yunah.
06-06-2010, 03:21 PM
Leslie, My heart breaks for you and all you have had to deal with. You showed Crys love during her short time and that is exactly what she needed. God must have needed a very special angel is all I can say. I hope that Haley runs up to her and greets her with a big kiss and shows her the ropes. Please know we are thinking of you. Kim and Annie
06-06-2010, 03:23 PM
Dearest Leslie,
We are grieving alongside you, my friend. You know, from the moment that you first rescued starving baby Crystal from that abandoned building, I think she was living on borrowed time. She was loaned to us by a greater spirit in order to teach us about the miracle of love and life and survival. It is a miracle that she was found in time. It was a miracle that you were able to nurse her back to life. And it is a miracle that her damaged bones ever permitted her to run and play at all. It was her miracle that you became her mom, so that both her body and spirit were thoroughly loved and cherished. And it was our miracle that we were able to witness her journey and share in her story.
But even under the best of circumstances, her body damaged by that early neglect may not have been able to support the beautiful, free spirit she had become. Now, given this accident, it was clear that the loan must be repaid and the body laid to rest. But because you loved and nourished her so, Crystal's spirit remains alive and will always be honored here. That does nothing to change your pain, my friend. But I at least want you to know how much you and Crystal have touched our own lives. And how much we will miss her, too.
Always in loving memory of this courageous baby girl, and always in support of her mom who loves her dearly ~
06-06-2010, 03:33 PM
Leslie, I don't think I could ever express myself as beautifully as Marianne has so I'll just say a heartfelt ditto. Thinking of you and sending you strength to see you through this difficult time.
Hugs and much love,
06-06-2010, 03:52 PM
Leslie -
I can't even bear the thought of what you must be feeling. Crys was so blessed to have that time with someone as wonderful as you, though I know for you it was all too short. My heart goes out to you and know that we are all holding you close. Sue
Casey's Mom
06-06-2010, 04:40 PM
Dearest Leslie, you give so much of yourself to others my dear friend and feel so deeply. I am so sorry for your loss of baby Crys - when I read Marianne's post she did say exactly what I would say to you.
You gave your angel such a great life after her horrible beginning. I know she loved farm life and that was a great ending to her too short life here with us.
Love and many hugs
06-06-2010, 04:48 PM
Dear Leslie,
My heart goes out to you.
As Marianne said these wonderful animals are only on loan and we don't get to choose for how long.
Crys will be remembered for her amazing struggles and now she is at peace knowing that she was loved so much.
06-06-2010, 05:51 PM
Crying along side you... and always here.
Steph, Apollo, Gypsy, and forever Pallie
06-06-2010, 06:00 PM
Dear Leslie -- I am sending gentle hugs and prayers your way. Crys is at peace with all of her friends.
Roxee's Dad
06-06-2010, 06:17 PM
Dear Leslie,
I am at a loss for words, I just know anything I say cannot make the pain go away.
Sharing in your heartbreak and tears.
Rest in Peace Sweet Crys
06-06-2010, 07:50 PM
Marianne has said it all so eloquently. I love the image of Crys enjoying farm life and spending time with the new baby beagle. But I hate the image of you in pain...
Rest in peace dear Crys and always remind your mom of how much you enjoyed your very short time with her and Squirt.
Leslie, I know there was a young woman, kneeling down, ready to welcome Crys with open arms.
With love, hugs and tears,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel & Victoria
06-06-2010, 10:53 PM
I am so sorry. And I am at a loss for words.
It just seems like yesterday when she entered our lives. Her stay was short, but you filled and fulfilled it with love. So it was complete.
I hold you in my heart, with prayers.
Godspeed Crys.
Love & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
Carol G
06-06-2010, 11:06 PM
I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you.
John II
06-07-2010, 09:44 PM
Dear Leslie,
I'm also sharing in your heartbreak and tears.
I know that for the time she had, she was blessed to have you care for her. :(
marie adams
06-08-2010, 02:40 AM
Dear Leslie,
You were there for her and enjoyed each other. I, too, do not have the words to make it better. My heart is filled with sadness, but time heals....Take care!!
06-08-2010, 02:49 AM
oh Leslie.. you gave me great advice when ebonie was first diagnosed..with other dog natcho had her cruciate ligament repaired last year and cost me $1200 aust/dollars..and has injection every 3 months for arthritis..$35.00..i know we would all like to know just where to get that illusive money tree ..but keep in mind you are doing the best you can ..and our pets know we love them very much .. keep us updated..cheers Catherine/ ebonie..:)
06-11-2010, 07:49 AM
Dear Leslie,
I am so sorry for the loss of precious Crys. Please know that we are here for you. You loved her deeply and will love her eternally, as her love for you continues on. She is now free from pain, and running free.
Sharing your pain and tears
Jane (((hugs)))
06-13-2010, 01:53 PM
Dear Leslie,
Still thinking of you every single day, and hoping that you will be returning to us very soon. I miss you very much.
Enormous hugs to you and to Squirty,
06-13-2010, 02:25 PM
Has anyone heard from Leslie?
06-13-2010, 03:10 PM
I haven't heard from her and from the looks of the posts I've seen on facebook from all of her friends, they haven't either.
06-13-2010, 05:52 PM
I thought I saw that she had joined or supported some cause or something on FB on Friday but then I couldn't find it again so wasn't sure if I'd seen it. Someone told me that we can delete things from FB so not to worry....I hadn't been halucinating!! But she may be busy with moving right now.
At least when she comes back she will see how much we miss her when she's not around!
Squirt's Mom
06-21-2010, 10:17 AM
Dear friends,
My heart is still aching as is my soul...Crys made such an impact, the emptiness she left behind can be agony to carry. As the days are passing, my love for her continues to grow even tho she is no longer here to kiss or hold.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your kind words, concern, and tethering me to today but most of all for your understanding as no others can plus the love and friendship grown here.
With thanks and hugs,
06-21-2010, 11:35 AM
So good to hear from you Leslie.
Sending my love and healing thoughts and prayers to you now as always.
My love to you,
Harley PoMMom
06-21-2010, 04:55 PM
love you dear Leslie, Lori
06-21-2010, 05:03 PM
Leslie, thanks so much for posting. It is so good to see you back here once again.
Many (((hugs))),
Squirt's Mom
11-07-2010, 05:04 PM¤t=Methlab.jpg
This pic was posted on FB the other day and it cracked me up...not only for the message it sent but primarily because of the goofy look on the last dog's face. Crys looked nothing like this pup but the goofiness in its face is sooo reminiscent of her! She was such a clown and so full of herself and love of life all the time.
It's been five months, and I miss her no less today. My beautiful golden-eyed girl...
11-07-2010, 06:10 PM
Terri has this photo on her phone and it is hilarious. She is a lab person and has had some pretty goofy acting ones! Sweet though!
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