View Full Version : Desi the Havanese- colapsed trachea?
Casey's Mom
11-17-2009, 11:18 PM
Hi folks, after reading Leslie's posts I noticed people describing collapsed trachea. It sounds like what my Desi does when she drinks water she usually coughs a couple of times. I babysit her father quite frequently and he does the same thing. Is this a concern that I should involve the vet or mention it the next time we go - which I believe is next spring? What are the consequences of a collapsed trachea and are there any other signs? I do use a harness rather than a collar because if she pulls the collar makes her choke and heave.
Harley PoMMom
11-17-2009, 11:43 PM
Hi Ellen,
A collasped trachea can be very serious, here are 2 links to articles about it.
I don't think I'd wait until next spring to bring this up to your vet if indeed you think it is a collasped trachea.
Love and hugs.
Casey's Mom
11-18-2009, 05:04 AM
Hi Lori - after reading the articles I don't think that is what she has - we go on very long walks with Casey for at least two miles daily and she has no problems.
Maybe she just gets water up her nose occasionally when she drinks!
Thank you for sending me the links,
Roxee's Dad
11-18-2009, 10:11 AM
Hi Ellen,
I am so sorry that Desi is having coughing problems. There can be so many different reasons for this and can be difficult to diagnose :(
It may just be a damaged trachea (not collapsed) from wearing a choke chain or tight collar sometime in the distant past. You mentioned, she coughs after she drinks water leads me to believe that she may just have what the vet tells me is trachea-itis. "Irritated" throat. Now why is the throat irritated?
I am fighting this battle now with our Rozee, she started coughing shortly after her last dental and the vet explained that the coughing was most probably due to endotracheal tube irritation and is fairly common. The endotracheal tube may have been too tight or the cuff was inflated to much. (The cuff is like a balloon around the tube which is inflated to allow a seal to be formed between the tube and the trachea) She has been on meds and even had an injection directly into her trachea. Her coughing has reduced but she still coughs a few times per day. The idea is to reduce or stop the coughing which will help stop the irritation which in turn is causing the coughing. Kind of a viscous circle. To complicate it even more, Rozee ended up with an ear infection at the same time and has lost a majority of her hearing during this process.:(
In my mind the ear infection was due to the vet tech not using steril equipment when as a courtesy, plucked her ears while she was sedated. :(
Hope Desi gets better soon. :)
Squirt's Mom
11-18-2009, 11:14 AM
Hi Ellen,
I talked with the vet last nite about Ruby doing the hacking thing after drinking - it happens every time. She suggested raising the water bowl to the same level as her body so that the crud in her throat and head won't start running out plus the water should go on down the passageway a bit easier. Don't know if that will help your Desi and I sure wouldn't do it without input from your vet, but did want to share with you so you could mention it when you go in. And, yes, I do think Desi needs to get on is asap.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers,
Leslie and the girls
Casey's Mom
11-18-2009, 08:12 PM
Thanks guys, I will check this out with the vet. I am there quite frequently for Casey's Adequan shots so it shouldn't be long.
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