View Full Version : Bailey, almost 12, pancreatitis? (Bailey has passed)
12-24-2009, 05:22 AM
Hi All,
I can really use your help and advice, please. Bailey (almost 12, long haired chihuahua) is at the vets over night tonight. This info is from my Mum and Dad...
Bailey was drinking today, but not eating (not even munchies), and threw up frothy white spit bubbles, so they took him to the vet. (Not the kids' regular vet).
Here's what was found- 2 heart valves not working properly, and no fever. Vet did a blood test (unsure what. Think just a regular panel, will find out more tomorrow am) and the result is pancreatitis/ infection. He's on I.V fluids tonight, and will probably be put on antibiotics after that. Vet will be doing another test (prob. tomorrow. Hoping it will be cPCL).
The frothy vomit was explained as "heart murmur causes fluid overflow into lungs, so he brought that up."
Bailey has been given water and food in his cage.?? From what I've read here, pancreatitis =IV and no food/water as it increases inflammation in the pancreas. Am I missing something with the vets treatment? He did mention a possible infection of the pancreas, so is the treatment different for infection versus pancreatitis?
Any advice, info and guidance is as always appreciated. Thank you very much,
Jane and Bailey and Franklin xx
Harley PoMMom
12-24-2009, 06:24 AM
Hi Jane,
I am so sorry about Mum and Dad's furbaby, Bailey.
I just had my boy Bear at the vets to be checked, he has a heart murmur, his GP was telling me that this could happen if his got worse, ie...fluid in the lungs.
As far as the pancreatitis, did Bailey in fact have a pancreatitis attack? Was he showing any discomfort in that area? I really believe if the vet thought Bailey was having a pancreatitis attack he would not be giving him food in his cage. They don't like withholding nutrients from the dogs after 24 hours, tho. Here's an excerpt from an article about that:
Nutrition during acute pancreatitis
Traditionally, the standard recommendation has been to withhold all oral food and water until symptoms subside, in order to allow the pancreas to rest. If symptoms persisted for more than 72-96 hours, nutrition was given parenterally (intravenously, avoiding the stomach and intestines). It was thought that even the sight or smell of food could trigger pancreatic secretions that would make the problem worse.
Today, though, there is growing evidence in both humans and animals that recovery time is reduced and survival rates increased when patients are fed early in the recovery from pancreatitis. It is now accepted that prolonged withholding of oral food and water for more than 48 hours (including the time before the dog was brought in for treatment) can lead to increased intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”), atrophy of the digestive cells in the small intestine, and sepsis (blood poisoning). In turn, sepsis can contribute to multiple organ failure and decreased survival rates.
Without oral nutrition, the intestines starve, even if nutrition is provided to the rest of the body through IVs. This is because the intestines receive their nutrition only from what passes through them. Enteral feeding, in which nutrition is provided through the digestive system, is thought to decrease the potential for bacterial infection caused by intestinal permeation, and may reduce the time the dog needs to be hospitalized.
Because most dogs with pancreatitis are unwilling to eat on their own, a liquid diet may be fed via a tube placed through the nose, esophagus, or stomach. Dogs may tolerate nasoesophageal feeding even when vomiting persists. There is evidence that pancreatic secretions are suppressed during an attack of pancreatitis, so food delivered in this manner stimulates the pancreas less than we used to believe, and helps to maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract and decrease inflammation and side effects such as those listed above.
The ideal composition of this diet has not yet been determined. It is possible that the addition of omega-3 fatty acids, pancreatic enzymes, medium-chain triglycerides, and the amino acid l-glutamine to the liquid nutrition may also help with recovery, though this must be done with caution. Probiotics, however, are not recommended; a recent human study showed an increased death rate for patients with severe acute pancreatitis when probiotics were administered, possibly due to reduced blood flow to the small intestine.
Enteral (tube or oral) feeding should begin after 48 hours without food. Vomiting can be controlled with antiemetics and pain medication. The goal of nutrition in the short term is to improve barrier function (stop leaky gut syndrome) rather than to supply total caloric needs.
Parenteral (IV) nutrition should be used only when absolutely necessary due to persistent, uncontrolled vomiting, and even then, survival rates improve when it is combined with enteral nutrition. A tube can be placed directly into the jejunum (part of the small intestine) via endoscopy if needed to provide enteral nutrition when vomiting cannot be controlled.
Please keep us updated and I will be keeping you, your Mum and Dad, and Bailey in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
PS If you have anymore questions, I'll be on the forum most of the day. :)
12-24-2009, 07:08 AM
Dear, sweet Lori,
Thank you for that information, Mum said that he woke up in the same place and position that he fell asleep in. Also that they were hard pressed to get a kiss from him today. I didn't think to ask if he was still rolling over for tummy rubs. Bailey was eating yesterday, does it come on that suddenly?
After they told me Bailey is at the docs, I asked if he had Bluey (his favourite toy.) Nope. Doc rang with news it seems like pancreatitis, Mum asked if she could drop in with Bluey, he said yes..... Bailey is in the cage with IV and standing against door. Mum said he gave lots of kisses, and was 100% improved than what he had been. Do any pancreatic enzymes rise due to dehydration?
Thank you Thank you Thank you for all of your help and easing my mind... Thank you also for your thoughts and prayers. How is Bear doing?
Big hugs,
Jane, Bailey and Franklin xx
Rambler rebel specifications (
Harley PoMMom
12-24-2009, 07:42 AM
Hi Jane,
A pancreatitis attack can come on very suddenly and sometimes without very little warning. :eek::(
Do any pancreatic enzymes rise due to dehydration?The amylase and lipase can be elevated if a dog is dehydrated. But usually the electrolytes get unbalanced during a pancreatitis attack.
Diagnosis of pancreatitis can be made very early in the disease by noting high levels of pancreatic enzymes circulating in the blood (amylase and lipase). Later in the disease, and in chronic pancreatitis, these enzyme levels will no longer be elevated. Because of this fact, and because increased amylase and lipase can also occur in other diseases, the discovery of such elevations are helpful but not mandatory in the diagnosis of pancreatitis. Other abnormalities in the blood may also point to pancreatitis, including increased white blood cells (occurring with inflammation and/or infection), changes due to dehydration from fluid loss, and abnormalities in the blood concentration of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, and sugars.
Hope this helps.
Ask your Mum and Dad to give Bailey some gentle hugs from Harley and me.
My Bear is doing great, I thought his collapsed trachea was getting worse, but Dr Owings thinks it is ok for now...our pups keep us on our toes!
Love and hugs,
12-24-2009, 08:20 AM
Thank you, it helps heaps. I'll be meeting Mum and Dad at the vets in the am, and find out more. And getting a printout of the results to post at some point tomorrow, for further help :) please.
Rest assured, Lori, we'll all be giving him gentle hugs, big smoochy kisses and ear scratchies. Please give Harley and Bear some extra loving from all of us here, too.
Thank you again, and Happy Holidays,
J,B,F & M&D xxxxx
LovelyWendie (
Squirt's Mom
12-24-2009, 11:13 AM
Hi Jane,
Sending prayers and healing thought to Bailey. Let us know how he is when you can.
Leslie and the girls - always
12-24-2009, 06:12 PM
Hi Lori and Leslie,
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, Bailey's home!!! :D:D:D
The printer on the machine wasn't working properly, he said they're getting a new one in the coming week. Bailey had a high White blood count, and his electrolytes weren't too far out to cause vet concern.
Bailey ate food overnight :) and has been given "Noroclav" 50mg which has amoxycillin (as trihydrate) 40mg and clavulanic acid (as potassium clavulanate) 10mg.
Bailey is sooo much better today, he's just had breakfast, and his a/b. Rolling over for belly rubs, giving lots of kisses and full of energy. :D Yay!!
Mum and Dad also thank you very much for your thoughts, prayers and healing vibes, and your information.
Jane, Bailey, Franklin, and Jane's Mum and Dad xxxxx
Harley PoMMom
12-24-2009, 06:57 PM
Hi Jane,
YAAAA!!! Bailey's home!!!! :):D:):D So happy that he is feeling so much better.
Mum and Dad know to feed him 3-4 small meals a day right? :)
The elevated white blood count which most often indicates stimulation of the immune system due to inflammation or infection. The antibiotics should take care of any nasty infection.
Still sending healing and positive energy Bailey's way, and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
12-25-2009, 03:34 AM
Hi Lori,
Mum and Dad know to feed him 3-4 small meals a day right? :)
They usually offer Bailey food at least 5 small meals a day. He may only eat 2 meals though, and sometimes he decides to eat 4 meals. If he's supposed to eat more often, is chicken stock drizzled over his food acceptable to try and bribe him with?
They haven't tried that yet, just wondering if it would affect his pancreas.
On an icky note, Bailey had a touch of the squirts this afternoon. :eek::( But he's still drinking well and has energy :)
Still sending healing and positive energy Bailey's way, and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you so much, with love and hugs and eternal gratitude,
Jane and the fur/people family xx
Big Dick Extreme (
Harley PoMMom
12-25-2009, 10:02 AM
Hi Jane,
Is Bailey losing weight, under weight or just at the right weight? Does he turn his nose up to his food often? If so, then we need to find out why. Was Bailey put on any other meds, before this situation happened? I noticed with Harley that when we upped his BP meds from 1.25mg BID to 2.5mg BID, that he lost his appetite :eek: so we had to now find a happy medium :) So many things can affect their appetite and the pancreas. :eek: Does Bailey tummy make noises?
Chicken stock is okay to use as long as it's fat free, does your Mum know how to skim the fat off, all you have to do is let it cool down and the fat will rise to the top and then you just skim this fat off, also there can not be any onions used in the chicken stock that is prepared, as onions are toxic to our are already knew this tho, didn't ya!
This is what I do: I buy skinless, boneless chicken breasts (99% fat free) and put them in a roasting pan with distilled water (I almost cover the chicken breasts with the distilled water) and then I put them in my oven at 350 degrees for about 1hour, the distilled water broth, this is my chicken stock that I add to Harley's food or I will use this to make his rice with.
On an icky note, Bailey had a touch of the squirts this afternoon.Oh, poor Bailey, this is probably due to the antibiotics, but if this gets worse or seems to bother Bailey I would call the vet.
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
12-25-2009, 10:42 AM
Hi Jane,
I'm glad Bailey is home and hope he is feeling much better today. :)
One thing that may help with the diarrhea is pumpkin - plain pumpkin, not the pie filling. Just a little bit added to his food may help; as small as he probably is, about 1/2 tsp or less to start. Most dogs love it so if you are concerned about him not getting it due to his eating habits, then give it as a treat. ;) The left-overs can be frozen in bite-sized pieces for later use.
Hope your are having a great Christmas!
Leslie and the girls - always
12-26-2009, 05:52 AM
Hi again,
Much thanks to Lori and Leslie :). Here's the answers to your questions...
Lori, Bailey usually weighs in at 4.4 kg, but on Thursday he was down to 4.0 kg. His regular weight of 4.4 is just right for him.
He doesn't usually turn his nose up at food, just on Thursday till now. On Friday he was eating canned dog food, and today (Saturday) he's said no to canned dog food and has been eating shredded up chicken.
He hasn't been on any medication before this, although about 3 months ago the vet gave Mum some metacam for him, which she has used twice, but not in the last month and a half. (He was having trouble jumping up onto his hammock bed, about 7" off the ground.)
The thing is, Bailey runs faster than Franklin, and jumps up on higher furniture (Franklin needs to be lifted.)
He went back to the vets this morning (about the diarrhea and to maybe change antibiotics) and the vet said to leave him on the clavamox (amoxil) and to restrict his exercise. So now he's getting carried to the couch and if he wants to change people, he gets carried to the chair.:rolleyes::o (Mum remembers that he had diarrhea the last time he was on clavamox.)
Don't have an updated poop-report, there's some long grass that he may have pooped in, but no witnesses.
Friday afternoon Bailey was panting heavily, very heavily and his sides were in/out in/out :eek:. I've never seen him breathe like that before:(.
And the "does his tummy make noises?" question...not that I've heard, and I checked with M and D, they haven't heard noises either. Of course the fact they're in their 70's and wear hearing aids doesn't come into it, I'm sure :p
Leslie, thanks, we'll be giving the pumpkin a try, just don't have any on hand at the moment. (It's summer. Christmas day is salads and cold meats and cold chicken for our family.)
Thank you all so much,
Big big hugs
Jane and the gang xx
LovelyWendie (
Harley PoMMom
12-26-2009, 06:59 AM
Hi Jane,
The pumpkin that Leslie is referring to, here in the U.S. comes in a can, (canned pumpkin) you can get this in a grocery store.
Harley is on clavamox also, the first and second day after his teeth extractions he had diarrhea, but it has cleared up now. I don't know if it's because he is now back on his formulated diet or if the diarrhea was caused by something else.
The reason I was asking the questions about his weight/tummy/and turning his nose up at food, is because there is a condition called EPI.
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) is the inability of the acinar cells of the exocrine pancreas to produce and secrete the 3 necessary enzymes needed to digest food. Without these naturally produced pancreatic digestive enzymes, food remains undigested and unabsorbed resulting in an EPI dog who although is eating copious amounts of food, is constantly undernourished and can literally waste away.
EPI can also be the secondary condition of a chronic illness, such as chronic pancreatitis.
I don't think Bailey has EPI, but if he continues to lose weight despite eating copious amounts of food, then you may want to check into this.
Harley's formulated diet consists of chicken breast, chicken gizzards, rice, potatoes, strained baby carrots, strained baby squash and vitamins/minerals.
Give Bailey a gentle hug from Harley and me.
Love and hugs,
12-26-2009, 08:50 AM
Hi Lori,
Oh, canned pumpkin? :o Thanks, I was thinking regular :o. I haven't seen that, but then again haven't needed/looked for it either. Will do that tomorrow.
Harley had diarrhea with the clavamox as well :(? Hmmm. Good to know that it cleared up after a couple of days though :)
About the EPI condition, I'll pass along the info you posted, but I wouldn't describe his eating habits as copious. He (before this) probably ate 250-350 grams of food per day, plus some snacks. In winter he eats more (don't we all!) but he's not trying to get into the kitchen bin, or eat everything. Thank you very much for everything, Lori.
We hope Harley continues to feel better from his dentist visit.
With love to you, hugs, ear scratchies and belly rubs to Harley, Bear and Alex the bad cat!
Jane and the gang xx
Satanism, the church of satan forum (
Harley PoMMom
12-26-2009, 09:03 AM
Hi Jane,
Yep, the canned pumpkin, just the regular kind, not the spiced kind, one would use for pie.
I don't think Bailey has EPI either, I just keep that bit of info in the back of my mind bc of Harley's pancreatitis...darn pancreatitis. :(
With much love and big hugs,
12-31-2009, 06:14 AM
Hi All,
Update on Bailey: Bailey didn't want food, munchies or water today (37?C) so Mum was syringing water into his mouth till the vet was able to see him. He is dehydrated again, on a drip and spending new year's eve in the hospital (on valium- due to fireworks nearby to the clinic.)
The vet, same one he saw Christmas eve said he's back to where he was a week ago :( and won't be releasing him from hospital so quickly this time. Word is Bailey had a fever on the high end of normal, vet not planning to do another blood test at the moment, but will print out last weeks result tomorrow for us.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year, and a joyous, wonderful, happy and non-heart breaking 2010.
With lots of love,
Jane, Bailey, Franklin, and my folks xxxxx
PS.. he also had problems jumping onto his hammock bed (about 5" off the ground) he tried twice and then my mum picked him up and put him on it. She didn't want to give him any metacam till he was seen by the vet, so I don't know what happened then.
12-31-2009, 06:47 AM
Hi Jane,
I'm so sorry to hear that Bailey is back in the hospital. I'm sure this is very hard for your parents. He is in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care and have a happy, blessed new year.
12-31-2009, 07:09 AM
Hi Terri,
Thank you for your kind thoughts and New Year wishes. My best to you and yours, Terri.
Jane and the gang xx
Marijuana Vaporizers (
Harley PoMMom
12-31-2009, 09:15 AM
Hi Jane,
I am so sorry to read this about poor Bailey and am hoping that his hospital stay is a short one.
One question, how long has Bailey been on the metacam? If at all possible and this is JMO, I would ask his vet for some other kind of pain reliever. It was very wise of your Mum not to give it to him when he was showing signs of sickness.
This is from the Mar Vista Animal Medical Center web page:
If a patient has borderline kidney function, NSAIDs should not be used as they reduce blood flow through the kidneys. It is also important that NSAIDS not be given to dehydrated patients because of this potential side effect.
The most common side effects of meloxicam (metacam) are nausea, appetite loss, vomiting or diarrhea. If any of the above are noted, meloxicam should be discontinued and the pet brought in for a liver enzyme and renal parameter blood test. In most cases, the reaction is minor and resolves with symptomatic relief, but it is important to rule out whether or not the patient has more than just a routine upset stomach.
You all and especially Bailey are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
12-31-2009, 12:46 PM
Hi Jane,
Sorry to hear that Bailey is back in the hospital. :( I hope they can find out what is causing him to feel so bad and get him back on his feet soon.
Sending prayers and healing thoughts,
Leslie and the girls - always
12-31-2009, 09:00 PM
Hi Lori and Leslie,
Thank you both for your concern and replies. The metacam liquid was prescribed probably 6 months ago, and Mum has given it to hiim maybe twice but not in the last 2 months. The only drug he's had since the initial dx was the clavamox and that course is finished. We'll find out in just over 5 hours if he's going to stay at the vets tonight as well.
Thank you so much to both of you, for your support and information. You both are truly amazing, and I know that you have other things going on in your own lives, so thank you again for taking the time to help us and for thinking of us.
Jane and the gang xx
Glass bong (
Harley PoMMom
12-31-2009, 10:02 PM
That's good news about your Mum not using the metacam much. ;):)
Harley's vet called me Tuesday night (she's on vacation) to see how Harley was doing and I told her how he is still really is not eating right, she had me bring him into her office Wed. to get a look at his mouth and so forth, anyways to make a long story short...she told me she thinks he is alittle nauseated from the clamavox and to give him pepcid ac. It is helping...don't know if the clamavox was upsetting Bailey's tummy too?? Harley finished his clamavox Wed. morning and this evening after his dose of pepcid ac he did eat alot better.
Sending healing thoughts and prayers to Bailey, please keep us posted.
Love and hugs,
01-01-2010, 12:44 AM
Hi All,
Thanks Lori for the info about dehydration and NSAIDS.
Here are Bailey's out of range results for 24 Dec...
TP- 41g/L (52-82)
Glob- 10g/L (25-45)
Gran- 13.9x10^9/L (3.3-12.0)
Neut- 11.5x10^9/L (2.8-10.5)
Eos-2.4x10^9/L (0.5-1.5)
Plt- 589x 10^9/L
Any info/translation you can give will be much appreciated.
Thanks again,
Jane and the gang xx
Harley PoMMom
01-01-2010, 01:42 AM
Hi Jane,
When I want a little more detail about some lab results I use Broadway Veterinary laboratory assessment descriptions web page.
Here is what I found there:
TP: The total protein level is low, which is also known as hypoproteinemia. This level is a combination of the albumin and globulin protein levels. Decreases in either of these values, or low normal levels for both of these, can cause the total protein level to be low. Looking individually at the albumin and globulin levels, along with the physical exam findings, will better determine the cause of this hypoproteinemia. Some reasons include overhydration, blood loss, severe gastrointestinal disease, hookworm infection, kidney disease, liver disease, severe skin lesions or malnutrition. At very low levels, pulmonary edema can occur, which can be life-threatening.
GLOB: The globulin level is low. Globulins are protein antibodies in the blood, which are part of the immune system. The most common reasons for a low globulin level are blood loss and severe gastrointestinal disease. More rarely, kidney disease or liver insufficiency could cause this. A low globulin level is also common in newborn animals.
Neut: The neutrophil count is slightly elevated. Neutrophils are a main type of white blood cell. It most often becomes elevated due to bacterial infections or inflammation. Over-exercise or stress could also potentially cause an elevated neutrophil count.
Eos: The eosinophils are mildly elevated. Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell that is most often elevated with allergic reactions or parasite infections. Parasite infections include intestinal worms and fleas. Allergic reactions are most often seen as itchy skin lesions or stomach/bowel problems.
Plt: The platelet count is slightly elevated. These cells are responsible for the clotting of blood when there is a tear in any blood vessel. There does not appear to be an underlying disease to explain this elevation. The most likely reason for this finding is from your pet’s excitement or exercise at the time of the blood draw, which led to splenic contraction and release of more platelets. This is a self-resolving situation. More rarely, it can be seen in pets who have no spleen or during late pregnancy.
As you know Deb is our lab guru, so I will PM her and ask her to take a look at these lab results and I am sure she will give us her expert advice/opinion.
I am so hoping Bailey is feeling better.
Love and hugs,
01-01-2010, 02:49 AM
Thank you Lori,
Great translations, very helpful, thank you. Ok, Bailey has lost more weight :eek: he's at 3.6 kg now :eek::eek: and he was last wormed in October (so still in the 3 monthly recommendations) so I don't think parasite infestation is the issue. He wasn't overhydrated, hasn't suffered blood loss, and liver and kidney values were in range. Everything seems to point to "severe gastrointestinal disorder", maybe he's developed a food allergy? Looking in Mum's "Family Health Guide" (people version by Reader's Digest) it lists some gastrointest. disorders as cancer of the stomach :eek:, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis,diarrhea, indigestion, intestinal cancer, and peptic ulcers :eek:. . Mum just said that when the vet checked him over yesterday, he had pain on the right hand side, from the groin to about just before the start of the ribs (about 2" span.)
Hmmm. And thanks for PMing Debbie to ask for her input also.
Jane and the rest xxx
SV650 (
Harley PoMMom
01-01-2010, 10:57 AM
Hi Jane,
The pancreas is a V-shaped organ located on the right side of the abdomen (behind the stomache and the first section of the small intestine.)
So it might just be his pancreatitis rearing it's ugly head again, this can happen with these flare-ups, they can come on very suddenly after a pancreatitis attack.
Is the vet doing another cPLI or cPL to check this out? If not, IMHO and this is JMO, he should be, but the cPLI and cPL test are not cheap to do, so I do understand if cost is an issue here. And, well, maybe the vet is thinking something else, because the vet has a visual of Bailey which I don't and more importantly...I am no vet. ;):)
Love and hugs,
01-01-2010, 08:48 PM
Hi Lori,
Bailey stayed at vets over night again. A cPL/cPLI test hasn't been done as yet, the vet hasn't mentioned checking it either. I'm not sure if Mum wants to wait to get Bailey in to see his reg. vet.
The vet he's currently seeing said he's seen one doggie with the same symptoms as Bailey is displaying, and it was very, very expensive to treat. Mum and Dad have spoken about it and said they'll spend/do whatever needs to be done to get him better (shy of chemo/radiation, not saying he needs that, but Mum won't put him through it.) and I've said to her I'll add any money I can to help. The vet said he can provide a referral to Melb. Uni (the same place Franklin went to in October) but considering the heat, they're thinking a 3.5 hour drive might be too stressful. I am guessing that any/some testing Bailey might need could be carried out in a 60km radius, and maybe the results could be sent to Melb Uni for assessment.
Okay, my folks just saw him and spoke with vet. Bailey is perky and bright, but not eating. Today is our Sat, and he hasn't eaten since Thurs evening. :eek: The vet will do another blood test around 6pm tonight, so Mum will be asking about the cPLI/cPL testing, too.
Hoping you and yours are well and happy,
Us xx
Harley PoMMom
01-02-2010, 06:07 AM
Hi Jane,
So what is the vet saying Bailey is ailing from?
There is a supplement called NutriCal that you could give Bailey, with the vets approval. Here is a link to it and hopefully you can find it there.
High calorie, vitamin-enhanced dietary dog supplement provides extra energy and stimulates appetite during periods of stress. Keeps your dog or cat healthy.
Love and hugs,
01-02-2010, 08:19 AM
So what is the vet saying Bailey is ailing from?
There is a supplement called NutriCal that you could give Bailey, with the vets approval. Here is a link to it and hopefully you can find it there.
Hi Lori,
Thank you so much for that link and info, apparently it is available in Oz :) so we'll check with the vet if Bailey can have it.
The vet doesn't know what's happening with the Boo :(, thank you for asking. I think the pup with the same symptoms was sent to a city hospital for treatment/ diagnostics and that may be why
the vet says its expensive but hasn't actually said what was wrong with him/her. He was going to take another blood test today to see where Bailey's at, then a fresh sample on Monday to send somewhere. I think also the kid's regular vet is back from holidays this week, so Bailey will be seeing him too for another opinion.
Mum asked the current doc about doing a cPLI or cPL test and he said "what's that?" :eek: and was it something he can test for there or does it involve something specialised. I'll pass along the info you have kindly provided :) tomorrow to him.
Thank you for checking in with us, and I'll keep you updated,
Love from
Jane and the gang xxx
Sick From Paxil (
01-02-2010, 09:15 AM
Hi Jane, happy new year for starters...and second, sorry to hear what's going on with Bailey lately...I hope they find the problem soonest so you can proceed with treating whatever it is causing him such discomfort....Do keep us posted, and know we are thinking of you and your Bailey and praying for the both of you...xo Luv, Jeanette
Squirt's Mom
01-02-2010, 10:47 AM
Hi Jane,
Sending lots of hugs, belly rubs, ear scratches, love and prayers to Bailey and your folks - BTW, the belly rubs and ear scratches are meant for Bailey but if they will help your folks, then they can have some too! :p
Leslie and the girls - always
Harley PoMMom
01-02-2010, 10:59 AM
Hi Jane,
This is from the IDEXX laboratories:
The new Spec cPL® Test from IDEXX Reference Laboratories offers your practice:
Introducing a new pancreatitis protocol: Consider pancreatitis in every dog that presents with vomiting, anorexia and/or abdominal pain—and then use the Spec cPL™ Test to help confirm your diagnosis.
A trusted methodology from the GI experts—The Spec cPL Test is an enhancement of the cPLI test developed by Dr. Jörg Steiner and Dr. David Williams (Texas A&M University GI Lab). IDEXX scientists worked with these two doctors to create a fast, accurate test you can trust.
Unprecedented accuracy—With greater than 95% specificity and sensitivity*, this test far outperforms other test methodologies so you can treat confidently. (264 KB)
Fast results—Tests are run daily so you can move ahead quickly with treatment
Please see the link that I have included so if you want, you may print out anything/everything for the vet.
Love and hugs,
01-02-2010, 04:27 PM
Jane, the links that Lori provided you earlier concerning the low globulin level explain the relationship between albumin, total protein, & globulin much better than I ever could. Platelets are the first line in the body's blood clotting mechanism, & they are a stress reactant meaning when the body is under any type of stress, the platelet count will frequently rise, considering Bailey's situation, I think that explains the elevated platelet count. Lori's explanantion of the elevated neutrophil count is correct, a sign of bacterial infection. Again, if pancreatitis is in play, that explains this results. Eosinophils are a specific type of neutrophil involved in allergies & parasitic infections. This elevation, IMO, is nothing to worry about at the moment because it could be transient in nature. To give you an example, Chewbacca ate several of Barkley's chemotherapy pills, when he first came to live with me. In the first round of blood work after this accident, he showed a pretty elevated eosinophil count, my GP vet wanted to start working him up for parasitic infection, including me bringing in stool samples. I told her why don't we wait until the next round of followup labs which I believe was in one month, if the eosinophils are still elevated at that point, we will get serious about taking a look at the possibility of parasites. The next set of labs showed a perfectly normal eosinophil count. To be on the safe side, you might have a repeat CBC done on Bailey several weeks after he's feeling better just to make sure the eosinophilia has gone away.
01-02-2010, 07:36 PM
Hi Jeanette, Leslie, Lori, Debbie and everyone,
First off, a big thank you to you all for your well wishes, thoughts, prayers, belly rubs and ear scratches :) Bailey is home :D :D
The vet did a snap test last night- it was negative. (He looked up cPL testing yesterday and said "Oh, that, right, gotcha." Also decided to leave blood testing til sometime this week to be looked by a pathologist for diagnostics if Bailey is not feeling well again. He hasn't had diarrhea or constipation :). He's been on a drip for fluids, getting a/biotics and pain relief. The vet said no to "NutriCal",that he would want to find out why he wasn't eating instead of stimulating the appetite. The booger chewed through his drip last night, and the night before also. Vet said he doesn't think its any kind of stomach cancer YAY!!! :D:D:D WOO HOO!!
Bailey was just given 2 injections upon his release- cartrofen or carprofen (I know there's a HUGE difference, but I can't think which one he was given) and amoxillan, and a new course of a/biotics- Rilexine 75 (cephalexin) and said if Bailey needs pain meds, he'll order in some Tramil(sp?) which he doesn't currently have on hand and isn't too familiar with, but in the meantime, if needed he can have asprin at 10mg per kg. He weighed in at 3.4kg today, but vet said that scale only weighs at 200g increments.
He is bright, alert, perky, had breakfast at the vets, is drinking and handing out kisses by the dozen. :):)
Thank you all again, for asking how he is, checking on us, prayers, information, explanations, links, suggestions, translations, interpretations, thoughts, belly rubs and ear scratches :). And thanks for moving Bailey's thread to Everything Else :) We appreciate your help, advice and support more than words can say,
Thanks and lots of love,
Jane and the gang xxxxx
Vapir no2 (
01-02-2010, 09:19 PM
Hi Jane,
I am glad to hear that Bailey is home and is doing much better. I hope he continues to improve.
01-02-2010, 09:32 PM
Hi Terri,
Thank you for your kind thoughts for Bailey. :) He's still drinking really good but hasn't eaten actual food since breakfast (but it's only lunchtime here) he has had a chew stick though :rolleyes: ;). He seems to be doing well, at the moment. Here's hoping he continues to improve.
With love to you and the Corkster,
Jane and the gang xxx
Vapourizer Pipe (
Harley PoMMom
01-02-2010, 09:49 PM
Hi Jane,
So happy to hear that Bailey is home too. Did the vet say anything to your Mum about a "bland diet" for Bailey? Or anything about his diet at all? Just curious. It is very good that he is drinking tho.
I do have a recipe from Monica Segal's book for a broth for an inappetent dog. If you like I'll PM you the recipe.
Love and hugs,
01-03-2010, 05:43 AM
Did the vet say anything to your Mum about a "bland diet" for Bailey? Or anything about his diet at all? Just curious. It is very good that he is drinking tho.
I do have a recipe from Monica Segal's book for a broth for an inappetent dog. If you like I'll PM you the recipe.
Hi Lori,
:) Thank you for asking, Bailey is doing really well :). The vet only told us what he ate for brekkie (i.d. I assume Hills) and he's had tea! :D chicken and he accidently ate some dog food with it ;) but nothing was mentioned about changing the diet at this time. He's also drinking heaps. Mum already thought "diabetes" and I said catch some pee, and they can check for it.
Thank you Lori, for your kind offer, yes please PM the recipe, that would be great!
Big Hugs
Jane and the gang xxx
Squirt's Mom
01-03-2010, 11:38 AM
Hi Jane,
How great that Bailey is home again! Hopefully he will remain there this time and not have to go back to the hospital.
It is a bit of a surprise that his diet hasn't been addressed yet. It appears that when he gets back home and eating his usual fare, he starts having problems again but while at the hospital he eats well and has much less problem. Just a thought, but if it were me I would be looking into his diet immediately. The broth from Monica will be a good start! I know how easy it is to give in and let them have all those goodies they so love, but in this case at this time, those goodies probably need to be withheld, as they could be making the problem worse...especially if it is pancreas problems, or diabetes.
I do hope he continues to improve!
Leslie and the girls - always
01-03-2010, 05:51 PM
Hi Leslie,
:) Absolutely! Hopefully he is able to stay at home,the new a/biotics work, and that he continues to improve.
It is a bit of a surprise that his diet hasn't been addressed yet. It appears that when he gets back home and eating his usual fare, he starts having problems again but while at the hospital he eats well and has much less problem. Just a thought, but if it were me I would be looking into his diet immediately. The broth from Monica will be a good start! From New Years Eve to Saturday am, Bailey hadn't been eating great at the vets. The vet said he had been burying food under the newspaper, and also flinging it out of the cage :eek: I asked about diet on Xmas day, and vet said "as long as he eats, just see how he goes". No special recommendation for diet.
I know how easy it is to give in and let them have all those goodies they so love, but in this case at this time, those goodies probably need to be withheld, as they could be making the problem worse...especially if it is pancreas problems, or diabetes. Mum has told me that he would refuse food and water, and turn his back when offered treats (just to get something in his belly) but I did say to her that he may have possibly developed a food allergy along the way,and maybe an elimination diet/trial might be something to get some advice on. Just rang now for an update- still drinking, but reduced water intake to a normal for Bailey amount, he has said no to dog food, but is eating chicken :) So all things considered, doing pretty good :D.
I do hope he continues to improve!
Leslie and the girls -always Oh thank you Leslie, I passed your well- wishes along :) and have a "Oh my gosh, your computer friends are so sweet. Please thank that nice lady, and all the other folk for us", so a big thank you from Mum and Dad as well as me :)
PS. Lori- thank you so much for the broth recipe, will definitely try it after I've had some sleep. :)
Love and eternal gratitude,
Jane xxx
Angelique (
01-14-2010, 12:25 AM
Hi All,
These are Bailey's out of range results, from the 11th of January...
MCH-25.0 pg (19-24)
Film morphology: RBC; Normal, WBC; normal, Platelets: Adequate
Potassium- 6.0 mmol (3.8-5.8)
ALT-84 U/L (5-80)
CK- 621 mmol (3.9-7.8)
Icterus index- clear
Lipaemia index-clear
Haemolysis index- +
There is no evidence of any inflammation or infection on this CBC. Haematology analysers in house may sometimes have misleading leukograms.
No clicically significant abnormalities evident on the chemistry results either- ALT marginal and likely age related.
Bailey was also given a painkiller injection (noracort?) on the 11th, and still has a lump on his lower neck/ upper shoulder region :(
He also had an abdominal x-ray yesterday, which was sent to Melb Uni, the results are due back tomorrow, or Monday at the latest. He was sedated for it, and was groggy and sleepy the rest of the day, but woke up bright and perky, full of beans today :).The vet said that whatever it is, it isn't affecting his internal organs. :D:):D:):D
And also that cancer doesn't always show up on x-rays, but he still doesn't think it's cancer. :)
He said that "we may have to go in" :eek: so M & D are thinking long and hard about that one. He's perfect today, back to his normal self :). So they don't want to put him through that kind of poking around. M & D will ask about an ultrasound being performed, depending on the results of the x-ray.
Just in case it comes up, what is involved with a biopsy? How do they do it, is the pup out cold, do they use an u/s to guide them, Is it too invasive, what are the risks? Any other answers that we need, but haven't thought of the questions, yet?
Thank you so much for checking on us, and sending love and prayers to you all and your precious babies,
Jane and Bailey xx (and Jane's Mum and Dad, and Bailey's little brother Franklin xxx)
01-14-2010, 12:36 AM
I'm wondering about that slightly elevated potassium... is he on any heart meds as that could explain it.
In light of the elevated potassium and his GI symptoms which seem to come and go I think there is a (remote) possibility that he could be developing Addison's disease which typically comes on slowly with waxing and waning symptoms. This might be worth discussing with the vet - the test for that is an ACTH stim, BTW.
01-14-2010, 01:24 AM
I'm wondering about that slightly elevated potassium... is he on any heart meds as that could explain it.
Hi Alison,
Thanks for your answer. :)No, he has never been on heart meds, his regular vet said years ago that there is no point until there are symptoms like coughing.
In light of the elevated potassium and his GI symptoms which seem to come and go I think there is a (remote) possibility that he could be developing Addison's disease which typically comes on slowly with waxing and waning symptoms. This might be worth discussing with the vet - the test for that is an ACTH stim, BTW.
Thank you so much for this information, Alison. Mum will definitely be asking about that possibility to both the vet that has been treating Bailey over the Christmas/new year period, and Bailey's regular vet (who is due back on Monday.) Oh, Alison, thank you :) even a remote possibility of a definite thing to look for is way better than an undefined possibility of something undefined. :confused: Did that make sense? :confused::rolleyes:
Thank you very much,
Jane and the gang xxxxx
Homemade vaporizer (
01-14-2010, 01:45 AM
Hi Jane,
When Corky had his biopsies done, he wasn't put under.
They did shave the area where the biopsies were being done, and his IMS did the biopies in conjunction with U/Ss. Corky also had to go back within a short period of time to have an additional U/S done, just to make sure that there was no bleeding.
Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you, your mum, and Bailey. I hope that there will soon be a resolution, and that Bailey will be fine.
01-14-2010, 02:47 AM
Hi Terri,
Thank you for sharing your experience. :) We don't know if a biopsy will even be mentioned, just thinking that it's a heck of a lot less invasive than opening him up for a look-see. :eek:
Ok, so if Corky wasn't put under for his biopsies, was he given a local anesthetic (sp?)? For Bailey's x-ray, they sedated him to keep him still.
Were you able to be there with Corky when he was being biopsied, Terri? To keep him calm or something?
Thank you again Terri, and sorry if it seems like I'm prying :o
Jane and the gang xxx
New Relationship Advice Forums (
01-14-2010, 05:40 AM
Hi again,
Forgot to mention that Bailey has been putting on a bit of the weight that he lost... he's up to 4kg now :)
Jane xx
Porn For Free (
01-14-2010, 06:11 AM
Hi Jane,
I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but I went back to sleep.
I wasn't in there with Corky, but I know that they didn't give him anything. It's similar to a blood draw, but they take a sample of the tissue or organ, instead of drawing blood. Corky didn't experience any pain or discomfort.
You're not prying, Jane. I know we are all looking for answers to our questions. We are here to help each other.
Sending positive thoughts for Bailey.
01-14-2010, 08:26 AM
Hi Terri,
Thanks for that info :) I am so glad Corky didn't feel any pain or discomfort :D. I just had this image in my head of a really big fat needle with a grabby thing coming out of the point :eek: so that's very reassuring :).
Sweet Terri, please don't apogise for sleeping :). I'm a shift worker- know all about the need for sleep. Plus... us cush parents sleep with one eye open, anyway, huh!
You're right, we are here to help each other, and I thank you so much for all of your help, and everybody elses help also. :) Thank you also for your positive thoughts.
I'll be off to bed now. Gotta be at work in 6.5 hours :eek:.Big hugs to you and Corky, and lots of love,
Jane and the gang xxx
Kitchen Measures (
01-15-2010, 06:25 PM
Hi Everybody!
We have great news! :D Bailey is fine!!! :D :):D:):D:) The x-ray showed mineralisation. 2 separate mineralisation areas, the largest is 19 x 13 mm and there is a smaller one. The vet said it's nothing serious :) Thank you so much to all of you for your help and support :):):):):) we are so very thankful to you all and very much appreciate all your comments, thoughts and prayers and help with interpreting test results:)
Smilin' Jane and the gang xxx
Depakote side effect (
01-15-2010, 06:43 PM
Hi Jane,
This is wonderful news.:D I'm so glad that there wasn't anything seriously wrong with Bailey. I'm sure that you and your mum are feeling so very relieved right now.
Take care.
01-15-2010, 08:12 PM
Hi Terri, :)
Woo Hoo!!! :):):) Yes, we are all so relieved that nothing serious is wrong with Bailey :D I'm at work at the moment, but will write more details later. Big Hugs to you and Corky, and thank you so much,
Jane and the gang xxx
Half-baked (
01-15-2010, 08:28 PM
Don't think I've ever posted to your thread but have read about Bailey. Just had to drop in and say....WHOOPIE...wonderful news! I'm very happy for you, your Mum and especially Bailey :D
01-15-2010, 08:58 PM
Hey Louise,
Thanks for dropping in to WHOOPIE with us :) :D We are all thrilled to bits for Bailey :) I gotta pop by after work to give him kisses and cuddles (and to say hi to Mum and Dad too) :)
Thanks again,
Jane and the gang xxx
LovelyWendie99 (
Squirt's Mom
01-15-2010, 09:11 PM
Hi Jane,
So great to hear about Bailey! :cool: Good news is always nice!
Give him an extra cuddle and kiss from us!
Leslie and the girls - always
Harley PoMMom
01-15-2010, 09:19 PM
Just want to get my WOHOO'S and YEHAW'S in here too! :p:)
I will be checking back for the details!! And give Bailey some extra hugs and kisses from Harley and me too. Tell your Mum and Dad that we are so happy for them.
Love and hugs,
01-16-2010, 05:51 AM
Hi All !:)
Hi Leslie and Lori,
Extra cuddles and kisses from you all have been given to the little guy, and he thanks you for the smothering he received :D Here's the details of Bailey's radiographic report...
Views provided: A Lateral, right and left oblique, and a Vd projection of the abdomen.
Comments on radiographic technique: The liver is not included entirely on the VD view. There is no side labeling on any view, study of diagnostic quality.
Findings: The sides mentiioned in the below report are based on the assumption that the decending colon and the head of the spleen are located on the left side and are not dislocated on the oblique views. There are two well delineated areas of heterogeneous mineralisation associated with the liver. The larger area measures approx. 19 x 13 mm is size. It is located immediately caudal to the diaphragm at the level of the caudal vena cava and slightly ventral to it. The smaller mineralisation measures approx 9 x 4 mm and is located to the left of the larger mineralisation. The urinary bladder cannot be identified.
Diagnosis: Hepatic mineralisations. These can be located subcapsular or parenchymal. Mineralisation of the gallbladder wall or content cannot be excluded completely but seems less likely due to the dorsal location. Many hepatic mineralisations are considered incidental findings which indicate previous damage with dystrophic mineralisation. However, some may be associated with an ongoing process. Dystrophic mineralisation of the following processes has been reported in the liver: granuloma, abscess, haematoma, neoplasia, or areas of necrosis. In the presence of non-specific clinical signs and almost normal blood serum values and haemogram, further diagnostic work up of the liver with ultrasound exanmination, possibly including FNA and/or biopsies, seems only indicated if no other reason for the vomiting can be found. Small urinary bladder, most likely post micturition. DDx reduced urine production, displacement of the urinary bladder.
Veterinary Surgeon:, Dip; ECVDI, Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging.
The end :p Hmmm. Some more homework :rolleyes:
Love, HUGE hugs, kisses and eternal gratitude
Jane, Bailey, Franklin and Jane's Mum and Dad :D
Ship sale (
01-16-2010, 12:48 PM
Hi Jane,
Good luck in doing your research. To be honest with you, I don't have the slightest idea what they're actually saying in the report. It seems that we spend so much time doing research.
Give Bailey hugs from Corky and me.
Take care.
01-31-2010, 04:59 AM
Hi All,
Just an update. Bailey's still doing really well. M & D took him to his regular vet during the week (just for a check up, and to get his take on the x-ray report.)
The vet said that if Bailey has another day where he's "off" to bring him in and he can be started on "vetmedin" for his heart condition. So on Friday, he was "off" (not eating) and went to see the vet again. He started vetmedin on Friday pm (1/2 a 1.25mg chew twice a day). The brochure about it says to measure the breaths for a minute (in-out counts as 1 breath) while he's sleeping. So he went from 50ish breaths on Fri pm (plus it was warm weather) to 31s and 35s today. The brochure also says that the desired rate of breaths in less than 30 per min, and if that gets exceeded during treatment, to see vet and maybe up the dose.
So all in all, he's doing really well, had a short play date with Franklin on Sat morning, and is enjoying eating cooked mince beef (not so keen on his multi vitamins though.)
Love hugs and thanks to you all,
Jane, Bailey, Franklin, and Jane's M & D xxxxx
Free Jcpenney Gift Card (
01-31-2010, 06:19 AM
Hi Jane,
I'm glad to hear that Bailey is doing better. I hope that you and your mum and dad will continue to see improvement.
I hope Bailey enjoyed his playdate with Franklin.
01-31-2010, 09:00 AM
Hi Terri,
Thanks for your reply :). Yep Bailey enjoyed his play date with Franklin very much :D. To look at Bailey you wouldn't guess that he had any issues, happily trots around and still jumps up onto the couch ( when M & D are quick enough they lift him up on it and lower him off when he wants to potter around). But Bailey is quite often too quick for them ;). So I think with the multi vits, heart meds, and taurine Bailey will be getting better. (Fingers and everything else crossed)
Love and hugs to you and Corky,
Jane, Bailey and Franklin xxx
Michigan marijuana dispensaries (
Roxee's Dad
01-31-2010, 09:18 AM
Hi Jane,
Thanks for the update. Very glad to see that Bailee is doing better.:) It's always a happy moment to see them enjoy life and play together. :)
Harley PoMMom
01-31-2010, 10:51 AM
Hi Jane,
So happy to read that Bailey is doing better. Tell your Mum and Dad that we are sending our well wishes and positive thoughts their way for Bailey for a continuing and successful recovery.
FWIW...there is another supplement for the heart that I have read about, it's called L-Carnitine.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated because as you know we worry so much. :eek::D
Love and hugs,
01-31-2010, 03:20 PM
Hi Jane,
Glad to read that Bailey is still doing really well and even had a play date...what fun! Hope he continues to have positive results from the Vetmedin and supplements. Sending some cyber ear rubs for Bailey...
01-31-2010, 06:06 PM
Hi John, Lori and Louise,
Thanks for checking in on Bailey :), much appreciated.
I couldn't agree more John, it's truly a joy to watch the boys playing. They do LOVE to romp and scamper around and play a bit of chasey. (This was all approved by the vet, he said short play dates would be good for Bailey.)
Thank you so very much for your positive thoughts and well wishes for our sweet boy :). And thank you for the five leaf site, though his current taurine supplement is made by musashi, and it might be quicker tocheck at the chemist if they make carnitine. I'm just thinking we might have a problem with customs if we try and import powders :eek::o:eek:!!
Hey Louise,
I'm on night shift this week, so I will pass along your cyber ear rubs via telephone wires, until I see him in the fur :D Thank you so much for your hopes for continues positive improvement, and hugs to Munchie from us all.
Just been on the phone with Mum, and she has passed along your ear rubs, and both she and Bailey say thank you very much :) (Dad's gone golfing), as do I.
Thank you to you all,from me and mine, and love and hugs to you and your babies,
Jane, Bailey and Franklin xxx
Comparison of toyota hybrids history (
02-02-2010, 07:29 PM
Dearest Jane,
Wow, was that report written in English, because as Terri, I was lost after the first sentence. LOL. Nevertheless, I hope by now, your IMS or someone here has been able to interpret that test report. Glad the little sweet face will be alright and it's nothing serious. I'm sure it was nerve-wracking to say the least. Please give him a great big kiss for me and how about an extra doggie treat from the Princess--he sure does deserve it...Hang in there, and I'll be watching for some more info. on his latest test (In English- lol)....Love you both lots and lots, xo Jeanette
02-03-2010, 05:59 AM
Hi Jeanette,
Yep, that report was not the same English I speak either ;), but Bailey's regular vet provided a translated summary :), and the folk here are always great, too. Bailey got an extra treat (from Princess :cool:) and thanks you for his great big kiss from you :). Thanks for checking in on the Boo, and love and hugs to you and yours,
Jane, Bailey and Franklin xxx
Glass Bongs (
Squirt's Mom
02-04-2010, 11:25 AM
Hi Jane,
Good news on Bailey and I know your folks are as happy as you about it! Add my belly rubs to Bailey's gifts from across the pond!
03-13-2010, 06:07 AM
Hi everyone,
Bailey is doing great!!! :D:D:D We were all a bit nervous before he made it to 12 (YAY) as about a month and a half ago he got old overnight. He couldn't jump on the couch, or walk up the 2 back steps into the house, and he was dragging his feet over the sliding door bottom bit.
We had made plans for a play date, and upon hearing how Bailey was, I said can we wait til tomorrow, he might feel better. Mum said she really didn't know if he would be there :(:(:(:eek: I said we'll be there in 15 mins.
Mum said no play date, but that the boys could see and sniff each other through the fence. So we get there and Bailey was being carried to the fence, and started squirming, Dad put him on the ground and Bailey came racing with his tail wagging (hadn't wagged for a day and a half).
Both Mum and Dad nearly fell over with the shock, and then said let 'em play. So Bailey had his battery recharged, and has been really good since. :) The kids have had a couple of play dates since then, and Bailey has only once not been able to jump up on the couch since. He was put onto Flusapex 1mg when needed, and is doing great :D:D:D:D:D
So we are over joyed that he has made it to 12 years old. The black cloud has lifted :) and the boo went to the doc for a checkup this week. The doc is very happy with him, he weighed in at 4.2kg, he's eating well, breathing fine, and aside from the murmur is going along well :):D
I didn't see him when he was old, but oh, it's wonderful to see him still with a spring in his step and happy :). He does spend a lot of time sleeping, but he's earned it :)
Big hugs to all
Jane, Bailey and Franklin xxx
Medical cannabis (
Harley PoMMom
03-13-2010, 01:09 PM
Hi Jane,
Happy very belated Birthday Bailey!!!
I am so sorry that I missed Bailey's birthday on Tuesday :eek::eek::mad::mad: his 12th! Give him some special hugs, kisses and belly rubs from Harley and me, would you please and tell him that we are so sorry.
I am so happy to read that he is doing so well! YAAAA!!!! Must be such a relief for your Mum and Dad to have him feeling so much better.
Love and hugs,
03-13-2010, 01:42 PM
WOW! Congrats and happy belated from me as well!! Treats for Bailey!!! Kim
03-14-2010, 05:54 AM
Hi Lori and Kim,
Bailey thanks you both for his birthday wishes, and has received extra hugs, kisses, treats and belly rubs as requested :) he also said that he's not worried that they're belated :p, as he understands completely ;), and Bailey is grateful for them just the same :).
Thank you very much Lori and Kim,
Jane, Bailey and Franklin xxx
Roxee's Dad
03-14-2010, 10:23 AM
Hi Jane,
So sorry I missed this.
:D:D:D A belated Very Happy Birthday to Bailey :D:D:D
03-14-2010, 11:45 AM
Hi John,
Thank you very much for your birthday wishes :) :D
Jane, Bailey and Franklin xxx
Jcpenney Gift Card (
Casey's Mom
03-14-2010, 12:49 PM
Sorry Jane, been away for a while
Happy Birthday Bailey!!!!:):p:)
03-15-2010, 10:30 AM
Hi Ellen,
Thanks and no problem :)
Jane, Bailey and Franklin xxx
10-13-2010, 07:42 AM
Wow! It's been a long time since I updated on Bailey :o For the most part, he's been pretty good :) spends a lot of time sleeping on the couch and getting snuggles. It's a good life for a little guy who will be 13 in March. Bailey did have bloody diarrhea about 2-3 months ago, and vet said it could be hemorragic gastroenteritis :eek: and gave him some anti-biotics. It hasn't happened again :)
Mum and Dad take Bailey to the vet each month for a check up, and also if something is wrong. Mid last month, Bailey wasn't eating or drinking, and had black 'tarry' poop :eek:. He said to keep an eye on him :eek: but gave no drugs or advice for it. Also said that Bailey has a swollen/ enlarged testicle, again with no suggestions. :confused:
So, yesterday, Mum and Dad took Bailey to Franklin's new vet :) (it's amazing what a glowing recommendation can do :p). Bailey is now weighing 3.7kg (usually 4.2-4.4). She also noticed the testicle, and said that it could be a sign of testicular cancer :(:eek::( She gloved up and checked his prostate, and apparently that felt ok. New vet got bonus points, she trimmed her fingernail first :p.
M and D have decided to not test further, as they are scared of the risk of anaesthetic, and it probably wouldn't change their options.
(A few years ago, Bailey went to a vet/groomer for a summer haircut, put up quite a fight (3 people to hold him!!! :mad:), they sedated him 3 times and his lips turned green :eek::mad: They brought him out of it, and phoned Mum telling her to come get him, and that if they had upped the dose Bailey could've died :mad:. )
The way M and D see it, most tests and treatments would require sedation, so they would like to just keep him happy and pain free for the rest of his life, and taking each day as it comes.
New Vet said that without further tests, there's no way to really tell if the cancer (if that's what this is, and she thinks it is) has spread.
Bailey is still his happy, sleeping, prancing around, tail wagging, vertical leaping, sleeping, rolling over for belly rubs, munchie eating, smiling, happily humping, trotting, then sleeping again self :)
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions, please? Thank you in advance, and please also say a little prayer for the Boo.
Jane, Bailey and Franklin xxx
11-29-2010, 04:52 AM
My heart is heavy as I write this. After being desexed 2 weeks ago, (vet thought testicle was sertoli cell tumor)Bailey had been prancing, dancing and recovered really well.
Bailey went back tothe vet to get his stitches out today, and a haircut. Not long after my parents picked him up and brought him home, Bailey was just laying and not moving, and wouldn't walk. They rang the vet who said to bring him back in. The vet thought he had a heart attack, and put him on oxygen. My parents called me and told me what was happening. That wasn't working too well, so they took Bailey out of the oxygen box thing, and put a tube down his throat, again with oxygen. His lungs filled with fluid, and his heart rate was all over the place. When i got there, the nurse said they were reviving him.
He was still breathing with the tube in his mouth, but with the lungs filling up again. The drained the fluid again. Bailey started to squirm, and tried to spit out the tube, and they said it was a good sign, waited a while, took out the tube and put him back in the oxygen box. He was fighting to stay with us. We thought he would. The vet and nurse said its now a waiting game, and they didn't know how he'd go.
The adrenanline they gave him had helped steady his heart rate, he was coming back into conciousness (they hadn't sedated him), and the y put him back into the oxygen box after we gave him kisses and told him we love him. We left the office for maybe 10 minutes. The nurse came to us and said his heart stopped again, and they couldn't revive him this time. They wrapped him in a towel to keep him warm. Mum drove me to get Franklin, so he could say goodbye also. Bailey is now sleeping where he loved to spend his outside time, watching the street and passers by. It's a good place, both sunny and shady for him. He has his favourite blankie and toy with him.
John II
11-29-2010, 05:35 AM
Oh Jane,
This breaks my heart.
My thoughts are with you and your parents and Franklin. :(
((extra tight bear hugs))
11-29-2010, 06:40 AM
Oh my dearest Jane,
What a terrible post to open up to first thing in the morning. My heart is just as heavy for you and your sweet Bailey. I am so very and deeply sorry your precious baby had to endure such trial, as well as you and your family. This never gets any easier does it? I wish there was something, anything I can do to take away your great pain, but I know only time can heal it, and even then it is a pain that one will always carry. I keep you and precious Bailey, your family, and of course our sweet faced Franlin in my prayers. May God bless you all. Tighest hugs ever coming your way. I luv you bunches. Xo Jeanette and some licks from the Princess
11-29-2010, 07:14 AM
Oh Jane,
I am so very sorry to hear about Bailey. You and your family have my deepest sympathy. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
I know Bailey is happy to be in his favorite place. Rest in Peace sweet Bailey.
11-29-2010, 08:06 AM
Oh Jane,
I am so very very sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts. Your Bailey will be remembered by all of us.
Sending tons of cyber ((((((hugs))))) to you!
11-29-2010, 08:41 AM
I am so terribly sorry to hear that Bailey crossed the bridge. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Godspeed sweet Bailey.
11-29-2010, 08:48 AM
Jane, Oh I am so sorry. Please know you have been a wonderful mom to dear Bailey. Sending strength and love, Kim
11-29-2010, 09:36 AM
Jane, my heart sank upon reading your post this morning. Words cannot express how sorry I am. Please know that I am sending my prayers for Bailey, and I am sending my hugs to you from across these many miles.
Always in loving memory of sweet little Bailey,
Roxee's Dad
11-29-2010, 10:19 AM
Dear Jane,
I am so very, very sorry for the loss of sweet Bailey. The tears flow and my heart is heavy for your loss.
Rest in Peace sweet Bailey, you are now our newest and brightest star in the sky.
(((HUGS))) to you and your family.
Squirt's Mom
11-29-2010, 10:20 AM
Aw, Jane,
This just breaks my heart. I am so sorry for you and your folks in the loss of precious Bailey. He was so very loved and I know he is missed terribly. You and your family took such good care of him and I know Bailey is watching over you all with love for the years of TLC ya'll gave him.
Sending love, hugs, prayers and healing white light across the pond to you and your family.
In sympathy,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal
Sabre's Mum
11-29-2010, 01:22 PM
Oh Jane ....
I am so sorry to hear the news about Bailey. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Angela and Flynn
11-29-2010, 02:11 PM
I was so sorry to hear about Bailey. My thoughts are with you all.
marie adams
11-29-2010, 03:08 PM
Dear Jane,
I am so sorry to hear about Bailey. He had the best life being with you and Franklin.:) He is at peace now, resting, as you said, in his favorite spot.
Take care!! Our sincerest thoughts are with you!
11-29-2010, 03:10 PM
So sudden, I am really sorry to hear about Bailey. And another angel has their wings.
Harley PoMMom
11-29-2010, 03:51 PM
Oh Jane,
I am so, so sorry for the loss of precious Bailey and my heart goes out to you and to your Mum and Dad.
I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, my dear friend, and sending my love, hugs and healing energy to you and your family...only wish I could do more.
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
11-30-2010, 07:14 AM
Thank you my friends for your kind thoughts and words of comfort. It means so much to know that you are here for us. I will write more soon.
John II
11-30-2010, 07:41 AM
(bear hug)
11-30-2010, 02:29 PM
Oh Jane, I am so sorry to read has been a God-awful month for this board, unquestionably. :(It's difficult to see them doing so well, then suddenly have something like this happen. (I too, had just been w/Mandy at the vet who said she was doing "remarkably well" and 2 weeks later, she was gone.)
Fate sometimes deals us a very cruel hand, but all you can do is remember how you, your Mom and Dad, and Franklin, gave Bailey such a wonderful, charmed life.
Jeff & Angel Mandy
Dearest Jane,
I am so very sorry for your family's loss. Words cannot help ease the pain, only time will.
12-10-2010, 07:41 PM
Dear Jane,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet Bailey. God bless you and your family. It seems as if God has taken another one of our angels under his wing. God speed Bailey.
With deepest sympathy,
Heidi and the bichons
Casey's Mom
12-14-2010, 11:34 PM
Jane I am just now reading about Bailey - your poor mom and dad and you too of course. To loose them so suddenly is heartbreaking.
Love and many hugs,
12-15-2010, 05:25 AM
Just wanted to post a little note that I am thinking about you.
Terry ((((hugs))))
12-26-2010, 12:32 AM
Hi Friends,
I want to thank all of you again for your kind words and support through this time. Considering how sick Bailey was when this thread started, we were truly blessed to have him for the extra time that we did.
We miss his beautiful smiling face and and kisses, and always will.
(((HUGS))) to each and everyone of you and your babies,
Jane, Franklin, Angel Bailey, Don and June (my parents) xxxxx
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